Happy valentine's day greeting cards. Greeting cards Happy Valentine's Day Cards for Valentine's Day February 14 to a friend

Valentine's Day as a holiday in Russia appeared relatively recently, but managed to gain popularity - both among young people and among people of mature age. Despite the winter cold outside the window, my heart is warm and joyful like spring, because very soon February 14 will come. Indeed, on this wonderful day, an atmosphere of romance, passion and love reigns around - the lovers arrange pleasant surprises for each other, exchange heart-shaped cards and declarations of love. So, on February 14, many men make a marriage proposal to their chosen one, hoping to hear the coveted "yes" in return. In addition, it is important not to forget to congratulate your beloved parents and friends with an original valentine card from our festive collection. So, here you will find the most beautiful postcards for Valentine's Day - 2018 for your beloved boyfriend and husband, as well as many cool pictures with congratulations in verse and prose. It is enough to choose and download any option you like for free, and then send it by e-mail, having entered a few romantic lines “on your own behalf”. Who knows, perhaps such a colorful card with roses or cupids will bring new positive changes into your life - Happy Valentine's Day!

Beautiful cards for Valentine's Day February 14, 2018

For many, Valentine's Day is associated with bright red hearts and romantic dates. And it is not surprising, because long before February 14, cafes, shops and shopping centers are literally transformed - shop windows are decorated with balloons, toys and flower arrangements. In addition, the variety of cards with Valentine's Day is pleasantly surprised - in the form of a red heart, with poems-wishes for your beloved boyfriend or husband. We bring to your attention the most beautiful cards for Valentine's Day 2018 to download for free on your desktop or send to the addressee by e-mail. We are sure that your beloved will appreciate such a romantic gesture, responding with the same beautiful postcard with recognition of tender and quivering feelings.

A selection of beautiful postcards for Valentine's Day - 2018

Valentine's Day Greeting Cards (Free Download)

On Valentine's Day, lovers traditionally present their soulmates with gifts, bouquets of flowers and shower with passionate confessions. Every man is pleased to surprise and please his beloved on such a wonderful romantic holiday, fulfilling her desire or dream. However, greeting cards for Valentine's Day 2018 are considered a must-have addition to any gift or surprise - they can be downloaded for free on our pages. With the help of such valentine cards, it is best to congratulate your loved one on Valentine's Day, if you are separated by a distance. Just send a touching postcard with a heart - and you will be understood without words!

Options for free postcards to download to congratulate Valentine's Day

Postcards to your beloved husband on Valentine's Day with congratulations

Love in family life is like expensive wine and only gets stronger over the years. Of course, it is important for spouses to maintain a flame of passion and romance by arranging pleasant surprises for each other and showing signs of attention. So, for Valentine's Day, you can give your beloved husband a postcard with the best congratulations and tender confessions. We offer a wide selection of Valentine's cards for Valentine's Day on February 14 - just a couple of clicks to download any picture to your desktop for free. Undoubtedly, every husband will be delighted with such a message from a loving wife and, in turn, will originally congratulate her on Valentine's Day.

Choosing a postcard for Valentine's Day to congratulate your beloved husband

Funny cards Happy Valentine's Day February 14, 2018

Valentine's Day is a great opportunity to show attention to loved ones and loved ones, creating an atmosphere of celebration and fun. When writing the script for Valentine's Day, many try to include original entertainment and gifts that will be remembered for a long time by all participants. In addition, cool cards with Valentine's Day on February 14, 2018 will come in handy for your girlfriend and boyfriend, wife and husband. Prepare some of these cool postcards for Valentine's Day, and your loved ones will surely appreciate your sense of humor and creativity.

Collection of cool cards for Valentine's Day - 2018

Funny cards Happy Valentine's Day February 14 - 2018 for friends

In the life of every person, faithful friends occupy a special place in the heart, sharing all the joys and hardships, troubles and victories. Therefore, on Valentine's Day, it is so important to congratulate your best friend or friend by sending a funny postcard with the image of traditional hearts on February 14, 2018. Looking at our page, you will find beautiful Valentine's cards for congratulations on Valentine's Day - simple and with inscriptions in verse. Pick up some original postcards for your friends and send them by e-mail, signing each picture with the name of the addressee.

Valentine's Day, traditional throughout the world, has a long history. It is believed that a certain priest Valentine went against the imperial will and married legionnaires with their brides. Of course, this holiday is unofficial, it has nothing to do with the church, however, men and women of all ages love to spend February 14 in a special way. Someone considers it an invention of marketers, someone is close to the version about the direct relationship of Valentine's Day with the ancient custom of celebrating Lupercalia. One way or another, February 14 is a special day when millions of gentle words and confessions are heard all over the world. People give each other and friends not just love cards with inscriptions. There are known cases when a car in the shape of a heart, a house in a gift box, a brooch worth $ 300,000 or an installation were presented in the form of a valentine. A Japanese girl congratulated her lover by presenting a chocolate statue in her height. Of course, there are more budgetary ways to make a gift for a girlfriend or husband on February 14th. For example, you can bake a valentine cake or omelet, shower a house with rose petals, shape a heart out of lit candles under your beloved's windows, or make heart-shaped soap. A popular way to congratulate is a love quest. You need to download free beautiful and funny postcards for Valentine's Day 2018, print them, write a riddle, the answer to which will mean the location of the next postcard. At the end of the game, a prize is awarded.

Beautiful cards for Valentine's Day February 14, 2018

People began exchanging cards for Valentine's Day around the 15th century. Since then, the fashion for valentines has spread all over the world, love cards are sold in millions of copies. Valentine's Day cards on February 14, 2018 can be delivered in person or sent by mail - it's fast and free.

Options for beautiful cards for Valentine's Day

Free download cards for Valentine's Day for a man

Any man will be touched to receive a sincere recognition for Valentine's Day in the form of a cute postcard. By the way, you can arrange a love quest for February 14 - just download free postcards for Valentine's Day for a man, write tasks on them and spread them around the apartment. At the end of the game, the participant will receive a prize.

Options for cards for February 14 to a boyfriend or husband

Postcards to your beloved husband or boyfriend on Valentine's Day with verses

You can congratulate your beloved husband in verse on Valentine's Day in an extraordinary way. For example, draw a heart on milk using cocoa or bake a heart cake. Now there is a special program for creating collages from joint photographs. It is enough to download free pictures for your beloved husband or boyfriend on Valentine's Day with verses and arrange them as a background. Such a gift will touch even the most unemotional man.

Options for cards for her husband with congratulations in verse

Funny cards Happy Valentine's Day February 14, 2018 with congratulations to a friend

A touching and tender holiday Valentine's Day is traditionally accompanied by romantic confessions between men and women. However, different customs of exchanging postcards and congratulations have taken root in different countries. For example, in the United States on February 14, not only lovers are congratulated, but also beloved relatives, and in Italy this day is a holiday exclusively for couples in love. In Russia, you can send valentines, including to friends, and cool cards with Valentine's Day on February 14, 2018 with congratulations to a friend will cheer up your beloved friend.

Options for cool postcards for girlfriends on February 14

Cards with inscriptions Happy Valentine's Day February 14, 2018 for friends

You can say about your kind attitude to your beloved friends by downloading and sending postcards with inscriptions on Valentine's Day on February 14, 2018 for friends. Of course, those friends who have not yet met their soul mate will definitely be pleased to receive a postcard from you on Valentine's Day on February 14th.

Beautiful cards with congratulations for friends on Valentine's Day

Postcards Happy Valentine's Day with inscriptions for a girl

Any girl loves to listen to confessions. Especially if they are decorated in a non-standard way and with imagination. It's a pity that you can't fly in a hot air balloon in February in our latitudes, and the wind will blow away the rose petals under the windows. The easiest way to congratulate a sweetheart on Valentine's Day is to send her a card with the inscription. Of course, she will be doubly pleased if you do not just send postcards on Valentine's Day with inscriptions for the girl, but accompany the congratulations with a romantic gift or go on a trip together.

Beautiful cards with congratulations for a girl on February 14

Thus, postcards for Valentine's Day 2018 can be a wonderful assistant in the design of non-standard greetings. It is enough to download free beautiful and funny postcards for husband, friends or girlfriend with romantic inscriptions to make Valentine's Day memorable.

Love is the strongest, brightest and most beautiful feeling in the world, because it is she who pushes people to achievements and deeds, makes them become better and brings true happiness. Romantic, kindred and friendly love fills the soul of each of us with light and warmth and gives confidence in the need for other people. And February 14, 2018 is the day when each of us can and even should show our feelings to our loved ones. On this day, the whole world celebrates Valentine's Day, and it has long been a tradition to give Valentine's Day cards to a husband or wife, girlfriend or boyfriend, best friends and close relatives on February 14. Moreover, thanks to the Internet, it is not at all necessary to buy postcards - there is an almost limitless selection of beautiful pictures with inscriptions for friends and loved ones on the Internet. And here we have selected the best funny and romantic Valentine's Day cards that you can download for free.

Beautiful cards for your beloved on Valentine's Day February 14, 2018

Girls love romance and attention, so on February 14, 2018, each woman will expect from her chosen one a beautiful card for Valentine's Day, a declaration of love, and a romantic surprise. And all loving boys and men will certainly delight their beloved with gifts and gentle words, because Valentine's Day is a celebration of the triumph of love and sincere expression of their romantic feelings.

The best cards for Valentine's Day for a girl

To make it easier for men to find the most beautiful picture with congratulations to a girl or wife, here we have collected and posted the best cards for Valentine's Day on February 14, 2018 for their beloved.

Free download cards for Valentine's Day for a man

Even in past centuries, when society in Western countries was much more conservative than today, on February 14, girls and women were allowed to be the first to confess their feelings and show their love to a man. Therefore, it is not surprising that modern girls are in a hurry on this day to congratulate their chosen ones and once again assure them of their love. And if a loved one is not around on this day, it does not matter - girls can download cards for Valentine's Day for free and send them to a man.

Free postcards for a man on February 14

Here the fair sex will find the most beautiful postcards with congratulations to beloved men. All the cards below for Valentine's Day can be downloaded from our website for free.

Cards with congratulations on Valentine's Day to her husband

Many network users are engaged in drawing electronic postcards, and if for some it is earnings, then for others it is a hobby. And it is not surprising that many married women create beautiful Valentine's Day cards for their husbands to please their spouse, as well as demonstrate their talent to all netizens. All the fair sex can download such pictures and send them to their “second halves”, especially since the choice of postcards for February 14 for a husband is so great that it will not be difficult to choose an original valentine.

A selection of postcards from February 14 for her husband

A small selection of cards for Valentine's Day to her husband with hearty congratulations on this romantic holiday has been posted on our website.

Funny cards Happy Valentine's Day February 14, 2018

Laughter is a manifestation of joy and happiness and a way to prolong life, and lovers often seek to make each other laugh and give their loved ones positive emotions. Therefore, cards with Valentine's Day on February 14, 2018 will be no less popular than romantic pictures. Such funny postcards with funny inscriptions will not only show love and affection, but will certainly bring a smile on the lips of the addressee. And despite the fact that funny postcards at first glance may not seem too romantic, it is with them that you can send your beloved people your warmth and the brightest and most sincere feelings.

Collection of funny cards for February 14, 2018

You can download original funny postcards on Valentine's Day to congratulate your beloved people on February 14, 2018 here.

Cards for friends and girlfriends Happy Valentine's Day February 14, 2018

On Valentine's Day, it is customary to congratulate not only lovers, but also friends. And this is quite correct, because people have almost the same strong love for friends and girlfriends as they do for brothers and sisters. Therefore, cards with Valentine's Day on February 14, 2018 for friends should be sent to all girlfriends, friends and good acquaintances.

Valentine's Day Cards for Friends

We have made a small selection of beautiful Valentine's Day cards for friends so that all users can download them from our website on February 14, 2018 and send them to loved ones.

Valentine's Day Greeting Cards with Lettering

Beautiful cards with Valentine's Day with inscriptions - poems and declarations of love can touch the soul and cause a whole range of positive feelings in the addressee. Such cards will tell about the sender's feelings and give recipients a feeling of happiness, faith in the happy love and patronage of Saint Valentine.

Valentine's Day Musical Card

Paper and electronic cards with Valentine's Day with romantic inscriptions dedicated to your beloved husband, wife, girlfriend or boyfriend have long become a classic way to congratulate you on Valentine's Day. But in addition to such familiar postcards, on the network you can find and download free funny postcards for February 14, 2018 for friends and loved ones, which are a romantic music video congratulation. And one of these video cards all visitors to our site can view here.

Valentine's Day is an emotional and romantic holiday in itself. But there are still a couple of ways to paint this day with even brighter and more saturated colors. So, you can easily make the celebration more sensual by elegantly decorating the house with traditional attributes, ordering an unusual gift for your beloved or beloved, sending all your friends and girlfriends postcards for Valentine's Day 2018. Unlike simple telephone greetings or poems in SMS, beautiful valeninka pictures with inscriptions and wishes for February 14 colorfully demonstrate your sincere feelings and cheer you up well even on the most frosty and cloudy day. Download free postcards for Valentine's Day and send them with the first rays of the sun to everyone you care about.

Beautiful cards for Valentine's Day February 14, 2018

Looking through beautiful selections of cards for Valentine's Day on February 14, 2018, you can find a variety of options: cute pictures with doves and hearts, bright illustrations with congratulatory poems and inscriptions, unusual photographs with confessions and even funny valentines with humorous content. Every lover can easily find a suitable image for his soul mate. But the most beautiful cards for Valentine's Day on February 14, 2018 are best downloaded for free in our collection below.

Collection of beautiful valentine cards for Valentine's Day

Romantic cards for your girlfriend or wife for Valentine's Day 2018: free download

For every loving girl and beloved wife, a romantic card for Valentine's Day is, albeit a small, but very expensive present. After all, it is precisely what is chosen with the soul that pleases most of all. If the relationship in your couple is not devoid of light humor, download funny cartoons or cartoons for free by February 14th. If you want to distinguish yourself with tenderness and lyricism, we offer romantic cards for Valentine's Day to download for free for your girlfriend or wife in the next section.

A selection of the most romantic pictures to congratulate your wife or girlfriend on February 14

Greeting cards for Valentine's Day to her husband or beloved man

It can be difficult for girls to take the initiative and confess their feelings to their beloved. What words to choose? How not to betray your excitement? How to interest? These questions torment the timid representatives of the beautiful half of humanity for a long time before February 14. But as soon as day X arrives, you have to make a choice. We recommend using bright greeting cards with characteristic inscriptions and verses: with their help, you will be able to delicately open your feelings to your beloved man, and your husband will once again fill in about them. The main thing is not to overdo it. No fluffy hares, roses and lace. Greeting cards for Valentine's Day to your husband or beloved man should be romantic, but calm.

The best options for greeting pictures to husbands and beloved men for Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day cards for friends on February 14, 2018

An amazing holiday - Valentine's Day - gives an excellent opportunity to get away from everyday worries and daily hustle and bustle in order to remember love, care, affection and real strong friendship. Do not forget to pay attention not only to your loved one on February 14, 2018, but also to family and friends. Send colorful pictures with poems and wishes to everyone who is important to you: parents, girlfriends, classmates and classmates. Add nice music or short animation to the image, write a couple of lines from yourself. Such beautiful congratulations with bright cards for friends on Valentine's Day on February 14, 2018 will not go unnoticed.

Gallery of bright cards with congratulations to friends for Valentine's Day 2018

Original cards Happy Valentine's Day with inscriptions for girlfriend

Life without girlfriends would be boring. Is not it? Who else can you laugh at your own curiosities to your heart's content, who is able to experience the sour cream mask with us, who is the first to show off our new purchases? Yes, a real friend deserves the most original postcard with a cool inscription for Valentine's Day. And if you don't know where to find one, scroll down. In the next section, we have collected Valentine's Day Greeting Cards with Lettering for Girlfriend for free download.

Collection of postcards with original inscriptions to a friend on February 14, 2018

The coolest postcards with verses on Valentine's Day (February 14, 2018)

Valentine's Day (February 14, 2018) is good not only for delicate flowers, cute gifts, a riot of romance, but also good humor, sparkling jokes and cool electronic postcards. For those who have not yet managed to find their love, such funny congratulations to friends, colleagues and classmates is the best way to prove yourself. Choose the coolest postcards with verses on Valentine's Day (February 14, 2018), download for free and amuse your loved ones.

Funny and funny postcards with rhymes for free download for Valentine's Day

Even if there are still a few days left until February 14, do not postpone the search for congratulatory pictures with inscriptions and verses until later. Choose and download free beautiful cards for Valentine's Day 2018 for your beloved or loved one today. Indeed, at the last moment it is difficult to choose the most suitable option for a dear addressee. Whether it's a boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife, girlfriend or close friends.

Valentine's Day has recently become a holiday with us.

But this is a very bright holiday, as there is a reason to once again say the words of love to your loved one.

And if these words are in poetry, and even accompanied by a beautiful postcard, it is doubly pleasant.

Beautiful greeting cards, congratulations and wishes for Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day

I hasten to congratulate you.

Smile more

I ask you this day.

Toast to love

Love leads through the desert

And through mountain ranges,

And she does not get cold in the wind,

And he is not afraid of heights.

For the fact that we care about the blood,

My toast is, of course, to love!

Dangerous playing with feelings

We are both very strange

Already reached the edge

And not crazy.

And I will not hide my desire, -

I just don't know - what are we waiting for? -

When in the end with you

We'll go crazy all the same! ..

I want a young person in life

The road you took

Didn't become a narrow path

I also wish love with me

Huge, pure as a tear,

And so that they smile in life

Your happy eyes!

Congratulations for your loved one

My dear, gentle, dear,

My very best and favorite!

My affectionate, so dear

And so necessary in life!

Let me tell you that I

Warmed by the warmth of your soul,

And a star of love, grief,

Life illuminates with wondrous light!

For your sweet smile

For your brown eyes

Angels are fighting in the sky

And on earth I suffer!

Declaration of love

It's not easy to confess love

And right away I want to start:

I dream of waking up with you

I dream of kissing you.

Thank you for the look.

And finally, plucking up the spirit,

I will say the cherished "love".

Congratulations to your beloved

I love you you know it

You are drowning in my love

I live with you, I breathe

I'm in a hurry to meet you!

I can't help but love you

How to live without you,

Stay by my side

I will warm you with love, with a warm look.

I love you with all my heart

Stronger feelings day by day

You are my life, my soul,

I'm ready for anything for you.

Let me be with you

I will not offend you even with a glance,

After all, for me you are the Queen,

There is no more beautiful virgin on earth ...

How strange, but how sweet it is:

When you are next to me,

Neither heat nor light is needed

Neither purity nor beauty;

No need for songs, sweet, loud ...

I don’t divide happiness into parts -

I have simple but capacious

Three words: I love you!

Valentine's Day is a great occasion to tell you that I love you. Yes, I often repeat these words, but today is a special day - the words of love are pronounced today by hundreds, thousands, millions of hearts in love, the air itself seems to be saturated with a fabulous love aura. I love you. I know this, I feel it with every cell of my body, with all my soul. I love you. I say these words constantly, like a mantra, sincerely believing that they protect you from everything unkind and evil, protect and help you. I love you. All the strength of my feelings, desires, aspirations - in simple three words. On Valentine's Day, I say three very important words in every life - I love you, and I believe that my love will be your life talisman.

I'm not shy, because there is no shame

To confess love.

On the contrary: I am happy and proud

To you with a howling feeling to confess!

I tremble for an answer

And, addressing you with the word of a poet,

I pray you for mutual love,

So that my feelings are answered!

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