Mud treatment indications and contraindications. What diseases are curative mud useful for? Sapropel treatment


Mud therapy

therapeutic mud is divided into 4 main types:



Amino acids: aspartic, glutamine, alanine, arginine, glycine, histidine, serine, tyrosine, cysteine.

Essential amino acids: valine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, threonine, tryptophan, phenylalanine.

Vitamins: B 1, B 2, B 3, B 5, B 6, B 12, C, D, E

Enzymes: catalase,


Antiseptic substances, hormone-like substances, growth stimulants, lipids, proteins, carbohydrates.


Macronutrients: calcium, phosphorus, silicon, magnesium, potassium, sulfur.

Trace elements: silver, iron, zinc, copper, selenium, cobalt, iodine, molybdenum, nickel, manganese.

  • up to 80%!

Presence in sapropel lipids

  • Nourishes cells with oxygen.

Strengthen nails;


  • cardiac ischemia,
  • vegetative dystonia,
  • phlebeurysm,
  • obliterating endarteritis,
  • atherosclerosis,
  • thrombophlebitis.

Diseases of the nervous system:

  • neurasthenia,
  • sleep disorders,
  • polyneuropathy,
  • vibration disease,
  • myelitis,
  • meningoencephalitis,
  • consequences of poliomyelitis

Diseases respiratory organs:

  • chronic rhinitis,
  • Chronical bronchitis,
  • sinusitis,
  • pharyngitis,
  • sinusitis,
  • tonsillitis,
  • laryngitis,


  • biliary dyskinesia,
  • reflux esophagitis,
  • chronic gastritis,
  • colitis,
  • rectal fissures,
  • haemorrhoids


  • chronic pyelonephritis,
  • nephritis,
  • pyelitis,
  • urolithiasis disease,

In urology and gynecology


  • osteochondrosis of the spine,
  • myositis,
  • muscle diseases,
  • osteoporosis,
  • radiculitis,
  • consequences of injuries

Skin diseases:

  • burns,
  • diathesis,
  • neurodermatitis,
  • dermatitis,
  • psoriasis,
  • papulosquamous disorders,
  • hives,
  • diseases of the skin appendages,
  • scars, keratoses,
  • fungal infections,
  • other dermatoses

In cosmetology:

Based on materials from research institutes for medical rehabilitation and balneology, as well as Ph.D. dissertations on the therapeutic effect of sapropel mud on the human body

Why sapropel?

Sapropel- a unique relic mud, unlike other therapeutic mud, which has gone through a full cycle of biosynthesis. It does not decompose, has no smell characteristic of other therapeutic muds, and is also capable of regeneration in natural conditions, i.e. self-cleaning within 4-6 months. The water of the lake has a unique property - without spoiling, it can stand at room temperature for months, it has a powerful disinfecting effect.

Mud therapy(peloid therapy, from the Greek pelos - "silt", clay and terapia - "treatment") certainly belongs to one of the most ancient methods of healing for a variety of diseases. Therapeutic mud is one of the minerals. Their therapeutic effect is due to the organic and mineral composition, the content of biologically active compounds, hormone, antibiotic and vitamin components, as well as microflora, on the vital activity of which the biological processes occurring in them depend.

Today, when folk remedies and methods are not only experiencing a rebirth, but are also organically introduced into modern medicine, the relevance of sapropel is becoming more and more obvious. Modern science is not yet able to obtain its likeness artificially, however, a person can use what was created by nature.

Depending on the physico-chemical properties therapeutic mud is divided into 4 main types:

  • Hill mud - practically does not contain organic substances.
  • Silt sulfide - contains up to 28% organic matter.
  • Peats - contain up to 50% organic matter.
  • Sapropel - contains up to 80% organic matter.

Sapropel– dirt of the highest biological activity. It is based on biogenic substances, biological compounds and the widest mineral complex:

organic matter:

Amino acids: aspartic, glutamine, alanine, arginine, glycine, histidine, serine,

Tyrosine, cysteine.

Essential amino acids: valine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, threonine, tryptophan,


Vitamins: B 1, B 2, B 3, B 5, B 6, B 12, C, D, E

Enzymes: catalase, reductase, peroxidase, protease.

Bioactive components:

Antiseptic substances, hormone-like substances, growth stimulants, lipids, proteins, carbohydrates.

mineral complex:

Macronutrients: calcium, phosphorus, silicon, magnesium, potassium, sulfur.

Trace elements: silver, iron, zinc, copper, selenium, cobalt, iodine, molybdenum, nickel, manganese.

The unique healing properties of sapropelic mud are due to:

  • The maximum concentration of organic substances - up to 80%!
  • The highest heat capacity among other types of mud, and therefore the highest therapeutic activity!

Sapropel is recommended for use by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. The evaluation of the medicinal properties of sapropel was carried out by the Ukrainian Research Institute of Medical Rehabilitation and Balneology in 2007. According to the conclusion of the state sanitary and epidemiological expertise, freshwater sapropelic mud meets the established medical safety criteria and the requirements of the current sanitary legislation of Ukraine.

Sapropel contains up to 50% of humic acids, experimental studies of which have confirmed their high therapeutic activity as adaptogens with antitumor, antioxidant, antitoxic, radioprotective, antimutagenic and other properties.

When treating with sapropelic mud, interacting with the human body, an optimal ion exchange is created. The biological and chemical components of the natural mixture penetrate through the skin. The body absorbs the healing substances of sapropel, giving off accumulated toxins and poisons, which are often the cause of many skin and allergic diseases.

In terms of its healing properties, it is not only not inferior, but in many respects surpasses many well-known therapeutic muds of other lakes. The complex effect creates the originality and uniqueness of the action of sapropel on the entire human body.

Sapropel and preparations based on it have a positive effect on the nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular systems, improve the condition of the musculoskeletal system, and stimulate metabolic processes in the liver. The presence of antibiotic-like substances in sapropel and the absence of pathogenic microorganisms provide a quick cessation of inflammatory processes and an active cure for eczema, dermatitis, burns due to increased phagocytic activity of leukocytes in the blood, tissue regeneration; various phlegmons, mastitis, furunculosis, chronic gastritis, peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum are successfully treated.

The use of sapropel preparations, in combination with electrophoresis, improves the condition of patients with inflammatory diseases of the uterus and appendages; revealed high efficiency in the treatment of male and female infertility; chronic inflammatory pathology of the joints, cervical osteochondrosis of the spine with neurological manifestations.

Presence in sapropel lipids(32.3 g/kg of dry residue) determines their bacteriostatic, bactericidal and high anti-inflammatory activity.

Cosmetic effect of sapropel:

  • Removes 95% of bacteria, fungi and toxins from the skin.
  • It has anti-inflammatory and anti-edema effect.
  • Reduces skin sensitivity in various allergic lesions.
  • Enhances the renewal of epidermal cells by almost 10%.
  • Nourishes cells with oxygen.
  • Increases the moisture content of the stratum corneum of the epidermis.
  • Increases the density and elasticity of the stratum corneum of the epidermis.
  • Leaves skin fresher, tighter & more even.
  • Eliminates the phenomena of cellulite, cicatricial changes in the skin and restores metabolic processes in the skin.

Sapropel-based procedures help:

Get rid of acne and restore the water-lipid balance of the skin;

Whiten the skin (remove freckles, age spots, traces of uneven tanning);

“tighten” loose and flabby skin of the face, relieve swelling;

Smooth out wrinkles and prevent the appearance of new ones;

Strengthen nails;

Normalize the work of the sebaceous glands of the scalp with dandruff and seborrhea;

Strengthen hair, especially with early baldness and increased hair loss;

Improve blood circulation throughout the body;

Eliminate the manifestation and stop the spread of cellulite;

Relieve leg pain and soothe "varicose veins";

Cope with many dermatological diseases;

Get rid of excessive sweating and unpleasant foot odor.

The effect of sapropel on the body:

  • Improves lymph and blood circulation in tissues, strengthening capillary walls.
  • Improves blood composition, lowers blood cholesterol.
  • Stimulates metabolic processes in tissues, improving oxygen metabolism.
  • It has a pronounced antibacterial effect.
  • Being a powerful physiological irritant, it stimulates the functions of the autonomic nervous system.
  • It activates the body's immune reactions, has a tonic effect on the body, increases the body's resistance to diseases.
  • Neutralizing the pathogenic microflora of the mucous membranes, eliminates inflammation.
  • Does not cause allergic reactions.

Indications for the use of sapropel

Diseases of the cardiovascular system:

  • cardiac ischemia,
  • vegetative dystonia,
  • phlebeurysm,
  • obliterating endarteritis,
  • atherosclerosis,
  • thrombophlebitis.

Diseases of the nervous system:

  • neurasthenia,
  • sleep disorders,
  • damage to individual nerves, nerve roots and plexuses,
  • polyneuropathy,
  • diseases of the neuromuscular synapse and muscles,
  • consequences of injuries of roots, plexuses, nerve trunks, spinal cord and brain,
  • consequences of surgical removal of benign tumors of the nervous system,
  • cerebral palsy,
  • disorders of the autonomic nervous system,
  • radiculitis, plexitis, neuritis,
  • vibration disease,
  • myelitis,
  • meningoencephalitis,
  • arachnoiditis of the brain and spinal cord,
  • encephalitis at the end of the acute period,
  • consequences of poliomyelitis
  • consequences of epidemic poliomyelitis

Diseases respiratory organs:

  • chronic rhinitis,
  • Chronical bronchitis,
  • sinusitis,
  • pharyngitis,
  • sinusitis,
  • tonsillitis,
  • laryngitis,
  • residual effects after acute pneumonia,
  • consequences of lung surgery

Diseases of the ear and mastoid process

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract:

  • biliary dyskinesia,
  • reflux esophagitis,
  • chronic gastritis,
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum,
  • consequences of surgical interventions and inflammatory processes in the abdominal cavity,
  • colitis,
  • rectal fissures,
  • haemorrhoids

Diseases of the genitourinary system:

  • chronic pyelonephritis,
  • nephritis,
  • pyelitis,
  • diseases of the urinary system (cystitis, urethritis, trigonitis, etc.),
  • urolithiasis disease,
  • diseases of the male genital organs (chronic prostatitis, orchitis, epididymitis, impotence, etc.), inflammatory and non-inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs (menstrual irregularities, chronic cervicitis, inflammatory diseases of the uterine appendages of various etiologies, chronic pelvioperitonitis, periadnexitis, parametritis, postoperative adhesions on the end of the acute period, erosion of the cervix),

In urology and gynecology sapropel is successfully used in male and female infertility, treatment of inflammatory diseases of the genital area. The wrapping procedure is technically simple, painless and restores reproductive function in more than 30%.

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system:

  • osteochondrosis of the spine,
  • joint diseases (arthritis, arthrosis),
  • myositis,
  • muscle diseases,
  • osteoporosis,
  • radiculitis,
  • consequences of injuries

Skin diseases:

  • burns,
  • diathesis,
  • neurodermatitis,
  • dermatitis,
  • atopic dermatitis and eczema,
  • psoriasis,
  • papulosquamous disorders,
  • hives,
  • diseases of the skin appendages,
  • scars, keratoses,
  • fungal infections,
  • other dermatoses

Decreased immunity, mental and physical overwork

In cosmetology: acne, restoration of metabolic processes in the skin, rejuvenation.

The positive effect of treatment is observed from the first procedures!

Based on materials from research institutes
medical rehabilitation and balneology, as well as candidate
dissertations on the therapeutic effect of sapropelic mud on the human body

Masks and applications
They are used to improve the general condition of the skin, to treat acne, dandruff and seborrhea, burns, chronic skin diseases, rheumatism, joint pain. After heating the mask to a comfortable temperature (37-40 degrees), sapropel is applied to the skin of the face, neck and other open areas with a layer of no more than 2 mm. After 10-20 minutes, the mask is washed off, the skin is allowed to rest for 20-30 minutes, and then a nourishing cream is applied.

Cold applications
They are addressed in case of exacerbation of inflammatory diseases of the joints and spine to relieve pain. Cold application is sapropel at room temperature or body temperature. Sapropel is applied to problem areas in a thick layer, covered with a cloth or cellophane film, left for 20-30 minutes, then washed off.

Warm applications
They are indicated for the prevention of exacerbations of chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system during remission and after drug relief of acute manifestations. Sapropel heated to 42-45 degrees is considered warm applications. Dirt is applied to problem areas, covered with a cloth or cellophane film, then with a terry towel. Wash off with warm water after 20-30 minutes.
Baths for hands and feet to relieve pain in arthritis, gout, etc.
Sapropel heated to 37-40 degrees is put into bags or gloves (it will take from 100 to 200 g), where the hands or feet are placed - depending on what they are going to treat. It is important that the dirt covers the skin evenly. Without removing the package, hands or feet are immersed in a bath with warm water (50 ° C) for 30-45 minutes.

Restorative baths
The temperature of the bath with sapropel should be 40-45 degrees. The composition is prepared at the rate of 1 kg of therapeutic mud per 10 liters of water. The bath is taken for 15-20 minutes. It is important to know that such baths are not taken without first consulting a doctor! Categorical contraindications here: cardiovascular diseases (ischemic heart disease, hypertension); acute inflammatory diseases of the skin, inflammatory diseases of the female sphere; fibroids, fibromyomas, uterine fibroids; sore throat, flu, colds in the acute period, as well as increased body temperature for whatever reason.

Compresses are used for the area that is considered problematic - the back, chest, neck, joints. Sapropel is heated to 40-45 degrees and applied to cotton fabric with a layer of up to 0.5 cm. The compress is applied to the skin with the side on which the sapropel lies. A thin plastic wrap and a warm blanket or terry towel are placed on top. The duration of the procedure is 30-45 minutes.
P.S. Do not throw away the sapropel used for medicinal purposes! It can find a secondary use for feeding domestic plants or in a summer cottage.

"Preventive body treatments are best done in the evening, they relieve skin irritation, calm the nervous system, improve sleep. There is a so-called" sapropel meditation ".

It is advisable to apply face masks in the morning, apply twice a week. They have a calming, relaxing effect, cleanse the pores, evade their drainage, and help remove comedones. Sapropel absorbs excess skin shaft, dead cells and evens out the skin relief. Regular use of masks contributes to the gradual reduction of acne, relief of inflammatory reactions of the skin. Regular use of masks contributes to the gradual reduction of acne, relief of inflammatory reactions of the skin. It should be noted that masks noticeably whiten the skin.

In the presence of scars, age spots, a slightly heated mask is applied for 40-45 minutes. To enhance the effect, a polyethylene film is applied on top. This expands the capillaries, improves microcirculation. The mask must be wet, it can be moistened with water.

The activity of the procedures increases at a temperature of 45 degrees or more, but they should be taken under medical supervision, as they affect cardiovascular activity.

At home, sapropel is heated to 35-40 degrees C and applied to the cleansed skin surface with a layer of 2-3 mm.

On the same day with the mud procedure, massage, physiotherapy exercises, UV radiation, inhalation, air baths are allowed.

It is not allowed to make masks at the same time on the face, body or head. This is not only harmful (especially with hypertension), but also reduces the effectiveness of the procedure (the effect of mud is largely based on the rush of blood to the local area).

The pasty consistency of sapropel simplifies local applications, the procedures do not require special equipment and medical training. They are simple and pleasant.

Note. When carrying out procedures, only enameled or glassware can be used. The use of metal utensils is not allowed. To apply sapropel, it is necessary to use wooden or plastic spatulas.

Storage conditions. At room temperature, sapropel is usable for 10-12 months. In the refrigerator, the shelf life is not limited, since the temperature of its natural environment is 3 degrees C. After opening the package, it must be covered tightly with polyethylene to limit the access of oxygen. The course of treatment consumes an average of two packs of 450 gr.

Ways to use sapropel

For cosmetic purposes, sapropel is used in the form of masks for various skin types, baths. Compresses.

Masks and applications allow:

Get rid of acne and restore the water-lipid balance of the skin;
- "tighten" aging skin of the face;
- whiten the skin (remove freckles, age spots, traces of uneven tanning, vitiligo);
- remove swelling;
- smooth wrinkles to prevent the appearance of new ones;
- strengthen nails;
- normalize the work of the sebaceous glands of the scalp with dandruff and seborrhea;
- strengthen hair, especially in case of early baldness and increased hair loss;
- improve blood circulation throughout the body and, if not eliminate, then
- stop the spread of cellulite;
- relieve pain in the legs and soothe """varicose veins";
- cope with many dermatological diseases;
- Get rid of excessive sweating and unpleasant foot odor.

Masks and applications

They are used for cosmetic purposes to improve the general condition of the skin, to treat acne, dandruff and seborrhea, burns, chronic skin diseases, rheumatism, joint pain.

Mask for dry skin

Apply sapropel on the face with a soft brush up to 2 mm layer for 10-15 minutes,
preheating the mud to 37-40 degrees C. The mask should be periodically moistened with water, preventing it from completely drying out, or cover your face with cling film, leaving your eyes, nose and lips open.

If desired, the mask can be enriched with various oils: olive, linseed, sunflower, you can even add sour cream, but this must be done before the procedure.

Rinse with water or tonic and after 20-30 minutes of rest, apply a nourishing cream.

Mask for oily skin

Apply sapropel on the face with a soft brush up to 2 mm layer, preheating the mud to 37-40 degrees C. After drying, the mask is washed off with a decoction of chamomile, celandine or water, then after 20-30 minutes of rest, apply a nourishing cream for oily skin.

Mask to eliminate scars and age spots

Warm up the sapropel to 40 degrees C, apply it on a cleansed steamed face for 40-45 minutes. Then rinse with water. After 15-20 minutes, wipe your face with tonic and apply sunscreen with a maximum SPF.

Hair mask for seborrhea, dandruff, hair loss

The mask is applied to clean scalp between strands of hair. Then you need to do a light head massage from the periphery to the back of the head, put on a hat (warm) for 1-2 hours. Then it is washed off with warm water without shampoo.

During treatment, the hair fades slightly, but after a course of mud therapy, their shine is restored. At the same time, headache and depression are relieved.

Hand mask

Apply a thin layer of heated sapropel to 37-40 degrees C on the hands, put on plastic gloves, then immerse in a bath of warm water (50 degrees C) for 30-45 minutes. Rinse off the dirt with water and after 15 minutes apply hand cream on your hands. It is very good to carry out this procedure before going to bed.

Baths, baths and compresses

They are used for hands, feet and adjacent joints.

Trays (immersion method).

Heated sapropel up to 37-40 degrees C is laid out in bags (gloves), where hands and feet are placed. The mud is smeared over the skin of the hands or feet, and then immersed in a bath of warm water (50 degrees C) for 30-45 minutes. Consumption of sapropel 100-200 grams.


Baths with sapropel chatter are prepared for 15-20 minutes at a concentration of 1 kg of sapropel per 10 liters of water, the bath temperature is 40-45 degrees C. As a rule, they are used in sanatorium conditions under medical supervision.


Compresses are applied to the back, chest, problem areas - elbow, shoulder, knee joints, breasts, neck.

Sapropel is heated up to 40-50 degrees C, put on a cotton cloth with a thickness of up to 0.5 cm and applied to the skin with the side on which the sapropel lies. A thin plastic film is placed on top of the compress and a warm blanket or terry towel is placed on top for 30-45 minutes.

The use of sapropel for cellulite

Cellulite impairs tissue blood circulation and metabolism, toxins are not removed and accumulate in cells. The cell membranes do not withstand the load and burst, and the contents (fat) remain in the intercellular space, sticking together into dense lumps. The use of a diet does not allow you to get rid of cellulite, since the body begins to use this fat reserve only when it is completely exhausted. To combat cellulite, it is necessary to use a set of procedures (diet, massage, exercise, wrapping in combination with the use of sapropel (internal and external).

Sapropel is taken internally in the morning on an empty stomach every day.

It is best to use sapropel externally in a bath. 40-60 minutes before the procedure, it is necessary to empty the bladder and intestines, it is contraindicated to drink and eat.

Take a hot shower with gel and scrub for 5 minutes. Then you need to make three visits to the steam room for 5-7 minutes. After each entry, you need to take a very warm shower. The use of a pool with cold water must be avoided, since the effect of losing weight decreases when sweating stops.

Then sapropel is applied to a clean steamed body with a layer of 3-5 mm for 20 minutes. Such a layer of dirt retains heat for a long time, under the influence of which the following processes actively occur:

The pores open, sweating and blood circulation increase;
toxins are removed with sweat;
- trace elements contained in sapropel are absorbed into the skin and improve metabolism;
- fat is broken down.

At the end of the procedure, it is necessary to wash off the dirt, apply anti-cellulite cream and dress warmly. This procedure must be done regularly 1-2 times a week.

It is best to visit the bath in the evening. Before going to bed, drinking and eating is contraindicated (in extreme cases, you can drink half a glass of citrus or pineapple juice or mineral water).

At home, if it is not possible to visit the bath, it is recommended to carry out a mud wrap, alternating it with salt baths. It is necessary to follow the following sequence of procedures for 20-30 days: the first day is a mud wrap, the second is a salt bath, the third is rest.

For wrapping, the mud is heated in a water bath to 40 degrees C and, after a 10-minute hot shower, is applied to clean skin with a layer of 3-5 mm. Then it is necessary to wrap the body with a thin film and a blanket to keep warm on
20-30 minutes, after which you need to take a hot shower, rub anti-cellulite cream into problem areas and go to bed. Eating and drinking is not recommended.

For a salt bath, it is best to use sea salt, which is sold in a pharmacy. The water temperature should be 38-40 degrees C, the duration of the procedure is 18-20 minutes. For one bath use 1-2 cups of salt.

The safest and most productive are those fertilizers for plants that are of natural origin. The use of sapropel - bottom sediments - has proven itself well. The product not only stimulates the development of garden crops, but also restores soil fertility.

Sapropel is a biogenic material formed at the bottom of freshwater lakes. It consists of the remains of local flora and fauna, as well as mineral particles and soil fragments.

This is a unique soil-forming fertilizer, which has no analogues. It takes several decades to form. During this time, it accumulates a large number of useful elements. The product is environmentally friendly and safe, has a versatile effect. It is for this that gardeners and gardeners appreciate him.

Many people confuse silt and sapropel. The difference is that the former is formed in flowing water bodies and contains much fewer useful components.

Operating principle

Fertilizer quickly saturates the soil with elements necessary for plants. It is home to many bacteria that can exist in the most difficult conditions. They convert substances into an easily accessible form, so that crops receive a balanced diet and begin to actively develop.

When introduced into the ground, the natural microflora is restored. Bacteria contribute to the accumulation and decomposition of humus, the main constituent of the soil. As a result, the fertile layer thickens, and an environment suitable for plants is formed.

Composition and properties depending on the type

The fertilizer contains:

  • macro- and microelements: nitrogen, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, calcium, boron, bromine, manganese, cobalt, copper;
  • vitamins A, B, C, E;
  • amino acids;
  • enzymes;
  • carotenoids;
  • humic acids.

There are 4 types of sapropel:

  1. organic;
  2. glandular;
  3. carbonate;
  4. siliceous.

Depending on the concentration of minerals, the material is:

  • mineralized (80-85%);
  • mineral-organic (50-70%);
  • organo-mineral (30-50%);
  • organic (less than 30%).

The darker the color, the less mineral particles are present in the composition.

On sale you can find several types of sapropel:

  • A-mark - universal, approved for use on any type of soil;
  • B-mark - optimal for high acidity;
  • B-mark - used on lands with a neutral or slightly alkaline reaction.

The product restores lost fertility and enriches the soil with nutrients, which has a positive effect on the state of growing crops:

  1. plants receive the necessary elements during the growing season;
  2. accelerate their growth and development;
  3. productivity increases;
  4. palatability improves, fruit size increases.

Fertilizer is allowed to be applied at any time.

Practical application of sapropel in the country

The lake product is universal, suitable for feeding all cultivated plants - vegetable, ornamental, fruit and berry. Sapropel is used in the garden both fresh and after preliminary composting. It has preservative properties - it prevents damage and rotting of the crop, allows you to store root crops (potatoes, beets, carrots) longer.

Fertilizer is used not only in agriculture. He found application in medicine and cosmetology.

Sapropel for soil

Bottom sediments quickly and effectively improve soil quality:

  • restore depleted nutrient reserves;
  • disinfect the earth - destroy pathogenic bacteria, neutralize harmful substances;
  • activate the activity of beneficial microorganisms, due to which the concentration of humus increases;
  • increase moisture capacity, which allows less frequent watering of plantings.

The result of the application is stored for 3-5 years.

To cultivate heavy clay soils or poor sandstones, proceed as follows:

  1. scatter fertilizer at the rate of 3 liters per 1 m²;
  2. close up to a depth of 10-12 cm.

A similar amount is applied during pre-sowing preparation of the site. Thanks to the procedure, the germination of seeds increases, and strong immunity is formed in young plants.

Sapropel for garden and horticultural plants

The product has a positive effect on plants in any period of vegetation. Sapropel, added to the soil for seedlings, accelerates the growth of the root system, allows you to get healthy and simultaneous seedlings.

To obtain the expected effect, before planting seedlings, prepare a special soil mixture. Instructions for use for different cultures are given in the table.

A substrate suitable for growing most plants is obtained by mixing sapropel and soil in a ratio of 1 to 3.

During the planting of seedlings, fertilizer is applied directly to the planting pits - 1 part per 3-5 parts of soil. It accelerates rooting, promotes the formation of a large number of ovaries and fruits.

In the process of growth, tree trunks of fruit and berry crops are mulched with sapropel. The thickness of the layer depends on the plant:

  • trees - 5-7 cm;
  • shrubs - 2-4 cm.

Top dressing is allowed up to 3 times per season.

To improve the properties and enhance the biological qualities of manure, it is sprinkled with lake fertilizer (2 to 1) and left to rot for 4 months.

Sapropel when planting potatoes

The use of the product on potato plantations helps to collect at least 1.5 times more root crops. To do this, they fill the soil before planting at the rate of 3-6 kg per m². The exact amount depends on the structure of the soil and its mechanical composition.

Fertilizer can be poured directly into the holes (1 handful).

Sapropel for flowers

Sapropel is great for indoor plants:

  • increases the duration of flowering;
  • increases resistance to diseases and adverse factors;
  • improves decorative qualities.

Flowers are planted in a substrate prepared from a mixture of soil and fertilizer in a 4:1 ratio.

Common mistakes when using sapropel

Bottom sediments will not be useful if they are used incorrectly. Typical mistakes:

  1. The exclusion of other top dressings - sapropel is not able to fully cover the nutritional needs of plants. It contains little phosphorus, so appropriate fertilizers must be applied. The best effect is obtained only with complex application.
  2. Frequent use - the product remains effective for 3-5 years. There is no need to add it to the soil annually.
  3. Wrong proportions - each type of plant needs a certain amount of nutrients. What is optimal for cucumbers is unacceptable for cherries. It is important to follow the prescribed dosages.

If there is no positive effect, you should reconsider the method of application and find a flaw.

Where and how is sapropel mined?

Fertilizer accumulates only in fresh water bodies with stagnant water. Its formation requires oxygen deficiency, so rivers with an active current are not suitable for sapropel extraction.

Do-it-yourself mining

People near which there are relict lakes may well get bottom fertilizer on their own. However, this will require special equipment, similar in design to a dredger, but less powerful. With its help, up to 30 m³ of raw materials are obtained at a time. If the reservoir is shallow, you can use:

  • with ordinary forks, wrapping the teeth with wire;
  • a pole and a bucket with a holey bottom.

As a source of a valuable product, lakes with clean water are chosen, where industrial waste does not drain.

The extracted sapropel does not need additional chemical treatment. It is only dried in the sun and passed through a sieve to obtain a free-flowing powder. If moisture remains in the raw material, it will deteriorate and rot.

The process of obtaining fertilizer on your own is quite complicated. However, it is economically beneficial. To process large plantations, you will have to spend much more money on acquiring it from intermediaries.

Purchase in the store. approximate cost

Sapropel is sold in the form of:

  1. powder;
  2. liquids;
  3. granules;
  4. tablets;
  5. emulsions;
  6. pastes.

Powdered and granular fertilizers are in the greatest demand: they are easier to handle large-scale agricultural land. Liquid and pasty product is used for land reclamation.

Sapropel, which has a viscous or jelly-like structure, is forbidden to be used as a fertilizer: a change in consistency indicates the presence of ferrous compounds.

Granules give nutrients to the soil longer. A liquid or paste fertilizer is suitable for restoring depleted soil during seedbed preparation.

The price depends on the season and the location of the manufacturer. In the spring, fish farms sell a ton of sapropel for 1,500 rubles. Workers annually clean reservoirs, so they give fertilizer quite cheaply. The product in powder form costs about 2 times more.

Grocery stores have the following rates:

  • dried sapropel - from 60 rubles / kg;
  • granulated - from 190 rubles. for 5 l;
  • liquid for certain plants (vegetable, ornamental, etc.) - from 77 rubles. for 0.5 l.

Sapropel is an environmentally friendly product with a wide spectrum of action. Proper use allows you to restore the structure of the soil, normalize the balance of nutrients, enhance growth and increase yields. Gardeners who have already tested this fertilizer consider it a godsend for a garden plot.

Sapropel is a thousand-year-old bottom sediments of fresh water bodies, formed by the remains of dead animals and plants, plankton, soil particles and having passed the full phase of biosynthesis. Simply put, sapropel is a gelatinous mud mass of gray or brown color, odorless, which distinguishes it from other muds, does not decompose and can be stored for months at normal temperature. Sapropel loses its properties when frozen!

The process of formation of such a mass occurs at a depth, in the almost complete absence of oxygen, which triggers the formation of colloidal organic matter with a high hydrogen content and high activity of its constituent substances.

Sapropel deposits were originally used as organic fertilizers, to improve soil fertility, increase crop yields, and as a feed additive in animal husbandry.

Although the world from ancient Egypt used the river and lake deposits of the Nile, Euphrates and Tigris, thanks to the annual floods of which fertile lands were enriched and gave people countless crops of grain, rice, and fruits.

Healing properties of sapropel

Thanks to modern scientific research and analysis of the composition of bottom silt, a whole range of its truly unique properties has been revealed, primarily due to the following indicators:

  • high heat capacity, and, consequently, high therapeutic activity,
  • high content of micro and macro elements, salts, vitamins, amino acids, hormone-like substances and stimulants.

Sapropel is the only one of all types of mud that has bactericidal properties.

Sapropel analogues with a similar composition and action today simply do not exist either in pharmacology or in cosmetology.

Why is silt sapropel so good?

Composition of sapropel

Since the formation process has been going on under unusual conditions for many thousands of years, a storehouse of useful substances accumulates in the mass.

  • First of all, sapropel is proteins, fats, carbohydrates;
  • B vitamins: B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, E, D;
  • folic acid, amino acids (lysine, leucine, isoleucine, histidine, etc.);
  • natural antibiotics;
  • micro and macro elements and metal salts (calcium, potassium, copper, iron, silver, selenium, magnesium, bromine, phosphorus, iodine);
  • natural biostimulants, growth enhancers, estrogens;
  • Microbes were found in sapropel, capable of secreting natural antibiotics that suppress the activity of pathogenic microbes.

Treatment with sapropel

Bottom silt of fresh waters is widely used in healing, healing and prevention of many diseases in four ways:

The most common method of application is external (sapropel baths, masks, body wraps, applications)

In addition to it, there is a cavity - oral, vaginal and rectal application.

When exposed to sapropelic masses on the body, the biologically active substances contained in them have a beneficial effect and improve vital processes:

  • Improve lymph and blood circulation in tissues, strengthening capillary walls.
  • Reduce the content of harmful cholesterol in the blood, dissolves cholesterol plaques.
  • Enhance the process of metabolism in tissues, improving oxygen metabolism.
  • They have a pronounced antibacterial effect.
  • Being a powerful physiological irritant, it stimulates the functions of the autonomic nervous system.
  • Activate the protective and immune reactions of the body, increases resistance to diseases.
  • reduce swelling,
  • break down fats
  • remove toxins from the body and has a pronounced detoxifying effect.
  • Practically do not cause allergic reactions.

What diseases does sapropel treat?

Sapropel is effective in the treatment of almost all body systems and in the following diseases:

  • Diseases of the organs of the musculoskeletal system: arthritis, arthrosis, bone fractures, osteitis, osteoarthrosis, Bechterew's disease, diseases of muscles and ligaments;
  • Diseases of the nervous system caused by injuries, bruises, even cerebral palsy and other congenital pathologies, neuritis of the facial nerve, radiculitis, neuralgia, meningoencephalitis.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system
  • Malfunctions of the genitourinary system: cystitis, prostatitis, colpitis, cystalgia.
  • Respiratory ailments: bronchial asthma (only in remission), chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, pulmonary tuberculosis.
  • ENT diseases: chronic sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, tonsillitis, neuritis of the auditory nerves.
  • Diseases of the digestive system: chronic hepatitis, chronic cholecystitis, pancreatitis.
  • Skin problems and diseases of a dermatological nature: acne, psoriasis, eczema, scleroderma, erythema nodosum, bedsores, enhances skin regeneration after burns;
  • Gynecological diseases: chronic adnexitis, adhesions of the uterus, erosion, female and male infertility;
  • Dental diseases: stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontitis.

Sapropel in cosmetology gives truly magical results. But there will be a new detailed article about this.

Contraindications for sapropel baths

However, the use of such, at first glance, a unique natural gift is not without contraindications. Sapropel should not be taken with the following number of diseases:

  • acute tuberculosis;
  • tachycardia, heart disease and other serious cardiovascular diseases in severe form; the presence of a pacemaker;
  • kidney disease;
  • aneurysms;
  • severe hypertension;
  • fibroids, fibromyomas, cysts, functional ovarian failure.
  • blood diseases, tendency to bleeding;
  • malignant formations.
  • any manifestations of inflammatory processes accompanying high body temperature above 38°C*;
  • infectious diseases.
  • individual intolerance.

Lakes and sanatoriums with sapropel treatment

Mud procedures from sapropel are called pelotherapy and are used in sanatorium treatment. Although it must be admitted that with the degree of uniqueness of this type of rehabilitation of the body, they are rather poorly developed in our country. In Russia, sanatorium treatment with sapropelic mud is used in the resorts of the Urals and Siberia. They are also quite rare in the world, sapropelic muds are found in health resorts in Germany, Poland, Estonia and neighboring Belarus.

The most ancient and famous lake from which sapropel is extracted is Lake Moltaevo in the Urals, in the Alapaevsky district, Sverdlovsk region.

On the shore of the lake Maly Taraskul, 20 km from Tyumen, there is the Taraskul Federal Level Rehabilitation Center, where they treat with sapropel.

In the same place, near Tyumen, there is Lake Tulubaevo with unique sapropel deposits.

In the Krasnoyarsk Territory there is a lake Borovoe.

Deshembinskoye Lake, 120 km from Ust-Ilimsk, and the resort "Rus" - a health resort that uses its unique therapeutic mud.

Large reserves of sapropel (with a layer thickness of up to 10 m) are located in the Galich and Chukhloma lakes of the Kostroma region and are successfully used in the treatment of a sanatorium in the city of Soligalich.

Lake Berezovskoye is located 20 km from the city of Karpinsk, Pskov region.

Sapropel for medical purposes will be obtained at Lake Chernamskoye, not far from the village of Studenets, Ust-Vymsky District, in Komi.

The effect of taking treatment with sapropel often does not come immediately, but after 1-1.5 months. Improvement from treatment sometimes occurs after 6-8 months, so it is advisable to repeat it after 6-12 months, depending on the type of problem.

Sapropel baths, wraps, applications at home

Today it has become affordable treatment with sapropelic mud at home on your own.

The procedure is carried out depending on the diagnosis and the desired effect (treatment or space procedure)

First of all, you need to determine the focus of the disease and the area of ​​​​impact and. Most often at home they are treated with applications.

To do this, sapropel sludge is heated in a water bath to a temperature of degrees, depending on the desired effect and the patient's diagnosis, it is diluted with a small amount of water to the state of thick sour cream, and applied to the body with a layer thickness of 2-4 cm, as a rule, usually for 20 minutes. After a while, wash off with warm water.

You can do local wraps with sapropel in the treatment of joints: heated to 50 °, undiluted silt and therefore thick, we put it on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe joints and wrap it with oilcloth, a diaper and a warm blanket. To prevent the heat from leaving, you can put an electric heating pad on top. We withstand 30 minutes. For weakened patients, 20 minutes will be enough.

We do not throw away the mud after the procedures, you can reuse it up to three times and then pour the potted flowers with infusion and even arrange foot baths and foot and hand baths.

The usual mode of taking procedures is 2-3 days in a row, a break is 1 day, the course of treatment is 15 applications; or every other day, a course of 10-12 applications.

The ancient Egyptian method of mud therapy is very popular. The bottom line is this: patients cover themselves with a thin layer of sapropel, heated in the sun, and take sunbaths until the mass dries and cracks. Half an hour later, the sapropel crust is washed off with water.

Where to buy sapropel

Not everyone always has access to sanatorium treatment. But even at home you can be treated and use sapropel for the prevention of diseases. You can buy sapropel extracted from the relict lake Moltaevo in the Roskosmetika online store by typing the word "sapropel" into the search line of the site.

Now you know what sapropel is and how to treat it. Next time we will talk about the use of sapropel sludge in cosmetology.

Sapropel: what is it and how to use it for medicinal purposes?

The ideal medicine is effective and affordable, easy to use and safe. If approached from these positions, sapropel belongs to a number of similar substances that are used by alternative medicine. Let's find out, sapropel - what is it? And how to use this substance created by nature?

Sapropel - what is it?

The word, which comes from two Greek words, meaning literally “rotten mud”, indicates the place where sapropel is formed - the bottom of fresh water. "Fresh" is the key word here. As you know, dead plants and living organisms of reservoirs settle to the bottom, where they slowly, for centuries, decompose into separate components by special bacteria. As a result, a silt-like mud is formed, which is called "sapropel". So you can briefly answer the question "sapropel - what is it." And “how to use sapropel” is the next question of interest to us.

How is it used?

Since the decomposition of organic elements under water occurs without access to oxygen, many extremely useful substances are formed in sapropel mud. For example, such as amino acids, trace elements (sodium, potassium, phosphorus and others), vitamins of groups B, C, D, E, P, humic acids, which are growth stimulants, and other substances. The presence of such a rich variety of chemical compounds leads to a wide range of applications.

Sapropel is mainly used in such areas as:

  1. Agriculture. As a fertilizer for plants, to improve the soil and increase its productivity.
  2. Medicine and cosmetology.

As for the last area, let's discuss the following: sapropel - what is it and how to use this available substance for treatment? What is its healing effect?

Therapeutic effect of sapropel from the point of view of science

Science undertook to explain: sapropel - what it is and how to use it. The photo gives an idea of ​​the appearance, places and reasons for its formation.

The Russian Academy of Sciences reports that sapropel has a therapeutic effect on the entire human body due to the appearance of optimal ion exchange at the site of contact with the skin - an effect that science has not yet been able to achieve in the laboratory.

In the Omsk Medical College, under the guidance of teachers, a comprehensive study was conducted on rats, which showed that sapropel has a healing effect, especially on the immune system and on the lymph nodes, which are a kind of markers of this system.

Science explains the healing properties of this substance by the presence of the following effects on the skin, which plays an important role in the metabolic processes of the body.

  1. The warming effect accelerates metabolic processes, such as lymph outflow.
  2. Chemical impact. The beneficial microelements and other active biological substances contained in sapropel are absorbed by the skin cells and trigger or activate certain regenerative processes or enhance the body's defense reactions.
  3. The bacteria contained in the mud contribute to the decomposition into the simplest components and the assimilation of as many useful substances as possible. They also help to remove toxins.
  4. Antibacterial effect, which is promoted by organic compounds in sapropel with sulfide groups in the composition, as well as inorganic zinc and bromine ions.

Mud application - one of the ways of external application

Sapropel - what is it and how to use it in medicine? In general, the answer to these questions has already been given, let's dwell on more specific advice.

First of all, these are mud applications on the skin. You can do this procedure yourself at home. Follow simple rules:

  • two hours before the procedure, you can not eat tightly;
  • directly in front of her is a shower without gel and a massage;
  • the dirt should be slightly warmed up in a water bath (up to 40 degrees);
  • a layer of sapropelic mud should be applied evenly with a thickness of about 2-3 mm (it is convenient to apply with a brush);
  • application overlay time - no more than 20 minutes, but you need to start with 10-minute procedures;
  • before washing off the substance from the surface of the body, it is good to do a light massage;
  • 20 minutes after rinsing, apply a cream to these areas of the skin.

Four different applications in medicine and cosmetology

In addition to applications on the body, mud baths are used for therapeutic purposes. Sapropel is added to water warmed up to degrees at the rate of 1 kg for every 10 liters of liquid. This balneological method is considered the most effective, but it must also be used with caution, following the instructions. To be in such a bath, medical workers advise from 10 minutes, increasing the time to 20 minutes (maximum allowable). After the procedure, a long rest is indicated. It should be remembered about many cases of contraindications for treatment by this method.

The next two methods - wrapping the diseased area of ​​​​the body and masks - are used in cosmetology.

When wrapping, the entire body of the patient is covered with a layer of sapropel and wrapped in a film, then clothes (to maintain the temperature until the end of the procedure).

Face masks, followed by lubrication with cream, have a beneficial effect on the skin, helping to keep it young and healthy.

Diseases in which natural mud helped

When it comes to sapropel - what it is and how to use it externally, we can give a short list of problems that sapropel baths, applications, masks and wraps are used to successfully solve or reduce:

  • cellulite (wrap applied, see photo)
  • acne, freckles, sunburn, spots, dandruff and other skin diseases;
  • hair loss;
  • wrinkles;
  • swelling of the legs;
  • rheumatism, arthritis, bursitis and other joint diseases;
  • radiculitis, neuritis;
  • peripheral vascular disease;
  • various diseases of the nervous system or the state of its disturbance after the course of the acute phase of various diseases;
  • diseases of the spine (scoliosis, etc.);
  • phlebeurysm;
  • bad breath and sweaty feet.

And this list is far from complete.

An integrated approach to the treatment of many diseases

In addition, sapropel is successfully used:

  • orally for the treatment of periodontal disease and bleeding gums;
  • rectally for the treatment of hemorrhoids and "male" diseases;
  • vaginally - to correct gynecological, urological "female" health problems.

The greatest effect is achieved by applying several different types of effects on the diseased organ in a complex way. For example, in case of diseases of the uterus in women, the doctor may prescribe an application to the lower abdomen and pelvis, and sapropel tampons, and enemas, and internal use in the form of tea, and electrophoresis. In case of gum disease, it is prescribed together with the application to the diseased area of ​​the rinsing procedure and brushing the teeth with sapropel paste.

But do not forget that when it comes to sapropel - what it is and how to use this substance for medicinal purposes, it is very important to consult a doctor. If you exceed the allowable time of the procedures or do not prepare for them (or do not complete them) properly, then instead of benefit, you can do harm.

What do those who have tried it say?

So, it becomes clear sapropel - what it is and how to use it. Feedback from those who have experienced its effects may encourage someone to follow their example. Let's look at them briefly. A remedy is successfully used to treat the consequences left by a difficult birth.

Many positive reviews can be found about cosmetic products based on sapropel. For example, according to reviews, this substance turned out to be unexpectedly effective in the fight against cellulite and acne. And besides, it brought the neglected hair of the head to a chic state.

Extraordinarily rich in minerals, vitamins, containing in its composition organic substances and representatives of microflora, being also very affordable, sapropel is able to make an alternative to other methods of treatment or supplement them.

Sapropel mud - a miracle remedy + my review of a face mask at home

Hello, my darlings! I want to tell you about my unexpected discovery, which I now often use - sapropel mud. This is an excellent treatment for the skin of the face and the whole body. If you are looking for a mud mask, then sapropel mud will be one of the best options.

How did I find sapropel mud?

We decided to go with my husband to a sanatorium near Yekaterinburg under the Antistress program. The basis of this program is sapropel mud wraps. From the information brochure of the sanatorium, I learned that sapropel mud is a truly magical gift of nature. Mud masks and wraps are used to treat a huge number of diseases. And, importantly for us girls, it helps us become even more beautiful and younger. But first things first.

Hardly anyone will agree to lie in the mud of their own free will. But therapeutic mud is a completely different matter. The mud is heated to a pleasant and comfortable 40 degrees for the body. Therefore, lying in it is pleasant and warm. Very relaxing! But after the procedure, wild fatigue piles up and it is felt that the body has received a decent shake-up.

The benefits of sapropel mud

Indeed, the unique properties of therapeutic mud can hardly be overestimated. Sapropelic muds are silt deposits of fresh water bodies with an invaluable organomineral composition.

Therapeutic mud has a beneficial effect on our body due to the content of beneficial microorganisms and biologically active substances:

Also microbes secreting natural antibiotics were found in sapropel!

By their action, they have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, resolving properties and contribute to the enhancement of metabolic processes in the affected areas of the body.

Here is another video where they talk about the healing properties of this wonderful mud:

Sapropelic mud has a prolonged effect. After the procedure, the healing processes last for about a day. Thus, for those who conduct course therapy, the effect accumulates from time to time. Already the first procedure gives a visible effect. This is especially evident when using sapropelic mud in cosmetology. The contours of the oval of the face are tightened, wrinkles become smaller.

Indications for treatment

Traditionally, sapropel is used to treat a wide range of diseases:

  • Musculoskeletal system (arthritis, arthrosis, Bechterew's disease);
  • Diseases of the muscles and ligaments;
  • Long-term non-healing fractures;
  • Diseases of the central peripheral nervous system (poliomyelitis, condition after surgical treatment of spinal hernias, meningoencephalitis);
  • Respiratory diseases (common nowadays bronchitis and pneumonia);
  • Diseases of the skin, subcutaneous tissue (dermatitis, eczema, neurodermatitis);
  • Condition after burns;
  • Treatment of gynecological and urological diseases (including male and female infertility);
  • Dental diseases.

The list of diseases caused by therapeutic mud is long. It's easier to say that they don't heal 🙂

In addition to these diseases, mud treatment is actively used in cosmetology. Which interests me more.

Mode of application

Mud contains a lot of biologically active substances. In microscopic quantities, they penetrate the skin and have a therapeutic and pharmacological effect. When using mud, analgesic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effects occur.

Sapropelic mud is heated to a temperature of 37 0 C (sometimes up to 42 C). The duration of the procedure depends on which part of the body you apply it to.

At first, start the course of procedures with a short time, gradually bringing it to the desired one. But don't overdo it. It is not recommended to keep more than 30 minutes. Still, this is stress for the body and it needs recovery. Do a course of procedures every other day.

Face masks

At home, I did face masks in a course of 10 procedures. Warmed up in a water bath, applied with a plastic spatula. At first, I kept the mask for 10 minutes, and then increased the duration of time to 15 minutes.

Compressor method

If you apply applications on the joints, chest, back, spine or other parts of the body. That heated mud should be applied to the skin with a thickness of about 0.5 cm. Cover with plastic wrap on top, and then put a warm scarf, blanket or blanket. The duration of this procedure is not more than a minute. After the end of the procedure, rest, and best of all, sleep for half an hour.

Submersible method

Pour heated therapeutic mud up to degrees into bags or plastic gloves. And place your feet or hands. Gently spread the mud over the skin and leave for a minute. Rinse afterwards with warm water. Do not pour a full bag, otherwise the entire volume will be forced out by hand.

A few tips if you use at home:

  • It is better to warm up the sapropelic mud in a water bath. Use only glass or enamelware.
  • It is not advisable to heat the sparopel in the microwave - this way it dries and loses its healing properties.
  • It is necessary to apply dirt with a plastic or wooden spoon. If you apply on the face, it is better to use a brush.
  • Store in the refrigerator with a tightly closed lid


Unlike pills, mud therapy has no side effects. But since dirt is a biologically active factor, there are general contraindications:

  • acute stages of the disease;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases (including long-term);
  • all diseases requiring inpatient treatment (including surgical);
  • pregnancy at all stages;
  • malignant formations;
  • concomitant diseases - pathology of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, previously operated on for malignant tumors.

Scientists are not yet able to synthesize such a magnificent complex of biologically active substances, which is contained in sapropel. Therefore, buy and use natural natural medicine for health.

My review of sapropel mud mask

For the first time I did mud wraps for the body and the result really amazed me. The skin becomes soft, like a newborn's, and as smooth as the most expensive Chinese silk. And I'm not exaggerating at all! However, the miracles do not end there. Already after the first procedure, various inflammations, redness and bruises disappear.

A bruise on my husband after paintball. Sapropel mud helped a lot

Don't believe? My precious husband also tried sapropel mud and this is the result he got. A couple of days before the trip to the sanatorium, he played paintball with friends. This is where the men put on camouflage, run through the woods and shoot each other with colored paint balls. For them, this is a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bpleasure and a huge number of bruises all over the body, which disappear for weeks. And now, after three sessions of mud applications, all bruises disappeared from my paintball lover. In general, everything.

Our vacation in the sanatorium was over, but I reasoned that my acquaintance with magical mud should not end there. Therefore, I bought a jar of sapropel mud home to take care of my problem skin.

Mud face mask recipe

I have combination skin with enlarged pores, sometimes there are inflammations and small comedones. Of course, I began to use sapropel masks at home. And already after two mud masks, I saw noticeable changes - there were several times fewer pimples, the number of inflammations was significantly reduced. And skin color. He became healthier and more even. I have never received such amazing results from any super-expensive and advertised product! No wonder our ancestors made mud masks for themselves.

Jar of sapropelic mud

I post my recipe for a magical sapropel face mask:

We heat the sapropel mud in a water bath to a temperature of approximately 40 degrees. Be guided by your feelings so as not to burn the skin. Test the heated sapropel on the palm of your hand.

Then, with a wide cosmetic brush, apply the resulting mask to the skin of the face and neck. Due to the heating of the mud, blood microcirculation improves in our skin and useful substances are absorbed faster. Keep the mask on for a minute and wash off with warm water.

So, if you want to make your skin healthier, smoother and reduce the amount of inflammation… (I can't even list it all!) try sapropel mud for your health! And when the next bruises appear on my husband after paintball, I now put a mud mask on the bruise and the bruise disappears in two days. So my husband even fell in love with this mask, than applying frozen chicken from the refrigerator to the bruised place 😀

And write to me about your results. It is very interesting to know your opinion about this miracle remedy.

PS: Where to buy?

People ask where to buy - I answered in the comments, but I repeat. You can buy cheap in this online store

Mud therapy with sapropels (therapeutic mud) for various diseases

Recently, mud packs for treatment at home have appeared in the pharmacy network. What is the value of mud therapy, what are the indications for it and how to properly carry out the procedure yourself?

What is therapeutic mud (sapropel) and what does it consist of?

Therapeutic muds (sapropels) are natural formations of greasy consistency, consisting of water, mineral and organic substances. They are formed at the bottom of stagnant freshwater lakes and swamps due to incomplete decomposition of plant and animal organisms. It is a liquid gelatinous mass of various colors - from dark gray to light brown. The composition of sapropels includes enzymes, vitamins, hormones and other biologically active compounds. They contain many trace elements: calcium, phosphorus, iodine, cobalt, iron, copper providing the course of many physiological processes. They also contain amino acids and carbohydrates. Sapropels are a habitat for microorganisms that produce antibiotics that can suppress the action of pathogenic microbes. As you can see, nature has worked hard for thousands of years, creating a product that is unique in its richness and medicinal value.

What are the effects of therapeutic mud?

Therapeutic mud irritates numerous receptors, has a neuroreflex and neurohumoral effect on the course of physiological processes in the body. The mechanism of action of mud is based on thermal, chemical and mechanical effects.

The thermal effect is due to the fact that the properties of heat carriers are inherent in mud. Irritation of thermoreceptors leads to an increase in temperature and energy potential of tissues - when the thermoregulatory mechanism is activated, metabolic and redox processes are accelerated. Heat generation is accompanied by vasodilatation, improvement of microcirculation, changes in the permeability of vascular membranes, and acceleration of blood flow. Acceleration of biochemical processes, increased cell permeability and improved blood supply to tissues, occurring under the influence of heat, stimulate tissue regeneration (bone, connective, muscle, etc.).

The chemical effect of mud is due to the presence in them of organic and inorganic substances that can penetrate the skin and mucous membranes into the blood and have a humoral effect on the vital activity of the body.

The mechanical effect is less pronounced and manifests itself mainly when prescribing general mud procedures, mud baths and extensive applications. Mechanical compression of the skin and underlying tissues with a layer of sapropels is accompanied by a deeper penetration of heat.

What diseases are curative mud useful for?

Muds have a pronounced anti-inflammatory, resolving, desensitizing, analgesic, trophic-regenerative action. They cause activation of the neuroendocrine system, contribute to the normalization of the body's reactivity. Mud applications accelerate the resorption of adhesions, scars in diseases and injuries of the central and peripheral nervous system, improve the conditions for regeneration (recovery) of peripheral nerves, relieve soreness of the nerve trunks, relieve spasticity and stiffness of the muscles, and contribute to the restoration of motor functions. Apply general and local mud applications, adjustable mud baths.

Mud treatment is subject to diseases of the musculoskeletal system:

  • rheumatoid arthritis, dystrophic-exchange polyarthritis, traumatic arthritis, bone fractures with delayed consolidation, osteitis, periostitis, myositis, tendovaginitis, adhesive processes after surgical interventions;
  • residual effects of injuries and intoxications of the central nervous system, accompanied by paresis and hemiparesis in the presence of stiffness in the joints;
  • diseases of the peripheral nervous system (subacute period).

Mud is also used to treat neuritis of the facial nerve, radiculitis, neuralgia, polyradiculoneuritis.

Mud treatment is effective for:

  • respiratory diseases: bronchial asthma in remission, chronic bronchitis, pneumonia;
  • diseases of the digestive system: inflammatory diseases of the stomach and intestines without an exacerbation phase, chronic hepatitis, chronic cholecystitis, chronic pancreatitis.

The role of mud therapy is invaluable in:

  • gynecological pathology: chronic adnexitis, infertility;
  • with diseases of the male genital organs: prostatitis, epididymitis, infertility;
  • with urological diseases: pyelocystitis, cystitis, cystalgia.

Among adults and children, diseases of the upper respiratory tract and nasopharynx are widespread, which are also successfully treated with the use of mud procedures. These are diseases such as chronic sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, tonsillitis, neuritis of the auditory nerves.

Mud therapy is one of the most effective procedures for skin pathology: acne, itchy dermatoses, psoriasis, scleroderma, erythema nodosum, bedsores.

Sanatorium and home use of sapropels

Mud procedures are widely used in sanatorium treatment. Their use at home became possible thanks to the opening in the republic of a mud site on Lake Dikoye in the Dyatlovsky district of the Grodno region. There is also a workshop for packaging mud in hermetic bags of 5 kilograms, which can be used throughout the year.

For home use of mud applications, you need to determine the area of ​​​​impact and the required amount of mud per procedure. The thickness of the application should be at least 2-4 cm. To realize the effect of mud therapy, the temperature of the mud and its exposure (exposure time) are important. There are mud applications of high (45-50°C) and moderate temperature (42-44°C).

The principle of arranging procedures during the course of pelotherapy can be different.

  • With the "deflated" method, mud procedures are taken for 2-3 days in a row, a break for 1 day, the course of treatment is 15-18 applications;
  • with a course of medium intensity, the procedures are taken every other day, a course of 10-12 applications,
  • with the "sparse" method - after 2 days on the third, the course is 8-10 applications.

For carrying out mud procedures, the required amount of therapeutic sapropels is heated to a temperature of 50 ° C in a water bath with occasional stirring.

Local mud applications are usually carried out as follows: a blanket is laid out on a trestle bed (couch, sofa), an oilcloth is placed on top of it, and a diaper made of coarse canvas is placed on it. A layer of mud heated to the desired (45-50 ° C) temperature, 5-6 cm thick, is applied to the diaper in the place where the part of the body to be treated will be located. Then the patient lies down on the mud cake. The desired part of the body is carefully smeared with mud, after which it is sequentially wrapped with a diaper, oilcloth, blanket.

To make the dirt cool down more slowly, you can put a heating pad on top of the blanket. The duration of the procedure with a general satisfactory condition of the patient should be from 20 to 30 minutes. For debilitated patients, the use of sapropels at a temperature of 38-45 ° C should be limited, and the duration of the application should be reduced to 15-20 minutes. After the procedure, the dirt from the body must be removed, and the skin washed with warm water. After that, it is advisable to rest for 20-30 minutes, make a dry wrap.

Do not rush to throw away used dirt. They can be reused for medicinal purposes, in addition, it is a very good, environmentally friendly fertilizer for your indoor and outdoor plants.

In addition to mud applications at home, you can use local mud baths (talkers) for hands and feet. Technology of preparation of the talker: to the required amount of water (preferably sea or mineral) in a ratio of 2:1 or 3:1 add the required amount of sapropel. On low heat with occasional stirring, the mixture is brought to a temperature of 37-40 ° C. Hands or feet are lowered into a warm talker for 15-20 minutes. After the end of the procedure, the body is washed with warm water.

The ancient Egyptian method of mud therapy has not lost its significance. This is a method of mud applications of natural solar heating. On a warm sunny day, patients are smeared with sapropel, which is taken out of the bag immediately before the procedure. Previously, the dirt in the bag should be heated by sunlight to a temperature of 37-38 ° C.

The sick are then heated in the sun until the mud covering the body turns into a cracked crust. After the end of the procedure, the crust is washed off with warm water. This procedure does not require special preparation and is easily tolerated by patients. The principle of solar natural heating of the mud makes it possible to combine the holiday of the mud procedure with climate therapy (stay in the fresh air), reliably ensuring the preservation of the natural properties of the mud.

Mud therapy has found wide application in dentistry. In case of periodontal disease, warm mud gauze swabs are applied to the gums, soaked in greasy mud, removed in advance from the bag and passed through a fine sieve. Before the procedure, mud tampons are heated in a water bath to 38-39 ° C, applied to the gums and pressed against the cheeks. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes. The swabs are then discarded and the mouth rinsed with warm water. The course of treatment is 5-7 procedures.

To influence small areas of the body (for example, with ENT diseases), electromud treatment, a combination of pelotherapy with magnetotherapy, is indicated.

The experience of mud therapy shows that the effect sometimes does not come immediately, but after 1-1.5 months after its completion. The duration of the effect after a single course of treatment rarely lasts more than 6-8 months, therefore, to consolidate the results, it is desirable to repeat the course of pelotherapy after 8-10 months.

Indications and contraindications for mud therapy

Indications for mud therapy are determined on the recommendation of the attending physicians.

We must not forget about contraindications to mud therapy:

  • acute and chronic inflammatory processes in the stage of severe exacerbation,
  • malignant and benign neoplasms,
  • tuberculosis of all organs,
  • cachexia (sudden weight loss),
  • systemic blood diseases,
  • severe dysfunction of the endocrine organs,
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system in the stage of decompensation,
  • tendency to rebleed
  • infectious diseases in the acute and contagious stage.

With skillful use, our lakes store huge treasures of the richest raw materials. This is truly a goldmine.

Lyudmila Kozlova, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Chief Physician of the Republican Association "Belmezhkolkhozzdravnitsa".

Explanation from the author of the site

Since 2001, the Republican Association "Belmezhkolkhozzdravnitsa" has been called the Open Joint Stock Company "Belagrozdravnitsa" (Minsk).

HERE IS A DETAILED DESCRIPTION - all where and how it can be used

The techniques are easy to perform, and many are preferred for individual use at home. The biological activity of Sapropel does not require their use in large volumes, and the calming effect of the procedures is well complemented by evening hygiene procedures.
Methods are divided into external, cavity and enteral.

External or surface:
1. Open applications - masks - this is when Sapropel is applied to the open skin of the face, neck and other areas with a layer of 2-3 mm for a period of 10 to 20 minutes.
It is used for juvenile acne, furunculosis, oily seborrhea, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis in children and adults, photo and dishormonal pigmentation.
Sapropel heated in a water bath to a comfortable temperature of 37-42 degrees is applied with a soft wide brush in an even layer without gaps on the skin or a focus of altered skin, capturing healthy skin by 1-1.5-2 cm and leaving for 10 minutes on the first day, increasing the duration for 2 minutes at each subsequent procedure and bringing them up to 20 minutes. To obtain a scrub effect, before removing the mask, it is recommended to lightly massage the skin through the mask.
After the procedure is completed, the mask is washed off with water or a decoction of herbs. A 20-30 minute rest is required, followed by the application of a nourishing cream.

2. Closed compress method.
Compressive application on the spine, chest, liver, stomach, pancreas and bladder, large joints.
Sapropel heated in a water bath to a temperature of 40-45 degrees is applied to the skin up to 0.5 cm thick with a soft spatula. Covered with a thin polyethylene film. The joint is bandaged with a film. A warm woolen blanket, plaid, scarf, etc. is placed on top of the film.
The duration of the procedure is 30-45 minutes. At the end of the procedure, Sapropel is removed with a spatula. The skin is wiped with a warm damp cloth. After the end of the procedure, a 30-minute rest or sleep is required.
Note: in case of acute processes in the joints and for the elbow joints, Sapropel is applied at room temperature. The duration of the procedure increases to 1.5-2 hours.
ATTENTION!!! The closed compress method should be carried out only after consultation or under the supervision of a doctor.

3. Immersion method - sapropel baths and baths.
Trays (immersion method). Heated Sapropel up to 37-40 degrees is laid out in bags (gloves), where the hands and feet are placed. The mud is smeared over the skin of the hands or feet, and then immersed in a bath with warm water (50 degrees) for 30-45 minutes. Consumption of Sapropel 100-200 grams.
Baths with sapropel chatter are prepared for 15-20 minutes at a concentration of 1 kg of Sapropel per 10 liters of water, the temperature of the bath is 40-45 degrees.

cavity method
1. Oral
Sapropel in the amount of one teaspoon is taken into the mouth and chewed, rubbed into the gums with the tongue for 5-6 minutes, spit, and so on 10-20 times a day. It strengthens teeth, relieves periodontal disease and bleeding gums. This is a sure remedy for stomatitis, diseases of the salivary glands and tonsillitis.

2. Vaginal
Used in the treatment of various gynecological diseases.

3. Rectal
It is used in the treatment of gynecological, urological, proctological diseases and hemorrhoids.

Therapeutic and cosmetic use of Sapropel.
The world's leading perfumery and cosmetic companies have declared therapeutic mud as the cosmetics of the 21st century. Sapropel masks and applications will help:

Mask for dry skin
Add a few drops of olive oil to the sapropel. Apply to the face with a layer of 2 mm, preheating the mud to a temperature of 37 - 40 degrees. Leave the mask on for 10-15 minutes.
ATTENTION! Don't let the mask dry. Periodically moisten it with water, or after applying the mask, cover your face with cling film, leaving your eyes, nose and lips open.
Rinse off the mask with water or a decoction of herbs.
Let the skin rest for 20 - 30 minutes, then wipe the face with tonic and apply a nourishing cream.

Mask for oily skin
It will help to narrow pores, dry acne, blackheads.
Apply sapropel on the face with a layer of up to 2 mm, preheating it to a temperature of 37 - 40 degrees. Leave the mask on for 20 - 25 minutes. After drying, wash off the mask with a decoction of chamomile, celandine or water. Let the skin rest for 20-30 minutes, then wipe the face with lotion and apply a cream for oily skin.

"Steaming" for oily skin before mechanical cleaning of the face for cosmetologists
Apply Sapropel on the face with a layer of 3 mm, preheating it to 45 degrees. Cover your face with a film, leaving your eyes and lips open, put a wrung out hot towel on top (you can use a vaporizer). Leave for 10-15 minutes. Remove the mask with a well-wrung sponge and clean to eliminate scars and age spots.
Warm up Sapropel to 40 degrees, apply it on a cleansed steamed face for 40-45 minutes. Then rinse with water. After 15-20 minutes, wipe your face with tonic and apply sunscreen with a maximum SPF.

Hair mask for seborrhea, dandruff, hair loss
The mask is applied to clean scalp between the strands, then you need to do a light head massage from the periphery to the back of the head, put on a hat (warm) for 1-2 hours. Sapropel is washed off with warm water without shampoo.
During treatment, the hair fades slightly, but after a course of mud therapy, their shine is restored. At the same time, headache and depression are relieved.

Soft mud peeling for the body that improves blood circulation
Apply Sapropel in an even thin layer on the entire body, except for the chest area. Relax and wait 10-15 minutes, rinse with warm water.
After this peeling, the effect of your creams, including anti-cellulite ones, will increase several times.

Hand mask
Heated Sapropel to a temperature of 37-40 degrees, apply a thin layer on the hands, put on plastic gloves, and then immerse in a bath of warm water (50 degrees) for 30-45 minutes. Wash off the dirt with water and after 15 minutes apply hand cream on your hands. It is very good to carry out this procedure before going to bed. Then, after washing off the dirt, apply a nourishing cream for dry skin to your hands and put on cotton gloves.

Mud foot bath
Add Sapropel to a basin with warm water (40-45 degrees) at the rate of 450 g per 5 liters of water, stir and lower your legs ankle-deep into it. Sit like this for 15-20 minutes, rinse your feet first in warm, then in cold water. Lubricate your feet with foot cream. Such a bath, with regular use, will save you from excessive sweating and unpleasant foot odor, in addition, it is an excellent prevention of fungal diseases and heel spurs.

Mud foot mask (helps relieve pain and fatigue in the legs)
Heated Sapropel to a temperature of 37-40 degrees is laid out in bags where the feet are placed. The mud is smeared over the skin of the feet, and then immersed in a bath with warm water (50 degrees) for 30-45 minutes. Rinse off the dirt with water and apply foot cream after 15 minutes. Consumption of Sapropel 100-200 grams.

Oral administration of Sapropel - enteral method
Eight-year experience of enteral (internal) use of Sapropel for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes in Yekaterinburg and other regions of the Urals has helped hundreds of patients forget about medicines and their illnesses.
Only those who have not tried Sapropel, those who have not felt the renewal of the body, argue about the usefulness of this method today.
Try to convince women who got rid of severe colitis that this is bad, that this is impossible. Those who once swallowed a spoonful of Sapropel and after 15 minutes got rid of burning pains behind the sternum and excruciating eructations, who did not suffer from food poisoning thanks to 2-3 spoons of Sapropel, such people cannot be dissuaded. Once having received the result, people become promoters of this product for life.

Therapeutic mud is taken orally for general healing and treatment for the following diseases:

pregnant, lactating mothers and children during the period of growth, with toxicosis and lack of appetite;
diseases of the liver, gallbladder, hepatitis and its consequences (Sapropel will gently relieve stagnation in the gallbladder, ducts; it will have a stimulating effect on liver cells; it will relieve pain in the right hypochondrium already in the first week of admission);
gynecological, proctological diseases;
to restore the immune system;
to relieve hangover syndrome;
to stimulate mineral and vitamin metabolism in the body with beriberi;
skin diseases (psoriasis, neurodermatitis, folliculitis, furunculosis, trophic ulcers, eczema, fungal infections, children's diathesis, etc.);
migraines, headaches and depression;
after the use of a large number of drugs and radiation exposure;
chronic diseases of ENT organs, respiratory organs (pneumonia);
bronchitis, sinusitis and other urological diseases (pyelonephritis, cystitis, prostatitis, male infertility, etc.);
severe poisoning (at the first sign - pain in esgastria, nausea, headache, weakness, start taking 1 tablespoon of Sapropel, repeating the dose after 15 minutes up to 3-4 times per hour. If after 60 minutes there is no result, consult a doctor) ;
peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum 12 (use 1 tablespoon 30 minutes before meals for 2-3 weeks);
dysbacteriosis (Sapropel is a living natural miracle contains more than 30 different microorganisms that are involved in the breakdown of carbohydrates, fiber, sugars, secrete vitamins, produce antibacterial substances and biostimulants, they gently cleanse the intestinal microflora);
cholecystitis (for those who are familiar with pain in the pancreas, when you constantly have to follow the diet, when you are afraid to leave the house without pills - Sapropel will relieve you of this fear. You will forget about the need to carry "Festal", "Mezim" or "Pancreatin");
heartburn (1 teaspoon of Sapropel will relieve you of heartburn, relieve pain when overeating);
constipation, colitis, enterocolitis (Sapropel is a natural stimulant of intestinal motility, it actively renews the cells of the intestinal wall, normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract, improves the absorption of food taken).

Recommendations for use: take 1-2 teaspoons in the morning on an empty stomach 20-30 minutes before meals (pre-dilute Sapropel in warm boiled water to prevent irritation of the mucous membrane). The course of admission is 1 month, then 1 month break and repetition of the course.
In case of exacerbation of diseases, apply Sapropel 1 teaspoon every 2 hours during the day.

Diseases of the peripheral nervous system:

Radiculitis, polyradiculoneuritis, plexitis, neuritis, neuro-fibro-neoitis, sympathetic truncitis and solaritis, occupational vibration disease;
the consequences of injuries and other injuries of the peripheral parts of the nervous system that do not require surgical intervention and in the presence of ongoing recovery of functions.
Compresses, warm applications, 45°C bath for 30 minutes. A course of 20 procedures.

Diseases of the central nervous system due to infections and after intoxication:

Meningoencephalitis, arachnoiditis of the brain, encephalitis at the end of the acute period;
arachnoiditis of the spinal cord, myelitis, encephalomyelitis;
meningomyeloradiculitis (without severe disorders of the function of the pelvic organs);
consequences of epidemic poliomyelitis, residual effects after the transferred poliomyelitis form of tick-borne encephalitis in the presence of ongoing recovery of functions.
Compresses, warm applications, baths. A course of 20 procedures.

Peripheral vascular disease:

Obliterating endarteritis, Raynaud's disease;
atherosclerosis, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, trophic ulcers;
Internal use - 1 teaspoon in the morning on an empty stomach.
Compresses, warm applications, baths 30-36°C. A course of 20 procedures for 20 minutes. To enhance the action, grated garlic can be added to Sapropel. After the procedure, it is recommended to apply an anti-varicose cream.
After a course of procedures, spasm of small vessels is relieved, collateral circulation is enhanced.

Rheumatism and other joint diseases:

Cold applications on the elbow and wrist joints and other joints during an exacerbation with pain. Sapropel is taken at room temperature or body temperature. The duration of the procedure increases to 1.5-2 hours without a warm wrap.
Thermal applications at a mud temperature of 42-45°C for 15-20 minutes are indicated for the prevention of seasonal exacerbations during the remission of the disease and after drug relief of acute rheumatoid manifestations.
A course of 20 procedures. After applications, it is recommended to cover yourself with a warm blanket and be sure to rest for 30 minutes. It is recommended to regularly visit the Russian bath.
In stationary conditions, you can use the electrophoresis procedure under the supervision of a doctor.

Arthritis and polyarthritis of various etiologies:

Rheumatic polyarthritis not earlier than 8 months after the end of acute, subacute events from the heart in the absence of cardiovascular insufficiency or with symptoms of circulatory insufficiency not higher than the first degree;
nonspecific infectious polyarthritis (rheumatoid) with a minimal degree of activity of the articular process, infectious arthritis of a certain etiology in the subacute and chronic stage (excluding tuberculosis);
chronic spondylosis, spondylitis (inflammatory diseases of the spine);
fractures with delayed consolidation or painful callus, osteitis, periostitis, myositis, bursitis, tendovaginitis, cicatricial and contractures;
spine diseases: osteochondrosis, scoliosis, ankylosing spondylitis, infectious, traumatic and other origin.
Warm applications, compresses, baths at 45°C for 30-45 minutes. A course of 20 procedures.

Injuries, bruises, sprains, scars:
Warm applications, baths. A course of 20 procedures. After application rub anti-varicose cream and rest for 30-40 minutes.

Burns, wounds, open wounds and their consequences, furunculosis:
Sapropel promotes rapid epithelialization of wounds, destroys wound infection. Wound healing occurs with minimal pain response and tissue deformation.
Sapropel is applied to the wound after washing, like an ointment bandage. As soon as the patient feels that the bandage has become dry and hot, it must be changed. Do not reuse used mud for application to open wounds.
A course of 20 procedures. After removing the sapropel dressing, it is recommended to wash the wound and apply a thin layer of Aquaftem.

Migraines, headaches and depressive conditions after traumatic brain injury:
Apply "mud collar" and on the scalp mud 36-38°C for 15-20 minutes.

Inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity (stomatitis, glossitis, periodontal disease, caries, etc.:
Applications, rinsing the mouth eliminate the inflammatory process and toothache. To prevent disease? teeth, it is recommended to clean them by applying Sapropel to the toothbrush. The course of treatment is 10-15 procedures.

Gynecological diseases:

Diseases of the uterus, chronic cervicitis, endocervicitis;
chronic metro endometritis;
inflammatory diseases of the uterine appendages of various etiologies, with the exception of tuberculosis;
chronic pelvioperitonitis, periadnexitis, perimetritis, parametritis;
infertility due to inflammatory diseases of the uterus and tubes;
postoperative adhesions at the end of the acute period;
cervical erosion.

The greatest effect is achieved by the complex use of Sapropel:

External use on the lower abdomen and lumbosacral region.
Vaginal sapropel tampons of 50-80 g at a temperature of 40-45°C. The exposure lasts 20-45 minutes and ends with douching with a weak solution of manganese. At home, the procedure is best done before bedtime.

Electrophoresis in a physical room.
Course 10-15 procedures. Treatment with Sapropel does not exclude the use of other medical and hardware methods of treatment.


Internal use 1 teaspoon in the morning on an empty stomach.
Rectal sapropel enemas are done at a temperature of 40-45°C. The tip is inserted to a depth of 5-6 cm into the rectum and 100 g of Sapropel is used. Its action continues until the next normal bowel movement.
Warming up. Chopped onion (2 medium onions) pour milk (0.5 l) and bring to a boil. Heat the sapropel in a water bath to 15°C (half a cup). Then mix everything and cover with a wooden lid with a small hole, on which the patient sits, covered with a blanket. Heating continues until the mixture cools down. At first, care must be taken not to burn the mucous membranes and skin with steam. After the procedure, it is necessary to apply A-20 cream. The mixture can be used several times within 1-2 days. Usually, after 3-5 procedures, hemorrhoids disappear without a trace.
With bleeding hemorrhoids, warming is not applied. Cold sapropel cakes should be alternated with anti-varicose cream. The cake is fastened with a T-shaped bandage between the legs for 20 minutes.

Urological diseases: male infertility, impotence, prostatitis, cystitis The greatest effect is achieved by the complex use of Sapropel:

Outdoor use:
applications on the scrotum (infertility, prostatitis, impotence);
applications or lumbosacral region;
applications on the lower abdomen (cystitis);
electrophoresis in a physical room.
Rectal sapropel enemas are done at a temperature of 40-45°C. The tip is inserted to a depth of 5-6 cm into the rectum and 100 g of Sapropel is used. Its action continues until the next normal bowel movement.
Internal use 1 teaspoon in the morning on an empty stomach.

Proctological diseases

Rectal sapropel enemas are done at a temperature of 40-45°C. The tip is inserted to a depth of 5-6 cm into the rectum and 100 g of Sapropel is used. Its action continues until the next normal bowel movement.
Internal use 1 teaspoon in the morning on an empty stomach. The course of treatment is 10-15 procedures.

Chronic diseases of the ENT and respiratory organs.

Compresses. With pneumonia and bronchitis - on the chest, back. In chronic tonsillitis - on the region of the cervical and thoracic vertebrae and the submandibular region. With sinusitis - on the nose. Sapropel is heated in a water bath to 40°C, put in a layer of 0.5-2 cm, covered with a film and a warm scarf for 15-20 minutes. Such procedures facilitate breathing and cause profuse expectoration; it should be noted that such treatment can be used when the patient does not have a fever.
Gargling with sore throat every half an hour with sapropel diluted with warm boiled water.
Inhalations. Heat the sapropel / in a water bath to 45 ° C (half a glass). Then add half a glass of hot water. Inhalation continues until Sapropel cools down. At first, care must be taken not to burn the mucous membranes and skin with steam. The mixture can be used several times within 1-2 days.
Internal use: 1 teaspoon in the morning on an empty stomach. The course of treatment is 10-15 procedures.

Chronic skin diseases (severe dermatosis, allergies, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, fungal infections), in pediatric practice (skin manifestations of diathesis, bruises, scratches) The greatest effect is achieved by the complex use of Sapropel:

External use in still applications and baths. After the procedure, it is recommended to apply Aquaftem.
Rectal sapropel enemas are done at a temperature of 40-45°C. The tip is inserted to a depth of 5-6 cm into the rectum and 100 g of Sapropel is used. Its action continues until the next normal bowel movement.
Internal use: 1 teaspoon in the morning on an empty stomach.

Cellulite impairs tissue blood circulation and metabolism, so toxins are not removed, but accumulate in cells. Their shells do not withstand the load and burst, and the contents, that is, fat, remain in the intercellular space, sticking together into dense islands. It is impossible to get rid of cellulite only thanks to a diet, since the body begins to use this fat reserve only when it is completely exhausted. Therefore, it is necessary to deal with it in a complex of procedures (diet, massage, exercises, body wraps).
Internal use: 1-2 teaspoon in the morning on an empty stomach daily.
It is best to use Sapropel externally in a bath. 60-40 minutes before the procedure, do not drink or eat, empty the bladder and intestines. Wash under a hot shower for 5 minutes with gel and scrub. Then it is necessary to steam in three visits for 5 - 7 minutes. After each entry into the steam room, take a very warm shower. A pool with cold water must be avoided, since the effect of losing weight decreases when sweating stops. If you want to lose weight, eating and drinking in the bath is also not recommended! Then the mud is applied to a clean, steamed body with a layer of 0.3-0.5 cm for 20 minutes. With such a thickness, it keeps heat for a long time, under the influence of which the following processes occur more actively: pores open, sweating and blood circulation increase; toxins come out with sweat, trace elements contained in the mud are absorbed into the skin and improve metabolism, fat is broken down.
At the end of everything, you need to apply an anti-cellulite cream and dress warmly. This procedure should be done 1-2 times a week regularly.
It is best to go to the bath in the evening. Before going to bed, do not eat or drink anything (in extreme cases - half a glass of citrus or pineapple juice or mineral water). By the morning you will lose 1.5-2 kg.
At home, if it is not possible to go to the bath, it is recommended to carry out a mud wrap, alternating it with mud baths. The sequence is as follows: on day 1 - mud wrap, day 2 - salt bath, day 3 - rest, for 20-30 days. For wrapping, the mud is heated in a water bath to 40 ° C and applied to clean skin after a 10-minute hot shower with a layer of 0.3-0.5 cm. Then you must immediately wrap yourself in a thin film and a blanket to maintain heat for 20-30 minutes After you need to take a hot shower, rub anti-cellulite cream into problem areas and go to bed. Eating and drinking is also not recommended. One wrapping procedure can reduce the volume by 1-1.5 cm.
For a salt bath, it is best to use sea salt, which is sold in a pharmacy. Bath temperature should be 38-40°C, duration 15-20 minutes One bath - 1-2 cups of salt.

Therapeutic and cosmetic use of sapropel from Lake Moltaevo.

"Preventive body treatments are best done in the evening, they relieve skin irritation, calm the nervous system, improve sleep. There is a so-called" sapropel meditation ".
It is advisable to apply face masks in the morning, apply twice a week. They have a calming, relaxing effect, cleanse the pores, evade their drainage, and help remove comedones. Sapropel absorbs excess skin shaft, dead cells and evens out the skin relief. Regular use of masks contributes to the gradual reduction of acne, relief of inflammatory reactions of the skin. It should be noted that masks noticeably whiten the skin.
In the presence of scars, age spots, a slightly heated mask is applied for 40-45 minutes. To enhance the effect, a plastic film is applied on top.
This expands the capillaries, improves microcirculation. The mask must be wet, it can be moistened with water.
For health purposes, it is recommended to apply 10 procedures every other day in the evening. The maximum number of procedures is 20-25. During an exacerbation of the disease, cold compresses should be applied - at room temperature or body temperature.
The activity of the procedures increases at a temperature of 45 degrees or more, but they should be taken under medical supervision, as they affect cardiovascular activity.
At home, sapropel is heated to 35-40 degrees C and applied to the cleansed skin surface with a layer of 2-3 mm.
On the same day with the mud procedure, massage, physiotherapy exercises, UV radiation, inhalation, air baths are allowed.

It is not allowed to make masks at the same time on the face, body or head. This is not only harmful (especially with hypertension), but also reduces the effectiveness of the procedure (the effect of mud is largely based on the rush of blood to the local area).

The pasty consistency of sapropel simplifies local applications, the procedures do not require special equipment and medical training. They are simple and pleasant.

Attention: When carrying out procedures, only enameled or glassware can be used. The use of metal utensils is not allowed.
To apply sapropel, it is necessary to use wooden or plastic spatulas.

Storage conditions.
At room temperature, sapropel is usable for 12 months. In the refrigerator, the shelf life is not limited, since the temperature of its natural environment is 3 degrees C. After opening the package, it must be covered tightly with polyethylene to limit the access of oxygen. The course of treatment consumes an average of two packs of 450 gr.

Ways to use sapropel
For cosmetic purposes, sapropel is used in the form of masks for various skin types, baths. Compresses.
Masks and applications allow:
get rid of acne and restore the water-lipid balance of the skin;
"tighten" aging skin of the face;
whiten the skin (remove freckles, age spots, traces of uneven tanning, vitiligo);
remove swelling;
smooth wrinkles, prevent the appearance of new ones;
strengthen nails;
normalize the work of the sebaceous glands of the scalp with dandruff and seborrhea;
strengthen hair, especially with early baldness and increased hair loss;
improve blood circulation throughout the body and, if not eliminate, then stop the spread of cellulite;
relieve pain in the legs and soothe "varicose veins";
cope with many dermatological diseases;
get rid of excessive sweating and unpleasant foot odor.
Masks and applications.
They are used for cosmetic purposes to improve the general condition of the skin, to treat acne, dandruff and seborrhea, burns, chronic skin diseases, rheumatism, joint pain.

Mask for dry skin.
Apply sapropel on the face with a soft brush with a layer of up to 2 mm for 10-15, preheating the mud to 37-40 degrees C. The mask should be moistened periodically with water, preventing it from completely drying out, or cover the face with cling film, leaving the eyes, nose and lips open .
If desired, the mask can be enriched with various oils: olive, linseed, sunflower, you can even add sour cream, but this must be done before the procedure. Rinse with water or tonic and after 20-30 minutes of rest, apply a nourishing cream.

Mask for oily skin.
Apply sapropel on the face with a soft brush up to 2 mm layer, preheating the mud to 37-40 degrees C. After drying, the mask is washed off with a decoction of chamomile, celandine or water, then after 20-30 minutes of rest, apply a nourishing cream for oily skin.

Mask to eliminate scars and age spots.
Warm up the sapropel to 40 degrees C, apply it on a cleansed steamed face for 40-45 minutes. Then rinse with water. After 15-20 minutes, wipe your face with tonic and apply sunscreen with a maximum SPF.

Hair mask for seborrhea, dandruff, hair loss.
The mask is applied to clean scalp between strands of hair. Then you need to do a light head massage from the periphery to the back of the head, put on a hat (warm) for 1-2 hours. Then it is washed off with warm water without shampoo. During treatment, the hair fades slightly, but after a course of mud therapy, their shine is restored. At the same time, headache and depression are relieved.

Hand mask.
Apply a thin layer of heated sapropel to 37-40 degrees C on the hands, put on plastic gloves, then immerse in a bath of warm water (50 degrees C) for 30-45 minutes. Rinse off the dirt with water and after 15 minutes apply hand cream on your hands. It is very good to carry out this procedure before going to bed.

Baths, baths and compresses.
They are used for hands, feet and adjacent joints.
Baths (immersion method)
Heated sapropel up to 37-40 degrees C is laid out in bags (gloves), where hands and feet are placed. The mud is smeared over the skin of the hands or feet, and then immersed in a bath of warm water (50 degrees C) for 30-45 minutes. Consumption of sapropel 100-200 grams.

Baths with sapropel chatter are prepared for 15-20 minutes at a concentration of 1 kg of sapropel per 10 liters of water, the bath temperature is 40-45 degrees C. As a rule, they are used in sanatorium conditions under medical supervision.

Compresses are applied to the back, chest, problem areas - elbow, shoulder, knee joints, breasts, neck.
Sapropel is heated up to 40-50 degrees C, put on a cotton cloth with a thickness of up to 0.5 cm and applied to the skin with the side on which the sapropel lies. A thin plastic film is placed on top of the compress and a warm blanket or terry towel is placed on top for 30-45 minutes.

The use of sapropel in cellulite.
Cellulite impairs tissue blood circulation and metabolism, toxins are not removed and accumulate in cells. The cell membranes do not withstand the load and burst, and the contents (fat) remain in the intercellular space, sticking together into dense lumps. The use of a diet does not allow you to get rid of cellulite, since the body begins to use this fat reserve only when it is completely exhausted. To combat cellulite, it is necessary to use a set of procedures (diet, massage, exercise, wrapping in combination with the use of sapropel (internal and external).
It is best to use sapropel in a bath. 40-60 minutes before the procedure, it is necessary to empty the bladder and intestines, it is contraindicated to drink and eat.
Take a hot shower with gel and scrub for 5 minutes. Then you need to make three visits to the steam room for 5-7 minutes. After each entry, you need to take a very warm shower. The use of a pool with cold water must be avoided, since the effect of losing weight decreases when sweating stops.
Then sapropel is applied to a clean steamed body with a layer of 3-5 mm for 20 minutes. Such a layer of dirt retains heat for a long time, under the influence of which the following processes actively occur:
pores open, sweating and blood circulation increase;
toxins are removed with sweat;
trace elements contained in sapropel are absorbed into the skin and improve metabolism;
fat is broken down.

At the end of the procedure, it is necessary to wash off the dirt, apply anti-cellulite cream and dress warmly. This procedure must be done regularly 1-2 times a week.
It is best to visit the bath in the evening. Before going to bed, drinking and eating is contraindicated (in extreme cases, you can drink half a glass of citrus or pineapple juice or mineral water).
At home, if it is not possible to visit the bath, it is recommended to carry out a mud wrap, alternating it with salt baths. It is necessary to follow the following sequence of procedures for 20-30 days: the first day is a mud wrap, the second is a salt bath, the third is rest.
For wrapping, the mud is heated in a water bath to 40 degrees C and, after a 10-minute hot shower, is applied to clean skin with a layer of 3-5 mm. Then you need to wrap the body with a thin film and a blanket to keep warm for 20-30 minutes, after which you need to take a hot shower, rub anti-cellulite cream into problem areas and go to bed. Eating and drinking is not recommended.
For a salt bath, it is best to use sea salt, which is sold in a pharmacy. The water temperature should be 38-40 degrees C, the duration of the procedure is 18-20 minutes. For one bath use 1-2 cups of salt.

The main composition of sapropel
Н2О 94.82 Fe2О3 0.21
Calcium-magnesium skeleton 0.7753 SiO2 0.06
C2SO4+H2O 0.0783 Backbone 1.15
Ca3(PO4) 2 0.0176 Colloidal complex 3.29
CaCO3 0.6309 Organic. in-va 3.02
MgCO3 0.0485 Total 99.84

Composition of sapropel:

Organic carbon, nitrogen-containing substances, volatile fatty acids, S1O2, F2O3.
Vitamins: A. B12, B1, B2, B3, B6, C, D, E, B-carotene, folic acid,
Vitamin Bi2. and iron - help to cope with anemia.
Physiological group of microorganisms, incl. a microorganism that produces antibiotics that are active against pathogenic bacteria. They successfully cope with the pathogenic flora, eliminating the inflammatory process without damaging the beneficial microflora.
Up to 50 trace elements. Among them:
Biogenic calcium - is easily absorbed by the body and is necessary for the stabilization of bone tissue.
Phosphorus, iodine, magnesium, bromine - have a pronounced sedative effect and have a beneficial effect on the nervous tissue, restoring performance after emotional and physical stress.
Silver - has an antimicrobial effect.
Potassium - is a stimulant of the heart muscle and strengthens the muscle tissue of the whole body
Amino acids - lysine, leucine, isoleucine, histidine, etc. - are an indispensable building material for our cells (enzymes, hormones and other vital substances).
The therapeutic mud also contains hormone-like substances such as folliculin and androsterone, which maintain the hormonal level in the body of men and women, thereby helping to maintain sexual activity and suspending the aging process for years.
The humic substances contained in sapropel remove toxins and poisons accumulated in the liver, gastrointestinal tract and skin, which are often the cause of many skin and allergic diseases.
