Interesting scenarios for a corporate party for the new year. Preparation for the New Year's corporate party. New Year's Song of the "Bremen Town Musicians"

A scenario for a New Year's corporate party in a women's team with cool games and competitions in 2019. To prepare for the New Year according to this scenario, you will need a little: a cheerful presenter, a friendly team of employees of some organization, good mood and a couple of costumes.

Dear, charming, lovely, beautiful, beloved our women, the best half of humanity! Today we celebrate the New Year 2019 and see off the old one! So the snow-white beauty of winter has come - a favorite time for children and adults. Our dear, snow queens and snow maidens, may our congratulations give you a good mood not only today, but for the whole year!

Place 3 chairs in the center of the stage. There are 3 Leshy (in cool New Year's costumes) sitting on them with signs on their neck: "Bachelor of the Gob", "Married Goblin henpecked", "Divorced Goblin, in search", each holding a bottle of beer.

With age, men, having typed “life experience”, deduce the criteria of a good and a bad woman, trying to deduce a certain recipe for an ideal. Some, not finding it, are completely disappointed in the beautiful field.

Three men under the window
We drank beer in the evening.

Married goblin:
If I were single
I would go on a spree with a young ... (looks around)

Says a married friend
Looking around, but what if,
They are overheard here,
Yes, God forbid, they will notice.

Married Goblin:
My kikimora has ears everywhere,
He only manages to listen
He only learns about treason
Cuts into pieces.

Divorced goblin:
If I fell in love again
Into true love
Wouldn't make mistakes
After all, the family world is so shaky.
I would do everything differently
There would be a golden marriage.

Idle goblin:
Well, you are stupid people,
Better to live your whole life in fornication,
How to put a collar around your neck.
Without freedom, I rust.
And kikimor, oh, how many,
And everyone loves a single person.
Do you want unearthly happiness
Pour her semi-dry
Promise to love until the grave
That's all - the road to bed!

Only managed to utter,
The gate door creaked
Love quietly entered
And she burned them all with a glance.
During the entire conversation
She stood by the fence:
The last man's speech
Terrified to the point.

A woman enters with a sign "Lyubov Kikimorovna" or, for a laugh, a man dressed as a woman.

Lyubov Kikimorovna:
Eh you devil - fools?
You need to know the root causes
You all want free hand,
But I will say without swearing.
We don't need palaces, cars,
All girls wish for love!

Married Goblin:
But I love my kikimora,
I always go by the handle with her,
It's just that if I let go
Then I look for her, I look for ...
Will go around all the shops,
She will buy Christmas trees, nonsense, which does not suit her.

Lyubov Kikimorovna:
And you take her by the arm
And go to the store together,
Let her measure, and you look
If you like it - take it, but not -
Pick up another. And all praise
And dissolve in attention.
You will return home, rub the legs.
And fatigue with her kisses
Erase the face.
And quickly put dinner on the table,
Give your beloved flowers and ...
Everything is ready, your bouquet has blossomed.
She will lock such a devil herself,
You will not have horns
After all, you are a gift from the Gods!

Divorced Goblin:
Well, well, I lived behind the bolt.
Life is harsh, they caught a birder.
They ring themselves
She was chained tightly to her skirt.

Lyubov Kikimorovna:
So what's wrong with that
Look at anyone.
Everyone who is tied to a skirt
He is always obliged to the family,
He's tied by a knot.
Shaved, neatly dressed,
Cooked lunch
Is waiting for you every day
A warm bed at home.
Well, if you are not lazy,
You won't be a deer
Have sex with a sweetheart
So that the heart does not ache
Just to get a little stormy.
That's the whole secret of love
Just call me cute
A bouquet of flowers in the morning narvi,
And the wife will flutter, smell like that,
You will only have to rest!

Divorced Goblin:
I once had a wonderful dream
Four movers carried my salary
But when I woke up
They gave all of them to his wife.

Lyubov Kikimorovna:
But this is just a dream
And was this million worth
Dreamed of pieces of paper
A shattered family?
How to scare your wife with divorce,
Poraskin the man with brains:
You are in shorts with debts
Only mom needs you!

Married Goblin:
Yes, a man without a woman is like a dog without fleas ... You can live, but it's boring!

Divorced Goblin:
And a woman without a man is like a flea without a dog ... You can live, but there is no one to bite!

Lyubov Kikimorovna:
You need to return to the woman as soon as possible, before she has time to understand that she is fine without you! Or has your place already been taken?

Divorced Goblin:
Yes, now I miss, and she dances.

Married Goblin:
And I realized that the best ending to the argument with the kikimora is to pretend to be dead or close her mouth ... with a kiss!

Lyubov Kikimorovna:
The stupid goblin is trying to re-educate the kikimora ...
The clever one seeks to teach her ...
And only the wise do the almost impossible - he loves her the way she is ...

So, goblin, be wise, do not drive your kikimors into a corner. She will cry the night, the day will think and you will look for a corner ...

Lyubov Kikimorovna: (referring to the single Leshem)
Now love has reached you.
You freeze living for years ...
Not understanding the importance of nature.
Money is not about joy, rank or power ...
They don't care - you are healthy or you have a cold,
Simple human happiness
When there are those who really need you.
Who is waiting for you home, looking out the window,
And without pretending he hugs him with his heart.
It's not scary if there is a crumb in the house,
It is more terrible when love does not exist there ...

And the devil thought,
We drank beer without torpor,
No, I came and woke up
And my chest suddenly felt so tight.
Their love kikimorovna enchanted, whirled,
The sleeping heart has charged with hope!

Divorced Goblin:
And I realized that strong kikimors are the creation of weak goblin ...
And therefore, for each kikimore, I wish that there was a strong hand, a strong shoulder and a warm heart nearby!

Idle Leshy:
It's boring without kikimor, it's hard with them,
But since today is a holiday, for that matter,
Then our "Adam's ribs" are just lovely,
They can do everything: wash, love, cook
And even more, very possibly.

Married Goblin:
Don't bend your soul
And if you get used to it,
So that in the flame of love
Your hearts are warm!

Well, since you understand, friends,
That it is very difficult to live without Kikimor, I suggest that you make each your own “Snow Queen”.

(Using scotch tape and threads, sculpt a female figure from balloons of various sizes and shapes).

All secrets are revealed. So we found out what kind of kikimors our goblin dream about. We see that our models are not quoted. Everyone prefers ladies with curvaceous forms.

Invite several couples (men and women). In addition, bottles (glass or plastic) and a flower are needed for each pair.
Women squeeze the bottles under their armpits, and men, holding the flower in their teeth, without using their hands, must quickly put the flower in the bottle.

Now let's see how our goblin will congratulate their kikimors on the holiday.

Imagine that someone came with full hands of gifts, that the flowers had to be carried in their teeth, and someone was already so congratulated that they crawled on all fours and their hands were also busy, you have to keep yourself for balance. And you need to congratulate your beloved kikimora, at least put a flower in a vase, and not just put it, but put it quickly.

After the game, all the women present are presented with flowers and gifts.


And now I want to invite 3 women of our team (more can be). A surprise in this test game will be a gift certificate from the management of our company.

You have to know how our women act in a difficult situation.
The host asks questions, women answer. The best answers are humorous, choose the winner.

1 test:
Question: How to put a drunk husband to bed?
- a frying pan on the head,
- feed,
- pour more ...

2 test:
Question: What if I found my husband's stash?
- hide,
- spend right away, until you pick it up,
- to say that I did not see, did not touch,
- gave it to my mother ...

3 test:
Question: If you caught your husband with his mistress?
- throw both out the door, clothes next,
- or without clothes,
- say: "Sleep, dear, tired, in the morning I will bring coffee to bed" ...

4 test:
Question: What would you do if a car's tire burst?
- a call to my husband,
- a call to your lover,
- a call to a car repair shop,
- I will make the skirt shorter and I will vote for help,
- I'll start changing the wheel itself ...

Present a New Year's certificate to the winner: a beautifully decorated postcard with the text:

Gift Certificate
It gives the right to be late all January for 15 minutes to work.

General Director, Signature, seal

Dear women, today you once again showed us your beauty, wit, charm. Always be as happy as you are today! And let the New Year 2019 be the happiest and most unforgettable!

New Year's contests for a female corporate party

In the hat there are small pieces of paper on which one word is written (Christmas tree, icicle, Santa Claus, frost, etc.) Each in turn takes notes from the hat and sings a song - necessarily New Year's or Winter's, in which a word is found written in his leaf!

Frosty breath

There are three snowflakes on the table. Participants blow on them so that they fall off the table. When all the snowflakes fall, inform that the one whose snowflake fell last won (this is how he froze it to the table).

Adult trickle

A wallpaper track is laid on the floor. Women are encouraged to spread their legs wide and walk along the "stream" without getting their feet wet. After the first attempt, it is proposed to repeat the "walk along the stream", but with a blindfold. All other future participants in the game should not see how it is being played. Having passed the brook with her eyes blindfolded, and at the end of the way, having removed the blindfold from her eyes, the woman discovers that a man is lying on the stream, face up (the man lies on the wallpaper after the task has been completed, but the blindfold has not yet been removed from the participant's eyes). The woman is embarrassed. A second contestant is invited, and when everything is repeated again, the first contestant laughs heartily. And then the third, fourth ... Everyone has fun!

Dragging the napkin

For the competition, you need a napkin and a few cocktail tubes.
The napkin is torn into several pieces. On each piece we write the name of the prize. Between the opponents on the table we put a piece of napkin with the inscription down.

At the command "Start!" opponents should use a cocktail tube to pull the napkin towards them.
The second version of the game - a comic task is written on a napkin. In this case, the loser must complete this task.

Do you believe in New Year's omens?

The presenter prepares a description of various signs about the New Year, with a mixture of truthful and invented. In turn, he reads out to each of the guests according to a sign, and he answers whether he believes or not.

The one who guessed the most correctly won. Approximate signs: tearing a dress on New Year's - for a passionate romance, yes or no? (yes), in Cuba, in the new year, 12 grapes are prepared for each guest, you need to eat them during the chimes and make a wish for each grape, which will certainly come true, yes or no? (yes), in Cyprus they see off the old year in complete darkness and turn on the lights only with the onset of the new year, yes or no? (yes), in China, a butterfly should fly in the house for the New Year, yes or no? (no) and so on.

Ice cream

Snegurochka's favorite delicacy is ice cream - therefore a competition is announced for the name of the ice cream. Everyone in turn names the varieties of ice cream, and whoever thinks for more than five seconds is the one who lost.


The competition for New Year's wishes is held in the same way. Whoever thinks for more than five seconds has lost.

Photo contest "Heroes at the Christmas tree"

What a New Year without memorable bright and cheerful photos. So, each guest takes out his fant from the bag, in which his role is indicated, for example, Snow Maiden, Snowflake, Snow Queen, squirrel, animal symbol of the New Year 2019, and so on. And each guest in turn goes to the tree and shows his hero, who needs to be captured. Guests will have fun, and after the holiday, funny memories will remain in the photo.

Don't tell me the truth

For this competition, the host must prepare various questions about the New Year, for example:

What do all people dress up for a holiday?
What salad is considered to be a symbol of the New Year?
What are people launching into the sky to celebrate the New Year? etc.

The presenter asks such questions quickly and dexterously, demanding the same answer. Only each guest should remember that the answer must be wrong, that is, not the truth. The one who gives the correct answers - at the end of the competition, fulfills various desires or recites poetry.

Oh, this is a New Year's movie

The presenter calls catchphrases from New Year's films, and the films are mixed: both Soviet, and modern, and Russian, and foreign. Whoever guesses the films more than others will win. Examples of phrases:

That sick, that in love - for medicine it is all the same - Sorcerers,

There are 15 people in this house, but for some reason all the problems are only because of you - Home Alone,

Hope for Santa Claus, but don't do it yourself - Christmas trees,

Whether there is life on Mars, whether there is life on Mars - this is unknown to science - Carnival night and so on.

New Year's corporate party is a time when the whole team gets together, you can relax a little and forget a little about too strict decency and dress code. Leading corporate parties will certainly find cool New Year's scenes useful, which will help to attract participants "from the audience." If it turns out that there is no presenter at the corporate party, the colleagues themselves can use these scenes to play a funny performance and entertain themselves and their comrades.

Scene No. 1 "How Snowmen Played Santa Clauses"

A snowman appears on the wall, on the other side the same person is walking with his back to him. They crash into each other.

1 S-k. - Greetings to you, snow brother!

2 S-k. - And I greet you, where do you keep?

1 S-k. I wanted to ask Santa Claus about something, but I can't get there!

2 S-k. And we ourselves can invent Santa Claus, here I am, for example, why am I not frost?

1 S-k. - Why you and me not me?

2 S-k. - So you need to make wishes!

1 S-k. - Well, yes ... (the second gets into a pose) - well ... oh, no! Grandfather should sit like this! (shows and looks) - No, I don't like you, give the audience help! So who organizes the coolest Grandfather?

Several participants are selected.

Snow. - So, our Grandfather has the biggest ... (looks with an unambiguous glance at the abdomen) - You’re not thinking, the biggest belly! Well, who has the best? Men should stick out their bellies and measure them. The dispute is resolved with applause. Two or three people should be left.

1 S-k - And our grandpa also wears a robe, shoes and a cap! (takes out a terry old robe, slippers and a baby's cap). We put on, put on.

2 SN. (look meticulously)- When was the last time you saw Frost?

1 S-k - I haven't seen him yet, I just heard about him!

1 S. - This is understandable ... And now we still need deer! Grandfather always comes on reindeer, always! So who's the best deer here? We announce casting for the best deer! Active men are selected.

The music sounds: "I will take you to the tundra," under which men must portray the best deer.

2 SN. - So these are found, it remains to find the sled. Probably for the sleigh we will take those deer that did not pass the casting. (He puts the "sleigh" on all fours, puts the "deer" in front, puts the grandfather on the "sleigh". Then there will be a small relay race from one destination to another. The heroes must run around the obstacle and return). - And now let's go, whose team will go forward to the right place and come back, those heroes will be the only representatives of the New Year's characters!

1 Sn-ik - Well, now such cool grandfathers on reindeer need who?

2 SN-k. - Who? Do such cool peppers need someone?

1 SN-IR. - Of course! Snow Maiden! Or rather, two Snow Maidens!

2 SN. - O! Let's arrange a casting! We will hardly put everyone like this and start choosing.

1 SN. - No no no! We must arrange a test for them! What kind of women do you like?

2 SN. - I .. uh. In-oh-from such (shows something). A. no, these are (shows again). And no, no, I really like them!

1 SN. - Oh, you won't understand, let me choose myself! I like fun and lively.

Game "Dance Potpourri"

All interested girls and women are invited for them in turn (or cut into one track) a variety of compositions are included, to which they must dance. For example: "Kamarinskaya", "Gypsy", "Rap", "Techno", "Waltz", "Lambada", "Tango", "Quadrille", "Rock and Roll". The heroes choose their girlfriend. Which was the most active participant in the game.

1 Snow. - Well, that's all, Santa Clauses were found, Snow Maidens to them too. You can also celebrate the holiday!

2 Snow. “You’ve come up with this cool thing, and we’ll take presents for ourselves!”

1 Snow. (looking into the hall) - Something tells me that they won't let us out of here alive.

2 Snow. - Let's shoot back! He takes out firecrackers and salutes.

1 Snow. - Look, everything is in its place ... oh, you have to give ...

Gifts are given. Gifts can be comic and you can organize eyeliner for each according to the nature of the recipient, for example:

  • "The most nosy" - a mousetrap.
  • "The most hungry" - a spoon.
  • "To the most freezing" - tea or a piece of cognac.
  • "For the youngest" - a rattle. Dummy.
  • "To teetotaler" - a bottle of kefir.
  • "Yazvennik" - a fest.
  • "The most beautiful" = the mask of Baba Yaga.
  • “To the most unsure of himself” - a mirror.
  • "The most talkative" - ​​a cork or a gag.

New Year's Scene No. 2 "Seeing Off the Outgoing Year"

The Snow Maiden enters the stage and pulls the Old New Year along with her.

Sn-ka - here, look what else you have to do here, you see how many people, and everything is absolutely not for your soul! It's time for you to leave. Leave!

Art. N. God - Me? And I won't think about it! Where will I go? Into oblivion? To eternity? Look at me: Age is in its very juice, one might say - in bloom! For me, on the contrary, everything is just beginning! Find more such heroes in the hall!

Snow. - And I will find it! Men, let's prove this old ... (you can call it whatever you like, depending on the company) that he already has the wrong powers.

Game "Let's face it with sausages"

It turns out that several men are given sausage balls, which are very difficult to inflate. The whole joke is that they inflate them to the best of their ability, someone has a very small sausage, someone has a bigger one, and someone has a very large one. The hero is also involved.

Sn-a - Well, grandpa? Your sausage is very small. There is no strength for anything already!

Art. N.G. - Happiness is not in the size of sausages, but in their quantity! (pretends to gnaw a ball, leading the topic to the other side)

Sn-ka - So you don't want to leave?

S.N.G. - No, I'm not going anywhere! I'm staying here! And if you want me to leave, create the best conditions for me!

Sn-ka - What conditions will we create for you?

S.N.G. - Well, for example ... I want a luxury chaise longue!

Sn-ka - So, we need help from the audience! Which of those present is waiting for the New Year? (answer) We do not hear! That's all, it means we urgently need to expel the Old, who is ready! You need to be a little chaise longue!

It turns out a man, better a girl, sits on the floor or a chair, old year on his knees.

Sn-ka - Well. Are you happy?

Art. N.G. - No, it's over, how can you be satisfied? Want some more champagne in hand? So where's my champagne!

The Snow Maiden calls several girls and chooses a girl with a figure that looks like a bottle of champagne by a general vote. They "put" it into the hand of the Old Year.

Art. year - So, what else do I need ... Oh! I want a gift! I want it to be like in my youth ...

Snow. - Aha, you admit, it means your old age!

Art. year (glanced at her sharply)- No, of course, I just put it that way! I want the rhyme to be told to me. Would please me!

Snow. - Well, that we must fulfill all the wishes of this old bully! Who is ready?

Puts a stool on which people recite poems.

Art. year - Excellent, excellent! Just what I wanted! As the doctor ordered ... (grabs his heart, drops a "bottle of champagne"). - Oh, save me! Help!

Snguroch. - Oh, what to do, what to do? Is there a doctor in the hall? And someone who knows how to save? Well, maybe the one who does artificial respiration? No Yes? Eh, your grandfather will have to die, there are no volunteers here!

Art. year - If it is a man, then I'd rather lie here, and if a woman…. (dreams).

Sn. - You are deaf, there is no one, even if you pay! Are you ready to pay?

Art. year - Well, I can only do cognac!

The girls are called, they must leave Art. year as many kisses as you are ready to drink a shot of cognac.

Old year - (looking in the mirror) Yeah, what am I going to tell my girlfriend now?

Sn-chka - do you also have a girlfriend?

Art. - And then!

Sn. - Come on, we'll fix everything! Is there a make-up artist in the hall? And the one who has a firm hand and who can sketch the whole thing?

Two volunteers are called in to powder and paint over the hero.

Snegur. - Wow, that's what you are, "reindeer"!

S.God - You yourself ... And what? (looking for a mirror) Oh, the mirror is gone ...

Snegur. - And we will draw you now.

Game "Portrait"

The same or the other two heroes are summoned and blindfolded draw the grandfather. The game can be adjusted to suit your own way: you can have one portrait, you can have two, or even organize drawing in teams. Each in turn will draw some part of the face and body.

Art. year - So, I understand, kidding, so yes? Everyone, pissed off! I'm leaving, I'm not interested already here!

Snow. - Finally! Now you can celebrate the holiday! (Chimes strike and firecrackers explode).

Scene 3 "An adult tale about a turnip"

The grandmother (presenter) comes out, as if visiting a fairy tale.

Granny -

Hello, guests, gentlemen, how long did you all walk here?
Is it okay in the world, is it bad there? What is there for a miracle today?
There is a komputer, I heard, laptops, cellular is not enough!
How can I surprise the people? Is there a fairy tale to tell?
I only need help, it will be okay!

Continues - To begin with, I will invite different heroes, For example, I remember a fairy tale about two Ivanovs, the game was like that ... how did it ... the eastern king changed it for a songbird ... (The audience must guess "the sea is worried once"). Let's play.

Game "The sea is worried once." The figures should all be outlandish, intricate, but most importantly, they will need to be revived at the end. That is to say to justify what was shown.

Bab-ka - There are many fairy tales in the world, so I can't count them,

For example, "Turnip" is ours, there is no tastier and more beautiful!

(Summons two male participants)

Baba says: Grandfather planted…. One is planting, the other is planting. The turnip grew tremendously with great! Healthy with healthy! And he began to pull such a miracle ... Ty-yanet will pull ... (to the participant) Pull, don't hesitate (shows how to pull, by the ear or by the ears), but he cannot pull. What to do? Grandfather called his grandmother, call come on! (the participant calls) - Well, who calls that, why does your grandmother need you, such a weakling! Here's how, here's how to call (shows a pack of pre-wows). - Understood? (comments) Look, grandmother, how happy she was, came running, she almost forgot about the turnip, but grandfather is not a fool: grandma is a tsap, and pull a turnip! They pull and pull, they can't do anything, they lived to old age, they see not that heroic strength they have! They called your granddaughter ... well, who calls that, you have to offer your granddaughter! (gives a wallet with money). Look, look, let's go, let's go! (depicts) Look what youth you have become! And again they fail to do anything. Some kind of unfriendly team! The granddaughter began to click the Bug, her friend was like that. The Bug came running. Well, the Bug can be lured with something, if only she can find adventures on the fifth point, and she is not interested in details!

Continues the story- And again quiet, but smooth, the turnip firmly dug its root! Looks like the root is not small, if it sits like that. I called Bug Murka, that still a gang of watering cans, I tell you, there will be a gimp here, who is more beautiful of them, ugh! No use! And finally, they called the mouse in chorus! (To all participants) We call, we call, in chorus! A mouse came running (calls out from the hall, always in a short skirt) - Mouse, and you are going to pull turnips al on ... you don't risk pulling in such transparent clothes. If you stretch it out, it will hook on you with a root ... (hits himself on the lips) - Oh, I've become quite talkative, we are working. My children are working!

Granny tells further - So, all the heroes are in place, pull-pull, nothing happens! Then they started digging, digging, digging, digging (they pretend to dig around the turnip, they move in any dance, for example, you can turn on a waltz or tango). Did they dig the turnip? But no, they didn't dig it out, maybe put the mouse in front, huh? Her mini-skirt, who you want to leave your homeland will make! Come on Mouse, work-work! Dance him something like that!
Beautiful music turns on, "Mouse" dances for "Turnip" and at the end takes her away from her home.

Oh, I'm glad as friends!
My fairy tale is over!
I congratulate you,
May different desires come true!

Three New Year's sketches have come to an end, we hope you can use it at your corporate event.

And a few more contests for the feast. There will be questions, ask.

Posters at the entrance:

If one day your grandfather breaks in to you, puts you in a sack and takes you somewhere, don't be afraid, I asked Santa Claus to give you to me for Christmas.

Our New Year's Eve
Calls everyone to joy!
Be cheerful today
The year will be fun!

If you came to the ball
So you are not a baby.
Do only good
And don't do it badly!


Attention! Attention! Attention!
Notified in advance.
Placed for a reason
Here is a calendar sheet.
There is not much time left before the holiday.
And let's hope everyone is ready
See your friends on New Year's Day
Without delay, at ... hours!

The course of the holiday.
(New Year's callsigns sound like "A Christmas tree was born in the forest".)


Presenters: Good evening, dear friends !!!
H: Happy 2013 year! Let me introduce. Today's holiday will be hosted by Milan.
M: Galina.
H: Today we will have the official part,
M: And unofficial. Let's start solemnly, as befits this holiday. Report (short, about 40 minutes, the CEO will read to us ... full name)

Came out, congratulated. (to find out if someone else will congratulate from the office. persons?)

M: Did you like the official part? (Anyone will say - Yes !!)

H: Then we propose to continue in the same spirit. Everyone who wishes will perform in accordance with the regulations, 40 minutes on the nose, we will have a drink for the New Year and quickly go home. Are you satisfied with this option? (No!!)

M: Well, then we move on to the unofficial part of the holiday!

Singing a song about 5 minutes alteration

M: New Year is the most cheerful, bright and joyful celebration, everyone celebrates it in their own way. Some go to a restaurant, others celebrate the New Year at home, in a family circle, others go to nature in the winter forest, and we invite you to go today on an unforgettable New Year's journey!

H: On a cruise on the New Year's planet, we will move together with other peoples! That is, by departments. And before the long journey, I propose to fill the glasses and drink to good luck, since we need good luck everywhere and always: at work, and in personal matters, and, of course, on the road!

music, drank, ate

May the new year give you good luck,
Will solve complex problems
And he will bring success with him,
Happiness and love to boot!

(The sound of wheels, the beeping of a locomotive, screams, the noise of the station. Musical and noise decoration of the holiday is of great importance, it will help create the atmosphere of the country where the participants of the holiday will "go", and the cheerful melodies loved by all will raise the general mood.)

G. Friends, we sit on the train, in the soft carriage of the New Year's express and set off on a journey across the New Year's planet. And the first stop is Poland.

(Polish music sounds, a song - a few chords.)

The city of Warsaw is the capital of Poland; on New Year's holidays it turns into a real booth. Carnival processions take place here day and night, men dress up in women's costumes, children paint their faces, and the streets are decorated with huge bouquets of balloons. At 12 o'clock in the morning, when the chimes strike, the inhabitants of Warsaw start bursting balloons, and it turns out such a kind of New Year's fireworks. Let's call the Poles, that is, our economic department, and arrange a New Year's festive fireworks. (We dress them in wreaths) And first they say:

They sing to the tune of the song: "spinning, spinning on the pavement"

Our whole department is spinning, spinning
So that the people want to return to us,
To walk on a clean floor,
So that we all feel good.

To make happy people return
Be sure to visit us next year!
Let him come back here soon
We will always meet them like a business!

H: Applause to the master's department. We do not leave - fireworks from you! The girls choose their partner for the fireworks.

(Competition: 3-5 couples are called (man and woman), each couple is given a large balloon, which must be placed between themselves. Hug each other only by the shoulders! While the music is playing, couples dance; as soon as the music has stopped, you need to quickly and hug each other tightly so that the balloon bursts. Whose balloon burst will be the first, that pair and the winner. The winner pair makes a toast.)

Drank, ate (and we got ready)

(Wheels and beeps sound.)

M: We arrived in Italy.
(Italian music sounds, for example, songs by A. Celentano, T. Cutunio, etc.)
M: On New Year's Eve in Italy, old, leaky utensils are thrown out of the windows: chairs, lamps, buckets - there is such a sign that if you throw an old thing out the window, then in the new year you will get the same new one. And every family is sure to bake a New Year's cake, where many different surprises are hidden. And the Italians team has prepared you a magical pizza. But first, the special ambassador of Italy in our enterprise will read his festive New Year's greetings to you full name Ambassador from the island (the name of the department, with it. End.) and a translator. Please welcome!

Ambassador of Italy: Well drunk because of the capital gulini, Poganini, bikini!
Translator: Greetings to everyone sitting at this festive table!
Ambassador: Drunk on the morning, bravely ill, goner - hungry, clever, felicita!
Translator: I welcome all friends and colleagues here!
Ambassador: Drunk on morning striptease, cretino, bambino, morality.
Translator: And also those who could not come today!
Ambassador: Mia problem, consensus and debatino give a damn about it.
Translator: On this day, we will not talk about political and everyday problems.
Ambassador: Mia roger interestitto
Translator: I would like to ask.
Ambassador: Bellisimo puzino humanoid?
Translator: Who gave the joy of this holiday?
Ambassador: El Mafiosi Terazini?
Translator: State Duma?
Ambassador: El Padre Medvedino Cardinale?
Translator: Our president?
Ambassador: But, but, but!
Translator: No, no, no!
Ambassador: Santa, Maria, Maradona, Felicita!
Translator: Friends, you yourself gave this wonderful evening!
Ambassador: Mia Presente Santa Maria ..
Translator: I want to wish you ...
Ambassador: Angino, Glucose, Gastrito, Miakardo, Hemorrhoids and Radiculitis
Translator: Good health!
Ambassador: Kolosale understood!
Translator: Mutual understanding in the team and family.
Ambassador: Great business!
Translator: Prosperity in life!
Ambassador: And drunk, drunk, drunk!
Translator: And always be happy!
Ambassador: C. Grazie

M: Our guests from Italy have prepared an unusual magic pizza for you. Now you take a piece and find out what awaits you in the coming year.

(Test - task: on a large, beautiful tray, there is a sheet of thick paper beautifully painted for pizza, which consists of small squares - pieces of pizza. On the inside of the square - drawings - this is what the participants expect:
heart is love,
book - knowledge,
1 kopeck - money,
the key is a new apartment,
the sun is success,
letter - news,
car - buy a car,
a person's face is a new acquaintance,
arrow - goal achievement,
hours - changes in life,
road - trip,
a gift - a surprise,
lightning - tests,
glass - holidays, etc.)

M: Let's drink to these and your other expectations being fulfilled.

drank ate

(The sound of the wheels of the train, the music of Augustine

G: Germany is the birthplace of great scientists, poets, musicians (remember their names, tell me? give the last speaker a prize). In Germany, it is considered a lucky omen to meet a chimney sweep on New Year's Eve and get dirty with soot. Some daredevils climb on pipes and jump from there, shouting "Happy New Year!" And now we invite here the most courageous, the most daring, the most-most - our transport department!

Agutin And the road winds like a gray ribbon (alteration)

So let's return to the tradition of climbing the pipe and, jumping off it, shout "Happy New Year!"

(Competition for men. 3-4 participants line up and "jump" into the new year, who jumped further is the winner. The winner makes a toast.)

M: We took a ride in Europe, and now we will go to hot, exotic Africa. You know, in one of the tribes, in Kenya, on New Year's Eve, when they meet, tribesmen spit at each other, so they wish each other health, happiness and good luck. Yes, it's a very exotic custom, but don't worry, we won't give a damn about each other, but the Medical Corps at the head of the Chief Physician will now try to congratulate our friends in African ... to tie tinsel on their thighs

sing a song to the tune of Chung-Chang

(3-5 participants are called. They are given baby pacifiers - pacifiers. The winner is the one who spits out the pacifier further than others. The winner makes a toast.)

Drank ate

M: Africa - hot scorching sun, impenetrable jungle and temperamental, incendiary dances. I am announcing an African dance marathon in which we will choose the king and queen of the Papuans.

(Dance section for 20-30 minutes. During the dances, you can choose the best "leader" of the tribe, dancers and give a prize - a New Year's loincloth (tinsel ribbon.)

H: We continue our journey, change from car to ship and sail to America.

(The lapping of the waves sounds, the cry of seagulls.)

H: There is a wonderful custom: before sailing, a bottle of champagne is smashed against the side of the ship, but we will not break it, but we will pour it into glasses and raise the next toast, but first we will invite real American artists from the Accounting Department here ...

Song ACCOUNTANT on the tune of the same

Arriving at a spacious and bright office
Lay out with folders of paper on the table.
Turn on the computer, smiling at the monitor
We will pay the salary to you and me.
Our working day is almost over,
And the debit with the credit was not reduced.
everyone will leave work, but only in one window
All lights are on, the computer is still on.

Chorus: Accountant, my dear accountant
Here it is, so simple ... (as in the original)

(The songs of M. Jackson or Madonna are played.)

H: What is America? Skyscrapers, the Statue of Liberty, Barack Obama, Madonna and, of course, Arnold Schwarzenegger. Every year on New Year's Eve in America, a competition is held for the strongest, enduring, dexterous, courageous man. And why are we worse? I ask strong, courageous and dexterous men (up to 5 people) to come here. Your task: holding the right hand behind your back, one left, holding the unfolded newspaper by the corner, gather it into a fist. The fastest and most agile is the winner. The winner is a prize, he makes a toast.

We drank and ate.

(Airplane noise sounds, Japanese music.)

M: On December 31, the Japanese start a general cleaning, and at 12 o'clock in the morning they go to bed to get up before dawn and greet the new year with the first rays of the rising sun. With geisha.
Japan is a mysterious and incomprehensible country, whose inhabitants have many talents, one of them is the compilation of horoscopes. Both the simplest and the most unusual. And this time they put together an ALCOHOLIC HOROSCOPE for us:
Read themselves
(service department - janitors, laundresses, repairmen, locksmiths)





G: * LEO *

M: * VIRGO *

D: * LIBRA *


Pours no regrets!

M: * FISH *

G: * ARIES *
OH, it's not true that Aries
After a stormy table

Patron of all hearts,

M: Well, let's check it out? Pour!
Now let's take a little break from our trip.

(Dance section for 20-30 min.)

H: It's good to celebrate the New Year on a visit, but it's still better at home, we are returning home to Russia.
(Sounds "Lady" or Russian dance.)

H: Where are our heroes? We call 4 men from any department and we need judges.

Three men come out.

M: We set off on a journey,
To look into a fairy tale.
In the thirtieth kingdom,
In a sanatorium state,
In the village, no one knows what,
In a peasant hut with a visor
There lived young brothers
For selection - all daring!
At the table, everyone was snatching!
They are not greedy for work.

Once, lying on the stove,
They began to eat rolls.
Suddenly - an idea! Feet - chickpeas!
How much will we eat in a minute !?

(The assistants bring rolls on the trays. The game "Who
will eat more in a minute rolls? ").
Song "I love pasta"

The guys got angry,
decided: we all need
Find frisky horses
Yes, to gallop for exploits!

(The participants in the game are given fake horses)
Song: Horses in apples, brave horses

Here is the light of dawn,
All the heroes are in the saddles.
They have an obstacle on their way!
(Place barriers)
You need to jump higher,
Without hitting, without knocking down the barrier,
Turn and go back to the quarry!
Are you ready?
And now on a count of "Three!"
Start immediately!
One two Three!

(The game "Horse Racing" is held)
funny song about horses

Although the horses were zealous,
They beat me with a hoof at a gallop,
I managed to tame them
Bad temper to win.
What? The horses stood up
And suddenly they whinnied alarmingly,
Are they hoofed and trembled?
Horror gripped the guys!
On the way - an obstacle again -
The three-headed dragon stood there!

(The three-headed Dragon is brought in - a figure with
instead of heads, three balloons).

Hey goalkeeper get ready for the fight

Our guys were grasping
They used a slingshot!

(The game "Hit the target" is played, they throw darts from the dart)
song: Tra-ta-ta-ta speaks the machine gunner, tra-ta-ta-ta speaks the machine gun

You hit accurately on the target
And the Dragon was defeated.
And for joy such
They would turn home.

(They bring in burning candles disguised as a fire).
song burn, burn my star

They see suddenly a fire sparkles!
Is it the feather of a firebird?
They quickly galloped to the place,
And to your great sadness,
Instead of a miracle, Birds-heat,
We saw a fire here.
And they realized that there was no trouble,
We need to get some water.

(They bring in a bucket of water camouflaged under a well).
(Uchkuduk three wells)

There is a well! No bucket!
It's time to show your ingenuity!

(Spoons are brought in on a tray).

Do you have spoons, let's stew?
You can carry water in them!

(The game is played: "Bring water, put out your candle, no hands).

Having overcome obstacles with honor,
You deserve your award!
We are in a hurry to congratulate you!
Let's proclaim a toast to everyone!

Our guests saw everything
We will award medals to the best!

Merry dance Russian folk

The jury determines who won the nominations. Presentation of medals: The fastest, the most daring, the most jumpy, the most cunning

Presenting medals to fanfare

New Year's melody sounds

H: Santa Claus is known to everyone, right?
He arrives at seven sharp, right?
Santa Claus is a good old man, right?
Wears a hat and galoshes, right?
Santa Claus is coming soon, right?
He'll bring gifts, right?
The trunk is good at our tree, right?
It was felled with a double-barreled gun, right?
What's growing on the tree? Bumps, right?
Tomatoes and gingerbreads, right?
The view is beautiful by our tree, right?
Red needles everywhere, right?
Santa Claus is afraid of the cold, right?
He is friends with the Snow Maiden, right?
Well the answers are given to the questions
You all know about Santa Claus.
What does it mean? The time has come
Which children are looking forward to.

Friends, what is the New Year without Santa Claus? We will now send a telegram to dear Grandfather Frost, I have already composed the text, but I forgot to write the "adjectives". So from each guest - one "adjective".

(The presenter writes down all pronounced adjectives in a row on the form, then reads aloud what happened. Telegram text:

"……………………… .. Grandfather Frost! All ……………………. Guests with

They are looking forward to your ……………………… arrival. New Year is

The most ……………………… holiday of the year. We are with ……………………………

In the mood we will sing for you …………………………………… songs,

Dance ………………………………… .. dancing! It will finally come

…………………………….… New Year! How I hate to talk about

……………………………… .. work. But we promise that we will work ...

……………………………… .. and receive only ……………………………

Salary. So open your ……………………………… as soon as possible.

A bag and give us ………………………………… ..… gifts. WITH

Respect for you, ………………………………… .. aunties and

…………………………….… Uncles!

M: So they read the letter to grandfather, but he himself is not. Let's call him?
Everyone is shouting Santa Claus. He doesn't show up.

Do you think grandfather forgot about us? No! Do not forget, he is among you! But hiding !! And his granddaughter Snegurochka, as well as Baba Yaga, Herringbone and Snake. Look at each other, guess who it is? Does not exceed? Then raise your cymbals and you will see who is who !!! In the meantime, we have a dance break, our New Year characters will go to change.


G: Calling? Father Frost!!! They appear with her granddaughter Snegurochka. Herringbone, Snake and Baba Yaga. Baba Yaga harms and interferes with everyone in every possible way. They wish the guests a Happy New Year, raise festive glasses and invite all guests to stand in a round dance and sing the traditional song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest."

Tell Santa Claus that he will give out gifts only to those who sing under the Christmas tree or dance or tell a poem or anecdote.
Snegurochka is the main assistant of Santa Claus

So let the new year bring us 365 sunny days, an abundance of kind meetings and smiles. May your dreams and plans come true! Happy New Year! With new happiness!

May the New Year overshadow you
Will give you success.
And let it sound in your house
Cheerful, ringing laughter.
May a faithful friend be near
And on a holiday, and in bad weather.
And let into your house,
Like a snowball
Happiness always comes!
We say goodbye to everyone -
It's time to part.
And in this late winter hour -
The last dance is for you!

The game can be played by any number of people. Everyone is divided into two teams (the differences in the field are not important), the most important thing is that there is the same number of people in each team. Teams line up one after another. A support is placed in front of them at a certain distance, on it:
1.a bottle of vodka (any alcohol, just more interesting with vodka), (glass - as you like),
3. a plate with a light snack (eg lemon).
The first person runs - pours vodka into a glass and runs back, the second - drinks and runs back, the third - has a bite, also runs back, the fourth - does everything: pours, drinks, bites and runs back, etc. which quickly ran out of alcohol

Game program.

Those born under the sign of Capricorn are invited to assemble some technical means from a constructor or any other material, even human, during a short musical pause, and then “protect” their creation.

Comic Certificates:

Play 1 day off
the ability to leave 1 hour earlier during the week,
lunch certificate,
access to various social networks
one-time opportunity to send the director TO THE BATH,

Closer and closer New Year - we set the clock.

Host: 1 competition. Answer the question: in which country is high jumping the favorite New Year's entertainment for young women? South Africa, Ethiopia, Korea, France? (In Korea)
Host: I congratulate you. You won this competition, move the hand on the clock one digit (11 hours 10 minutes). And you (the loser) do not be upset, you will receive a consolation prize.
(Using the lottery drum, the next contender of the winner is selected.)

Host: 2nd competition. In front of you is a box and 7 ribbons peeking out from under the lid, a prize is tied to one of the ribbons. The one who draws the ribbon with the prize, alas, lost (since he will already receive the prize).
(The competition is running. The next candidate is selected. The clock is shifted.)

Host: 3rd competition. In the New Year, we wish each other not only health, but also more money, they will not interfere with anyone! So, whoever quickly counts the money (small change) that is in the bank (on a saucer, in an envelope), and names the exact amount, will move the hand to 11 hours and 20 minutes.

Host: 4th competition. You need to cut a snowflake out of a napkin (paper) as quickly as possible.
(The competition is running. The next candidate is selected. The clock is changed. The loser gets a consolation prize.)

Host: 5th competition. Snegurochka's favorite delicacy is ice cream. Name the types of ice cream in turn. Whoever thinks for more than 5 seconds loses.
(The competition is running. The next candidate is selected. The clock is changed. The loser gets a consolation prize.)
Host: 6th competition. In the New Year, the most unusual contests are held, unexpected. And here is one of them: look carefully at yourself and count the buttons, whoever has more buttons wins.
(The competition is running. The next candidate is selected. The clock is changed. The loser gets a consolation prize.)

Host: 7th competition. In the New Year, it is customary to guess. Let's tell fortunes too. You take turns tearing off 1 or 2 or 3 petals from the chamomile, who will get the last petal, alas, loses (there are 21 petals in total).
(The competition is going on. The next candidate is selected. The clock is changed. The loser gets a consolation prize.)

Host: 8th competition. After the holiday, there is always a lot of garbage, you need to put things in order: shove the crumpled newspapers into champagne bottles, whoever is faster.
(Competition is running. The next candidate is selected.
The clock is shifted. The loser gets a consolation prize.)
Host: 9th competition. In the New Year there is a wonderful tradition of dressing up in carnival costumes. Your task: dress up quickly - tie a bow on your hair.
(The competition is running. The next candidate is selected. The clock is changed. The loser gets a consolation prize.)

Host: 10th competition. There are different words in this hat, you take turns taking out, reading, remembering and singing lines from songs where these words are found. But the songs should be about winter and the New Year's holiday (Christmas tree, round dance, frost, frost, snowflake, icicle, etc.).
(The winner sets the clock to 11 hours 55 minutes, the last candidate is selected.)

Host: 11th competition. Competition of wishes for the New Year. Anyone who thinks for more than 5 seconds loses and receives a consolation prize.

Host: The winner will get a festive surprise (champagne, a box of chocolates, a Christmas tree toy or a symbol of the coming year).

Host (turns the clock to 12 o'clock and raises a toast): Dear friends! People say: "The best song that has not yet been sung, the best city that has not yet been built, the best year that has not yet been lived."

Welcome dear guests!

Just yesterday on the radio they said that this year many companies have cut their budget for the New Year celebrations, and some even announced: if you want a New Year's corporate party, do it yourself and at your own expense.

Of course, it is good when the company itself organizes corporate events, it is even better when they hire professionals and no longer think about this topic. But what to do, crisis ...

This is what happened at my work, the money was not given at all. We really, really wanted to celebrate the holiday with a team, sat down to think and decided to make a New Year's corporate party in the office on our own.

They began to calculate how much it would cost us and I will say that many took up their heads - a little expensive, especially since before the New Year there are already large spending on gifts for loved ones and New Year's treats. We found a way out: spend as little as possible on food, make the holiday fun as much as possible through an entertainment program.

I took over the entire organization, but on the condition that all employees will help me, do everything that I say and not refuse.

All people are different, one likes it, the other doesn’t, whims begin: I don’t eat it, I don’t drink it. And it’s even worse when it’s like this: I didn’t drink / eat it, I won’t pay. For many years of work, we have developed the rules for holding office corporate events:

- Everyone buys alcohol for himself or is grouped by type;
- If you do not like the food on the table, do not eat, but hand over the money;
- If everything and everyone annoys you - do not go at all;
- If you do not like the way the organization of the holiday is going, just tell me, next time you will do everything yourself.

The plan for organizing a New Year's corporate party in the office is inexpensive and fun.

It is necessary to determine the date of the event. I recommend doing corporate parties on Thursday, I'll explain why. If you do it on Friday, then you can go around so much that then lie on the bed all weekend, and before the New Year there is a lot of things to do at home. And if it is Thursday, then everyone understands that tomorrow to work, then the bosses are more loyal to being late for the morning, and even they may even give a day off. And how good it is to discuss all the details of yesterday's corporate party, laugh, look at the pictures. Then, you have to clean up the office after the holiday. Imagine what happens by Monday.

Conduct a survey among employees and determine the number... You can send an e-mail that there will be a corporate party on such and such a date, I ask you to give an answer before such and such a date. If someone is not satisfied with the date, see the rules of clause 3.

Determine the location of the New Year's corporate party in the office and decorate it. Ask employees to bring garlands, a Christmas tree, toys, masks, tinsel from the house. Everyone has enough of this stuff, which seems to be unnecessary, but it's a pity to throw it away. Choose employees who are not very active, ask them to cut paper snowflakes or something else to decorate the office.

Think over food and snacks for the New Year's corporate table. Whatever one may say, but this is a working day and by the evening everyone is hungry. Moreover, we are planning to drink strong alcoholic beverages. Ask employees to bring some preserves from home free of charge: pickles, tomatoes, sauerkraut, lecho, salads, mushrooms, etc. If you have jam - great, you can dilute it with water and do without expensive juice. As a last resort, you can buy syrup.

There are enough 3 types of salads, for example, you can make "Herring under a fur coat", from crab meat based on Chinese cabbage and a traditional meat salad with sausage. As you can see, salads are inexpensive but satisfying. Look, maybe you will find something for yourself.

Fruits: apples, oranges at the rate of 1 piece for 3 people, 2-3 lemons, choose small tangerines, there will be more of them at the rate of 2 pieces per person.

We ordered hot dishes in the nearest canteen, they prepared a large piece of baked meat with boiled potatoes for us, something about 180 rubles. it was worth it (2013). Warmed in the microwave.

I will say that there were no delights, but no one was left hungry either. Perfectly done without caviar and expensive salads. At meetings with employees, no one ever remembers what was on the table that New Year, but the Snow Maiden will be remembered for a long time.

We bought disposable tablecloths and dishes on the tables, do not forget to include this in the shopping list, as well as large garbage bags, napkins.

It is necessary to think over the musical arrangement of the New Year's corporate party. I spent a lot of time preparing the musical accompaniment, all this is not difficult, but long. And I really wanted to make the holiday fun, music plays an important role in this matter. While the tables were moving, I turned on the assembly of New Year's songs, all this tunes the team in the right way, you see, someone hums, and someone even dances. In addition, if a lot of people are supposed, as we had, then microphones are needed.

I prepared the entertainment program myself, having enlisted the support of people about whom I knew that they would not refuse me. The first thing you need is to get the costumes of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. I was lucky, one employee's mother works in a kindergarten and we were given a Dedmorozov costume for one evening, it was this employee who was Santa Claus. But you can make yourself out of an old velor dressing gown, sheathe it with tinsel, and inexpensive hats with a beard are sold in stores, you can make a staff and put on felt boots. I made the Snow Maiden costume myself and I thought of dressing the most active man in it, it also turned out that Santa Claus is shorter than the Snow Maiden, she’s still a joke. Until the very last moment, I did not tell him that it was he who would be the Snow Maiden, he would have immediately refused, despite his promise, to help me. The suddenness and the strong alcohol he had drunk worked, but I had conceived deceit - to put him in nylon tights. The main costume was made from old tulle.

I asked one lady to prepare the role of a gypsy, she made herself a costume on her own, found some funny fortune-telling and predictions, it turned out very well.

For many years, at the New Year's corporate party, the whole team conducted such a lottery: we rewrite all employees on pieces of paper and then each in turn draws out a piece of paper with the name of the person to whom he will give a gift. We keep who pulled out a secret, creating an intrigue so to speak. We agree in advance that the value of the gift cannot be lower, for example, 150 rubles, and higher - please, as the owner-master says. Before the start of the feast, we conduct a type of solemn part, the director begins, congratulates everyone and gives a gift to the one he pulled out. Then this employee also congratulates everyone and gives a gift, and so on in turn. It turns out that everyone is with gifts, everyone is happy, everyone is in a good mood, but it cost 150 rubles. There was a curious case, one lady pulled out the same man for 3 years in a row, and we have quite a few employees ... well, how can we not mock this, it's good that people have humor. In general, all our employees were mostly very cheerful, friendly with each other. It's a pleasure to do corporate parties with such people, and it's a pity that our company has closed.

I also announced to everyone that there would be a "shaposh competition" so that everyone would come in headdresses, this is a prerequisite. Hilarious! Who in what! But it was fun, words cannot convey.

So, by the appointed time, the table is laid, everyone gathered and put on their hats, took their gifts, the solemn part begins with congratulations. Then I chose three employees who had the coolest hats: the symbol of the year (our director), the rabbit from Alice in Wonderland and Mr. X. Each participant told why he put on such a hat and then they voted with applause: whoever was clapped harder won. And, oddly enough, the rabbit won.

It's time to refresh myself, I put everyone at the table, I give the official word to the chiefs in the descending order, just 4 toasts. We drank, relaxed a bit, and I'm starting to prepare for competitions. Below I will write a list of what you need to cook and buy.

I was sure that at least someone would come to the shaposh competition in a cowboy hat, and I was not mistaken. The first competition I hold is "Cowboys". See description. I managed to find only 2 boat pumps, but I also had two participants, if there were more people, I would do it in stages, i.e. 2 times 2, she revealed the winners in each pair, then they compete again. I give a prize to the winner, chupa-chups to the losers.

After the competition, everyone sits down at the table, and I prepare the exit of the gypsy. As soon as it's ready, I turn on the music from the movie Tabor Goes to Heaven. It is necessary to warn the actress so that she does not immediately leave, but after 15 seconds. This is necessary so that the employees, having heard the music, understand that some action is beginning, end the conversations and get ready to watch.

Then the gypsy came out. My colleague prepared herself; her performance was also a surprise to me. What if no one agrees to be a disguised guest? Prepare everything yourself, a suit, words on a piece of paper (in large print) and just in the process of a corporate party choose the most active employee. In a good cheerful mood, but with a glass or two drunk, few will refuse.

The next competition is holding a competition with stockings, look. You don't have to turn on the music, you can't hear it because of Homeric laughter.

After that I am preparing the performance of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. As I wrote above, my assistant for the role of Santa Claus knew everything in advance, even learned the words by heart. I printed the text of the Snow Maiden in large print. The man I chose for the role of the Snow Maiden was tricked out of the table and sent to the dressing room. When he saw what costume I had prepared for him, he, of course, immediately began to doubt, maybe I was not in my right mind, offering him this. I, reminding him of the promise to help me in everything, dispelled his doubts about my mental abilities with just one phrase: “Next year you will receive your salary last!”. He, swearing and swearing, began to put on tights, and I, laughing at my successful joke, thrust a piece of paper into him with the text and went to prepare for the release of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. It was necessary to gather everyone and sit at the table. By this time, the staff are already well drunk.

There are a lot of scripts on the Internet, you can choose what you want for yourself, but I did not count on a long action, the evening is short, there is little time, but I still wanted to dance. Therefore, I limited myself to short poems of the heroes, and the exit of the Snow Maiden made a splash, everyone rushed to take pictures with her and Santa Claus.

First, to warm up, I say that I will ask questions, and the staff should answer "yes" or "no" in chorus.

“Is Santa Claus an excellent man?
Drink half a bucket of Stolichnaya?
Is he carrying a bag from the warehouse?
Will he give us two salaries?
Do you like jokes, anecdotes?
What about working Saturdays?
Santa Claus sings ditties?
Does Grandfather have girlfriends? "

We call Santa Claus together.

Santa Claus enters, all upset, confused, sad, nervous.

"What should I do? Here's the trouble, so the Snow Maiden let you down,
He writes a telegram that he will not come to the holiday
You see, she has a date - a meeting with Lel in a restaurant
And don't give a damn about grandfather! All in Spring, mother is vigorous!
That, damn it, is also a freak, she would always flutter in love
Not the mistress - grief - just! There is dirt everywhere - and she doesn't care!
So what should I do now? Without Snow Maiden, what's the matter
Let everyone down on New Years! Holiday, Lord, forgive me!
What should I do? What do i do? On a mobile, why call? "

I answer:

Well, you whine, old grandfather, why are you tired? And you have no strength?
We will find the Snow Maiden, we will call together in unison.

We call together the Snow Maiden

The screensaver Biencie "crazy_in_love" sounds and here she is - the Snow Maiden.

"Hello my dear,
Mature and young
Noisy and mischievous
Happy and beautiful.
Married and single
Bald and Redheads,
Modest, shameless,
Thick, thin,
Simple and businesslike,
The good and the bad
Rich and poor,
Drinkers and snackers
Well, to the best of their ability.
Happy New Year!"

Then the dancing begins. I wanted to hold another dance competition before the dances, I prepared a cut even for him, but I couldn't do it. To be honest, I myself was already tired by that time, I also wanted to relax and have fun with everyone. I spent it later on my husband's anniversary, you can see how.

I have prepared 55 musical hits for dancing, everyone dances to this music. If you want to get them, then subscribe to the link below, you will receive access to the mail cloud at the specified address, where you can view and download. In the same place, the very first number is a cut for a dance competition I held on my husband's anniversary.

At 22:00 I invite everyone to go outside to watch the fireworks, which I bought from the general money.

No matter how it goes, you definitely need to thank for your help, say how great they are, how well they helped and all that.

My corporate to-do list at the office.

Find boat pumps for the Cowboys competition, prepare shawls, see the photos.

Prepare music screensavers

balloons for the competition;
the cheapest tights, 3 pieces of the smallest size, 1 piece of the largest size;
Chupa-chups for the losing participants of the competition;
Souvenirs for Gypsy, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, as well as for winners of shaposh and cowboy contests;

What is also important for corporate events in the office.

Check for utensils, and ask the women to bring boards, knives, and some cloth from home. Everyone will be busy and prepare food faster.

I plan to write a lot of articles, I will tell you how we did themed parties with friends and colleagues, how we relax and what we do in nature, subscribe, you will be the first to know, if interested, of course.

The new year is getting closer and closer. And this means that it is time to think over your plans for all New Year's holidays. A cool script for the New Year's corporate party 2016 will help you to spend this new year brightly and cheerfully. We have prepared funny and cool contests, songs and ditties for you. Look, choose what you like, and let this corporate party be remembered for you forever.

Let's start this corporate party in an unusual way. So, as no one else has ever started. Intrigue? Let's talk about everything in order.
First, you need to bake buns. If you don't know how to bake, then order them in a pastry shop. And not just bake, but put a piece of paper with wishes inside each bun! When all your colleagues have gathered together, then they are invited to take one bun on a tray. And when they eat it or break it, they will see the piece of paper. They will read the piece of paper and know what awaits them in the new 2016.
Examples for wishes:
1. The year of the monkey is coming,
Happiness in your home promises!

2. The new year is knocking on the house,
Sleep him like a mole!

3. Good luck will visit you,
And health will visit!

4. The year of the monkey will bring you,
Many joyful worries!

5. The monkey will come to you,
And will bring a smile!

6. The monkey will laugh,
To promise you a lot of money!

Here are some wishes for colleagues.
When all colleagues have read their wishes for the new 2016, you can start the holiday.

And we will start it by defining the symbol of the coming year. And we have him - a monkey! Anyone can participate - men and women. The determination of the symbol of the year will take place in several stages.

Stage one.
In the first stage, we need to determine which of the participants is more like a monkey. To do this, you need to find pictures of monkeys making faces on the Internet. After the picture, you need to print it out and put it on the tray so that the participants cannot see them.
Each participant in turn selects one any picture with a monkey, and applies it to his face. And he should make about the same face as in the pictures of the monkey.
Like this:

After everyone has shown their resemblance to the monkey, those who go to the next round are determined.

Stage two.
Monkeys love to grimace. They always do it. And monkeys just have a gorgeous smile! Did not see? Let's see! Each participant in the competition should smile as wide as possible. And the presenter measures the width of the smile with a ruler! And we determine the three finalists who have the widest smiles.

Stage three.
And the last stage, in which our winner will be determined - the symbol of the year! here the task is simple - the soundtrack of the monkey's cry (Tarzan) is turned on, and then the participants must repeat this cry. Whoever looks like it is the winner.

Acquaintance with all the guests of the holiday.
Although the holiday has been in full swing for a long time, many may not know each other. More precisely, they know the names and all that, but they do not know in whom they were born. Therefore, in this little game we will reveal this secret.
And so, the presenter reads out verses in the form of riddles, the participants answer them. And whoever was born in the year, he gets up with a glass of champagne in his hand. That is, the first riddle is about the year of the goat, and whoever was born in the year of the goat gets up. And so on until the very end. And here are your poems.

Game block - New Year's signs.
And this game block is a game with the audience. There are many signs in the world on different topics and for different reasons. But there are no signs for the new year! and all because there is simply no one to notice them. What if one of the guests managed to notice such signs? Let's see.
The essence of the game is simple - the host starts to say a sign, and the guests must finish it. Whoever can finish the funniest of all, he gains one point. And according to the results of the game, whoever has more points wins.
Examples of signs and approximate answers to them.
1. If the needles on the Christmas trees turn blue ... (then we no longer pour the Christmas trees)
2. If after shouting “one, two, three, burn the Christmas tree”, you hear swearing and obscenities ... (it means that you are trying to set fire to a green women's coat)
3. If a snowflake fell on your palm and melted, then ... (you urgently need a drink to keep warm)
4. If Santa Claus gave you a gift from a sex shop, then ... (you need to relax and have fun)
5. If you drink and drink, and the new year still does not come, then ... (you have not yet drunk last year's norm)

Song about the new year.
Everyone is familiar with the song titled “Where does the Motherland Begin”. We remade this song, and we got a funny song - "how does the new year begin?"
You can distribute leaflets with the text of this song to all guests. Or you can put together a group that will sing, while others will listen and laugh.
And here is the text of the song itself.

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