Spirea herb gray medicinal properties. Tavolga: useful properties and contraindications. The meadowsweet was also used in pagan rites by the ancient Celtic priests - the Druids. Interesting: they believed that eating meadowsweet prevented the appearance of large

Spirea is a genus of deciduous ornamental shrubs of the Pink family. They are found in forest, forest-steppe and semi-deserts, as well as mountainous regions in the north. In the Asian part, one of the borders passes through the Himalayas, the other through the territory of Mexico.

There are about 100 varieties of spirits. Some of them are frost-resistant, drought tolerant and need quality soil. Reproduction takes place by cuttings, dividing bushes, and also growing from seeds.

Spireas are distinguished by a wide variety of shapes and colors, depending on the type and variety of the bush. Some specimens tend to change color from one to another closer to autumn. The height of certain species may exceed the 2 m mark.

Delicate flowering of spirea will decorate your garden

The flowering of spring varieties is short, in summer species it is longer and more massive. The first flowering occurs in the 3rd year of the plant's life, and this may be the opening of only a few buds.

The range of application of plants is very diverse. They are used for medicinal purposes, forestry, landscape design. The root system of plants perfectly strengthens the soil.

When choosing a variety, pay attention to the flowering period of the crop.

All spireas can be divided into two large groups:

  1. A group of spring-blooming spirits.
  2. A group of summer-flowering spirits.

Spring flowering spireas: characteristics of varieties

This category includes representatives of spirits, the flowering of which occurs in spring or at the very beginning of summer. In these varieties, buds are laid on last year's branches. Therefore, shrubs should be cut off only after the culture has completely faded.

Spirea gray

Hybrid shrub. Bred in the middle of the XX century. It has a branched structure with felt shoots. About 2 m high.

Spirea gray

The leaves of the shrub are pointed, grayish-green in color and are slightly lighter in places. Flowers of a snow-white color are collected in shields. At the crown of the shoot, inflorescences are sessile, a little further - on long deciduous branches. Flowering can begin in May, and by the end of June the spirea is already ripe. The size of the gray spirea is a very compact shrub thanks to the falling branches with snow-white flowers. Suitable as a single or group planting. Blooming shoots look great in decorative bouquets.

Attention! Seed propagation of hybrid shrub species is impossible. Seedlings do not inherit the characteristics of the parent bush.

The most popular variety of this species is Grefsheim, a compact shrub with drooping branches that look like arches. Narrow-leaved flowers are double, white. They gather in dense inflorescences along the stems.

It is a wintering species.

Spirea Argut

The second name of the species is spirea sharp-toothed. It is a hybrid species of Tunberg spirea and multiflorous. Arguta is an early spirea that blooms first. Differs in special decorativeness and powerful flowering. After flowering, the garden turns into a beautiful openwork carpet. Height approximately 1.5–2 m. Has a large crown, graceful branches and narrow leaves of a rich greenish color.

Spirea Argut

The bloom is profuse, begins in May and lasts quite a long time. Arguta flowers are snow-white, gather in inflorescences.

Compacta is a variety of Arguta spirea, which was developed in Germany in the 19th century. It is a shrub. Its height and circumference are 1.5 m. Distinctive features are long growth and instability to frost.

Spirea Wangutta

A shrub that is classified as an abundantly flowering spirea on last year's branches. The height of the spirea is no more than 2 m. Flowering occurs in late May or early June. Flowers of white color are collected in brushes in the form of umbrellas. The color of the leaves is very unusual - blue-green.

Spirea Wangutta

Look great in single plantings, like hedges, and in combination with other shrubs or trees. The original compositions are obtained from Vargutta's spirea with maples and conifers.

Attention. Spirea Wangutta is the only spirea that has chosen limestone soils.

The famous Vargutta variety is Pink Ice (Catpan). The flowers on the tops of the shoots are cream-colored. Leaves are light green in color, gradually turning into cream-colored spots.

Pink Ice variety

The variety is winter-hardy, but meanwhile, the tips of the shoots can freeze in young animals.

Spirea crenate

Distributed in the southern latitudes of Russia, Western Europe, the Caucasus and Altai. Grows in meadows and steppes, as well as in mountainous areas.

The height of the shrub is no more than 1 m, it has a loose top. Its leaves are oblong, about 4 cm long, greenish-gray. It is the three-veined leaves that are the identification marks of the crenate spirea.

Spirea crenate

The flowers are white-yellow, collected in shields. The branches are short, leafy.

Flowering begins in June and lasts about 3 weeks. Fruiting occurs only in July.

Spirea crenate is not afraid of frost or drought, its root system is very developed. Good lighting is the key to abundant flowering. It is found mainly in nature, it is used in a forest-park landscape. Has hybrid varieties.

Spirea oak-leaved

Distributed in Siberia, Europe and Central Asia. A small shrub, its height is about 2 m. The leaves are bright, green in color, their length is 3.5–4 cm, they have pronounced outlines of teeth. In the autumn, the foliage turns yellow-orange.

Spirea oak-leaved

The flowers are snow-white, heavy. Under their weight, the branches are bent to the ground. Blooms during May. The average period is 3 weeks. Shade-tolerant plant, not afraid of cold weather and lack of moisture.

Advice. This type of spirea is successfully used in landscape design as a hedge. This species can be cut to achieve the desired shrub shape.

Spirea nippon

Dense spherical shrub. Its height is only 1.5 m. The Japanese islands are the birthplace of culture. Leaves are round, crenate and whole. Their length is 4-5 cm. White flowers are collected in inflorescences that stick around the shoot.

Spirea nippon

Flowering begins in May and lasts about 3 weeks. Nippon Spirea loves sunny areas, but can grow in a little shade. It is resistant to winter cold and undemanding to the composition of the soil.

Reproduction is carried out in three well-known options: dividing the bushes, growing from seeds and green cuttings.

It has many varieties, the most popular being Snowmound and Halward's Silver.

Both varieties begin to bloom in June.

Spirea average

Shrub with erect stems. Its height varies from 1 to 2 m. The top of the head looks like a ball, dense. The leaves are oblong with teeth in one part, and infrequent hairs in the other. The foliage is green.

Flowering begins in May and lasts only 14 days.

Spirea average

This species is not afraid of frost and shady areas. Propagated by the root system: it is well developed. The average spirea begins to bear fruit after 3 years of age. Can be cut, trimmed. Suitable for various types of landings.

In nature, it can be found in Siberia, Central Asia and the Far East.

Spirea Thunberg

Distributed in Korea, China and Japan. Grows on the slopes of the mountains.

Shrub, the average height of which is 1.5–2 m. Leaves are green, dense, 3.5–4 cm long, in autumn they acquire a yellowish tint. It is a decorative type.

Spirea Thunberg

The flowers are white, collected in sessile umbrellas. The beginning of flowering of the plant is May, the end is June. Ripening of Thunberg spirea fruits occurs very quickly. Fruiting begins at the age of 3.

Growing from seeds and grafting are the main breeding methods for this species. Spirea is a sun-loving plant with abundant flowering. In winter frosts, the extreme part of the shoots can freeze.

Summer flowering spireas: characteristics of varieties

In a plant of this category, inflorescences appear on young shoots of the current year. The next year, they will re-form on young branches, and the old ones will dry out. After three years of age, the old shoots are cut off, thereby rejuvenating the spirea. Thanks to its developed root system, the plant is considered durable. But despite this, it should be pruned once every four years.

Japanese spirea

The homeland of this extraordinarily beautiful species is the Japanese and Chinese expanses.

Japanese spirea is a small bush, the height of which is 1.5 m. The leaves are oblong. The upper part of the leaf is green, the reverse is bluish. After blooming, reddish tones appear.

Japanese spirea

The plant blooms throughout the summer season. Pink flowers are collected in inflorescences in the form of corymbose panicles.

Used to decorate flower beds and hedges. Spring pruning of the plant is a prerequisite.

Japanese spirea has many different varieties. Here are some of them:

  1. Little princess- undersized bush. Its height barely reaches half a meter. The circumference of the crown is about 120 cm. The crown is semicircular. Leaves are rich greenish color. The pink-red flowers gather in the scutes. Flowering occurs in June or July. It grows slowly. Resistant to frost.

    Little Princess variety

  2. Shirobana- a small shrub, the height of which is about 50–80 cm. The leaves are small, green, up to 2 cm long. The color of flowers is different: from snow-white to pinkish-red. It usually blooms in July and August. It is in perfect harmony with other shrubs and plants. Alpine slides and lawns are decorated with it. Suitable as a decoration for mixborders.

    Shiroban variety

  3. Macrophylla- another of the varieties. Height up to 130 cm. It has long leaves. During blooming, they are purple-red, later they turn a little green, and towards autumn they acquire a yellowish tint. The flowers of the plant are lost against the general background of the striking variegation of leaves. Flowering begins in late July and lasts for one month.

    Macrophylla cultivar

  4. Candlelight- a small bush with leaves of a pale creamy and yellowish tint. Height up to half a meter. In summer, spirea foliage looks a little brighter and looks perfect with pink flowers.

    Candlelight variety

  5. Gold flame- a shrub, the height of which is about 80 cm. It has orange foliage, later it becomes deep yellow, and closer to autumn - copper color. Often, yellow foliage forms on the shrub. The flowers are small in size, pink and red.

    Gold flame variety

  6. Golden princess- a small bush. Its height is only 100 cm. Flowers are yellow and pinkish.

    Golden Princess variety

  7. Gold mound- mini-variety 25 cm high. Differs in small size. Leaves are rich golden color. Flowers are pink. Flowering occurs in the middle of the summer season.

    Gold Mound grade

Spirea white

A very common species in our country. It has been grown since the 18th century.

A small bush. By the age of ten it grows 160 cm. It has ribbed, drooping red-brown shoots. The leaves are sharp, 6.5 cm long and 2 cm wide. White flowers gather in panicle-like pyramids.

Spirea white

Flowering occurs annually in July. Its duration is about a month. Ripening usually occurs in October.

The plant loves moist soils and moderate watering. Grown from seed or propagated by cuttings.

Spirea birch-leaved

Found in forests, mountain slopes and the seaside. It can be found in Siberia, the Far East, Japan and Korea.

Photophilous shrub, but feels good in the shade. It is under protection in the reserve.

Spirea birch-leaved

It owes its name to the similarity of its own foliage with birch leaves. They are ovoid in shape, the length is about 4 cm, and the width is 1.5-2 cm. The height of the shrub is about 60 cm. The crown is spherical. The flowers are white and pinkish, gather in the shields.

Flowering lasts from June. Duration is one month.

Spirea Billard

Hybrid species of Douglas spirea and willow leaf. It is a winter-hardy plant, therefore it grows well in the northern latitudes of our country.

Spirea Billard

It is a small shrub with spreading branches. It reaches a height of 200 cm. It has wide leaves. The flowers are pink. They are collected in inflorescences in the form of pyramids. Flowering occurs during the summer season and before the first cold weather.

Maturation does not occur, since Billard's spirea is a hybrid species.

Spirea Bumald

A hybrid species of Japanese and white-flowered spirea. A wonderful plant, sometimes it is difficult to distinguish it from the Japanese spirea itself.

Its height is 75–80 cm. Shoots are ribbed, branches are erect. The leaves are sharp, about 7.5 cm long. There are species with flowers ranging from pinkish to dark carnation. Blooms throughout the summer.

Spirea Bumald

Grown from seeds and by cuttings. Moreover, the second option is optimal for Boomald's spirea.

Among the variety of varieties of this species, the most famous can be distinguished.

  1. Anthony waterer- a bush with small leaves. The flowers are red. Flowering lasts more than 3 months. Combines with hydrangea.

    Anthony Waterer cultivar

  2. Darts Red- shrub about 60 cm high. The top has the same circumference. Growth is going up. The leaves are lanceolate, changing color during the growing period. During blooming, they are pink, later dark green, and in autumn they are red. Flowering begins in July and lasts until September. Crimson flowers are collected in shields.

    Darts Red variety

  3. Frebel- medium-sized shrub. Has purple leaves in autumn and spring. The flowering of the species continues for one and a half months. It is widely used for making flower arrangements in the form of bouquets.

    Frebel's variety

  4. Curly- undersized one and a half meter shrub with brownish drooping shoots. The flowers are purple in color. Flowering begins in late July and lasts for one month. No seed ripening occurs.

    Variety Curchavaya

Spirea Douglas

The homeland of this species is North America. Spirea Douglas is an upright shrub. The leaves are lanceolate, their length varies from 3 to 10 cm. The flowers are dark pink. The flowering period is 1.5 months. Flowering occurs in July, and fruit ripens in September. Grown from seeds and by cuttings.

Spirea Douglas

Spirea willow

Light-loving species. It grows everywhere, but mainly near water bodies. It is protected in nature reserves.

The height of the shrub is 200 cm. The shoots are smooth, red-brown in color. The leaves are sharp, their length is about 10 cm. White and yellow spirea flowers gather in pyramidal panicles.

Spirea willow

The species is resistant to frost. Prefers moist soils with good mineral content. Grown from seeds and by cuttings. In Russia, it is found in Siberia and the Far East.

Growing spirea: video

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15.03.13 Kseniya

I am 30. I was diagnosed with an intervertebral hernia in the lumbar spine. Could you advise on drugs or treatments that restore the functioning of the damaged disc tissue? I would like to avoid surgery. Thank you in advance! Kseniya.

Melt in an oven preheated to 70 degrees 250.0 gr. interior pork oil (or any other animal fat), add 50.0 gr. powdered comfrey root, 50.0 gr. black elderberry flowers, and simmer for 6 hours, stirring, cool. Pour in 50.0 g while stirring. tincture of marsh cinquefoil root. Cool and store in the refrigerator. Before use, extract the required amount, warm up to a temperature of 37 degrees. Apply 2 times a day - until complete absorption (45 minutes), remove the rest of the fat.

Tincture of marsh cinquefoil.

Grind to a size of 1 cm. Pour 0.5 liters of 40% vodka over the roots of the cinquefoil, close tightly. Insist 3 weeks in a dark place, shaking occasionally, drain. Take 1 tsp. 3 times a day before meals with water and / or use for rubbing.

The phyto mat is anti-cellulite.

Contains a leaf of May birch, a complex of anti-inflammatory and decongestant herbs, perfect for the "poultice" procedure. Throw the rug (45 cm * 37 cm) into a bowl of cold water so that the water moistens the leaves well and they do not break, but give the healing properties to hot water (85-90 degrees), where you will put the rug next. After 3-5 minutes, remove, squeeze, lay on the prepared bed, lie on the rug, placing it under the problem area. Cover up warmly, lie for 15-20 minutes. Do the procedure at night. The rug can be used 2-3 times, and, of course, just go to the sauna with it.

Baths with fir emulsion, following Zalmanov.

The course of such baths helps to eliminate the cause of the hernia (displacement of the nucleus pulposus).

The bath is made according to the recipe of A.S. Zalmanov, the great Russian naturopath. Turpentine is replaced by fir oil. The bath is no less effective, but more economical.

You will need:

0.5 liters of fir oil.

30.0 g baby soap.

0.75 gr. salicylic acid (NOT aspirin).

550.0 ml. water for making an emulsion in an enamel bowl.

Prepare everything, heat the water, add salicylic acid, dissolve. Pour the grated soap into boiled water, reduce heat and stir until the soap is completely dissolved. Remove from heat (oil is highly flammable), and pour in fir oil, stirring occasionally. Cool, pour into bottles (better - 100.0 ml.).


Water volume 170-180.0 liters; temperature 39-41 degrees; time from 5-20 minutes.

The first bath is 15.0 ml. emulsions. Add 5.0 ml for each subsequent bath. Final bath - 85.0 ml. emulsions.

If during the first bath you feel a burning sensation, before the next, lubricate these areas with petroleum jelly or baby cream.

Additional bath effects.

Good luck, Ksenia, you will be treated with pleasure! Write!

Medicine of all times and peoples has used various plants. Modern medicine also cannot do without herbal medicines. Medicinal plants are used to prepare highly effective cardiac, pain relievers, muscle spasm relievers and other drugs.

Spirea willow

The word "spirea" in translation from Greek means "bending", as the branches of this plant bend, forming a beautiful lush bush. There are many types of spirits, most of which are used as ornamental plants for landscaping summer cottages and as hedges. All spireas are good honey plants, they are often planted next to apiaries. Spirea contains many phytoncides (volatile substances with a pronounced antimicrobial effect), so it contributes to a healthier environment. In our country, spireas have another name - meadowsweet.

Spirea willow blooms in May-July. It grows along the banks of water bodies, on forest edges, on wet depressions, in swamps. Spirea willow leaf is widespread in Siberia, the Far East, and North America. In folk medicine, roots, young shoots with flowers at the ends, bark of branches, leaves are used as medicinal raw materials.

The flowering tops of the spirea are cut (broken off), tied and dried in a suspended state under awnings.

Chemical composition

The chemical composition of willow spirea is not fully understood. It is known that the flowering tops of willow spirea include:

Application in traditional medicine

In folk medicine, decoctions and infusions from shoots with flowers, bark of branches are used. They have antimicrobial and antifungal properties, are used for diarrhea, dysbiosis and fungal diseases of the intestine (for example, with intestinal candidiasis).

In the East, decoctions and infusions of willow spirea were also used for diarrhea, for getting rid of worms, for rheumatism, for the treatment of scurvy ... Outwardly, they are used for various gynecological diseases in the form of baths and douching and with snake bites.

Young leaves and shoots of willow spirea in Siberia and the Far East are used to prepare vitamin salads.

How to prepare a medicine from willow spirea

Willow spirea is used in folk medicine in the form of infusions and decoctions:

  • decoction of shoots with flowers: pour a teaspoon of crushed raw materials with a glass of water, bring to a boil, boil for 15 minutes, add to the original level, filter, then bring to a boil again, cool and take a tablespoon three times a day for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract ;
  • infusion of shoots with flowers: a teaspoon of crushed raw materials is poured with a glass of boiling water, infused for 20-30 minutes, filtered and taken in a tablespoon three times a day for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Teas are also prepared from dried shoots and flowers of willow spirea, and salads are prepared from fresh shoots, seasoned with vegetable oil or sour cream.

Spirea is a very beautiful ornamental plant that can decorate any garden plot. But as medicinal plants, spirea has not been sufficiently studied, in addition, not all types of this plant are used for treatment, so you should not use them for treatment on your own, it is better to rely on the experience of herbalists, after consulting a doctor first.

Galina Romanenko

One of the original names of this plant is slime, as the famous Vladimir Dal says in his dictionary. In Cyprus, they joke that this fluffy grass appeared from the foam that had dripped from the body of Aphrodite who came ashore. And in modern Italy, on the basis of these fragrant flowers, they prepare fashionable anti-cellulite tea (with birch, and). Meet the handsome meadowsweet, whose useful properties and contraindications are appreciated both in folk and official medicine.

From Druidic Rites to Pharmacy Handbooks

It is difficult to find a person who, at least once, has not met a meadowsweet near rivers, in the fields or on swampy meadows - a photo of this plant will show that it is familiar to almost everyone. Fluffy inflorescences of meadowsweet really look like foam, and even multi-colored - cream, white, pale pink and almost purple ...

The Greek "name" for the fragrant plant is spirea, and the other name for meadowsweet is meadowsweet. Almost the whole world knows sludge under this name. In time immemorial, the ancient druids used spirea in their rituals, hence the Latin spiritus - spirit, breath. Peter the Great decorated the paths in the Summer Garden with a small shed (another popular nickname), and the botanist Carl Linnaeus, fascinated by its beauty and honey aroma, was ready to plant meadows in all European cities ...

There are a lot of species and varieties of meadowsweet, but in Russia the most fragrant and most curative - meadowsweet is famous in Russia. In 1984, the Ministry of Health officially decreed: use the shed for inflammation of the skin and mucous membranes! - and included in directories. Here is just a list of ailments from which this plant can cure, is much wider ...

Aspirin from meadowsweet

The chemical composition of field grass speaks for itself - salicylic acid, tannins ... Do you know why the legendary medicine aspirin is called that way? Very simple - from the word "spirea", or, more simply, in honor of our shed!

Here is how it was. In 1828, the pharmacist Johann Büchner from Munich discovered in the bark of willow the wonderful substance salicin, from which he made medicinal salicylic acid. And 10 years later, the Italian R. Piria discovered that the same acid can be obtained from the fragrant meadowsweet. A few more years - and the inventive German Felix Hoffman learned to create a drug in a chemical laboratory. And in 1899, a new drug, aspirin, named after spirea, entered the market.

Chemistry is very good, but natural healing power is always more useful, and more lies to the soul. With the help of vegetable aspirin, a variety of infectious sores are treated - as scientists assure, a decoction of 7 different types of meadowsweet kills pathogens of a severe purulent infection. So today, teas and decoctions from meadowsweet herb are famous among the people. useful properties will save them from any cold. And the fever will be removed, and they will help to cope with it, and the sore throat will be cured.

And on medical forums on the Internet, you can see a lot of messages from young mothers who are treating their children for colds with a decoction of smelt, as their mothers and grandmothers did ...

The healing properties of meadowsweet

In ancient times, the meadowsweet was especially loved among riders and warriors - its useful properties were especially appreciated in multi-day hikes. The exhausted riders fled with tea from the life-giving meadowsweet, which gave strength, relieved hiking sores and was simply incredibly tasty. And they found meadowsweet for their owners ... horses, who themselves happily feasted on the medicinal herb.

Our ancestors drank meadowsweet as a cure for "hysterical convulsions." We hope you don't get into seizures, but if daily stress is about to lead to an ordinary tantrum, be sure to drink a glass or two of fragrant tea a day. Visitors to the forums are convinced that this drink is so delicate and aromatic that you want to drink it just like that, without thinking about its healing properties.

And if insomnia is tormenting, you can build a healing pillow - fill it with dried inflorescences. The smell is unobtrusive, warm and delicious - perfect for a night out!


There is such injustice - the herb is both fragrant and tasty, and can heal from the most dangerous ailments, but it has a dark darkness of contraindications. All this is not about meadowsweet - the medicinal properties and contraindications of meadowsweet make it one of the safest plants.

The few prohibitions on decoctions and tinctures from the smelter directly follow from its healing qualities. Meadowsweet fixes and treats diarrhea - try not to get carried away with it if you are prone to constipation, it can aggravate the problem. Meadowsweet reduces blood pressure - therefore it is better for chronic hypotensives to drink odorless teas less often. It is also worth taking a slick with poor blood clotting and during pregnancy.

Meadowsweet recipes

The fluffy beauty of the meadow is a grass with character. Each ailment requires its own separate recipe - grass, flowers, sometimes even roots. What are the most proven and effective medicines from meadowsweet?

Infusion for the prevention of colds and flu

We take a half-liter jar and fill it with half-fragrant meadowsweet flowers (fresh or dried). Fill the jar to the top with cool water (boiled or bottled). We wait 12 hours, then filter through a strainer and drink a teaspoon several times a day.

Decoction for the treatment of colds, asthma and rheumatism

Pour two tablespoons of chopped fresh grass (or a small spoonful of dried) with one and a half glasses of boiling water, wrap in a towel and leave for an hour. Strain and drink before breakfast-lunch-dinner for a third of the glass. Pre-heat a little!

Infusion for edema, cystitis and renal diseases

Pour 2 teaspoons of dried meadowsweet inflorescences into a small saucepan, pour two glasses of boiling water. Cover with a lid or a clean towel - let it infuse for 40-60 minutes. Strain and take half a tablespoon three times a day.

Ointment for burns and skin diseases

Finely chop the flowers of the shed - chop fresh, grind dried. For 5 g of the aromatic mixture (a teaspoon), we take 9 g of petroleum jelly and 6 g of lanolin (if not, you can replace it with fresh butter). Mix well, store - only in the refrigerator!

How to make meadowsweet tea?

Meadowsweet is used not only in medicine - its properties are actively used in cooking. Culinary recipes with meadowsweet are a separate story, no less exciting than his ascent to the medical Olympus.

In Central Asia, lamb and horse meat were smoked on fire from meadowsweet branches, acquiring a simply unearthly aroma. Also, the smoke from the meadowsweet was used to "ventilate" the saba - a special bag for making.

If you are not a fan of smoked lamb or horse meat, try making a healthy drink from meadowsweet - regular tea, cold nectar or apple-meadowsweet compote.

Iced tea with honey

Recipes for tea from meadowsweet with honey are very different. You can steam regular tea and add a spoonful of honey, or you can brew a refreshing honey drink from meadowsweet. For 50 grams of fresh flowers, take a liter of clean water, bring to a boil and keep on fire for 10 minutes. Then we filter, add 2 tablespoons of honey and wait until it starts to boil. We remove from the fire, wait until it cools down - and enjoy.

Dried fruit compote with meadowsweet

For 1 kg of ready-made or homemade mixture of dried fruits - 50 g of fresh meadowsweet flowers, a liter of water and one and a half tablespoons of honey.

First, we cook an ordinary compote, as we are used to, filter it, put honey. Pour boiling water over the flowers, let it brew for 10-15 minutes. We filter and add to the compote. This drink tastes best when cold.

Spirea (meadowsweet) willow is one of the representatives of the Rosaceae family, a shrub with brown branches up to one and a half meters high. All types of spirits. Medicinal plants include, for example, willow spirea or willow meadowsweet. It has antimicrobial and antifungal properties, is used for diarrhea, dysbiosis and fungal diseases. For medicinal purposes, roots, bark (branches), leaves, branches are used. Alkaloids, coumarins, tannins, flavonoids were found in the branches of spirea. A decoction of meadowsweet branches has antibacterial properties and is used for diarrhea. What are the medicinal properties of meadowsweet we will consider in this material.

Since ancient times, various types of plants have been used in the treatment of various kinds of diseases. Modern medicine, also, is not complete without medicinal preparations of herbal origin. Medicinal plants are used in the manufacture of highly effective pain relievers, heart, relieve muscle spasms and other drugs. In this publication, the medicinal properties of willow spirea, also referred to as meadowsweet, will be considered.
Spirea willow(Spiraea salicifolia L.) is a shrub with brown branches, leaves are elliptic-lanceolate, sharp, with sawtooth-toothed edges. Spirea flowers are pink or whitish-pink in narrow apical pyramidal or almost cylindrical panicles, up to 12 cm long. The blossoming period of willow spirea is from June to September. (see the photo of the spirea on the left). The people call the meadowsweet forty - a remedy that helps to cope with 40 diseases.

1. Willow spirea (meadowsweet) - healing, useful properties

Translated from Greek, the word "spirea" means "bending". This plant got this name because the branches of the spirea bend and thereby form a beautiful, lush bush. Many types of spirea are known, most of which are used as hedges and as ornamental plants used for landscaping summer cottages. Often, spireas are planted near apiaries, as they are good honey plants. Spirea contains a high content of phytoncides - volatile substances that have a strong antibacterial effect. In this regard, spiraea contributes to a healthier environment. In Russia, spirea received another name - meadowsweet. In medicine, not all types of spirits are used, but only willow spire. Willow spirea, belongs to the family Rosaceae, grows in the form of a shrub with brown branches, reaching a height of 1.5 meters. Spirea leaves, have a lanceolate shape, they are large and sharp, with jagged edges, up to 10 centimeters long. The flowers are located at the end of the shoot, are pink in color and are collected in tall panicles. The fruit of the spirea is a naked whorl, with a column bent outward. In May - July, the spirea bloom occurs. It grows on forest edges, along the banks of water bodies, in swampy areas and in humid lowlands. Spirea willow, widespread in North America, Siberia and the Far East. As a medicine, in folk medicine, young shoots with flowers, leaves, roots and bark of spirea branches are used. Flowering shoots are cut or broken off, tied and dried under awnings, in limbo.

2. The chemical composition and medicinal properties of willow spirea (meadowsweet).

Scientists have not been able to fully study the chemical composition of willow spirea, but it is known for sure that the chemical composition of the flowering shoots of spirea includes:

Ascorbic acid, which strengthens the immune system and blood vessel walls;

Carotenoids, from which vitamin A is formed in the human body, also carotenoids serve as strong antioxidants that stop the aging of body cells, strengthen immunity and improve the health of the skin, along with the appendages (hair and nails);

The essential oil, which contains phytoncides and salicylic acid, has analgesic, antifungal, antimicrobial and antipyretic properties, relieves spasm of blood vessels and muscles of internal organs;

Flavonoids (bioactive substances acting on human enzymes and participating in the metabolic process);

Tannins, which have analgesic, antibacterial and astringent effects that reduce mucus secretion.

3. The use of willow spirea in folk medicine.

In the preparation of folk remedies, infusions and decoctions from the bark of branches and young shoots with flowers are used. They have antifungal and antibacterial properties, are used for fungal intestinal diseases (candidiasis), diarrhea and dysbiosis. In the East, infusion and decoction of spirea is used to get rid of worms, treat diarrhea, rheumatism and scurvy. For gynecological diseases and snake bites, infusion and decoction are used externally, in the form of baths. In the Far East and Siberia, young shoots and leaves of spirea are used to prepare fortified salads.

4. Method of preparation and use.

To prepare the broth, it is necessary to finely chop the shoots with flowers. Pour 1 teaspoon of chopped shoots, 1 glass of water and bring to a boil. Simmer for 15 minutes. Top up, add water to its original state and strain. Then, bring to a boil again and cool. It is recommended to use for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Take 1 tablespoon, 3 times a day.

To prepare an infusion of shoots with flowers, you need to grind them and pour 1 teaspoon of the plant, 1 glass of boiling water. Insist for 30 minutes and strain. It is used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, 1 tablespoon, 3 times a day.

Tea is prepared from dried flowers and spirea shoots. And fresh spiraea shoots are used to prepare salads, which are seasoned with sour cream or vegetable oil before eating.

Before using spirea as a medicine, it is recommended to consult a doctor and herbalists, because this type of plant has not been sufficiently studied and is not available. Save in social networks:

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