Unpleasant insects: Interpretation of dreams with mosquitoes. What does the image of a mosquito mean in a dream - interpretation

A mosquito is a terribly annoying and unpleasant creature. How much trouble these buzzing insects give us in the warm season!

Their bites itch for a long time, and the squeak keeps them awake at night. But this is all - only in reality. But why does a mosquito dream in dreams, what does its squeak, bite or victory over it mean? It should be understood that a mosquito, like any other vision, is only a metaphor. This dream has its own interpretation, and the dream book will tell you what it is about.

To explain what mosquitoes dream of, you should remember whether you saw them in large numbers, or one, and what happened in general. Details play an important role in the interpretation of dreams, and with their help you can learn a lot of useful details. Remember your dream and look into the dream book! For example, you could dream like this:

  • One mosquito or many.
  • They sit on you.
  • Bitten or trying to bite in a dream.
  • Hear how flies or mosquitoes squeak, buzz.
  • Kill mosquitoes, get rid of them in a dream.

There are few options here, and the dream book knows all the plots. It is worth making a reservation in advance - a dream with mosquitoes does not bode well. He is unlikely to promise pleasant events, but there will be nothing terrible either. Most likely, this dream will be your advice.

Only to see

Seeing or being bitten are two different things. Let's figure out what the mosquito is dreaming of if you only happened to see it from the side, or if there were a lot of them.

Mosquitoes, according to most interpreters, denote annoying people who are unpleasant to you. It can be envious or ill-wishers, for example - at work, or in your personal environment. They want to find out something or just like to discuss you behind your back.

But the main thing you need to know is that they cannot bring you any harm, as well as small ones. They are annoying and unpleasant, but getting rid of them is easy. So do not be afraid and just make sure that unpleasant people do not spoil your mood.

Seeing one big mosquito in a dream is a sign that says that there is a person unpleasant for you nearby. He either wants something from you, and very importunately, and cannot leave you alone. Either he simply bothers with his presence, interferes with work or life in peace.

Again, this person is not capable of bringing you any harm - do not exaggerate his influence. Just rid yourself of his company, make sure that this person simply does not exist in your environment.

Why dream of a mosquito of unrealistic size, huge and monstrous? The dream interpretation claims that huge insects - flies, mosquitoes, it doesn’t matter - always personify your fear from scratch. You greatly exaggerate the abilities of people you don't like.

It seems to you that some person who is unpleasant to you has great power and causes really great harm, but this is not so! He can do nothing to you, only spoils the mood. You can easily limit yourself from communicating with him, step back and simply not respond to his presence. And he will disappear!

If in your dream there were a lot of mosquitoes, just huge clouds - others envy you. This means, firstly, that you live very well - there is something to envy! But it also means that you put your happiness and achievements on display, and this causes envy. People who envy you are unlikely to do much harm, but nothing pleasant either. So be modest, and most importantly - do not provoke people who tend to envy.

Hearing a mosquito squeak in a dream is a symbol that you should keep all your secrets to yourself. Not everyone can be trusted with a secret! You will be safer if you talk less, and about the innermost - all the more, tell only the closest people.

in dreams they personify people unpleasant to you. They are nearby, and you suffer from this, but think - why? Just limit your communication with people who do not bring you joy and benefit. Do not communicate, and that's it!

Dead insects are a symbol of your victory. Moreover, you don’t have to do anything - enemies and ill-wishers will disappear by themselves. You just need to understand that they are powerless and cannot do anything to you.

Something happened

And suppose you dreamed that a mosquito bit you. Or more than that - you were bitten by hordes of insects! In general, if you not only saw mosquitoes, but something else happened, the dream book will tell the meaning.

If mosquitoes have stuck around your body and are sitting, then in reality someone “gets” you. These are people who literally draw energy from you, freeloaders or opportunists who take advantage of your kindness. Get rid of them, be more decisive!

To kill a mosquito in dreams means to defeat the enemy. You will be able to get rid of society and the machinations of an unpleasant person, and breathe a sigh of relief! If you got rid of a lot of mosquitoes, for example, you etched them out of the apartment, then you should know that in reality you will defeat all problems. You are not afraid of anything! You will be able to get rid of envious people, enemies and competitors.

If mosquitoes bit you in your dreams, it means that you suffer because of your gentleness and kindness. You are a wonderful person with a kind heart, but there are people who take advantage of it. Be a little firmer and protect your interests!

Do not be afraid - neither in dreams, nor in reality. Let the dream book help you become wiser, and this will make your life more pleasant and better!

The image of a mosquito is subconsciously associated with the image of a vampire, a bloodsucker. They don't like mosquitoes and cockroaches, they try to get rid of them. Why do mosquitoes dream in large numbers? A swarm of bloodsuckers cannot bode well. However, the interpretation of the plot depends on the accompanying circumstances indicated in the dream.

General interpretation of dreams with mosquitoes

The interpretation of the image of a mosquito is directly related to the associations of the insect in reality. This is an image of an annoying sticky, causing discomfort and pain from a bite. Many people react to mosquito bites with allergies. An annoying mosquito in a dream is a warning of danger. Sometimes the subconscious cannot reach the mind in order to warn of impending problems, and sends the image of an annoying bloodsucker so that a person pays attention to his life.

If you do not notice gossips and ill-wishers around you, the dream sends a warning: it's time to open your eyes. Take a closer look at the environment, at the work team. If you don’t see a gossip, protect yourself by silence: stop telling details about yourself and your life to others. Usually gossip in the team begins after a series of successes and achievements of a particular employee. Envy causes hatred and gossip.

A mosquito entangled in a web is a good sign. Your enemies will be entangled in the web of their own intrigues and will not be able to harm you. If you managed to kill an annoying bloodsucker in a dream, then you will be able to overcome obstacles in real life. If you can’t catch a bloodsucker in any way, expect serious trials.

Watching a mosquito fly and hearing a squeak - to dissatisfaction in family life. If an insect sits on a loved one and drinks blood, you have a dangerous rival. Take urgent action.

The accumulation of insects in large quantities portends big troubles:

  • disagreements with relatives;
  • ganged up enemies at work;
  • envious people and gossips in the neighborhood.

If you start poisoning mosquitoes in a dream, then you are exposing yourself to unreasonable danger. If insects swarm over your marriage bed, this portends great complications in relations with your spouse. However, one should not immediately suspect a husband of treason: perhaps he had problems at work, and his inattention is explained by fatigue from work.

If you dealt with a mosquito swarm in a dream, you will have great success in life. However, if you were bitten before the massacre with the mosquito swarm, the enemies can still annoy you. Do not succumb to manipulation by other people - a dream warns.

Interpretation of various dream books

The latest dream book interprets the mosquito as an annoying person who spoils your blood. Advice - get rid of the vampire.

Russian folk dream book advises not to trust your secrets to strangers if a mosquito buzzes in a dream. A swarm of insects symbolizes a lot of envious people and gossips around you. To kill a mosquito means to get rid of freeloaders who take advantage of your kindness.

Dream Interpretation for Lovers interprets getting rid of bloodsuckers in a dream as a symbol of overcoming obstacles to a successful relationship with a loved one. To kill a vampire is to ensure peace and enjoyment of family happiness.

Dream Interpretation of Health warns: mosquitoes in a dream portend an infectious disease, neurosis or stress. Also, bloodsuckers can indicate a magical effect of a negative nature - damage / evil eye.

Dream Interpretation of Solomon does not attach importance to this phenomenon and interprets the vision of mosquitoes in a dream to empty conversations and empty pastime.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer describes the vision of mosquitoes as a symbol of caustic envious people around the dreamer who will injure and offend. Killing a vampire is good luck and happiness.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya interprets the appearance of bloodsuckers as a warning of discord in relations with a loved one due to loss of interest. If a mosquito pesters you, there is a dysfunctional love ahead, perhaps with an annoying boyfriend. If a mosquito bites you, separation from your loved one is inevitable. An interesting interpretation is given by the dream book about the transformation of the dreamer into a mosquito - this portends an unpleasant love adventure.

Freud compares mosquitoes with children and interprets this dream differently from other dream books. If you beat a mosquito army in a dream, it means that children annoy you. If you tear off wings and legs, then you want to have sex with a minor child. If the buzzing of mosquitoes causes discomfort, then you are taking out your anger on children because of your sexual failures. Pain from mosquito bites indicates discord in relationships with children.

The annoying ringing of mosquitoes is unpleasant even in a dream. When dream books give an interpretation of what an annoying swarm of mosquitoes is dreaming of and attempts to get rid of it, the degree of favorable predictions depends on the success of these attempts.

see mosquitoes

Intrusive unbearable creatures personify in a dream the onslaught of ill-wishers. The female dream book says: getting rid of mosquitoes means that in reality you can overcome difficulties and enjoy peace and family joys.

According to the Russian dream book, a lot of mosquitoes are the embodiment of the unkind envy of others. Why dream of their itchy squeak - it would be better to keep all your secrets to yourself. Kill a mosquito before it bites - you will be able to get rid of parasites.

Aesop's dream book, recognizing that the mosquito symbolizes the worst human qualities - envy, dependence, tediousness, pays tribute to his perseverance. If a mosquito dreamed, this indicates how carefully you did the job.

Miller's dream book warns of vain exhaustion of forces in the fight against arrogant and cunning consumers, commenting on what the mosquito is dreaming of. And only after killing a mosquito, the dreamer can breathe freely: in reality, nothing else threatens his peace and well-being, for he will part with a tedious neighbor, colleague or friend.

According to Freud's dream book, small insects symbolize children. If, fearing that they will bite, you kill them, this indicates hostility towards your own children. If they tire you with buzzing, you tend to vent a bad mood on a child. I dreamed that mosquitoes do not bother - your guardianship of your precious child goes beyond the boundaries of reason.

Mosquito and flies

In addition to mosquitoes, flies and midges annoy people even in their sleep. It is no coincidence that a person wakes up alarmed - such dreams warn of danger. It comes from those who are not accustomed to work, live at the expense of others and are always dissatisfied.

One fly is a sign of sadness, a lot - you have to spend time in the company of friends. If in reality you are able to neutralize boring aggression, you will dream that the fly was deftly swatted. But trying to catch her is in trouble.

Brushed it off the hand of your beloved (beloved) - a sign that you are slowly losing the warmth and trust of the relationship. This is the path to an inevitable break.

Why dream that they stuck to honey? Avoid flatterers, they are nothing but trouble.

Midges can be seen by those who are overcome by petty routine worries. They represent minor obstacles, but if a lot of midges attack in a dream, serious obstacles will have to be overcome. I dreamed that they were smeared with repellents so that they would not bite - you can easily cope with difficulties.

Insect bites

According to Miller's dream book, any bites portend a streak of failures and illnesses, in addition, you can voluntarily or unwittingly destroy the fruits of your labors. The Chinese dream book of Zhuo-Gong predicts loss to someone who sees how mosquitoes bite him.

Why dream of a mosquito that has drunk your blood - to injury. To kill him in a dream on yourself - to hard work, on another person - get ready, they will try to shoulder other people's duties on you, look at the blood stain left by a mosquito - nothing in life is given to you for free.

Dream Interpretation From "A" To "Z" advises not to bicker with the leadership, if the day before you dreamed that midges were painfully bitten in a dream.

According to Freud, to dream about mosquitoes biting means grief from children who, despite their care, avoid you and cause only trouble.


Miller's dream book

See mosquitoes in your dreams- means that you are trying in vain to remain unshakable under the onslaught of cunning, secret enemies. Your patience and luck will suffer greatly from these Persians.

If you killed mosquitoes- then, in the end, you will overcome obstacles and enjoy wealth and family happiness.

Freud's dream book

Mosquitoes, like any small creatures- symbolize children. But there are also some differences.

If you beat mosquitoes that haunt you- you experience, maybe subconsciously, hostility or even hatred towards your children.

If you tear off the legs or wings of a mosquito- you would like to have sex with minors.

If mosquitoes don't bother you You are overprotective of your children.

If mosquitoes are ringing around you and you can't do anything about them- this portends you failures in the sexual sphere, the anger from which you tend to stick on children.

If you are experiencing pain from mosquito bites- this means that your children, despite your love and guardianship, cause you a lot of worries and troubles, and it is not possible to establish relations with them.

Dream Interpretation of Lovers

Kill a mosquito in a dream- means overcoming obstacles on the way to family happiness.

If you got rid of mosquitoes- you are destined to overcome obstacles and enjoy peace and family happiness.

Aesop's dream book

Mosquito- is the personification of such bad human qualities as importunity, tediousness, envy, stubbornness and dependency.

Perhaps the image of a mosquito caused by your subconscious mind in a dream is a signal that in real life you have completed some business carefully, accurately and conscientiously. In a word, as folk wisdom says, "A mosquito will not undermine the nose."

If you dreamed that you were bitten by a mosquito- then in real life you will seriously suffer from the evil gossip of your envious people. Perhaps such a dream suggests that your well-being will be seriously affected due to the stupidity and lack of independence of a person close to you.

If you brushed a mosquito off your hand before it had time to bite you- then the work ahead of you will be useless and will not bring harm or benefit. Perhaps this dream indicates that soon you will meet with an uninteresting person.

To dream about how a mosquito got tangled in a web- a sign that you underestimate the strength of your enemies. Perhaps you are in danger from a person who, in your opinion, is much weaker than you.

Follow the flight of a mosquito in a dream- evidence that in real life in your environment there is a terribly boring and stubborn person who adversely affects you.

Kill a mosquito in a dream- a prophecy that you will finally be able to get rid of a person who, using your kindness, what is called "pulling money from you."

Hear the buzz of a mosquito in a dream- means that in real life you will entrust your secret to a familiar person who will begin to spread gossip against you.

Seeing a swarm of mosquitoes in a dream- a sign that there are a lot of evil and envious people around you.

If you are attacked by a lot of mosquitoes- then in reality you work in an evil and envious team. Your colleagues, out of sycophancy to superiors or in order to take your official place, are trying to harm you by any means.

Poison mosquitoes in a dream- to the danger that you expose yourself to, trusting strangers.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Mosquito seen in a dream- is a symbol of minor troubles and minor, but annoying losses, the culprits of which may be strangers to you.

Beat mosquitoes- a sign that future losses, despite their insignificance, will annoy you. This dream encourages you to be as tolerant as possible without wasting your nerves on trifles.

Dream Interpretation of Solomon

mosquitoes- empty words.

Dream interpretation for a bitch

Mosquito- your luck will suffer due to the attacks of ill-wishers. Kill a mosquito in a dream - you can overcome all obstacles.

New family dream book

The appearance of a mosquito in your dream- says that you are trying in vain to remain unshakable under the onslaught of cunning secret enemies. Your patience is still not enough.

Killed a mosquito- in the end, you will overcome obstacles and enjoy wealth and family happiness.

Modern combined dream book

Seeing mosquitoes in a dream- means that your efforts to remain completely invulnerable to the light jabs of your enemies will be in vain. Your patience and luck will suffer from these insidious people.

If you dream that you are killing mosquitoes- gradually you will overcome all the obstacles that stand in your way, and you will enjoy your fate, as well as family happiness.

Eastern female dream book

Dreamed of mosquitoes- it means that you will be annoyed by the petty intrigues of enemies. However, this will not affect your activity in any way.

Dream in which you kill mosquitoes- means: the obstacles that have arisen on your way are temporary.

The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

Mosquito- someone spoils your blood. Dream hint: get rid of it.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

Hear in a dream how a mosquito itches above your ear- to an annoying person.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, December

To dream about how a mosquito drank your blood- to the wound.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

Mosquito- you need to get rid of the person who spoils your blood.

mosquito drinking blood- to an experienced villain.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

Have a mosquito- beware of evil people.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

A dream in which mosquitoes annoy you- is a warning to beware of evil and insidious people.

Hear a mosquito itching under the ear- a harbinger of a long and tedious conversation, from which neither side will make anything new constructive.

Catching a mosquito flying around you- means that you will lose patience and lose your temper over an insignificant, in fact, reason.

swat a mosquito- in reality, overcome all obstacles in the way of fulfilling your plans and realize them.

A mosquito that bit you until you bleed- you will suffer from envious people and gossips.

Women's dream book

The appearance of mosquitoes in a dream- means vain efforts not to succumb to the onslaught and cunning of your enemies. Your patience and luck will suffer greatly in doing so.

General dream book

In a dream, a mosquito pesters you- ahead of unhappy love.

You dreamed that you swat a mosquito- you will soon part with a girl (young man) to whom you have lost interest.

Did you see someone swat a mosquito- know that one of your friends is a secret ill-wisher, because of him you will soon part with your loved one.

If you dreamed that you became a mosquito- you have an unpleasant love adventure.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

The mosquito you dreamed about- as a rule, symbolizes the upcoming alarm for any reason.

Dream Interpretation Dasha

Mosquito- a symbol of importunity, envy, stubbornness and dependency; also thoroughness "a mosquito will not undermine the nose."

Kill a mosquito in a dream- means to get rid of someone who simply uses your kindness; hear the buzz of a mosquito- do not trust others with your secrets; swarm of mosquitoes- there are a lot of evil and envious people around you.

Chinese dream book

Mosquitoes, mosquitoes bite a person- portends a loss.

Dream Interpretation Veles

Being bitten by a mosquito- beware of evil people, gossipers.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Swarm of mosquitoes- irritability as a result of auditory hypersensitivity (hyperacusia).

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

mosquitoes- causticity, slander, resentment; kill- favorable, to unexpected luck.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

A mosquito flies around you in a dream- anxiety.

sits on another- you secretly carry evil or resentment against some person from yourself.

kill a mosquito- victory, success.

Small Velesov Dream Interpretation

Mosquito- for worse, troubles, intolerable guest, empty talk; ringing- will be invited to visit; nail- lucky.

Esoteric dream book

Mosquito- minor annoying chores.

slam- you need to part with an annoying person.

Ukrainian dream book

If mosquitoes dream- then, they say, this is a bad omen: chores.

Mosquitoes are buzzing- You will be invited as a guest.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

mosquitoes- a good sign of luck (if you kill).

Collection of dream books

mosquitoes- a big conversation that may change your life.

Mosquito- your rivals are not as weak as it seems.

Dream Interpretation: why a mosquito dreams

Many will agree that if you dream of some pleasant phenomena, images and creatures, after waking up your mood rises. And what to expect if all night you dreamed of such an annoying insect as a mosquito? We suggest that you turn to several dream interpreters at once to find out what this little buzzing bloodsucker can dream of.

Why is a mosquito dreaming: dream book of Gustav Miller

This dream book interprets mosquitoes seen in a dream as a sign that you are trying in vain to maintain steadfastness under the pressure of dangerous and cunning enemies. You need to soberly assess the situation and begin to act in accordance with it, otherwise you risk suffering greatly from the onslaught of ill-wishers. If you dream that you killed mosquitoes, then you will be able to overcome all barriers and hardships, and in the end you will enjoy financial prosperity and family happiness.

Why is a mosquito dreaming: dream book from A to Z

If mosquitoes annoy you in a dream, then this is a sign that you need to beware of insidious people who may be among your closest friends. If you hear a mosquito itching under your ear, then soon you will have a conversation or meeting that will be very long and tedious, and in the end will not lead to any visible result. If you are trying to catch a mosquito flying near you, then in real life some insignificant trifle will piss you off. If you dream that you killed a mosquito, then you will be able to successfully overcome all difficulties and achieve your intended goal. A mosquito that has bitten and drunk your blood is a harbinger of the fact that you will suffer as a result of gossip and intrigues of envious people and ill-wishers.

Why is a mosquito dreaming: hints received in a dream

According to this source, a dreaming mosquito is the personification of future small losses and troubles, the culprits of which will be your envious people. If you are trying to kill a mosquito, then even minor incidents will greatly piss you off and make you nervous. Therefore, try not to waste energy on trifles and be a little more tolerant.

Why is a mosquito dreaming: Aesop's dream book

This dream book represents a dreaming mosquito as the personification of such negative human qualities as envy, tediousness, importunity, dependency and stubbornness. If you dream that a mosquito has bitten you, then in reality you can suffer greatly from the actions of envious people and ill-wishers. Also, such a dream may mean that your financial well-being will be undermined due to the stupidity and irresponsibility of one of your close relatives. If in a dream you are watching a mosquito fly, then perhaps in your life there is a boring and unpleasant person who has a bad effect on you. Try to limit communication with him as much as possible. If you dreamed of a mosquito buzzing near your ear, then in reality you may encounter a situation where a close friend begins to spread rumors and gossip about you. Killing a mosquito in a dream means getting rid of some problems and difficulties.

What a mosquito is dreaming of: andslam dream book

The appearance of this unpleasant insect in a dream is an image of some weak and low person. Take a closer look at your own environment, perhaps among people close to you there is an envious and ill-wisher lurking, which can cause you many problems in the future.

Dream interpretation mosquito bite

Why dream of a mosquito bite in a dream from a dream book?

If you saw that mosquitoes bite you in a dream, this is a warning about the serious trials ahead of you. There may be disagreements with loved ones, failures in business, health problems. It is possible that troubles will affect several areas of life.

This plot also portends that you yourself, knowingly or inadvertently, will nullify the results of your work. You may even suffer a loss.

How many mosquitoes bit you in a dream?

A lot of mosquitoes bite on the dream book

A dream in which a lot of mosquitoes bite you is an unfavorable omen. It portends that he will soon lose something important. Damage to reputation, damage to business, rupture of significant relationships, or problems in the family may follow.

Swarm of mosquitoes

Dream Interpretation Swarm of Mosquitoes dreamed of why a Swarm of mosquitoes is dreaming in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Swarm of mosquitoes in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Mosquito

Dream Interpretation - Mosquito

Dream Interpretation - Mosquito

Dream Interpretation - Mosquito

Dream Interpretation - Mosquito, mosquito

Dream Interpretation - Mosquito

Dream Interpretation - Mosquito

Dream Interpretation - Mosquito

Dream Interpretation - Mosquito

Dream Interpretation - Mosquitoes

Kill a mosquito - victory, success

Mosquitoes on the ceiling

Dream Interpretation Mosquitoes on the ceiling dreamed of why Mosquitoes on the ceiling dream in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see Mosquitoes on the ceiling in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Mosquito

The mosquito is the personification of such bad human qualities as importunity, tediousness, envy, stubbornness and dependency. Perhaps the image of a mosquito caused by your subconscious mind in a dream is a signal that in real life you have done some business carefully, accurately and conscientiously. In a word, as folk wisdom says, "A mosquito will not undermine the nose."

If you dreamed that you were bitten by a mosquito, then in real life you will seriously suffer from the evil gossip of your envious people. Perhaps such a dream suggests that your well-being will be seriously affected due to the stupidity and lack of independence of a person close to you.

If you brushed off a mosquito from your hand before it had time to bite you, then the work ahead of you will be useless and will not bring any harm or benefit. Perhaps this dream indicates that soon you will meet with an uninteresting person.

To dream of a mosquito entangled in a web is a sign that you underestimate the strength of your enemies. Perhaps you are in danger from a person who, in your opinion, is much weaker than you.

Watching a mosquito fly in a dream is evidence that in real life there is a terribly boring and stubborn person in your environment who adversely affects you.

Killing a mosquito in a dream is a prophecy that you will finally be able to get rid of a person who, using your kindness, is called “pulling money from you”.

Hearing a mosquito buzzing in a dream means that in real life you will entrust your secret to a familiar person who will begin to spread gossip against you.

Seeing a swarm of mosquitoes in a dream is a sign that there are a lot of angry and envious people around you.

If a lot of mosquitoes attack you, then in reality you work in an evil and envious team. Your colleagues out of sycophancy to superiors or in order to take your official place by any means try to harm you.

To poison mosquitoes in a dream is a danger to which you expose yourself by trusting strangers.

Dream Interpretation - Mosquito

Mosquito - a symbol of importunity, envy, stubbornness and dependency; also thoroughness "a mosquito will not undermine the nose." To kill a mosquito in a dream means to get rid of someone who simply takes advantage of your kindness; hear the buzz of a mosquito, do not trust others with your secrets; a swarm of mosquitoes, there are a lot of angry and envious people around you.

Dream Interpretation - Mosquito

A dream in which mosquitoes annoy you is a warning to beware of evil and insidious people. Hearing a mosquito itchy under your ear is a harbinger of a long and tedious conversation, from which neither side will learn anything new constructive.

Catching a mosquito flying around you means that you will lose your patience and lose your temper for an essentially insignificant reason. Slam a mosquito - in reality, overcome all obstacles to the fulfillment of your plans and realize them. A mosquito that has bitten you to blood - you will suffer from envious people and gossips.

Dream Interpretation - Mosquito

Mosquito - if mosquitoes dream, then, they say, this is a bad omen: chores. Mosquitoes are buzzing - you will be invited as a guest.

Dream Interpretation - Mosquito, mosquito

If you dreamed that you swat a mosquito, it means that you will overcome all obstacles. A mosquito flying above you and a nasty ringing mosquito - to annoying friends, because of which you can lose precious time.

Unless you did it in your dream, imagine that you are killing a mosquito.

Dream Interpretation - Mosquito

To see mosquitoes is to suffer from secret ill-wishers who interfere with the implementation of your plans.

Sometimes mosquitoes dream of empty conversations with annoying acquaintances (if they don’t bite).

Kill a mosquito - to luck in everything.

You will overcome obstacles and achieve wealth and prosperity.

Dream Interpretation - Mosquito

Seeing mosquitoes in your dreams means that you are trying in vain to remain unshakable under the onslaught of cunning, secret enemies. Your patience and luck will suffer greatly from these Persians.

If you killed mosquitoes, you will eventually overcome obstacles and enjoy wealth and family happiness.

Dream Interpretation - Mosquito

this is a weak and low person. If you see a cluster of mosquitoes at home or somewhere else, then the number of inhabitants and their descendants in this place will increase. Some say that when you see a mosquito in a dream, you should beware of ignorant deeds that can give you dubious pleasure.

Dream Interpretation - Mosquito

The appearance of a mosquito in your dream indicates that you are trying in vain to remain unshakable under the onslaught of cunning secret enemies. Your patience is still not enough.

They killed a mosquito - you will overcome obstacles and enjoy wealth and family happiness.

Dream Interpretation - Mosquitoes

A mosquito flies around you in a dream - anxiety.

He sits on another - you secretly carry evil or resentment against some person from yourself.

Kill a mosquito - victory, success

Beat mosquitoes

Dream Interpretation Beat mosquitoes dreamed of why in a dream Beat mosquitoes? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to beat mosquitoes in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Mosquito

The mosquito is the personification of such bad human qualities as importunity, tediousness, envy, stubbornness and dependency. Perhaps the image of a mosquito caused by your subconscious mind in a dream is a signal that in real life you have done some business carefully, accurately and conscientiously. In a word, as folk wisdom says, "A mosquito will not undermine the nose."

If you dreamed that you were bitten by a mosquito, then in real life you will seriously suffer from the evil gossip of your envious people. Perhaps such a dream suggests that your well-being will be seriously affected due to the stupidity and lack of independence of a person close to you.

If you brushed off a mosquito from your hand before it had time to bite you, then the work ahead of you will be useless and will not bring any harm or benefit. Perhaps this dream indicates that soon you will meet with an uninteresting person.

To dream of a mosquito entangled in a web is a sign that you underestimate the strength of your enemies. Perhaps you are in danger from a person who, in your opinion, is much weaker than you.

Watching a mosquito fly in a dream is evidence that in real life there is a terribly boring and stubborn person in your environment who adversely affects you.

Killing a mosquito in a dream is a prophecy that you will finally be able to get rid of a person who, using your kindness, is called “pulling money from you”.

Hearing a mosquito buzzing in a dream means that in real life you will entrust your secret to a familiar person who will begin to spread gossip against you.

Seeing a swarm of mosquitoes in a dream is a sign that there are a lot of angry and envious people around you.

If a lot of mosquitoes attack you, then in reality you work in an evil and envious team. Your colleagues out of sycophancy to superiors or in order to take your official place by any means try to harm you.

To poison mosquitoes in a dream is a danger to which you expose yourself by trusting strangers.

Dream Interpretation - Mosquito

Mosquito - a symbol of importunity, envy, stubbornness and dependency; also thoroughness "a mosquito will not undermine the nose." To kill a mosquito in a dream means to get rid of someone who simply takes advantage of your kindness; hear the buzz of a mosquito, do not trust others with your secrets; a swarm of mosquitoes, there are a lot of angry and envious people around you.

Dream Interpretation - Mosquito

A dream in which mosquitoes annoy you is a warning to beware of evil and insidious people. Hearing a mosquito itchy under your ear is a harbinger of a long and tedious conversation, from which neither side will learn anything new constructive.

Catching a mosquito flying around you means that you will lose your patience and lose your temper for an essentially insignificant reason. Slam a mosquito - in reality, overcome all obstacles to the fulfillment of your plans and realize them. A mosquito that has bitten you to blood - you will suffer from envious people and gossips.

Dream Interpretation - Mosquito

Mosquito - if mosquitoes dream, then, they say, this is a bad omen: chores. Mosquitoes are buzzing - you will be invited as a guest.

Dream Interpretation - Mosquito, mosquito

If you dreamed that you swat a mosquito, it means that you will overcome all obstacles. A mosquito flying above you and a nasty ringing mosquito - to annoying friends, because of which you can lose precious time.

Unless you did it in your dream, imagine that you are killing a mosquito.

Dream Interpretation - Mosquito

To see mosquitoes is to suffer from secret ill-wishers who interfere with the implementation of your plans.

Sometimes mosquitoes dream of empty conversations with annoying acquaintances (if they don’t bite).

Kill a mosquito - to luck in everything.

You will overcome obstacles and achieve wealth and prosperity.

Dream Interpretation - Mosquito

Seeing mosquitoes in your dreams means that you are trying in vain to remain unshakable under the onslaught of cunning, secret enemies. Your patience and luck will suffer greatly from these Persians.

If you killed mosquitoes, you will eventually overcome obstacles and enjoy wealth and family happiness.

Dream Interpretation - Mosquito

this is a weak and low person. If you see a cluster of mosquitoes at home or somewhere else, then the number of inhabitants and their descendants in this place will increase. Some say that when you see a mosquito in a dream, you should beware of ignorant deeds that can give you dubious pleasure.

Dream Interpretation - Mosquito

The appearance of a mosquito in your dream indicates that you are trying in vain to remain unshakable under the onslaught of cunning secret enemies. Your patience is still not enough.

They killed a mosquito - you will overcome obstacles and enjoy wealth and family happiness.

Dream Interpretation - Mosquitoes

A mosquito flies around you in a dream - anxiety.

He sits on another - you secretly carry evil or resentment against some person from yourself.

Kill a mosquito - victory, success

mosquito swarm

Dream Interpretation Mosquito Swarm had a dream about why mosquitoes swarm in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a mosquito swarm in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Mosquito

The mosquito is the personification of such bad human qualities as importunity, tediousness, envy, stubbornness and dependency. Perhaps the image of a mosquito caused by your subconscious mind in a dream is a signal that in real life you have done some business carefully, accurately and conscientiously. In a word, as folk wisdom says, "A mosquito will not undermine the nose."

If you dreamed that you were bitten by a mosquito, then in real life you will seriously suffer from the evil gossip of your envious people. Perhaps such a dream suggests that your well-being will be seriously affected due to the stupidity and lack of independence of a person close to you.

If you brushed off a mosquito from your hand before it had time to bite you, then the work ahead of you will be useless and will not bring any harm or benefit. Perhaps this dream indicates that soon you will meet with an uninteresting person.

To dream of a mosquito entangled in a web is a sign that you underestimate the strength of your enemies. Perhaps you are in danger from a person who, in your opinion, is much weaker than you.

Watching a mosquito fly in a dream is evidence that in real life there is a terribly boring and stubborn person in your environment who adversely affects you.

Killing a mosquito in a dream is a prophecy that you will finally be able to get rid of a person who, using your kindness, is called “pulling money from you”.

Hearing a mosquito buzzing in a dream means that in real life you will entrust your secret to a familiar person who will begin to spread gossip against you.

Seeing a swarm of mosquitoes in a dream is a sign that there are a lot of angry and envious people around you.

If a lot of mosquitoes attack you, then in reality you work in an evil and envious team. Your colleagues out of sycophancy to superiors or in order to take your official place by any means try to harm you.

To poison mosquitoes in a dream is a danger to which you expose yourself by trusting strangers.

Dream Interpretation - Mosquito

Mosquito - a symbol of importunity, envy, stubbornness and dependency; also thoroughness "a mosquito will not undermine the nose." To kill a mosquito in a dream means to get rid of someone who simply takes advantage of your kindness; hear the buzz of a mosquito, do not trust others with your secrets; a swarm of mosquitoes, there are a lot of angry and envious people around you.

Dream Interpretation - Mosquito

A dream in which mosquitoes annoy you is a warning to beware of evil and insidious people. Hearing a mosquito itchy under your ear is a harbinger of a long and tedious conversation, from which neither side will learn anything new constructive.

Catching a mosquito flying around you means that you will lose your patience and lose your temper for an essentially insignificant reason. Slam a mosquito - in reality, overcome all obstacles to the fulfillment of your plans and realize them. A mosquito that has bitten you to blood - you will suffer from envious people and gossips.

Dream Interpretation - Mosquito

Mosquito - if mosquitoes dream, then, they say, this is a bad omen: chores. Mosquitoes are buzzing - you will be invited as a guest.

Dream Interpretation - Mosquito, mosquito

If you dreamed that you swat a mosquito, it means that you will overcome all obstacles. A mosquito flying above you and a nasty ringing mosquito - to annoying friends, because of which you can lose precious time.

Unless you did it in your dream, imagine that you are killing a mosquito.

Dream Interpretation - Mosquito

To see mosquitoes is to suffer from secret ill-wishers who interfere with the implementation of your plans.

Sometimes mosquitoes dream of empty conversations with annoying acquaintances (if they don’t bite).

Kill a mosquito - to luck in everything.

You will overcome obstacles and achieve wealth and prosperity.

Dream Interpretation - Mosquito

Seeing mosquitoes in your dreams means that you are trying in vain to remain unshakable under the onslaught of cunning, secret enemies. Your patience and luck will suffer greatly from these Persians.

If you killed mosquitoes, you will eventually overcome obstacles and enjoy wealth and family happiness.

Dream Interpretation - Mosquito

this is a weak and low person. If you see a cluster of mosquitoes at home or somewhere else, then the number of inhabitants and their descendants in this place will increase. Some say that when you see a mosquito in a dream, you should beware of ignorant deeds that can give you dubious pleasure.

Dream Interpretation - Mosquito

The appearance of a mosquito in your dream indicates that you are trying in vain to remain unshakable under the onslaught of cunning secret enemies. Your patience is still not enough.

They killed a mosquito - you will overcome obstacles and enjoy wealth and family happiness.

Dream Interpretation - Mosquitoes

A mosquito flies around you in a dream - anxiety.

He sits on another - you secretly carry evil or resentment against some person from yourself.

Kill a mosquito - victory, success

Repelled a lot of mosquitoes

Dream Interpretation - Mosquito

If you dreamed of a flying mosquito, someone misses you very much and wants to meet you. For the meeting to take place, eat a teaspoon of green tea.

If you dreamed of a dead mosquito (you killed it), then someone is trying to suck everything out of you that is possible. To protect yourself from this, kindle a fire and throw dry flowers into it.

Dream Interpretation - Mosquito

Mosquito - your luck will suffer due to the attacks of ill-wishers. Kill a mosquito in a dream - you can overcome all obstacles.

Dream Interpretation - Mosquito

Mosquito - Small annoying chores. Slam - you have to part with an annoying person.

Dream Interpretation - Mosquito

Mosquito - empty talk - to have on yourself - beware of evil people.

Dream Interpretation - Mosquito

Seeing them in a dream is a sign that you will soon be in the company of bores. Sometimes such a dream predicts failure in business due to the machinations of envious people and ill-wishers.

Killing or catching mosquitoes in a dream means that you will successfully cope with difficulties and circle your enemies around your finger. See interpretation: insects.

Dream Interpretation - Mosquitoes

Seeing in a dream how a mosquito drank your blood is a wound.

Dream Interpretation - Mosquitoes

Hearing in a dream how a mosquito itches above your ear - to an annoying person.

Dream Interpretation - Mosquito

To kill a mosquito in a dream means overcoming obstacles on the way to family happiness.

Dream Interpretation - Mosquito

The appearance of mosquitoes in a dream means vain efforts not to succumb to the onslaught and cunning of your enemies. Your patience and luck will suffer greatly in doing so.

Dream interpretation bugs a lot

The mosquito is the personification of such bad human qualities as importunity, tediousness, envy, stubbornness and dependency.

Perhaps the image of a mosquito caused by your subconscious mind in a dream is a signal that in real life you have done some business carefully, accurately and conscientiously. In a word, as folk wisdom says, "A mosquito will not undermine the nose."

If you dreamed that you were bitten by a mosquito, then in real life you will seriously suffer from the evil gossip of your envious people.

Perhaps such a dream suggests that your well-being will be seriously affected due to the stupidity and lack of independence of a person close to you.

If you brushed off a mosquito from your hand before it had time to bite you, then the work ahead of you will be useless and will not bring any harm or benefit.

Perhaps this dream indicates that soon you will meet with an uninteresting person.

To dream of a mosquito entangled in a web is a sign that you underestimate the strength of your enemies. Perhaps you are in danger from a person who, in your opinion, is much weaker than you.

Watching a mosquito fly in a dream is evidence that in real life there is a terribly boring and stubborn person in your environment who adversely affects you.

Killing a mosquito in a dream is a prophecy that you will finally be able to get rid of a person who, using your kindness, is called “pulling money from you”.

Hearing a mosquito buzzing in a dream means that in real life you will entrust your secret to a familiar person who will begin to spread gossip against you.

Seeing a swarm of mosquitoes in a dream is a sign that there are a lot of angry and envious people around you.

If a lot of mosquitoes attack you, then in reality you work in an evil and envious team. Your colleagues out of sycophancy to superiors or in order to take your official place by any means try to harm you.

To poison mosquitoes in a dream is a danger to which you expose yourself by trusting strangers.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ancient dream book

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