Can cats be given decaris? Is it possible to give a kitten decaris from worms? Therapy for dogs

AZINOX PLUS, pack. 3 tab. Release form: Pack of 3 tablets
Indications for use: Azinox plus is prescribed for prophylactic and therapeutic purposes for nematodes (toxocariasis, toxascariasis, uncinariosis, ankylostomiasis) and cestodosis (tenioses, dipylidiosis, echinococcosis, diphyllobothriasis, mesocestoidosis) in dogs

AZIPIRIN, pack. 10 tab. 0.6 g each Release form: Tablets for oral administration. Pack of 10 tablets of 0, 6 g
Indications for use: Prescribe to adult dogs and cats (including pregnant and lactating females), as well as puppies and kittens over 4 weeks of age for the prevention and treatment of helminthiasis caused by Toxocara canis, Toxocara mystax (Toxocara cati), Toxascaris leonina, Uncinaria stenocephala, Ancylostoma caninum, Trichuris vulpis, Echinococcus granulosus, Echinococcus multilocularis, Dipylidium caninum, Multiceps multiceps, Taenia spp., Mesocestoides spp.

Used against pulmonary worms in dogs and cats. Available in the form of a solution and tablets.
The success that droncite has been using all over the world for decades is due to the fact that this drug reliably destroys both sexually mature and immature pulmonary helminths in the intestines, even with a single use.
Droncite is also effective at low concentrations, rapidly absorbed and excreted through the intestinal mucosa with bile. This means that it kills even those tapeworms that covertly live in the intestinal mucosa. Thus, the entire tapeworm is destroyed.
Droncite is well tolerated both in the form of tablets and in the form of injections. There are no side effects.
DOSAGE The dose is 5 mg of active ingredient per 1 kg of live weight; this corresponds to 1 tablet per 10 kg of live weight.
Method of application: it is recommended to give the tablet wrapped in a piece of cheese, meat or sausage. The injection can be done intramuscularly or subcutaneously. Droncite fully manifests its effect even with a single application. However, depending on the conditions of keeping the animal and the possibility of re-infection, repeated treatments are required, as well as preventive measures.

The drug is effective against roundworms in dogs and cats. Differs in mild action. Decaris is not only an anthelmintic agent, but also an immunomodulator that promotes the release of toxins and acts well as a hepatoprotector, that is, to some extent restores the affected liver cells. In this sense, the drug is unique.
There are no contraindications and side effects. The complaints of some owners about the poor health of their animals can be redirected to themselves. Decaris is not a veterinary drug and, therefore, when using it for animals, it is imperative to weigh your pet, observe the following scheme: 50mg - for 20kg of weight 150mg - for 60kg of weight
Method of application: weigh the puppy (kitten), dog (cat). Determine the dose of the drug strictly by weight. It is best to give it to the animal in the morning, before eating, and not feed it for 2-4 hours. Repeat for the next two days (total course duration is three days). Then take a break for 10-12 days. Then repeat the course again. The animal should recover in two weeks.

Destroys tape helminths (except for echinococcosis) in dogs. Available as a paste in tubes.
Contraindications: Do not give to puppy bitches and bitches during estrus.
Method of application: one strip 1-2 cm long is squeezed out per 18 kg of animal weight. It is applied once. If the infection is severe, it should be repeated in consultation with a doctor.

Designed for the destruction of round and flat worms in dogs and cats. It is produced in the form of sugary briquettes, which are eaten with pleasure by animals or dissolved in a small amount of drinking water.
Dosage: cats and dwarf dogs (from 1 to 5 kg) -? cubes per day.
Next: 1 cube per 10kg of animal weight. Large dogs should receive no more than 4 cubes per day.
Polivercan is applied 1 time, in severe cases, the treatment should be repeated after 10 days.

It is used to treat animals against roundworms. Available in pill form. The drug is well tolerated by animals, non-toxic.
Contraindications: Individual intolerance.
The tablet is given with food - it is best to stir it in minced meat or cottage cheese (piperazine has a bitter taste). Treatment is carried out for three days in a row, giving the animal 1 tablet per day. For kittens, puppies and small dogs, the dosage is individual, it is certainly indicated in the annotation to the drug.

The drug is highly effective for almost all gastrointestinal nematodes. It is non-toxic. Available in powder or granulate form.
The drug is well tolerated, there are no contraindications. It is more active than piperazine.
Dosage: 1-2g per 10kg of animal weight. The drug is given to animals once on an empty stomach. This is usually enough.

Dekaris is the trade name for the anthelmintic and immunomodulatory drug levamisole. The medicine is produced by the Hungarian pharmaceutical company Gedeon Richter in the form of 50 and 150 milligram tablets, slightly differing in the set of excipients.

Levamisole acts in two ways:

  • paralyzes the muscles of the worms, which prevents them from fixing on the intestinal walls;
  • violates the energy metabolism of worms.

The drug is highly versatile and suitable for treating:

  • hookworm infection (helminth causative agent - hookworm);
  • noncatorosis (noncatorial);
  • ascariasis (roundworm);
  • enterobiasis (pinworms);
  • trichostrongyloidosis (trichostrongyloid);
  • strongyloidosis (intestinal acne);
  • trichocephalosis (whipworm);
  • toxoplasmosis (toxoplasma).

Is it possible to drink Decaris for children and pregnant women

Very carefully, anthelmintic drugs need to be taken by children, as well as women during pregnancy. How to use Dekaris in each case is decided by the doctor. If we consider this issue in general, then it is permissible for a child after 3 years to give these tablets (it is better to replace it with a suspension), but exclusively as prescribed by the doctor. It is better to calculate the dose not by age, but by weight, which reduces the risk of side effects.

During pregnancy, Decaris cannot be used. Also, pills are prohibited during lactation. If there is an urgent need to be treated with this drug, breastfeeding should be stopped at the time of taking the pills and 1-1.5 days after it.

How to take Decaris for adults and children? The appointment of anthelmintic drugs is carried out only according to the results of laboratory tests. Indeed, the need to prescribe specific medications depends on which worms were detected during the study.

The required dosage, frequency and dosage regimen are selected individually. When treating toxoplasmosis, in order to achieve a therapeutic effect, Dekaris should be drunk once for 3 days.

Before using the product, there is no need for special training. You do not need to follow a diet or do an enema. This is one of the main advantages of the drug, which its analogues do not possess.

Filatova Inessa Pavlovna

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Dekaris is considered effective for helminthiasis. Instructions for use are included in the package. Information on how to take Decaris correctly contains a description of the medicine. It is not recommended to use it on its own, as it has contraindications. The scheme and dosage are prescribed only by the attending physician. It depends on the severity of the disease, the person's age, body weight.

Dekaris can be taken by both children and adults. In some cases, doctors recommend using it as a means of preventing helminthiasis. Dekaris's analogs are also prescribed by a doctor.

What is the composition of the medicine for worms Dekaris

It is possible to carry out the prevention of infection with worms with the help of folk remedies. Against roundworms (and only on them, and Decaris affects), you can use the following recipes.


  1. 3 tbsp. l. powder from dried chanterelles pour 150 ml of vodka.
  2. Insist 15 days in the refrigerator;
  3. Drink 1 tsp. at night, after shaking (but not filtering!) the infusion.


  1. 1 tbsp. l. crushed herbs and roots of celandine, brew 250 ml of boiling water.
  2. Let cool, drain.
  3. Drink half before breakfast and half before lunch.
  4. Repeat for 3 days.

Pumpkin seeds

  1. Eat on an empty stomach 2 tbsp. l. pumpkin seeds(for children and the elderly, they can be crushed).
  2. Take a large dose of a laxative.
  3. Repeat the next day.

The active substance of the Decaris preparations is levamisole. In addition, the tablets contain corn starch, natural sweetener, talc, lactose monohydrate, dye.

Once in the body, the antihelminthic drug is rapidly absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract. The maximum concentration of the drug can be achieved two hours after taking the drug, after which the drug is excreted through urine and feces.

The drug Dekaris should be taken in the presence of such infectious diseases as:

  • Ascariasis;
  • Enterobiasis;
  • Trichostrongylosis;
  • Toxoplasmosis.

It is important to take into account that these pills have contraindications, therefore, before taking them, you should consult your doctor. An anthelmintic drug is contraindicated in:

  1. Under the age of three;
  2. Pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  3. Agranulocytosis - a disease of the bone marrow, which causes imbalance of granulocytes and leads to a lack of their synthesis by blood;
  4. Individual intolerance to the substances that make up the drug.

Since the tablets affect the functioning of the kidneys and liver, caution should be exercised in people diagnosed with acute renal and hepatic failure. Treatment should be carried out only under the supervision of the attending physician.

  1. Telmox;
  2. Wormin;
  3. Vermox;
  4. Helmintox.

Before starting treatment, you should check with your doctor what they help from, which drug is better to choose and how much the dosage should be.

As analogs, you can also use softer traditional medicine. For example, such remedies as pumpkin seeds, a decoction of wormwood or tansy are effective against worms. Garlic enema helps to quickly remove worms from the body.

Thus, to sum up, we can say that Decaris tablets are an effective tool for the rapid removal of worms from the body. Before starting treatment, you should pass the necessary blood and feces tests, diagnose the exact disease.

The treatment regimen should be drawn up by a doctor, based on the existing secondary diseases and the presence of contraindications. It is better to refuse self-medication, since the drug can cause various complications.

The use of the drug for the treatment of helminthic invasions

Treatment with Decaris must be carried out in accordance with the instructions. It is important to adhere to the recommended dosage.

For adults, the therapeutic dose is 1 tablet (150 mg of Levamisole). For children, the dose is determined taking into account age, as well as body weight:

  • 10-14 years old upon reaching a body weight of 30-40 kg - 1.5-2 tablets with an active substance concentration of 50 mg;
  • 6-10 years old with a weight of 20-30 kg - 1-1.5 tablets (50 mg Levamisole);
  • 3-6 years old with a weight of 10-20 kg - 0.5-1 tablet of 50 mg.

The dosage regimen is very simple - the pill is taken once. It is advisable to drink it after meals in the evening. After taking Decaris, there is no need to use a laxative. If necessary, after 1-2 weeks, the drug can be taken again.

Instructions for Dekaris tablets

The indicated scheme is intended for the treatment of all types of nematode infestation, except for toxoplasmosis. To get rid of this type of helminthiasis, you need to use the drug for 3 days, 1 tablet each. The course should be repeated 2-3 times, taking a week break between each one.

Decaris is suitable for the prevention of roundworm infestation. For this purpose, it must be taken 1-2 times a year.

The product is incompatible with alcohol. The day before the anthelmintic therapy with this drug and the day after taking it, it is forbidden to consume alcoholic beverages, medicines containing alcohol. Also, you can not combine these tablets with drugs that affect hematopoiesis, lipophilic drugs.

The medicine for helminths is strictly prohibited for use by children under the age of 3 years, with caution and under the supervision of a doctor - up to 14 years. Contraindications include the presence of an allergic reaction to the main active ingredient of the drug or auxiliary components. If, 10-12 hours after taking Decaris at a dose of 150 mg, the level of leukocytes dropped below 3 * 109 / l, further use of the drug is prohibited. These data should be entered on the outpatient card to avoid the risk of developing a similar reaction in the future.

In patients with agranulocytosis, acute leukemia in the event of renal and hepatic insufficiency, the use of Decaris for pinworms and other types of helminthiasis should be carried out under medical supervision. At the same time, the level of neutrophilic granulocytes in the blood plasma is constantly monitored. A terrible symptom is a decrease in their number less than 1 * 109 / l.

After Decaris, side effects often occur:

  1. From the gastrointestinal tract. Nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and upset stools appear. Development of stomatitis is possible.
  2. From the central nervous system. After taking the drug, the body temperature may rise for a short time. Occasionally, headache, dizziness, convulsions, sleep and consciousness disturbances are observed.
  3. Allergic reactions. They appear several hours after taking the drug in the form of skin rashes and itching.
  4. Other side effects... Includes the development of uterine bleeding, disruption of the normal functioning of the kidneys and urinary tract.

If a woman did not know about pregnancy and drank medicine in the early stages, when vital organs are laid, an abortion may be necessary. Otherwise, the drug used to treat worms threatens to provoke congenital malformations.

If it is necessary to use Decaris during lactation, you should temporarily stop breastfeeding in order to prevent the drug from penetrating into milk.

Adults need to approach treatment as responsibly as pregnant women. For example, while taking pills, it is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol. Otherwise, the desired therapeutic effect of the treatment will be absent. It is necessary to exclude the use of alcoholic beverages 24 hours before and after taking the pill.

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Since the drug has contraindications, it can cause side effects and serious consequences. Therefore, it is not recommended to carry out treatment without the agreement of a doctor.

Before taking the pill, you do not need to follow a special diet or take laxatives. In general, Dekaris has positive reviews from doctors and patients, so it can be safely considered the most effective drug for helminths of various types. During treatment, the dosage should be adhered to and the existing contraindications should be taken into account.

  • A single dosage of the drug for an adult is 150 mg. The tablet is taken once in the evening after meals.
  • The drug should not be chewed, as it must get directly into the gastrointestinal tract. After swallowing the medicine, drink it with a small amount of liquid.
  • If repeated treatment is required, the drug after the course of therapy can be used only after 15 days.

If a doctor diagnoses toxoplasmosis, the infection is treated differently. In this case, the duration of the course of therapy is three days, the patient takes one tablet in the evening after meals. The drug is prescribed only after a laboratory study of blood and feces.

  1. During the treatment of schoolchildren, a dosage of 50 mg is used. The tablet can be crushed to a powder and diluted with milk or water. The resulting mixture is given to the child to swallow.
  2. When treating young children, the required dosage of the drug is calculated at the rate of 2.5 mg of the drug per kilogram of the child's body weight.
  3. In rare exceptional cases, a doctor may prescribe treatment for children in infancy, but such therapy is carried out strictly under the supervision of a therapist. For infants, the dosage is calculated at the rate of 2 mg per kilogram of body weight.

The drug can be used within five years from the date of manufacture. The tablets are stored in a dry, dark place, away from children, the ambient temperature should be no more than 28 degrees.

Contraindications and side effects

Dekaris is a relatively safe drug. After providing a therapeutic effect, its components are completely excreted from the body for several hours. It has no effect on liver function, as well as on the picture of urine and blood.

But, despite this, there are a number of contraindications to the use of these anthelmintic pills:

  • age under 3 years old;
  • oppression of bone marrow hematopoiesis;
  • agranulocytosis triggered by medication;
  • renal as well as liver failure;
  • pregnancy.

After taking the pills, there is a possibility of side effects:

  • nausea, less often vomiting;
  • stomach upset;
  • tachycardia;
  • abdominal pain;
  • headaches and dizziness;
  • insomnia;
  • convulsions;
  • rashes on the skin;
  • slight increase in temperature;
  • encephalopathy.

Abdominal pain is one of the possible side effects of the drug

When cleansing the body with the help of Decaris, an overdose is possible. It manifests itself in an increase in the risk of side effects, an increase in the intensity of their manifestation.

Like any drug for worms, Dekaris has not only indications, but also contraindications, and has side effects.


Decaris is prescribed for adults both for infections with helminths and in the presence of some other pathologies.

Prescribe Decaris with pinworms; roundworm; hookworm (crooked head); nekator; intestinal acne; nematodes that live in the small intestine; whipworm; toxoplasmosis.

  • herpes virus;
  • hepatitis B (chronic form);
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • recurrent lesions of the oral mucosa;
  • frequent acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections in childhood;
  • autoimmune diseases, pathologies of the digestive system.

Today, the drug is more often used to destroy worms. As an immunomodulator, it is rarely prescribed.

  • violation of the digestive process - with increased gas production, instability of the stool, frequent abdominal pain, itching in the anus;
  • if there is pain and inflammation of the joints, muscle pain;
  • visible rashes on the skin, accompanied by itching:
  • with chronic weakness, fatigue;
  • if recently hair has started to fall out intensively, nails break;
  • a blood test reveals a reduced level of hemoglobin;
  • there is mental depression, the person is irritable, anxious;
  • children have teeth grinding, increased salivation during sleep;
  • sleep disturbances;
  • a person feels bad for no apparent reason.

Each of the above symptoms may indicate the presence of worms in the body.

Dekaris - contraindications

Contraindications include:

  • a decrease in the level of leukocytes, an increase in the body's susceptibility to bacterial and fungal infections due to long-term use of certain medications;
  • the composition of the drug is contraindicated in children under 3 years of age;
  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • intolerance to the components.

The regimen should be prescribed by a doctor after a detailed examination of the body in order to avoid the development of side effects.

Side effects of Decaris

Despite how many advantages Decaris has, pinworm pills can cause side effects if the dosage is violated. Also, side effects occur with prolonged uncontrolled intake.

These include:

  1. Central nervous system. Migraines develop, dizziness attacks are observed, sleep is disturbed, the person is excitable. Depression, convulsive states, loss of consciousness are often observed. In addition, taking the drug may be accompanied by increased fatigue, absent-mindedness. Such conditions are reversible. Usually, such side effects cease to bother a person after the cancellation of Decaris. In case of serious disorders of the nervous system, glucocorticoid hormones are prescribed to restore the body.
  2. The organs of the digestive system. Against the background of uncontrolled intake or if the dosage is violated, attacks of nausea and vomiting appear, stool disturbances - diarrhea is replaced by constipation. Taking the medicine negatively affects the liver cells. Therefore, in case of organ diseases, pills should be taken with caution. But even if there are no liver diseases, it is recommended to take hepatoprotectors (drugs that have a positive effect on liver function) - Maksar, FanDetox "FanDetox", Liv 52, Heptral, Karsil. A very rare side effect is acute pancreatitis.
  3. Hematopoietic system. The action of Dekaris from pinworms is to reduce the number of leukocytes in the blood. This leads to the fact that the immune system becomes unprotected from the effects of infection.
  4. Damage to other organs and systems. In some people, when taking the drug, a skin rash appeared (against the background of metabolic disorders), an exacerbation of skin pathologies (psoriasis, eczema) was observed, taste and smell were impaired, and joint and muscle pains developed. Some experienced the following symptoms: fever, muscle, joint pain; catarrhal phenomena: conjunctivitis, rhinitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis.

Decaris is a drug with pronounced side effects, therefore, it is not recommended to use tablets without a specialist's appointment.

Prevention of helminthiasis with Decaris

  1. Blockage of blood vessels.
  2. Hepatic diseases.
  3. Atrophy of the cerebral cortex.
  4. Allergic reactions - swelling; fever; symptom expressed by muscle pain; skin rash; joint pain.
  5. Deficiency of biologically active substances, which leads to irreversible changes.
  6. Disorders of the nervous system - migraines, memory loss, aggression, concentration.
  7. Decreased immunity - bacterial and viral diseases.
  8. Ulcers in the intestines, intestinal bleeding, which lead to peritonitis.

Worms enter the intestines or other internal organs, aggravate the general condition of the patient and lead to severe complications. Dekaris tablets are a universal and effective remedy against helminths that have positive reviews.

One tablet completely cleanses the body of pathogenic organisms, as a result of which the worm comes out with feces. In the pharmacy, on the shelf there may be a drug in the amount of one or two tablets of white or yellowish color. Children's dosage is 50 mg, for adults, a dose of 150 mg is prescribed.

Price - how much is Decaris?

The cost of Decaris is low. The exact price depends on the form of release of the tablets, their quantity in the package. There are 2 options available:

  1. Preparation for adults
    - in the package 1 tablet containing 150 mg of the active ingredient. It costs from 86 rubles.
  2. - 2 tablets in the package, each containing 50 mg of active ingredient. Price - from 83 rubles.

To cleanse nematodes, a single dose of the drug is enough. This means that 1 pack of pills is enough to undergo anthelmintic therapy.

The causative agent of feline tapeworm (dipylidiosis) is a tapeworm belonging to the cestode class.

Description of the helminth

An adult worm is 10 to 70 cm long and 2-3 cm wide.

The appearance of the ripe segments resembles cucumber seeds, therefore dipylidiosis is sometimes called not only feline, but also cucumber tapeworm.

The segments of the cucumber tapeworm have small cocoons with eggs developing inside them. Each of the segments contains from 8 to 21 eggs.

After maturation and entry into the external environment of proglottids along with feces, the eggs leave the segments and begin to exist independently.

Life cycle of cucumber tapeworm

After the segments exit, along with the feces from the intestines, some eggs fall on the animal's hair, and then to all places where the pet often is.

These eggs feed on intermediate hosts, which are:

  • Fleas.
  • Dog eaters.
  • Inside the intermediate host, the cucumber tapeworm larvae develop into a subsequent form - cysticercoids.

After the flea affected by the tapeworm is swallowed by the main owner - a cat, a fox, a dog, a wolf, a raccoon, or even a person.

Cucumber tapeworm in cats (see photo) has the same length and size as dogs and humans.

Signs of infection in cats

A pet affected by a cucumber tapeworm looks weak and emaciated, gets tired quickly.

Infection with worms in kittens can lead to their death. Adult animals tend to tolerate the disease more easily. If you find a cucumber tapeworm in cats in a timely manner, the treatment will give a positive result in a short time.


The egg of a cat tapeworm has an oval or round shape, its size is about 40 microns. Most often, eggs come out in the form of stuck together packages, each of which contains from 5 to 20 pieces. Larvae can be identified by the presence of six hooks on their surface.

If there is a suspicion of helminths in a street cat, then it should be immediately shown to the veterinarian, who, after examination, may decide to take the animal's feces for analysis.

To confirm or deny the presence of infestation with cucumber tapeworm in a cat, you can use a repeated examination of feces by the Füllerborn method.

Treatment for dipylidiosis in cats (photo) is the same as in other animals. The pet must be given a drug that contains praziquantel. These include:

  • Caniquantel plus.
  • Drontal.
  • Quantum.

In some cases, dipylidiosis is treated with drugs containing niclosamide:

  • Fenagel.
  • Phenasal powder.

Arecoline or Mebendazole can also be used to treat this disease.

How to take medications

Preparations with praziquantel. When treating with such drugs, the drug must be mixed with a small amount of food. The dosage is 1 mg of the drug per 1 kg of the cat's weight.

Mebendazole. If Mebendazole is used for treatment, then the drug is given at the rate of 40 mg per 1 kg of weight. Mebendazole, like praziquantel preparations, is mixed with a small amount of feed.

The tapeworm chain in a cat can be seen in the photo.

Fenasal. It is also necessary to mix Fenasal with feed. The dose is set at the rate of 0.2 g of the product per 1 kg of the pet's weight. Pre-fasting is not required when using Fenasal, so the medicine can be given during normal feeding.

Fenagel. This drug is a paste enclosed in a tube. The remedy is given before the start of feeding by putting the preparation mixed with a small amount of food on the root of the animal's tongue. The agent is given at the rate of 0.1 g per 1 kg of animal weight.

Arecolin. This medicine is sold in pharmacies in the form of a crystalline substance dissolved in water and ethyl alcohol. It should be borne in mind that this drug is not used to treat cats, and is prescribed only for dogs.

Bunamidin. It is used to expel the cucumber tapeworm in both dogs and cats. According to the instructions, the agent is given at the rate of 30 mg per kilogram of weight. Before starting treatment, you must endure a three-hour fast.

Photos and videos of drugs will help you choose the most effective treatment for dipylidiosis in cats.

To eliminate the consequences of mechanical irritation by intestinal helminths, the veterinarian may prescribe an agent that helps restore the mucous membranes.

If the animal has lost its appetite and is dehydrated, subcutaneous droppers are used. If necessary, to restore immunity, cats use immunomodulators.

When infected with dipylidiosis, a person is prescribed:

  • Antihelminthic drugs.
  • Antispasmodics.
  • Enzyme preparations.
  • Iron.

Prevention measures

Preventive measures should include timely treatment of pets not only for worms, but also for fleas. Since these blood-sucking insects are the intermediate hosts of the cucumber tapeworm larvae, there is a high probability of infection of the cat with dipylidiosis.

Flea control

Cats spend a lot of time on hygiene procedures, carefully licking their fur with their rough tongue. In the process of washing, a flea can accidentally get on the tongue of a pet and be swallowed.

Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that fleas do not appear on the animal. There are many different means to combat these insects. The simplest and most effective among them is considered by many cat owners to be a collar.

If the animal is severely affected by fleas, then before putting on the collar, it is recommended to first bathe it in warm water using a special anti-flea shampoo. This will cleanse the pet not only from the insects themselves, but also from the eggs.

It should be remembered that flea eggs freely crumble from the hair of pets, and remain on upholstered furniture, in carpets, couches, etc. After a while, fleas hatch from these eggs, which can attack the cat again if it is not protected by a special collar or drops.

Child protection

If there is a child in the family, it is necessary to explain to him what diseases a cat can infect a person, and why, after contact with a furry pet, it is always necessary to wash his hands.

The cucumber tapeworm in the photo looks like white oblong larvae in the feces.

What needs to be done to protect yourself from infection?

  • Pet owners are advised to observe the following preventive measures:
  • Periodically examine pets in veterinary hospitals in order to timely detect dipylidiosis.
  • Regularly deworm all available pets, even those that live outdoors.
  • Avoid the appearance of fleas in the cat.
  • Observe the rules of personal hygiene and tell the child about the need to comply with such rules.

It should be remembered that the prognosis for full recovery with a cat's tapeworm is favorable. However, the later this disease is discovered in a pet, the more difficult it will be to fight it later.

Worm infestations pose a serious danger to the child's body. Treatment should be prompt. Therefore, parents need to know which worm pills for children can be used without harm to health. Let's take a closer look at how to choose a medicine for a child, the main effect of medications and which drugs are the best.

How to choose the right worm pills for a child?

In order not to harm the child's body, it is not recommended to choose anthelmintic drugs on your own. Treatment is prescribed by a doctor based on the characteristics of the body of a small patient and the course of the invasion.

Anthelminthic drugs affect helminths in different ways. It all depends on the active substance of the medication.

The properties of antihelminthic tablets are different, but the effect is the same for all - the elimination and elimination of the pathogens of helminthiasis from the body.

The most effective drugs for treatment and prevention

Among the variety of anthelmintic tablets, there are several drugs that have practically no toxic effect on the body, and do not cause negative reactions in children. How they are called, the method of application, the main action and for what invasions are used, we will consider in more detail.


Pirantel tablets can be given to children from 3 years of age. The substance must be chewed well, therefore, at an earlier age, it is more advisable to offer syrup to the child.


  • children from 3 to 6 years old - 1 tablet;
  • from 6 to 12 years old - 2 tablets (500 ml of the drug);
  • a child from 12 years old can be given 3 tablets per dose.

The medicine belongs to the group of inexpensive, but very good anthelmintic drugs. The price in pharmacies ranges from 30 to 45 rubles. for 3 tablets (250 mg per 1 ton), depending on the manufacturer. Read more about Pirantel.


The drug has a wide spectrum of action. It helps to get rid of tapeworms (bovine tapeworm, broad tapeworm, echinococcus) and roundworms such as pinworms and roundworms. In addition, the drug is an antiprotozoal agent - it fights against lamblia.

The average price of the drug is 165 rubles. The package contains 1 tablet (400 mg of active substance).

Treatment of worms with nemosol in children is allowed after the child turns 2 years old. Previously, it is not recommended to use the specified tool.

Pinworms and roundworms are excreted by a single use of 400 mg of the active ingredient. The dosage is the same for children and adults.

In the treatment of echinococcosis and mixed invasions, Nemozol should be taken 1 tablet 2 times a day (no more than 800 mg). The treatment lasts about a month, after which a two-week break is made, and the doctor determines further actions by analysis. Read more about the drug Nemozol.


  • enterobiasis (pinworms);
  • ascariasis;
  • children's giardiasis;
  • toxocariasis;
  • migratory cutaneous larvae;
  • hookworm;
  • capillariasis;
  • non-coronary artery disease.

Vormil helps to get rid of hymenolepiasis (the causative agent is dwarf tapeworm), strongyloidiasis (intestinal acne) and clonorchiasis (infection with Chinese fluke).

The drug is prescribed for children over 2 years old at a dosage of 400 mg (1 tablet). Duration of treatment is 3-5 days. For prevention, it is recommended to drink the course again after 21 days.

Vormil is an inexpensive but powerful agent for various helminths. The average price of tablets is 155 rubles. Read more about the drug Vormil.


Decaris is a strong and very effective drug in the fight against roundworms and pinworms. It can be taken by children from 3 years old. There is a special dosage for this - 50 mg of active ingredient in 1 tablet. At an older age (6-10 years old), it is recommended to take 75 mg, and from 10 to 14 years old - 75-100 mg (1.5-2 tab.).

Therapy for helminthic invasions in children is prescribed by a doctor. He calculates the exact dose of Decaris based on the weight of the child, which helps to avoid side effects. Read more about the drug Dekaris.


The dosage and time of taking Piperazine are calculated by a specialist. It takes into account the age of the child and the degree of neglect of the disease.

  1. Up to 3 years old, you can take 0.25 g 1 time per day.
  2. Children from 3 to 6 years old can be given 0.3-0.5 g once a day.
  3. From 6 to 8 years, the dose is increased to 0.75 g of piperazine per day.
  4. From 8 to 12 years old, you can take 1 g of the active substance (2 tablets).
  5. From the age of 13, the daily dose is 1.5 g.

Treatment of enterobiasis and ascariasis lasts no more than 5 days. In case of pinworm infection, the therapy is recommended to be repeated after 3 weeks. Read more about Piperazine tablets.

Komarovsky about pills for worms

A well-known pediatrician with many years of experience, Dr. Komarovsky draws the attention of parents to the fact that the treatment of helminthic invasions in children should be thorough and comprehensive.

What to give the child with the most common invasions is decided exclusively by the doctor. Even the best medications can cause side effects in one child and not harm another at all.

Another nuance on which Komarovsky focuses the attention of parents is that you need to drink pills for worms in courses with certain breaks. In the intervals between taking anthelmintic drugs, vitamin complexes and enterosorbents (smecta, entegnin) are prescribed. Only in this case it is possible to effectively cleanse the gastrointestinal tract from worms and not harm the health of the child.

tablets intended for humans. Is it possible to give a cat for worming tablets intended for humans? and got the best answer

Answer from Ўliya Vdovichenko [guru]
With such pills (for example, Decaris), you can easily POISON a cat. Dekaris can kill a cat within a few hours. There are many reports of such cases on the forums. It's not even about the dosage, but about the composition of the medicine. Cats, unlike dogs, take very little medicine from a human first aid kit.
Why not buy normal products that do not give side effects at the veterinary pharmacy?
For cats, for example, Pratel is suitable - a broad-spectrum veterinary anthelmintic. The cat is entitled to half a tablet, the kitten - a quarter. It is given once.
Read the instructions for use:
Do not crush the tablet, dip it entirely in thick sour cream and throw the cat on the root of the tongue, close the mouth, lift the cat's head and hold it there until you see a swallowing movement. Another option is to grind the tablet into crumbs (not powder) and mix with aromatic canned fish such as sardine in oil, then the cat itself will eat it all with pleasure. I have several of them, one is suitable for the method "voluntarily with canned food", the other - "forcibly with sour cream".
And further. if a tapeworm is found in a cat - cucumber tapeworm, one treatment for worms cannot be dispensed with, or it will be necessary to treat it again and again. Infection with them is transmitted through a flea, which the cat bites off and swallows. Therefore, it is necessary to completely eliminate fleas, and then the cat will no longer become infected.
Source: personal experience

Answer from J. Pollack[guru]
I once gave it to the dog, after that she got sick for a short time, I no longer experiment.

Answer from Anastasia Life[expert]
In general, it is possible, but not worth it, there is a risk. For each species, certain preparations are being developed. Better buy at a pet store. Very good anthelmintic manufacturer Rolf Club

Answer from Tatiana M[guru]
You can, but children's portions. I gave the cat for prevention, then everything is fine, but the adult cat is not a kitten.

Answer from Larocka[guru]
No! It is forbidden! They have their own pills and their body is different from a person!

Answer from Maria[guru]
No. Anthelmintic is a poison that must be given strictly according to the weight of the animal. It is impossible to calculate a human drug by weight for an animal, so only veterinary drugs should be given STRICTLY BY WEIGHT !! ! Otherwise, poison the cat yourself.

Answer from Alexandra timofeeva[active]
we were treated with human pills for mastitis. ...
but I do not know.. .
us then the veterenar appointed ...
if you are a veterinarian try ...

The drug Decaris is a strong immunomodulatory and anthelmintic human agent. The main active ingredient is levomizole, the toxic properties of which have a detrimental effect on the ganglia of roundworms:

  • the muscles of the worms are paralyzed;
  • after a short time, complete paralysis and inevitable death occurs;
  • irreversible processes also occur in the tissues of eggs and larvae, preventing their maturation.

To treat a cat with Decaris today is unreasonable, given the large number of other, safer and more sparing anthelmintics. In addition, the immunostimulating property of the drug does not make sense in relation to animals, since the characteristics of the formation of immunity in humans and cats are completely different.

Consequences in cats after Decaris

Just one tablet, or even a portion of it for a child, can have serious adverse effects in cats. An overdose of Decaris is especially dangerous, which is fraught with severe intoxication. The more active substance a cat has in the blood, the higher the likelihood of death. Symptoms of decaris in a cat or small kitten are:

  • visual hallucinations;
  • violation of the sense of smell;
  • problems with coordination of movements;
  • lack of appetite, vomiting;
  • weakness.

The appearance of any of the signs is a good reason for an urgent appeal to a veterinarian. The full provision of information about what was given to the cat and in what quantity, as well as the nuances of his feeding and lifestyle in general, will help in the correct diagnosis. To remove a toxic substance from the body, detoxification therapy is used, including intravenous infusion. To protect your pet from a serious illness, and yourself from unnecessary expenses, you should not give the cats Decaris in any quantity.

Medicines for cats instead of Decaris


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