Cracks deep on sex lips. Cracks on sexual lips in women. Treatment and elimination of itching

Dry in the vagina - the problem common in gynecology. It is subject to all age categories, but the greatest number of complaints comes from women of older. Suchness in the intimate zone is an unpleasant phenomenon, accompanied by itching, depth, hyperemia, sometimes anomalous discharge.

Factors provoking the development of dryness in the vagina

Suchness in the vagina arises due to insufficient developing of the mucous membrane by the installments and the disruption of the acidity of its inner medium.

Dry in the vagina cause the following reasons:

  1. Change hormonal background. The hormone imbalance is observed during pregnancy and climax. Insufficient generation of estrogen reduces the allocation of the vaginal secret, causing burning and dryness in an intimate location.
  2. Suppression of the extraction of estrogen observed in the premenstrual period, contributes to dryness of the intimate zone.
  3. The use of general and local drugs change the microbial landscape of the vagina during treatment. Antibacterial, hormonal (contraceptive), diuretic, antihistamines are possessed by such characteristics. Conducted chemotherapy and radiation irradiation in cancerium diseases reduce the elasticity of mucous membranes.
  4. The presence of an inflammatory process caused by infection by pathogenic microorganisms violates the acidic medium. Under such conditions, the pathogenic flora is actively multiplied. The appearance of purulent discharge exacerbates pathology. Structural disorders observed in the mucous membrane contribute to the appearance of cracks, erosions, which are often applied to the cervical canal and the cervix.
  5. Available systemic diseases of endocrine and digestive systems are frequent causes of vaginal dryness.
  6. Underwear made of synthetic materials violates natural ventilation, provokes irritation, dryness, burning and increased sweating. Synthetic hygienic pads are the most common cause of this pathology.
  7. Injecting an intimate zone during surgical manipulations or with sexual intercourse. The resulting wound surface during healing leaves scars and backs of cysts. Similar phenomena are often observed in the postpartum period.
  8. Active sex life without prior foreplay is injured by gentle mucous membranes. The absence of regular sexual relations also contributes to the violation of blood circulation in the organs of the scarlet pelvis and reducing the development of the vaginal secret.
  9. Unbalanced nutrition, deprived of proteins of plant and animal origin, the abundance of sweets and flour, the absence of vitamins and minerals necessary for the body affect the acidic medium of the vagina.
  10. The use of cosmetics with flavors, preservatives and various additives for daily hygiene of the genital organs with irrational use is broken by natural flora.
  11. Improper administration of hygienic tampons is injured by the mucous membrane when they are administered.
  12. Contraceptive means of protection (condom) are annoying on the walls of the vagina, contribute to the loss of their elasticity.

Any uncomfortable phenomena is an occasion to appeal to the gynecologist. Timely diagnosis and therapy will prevent the development of the inflammatory process, and the transition to the chronic stage.

Bacterial colpitis, often observed when dry in the crotch, contributes to the involvement of inflammation of neighboring organs into the focus. Not treated bacterial or fungal infection in the future threaten the appearance of formidable complications.

What tests will required to pass?

The definition of the root cause of structural changes in the epithelial layer of the vagina and the degree of development of the vaginal secret takes place with the help of visual, laboratory and instrumental research methods:

  1. Inspection in the gynecological chair is a mandatory procedure preceding further diagnostics. During inspection, the doctor takes the selection smear and sends it for further cytological research (test Papanicolau). With certain testimony, the scraping for histological examination are taken.
  2. Common blood test and hormone analysis determines the further tactics of treatment.
  3. The general analysis of urine will confirm or refute the presence of concomitant diseases.
  4. Ultrasound of the small pelvis organs complements the survey compartment.

Only the attending physician based on the history of the history and put forward patients must determine the tactics of treatment and prevention. Gynecologist will explain in detail how to treat and what to do in each case.

Treatment and prevention

A set of measures aimed at restoring a normal vaginal medium includes the use of the following drugs:

  • hormonal preparations of local and systemic (according to indications) actions;
  • antihistamines;
  • sedative preparations of vegetable and synthetic origin;
  • antibacterial and antifungal agents in the case of secondary infection;
  • immunomodulators.

In addition to drugs, a good therapeutic effect has physiotherapy, the use of hypoallergenic personal hygiene products, feed correction.


The estrogen preparation estrocade in the form of vaginal suppositories gently adjusts the deficiency of estrogen. Promotes the accelerated epithelization of the atrophied mucosa of the vagina. One suppository is introduced deep into the vagina at night before bedtime for 10-14 days. Hormone therapy is carried out under the strict control of the attending physician. In the event of an emergency headache appearance, the drug is canceled. Ovipol Clio and Ovrestin have a similar effect. These funds of substitution hormone therapy not only restore the natural hormonal balance, but also stimulate the separation of the mucous membacity by the secrets by the walls of the vagina and the cervix.

Enhance local immunity, to prevent recurrence of urinary infections using estriot. It is represented as an estrogenous hormone short action. Intravaginal use of estriot in the form of suppositories appoints a doctor individually.

In most cases, the therapy continues 1-2 months. In the first 4 weeks, 1 suppository overnight is introduced, and then go to one-time introduction every three days. Extreme is successfully used in women during menopause to eliminate the vaginal atrophy, eliminating the climacteric syndrome. This effect can be achieved by applying drugs in the form of a cream or a gel applied by a special applicator. Estor-based divigel moisturizes the vagina mucosa, eliminates menopacteric manifestations, prescribed it after surgical manipulations.

Other treatments

  • Plockers for outdoor use of climate Possess a similar effect. Showing for use in women aged 40 to 60 years for the treatment of dryness mucous membranes during estrogen lack. Applying the plaster on the zone of the buttock or spine, you can get rid of estrogen deficiency in women after ovariectomy (ovarian removal). Like any hormonal agent, the climate has a large list of contraindications. The treatment regimen and therapy is developing the attending physician individually based on the anamnesis data.
  • For the direct impact of the hormone on the walls of the vagina, an estrogen ring can be used. Gynecologist sets it for up to three months to eliminate dryness into the vagina with intimate relationships.
  • If there is a ban on hormonal drugs, you can use homeopathic drugs based on medicinal herbs. Cyclodinone (climadinone), hyaluronic acid cicatridine improve the epithelization and tissue recovery process (crack elimination). Preparations are successfully used in the treatment of postpartum complications, with surgical interventions, after ionizing radiation and chemotherapy. Hyaluronic acid supports muscle tone, returns them elasticity. Effective with dryness of the vagina.
  • The cream from dryness vagilac based on natural components and lactic acid acts as a natural humidifier with intimate proximity. To eliminate vaginal discomfort, prevent the emergence of wounds and cracks use gels of montavit, ginokomfort, bliss.
  • Medicines based on medicinal hergs are suitable for almost everyone, with the rare exception of individual intolerance.

Food and physiotherapy

Physiotherapeutic procedures include salt and coniferous baths. You can eliminate dryness with the help of sulphide mud of the Dead Sea. If you can visit the Balneological Resort, then this is a certain plus.

Balanced nutrition, devoid of allergenic products, preservatives, modified additives, contributes to a reduction in treatment time. The advantage should be given to natural products containing in large quantity, vitamins and minerals, fatty amino acids. Especially useful proteins of plant origin. Soy and legumes contain natural phytoestrogens, normalizing hormonal background naturally.

Elimination of dryness during pregnancy

If the dryness appeared when the woman is pregnant, then the question of choosing a way to eliminate this pathology should be coordinated with the gynecologist.

Hormonal preparations of local and systemic effects are strictly contraindicated during pregnancy due to toxic effects on developing fruit. They need to be replaced by homeopathic or folk remedies. It is possible to treat dryness with the help of an oil tampon with vitamin E. Tocopherol (vitamin E) eliminates dryness in the intimate zone without harming the health of mother and developing baby. For the treatment of vagina from dryness and cracks, it is sufficient to introduce a swipon moistened with tocopherol for 5 minutes.

Dry, cracks, swelling, color change observed in the vagina during pregnancy, are usually self-made after childbirth after restoring the hormonal background. Moisturizing without the use of drugs for processing the vagina provides for the use of gels and lubricants on a vegetable basis. The sex life of a pregnant woman is not so active to risk its reproductive health. The modern pharmaceutical market offers a large selection of hypoallergenic care products for an intimate area and to eliminate vaginal discomfort.

Funds of traditional medicine

Treatment is aimed at:

  • strengthening immunity so that the body is easier to fight pathogenic organisms;
  • getting rid of the unpleasant odor to appear as a result of abundant discharge from the vagina

Decorations and fees:

  • Medicinal plants contain natural phytoestrogens, possess anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-lobes. Vaginal dryness is eliminated when scrapping a calendula, chamomile, a turn. To prepare a decoction for douching, you will need 2 tbsp. l. Calendulas on 1 liter of water. Dry raw materials are poured with boiling water, bring to a boil. Then removed from the fire and insist for an hour. Similarly, preparing infusions from chamomile and a series. You can create a combination of these herbs, combining their therapeutic characteristics.

    If the douching is contraindicated (during pregnancy), the decoction is used to add to the shared bath. Sitting baths (for 20 minutes) eliminate unpleasant symptoms.

  • The branches taken inward for 1-2 weeks increase overall immunity, contribute to the speedy recovery. The decoction made from calendula, souls and nettle, has antioxidant properties. For its preparation, you will need 20 g of oregano and calendula, 60 g of nettle. Boating dry raw materials in ½ l of water 2-3 minutes, it insists within an hour. The fluid decoction takes 1/3 cup three times a day.
  • In antiquity in the gynecological diseases, the Borovoy Makeup is used. Infusion prepared from 1 tbsp. l. dry grass (borovat) by 0.5 l of water, drinking on a glass 3 times a day. The course of treatment aimed at restoring the hormonal balance is 10-14 days.
  • Bora-based ointments lubricate small cracks. Make bonds and compresses based on novocaine.
  • Candars from chamomile and calendula. Sticks make 1 time per day.
  • A tincture of dandelion and yarrow root. The dried and crushed dandelion root mix with the jar of the yarrow, which was prepared pre-(1 C.L. on 1 st boiling water). Drink half an hour before eating twice a day. If there is an allergy to plants, take the decoction forbidden.

Even insignificant discomfort in the intimate zone should encourage women not to postpone the visit to the gynecologist. A competent approach to treatment and adequate therapy at times increase the chances of success.

The cause of cracks on the genital lips can be:

  • infection,
  • hormonal insufficiency
  • hygiene disorders
  • synthetic linen
  • glice invasion,
  • allergy,
  • diabetes,
  • but the most frequent source of this phenomena is still.

According to scientific, this is called candidal vulvivaginit.

Thrush - one of the reasons is cracking on the sexual lips

Women's vagina favorite place for the existence of numerous microorganisms, bacteria, viruses and fungi. Some of them are even necessary for the feminine body. Other do not harm until it is multiplied to unacceptable borders. Developed as a result of active vital activity of yeast-like mushroom, affecting the mucous membrane, internal and external genital organs. This mushroom can spontaneously multiply in response to the use of antibiotics and contraceptive contraceptives, on problems with thyroid gland and on blood sugar growth, to install intrauterine spiral or weight gain. Favorite factors for his growth are days of menstruation and pregnancy. These factors are the reason for the appearance cracks on the sexual lips.

Folded on the genitals due to love

Many couples are involved in oral and anal sex, sometimes forget that microorganisms that exist in the intestines are alien for the vagina. Yes, and before that, during the process! And microorganisms, indifferent to what is happening, in the meantime, moved to a new place for them to cause a double blow: eliminate useful microorganisms and contribute to the growth of yeast-like fungus, which contributes to the appearance sold in genitals.

In addition to all its malicious manifestations, thrush still deftly masks the early symptoms of venereal diseases.

The thrush is manifested by a constant strong itching in the zone of outdoor genital organs and vagina. This itching is intensified at night. At the same time, thick curls are observed from the vagina, dryness of the genital lips, abrasions and cracks on the mucous membrane of the genitals.

Treatment cracks on genitals

Before treatment, they are tested on genital ornotes, it is necessary to determine the causes of the arms of the thrush. Perhaps it is worth abandoning antibiotics and contraceptives to wait for the end of menstruation. The course of treatment will turn out no more than one and a half weeks. It includes receiving tablets and introduction into the vagina a couple of times a day, it is pills, capsules, ointments or aerosols. From the genital relationship during the treatment period, it is advisable to refrain.

Drying can cause irritation of the mucous membrane and washing away the necessary microorganisms, so it is necessary to refuse it.

Folded on sexual lips and their prevention

For prophylaxis, we can wear underwear from natural tissues. As small as possible, apply antibiotics. They destroy useful bacteria.

After the toilet, try to strip towards the anus, the bacteria from the rectum should not fall into the vagina.

We regularly wash the genitals and the anus should constantly wash with warm water with children's soap, but the use of hygienic aerosols is contraindicated, since it causes irritation of the mucous membranes.

Refrain from varieties of sex trauming vagina.

The thrush is a very large mushroom and adores people with bad habits. Most often it appears in women abusing alcohol and smoking. This is medical statistics. Just adversely affect the overwork and lack of sleep.

Cracks on sexual lips are a violation of skin integrity and mucosa. Their reasons can be both external and internal.

This is one of the manifestations of any disease, but not a separate disease. Such a violation is quite noticeable.

It manifests itself in the form of itching, burning, pain and bleeding. Especially enhanced pain in different irritations, including urination and friction.

The reasons for the appearance of microcracks are very much. Conditionally, they can be divided into external and internal.

External reasons are:

  1. Failure to follow the rules of personal hygiene. In the female organs, dirt accumulates, sweat, urine and selection.
  2. Excessive cleanliness. If a girl is interested in chemicals to care for gentle places. For example, soap, wet napkins, creams, shower gel, bath foams, etc.
  3. Permanent contact mucosa with synthetics. This happens when abuse of daily gaskets (they were invented that the menstruation did not find surprise, and not to wear every day). It is necessary to try to give preference in cotton linen or other natural fabric (it can also be beautiful).
  4. Various types of mechanical damage. Cracks on the mucosa of the sexual lip may appear during childbirth when breaks occur. The reason for the appearance of cracks can be a banal sexual contact. If during sex, genital contact is alternating with anal (which contributes to the displacement of bacteria) or use low-quality condoms and lubricants (which can cause allergies), then this may cause cracks.

Among the internal reasons why cracks appear on sexual lips, we will identify such:

  1. Side effect on drugs. Cracks may arise due to the use of hormonal or bacterial tablets, as well as local remedies: ointments, gels, candles. Immediately after the cancellation of allergen, the cracks will disappear.
  2. Diseases. The most often cracks appear due to hormonal disorders, diabetes. The reason may be deprived or fungal infection.
  3. Features of the body. From time to time, some women appear cracks on sexual lips due to the body's predisposition. This can happen during menstruation or pregnancy.

Most often, the cracks on the genital lips appear in the following cases:

  • in infectious diseases (accompanied by dry genital organs and redness);
  • with a lack of estrogen (which limits the production of vitamin E, which is responsible for the nutrition of the skin);
  • under gliscate invasion or thrush (bacterial nature of the disease);
  • with diabetes mellitus (the disease provokes dryness of the mucous membrane, this happens quite rarely).

How to get rid of microcracks?

Treatment of cracks in some cases is only in compliance with the rules of personal hygiene or the abolition of the drug causing allergies.

In many other cases, it will not cost without identifying the causes of the disease and its elimination. For this, the patient is polled, make inspection, take all the necessary analyzes. A woman is tested for the presence of an urogenital infection, hepatitis, HIV, diabetes. Actually, microcracks can be elevated by a laser operation or operation under general anesthesia after the treatment of root causes.

In order to remove pain symptoms caused by cracks on the mucosa of the genitals, you need to use softening painkillers. They are easily accessible and sold on any pharmacy. It may be ointments, candles or vaginal pills.

Drug complex treatment contributes to the disappearance of cracks. This is the strengthening of immunity by taking immunostimulants and vitamins, the use of local action preparations, for example, boroentol ointment. During treatment it is necessary to comply with hygienic standards, namely:

  • wear natural clean linen;
  • monitor the hygiene of the genitals;
  • minimize the circle of use of chemicals to care for genitals.

In order to treat, doctors recommend chlorhexidine. A solution of 2% of the substance is used for local outdoor use in order to prevent infections. Immediately after processing the mucous meal to the affected area, apply a fat cream that does not cause allergies.

Folk remedies to help

To speed up the healing process, you can try the use of folk remedies.

Packs, compresses and tinctures prepared on the basis of medicinal plants are particularly popular.

Calendula. On 2 tablespoons of dry flowers of calendula take one standard boiling water circle. Flowers pour boiling water and put on fire. Boil up to a decrease in volume by 2 times. Perfoliate and cool down. Such a decoction can be done once a day.

Dandelion root. First you need to make a decoction from the yarrow. For this, by 1 tsp. Thousands of yarrow take 1 glass of boiling water, bring to a boil and insist. After that, a dry dandelion root is added to the liquid in chopped form. The decoction is boiled, allowed to be broken, filtered. After that, you can drink half an hour before eating in the morning and in the evening.

Remove inflammation will help baths on medicinal herbs. In no case should not be hot.

The bathroom temperature should be a pleasant body. For cooking such a bath, take chamomile, calendula or a series. One of these herbs or a mixture of them to pour boiling water and present. On 1 liter of boiling water there will be enough one tablespoon of flowers. Strace the infusion and bring the liquid to a boil. Cool down to a comfortable temperature.

When cracks appear on sexual lips, it is necessary to immediately seek medical attention. It is important to remember that the use of funds of traditional medicine against the symptoms of the disease cannot get rid of the main reason for the appearance of cracks on sexual lips. And if the cracks are bothering for a long time, then they are no longer possible to cure with compresses or baths on medicinal herbs.

In medicine, the cracks between the rear pass and the vagina are common. The peak of morbidity falls at age from 20 to 30 years. The period in which most women give birth. This is due to the following reasons:

  1. During childbirth, especially if this is the first pregnancy, with a discrepancy of the size of the vagina and the fetus, the vaginal breaks down to the anal hole. In all cases, this injury is invented, but in the future, with inappropriate seam care, it begins divergeAnd cracks appear.

  2. Hemorrhoids arising due to generic activity. Enhanced outline leads to an increase in intra-abdominal pressure and expansion of the veins of the rectum. The crack between the vagina and the anal hole is the complication of this process.

  3. Failure to follow the rules of personal hygiene after childbirth. In the entire sex system and surrounding organs due to changes during pregnancy, there is a violation of microflora. If the pathogenic microbes causing cracks in the perineum occurs irregularly.

Often, the cracks between the anus and the vagina appear in girls after the first sexual act, especially if it was rude, without complying with hygienic standards and appropriate training. Also, the girls whose first sex took place with a man, the size of the penis size of which is greater average. The first sexual act can cause cracks of the crotch if the girl is deprived of virginity at a very young age (up to 14 years).

The occurrence of cracks between the anus and the vagina contributes to the use of personal hygiene products that are overpowered by the skin (soap) or are not hypoallergenic. As a result, skin irritation, peeling and cracks appear.

The cracks between the vagina and the rear pass may occur due to the fall of pathogenic microorganisms, especially sexually transmitted infections:

On the condition of the skin of the perineum affect the general diseases of the body, which are accompanied by dehydration or violations of hormonal background. In the first place among such pathologies there are diabetes mellitus, in which the skin becomes too dry and between the anal hole and the vagina appear Cracks.

Since it is possible to see the crack between the vagina and the anal hole only with the help of a mirror, it is possible to suspect its presence for a number of symptoms:

  1. Painful sensations in the crotch;

  2. Burning between the vagina and the anal hole after the act of urination;

  3. Painful defecation;

  4. Itching in the crotch;

  5. Frequent urination, which is accompanied by pain and burning;

  6. A sense of discomfort or pain during sexual intercourse;

  7. Footprints on the underwear of transparent, brown or yellowish, which appear due to cracks.

The general condition of the woman can also deteriorate, especially if the reason has become an infectious disease. Fatigue appears, reduced performance, in some cases - a slight increase in body temperature.

If a woman has hormonal changes, then primarily the menstrual cycle, metabolism and general condition (aggressiveness appears, memory, attention is reduced). With diabetes, a thirst rises, a woman can drink more than 3 liters of fluid per day. It also has a rapid urination, an increase in appetite.

Also, suspicion of the crack between the vagina and the anal hole may occur in a woman after an unprotected sexual intercourse with a unverified man due to the possible infection with the causative agent of venereal disease.

In the first place among diagnostic manipulations worth self-Diagnosis Woman of his sex system. If symptoms appeared that are similar to a clinical picture of the crack between the vagina and the rectum, as well as in the presence of a provocation situation, a woman is recommended to inspect the perineum using an ordinary mirror. When one or more cracks are detected, you must immediately contact the gynecologist.

After clarifying complaints and the circumstances of the appearance of a crack, the doctor appoints a mandatory list of surveys:

  • General blood analysis. It helps to find out the presence of inflammation, blood loss, bacterial or viral infection.

  • General urine analysis. It is carried out to detect the inflammatory response in the urinary system, the presence of sugar in the urine, which indicates diabetes mellitus, or the presence of a protein, which indicates a common disease.

  • Blood test for sugar. It is assigned, since one of the causes of crotch cracks is diabetes.

  • PCR to detect pathogens of basic venereal diseases (chlamydia, ureaplasm).

  • Sowing smears from the vagina. In parallel, when the pathogen is evisuing, its sensitivity to antibiotics is determined.

  • Analysis on oncocytology. In rare cases, the cracks between the vagina and the anal hole are a consequence of the oncological process.

If necessary, appropriate research methods (ultrasound, MRI, blood test for hormones). With a violation of the hormonal background, the diagnosis should be carried out in conjunction with the endocrinologist. With the general disease of the body appeals For advice on the therapist. In case of detection of a venereal disease, it is necessary to send a woman to the venereologist.

For the speedy healing of the crack between the anal hole and the vagina, ointments or suppositories (candles) are used, which have antiseptic properties and accelerate the healing of the skin. These drugs include:

  1. Depantola. Used in the form of suppositories. It includes antimicrobial agent and anti-inflammatory drug. It is favorable for the vagina microflora and does not cause candidiasis. Recommended by women with cracks of the vagina of any origin. Can also be used as a cream.

  2. Bapten. Applied in the form of creams and ointments. It has a healing effect. It includes vitamin B5, which has regenerating abilities. It can be used regularly for lubricating cracks or with other chronic skin diseases.

  3. Hexicon. Used in the form of suppositories. Actively applies in obstetrics and gynecology, especially with cracks that arose during childbirth. You can also use for the prevention of venereal diseases after contact with the unverified partner.

  4. LiGenter. Applied in the form of a gel. It has an antibacterial effect, and also reduces pain syndrome (as lidocaine includes). Used as a prophylactic agent with unprotected interchange.

Drug choose and appoint duration Treatment should exclusively doctor. In addition to local therapy, general, which is aimed at eliminating the underlying disease.

Treatment with sexually transmitted infections should be appointed exclusively by a venereologist and under constant supervision of physicians. The main drugs are antibiotics, with the exception of pathology, which is caused by fungal microflora or viruses. The preparation of choice is the benzinpenicillin sodium or potassium salt, which is entered 4 times a day intramuscularly. You can also use other preparations of penicillin row.

With painful syndrome due to cracks between the anus and the vagina, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (diclofenac, meloxicams, nimesulide) are used. However, long-term data tools cannot be used, as they affect the gastrointestinal tract and can lead to gastritis or the appearance of the stomach ulcers.

  1. Do not live sex life even using condom;

  2. Comply with the diet, excluding sharp, salted and fried dishes;

  3. Observe drinking mode, drink at least 2 liters of fluid per day;

  4. Observe the rules of personal hygiene, to regularly go up and change underwear;

  5. Exclude on the treatment of alcoholic beverages.

The duration of treatment depends on the stage of the disease and the chosen preparation. Regularly needed tests for detecting the pathogen.

Among the non-infectious reasons in the first place is the discrepancy between the seam after an injury that occurred during childbirth. Such a violation is treated first by washing the wound with the antiseptic solution and, in the future, the wound sewing. It is advisable to use another suture material. After sewing a woman, it is recommended to refrain from physical exertion, lifting weights and sexual contacts. For better healing, it is necessary to regularly wash with a special means for intimate hygiene or informs (not tinctures) From herbs (chamomile, calendula).

In second place among the causes of the cracks between the vagina and the anal hole is sugar diabetes. Its treatment is appointed strictly individually depending on the type of disease, stage, the amount of blood sugar and the violation of the pancreas function. Women with diabetes must observe a strict diet:

  • Feed around the clock. The meal schedule should depend on the insulin intake schedule.

  • Eliminate sweets. You can take confectionery products in which sugar is replaced with fructose.

  • Exclude alcoholic beverages. Alcohol has a toxic effect on the pancreas, whose work in diabetes is significantly violated.

  • Monitor the number of carbohydrates used in food. It is necessary to calculate the number of bread units in food. This calculation teaches an endocrinologist.

Preventive measures aimed at preventing the appearance of cracks in girls during the first sexual intercourse are in the most accurate acts from the partner. After childbirth, the prevention of cracking is completely depends on the doctor, suture material and compliance Wound sewing techniques. However, after childbirth, a woman should exclude physical exertion and sexual contacts, as they can lead to discrepancies of the seams. Also after giving birth a few days undesirable to wear underwear.

If a woman noticed a crack between anal hole and vagina, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor, since there is a risk of infection in the wound and the emergence of inflammatory diseases of the genital organs.

Cracks on the genitals are called a disorder of the integrity of the skin of the mucous membrane caused by various internal or external factors and accompanied by various unpleasant sensations when touched and urine. The location of cracks is usually radial. The main characteristic symptoms: painful sensations, burning sensation, itching and hyperemia (blood overflow blood). Other manifestations are also possible.
Cracks on large and small sexual lips are not a separate disease, but a painful state indicating that any external aggressors or violations of the body's work. With timely appeal to the doctor and immediate start of treatment, the favorable effect of therapy, as a rule, becomes noticeable enough. With a long existence, if the patient does not want to go to the doctor, the edges of the cracks may be subject to overwork, and then it will be more difficult to treat them.

Types of microcracks of the germ lip
The microcracks of the mucous membranes of the sexual lips are conventionally divided into acute and chronic. Acute microcracks are relatively recent damage causeing intensive painful pain in a small area (mainly during touch).
Chronic microcracks are older, mutilated microcracks, with compacted or thickened edges, provoking prolonged pain even without touch, arising mainly in a sitting position. Plus, such neoplasses look very unattractive.

Causes of cracks in the field of sex
Cracks on the mucous membrane of the germ lip can occur due to the impact of various external or internal factors. External factors include: mechanical damage, violation of personal hygiene rules and the use of poor-quality underwear. Internal factors affecting the formation of microcracks on mucous membranes is to receive medicines and various diseases.

External factors
As mentioned above, sometimes the cause of painful cracks on the genital lips becomes aggressive external influences. Accordingly, if they are eliminated, the problem is quickly resolved without medical care. For example:
Microcracks due to violation of basic hygienic standards
Different contamination: intensive sweating, abundant discharge from the vagina and urine drops - can cause the formation of microcracks on sexual lips. In this case, the representative of the beautiful floor will cope with them will help careful body care.
Excessive passion for "bath" procedures may result in the same result as insufficient care. In this case, it is understood first of all, excessive passion for cosmetics: soap, shower gel, foam or salt for bath, aromatic wet wipes, powder, deodorants, etc. Accordingly, to eliminate cracks on mucous membranes can simply refuse to use cosmetics and household chemicals.

Microcracks due to the use of synthetic underwear
In some cases, the cracks on large sexual lips can be provoked by the wear of poor-quality underwear (nylon, chemically processed, etc.). Inflammation occurs due to skin respiration. Microcracks are a consequence of this inflammation. Thus, the refusal of synthetic materials in favor of high-quality natural unpainted tissues will help quickly get rid of the problem.
Nowadays, in specialty stores, you can find a lot of high quality and beautiful linen, which in your own way will not give up to synthetic cowards. But in the future, no health problems at the fan of natural things will not be exactly.

Mechanical damage
Sometimes microcracks on the outdoor genital organs appear after sex. The reason for this may be an allergic reaction to latex, any lubricants, etc. Alternating anal and vaginal sex for one sexual act can also provoke the formation of cracks. The reason for this is microorganisms that penetrate the intestines.
Another example of mechanical damage - gaps during childbirth. To prevent the formation of cracks on the external genital organs after childbirth, in the ninth month of pregnancy, women recommend starting to make a crotch massage. It allows you to slightly stretch and strengthen the skin and muscle, thereby preventing mechanical disorders. But remember that this is pre-agreed with the doctor.

Internal factors
Cracks on the genitals arising from the impact of internal factors require medical intervention and longer treatment. In order to get rid of such microtrams, it is necessary to diagnose and eliminate the main reason for their appearance: to stop the reception of "malicious" medicines, to stop the inflammatory process or cure the disease.

Cracks that appeared due to drug use
Cracks on the mucous lips sometimes appear as a result of oral administration of drugs, the use of local action preparations. Outflow and gels for external use can cause an acute allergic reaction and provoke the formation of microcracks.
Reception inside of some hormonal and antibacterial drugs, drugs for the treatment of human papilloma virus, as well as other medicines or plant extracts (for example, active use of tea tree oil) - all this may cause cracks on the sexual lips. The cessation of medical medication or their shift can help get rid of painful cracks on the genitals of a woman.

Cracks on the genital organs resulting from diseases
Hormonal disorders consider the most common cause of the formation of cracks on the mucosa of the genitals. For example, estrogen deficiency (often observed during menopause) provokes excessive dry skin, as a result of which microtraums are formed.
The reason for the formation of microcracks on sex lips can be deprived. It is localized at different parts of the body, but most often amazes hands, legs and groin. The formation of microcracks on the skin and mucous membranes is one of the characteristic symptoms of this disease.
The cause of the formation of microcracks on sexual lips may be a disease of the endocrine system. For example, one of the symptoms of diabetes mellitus is unbearable itching in the area of \u200b\u200bthe genital organs, which, in turn, contributes to the emergence of microcracks.
Another reason for the occurrence of microcracks on the sex lips may be thrush. Candidiasis is a disease that develops against the background of active livelihoods of fungus affecting predominantly mucous membranes of outdoor genital organs.
To other frequent reasons for this phenomenon include: other fungal and infectious diseases, vitamin failure, glides invasion, eczema, allergies, etc.

Separately, it is worth mentioning and natural physiological processes provoking cracks on the genitals of the lady. For example, an increase in the number of candidate fungi, contributing to the impaired integrity of the mucous membranes, is activated during a hormonal restructuring: during pregnancy or simply during menstruation. And therefore, precisely in this period cracks can appear on sexual lips.

Diagnosis of the disease: what caused cracks
Diagnosis of microcracks of mucous membranes includes an external examination of the patient, listening to complaints to compile a view of the disease and various laboratory studies: sowing from the vagina, examination for urogenital infections, blood test (general blood test, as well as HIV analysis, hepatitis, sugar levels in blood), the part of the feces on the eggs worms and others.

Medical treatment of the disease
Medical treatment of microcracks is aimed at relieving symptoms and eliminating the main pathology. As a rule, treatment with conservative methods is enough. In difficult cases, an operation may be assigned (this may be an operation by minimally invasive methods, without anesthesia and stay in the hospital or a classic operation under general anesthesia).

Treatment of cracks on genital organs by folk remedies
Without a pre-medical consultation, get rid of cracks at home can be extremely difficult. Obviously, without eliminating the main cause of the disease, the treatment of its manifestations is ineffective, and the risk of recurrences is extremely high. However, already before the campaign to a specialist can take some measures to remove pain. For example, reduce pain associated with the formation of cracks on the sexual lips, will help softening ointment, antiseptic and painkillers (such drugs can be bought in any urban pharmacy). A good therapeutic effect is also given seated warm baths (including therapeutic baths with chamomile, a series, etc.).

Conservative treatment of fresh cracks includes:
- general strengthening of immunity to enhance the body's protective forces
- Compliance with hygienic standards
- elimination of an unpleasant, sharp smell
- Lubrication of the affected areas by boroentol ointment
- Therapeutic compresses, wipes and novels based on novocaine, as well as chamomile beams and calendula.

The calendula tincture is the most popular "folk" agent against microcracks of mucous membranes.
Recipe Dizard Calendula
To prepare the calendula tincture, one teaspoon of flowers of flowers or calendula extract and 70 milliliters of boiled water will be required. The herbal mixture is poured with boiling water and evaporated on low heat until the volume is halucing. Then the solution is filled and coated. Sticks and wipes of affected skin of the skin are made once a day.

A good therapeutic effect also gives the infusion of dandelion root and yarrow.
Recipe on dandelion
Dried and unwound dandelion root (one teaspoon) mixed with a decoction of yarrow (proportions: one teaspoon of yarrow on a glass of boiling water). The resulting mixture takes twice a day half an hour before meals. Previously do not forget to check whether there is no allergy to the tool.

In order to prevent infection of microcracks, experts recommend to process the affected sections with a solution of 2% chlorhexidine. Some time after processing, you can lubricate the cracks with a fatty hypoallergenic cream.

Therapeutic diet can be appropriate for any disease of the skin and mucous membranes. It is primarily in the saturation of the body with vitamins and trace elements necessary to increase the protective forces of the body. Power must be rational and balanced.

It is important to remember that at the launched stage of the disease will not help any means of traditional medicine. If the pain does not pass throughout several days or, moreover, it is intensified daily, it is necessary to urgently ask for help from a specialist. The doctor will remove pain with the help of an anesthetic novocainel blockade and prescribe expedient, effective treatment.
In severe cases, when treatment with conservative methods is impossible, an operation can be appointed: the doctor excised the crack under anesthesia and protects them. And remember that you should not bring the process to "to the extreme"! After all, there is a big difference between small inflammation and scars.

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