Why do people love cats? Men who love cats become a symbol of the “new masculinity” What does it mean if a man loves a cat

A woman is the keeper of the hearth, this is an axiom that has not needed proof for a long time. It's interesting that in Egyptian mythology goddess of fertility and hearth Goddess Bastet was depicted with the body of a woman and the head of a cat. Are they similar to each other? modern woman And domestic cat? Why do some people not like these pets? What can you say about the character of a person who doesn't like cats?

To answer this question, you need to understand who the domestic cat is and who its ancestor was.

From a sociological point of view, a cat is a mammal and belongs to the order of feline predators. They are valued as good hunters on rodents. The cat, as a social animal, uses a wide range of sound signals, body movements and pheromones to communicate. The cat is one of the most popular human companions. Where a person lives, a cat lives there too.

The ancient Egyptians considered the cat a sacred animal. They were revered as intermediaries between people and God. This is evidenced by ancient papyri and paintings on the pyramids. During mourning for a deceased cat, the owners shaved off their eyebrows. The corpses of cats were mummified and buried in special necropolises for animals. Several tens of kilometers from Cairo, archaeologists found a huge burial of cats near the temple of the goddess Bastet.

The goddess Bastet was a symbol of femininity and love, joy and fun. The Egyptians depicted the goddess of fertility and hearth, Bastet, with the body of a woman and the head of a cat. Pilgrims passed cat mummies to the priests as a message to the goddess with a request for the birth of a child, a successful marriage, and the child’s recovery. The sanctuary of the goddess was very popular among people.

Scientists note that the cat has very developed senses and is intelligent. Some pet lovers believe that a cat has lived with a person for a very long time because it considers itself equal to him.

“Oh,” said the Cat, listening to their conversation, “
this Woman is very smart, but, of course, not smarter than me.
Rudyard Kipling, "The Cat That Walked Alone"

Instead of all sorts of flowers, I will raise cats

When a cat considers it necessary, it shows affection towards a person. Interestingly, cats have a more affectionate disposition than cats. Their independent nature requires special treatment to yourself. Cats cannot be scolded, they do not obey orders, and you can only communicate with them respectfully. That is why they are not liked by authoritarian people who are not used to taking other people’s opinions into account. Cats have their own opinions, but they only need a dog's devotion.

They say the dog best friend person. In this case, the cat can be compared to a business partner. You always have to negotiate with her. Having a cat in the house develops business skills in its owners.

But let's return to mythology and remember that many peoples of the world believe that a cat lives several lives. And one of them in the form of a woman. Everyone knows the sign that in new house You need to let the cat in first. With her presence, she drives away evil spirits from the home and calls on the Goddess Bastet for help. If you believe mythology, there will be many children in the house and the family will live a long and happy life in abundance.

The cat has beautiful fluffy fur, soft gait and graceful movements. What can you say about men who don't love these magnificent, full of feeling self-esteem pets? Probably that they are not able to love women. Or maybe that they are not adapted to the role of protector and breadwinner? After all, these are the men that women cheat on.

Whether this is true or not, remember the popular proverb: God protects those who are careful. Look at a selection of photographs with types of cats and take a hearth keeper into your home. We wish all cats to have a cozy home, caring and loving owners, delicious natural food. If you haven't decided what to give to your friends on... New Year, give them a figurine of the goddess Bastet and wish peace to their home.

And we wish all cats to have their own home, caring owners and delicious natural food. Well, we, people, must try to do everything for this.
What can you say about the character of a person who doesn't like cats? Share your opinion with us!

Do you know men who love cats? What do you think about them? Some, obeying an outdated stereotype, cannot stand them. I think they are smart, subtle and deep. Fortunately, many people agree with me and one might even say that this opinion has prevailed recently.

It is also characteristic that many men no longer hide their tender affection for their furry brethren, and are even proud of it. The tone is set by writers, musicians and actors, respected, famous, accomplished people who have weight in society. All of them proudly consider themselves to be cat lovers. But even among stern men, there are those who simply adore their cats. I remember a touching article in a magazine about a border guard colonel who served somewhere in the Arctic Circle with his Persian cat.

In general, we can say that among us there are more and more confident men who sincerely love and care for their small and funny furry companions. I won’t lie, I like this trend, and I thought I could easily write why this is so. However, it took me several days to formulate the wonderful qualities that characterize such men, as well as to select interesting archival photos as illustrations.

They feel the mood subtly

Even the most docile cats can sometimes be unfriendly and not behave very kindly. At such moments, the owner needs to be especially sensitive and instantly understand the signals transmitted by the cat, which can be translated into one short phrase: “don’t touch me.” Men usually always know when to leave a cat alone or when to let it go. But now the capricious princess has changed her anger to mercy, and she is already basking on the lap of her admirer.

It’s wonderful when a person is able to be so attuned to those around him and not get irritated by their mood changes.

They are responsible

Although many people think that cats are easy to care for, a true cat expert will tell you that a cat requires a lot of attention, it needs not only care, but also your love and attention. It will be necessary not only to feed, but also to comb, wash, vaccinate, walk if possible, and, of course, clean the litter box daily! I think that you can completely rely on a person who is able to take on all these troubles.

They are serious and reliable

Such men love not only cats. Perhaps they would have gotten someone else, but high level responsibility real estimate their schedule and work characteristics do not allow them to do this. But the fact that a man is able to connect his life with someone for 10–15 years speaks volumes. I think young girls should take a closer look at them.

They are able to appreciate the diversity of personality

The same cat can be gentle, languid, playful, reserved, lazy, bored, funny - very, very different and all in one person, so to speak. Men who love cats obviously appreciate the complexity of a cat's nature, and in life they are able to be flexible and accept people as they are..

They have a sense of humor

If you have a cat, you simply must have a sense of humor in order to appreciate their fun and antics. Men who love cats are certainly able not to get angry, but to laugh at the funny pose of a cat lounging on the desktop right on important documents. They will be amused by a game of hunting, where the owner's morning sandwich is the prey, and the impudent hunter is positioned on the table so that his tail ends up in a plate with an omelette. They will definitely joke, even when the alarm bell rings in the house at 4 am. In general, men with a good sense of humor are always interesting to others, and doubly so with a cat on their lap!

They are thinkers

Cats are intelligent and known for their willfulness. It is difficult to subject them to any rules, but you can always come to an agreement with them. And for this you need to be an observant person, correctly understand the reasons for their behavior, and here you cannot do without the gift of original thinking. Apparently, male cat lovers fully possess this quality, because they usually easily find mutual language with your pets. And in life they themselves are a little like them - they do what they love, and not what they are told, and have a philosophical attitude towards life.

The main illustration is paintings by Natalia Osintseva (Govorukhina).

It is often said that there are two types of people: cat lovers and dog lovers. After all, these furry animals have completely different temperaments. Cats are traditionally considered more independent, while dogs are more friendly. Let's find out what kind of people love cats, and are you such a person?

Busy people

If you live in a hectic, chaotic life and are always in a hurry to get somewhere, then you may be a cat lover. Although cats, like any pet, require care and attention, they generally require a lower level of maintenance than dogs. Because cats use a litter box, they don't require going outside multiple times a day - unlike their canine counterparts. If you have time to regularly clean the litter box and also snuggle with your kitty at night, you probably truly love them!

Lonely people

If you live on your own and know what loneliness is, then what could be more convenient than having a calm and serene cat? If you're feeling blue, petting your cat's fur and cuddling can quickly dispel any sad feelings!

Quiet people

Although there are exceptions to the rule, you can enjoy the company of cats if you have a calm and contemplative personality. There are also noisy cats, for example, Siamese, but meowing, as a rule, is much quieter than barking. Cats are considered self-sufficient animals, so calm people love calm animals!

People with high stress levels

Life can be demanding and stressful, especially in big city, even if you are caring for a child or working as a manager in a noisy restaurant. A cute cat can help you relax and de-stress at the end of the day - whether it's while playing or with affection while watching evening TV.

Do you know men who love cats?

What do you think about them? Some, obeying an outdated stereotype, cannot stand them. Others consider them smart, subtle and deep.

It is also characteristic that many men no longer hide their tender affection for their furry brethren, and are even proud of it. The tone is set by writers, musicians and actors, respected, famous, accomplished people who have weight in society. All of them proudly consider themselves to be cat lovers. But even among stern men, there are those who simply adore their cats. I also remember a touching note in a magazine about a border guard colonel who served somewhere in the Arctic Circle with his Persian cat.

In general, we can say that among us there are more and more confident men who sincerely love and care for their small and funny furry companions. Why is this trend so relevant now? Let's try to formulate it.

1. They have a keen sense of mood

Cats occupied a significant place in Joseph Brodsky’s personal space.

Even the most docile cats can sometimes be unfriendly and not behave very kindly. At such moments, the owner needs to be especially sensitive and instantly understand the signals transmitted by the cat, which can be translated into one short phrase: “don’t touch me.” Men usually always know when to leave a cat alone or when to let it go. But now the capricious princess has changed her anger to mercy, and she is already basking on the lap of her admirer.

It’s wonderful when a person is able to be so attuned to those around him and not get irritated by their mood changes.

2. They are responsible

Ernest Hemingway is known to everyone for his unusually ardent love for cats.

Although many people think that cats are easy to care for, a true cat expert will tell you that a cat requires a lot of attention, it needs not only care, but also your love and attention. It will be necessary not only to feed, but also to comb, wash, vaccinate, walk if possible, and, of course, clean the litter box daily! I think that you can completely rely on a person who is able to take on all these troubles.

3. They are serious and reliable

Winston Churchill loved cats so much that he bequeathed that after his death cats would always live in the residence.

Such men love not only cats. Perhaps they would hire someone else, but the high level of responsibility, a realistic assessment of their schedule and the characteristics of their work do not allow them to do this. But the fact that a man is able to connect his life with someone for 10–15 years speaks volumes. I think young girls should take a closer look at them.

4. They are able to appreciate the diversity of personality

One of Mark Twain’s daughters, already an adult, once said about her parents: “Mom loves good manners, and Dad loves cats.”

The same cat can be gentle, languid, playful, reserved, lazy, bored, funny - very, very different and all in one person, so to speak. Men who love cats obviously appreciate the complexity of a cat's nature, and in life they are able to be flexible and accept people as they are.

5. They have a sense of humor

It cannot be said that Bernard Shaw was a great cat person, but he said: “A man is only as cultured as he can understand a cat.”

If you have a cat, you simply must have a sense of humor in order to appreciate their fun and antics. Men who love cats are certainly able not to get angry, but to laugh at the funny pose of a cat lounging on the desktop right on important documents. They will be amused by a game of hunting, where the owner's morning sandwich is the prey, and the impudent hunter is positioned on the table so that his tail ends up in a plate with an omelette. They will definitely joke, even when the alarm bell rings in the house at 4 am. In general, men with a good sense of humor are always interesting to others, and doubly so with a cat on their lap!

6. They are thinkers

Hermann Hesse - humanist with exemplary literary style and a true cat connoisseur. The great German writer had a favorite cat, Lev.

Cats are intelligent and known for their willfulness. It is difficult to subject them to any rules, but you can always come to an agreement with them. And for this you need to be an observant person, correctly understand the reasons for their behavior, and here you cannot do without the gift of original thinking. Apparently, male cat lovers fully possess this quality, because they usually easily find a common language with their pets. And in life they themselves are a little like them - they do what they love, and not what they are told, and have a philosophical attitude towards life.

Research shows that a person's love for cats or dogs can tell a lot about them.

According to the American Pet Food Association, 62% American families keep pets. Dogs are the most popular pet, with 39% of American households owning them, but cats are a close second to their worst enemy, with at least one in 33% of US households.

Recently, scientists decided to find out whether the choice of a furry friend can really tell something about a person. It turned out that it could.

Research has shown that people tend to gravitate towards the animals with which they grew up and were raised, and factors such as the person’s age and living space are also important.

Parents who have small children are more likely to get a dog that their children can play with and go for walks with. But older people most often choose cats because they are much smaller, and caring for them does not require significant physical effort.

People living in the suburbs are more likely to have big dogs, while apartment residents like cats or small dogs.

However, research shows that both cats and dogs, and the people who love them - popularly called "cat people" and "dog people" - have many differences. Scientists at the University of Texas found that those who identify as dog people are more extroverted, agreeable and conscientious than their cat-person counterparts. Those who love cats more are, in turn, more creative and entrepreneurial, but at the same time they are more prone to neuroses and anxiety.

A pet can tell not only about a person’s character, but also about his political sympathies. After a survey of 2 thousand Americans, it turned out that 33% of dog owners called themselves Republicans, while only 28% of cat owners were Democrats.

After another, larger survey of 200 thousand pet owners, it turned out that the division by political leanings was more even. 50% of dog people were more likely to become conservatives than cat people.

But cat and dog lovers also have something that unites them and makes them similar friend to a friend - all these people consider themselves closer to nature, they are usually optimistic and do not like clothes with images of animals.

The survey also showed that cat lovers and dog lovers have the same opportunities to receive scientific degree, but cat lovers are 17% more likely to complete graduate school.

Here's some more information about the tendencies of cat and dog lovers:

Help for animals:

  • 67% of dog lovers help homeless kittens.
  • Only 21% of cat lovers help homeless kittens.


  • Dog lovers are 36% more likely to set a popular song as their ringtone.
  • Cat lovers are 11% more likely to rewrite contacts from their mobile phone also in the address book.