General characteristics of imagination. The functions of imagination. Types of imagination. Imagination and creativity. General characteristics of imagination and its role in human mental activity

Imagination - process of transformation and generating new images on
The basis of past experiences, which are both creative activities and protothes for her.

Imagination is not reduced to figurative thinking. Thinking strive to know as best as possible and more accurate and reflect the real reality. Imagination - come up with something that does not happen. Man, based on knowledge and leaning on experience, can imagine the picture of what he really has never seen. The imagination of those fruitful and more valuable than to a greater extent it, transforming reality, deviating from it, while still takes into account its essential sides and the most significant features.

Creating imaging images takes two main stages. At the first stage, there is a peculiar dismemberment of impressions, or available representations, for components. In other words, the first stage of formation of images of imagination is characterized. analysisobtained from the reality of impressions or formed as a result of the preceding experience of representations. During such an analysis occurs abstractionobject, i.e. it seems to us isolated from other objects, and the objects of the object also occurs. In any case, abstracted images produced operations that can be characterized as synthesis.These operations constituting the essence of the synthesizing activities of the imagination are the second stage of the formation of imaging images.

Fantasy techniques:

Agglutination is the creation of a new image by connecting in the imagination of parts or properties of one object to another (HP, Mermaid, Centaur),

Schematization (assumes discarding some elements, HP, METRO scheme). Causes of schematization: conscious distraction from insignificant, or secondary, objects of the object; forgetting any insignificant parts or parts; As a result of incomplete, surface perception of the object.

Emphasis (exaggeration of some kind of feature, properties, HP, caricatures - focus on the nose, hump),

Miniaturization and hyperbolization (change of values, HP, in fairy tales - warriors-giants).

Types of imagination: Passive (images of imagination spontaneously transforms, popling before imagination, and not formed, HP, dream, dream, hallucinations) and active (images are consciously formed and transformed in accordance with the objectives of human creative activities). Active imagination happens: recreable (relies on the hint, HP, on a description, scheme) and creative (the entire image composes the subject itself).

The scheme of development of the imagination of Ribo (19Vek): With an increase in experience, the imagination is growing, which is then slowed down and starts to fade. Three stages:

1) Stormy development of imagination in children (games, fairy tales),

2) Razio begins to work (our criticality), as a result of which the growth of imagination slows down (but there is still fantasy),

3) the imagination is penetrated by the rantio and they merge into one
Function, creativity falls.

Quality imagination:

Power (distinctness of images)

Latitude (number of new images),

Criticality (proximity to reality).

1. Gelbronner method, the method of undersigned drawings;

2. Blurred photos;

3. Method of linguistic ingenuity (3 words are given, you need to come up with suggestions where these words are together. Glasses are put);

4. Method Rorschah.

In different people, the imagination is manifested in various fields. An existing role in determining the direction in which the development of imagination is being developed, plays the direction of the individual (interests). The value of the imagination is great in artistic creativity, scientific creativity, experimental research.

Types of imagination

According to the degree of volitional efforts according to the degree of activity

deliberate unintended active passive

Along with perception, memory and thinking an important role in human activity is played by imagination. In the process of reflection of the surrounding world, a person along with the perception of what acts at him at the moment, or a visual representation of the fact that he has affected him before, creates new images.

Imagination is a mental process of creating a new image, representation or ideas..

A person may mentally imagine that in the past I did not perceive or did not commit, he can have images of objects and phenomena, with whom he had never met before. Being closely related to thinking, the imagination is characterized by more than when thinking, the uncertainty of the problem Situations.

The process of imagination is peculiar only to a person and is a prerequisite for his work..

Imagination is always aimed at human practical. The man before doing something represents that it is necessary to do and how it will do it, so he already creates the image of a material thing in advance, which will be made in the subsequent practical activity of a person. This ability of a person in advance to present the final result of his work, as well as the process of creating a material thing sharply distinguishes human activity from "activities" of animals, sometimes very skillful.

The physiological basis of the imagination is the formation of new combinations from those temporary connections that have already been formed last experience. At the same time, simple actualization of existing temporary connections does not yet lead to the creation of a new one. Creating a new implies such a combination that is formed from temporary connections that have previously not joined each other. In this case, the second signal system, the word is important. The imagination process is the collaboration of both signal systems. All visual images are inextricably linked with it. As a rule, the word serves as a source of appearance of imaging images, controls the path of becoming them, is a means of retention, consolidation, their changes.

Imagination There is always a certain waste from reality. But in any case, the source of imagination is an objective reality.

Imagination is a figurative design of the content of the concept about the subject (or design of the action scheme with it) even before the concept itself (and the scheme will be distinguished, verified and expression verified and implemented in a specific material).

For imagination, it is characteristic that knowledge has not yet been shared in a logical category, while the peculiar correlation of universal and single on the sensory level has already been produced. Due to this, in the act of contemplation, a separate fact opens in its universal perspective, discovering its intelligible meaning in relation to a certain situation. Therefore, in terms of imagination, a holistic image of the situation is built before the dissected and detailed picture of contemplated.

The leading imagination mechanism is the transfer of any properties of the object. The heuristicness of the transfer is measured at how much it contributes to the disclosure of the specific integral nature of another object in the process of its knowledge or creature.

In psychology distinguish arbitrary and involuntary imagination. The first manifests itself, for example, during a targeted solution of scientific, technical and artistic problems in the presence of conscious and subfererized search dominant, the second - in dreams, so-called unchanged states of consciousness, etc.

A special form of imagination forms a dream. It is addressed to the sphere of a more or less distant future and does not imply an immediate achievement of a real result, as well as its complete coincidence in the way desired. At the same time, the dream can be a strong motivating factor of creative search.

Types of imagination

Several types of imagination can be distinguished, among which the main - passive and active. Passive in turn is divided into arbitrary (dreaminess, dreams) and involuntary (hypnotic state, dream imagination). Active Imagination includes artistic, creative, critical, recreating and anticycling ... Close to these types of imagination is empathy - the ability to understand another person, to penetrate his thoughts and feelings, compassion, coat, empathize ...

Under the conditions of deprivation, different types of imagination are increasing, therefore, apparently, their characteristics must be brought.

Active imagination Always aimed at solving a creative or personal task. A person operates with fragments, units of specific information in a certain area, their movement in various combinations relative to each other. Stimulation of this process creates objective opportunities for the occurrence of original new links between the conditions recorded in the memory of man and society. In active imagination, there is little dreaminess and "groundless" fantasy. The active imagination is directed to the future and operates the time as a completely defined category (that is, a person does not lose a feeling of reality, does not put himself out of temporary relations and circumstances). Active imagination is directed more internship, a person is engaged in the main environment, society, activities and less internal subjective issues. The active imagination is finally awakened by the task and it is sent, it is determined by the volitional efforts and is amenable to volitional control.

Resting imagination - one of the types of active imagination, in which the design of new images, representations in humans in accordance with the stimulation received from outside, in the form of verbal messages, schemes, conditional images, signs, etc.

Despite the fact that the products of the recreation imagination are completely new, previously not perceived by man images, this type of imagination is based on the previous experience. K. D. Ushinsky considered imagination as a new combination of past experiences and past experience, believing that the recreation imagination is a product of the impact on the human brain of the material world. Mainly recreation / imagination is a process, during which recombination occurs, the reconstruction of previous perceptions in their new combination.

Anticypid The imagination underlies the very important and necessary human ability - anticipate future events, foresee the results of their actions, etc. Etymologically, the word "anticipation" is closely connected and comes from one root with the word "see", which shows the importance of awareness of the situation and transferring certain elements to the future on the basis of knowledge or predicting the logic of events.

Thus, thanks to this ability, a person can be a "mental look" to see what will happen to him with other people or the surrounding things in the future. F. Lersh called it Promethevskaya (Looking forward) the imagination function, which depends on the magnitude of the life prospect: the younger man, the more and brighter the orientation of his imagination is presented. In the elderly and old people, the imagination is more focused on the events of the past.

Creative imagination - This is a type of imagination, during which a person independently creates new images and ideas representing the value for other people or societies in general and which are embodied ("crystallizes") into specific original activities. Creative imagination is a necessary component and the basis of all types of human creative activity ..

Images of creative imagination are created by various techniques of intellectual operations. The structure of creative imagination distinguish two types of such intelligent operations. The first - operation through which ideal images are formed, and the second operation, on the basis of which finished products are processed.

One of the first psychologists who studied these processes, T. Ribo allocated two main operations: dissociation and association. Dissociation is a negative and preparatory operation, during which sensually this experience is crushed. As a result of such a preliminary processing of experience, it is capable of entering a new combination.

Without preliminary dissociation, creative imagination is unthinkable. Dissociation is the first stage of creative imagination, the stage of preparation. The impossibility of dissociation is a significant obstacle to creative imagination.

Association is the creation of a holistic image from elements of the units of images. The association gives rise to new combinations, new images. In addition, there are other intellectual operations, for example, the ability to think by analogy with private and purely accidental similarity.

Passive imagination Subordinates internal, subjective factors, it is trendy.

Passive imagination is subordinate to the desires that think in the process of fantasy implemented. In the images of passive imagination "are satisfied" unsatisfied, mostly unknowing identity needs. Images and submissions of passive imagination are aimed at strengthening and preserving positively colored emotions and for displacement, reduction of negative emotions and affects.

During the processes of passive imagination, there was an unreal, imaginary satisfaction of any need or desire. This passive imagination differs from realistic thinking, which is directed to valid, and not imaginary satisfaction of needs.

Materials of passive imagination, as well as active, are images, views, elements of concepts and other information, hoping with the help of experience.

NOU "Murmansk Humanitarian Institute"




According to general psychology

Subject: performance. IMAGINATION.

Performed: Student

2nd Courses, F-Ta Psychology

Correspondence department

Borodkina I.N.

Checked: teacher

Semenova MA

Murmansk 2009.


The concept of representation, the mechanisms of ideas

The main characteristics of the representations

Represents functions

Classification and types of representations

Performance operations

The concept of imagination, the mechanisms of the imagination process

Physiological bases of imagination

The role of imagination in man's life

Types of imagination

Operations of imagination

Imagination and creativity




Primary information about the world around us we get with the help of sensation and perception. The excitement arising in our senses does not disappear without a trace at the very moment when the effect of irritants on them is stopped. After that, the so-called consecutive images are saved for some time. However, the role of these images for the mental life of a person is relatively small. A much greater importance is the fact that after a long time after we perceived any item, the image of this subject can be again - by chance or intentionally - caused by us. This phenomenon got the name "performance".

The concept of representation, the mechanisms of ideas

The presentation is a mental process of reflecting objects or phenomena, which are not currently perceived, but are recreated on the basis of our previous experience.

The presentation is based on the perception of objects that took place in the past. You can select multiple types of representations. First, it is the presentation of memory, i.e. the views that occurred on our direct perception in the past of any object or phenomenon. Secondly, it is imagination. At first glance, this type of ideas does not correspond to the definition of the concept of "presentation", because in the imagination we display what has never been seen, but it is only at first glance. Representations of imagination are formed on the basis of information obtained in past perceptions and its more or less creative processing. The richer the past experience, the brighter and the corresponding presentation can be fully.

Representations arise not by themselves, but as a result of our practical activity. At the same time, the views are of great importance not only for memory or imagination processes - they are extremely important for all mental processes that ensure human cognitive activities. The processes of perception, thinking, written speech are always associated with the views, as well as the memory that stores information and due to which the views are formed.

The main characteristics of the representations

Presentations have their own characteristics. First of all, ideas are characterized by visibility. . Presentations are sensually visual images of reality, and this is their proximity to the images of perception. But perceptual images are a reflection of those objects of the material world that are perceived at the moment, while performances are reproduced and recycled images of objects that were perceived in the past.

The next characteristic of the representations is fragmentary. Representations are full of spaces, individual parts and signs are presented brightly, others are very vague, and the third is generally absent. For example, when we imagine someone's face, it is clear and clearly reproducing only certain features, those on which, as a rule, we recorded attention.

No less significant performance characteristic is their instability and impermanence. So, any caused image, whether it is a thing or someone else, will disappear from the field of your consciousness, no matter how trying to keep it. And you will have to make another effort to call it again. In addition, the presentations are very fluid and changeable. The front plan takes turns of the same one, then other details of the reproduced image.

It should be noted that the views are not just visual images of reality, but always to certainly summarized images. This is their proximity to the concepts. The generalization is available not only in those performances that relate to a whole group of similar objects (the presentation of the chair in general, the representation of the cat is generally and others), but also in the ideas of specific subjects. Everyone familiar to us the subject we see more than once, and every time we have a new image of this subject every time, but when we are conscious of the idea of \u200b\u200bthis subject, then the resulting image is always generalized.

Our ideas are always the result of the generalization of individual images of perception. The degree of generalization contained in the presentation may be different. Representations characterized by a great degree of generalization are called common ideas.

Represents functions

The idea, as well as any other cognitive process, carries out a number of functions in the mental regulation of human behavior. Most researchers allocate three main functions: alarm, regulating and tuning.

The essence of the indicator of the representations is reflected in each particular case not only the image of the item that has previously affected our senses, but also the diverse information about this subject, which, under the influence of specific impacts, is converted into a system of signals controlling behavior.

The regulatory function of the representations is closely related to their signal function and is the selection of the necessary information about the subject or phenomenon that has previously affected our senses. Moreover, this choice is not abstract, but taking into account the actual conditions of the upcoming activities.

The following feature of representations is a tuning. It manifests itself in the orientation of human activity, depending on the nature of environmental impacts. Thus, studying the physiological mechanisms of arbitrary movements, I. P. Pavlov showed that the motor image appeared ensures the configuration of the motor apparatus to perform the corresponding movements. The configuration function of the representations provides a certain training effect of motor representations, which contributes to the formation of an algorithm for our activity. Thus, ideas play a very significant role in the mental regulation of human activity.

Classification and types of representations

Since the presence is based on past perceptual experience, the main classification of ideas is based on the classification of the feelings and perceptions. Therefore, it is customary to allocate the following types of representations: visual, auditory, motor (kinesthetic), tactile, olfactory, taste, temperature and organic.

The classification of representations can be carried out according to the following features: 1) by their content; From this point of view, we can talk about the ideas of mathematical, geographical, technical, musical, etc.; 2) according to the degree of generalization; From this point of view, we can talk about private and general ideas. In addition, the classification of representations can be carried out but the degree of manifestation of volitional efforts.

Most of our presentations are associated with visual perception. A characteristic feature of visual ideas is that in some cases they are extremely specific and transmit all visible quality of items: color, form, volume.

In the area of \u200b\u200bhearing ideas, speech and musical ideas are essential. In turn, speech submissions can also be divided into several subtypes: phonetic representations and timbre-intonation speech performances. The essence of musical representations is mainly in the presentation of the ratio of sounds in height and duration, since the musical melody is determined by which sound and rhythmic ratios.

Another class of representations is motor representations. According to the nature of the occurrence, they differ from visual and auditory, as they are never a simple reproduction of past sensations, and are always associated with relevant sensations. Every time we imagine the movement of any part of our body, there is a weak reduction of the corresponding muscles. It has been experimentally proven that whenever we move to the utility of some word, the instruments are reduced in the muscles of the tongue, lips, larynx, etc. Consequently, without motor representations, we could hardly use speech and communicating with each other It would be impossible.

It is necessary to stop on one, very important, the type of representations - spatial ideas. The term "spatial representations" applies to those cases when the spatial form and placement of objects clearly appear, but the objects themselves may be very vague. As a rule, these ideas are so sketchy and colorless that at first glance the term "visual image" is not applicable to them. However, they still remain images - ways of space, since one side of reality is the spatial placement of things - they are transmitted with full visibility. Spatial representations are mainly visual-motor representations, and sometimes the visual, sometimes - motor component is put forward to the fore.

/ Imagination

General characteristics of imagination and its function

Consciousness of a person is capable of not only to store information about objects, but also produce various operations with it. The person was excreted from the animal of the kingdom because he learned how to create complex tools of labor. But for the right to create a stone ax, you had to first create it in my imagination. A person differs from animals by the fact that it is capable of creating in his consciousness an image of a non-existing subject or phenomenon, and then embodies it into life. After all, to convert the world in practice, you first need to be able to convert it mentally. Such a skill in thoughts to build new images is called imagination. The imagination process manifests itself in creating a man of something new - new images and thoughts, on the basis of which new actions and items arise. Imagination is part of the personality consciousness, one of the cognitive processes. It is peculiar and uniquely reflected by the outside world, it allows you to program not only future behavior, but also work with the images of the past.

Imagination- This is a process, creative conversion of ideas reflecting real reality, and the creation on this basis of new ideas that are not previously absent.

In addition to this, there are other definitions of imagination. For example, it can be designated as the ability to represent the absent (at the moment or in general in reality) the object, hold it into consciousness and mentally manipulate them. Sometimes as synonym uses the term "fantasy", which means both the process of creating something new and the final product of this process. Therefore, psychology adopted the term "imagination", denoting only the procedural side of this phenomenon.
The imagination differs from perception with two features:

The source of the emerging images is not an external world, but memory;
- It is less corresponds to reality, since it always contains an element of fantasy.

Imagination functions:
1 Representation of reality in images, which makes it possible to use them by performing operations with imaginary objects.
2 Formation of an internal action plan (creating an image of a target and finding ways to achieve it) in conditions of uncertainty.
3 Participation in the arbitrary regulation of cognitive processes (memories management).
4 regulation of emotional states (in autotraining, visualization, neuro-linguistic programming, etc.).
5 The basis for creativity - both artistic (literature, painting, sculpture) and technical (invention)
6 Creating images corresponding to the object description (when a person tries to imagine something he has heard or read).
7 Production of images that are not programmed, but replace activities (pleasant dreams, replacing boring reality).

Types of imagination:

Depending on the principle based on the classification, various types of imagination can be separated (Fig. 10.1):

Classification of imagination

Characteristics of individual types of imagination

Active imagination (deliberate) - the creation of a person at his own willingness of new images or ideas, accompanied by certain efforts (the poet is looking for a new artistic image for the description of nature, the inventor puts the goal of creating a new technical device, etc.).

Passive imagination(unintentional) - At the same time, a person does not put the goals of converting reality, and the images spontaneously arise themselves (this type of mental phenomena includes a wide range of phenomena, ranging from dreams to idea, suddenly and unplanned in the consciousness of the inventor).

Productive (creative) Imagination - the creation of fundamentally new ideas that do not have a direct sample when the reality is creatively transformed in a new way, and not just mechanically copied or recreated.

Reproductive (recreative) Imagination - Creating an image of objects or phenomena by their description, when reality is reproduced by memory as it is.

Characteristics of certain types of imagination:

Dream It can be attributed to the category of passive and involuntary forms of imagination. According to the degree of transformation of reality, they can be or reproductive or productive. Ivan Mikhailovich Sechenov called the dream of a "unprecedented combination of experienced impressions", and modern science believes they reflect the process of transferring information from operational in long-term memory. Another point of view is that in the dreams of a person find expression and satisfaction many vital needs, which, due to a number of reasons, cannot obtain realizations in real life.

Hallucination - Passive and involuntary form of imagination. According to the degree of transformation of reality, it is most often productive. Hallucinations are fantastic visions that are not explicitly related to the surrounding person. Usually hallucinations are the result of some impaired psyche or impact on the brain of medicinal or narcotic substances.

Dreams Unlike hallucinations are a completely normal mental state, which is a fantasy associated with the desire, most often a few idealized future. This is a passive and productive type of imagination.

Dream The dreams differ from the fact that it is more realistic and more realized. The dream belongs to the type of active forms of imagination. According to the degree of transformation of reality, dreams are most often productive. Dream features:
- Dreaming, man always creates the image of the desired.
- It is not included directly into human activity and does not give immediately practical results.
- The dream is directed to the future, while some other forms of imagination work with the past.
- Images that a person creates in his dreams, differ in emotional saturation, a bright character, and at the same time - the lack of understanding of specific ways to the realization of dreams.

Dreams and dreams in humans occupy a fairly most of the time, especially in his youth. For most people, dreams are pleasant thinks about the future. In some there are also disturbing visions that generate feelings of anxiety, guilt, aggressiveness.

Mechanisms of recycling representations in imaginary images.Creating imaging images is carried out using several ways:

Agglutination - "Folding", "gluing" of various uncommoning in the everyday life of parts. An example is the classic character of fairy tales - Centaur, Zmey-Gorynych, etc.

Hyperbolization- a significant increase or decrease in the subject or individual parts, which leads to qualitatively new properties. An example is the following fabulous and literary characters: Giant Homeric Cyclops, Gulliver, C-Finger Boy.

Emphasis - highlighting the characteristic detail in the created image (friendly cartoon, caricature).

A person constantly comes into contact with its surrounding medium. Every second to our senses, dozens and hundreds of various incentives are affected, many of whom remain in memory of a person. Moreover, one of the most curious phenomena phenomena of a person is that the impressions received in the previous practice of the items and the phenomena of the real world are not only stored in memory for a long time, but also exposed to a certain processing. The existence of this phenomenon led to a person to influence the environment and purposefully change it.

It should be noted that the impact of an animal on an external environment and a change in the external environment by a person has fundamental differences. Unlike an animal, a person has an impact on Wednesday systematic, directing his efforts to a predetermined goal. Such a nature of the change in reality in the labor process involves a preliminary presentation in consciousness that a person wants to get as a result of his activities. For example, a spider makes certain operations, resembling weak operations, and bees built by their wax cells resemble people-builders. However, any worst specialist differs from the most good bee or the most skilled spider by the fact that it acts on a pre-planned plan. Any work implies the development of such a plan, and only then - its incarnation in practice.

Thus, considering the process of creating a new person to create a new one, we are confronted with one phenomenon of a person's psyche. Its essence is that a person creates an image in his consciousness, which still does not exist in reality, and the basis of creating a similar image is our past experience that we received, interacting with objective reality. This process is the process of creating new mental images - and received the name of the imagination.

So, imagination is the process of converting ideas reflecting real reality, and creating new ideas on this basis. It is believed that the imagination originated in the process of labor - specifically human activity, due to the existence of the need for converting real world objects. For example, having an instrument in front of the eyes, which in its characteristics and properties was not quite perfect, a person could imagine another tool, which corresponds to his idea that it is necessary to fulfill a work operation. But then, during the historical development of a person, the activities of the imagination began to manifest itself not only in labor, but also in the fantasies and dreams of a man, that is, in the images that could not be created in practice at the moment. There were extremely complex forms of imagination necessary in scientific, technical and artistic work. However, even in these cases, the imagination acts as a result of transforming our ideas derived from real reality.

The imagination process always proceeds in an inextricable connection with two other mental processes - memory and thinking. Speaking of imagination, we only emphasize the prevailing direction of mental activities. If a person is faced with the task of reproducing the presentation of things and events that were previously in his experience, we are talking about memory processes. But if the same views are reproduced in order to create a new combination of these ideas or create new ideas, we are talking about the activities of the imagination.

It should be noted that images of imagination are created only by processing separate parties to the human actual reality. For example, reading fantastic novels, you probably noticed that fictional heroes (aliens, monsters, non-existent beasts, etc.) still with their appearance in whole or partially similar to us objects, i.e. were transformed by the imagination of the writer from Real reality.

Speaking of imagination, it is impossible to underestimate his role in human mental activity, because certain recycling of reality images occurs even in the simplest playback. So, imagining a subject or event, we are very often not able to reproduce the relevant facts in all details and with all the details. However, things and events are reproduced not in the form of incoherent fragments or scattered frames, but in their integrity and continuity. Therefore, there is a peculiar processing of the material, expressed in replenishing views of the necessary details, i.e., during the reproduction process, the activities of our imagination begins.

In a much greater degree, the imagination activities are present in the formation of images of objects or phenomena, which we never perceived. This is how the ideas about natural zones arise, where we have never been, or ideas about the image of the literary hero.

The activity of the imagination is most closely associated with the emotional experiences of a person. The representation of the desired may cause positive feelings in a person, and in certain situations, a dream about the happy future is able to withdraw a person from extremely negative states, allows him to be distracted from the situation of this moment, to analyze what is happening and rethinking the significance of the situation for the future. Consequently, the imagination plays a very significant role in the regulation of our behavior.

Imagination is connected with the implementation of our volitional action. So, the imagination is present in any form of our work, because, before creating something, it is necessary to have an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat we create. Moreover, the farther we are moving away from mechanical work and approach creative activities, the greater the significance of our imagination increases.

It is believed that the physiological basis of the imagination is the actualization of nervous bonds, their decay, regrouping and association into new systems. In this way, images arise that do not coincide with the former experience, but not torn off from it. The complexity, unpredictability of imagination, his connection with emotions give reason to assume that its physiological mechanisms are associated not only with the bark, but also with deeper brain-running structures. In particular, the hypothalamibic system is played by a major role.

It should be noted that the imagination due to the characteristics of physiological systems responsible for it to a certain extent associated with the regulation of organic processes and movement. The imagination is influenced by many organic processes: the functioning of the glands, the activities of the internal organs, the metabolism in the body, etc. For example, it is well known that the idea of \u200b\u200ba delicious dinner causes our abundant salivation, and the inspiration of a person's understanding of the burn, you can cause real signs " Burn on the skin. Such regularity is known for a long time and is widely used in the treatment of so-called psychosomatic patients during suggestive therapy sessions. On the other hand, the imagination is influenced by human motor functions. For example, we should imagine that we run along the track of the stadium during the competition, as devices will register the hardly noticeable reductions in the corresponding muscle groups.

Another example of the imagination of the imagination on organic processes can be a change in gas-mate at a time when we represent the fulfillment of any physical work. For example, we imagine that we raise a heavy barbell at the Competition. In this case, the devices will register an increase in the intensity of gas exchange. This phenomenon will be detected and in cases where we will see the face of a person raising a bar.

Thus, it can be concluded that the imagination plays a significant role both in the regulation of the processes of the human body and in the regulation of its motivated behavior.

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