Dream of kissing an unfamiliar girl. A girl kisses a girl in a dream

Many people are interested in the answer to the question of why they dream of kissing a girl in a dream. The objectivity of interpretation largely depends on the gender of the dreamer, who this girl was and many other nuances. In some cases, the vision has a positive connotation, in others it warns of trouble.

A symbol of love and mutual understanding is a dream in which a guy kissed his beloved. It is very good if the kiss took place during the dance. After such a dream, know that you are very loved and appreciated.

If this happened right in front of others, then it seems that you are surrounded by gossipers and envious people. It’s bad if the kiss doesn’t bring pleasure to the girl. In this case, quarrels await you, which may well lead to a breakup.

If you kissed a stranger, then, on the one hand, an improvement in your financial condition is expected. On the other hand, the dream warns that your inappropriate behavior in real life can lead to quite negative consequences. Not only kissed, but also hugged her tightly? You need to be careful when choosing friends, as some will plot against you.

Deterioration in health is prophesied by a dream in which the girl herself initiated the kiss. If she was too temperamental, then there is a significant chance that a new relationship is just around the corner.

Did you dream about kissing a crying girl? There is a big risk that your chosen one will soon let you down. An insincere relationship is indicated by a dream where you kissed in the dark. If this happened in the entrance, then the dream shows that you are too wasteful and take your money lightly. Continue in the same spirit - you will be left with nothing.

When you kissed the girl of your acquaintance or friend, this indicates your lack of self-confidence. Did you kiss in a dream with a smile? This means that you are a very cunning person.

Have you kissed your ex-girlfriend? Be prepared for the fact that some people or events will soon remind you of the past. It’s not a fact that they will be pleasant. Also, this dream suggests that you cannot let go of your ex-girlfriend, you remember her often. If this is actually the case, then why not call her?

A dream where you kissed famous person, warns that your new hobby will cause huge disappointment. Kissing a classmate indicates that you feel lonely.

A dream in which an elderly man kissed a woman portends him making a profit. However, it most likely will not bring material satisfaction, since it will not be earned in a completely honest way.

Kissing a friend is a sign that you will use all sorts of means to achieve your intended goal. Moreover, you will certainly achieve your goal soon.

It is extremely bad if a girl dreamed of kissing her friend or another girl. This may promise the appearance of enemies and betrayal of friends. The dream also calls for being extremely careful with new acquaintances.

For a business person good sleep is the one in which he kissed his sister. Most likely, the problems will soon go away, your career will take off, and your income will increase noticeably.

The dream in which you kissed a deceased girl is very complex and important to interpret. Soon you will become aware of someone's secret, which will radically change your relationships with people in real life. You should also protect your secrets.

Did you kiss a girl you know in a dream, with whom you are in a strained relationship? This means that you will soon make peace and become noticeably closer. And a complete stranger will help you with this.

Why dream of kissing a girl? Such a vision in a dream for men is a harbinger of a harmonious relationship with his beloved or a new romance. However, this may turn out to be a hint: you need to show more determination, the dream book says.

News, pleasant events

Did you dream of kissing a girl? For young people, as well as for mature men, such a plot in a dream promises pleasant surprises or profit. However, it will not be obtained in a completely honest way.

See passionate kissing with a friend? The dream book promises good news and unexpected events soon. With my - harmonious relationships between you. Just with a friend who is very temperamental - a new relationship or upcoming marriage.

A passionate kiss with your constant girlfriend in front of strangers means, according to the dream book, the appearance of gossip, slander, and unfounded accusations.

Did you dream of kissing a girl in the middle of a dark room? The dream book emphasizes: the young man is afraid of losing this relationship. It is necessary to analyze the causes of fear - perhaps they can be eliminated.

Be more decisive

Why do you dream of wanting to kiss a beauty, but never doing it? The interpretation of the dream is clear: without effort you will not achieve anything, no matter how much you dream of beauty!

Did you dream of kissing a friend's girlfriend? The vision indicates self-doubt. Efforts should be made to get rid of this deficiency.

Kissing an unmarried girl in a dream, from one’s own environment on the lips, foreshadows their rapprochement. A romance may arise - if the young man takes the initiative.

Why do you dream of kissing a charming woman you like on the lips? The dream book tells you: your attractiveness has always served you well, and will not let you down further, making a pleasant impression on others.

Deal with your feelings

To see yourself kissing your ex in a dream - you prefer to go through memories of the past instead of living in the present and acting. Kissing her on the lips means: you are not yet ready to start a new relationship. But we need to close this page of life.

I dreamed of meeting with ex-girlfriend and kiss her hand? The dream book indicates: the dreamer feels respect for her, he has left behind his own emotions about their connection. But a passionate kiss with an ex indicates: the spark can flare up again, renewing the extinguished flame of feelings.

For a man to see that he kissed the hand of a pretty girl in a dream, foreshadows a new romantic interest - short-lived, but pleasant.

Be careful: there may be trouble

Why does a woman dream of kissing a girl? The dream book warns: there is hostility, conflicts, enmity between them ahead.

Unrequitedly showering a young beauty with kisses in a dream promises the young man a quarrel with his family. Married - it is necessary to find a permanent partner for meetings, since long-term abstinence harms him.

Who was kissed

The dreamed plot is interpreted according to which girl was kissed:

  • who you like - meet someone who will inspire and influence you well;
  • beloved - there are positive achievements ahead in love and other areas;
  • unfamiliar - promises a frivolous connection;
  • beautiful - foreshadows a young man's imminent wedding;

Hugging and caressing a beautiful young lady in a dream portends a significant improvement in her financial condition.

A kiss with a girl can bring many positive moments both in reality and in a dream. But why do you dream about him and what will he bring with him into your life? To find out the answer to this question, consult a dream book for help. In it you will find an interpretation for any occasion.

Miller's opinion

Miller's dream book offers various predictions depending on the circumstances under which you happened to see a kiss in a dream. So, if you:

  • If you dreamed of kissing a girl in daylight, then in reality show nobility;
  • dreamed of a kiss with my beloved under reliable protection nights - in reality, you are too cynical about people, which will subsequently serve you poorly;
  • If you dream of a stranger with your beloved, you will soon have to go through trials;
  • I dreamed of a kiss on the lips with a stranger - some of your actions do not correspond to moral principles and foundations.

Object of passion

According to Freud, a passionate kiss with a girl is a symbol of the fact that in any relationship the dreamer is the initiator. In this case, it doesn’t matter at all whether you know the charming woman or you see her for the first time in your night dreams. If in a dream the lady herself wanted to kiss you on the lips, it means that you are not too active in your sex life.

Most dream books believe that if in a dream you happen to get close to a stranger, then in reality there will be no problems financially. I had a chance to kiss on the lips with a girl whom I know and like - to the cooling of friendship. If the kiss took place on the cheek, then in reality you feel an obligation to this girl. And if in a dream your sister wanted to caress you, then in real life you will not be able to get much pleasure.

Hasse's dream book explains why you may dream that you are in the company of an interesting person. Waiting for you in reality a pleasant surprise. Did you dream of a kiss with your wife? Spiritual closeness and harmony will reign in your family. Did you see yourself together with a famous person? Expect public recognition.

What kind of girl

If the girl you kissed was pretty, then in reality you will have big expenses. Did you dream about a very young lady? Soon you will be surprised by something. The girl who dances foreshadows mutual love, rural - a new addition to the family, thin and sickly - an illness for someone close to you.

Interpretation for a woman

Did you dream that you, or your rival, were acting as a young lady at a very tender age? One way or another, but seeing your husband with someone else means longing for the past and the feelings that you once experienced. Did you happen to watch a guy caressing someone else? In reality, your suspicions will most likely be confirmed. For a girl to see a passionate kiss with another girl - to hypocrisy and insincerity.

With ex

Dreamed of meeting your ex-wife? In reality, you have decided to make a final break. But passionate hugs with your ex-passion indicate that your feelings have not faded away.


Did you dream about kissing a friend's girlfriend? In real life, you should overcome your own indecisiveness. Did you see a friend with someone else's girl? Your friend will be very lucky. If your friend was with your girlfriend, then in reality you will not be without jealousy. Did you see yourself with someone else's woman? The dream book is sure: you can get a lot of pleasure.

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Kissing children dream of peace and happiness in the family and satisfaction in work.

If you kissed your mother in a dream, success in business, love and respect from friends await you.

Kissed a brother or sister - you will get a lot of pleasure from life.

Kissed your beloved in the dark - do not fall into debauchery.

Kissed her in the light - your nobility towards women has no limits.

Kissed an unfamiliar woman in a dream - try to avoid immoral acts.

If you gave your enemy a kiss, you will succeed in reconciliation with your friend.

For spouses, a dream in which they kiss each other means spiritual harmony.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Kiss

A dream in which a gallant man kisses your hand foreshadows a chance to get rich, which you may miss by underestimating the consequences of your rash act.

If in a dream your husband’s drunken friend tries to kiss you, in reality you will be disappointed in this person, and there will be good reasons for this. Kissing your chosen one - such a dream foreshadows an imminent wedding for a young girl.

Seeing a husband kissing another is a sign of adultery in real life. Seeing men kissing means disappointment in failures; women - in reality you will have a great rest and have fun with your friends.

Kissing children in a dream - in reality, excessive fuss and impatience will bring the opposite result to what was expected. A child kissing you portends new worries. Kissing children are a sign of happy reconciliation in the family and satisfaction with their position.

A mother kissing you in a dream foreshadows the love and care of loved ones. Kissing a stranger in a dark entrance or gateway in a dream means that, having sufficient funds, you will spend them unwisely, trying to show off the eyes of the person whose love you want to achieve with everyone possible ways and whatever it costs you.

For a bride, kissing her groom in a dream foreshadows the disruption of the wedding on the very eve. If, on the contrary, he kisses you, this means just an annoying misunderstanding, which will quickly become clear to the great joy of both.

A pleasant kiss in a dream means that in reality you will attract the attention of many men. Kissing freaks or lustful elders means that only endurance and patience can bring you the desired result. Kissing a dead man's forehead in a dream means that joys and sorrows will alternate evenly in your family life.

A dream in which you kiss animals portends to a young lady that her loving and faithful fiancé will be completely devoid of jealousy, and for married women such a dream portends fun and a lot of various pleasures. Kissing a cross or the Bible in a dream means that in reality you will be disappointed in your chosen one even before the wedding.

Interpretation of dreams from

It happens that people dream of very strange pictures. And sometimes you want to understand - what is this for? For example, if a person sees that they were kissing a girl in a dream, what does this mean? Especially when it's a stranger. Or if it appeared to a girl too. There are a lot of questions, and therefore they should be answered.

It is important to know

A kiss is something that directly relates to the manifestation of feelings and emotions. And to relationships too. Sometimes such dreams mean a subconscious desire. And sometimes something else. To give a competent interpretation of this vision, it is necessary to clarify all the circumstances that were in the dream. And not only them. It is also important whether the girl is an acquaintance or not. Is it in the living space (no matter close girlfriend or a person whom the dreamer encountered once, and then by accident) or it is just a figment of imagination and fantasy. And of course, what matters is what kind of relationship connects her and the dreamer. You should also take into account what kind of character they are - friendly, loving or even hostile. And of course, there is one more nuance worth considering.

According to the esoteric dream book

Kissing in a dream with an unfamiliar girl esoteric dream book- to inappropriate behavior or debauchery. You should take this into account and be careful - you never know what temptation you will encounter along the way. If she kisses the dreamer herself, it means illness and deterioration of health. But don't worry too much about this as it will pass quickly. If a person kisses a passionate and temperamental person, then this is a sign of a new relationship, which may develop into marriage.

But seeing a lady you know means getting closer to her. Probably, something will happen soon that will cause the dreamer and the girl to communicate closer. But if in life you don’t have a very good relationship with her, it’s time for reconciliation.

Miller's Dream Book

If a person saw him and a girl kissing in a dream, he should look into Miller’s dream book. It says this vision is for profit. And crazy. It will not be obtained in a completely honest way. If the kiss occurred during a dance, this means a stable and strong relationship, which the dreamer can very soon begin. And kissing your beloved means that their relationship will soon develop into something more.

It is also important to remember the circumstances under which everything happened. Kissing a girl in complete darkness in a dream means insincerity, lies, deception. It is worth taking this sign into account. And kissing a girl who is crying in a dream means treason.

If everything happened in the rain, then this means a quick cleansing of rumors and slander. But coming into such close contact with your best friend’s lover is a sign of uncertainty and doubt.


To give a more accurate interpretation, it is also necessary to take into account your own feelings about what is happening. If a person saw how they kissed a girl in a dream and did not experience anything pleasant from it, then this means indifference and even distrust on the part of loved ones or relatives. Not receiving a kiss in return means mistrust. But if a person did it with a smile, it means cunning. It was a completely different matter when they kissed while smiling. This is a sign of mutual tenderness, love, sincerity and trust. And when the dreamer also experiences pleasure from what he sees in his night dreams, he can rejoice. This means that a pleasant romantic adventure will happen soon. Or even a romance novel.

According to Freud's dream book

When a person remembers that they kissed a girl in a dream, one should also try to reproduce in memory the details of this vision. For example, kissing a stranger in a brightly lit room (or in any other room) with large quantities people usually means that soon the dreamer will have to show behavior that is unusual for him. It is possible that it will be ostentatious. The situation will require this, so you should be prepared for such a turn of events.

But kissing a girl on the lips in a dream while being in a room with dim light means committing rash acts that will entail a bad attitude from your work partners. It is possible that all this will develop into hostility. If everything happened in the light and without people, then this means that soon the dreamer will commit some not entirely noble act and everyone will know about it, no matter how hard he tries to hide it. But kissing a beautiful lady in public and being unnoticed at the same time means a successful unfolding of events. And, by the way, it may be possible to pull off some kind of business that cannot be called clean.

Dream book of the 21st century

Many guys ask the question: “I had a dream - I was kissing a girl... What could this mean?” Well, there are several exegetical books that can provide an explanation. And one of the most popular is modern dream book. It says that such a vision is for good. This means that everything will be fine between the young man and his beloved. But if she did not want to accept this manifestation of feelings from him, it was not good. Quarrels and even separation are possible. If she behaves very emotionally and responds passionately to her lover, this is a good sign. It promises only strengthening relationships and, possibly, marriage.

What does a dream of kissing a girl mean for a middle-aged man? This means that we need to be careful in real life. If he has a sin behind him in terms of looking for adventures on the side, then he should stop with it, otherwise his wife or life partner may find out about it and everything will end badly. But seeing your kiss with an upset or offended girl means a quarrel, which will lead to a break in the relationship. To save the situation, you should be more careful in communicating with your beloved.

Interpretation for women

It also happens that girls dream of similar things. And this raises a lot of questions for them. Well, it really is like that night dream often carries a negative meaning. This means that the girl’s friends may soon turn away from her. Plus, serious tests await in the near future. Therefore, you should be prepared for unexpected turns of fate.

A girl should also be wary if she saw her lover kissing some stranger. This means a quarrel and perhaps even separation. It is possible that the cause of the scandal will be his betrayal.

Cheating in a dream

A few words should be said about what a vision in which his girlfriend kissed someone else means for a man. This is very unpleasant dream, and it can’t promise anything good. This means that hopes, goals and dreams in real life are unlikely to come true. In any case, in the near future. So it’s better to postpone their implementation until later.

An even worse prediction comes from a vision in which a man kissing a busy girl is best friend dreamer means that in reality you will have to face betrayal, lies, duplicity and hypocrisy. Moreover, this can manifest itself both on the part of the beloved and on the part of the friend. And finally, there is one more interpretation that should be taken into account. A disturbing vision can be considered that dream where the face of a man kissing a girl cannot be seen. This is ignorance. Soon the dreamer will be betrayed and slandered, but it is not known from whom this should be expected. So, just in case, you should be on your guard and not trust anyone. Prudence in this situation will not be superfluous.
