How to make intramuscular injections correctly and safely for the patient. How to properly give an intramuscular injection to yourself

The simplest method for subcutaneous administration of drugs is intramuscular injection into the upper part of the buttock. Usually the injection is given by a nurse or doctor, but you can do it yourself. We will figure out how to give an injection in the buttock to a child, an adult and oneself - all the features of introducing the procedure without harm to health.

You can also get an injection in the buttock at home.

How to choose a syringe and needle for an injection in the buttock

The main thing you need to know when choosing a syringe for injection is that the volume of the instrument should not exceed the amount of the injected drug:

  • for children - 2 ml;
  • for adults - 5 ml (very rarely 10 ml).

The volume of a syringe for an injection for a child should be no more than 2 ml.

Injections with a volume of more than 10 ml are not put into the muscle tissue. A large amount of medicine is not able to quickly dissolve and spread throughout the body. This condition can lead to purulent abscesses.

So that the injection of the drug is not too deep, the most appropriate length of the needle is considered to be 4–6 cm. This will also help not to snag the walls of the capillaries and nerve endings,

What part of the buttocks to do injections

The top (outer) part of the buttocks is considered a suitable area. In order not to be mistaken, the muscle must be visually divided into 4 identical parts. The upper square, namely its middle, will be the area where you need to put the injection.

Most suitable site for injection in the buttock

The photo clearly shows the area that is best suited for the administration of drugs. The site is far from the sciatic nerve, the medial bone and the spinal column, which allows for safe manipulation.

Preparing for intramuscular injection

The results of the procedure depend on a number of simple manipulations:

  1. Inspect the ampoule with the medicine for its integrity, and also check the expiration date of the medicine.
  2. Collect all the medicine at the bottom of the ampoule. To do this, you need to lightly shake off the ampoule 1-2 times.
  3. File the upper part of the glass flask with a special nail file (attached to the preparation). Usually the incision is marked with a colored border.
  4. Break off the filed end of the ampoule. For safety, it is better to place the cone in a napkin so as not to get hurt when opening the glass vial.
  5. Release the syringe needle from the protective cap and immerse it in the medication liquid. Pulling the handle of the instrument towards you, draw up the medicine.

Break the tip of the ampoule and fill the syringe with the medicine

When the syringe is filled with liquid, you need to tap it with your finger a little. This will help to collect any air bubbles and by gently pressing the piston outward. After that, you can give an injection.

If the main drug substance is in powder form, it is diluted in a special solution (indicated in the instructions).

This is done as follows:

  • remove the protective metal cap from the bottle;
  • using a needle and a syringe, introduce the required amount of solution into a vial of powder;
  • shake thoroughly;
  • turn the bottle over, pierce the cap and collect the medicine in a syringe.
When the cover is punctured, the needle becomes dull. To make the injection less painful and not disturb sterility, it is better to replace the needle with a new one before injection.

Instructions for performing an injection in the buttock

It is not difficult to give an injection to an adult or children. The main thing is to follow the sequence of actions and know all the nuances of the procedure.

Technique for injection for an adult

The following scheme will help to deliver the injection as painlessly as possible.

  1. Lay the patient on a flat surface face down and free the upper part of the buttocks from clothing.
  2. Wipe the injection site with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol.
  3. You need to hold the syringe with your right hand, and with your left pull the skin in the area of ​​the upcoming injection.
  4. Insert the needle into the muscle three quarters at a 90-degree angle. The movement of the hand should be confident and fast.
  5. Introduce the treatment solution by slowly pressing on the syringe plunger and abruptly remove the needle from the buttock, covering the injured area with an alcohol cotton swab.

It is important to understand that the rapid administration of the medication makes the procedure very painful and can provoke the formation of bumps and lumps.

Treat skin with alcohol before injecting

How to give an injection to a child

Children are heavier than adults to tolerate injections, which are given intramuscularly.

To make the unpleasant procedure as easy as possible for a small organism, several basic nuances should be taken into account:

  1. When preparing the injection site, the skin should not be stretched (as in adults), but, on the contrary, should be folded.
  2. Massage the desired area of ​​the muscle well.
  3. Insert the needle at an angle of 45 degrees.

The rest of the manipulations are the same as for an adult.

Insert the needle at an angle

Intramuscular injections are not recommended to inject into the same place more than 2 times a week. The buttocks should be alternated, and the distance between skin punctures should be 1-2 cm. This will avoid seals in the muscle tissue and pain.

How to inject yourself

There are situations when there is no one to give an intramuscular injection and you have to carry out this manipulation yourself. It is not so convenient to give an injection to yourself, but you can learn how to do a medical procedure if you know the basic nuances.

  1. Choose the right posture. Usually they stand in front of a mirror, relaxing the side in which the injection will be made (bend the leg at the knees, resting on the second limb). You can give injections while lying down, while it is recommended to lie on your side.
  2. Insert the needle confidently. To do this, you need to take the syringe with your right hand and with a sharp movement make an injection into a previously prepared place on the buttock. Squeeze out the medicine slowly.
  3. Complete the procedure correctly. Remove the needle sharply, and treat the puncture area with a cotton swab with alcohol (vodka). Massage thoroughly.

It is important not to inject if the skin on the top of the gluteus muscle is covered with pimples or other damage. In order to avoid infection, it is recommended to inject the medicine into the muscle in the thigh.

If an injection was made in the buttock incorrectly - complications

Incorrectly made injections can provoke serious consequences:

  • vascular damage, accompanied by hematomas and abscesses;
  • the development of seals and bumps due to poor resorption of the drug;
  • inflammation in soft tissues as a result of infection;
  • fatty or air embolism (air entering the capillary).

If the injection is incorrect, then a hematoma may appear on the buttock.

If after the injection the buttock hurts, the leg becomes numb, or an allergic reaction appears (redness, swelling), we are talking about the incorrect administration of the medication. In order to prevent complications, it is recommended to see a doctor.

What happens if you put an injection with air

The ingress of a small amount of air into the muscle or intercellular space during the injection is not dangerous. As a result, an air infiltration (lump, bumps) can occur, which is painful and inflamed. To alleviate the condition, draw iodine nets, apply soda compresses, a cabbage leaf.

If air enters the capillary, the dying off of a small vessel occurs. This is not harmful to health, but still refers to the undesirable consequences of an injection with air..

It is not difficult to put injections in the buttock on your own if you follow all the rules of a specific procedure. If the recommendations are violated, the formation of bumps and seals is possible, to which infection and inflammation can join. It is important to pay attention to negative deviations in time in order to prevent the formation of abscesses.

Often the types of injection that are practiced are intravenous or intramuscular. The former should definitely be trusted only by professionals, the latter, if necessary, are allowed to be entrusted even to people far from medicine. The usual intramuscular injection can be given to oneself, even poorly guided in this topic. The main condition is to know how to perform actions correctly.

Advice: before taking the injection, you should familiarize yourself with the basics of the procedure, the technique of carrying out and the safety rules so that the injections do not harm the patient.

The essence of the intramuscular injection

For the purpose of administering the drug, the subcutaneous fat layer is pierced with a syringe needle, when the needle enters the muscle area, the drug is injected. The injection sites should have the maximum volume of muscle mass, as well as be free of large vessels and nerve nodes. Therefore, intramuscular injections are recommended to be done in the following areas:

  • gluteus muscle;
  • the area of ​​the outer thigh;
  • the area of ​​the shoulder or deltoid muscle.

Important: Before the injection into the upper part of the buttocks, a clap should be made on it to relieve muscle tension before stretching the flesh for the injection. Before the injection is made in the thigh or arm, fatty tissue is collected by a fold for the introduction of the needle, this will exclude it from entering the periosteum, which is fraught with the appearance of inflammation.

What is needed for the procedure:

  • ampoules with a solution of the drug or a bottle with a dry substance;
  • syringe (three-component) of the required volume (2.5-10 ml), focusing on what dose of the drug is to be administered;
  • cotton balls, they are pre-moistened with 96% alcohol;
  • ampoules with solvent, if the injection should be done with dry powder.

Advice: before starting the procedure, you should check whether it will be easy to open the needle to set the medication. To do this correctly, you need to grasp the cap that covers the needle. Without removing it, pull slightly to make sure the needle is free to release.

How to prepare for the process:

  • make room for the attributes of the injection, then wash your hands with soap and water with particular care;
  • carefully examine the ampoule with the drug, read the name, familiarize yourself with the expiration date;
  • after shaking the ampoule, tap with your fingernail on its top so that all the medicine is at the bottom;
  • having processed the tip of the ampoule with an alcohol-based swab, properly file it with a small nail file, which makes it easy to break off the tip;
  • having typed the medicine into the container of the syringe, you should turn it with the needle up, then push the collected air with the piston through the needle until a drop of solution appears at its tip.

It is important to remember that it will be correct to give an injection to a lying patient. The pose promotes muscle relaxation, guarantees a minimum of painful sensations, as well as safety. In the standing position, the risk of needle fracture increases if the muscle contracts spontaneously.

Preparing the injection site

Most often, injections have to be placed in the buttock; for this, the patient is placed on his stomach, sometimes on his side. Palpate the selected buttock (more conveniently the nearest one) to make sure there are no lumps or knots. Mentally dividing it into four parts with a cross, select the upper part of the buttocks closest to you and disinfect it twice.

How to put the injection correctly

Important: if you have to inject a child, you should prepare a syringe with a smaller volume than for adult patients with a thinner needle. Before the injection, collecting the muscle in a fold, you should grab the skin a little deeper, together with the muscle, then the injection will not hurt.

According to the same plan, it is not difficult to inject into the thigh or arm, the main thing is that the injection zone is as relaxed as possible. The same condition if you have to give yourself an injection, but you also need to take a comfortable posture, calm your anxiety, and correctly determine the zone where you should give the injection. Exercising in front of a mirror will help you find the most comfortable position.

Necessary safety measures

  1. After the drug has been infused, the already non-sterile syringe, along with parts of the ampoules, cotton swabs, gloves, packages, should be collected and discarded in a place designated for trash.
  2. If you have a series of injections in the buttock or thigh, then it is not recommended to do them every time in the same area. It will be correct to alternate the injection zones.
  3. Before injecting, make sure that the syringe is sterile and has not been used before, this is prohibited. Remember cleanliness, observe sterility as much as possible.
  4. If there are no special conditions, it is safer to inject with 2 cc syringes with fine sharp needles, there is less risk of seals, and the drug will spread faster through the bloodstream.

Advice: except for indications, all drugs have a number of contraindications, as well as complications. Therefore, you can do the injection yourself only after the doctor prescribes the necessary doses of the medicine.

Medical workers and patients prefer intramuscular administration of the drug, since taking some tablet forms threatens the stomach and intestines with dangerous consequences. With intramuscular injection of the drug, the effect of side effects is minimized, especially when the injection is made correctly.

Where to prick the injection in the buttock correctly - diagram and instructions

Before giving yourself an intramuscular injection into the buttock, make sure that it is not possible to call a nurse from the clinic or a nearby health worker. In case of an urgent need to inject yourself, it is possible, but in compliance with certain rules.

Preparatory stage

Before the first injection, all the necessary attributes should be acquired:

  • syringes - specially designed for intramuscular injection, with a long needle and a volume of 2 to 5 cubes (cm3);
  • doctor's prescription- in solution or powder (requiring additional dilution);
  • cotton pads, balls or sterile medical cotton wool;
  • antiseptic solution- "Miramistin", "Chlorhexidine", special wipes or solutions for injections, in the worst case - vodka, alcohol cologne will do.

Rubbing alcohol is more difficult to purchase - it is sold in minimal bottles and requires a doctor's prescription.

Training stage

Any children's soft toy is suitable as a training object. The main thing is that she clearly has a cherished zone - the gluteal region. Laying it face down, mentally divide one of the buttocks into four parts - quadrants. The center of the upper right (on the right buttock) or upper left (on the left) will be the area where the needle needs to be inserted.

You should take a syringe with a needle in your right hand and try to insert the needle with one light push (cotton). The syringe above the buttock is in an upright position. The problem is precisely the moment of the puncture - then the needle enters without hindrance.

Exactly the same sensation occurs when injections into the muscles of a person - an obstacle in the form of skin and facilitated passage of muscle tissue.

Introduction rules

Choosing an injection site within the outer-upper quadrant of the buttock implies:

  • avoiding repeated injections into areas that have already been compacted and stabbed earlier,
  • in moles, hemangiomas,
  • clearly translucent capillaries.

In order to properly inject intramuscularly into the buttock, you need:

  1. Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water. If the nails are manicured (long, with helium overlays), then the area under them should be rinsed with a special brush. The space under the nails is a place of mass accumulation of all pathogenic bacteria.
  2. Take three balls (cotton pads).
  3. Moisten the first ball in an antiseptic solution, wipe your hands thoroughly (not forgetting about your nails).
  4. Open the package with a syringe. Carefully assemble the needle without touching the cannula. Put on the table (in the package).
  5. If the drug is contained in an ampoule, then a second ball is taken, moistened in an antiseptic. Gently applied to the top of the ampoule (subject to the factory cut, indicated by a dot), breaks. If necessary, you can file the head of the ampoule with a special file (comes with the medication).
  6. The syringe is removed, the cap is removed from it. The needle is inserted into the ampoule (without touching its walls and bottom), the medicine is taken. They get rid of excess air by gently squeezing it out with a piston.
  7. The third ball is used to wipe the area of ​​the future injection. They take their hand back a little - three to five centimeters and give an injection with a gentle cotton. The injection site is chosen in advance - you can draw a point on it with iodine to facilitate the task.
  8. After the injection of the drug, the area where the needle entered is pressed with a cotton ball, then it is removed. The cotton pad is kept for about a minute.
  9. The injection site must be constantly changed to prevent the formation of hard areas. Doctors recommend drawing an iodine grid on the skin from the first injection - as a heating and additional disinfection.
  10. If the drug is in the form of a powder, then the procedure is increased by one stage. The ampoule with the solution is opened in the same order, the protective foil is removed from the lid of the bottle, the rubberized cap is disinfected with an antiseptic. The liquid collected in the ampoule is injected into the vial, the contents are thoroughly mixed (it is strictly forbidden to separate the syringe from the needle at this moment). After receiving a homogeneous liquid, the contents of the vial are drawn into a syringe, further administration takes place according to the usual scheme.

After the injection, all used balls and syringes must be disposed of.

Major mistakes

  1. Incorrect insertion angle- intramuscular injections are always carried out at an angle of 90 degrees. When the parameters are changed, the drug will enter the subcutaneous fat and will not have the necessary effect.
  2. Slow, unhurried needle insertion- causes excruciating painful sensations and subsequent hysterical fear of injections.
  3. Leaving the needle at a different angle- a change in direction threatens with a broken tip of the needle and a subsequent visit to a trauma center to remove it.
  4. Violation of the rules of asepsis and antisepsis... Poorly washed hands, an insufficiently cleaned injection site will cause a local inflammatory reaction with the formation of pus, necrosis and the need for long-term antibiotic treatment (also in the form of injections). The worst option is surgical excision of the dead tissue of the buttocks, scars and scars in their place (see).
  5. Incorrectly performed procedure- A "successful" hit in the sciatic nerve will tell the victim how wheelchair users feel. The sensitivity of the affected limb can be restored from 4 to 48 hours. All this time, the leg will not obey - it is impossible to stand on it, it is impossible to bend it.
  6. Continuous single point injections- will cause spontaneous scarring, which will require lengthy physiotherapy procedures to recover. The worst outcome is surgical removal of the problem area.

The above errors are among the most common, in fact the list is endless. Anyone who incorrectly injected intramuscularly quickly realizes that the instructions for the injections were not written by chance.

Where can you get an injection besides the buttocks?

In medical practice, it is allowed to carry out manipulations in the area of ​​the thigh and arm. In both cases, an extensive fold is created with the free hand, into which the injection is carried out.

In reality, this type of intramuscular procedure is more painful and requires increased care - with the wrong technique, blood vessels and nerve endings can be damaged. Before using the above options, you must learn the basic method.

How to make it not hurt

The main fear of injections people experience is because of pain or its anticipation.

  • To reduce it, the patient should be advised to relax the gluteal muscles as much as possible (therefore, it is advisable to inject solutions intramuscularly to a person lying on his stomach on a flat surface).
  • Drugs that cause pain when given (for example, vitamin B12) should be given slowly.
  • Part of the dry matter (for example, the antibiotic Ceftriaxone) is diluted with local anesthetics (Novocaine, Lidocaine) to reduce pain.
  • Oil solutions (Progesterone, Testosterone) before use should be heated to 30-40 degrees Celsius using a water bath or apparatus for heating solutions.

If a seal forms at the injection site or it is desirable that the bruise formed as a result of damage to the capillary dissolves faster, then:

  • use an iodine net
  • heparin or troxevasin ointment (the latter are applied to the area with a thin layer twice a day for no longer than a week),
  • infiltrates and hematomas dissolve well with alcohol compresses.

Errors and subtleties of injection

  • If not all air was removed from the syringe during preparation for manipulation, then its entry into the muscle usually does not end with anything interesting. Air embolism risks exist only for intravenous and intra-arterial procedures.
  • In the event that the vessels are too close to the surface of the buttock or the needle has entered the capillary, after removing it, you can see droplets of blood. This is more of an annoying misunderstanding than an injection error. The antiseptic napkin applied to the injection site before removing the needle should be held with your finger a little longer: with a normal coagulation system, such bleeding stops in a couple of minutes.
  • If the buttock is too strong, and the needle is suddenly bent by some miracle during the insertion, there is no need to re-pinch. At the end of the injection, the slightly crooked needle is removed in a standard manner.
  • If the needle was successfully injected, but the syringe came off it, this also does not threaten the prick. Some nurses from professional bravado are injected at first only with a needle, after attaching a syringe with a solution to it.
  • It is not recommended to do injections at home in the thigh and shoulder, patients with diabetes mellitus, malnourished patients and patients with bedsores on the buttocks.
  • The top of virtuosity is to inject intramuscular injections to oneself. Here, there are clear advantages for people with good physical fitness and a thin waist. They can easily rotate the upper body so as to prick themselves in the upper-outer part of the buttocks. For the same purposes, you can use a large mirror, according to the reflection in which it is convenient to outline the injection site. But in people with solid dimensions, injections into the front of the thigh are less safe.

The video perfectly demonstrates the technique of setting an injection in the buttock.

A course of injections can be prescribed to a patient with a wide variety of diseases. It is far from always possible to invite a specialist to carry out the manipulation, and in this case you have to carry out the procedure yourself. Most drugs are intended to be injected into the muscle. Knowing how to do intramuscular injections into the buttock correctly, you can turn into a nurse for a while, and give injections to your loved ones and even yourself.

Preparatory activities

All injections are divided into three main types:

  • subcutaneous;
  • intravenous;
  • intramuscular.

The most common are injections into the muscle and they are prescribed when it is necessary to inject small amounts of a drug into the body.

The introduction of the drug into the muscle can be carried out by everyone, knowing certain rules of preparation and manipulation. Areas on the body suitable for this type of manipulation are:

  • hand (delta muscle);
  • lateral and front surface of the thigh;
  • buttocks.

Worth knowing! The buttocks are the safest area to be injected by a layperson, and the likelihood of negative consequences after the injection is minimal in this case.

It is in the buttocks that the thickness of muscle tissue is maximum and there are no closely located large vessels or nerve tables. The muscle mass in the arm is much less, and after injections in the thigh, pulling pains may be felt for some time.

Before proceeding with the intramuscular injection of the drug, you should prepare:

  1. Make sure self-injection is necessary.
  2. Check the compliance of the medicine with the doctor's prescription and its expiration date.
  3. Choose a syringe of the required volume.
  4. Wash your hands thoroughly and dry them with a disposable paper towel.
  5. Find a suitable container (tray, plate) on which the entire instrument for manipulation will be placed and disinfect its surface (wipe with alcohol).
  6. Set up in a well-lit place. Ask the "patient" who is injected to lie down and relax as much as possible.
  7. Wear sterile gloves and sterilize with alcohol.
  8. Prepare cotton swabs soaked in alcohol solution, or special wipes soaked in an antiseptic composition.
  9. Warm the ampoule with the medicine in your hands (especially if the medicine was stored in the refrigerator).
  10. Open the syringe package.
  11. Treat the ampoule with an antiseptic, open it and draw the medicine into the syringe. If the drug has a rubber cap, after its puncture and a set of funds, the needle on the syringe should be replaced, as it becomes dull.
  12. If the needle is accidentally touched, it should also be replaced.
  13. Turn the syringe upside down with the needle and slowly release the air until a drop of the drug appears at the tip of the needle.

Worth knowing! You will have to wash your hands before carrying out the manipulation three times: before collecting the necessary materials and instruments, before the direct administration of the drug, after the procedure.


To give an injection, you need the following:

  • a drug in an ampoule or dry powder, prescribed by a doctor;
  • a three-component syringe (needle, container for the drug, plunger) with a volume of 2.5-11 ml, depending on the amount of the drug that needs to be injected;
  • cotton pads (balls) or alcohol wipes;
  • concentrated alcohol (96%);
  • solvent (if it is necessary to prepare a solution for injection from a dry powder);
  • an anesthetic drug ("Novocain", "Ledocaine"), used to dilute salt-based drugs that cause painful sensations.

The painfulness of the procedure directly depends on the quality of the needle and syringe. For a comfortable manipulation, it is important:

  • sharpness and smooth surface of the needle;
  • smoothness and ease of movement in the piston cylinder.

High-quality pointed needles perfectly and painlessly enter the fabric and, thanks to the sanded surface, glide perfectly inside them in both directions.

Important! Dull or poorly polished needles can pick on, pull, and tear skin particles. This leads not only to pain, but also to long-term healing of the site injured as a result of the injection.

The feeling of the "patient" during manipulation also depends on the smooth movement of the syringe plunger. If it is difficult to move, the needle will move in the muscle and cause pain. To avoid such a situation, you should choose modern syringes with a special hypoallergenic rubber gasket on the piston.


The place for the manipulation should be chosen so that all the necessary materials can be placed nearby and easily taken as needed. It is imperative that the lighting is good enough.

The position of the "patient" is not of fundamental importance, and the injection can be done even if he is standing, however, in the supine position, the muscles will be more relaxed and the procedure will be comfortable.

It is imperative that you remain calm during the injection, especially for the person giving the injection. It is necessary to choose a position that is convenient for yourself so that your hands do not shake and the needle does not have to be pulled during the administration of the drug.

To eliminate the risk of getting an injection in the wrong place, you should:

  • mentally divide the buttock into four parts (draw a vertical and horizontal line in the middle);
  • determine the upper right lobe (it is it that is most suitable for injection);
  • you can draw a circle in this area with a cosmetic pencil, but so that the mark does not touch the injection site.

Regardless of the level of training of the person giving the injection and the preparatory measures, the injection is an invasive and therefore painful procedure. The degree of discomfort depends on:

  • the drug being administered (many drugs, including some vitamins, cause discomfort);
  • the quality of the instrument used (syringe);
  • the mood of the "patient" (it depends on how much it will be possible to relax the muscles).


During the injection, all stages should be strictly observed:

  1. Wipe with alcohol (special napkin, antiseptic) the place where the drug will be injected. Movement should be from the center to the edges.
  2. Place the needle perpendicular to the skin (at a 90 ° angle).
  3. With a quick and confident movement, insert the needle into the gluteus muscle. In this case, you should not completely immerse it under the code, about a third of it should remain outside.
  4. Slowly move the piston inside the cylinder to inject the drug. This rule is especially important for "painful" injections.
  5. Make sure that the syringe does not move during the administration of the drug. For convenience, you can hold the cylinder with one hand and press the piston with the other.
  6. After full administration of the drug, place a cotton wool (napkin) soaked in alcohol next to the needle. Remove the needle in one motion and press the injection site with a swab.
  7. Cap the needle and discard all used materials and tools.
  8. Wash the hands.

In the video below, you can learn more about the procedure.

How to make yourself

In some cases, there is no one to ask for an injection, and then you have to inject yourself:

  1. Before proceeding with the manipulation, it is worth practicing in front of a mirror and determining the desired zone (upper right quarter of the buttocks).
  2. The most comfortable position will be a standing position in front of a mirror in a half-turn, or lying on your side on a hard surface. In the supine position, you will be able to relax more and control the process.
  3. Preparation for the injection to oneself, the necessary materials and stages of the procedure will be similar to those used in the previous paragraph.
  4. It is better to insert the needle with your right hand (left for a left-handed person), and with your left hand you can hold the syringe while injecting the drug.


Carrying out intramuscular injections has certain features, taking into account which it is possible to reduce the invasiveness of the procedure and the risk of developing unpleasant complications:

  1. Use modern syringes with sharp needles and piston seals.
  2. Do not inject in the same place more than twice a week. If it is necessary to conduct a course of injections, the right and left buttocks should be alternated.
  3. When using oil preparations for injection, the drug should be heated to body temperature in a container with warm water. With the introduction of such solutions, there is a risk of embolism (vascular blockage). To avoid such a situation, after inserting the needle, it is necessary to slightly pull the syringe plunger towards you, and if blood begins to flow into it (if it enters the vessel), without removing the needle, change the direction and depth of the drug injection. You can also try to inject elsewhere.
  4. Observe hygiene. Use a new needle and syringe for each injection (even to oneself), treat all instruments and materials with alcohol.
  5. Before using the syringe, it is important to make sure the packaging of the instrument. If damage is found on it, the syringe should be discarded.
  6. If the drug is painful, it should be injected very slowly (1 ml of the drug in 10 seconds, for convenience, you can even count).
  7. If it is necessary to replace the needle after dialing the medication, the cap from the new needle should not be removed until it is installed on the syringe, and you should not put the cap on the needle when it is already removed so as not to inject.
  8. To determine with what force to inject the needle into the skin, you can first practice on a pillow, or, for example, chicken fillet.


In some cases, self-administered intramuscular administration of drugs should be abandoned in order to avoid unpleasant consequences:

  1. When a drug has not been prescribed by a doctor. Self-medication is irresponsible and dangerous, even if the drug is simple vitamins. The dosage, means for diluting the medicine and the frequency of injections must be determined by a professional.
  2. In the case when a drug is first administered to a patient. Most drugs have side effects of varying severity. In addition, there is a high likelihood of developing an allergic reaction to the drug. When administered intramuscularly, the agent enters the bloodstream quickly enough, and the response can be quick and rapid. The first injection of the drug should be given in a medical facility under the supervision of a doctor, and wait a while after it in the clinic to make sure everything is in order.
  3. If possible, use the services of doctors. The cost of intramuscular administration of drugs by a professional nurse is quite affordable. And the risk of complications in this case is minimal.
  4. If the patient has such diseases as HIV, AIDS, hepatitis, and other infections. Blood-borne, as well as in the case when the absence of these infections is not confirmed (medical certificate). In this case, the risk of infection is very high and you should entrust the injection to professionals, especially since they dispose of the instruments after such manipulations.
  5. When it is very scary, it is difficult to calm down and hands shake. In such a state, it is unlikely that it will be possible to make an injection with a high quality, it is possible to hurt the patient, or severely injure the skin.
  6. When subcutaneous or intravenous administration of the drug is prescribed. Such manipulations require certain knowledge in medicine and must be carried out by specialists.


In most cases, intramuscular injection is not accompanied by any side effects, but some complications are still possible:

  1. Formation under the skin of a difficult-to-absorb infiltrate (lumps). This consequence is often accompanied by the introduction of antibiotics and vitamins. In order to prevent the development of such formations, the drug should be injected slowly and the buttocks should be alternated during the course of injections.
  2. Embolism. In the case when air bubbles have not been eliminated from the syringe, during injection they can penetrate into the vessel and cause its blockage.
  3. Sciatic nerve palsy is a rare complication if the instructions are followed and the injection site is chosen correctly, but it is a very dangerous complication. If a patient has a sharp and sharp pain in the first seconds of manipulation, the needle should be removed immediately and the injection of the drug should be stopped, and also a doctor should be consulted.

More details about the formation of subcutaneous infiltrate and elimination of the defect can be found in the article "".

Subject to all the rules and technology, intramuscular injections at home are quite safe, even if they are performed to oneself.

Medicines enter the body in different ways:

  • Enterally through the mouth.
  • Rectally - into the anus.
  • Sublingual - under the tongue.
  • Intramuscularly - in the forearm, thighs or buttocks.
  • Intravenous - subclavian, ulnar, carpal veins. In some cases, vessels on the head are used.
  • Transdermally - through the skin.

Each method has its own advantages. Muscle injection:

  • Simple to execute.
  • Suitable for most medicines.
  • Does not irritate the intestines and gastric mucosa.
  • Acts quickly, easily getting into the blood.
  • It works for a long time, since the drug is absorbed gradually.

That is why intramuscular injections rank second after tablet forms in any treatment. They help to quickly relieve pain, suffocation, spasms, and allergic reactions. Strong antibiotics are administered in a similar manner. Knowing the technique, the patient himself or his relatives will be able to perform the procedure.

When the syringe is injected, the needle must cross the skin, subcutaneous fatty tissue and enter the muscle tissue. Therefore, to penetrate choose zones where:

  • The maximum number of myocytes.
  • There are no large blood vessels.
  • Few nerve endings.

In most cases, when an outsider administers the injection, he uses the gluteal region, the upper outer quarter of it. However, this is not the only place on the body where the drug is allowed to be injected. Suitable for self-treatment:

  • Stomach. Here, the medicine is injected into the subcutaneous tissue. A ten-centimeter circle around the navel is most suitable, departing from the center by four to five centimeters. To avoid perforation of the internal organs and the wall of the abdominal cavity, a large fold is made from the tissue into which the needle is inserted before the puncture.
  • Forearms... Use the side and back.
  • Straps. Front surface.

To protect against damage to the periosteum when the needle is inserted into the shoulder or leg, the muscle is also collected in a fold. The drug is administered while lying or standing.

Little trick! Before an injection in the buttock, you must first slap it. Relaxation of muscles and "distraction" of nerve fibers occurs. The puncture will be painless.


Place all ingredients on a convenient tray or designated area on a clean napkin. Wash your hands with soap, dry and rub with alcohol.

Substances for intramuscular administration are produced in ampoules, vials, and nebules. Some types of drugs, for example, blood thinners, are immediately sold in syringes.

Table Preparation of different forms of medication

Ampoules Typically, liquid forms are used as they are. To do this, achieve a complete drainage of the solution down the ampoule by clicking on the upper neck. Then file the glass with a nail file. The location is marked with a stripe. Take a large piece of cotton wool and break off the top. In the ampoules of the last sample, filing is not provided. The head is simply broken off, covered with a cotton swab.
Nebula For use, twist off the top tip. To do this, it is enough to turn it around its axis.
Vials In vials, the substance is in powder form. Therefore, it is preliminarily bred. To do this, use water for injection or saline, sold in ampoules... The amount of the solvent is indicated in the instructions for the medicine. Average volume 4 milliliters. For antibiotics, iceocaine can be added to the solvent. The mixing procedure goes like this:

· Break off the small iron circle in the center of the bottle cap.

· Wipe the opened part of the rubber stopper with alcohol.

· Open the ampoule with water, draw the required amount into the syringe.

· Pierce the rubber cap and release the liquid into the vial.

· Shake until complete dissolution.

· Take the resulting mixture into a syringe, turning the container upside down, and give an injection.

Sometimes the contents of the bottle are divided into two injections. The container with the remaining half of the substance is placed in the refrigerator door.

Select the volume of the syringe depending on the amount of injected medication. The most popular are two and five milliliters. If you need to use a solvent, buy a syringe with an extra needle.

How to properly inject into a muscle

Certain nuances of the procedure may differ. Each of the doctors uses their own chips and features of gluteal injections. However, the basic consistency is maintained in all cases.

Buttock injection:

  1. Draw the solution into a syringe.
  2. Lift the needle up. If necessary, flick the sides of the syringe to raise large bubbles. Then, lightly press down on the plunger to release air. In the final embodiment, the needle should be filled with substance to the very tip. To do this, push the plunger until splashes or droplets of medication appear. Parietal vesicles may persist on the walls. It's not scary.
  3. Visually divide the buttock into four sections. You need a top outer. When in doubt, place your left palm on your right buttock or your left right hand with your fingers toward your back. Move your thumb at right angles to the rest. There will be an injection area between the index and the large one.
  4. Wipe the area with cotton wool and alcohol.
  5. Slap your buttock.
  6. Keeping the palm of your left hand on your butt, stretch the skin slightly on the desired area.
  7. Stick the syringe firmly, injecting it strictly perpendicularly and holding it like a dart. The needle should hit three quarters.
  8. Use your thumb to slowly push the plunger as you inject the drug.
  9. Having reached the end, apply cotton wool to the puncture site and sharply remove the needle at the same angle as you entered.
  10. Press down with a cotton swab so that some of the medicine does not flow back from muscle tension.

Injection elsewhere

Eliminate the third, fifth and sixth points from the procedure. Instead, pinch a fold of tissue on the honey with your thumb and forefinger, rub with alcohol and, without releasing, stick in the tip and inject the drug. Then follow the previous instructions.

Advice! For a series of punctures, alternate between the right and left sides and make the next puncture to the side of the previous one.

How to give an injection to a child

Small patients tend to shrink at the sight of a syringe. The child may become hysterical and difficult to calm down. Therefore, the preparation should be carried out without his knowledge. For the safety of the baby, you need to properly fix the body.

  • If you are working with an assistant, then he can stand to take the child in his arms, resting his head on his shoulder and turning the booty towards you. One hand of an adult tightly wraps around the chest area or belt, the other fixes the legs just below the causal site.
  • The second option is the sitting posture. The child is placed between the legs, facing to the side, then tilted and bent over one knee, fixing his legs between his knees. Thus, the priest is lifted up. Hold your back with your hands.
  • Carrying out the manipulation on their own, the baby is placed exactly on his stomach. They sit on his feet. The back is supported with one hand, and the needle is inserted with the other.

The main task is to avoid sudden jerks of the patient. Otherwise, soft tissue will suffer or the metal may break off.

Safety regulations

Never prescribe medication yourself. All of them have contraindications, management features. Therefore, start treatment only after consulting a doctor.

  • The syringe is used only once to avoid a clogged needle and infection.
  • The used needle must be closed with a cap. Otherwise, you or the people picking up the trash may get hurt.
  • Observe strict sterility. Open ampoules and instruments just before the procedure.
  • If traces of blood appear in the syringe, you have entered a blood vessel. The penetration depth should be slightly reduced.

Complications and consequences of improperly performed manipulations

The most common problem that occurs during long-term treatment is the appearance of lumps and bumps at the injection sites. To minimize the problem, an iodine mesh should be made in the treated area. It is also useful to apply alcohol compresses at night.

  • Hematoma. If you catch a capillary or a small vessel, a hematoma appears. It will dissipate over time. Do not give injections at the site of the bruise. A large or increasing area of ​​hemorrhage is a reason to see a doctor.
  • Abscess... Appears when sterility is violated. After consulting a surgeon, ointments (Vishnevsky, Ichthyol) are used to draw out the purulent contents.
  • Nerve puncture... The limb is numb, in rare cases it loses mobility. For treatment, anti-inflammatory drugs will be required, which will be prescribed by a doctor.
  • Anaphylactic shock... The result of an instant allergic reaction to the drug. It is manifested by respiratory and cardiac arrest. It is necessary to do artificial ventilation and cardiac massage, call an ambulance.
  • Quincke's edema... Instant swelling of the tissues of the face and larynx. Another type of allergic reaction. The danger is the possibility of suffocation. The "antidote" in this case is the introduction of dexamethasone in ampoules. Two cubes for an adult. For a child, depending on age, 0.3-1 ml. Be sure to call the doctors.
  • Broken needle... It is a very unpleasant event when the tip remains in the tissues. Removal is performed surgically. It is important to maintain a static posture and call an ambulance.

Most of the troubles are associated with improper injection technique and self-medication without consulting a doctor. Therefore, it is important to strictly follow the instructions for the drug and the rules for the manipulation.

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