Macro micro and chemical elements. Macronutrients. What are trace elements

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Macronutrients are directly involved in the construction of organic and inorganic compounds of a plant, making up the bulk of its dry matter. For the most part, they are represented in cells by ions.

The body of an adult contains about 4 grams, 100 g sodium, 140 g, 700 g and 1 kg. Despite such different numbers, the conclusion is obvious: substances, combined under the name "macroelements", are vital for our existence. Other organisms also have a great need for them: prokaryotes, plants, animals.

Proponents of the evolutionary doctrine argue that the need for macronutrients is determined by the conditions in which life originated on Earth. When the land consisted of solid rocks, the atmosphere was saturated with carbon dioxide, nitrogen, methane and water vapor, and instead of rain, acid solutions fell on the ground, it was macroelements that were the only matrix on the basis of which the first organic substances and primitive life forms could appear. Therefore, even now, billions of years later, all living things on our planet continue to experience the need to update internal resources and other important elements that form the physical structure of biological objects.

Physical and chemical properties

Macronutrients differ in both chemical and physical properties. Among them are metals (and others) and nonmetals (and others).

Some physical and chemical properties of macronutrients, according to the data:


Atomic number

Atomic mass



T. bale, ° C

Melting point, ° C

Physical condition under normal conditions





colorless gas











hard white metal




silver-white metal



444, 6


fragile yellow crystals






silver-colored metal

Macronutrients are found everywhere in nature: in soil, rocks, plants, living organisms. Some of them, such as nitrogen, oxygen and carbon, are building blocks of the earth's atmosphere.

Deficiency symptoms some nutrients in agricultural crops, according to data:


Common Symptoms

Sensitive crops

Changing the green color of the leaves to pale green, yellowish and brown,

The size of the leaves decreases,

The leaves are narrow and located at an acute angle to the stem,

The number of fruits (seeds, grains) decreases sharply




Black currant,

Curling the edges of the leaf blade,

Violet coloration



Red Ribes,

Edge burn of leaves,

Lethargy leaves

Hanging leaves

Lodging of plants,

Blooming disturbance,

Violation of fruiting



Black currant,

Whitening of the apical kidney,

Whitening of young leaves,

The tips of the leaves are bent down

The edges of the leaves curl upward


White cabbage and cauliflower,

Chlorosis of leaves


White cabbage and cauliflower,

Black currant,

Change in the intensity of the green color of the leaves,

Stems are woody,

Slowdown in growth


The color of the leaves changes to white,

Chlorosis of leaves




Role in the plant

Biochemical functions

A high yield of any agricultural crop is possible only with adequate and sufficient nutrition. In addition to light, heat and water, plants need nutrients. The composition of plant organisms includes more than 70 chemical elements, of which 16 are absolutely essential - these are organogens (carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen), ash microelements (phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur), as well as iron and manganese.

Each element performs its functions in plants, and it is absolutely impossible to replace one element with another.

From the atmosphere

plants are mainly supplied with oxygen, carbon and hydrogen. They account for 93.5% of dry mass, including carbon - 45%, oxygen - 42%, hydrogen - 6.5%.

Next most important

for plants, the elements are nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium:

The following macronutrients

are no less important for the successful life of plants. Their balance affects many of the most important plant processes:

Lack (deficiency) of macronutrients in plants

External signs clearly indicate the deficiency of one or another macroelement in the soil, and, consequently, in the plant. The sensitivity of each plant species to the lack of macronutrients is strictly individual, however, there are some similar signs. For example, with a lack of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium, old leaves of the lower tiers suffer, with a lack of calcium, sulfur and iron, young organs, fresh leaves and a growing point.

The lack of nutrition is especially pronounced in high-yielding crops.

Excess macronutrients in plants

The condition of plants is affected not only by the lack, but also by the excess of macronutrients. It manifests itself primarily in old organs, and retards plant growth. Often, the signs of a deficiency and an excess of the same elements are somewhat similar.

Symptoms of excess macronutrients in plants, according to data:



Plant growth at a young age is suppressed

In adulthood - the rapid development of the vegetative mass

Reduced yield, taste and keeping quality of fruits and vegetables

Growth and maturation are delayed

Decreases resistance to fungal diseases

The concentration of nitrates increases

Chlorosis develops at the edges of the leaves and spreads between the veins

Brown necrosis

The ends of the leaves curl up

Leaves fall

Leaves turn yellow

Older leaves turn yellowish or brown at the ends and edges

Bright necrotic spots appear

Early leaf fall

Uneven ripening


Decreased resistance to fungal diseases

Reduced resistance to adverse climatic conditions

The tissue is not necrotic

Poor growth

Elongation of internodes

There are spots on the leaves

Leaves wither and fall

Interveinal chlorosis with whitish necrotic spots

Spots are colored or have concentric rings filled with water

Growth of leaf rosettes

Dying off shoots

Falling leaves

Leaves darken

Leaves shrink slightly

Shrinking of young leaves

The ends of the leaves are retracted and die off

Decreased harvest

General coarsening of plants

The tissue is not necrotic

Chlorosis develops between the veins of young leaves

Veins are green, later the whole leaf is yellow and whitish

The content of macronutrients in various compounds

They are recommended for use on sufficiently moist soddy-podzolic, gray forest soils, as well as on leached chernozems. They are able to provide up to half of the total yield increase from complete mineral fertilization (NPK).

One-component nitrogen fertilizers are divided into several groups:

  1. ... These are salts of nitric acid and nitrate. They contain nitrogen in the nitrate form.
  2. and ammonia fertilizers: available in solid and liquid. They contain nitrogen in ammonium and, accordingly, ammonia form.
  3. ... This is nitrogen in ammonium and nitrate forms. An example is ammonium nitrate.
  4. Amide fertilizers... Nitrogen in amide form. These include urea and urea.
  5. ... This is urea-ammonium nitrate, an aqueous solution of urea and ammonium nitrate.

The source of industrial nitrogen fertilizers is synthetic ammonia formed from molecular nitrogen and air.

Phosphate fertilizers are divided into several groups:

  1. Containing in water-soluble form- superphosphates simple and double. Phosphorus of this group of fertilizers is readily available to plants.
  2. Containing, insoluble in water, but soluble in weak acids(in 2% lemon) and alkaline solution of ammonium citrate. These include tomoslag, precipitate, thermophosphates and others. Phosphorus is available to plants.
  3. Containing, insoluble in water and poorly soluble in weak acids... Phosphorus of these compounds can be completely dissolved only in strong acids. This is bone meal and phosphate rock. They are considered the most difficult sources of phosphorus for plants.

The main sources of phosphorus fertilizers are natural phosphorus-containing ores (apatites and phosphorites). In addition, to obtain this type of fertilizer, phosphorus-rich wastes from the metallurgical industry (open-hearth slag, tomoslag) are used.

The use of this type of fertilizer is recommended on soils with a light particle size distribution, as well as on peaty soils with a low potassium content. On other soils with a high gross potassium supply, the need for these fertilizers arises only during the cultivation of potassium-loving crops. These include root crops, tubers, silage, vegetable crops, sunflower and others. It is characteristic that the efficiency of potash fertilizers is the stronger, the higher the supply of plants with other basic nutrients.

Potash fertilizers are divided into:

  1. Local potassium-containing materials... These are non-industrial potassium-containing materials: crude potassium salts, quartz-glauconite sands, waste aluminum and cement products, plant ash. However, the use of these sources is inconvenient. In areas with deposits of potassium-containing materials, their effect is weakened, and long-distance transportation is unprofitable.
  2. Industrial potash fertilizers... Obtained as a result of processing potassium salts by industrial methods. These include potassium chloride, potassium chloride electrolyte, potassium magnesium, kalimag and others.

The source of production of potash fertilizers is natural deposits of potash salts.

Magnesium fertilizers

In terms of composition, they are subdivided into:

  1. Simple- contain only one nutrient. This is magnesite and dunite.
  2. Complex- contain two or more nutrients. These include nitrogen-magnesium (ammoshenite or dolomite-ammonium nitrate), phosphorus-magnesium (fused magnesium phosphate), potassium-magnesium (potassium magnesium, polyhalite carnallite), boron magnesium (magnesium borate), lime-magnesium (dolotomite), phosphorus and magnesium (magnesium-ammonium phosphate).

The sources of production of magnesium-containing fertilizers are natural compounds. Some are used directly as sources of magnesium, others are recycled.

Iron compounds are not introduced into the soil, since iron is capable of very quickly changing into forms indigestible by plants. The exception is chelates - organic iron compounds. For enrichment with iron, plants are sprayed with iron vitriol, weak solutions of ferric chloride and citric acid.

Lime fertilizers

Soil liming is one of the methods of chemical reclamation. It is considered the most beneficial way to increase yields on acidic soils. The active ingredient in lime fertilizers is calcium (Ca) in the form of calcium carbonate (CaCO 3) or calcium oxide CaO.

Lime fertilizers are divided into:

The content of macronutrients in organic fertilizers

Organic fertilizers contain a significant amount of macronutrients and are an important means for the reproduction of soil fertility and the growth of agricultural productivity. The content of macronutrients in organic fertilizers ranges from fractions of a percent to several percent and depends on many natural factors.

Fresh on a straw bed

includes the entire spectrum of trace elements necessary for plant life: nitrogen - 0.45 - 0.83%, phosphorus - 0.19 - 0.28%, potassium 0.50 - 0.67%, calcium 0.18 - 0, 40%, magnesium 0.09 - 0.18%, sulfur 0.06 - 0.15% of the total volume of the substance, including water and organic matter.

Semi-mature bedding

contains slightly more macronutrients: nitrogen - 0.5 - 0.86%, phosphorus - 0.26 - 0.47%, potassium - 0.59 - 0.60%.





At dairy farms

Video tutorial 2: The structure, properties and functions of organic compounds The concept of biopolymers

Lecture: The chemical composition of the cell. Macro and microelements. The relationship between the structure and functions of inorganic and organic substances

Cell chemistry

It was found that in the cells of living organisms, about 80 chemical elements are constantly contained in the form of insoluble compounds and ions. All of them are divided into 2 large groups according to their concentration:

    macronutrients, the content of which is not less than 0.01%;

    trace elements - concentration, which is less than 0.01%.

In any cell, the content of trace elements is less than 1%, macronutrients, respectively, more than 99%.


    Sodium, potassium and chlorine - provide many biological processes - turgor (internal cell pressure), the appearance of nerve electrical impulses.

    Nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen, carbon. These are the main components of the cell.

    Phosphorus and sulfur are important components of peptides (proteins) and nucleic acids.

    Calcium is the basis of any skeletal formations - teeth, bones, shells, cell walls. Also, it is involved in muscle contraction and blood clotting.

    Magnesium is a component of chlorophyll. Participates in the synthesis of proteins.

    Iron - a component of hemoglobin, participates in photosynthesis, determines the performance of enzymes.

Trace elements contained in very low concentrations, are important for physiological processes:

    Zinc is a component of insulin;

    Copper - participates in photosynthesis and respiration;

    Cobalt is a component of vitamin B12;

    Iodine - participates in the regulation of metabolism. It is an essential component of thyroid hormones;

    Fluoride is a component of tooth enamel.

An imbalance in the concentration of micro and macronutrients leads to metabolic disorders and the development of chronic diseases. Lack of calcium - the cause of rickets, iron - anemia, nitrogen - protein deficiency, iodine - a decrease in the intensity of metabolic processes.

Consider the relationship between organic and inorganic substances in the cell, their structure and function.

Cells contain a huge number of micro and macromolecules belonging to different chemical classes.

Inorganic substances of the cell

Water... From the total mass of a living organism, it makes up the largest percentage - 50-90% and takes part in almost all life processes:


    capillary processes, as it is a universal polar solvent, affects the properties of interstitial fluid, metabolic rate. In relation to water, all chemical compounds are divided into hydrophilic (soluble) and lipophilic (fat-soluble).

The intensity of metabolism depends on its concentration in the cell - the more water, the faster the processes take place. The loss of 12% of water by the human body requires restoration under the supervision of a doctor, with a loss of 20%, death occurs.

Mineral salts. Contained in living systems in a dissolved form (dissociated into ions) and undissolved. Dissolved salts are involved in:

    transfer of substances through the membrane. Metal cations provide a "potassium-sodium pump" by changing the osmotic pressure of the cell. Because of this, water with substances dissolved in it rushes into the cell or leaves it, carrying away unnecessary ones;

    the formation of nerve impulses of an electrochemical nature;

    muscle contraction;

    blood clotting;

    are part of proteins;

    phosphate ion - a component of nucleic acids and ATP;

    carbonate ion - maintains Ph in the cytoplasm.

Insoluble salts in the form of whole molecules form the structures of shells, shells, bones, teeth.

Cell organic matter

Common feature of organic matter- the presence of a carbon skeletal chain. These are biopolymers and small molecules of simple structure.

The main classes found in living organisms:

Carbohydrates... Various types of them are present in cells - simple sugars and insoluble polymers (cellulose). In percentage terms, their share in dry matter of plants is up to 80%, animals - 20%. They play an important role in the life support of cells:

    Fructose and glucose (monosugar) are quickly absorbed by the body, are included in metabolism, and are a source of energy.

    Ribose and deoxyribose (monosaccharides) are one of the three main components of DNA and RNA composition.

    Lactose (refers to disachars) - synthesized by the animal organism, is a part of mammalian milk.

    Sucrose (disaccharide) - a source of energy, formed in plants.

    Maltose (disaccharide) - ensures seed germination.

Also, simple sugars perform other functions: signaling, protective, transport.
Polymer carbohydrates are water-soluble glycogen, as well as insoluble cellulose, chitin, starch. They play an important role in metabolism, carry out structural, storage, protective functions.

Lipids or fats. They are insoluble in water, but they mix well with each other and dissolve in non-polar liquids (not containing oxygen, for example, kerosene or cyclic hydrocarbons are non-polar solvents). Lipids are necessary in the body to provide it with energy - when they are oxidized, energy and water are formed. Fats are very energy efficient - with the help of 39 kJ per gram released during oxidation, you can lift a load weighing 4 tons to a height of 1 m. Also, fat provides a protective and heat-insulating function - in animals, its thick layer helps to retain heat in the cold season. Fat-like substances protect the feathers of waterfowl from getting wet, provide a healthy shiny appearance and elasticity of animal hair, and perform a covering function in plant leaves. Some hormones have a lipid structure. Fats form the basis of membrane structure.

Proteins or proteins
are heteropolymers of biogenic structure. They are composed of amino acids, the structural units of which are: an amino group, a radical, and a carboxyl group. The properties of amino acids and their differences from each other determine the radicals. Due to their amphoteric properties, they can form bonds with each other. A protein can be composed of several or hundreds of amino acids. In total, the structure of proteins includes 20 amino acids, their combinations determine the variety of forms and properties of proteins. About a dozen amino acids are indispensable - they are not synthesized in the animal body and their intake is provided by plant foods. In the digestive tract, proteins are broken down into individual monomers that are used to synthesize their own proteins.

Structural features of proteins:

    primary structure - amino acid chain;

    secondary - a chain twisted into a spiral, where hydrogen bonds are formed between the turns;

    tertiary - a spiral or several of them, rolled into a globule and connected by weak bonds;

    Quaternary does not exist in all proteins. These are several globules connected by non-covalent bonds.

The strength of the structures can be disturbed and then restored, while the protein temporarily loses its characteristic properties and biological activity. Only the destruction of the primary structure is irreversible.

Proteins have many functions in the cell:

    acceleration of chemical reactions (enzymatic or catalytic function, each of which is responsible for a specific single reaction);
    transport - the transfer of ions, oxygen, fatty acids through cell membranes;

    protective- such blood proteins as fibrin and fibrinogen, are present in the blood plasma in an inactive form, and form blood clots at the site of injuries under the influence of oxygen. Antibodies - provide immunity.

    structural- peptides are partly included or are the basis of cell membranes, tendons and other connective tissues, hair, wool, hooves and nails, wings and outer covers. Actin and myosin provide muscle contractile activity;

    regulatory- hormone proteins provide humoral regulation;
    energy - during the absence of nutrients, the body begins to break down its own proteins, disrupting the process of its own vital activity. That is why, after a long hunger, the body cannot always recover without medical help.

Nucleic acids. There are 2 of them - DNA and RNA. RNA is of several types - informational, transport, ribosomal. Discovered by Swiss F. Fischer at the end of the 19th century.

DNA is deoxyribonucleic acid. Contained in the nucleus, plastids and mitochondria. Structurally, it is a linear polymer that forms a double helix from complementary nucleotide chains. The idea of ​​its spatial structure was created in 1953 by the Americans D. Watson and F. Crick.

Its monomeric units are nucleotides, which have a fundamentally common structure from:

    phosphate groups;


    nitrogenous bases (belonging to the group of purine - adenine, guanine, pyrimidine - thymine and cytosine.)

In the structure of a polymer molecule, nucleotides are combined in pairs and complementary, which is due to a different number of hydrogen bonds: adenine + thymine - two, guanine + cytosine - three hydrogen bonds.

The order of the nucleotides encodes the structural amino acid sequences of the protein molecules. A mutation is called a change in the order of nucleotides, since protein molecules of a different structure will be encoded.

RNA stands for ribonucleic acid. The structural features of its difference from DNA are:

    instead of thymine nucleotide - uracil;

    ribose instead of deoxyribose.

Transport RNA Is a polymer chain, which is rolled in the plane in the form of a clover leaf, its main function is to deliver amino acids to the ribosomes.

Matrix (informational) RNA is constantly formed in the nucleus, complementary to any piece of DNA. This is a structural matrix, based on its structure, a protein molecule will be assembled on the ribosome. This type of the total content of RNA molecules is 5%.

Ribosomal- is responsible for the process of making up a protein molecule. It is synthesized at the nucleolus. There is 85% of it in the cage.

ATP stands for adenosine triphosphoric acid. It is a nucleotide containing:

    3 phosphoric acid residue;

As a result of cascade chemical processes, respiration is synthesized in mitochondria. The main function is energy, one chemical bond in it contains almost the same amount of energy as is obtained from the oxidation of 1 g of fat.

are called specific low-molecular substances that are in small quantities in the human body and without which all biological processes in the body are impossible. Mineral substances are salt and salt ions. The lack of these substances leads to various diseases, and their complete absence in the internal biological environment will sooner or later lead to death.

The human body needs about 30 minerals to function. What our bodies extract from our diet is often not sufficient to maintain mineral balance.

Classification of mineral substances

In the body and in food, minerals are contained in different quantities. In this regard, microelements and macronutrients are isolated. Microelements are present in our body in microscopic quantities, and macronutrients - in disproportionately large quantities.

The trace elements necessary for us include such substances as: zinc, iron, manganese, copper, iodine, cobalt, chromium, fluorine, vanadium, molybdenum, nickel, silicon, selenium, strontium. Macronutrients include potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, sulfur, chlorine.

Mineral substances play a very important role in the construction of the bone apparatus.
Macronutrients regulate acidic and alkaline processes in the body. In the intercellular fluids and blood, a weakly alkaline reaction is observed, and the slightest change in it is reflected in the course of any chemical processes. Magnesium, potassium, sodium have an alkaline effect on the body, and sulfur, chlorine and phosphorus have an acidic effect.

Depending on their mineral composition, some food products have an alkaline effect (dairy products, berries, fruits, vegetables), while others have an acidic effect (bread, eggs, meat, cereals, fish). Products used for alkaline diets are prescribed for poor blood circulation, liver and kidney diseases, and insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. An acidic diet is prescribed for urolithiasis with phosphaturia (this is a pathology of phosphorus-calcium metabolism).

Macronutrients are regulators of water-salt metabolism; they maintain osmotic pressure in intercellular fluids and cells. Due to the difference in pressure in cells and intercellular fluids, metabolic products and nutrients move between them. The normal activity of the digestive, cardiovascular, nervous, and other systems is categorically impossible without minerals, since they affect the state of the immune system and the process of hematopoiesis and coagulation (these processes cannot occur without elements such as copper, manganese, iron, calcium). In addition, trace elements activate the action or are part of vitamins, hormones, enzymes, and thus take part in all types of metabolism.

Many diseases are a direct consequence of a deficiency or excess of certain substances in the diet. The main causes of imbalance in minerals are:
The constant predominance of some products in the diet to the detriment of others. It is necessary to diversify your diet, only then the intake of all minerals will be as balanced as possible in our environmentally unfavorable time. For example, dairy products are an irreplaceable source of easily digestible calcium, but they contain extremely little magnesium and those trace elements that are necessary for blood formation.

The increased or decreased mineral content in our food products is due to the chemical composition of water and soil. As a result, endemic, that is, characteristic of specific geographic areas, diseases are distinguished. An example of such diseases is endemic goiter arising from iodine deficiency.

If, due to a change in the physiological state (pregnancy), the growing needs of the body are not met by an increase in the diet of iron, calcium, etc., then not only the mother will suffer, but also the fetus.

Poor digestibility of various macro- and microelements is an important reason for the development of diseases. Even if the elements in the required amount enter the body with food, but cannot be absorbed, then there is no benefit from them. Moreover, despite their regular intake into the body, conditions associated with a lack of an element will develop.

Diseases, as well as their treatment, lead to metabolic disorders, to a deterioration in the absorption of minerals from the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, it is very important to stick to the diet prescribed by your doctor. The doctor, on the basis of the laboratory data obtained, increases or decreases the amount of certain minerals in the patient's body due to the correct selection of products. In addition, the restoration of the balance of minerals can be done with drugs. Various multivitamin complexes can be a good source of valuable minerals.

Lack of proper control over the correct application of some diets can cause additional metabolic disorders. For example, a salt-free diet is recommended for kidney and heart disease. But long-term salt-free nutrition can cause a deficiency of chlorine and sodium in the body, which will give an appropriate clinical picture.

During the thermal culinary processing of products, a large percentage of the loss of nutrients occurs. And improper heat treatment (for example, a long boiling of vegetables without a peel; attempts to defrost meat in water) significantly increases these losses.

Table of foods containing essential minerals

Mineral substance In a significant amount A lot In moderation In small quantities
Calcium Green onions, parsley, beans, kefir, cottage cheese, cheese, milk. Oatmeal, buckwheat kupa, sour cream, carrots, herring, horse mackerel, carp, caviar. Butter, pearl barley, 2nd grade flour, mackerel, pike perch, cod, perch, millet, beets, cabbage, radishes, green peas, oranges, plums, grapes, cherries, strawberries. Meat, semolina, premium flour, pasta, tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes, pears, apples, watermelon.
Cheese, beef liver, caviar, beans, pearl barley, oatmeal. Cottage cheese, fish, chicken meat, chocolate, millet, buckwheat, peas. Beef, boiled sausages, chicken eggs, pork, corn grits, 2nd grade flour. Milk, sour cream, rice, pasta, semolina, premium and 1st grade flour, carrots, potatoes, butter, green onions, cucumbers, cabbage, tomatoes, beets, watermelon, apricots, plums, pears, apples, cherries, grapes , currants, strawberries.
Magnesium Wheat bran, millet, oatmeal, seaweed, prunes, apricots. Mackerel, herring, squid fillet, buckwheat, pearl barley, eggs, peas, 2nd grade flour, lettuce, dill, parsley. Chicken, semolina, cheeses, beets, green peas, carrots, raisins, cherries, black currants. Cow's milk, meat, cottage cheese, boiled sausages, hake, horse mackerel, cod, pasta, rice, premium flour, potatoes, tomatoes, cabbage, apples, grapes, apricots.
Apricots, peas, beans, raisins, potatoes, prunes, seaweed. Beef, pork, hake, cod, mackerel, squid fillet, oatmeal, green peas, tomatoes, radishes, beets, green onions, cherries, black currants, red currants, apricots, peaches, grapes. Chicken, pork, pike perch, millet, buckwheat, 2nd grade flour, pumpkin, cabbage, carrots, zucchini, plums, oranges, strawberries, pears. Milk, cheeses, sour cream, cottage cheese, semolina, pasta, rice, premium flour, cucumbers, lingonberries, cranberries, watermelon.
Cheese, feta cheese, boiled sausages, smoked sausages, salted fish, smoked fish, sauerkraut. Meat, fresh fish, eggs, beets, lettuce, spinach, chocolate. Milk, sour cream, cottage cheese, kefir, ice cream, split peas, oatmeal, cookies, sweets, potatoes, tomatoes, turnips, rhubarb, peaches, grapes, apples, black currants. Flour, cereals, pasta, butter, honey, nuts, most fruits, berries and vegetables, fresh mushrooms.
Meat by-products (kidneys, liver, tongue), buckwheat, peas, beans, chocolate, porcini mushrooms, blueberries. Beef, horse meat, lamb, rabbit meat, chicken eggs, oatmeal, 1st and 2nd grade flour, millet, pears, apples, quince, persimmon, dogwood, figs, nuts, spinach. Pork, chicken, boiled sausages, sausages, sardines, horse mackerel, herring, mackerel, caviar, cheese, premium flour, pearl barley, barley groats, semolina, potatoes, rice, green onions, beets, radishes, sorrel, melon, watermelon , cherry, plum, raspberry, pomegranate, strawberry, black currant. Pink salmon, carp, flounder, pike perch, cod, hake, honey, green peas, eggplant, cabbage, onions, cucumbers, carrots, sweet peppers, plums, pumpkin, peaches, grapes, lemon, cherries, apricots, cranberries, gooseberries.


Calcium is involved in the formation of bone tissue, is an irreplaceable part of membranes and cell nuclei, as well as tissue and cell fluids. It takes part in the conduction of nerve impulses, affects muscle contraction, blood clotting, reduces vascular permeability, affects metabolism, is an activator of a number of enzymes. In addition, it reduces allergic manifestations and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

According to the content and quality of assimilation of calcium, its best source is dairy products. The assimilation of this macronutrient depends on the ratio of its amount to the amount of other nutrients in the dishes of your diet. If there is an excess of phosphorus in the body, then a calcium compound with feces is formed in the intestine. After the excess phosphorus is absorbed, calcium can be gradually removed from the bones.

The optimal ratio of calcium to phosphorus for adults is considered to be a ratio of 1: 1.5. Closest to the optimal proportion is the ratio of calcium to phosphorus in cottage cheese and cheese. In general, the best ratio is found in all dairy products, and sometimes in some fruits and vegetables. Combining porridge with milk, or bread and cheese, improves the calcium to phosphorus ratio.

Calcium is absorbed from the intestines in a complex form: with bile and fatty acids. Lack and excess of fat in food significantly impairs the absorption of calcium. Excess lipids form so-called calcium soaps, which are not absorbed. With the same process of absorption of magnesium and calcium, an excess of the former binds in the intestines some of the bile and fatty acids, which are necessary for the absorption of calcium. The optimal ratio of calcium to magnesium in the diet is 1: 0.5. In potatoes, bread, meat, cereals, the ratio of calcium to magnesium is on average 0.5: 1. Sorrel, spinach, figs, chocolate, cocoa - impair calcium absorption.

With a lack of vitamin D, the absorption of calcium is seriously impaired. The body starts using calcium from the bones. The absorption of calcium is equally influenced by the excess and the lack of proteins.

An adult needs 800 mg of calcium per day. With allergies and inflammatory diseases of the joints, bones and skin, the calcium content is increased by 2 - 3 times with the help of diet. The increase in calcium in the diet comes from dairy products.

Phosphorus is essential for the course of metabolism and for the proper functioning of the brain and nervous tissue, as well as for the functioning of the liver, muscles, and kidneys. Phosphorus is a constituent of nucleic acids. Nucleic acids are considered carriers of genetic information and energy resource - adenosine triphosphoric acid.

Phosphorus is involved in the formation of bones, hormones, enzymes.
The best sources of phosphorus are animal products, legumes and grains. Although the latter are less digestible than animal products.
Soaking legumes and cereals before cooking greatly improves phosphorus absorption. The daily requirement for phosphorus for adults is 1200 mg. With nervous diseases, tuberculosis, diseases and bone fractures, the phosphorus content in the diet is increased.

Magnesium is an irreplaceable participant in carbohydrate, fat and energy metabolism. It participates in bone formation, normalizes the functions of the heart and nervous system. Magnesium has a vasodilating and antispastic effect, stimulates bile secretion and intestinal motor function.

Magnesium is found in plant foods. To enrich the diet with magnesium, some vegetables, cereals, nuts, legumes, bran, dried fruits are used. Its assimilation suppresses the excess of calcium and fats, since bile acids are required for the absorption of these substances from the intestines.
The daily requirement for this substance is 400 mg. For various diseases of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, an increased intake of magnesium is desirable.

Potassium is essential for the regulation of water-salt metabolism and osmotic pressure. Without it, the heart and muscles cannot function normally. Plant foods, sea fish and meat contain the highest amounts of potassium. It promotes the excretion of sodium and water.

You need to take 3 g of potassium per day. With hypertension, poor blood circulation, with kidney disease - the need for potassium increases. It is also advisable to increase the daily dose of potassium for those taking diuretics and corticosteroid hormones.

An increase in the amount of potassium in diets is produced by plant foods. As a rule, these are fresh fruits and vegetables, baked potatoes, buckwheat and oatmeal, dried fruits. In Addison's disease (adrenal insufficiency), the potassium content in diets is reduced.

Sodium and chlorine
These substances enter our body mainly in the form of table salt (sodium chloride). Chlorine takes part in the regulation of osmotic pressure, as well as in the formation of hydrochloric acid, which is part of the gastric juice. Salted food contains a lot of sodium (2.5 g of salt contains 1 g of sodium). Sodium takes part in interstitial and intracellular metabolism, in the regulation of osmotic pressure in tissues and cells. It activates digestive enzymes and helps keep fluid in the body.

Borjomi, Essentuki - these mineral waters are rich in sodium content. But there is very little sodium in fruits, cereals, vegetables. If the patient needs to adhere to a salt-free diet, then he should study the table of salt content in foods. There are special tables by which you can compare and find out in grams the exact amount of salt per 100 grams of product.

You need to eat about 10 - 12 g of salt per day, this need can be easily satisfied due to its content in ready-made meals. The need for salt increases significantly (up to 20-25 g of salt) with insufficiency of the adrenal cortex, with profuse sweating, with severe diarrhea and vomiting, with extensive burns.

Salt restriction or even its complete exclusion is indicated for liver and kidney diseases with edema, for pathologies of the cardiovascular system, for hypertension, obesity, rheumatism. Diet salts are used as a substitute, for example, Sana-Sol. If the patient is shown low-salt food, and he is used to high-salt food, then he should be transferred to diet food slowly.

When a patient is prescribed a long salt-free diet, so-called "salt days" are introduced to avoid chlorine and sodium deficiency. On such days, you can add 5-6 g of salt to your food. In the initial stage, the deficiency of these substances is manifested by a decrease in taste, muscle weakness and lethargy.

Without sulfur, it would be impossible to maintain a healthy-looking skin. Sulfur is needed for the synthesis of keratin, which is found in hair, nails and joints. This trace element is part of many enzymes and proteins.

Hair contains a lot of sulfur. It has been proven that there is more sulfur in curly hair than in straight hair. Sulfur atoms are part of some amino acids (methionine and cysteine).

The best sources of sulfur are: crustaceans and shellfish, eggs, beef, poultry, pork, legumes, dried peaches. The element is found in most high protein foods. Accordingly, with sufficient protein intake, sulfur deficiency never occurs.

It has been proven that taking 0.7 mg of pure sulfur per day has a negative effect on the intestines. And if you take a large amount of organically bound sulfur, for example, found in the composition of amino acids, then this will not lead to intoxication.

Trace elements

The processes of hematopoiesis and tissue respiration require the participation of such a trace element as iron. Iron molecules are part of hemoglobin, myoglobin, and various enzymes. The role of foods containing this chemical element is determined by two factors: the amount of iron and the degree of its absorption.

The iron that comes with food is partially absorbed into the blood from the intestines. Meat and organ meats are a rich source of iron, and moreover, it is from these foods that it is best absorbed.

The absorption of the trace element is facilitated by ascorbic and citric acids, as well as fructose, which are found in large quantities in fruit juices and fruits. That is, if you drink orange juice, then iron is better absorbed from many foods, even those that contain very little of it. Tannins and oxalic acid, on the contrary, impair the absorption of iron, which is why blueberries, quince, spinach, sorrel, rich in iron, although they contain large amounts of it, are not important sources of this substance. Legumes, grains, and some vegetables contain phytins and phosphates, which interfere with the absorption of iron. When fish or meat is added to these products, the absorption of iron increases, when eggs or dairy products are added, the level of absorption does not change.

Iron absorption inhibits strongly brewed tea. From the diet in which there are animals and plant products, on average, about 10% of iron is absorbed. With iron deficiency, its absorption from the intestine increases. So, in a healthy person, about 4% of iron is absorbed from bread products, and in a person suffering from iron deficiency, 8% is absorbed. Absorption processes worsen with diseases of the intestinal system and with a decrease in the secretory function of the stomach.

An adult man needs at least 10 mg of iron per day, and a woman - 18 mg. This difference in micronutrient requirements is due to the high blood loss during monthly menstruation. Deficiency of the element leads to a deterioration in cellular respiration. The most serious disorder that severe deficiency can lead to is hypochromic anemia.

If a person constantly has pale eyelids and pale skin on the face, then by these visual signs one can suspect anemia. Other symptoms: drowsiness, fatigue, apathy, decreased attention, frequent diarrhea, decreased vision.

The development of an iron deficiency state is facilitated by a lack of nutritional proteins of animal origin, hematopoietic microelements and vitamins. Thus, a lack of proteins impairs the ability of iron to participate in the synthesis of hemoglobin.

A deficiency of a trace element can occur with blood loss (acute or chronic), with diseases of the stomach (resection of the stomach, enteritis, gastritis), with helminthic invasions. That is why, in many diseases, the body's need for iron increases.

Iodine takes part in the synthesis of thyroid hormones. In geographic areas where there is a deficiency of iodine in water and in food, the so-called endemic goiter occurs. The development of the disease occurs due to a predominantly carbohydrate diet, a lack of animal proteins and vitamins, microelements. To avoid illness, iodized table salt is used as a preventive measure for cooking.

Seafood is very rich in iodine. A good source of iodine is seaweed. Heat treatment and long-term storage reduce the amount of iodine in food.
The iodine content must be increased in the daily diet for obesity, atherosclerosis, thyroid insufficiency.

Fluoride is needed to build bone, and especially dental tissue. With a shortage of fluoride in the water and diet, dental caries develops rapidly, and with an excess, fluorosis: damage to tooth enamel, bones, and tooth fragility. Tea, seafood, sea fish contain a considerable amount of fluoride. Dairy products, fruits and vegetables are low in fluoride.

Copper takes part in tissue respiration and blood formation. The best sources of copper are: fish, meat, seafood, crayfish, liver, olives, carrots, lentils, oatmeal, buckwheat and pearl barley, potatoes, pears, gooseberries, apricots.
Copper has antioxidant properties.

The lack of copper is manifested by pallor of the skin, noticeably protruding veins, and frequent intestinal disorders. Severe deficiency leads to brittle bones. A small amount of copper in lymphocytes leads to a decrease in the body's resistance to infectious pathogens. True, copper deficiency is a rather rare occurrence, since it is a common element.

Not much is known about the effect of nickel on the human body, but there is no longer any doubt that it is extremely important.

  • Nickel, along with iron, cobalt and copper, increases hemoglobin levels and affects the maturation of red blood cells.
  • It enhances the effectiveness of insulin action.
  • It is part of DNA and RNA.
  • Activates the action of enzymes.
  • Provides oxygen to the cells of the body.
  • Provides hormonal regulation of the body.
  • Participates in the metabolism of fats.
  • Participates in the oxidation of vitamin C.
  • Lowers blood pressure.
Nickel assimilation decreases with the use of orange juice, coffee, tea, milk. And the lack of iron, zinc, calcium, magnesium, on the contrary, improves absorption. Nickel absorption increases in women during pregnancy and lactation.
A person needs at least 100 micrograms of nickel per day.

Strontium, which enters the body with food, is not well absorbed by the body. The largest amount of this element is found in plant foods, as well as in the bones and cartilage of animals. And in the human body, as a rule, most of the strontium is deposited in bones and cartilage.
The intake of this trace element with water and food can cause such a disease as "strontium rickets". This disease is characterized by impaired calcium metabolism.

Normal activity of the pancreas is impossible without cobalt. Another of its functions is the formation of red blood cells. Also, cobalt regulates the activity of the adrenal hormone - adrenaline. Adrenaline is also called the survival hormone. This is not an accidental name, without the action of adrenaline it is impossible to improve the condition in many diseases. Patients with diabetes mellitus, blood cancer, anemia, HIV or AIDS are shown a diet enriched with cobalt.
Cobalt and manganese contribute to the appearance of early gray hair. Cobalt is a stimulant of hematopoiesis processes; thanks to this microelement, the synthesis of nucleic acids responsible for the transmission of hereditary traits is carried out.

This trace element is much less "heard" than the rest of its brothers. Meanwhile, vanadium plays a significant role in enhancing the protective function of the body. Thanks to vanadium, resistance to infections increases. And in combination with other minerals, it slows down aging.

Chromium is involved in the synthesis of insulin, and also participates in carbohydrate and fat metabolism. For unknown reasons, the skin and bones of Eastern races contain twice as much chromium as Europeans.
The best sources of chromium: egg yolk, yeast, wheat germ, liver, cheeses, cereals.

Low levels of chromium in our body can cause large spikes in blood sugar levels, which can lead to the development of diabetes. Signs of an extremely low amount of chromium: irritability, confusion, decreased cognitive function, intense thirst.

The daily requirement for chromium is about 25 mcg. Of these, only 10% is absorbed by the body.
Elderly people need more chromium, because with age, the body loses the ability to absorb and store the element. Chromium is best absorbed in a chelated form.
Chromium intoxication is almost impossible, even if you take a large dose of a chromium-containing drug, since this trace element is poorly absorbed.

The element is necessary for the growth and development of cells, for the synthesis of the protective substance glycoprotein, which covers the cells. It helps regulate blood sugar levels. Without manganese, the formation of the natural antiviral agent interferon is impossible. Moreover, manganese has an antioxidant effect.

Without manganese, vitamins E, C and B vitamins are not assimilated to the required extent.The best source of manganese: wheat germ, oats, whole grain cereals, nuts (in particular, hazelnuts and almonds), plums, pineapples, beans, sugar beets, leaves salad.
Manganese deficiency is rare, as it is a fairly common trace element. If a person has an excess of copper, then this phenomenon may be accompanied by a deficiency of manganese, as the body uses it preventively to reduce copper levels.

Manganese is present in tea, and if a person drinks a lot of tea during the day, then he receives a sufficient dose of the trace element, despite the fact that the caffeine contained in the tea interferes with the absorption of the element.

Molybdenum is deposited in the liver and then consumed in the metabolic processes of iron. The functions of this microelement are different: from preventing tooth decay to preventing impotence.

The best sources of molybdenum: buckwheat, wheat germ, legumes, liver, barley, rye, soy, chicken eggs, bread. The content of the microelement decreases due to excessive cleaning of products, as well as if agricultural crops were grown on scarce soils.

Lack of molybdenum is rare. Deficiency symptoms include symptoms such as restlessness and pulse arrhythmias. The daily required dose of molybdenum is from 150 μg to 500 μg (for children - from 30 μg to 300 μg). A large amount of a trace element (10-15 mg per day) can cause gout and affect the increase in copper excretion, which will lead to its deficiency in the body.

It is a very valuable and rare trace element for the body. It is vital as an antioxidant and also for protein synthesis. Selenium supports the normal functioning of the liver and strengthens the immune system. It is part of the sperm and is an essential element for maintaining reproductive function.

Selenium removes heavy metal ions from the body, including arsenic and cadmium, which is important for smokers. The best sources of selenium are eggs, garlic, yeast, liver, and fish.

When smoking, the content of the trace element in the body decreases.
Deficiency of the element causes baldness, chest pain, and also increases the susceptibility to infections. Selenium per day is required in an amount of 20 mcg for children and 75 mcg for adults. However, some sources advise adults to take up to 200 mcg of selenium per day.
Amino acids or yeast containing selenium are preferred over selenite tablets because the former are less toxic.

There is not much silicon in the human body, but it is a vital part of all bones, cartilage, and blood vessels. It helps prevent fragility of bones, strengthens hair, nails, skin cells, stimulates the synthesis of keratin and collagen.
The best sources of silicon are: vegetable fiber, fruits and vegetables, hard drinking water, brown rice.

The lack of silicon causes weakening of the skin tissue. As we age, there is less silicon in the body. The daily required amount of a trace element is about 25 mg. The toxicity of the element is low. Natural preparations containing silicon are extracted from horsetail or bamboo.

Deficiency of macronutrients and micronutrients

This phenomenon, unfortunately, is common. Deficiency occurs due to the monotony of nutrition, due to a violation of the digestibility process, with various diseases or conditions. For example, during pregnancy, a deficiency condition often occurs - a lack of calcium. A similar deficiency occurs in diseases such as osteoporosis or rickets.

Chlorine deficiency occurs with severe vomiting. Goiter is a consequence of iodine deficiency. Constant diarrhea leads to magnesium deficiency. Anemia (impaired blood formation) can be an indicator of a lack of many elements, but most often iron.

The role of minerals is difficult to overestimate. Most of the macronutrients are structural components and electrolytes. Trace elements are cofactors for enzymes and proteins. In the human body, iron-containing proteins predominate in quantitative terms - these are myoglobin, hemoglobin, cytochrome, as well as about three hundred zinc-containing proteins.

Trace elements, depending on their amount in the body, stimulate or inhibit many biochemical processes. For those people who have an accelerated metabolism (for example, athletes), a balanced intake of drugs containing minerals and vitamins is simply necessary.

A lot of drugs have been released on the pharmaceutical market, the function of which is to restore the balance of minerals in the body. Such drugs are very convenient to use, their daily dose contains the whole range of necessary macro- and microelements in exactly the amount that the body needs.
Stress of any origin (physical, chemical, mental, emotional) increases the body's need for B vitamins, and air pollution increases the need for vitamin E.

Overcooking food, and reheating it can lead to the destruction of all the minerals in it.
Frequent drinking of too hot liquids or an excess of irritants such as tea, coffee, or spices in the diet greatly reduce the secretion of digestive juices, and this leads to impaired absorption of vitamins and minerals from food.

You cannot wait until the deficiency of vitamins and minerals begins to manifest itself as symptomatology of diseases; it is better to start in advance preventive measures of natural preparations containing a balanced amount of macro- and microelements.

  • Iron - causes a violation of the formation of red blood cells (erythropoiesis); growth disorder; tiredness throughout the day and frequent awakenings at night; increased risk of infectious diseases; anemia, unnatural pallor of the skin; general deterioration in well-being; brittle hair and nails; frequent headaches; irritability; shallow and rapid breathing; gastrointestinal diseases; constipation and cracks in the corners of the mouth.

  • Magnesium - causes apathy, itching, muscular dystrophy and cramps; diseases of the gastrointestinal tract; heart rhythm disorder; aging of the skin; fears; nervousness; impatience; insomnia; headache; constant feeling of tiredness; uncontrollable irritation. With a lack of magnesium, the body "steals" it from the bones. With prolonged magnesium deficiency in the body, there is an increased deposition of calcium salts in the walls of arterial vessels, heart muscle and kidneys.

  • Potassium - causes muscular dystrophy, muscle paralysis, impaired transmission of nerve impulses and heart rhythms, as well as edema and sclerosis.

  • Calcium - causes osteoporosis, seizures. A decrease in its concentration in the blood is fraught with dysfunctions of the nervous system. With an excess of calcium in the body, it is deposited in various organs and tissues.

  • Sodium - causes hypotension, tachycardia, muscle cramps.

  • Phosphorus - causes growth disorders, bone deformities, rickets, osteomalacia. Lack of phosphorus is facilitated by an excess of calcium with a deficiency of proteins and vitamin D, this is manifested by loss of appetite, apathy, decreased mental and physical performance, and weight loss. Excess disrupts the absorption of calcium from the intestines, inhibits the formation of the active form of vitamin D, binds part of the calcium in the blood, which leads to its excretion from the bones and the deposition of calcium salts in the kidneys and blood vessels.

  • Iodine - causes Graves' disease (diffuse toxic goiter), which is characterized by an increase in the function of the thyroid gland, accompanied by an increase in its size, due to autoimmune processes in the body, as well as a slowdown in the development of the central nervous system.

  • Manganese - causes weight loss, dermatitis, nausea, vomiting.

  • Cobalt - causes an increase in the synthesis of nucleic acids. Cobalt, manganese and copper prevent early gray hair and improve the condition, and also participates in the general recovery of the body after serious illnesses.

  • Copper - causes anemia.

  • Fluorine - causes impaired growth; violation of the mineralization process. Lack of fluoride causes tooth decay. An excess of fluoride causes osteochondrosis, a change in the color and shape of teeth, and bone growths.

  • Zinc - causes impaired growth, poor wound healing, lack of appetite, impaired taste, and enlargement of the prostate.

  • Selena - Causes anemia, cardiomyopathy, impaired growth and bone formation. There is a high risk of cancer of the rectum, breast, uterus and ovaries, prostate, bladder, lungs and skin.

  • Chromium - forces the body to work with renewed energy to maintain the sugar balance. As a result, there is an urgent need for sweets. Excess chromium in dust causes asthma.

  • Molybdenum - causes a violation of the exchange of sulfur-containing amino acids, as well as dysfunctions of the nervous system.

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The value of macro- and microelements in plant life

Many chemical elements are found in green spaces. Macronutrients are found in significant concentrations, trace elements - in thousandths of a percent.

Macronutrients and their importance for plants

Macronutrients are of particular importance for the growth and development of plants at all stages of the life cycle. These include those that are found in crops in significant quantities - these are nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, magnesium and iron. With their deficiency, representatives of the flora do not develop well, which affects the yield. Symptoms of a lack of reusable macronutrients appear primarily on old leaves.


The main element responsible for the nutrition of the roots. It participates in the reactions of photosynthesis, regulates the metabolism in cells, and also promotes the growth of new shoots. This element is especially necessary for plants during the growing season. With a lack of nitrogen, the growth of plantings slows down or stops altogether, the color of leaves and stems becomes paler. Due to an excess of nitrogen, inflorescences and fruits develop later. Plantations that have been overfed with nitrogen have dark green tops and excessively thick stems. The growing season is lengthening. Too strong oversaturation with nitrogen leads to the death of the flora within several days.


Participates in most processes occurring in plants. Ensures the normal development and functioning of the root system, the formation of large inflorescences, promotes the ripening of fruits.

Lack of phosphorus negatively affects flowering and maturation. The flowers are small, the fruits are often defective. Castings can turn reddish brown. If phosphorus is in excess, the metabolism in cells slows down, plants become sensitive to lack of water, they absorb less nutrients such as iron, zinc and potassium. As a result, the leaves turn yellow, fall off, the life of the plant is reduced.


The percentage of potassium in plants is higher compared to calcium and magnesium. This element is involved in the synthesis of starch, fats, proteins and sucrose. It protects against dehydration, strengthens tissues, prevents premature wilting of flowers, increases the resistance of crops to various kinds of pathogens.

Plants depleted in potassium can be recognized by the dead edges of the leaves, brown spots and their domed shape. This is due to the disruption of production processes, the accumulation of decay products, amino acids and glucose in the green parts of plantations. If potassium is in excess, there is a slowdown in the absorption of nitrogen by the plant. This leads to a cessation of growth, deformation of leaves, chlorosis, and at advanced stages to the death of leaves. The intake of magnesium and calcium is also hindered.


Participates in reactions with the formation of chlorophyll. It is one of its constituent elements. Promotes the synthesis of phytins contained in seeds and pectins. Magnesium activates the work of enzymes, with the participation of which the formation of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, organic acids occurs. It participates in the transport of nutrients, promotes faster ripening of fruits, improving their qualitative and quantitative characteristics, and improving the quality of seeds.

If plants are deficient in magnesium, their leaves turn yellow as chlorophyll molecules are destroyed. If the lack of magnesium is not replenished in a timely manner, the plant will begin to die off. An excess of magnesium in plants is rarely observed. However, if the dose of the applied magnesium preparations is too large, the absorption of calcium and potassium slows down.


It is a constituent element of proteins, vitamins, amino acids cystine and methionine. Participates in the formation of chlorophyll. Plants that experience sulfur starvation often develop chlorosis. The disease mainly affects young leaves. Excess sulfur leads to yellowing of the edges of the leaves, their tucking inward. Subsequently, the edges turn brown and die off. In some cases, it is possible to stain the leaves in a lilac shade.


It is an integral component of chloroplasts, participates in the production of chlorophyll, the exchange of nitrogen and sulfur, and cellular respiration. Iron is an essential component of many plant enzymes. This heavy metal plays the most important role. Its content in the plant reaches hundredths of a percent. Inorganic iron compounds accelerate biochemical reactions.

With a deficiency of this element, plants often develop chlorosis. Respiratory functions are impaired, the reactions of photosynthesis are weakened. The apical leaves gradually turn pale and dry out.

Trace elements

The main trace elements are: iron, manganese, boron, sodium, zinc, copper, molybdenum, chlorine, nickel, silicon. Their role in plant life cannot be underestimated. Although the lack of trace elements does not lead to the death of plants, it affects the speed of various processes. This affects the quality of buds, fruits and crops in general.


Regulates the absorption of proteins and carbohydrates, affects the production of chloroplasts and the absorption of nitrogen. It plays an important role in building strong cell walls. The highest calcium content is observed in mature parts of plants. Older leaves are 1% calcium. Calcium activates the work of many enzymes, including amylase, phosphorylase, dehydrogenase, etc. It regulates the work of plant signaling systems, responsible for normal reactions to hormones and external stimuli.

With a lack of this chemical element, plant cells become mucous. This is especially evident on the roots. Lack of calcium leads to disruption of the transport function of cell membranes, damage to chromosomes, disruption of the cell division cycle. Calcium oversaturation provokes chlorosis. Pale spots with signs of necrosis appear on the leaves. In some cases, circles filled with water can be observed. Individual plants react to an overabundance of this element with accelerated growth, but the emerging shoots quickly die off. Signs of calcium poisoning are similar to an excess of iron and magnesium.


It activates the work of enzymes, participates in the synthesis of proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins. Manganese also takes part in photosynthesis, respiration, carbohydrate-protein metabolism. The lack of manganese leads to a lightening of the color of the leaves, the appearance of dead areas. Plants with chlorosis, they have an underdevelopment of the root system. In serious cases, the leaves begin to dry up and fall off, the tops of the branches die off.


Regulates redox processes. It is a component of several important enzymes. Zinc increases the production of sucrose and starch, the content of carbohydrates and proteins in fruits. It participates in the photosynthesis reaction and promotes the production of vitamins. With a lack of zinc, plants are less resistant to cold and drought, their protein content decreases. Zinc starvation also leads to a change in the color of the leaves (they turn yellow or take on a whitish color), a decrease in bud formation, and a drop in yield.


Today it is this microelement that is called one of the most important. Molybdenum regulates nitrogen exchange, neutralizes nitrates. It also affects hydrocarbon and phosphorus metabolism, the production of vitamins and chlorophyll, as well as the rate of redox processes. Molybdenum contributes to the enrichment of plants with vitamin C, carbohydrates, carotene, proteins.

Insufficient concentrations of molybdenum negatively affect metabolic processes, the reduction of nitrates, the formation of proteins and amino acids are inhibited. As a result, yields are declining, and their quality is deteriorating.


It is an element of copper-containing proteins, enzymes, participates in photosynthesis, regulates the transport of proteins. Copper doubles the nitrogen and phosphorus content and protects chlorophyll from destruction.

Copper deficiency leads to curling leaf tips and chlorosis. The number of pollen grains decreases, the yield decreases, the crown of the trees "hangs".


Regulates the metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates. It is an essential component of RNA and DNA synthesis. Boron, in conjunction with manganese, catalyzes the photosynthesis reaction in plants that have experienced frost. Boron is required for plantations at all stages of the life cycle.

Young leaves suffer most from boron deficiency. The lack of this trace element leads to a slowed down development of pollen, internal necrosis of the stems.

An excess of boron is also undesirable, as it leads to burns of the lower leaves.


It is a constituent component of urease, with its participation the decomposition reactions of urea proceed. In plantations that are provided with sufficient nickel, the urea content is lower. Nickel also activates some enzymes, participates in nitrogen transport, and stabilizes the structure of ribosomes. With an insufficient supply of nickel, plant growth slows down, and the volume of biomass decreases. And when oversaturated with nickel, the reactions of photosynthesis are inhibited, signs of chlorosis appear.


It is the main element of water-salt metabolism in plants. Participates in the absorption of oxygen by the root system, photosynthesis reactions, energy metabolism. Chlorine reduces the effects of fungal disease, fights the excessive absorption of nitrates.

With a lack of chlorine, the roots grow short, but at the same time densely branched, and the leaves wither. Chlorine deficient cabbage turns out to be non-aromatic.

At the same time, an excess of chlorine is harmful. With it, the leaves become smaller and harden, purple spots appear on some. The stem also coarsens. Most often, Cl deficiency manifests itself along with N. deficiency. Ammonium nitrate and kainite can correct the situation.


It is a kind of brick of cell walls, and therefore increases the endurance of plantings against diseases, frost, pollution, lack of water. The trace element affects metabolic processes with the participation of phosphorus and nitrogen, helps to reduce the toxicity of heavy metals. Silicon stimulates the development of roots, affects the growth and development of plants, promotes productivity, increases the content of sugar and vitamins in fruits. Visually, a deficiency of silicon cannot be detected, but its deficiency will negatively affect the resistance of crops to negative factors, the development of the root system, the development of flowers and fruits.

Micro and macro elements influence each other, as a result, their bioavailability for flora changes. An excess of phosphorus leads to a lack of zinc and the formation of copper and iron phosphates - that is, the inaccessibility of these metals for plants. An excess of sulfur reduces the absorption of molybdenum. Excess manganese leads to chlorosis caused by iron deficiency. High copper concentrations result in iron deficiency. With a B deficiency, calcium absorption is impaired. And these are just some of the examples!

That is why it is so important to use balanced fertilizer complexes to fill the deficit of macro- and microelements. There are different formulations for different environments. You cannot use soil fertilizer in hydroponics, because the initial conditions will not be the same.

The soil is a kind of buffer. It can hold nutrients until the plant needs it. The soil itself regulates the pH level, while in hydroponic systems, the indicators are completely dependent on the person and the drugs with which he saturates the nutrient solution.

With traditional cultivation, it is impossible to know exactly how many of these or those microelements are in the soil, while in hydroponics, the pH and EC of a nutrient solution can be determined without difficulty - using a pH meter and an EC meter. Growing hydroponically is more efficient. However, any failure here has more serious consequences for the plantings. This is why you need to choose your fertilizers carefully.

The optimal complex of macro- and microelements necessary for the nutrition of a plant grown in the ground contains a set of Bio-Grow + Bio-Bloom fertilizers. The drug accelerates the growth of flowers and crops, increases productivity.

For hydroponically grown plants, we recommend choosing a set of fertilizers Flora Duo Grow HW + Flora Duo Bloom made in France. It has a balanced composition that meets all the needs of plants throughout the entire life cycle. Flora Duo Grow promotes faster leaf growth and strong stem formation. Flora Duo Bloom contains phosphorus, which prepares plantings for flowering and fruiting.

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Tips from Agrodom

The operation of the TDS meter is based on the electrical conductivity of the water - the electrodes immersed in the water create an electric field between them. Pure distilled water itself does not conduct current; it is formed by various impurities and compounds dissolved in water.

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