Why is there high bilirubin in the blood? What is the threat of increased total bilirubin in an adult? An increase in indirect bilirubin is a reason to urgently consult a specialist

An important examination of human health is a complete blood count. Based on this analysis, it is possible to establish the rate of content of such an important substance as bilirubin. Its high rate indicates the development of any serious disease occurring in the human body.

The bile-containing pigment formed during the breakdown of hemoglobin substances in red blood cells is called bilirubin. Bilirubin is produced by the breakdown of red blood cells. When red blood cells are destroyed, hemoglobin is released and processed by the bone marrow and spleen. This bilirubin is poisonous enough for the body, after its formation, it enters the liver, where it is further processed.

Yellowing of the skin and sclera of the eyes as a result of disorders associated with bilirubin is called jaundice. Read more about her.

As a result of the processing of primary bilirubin by the liver, it becomes safe and safely leaves the human body with urine and feces. Most often, the staining of feces in a dark color indicates the elimination of purified bilirubin from the body. Very often, a person forms new red blood cells, and the old ones are accordingly destroyed, with the help of bilirubin, the body is freed from "unnecessary" red blood cells quickly and safely.


Bilirubin is usually divided into three types:

  1. General.
  2. Indirect.
  3. Straight.

Total bilirubin refers to the amount of indirect and direct bilirubin in the body.

To make a correct diagnosis, you need to find out which type of bilirubin is elevated, since many different reasons affect the increase in direct and indirect pigment.

The norm of bilirubin for adults and children

The value of the norm of bilirubin differs in males and females. In women, as a rule, bilirubin is produced in less quantity than in men. During pregnancy, a woman's production of bilirubin significantly increases, since the woman's body has a strong load. It is necessary to constantly monitor the level of pigment in the blood of a pregnant woman, since a large amount of bilirubin can indicate the development of serious diseases: cholecystitis, viral hepatitis, hemolytic anemia. The norms for the amount of bilirubin are presented in table No. 1 and table No. 2.

Table 1. The norm of indicators of bilirubin in the blood in men and women.

The norm of bilirubin in the blood In men Among women In pregnant women

I trimester

II trimester

III trimester

Total bilirubin μmol / l 3,4 - 17,1 3,2 - 17,0 5 - 21,2 5 - 21,2 5 - 21,2
Direct bilirubin μmol / l 0,7 - 7,9 0,9 - 4,3 1 - 8,9 1 - 10,1 0 - 11,2
Indirect bilirubin μmol / l Up to 16.2 6,4 - 16,8 3,9 - 21 4,5 - 22,8 4,9 - 23,9

Table 2.The norm of indicators of bilirubin in the blood in children of different ages.

In children, bilirubin plays no less important role in the body than in adults. This substance is responsible for the high-quality functioning of the liver and other organs. A child, like an adult, has 3 types of bilirubin: general, direct and indirect. The latter bilirubin in large quantities is considered dangerous for the health of the baby, as it causes severe intoxication of the body (mainly cells and tissues of the brain are affected).

An increased content of bilirubin is considered normal only for newborns who develop the so-called physiological jaundice (see table 2). The baby's body becomes yellowish, but as soon as the liver begins to function normally, the jaundice goes away. Newborn babies should still be closely monitored by a pediatrician, especially in the first days after birth.

If physiological jaundice does not go away by the age of one and a half months of age, this is considered abnormal and speaks of abnormalities in the functioning of the baby's liver and gallbladder.

In this video, you will learn more about the norms of bilirubin in the blood.

Why does bilirubin rise?

Doctors identify several main reasons why the level of bilirubin in the human body rises:

Attention! Increased breakdown of red blood cells indicates such pathologies as: malaria, poisoning of the body with various toxic substances, some types of anemia, and may also be present during blood transfusion, which differs in blood group and Rh factor from the required one, when confirming the Rh-conflict of the child's blood with the mother's blood (this pathology is found only in newborn children) and after undergoing heart operations and with a diagnosis of heart failure.

With pathological changes in the liver, as a result of which it is not capable of processing indirect bilirubin in a straight line:

  • acute hepatitis of toxic and infectious origin;
  • alcoholic hepatitis;
  • congenital insufficiency of liver enzymes (Gilbert's syndrome);
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • oncology in the liver;
  • lack of vitamin B 12;
  • exposure to liver cells of various toxic substances, chemical or plant origin;
  • fatty liver disease (not due to alcohol use);
  • poor blood supply and low oxygen content in blood cells.

With pathologies of the gallbladder, direct bilirubin increases, which is also unfavorable for the body. An increase in direct pigment can result from:

  • gallbladder infections that cause pathological changes in the tissues of the organ;
  • inflammatory processes in the biliary tract;
  • narrowing of the ducts through which bile is excreted;
  • cholangitis, cholecystitis and pancreatitis;
  • Taking certain medications that decrease bile production, such as oral contraceptives containing estrogens
  • when calculi gets into the bile ducts;
  • helminthiasis and giardiasis;
  • neoplasms in the gallbladder.

Attention! As a result of a violation of bile excretion, a person's feces acquire a clay (light) shade, this happens with insufficient processing of bilirubin.

Methods for lowering bilirubin

In order to start a decrease in pigment indices, it is necessary to accurately determine the reason for which the level of bilirubin was increased. To do this, it is necessary to undergo various examinations of the liver, circulatory system and gallbladder. It is not recommended to self-medicate, otherwise you can get serious complications for your health, as soon as after an accurate diagnosis is made, the doctor will prescribe an effective treatment to reduce the level of bilirubin.

Drug treatment

When bilirubin is elevated due to a violation of the outflow of bile, the doctor prescribes choleretic agents that increase the secretion of the enzyme in the gallbladder, which means that bilirubin will decrease with its excretion. If hereditary diseases affecting the formation of bilirubin are diagnosed, various vitamin-mineral complexes, choleretic agents, sorbents are prescribed as treatment.

If bilirubin is elevated due to infectious liver diseases, as well as after inflammatory processes in it, it is advisable to prescribe hepatoprotectors, antiviral and antibacterial therapy. You can also take such a drug for the liver as Karsil. If the increase in pigment is associated with poisoning the body, you can take various antioxidants and sorbents, for example, "Enterosgel", "Polysorb", activated carbon.

Treatment with diet

To lower the level of bilirubin in the body, it is imperative to follow a healthy diet. It is recommended to drink more than 2.5 liters of pure non-carbonated water, fresh juices, berry fruit drinks, herbal teas daily. Strong tea, coffee, and carbonated lemonades should be avoided. With elevated bilirubin, it is impossible to consume alcohol in any, even the most minimal amounts. Food should be balanced and easily digestible. From fatty, spicy and fried foods, you will have to give up completely. It is good to use various cereals with a diet: rice, buckwheat, rolled oats.


This type of treatment can be used if other means of therapy do not work, or for some reason cannot be used (for example, during pregnancy). Phototherapy is also used to reduce bilirubin in newborns. Under the influence of special photolamps, the indirect pigment becomes direct and leaves the human body without any problems.


Bilirubin can also be lowered with the help of alternative therapy. Herbal decoctions and infusions from such plants as corn silk, chamomile, motherwort, St. John's wort, birch leaves are considered very effective means. To prepare the infusion, you need 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of a mixture of these herbs with 200 ml of boiling water and let the infusion stand for at least 30 minutes. The medicine is taken 2 times a day before meals. It is always necessary to brew a fresh drink.

To control the level of bilirubin in the blood, it is necessary to regularly take appropriate tests, diagnose and treat in time various diseases that cause increased pigment formation. To maintain a normal level of bilirubin, you need to adhere to proper nutrition, give up bad habits. It is important to remember that high levels of bilirubin are very dangerous for the human body.

If, after taking the analysis, the doctor said: "You have elevated bilirubin" - this is a reason to immediately go to the hospital. The main thing is to find out about the reasons, to figure out how dangerous the increased bilirubin in the blood is. To do this, you need to briefly get acquainted with this substance. It is one of the main components of bile, bile pigment. Chemically, it is a product of the breakdown of hemoglobin; it is formed in the cells of the spleen, bone marrow, liver and lymph nodes. It mainly exits through the intestines as part of bile, another (less common) route - with urine.

Reasons for violation of the norm

The most common causes are associated with diseases of the biliary tract of the liver and blood. The risk group includes patients with various types of hepatitis, liver cancer, as well as newborn children.

Less dangerous reasons:
  • the use of certain drugs (aspirin, warfarin, heparin);
  • pregnancy;
  • fasting, strict diet or, on the contrary, overeating;
  • the use of decoctions of choleretic herbs;
  • Excessive consumption of coffee and other caffeinated beverages greatly affects the level of bilirubin.

However, it also happens that the level of this substance rises temporarily due to factors not related to internal disturbances in the body.

This substance is found in three different forms:
  1. Indirect (indirect fraction) - chemically unbound, that is, completely free pigment, insoluble in water. It is dangerous in that it is able to pass through cell membranes and adversely affect the vital activity of cells, eventually leading to their death.
  2. The direct fraction is a substance chemically bound to glucuronic acid. Low toxicity, well soluble in water, mainly transported to the intestines. However, a small amount of it enters the blood vessels and is filtered out by the kidneys, after which it leaves the body with urine. Most of it in the course of metabolic reactions is converted into stercobilin, which is the cause of the brown color of the feces.
  3. General - the total amount of a substance present in all forms.

At the same time, it is important to understand: since the patient himself does not know the true reasons for the results of the analysis, then an appeal to the doctor is necessary in any case - it is better to know everything and act accordingly than to be in dangerous ignorance.

Testing procedure

Blood is donated for analysis exclusively in the morning. It is strictly forbidden to take food for 4 hours. And during the day you should not eat fatty foods and alcohol, which affects the level of bilirubin. In adults, it is removed from a vein using a syringe or venous catheter. In children, the fence is carried out on the heel. In this case, the procedure is quite fast (lasts 3 hours).

According to the content standards, the following indicators exist (in micromoles per liter of blood):
  • indirect fraction - 3-12;
  • direct fraction - 1.7-5.1;
  • general - from 5 to 17.
Newborns have their own metrics. They depend on their age:
  • in the first few hours after birth - up to 60;
  • after 3-4 days - up to 250;
  • a week later - no more than 170.

The standards for men and women are practically the same. However, in the stronger sex, they are often somewhat overestimated, including because many men lead an unhealthy lifestyle (bad habits, stress, etc.).

Exceeding the norm

Of course, this component should be present in the body in normal amounts. However, when an excess of the norm is detected, there is a danger that the body has malfunctioned. At the very least, you need to act immediately, because the sooner the reasons are revealed and the treatment begins, the more chances you have to recover faster and more confidently.

You need to understand that increased bilirubin is a common definition. Much depends on how much it is enlarged.

There may be different options:
  1. A slight excess of the norm (from 50 to 70) is relatively safe for health, but this does not negate the need to consult a doctor and establish the causes of the phenomenon.
  2. A significant excess of the norm (from 150 to 170) - intoxication of the body is possible, the condition is not critical, but very dangerous, and you need to consult a specialist immediately.
  3. Severe hyperbilirubinemia (up to 300) is a serious threat to life due to tissue intoxication and disruption of the body's vital functions.
  4. Extremely difficult (over 300) - the patient's life is in danger; if urgent action is not taken, then death within a few days is inevitable.

It is important to note that the main indicator of the analysis is total bilirubin, and data on direct and indirect can only give an approximate picture for reasons of deviation from normal values.

Consequences of elevated bilirubin

The consequences of an increase in the level of this component are various pathologies associated with the liver and the central nervous system.

Their essence is the same - a violation of metabolic processes:

  • hypovitaminosis - in patients, digestion is disturbed, the normal functioning of the liver (especially its function to remove toxins from the body), stones are formed in the gallbladder and cholecystitis is observed;
  • diseases on the part of the brain - undergoing intoxication (due to the fact that the liver cannot cope with its functions), the neurons of the brain are inhibited in development, which negatively affects the entire organ;
  • kidney disorders are also caused by intoxication.

Especially dangerous complications develop in newborns. Severe consequences are associated with the development of bilirubin encephalopathy (brain disorder).

The manifestations of this pathology are as follows:
  • suppression of the sucking reflex;
  • a strong drop in blood pressure;
  • restlessness and convulsions;
  • increased drowsiness of the infant;
  • a significant increase in the size of the spleen and liver.

Of course, these are rare cases, but they also happen. Treatment always takes place only in a stationary setting under the strict supervision of doctors, because high bilirubin is a dangerous condition.

Be that as it may, you need to clearly understand: knowing is always better than not knowing. It is dangerous to have the illusion that everything will somehow pass by itself. And this is definitely not the case when you can get by with a home first aid kit or folk remedies. Don't rely on chance; one important truth should be remembered: only the person himself is responsible for the health of a person.

One of the main indicators in the analysis of blood is the value of bilirubin in it.

Many are aware that high levels of its content indicate possible liver problems, but, most often, this question is limited to vague assumptions.

However, a more advanced level of knowledge about why bilirubin rises above normal and under what diseases, about the origin, factors of increase and what the high content of it in serum affects, would allow many to hedge against possible health problems.

The transport iron-containing blood protein - hemoglobin, being an integral part of erythrocytes, binds to oxygen and ensures its delivery to all organs and tissues of the body.

Methods for normalizing bilirubin indicators in each specific case depend on the factors that caused the deviation, since icteric symptoms are only a consequence, and therapeutic measures should be aimed at eliminating the causes of the disorder.

Generally accepted medical practice for severe hemolysis of erythrocytes provides for:

  • Administration of glucose or albumin infusion therapy.
  • Plasmapheresis.

For metabolic disorders in children and adolescents, phototherapy is used, in which irradiation of the skin promotes the conversion of free bilirubin into bound.

With insufficient enzymatic ability of the liver, drugs are prescribed that enhance its activity.

We must not forget that high bilirubin in the blood, as well as yellowing of the skin, always indicates serious problems in the body, and therefore it is of primary importance to identify and diagnose the reasons that caused it as soon as possible, and immediately treat it.

Video - The whole truth about bilirubin

The blood contains many different substances. Each of them has its own standards of content. Exceeding the established indicators indicates the presence of certain pathologies or disorders. One of these substances is. It performs an important function, and if its level in the blood is exceeded, therapeutic measures are required.

bin and its meaning

In there is hemoglobin, which carries oxygen from the lungs to all tissues of the body. But when the blood cells can no longer perform their functions, they undergo destruction in the liver, spleen and bone marrow. Hemoglobin is released and converted to bilirubin.

But the formed cells are dangerous for the body and have a negative effect on the nervous system. That is why it enters the liver, where it is rendered harmless by various substances. Thus, an indirect type of substance is obtained, which is subsequently excreted along with bile, and then excreted from the body along with urine.

The transformation of a substance is a complex chemical process that continuously occurs in the body.

Violation at various stages of the conversion of hemoglobin into indirect bilirubin causes a change in its level. Indicators are considered quite important in the diagnosis of various diseases.

In medicine, the substance is usually divided into two types:

  • Indirect. It dissolves only in fats and is formed by decomposition. It is considered dangerous for the body, as it easily penetrates cells, disrupting the work of certain organs.
  • Straight. Synthesized in the liver. It is soluble in water and is not considered hazardous to the body. It is excreted naturally along with bile.

Bilirubin of the direct type is completely safe for the body, since it is preliminarily rendered harmless by liver enzymes. The substance does not have a negative effect on the work of various systems and organs, it is easily excreted from the body. When diagnosing, the level of both direct and indirect bilirubin is determined.

Diagnostics and norms

Bilirubin is found in human blood. That is why, to establish the level of its content, blood is taken. In order for the indicators to be reliable, the patient must follow a number of rules.

First of all, you need to give up food at least 12 hours before the procedure. You also need to exclude stressful situations and physical activity. It is not recommended to smoke two hours before taking a blood test.

The analysis results reflect three indicators:

  • General indicator. It should not be lower than 5.1 mmol / L, but not higher than 17 mmol / L.
  • Indirect. The norm is considered from 3.4 to 12 mmol / l.
  • Straight. The indicator can vary from 1.7 to 5.1 mmol / l.

Indicators of a substance in accordance with gender practically do not differ and do not change between the ages of 18 and 60 years.

Causes of the increased bilirubin count

When studying the results of the study, the specialist pays attention not only to the level of total bilirubin, but also to direct and indirect.

An increase in the amount of direct bilirubin occurs due to a change in the outflow of bile, as a result of which it does not enter the stomach, but into the vessels and is carried along with the blood.

The causes of this disorder are the following diseases:

  • Acute viral hepatitis, such as hepatitis A, B, or infectious mononucleosis.
  • Hepatitis of a bacterial origin.
  • Medicinal hepatitis, which occurs against the background of prolonged use of drugs of various groups (for tumors, tuberculosis or inflammation).
  • Autoimmune hepatitis.
  • Hepatitis caused by poisoning with toxic substances or poisonous fungi.
  • Cholelithiasis.
  • Cancers in the liver, pancreas, or gallbladder.
  • Dabin-Johnson or Rotor syndrome.

When diagnosed, an increase in the amount of indirect bilirubin may also be observed. This condition can be caused by the following diseases:

  1. Infectious lesion. The most commonly diagnosed sepsis, typhoid fever and malaria.
  2. Congenital hemolytic anemia. Such diseases include Markiafava-Michele disease, non-spherocytic, thalassemia and others.
  3. Syndromes of Lucy-Driscola, Crigler-Nayyar, Gilbert.
  4. Toxic anemias caused by the bites of poisonous snakes, poisoning with toxins and various poisons, heavy metals, lead, arsenic.
  5. Medicinal anemias arising from prolonged use of drugs of the NSAID group, insulin or aspirin.

The reason for the increase in the level of indirect bilirubin in the blood can be triggered by acquired autoimmune hemolytic anemias, which occur against the background of rheumatoid and other diseases.

Associated symptoms

Elevated bilirubin has its own distinctive features, by which one can suspect the presence of a violation without conducting a laboratory blood test. The analysis serves only as proof of an increase in the normal content of a substance in the blood.

With a significant level of bilirubin, the main symptoms are:

  • Dyspeptic disorders, which are manifested in the form of an unpleasant taste in the mouth and nausea.
  • Headache.
  • The appearance on the tongue of a gray or white coating. Has a viscous consistency
  • Dizziness.
  • Itchy skin.
  • Fast fatiguability.
  • Yellowness of the mucous membranes of the mouth and skin.
  • Colorless feces.
  • Dark shade of urine.

Discomfort in the area is also observed, which is caused by an enlarged liver. After taking fatty and heavy foods, heartburn and belching occur. Stool upset may occur.In cases where viral hepatitis became the cause of the excess of bilirubin, a significant increase in body temperature is also noted.

What is the danger of high bilirubin?

Thanks to modern methods of therapy, it is possible to normalize the increased level of bilirubin without consequences for the body. But in the absence of medical care, this condition can lead to serious consequences, among which are:

  • Disruption of all systems and organs.
  • Encephalopathy.
  • Chronic form.
  • Formation of stones in the gallbladder.
  • The viral form of hepatitis.

Against the background of significantly exceeding the norm of bilirubin, the development of pathological processes that are irreversible is observed. This condition can also lead to coma.

How to normalize bilirubin levels?

To restore the normal amount of bilirubin in the blood, it is first of all necessary to establish the cause of the change in indicators.Infusion therapy is often used, which involves the intravenous administration of glucose and saline solutions. This helps relieve signs of intoxication and remove metabolic products from the body.

In certain cases, phototherapy is also used. The technique involves irradiation with special lamps. Under the influence of rays, the transformation of indirect bilirubin into direct bilirubin is observed, which is then excreted from the body.

Medicines are prescribed in order to normalize the process of excretion of bile, along with which bilirubin is excreted. Means are also used to relieve symptoms of intoxication. Often, patients are prescribed activated charcoal.

In cases where the excess of the norm of bilirubin in the blood is provoked by hepatitis, then therapy is prescribed, aimed at eliminating the virus.

The use of drugs aimed at protecting the liver from harmful effects and preventing the occurrence of cirrhosis is shown.When diagnosing Gilbert's syndrome and other disorders, treatment should be prescribed only by a specialist in accordance with the patient's condition, type, form and degree of development of the disease.

Hepatoprotectors are used for liver infections. Immunomodulatory, antibacterial and antiviral agents are also prescribed.It is strictly forbidden to use traditional medicine recipes to normalize the level of bilirubin in the blood. This is due to the fact that the causes of this condition can be many and improper treatment will cause serious consequences.

A high level of bilirubin in the blood also requires correction of the diet. The diet helps reduce the burden on the liver. Patients should first reduce the amount of salt they consume. It is recommended to cook dishes without it. It is allowed to use no more than 10 grams per day.

You also need to completely exclude the use of pickles, marinades, smoked meats, as well as canned meat and fish. Patients are prohibited from eating fatty broths, mushrooms, alcoholic beverages, sour berries and fruits. Do not use spices when cooking.

With increased bilirubin, you need to enter into the diet:

  • Fermented milk products with a low percentage of fat.
  • Sweet juices.
  • Sugar and honey.
  • Lean meat.
  • Porridge on the water.
  • Vegetable oil.

It is important to observe the drinking regime, and to subject all products to heat treatment.An increased level of bilirubin in the blood is characterized by pronounced symptoms, which makes it possible to identify a violation in a timely manner. It is important to establish the cause of the condition and treat it.

More information about bilirubin can be found in the video:

Patients should not only take the prescribed drugs, but also follow a diet. Lack of therapy or improper treatment can lead to serious consequences. That is why you should not postpone going to the doctor.

Not every person thoroughly knows the anatomy of his body and substance, the elements that are included in it. For this reason, after receiving the test results, we sometimes feel increased anxiety. After all, we cannot explain or understand some of the meanings, which means that it is not in our competence to correctly assess our condition. One of these little-known values ​​is elevated blood bilirubin. The causes and methods of treatment, as well as the symptoms of this condition, we will consider below.

Bilirubin - a substance in the human body

This is an organic substance formed during the natural breakdown of hemoglobin due to the destruction of red blood elements - erythrocytes. This process occurs continuously as the erythrocyte ends up. Bilirubin can be seen in blood plasma or bile. Deviations from the norm of the presence of bilirubin in these fluids most often indicates the presence of pathological conditions in the blood (increased destruction of red blood cells), liver or biliary tract.

Difference of direct bilirubin from other types

In medical science, there are two types of bilirubin - direct and indirect. The second of them, still called unbound, is formed in liver cells (about 80%), and the rest - in the spleen and bone marrow cells.

Called bound, it is formed in the liver by adding glucuronic acid to the indirect bilirubin. This is required in order to convert a toxic and insoluble substance into a soluble form and successfully remove it from the body with bile.

However, non-toxic and readily soluble direct bilirubin can also have harmful effects on the body. With an increased concentration of this substance in bile, it is prone to precipitation and crystallization, which can ultimately lead to the formation of solid deposits in the structural elements of the gallbladder and its ducts.

In the results of laboratory examinations, general bilirubin is often mentioned, but this is a clinical name, there is no such substance in the body. This concept means the total amount of direct and indirect bilirubin.

Why is a blood test for direct bilirubin prescribed?

This study is very important, because it allows you to answer the question of whether the increase in bilirubin is associated with impaired liver function or not. An increase in total bilirubin due to high rates of only indirect bilirubin is possible with an increase in the breakdown of hemoglobin. And an increase in only an easily soluble substance most often occurs when the outflow of already formed bile is difficult, for example, with mechanical blockage of the bile ducts.

The reasons for the increase in bilirubin in the blood are different. Serious diffuse liver pathology - hepatitis is common. The disease is characterized by the fact that the cells of this organ are not able to remove pigment in the required amount into the gallbladder and its ducts. Timely blood test for direct bilirubin will detect this disease and prevent its further progression.

What is the norm of blood bilirubin?

In order to clearly determine the pathological condition, experts have established the concept of the norm of bilirubin in the blood. It can individually fluctuate within wide limits, but exceeding these values ​​may indicate serious health problems.

In the table below, we see that the norm of bilirubin in the blood differs for different age categories. Elevated bilirubin, symptoms, the treatment of which is determined only by a specialist, can occur as early as the first day after birth. Therefore, it is important to monitor its blood level so as not to miss a serious pathology of internal organs.

Under what pathologies does direct bilirubin increase?

An increased concentration of pigment is possible when too much of it is formed, or there are obstacles to its elimination from the body.

Most often, excessive production of bilirubin is observed in various hereditary diseases, not only of the liver, but also of the hematopoietic organs. This can be caused by various anemias, and primarily associated with increased fragility of erythrocytes, as well as pathology of the spleen, excessively destroying erythrocytes, including healthy ones.

Difficulties in the conversion and excretion of bilirubin are more often associated with liver diseases that occur due to damage to toxins or the occurrence of inflammation. Often this picture is given by cholelithiasis and oncological changes.

The reasons that led to an increase in the level of bilirubin in the analyzes are divided into two large groups: hepatic and extrahepatic. The former are more often caused by diffuse processes in the liver tissues, and the latter with cicatricial or other mechanical disturbances in the process of bile outflow.

Hepatic causes:

  • Acute viral hepatitis A, B, C.
  • Chronic and bacterial hepatitis (with brucellosis, leptospirosis).
  • due to the action of drugs, including.
  • Intrahepatic cholestasis.
  • Oncological diseases of the liver.

Extrahepatic causes:

  • Compression of the bile ducts.
  • Diseases of these passages.

Thus, an increased level of direct bilirubin may indicate various disorders in the body and cannot be the basis for an accurate diagnosis. But knowing this indicator, it is possible to conduct further targeted examination of the patient.

Increased unbound bilirubin in the blood

If the test results indicate an increased level of indirect pigment, then you should pay attention to, namely, the amount of red blood elements and hemoglobin. Since the indirect bilirubin is altered due to the increased breakdown of hemoglobin, the person will have clear signs of anemia. Due to the accumulation of excess unbound pigment in the blood, signs of hemolytic anemia appear and intensify (through jaundice).

Causes of low bilirubin

One of the leading reasons for the decrease in direct bilirubin is coronary heart disease. Also, this phenomenon occurs after taking alcohol, caffeine (including energy drinks) and a number of drugs (penicillin, prednisolone and others).

How is the increased bilirubin in the blood externally manifested?

If what does that mean? With a high concentration of direct bilirubin in the blood, yellowing of the sclera is observed in patients, and in more severe conditions, also of the skin. Urine acquires a rich yellow color, and feces, on the contrary, become discolored due to impaired excretion of pigment through the intestines. On examination, the doctor may detect a thickening or an increase in the size of the liver, painful sensations in the projection of the gallbladder are possible.

If direct bilirubin is elevated, what does this mean for a patient who has undergone acute In this case, a person may complain of decreased appetite, nausea, heaviness and pain in the right hypochondrium.

With a difficult outflow of bile, a change in skin color occurs. This is due to the fact that bilirubin is not evacuated through the intestines, but returns to the bloodstream and is filtered out in the kidneys. In addition to the symptoms of "obstructive jaundice", signs of a disease that caused a violation of the outflow of bile may clearly appear. These are symptoms of acute, chronic pancreatitis, etc. The most effective methods of diagnosing diseases in such cases are ultrasound or tomography. They help to identify inflammatory edema of the walls of the bile ducts, as well as their overlap with various neoplasms.

Bilirubin in children of the first days of life

Metabolism in newborns is somewhat different from that in adults. At birth, the blood contains a high content of fetal hemoglobin, which is subject to rapid decay and elimination from the body. Therefore, in the first day of life, physiological, natural jaundice is very often observed. But as the enzymatic system of the liver develops, converting indirect bilirubin into direct bilirubin, these signs quickly go away.

However, there is a possibility of occurrence and pathological It can be caused by such processes as:

  • incompatibility in blood group or Rh factor of mother and child;
  • hereditary fragility of erythrocytes, which causes an increased formation of indirect bilirubin;
  • infectious hepatitis;
  • violations of the outflow of bile from the liver of a mechanical nature and others.

Treatment for elevated bilirubin in the blood

It is impossible to say for sure what to do if the bilirubin is elevated. Actions depend on several factors. First, you need to identify the nature of the disease, why it has arisen. The reasons for the increase in bilirubin in the blood are varied; when making a diagnosis and prescribing treatment, a doctor cannot rely on the data of only one or two studies. Additional studies may be prescribed: ultrasound diagnostics, computed tomography, which can detect the presence of solid deposits or other obstacles to the outflow of bile, due to which increased bilirubin appears in the blood. The reasons, treatment of this pathological process can be determined in some cases by a hematologist (specialist in blood diseases), in others - by an infectious disease specialist. If the outflow of bile is difficult, therapy is prescribed to relieve spasms of the bile ducts and gallbladder.

However, like many substances in the body, bilirubin should not be taken as a completely useless waste. As recent studies have shown, bilirubin is a very good antioxidant, superior in its effectiveness to vitamin E. It is able to inactivate peroxide compounds, preventing the development of many pathological conditions and diseases. So, in people with high levels of bilirubin in the blood, the risk of atherosclerotic vascular lesions and associated heart diseases is significantly reduced. Bilirubin is able to fight off aggressive free radicals, significantly reducing the risk of cancer.

Features of bilirubin in pregnant women

Sometimes it happens that in pregnant women, direct bilirubin is elevated. What does this mean for them? The state of pregnancy cannot in any way provoke a decrease or increase in this substance. Most often, expectant mothers note that in the analysis results, the reference indicator of a substance corresponds to the column "Bilirubin direct norm". It can be raised, lowered, not because of pregnancy, but with an exacerbation of chronic diseases or the emergence of new pathologies. An increased content of pigment in the blood can be triggered by diseases such as cholestasis, hemolytic anemia, viral hepatitis, cholecystitis. Such conditions require an immediate and complete examination of the woman, after which the doctor prescribes adequate and effective treatment.

Ways to lower bilirubin

If you find symptoms of increased direct bilirubin in yourself, then you need to get rid of them, since this condition can affect the state of the internal organs. To lower the level of this pigment, first of all, you need to study your diet. A good result can be achieved by changing the diet. This requires:

  • stop eating fried and spicy foods;
  • completely exclude alcoholic beverages from the diet;
  • do not use drinks with gases in food;
  • newborn babies need to drink more fluids to quickly remove toxins from the body.

You need to pay maximum attention to the condition of the liver. By applying these simple nutritional rules, you enable this organ to cleanse and recover. A healthy liver actively gets rid of large amounts of bilirubin in bile and blood. In addition, it is necessary to monitor the healthy functioning of the intestines. Cooked and baked food helps the intestines function well. You can't exhaust yourself with endless diets or hunger, this leads to a malfunction of the digestive organs.

Thus, the only symptom is a condition in which direct bilirubin is elevated. What does it mean? This suggests that it is important not only to lower the amount of pigment in the blood, but also to treat the cause.

Pathological processes in the liver will manifest themselves through nausea, pain in the area of ​​this organ, a feeling of heaviness, fever, and a bitter taste in the mouth. If elevated bilirubin is due to anemia, it will manifest itself through a yellow tint of the mucous membranes, chronic fatigue, frequent heartbeats, pain in the left side of the chest. Increased bilirubin due to diseases of the biliary tract will manifest itself through dark urine, impaired appetite, severe itching and nausea.

In such conditions, it is necessary to take a blood test for direct bilirubin. What the results and recommendations for its reduction mean - the doctor will say.

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