Name for a kitten with hissing sounds. Interesting nicknames for cats and cats. Nicknames in honor of characters and famous people

When a cat appears in the house, you want her to have a beautiful, sonorous name, and she will certainly respond to it. However, the simplest task of choosing a suitable nickname for an animal often becomes difficult for the owner and takes a lot of time. There are a great many options for names for cats: from standard to cartoonish or dictated by your own imagination. All that remains is to decide which name is best suited to the new family member.

How does a kitten remember its name?

Cats are able to readily respond to nicknames that contain hissing sounds. Experts (felinologists) involved in keeping and breeding cats advise choosing a nickname for the animal that is no longer than two to three syllables. Otherwise, it will be more difficult for the animal to remember.

Before choosing a name for a cat, you should observe how she behaves and what her character traits are. It is possible that they will help to do right choice regarding the name.

The kitten will remember its name faster if it has two or three syllables

An animal will quickly learn to respond to a nickname given to it if it first becomes familiar with the sound of its owner’s voice. You should constantly talk with the animal, maintaining an even tone in the conversation. When the kitten approaches at the sound of a voice, you need to caress it, stroking it and praising it. If it's time to feed, you should give the baby food, calling him by name. At the same time, you can stimulate its action by beckoning with your finger.

After about two weeks of such training, the kitten becomes aware of the relationship between voice and feeding. Then you can move on to the next step in teaching your baby his name:

  1. For the lesson, choose a separate room and call the kitten by name.
  2. When he comes up, you need to pet him and treat him with something tasty.
  3. Gradually, the amount of treats given is reduced, paying more attention to stroking the cat and not forgetting to praise it.
  4. During these activities, the animal will get used to its name and will respond to it.

When it responds to a nickname, and not to the call “kitty-kitty,” you can be sure that the animal will not approach a stranger during a walk. A cat is able to remember its name well. If she does not respond to the owner’s voice, then this is most likely not from a lack of intelligence, but from harmfulness.

Choosing a name for a girl kitten

You need to understand that a girl cat should choose a simple and sonorous name. This is explained by the fact that a simple nickname, given to the kitten, it will be easier for him to remember, and also easier for the owner to pronounce. The sonority of a name is determined by the peculiarities of its perception, since a kitten better assimilates a sonorous name, which includes several syllables.

To make the right choice of name for a female kitten, it’s a good idea to be guided by the following factors:

  • external data: coat color, eye color;
  • the breed of the animal, since a certain nickname may be suitable, for example, only for a cat of Scottish or British breed;
  • the character of the animal, manifested in gracefulness, playfulness, laziness;
  • the preferences of the cat herself, who is able to perceive only the initial three of all the sounds of her name;
  • the presence of hissing, whistling sounds in the name;
  • the age of the animal, which may not accept the nickname if it is chosen very late;
  • nicknames that are common in this area.

A competent approach to choosing a nickname for a four-legged girl can turn into exciting process for the whole family. It is worth writing down all the names you like, and then narrowing this list, removing the most inappropriate nicknames from it. As a result, you will be left with a small list from which you will need to choose the most suitable name, easy to pronounce and remember.

Choosing a name for a little cat can be a fun experience.

Cat nicknames depending on coat color

You can choose a name for a cat based on the color of its fur:

  • Suitable names for white or light cats:
  • black female cats can be called:
    • Night;
    • Find;
    • Bagheera;
    • Moor;
    • Isis;
    • Panther;
  • For a kitten of red and apricot color, the following nicknames are suitable:
    • Goldie;
    • Bestia;
    • Alice;
    • Pumpkin;
    • Cinnamon;
    • Apricot;
    • Caramel;
  • Gray cats can be called:
  • The following list of beautiful names is suitable for tricolor cats:
    • Aurella;
    • Zlata;
    • Rufina.

In a similar way, nicknames are chosen for cats with other coat colors.

Nickname taking into account the pet’s character and distinctive external features

People are often of the opinion that the name given to a pet affects its fate and character. In this regard, the owners of the animal are more responsible in choosing a nickname for their four-legged friend. Since the name is given only once, the character and habits of the cat should be reflected in it. If the pet is still young in age, it is difficult to determine what will happen next to its character. But the special character traits of the pussy noticed by the owner can be reflected in its name:

  • active and playful babies are called:
    • Skoda;
    • Dragonfly;
    • Squirrel;
    • Marmalade;
    • Bullet;
    • Anfisa;
    • Playing;
    • Fun;
    • Rafaelka;
  • for cats with a calm character who love to relax on the sofa, the choice of names can be as follows:
  • names for proud, majestic persons, emphasizing their superiority and arrogance in every way, should be selected from the list below:
  • Skinny little cats can be given names:
    • Baby;
    • Minnie;
    • Carly;
    • Button;
    • Pusya;
    • Busya;
    • Toothpick;
  • For medium-sized cats, the following nicknames are suitable:
    • Middle;
    • Meddie;
    • Midi;
    • Mussel;
  • fluffy, big cats girls can be called:
    • Pushinka;
    • Biggie;
    • Donut.

Names for shy, timid or loud-voiced cats are chosen in a similar way.

When choosing a name, you should definitely be guided by your own imagination and creativity.

Choosing a name depending on the breed

The breed of the cat should also be taken into account when choosing a name, so that the selected nickname is ideal for its owner.

Scottish Fold

Beautiful Scottish cats can be given names in accordance with the name of the country, the homeland of this breed. These cats have an easygoing character, they are kind, playful, cause affection in their owners and only positive emotions cute owl faces.

Name options for fold-eared Scottish beauties:

Popular names for female cats in Scotland:

  • Alva; Annabelle; Betty; Wilma;
  • Gilly; Gillian; Jesse;
  • Ines; Catherine; Leslie; Merry; Mirrey;
  • Rory; Wallace; Fanny; Shauna;
  • Ailey; Effie.

Just beautiful nicknames for cats of this breed:

  • Abelina, Auri, Abigal, Augustine, Agatha;
  • Baksa, Babasya, Bagirka, Bagi, Babette;
  • Waxa, Vanetta, Vaiki, Gala, Gabby, Gaina, Gressi;
  • Daina, Dakki, Damka, Diana, Eva, Yozhka, Egoza, Jacqueline, Zheyda;
  • Zara, Zadira, Izaura, Idzhi, Kaya, Kalmi, Laichi Laffey, Lisa, Lucky;
  • Mavra, Madeleine, Mazya, Nadine, Nancy, Oda, Audrey;
  • Panda, Paxi, Rada, Safira, Saga, Tabu, Tana;
  • Ulli, Fanya, Holy, Shani, Eureka, Early, Yanette.


It is appropriate to give British cats human names with British roots. Such names will emphasize the nobility of a majestic animal with a good character.

Names suitable for British cats:


Representatives of the Persian breed should choose nicknames that sound oriental. However, simple, simple names with an affectionate connotation will also suit them well:

  • Teffi, Kasya, Pushilda, Nyusha;
  • Fifi, Masya, Percy, Darcy.


Over time, an inquisitive little cat of this breed will grow up and become a graceful, majestic lady, an intelligent, devoted and affectionate friend. Among the many well-known names, you can pay attention to the following options:

  • Agness, Yara, Amalia, Yuzhana, Ayla, Yurze, Aurelia, Elita, Atika;
  • Eteri, Arma, Beatrice, Harry, Blanche, Furia, Bianca, Bassey, Fabby;
  • Grissi, Dolari, Uza, Dessie, Ezhenka, Tea, Europe, Setti, Zhuli;
  • Zurna, Saji, Zara, Iness, Riana, Iffi, Jolanta, Paulette, Kzhela;
  • Carly, Penelope, Lady, Ozola, Laina, Niveta, Leona, Lyra, Nymph, Medea.


Siamese girls should choose names that are exotic or related to mythological characters:


Mysterious appearance characteristic of representatives of this breed, provides for the choice of names for them with an oriental accent:

  • Wassanta;
  • Devi;
  • Mira;
  • Sita;
  • Indira;
  • Amala;
  • Leela;
  • Xiu.

Maine Coon

Cute little kitty This breed will quickly grow up and become a gorgeous, majestic beauty, because pet name, which was given to her initially, may become inappropriate over time. She needs to choose a sonorous status name, which at the same time should be easy to pronounce. When a purebred cat has a difficult name written in the document, then to address the animal it should be simplified. It is best to choose a nickname that has whistling, hissing sounds:

The name Kam is suitable for a calm cat, Friendly for a friendly cat, and it would be a good idea to call an active female kitten Edgel.

Popular nicknames

Every kitten deserves a name that reflects its character and personality. To choose a suitable nickname for your pet, you can turn to a variety of sources.


They often name their pets after cartoon characters. Such names are unusual and beautiful. The most famous characters are: a gentle cat called the Duchess, and the brave Bagheera.

Duchess is one of the most popular cat characters

The names of princesses from Disney cartoons are also often used:

  • Aurora;
  • Cinderella;
  • Ariel;
  • Snow White;
  • Jasmine;
  • Belle;
  • Rapunzel;
  • Merida;
  • Tiana;
  • Mulan.

Other options for cartoon nicknames:

  • Alice, Astrid, Icy, Daisy, Bambi, Buka, Becky, Velma.
  • Gothel, Dory, Daphne, Fun, Giselle, Toffee, Nipper, Layla.
  • Masya, Malvina, Mila, Minnie, Nesmeyana, Nyusha, Nita, Pippi.
  • Roxy, Simka, Sonya, Sovunya, Stella, Tortilla, Tosya, Flora.
  • Ursula, Daisy, Ponochka, Hortensia, Shpulya, Elsa, Esmeralda.

You can involve children in choosing a suitable cartoon nickname.

Cat names taken from films and literary works

You can easily find a name for a girl kitten if you direct your imagination towards movies or books. The most often used names of the leading role performers and favorite book characters are:

  • Angelica;
  • Scarlett;
  • Madonna;
  • Bonnie;
  • Juliet;
  • Assol;
  • Zita;
  • Izaura;
  • Malvina;
  • Medea;
  • Milady;
  • Jane;
  • Yesenia;
  • Alice;
  • Anfisa;
  • Aphrodite;
  • Ariel;
  • Isolde;
  • Cleopatra;
  • Fiona;
  • Silvia;
  • Emma;
  • Maggie.

From advertising

You can give a cute little animal a name derived from the names of advertised items, cars or famous brands:

  • Ferri;
  • Tidy;
  • Honda;
  • Kitty;
  • Viskusha;
  • Marsyanya;
  • Sheba.

Nicknames of royal cats and celebrity pets

Breed british cats is considered aristocratic, so its representatives can be called royally: Empress, Duchess, Milady, Countess, Madame, Mademoiselle. Names for cats can be partially borrowed from titled persons: Princess Diana, Queen Elizabeth, Empress Catherine. The last two names can be shortened to Lizzie and Kat (Katie).

Celebrities are also no strangers to touching love for our little brothers. Cat names famous people characterized by conciseness and simplicity.

John Lennon was an avid cat lover; in his life there were 16 cats endowed with original names: Major, Minor, Alice, Elvis. He ironically named the black pet Salt, and the white pet Pepper. The most unusual of all the names Lennon chose was the cat name Jesus.

India was the name of George W. Bush's cat. Nicole Richie had a cat Cleopatra. Actor Kevin Costner named his pet Rosalita. Katy Perry's favorite cat was named Kitty. The singer Nyusha has Marusya and Mavrik, Natalya Senchukova has Donut, Anastasia Volochkova has Murysik.

Joseph Brodsky believed that animals respond well to the letter “S” in the name; his pets were named Mississippi and Samson. Ernest Hemingway's last cat was Cuba. Nikolai Drozdov's favorite cat is Munya. Natalia Varley's three cats were called Scholarship, Salary and Pension. The excellent jumping and silently sneaking cat of Lada Dance received the nickname Batman.

Brodsky chose names for his cats with the letter “S”

Nicknames in honor of characters and famous people

The four-legged beauty can be named after your favorite actor, musician, writer, scientist, book character, or any famous person:

Japanese names

It has become fashionable to give to cats Japanese names. The most popular are:

  • Aiko, Ai (love);
  • Ami (girlfriend);
  • Kasumi (fog);
  • Yuki (snow);
  • Sakura (cherry);
  • Hana (flower);
  • Rin (sound of bell);
  • Mimi (ears);
  • Kameko (turtle child);
  • Rune (moon);
  • Kyoka (happy);
  • Mika (lunar);
  • Mai (bright);
  • Hime (princess);
  • Momo (peach);
  • Coco (coconut);
  • Satu (sugar);
  • Yoko (sunny);
  • Nariko (tender);
  • Tama (precious);
  • Taka (noble);
  • Tire (decent);
  • Chika (wise).

Russian nicknames for girls cats

Female kittens are often given traditional cat names based on old Russian names:

  • Masha;
  • Murka;
  • Varvara;
  • Vasilisa;
  • Matryona;
  • Glasha;
  • Musya;
  • Lada;
  • Agrafena.

Nicknames based on hobbies

It would be great if the name of the animal is associated with the hobby of its owner: for a programmer, a cat can be called Mouse, Flash Drive, for an economist - Credit Card, and the cook’s ward can be called Toffee.

Funny nicknames

If the cat’s character is interesting and unique, you can come up with a funny nickname for her, then communicating with her will be more fun and enjoyable. In order to choose a suitable nickname, you should pay attention to the pet’s preferences, its external characteristics, funny habits:

Objects that the pussy plays with can also be used when choosing a nickname. In this case, the baby can be called: Slipper, Whisk, Frying Pan, Paper, Rattle, Heel. Cats who love to purr can be given names: Murkisa, Murchalka, Singer, Murchella.

This girl can be called Slipper

To search for funny nicknames, they use the names of interior and household items, the names of animals, plants, birds, people's names in full or in abbreviation, the main thing is that they suit the cat. Sometimes a funny nickname comes about by accident from a funny combination of several words.

Examples of funny names for female cats:

  • Aska, Shark, Asthma, Embrasure;
  • Batosha, Businka, Basta, Buyanka, Buka, Bryska, Pin, Lamb, Flea;
  • Crow, Vobla, Fork;
  • Pear, Hydra, Gorilla, Galosh;
  • Slice, Board, Melon, Darling;
  • Christmas tree, Yozhka;
  • Zhenka, Chewing Gum, Zhulka, Heat;
  • Zorka, Splinter, Zamashka, Winter, Marshmallow, Snake, Splinter, Zebra;
  • Canary, Rat, Kotofeya, Lid, Booger, Sprat, Cuckoo, Booger;
  • Lola, Laskusha, Lapa, Lushka;
  • Martinya, Mucha. Masya, Malyavka, Medovukha, Mafia;
  • Trickster, Squeaker, Stove, Pee-Pee, Panorama;
  • Radish, Rainbow, Fish, Reika, Handle, Lynx;
  • Sonya, Owl, Splyusha, Whistler, Herring, Whistler, Elephant, Solokha;
  • Sharpener, Hoe, Thousand, Longing, Torpedo, Pipe;
  • Fenechka, Frosya, Figa, Chip;
  • Curtain, Shishka, Shawarma;
  • Chucha, Chukcha, Czech, Plague;
  • Jap, Jamaica.

Rare and unusual names

Some small representatives of purebred or other beautiful cats Regular cat names are not suitable. And although it’s easier for cats to pick up rare unusual name, this can also be done for cats. Rare names for cats:

  • Britney, Venus, Gladys, Jenny, Blackberry, Jeanette, Zarella, Yvette;
  • Kinel, Lourdes, Marger, Nashka, Alsi, Penny, Rosalia, Cindy;
  • Tiffany, Ulla, Fortuna, Helen, Cissy, Charita, Sharon, Evalda, Yukka, Yara.

Video: how to name a cat

When acquiring a small, furry friend, new owners are faced with the question: “What to name the cat.” Some want original, refined and fashionable name. Others are cute and funny. But most people don’t know what name to choose for a kitten. This article will help answer this question.

Name for a cat based on external characteristics

Choosing a name for a cat is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. The easiest way is to start from the appearance of the animal, its color, spots, length of fur, eyes, etc. This method Nickname selection is the most popular. Most owners name the animal precisely by this characteristic. Don’t think that it will turn out uninteresting or unoriginal. The main thing is that the nickname suits the cat.

Name the cat a girl white color, quite simple. The owners just need to think about what they associate the color white with.

It can be something of your own or common, for example: Snow, Squirrel, Snowflake, Winter, Snezhana, Umka, Snow, Lady. Very original nicknames for cats: Alaska, Antarctica, Arctic.

And the boy can be called Snowball, Ice, Orbit, Sugar, Tick-Tock, Belok, Weiss.

A black cat is a symbol of elegance and grace. From a small tousled kitten grows a real panther, whose fur shimmers in the light, and every step is filled with elegance. This is what you need to start from when giving a nickname to an animal. The black cat can be called Bagheera, Bastet in honor of the ancient Egyptian goddess, Athena or Perseus. You can give a simpler name, for example: Nochka, Klyaksa, Pepsi, Poppy, Basta, Mukha, Betty.

Suitable nicknames for a boy are Chernysh, Coal, Smaug, Smog, Smokey.

Nice name for a cat gray– simple, because her color is already inspiring. Names such as Sapphira, Serena, Sonya, Sam, Sema, Mouse, Gray, Grace, Aqua, Dove, Smokey or Dymka, Melon are perfect.

A ginger cat can be called by the most optimistic, playful and graceful names. For example: Alice, Fox, Liska, Lisa, Perseus, Stella, Venus, Mars, Marcia, Orange, Mandarin. Simple names such as Peach, Redhead, Redhead, Peach, Sweetie, Freckle, Speck, Ray, Sunshine are also good.

Among boy kittens, the popular nicknames are: Ryzhik, Chubaisik, Luchik, Yantar.

A tricolor cat can be called in different ways. A good imagination will come in very handy, since a colorful animal may find the most suitable different names. For example: Rainbow, Rainbow, Wrapper, Flower, Color, Fortune, Christmas Tree, Fun, Kiss, Spot, Watercolor, Watercolor, Tube, Paint, Esmeralda and Spiral. Some of the listed nicknames are also suitable for boys.

Name depending on character

Cats, like people, each have their own character, mood and temperament. When choosing a nickname for cats, it is very important to pay attention to this point, since the name should reflect the pet’s inner world.

A cat distinguished by affection and love can be given the nickname Lyuba, Nyusya, Asya, Mura, Murka, Lova, Musya, Masya, Nyashka, Nyasha, Yummy, Mylyshka, Malya, Manya, Bonya, Masyanya, Nyusha. It should be soft, light and cute, just like the animal itself. The names Bayun and Relax are suitable for boys.

But not all pets are good-natured. Very many cats have a firm, lively, masterly character. They don't like to be touched, stroked or tried to play with. Nicknames suitable for such important persons are: Margot, Tonya, Bomba, Chili, Merlin, Lauren, Gioconda, Jolie, Saltpeter, Sulfur.

There are representatives feline kind with a playful character. Such cats are always on the move, they need to go everywhere and do everything. Nicknames such as Bullet, Strelka, Belka, Zvezdochka, Flashka, Puma, Headlight, Mouse, Shakira, Besya, Penka, Fish, Shark, Kashtanka, Ocher, Zorka, Sailor, Fury, Simka, Sirena, Anfisa are suitable for cute kids.

Cool nicknames for cats

If the owners have a sense of humor, then you can choose a funny name for the pet. Usually, funny nicknames are born from the appearance or habits of an animal. It's cool to name a cat based on its taste preferences, for example: Sausage, Sausage, Cutlet, Pie, Waffle, Sausage, Yummy, Stew, Charlotte.

It is fashionable to give a cunning and resourceful cat the nickname Spy, Radio Operator, Kat, Trinity, Tricky, Shpan, Zaslanka, Intelligence, Mrs. Smith, Lariska, Kozyavka.

For an athlete cat who is in a hurry to be on time everywhere, the names Bazooka, Cannon, Jump Rope, Hooligan, Troy, Pandora, Pirate, Goonie, Whistle are suitable.

Interesting nicknames for cats in alphabetical order

Name interesting name Every housewife wants a cat so that her pet will stand out from the rest and be the best. There are many good and interesting names for cats. They can be old Russian, foreign and any others.

List of the best cat names:

  • A: Avdotya, Akulina, Aurelia, Agatha, Agnia, Azalea, Aida, Angela, Anita, Apollinaria, Ariadne, Arsenia, Artemia, Astrid;
  • B: Bella, Blackie, Lingonberry, Barbara, Betty, Berta, Bazhena, Bambi;
  • In: Varna, Vandochka, Vasilisa or Vasilek (abbreviated Vasya), Venus, Viola, Vlasta, Vesta, Volya;
  • G: Glafira (abbreviated as Glasha), Hera, Grettel, Glafira, Gloria, Gertrude, Golub;
  • D: Diodora, Gina, Juliet, Deutsche, Dekabrina, Dunka, Domna;
  • E: Eva, Evdokinia, Elizaveta (Lisanka), Euphrosyne;
  • F: Zhanna, Julia, Georgelitta;
  • Z: Zlata, Zimka, Zarina, Zvenislavochka;
  • And: Ivanna, Isabella, Joanna, Jonah, Isolde, Hippolyta, Isidora Duncan, Irma, Sparkle;
  • K: Capitolina (abbreviated Kappa), Coco (Chanel), Carolina, Clarice, Constance, Cleopatra, Xunya;
  • L: Leniana, Lina, Louise, Lenina, Leontia, Lucretia, Lesya, Lulu, Livia, Lina, Liliana, Lilia, Lumiya;
  • M: Mavra, Maruska, Magda, Madeleine, Malvinka, Margarita, Martochka, Marfusha, Matilda, Matryoshka, Milana, Millya, Mimimishka, Mia, Molly, Muse;
  • N: Nana, Nessie, Nelly or Neonila, Nefertiti, Ninel, Novella, Nora, Nochka, Nate, Nyusha;
  • A: Octavia, Oktyabrina, Olympiada, Olympia;
  • P: Pavlina, Panna, Paulina, Pandora, Praskovya, Panochka, Penny;
  • R: Rada, Rimma, Rosochka;
  • With: Solomeya, Svoboda, Severina, Serafima, Sendy, Sophia, Susanna, Suzanna, Susan, Stepanida (Styopa);
  • T: Tyra, Tasha, Tisha, Trisha, Taira, Tamila, Tess;
  • U: Ulyana, Ustinya, Ulya;
  • F: Faina, Fina, Frau, Felicia, Philadelphia, Flora, Florence, Floriana;
  • E: Eureka, Elelnora, Elsa, Emma, ​​Erica;
  • Yu: Juno, Yuta, Yuna.

Signs associated with cat names

A cat can become not only a person’s friend, but also his talisman. A correctly chosen nickname will attract everything dearly desired to the owner of the animal. Therefore, if there is not enough love, money or health in life, then you need to carefully choose the nickname of a new household member.

If in Lately luck has turned away from the owners and they lack a little bit of luck, then perhaps they should get a cat. Call her Rainbow, Luck, Piece of Happiness, Lucky or Rada.

If you have a desire that seems impossible, then you need to get a cat with the name Zlata, Lamp, Rybka, Gina, Star, Lotyreyka, Sorceress, Fairy Tale, Coupon.

If the owner dreams of great love, a man who will become her soul mate for the rest of her life. Then you can get a girl kitten and name her Venus, Lyubov, Lova or another name meaning love.

Finance is what many people lack to achieve complete happiness. To attract them, you can call the fluffy talisman Dollar, and also suitable nicknames are Coin, Ruble, Kopeyka, Denga, Zolotka, Cent, Peso, Mark, Euro, etc.

If there are quarrels, swearing, and lack of peace and harmony in the house, then the cat can be called Harmony or Peace. Also suitable nicknames are Relax, Euphoria, Friendship, Accordion, Balance.

At the end of the article, it is safe to say that there are a million names for cats. But it is important to remember the main thing: you need to love your pet and pronounce its name with affection. Then, regardless of the name, she will answer her owner in kind. will become true friend and a caring pet.

The question that is asked great amount cat owners. But it’s better to put the question this way: how to choose the right nickname for an animal, so that it is smart, correct, and most importantly, so that the animal responds to it.

It’s quite difficult to come up with such a unique nickname, and to come up with it, you need to remember that cats only hear the first three sounds of their name. The rest of the letters are of little importance to them, therefore, cats respond perfectly to kitty-kitty.

Well, there are different cat names. There are many of them and they start with different letters, they contain different quantities letters, the number of hissing letters, as well as many other distinctive features. But the main thing that guides owners when choosing cat names is the behavior of kittens in childhood.
Below .

Each kitten has its own features, which shows all the inclinations of the kitten. You can also focus on the kitten’s color, eye color, behavior, and only after this long process will it be possible to determine the kitten’s nickname; delaying the choice of nickname is also not recommended. After all, the kitten may not get used to the nickname, which was given too late.

There are also the most common nicknames that have been used for many years. These nicknames, as you may have guessed, are Barsik, Musya, Murzik, Vaska, Boris and many other “boring” nicknames, and also, the nickname depends on the breed of the cat. Some people give their pets nicknames that suit their appearance! For example, if the kitten is fluffy, smoky in color, and also has a kind, sympathetic character, then it would be logical to name him Barsik or Vaska.

Nicknames for cats should be bright, most often they contain diminutive suffixes, but, of course, they should suit the character and appearance of the cat. For example for Arabian cats The name Aben, Abrek, etc. is typical. So, the names of cats are given precisely according to this principle! Nicknames for cats are chosen in the same way as for cats! I hope that you will no longer have any difficulties or questions about what to name your cat!

What names of cats can you name? Many owners, especially among the older generation, choose nicknames for cats in accordance with traditions: if the pet is male, then most likely he is Vaska, Murzik or Barsik, if female - Muska, Murochka or Marusya. Slightly less common, but also common, are names for male kittens such as Marquis, Pushok, Dymok, Ryzhik, in the female version it can be Marquise, Pushinka, Dymka, Ryzhka. Sometimes, if there is only one animal in the family, it does not have a nickname at all, it was simply called Cat (or “we call it “kitty-kitty” - it always comes”). However, young animal owners who keep up with the times want to choose something more beautiful for their pet, and the managers of nurseries and shelters cannot do without imagination.

In nurseries, the naming of graduates is subject to certain rules: the names of cats are compound, consisting of two or more words, and they must include the name of the nursery - this “surname” can come after the personal name or before it, and the nicknames of kittens from the same litter begin with one letter. Of course, it is inconvenient to use a long, fluffy name in everyday life, and they form a suitable abbreviation from it or come up with a nickname for the kitten that is not at all related to what is written in the documents of origin.

Shelters also have their own traditions: cats are given nicknames according to the places where they were found or accompanying circumstances, sometimes peculiar “saints” are invented - assigned to the month or day of the week a certain letter or style. For example, cats found in the summer may receive “flower” names, and cats that have undergone serious illnesses, - names denoting luck, luck.

Choosing a cat name: where to start

If you have adopted a nameless street animal or don’t like the nickname with which it came to you, and when your friends ask what you can name the cat, nothing comes to mind other than the same Murka, you can start from the following general points:

  1. It is believed that cat names must contain hissing words, or better yet, the combination “ks” (Max, Felix, Ksyusha). However, there are examples where cats recognized a name devoid of such sounds.
  2. Good nicknames for cats are obtained from abbreviations of human names: Asya, Grisha, Dasha, Sasha, Styopa, Rusya, Tisha, Yasha.
  3. Take a closer look at the character and behavioral characteristics of your pet. A quiet, calm animal can be called Plush, Sonya, Nyasha, Puffy, playful and cocky - Thunderstorm, Fury, Rocket, Pirate, Fizzy.
  4. You can use a foreign human name as the animal's name. For example, beautiful names for cats: Amarylis, Daphne, Isabella, Cassandra, Louise, Marianne, Matilda, Samantha, Sarah, Ursula, Charlene; beautiful names for cats: Christian, Marcus, Rafael, Simon, Patrice, Felix.
  5. Mythology can become a rich source of options, but you should not limit yourself to the well-known Greek. For example, beautiful cat nicknames can come from names Indian gods and goddesses - Vishnu, Kali, Lakshmi, Saraswati, Shachi - or Egyptian - Isis, Bastet, Maat, Tefnut, Hathor.
  6. If you are not sure that you have correctly identified the sex of your pet, it is better to choose a gender-neutral name as a nickname for the kitten or one that has an option of the opposite sex. Your cat will not have a complex with the name Isolde, but you will feel awkward in the veterinary clinic.

Some owners, guided by superstitions, believe that cat names should not repeat human names. However, the only problem that you can really encounter when choosing what to name your cat is if the name coincides with the name of one of your friends or relatives.

Cat name by color

If, in search of a suitable nickname for your animal, you decide to start from its color, then you can use guidelines.

What to name a black male kitten? If traditional names like Chernysh or Ugolek do not suit you, and you are not superstitious, you can choose a nickname in a mystical, gothic style. If you have favorite black actors or athletes, this may also give you some options. In addition, you can turn to African myths and folklore. As for the question of what to name a black cat, then if the first ones that come to mind do not suit you - Nochka, Chernushka, Vaxa - you can sort out the fruits and berries of black (dark) color: Blackberry, Plum, Olive, Blueberry, Bird Cherry, or the names varieties of roses or tulips of dark colors.

What to name a white male kitten? First of all, you can play with the closest association with the color white - snow, winter, north. For example - North, Snowball, Snowdrift, Frost, Pole. You can be guided by the same considerations when choosing what to name a white cat: Blizzard, Blizzard, Snowdrift, Snowflake, Arctic, Polarnitsa, Cloudberry, Tundra. You can turn to the language and folklore of the northern or Scandinavian peoples.

What can you call a red male kitten, if not Ryzhik or Ogonyok? You can again play on the associations with the red color - fire, gold, autumn, orange and red. Possible nicknames for cats: Bonfire, September, Orange, Ruby, Amber. The same associations can be used when choosing what to call ginger cat: Spark, Gold, Ore, Autumn, Fox, Ruby. Red cats are much less common than males, so you can also emphasize its uniqueness in your pet’s name.

What can you call a male agouti kitten other than Barsik? Of the nicknames dedicated to spots and stripes, the following can be mentioned: Tigrash, Serval, Raccoon, Chipmunk, Sailor, Serpentine, Dotted. The options for naming a female kitten would be Tigger, Lynx, Zebra, Sailor, Mackerel, Vest, Stripe.

What can you name a kitten? blue color? Turquoise, Azure, Sapphire, Lavender, Violet. You can use the names of rivers and lakes, the names of sea and river gods and goddesses.

If you are looking for a name for a tortoiseshell or tri-color kitten, it can only be female. You can call such a cat Freckle, Palette, Eclectic.

“Siamese” cats, or more precisely, colorpoint cats, are most often called Sims or Sineglazki, but what do you call a cat? You can use a male variation such as Seamus or Simeon, or you can refer to the language of the country of origin of this breed (it is worth considering that the dark muzzle and Blue eyes are characteristic not only of Siamese; there are several other breeds whose standards allow such colors).

Cat name with a smile

If the determining factors in choosing a name for your pet are not external data, but character traits and behavior, you can cite the following epithets as an example:

  • Authority;
  • Antimouse;
  • Aristocrat;
  • Imp;
  • Alarm;
  • Bacchanalia;
  • Knight;
  • Virtuoso;
  • Ghoul;
  • Gulena;
  • Gourmet;
  • Fidget;
  • Zinger;
  • Flagellum;
  • Fun;
  • Bully;
  • Sinister;
  • Ignore;
  • Intrigue;
  • Nightmare;
  • Nipper;
  • Shoo-Mouse;
  • Weasel;
  • Likhodey;
  • Mafia;
  • Monster;
  • Mouser;
  • touchy-feely;
  • Sissy;
  • Bonehead;
  • Otorva;
  • Pathos;
  • Song;
  • Prankster;
  • Swallow;
  • Rogue;
  • Spinognaw;
  • Scops Owl;
  • Thriller;
  • Tornado;
  • Mattress;
  • Threat;
  • Ghoul;
  • Philosopher;
  • Reflux;
  • Force Majeure;
  • Freebie;
  • Grabber;
  • Khmyr;
  • Skoda;
  • Shurshik;
  • Shustrik.

Some owners approach the choice of pet names with originality and humor, including professional humor - progress has given us such nicknames for male kittens as Assassin, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, Glitch, Winchester, Caps, Linux, Pixel, Proof, Stalker, Trojan, Excel, Yandex, and such nicknames for girl cats as Vista, Tin, Console, Matrix, Selfie, Ubuntu, Utility, Flash Drive.

Of course, the names of cats could not help but be enriched by movies and cartoons - four-legged friends have such names as Batman, Darth Vader, Conan, Maleficent, Mrs. Norris, Sauron, Simba, Sailor Moon, car brands - Audi, Bentley, Infinity , Lamborghini, Nissan, Peugeot, and these can be both names for female cats and for boys. Advertising also made its contribution - thanks to the “Felix” food rollers, another common option for naming a black and white cat appeared, just as after the “Kitiket” food rollers, many cats received the name Boris.

Find beautiful name It’s not difficult for a cat; it’s more difficult to choose among the variety of interesting options.
