Dreams of the blessed virgin Mary golden prayer how to read it correctly. Miraculous prayers "Dreams" of the Most Holy Theotokos for all occasions

Many are sure that there is nothing stronger than prayers, their strength lies in the fact that in any, even the most hopeless and terrible situation, there is always a way out with their help. Prayer Dream of the Most Holy Theotokos are very powerful. Many people turn to the Mother of God only in emergency situations when it seems like the world collapses and the order of events is not able to influence anything. Taking advantage of the Dreams of the Most Holy Theotokos with strong faith, you will notice that everything around begins to flow in the right direction.

A prerequisite is faith in the power of prayer words, the power of the Lord and the Most Holy Theotokos.

History of Prayer Texts

There are only 77 Dreams of the Most Holy Theotokos, and all of them have been preserved since ancient times. Due to the fact that for all the time the written and spoken language has changed more than once, the writing of the Dreams themselves has changed, fortunately, it did not damage the meaning of the text. All Dreams have a common core, and the main thing that should have been conveyed to each person has been preserved. Sleep is a sign that confirms the very fact of believing in Jesus Christ and in the feat of His self-sacrifice before us. Thus, if the hour comes when the Lord God will appear before us, as bequeathed, and if the Dream of the Mother of God is present in the house, this will be evidence of devotion and faith to Christ.

However, the icon in the house can confirm before the Lord God that you are a believer, but with all this, your faith can be very weak. The main and main advantage of Dreams is their miraculous and amazing power. Many generations of people have confirmed this, you can see for yourself. People, reading these prayers, are on the mend, save themselves from troubles, defend themselves from enemies, and the deeds of enemies become in vain, because who has miraculous prayer Dream of the Most Holy Theotokos, he is invulnerable.

If you look at various sources, you can find the number of "Dreams", more than 77. How many are there actually? There are actually 77 prayers of the Dreams of the Most Holy Theotokos. The thing is that different variations of the same text were copied several times, retold, passed from hand to hand. In the circumstances of mass repressions of priests, religious leaders and religious scholars, textual analysis was impossible. And now, in order to separate the layers and identify the canon for each Dream - as it was done by church leaders with Orthodox texts - it takes a lot of time and effort, and the corresponding qualifications. Therefore, the article presents all the options and editions of the miraculous 77 prayers of the Dreams of the Most Holy Theotokos, as well as the Golden Prayer of the Dream of the Virgin. Thus, each reader has the opportunity to analyze, identify and study the canonical texts.

Dream of the Virgin: Golden Prayer

Holy Mother of God
I walked on the damp earth,
I took Jesus Christ by the handle,
Brought to the Siam mountain.
There is a table on the Siam mountain -
Christ's Throne.
On this table lies a golden book,
God himself reads it,
He spills his blood.
Saints Peter and Paul came:
"What, God, are you reading,
Are you spilling your blood? "
“Do not look, Peter and Paul, at My torment,
Take the cross in your hand and walk on the damp earth! "
Who will know this prayer
Three times a day say
He will not burn out in the fire,
Drown in water, disappear in an open field.
From the baptized, begotten (name).
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Questions from visitors and answers from experts:

First Dream

This prayer is spoken with the deepest faith from all offenders and enemies.

“The Most Holy Theotokos slept in the temple of Jerusalem of Judea. Our Lord Jesus Christ came to Her and speaks to Her:

- I slept in the month of March for seventeen days and I saw a terrible and terrible dream about You, my child.

Jesus Christ speaks to Her:

- Mother My beloved, tell Me this dream that You saw.

- Lord and My God, I saw Peter and Paul in the city of Rome, and You, My Son, with the robbers on the Cross. Crucified by Pontic Pilate, condemned to death by the scribes and Pharisees. I endured reproach, they spat on Your Holy face. They watered you with vinegar, crowned you with a crown of thorns, beat you with a cane on the head. As a warrior, Thy rib is overwhelmed, and water and blood flowed from it. The stones disintegrated, the dead rose from the graves. The sun and the moon were darkened, it was dark from six to nine. Joseph and Nicodemus took off Thy most pure body, wrapped it in a clean shroud, and closed it in a newer tomb.

- O Mother My beloved, this is a fair dream that you saw. Whoever has this "Dream" in the house, that house will be saved and kept from fire, filled with all and every earthly abundance. Whoever goes on a journey and takes him with him, no one can offend that person: neither a beast, nor an evil person - now and for the whole century! If a person at death has this "Dream" with him, then the evil spirits will not take his soul, and the angels will take it and carry it to the heavenly abode. Amen."

Second Dream

The Second Dream of the Most Holy Theotokos is a miraculous prayer, created with the deepest faith, it delivers from the most serious illness.

“The Virgin Mary was walking from the city of Jerusalem, she walked - got tired, lay down - fell asleep. I saw a wondrous dream: to be Christ on the crucifixion. They took Jesus Christ from a cypress tree, into the little hands, hammered nails into the legs. They put on a black crown of thorns, threw spears on lots and tore them. The body flew like bark from a tree. It was not blood that was flowing, not water, but God's gift. The monstrance was given to the whole world, it was launched all over the world.

Whoever accepts this "Dream", Jesus Christ forgives the whole day. Ivan the Warrior, Ivan the Baptist and You, the Most Holy Theotokos, the Assumption Mother of God, Introduction and Meeting and all the holy apostles, save, protect God's servant (name) from any terrible event. From sorrow and illness, from an evil person, from every parable, from judgment and interrogation, from every theft and murder. May my prayer be corrected like a censer in front of you, in giving my hand an evening sacrifice, hear me, Lord. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen."

Third Dream

With the help of prayer, you can remove from the clan any, even the most severe damage. For example, if men do not live up to the age of 33 in the family. To do this, you need to read the Third Dream three times a day for forty days in a row, every day after reading you can ask for forgiveness and blessing, you can use your own words. Prayer saves in the most hopeless and difficult situations.

“Under the vaults of heaven, under blue stains, on the green grass, the Mother of God, the Mother of God, slept, rested, shedding holy tears in her sleep.

Her Son, Jesus Christ, wiped Her tears with His hand, His Most Pure Mother asked:

- Mother My beloved, dear, what are you crying about, what are you suffering about in a dream, what are you shedding your tears about?

- With tears, I slept in the month of March all seventeen days, I had a terrible and terrible dream about You. I saw Peter and Paul in the city of Rome, and I saw You on the Cross. Great reproach from the scribes and Pharisees. You were condemned by Pilate's command, crucified on the Cross. They beat him on the head with a cane, spat in the face of the saint, poured vinegar into his mouth. The rib is punctured by a warrior, everything is flooded with the blood of the saint. Crowned with thorns, thrown stones. The earth will shake, the curtain of the church will be torn in two, the stones will fall apart, the dead will turn over, the bodies of the departed saints will rise, the sun and the moon will be darkened. And there will be darkness all over the earth from six to nine hours. Joseph and Nicodemus will ask Pilate for your body, they will tie it with a clean shroud, put it in a coffin and close it for three days. Copper gates, iron doors, stones will crumble. And on the third day you rose from the grave, and gave the world a belly, forever freed Adam and Eve from hell. He ascended the throne at the right hand of God the Heavenly Father.

- My beloved mother, Your dream is faithful and just. Whoever will write off and read Your "Dream" and wear it with him cleanly, may your "Dream" protect him. Guardian angel, save your soul from all the executions and throwing of demons, and he will not fear either hell or the beast, and will pass vain death. And whoever listens to this "Dream" with diligence and attention, that person will receive remission of sins. Or whoever a pregnant woman reads this sheet, listens to these words, she will easily give birth during childbirth and keep the child in longevity. And whoever this "dream" reads by day and year will be, the Mother of God and Christ will never forget. He will not see fear in days and nights, he will not be crushed by the enemy. He will read the dream - he will return from the campaign with glory, the enemies will flee from his face. Archangel Gabriel will show him the way. The guardian angel will not leave him in front of the most fierce enemy. And whoever will keep this dream in the house, the house will be preserved from fires, and Cattle and bread will be found in it. Whoever reads a dream with true faith, that person is delivered from eternal torment, from fire. This sheet "Dream" will be written at the tomb of the Lord, from Jesus Christ, the son of God. The person who truly believes this place, from the heart, and even if the sins of his kind, like sand in the sea, leaves on trees, that kind will be saved and forgiven for the sake of the sleep of the Mother of God, the Mother of God and Her tears about Him. Forever and ever. Forever and ever. Amen."

The Fourth Dream

Read this prayer with the deepest faith, you will purify your soul and increase your life.

“Lord, help, Lord, bless. In the saint's cave, in the secret church, the Mother of God prayed for three days, grew tired, covered her eyes and dozed off. I didn’t sleep much, I saw a lot. There was that dream about Jesus Christ, the dear son, the only son, the kind and beloved son. They seized Christ and nailed him to the cross. A crown of thorns was put on the head, a spear was hammered into the rib, the white body was torn to shreds. Blood flowed like a stream, a crowd of people gathered, a drunken robber mocked and sang, the Lord endured hell on the cross.

- Oh, My Mother Mary! You were not a dream, but reality seemed to you. Will take me to Holy week... On Maundy Thursday they will lead to the cross. They will nail them to the cross, pierce the heart with a spear, spill blood on the water, remove the body from the cross, and put it in a coffin for three days. At the right hour he will rise again. Whoever reads Your dream prolongs his life by this. He will be saved by this sleep from fire, from the flood, from the beast and judgment, from weapons and an evil tongue. From vain slander, from an early and terrible death. From lightning in the field, from a snake under the mountain, from a dashing misfortune. Now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen."

Fifth Dream

Prayer calls on the Angel-Archangel for help, who will protect and save in any difficult situation.

“- Theotokos, Blessed Mother of God, dear, where have you been, where have you spent the night? Did you sleep well? What have You, My Mother, seen in a dream?

- I rested, My son, in the city of Gladishche, I saw A dream not a dream, come true, They led you up the mountain, Christ, You carried a cypress cross on You. On the mountain, they nailed you to the cross, stabbed you with spears, poured vinegar, burned bloody wounds with fire.

Angel-Archangel, whoever will read this dream, save him in all ways: take away from vain, timeless death. From the gates, from judgment, from pestilence and an evil arrangement. Be this dream a guarantee in all matters, in all distant ways, in all long roads, on enemy, dangerous thresholds, in war, in water and fire. Whoever keeps this dream in the house cannot be killed with a villainous hand. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Sixth Dream

“Lord, help, Lord, bless. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen! There is a spirit on the mountain, Mother Mary slept on a rock, saw the same thing six times, suffered six times in a dream during the night. As if the Pharisees had taken her son Christ, They crucified on a huge cross, nailed his feet and hands to the cross, dressed a crown of thorns, shed hot blood on the ground. Angels flew from heaven, golden cups substituted, drops of the saint's blood did not allow to fall. He who puts his hand on Christ's cross will never truly know torment. Whoever reads the sixth dream six times a day, the Lord Himself saves from trouble, the earthly judgment will not take that person, not a single hair will fall without the Lord God, he will not burn in fire, he will not drown in the water, from the hands of villainous drops of blood will not drop. It’s not I who say, I’m not affirming, I’m not liberating from dashing troubles - the sixth dream will help in all matters. Whoever has a sixth dream, God will not forget. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen!"

Seventh Dream

Prayer Dream of the Most Holy Theotokos 7: a miraculous prayer that must be read three times a day for salvation from all calamities and misfortunes.

“In the city of Jerusalem, in the holy cathedral, Mother Mary slept on her right hand on the throne.

Jesus Christ asks her:

- Mother Mary, are you sleeping or not sleeping?

“I’m not sleeping, but I see a dream about you, Jesus Christ. As if you, Jesus Christ, were crucified by the Jews into three trees, into three mindras, into three dinars, nails were chained to your arms and legs. The torment of the holy spirit lay on my heart. The golden cross on the chest is poured, Jesus Christ ascends to heaven.

- Mother Mary, is your dream difficult - not difficult? We must write a letter, and give all the believing slaves in the hands. Have that slave read three times a day. That slave will be saved, saved and pardoned from all misfortunes, from all misfortunes: from a thunderbolt, from a flying arrow, from a forest that strays, from a beast that eats, from a burning fire, from drowning water. If he goes to court, he will not be judged. Stand in the ranks - will not be killed. Amen. Amen. Amen."

Eighth Dream

The prayer must be rewritten with your own hand 6 times and the prayer sheets must be kept in your home. Take the rewritten prayer with you, and then luck and fortune will accompany you everywhere.

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen.

- Beloved, My Blessed Mother, Most Holy Virgin Mary, are you sleeping or not sleeping and what is terrible in your dream? Rise, My Mother, from Your sleep!

- Oh, My beloved Child, sweetest, most beautiful, Jesus Christ, the Son of God! I slept in Your holy city and saw a very terrible and terrible dream about you, which makes my soul tremble. I saw Peter, Paul, and I saw you, My Child, in Jerusalem, sold for thirty pieces of silver, caught, bound, brought before the high priest, innocently sentenced to death. Oh, My beloved Child, I will ask what will be for the person who six times "Dream" My Mother of God from a pure heart will write in his book and will keep in his house or on the way to carry it clean.

- Oh, Mother My Mother of God, I will say truly, as I am the True Christ Myself: No one will ever touch this person's house, grief and misfortune will be pumped out of that person, I will deliver him forever from eternal torment, I will extend My hands to help him. And I will also endow his house with all the good: bread, donations, cattle, belly. He will be pardoned from the court, he will be forgiven from the master, he will not be condemned in court. The servants of the devil will not work, the cunning will not fool you with their deception. The Lord loves His children, will not destroy anyone. Amen. Amen. Amen."

Ninth Dream

“- Mother Trinity, Most Holy Theotokos, where did you sleep and spend the night?

- In the city of Artepe, in the city of Artepian. I saw a terrible and wonderful dream: The Jews took Christ and crucified him into three trees, chained him by the hands, by the legs, by the golden curls. The blood of Christ dripped, ran into the ground, I cried and sobbed near the Cross. I saw his lovely hands on the nails, felt with all my heart his mortal torment. How his enemies cruelly tortured him, how they crucified My Son, unbearable pain... And I, his Mother, suffered with him, did not know a single minute of peace.

The Lord heard the Mother's words, appeared by the Holy Spirit, bowed to His Mother:

- Mother Trinity, Most Holy Theotokos, do not suffer, do not cry for Me, for the true Jesus Christ, I rose again on the third day after death, I buried My Teles, I planted my soul on the Throne, and whoever knows this prayer will read it three times a day, he will be pardoned, saved and rewarded from God in time. Amen. Amen. Amen."

Tenth Dream

The prayer is said 3 days in a row, 40 times a day to remove damage.

“- The Most Holy Theotokos Mary, Where has she been, Where has she slept?

- I rested in a church, in the city of Gladishche, where I had a dream about My Son, Jesus Christ. I saw how they took Him down from the Cross, and before I saw how they tormented Jesus Christ, shed His holy blood, burned his wounds with fire, put a crown of thorns on His head, nailed his legs and hands to the Cross, pierced a rib with a spear, on the face of My Son spat, laughed at him, shouted, in different words called names.

And the voice of Jesus Christ said:

- Great power is given to the Mother's sleep. And let these words of this dream become a prayer. Whoever has this prayer will be left behind by all enemies. And whoever reads this prayer, this "Dream" will help. At the exodus of the soul, all sins will be forgiven, he will get rid of the eternal torment. The angels of God will take that soul, they will bring it to the kingdom of heaven, they will give it to Abraham and Isaac, to Jacob. That person will rejoice and rejoice forever. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen."

Eleventh Dream

For any disasters and ailments, a prayer is said twice a day.

“Mother Theotokos slept and rested and saw a terrible dream in Her sleep. Son came to her:

- My mother, are you awake?

- I do not sleep, I hear everything, but God gave, and I see: You walk between the robbers, between the mountains, between the traitorous Jews, that they crucified Your hands on the Cross, that they nailed Your legs to the Cross. On Sunday, the sun sets early, the Mother of God walks across the sky, leads her Son by the hand. I spent it in the morning, from the morning - to Mass, from Mass - to Vespers, from Vespers - on the blue sea. A stone lies on the blue sea, and on that stone the church stands. And in that church a candle is burning and Jesus Christ sits on the Throne. He sits with his legs lowered, his eyes raised to the sky, reads a prayer to God, waits for Saints Paul and Peter.

Peter and Paul came to Him, stand and say to the Son of God:

- Lord, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, you read prayers for the whole world and accept torment for us.

And the Lord speaks to them:

- Peter and Paul, you do not look at Me, but take your prayers into your own hands, carry them all over the world, and teach all kinds of people - sick, lame, gray-haired, young. Those who know how - let them pray, those who cannot - let them study. Whoever reads this prayer twice a day never knows any flour, he will not drown in water, and even the most terrible disease will win. A thief will not rob that person, lightning in a thunderstorm will not kill him, poison will not kill him, denunciation in court will not ruin. In heat there is water, but in hunger there is food. That man will live a great age, and when his hour comes, he will die the easiest death. I will send him two angels and I myself will go down to meet him, the soul and body of the righteous will save at the Terrible judgment. God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen."

Twelfth Dream

Read the prayer daily and you will be saved from troubles.

“And as Mother Christ walked, she grew tired and stood by the running river, saw her Son in the distance. Her Only Begotten Son, the Savior to the whole world, the All-Merciful Lord, approaches Her. The king of heaven and earth and all the heavenly side and speaks to her:

- Oh, Mother, My Beloved, Most Holy Theotokos, Virgin Mary, you stand, expecting me, what do you want to tell me?

- I slept today, did not sleep, but I saw, but in this reality, as in a dream, I saw. It is very strange and frightening: Six days before your resurrection, Lord, Peter the Apostle was crucified in the city of Rome and Paul the Apostle was beheaded in the city of Damascus, and You, the Son of My beloved, Jesus Christ, were caught and tied up in the city of Jerusalem by the accursed Jews. By their bounty they were brought into the courtyard of the priest Kaifa and killed. They tormented Your Holy Body, and spat in the face, and brought the hegemon to the Pontic Pilate, he saw him. And Pilate began to judge and judge You, our Lord Jesus Christ, although he did not find guilt, lead you to the crucifixion, to Mount Golgotha, and crucified You, our Lord, Jesus Christ, on three trees: On the first cypress, on the second cedar and the third pevge, between two robbers. Putting a holy crown of thorns on your head and pouring bile with vinegar, and on the head with a bisha cane, hand and nosy with a nail, and into your ribs with a copy of a piercing, from which blood and water flowed out for the healing of Orthodox Christians and for the salvation of our sinful souls. This Thy Mother stood at the Cross with His gracious disciple John the Theologian, standing, weeping and sobbing bitterly bitterly.

And our Lord, Jesus Christ, and Her beloved Son, and the Only Begotten Savior to the whole world speaks to her:

- Do not cry, Mother, my beloved, Holy Mother of God, Virgin Mary! I will be removed from the Cross and placed in the grave, and on the third day I will rise again. I will live from the grave and I will raise the Primordial Adam, and I will resurrect all living prophets, and Myself, My Mother, the Most Holy Theotokos, the Virgin Mary, I will ascend into heaven with the most formidable cherubim and seraphim. And you, Mother My Beloved, Most Holy Theotokos, Virgin Mary, I will glorify and magnify, more than all heavenly powers.

And to Her, our Lord, Jesus Christ, Her beloved Son and the Only Begotten Savior to the whole world:

- Oh, My Mother, Most Holy Theotokos, Virgin Mary, your dream is truly righteous and untrue, and it will truly come true: I will be betrayed into the hands of Sinful men and suffer from them, the accursed, all the passions described above that You saw in your dream, and I will perceive all these, even to the very death, and Your words are more than honey and are full of lips. And whoever reads Your Dream will be saved by Me and will not die. There will be eternal life with Me, that the Guardian Angel will not forget. In the midst of troubles, he will lead the living into my kingdom The eternal will fall... Amen."

Thirteenth Dream

Rewrite the prayer in your own hand with the deepest faith and carry it with you at all times.

“The apostles went, they took Mother Theotokos with them. Mother the Most Holy Theotokos was tired of sitting down and wished to rest. She lay down, nestled in a doze, and saw a terrible dream. As the son of her beloved Christ, the Son of God, they betrayed, they crucified vinegar on the cross, gave it to drink, spat on him and laughed, mocked and mocked. Mother Mother of God shed tears from sleep departed. The apostles of Christ saw this and all the twelve consoled her Andrew, Peter, John, Philip, James, Bartholomew, Thomas, James Alfeyev, Fadeus, Matthew, Simon Zealot and Matthias. Your dream, Mother Mother of God, is righteous and honest from God the Father, given to you. The Apostles consoled Mother Theotokos about the prophetic dream, they all knew. Whoever carries and reads this dream with him will learn from any misfortune of the road, who will honor it and keep it clean in the mercy of the Lord forever, who will know this dream and understand that neither the demonic tribe nor their prince can under his take the power. The one who believes in him will be pardoned and forgiven, and if he asks for something from Heavenly Father, he will receive it through this dream. Lord God - Glory to you, Mother of God - glory to you. The end of the dream of the Most Holy Theotokos. Amen."

The Fourteenth Dream

“Our Most Holy Lady! Blessed Virgin Mary - in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. The Most Holy Theotokos rested in the holy city of Bethlehem of Judea, she saw a dream about the Beloved Son. She came to the Son Jesus Christ and said:

- Oh, Son of God, my beloved and sweet Jesus Christ. I saw a dream, Terrible and terrible. My heart beats with fear, sweat from my forehead pours drop by drop. Tears flow from my eyes, bad thoughts do not give me rest. I saw in a dream Pontius Pilate, his palace and his legs. You, My Son, were caught, tied, hands and feet were tied to the big Cross. They beat you, tortured you, put a crown of thorns on your holy head. I looked at Your torment, I myself endured these torments with You. Looking at You, My Son, I suffered, together with You, My son, I disappeared. Tell me about all this my son, your word.

And the Lord says:

- Here's to you, My Mother, My word! Your dream is true, He is Holy, Pilate's guards will soon come for Me, and You tell Your dream to the apostles, rewrite it 99 times. Distribute your holy dream to people, solve this dream itself together with people. Let's write off the house from the house. And even though they will have on themselves as many sins as there are sand in the sea, frequent stars in the sky, at the exodus of the soul, the Angels will pray for that person. To him all sins will be forgiven, he will get rid of eternal torment, in a terrible sick person he will recover. It will not burn in the fire, it will win in the war, in rough water will not perish, will come up, survive and will live, the one who will carry this prayer with him everywhere. Whoever reads and reads these words will never die of murder before the deadline. Whatever he asks of God, he will receive, that misfortune and sorrow will never torment him. And as he dies, then God's angels will take his soul, they will bring him to God's kingdom of heaven. They will hand it over, give it to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob. The soul will have fun in a bright paradise, rejoice and pray to God.

Lord, remember these words. I ask, I pray you, God's army, may my husband, the Servant of God (name), not leave me. Let him nowhere without me find sleep and peace. Let him love me more than ever. With another woman, he will not forget me, his wife (name). I believe in one God, the Father, in Jesus Christ and the Mother of God, and may Her Holy Wonderful Dream help, my husband will not let me go. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen."

Fifteenth Dream

The prayer must be recited by prisoners nine times every day for release from custody.

“- Mother Lady, Most Holy Theotokos. Where did you doze? Where did you sleep, spent the night?

- On Mount Zion, in God's house, in the wilderness, in the church, with the true Christ. She is at the table, at the Throne. I didn’t sleep as much as I saw. I saw a terrible dream, it was awarded. It was as if the true Christ had been caught, His holy blood was shed, they lashed Him with sharp thorns, and they put a crown of thorns on His head.

Whoever knows this dream, reads it three times a day, I will save that slave, save him and give him salvation, forgiveness from all duties. Wherever he goes, he does not go, all the way to him is the road. If it walks in the forest - the beast won't take it, if it walks in the field - the lightning won't kill. He goes to court - the court will not judge, he will forgive his guilt, he will not ruin him. The hearts of all judges are moved, they are surprised at his guilt. For three days, the lips of the judges will be baked with blood, contrary to its benefits, they will not open. The sun, the month are bright, and the guilty person is forgiven all the guilt. As water cannot escape from the ocean-sea, no one can count yellow sand. So the judges cannot judge me (name), cannot be taken to prison, not overwhelmed. The key to the words is in the sea, the castle is in the company. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen."

Sixteenth Dream

By pronouncing strong prayer, you will protect your loved ones in difficult times.

"- Mother, Mother - Mary, where did you sleep and spend the night? Where did you while away this night?

- I was in Jerusalem, at the Son of my beloved, at Christ's place. She fell asleep on the throne and saw a wonderful dream. As if Jesus Christ was crucified on a huge cross. The body was tormented scarlet blood spilled. He toiled and suffered, and showed this prophetic dream ahead of time.

My son Jesus, he said to me:

- Whoever knows this prayer, Whoever reads this prayer at least once a year, will never truly know grief. Milovan will be saved, protected from untimely death. It will not drown in the water, the beast will not touch in the forest, the judge will not condemn in court, the killer will not stab or hack to death. God has mercy on him and will forgive him; he will defend him at the trial. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen."

Seventeenth Dream

Prayer will save you from the revenge of blood relatives.

“In the heavenly kingdom, by the moon, in the holy side of God, Mother slept, slept and saw a wonderful dream: As if her son had come to her, came up to the swan's bed and asked:

- My mother, are you sleeping? Or are you awake?

- I do not sleep, I see everything and hear everything, my son. You walk, son, between the mountains, between robbers and enemies. So they surrounded you and caught you, your hands and feet, Son, nailed to the cross. They crucified you on the cross, broke your ribs with a sharp spear, gave you vinegar to drink on your broken lips. Peter and Paul looked at these torments, sobbed in pity, could not bear it.

- Peter and Paul, do not cry, do not look at My torments, but take My prayers into your hands, walk around the world and speak. Whoever knows how, let him pray; whoever does not know, let him study. For whoever knows this dream, reads it in a difficult moment, Jesus Christ himself will help him, he will stop death, smash enemies, take it in his hands, and that person will live longer than others. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen."

Eighteenth Dream

Prayer to the Mother of God will protect you and save you from any enemies.

« The Mother of Jesus Christ slept in the Jerusalem Judean temple. I slept, rested, saw a prophetic dream. Her Son descended from the Cross, approached her and said:

- Mother! You cry, and my soul hurts. I see, You are asleep, you are resting, you shed tears about Me in a dream.

Speech to Him by his Mother of God:

- How can I, dear Son, not suffer, I saw a wonderful and terrible dream, as if Peter and Paul were in the city of Rome, and Judas seemed to be cunning with You, and I saw You on the Cross, was crucified by the Pontic Pilate, there was a circle of people richly, you were condemned, My Son, to death. You endured the beating and abuse, you accepted unthinkable suffering. They spat on your holy face, crowned you with a crown of thorns, gave you vinegar to drink, pierced your ribs with spears, your blood ran through your body, the earth ached and trembled, the stones disintegrated, the dead rose from the graves, the sun and the moon darkened, and there was that darkness from six hours to nine. Joseph and Nicodemus appeared, they bowed to your Cross, they removed the most pure body from the nails, covered them with the shroud. They put a new coffin in the coffin and buried it in the Holy Cave.

- Oh, Mother My Beloved, Your dream is true and just, whoever reads this dream will never know grief. The angels will protect that. Whoever keeps this dream, no enemy will win. "

Nineteenth Dream

Prayer is the strongest amulet for women in labor and pregnant women.

»In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. The Most Holy Theotokos, the Virgin Mary, slept in the Holy City of Bethlehem of Judea, in the month of March. And our Lord, Jesus Christ, Her beloved Son and the Only Begotten Savior of the whole world came to her, and he spoke to her:

- Oh, Mother, My Beloved, Most Holy Theotokos, Virgin Mary, are you sleeping, or not sleeping, or what do you see in your sleep?

And the Most Holy Theotokos, Virgin Mary spoke to him:

- I am not sleeping, my beloved son, but I see you in my dream. A very marvelous and frightening dream: For six days of your Sunday, O Lord, Peter the Apostle was crucified in the city of Rome, and Paul the Apostle was also crucified in the city of Damascus, beheaded by the sword, and You, My beloved Son, Jesus Christ, in the city of Jerusalem, with the accursed Jews, caught and bound by their bounty and into the courtyard of the priest Caiaphas was brought, and killed to be sentenced. They tormented Your holy body, they spat on your sweet face, led you to the Pontic Pilate, the hegemon, at first Pilate judges and sues You, our Lord, Jesus Christ, though not finding guilt, orders to lead You to crucifixion, to the mountain to Calvary, and to crucify You, our Lord, Jesus Christ, on three trees: On the first cypress, on the second cedar and the third cedar, between two robbers. They placed a holy crown of thorns on Thy head and made them drink bile and vinegar, and beat Thy head with a cane, nailed their hands and feet with a nail, pierced Thy ribs with a spear, from which blood and water flowed for true healing to Orthodox Christians and for the salvation of our sinful souls. I, Your Mother, stood at the Cross, with your beloved disciple John the Theologian, wept and wept bitterly.

And our Lord, Jesus Christ, and Her beloved Son and the Only Begotten Savior to the whole world speaks to her:

- Do not cry, Mother My Beloved, Most Pure Mother of God, Virgin Mary! I will be removed from the Cross and placed in the grave, and on the third day I will rise again. I will live from the grave and I will raise the primordial Adam, and I will resurrect all the living prophets, and Myself, My Mother, the Most Holy Theotokos, the Virgin Mary, I will ascend into heaven, with the most formidable cherubim and seraphim. And You, Mother My Beloved, Most Holy Theotokos, Virgin Mary, I will glorify, exalt and magnify more than all heavenly powers.

And our Lord, Jesus Christ, Her beloved Son and the Only Begotten Savior to the whole world speaks to her:

- Oh, My Mother, Most Holy Theotokos, Virgin Mary, your dream is truly true and not false, and it will truly come true: I will be betrayed into the hands of sinful people and suffer from them, the accursed, all the passions described above, those that you saw in a dream , and I will perceive all this, even to the very death, and your words are sweeter than honey and are fed to my lips. And this is the end of the dream of our Most Holy Lady, Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary. Amen. And who wants to know this dream, listen to it or read it, then that person will be forgiven for forty days. This is written in golden letters, and every speech cannot be harmed. And in which house this leaf dwells, neither fire, nor water, nor trouble will come to that house. In which a woman happens to be pregnant at home and will suffer before birth, and she will have this leaf with her, then the Lord God will give her a quick birth and it is easy to give birth to an adolescent, and our Lord, Jesus Christ, will save her through his holy torment, which he endured for us , their sinful slaves. And if you, my people, live and do good things according to your own law, then I will reproach you, I will send violent winds, great heat waves on you, I will reduce the flowing rivers and even start a great war. The king will go against the king, the king will rise up against the king, Pan against the pan, the son against the father, the daughter against the mother, brother against the brother, against each other. and there will be a blood war between you, a great bloodshed on earth, so that you might know the wrath of God, go to the church of God and listen to me, never sin. Amen."

Twentieth Dream

“I will become, blessing, crossing myself. I go from door to door, from gate to gate, into an open field. There are three roads in an open field. We went not on the first, not on the second, but on the castle itself. By that road there is the city of Jerusalem, in that city the Holy, Apostolic Church, in that church the table of the Lord, on that throne the Mother of God slept, rested, saw no one and did not hear anyone.

Jesus Christ came, He asks His Mother the Most Holy Theotokos:

- My dear mother, are you sleeping or see me?

- My dear son, I am asleep, and I clearly see You in My dream, as if the Jews caught You, beat You, then removed the golden crown from Your head, and put on the thorny crown instead, they did not extract the heart with blood, nails, nails, nails.

- Mother Most Holy Theotokos, this was not a dream, but the truth was, but whoever reads Your dream three times and whoever learns about Your dream from this sheet, He will be saved and protected from a terrible judgment, from an ardent and angry beast, from water boiling, from an arrow flying. He will go to the forest - he will not get lost, he will be on the water - he will not drown, he will go to court - he will not be condemned. Will be with this dream for seven locks, for the seven God's keys. Angels-archangels locks, keys will open, the door will open to help. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. «

Twenty-first Dream

“King of heaven, the sun. Dream of the Most Holy Theotokos. The Most Pure Mother of God fell asleep in the city of Bethlehem and Jesus Christ, her dear son, came to her, and spoke to her:

- My mother, do you hear or are you asleep?

And the holy Mother of God said:

- The bolo fell asleep sweetly, and you woke me up!

Jesus Christ spoke to her:

- What did you see in your dream?

And the holy Mother of God said:

- I saw everything wondrous: You, the Lord Jesus Christ, was caught and brought before the city, before Caiaphas and before Canu, and before Pilate, and betrayed by a Jew, and was tied at the pillar, and mocked, and crucified on the cross, blood flows from your holy head and water…. like the bark of the tree will fall.

And Jesus spoke to her:

- Truly this is your righteous dream!

Twenty-second Dream

When reading a prayer, say at the end your request, put all your faith in it.

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen. May the Mother of God be to me. You slept in the mountains, spent the night. She had a dream, terrible and terrible. That Jesus was crucified into three trees. They watered vitriol, put a wreath of thorns on their heads. And I bring this dream to Christ on the throne.

Here Jesus Christ walked across the distant lands. Carried the life-giving cross. Jesus Christ, save and preserve. Bless me with your cross. Mother, Most Holy Theotokos, cover me with your veil. Deliver me, the servant of God (name), From all bad weather, misfortunes and diseases. From a creeping snake, from a running beast. From thunderstorms, from droughts, from floods. From all enemies visible and invisible. From the bag, from the prison, from the courts.

Nicholas the Wonderworker walked here, carrying a salutary bow, To save me, the servant of God (name), from all bad weather, misfortunes and diseases, from a creeping snake, from a running beast, from a thunderstorm, from drought, from flooding. From all enemies visible and invisible. From the bag, from the prison, from the courts. Jesus Christ, Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos, Nicholas the Wonderworker, I ask you ... (here to state your request in your own words) Amen. Amen. Amen."

Twenty-third Dream

Rewrite this dream with your own hand without mistakes and always carry it with you.

“You slept and Mother the Most Holy Theotokos slept in the Holy Golden Temple in the city of Bethlehem in Jerusalem, and you saw a terrible and wondrous dream. And the Lord Jesus Christ ours, the Son of God, came to her, and spoke to her:

- My mother, Mother the Most Holy Theotokos, are you sleeping or not sleeping?

The Most Holy Theotokos answered His voice, verb:

- I saw you, God and the King of glory, among the Jews, caught in the month of April, in the fourth number, and brought the Abbot to the Pontic Pilate, crucified on a cypress tree, nailed your hands and feet to the Cross, laid a crown of thorns on your head They beat Thy head with a cane, gave bile to drink, Thy ribs pierced with a spear, from which blood and water flowed for the salvation of all Orthodox Christians and for the healing of souls and bodies. Someone rich Joseph the Jew and his disciple Nikodin secretly came and asked the senior guard to remove Your body from the Cross, wrapped Your body in a whitest cloth with aromas and put it in a new coffin. The coffin is hewn out of stone. On the third day, the pious myrrh-bearers came to him, wishing to touch your body and Olya the miracle of the sacrament!

- O my beloved Mother, Most Holy Theotokos, your dream is truly fair. Az, on the third day I will rise again, I will magnify Your name more than all generations, but to the faithful Christians I will give an eternal life. Amen. And which person Thy dream with reverence will keep with him and put him under his head, he will wear it in his bosom, evil will not touch that person and his house, neither an evil person, nor a demon, nor an evil spirit, and in that house there will be eternal abundance, and I will hide him from all trouble. And whoever will carry your dream with him on the way will keep his sleep from all misfortunes, will have mercy on the one sitting at the feast, judging in court, sleeping in defenselessness. And whoever remembers about Your dream at death will be delivered from torment. Angels of God will come to this and take his soul in their arms. And they will keep this soul until the Judgment comes. And whoever does not believe a dream will be excommunicated by Me, darkness will consume him. Amen!""

Twenty-fourth Dream

Keep this prayer in your home, it will protect you from any troubles. The dream should be copied with your own hand on a sheet of blank paper. It is better to keep the protective prayer behind the icons.

“Keep away from me any trouble forever and ever, amen! On a beautiful morning, at a beautiful hour, the Lord called His Mother:

- My mother, where have you been, where did you spend the night?

- At a friend of Christ, at Ivan the Theologian, I prayed, got tired, but as I closed my eyes, I saw it as if You, My beloved Son, carried a huge cross on your shoulders, and whipped You with whips, beat you with iron batogs, they were erecting a high mountain, nailed to a huge cross by the hands, by the legs. On Thy head was a crown of thorns, blood flowed from Thy hands and feet. They spat on Your holy face, they served you vinegar to drink. And then thunder roared, stones fell, the dead rose from their graves, Joseph and Nicodemus took off Your Most Pure Body, and covered them in a clean shroud!

Christ answered:

- Your dream, Mother, is knowing. Whoever reads this prophetic dream will find My help in all ways. Neither the beast nor the man will offend him, the destruction will pass, but he will not be seen. Who will keep this dream in his house. The Angel of the Lord will not forget that. He will take it under his wings, over any grief, over any misfortune he will carry. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen!"

Twenty-fifth Dream

The prayer is said over the patient 9 times during 7 days, while doing the passes with the hands from top to bottom. This Dream cures many diseases, removes the evil eye and spoilage.

“The Mother of God had a dream. Her son came to her:

- My mother, are you awake?

- I am not sleeping, I can still hear that you walk between the robbers, between the mountains, between the Jews, that they crucified your hands on the cross, that they hammered nails into your legs.

On Sunday, the sun sets early, the Mother of God walks across the sky, leads her son by the hand. Spent to morning, from morning - to Mass, from Mass - to Vespers, from Vespers on the blue sea. On the blue sea a stone floats, on that stone the church stands, and in that church the throne stands. Jesus Christ sits behind the throne. Sits, legs lowered, handles sklavshi, reads a prayer. Peter and Paul came to him:

- Jesus Christ, son of God, you read a prayer for us, you accept torment for us.

- Peter and Paul, do not look at our hands, but take the prayer in your hands, and carry it around the world, and teach the old, small, lame. Whoever knows how - let him pray, and who does not know how - let him study. Whoever reads this prayer does not know any flour, does not drown in water, does not burn in fire. I will send two angels, and I myself will go down, I will save the soul and body of God's servant (name). God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Twenty-sixth Dream

The strongest prayer that will save you from any trouble.

“The Most Holy Theotokos in Jerusalem of Judea in the month of March. Our Lord Jesus Christ came to Her and speaks to Her, to His dear Mother:

- Mother My beloved, are you sleeping or not sleeping?

Speech to Him the Most Holy Theotokos:

- I slept with tears in the month of March for seventeen days. I saw a terrible, terrible dream About You, My dear and dear Son.

And our Lord Jesus Christ speaks to her:

- O My beloved Mother, tell Me Your dream that You saw. What made Your heart flutter.

And the Most Holy Theotokos speaks to Him:

- My beloved Child, My Son and My God, I saw Peter and Paul in the city of Rome, and You, My Child, with the robbers on the Cypress Cross, from the enemies-Pharisees, was a great outrage and by Pontic Pilate was condemned to the cross. He was crucified on the Cross, with a cane over the head of the head, they spat on your holy face and gave vinegar to your lips. Crowned with a crown of thorns and pierced one of your ribs. The warrior poured water and blood out of the body of Your saint and poured out. The earth shook, the stones disintegrated, the curtains in the churches were torn in two, from the upper edge to the lower, the bodies of all the departed saints rose from the graves, the sun and moon turned black, clear stars darkened, darkness fell to the earth from six o'clock to nine o'clock. Your body will be asked for leave from Pilate, they will take it off the Cross, wrapped it in a clean shroud, put it in a coffin, close it and lock it up, and still will not guard it. On the third day, the Lord rose from the grave. He gave the belly to the world forever, freed Adam and Eve from hell and ascended into Heaven, sat on the right hand of God the Father.

And the Lord our God Jesus Christ says:

- My beloved Mother, Most Holy Theotokos, you have seen a fair dream, and whoever will write and read Your "Dream" will keep it clean, then the Guardian Angel will keep that person from all the intrigues and dreams of demonic, and that person he will not see hell, he will not be afraid of the beast. He will be delivered from all vain death, from hunger, fire, drowning and flooding. From captivity by enemies and the courts of the earth, from attacks in days and nights, from a robber. Or whoever listens to this "Dream" with attention, fulfills these words with diligence, all sins will be forgiven. Or a woman in childbirth reads this "Dream", then this "Dream" in difficult childbirth preserves and helps her, and that woman will easily give birth to a child, and the Lord will reward that child with a long life. And whoever reads The Dream in the fight against enemies will not lose his battle and will return home with glory. Whoever goes on the road and will take this "Dream" with him. That person cannot be killed, not destroyed, and there will be no harm to that, the Lord will never forget that anywhere, the Archangel Gabriel will show him the way. And whoever will keep this "Dream" in his house, that house will be filled with goodness, cattle, and health, the fire of that house will never take, a cunning thief will not approach that house. And yet, when death happens to the servant of God (name) and at death he remembers this "Dream", then that person will not die an evil death, the demon from hell will not take his soul, but the angels of God will come and his soul will be carried to the booths of the bright paradise. Whoever will be sick and put "Sleep" in his head, To whom a speedy recovery will come. And whoever listens, prints or who reads "Dream", at that moment the Angel remembers, prays for his soul, everywhere with him and everywhere. Whoever reads and listens to this "Dream" with faith will be saved from eternal torment. This sheet was written at the Lord's tomb from Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Through death, Divine Scripture wants us to believe, pray. They submitted to the Lord God. And who will not believe this sheet. From that, the Lord will turn away and forget, and which person believes this leaf and will have it in order to distribute it from house to house and read it, re-read, write, rewrite, then even if that person has sins, how much sand is there in the sea of ​​sand. stars in the sky, foliage on the trees, then and then his sins will be forgiven and the Kingdom of Heaven will receive forever and ever. Amen."

Twenty-seventh Dream

“The Virgin Mary walked from the city of Jerusalem, She walked, grew tired, lay down and saw a dream. The Son of Christ was crucified, nails were driven into his hands, feet, blood was poured from his body. It was not blood that was pouring, not water, but God's gift. It was given to the whole world, it was launched around the world. Whoever accepts this dream in his heart, Jesus forgives him for a day, does not allow enemies to come to that person, protects day and night from adversaries: From interrogation, judgment, any theft, visible and invisible enemies. May my prayer cope, like a censer in the giving of the hand of the Savior. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen."

Twenty-Eighth Dream

Sunday prayer that protects from enemies, troubles and prison.

“Be, my words, ox strong and molding. Stronger than stone, stronger than damask steel, stronger than a sharp knife. A lock in the mouth, a key to the ocean-sea. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy. Blessed is my Guardian Angel on the 8th of March. Mother Mary prayed on the throne. Jesus Christ appeared to Her. Mother Mary said that in a dream she saw, As if Jesus Christ was crucified, holy blood was shed, hands and feet were nailed, a crown of thorns was put on his head. First thing, second thing. “I am the third,” Jesus Christ answered His Mother Mary. Whoever reads the Sunday prayer, the Lord saves him from fire, from flame, from water, from a stream, from a fierce beast, from every evil person, from a prison castle. Amen."

Twenty-ninth Dream

Prayer saves from bad people, serious illness and the evil eye.

“The Mother of God walked in heaven, led her Son by the hand, to the Throne of the Most High, led the Father of the Lord. Behind the Throne, the Lord Himself reads a book, sends it all over the world: Deaf, dumb, blind, lame. Whoever knows this dream of the Virgin, reads in the morning, in the evening, the Lord God reduces his sins, he will be saved, preserved and pardoned. Save, Lord, save, save the servant of God (name) in the house, in the field, on the way, on the road. Save from a creeping reptile, from a running beast, from naked death, from a vain word, about an evil man. And now, and ever, and forever and ever. Amen. Lord God, Most Holy Theotokos, Mother of God the Intercessor. Step over us, have mercy on illness, from death, from a bullet, from fire, from the enemy, from any illness. Save us, Lord, you are the God of the kind in the world. Save, do not let us perish forever and ever. Amen."

Thirtieth Dream

An early prayer that helps to avoid troubles on the way, on a trip, on the road.

“On the Buyan island, on the sea-ocean, there is an oak, near the oak there is the Throne of God. On this Throne the Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos slept and sprinkled. The Son of God came:

- Get up, Mother, wake up, wake up!

- I had a terrible, terrible dream about You.

Whoever understands and reads this prayer will be a blessed person, on the way from illness, disease, corruption, from a fierce beast, from a mad dog, from an evil person, from a snake. Amen. Amen. Amen."

Thirty-first Dream

« That in the church, in the cathedral, the Virgin Mary stands on her right hand, on the throne, prays to God with tears and asks her son:

- My God, son, I saw a dream about you, terrible, terrible. They will lead thee to God, to the emperor, they will become the arms and legs of the crucifixion, kill the head with a cross. Your blood will flow like a fast river. Your body will be baked like a spruce bark.

- God, mother, I myself know about that, I myself know about that, that they will lead me to God. Whoever speaks this dream three times, an angel will walk with that person. Oh lord, glory to you! Virgin Mary, glory to you! Amen."

Thirty-second Dream

By reciting this prayer three times a day, you will ensure reliable protection from enemies and an unjust trial.

“That in the city of Jerusalem, on the Throne, at the cathedral, they began to crucify Christ, to drive nails into the legs, to pierce through the ribs, in vain to betray death, to spill holy blood. Whoever speaks this dream three times a day, the enemy cannot access that person. If he goes to court, he will be right. It happened to this man on the way and on the paths on a dark night, instead of fasting and instead of confession, and instead of holy communion. Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Thirty-third Dream

The prayer is said in case of a lingering illness.

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. I had a dream Mother of God: They are chasing her son, they want to take him, Crucify, tie by the arms, legs, nail to the cross, shed holy blood on the ground. The Mother of God groans in her sleep, opens her eyes from sleep. Her son came to her:

- My mother, are you sleeping?

- I am not sleeping. I see you, my son, standing on the mountain. You go among the robbers, You carry a heavy huge cross on yourself. You walk between the mountains, between the Jews. They crucified your hands. They hammered nails into your feet. The sun sets early on Sunday. The Mother of God walks through the sky between the stars, leads the Son of Christ by the handle. I spent in the morning and from the morning, went to mass from mass, from evening to evening, to the blue sea. On that blue sea, a stone lies. And on that stone is a three-headed church. In that three-domed church there is a throne, and where the throne is, there Christ sits. He sits with his legs bowed, his head bowed, and reads a prayer. He sees Peter and Paul and calls them. Paul of Jesus Christ asks:

- Lord, on your hands, on your feet are sores from the nails. You read prayers for everyone and accepted torment for everyone. And the Lord speaks to him:

- Do not look at my feet, do not look at my hands, but take the prayer into your own hands, Go and carry it, whoever knows how, let this prayer read. And whoever reads it and repeats it will not know torment and will not burn in the fire. And whoever is sick will get up, go - and no more trouble will take that. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen."

Thirty-fourth Dream

Prayer will save you from vain death and from enemies.

“In the city of Bethlehem of Judea the Most Holy Theotokos fell asleep on her bed. She dreamed about her son Jesus Christ and rose from her sleep, and our Lord Jesus Christ came to her and spoke to her: - Mother, my beloved, Most Holy Theotokos, you slept in the holy city in Bethlehem of Judea, what did you see in a dream?

- My beloved son, my sweetest child, Jesus Christ. Slept, thou, in the month of March in the holy city of Bethlehem of Judea and saw a wondrous dream: the Archangel Gabriel of incorporeal forces ... They caught you, my Lord Jesus Christ, the Jews caught and tied up, and brought the Pontic Pilate Jegemon, crucified the cypress to the tree, nailed the hand and nose with nails, and laid a crown of thorns on your holy head, and struck and spat upon your head, and your ribs with holy copies of the probodosha, and abie from us blood and water for the healing of Christians and for the salvation of our souls. And Nicodemus the Elder took off your body from the cross, and the handsome Joseph wrapped it in a clean shroud, and put it in a new tomb. On the third day you rose again and art from the dead and to the whole world having bestowed an eternal life and strife the handwriting of Adam.

And the son of God speaks:

- My mother, Most Holy Theotokos, in truth your dream is not false and righteous. If anyone carries it on the way with him, that person will not be touched by the devil, nor by an angry person, a sword cut quick deliverance will receive. If anyone keeps your dream clean, neither fire nor robbers will touch that house, the health of livestock, income and a haven on the waters will be. Whichever person your dream at death remembers, or whom he makes to read, that person will be delivered from eternal torment, unquenchable fire, unceasing worm, darkness and hellish tartars, and the angels of God will take their soul honestly and carry it to the kingdom of heaven, and give Abraham to paradise ... Amen. “This leaf was at the tomb of the Lord in Jerusalem; The Pope of Rome, for the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ, sent him to his brother to his king against the enemy. That leaf has such power: whoever wants to read and listen to it, such a person will have forgiveness of sins for forty days, and it is easy to give birth to a child, and is guarding such a child during days and nights from every reptile and from the devil iskariot. And I ask you, my Lord, through your holy torment, which he endured for us sinners, John - the prophet and forerunner of the Baptist of our Lord Jesus Christ - warn me, the servant of God, from fire and sword, keep my striving and save me from punishment. "

Thirty-fifth Dream

Memorize the prayer and read it several times in difficult situations.

“- The Most Holy Theotokos Mary, where was she, where did she spend the night?

- I spent the night in the city of Gladishche, I had a dream about Jesus Christ, how He was torn to pieces, holy blood was shed. They burned them with fire, wrote in golden letters, remembered the Lord God. The myrrh-bearing wife recalled. Spread this dream all over the world, spread it all over the world. Whoever knows this dream, let him read it three times, he will know God, get rid of all troubles: the inextinguishable Fire, the unjust judgment. He will get rid of drowning, from hellish torment. Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. And everything will be so. Amen."

Thirty-sixth Dream

Rewrite the prayer with your own hand and keep it in the house to protect it from fire, enemies, any misfortune. Also take prayer with you.

“Our Lady Theotokos and ever Blessed Mary in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen! Waking up at dawn, when the Most Holy Theotokos - the Most Immaculate Virgin Mary lived in the bright city of Bethlehem on a memorable mountain called the Olives, She saw prophetic dream about his Son:

- Lord, forgive me! Lord, save me! Lord have mercy! Lord, save! Beloved Jesus, my dear and beautiful Son, I saw a terrible dream, He was terrible and terrible! Having come to her Son Jesus Christ, the well-behaved Mary speaks.

- Did you see what the dream was about that was so terrible and terrible? Our Savior asked her.

- Saint Apostle Peter - in the vest, and Paul - in the domain. My beloved son saw You, crucified in Jerusalem, caught by Pontius Pilate, as a dark ghost between two robbers crucified on a mountain, a cypress cross and a crown of thorns on Your head. They beat You with a cane, and spit on Your holy face. They want to drink vinegar, and laughing around and ridicule. The spear of your ribs is Your holy proportions, from which blood and water were shed for the healing of Christians. The sun, sky and earth shook. The moon turned to blood, and fast darkness throughout the Earth from six to nine. Then the elders Joseph and Nicodemus, who came to Pilate, asked him to take off Thy most pure body. Having taken it down from the cross, wrapped it in a clean shroud, and put it in a light grotto, and buried in peace. The king of the Jews set a guard over your tomb and your body and ordered to pile a large stone, but on the third day the stone will disintegrate and you, my child, will rise from the dead. And, having bestowed peace on all living things and destroying evil, he ordered Adam and Eve to forgive their sin, and ascended all the saints to Heaven, and exalted sinners, and He ascended to Heaven, sat down at the right hand of His Father and began to rule. Amen!

Speech Our Lord Jesus Christ:

- You are my beloved mother, Maria well-behaved, truly your Dream is not false, but ghostly. I will be Jews, scribes and Pharisees caught and crucified on the cross, but on the third day I will rise again with God's help and blood and water will be shed on them and on their Son. Amen!

And more rivers our Lord Jesus Christ to his mother the Most Holy Theotokos:

- I bless, my mother's prophetic Dream, may the name of God be glorified and His will be fulfilled. Whoever writes off this Dream into pure, and reads It when the Moon is born or a new moon, I will posthumously send my Guardian Angel. And he will take his Soul straight into the Kingdom of Heaven and bring it to me, and his Soul will feed on mine for ever and ever, with my permission and mercy. Or whoever will keep this Dream in his house, and for that person I will determine the Guardian Angel. He will protect his house from thunderous blow, fire, lightning and all dirty tricks. The owner of that house will not be afraid of a poisonous reptile, robbers, vain death, fierce evil and any evil spirits. And if someone slanders him in vain and brings him before the judge, and delivers him to the judge for punishment, he must take the Dream and read It, then he will be spared from punishment and dirty tricks. And whoever reads this great Foresight or listens with diligence, that person will be forgiven all his sins, or the woman will be pregnant and suffer unbearable pains at birth, then surely this Dream must make someone read, at the same hour she will receive health with her newborn baby and from the day of the great childbirth she will be spared. And when someone goes against the enemy, and this prophetic Dream will have with him, he will win without any difficulty, or the person will go on the path, and will take the good Dream with him, the Lord will determine for him the Guardian Angel, who will travel with him to all his ways.

This great epistle was found in the city of Jerusalem by the king of the righteous, and it was given to the Human World of the Christian faith, and it was written from the words of our Lord Jesus Christ. It was announced to all the people who obey God that this Leaf, by holy blessing, will have great power. And if anyone reads Him or listens attentively, that person on the one hundred and eightieth day will be forgiven all his sins. And in which house this Leaf resides, the devil, beast, sorcerer will not touch that house, no filth will be able to touch.

- Also, our Lord Jesus Christ bequeathed for our salvation, - if you, servants of God, do not pray for the health of your mother, and after her calming down for the peace of your soul and staying in the Kingdom of Heaven, the Lord will strike you with invisible various diseases and send death inevitable and a rotting plague, from which each of you will perish because you have not listened to His commandments, and have not obeyed God's law. Our Lord Omnipresent said in his commandments that we should not forget about the salvation of our most pure soul, pray every day and ask our Lord forgiveness in the deeds and thoughts of our sinners. God commanded us to repent and ask the Creator for our forgiveness, then He will let go of all our hoped-for and unintended sins, known and unknown, visible and invisible, heard and unheard of after sincere repentance.

It is permissible to invoke our Merciful Lord in earthly vanity, only His children should swear his oath three times:

This!!! This!!! This!!!

Our Lord Creator created us in His own image and likeness, speaking:


The Lord bequeathed that we love each other, people live in love and the law of God, honor each other, not be proud, do not bear false testimony. Do not forget the poor and the poor, give a helping hand, for that our Lord Almighty will reward us with health and many years. Likewise, by frank and grateful prayer for the salvation of our spirit, we will be delivered from immeasurable torment, worms, and unrelenting devils.

When we obey these Words, love our neighbor as ourselves, honor our parents and our teacher, the Merciful Lord will forgive us all our sins.

This Leaf was in the Righteous Land, on the Mount of Olives, in front of the holy image of the Archangel Michael is written in gold letters. And if someone reads Him or has him with him or listens, the Lord Almighty himself will be an assistant to that person in all his affairs, somehow:

On the way - happiness, and in the house - the profit of all-round good.

Our Lord, the Wise One, told us that we should keep Sunday according to our Christian debt, we would not work, we would not even dig roots in the gardens, for God assigned us six days of work, and the seventh was a saint, to celebrate it honestly without any difficulty, but to run away from drunkenness as from the devil.

They believed this Holy One, and believe and pray to the Almighty with diligence and diligence, and whoever does not observe this and does not listen to good words - He will send great punishment on us and make a most insidious rebellion between us, when the king rises against the king, the king against the king, father on the son, and the son on the father, and there will be a great bloodshed between us on Earth. He will punish everyone with severe diseases and will not give any food and will punish the disobedient with thunder and lightning and will let the black birds, whose hair is female, who will fly, and scream in a terrible voice and cause great terror.

I urge you to observe Sundays in a Christian way, for that God will give us eternal bliss in the Kingdom of Heaven and He bequeathed that we believe this Scripture. And whoever does not believe even a single word - that person will be punished in curses and sins and sudden death... And whoever a person believes in this Scripture, keeps this Leaf with him and gives someone to read or rewrite, then if he had sins like sand in the sea and Stars in Heaven and leaves on a tree - everything will be forgiven him and the Kingdom of Heaven will be inherited to him, to him same - honor and worship. And now and ever and forever and ever. Amen."

Thirty-seventh Dream

The angel will guard the person who will read this prayer every day.

“In the month of March, in the city of Jerusalem, at the holy church, the Mother of God prayed for three nights and was tired. Her blue eyes were covered, her thick eyelashes dropped. She saw a terrible dream and shed bitter tears in her sleep.

Jesus Christ approached her:

- My dear mother, wake up, open your little eyes, wake up.

- My beloved son, I saw a terrible dream, looking at your execution, I suffered and suffered. My dear son, the Jews took You in a dream, crucified You on a high cross, tortured You, tormented and slowly killed you. They put a wreath of thorns on your hair.

- Mother, Mother Mary, your dream is true and just, whoever reads this dream every day, the angel of the Lord will never forget. That man will be saved from fire and saved in deep water, saved among the enemies. Nobody and nothing will take him, the Mother of God will save him everywhere and everywhere. The Lord will add to that person's age and will never leave him in any trouble. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen."

Thirty-eighth Dream

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Mother God's prayers read, read day and night, and got tired. She closed her clear little eyes, fell asleep and saw a wonderful dream: they tormented Jesus Christ, Her Son, shed His holy blood, burned his knees with fire. Burning tears ran down Mother's face.

Whoever knows this dream, whoever reads it ten dawns, will get rid of all troubles. All God's men will help, save, protect and give longevity. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen."

Thirty-ninth Dream

Read this Dream three times a day and you will live happily ever after.

“The Mother of God was asleep and she is dreaming. A devil snake crawls towards her and wants to eat her.

“Don’t be afraid, Mother Lady, He will not eat you,” the angel Gabriel the archangel spoke to her. As on the sea, on the ocean, on the Buyan island the vitriol cross grew. On this cross, Christ was crucified, his hands and feet were nailed to him. If your dream is true, Mother Lady, whoever reads your dream three times a day will be happy and durable on earth. "

Fortieth Dream

“In the first day, in March, in the city of Jerusalem on the Lord's Throne, Mother the Most Holy Theotokos slept and rested. Jesus Christ Himself came to Her. He began to ask:

- My mother, Mother, Most Holy Theotokos, are you sleeping or are you lying like that?

- My dear Child, My beloved Child. Some I sleep, some I lie like that. And I keep You, Jesus Christ, on my mind. Little night I slept, I saw a lot of passions. As they tormented Christ in torment, they tied him to an iron pillar. Hands and feet pounded with nails, pierced the sides with spears, shed Christ's blood, broke the golden crown, put on a crown of thorns, crucified Christ. The coffin was placed in the tomb of Christ, covered with yellow sand, and pushed in with iron plates. The sky and the earth shook, the sun with its rays faded, the stars went out with a month, the dark forests bowed to the ground, and the creation of God was outraged. Mother Mary, Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos, who passed over to the Lord's Throne in the city of Jerusalem. Sitting on a pebble, falling to the tomb. Mother Most Holy Theotokos weeps and weeps for Her Son.

- My mother, Mother Most Holy Theotokos, do not cry, do not weep for His Son. You are not alone in the whole wide world. There remained John the Faster, John the Theologian, Martha and Mary - the Two Sisters of Lazarev and the Myrrh-Bearing Wives. I will not send an angel according to My soul, but I myself will descend and write off on the face of the Lord - the Face and put it in the city of Jerusalem in the Jerusalem church. The Orthodox world will walk and pray for Mother's prayer, for Christ's torment. Whoever will know this dream will read three times every day, then if he goes to court, he will not be convicted, he will not be reprimanded in court, we do not burn in fire, we will not drown in water. Delivered from the eternal torment, the inextinguishable Fire. The angels of the Lord will take his Soul and honestly exalt into the Kingdom of Heaven. And this leaf was found in the Greek land, on the Mount of Olives in front of the image of the Archangel Michael. It is written in gold letters, by Jesus himself, by the Son of Jesus Christ himself. So I command you, My people! So that you honor My weekly days. For I gave you six days to work, and the seventh day of the week was honored, no work was done. If you will not listen to My commandments, then I will starve you with an evil hunger in the winds. For king against king, king against king, son against father, father against son, brother against brother, and there will be bloodshed between you. I will offend you all, I will take away your food. And I will begin to punish you with fire, thunder, I will unleash a thirst on you, I will not give rain to the earth, and warmth, and the sun during the fruits of the earth, and I will also let down many unfaithful tongues, people, if you do not repent, seeing My righteous anger, I will let you down on you are fierce beasts, two-headed snakes, their heads are lion's, and their hair is female. I will bring down great darkness, where there will be crying and gnashing of teeth. And you, unfaithful people, live in advice and love and do the truth. Honor the Sunday of Christ honestly and spiritually, not bodily. Honor the feasts of the Lord. Fast Wednesday and Friday. On Wednesday, the Jews kept counsel against Christ, and on the heels the Lord created the first man. Adam and the Jews of Christ were nailed to the Cross for our sins, for inappropriate abuse. On the resurrection of Christ, God gave everyone to celebrate with love. Don't hurt each other. Love my name, glorify, and take care of widows. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen."

Forty-first Dream

Prayer helps to give birth to women in childbirth quickly and painlessly, and also protects the home from all troubles.

“Thou art our Lady, the Most Holy Theotokos, rested in the holy city of Bethlehem of Judea, and our Lord, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Savior of the whole world, came to her, and spoke to her:

- Amen, amen, I say to you, oh, my beloved mother, the Most Holy Theotokos, you slept in the holy city of Bethlehem of Judea, and what did you see in your dream? Rivers to me the true truth.

And the Most Holy Theotokos spoke to him with her most pure lips:

- Oh, my beloved son, our Lord, Jesus Christ, the son of God, the Savior of the whole world, my eyes are feared, but my throat is not opened to speak the true truth. I slept there in the holy city of Judea in the month of March and saw a dream about you, the son of God, terribly terrible and terrible; Allegedly, you were caught and tied up by the Jews, brought to the Pontic Pilate by the hegemon and crucified on Mount Calvary on three trees: a caparista, a singer and a cedar. Nailed to the cross with media and a reed on the head, the mouth was filled with bile and a crown of thorns was placed on your head of God, and God was quickly pierced into your ribs, and blood and water flowed from the ribs of your saints for the healing of Christians and for the salvation of Christian souls. In the beginning, byst, he was buried with a mace of biens and ordered you to face to the west, and at that time the sun was darker and the moon turned into blood, and the church veil was torn from the lower edge to the upper one, and the earth shook, and the stones disintegrated, and the coffins were opened, and many bodies of the departed saints grew up, and from the 9th hour the darkness grew throughout the whole earth. And on the third day Christ was resurrected from the dead and ascended into heaven, and will sit at the right hand of God the Father. Amen.

Our Lord, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Savior of the whole world, uttered:

- Amen, I say to you, Mother, my beloved, Holy Mother of God, ever-virgin Mary, truly righteous and untrue is your dream of the Mother of God.

If anyone keeps him in his house and keeps him clean, neither fire, nor a thief, nor a robber will touch that house, and a quiet haven on the waters, and is honest in conversation. If anyone takes him on his journey and keeps him clean, that person will not be touched by the devil's unclean spirit, nor by an evil person. If a person, at his death, remembers or reads, or to whom he gives to read, and whoever listens to this Divine Scripture with faith, that person will be redeemed of eternal torment and scorching fire, and the tartar of the underworld. If anyone wants to read it, Jesus Christ himself will give him in every deed and deliver him from his sins. If a pregnant woman will give birth to her illnesses, and this sheet will either have someone to read, or put in her heads, then it will be easy for her to give birth to a child; the Lord God to deliver her from all sorrows and diseases, and from every ailment. There are offspring in livestock, in sporin's bread, talent in sales, happiness in trade, God's blessing in business. If whoever believes this leaf and has it with him, or whoever writes it, or whoever listens to this Divine Scripture with faith, sends it to distant lands, and that person will have absolution for himself, and the angels of the Lord will take his soul from his body, and will bring to the kingdom of heaven Abraham in paradise. Always, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen."

Forty-second Dream

“- Where are you, Mother Mary slept and rested?

- I slept and rested in the city of Jerusalem on the holy mountain Vertepe, on the holy river Jordan. I didn't sleep a lot - I saw a lot in my dreams. I had a terrible and terrible dream about you, about the true Christ. As if the Jews caught you, the true Christ, as if the Jews crucified you, the true Christ, nailed your hands and feet to the cross, knocked out the holy ribs with a spear, gave you, the true Christ, six hundred and sixty bloody wounds with a spear of the Vavarashi, gave you, the true Christ. As the bark falls away from the oak, so the bodies fall away from the true Christ. As the river runs in streams, so the blood runs in streams.

- Mother, my beloved, you do not see in a dream - you write in reality. It is scary and menacing to descend to the ground. Whoever reads this dream is saved from a burning fire, from boiling tar, from eternal torment, from a bird, misfortune, from vain death, from a hater, an enemy and an adversary. "

Forty-third Dream

“In the name of the Father and the Son, the Holy Spirit. Amen. When the Most Holy Theotokos and Ever the Virgin Mary was in Holy Jerusalem of Judea, she slept on the mountain and saw a dream in a dream, terrible. The Lord came to Her and said:

- Oh, My Mother Most Holy Theotokos, that you sleep and see in a dream?

She got up from sleep and said to her Son:

- O My beloved Child, I spent the night at this place, saw a dream about You and saw the Holy Apostles. Peter in the robe and Paul in the domain. Those who were crucified by You and caught to the Pontic Pilate, between two robbers, on a cypress and a cedar tree, they placed a holy crown of thorns on Your head, beat them on the head with canes, spat on their faces, from which blood and water were shed for healing and for the salvation of souls. At the same time and hour, the Sun and the Moon mixed, the stones disintegrated into two church books and covenants, and the darkness spread across the entire Earth from the sixth to the ninth hour. Then the Elders Joseph and Nicodemus, having come to Pilate, asked him, and the Most Holy Body was removed from the Cross, wrapped in a clean shroud, and laid in a new tomb and buried in the Earth. And the King of the Jews set a guard over your sepulcher and commanded that it be turned with a stone. But on the third day the stone split in two, and You rose from the dead and gave life, at this very minute, Hell collapsed, Adam and Eve were wiped out from that and all sinners resurrected. You yourself entered heaven and sat at the Right Hand of the Father of Our Lord. Amen.

And also Jesus Christ I bless this dream, I will send it to the World.

And who among Christians will write it off and read it once a month, when there is a birth of a new moon, a month. Upon the death of this person, I will send an Angel and take his Soul into the Kingdom of Heaven, whoever will keep this dream in his house, I will define a Guardian Angel for that person, who will protect his house from a thunderous blow, fire and all sorts of dirty tricks. If someone slanders this house in vain and leads to gossip and punishes the judge, he must take this dream with him, from which I will save you with My help. If a woman suffers unbearable pain during the birth of a baby, then she must certainly force someone to read this dream and at the same time I will come running as an assistant and give her relief, and the baby of many years. When someone goes against the enemy, I will help.

This dream was found at the Tomb in Jerusalem by the Greek King and given to the Christian World. Believe me, this dream (leaf), according to God's Blessing, has great power, if someone reads It without any refusal, that person in 180 days will be forgiven all his sins.

In which house this Grace will abide, then neither the devil, nor the beast, nor the cities will touch that house. In a word, no nasty. Amen. Amen. Amen."

Forty-fourth Dream

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. On Mount Vertepe, near the holy river Jordan, the Virgin Mother Mary slept. The Son of God came and said:

The Virgin Mother Mary answered:

- Oh, my beloved son, I slept a little, I dreamed a lot in the pictures. I had a dream, very terrible and terrible about You, my dear child. This dream cannot be told and told.

- Tell me, Mother Virgin Mary, your dream, I will judge and dress.

- I saw a dream, the wicked drove you through the forests, along the rivers, through the swamps and caught you, beat you with gnarled sticks, with iron rods, beat you on the armor, called you the Son of God and spat in your mouth, gave you bile to drink, a crown of thorns on your head imposed. Eh, my beloved Son, what torment You have submitted to. I had a dream: Judas the traitor with the Jews judged the court, Judas the traitor ordered to make a cross from three trees: from cedar, from linden and from cypress. The true Christ was crucified on the cross, hands and feet were chained with a nail. As the streams ran in the spring, so the blood ran from the true Christ. As the spruce bark lagged behind the tree, so the body lagged behind the true Christ. Eh, my dear child, what a torment you have submitted. You would have blown, they would have had only dirt left, You would have moved on your stallion, You would have waved your handkerchief, they would have burned up with fire. Eh, my dear child, where are you leaving, with whom are you leaving me?

- On John the Theologian, on the friend of Christ. He will water and feed you, put shoes on and dress, and warm you with warmth. Virgin Mati Maria, whoever reads your dream in March on the way to the path, will be saved and saved. The bird will not tear to pieces and the beast will not tear to pieces and dashing people will not attack. That person will be saved and saved. Whoever rides on the water that person will not burn on fire and will not drown on the water. My Virgin, whoever reads your dream in the house, that house will be saved from the fire by God's grace, whoever reads your dream in case of illness, that person will be saved, saved and healed. Whoever reads your dream during childbirth will be born neither a thief, nor a bully, nor a villain, not a goddess by a bad deed. Whoever reads your dream at death will be saved from eternal torment, from boiling tar, from burning fire, from worms that never sleep, from frost from scorching ones, that person will go to heavenly paradise. "

Forty-fifth Dream

Read the prayer with the deepest faith, and you will be able to protect yourself from any trouble.

“In the temple of Jerusalem of Judea, the Most Holy Theotokos Mary was tired, slept and dozed. Our Lord Jesus Christ came to her and speaks to her:

- Mother My beloved, do you doze, sleep or see me?

She answered him:

- My child, I did not sleep, but dozed off. Dozed, but saw a prophetic dream. In the month of March, I saw you for seventeen days, You were covered in blood, the Jews betrayed You for execution, You were crucified on a cross with robbers together, crucified by Pontic Pilate. You endured all kinds of abuse, they spat on Your holy face, they crowned You with a thorny crown of thorns, they gave You vinegar, they burned Your body with fire. The warrior broke Your rib with a spear, I saw how You tormented and suffered. Your blood flowed from huge wounds and I cried and suffered at Your Cross. Then thunder and lightning rumbled, stones with high mountains fell down, those who died from this thunder rose from their graves, Crowds of people trembled around the cross. The sun and the moon lost their light, and there was darkness all around from six to nine. Joseph and Nicodemus took off Your most pure body, covered it with a clean shroud, closed it in a new tomb, laid it down, folded Your hands pierced on your chest. Lord God, My Jesus, - cried the Mother, - I am afraid to tell and remember this dream.

Her Son Jesus Christ said:

- Oh, My dear Mother, this dream is true, and whoever reads it, whoever has it in his house, My angels will not allow him to die early. He who has this dream will be saved, protected from the fire and water of the flood. Whoever takes this dream with him will not be touched by the beast, the enemy will not kill, evil spirits will not take his soul, My Angels will carry him to Me and save him. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen."

Forty-sixth Dream

This Dream is read with a prayer to the Lord God for the conception of a child.

“My angel, my preserver! Save my soul, grip my heart! Enemy Satan! Get rid of me! I have neither food, nor food. I have one angel, the Archangel with saints Gabril, and the holy Mother of God the Theotokos: she gave birth to Christ Between the doors of heaven, here she swaddled swaddling clothes, and curled belts - brocade sheets and silk belts, pressed tightly to my heart, kissed sugar lips, walked from mountain to mountain ... From volost to parish, she walked, got tired, lay down, bit down. I slept a little, saw a lot of sleep. I had a dream Wonderful and terrible: The Jews are coming, Judas is coming to meet the Jews, the Jews are asking Judas:

- Have you seen the true Christ?

- I saw Christ in Filat's chambers, in the back little window - he eats bread, wets it in salt lick. Go, Jews, and catch - Come the Jews, they caught, forged, they carried them out of the open field, they fell down on a cypress tree, forged nails into their hands and feet. As the bark falls from a dry tree, as a river flows from paradise to paradise, so does the Blood flow from the true Christ. She walked and saw the Most Holy Mother of God Theotokos Wept bitter tears.

True Christ says:

- Don't cry, Mother of God Mother of God! Do not poison your clear eyes, do not urinate your linen shirt! You go tell this dream to the old and the small and the good. And whoever wails this dream Three times a day, deliver, Lord, from eternal torment, from burning fires, from boiling tar, and the Lord will give talan-fate, goodness and mercy, in trading, in trades and in small children. "

Forty-seventh Dream

“In a glorious city in Jerusalem, in that holy cathedral church, I, the mother of God, slept behind the throne; but not a lot of me, a virgin, sleeping, seeing a lot of dreams for a virgin: that I gave birth to you, Christ's son, but wrapped a child in swaddling clothes, twisted into silk swaddling. And wonderful, son, is the life-giving cross. Yes, on that mountain on the nativity scene, but on that holy cypress tree, as if you were to be killed, a spear through your ribs to be awakened, to be broken with a cane, as if you, child, would be bloody.

Do not tell me, Mother of God Mary: I myself have had this dream for a long time, mother, I know whether I myself am thinking this dream, what to be for me, Christ, crucified, through my ribs to be a copy of the awakened, my head to be broken with a reed and what to be for me, for Christ bloody. Mother of God Mary wept: - For whom are you leaving me, child, who are you leaving the maiden to watch? - I throw you, mother, on John, on John on the light of the theologian, on my friend, mother, Christ; not for much of you, mother, not for a little: on the third day, mother, I will rise, I myself will come down to you, mother, from heaven, but I myself will take out my soul from you, mother, I will bury your relics with the saints, with the saints of you , mothers, cherubs, with the glorious, mothers, seraphim. I will put your relics in the shroud, I will write your face on the icon, I will put your image on the throne, and they will pray to God, and they will remember you, mothers, but whether they glorify me, Christ!

Glory to you, Christ our God, both now and ever, and forever and ever! Whoever knows this saintly dream, whoever thinks about this dream, and whoever fulfills this dream, inherits the kingdom of heaven. Amen."

Forty-eighth Dream

With this prayer, you will protect your home from flames and fire.

“In March, in the ninth year, a thousand in the city of Jerusalem, over that river over the Jordan, under a cypress tree, Mother Mary the Most Holy Theotokos slept day and night with angels, with archangels, with all heavenly power, and saw a terrible and formidable dream about her Son. The Son came and asked: - Did you spend the night well with the angels, with the archangels and with all the heavenly power? - My dear child, I slept well, I slept well with the angels, with the archangels and with all the heavenly power. But not so much I slept as I saw in a dream. I saw a terrible and formidable dream about you, you cannot tell this dream to anyone, you cannot tell anyone.

- And tell me this dream, maybe your dream is not false, but straightforward, this dream will be judged and dressed up. - Child, you are my beloved, I saw that you were shackled by the Jews and bound in strong German iron. Your rib is cut with a spear, a thorny hoop is put on your head, your mouth is poured with bile, your body is nailed to the cross.

- To me this dream is better and sweeter than honey and molasses. Whoever knows your dream will read it on the way along the way, that person on earth will not get lost, will not drown on the water. Whoever knows your dream will read it into an empty horomina, a vain death will not come to that person, the beast will not devour that person. Whoever knows your dream, reads it, and writes it off on a piece of paper and puts it behind the holy icon, that house is not afraid of either fire or flame. Whoever knows your dream will read it on his deathbed, no bad deeds will be attached to him, but angels, archangels and apostles will pester and carry his soul to Abram, Isaac and Jacob to talk to paradise. Amen."

Forty-ninth Dream

“The Most Holy Virgin Mary slept in the city of Jerusalem near the truth of Christ on the throne, and come to her Jesus Christ, and the Most Holy Theotokos spoke:

- Oh, my dear Child, I slept in this place and saw a wonderful and terrible dream, I saw Peter in Rome, Paul in the house of Simon, and I saw You, my Son Jesus Christ, in the city of Jerusalem among the Jews, I was caught, the Velmi was mocked, and I bish You. Jews, in Thy face the holy baldness, and to Pontius Pilate he led him to judgment, and Pilate condemned Thee to execution, and they executed Thee on Mount Golgotha, on three trees, on a cedar, a pevga and a cypress, Thy rutsi and Nosi to the cross of the nail, on put on Thy head a wreath of thorns, fill Thy with a copy, piercing Thy rib with a copy, and blood and water will flow out of it for the salvation of all mankind, and I, Thy mother, at the cross stood with Thy beloved disciple John the Theologian and the Velma cried and sobbed, and You say to me from the cross: O My mother, do not cry, I will be taken down from the cross and put in the grave, and on the third day I will rise and ascend to heaven with the angels Cherubim and Seraphim, and I will glorify you, My mother.

And Jesus Christ speaks to her: - O my mother, your dream is not false, your words are more than honey to my lips. Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Fiftieth Dream

The prayer is read before Holy Saturday, before Easter on Good Friday.

“On Friday, Saturday, under the Holy Resurrection of Christ, the Mother of God, the Most Holy Mary, rested, not so much she slept as she saw in a dream. On the cross, my son's spear was chained, holy blood was shed on the ground. Whoever knows this dream, reads and writes in a book three times, will be saved and happy. He will walk on the ground, will not sink, will go to court - the court will not condemn him. He will not live by the sleep of Satan, but by all the powers of heaven. End. Amen. Amen. Amen."

Fifty-first Dream

“In the city of Jerusalem, in the Jordan River, under a flesh and a raft, under an underwater shield, a chamoised stone, lies an incorruptible, holy letter - given by the Lord. Whoever knows this letter, knows, who reads it on the first day of the new year and understands every word with his heart - that will be God's blessing and forgiveness of many sins. Mary, Mother of God, was asleep, she saw a wonderful dream. As if three angels had flown to her, they blessed her and warned: Behold, you are Mary, the Virgin, waiting for the Child Christ, His glory will be without end. In seven days the grace of God will descend on you, through you, Virgin Mary, the Savior will come to the world. Whoever reads this dream on the first day of the new year will not find death this year! In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen."

Fifty-second Dream

You should rewrite the prayer in the month of January without blots and save it in your home.

“The Most Holy Theotokos, the Virgin Mary, rested in the holy city of Jerusalem in Judea from the month of January to the month of February. And the Lord, Jesus Christ, who came to Her, Her only-beloved Son, the Savior to the whole world, speaks to Her:

- Oh, my beloved mother, Most Holy Theotokos, Virgin Mary, are you sleeping, or are you not sleeping, or what do you see in your dream?

And the Most Holy Theotokos Virgin Mary speaks to Him:

- My Beloved Son, I saw a very wondrous and frightening dream about You. The scribes and Pharisees judged you in the city of Jerusalem under Pilate of Pontus. They commanded Thy to be crucified like a robber, they desired to nail Your white body with nails to the cross. And Thou went under Thy cross to the mountain, which was flooded with Calvary. And Thy sweat poured over Thy hair, and Thy was hurt and scared. And the watchman urged you on, commanded you to go faster. And you walked under your cross, but when you came, you were crucified. And heaven and earth were embarrassed at the sight of this, and the Sun and the Moon did not desire to look at That. And they drank Thee on Thy cross, a crown of thorns on Thy head. And you accepted death and suffering as a martyr. But I, Your Mother, stood at the cross with Your kind disciple John the Theologian, wept and sobbed bitterly.

And to Her, our Lord, Jesus Christ, Her beloved Son:

- Do not cry, Mother My beloved, Most Holy Theotokos, Virgin Mary! Truly, Your dream is righteous and false, and it will truly come true: I will be betrayed in the hands of sinful people and suffer from them, the accursed, the passions that You saw in Your dream and I will perceive all of them. I will be taken down from the cross and placed in the grave, and on the third day I will rise again. I will live from the grave and I will raise the primordial Adam, and I will raise all the prophets, and Myself, My Mother, the Most Holy Theotokos, Virgin Mary, I will ascend to heaven with cherubim and seraphim. And you, Mother My beloved Most Holy Theotokos, Virgin Mary, I will glorify, exalt and magnify, more than all heavenly powers. Whoever sows a dream of the Mother of God in January rewrote and preserves in February, will pass vein and half-vein disorders, bone erysipelas, pestilence, flood, fire, duck, devastation, any death and mortal poverty. Amen."

Fifty-third Dream

This prayer is a talisman for the month of March. It is necessary to rewrite with your own hand without blots and with the deepest faith.

“The Most Holy Theotokos slept in the temple in Jerusalem of Judea. Our Lord Jesus Christ came to Her, and speaks to Her: - My mother, my beloved, are you sleeping or are you awake?

The Most Holy Theotokos answers:

- I slept in the month of March for 17 days and I saw a terrible and terrible dream about You, My Child.

Speech to Her Jesus Christ: - Mother My beloved, tell Me this dream that You saw.

The Most Holy Theotokos answers Him with tears:

- Lord My God, I saw Peter and Paul in the city of Rome, and You, My Son, with the robbers on the cross. Crucified by Pontic Pilate, condemned to death by the scribes and Pharisees. I endured reproach, they spat on your holy face. They watered you with vinegar, crowned you with a crown of thorns, beat you on the head with a cane. A warrior has pierced your rib, and water and blood flowed from it. The stones disintegrated, the dead rose from the graves, the Sun and the Moon were darkened. It was dark from six to nine. Joseph and Nicodemus took off your most pure body. They wrapped it in a clean shroud, closed it in a newer coffin, laid it down.

- O Mother My beloved, this is a fair dream that you saw. Whoever rewrites this dream of Bogoroditsyn and will have it with him, that in March, neither damage, nor the evil eye, nor bad slander, nor enemies - adversaries, nor winds, nor storms, nor fires, nor a flood, are afraid. Amen."

Fifty-fourth Dream

This dream is the most powerful talisman for the month of April.

“Jesus Christ to his Mother says, sitting in the clouds: - Theotokos, Holy Mother of God, dear, where have you been, where have you spent the night? Did you rest well? What have You, My Mother, seen in a dream?

- I rested, My son, in the city of Gladishche I saw, a dream is not a dream, come true, You were led up the mountain, Christ, You carried a cypress cross on You. On the mountain, they nailed you to the cross, stabbed you with spears, poured vinegar, burned bloody wounds with fire.

- This is not a dream, but a reality, My Most Holy Mother. This is my fate and this world, for which I shed my honest blood, taking all its sins upon myself. Whoever will rewrite this dream in April and carry it with him or put it in his house, he will save from lessons and ghosts, from every recklessness, fever, shaking, white fuel, evil people, bad thoughts. Amen."

Fifty-fifth Dream

Prayer is a talisman for the months of May and June.

“The Lord Himself is coming, the Lord Himself is calling His Mother:

- My Mother Mary, where did you live, where did you while away the dark night?

- Lived and lived, while away the dark night. I sat down at the throne to rest, I dreamed about three crosses on the mountain. On two crosses there are robbers, and on one you are. Christ, they nailed you, crucified you on the cross, beat you and tormented you, gave you vinegar to drink before death.

- Mother, your dream is just, the myrrh-bearer will rewrite it, give it to people. Whoever reads this dream in May, rewrites it in June, will carry it with him, will not sink from vain death. He will not drown in the water, he will go into the forest - the beast will not touch him, the thief will not steal from him, the fire of that person's dwelling will not burn. If he goes to court, he will not be condemned; if he asks for mercy, he will receive it. The Lord will add to his age, but he will die, so he will deliver him from eternal torments. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Fifty-sixth Dream

Prayer is a talisman in July and August.

“On Mount Vertepe, near the holy river Jordan, the Virgin Mary slept. The Son of God came and said:

- Amen, Virgin Mother Mary, whether you sleep or not.

The Virgin Mother Mary answered:

- Oh, My beloved Son, I slept a little, I dreamed a lot in my dreams. I had a dream, very terrible and terrible about You. My dear child. This dream cannot be told and told.

- Tell me, Mother Virgin Mary, your dream, I will judge and dress.

- I saw a dream: the wicked chased you through the forests, along the rivers, through the swamps and caught you, beat you with gnarled sticks, with iron rods, beat you on the armor, called you the Son of God and spat in your mouth, gave you bile to drink, a crown of thorns on your head imposed. Eh, My beloved Son, what torment You have submitted to. I saw a dream: Judas the traitor with the Pharisees judged the court, Judas the traitor ordered to make a cross from three trees: from cedar, from linden and from cypress. The true Christ was crucified on the cross, hands and feet were nailed. As the streams ran in the spring, so the blood ran from the true Christ. As the spruce bark lagged behind the tree, so the body lagged behind the true Christ. Eh, My dear Child, what kind of torment did You submit. You would have blown, they would have had only dirt left, You would have waved your handkerchief, they would have burned up with fire. Eh, My dear Child, where are you leaving, with whom are you leaving me?

- On John the Theologian, on the friend of Christ. He will water and feed you, put shoes on and dress, and warm you with warmth. Virgin Mati Maria, whoever reads Your dream in July, and rewrites it in August and carries it with you every day, will be saved and saved. The bird will not peck, and the beast will not tear it to pieces, and dashing people will not attack. That person will not burn on fire and will not drown on water; that person's house will be saved from the fire by God's mercy. Whoever reads Your dream during childbirth will not be born a thief, not a bully, not a villain, not a godly deed. Whoever reads Your dream at death will be saved from eternal torment. From the boiling resin, from the burning fire, from the unrelenting worms, it will go to the bright paradise. Amen."

Fifty-seventh Dream

This Dream must be rewritten in September with your own hand without blots on a blank sheet, and it must be read in October.

“And so I, the Mother of God and the Queen, opened My Word, told you my vision. I had a dream about my Son Jesus Christ, how merciless people mocked Him, mocked him, beat him with their hands, kicked him, put a crown on his head, drew him to Mount Golgotha, dear blasphemy against Him and falsehoods. And He endured everything, pitied everyone, kicked at His honest cross, looked with His eyes, asked forgiveness to everyone, forgave sins to the whole world. They killed Him, and HE loved them and prayed for them before His Heavenly Father, the Creator of the world. He shouted:

- My Father! Be merciful to the unlucky and restless, they themselves do not know what they are doing, who they are kicking now, what they are building their hands on.

And the heavens opened up, and the Voice was like thunder:

- My beloved son. Through your prayers it will be, according to their sins they will be rewarded. For whoever betrayed Thee betrayed Me! And who put Thee in his heart, he loved Me! Whoever rewrites My Dream in September, and suddenly reads a series in October, will not know the need, everything will be fine with him, he will be in joy himself. Blessing of the Queen of Heaven and may the Lord have mercy on you through the prayers of the Saints! Amen to you! Testimony of the Mother of God! "

Fifty-eighth Dream

It is necessary to rewrite and read in the month of November with all the deepest faith, and you will not know the needs and sorrows.

“The Virgin Mary walked from the city of Jerusalem, walked, got tired, lay down, fell asleep. I saw a wondrous dream: to be Christ on the crucifixion. They took Jesus Christ from the cypress cross, into the little hands, hammered nails into the legs. They put on a black crown of thorns, cast spears on lots and tore. The body flew like bark from a tree. It was not blood that was flowing, not water, but God's gift. The monstrance was given to the whole world, it was launched all over the world.

Whoever reads this dream in November, rewrites, accepts with his mind and heart, Jesus Christ forgives him for every day Sins forgiveness for him, his increment for money, health for his body. The head is clear. Amen."

Fifty-ninth Dream

You need to rewrite and read in the month of December with all the deepest faith, and you will not know the needs and sorrows.

“Holy cross, cross - patience, cross - deliverance from death. There was a dream about the Cross. Mother Theotokos in a dream saw the cross, how the crowd crucified Jesus Christ on the cross, nailed his hands and feet with nails. Blood flows in a stream to the right hand and flows in red streams. God's beauty will not fade, the Royal Doors will open. This dream Mother Mary saw, in a dream she shed tears for the Son. Jesus Christ approached his mother, woke her up from a heavy sleep:

- My mother Mary! I will write off your dream on white paper. Whoever understands this dream, will read it in December, rewrite it himself, and pass it on to others. Will be saved. Protected in any trouble. In dangerous places, in government affairs, on land and water. At God's Judgment will be forgiven and saved. The sleep of the Virgin is protected. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Sixtieth Dream

The power of this dream protects and drives away evil spirits. It also reveals hidden things through sleep. To do this, they will read it 33 times before going to bed and go to bed. What you are looking for will be revealed to you in a dream

“The Mother of God slept in the holy city of Bethlehem. And a terrible and terrible dream appeared to her, The Mother of God toiled all night, she could not find a place, she fiddled with her heart and soul. She dreamed of her only son, Christ, tied to a pillar, tied with strong ropes, beaten with a whip, beaten with whips. I saw the mother of God, how her son was beaten with steel rods, his bones and flesh were crushed, kicked, spat, tormented, they did not give rest and breath, they drove up the mountain, they crucified him on the cross, they drove nails into his hands and feet, pierced his ribs with a spear, vinegar they brought it to the lips, removed it from the cross, covered it in a linen, and covered it in a coffin. The Lord Jesus Christ blessed his Mother's dream and punished his servants: Whoever carries this dream with him, then any evil spirits will bypass. Whoever reads this dream 33 times before going to bed will know the whole truth through the dream. Whoever rewrites this dream 7 times, the Lord will cover with his generous hand. Whoever gives this dream to loved ones to read - the Lord will grant his grace in the family. This saint's dream, whoever keeps his house, that house will be saved and blessed from all troubles, strengthened by the Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos. Holy God, glory to Thee. Mother Mother of God, glory to you. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. And now and forever and forever and ever. Amen."

Sixty-first Dream

“The Most Holy Theotokos spent the night in the city of steel in Bethlehem in March, and her son, our true Lord Jesus Christ, came to her and woke her up and spoke to her:

- Mother, my beloved, Virgin Mary, Holy Mother of God, are you sleeping or not sleeping, or have you seen something terrible in your dream?

Glasha to him the Most Holy Theotokos:

- My beloved child, the sweetest, most beautiful son of God, I slept in the steel city of Bethlehem and poured a lot and saw about you, my Lord, the dream is very terrible and terrible and formidable. Because of this my soul trembles in me and my heart aches. I can’t tell you my dream and you, my beloved son, must be sick.

And our Lord Jesus Christ speaks to her:

- O Mother, my beloved and blessed Virgin Mary, most holy Mother of God, I ask you, tell me truly your dream, if you saw about me.

And the Most Holy Theotokos with tears speaks to him:

- Beloved, my sweetest child, Jesus Christ, the son of God! In a dream, I saw Peter the Apostle (two words are illegible in the manuscript), and you, my beloved child, in the city of Jerusalem, sold by Judas for 30 pieces of silver and innocently condemned to death and alive on the cross: in three trees - cypress, cedar and povega and laid to the holy (one word illegible) and lead you, my Lord, to the top of Mount Golgotha ​​and there, having lifted the cross into the ground, and crucified you, my beloved son, on that cross your hands and feet and laid on the holy lip filled with bile put on and that one (three words illegible) was brought to the hegemon of the Ponitean Pilate to be crucified, and with a cane on the head with biens, and pounding with a blow, and countlessly your face was spattered, and the naked one was tied to a post, and mercilessly on the face, on the shoulders, they beat him, Judas was mocked many times And on the holy head it was like a mouth, and that with the mouth was drawn through the stream, and a crown and kerni were woven and placed on the holy head, and they wrote the title in Hebrew, Greek, Roman: "Jesus Christ, shameful king of the Jews." And in your presence, two robbers were crucified. One robber says to you:

- Jesus, come down from the cross, and cursed insolently.

But the prudent robber forbids him and says:

- We accept a worthy death for our deeds, and this invaluable our Jesus Christ innocently suffers for our sins, desiring our salvation.

And the prudent robber says:

- Remember me, Lord, when you come into your kingdom.

- You come to us, - speech (Christ), - this day you will be with me in paradise. Your faith will save you.

And the only Jewish warrior heard Your word, a spear into Your sacred ribs, and blood and water penetrated from Your ribs to heal all Orthodox and tormented souls, human bodies. I entered the cross on my own and gave birth to many demons, and the earth from Your terrible patience will crack, and the stones are splitting in two, the sun has darkened, and the moon has formed into blood, the stars are falling from the sky, the curtains in the church are torn in two from top to bottom, and darkness grows all over the earth from the sixth hour to the eighth time. A handsome Joseph came from Arimotheus, took Your lifeless body from the cross, took it off and, wrapping it in a clean shroud, put You, my Lord, as a dead man in a grave and carried the clean one to Belgrade. Then my beloved son said in a low voice:

- Joseph, Joseph! Why are you carrying me and not singing anything?

And Joseph speaks to You with tears:

- My Lord and Lord, what do we petite?

- Yes sing, - you said to him, - a similar song - holy God, holy strong, holy immortal, have mercy on us.

Mary Magdalene, having come early to Thy tomb with weeping and sobbing, rinse with tears, anointed Thy holy and life-giving body. And be you, my beloved son, on the third day you rose from the dead. He descended to hell, destroyed the state, erased the iron doors, erased the copper gates, broke the iron doors, Adam and Eve, who had transgressed your commandment, and all that was with them from hell he brought out and raised the dead from the tombs. And then he ascended into heaven with glory and sat on His throne at the right hand of God and His Father.

And our Jesus Christ spoke to her:

- O! My mother, beloved and blessed Virgin Mary, Holy Mother of God! Truly, this dream of Your Mother of God about me is not false, but true. Nailed to the cross, like a man, and laid in a coffin, like a dead person, I will rise up in glory, I will save the human race from the delusion of the devil, and I will destroy the hellish state, I will erase the copper gates, I will break the copper doors. Adam and Eve, who transgressed my commandment, all who are with them, who believed in Me, suffered for Me, I will bring the dead out of the grave, I will raise the dead from the grave, and drive the demonic regiments into Gehenna, and then with glory I will ascend into heaven and sit on My throne. Father.

And the Most Holy Theotokos speaks to Him:

- Oh, my beloved, my sweetest child, Jesus Christ, the son of God! Believe your mother, what will happen to the person who writes your dream of the Theotokos in a purity of heart in a book and keeps it in his house, in a temple or on the way with him to carry it clean in his belly?

And our Lord Jesus Christ spoke to her:

- O Mother, my beloved and most pious Virgin Mary, the Most Holy Theotokos! And even if that person, your dream, the Theotokos from a pure heart, writes to himself in a book and keeps it in his house, in the temple or on the way with him, carry it clean with his belly, neither fire nor thief will touch the house of that person, but no demonic dream can instill in his belly, but I will deliver him from vain death and eternal torment and make him my kingdom of heaven with all my saints. And if that person goes on his long and close path, and Your Mother of God will take with him and carry on himself, he will not care for either evil people, or a robber, or sorcerers, or devilish intrigues, or unclean spirits, or demonic dreams, or fierce beasts, no poisonous reptiles, no wooden scrap, no storm, no thunder, no lightning, no fire weapon, no fire incident, no serious illness, no black illness, no sorrow in the soul, no infant disease of the shake, no internecine warfare, from a deadly ulcer, from a vain death he will be delivered. And if that person happens to go ahead of the king, or before a nobleman, or before a saint, or before judgment, or before his judges, or go to a feast, or to his new house, or sail on the waters, and this dream of the Mother of God will be, or to whom you give to read and take with you, he will wear it, then this person will be pardoned from the tsar, he will be rewarded by the saint, not condemned by the judge, forgiven and loved by his lord in everything, he will take happiness in the auction, in peace he will subdue all people and primacy, he will receive great prosperity in the house, and he will be brave and courageous, and on the seas and rivers he will have a quiet, prosperous voyage, I will protect and have mercy on him in everything, and (I will give) happiness and prosperity, health and salvation all the days of his belly - early in the morning and late in the evening, in every place, my grace will not depart from him for every hour, and I will bless his house with grain and belly, and I will multiply his life. And if that person happens to die in his home or on the way without a spiritual father, and if, at his death, he will remember to himself the dream of Your Mother of God and die for sinful people, free suffering and longsuffering, or he will make someone honor during his death, (impure forces) cannot touch his soul and separate the soul from his body. My holy angels will take her to My heavenly kingdom, to the bosom of Abraham, in eternal joy and joy with My holy Archangels. Sinners will be spared a death of eternal and eternal torment. Always, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen."

Sixty-second Dream

“The Most Holy Lady, the Mother of Christ our God, slept in the holy city in Bethlehem of Judea, and the Lord our God Jesus Christ came to her, and spoke to her:

- Mother, my beloved, Holy Mother of God! Do you sleep in the holy city in Bethlehem of Judea, and what do you see in a dream?

And Mother speaks to him, the Most Holy Theotokos:

- About my beloved son, my fair child, in the month of March, in the holy city of Bethlehem, I saw a fearful dream: how would You, my Lord Jesus Christ, be caught and tied up and brought to Pontine Pilate, hegemon, crucified on a cypress tree , Thy rutsi and nosy with a nail nailed, a crown of thorns was placed on Thy head and buried, and Thy saints were perforated in the ribs, and blood and water are gone out for the healing of Christians and for the salvation of our souls. And Nicodemus took off Thy most pure body, hiding it; handsome Joseph wrapped a clean shroud and laid in a new tomb; on the third day he was resurrected and to the whole world an eternal life was given and Adam's handwriting was ripped apart.

Our Lord Jesus Christ speaks to her:

- Truly, Thy dream is not false, Mother of God! And if anyone carries him on his way with him, that person in every way will not be touched by the devil, nor by an evil person, an unclean spirit is lower. And even if that man is your dream, the Mother of God keeps in her house, that man is neither a thief nor robbers; in that house, the slaves are healthy and the cattle are living, the lord of the arrival on the waters is a quiet haven and in conversation - honor. If a person is a dream of Your Mother of God, at death (reads) or whom he forces (reads) - and that person will be delivered from eternal torment and unquenchable fire, unrelenting worms and pitch-black darkness, and the angels of God will come and take his soul honestly, and carry it into The Kingdom of heaven. Always, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen."

Sixty-third Dream

Read this dream, and it will save you from sins for forty days.

“In the name of the father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen. Dream of the Most Holy Lady and the Ever-Virgin Mary. In the city of Bethlehem of Judea the Most Holy Theotokos fell asleep on her bed; I saw a dream about her son Jesus Christ and arose from her sleep, and our Lord Jesus Christ came to her and spoke to her:

- Mother, my beloved, the Most Holy Theotokos, slept in the holy city in Bethlehem of Judea, what did you see in a dream?

And the Most Holy Theotokos spoke to him:

- My beloved son, my sweetest child, Jesus Christ. Slept, thou, in the month of March in the holy city of Bethlehem of Judea and saw a wondrous dream: the Archangel Gabriel of incorporeal forces ... They caught you, my Lord Jesus Christ, the Jews caught and tied up, and brought the Pontic Pilate Jegemon, crucified the cypress to the tree, nailed the hand and nose with nails, and laid a crown of thorns on your holy head, and struck and spat upon your head, and your ribs with holy copies of the probodosha, and abie from us blood and water for the healing of Christians and for the salvation of our souls. And Nicodemus, the elder, took off your handsome Joseph with a clean shroud from the cross, and put it in a new tomb. On the third day you rose again and art from the dead and to the whole world having bestowed an eternal life and strife the handwriting of Adam.

And the son of God speaks:

- My mother, Most Holy Theotokos, in truth your dream is not false and righteous. If anyone carries it on the way with him, that person will not be touched by the devil, nor by an angry person, he will receive a quick redemption. If anyone keeps your dream clean, neither fire nor robbers will touch that house, the health of livestock, income and a haven on the waters will be. Whichever person your dream at death remembers, or whom he makes to read, that person will be delivered from eternal torment, unquenchable fire, unceasing worm, darkness and hellish tartars, and the angels of God will take their soul honestly and carry it to the kingdom of heaven, and give Abraham to paradise ... Amen.

This leaf was at the tomb of the Lord in Jerusalem; The Pope of Rome, for the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ, sent him to his brother to his king against the enemy. That leaf has such power: whoever wants to read and listen to it, such a person will be forgiven of sins for 40 days, and it is easy to give birth to a child, and guard such a child in days and nights from every reptile and from the devil iskariot. And I ask you, my Lord, through your holy torment, which he endured for us sinners, John - the prophet and forerunner of the Baptist of our Lord Jesus Christ - warn me, the servant of God, from fire and sword, keep my striving and save me from punishment. "

Sixty-fourth Dream

“Our mother, the Most Holy Theotokos, slept in the holy city in Bethlehem of Judea, and our Lord Jesus Christ came to her, and spoke to her:

- Oh, Mother, my Most Pure Mother of God! Are you sleeping or not?

Speech to him by the Most Pure Mother of God:

- Beloved son, my God, my sweetest child and heart. I fell asleep for a small hour in March in the holy city of Bethlehem and saw a very terrible dream: as if you, my Lord Jesus Christ, were caught among the Jews, your rutsi and nosy are tied up from the lawless Jews and brought to the Pontic Pilate Jegemon, condemned to death I was drawn to the cross and to Mount Golgotha ​​for the holy neck chain. In your face is the holy spit, nailed your hands and nosy to the cross, laid a crown of thorns on your holy head, struck with a cane at your head, filled with bile; from the warrior a spear of your saint's ribs is pierced, from them there is blood and water.

Our Lord Jesus Christ spoke to her:

- Truly, your dream is not false, but is righteous, because what you say will come true, that I will be mocked by the wicked Jews and crucified on the cross, and on the third day I will rise, giving all the dead a belly, I will raise those from Hell with me and to Heaven, and you, Blessed Mother, I will magnify you with my teaching; Let us ascend to heaven with me forever and ever, amen. If a person keeps this Dream of the Theotokos in his house, neither fire, nor a thief, nor any evil person will touch him. If a person who keeps this Dream of the Mother of God with him cleanly keeps and cares for, that person will be delivered to eternal torment, or whoever carries this dream with him, will not touch that person with any demonic obsession, he will not be eaten by beasts and will not be robbed of robbers. - Archangel Michael shows the way. If any person goes to court, that person will recover before the court and will be forgiven from people. If anyone remembers the dream of the Theotokos, the angels of God will descend on his soul and receive him into the kingdom of heaven, forever and ever, amen. "

Sixty-fifth Dream

“- Mati Maria, where did you sleep, slept? - In God's church, in the cathedral, with Christ God on the throne. I had a terrible dream: as if I gave birth to Christ God, wrapped him in a shroud, wrapped him in a silk belt ... Then came the Jews, non-Christians, took our God, crucified him, stuck nails into his arms and legs. Mother Maria began to cry and sob, Angels began to console her: - You don’t cry, don’t cry, Mother Maria, your son will rise from the grave. Trumpet you in the golden trumpet, stand up you, living and dead! For the righteous souls - the Kingdom of Heaven, and for sinful souls - an absolute hell: they will burn in fire - they will not burn, they will boil in tar - not boil. "

Sixty-sixth Dream

Prayer from judgment, from thieves, from disease

“- Mother, Mother Mary, where did you live, where did you while away the dark night? - I lived and lived in Jerusalem, spent the night with Christ on the Throne. I dreamed a wonderful and terrible dream: as if Jesus Christ was torn to pieces on the Cross, the holy blood of Jesus was shed. - Mother, Mother Mary, Your Dream is just and given to people. Whoever reads this prayer will not be touched by thieves and will not be robbed. That kind person will not drown in the water, but will go into the forest, the beast will not touch him. He will go to court, the court will not condemn him. Everywhere that person will be under the protection of the Lord. He will be freed from diseases, he will not be forgiven with life before the time. And when the time for the end of life comes, the angel of God will take him away and lead him to the Lord God. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now, everlastingly, forever and ever. Amen."

Sixty-seventh Dream

“On the Hosea land, on the Hosea mountain, the Mother of God walked, took the Savior's son by the handle, from the Holy Church to Vigil, from Vigil to the morning, from morning to Mass, from Mass to Vespers - to the blue sea, on a white stone. There is a throne on a white stone, a candle is burning. And where the candle burns, there Jesus Christ sits with his little legs folded, bowed his little head, letting go of sins. Peter and Paul approached him, how sorry we were for you they said: - Saint Peter and Paul do not look at my torment, take the cross in your hands and walk all over the world to the dumb, crooked, wretched, blind, tell who will speak this dream 40 times a day in he will not kill in war, he will not drown on the water, a ghoul and the enemy will not suck and die by his own death. Amen. Amen. Amen. "

Sixty-eighth Dream

“You slept and Mother the Most Holy Theotokos slept in the holy city of Bethlehem in Jerusalem, and you saw a terrible and wondrous dream. And come to her our Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and speak to her:

- My mother, Mother the Most Holy Theotokos, write it off or zrishi?

The Most Holy Theotokos answered His voice, verb:

- I saw you, God and the King of glory, among the Jews, caught in the month of April in the fourth number, and brought the Abbot to the Pontic Pilate, crucified your hand and nosy on a cypress tree, nailed your head to the cross, and laid a crown with thorns on your head , I cane on the head of your bisha, I nourished your mouth with bile, your ribs with a copy of perforation, from which blood and water flowed for the salvation of all Orthodox Christians and for the healing of souls and bodies. A certain wealthy Joseph the Jew and his disciple Nicodemus secretly came and asked the elders to remove your body from the Cross and received permission from Pilate. They encircled your body with the whitest linen of perfumes and laid it in a new coffin, cut from the stone. On the morning of the same day, the pious myrrh-bearers came to him and wished to touch his body, and the miracle of the sacrament! Having been amazed by the unusual light and heard it say: “that you are looking for the living with the dead, carry him here, he is resurrected, ripped apart the kingdom of hell and the discord of Adam’s manuscript.

And speaking our Lord Jesus Christ:

- O my beloved Mother, Most Holy Theotokos, this dream is truly untrue, it may not be righteous from evil people and from the Jews and Kazyloasha. And on the third day I will resurrect your name and magnify more than all generations, but to the faithful Christians I will give you an eternal life. Amen. If a man keeps your dream with reverence, then after death I will receive him on Abram's bed. If anyone hears your dream and keeps it in his house and puts it under his head and carries it in his bosom, a thief, neither a robber, nor an evil man, nor a demon of a wicked spirit, will touch that house and man, and in that house there will be abundance in everything ... If anyone carries him on the way with him, he will save him from all danger and have mercy at the seated feast, in the judging court. If anyone, at death, remembers him, he will be delivered from torment, and the Angels of God will come and take his soul and watch over it, until the judgment of God will be performed on her, prepared for ages. If anyone does not believe this dream, he is anathema, cursed, and the shaker, the fever woman, and the firewoman, and the pestilence, and the blindness, and deafness, and the dark anguish, forever and ever, Amen. "

Sixty-ninth Dream

Prayer will save and protect you from death in war.

“Mother Mary the Most Holy Theotokos rested in the holy city in Bethlehem of Judea, and our Lord Jesus Christ came to her and spoke to Her:

- Mother, my beloved, you slept in the bright city in Bethlehem of Judea, what did you see in a dream?

She said:

- The cross, the plague of angels, with me, the servant of God, the chariot and power with cherubim and seraphim, and heavenly forces, archangels. Michael the archangel and Urail the archangel protect me with your saints' kandits, cover with your incorruptible vestments and bless me at all times, protect me from arrows and bullets with your incorruptible vestments. And from sorcerers and sorceresses, and from all inflows, all conspiracies and every unclean eye, from guns and pistols, from blunderbuss, from arrows flying: lead, iron and cast iron bullets, stone and all kinds of evil things. Wouldn't they be on me, the servant of God (name), or fall into the damp earth, fall and stun the enemies with bullets and arrows, and the fear is unbearable, like the arrows of fire already shook the earth, all that essence is terrifying, which wants me, a slave (name) kill with an arrow, shed my blood. Dashing people, adversaries, thieves, robbers, what are against me, the servant of God (name), resistance and evil people would be horrified by the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Have mercy on me, your sinful servant! You, Lord, are God, I am your servant, and you are an intercessor and helper to every work, me a servant of God (name), strengthen me in the seven worlds, body and soul, heart with liver, bones with veins, joints, hot blood, and me create strong damask steel from evil people, from sharp bullets and from any mortal slaughter, and protect with your imperishable robes. Thou, O Lord, patient, preserve every innocent soul. Save every person, You, Lord, patient with our dark sins, wait for the servant of God to repentance, and save him with a soul from death, Lord, merciful to the Creator, creating heaven and earth, amen. "

Seventieth Dream

This Dream is called the Money Pot or the Full Bowl. Keep it in your home, read with the deepest faith, and wealth will go to you.

“The Mother of God slept in the air, Jesus Christ came to her and asked: - O My Mother, write it off or write it down? - The Blessed Virgin speaks to Him: “O my beloved Son, I lay down to rest from the labors of the earth, from the worries of the day, and I saw a terrible, awful dream. I saw You in a dream from your wicked disciple Judas, suffering, but sold You to the Jews, the Jews approached, They threw you into prison, tortured you with whips, spat on you with their unclean lips, drove to Pilate, did unrighteous judgment, crowned you with a crown of thorns, lifted you up to the cross , the ribs pierced. And there were two robbers, and they erected them at your right hand and oshiyuya, and one was cursed, and the other was repentant, and was the first to enter Paradise. The Lord Jesus Christ speaks to her: - Do not weep Me, Mother, you saw me in the grave, for the grave will not hold and hell will not swallow up, I will rise, I will ascend to heaven and you, my Mother, will put you over the whole world. And whoever a person is this verse will know, he will have good, and not believe death. I will keep it from all evil, but into the house I will give gold and silver and every abundant good. Amen."

Seventy-first Dream

Rewrite the dream with your own hand and place it in your workplace. It will attract good luck to you and keep you from thieves.

“Thou didst sleep, Mati the Blessed Lady of the Theotokos in the city of Bethlehem in her house. And in Jerusalem they rang early, the Mother of God was awakened. Jesus Christ came to her, began to torture:

- Oh you, My Mother, how did you sleep, what did you see in your dream? - Oh, you, my beloved Son, I had a wonderful and terrible dream. They are leading my Son to the crucifixion to the cross, nailing my hands and feet to the cross and breaking my ribs, putting a crown of thorns on my head, piercing between the ribs with a spear, water poured out of the right, from the left blood-ore, Longinus the centurion stood, washed himself with water, communed with blood, was blind, received his sight, became a saint. The Mother of God wept, wept, suffered for the Son.

- Do not cry, My Mother, I will remain alive, I will not surrender to death, on the third day I will be resurrected, I will ascend to heaven. If any person will keep this list of "The Dream of the Mother of God" in his house, and the evil devil and the crafty man will not touch that house, and that house will be rewarded with every abundance, bread and silver, and angels, archangels will be assigned to that house, preserving from all evil. And whoever keeps this list in his home, whether he is literate or not literate, will be spared from seventy ailments and seventy misfortunes. Amen."

Seventy-second Dream

This Dream is the strongest and has been tested by many generations. He saves and helps in the most difficult and hopeless situations.

“Mother Mary walked from the city of Jerusalem, she walked and was tired, sat down to rest and was not going to sleep. Her eyes closed, and she dreamed of three crosses on the mountain, two of the robbers, and one of Jesus. Mother Mary saw a terrible, terrible dream - on Mount Sinai, the Jews crucified Christ, hammered nails into little hands and legs, they gave vinegar to drink, put a black crown of thorns on their heads. Mother Mary got up, sobbed, Mother Mary said, whoever read my Dream in the fire will not burn, will not drown in the water, he will be healthy on the road, he will be right in court, lightning will not burn him, and thunder will not kill him. In the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen."

Seventy-third Dream

“- Blessed Virgin Mary, where did you spend the night? - I spent the night in an open field, in the holy mountain in the nativity scene. I had a lot of dreams when I spawned you a child, swaddled in swaddling clothes, twisted in belts, in Kamchatka swaddles, in silk belts. Whoever hears this dream, he remains in purity. "

Seventy-fourth Dream

“The Holy Church stood on Mount Zion, where the Mother of God rested. The Lord came and asked her: - Why are you sleeping, you are not sleeping, My Mother, why are you lying like that? - I do not lie, I do not sleep, I sleep soundly, I see in a dream, My Son, that Your Most Pure Body has been punctured, chopped up, excised, wiped out. The little hands were crucified crosswise, nailed down with iron nails. On Sunday early the sun rose, the Most Pure Mother of Her Son led her. I took them to Matins, from Matins to Mass, from Mass at sea. There are three thrones on the sea, candles are burning on the thrones, books are lying in front of the candles. The Lord stood before them, opens books, reads holy words. Peter and Paul came to Him, the Lord told them, punished them, ordered them to walk through the world: - Walk, Peter and Paul, through the world, read this prayer, and whoever knows this prayer will not burn in the fire, boil in tar, any sin will be forgiven him, and the Kingdom of Heaven will open. Amen".

Seventy-fifth Dream

“Mother, my beloved, where have you been?” - In the city of Vohlehem, in the holy fence, in God's church, at the true Christ behind the throne. I had a dream about Christ, about my Son Milago: if they took Christ from the cross, carried Christ from the cross onto a caparious tree, they nailed the hand and nose with a nail, spat on the holy face, pierced the ribs with a spear, put a hoop on the head, spilled blood from the holy face. Give out, blood, holy water, to us for healing, to our souls for salvation. They put Christ in a new tomb, in a clean shroud, covered three elbows with earth, covered with cartilage. Three wives of the Myrrh-bearer walk, weep and weep, looking for the true Christ. He sent the Lords, the true Christ, three angels from heaven: come, carry the myrrh-bearers to the women, you did not feel sorry for you, wept in tears, - on the third day Christ will rise again. Having sunk, waking up, opening the holy shroud, Christ standing up from the grave, entering the hellish doors, leading the righteous and righteous women out of hell. Then hell is simple. “Do not groan, hell, and do not lament, you, hell, will be filled with priests, clerks and wise wise men, educated people: hierarchs, archimadritrites, sorcerers, porters, unrighteous judges and poor brethren!”. The Lord God speaks, the true Christ: “Whoever writes off this dream to the list, or takes it by heart, in that house the Lady rests with three angels, that house will be saved and preserved, and will have mercy: from fire from flame, from a thief, from a robber, from a sorcerer and a porteshik, from illness, from sorrow and from all kinds of infirmity. Whoever reads this dream three times a day, holds it on the head and carries it cleanly, that person will receive salvation from God; where this person neither goes nor goes, he will read this dream, in the morning, having become, in the evening, lying down to sleep, and in the middle of the white days - God, the true Christ, will give him a greater arrival in the auction, floating on the water - the weather is good, for a horse - ease, for oneself - health. A man will go into the forest, read this dream, there will be no delusion for him in the forest. A person will go to a feast, read this dream, in a feast there is no trouble, no misfortune, no sorcerer, no porteshchik. This person will go before the judge, the nobleman, read this dream, and in everything he will receive his case in court. The Lord God will close, the true Christ, from eternal torment, from the uttermost endless amen. "

Seventy-sixth Dream

“The Virgin Mary slept on the holy mountain. Jesus Christ came before her:
- Sleep, uterus?
- I'm sleeping, Son. I see a wonderful, wonderful dream about You, that the Jews approached you, nailed you to the cross, erected over the mountain.
- Do not be afraid, Mother Devo, I will not be on the cross for long, I will ascend to heaven with that cross, I will conquer hell, I will ruin death, eternal life I will give the baptized people. And whoever knows this prayer and reads it before going to bed, I will forgive his sins and introduce him into paradise. Amen".

Seventy-seventh Dream

Prayer 77 The Dream of the Most Holy Theotokos is a prayer that removes any damage, removes the devilish trinity, expels demons, cancels any negativity and the intrigues of enemies. This Dream of the Mother of God cures the most intractable diseases, removes and protects you from any misfortune and all problems. 77 The dream of the Mother of God cancels the very canons of magic, it is impossible to spoil you, endure an illness, get medical treatment, forge, throw off, move in, vampire, destroy. According to the protection of this strongest, it is impossible to remove protection from you and take away power, you cannot be influenced by any magic, as well as by the devilish trinity. Nothing that can be harmful, you will not be afraid, the main thing is to read 77 times a week 77 Dream of the Virgin.

“The Mother of God saw a dream - under the bell ringing, Christ came up to her and asked: - Did you sleep well - what did you see in your dream? - They nailed you on the cross - they broke your ribs with a spear, water gushed out of the right, blood poured out of the left. Login centurion washed, enrolled to the saints. - My mother, do not weep, do not suffer, death will not take me, the Lord will take me to heaven on the third day. Whoever keeps the seventy-seventh dream in his house will not be touched by the evil devil, Angels fly and save from any evil. They are relieved of seventy ailments and troubles. Amen. Amen. Amen."

Seventy-eighth Dream

“In the city of Jerusalem, in the Most Reverend Desert, the Holy Mother of God slept and rested, she saw a terrible dream. To be crucified for Jesus Christ, Russians, bearers with a nail riveted, pierced sideways with a copy, tearing the holy robe in half. Shake, earth and sky, disintegrate, stones, cry, Mother Most Holy Theotokos. Mother Most Holy Theotokos, do not cry, do not weep, they will torment Jesus Christ on Friday, bury Jesus Christ on Saturday, the Resurrected Lord of Christ on Bright Sunday, will rise to the Holy Shroud, ascend to heaven with angels and archangels, with glorious praiseworthy cherubs, seraphim and other incorporeal saints. Whoever knows the dream of the Most Holy Theotokos, reads three times a day, that slave will not perish either during the days, or at night, or at noon, or at midnight. The Lord will deliver from every accursed spirit, from an evil adversary man, from a running beast, from a flying bird, from a creeping serpent, from Herod's twelve sisters. Bless, Lord, Thy Name is blessed from now on and forever! Amen."

Seventy-ninth Dream

“The Mother of God slept on Mount Zion. Slept rested, slept rested nightmare I saw in a dream. Scary-horrible about his Son Rozhdestvensky.
- My mother Maria, are you sleeping or not sleeping?
- You are my son Jesus, I sleep and hear about you, son, I see in a dream: you were brought by two Jews, two robbers. They burst on the cross, hammered nails into the handles, and put on a crown of thorns. Ore flowed from the holy relics to the fast river.
Whoever knows this prayer, reads morning and evening, the Lord will deliver from all sorrows and illnesses. Amen."

Eightieth Dream

“On a saint on a mountain, on the land of Sian, there the Mother of God walked, led her son by the hand. Son, you are my beloved son, I saw a wonderful and pleasant dream about you. It was as if the Jews had taken you, crucified you on the cross, chained the handles of the legs, put a yew crown on the head, and girded it with a barbed shupshina. The Mother of God took her son by the handle and led him to the blue sea. A pebble lay on the blue sea, and a monastery stood on that pebble. There was a throne on that monastery. On that throne lay a savior. Folding the arms, legs, grabbing the head, Peter and Pavel come up to him. Lord, why are you taking torment for us sinners, shedding kindred blood. Do not marvel at my torment, Peter and Paul, take the cross in your hands, go to the king in the city. Speak to the blind, young, old, who reads this prayer, he will be saved. "

Eighty-first Dream

“On the Mount of Zion, on the Mount of Olives, there is a cypress-tree, on that cypress-tree there is a golden cradle, in that cradle lay Jesus the baby, the Most Pure Mother shook him, closed her eyes, and fell asleep herself. I slept a little, saw a lot of dreams, woke up from sleep, burst into tears.

- Oh, my Mati, what did you see in a dream, for whom did you cry?

- I saw, Son, as if the Jew's infidelity was being taken into custody, they were forging you in shackles, they betrayed you for flour, they beat you with whips, they tortured you with a whip, put on a crown of thorns, hammered iron nails into the handles and legs, lifted you onto the cross, threw you from the cross, into the coffin laid down.

- Do not weep for me, Mother, seeing in the grave, go to the mountain, there is a stone on the mountain, on the stone of the church, in that church there is a throne, and on the throne your Son is alive, unharmed, immortal, hell has won, death has abolished, all Christians have turned their lives back.

Whoever knows this prayer and reads every day will be touched by an angel, the demon will turn away. Amen".

82nd Dream

This prayer will save you from any thieves, enemies, scammers and other people who wish you harm.

“The Mother of God slept on Mount Sinai. She had a dream: on the Lord's tree Jesus Christ himself was crucified. At the foot, at the hand, nails were hammered, spears were threaded through the ribs, and a crown of thorns was put on the head. At that time the earth and sky shook. Silent Angels flew from heaven, they did not allow Jesus' blood to reach the earth. Truth is the Mother of God. Whoever knows this prayer reads it up to three times. This prayer from dashing people will not burn in fire, and will not drown in water ”.

Eighty-third Dream

The prayer must be memorized and recited three times when you find yourself in a difficult situation.

“The Mother of God under the vitriol tree spent the night and saw a dream. Terrible, formidable to Christ applied. They began to torture Christ, crucify him, and put a crown of thorns on his head in his hands and feet. Angels flew from heaven, they put a cup under the blood of Christ. Mother, you mother, write a black horse, build a church on the throne. Whoever knows this prayer three times a day will be saved, saved in the field, in the house, on the way, on the road from fire and heat, from water, a flood, from an evil beast, from a rattling serpent from the flying wind. Save the Mother of God, save and have mercy. "

Prayers are extremely important in a person's life, because this is a direct dialogue with God, however, not everyone can find the right and necessary words, so you can use the prayers already created. There is a so-called golden prayer - this is the "Dreams" of the Most Holy Theotokos. In fact, this is a set of requests, each of which is designed for a specific problem or need. The author was inspired by the Holy Spirit, therefore it is necessary and useful to read these texts.

The history and meaning of prayer

The complex "Dream" of the Blessed Virgin Mary includes 77 prayers, the author of which is unknown, as well as the time of writing. It is only known that they were compiled in ancient times, in the first centuries of the birth of Christianity. Prayer was then an extremely important thing, because asking Jesus Christ was the only salvation for a person amid constant wars, epidemics and natural disasters.

Prayers to the Mother of God are very powerful

The petition is directed to the Mother of God, because she acts as an intercessor and intercessor for all people. Mother Mary has love for every person as for her own child and therefore people prefer to refer to her.

Reading "Dream" of the Most Holy Theotokos was then considered a kind of amulet, which was necessary for soldiers, travelers and ordinary people... They read it in the event of temptations from Satan, in illness, in the attack of enemies or active war in the country, as well as to protect themselves and their families from attacks and disasters.

Prayers were transmitted by Christians orally, without recording, until an unknown author collected them and concluded them in one book of prayers. Later, a collection of these prayers was published in a separate collection, which is still popular today.

“Dreams” of the Most Holy Theotokos are often used as a talisman, but it is worth remembering that first of all this is a request to the Lord, and He can act differently with his children. Therefore, you should not wait for miracles, it would be best to stock up on humility and patience and wait for the mercy of the Lord. It is worth remembering that the will of God is best for man, whatever it may be.

In "Dreams" there are a total of 77 separate short prayers, which are called dreams. They are similar in their content, however, each has its own reasons for reading. Among them there is a prayer for troubles:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen. - Beloved Blessed Mother, My Blessed Virgin Mary, Are you sleeping or not sleeping, and what is terrible in your dream? Rise, My Mother, from Your sleep! - Oh, My beloved Child. The sweetest, most beautiful, Jesus Christ, the Son of God! I slept in Your holy city and saw a very terrible and terrible dream about you, which makes my soul tremble. I saw Peter, Paul, and I saw you, My Child, in Jerusalem, sold, caught, bound for thirty pieces of silver. Brought to the high priest, innocently sentenced to death.

Oh, My beloved Child, I will ask what will happen to the person who six times My Theotokos' dream from a pure heart will write in his book and keep it in his house, or carry it clean with him on his way - Oh, My Mother Theotokos. I will say truly, as I am the True Christ Myself: No one will ever touch this person's house, grief and misfortune will be pumped out of that person, I will deliver him forever from eternal torment, I will stretch out My hands to help him.

And I will also endow his house with every good thing: bread, gifts, cattle, belly. He will be pardoned from the court, he will be forgiven from the master, he will not be condemned in court. The servants of the devil will not work, the cunning will not fool you with their deception. The Lord loves His children. Will not kill anyone.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Prayer "The Dream of the Most Holy Theotokos" is intended for home readings

As protection from enemies and troubles:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. May the Mother of God be to me. You slept in the mountains, spent the night. She had a dream, terrible and terrible. That Jesus was crucified into three trees. They watered vitriol, put a wreath of thorns on their heads. And I bring this dream to Christ on the throne. Here Jesus Christ walked across the distant lands. Carried the life-giving cross. Jesus Christ, save and preserve. Bless me with your cross. Mother, Most Holy Theotokos, cover me with your veil.

Deliver me, the servant of God (name), from all bad weather, misfortunes and diseases. From a creeping snake, from a running beast. From thunderstorms, from droughts, from floods. From all enemies visible and invisible. From the bag, from the prison, from the courts. Nicholas the Wonderworker walked here, bearing a salutary bow, in order to save me, the servant of God (name), from all bad weather, misfortunes and diseases, from a creeping snake, from a running beast, from a thunderstorm, from a drought, from a flood.

From all enemies visible and invisible. From the bag, from the prison, from the courts. Jesus Christ, Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos, Nicholas the Wonderworker, I ask you ... (here to state your request in your own words) Amen. Amen. Amen.

As a prayer-request for the fulfillment of the expected:

In the city of Jerusalem, in the holy cathedral, Mother Mary slept on her right hand on the throne. Jesus Christ asks her: "Mother Mary, are you sleeping or not sleeping?" “I’m not sleeping, but I see a dream about you, Jesus Christ. As if you, Jesus Christ, were crucified by the Jews into three trees, into three mindras, into three dinarites, nails were chained to your arms and legs. " The torment of the holy spirit lay on my heart. The golden cross on the chest is poured, Jesus Christ ascends to heaven. - “Mother Mary, is your dream difficult - not difficult?

We must write a letter, and give all the believing slaves in the hands. Have that slave read three times a day. That slave will be saved, saved and pardoned from all misfortunes, from all misfortunes: from a thunderbolt, from a flying arrow, from a forest that strays, from a beast that eats, from a burning fire, from drowning water. If he goes to court, he will not be judged. Stand in the ranks - he will not be killed. " Amen. Amen. Amen.

For all salvation:

Lord help, Lord bless. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen! There is a spirit on the mountain, Mother Mary slept on a rock, saw the same thing six times, suffered six times in a dream during the night. As if the Pharisees had taken her son Christ, They crucified on a huge cross, nailed his feet and hands to the cross, dressed a crown of thorns, shed hot blood on the ground. Angels flew from heaven, golden cups substituted, drops of the saint's blood did not allow to fall. He who puts his hand on Christ's cross will never truly know torment.

Whoever reads the sixth from six times a day, the Lord Himself saves from trouble, that person will not be taken by the earthly judgment, from that not a single hair will fall without the Lord God, he will not burn in fire, he will not drown on water, from the hands of villainous drops of blood will not drop. It’s not I who say, I’m not affirming, I’m not liberating from dashing troubles - the sixth dream will help in all matters. Whoever has a sixth dream, God will not forget. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen!

In addition to them, you can also find prayers:

  • from melancholy and illness;
  • as protection of angels;
  • help in various endeavors;
  • deliverance from suffering;
  • from the evil eye;
  • in case of divorce;
  • for pregnant women;
  • for the forgiveness of sins;
  • for good luck;
  • from the fire.
Important! It should be remembered that reading the prayer text does not automatically fulfill all desires and does not bring into life what the reader passionately desires. It is only the source of words that make up a request to the Supreme Creator.

How and when to read a prayer

The "dreams" of the Mother of God are not read in the church during the divine services. They are intended for home reading, so it is recommended to keep some order when reading:

  • light a candle in front of the icon of the Virgin Mary;
  • close the doors to the room;
  • dim the lights;
  • turn off all sources of noise: computer, TV, radio. If you wish, you can also turn off your mobile phone;
  • stay in silence for a while to clear your head of empty thoughts;
  • to repent before the Lord for the sins committed, to glorify His mercy;
  • cross yourself;
  • read the text of the prayer quietly aloud three times, cross each time at the end;
  • think about the words that were spoken. Live them, not just shout out;
  • to thank the Lord for everything He gives and for His mercy.
Important! It should be remembered that prayers are not spells and there will not be an instant 100% of the desired result.

Humility and obedience to the will of God is the most important quality of a Christian that should be cultivated in oneself. Therefore, you can read the prayer in the name of the Father several more times. In a similar way and then receive from the Lord what He sends, thanks.


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In ancient times, despite the lack of modern conveniences, people lived up to deep old age, laughed in the face of difficulties, did not complain about loneliness and lack of work, housing, children. We lived merrily, joyfully, happily, in love and understanding. Today, modernity pampers with all kinds of blessings, but people are unhappy, evil. Life has turned into a meaningless existence with many insoluble problems. What went wrong? Everything is explained by the fact that people stopped believing in God, praying, asking for forgiveness, mercy and blessing. They turn to the Almighty only when innovations are powerless.

Our ancestors were born, lived and died in prayers, there was a huge variety of amulets, conspiracies that served for the good. The most powerful prayer-amulet the ancestors considered the "Dreams" of the Most Holy Theotokos. There are 77 texts in total. Each "Dream" is intended to solve a specific problem: protection from damage and evil eyes, diseases, enemies, attacks, fires. The amulets are very strong. Each text was carefully stored and passed on from one generation to another orally. A little later, "Dreams" began to be recorded, which helped carry great wisdom through the millennia in our days.


Powerful prayers-amulets of the Most Holy Theotokos

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The difference between the Dreams of the Most Holy Theotokos is that the text is never pronounced in God's house. Someone may mistakenly think that these words are sinful, otherwise, why should they not be pronounced in church, but this is not so, because prayer brings God's light. The "Dreams" of the Mother of God are very ancient and powerful texts, the purpose of which is to protect a person from troubles and misfortunes.

There is a belief, the essence of which is that a person who has collected 77 "Dreams" of the Most Holy Theotokos will rule over fate. God will grant him a long, happy, prosperous life. And after death, his soul will be carried by golden-haired angels on their wings to the Almighty Lord and the merciful Mother of God.

The most demanded amulet prayer is "Sleep" to protect the family and home from the attacks of black power and enemies.

The Mother of God saw a dream - under the bell ringing, Christ came up to her and asks - Did you sleep well - what did you see in your dream? - They nailed you on the cross - they broke your ribs with a spear, water gushed out from the right, blood poured out from the left, Login the centurion washed, was enrolled in the saints. - My mother, do not weep, do not suffer death will not take me, the Lord will take me to heaven on the third day. Whoever keeps the seventy-seventh dream in his house will not be touched by the evil devil, Angels fly and save from any evil. They are relieved of seventy ailments and troubles. Amen. Amen. Amen.

People often resort to effective and strong "Sleep" to protect themselves from all problems, all kinds of troubles.

I will become, blessed, crossing myself. I go out the door to the door, from the gate to the gate, into an open field. There are three roads in an open field. We went not on the first, not on the second, but on the castle itself. By that road is the city of Jerusalem, in that city is the Holy, Apostolic Church, in that church is the table of the Lord, on that throne the Mother of God slept, rested, saw no one and did not hear anyone. a man sits on a bench Jesus Christ came, he asks his Mother the Most Holy Theotokos: - My dear Mother, do you write off or see me? - My dear son, I am asleep, and I clearly see You in My dream, as if the Jews had caught You, beat You, then they took off the gold crown from Your head, and put on the thorny crown instead, they didn’t get the heart with blood, they nailed the hands and feet with nails, - Mother Most Holy Theotokos, this was not a dream, but the truth Was, and whoever reads Your dream three times and the one who learns about Your dream from this sheet, will be saved and protected from a terrible judgment, from an ardent and angry beast, from water boiling, from an arrow flying. He will go to the forest - he will not get lost, he will be on the water - he will not drown, he will go to court - he will not be condemned. Will be with this dream for seven locks, for the seven God's keys. Angels-archangels locks, keys will open, the door will open to help. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The current text is "For all healing." It is read in case of illness. There are situations in life when close person forced to lie under the surgeon's scalpel, so that the operation was successful, without complications, one should read the prayer-amulet "Dream" of the Most Holy Theotokos.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. The Mother of God had a dream: They are chasing her son, they want to take him, Crucify, tie him by the arms and legs, nail to the cross, shed holy blood on the ground. The Mother of God groans in her sleep, opens her eyes from sleep. Her son came to her: - My mother, are you sleeping? - I am not sleeping. I see you, my son, standing on the mountain. You walk between the robbers, carry a heavy, huge cross on yourself. You walk between the mountains, between the Jews. They crucified your hands. They hammered nails into your feet. The sun sets early on Sunday. The Mother of God walks through the sky between the stars, leads the Son of Christ by the handle. I spent in the morning and from the morning, went to mass from mass, from evening to evening, to the blue sea. But the stone lies lying in that blue sea. And on that stone is a three-headed church. In that three-domed church there is a throne, and where the throne is, there Christ sits. He sits with his legs bowed, his head bowed, and reads a prayer. He sees Peter and Paul and calls them. Paul of Jesus Christ asks: - Lord, on your hands, on your feet are sores from nails. You read prayers for everyone and accepted torment for everyone. And the Lord spoke to him: - do not look at my feet, do not look at my hands, but take the prayer into your own hands, go and carry it, whoever knows how, let this prayer read. And whoever reads it and repeats it will not know torment and will not burn in the fire. And whoever is sick will get up, go - and no more trouble will take that. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.



Prayer-request is also in demand.

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Mother of God In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. May the Mother of God be to me. You slept in the mountains, spent the night. She had a dream, terrible and terrible. That Jesus was crucified into three trees. They watered vitriol, put a wreath of thorns on their heads. And I bring this dream to Christ on the throne. Here Jesus Christ walked across the distant lands. Carried the life-giving cross. Jesus Christ, save and preserve. Bless me with your cross. Mother, Most Holy Theotokos, cover me with your veil. Deliver me, the servant of God (name), from all bad weather, misfortunes and diseases. From a creeping snake, from a running beast. From thunderstorms, from droughts, from floods. From all enemies visible and invisible. From the bag, from the prison, from the courts. Nicholas the Wonderworker walked here, bearing a salutary bow, in order to save me, the servant of God (name), from all bad weather, misfortunes and diseases, from a creeping snake, from a running beast, from a thunderstorm, from a drought, from a flood. From all enemies visible and invisible. From the bag, from the prison, from the courts. Jesus Christ, Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos, Nicholas the Wonderworker, I beg you ... (request in your own words). Amen. Amen. Amen.

The lyrics are incredibly powerful. The magic power of "Dreams" heals, protects, protects. After all, the Mother of God herself saw them. If a person believes in the power of golden prayers, he will definitely get what he asks for, but skeptics are unlikely to achieve what they want. In addition, people who spoke negatively about amulets were punished by the Higher Forces, and those who dared to burn or tear the manuscripts on which the golden prayer was captured were severely punished by fate: someone soon died, and someone was seriously ill all their lives ... Whether this is magic, faith or fiction is unknown. It's not worth checking, if you don't believe it, don't read it. But people who asked sincerely, openly, heartily got everything they wanted.



Correct rewriting of "Dreams"

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If you nevertheless decide to test on yourself or loved ones miraculous power“Dreams” of the Most Holy Theotokos need to be rewritten correctly, it is problematic to learn, since they are voluminous.

You must capture the texts yourself. You will need:

White sheet of thick paper;
Wax candle;

Write in a notebook When you buy everything you need, do not take change.

Get ready for painstaking work. The text must be perfect. No flaws and blots, otherwise you will have to rewrite everything anew. Do not be discouraged when you fail to write the "Dreams" of the Mother of God the first time. Some people finish their work after months or even years.

Remember, if you have a hidden negativity in your soul, writing will not be easy. But with every spoiled leaf, the heart and soul are cleansed from sins. Often people noticed that after the work done, they feel at ease, careless.

It is forbidden to throw out the spoiled sheets, they must be torn "along the cross" and burned over the flame of a candle, and the ashes must be scattered in the wind.

Follow the direction of the ash:

Flying up - you're on the right way, you are doing the work correctly;
Fell down - pay attention to the way of life, change the attitude towards prayers, you are doing something wrong;

1:2574 1:8

Returned to you - they chose the wrong "Dream", which you need.

Pay close attention to the signs and get to work again.

Place a blank sheet of paper, fountain pen and ink in front of you. Before refilling the pen, put 3 drops of your blood and saliva into the ink bottle. Mix thoroughly. Light a wax candle purchased in the church, smoke a fragrant incense. You should start work at dawn from 5 am to 12. When you write, do not say the words out loud or in a whisper, slightly move your lips. Pay attention to the color of the ink. If the "Dream" of the Blessed Virgin Mary is in love - the tone is red, all the rest are captured with a black tint. When you manage to rewrite the text, do not re-read immediately, give time to merge words with paper.

Draw on the sheet Orthodox crosses for greater effect. Always carry the "dream" of the Mother of God with you, but you do not need to put it on public display. Hide the amulet from prying eyes, do not tell anyone about it. For the first 40 days, read the prayer daily.

You need to pronounce "Dreams" correctly, in no case do it in a noisy room, disrespectfully, out of boredom or just like that "Maybe it will help." The process must be taken extremely seriously and responsibly.
Unexplained events may occur to you while texting. For no apparent reason, the temperature may rise, cold sweat, tears, nausea, dizziness, trembling, hysteria may appear. But you should not stop working, because, most likely, damage was done by the enemies, from which you get rid of while writing words. The more negativity accumulated in the soul, the harder it will be to copy the text. The main thing is to endure and complete the work.



Correct reading of "Dreams"

1:71 1:80

Retire to the room, close the door, turn off the TV, telephone. Ask family members to be quiet, or choose a time when no one will be at home. Light the candles, close your eyes, concentrate, imagine your desire and the emotions that accompany the request.

You should be calm, relaxed, at peace. When you feel peace in your soul, open your eyes, bow before the icon of the Virgin. Ask for forgiveness for your sins, repent. Then start reading.

It is important to understand what this is about. Often people, when they pray, do not think about the spoken words and this is wrong. You must clearly understand what you are talking about. Say the text in a whisper. Read the "Dreams" of the Mother of God three times in a row. If you want to cry during pronunciation, do not be shy about your emotions, let them out.

After prayer, you will feel lightness, freedom and peace. Get rid of sadness, sadness, despondency, a heavy load hanging on fragile shoulders.

After reading the prayer, do not talk to anyone, do not eat, do not drink, immediately go to bed. Trust the Mother of God, she will definitely help.

Do not doubt what you are doing, otherwise there will be no result.



Whom amulets help

1:55 1:64

"Dreams" of the Mother of God are miraculous prayers that are known to all healers. Thousands of lives have been saved with 77 texts. People gained a sense of existence and peace of mind.

But where did they come from? The hereditary healer from Siberia Natalya Stepanova is considered the keeper of the "Dreams" of the Mother of God. Prayers-amulets were collected bit by bit by her ancestors since 1613. The texts were carefully preserved and passed on from one generation to another. And Natalya Stepanova was given the ancient papers by her grandmother, as salvation for all mankind. In order to preserve and convey the powerful words, Natalya had to decipher each letter, since the sheets were decrepit, practically crumbled in her hands.

Each person would like to put the texts together and be happy, not to know troubles, to protect future generations, but this is quite difficult to do.

According to the healers, one text of the "Dream" of the Mother of God is enough in the house to protect the family from dark forces, envy, grief and troubles.

The Golden Prayer of the Virgin saves a person from many problems:

Demonic charms;
Celibacy crown;
Mental suffering;
Fatal diseases;
Lack of money;
Enemies, envious people;
Natural Disasters.

There are many people whom "Dreams" helped to establish all areas of life.

Amulets heal both children and adults. Both women and men can read "Dreams" of the Most Holy Theotokos. But since from time immemorial women have been the keepers of the family hearth, it is desirable to pray to the Mother of God for the gift of prosperity, love, prosperity, health, longevity to household members of the fair sex.

The "dreams" of the Mother of God are very powerful. Many people believe that there are no more powerful texts. If a terrible, hopeless situation has happened in life, then thanks to magic words, there will definitely be a way out.

Today, from various sources, you can find more than one hundred "Dreams" of the Most Holy Theotokos, there are about 200 versions, but in fact there are 77 of them. Where did the rest come from then?

Everything is simple enough. Over the centuries, words have been rewritten, retold and secretly passed from hand to hand. There was no way to compare the texts due to the massive repression of the clergy. Therefore, various editions of the "Dreams" of the Most Holy Theotokos appeared. But, despite this nuance, a powerful core remained in the amulet prayers. Let some words differ or phrases are rearranged, but the meaning remains the same. The amulets have been prayed for by Orthodox Christians for many centuries, therefore they have tremendous miraculous power, which is capable, as if by a wave of magic wand, change life and turn over consciousness.

Do not doubt the power of ancient texts, pray, carry the rewritten words with you, and you can enjoy a fulfilling, rainbow life!



Dream of the Most Holy Theotokos

1:63 1:222 1:231

In the month of March,
In the city of Jerusalem,
At the holy church
Virgin Mary three nights
I prayed and got tired.
Her blue eyes were covered,
Thick eyelashes drooped.
She saw a terrible dream
And in a dream shed bitter tears.
Jesus Christ approached her:
- My dear mother, wake up,
Open Your little eyes, wake up.
- My beloved son,
I saw a terrible dream
Looking at your execution,
I suffered and suffered.
My dear son,
The Jews took You in a dream,
They crucified on a high pillar,
They tormented you tormented
And they killed slowly.
Crown of thorns
They put on your hair.
- Mother Mother, Maria,
Your dream is true and fair
Whoever reads this dream every day will never be forgotten by the angel of the Lord.
That man will be saved from fire, And saved in deep water, saved among the gates,
Nobody and nothing will take him, the Mother of God will save him everywhere and everywhere.
The Lord will add to that person's age, And in any trouble will never leave.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

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1:15 1:24


The value of the prayers and Dreams of the Blessed Virgin Mary cannot be overestimated. The Mother of God, who loves the Orthodox people, left an invaluable legacy on earth - icons and Her vision of the past, present and future in Dreams.

77 The Dream of the Most Holy Theotokos is a miraculous prayer that saves from the evil eye and the induction of damage.

Is modern Christianity subject to the evil eye and witchcraft?

Many Christians, especially those in the church with fanaticism, argue that the protection of the blood of Jesus is enough to save a person from witchcraft and magical attacks. There is nowhere in the New Testament that speaks of guiding or removing corruption.

Reading the prayer of the Virgin "77 Dream" helps from induced damage

Jesus said that subject to strong faith and acceptance by the Savior, each person will be endowed with the power of God to resist demons, snakes and everything deadly (Mark 16: 16-18).

Yes, and amen, but this is provided that a person has faith, is completely sinless, and in his life all doors are closed for Satan.

The magicians and grandmothers themselves confirm that nothing can be done magical man, strengthened in faith, but it is easy to bring damage and evil eye on those people who believe in the omnipotent power of Satan, they have the phenomenon of so-called vain faith.

Jesus stated that what faith is, so is the result (Matthew 9:28).

If a Christian believes in the power of spilled salt or thrown needles more than in the protection of the Savior's blood and turns to various psychics and fortune-tellers for help, such a person needs help. The Mother of God will help to find her in her protective cleansing appeal, transmitted through "Dream 77".

The power of the prayer "77 Dream of the Virgin", when and from what helps

In a situation where life has failed, and no petitions, posts do not help, having enemies, envious people and enemies, one can assume that damage is being done.

The words of any prayer are just words, if they do not have faith in the redeeming power of the blood of Jesus and the help of the Mother of God. You can read the proclamations all day long, but at the same time sinning, and the result will have to wait for a very long time.

To get an ambulance in case of any problem, at the slightest suspicion of witchcraft, you should first of all:

  • do not miss services;
  • abide regularly in the prayer rule;
  • do not neglect fasting;
  • come to Communion more often.
Important! Regular reading of the prayer of the Mother of God "77 Dream" is by no means magic, it is a great help in case of trouble.

It helps with the sudden appearance of family discord, cooling one of the spouses, the appearance of frequent illnesses. Black magic affects male potency and obedience of children, devilish deeds destroy all beginnings in life and business.

Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos

Removing damage, driving out demons, destroying the intrigues of enemies, everything is within the power of the Christian appeal - "Dream 77 of the Mother of God."

True believers, knowing great power"Dreams", rewrite the text of the prayers and carry with them, like a shore for all occasions:

  • to protect yourself from damage and the evil eye;
  • with an incurable disease;
  • during natural disasters;
  • enemy attacks.

How to read a protective prayer from the evil eye and damage

77 Dream of the Most Holy Theotokos

“The Mother of God saw a dream - under the bell ringing, Christ came up to her and asked: - Did you sleep well - what did you see in your dream? - They nailed you on the cross - they broke your ribs with a spear, water gushed out of the right, blood poured out of the left. Login centurion washed, enrolled to the saints. - My mother, do not weep, do not suffer, death will not take me, the Lord will take me to heaven on the third day. Whoever keeps the seventy-seventh dream in his house will not be touched by the evil devil, Angels fly and save from any evil. They are relieved of seventy ailments and troubles. Amen. Amen. Amen."

Once again, I would like to emphasize that mechanical reading will not bring success, as well as pronunciation of words without faith in the Holy Blood, in the presence of fear and despair before the devil's deeds.

One should gain confidence that every word, like a destructive sword, destroys what has been done through demonic forces.

The Mother of God rested during the ringing of the bells; she was in the church with her soul. In the dream described in prayer, the mother of God saw again gruesome execution Son. Next comes the testimony that those who wash themselves with pure blood, by the power of faith in Her power, will be numbered among the saints. Therefore, instead of the word "centurion", give your name, and believe that the Lord already sees you as saints, to whom the dirt of demonic spells cannot adhere.

Important! The Savior comforts the Mother in a dream. Take these words to yourself that on the third day God will take away all problems, provided that you constantly read during this period the prayer "77 the dream of the Most Pure Theotokos."

May the Angels be with every Christian who keeps in his heart protective prayers"Dreams of the Mother of God"

Prayer "77 dream of the Blessed Virgin Mary"

The Mother of God gave the people of Jesus Christ to the world. She became a guide divine energy in the very literally... Since she herself was a man, lived among people, all the dangers of human life are extremely clear to her. She knows what people need, why they grieve and why they rejoice. It was the Mother of God who saw great dreams, which were then denounced in prayers. There are 77 dreams in total, they are collected in a special Orthodox collection. But among them there is one who is called the "Golden Prayer" The Dream of the Mother of God ", and it contains a great protective power.

When is it appropriate to use the amulet prayer?

The golden prayer mentions protection from the following misfortunes:

  • from trouble;
  • drowning;
  • combustion;
  • lost.

A person who has been spoken by this prayer will not get lost in an unfamiliar area, burn or drown during rest. An unexpected misfortune will not happen to him on the way or at home. In this conspiracy, the Mother of God, as it were, stands up for all people who know this amulet, before the Lord God himself.

She calls on Peter and Paul to help herself. So that they take the crosses in their hands and walk on the ground. And during the campaign they helped all the suffering who turned to the Most Holy Mother.

The text below should be handwritten on a piece of white, unlined paper and then carried with you at all times. It is also useful to read this text in front of the icon of the Virgin at home or in a church. At the same time, you can light candles or oil in an icon lamp.

If you need to pray for another person in this way, then you can insert his name among the words of the amulet, read the prayer, then fold it and sew it into a small bag that can easily fit in a secret pocket. Some people place prayer notes under their pillows, believing that this is the best way to reach their request for protection and help.

The very golden prayer "The Dream of the Most Holy Theotokos" has power only in the mouth of a believer. The more faith, the stronger the protective words will sound, and the longer they will last. One such amulet, created with a large and sincere message, can serve a person for years.

The Golden Prayer to the Mother of God is called because of the mention in the text of the book of God, which he leafs through. There it is called "the golden book". It can be assumed that this is the divine Book of Genesis of all people, where human destinies are spelled out.

The intercession of the Mother of God is one of the strongest. She can help a person in different situations... Both women and men turn to her for help. And the energy of the Mother of God is good for everyone.

Today the golden prayer "The Dream of the Most Holy Theotokos" is very famous. It can be easily memorized for use in dangerous situations. If the trouble has already occurred, but has not yet ended in death for the victim, the golden prayer can also be used along with other necessary methods. It is good to speak with such a talisman and small children. After all, the Mother of God is considered their intercessor and does not deny them her mercy.

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