Atol parrots. Parrot nursery "Atol": activity and location. Distinctive features of a parrot from the nursery


started its activity in the ninetieth year.

Our partners are primarily firms in the United States and Europe engaged in the breeding and introduction (reintroduction) of bird species not listed by the Washington Convection (CITES). This is the export side of our business.

In terms of imports, on the contrary, we give priority to the species included in CITES. First of all, these are species of orders of parrots, toucan, turakov (bananoed).

A nursery was built in 2001; but to this day the company often has to deal with the export and import of live birds, overcoming the associated bureaucratic difficulties.

Our nursery is located in Domodedovo district of the Moscow region, and has more than 50 summer and winter aviaries.
Our quarantine base is registered in Directorate of Veterinary Medicine of the Moscow Region.

More than 10 years ago, we created our company for the sole reason - amateur keeping and breeding of decorative birds, in connection with the changes that have come to Russia, have come into complete decline; and people, all of whose activities were associated with this hobby, were left out of business.

Now, when the economic condition of the country has more or less stabilized, amateurism, as a hobby, and for many as a way of life, is slowly beginning to revive again.

We hope that our activity in this field also makes a feasible contribution to the preservation of some species of birds, the cultural population of which (kept in captivity) in quantitative terms has long exceeded that which remained in the wild. This, in turn, allows us to hope that in the future these birds will be seen not only in illustrations, but also alive.

In our opinion, this is the meaning of amateur and professional keeping and breeding of birds in captivity!

The nursery is located in Domodedovo district of Moscow region, in the Veterinary Directorate of which it is registered. Everything sold by us chicks parrots have fixed rings with nursery markings, certificate of origin and required veterinary documents.
Imported parrots, in addition to veterinary documents, have CITES certificates confirming their LEGAL origin.

The Parrot Nursery "Atol" was opened in 1990, its main purpose was breeding and introduction of birds. The company's partners are located in Europe and the USA.

In 2001, a nursery was opened, although even today one of the company's activities is the export and import of birds.

The location of the nursery in the Domodedovsky District on the territory of the Moscow Region ensures positive natural conditions suitable for birds. There are over 50 aviaries on the territory, including winter and summer cages, which guarantee a comfortable stay of birds at any time of the year.

The original goal of the company was to keep ornamental birds. However, the difficult situation in the country seriously affected the company's activities. Only a few years later, after the stabilization of the economic situation, bird breeding again became relevant. Today there are many people who consider this a real hobby or even an important part of life.

Nursery activities

The Atol Parrot Nursery is engaged in breeding a wide variety of birds, including pink cockatoos, various macaws, kaiki and other rare birds.

All birds presented in the nursery have the necessary documents and certificates. Also, each bird has non-removable rings marked with the name of the institution. The company does not mediate, so you can buy a pet exclusively through them. No affiliates or proxies. Therefore, you should be careful not to run into scammers.

If you want to buy a rare parrot, it is better to contact this nursery directly. This is the only way to count on a healthy bird of a certain age and gender.

Should I buy a parrot in the nursery? This is what the article is about.

Those who want to get parrots are faced at the very beginning with the problem of where to get a pet. After all, amateurs have already determined what kind they want to have at home. Often, out of their ignorance, they come to the bird markets. But not everywhere and not always in such places you can buy a healthy bird that meets all the requirements and desires.

First of all, on the market you can come across a wild bird illegally exported from its natural range. And this is already fraught with completely different problems. Since poachers not only cause irreparable damage to populations of parrots in nature, but endanger the life of the bird itself and its future owner. Indeed, many wild parrots can be carriers of all kinds of diseases.

Not only will the breeder have to spend a fair amount of money on the purchase of a bird, then it will be necessary to restore its health. And besides, the probability of acquiring an old parrot is very high. And this, in turn, entails acclimatization and socialization that is difficult for the bird.

Therefore, to acquire a feathered friend it is better to contact the parrot nursery... There, experts will find a good friend who will bring a lot of joy. After all, it is not for nothing that parrots were nicknamed the birds of happiness.

Distinctive features of a parrot from the nursery

A young parrot, raised and raised in a nursery, is easy to recognize. Such birds are also called fosterlings, and they must meet the following requirements:

  • chicks from the nursery are always ringed with a non-removable ring on which the name of the nursery, the country where it is located, the date of birth of the parrot are stamped;
  • chicks raised by people are always tame, they are not afraid of people.

You should also pay attention to the signs of young birds. For example, in many large parrot species, at a young age, the iris of the eye is darker than in adult birds.

Nurseries of the Czech Republic and Germany are considered the most popular and reputable. There they have been breeding parrots for a very long time and successfully. They especially succeeded in breeding large species of parrots such as Ara, Jaco, Kakadu and many others.

But there are other nurseries as well. Let them be less eminent, but no worse than the famous European ones.

Nursery "Amazona"

This nursery is located in Belarus. And its history began in 1982. The first pets were Cuban Amazons. It was from them that the first offspring was obtained.

The main goal of the nursery is to achieve the reproduction of various species of parrots, and not only to keep them successfully. Therefore, the species diversity is constantly changing. Now there you can see and purchase such rare parrots as Moluccas Cockatoo, Yellow-crested Cockatoo, Cuban and blue-faced Amazons, Jaco.

The long-term experience of the owners of the nursery has made it possible to create groups of parrots that are able to live and even reproduce in unheated outdoor enclosures. These include the Corellas and the Motley Rosellas.

Representatives of these species, provided they are kept outdoors throughout the year, can feed three broods annually. Their first nesting can begin in March, when there is still snow and the temperature is below zero. Professional breeders note that such chicks have much higher vitality and resistance to diseases than ordinary young ones.

The nursery has built spacious aviaries that allow the birds to live comfortably in the fresh air. There you can see a lot of parrots, both adults and chicks.

A visit to Amazona will not leave anyone indifferent.

Kennel "Atol"

It traces its history back to 1990. Although the construction of the nursery itself took place in 2001. Up to this point, breeders have been exporting rare species of parrots mainly from nurseries in the USA and Europe.

The nursery is located in the Domodedovsky district of the Moscow region. It is equipped with more than 50 aviaries, both summer and winter.

At the moment, there are about 20 Amadin Gulda pairs in the nursery, which perfectly hatch and feed their broods. About 10 pairs of Lovebirds, 20 pairs of various grass parrots such as azure, glossy, elegant, pink-bellied.

The nursery also has such rare species of large parrots as Jaco, Ara (3 different subspecies), Kakadu (also about 3 species), Amazons (2 species), Australian royal parrots, Noble parrots.

The nursery is constantly growing. Therefore, its second building will soon be launched. This will further diversify the existing species composition of parrots.

The skill and experience of the breeders of this nursery have proved that it is possible to achieve reproduction even at home with Jaco in the presence of a small cage. Despite the fact that broods can be obtained from them regularly, even under such cramped conditions. But this, as practice has shown, does not affect the chicks in any way.

Almost all nurseries started out with import or export of birds. But the wonderful world of parrots, one way or another, led the owners to the idea of ​​breeding birds. Thanks to this, there are now quite a large number of nurseries that allow you to choose parrots for every taste and color.

It should be remembered that birds from the nursery are always ringed, have documents certifying the legality of their origin, and they are also examined by a veterinarian. Therefore, the acquisition of such a parrot will bring only positive emotions to the future owner. After all, the bird is already practically tamed, it is not afraid of people. Therefore, the course of adaptation to the new room will take place much faster.

I would also like to note that the owners of nurseries never abandon their fosterlings. Therefore, they will always come to the rescue, clarify incomprehensible points, advise and give recommendations to amateurs. Are these not the main ingredients for success?

After all, the basic principles of the nursery work is to competently and professionally prepare parrots for sale so that buyers do not have problems with the health of the bird, its feeding and domestication.

Therefore, do not rush to the bird market. Consider your purchase well. Then success is sure to await you!

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