The real cause of death of Ilona Novoselova. Alexander Sheps commented on the death of ex-lover Ilona Novoselova

Recently, a friend of the deceased Ilona Novoselova spoke about her personal life. In particular, Alsou Gazimzyanova revealed the details of Ilona’s affair with another participant in the “Battle of Psychics” Alexander Sheps, reports Russian Dialogue.

According to her, Sheps and Novoselovs knew each other before participating in the project. Then the man allegedly advised Ilona to conduct sessions in his hometown. Why Sheps needed this remains unknown, but Alsou is sure that Alexander never wished well to the girl.

Death of Ilona Novoselova latest news, investigation: A friend of the deceased Ilona Novoselova told the whole truth about her affair with Alexander Sheps

Thanks to the efforts of her friend, Ilona decided to refuse to communicate with Sheps. Two years passed, and Novoselova decided to renew their relationship. Alsou was surprised by her friend’s decision. “I was shocked to find out why she brought him to the “Battle”? If before that he had done dirty tricks and went against her,” the clairvoyant said. She also emphasized that in the end it was Alexander who left his girlfriend.

Death of Ilona Novoselova latest news, investigation: Ilona Novoselova latest news: when and where was the black witch buried

As it turned out, in Lately Novoselova worked too much with people about their deceased loved ones. The clairvoyant did not spare herself and devoted herself completely to her work. Ilona also had many enemies. The 29-year-old witch could easily turn a person against herself with her scandalous behavior or harsh statements.

So, Ilona Novoselova was cremated. The relatives fulfilled the last wish of the clairvoyant. The girl asked for this during her lifetime. Her ashes were buried in one of the Moscow cemeteries. But the relatives did not specify where exactly.

Death of Ilona Novoselova latest news, investigation: After the death of Ilona Novoselova, the clairvoyant’s ex-boyfriend is threatened by unknown persons

Ex-boyfriend Ilona Novoselova, a participant in the “Battle of Psychics” who died in Moscow, announced threats against her. According to Chelyabinsk resident Ruslan Barinov, the first time he was “pushed to the wall” was after filming the program “Let Them Talk.”

The talk show discussed the tragic death of Ilona Novoselova. Let us remind you that last week a girl fell from a 6th floor window in the east of the capital. However, Ruslan was not allowed to speak on this matter on air on the federal channel; allegedly the boyfriend of the deceased witch spoke out against it. And after filming, a surprise awaited Novoselova’s former friend at the hotel.

Ruslan Barinov, ex-boyfriend of Ilona Novoselova: “A man comes at me and presses me against the wall, puts a knife to my throat. By inertia, I throw his hand away like this, running into the knife. You see, there’s even a cut here. After that, he comes running, here this place begins to put pressure on my throat and says: “If you don’t shut your mouth about Ilona Novoselova, then you won’t live.”
After this, according to Ruslan, threatening calls began to arrive. And friends increasingly began to say that unknown people were making inquiries about him. Ruslan doesn’t know who these strangers are. He believes that the boyfriend of the dead girl is sending the hooligans.

Death of Ilona Novoselova latest news, investigation: Ilona Novoselova’s boyfriend spoke about the circumstances of her death

As Ilona’s young man said, on the day of his death, June 13, they quarreled. Artyom even packed his things and was ready to leave, to which the witch began screaming and swearing. As Besov clarified, at the moment when Ilona fell out of the window, he was not in the room. In his opinion, the girl fell out by accident, simply by simply slipping. Also that day, the psychic drank two cans of beer.

As Ilona Novoselova’s mother said, on the day of her death, her daughter had a presentiment of something evil, which made her nervous.

Let us remind you that the body of a participant in the popular television project “Battle of Psychics” was found on the visor dental clinic, located on Entuziastov Highway.

The death of the famous psychic Ilona Novoselova shocked all her fans. Viewers heatedly argue about the reasons for the sudden death of a young girl, and one of the versions seems to be the most truthful.

On June 13, 2017 at 5 pm, the black witch Ilona Novoselova fell from the window of her house on the 6th floor. Ilona’s mother Elena and the witch’s young man Artem were in the apartment.

Viewers of the program “Let Them Talk” discussed the high-profile death of the clairvoyant live. Until now, the mystery of Ilona Novoselova’s unexpected death remained unsolved, but psychics still came to a clear conclusion.

Ilona Novoselova died at the age of 30, but for such short term managed to gain wild popularity among television viewers, finding both fans and irreconcilable enemies. About ethical side Her actions will be debated for a long time, but the fact remains: Ilona helped many people, but at the same time she was closely connected with dark forces and crossed the path of many psychics.

On the air of the “Let Them Talk” program, many people showed their fear and indignation at the actions of the clairvoyant, openly saying that such a death was the result of a “wrong” life. Colleagues psychics and friends of Ilona defended the witch, saying that she was experiencing far from the most easy period In my life.

The persecution of the clairvoyant began in 2013, when Ilona was kidnapped from her own home and her parents were presented with a ransom demand. The gang was subsequently detained and the kidnappers were sent to jail. But from that moment on, they began to talk about Ilona Novoselova’s personal life and abilities in a bad way: rumors about the girl’s gender change, her abilities and lifestyle received wide publicity and led to prolonged depression.

At the moment, the death of clairvoyant Ilona Novoselova is officially recognized as an accident. Fellow psychics say that Ilona foresaw her imminent death and prepared for it. The reason for such a sudden death is considered to be a curse that the clairvoyant took upon herself. In any case, the participant in the “Battle of Psychics” left behind many accomplished deeds and helped people achieve what they wanted. We wish you to make the right decisions. Take care of yourself and don't forget to press the buttons and

28.06.2017 09:30

On June 12, 2017, the dark witch Ilona Novoselova died after falling from the balcony of her own apartment. Nobody...

On June 13, a tragedy occurred - the finalist of the 7th season of the “Battle of Psychics” Ilona Novoselova died. About it...

On June 13, a tragedy occurred - the finalist of the 7th season of the “Battle of Psychics” Ilona Novoselova died. The whole country immediately started talking about it. Someone began to spread unflattering rumors, someone sincerely sympathized with the clairvoyant, but the news left no one indifferent.

Recently information appeared that Ilona used to be a man. However, now only one thing is important - the real reason death and the last, most important predictions of the clairvoyant.

The last days of the witch's life

Lately Ilona hasn't been feeling her best. in the best possible way: She had problems with her loved one and her mother. As you know, her life path was very difficult, so the clairvoyant had many enemies. She herself was not shy about using black magic. Some experts in the field of esotericism believe that it was for this that Ilona had to pay with her own life.

As is known from some sources, the last vivid prediction of the witch was her own death. She spoke about this in a veiled manner, and all her close people felt her detachment. It was very difficult for her, although many believe that she knew about her death not just in advance, but for a very long time.

Predictions of Ilona Novoselova

The predictions of psychics, especially those as strong as Ilona, ​​are usually hidden between the lines. The girl’s colleagues and friends said that the witch had recently noted that the new 18th season of the show “Battle of Psychics” would be special. She rarely talked about the details, but she really wanted a very unusual person to win in 2017. It is quite possible that she was talking about her visions.

She did not talk about politics at all, so it would not have been possible to read in her words and emotions her attitude to the situation in the world and in Russia. It felt like she had nothing but work. This is not true, because she was locked into this image of a strong witch. She only said that big problems await everyone, which will teach life, perseverance and weed out the weak. What she meant is not clear, but her loved one and mother confirm the rumors.

One way or another, even the participants in the “Battle” said that the girl was stronger than many of them - Alexander Sheps, Daria Voskoboeva and many others. Everyone expresses their condolences and hopes that they will still hear her voice from the afterlife. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

24.06.2017 04:03

On June 12, 2017, the dark witch Ilona Novoselova died after falling from the balcony of her own apartment. Nobody...

The TNT channel promises to show the new 6th season of “Psychics Are Investigating” in the winter of 2015. The exact date of the first...

The winner of the 14th season of the “Battle of Psychics,” medium Alexander Sheps, told what kind of relationship he had with the deceased witch Ilona Novoselova. They for a long time worked together, were great friends and a couple. Novoselova, who fell out of the window, was burned at the stake. The former boyfriend of the witch Ilona Novoselova who died on June 13, magician Alexander Sheps, spoke out about her death. The winner of the fourteenth “Battle of Psychics” at one time loved the girl for who she was, he will really miss Ilona.

The finalist of the seventh season of the “Battle of Psychics” fell from a sixth-floor window after a conflict with the current young man. Recently it became known about the death of the clairvoyant Ilona Novoselova, who had previously taken part in the filming of the “Battle of Psychics” project. The famous participant in the television show “Battle of Psychics” Alexander Sheps spoke about sudden death his colleague Ilona Novoselova. ...The tragedy that shocked the public took place on June 13, when Ilona died from injuries caused by a fall from a great height.

Recently, the Internet community was shocked by the news about the mystical death of the famous Russian witch Ilona Novoselova. ...According to data provided by law enforcement agencies, June 13 current year Ilona Novoselova, for an unknown reason, fell from the window of an apartment located on the sixth floor of the building, and at the time of her death, the girl’s mother was also in the room. Participant in the “Battle of Psychics” Ilona Novoselova, who died after falling from the sixth floor, was buried in an atmosphere of the strictest secrecy. ... Let us add that according to rumors, when the psychic moved to Moscow from Samara to try his hand at the “Battle of Psychics,” Ilona Novoselova, who had already taken part in the sixth and seventh seasons of the show, helped him.

The death of the star of the “Battle of Psychics” shocked all participants in the project, and the winner of one of the seasons, Alexander Sheps, did not stand aside. ...It was previously reported that the finalist of the “Battle of Psychics” Ilona Novoselova died after falling out of a window in Moscow Fans of the popular show “Battle of Psychics” were shocked by the news of the death of the witch Ilona Novoselova, who was one of the most prominent participants in the project. ... Former lover Ilona Alexander Sheps could not remain indifferent to the death of the psychic.

The winner of the 14th season of the rating show “Battle of Psychics,” Alexander Sheps, admitted his feelings for the deceased witch Ilona Novoselova. ...Journalists found out that Novoselova was already being escorted on her last journey in an atmosphere of the strictest secrecy. Alexander Sheps, a participant in the “Battle of Psychics,” turned to his colleague, the deceased witch Ilona Novoselova. The magician is shocked by death close friend and admitted that he did not believe in the girl’s final departure from this world. Ilona Novoselova fell from the sixth floor balcony after arguing with her boyfriend. ...Alexander Sheps, a participant in the 14th battle, also commented on the death of his ex-lover Ilona. - the psychic writes on his Instagram.
Kazhetta said that Ilona was a frequent guest in her house. According to her, the deceased did not come alone, but with her mother; RuNet was delighted with the photo of Putin with the pregnant Simonyan. It was previously reported that Ilona Novoselova, a participant in the battle of psychics, died! Having fallen out of the window of his apartment - the residents of a house on the highway of enthusiasts, time turned away from his friend. At that moment she fell out of the window, also in his message Sheps called her one of the strongest and confessed. Nargiz Zakirova spoke harshly about the battle of psychics; they were shocked by the news of the death of the witch Ilona Novoselova.
After the death of Ilona, ​​Kadoni about the tragically deceased Novoselova, that the girl, a Muscovite, often spoke out about the Crimea. This is creepy: after the death of the singer Zhanna Friske, her common-law husband.
