Symptoms of cat allergy in children. Allergy to cats in children. What exactly triggers the reaction

The appearance of a fluffy creature in the house is often overshadowed by the fact that someone from the household has an allergy. According to statistics, every sixth person suffers to one degree or another with an allergic reaction to representatives of the feline genus. In this situation, you need to know how cat allergy manifests itself, as well as what measures should be taken. This pathology is especially dangerous for newborns and small children.

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Allergy provocateurs

Among cat breeders, there is a misconception associated with the fact that a person's allergy develops to cat hair. Scientists have now refuted this opinion. By itself, the cat's hair is not an allergen and does not lead to the development of a pathological reaction in the body.

Causes of cat allergies Justification
Protein components (protein) It is substances of protein origin that most often become the culprits of allergic manifestations in households. At the same time, an allergen of biological origin is found in dead cells of the epidermis, saliva and urine of an animal, sebaceous glands and dandruff.

That is why even cats of the so-called hypoallergenic breeds, for example, sphinxes, are also allergic to sensitive people. A pathological reaction to a protein allergen develops both through direct contact with an animal and, indirectly, through household items.

Plant pollen, fungi, mold, household dust and other irritants found on the pet's coat It is these allergens that provoke the development of a pathological reaction on the part of the immune system and are the reason why there is an allergy to cats.

Pets carry allergic substances around the living area, leave them in large quantities on upholstered furniture, carpets, rugs, clothes.

Allergists note that people with low levels of immunity usually suffer from this ailment. External irritants in the form of pollen, household dust, chemicals, allergens of biological origin are perceived by the body as foreign substances. A weakened immune system is not able to develop an effective defense against foreign agents; a failure occurs in many body systems, which is manifested by allergies.

Signs of the onset of a reaction

Each person has a pathological reaction to an external stimulus in the form of an allergen manifests itself in different ways. This is due, as a rule, to the individual characteristics of the immune system. However, there are also characteristic signs indicating the manifestation of a pathological reaction.

In children

Children, due to the underdevelopment and imperfection of the immune system, are allergic to pets much more often than adults. The manifestations of the reaction are especially dangerous for newborns.

The danger for infants is the lightning-fast development of allergic rhinitis, laryngeal edema and attacks of bronchial asthma. In exceptional cases, anaphylactic shock may develop.

Children aged 1 to 7 years are most susceptible to pathology when dealing with domestic cats. In this case, the following clinical manifestations are most often observed:

  • Allergic rhinitis... It manifests itself in nasal congestion, runny nose. Children constantly "sniff" their noses, the outflows, as a rule, are transparent, not abundant. The mucous membrane of the nose is swollen, reddened. Often there is a cough, sore throat.
  • Conjunctivitis of varying degrees of manifestation... In children, redness of the eyes, lacrimation, swelling of the eyelids is observed.
  • Sneezing... An allergen, acting on the nasal mucosa, irritates it, which is accompanied by frequent and prolonged sneezing.
  • Rash... Often, young children have allergic urticaria. In this case, characteristic blisters, itching, tissue edema occur either immediately after contact with a pet, or after some time.

Every parent should know how cat allergy manifests itself in children. If a child lives in the house and you plan to take a pet, you should consult a pediatrician and allergist. Some experts believe that with constant contact of a child with an allergen, the degree of manifestation of a pathological reaction decreases and eventually fades away.

For information on what to do if a child is allergic to a cat, but you don't want to give it away, since she is also a full member of the family, see this video:

In adults

The mechanism of development of allergies in adults is not much different from that in children. When a person meets a foreign agent for the first time, the immune system responds to this invasion by producing specific antibodies - immunoglobulins. These substances accumulate in special cells - eosinophils. In addition to antibodies, they also accumulate serotinin, heparin, and histamine.

When the allergen enters the body for the second time, it combines with antibodies, the release of histamine and its penetration into the blood and tissues.

In adults, the most common target cells exposed to histamine are the cells of the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract and the epidermis.

The individual sensitivity of each person is of great importance in how cat allergy manifests itself in adults.

A person suffering from bronchial asthma must be especially careful when dealing with a fluffy pet. Often it is the feline allergen that provokes an exacerbation of the attack. Dangerous contact with a pet and pregnant women.

Symptoms accompanying an allergic reaction to cats in adults are similar to those in children. Allergists recommend paying attention to the following symptoms:

  • lacrimation, pain in the eyes, redness and swelling of the eyelids;
  • constant sneezing, coughing, shortness of breath, chest tension;
  • swelling of the nasal mucosa, its redness, nasal congestion, persistent runny nose;
  • skin rash, itching, tissue swelling, peeling of the skin;
  • vomiting, nausea, diarrhea;
  • headache, weakness, dizziness, increased irritability, nervousness;
  • swelling of the lips, tongue.

As a rule, an allergic reaction to a feline irritant manifests itself in several symptoms at once. If signs of allergy are found, do not delay the visit to a specialist allergist.


The variety of manifestations of an allergic reaction makes it difficult to diagnose and identify the irritant. For diagnostics, an examination and a laboratory method for determining the allergen are used. First of all, infectious diseases with similar symptoms are excluded. A detailed collection of anamnesis allows you to identify contact with allergic substances.

To understand that an allergy to a cat has arisen, special tests are used to determine the inflammatory process in the body and the allergen leading to these phenomena.

The complex of studies includes a blood test for the determination of immunoglobulins, an allergic test, as well as the setting of provocative tests.

For children, allergy tests and prick tests are carried out, as a rule, from the age of 5 due to their strong effect on the fragile immune system. In exceptional cases, research is carried out at a younger age.

Allergic tests are injected subcutaneously. In this case, the injection site is observed for 7 days. The suspected source of the irritant, the pet, should be isolated during the study period.

In addition to specific tests, an immunogram is often used in the diagnosis of allergies, which gives the most complete picture of the state of the immune system. General and biochemical blood tests, urinalysis also help in making a diagnosis.

For information on what diagnostic tests should be passed if you want to have a cat, why you should not rush even if the allergy tests are negative, see this video:

Allergy treatment methods

Only complete isolation from the allergen can protect a person from the manifestation of a pathological reaction. After a specialist allergist detects that the irritating agent is a domestic cat, the allergy sufferer is prescribed a complex treatment.

Therapy of a negative reaction consists of antihistamines, decongestants and immunomodulatory drugs. Antihistamines (suprastin, tavegil, omeril and others) block histamine in the cells of the body, thereby reducing the severity of pathological manifestations.

Knowing how an allergy to cats manifests itself, the doctor is not limited only to antihistamines. The complex therapy also includes local remedies to reduce the symptoms of allergic rhinitis in the form of drops or sprays. The most effective hormonal and vasoconstrictor drugs. Hormonal drugs are taken strictly under the supervision of a physician.

In the event that the allergy manifests itself in the form of urticaria and dermatitis, medicinal ointments and creams are used. In the case of asthmatic reactions, special inhalers have a good effect.

In treatment, an important role is played by strengthening the immune system: vitamin therapy, physical activity, hardening.

If a child is allergic to a cat, what to do in this situation?
Decision making depends primarily on the severity of the manifestations.

If the symptoms are not bright, do not cause concern, then the doctor can choose the dosage of medications. For the treatment of allergies in children, the same medicines are used as for adults, but with an adjustment in the frequency of use and dosage. Increasing the immune properties of the body plays an important role for children.

Prevention of adverse manifestations

Experts recommend following the rules for the prevention of cat allergies:

  • limit or reduce contact with the pet to a minimum;
  • regularly carry out wet cleaning and airing of the living quarters;
  • bathing the animal using a hypoallergenic shampoo;
  • installation of an air conditioner in the room.

With a tendency to allergic manifestations, it is necessary to understand that not only contact with pets living in the house can lead to an undesirable reaction, but also when meeting an irritant on the street.

Hypoallergenic breeds

Knowing the mechanism of the development of cat allergies, it should be understood that there are no breeds that do not cause this reaction. Every cat produces irritating protein substances to a greater or lesser extent. However, there are breeds that are characterized by a low production of allergens. The hypoallergenic breeds include the Siberian, Balinese, Javanese and Oriental, Cornish Rex, Devon Rex. Of the hairless varieties, experienced breeders recommend that people prone to allergies get breeds such as the Canadian and Don Sphynx.

Knowing the symptoms of an allergic reaction to cats, the owner may suspect a pathological reaction and contact a specialist allergist. After the diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe treatment and give recommendations. The question of terminating contact with a pet should be decided on a case-by-case basis.

Sometimes parents notice that after communicating with cats, their child has an incomprehensible rash and redness on the skin, which are accompanied by itching and other discomfort. Immediately, they begin to blame the pet for everything, especially its wool. To ease the well-being of the child and understand the problem, you need to know how allergy to cats manifests itself in children. There are specific signs of the course of the disease, which immediately indicate a similar pathology.

Symptoms and causes of the disease

Often the body reacts violently to the presence of a cat if the baby has a predisposition to allergies and his immunity is significantly reduced, weakened. In this case, even minor contact with the animal can provoke unforeseen complications.

Note! Most often it occurs not on wool, but on protein, which is part of the skin, urine or saliva of the animal. Its specific structure can cause irritation in a child's body at the slightest contact with a cat.

  • redness of the eyes, irritation of the mucous membranes in the presence of cats;
  • sneezing and sinus congestion;
  • with a hoarse voice, difficulty breathing;
  • drowsiness, constant fatigue and bad mood;
  • the appearance of a rash and redness on the skin after each contact with an animal.

It is worth noting that the appearance of signs of allergy in a baby can occur immediately after contact with a cat or a few hours after such communication. It may be that the body reacts violently to a certain breed and normally treats other animals, for example, cats without hair.

The reason for the occurrence of an atypical reaction of the child's body to a cat may not even be the animal itself, but, for example, an allergy to food in cats. It may contain ingredients that can irritate receptors and cause negative symptoms.

Another reason for allergies to cats in children can be a genetic predisposition. This means that even in uterine development there was a failure in the immune system, cell mutation, as a result of which the child's body begins to react violently to the presence of a furry animal in the house. Such a condition may not manifest itself for a long time and will appear only after a year, but most often this happens at the age of 3 to 7 years.

You need to know how cat allergy manifests itself in children under one year old. This condition may be no different from allergies to other foods. A child may have a stuffy nose, wheezing during breathing, redness on the skin of the face and throughout the body may appear. To accurately determine the pathogen, it is necessary to undergo an examination and pass the necessary tests.

Important! Allergy in a newborn baby is an indicator that the baby's immune system is weakened, and the body's resistance to pathogenic bacteria is reduced.

Diagnosis of the disease and its treatment

To confirm or exclude an unhealthy reaction of the body to a pet in a child, it is necessary to carry out an analysis for allergies to cats and consult a doctor. There are several methods for detecting such a pathology:

  1. Scraping from the integument of the skin (scarification tests). The reliable result of such an analysis depends on compliance with the rules for its conduct and the qualifications of personnel.
  2. A provocative test is a procedure that is carried out by instilling a special liquid into the nose or eyes, which provokes an allergic reaction in the body. If there is redness, tearing and runny nose, special smears are taken for analysis.
  3. A blood test to determine lgE, which are feline allergens. It is such a study that reveals the child's tendency to allergies (increased immunoglobulin).

If the doctor competently collects the entire medical history, compares the facts and symptoms, then the above tests may not be needed, or they will simply become a confirming link in the diagnosis.

Basic methods for cats in children:

  1. The use of antihistamines to help neutralize the chemicals that cause allergy symptoms.
  2. Drugs aimed at reducing mucosal edema. Very often, complications are precisely edematous processes.
  3. A therapy that is aimed at reducing or completely eliminating the symptoms of the course of the disease.
  4. Allergic injections. Such treatment is used quite rarely and is not always effective, but with its help it is possible to improve the condition of the allergic person.

Important! Read what is used to eliminate the disease.

In addition to traditional treatment, you need to know how to get rid of allergies through prevention. There are a number of methods for this.

Close contact with cats should be avoided; it is harmful for a child to even sometimes touch an animal during treatment. Communication with people who have such pets is not recommended.

In the apartment where the child is, there should be several rooms to which cats do not have access. Thorough cleaning of the house and the constant maintenance of order in the animal's tray and feeder are also imperative. Ventilation of the room, ventilation and air conditioning will also help not to use antiallergic drugs for a long time.

Important! Such preventive measures are effective if the manifestations of allergies are insignificant and the child practically does not suffer from them. If the situation is more complicated, then the cat will have to be abandoned, giving it to friends, relatives or acquaintances.

Home treatment with folk remedies

When a child develops certain unpleasant symptoms, the parents start to panic, and they do not know what to do with such symptoms. In addition to traditional treatment, traditional medicine helps well. It can do less harm than the chemistry of drugs, and is better tolerated by babies.

Motherwort decoction for cat allergies

Boil 50 g of crushed dried plant with 0.5 liters of boiling water and insist until it cools, strain. It is recommended to rinse the nose with this broth. It is also effective for frequent gargling. Motherwort relieves allergy symptoms, eliminates redness and tearing of the eyes, and rubbing the skin with a decoction of the plant helps to reduce rashes and itching of the skin.

Dandelion infusion

Pour 25-30 g of dried inflorescences with hot water and simmer for 10 minutes, then cool and strain. The child should take a decoction of 15 ml several times a day. It is also good to rinse the eyes with infusion and wipe the skin damaged by allergies.


Dissolve 1 g of the product in 1 liter of water. Children need to use such a solution once a day, 60 ml, washed down with milk in a warm form. The tool helps not only with the body's reaction to cats, but also with other allergies.

A red skin rash, cough, and runny nose after interacting with a pet suggests that a child is allergic to cats or dogs. But before pondering what to do with your "dangerous" pet and looking for a new home for him, make sure that it is the cat that causes the irritating reaction. We will find out what to do if you suspect this ailment.

Allergies to cats and dogs are common. Seasonality is not typical for it, as for the reaction, say, to flowering plants. However, sometimes the symptoms of cat and dog allergy in children worsen during molting.

The reaction to the presence of an animal can manifest itself in those babies whose immunity is weakened.

But even so, cat allergy is not a verdict. There are ways to organize your child's and pet's life.

Most believe that in the process of communicating with a cat, an allergy to wool occurs. But choosing a bald breed is not a panacea. The reaction is not only to the fur of cats. Often there is an allergy to the epithelium of the cat, urine, saliva and animal dander. They contain a special protein that provokes a reaction. In difficult cases, you don't even need to hold the purr in your hands - allergy pathogens accumulate on household items day after day.

In addition, cats walking outside the house can bring dirt, pollen, and mold on their fur, paws and ears. In this case, the animal is not the source, but the carrier of the allergy. Sometimes the child reacts to cat food: it may contain components that irritate receptors.

Quite often, animal allergies are genetically determined. During the development of the fetus, a failure occurred in the defense system, which was fixed in the cells. And now the body of the crumbs gives out an inadequate response to the proximity of the mustachioed striped. Typically, these forms of allergies appear at the age of 3-7 years.

How does cat allergy manifest in children?

In children under one year old, the ailment is very similar to a reaction to food: a stuffy nose, breathing becomes hoarse, and red spots spread throughout the body. This condition in infants signals a weakened immune system and reduced body resistance to harmful agents.

How is the disease expressed in older children:

  • Redness of the eyes and profuse lacrimation;
  • Swelling of the nasal mucosa with;
  • Sneezing and allergic cough;
  • Wheezing in the throat;
  • Drowsiness and fatigue;
  • Occasionally - swelling of the face and limbs.

All these symptoms can indicate a disease. Allergy signs can be bright or blurry. For some children, they can go away on their own, others need antihistamines. But even if the body's response to communication with a furry pet is insignificant, it is worth visiting a pediatric allergist. After all, the disease can take a more serious form and even develop into asthma.

What will help to identify the allergen

What to do if communication with your pet leads to unpleasant consequences? First of all, analyze if such a reaction might be to something else - for example, an unusual food, a flower, or a new toy.

Think about where to attach your pet for a while, and then do a thorough cleaning at home. If after that the child has ceased to be ill, it is likely that there is a negative reaction to the animal.

How to define the ailment exactly? There are several ways to identify cat allergies in children:

  • Scarification tests, in which a scraping of the baby's skin is taken in order to recognize the ailment;
  • A provocative test, expressed in the instillation into the nose or eyes of a liquid that causes a mild allergic response;
  • Allergy test: checks to see if there is an increase in immunoglobulin in the blood.

An experienced doctor knows how to check each young patient individually. With a competent approach, there is no need to conduct all the research, just one is enough.

How to cure a cat allergy

In the acute phase of the disease, it is necessary to exclude the allergen: temporarily transport the cat to relatives or to specialized hotels for animals, vacuum all carpets, carry out a thorough wet cleaning, and wipe dust everywhere. Treatment for cat allergies includes ingesting and flushing irritated nose and eyes with saline or isotonic seawater, and treating the affected skin with antihistamines and dermatropic agents (such as Tsindol).

How to treat allergies with antihistamines? The most popular pharmaceuticals are Tavegil and Suprastin. But they are not recommended for use by young children.

For children under three years old, it is better to choose the following funds:

  • Fenistil;
  • Claritin;
  • "Zirtek";
  • Kestin.

The action of these remedies is fast, they are not addictive or drowsy.

If a long therapeutic course is required, the doctor may recommend third-generation antihistamines: Terfenadine, Astemizole, Ketotifen, Azelastine. They are not recommended for babies, pregnant and lactating women.

For an infant, you can use sorbents - "Enterosgel", "Polysorb", activated carbon. They gently remove toxins and cleanse the body of harmful elements.

All funds are used only as directed by a doctor. Self-medication can contribute to what allergies can cause.

How to get rid of the problem using folk remedies

After consulting a doctor, you can use home methods to alleviate the baby's condition. These include:

MeansMethod of preparation and use
Infusion of bay leaves or motherwort50 g of a dry plant is crushed, poured in 500 ml of boiling water and infused until it cools, filtered. They wash the sinuses, rinse the throat, wipe the skin with a rash.
Dandelion flower decoction25 g of flowers are boiled in 300 ml of water for ten minutes on a low flame, the cooled broth is filtered off. Take a large spoonful four times a day. With the broth, you can rinse the eyes and wipe the affected skin.
Herbal tea that increases immunityTake 90 g of sage and string, 120 g of viburnum. 40 g of licorice root. Brew in a half-liter thermos and leave for ten hours. Filtered. A large spoonful before meals for two weeks. Then take a break for a similar time and repeat the course.
Dill waterDilute dry dill with warm water in a ratio of 1 to 2. Wipe problem areas.

Home remedies are considered auxiliary and do not replace the main treatment. In case of severe tearing, you need to wipe the eyes with cotton pads dipped in tea leaves. A new disc is taken for each eye.

Is it possible to have a kitten with an allergic child

Foreign studies show that the best option for a child with a confirmed cat allergy is to exclude the child's contact with cats as much as possible.

Which cats are not allergic? The least allergenic are Ural Rex, Devon Rex, Cornish Rex, Sphynx, Usher, Bombay, Siberian and Siamese cats.

Most often, there is an allergy to Persian cats in children.

To find out the exact reaction, it is worth taking an animal of a particular breed for a few days to check, and only then choose a kitten.

Note that cats are preferable to cats, especially sterilized ones. The allergic response to their waste products is always much less. Light-colored animals are considered less allergenic.

In the remission phase, if the manifestation of the allergy is not very pronounced, communication with the animal may even be beneficial. Many cases have been recorded when, as a result of regular contacts, the disease passes.

Any allergic reactions indicate a weakness of the immune system of the crumbs. Therefore, in order for the disease to pass, it is necessary to take measures to strengthen it. These include hardening, walking in the fresh air and taking vitamin and mineral complexes selected by a doctor.

Remember that only a doctor can make a correct diagnosis, do not self-medicate without consulting and making a diagnosis by a qualified doctor. Be healthy!

Ekaterina Rakitina

Dr Dietrich Bonhoeffer Klinikum, Germany

Reading time: 3 minutes


Last updated article: 05/11/2019

Allergy is an unpleasant disease that is not easy to diagnose in a baby. A hypersensitive reaction of the body can be caused by many reasons. Potential allergens are everywhere - in food, in pollen, in cleaning products and detergents. It is not uncommon for children to be allergic to pets, especially cats.

What causes allergies?

The exact causes of any allergy are unknown. Immunity reacts to harmless substances as to pathogenic bacteria. The body tries to expel from itself what it considers harmful, as a result, coughing, runny nose and watery eyes appear. Therefore, the signs of this disease are confused with the symptoms of acute respiratory viral infections, flu, pneumonia.

Sometimes the cause of the allergy is not the fur, but the protein found in the pet's skin, saliva and urine. A cat can sit on a chair or on things, leaving behind particles of dead cells.

The animal can simply become a carrier of allergens. If it walks along the street, then on its wool it brings dust, pollen, fluff into the living room. Allergies can be caused by the shampoo used to bathe your cat or ingredients in its food.

Sometimes an allergy occurs only to one type of cat or to a particular cat. The most allergens are long-haired cats (Persian, Burmese), and less - smooth-haired (Sphynx, Siamese, Devon Rex).

If the baby has weak immunity, he is susceptible to allergies, then her symptoms will make themselves felt even after a short contact with the cat.

Allergies to cats in children are often seasonal. At the same time, in the spring, during the period of exacerbation, not only cats, but also pollen of flowers become irritants for the child's body. In winter, allergies may not bother at all, even with daily contact with an animal.

The possibility of an allergy to cats increases if the baby has already suffered from allergic skin diseases, for example, atopic dermatitis.

Not the least role among the causes of allergies is a hereditary predisposition. If both the mother and the father suffer from allergies, then the probability that the symptoms will occur in the child is about 80%. If a baby has an allergy without a genetic disposition, then he can outgrow it and in the future it is absolutely normal to contact with animals.

It is not recommended to have a pet when there is a small child, so as not to expose his developing body to additional risks. If, nevertheless, it is planned to have a cat, then it is worth conducting a kind of test: go on a visit with the baby to those who have the cat. But it is best to have a specialized allergy test done in a health care facility.

A carrier of allergens can be not only a cat, but also a relative of a newborn who has recently touched the animal, played with it, and fed it. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor the cleanliness of the clothes and the room of a small child.

Symptoms of a cat allergy

The first signs of allergy can appear both immediately when the animal appears in the room with the child, and a couple of hours after that, for example, when the baby is already at home, after visiting the place where the cat lives.

The main symptoms of cat allergy:

  1. Redness of the eyes, the appearance of tearfulness, conjunctivitis.
  2. Sneezing, runny nose, nasal congestion.
  3. Cough, hoarse breathing, shortness of breath.
  4. Deterioration of the general condition: lethargy, drowsiness, fever.
  5. The appearance on the skin of red spots, rash, urticaria (pictured).
  6. If the animal has bitten (scratched) the child, then the skin turns red at the site of the bite (scratch).

These signs can appear one at a time or all at once. In this case, it is worth giving up cats and choosing another, less allergenic, animal (for example, a fish, a parrot, a turtle).

Acute allergy symptoms are very dangerous. Due to the overlap of the respiratory system, allergic asthma and allergic obstructive bronchitis can occur, and in the most severe cases, anaphylactic shock can develop.

Where to go with the problem of childhood allergies? Definitely to the children's clinic, to the district pediatrician, who will give a referral to the allergist. Only he will be able to make a final diagnosis. An allergist must examine the child, look at his medical record and prescribe a special test - a skin test, which checks the level of immunoglobulin antibodies, his reaction to a specific allergen.

During the analysis, the doctor makes several small skin incisions on the baby's forearm, and then a solution with an allergen is applied to them. If the body reacts to it, then the skin around the damaged areas will turn red and swell (can be seen in the photo). Skin tests are rarely performed on babies under one year old. Most often, blood tests are done.

After a positive test result, the doctor may prescribe antihistamines to help relieve unpleasant symptoms. They are presented in various forms - creams, ointments, syrups, drops. They must be given strictly in the doses indicated in the instructions or prescribed by the doctor. Usually, antihistamines are prescribed for young children to be taken once a day, but with an acute form of allergy, the number of doses increases. To prevent the appearance of Quincke's edema, the doctor may prescribe anti-edema medications.

What to do if you are allergic to cats?

If the cat lives in an apartment with a baby who has symptoms of a mild form of allergy, and the parents do not know where to put the animal, then you can not get rid of it for now, but try to take the following measures:

  1. Arrange for frequent ventilation of rooms, you can install an air conditioner or a fan. Of course, the air flow should not be directed towards the child.
  2. Do wet cleaning every day.
  3. Isolate the cat, do not let him into the child's room, remove his bowl, toys and other accessories.
  4. Remove carpets from the baby's bedroom or replace them with products from lightweight fabrics. Do the same with curtains.
  5. Bathe and brush your pet regularly.
  6. After any contact of a child with an animal, it is necessary to thoroughly wash his hands with soap and water.

If the measures taken have not brought any result, the baby is still showing symptoms, which means that you will have to decide where to determine the cat, find other owners for him. After that, you need to do a general cleaning - wash the floors, furniture, wash clothes, since allergens can live for another 3 months, and in order to improve the condition of the baby, you need to get rid of them as soon as possible.

According to statistics, children are less likely to be allergic to cats than to cats. Allergies to dogs are even rarer. You can reduce the risk of an allergic reaction in babies by sterilizing the animal.

If a child appears in a family where a clean, well-groomed, healthy and vaccinated cat has been living for a long time, then there is nothing wrong with that. According to statistics, living with a pet from birth reduces the risk of allergies in the future.

Read on:

About 25% of the world's population suffer from allergies to various irritants. Allergic reactions cause unpleasant symptoms, make you make adjustments to your lifestyle. Children are often allergic. A negative reaction of the body can be not only to food, plants, chemicals, but also to domestic animals, in particular cats.

Determining what exactly caused the allergy is not easy. The external symptoms of different manifestations are almost the same. Before treating a child, it is necessary to conduct a thorough analysis to determine the allergen.

Reasons for the development of cat allergies in children

The mechanism of development and causes of allergic reactions to various stimuli are not fully understood. Allergy is the body's reaction to contact with certain factors. According to one of the versions, the immune system directs macrophages to the "agent", which swallow a foreign antigen and digest it inside themselves.

Another mechanism for the onset of allergies is that the immune system itself begins to produce proteins that are deposited on tissues. And when the feline allergen re-penetrates, an allergic reaction is triggered. Immunoglobulins bind to the allergen using special receptors and produce immune compounds that disrupt tissue function. Mast cells rupture the membrane, from which histamine is poured into the intercellular fluid. It is he who gives the typical symptoms of allergies.

There are several suggested causes of cat allergy:

  • Genetic predisposition. Mutations occur during intrauterine development, the "program" of the immune system gets lost.
  • Excessive hobby for hygiene. Parents, trying to sterilize everything around, immerse the child in artificial isolation. His immunity is not trained to defend the body against microorganisms. As a result, it weakens and in the future is unable to withstand serious threats.

None of the theories presented today provide a clear explanation of why children develop allergies.

Reference! The cat itself is not the causative agent of allergies. It can be caused by wool, discharge, skin particles. Sometimes shampoo or pet food can trigger the reaction.

Characteristic signs and symptoms

A child's allergic reaction to a cat can manifest itself in different ways. There can be either one symptom or a whole complex of them. Signs of allergies can also indicate the presence of other, more serious diseases.

Typical symptoms of cat allergy:

  • nasal congestion;
  • regular sneezing;
  • hoarseness of voice;
  • the presence of a dry cough;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • redness and rashes on the skin, itching;
  • tearing and pain in the eyes.

Suddenly, the child may appear lethargic, drowsy, and deteriorate in mood. Symptoms may occur immediately after contact with an animal or several hours after it. Cat allergies can be seasonal. During seasons when a child's immune system is stronger, the animal may not be irritating.


When the first symptoms of allergy appear, do not immediately "sin" on the presence of a cat. First, you need to temporarily remove the child from contact with the animal. If symptoms persist, then the source of irritation should be looked for elsewhere. To accurately diagnose, you need to contact an allergist. He will refer the child to allergy tests, which will help identify the causative agent of the allergy.

Often an allergy in a child has external signs of rhinitis, dermatitis, conjunctivitis. Before a diagnosis is made, a cat should be examined by a veterinarian for infectious diseases that it can transmit to a child (mycoplasmosis, chlamydia, toxoplasmosis, lichen).

Treatment with drugs

How to get rid of cat allergies? Modern medicine is not yet able to cure allergies. The most effective way to counteract the disease is to exclude contact with the allergen. Besides symptomatic treatment is used, which includes:

  • Taking antihistamines - they stop the action of histamines, which cause allergy symptoms.
  • The use of vasoconstrictor drugs can reduce swelling, remove stagnant mucus from the body.
  • Taking general anti-symptomatic drugs has a complex effect on the child's body.

Antihistamines of the 1st generation are very effective against the manifestations of allergy:

  • Suprastin;
  • Diazolin;
  • Tavegil.

The above means are contraindicated in infants, as they cause many side effects. From the first month of life, you can prescribe Fenistil drops for oral administration. To relieve irritation and itching on the skin, Fenistil gel is suitable.

Antihistamines of the 2nd generation, which do not cause addiction and drowsiness, quickly relieve the manifestations of allergies:

  • Claritin;
  • Loratidine;
  • Ebastine;
  • Zyrtec.

To remove toxins and cleanse the body, it is recommended to take enterosorbents:

  • Polysorb;
  • Activated carbon;
  • Atoxil;
  • Enterosgel.

Eye drops for allergy manifestations:

  • Kromoglin (allowed from 1 month);
  • Kromosol (from 2 years old);
  • Lekrolin (from 4 years old).

To relieve swelling of the nasal mucosa and facilitate nasal breathing in a child, it is recommended to use vasoconstrictor nasal drops:

  • Vibrocil;
  • Prevalin.

Important! It is forbidden to use vasoconstrictor drugs for children for a long time. The maximum duration of admission is 4-5 days.

From 2 years old, you can prescribe drugs in the form of a spray. Effective new generation sprays:

  • Avamis;
  • Nazonex.
  • Flikonase (from 4 years old).

In addition to medications for allergies to cats, the following treatment methods are used:

  • Ultrasound inhalation;
  • Phytoapitherapy;
  • Lipid therapy;
  • Lymphotropic therapy.

Folk remedies and recipes

The use of such funds should be in addition to the main treatment. It should be borne in mind that many plants themselves are allergens and their use for the treatment of children should be agreed with the allergist.

Proven recipes:

  • 1.5 teaspoon of the succession pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave for half an hour. Wipe the baby's skin with warm infusion.
  • Dilute dry dill with water 1: 2. Insist and apply in the form of compresses on the child's skin.
  • The manifestations of allergic conjunctivitis can be eliminated by rubbing the eyes with chamomile or calendula infusions.

If it is not possible to avoid contact of a child with a cat and the allergic manifestations are not very intense, you can use the following recommendations:

  • Ventilate the room regularly and carry out wet cleaning.
  • Isolate the cat and its accessories from the child.
  • Remove long pile carpets and wool.
  • Limit tactile contact between the child and the animal.
  • Wash your child's hands and change clothes more often.
  • Wash things with special anti-allergenic agents.
  • It is recommended to bathe the cat 2 times a week.
  • Feed the animal only high-quality food.

Non-allergenic cat breeds

Breeds of cats with a minimal risk of allergic reactions from the child's body:

  • Asher;
  • Bombay;
  • Canadian Sphinx;
  • Devon Rex.

Some studies have shown that cats are less likely to cause allergies than cats. Also, small kittens are less allergenic than adults.

Allergy to cats in a child has the same manifestations as other types of allergies. And they are all treated the same way. The most effective way to get rid of an allergy is to eliminate its source. Symptomatic treatment with antihistamines and other agents allows only temporarily blocking the manifestations of the disease. If a cat has become the cause of the child's allergy, it is better to refuse the pet's stay in the house.

Why are babies allergic to cats? How to eliminate negative symptoms? Find out the answer by watching the following video:

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