Structural units. Driving directions to SPHFA First Med Institute Petrogradka Lev Tolstoy

Brief information about SPbGMU im. acad. I.P. Pavlova

As an educational institution with rich historical traditions and reputable scientific schools, a large clinical base, one of the leading Russian medical research centers, for more than a century we have been contributing to the development of medicine and maintaining the health of society. The staff of the University today is more than 6000 doctors, teachers, scientists.

In SPbGMU them. acad. I.P. Pavlova trains specialists in the following educational areas:

Specialty "General Medicine"
Training period - 6 years
Form of study - daytime

Specialty "dentistry"
Training term - 5 years
Form of study - daytime

Specialty "Pediatrics"
Training period - 6 years
Form of study - daytime

Specialty "General Medicine", specialization in the field of sports medicine
Training period - 6 years
Form of study - daytime

Specialty "physical culture for persons with disabilities"
Training term - 5 years
Form of study - daytime

Training is also carried out in the following areas:
Specialty "nursing"
Training term - 5 years
Form of study - part-time

Postgraduate education
Pre-university education

Admission is carried out on the basis of competitive selection based on the results of the exam (chemistry, biology, Russian). Training is carried out at departments, at the bases of research institutes, as well as large medical and diagnostic institutions, specialized departments of hospitals and polyclinics in St. Petersburg.
Currently, the university includes 68 departments, 56 research laboratories, 5 research institutes, 6 research, scientific-methodological and scientific-practical centers. The university is one of the 5 best medical universities in Russia. In 2011, we took first place among medical universities in the country in terms of the average USE score.

The following Research Institutes have been established and are actively working at the University:

Research Institute of Nephrology
Institute of Pharmacology. A.V. Waldman
Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases
Research Institute of Pulmonology
Institute of Pediatric Hematology and Transplantology named after R.M. Gorbacheva
There are scientific centers at the University:
Center for laser medicine
Regional Center for Addiction and Psychopharmacology
Scientific and Methodological Center of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation for Molecular Medicine
Scientific and Practical Center of Dentistry
North-West Department of the Scientific and Methodological Center for Cell Therapy of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation

The main scientific directions that are developing at the University:

Pathogenetic and clinical aspects of arterial hypertension and coronary heart disease
Improvement of diagnostics and methods of surgical treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system
Chronic nonspecific lung disease
New approaches to the diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of the outcomes of chronic renal failure
Genetic, molecular biological and metabolic aspects of pathology
Secondary immunodeficiency states: mechanisms, diagnostics and immunocorrection
Optimization of cell and organ transplantation methods many others.

In SPbGMU them. acad. I.P. Pavlova, various scientific events are regularly held: congresses, symposia, seminars, research projects are being implemented, clinical trials are organized. The University participates in the implementation of sectoral and regional programs through the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, the Health Committees of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region.
SPbGMU them. acad. I.P. Pavlova is the largest medical center in the North-West of Russia. The largest hospital and polyclinic complex includes more than 100 departments in 16 clinics, an ambulance station, a consultative and diagnostic center, a laboratory diagnostics center, a maternity hospital, and a blood transfusion department. We employ doctors whose experience and qualifications are recognized both in Russia and abroad. Among them are 4 academicians and 6 corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, more than 600 professors, 12 chief specialists of the city and the Northwestern Federal District, doctors and candidates of medical sciences.

"There was no official competition for the designs of the clinic building. Of the 4 privately obtained sketches, Marta Ludvigovna seemed the most successful, and to us the sketch of Prof. Nyström from Helsingfors. Construction Committee.

The construction was carried out and carried out under the guidance of prof. Nyström. The architect of the Institute Georgy Ivanovich Merz was invited as his deputy. The construction contractor was the town of Massinen from Vyborg. Supervised on-site by a contractor-supplied technician Sten<...>

The building of the clinic with its main facade, along which the wards for patients are located, faces south; lateral facade to the west; auditorium and operating room to the north and east. Between the building of the clinic and Arkhireyskaya Street, which faces the main facade, there is a garden.

In the basement floor there is: a cloakroom for listeners, a room for steam boilers serving central heating, as well as sterilization equipment; there are also devices for central ventilation. Then, next to the coal basement, there is a room for animals. In the basement floor, with a completely separate entrance, there is a room for dirty linen that gets here through a mine from hospital departments.

The first floor is occupied by an outpatient clinic with a separate entrance from the street. The outpatient clinic consists of a small lobby, a very spacious waiting room, a dressing room and an operating room. Part of the corridor is adapted for the dressing room of patients entering the dressing room. Next to the waiting room there is also a room for applying plaster casts and a room for massage, electrification, hot air treatment, etc. The outpatient clinic has its own restrooms and a door to the mine for dirty linen.

The main entrance to the clinic is located on the side facade. Here, as already mentioned, there is a cloakroom for listeners who, bypassing the first floor, enter their premises on the second floor. In the premises of the first floor, the listeners do not enter at all. There is a lobby for the medical staff of the clinic; along the corridor are located: the professor's office, a library for doctors, a laboratory for doctors, consisting of 2 rooms, an X-ray room with a dark room and a room for endoscopy. The last two rooms are centrally located here in order to make them accessible to outpatients as well. The operating department is located on the first floor. The patient is brought here by elevator from the hospital rooms located on the second and third floors. From the preparatory room, in which the patient can be disinfected and anesthetized, he is transferred, as needed, either to the operating room or to the classroom. On the other side of the small corridor is the sterilization room and the dressing preparation room. As for the audience, it is adapted not only for lecturing and for demonstrations, but also for performing operations in it, for I adhere to the view that patients who get to a lecture and are subject to operations should, if possible, be operated on for the entire course. The amphitheater itself is made of reinforced concrete and all can be washed. The space behind the amphitheater, completely isolated from the audience, has been utilized partly for a museum, partly for an instrumental one. Light falls into the audience (from the audience) from behind and from above; artificial lighting, ceiling and side, with a total strength of about 7,200 candles. The tombs are located in the auditorium itself and in the operating room, since the staff should, in my opinion, be disinfected as much as possible in front of the audience.

In the circle in which the operations are performed, the listeners do not enter at all, but enter the auditorium from above from the second floor. There is a fairly spacious entrance hall for them, a small teahouse, a laboratory directly opposite the stairs, and their own lavatory. Entrances to the auditorium from the entrance hall. Thus, the attendants enter the classroom and the laboratory, bypassing the hospital, which includes only the curators; in the operating rooms, again, only curators with their patient are allowed. I find it highly desirable to isolate such a large mass of female trainees, as such, from the hospital, as well as from the operating rooms.

Hospital rooms are located on the II and III floors, 25 patients in each (male and female department), which are distributed in 3 wards for 6 people, in 2 wards for 2 people, and in 3 wards for 1 person. Each floor has its own dressing room, a room for the nurse on duty, a dressing room, a bathroom, a washroom and a restroom; a room for storing and washing bed ships, a small room for brushes and rags, a shaft for draining dirty linen, and finally, a pantry room where food, brought from the central kitchen of the Peter and Paul Hospital, rises by elevator. The extended parts of the corridor are used for the daytime stay of patients. From the landing of the back staircase we find ourselves on an open veranda for the sick and on a small balcony for cleaning blankets, pillows, etc. On the landing of the black staircase, in the outer wall, there is a small storage for ice.

On the third floor, the hospital premises are located in exactly the same way as on the second floor: there is also a senior assistant's office, a doctor's duty room and a room for attendants on duty. As for the air content in the rooms for patients, they are calculated at 3.44 cubic meters. soot. on a bed in common wards and 4.1 and 6.6 cubic meters of soot. in separate. The furnishings of the hospital premises are perhaps simple but solid. Beds with good springs, nickel plated, movable on high wheels. Beds from Konrad and Yarnushkevich firm. Wooden furniture, painted in white oil paint, tables, mostly covered with linoleum. Furniture from the firm Petrov. Hospital floor - linoleum on concrete. In operating theaters, corrilors, bathrooms, restrooms, etc. from metlakh tiles. Lighting in the wards is ceiling, semi-reflected light; there is a lamp on duty for the night. Light signaling, i.e. Each bed has an electric bell, when activated, in addition to a single bell in the corridor, a red light is lit above the ward doors, which goes out only when it is turned off by a nurse or a nurse entering the ward. The rooms for the daytime stay of the sick are furnished somewhat more decoratively than the hospital wards.

The fourth floor is divided into apartments, or, better to say, into rooms of employees: doctors, interns, nurses, nurses and, completely separately, servants and a doorman. Marta Ludwigovna paid special attention to the cozy atmosphere of the doctors 'and nurses' rooms. Heating of the whole building is central - water. The radiators are ordinary, quite accessible for cleaning; in operating rooms, the front wall of the radiator is completely smooth, to the level of the wall. Glass lanterns above the auditorium and the operating room have their own system of steam pipes, served by a separate steam engine, which makes it possible to quickly raise the temperature to the required height in these rooms during operations; in addition, it protects the glass roof from the accumulation of snow and ice on it, and also prevents the formation of water droplets on the inner surface of the glass roof.

Central ventilation with an inflow of fresh, warm and humidified air and a corresponding artificial exhaust. Outside air is pumped through the paper filters into 2 chambers with the help of an electric motor, where they are heated by appropriate radiators to the desired temperature, humidified and penetrated into the air ducts, through which it is distributed throughout the building. The hood is again powered by an electric motor in the attic. Inlet and outlet are in full compliance. So for example: in the wards for 6 beds, 30 cubic meters are supplied. soot. fresh air in 1 hour, i.e. 5 cubic meters soot. on the bed and stretches the same amount per hour. Only in operating rooms more air is supplied than is drawn out. So for example: 30 cubic meters of water are supplied to the operating room. soot. per hour, the hood is only 22 cubic meters. soot. In other words, there is a well-known Überdruck in these premises; arranged to avoid air intake from adjacent rooms. Heating and ventilation are arranged in St. Petersburg. A metal plant. Electric lighting; installation of it, as well as light signaling, by Kolbe. In the laboratories, in the sterilization room, as well as on the stairs, there is, in addition to electricity, and gas. All floors of the clinic are connected by telephones. Sterilization devices have their own steam engine and consist of a large chamber for sterilizing dressings and linen with flowing saturated steam under a pressure of 0.5 atmosphere; in reserve there is a second sterilizer for dressing material, heated with gas. Further in the sterilization room there is a chamber for sterilizing dishes with dry heat, an apparatus for sterilizing physiological salt solution with thermoregulation and, finally, a device for distilling water. Schimmelbusch's apparatus for boiling instruments in all operating rooms and dressing rooms are adapted for steam; the same, in reserve, are available for gas and electricity.

Hot and cold water for all washbasins in operating and dressing rooms is boiled with steam in 2 tanks located on the 4th floor. The pipes to the washbasins, before the water inlet, are purged with steam. All sterilization devices and washbasins from the renowned Lautenschlägerr company in Berlin; staged by engineer M.V. Zif. Plumbing works as well as gas supply were carried out by Steglau. Bathrooms have linen warmers; each bathtub has an electric bell to the corridor. As for the equipment and furnishings of the clinic, here too M.L. Nobel-Oleinikova covered most of the costs with the extremely kind assistance of her mother Edla Konstantinovna Nobel, who donated all the linen needed for the clinic, her sister Ingrida Ludvigovna Alqvist (garden arrangement and furnishings premises for the daytime stay of patients); her brothers Emanuil Ludwigovich (grate in front of the clinic building); Rolf Ludwigovich (lift for patients); Emil Ludvigovich (bed); Gustav Ludvigovich (arrangement of a laboratory for listeners). For the device of the X-ray room, for which there is still only premises, Ms. Carlson donated a certain amount. Here, I consider it a pleasant duty to note the very significant help in equipping the clinic, which was kindly provided to us by her enlightened advice and vast experience, the elder sister of the Kaufman Community, A.P. Filippova. Let me express my deep gratitude to all these persons on behalf of the Women's Medical Institute for their warm and generous participation in the establishment of the clinic. In addition to these generous donations, the City Public Self-Administration provided us with great help in equipping the clinic, which at the same time serves as a hospital for city patients, having allocated 12.356 rubles for the equipment. Took a significant part in the equipment of the clinic and the Women's Medical Institute, allocating 15,000 rubles. on the sterilization device with all its accessories. As for the cost of the new clinic, the entire construction cost 350,000 rubles. Of these, 279.200 rubles were spent on the building itself; for equipment 55.500 rubles. and the device of a garden, roads, trellises, concrete fence, etc. 15.300 rub "

(Zeidler, G.F. Speech given at the opening of the Faculty of Surgical Clinic. -

The administration of the academy, the dean's office of FPTL and the selection committee are located here. This building usually hosts celebrations, scientific conferences and open days. On the ground floor there is a book stand where students and applicants can purchase the necessary educational literature and teaching aids.
From st. Metro "Petrogradskaya" can be reached by passing one stop on the 34th trolleybus or by buses №1, №25, №46.
The administrative building can also be reached on foot, moving along Kamenoostrovsky prospect. Such a walk will take you about 10 minutes.

2. Educational buildings: Professors Popov 4, 6

The main educational laboratories of the Academy are located in these buildings. There is a student cafe in house number 6. The easiest way to reach the training corus is on foot.

3. Departments of Biotechnology and Microbiology: Kazanskaya street, 12

The easiest way to get to them is from the station. m. "Nevsky Prospect", exit to the Griboyedov Canal.

4. Hostel: st. Roentgena d. 21

The road from the academy to the hostel takes 15-20 minutes and runs along the educational buildings of the First Medical Institute named after V.I. Pavlova.

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