Thematic planning in physics 7 9. Calendar and thematic planning of the physics course

Calendar and thematic planning of the subject of physics, taking into account 1 hour per week.

Plan fact

Lesson No. Lesson topic


1. Safety precautions in the physics classroom. What does physics study?

Know: what physics studies, the task of physics, physical phenomena.

Be able to: distinguish physical phenomena

2.Some physical terms.

Know: the meaning of the concept "substance".

Be able to:

Acquiring new knowledge and skills

3. Observations and experiments

Know: the meaning of the concept "substance".

Be able to: use physical instruments and measuring instruments to measure physical quantities.

Acquiring new knowledge and skills

4. Physical quantities. Measurement of physical quantities.

Know: the meaning of the concept "substance".

Be able to: use physical instruments and measuring instruments to measure physical quantities.

Acquiring new knowledge and skills

5.Accuracy and error of measurements

Know: the meaning of the concept "substance".

Be able to: use physical instruments and measuring instruments to measure physical quantities.

Acquiring new knowledge and skills

6.Laboratory work №1 “Determination of scale division prices of a measuring instrument”

Express results in SI

Working with textbook text


7.Structure of matter.


8. Molecules

Know meaning of concepts: substance, interaction, atom (molecule).

9.Laboratory work No. 2 "Measuring the sizes of small bodies"

Know methods for measuring the size of small bodies

Acquiring new knowledge and skills

10.Diffusion in gases, liquids and solids Oh.

Diffusion. Thermal movement of atoms and molecules. Brownian motion

The ability to highlight the main thing

11.Three states of matter

Models of the structure of gases, liquids and solids

Acquiring new knowledge and skills


12.Mechanical movement.

Mechanical movement

13. Uniform and uneven movement

Mechanical movement. Trajectory. Path. Rectilinear uniform motion

The ability to highlight the main thing

Acquiring new knowledge and skills

15.Calculation of speed, path and time of movement

Speed ​​of linear uniform motion. Methods for measuring distance, time, speed

Acquiring new knowledge and skills

16.Calculation of speed, path and time of movement

Speed ​​of linear uniform motion. Methods for measuring distance, time, speed

Acquiring new knowledge and skills


Uneven movement

18.Body mass. Units of mass. Measuring body weight on scales.


Determination of mass;

Units of mass
Be able to reproduce or write the formula

The ability to highlight the main thing

19.Laboratory work No. 3 “Measuring the mass of a substance on a lever scale”

Be able to correctly measure body mass

The ability to highlight the main thing, the acquisition of new knowledge and skills

20.Density of matter.

Know Be able to

Acquiring new knowledge and skills

Know determination of the density of a substance, formula. Be able to work with physical quantities included in this formula

Acquiring new knowledge and skills

22.Calculation of the mass and volume of a substance based on its density

Know determination of the density of a substance, formula. Be able to work with physical quantities included in this formula

Acquiring new knowledge and skills

23.Test №1 “Mechanical movement. Body mass. Density of matter"

Be able to reproduce and find physical quantities: mass, density, volume of matter

Acquiring new knowledge and skills



25.Elastic force. Hooke's law. Body weight

Know definition of force, its units of measurement and designation

Acquiring new knowledge and skills

26.Units of force. Relationship between strength and body weight

Know determination of elastic force. Be able to schematically depict the point of its application to the body. Working out the formula for the relationship between strength and body weight

Acquiring new knowledge and skills

27.Laboratory work No. 4 “Dynamometer. Spring graduation and force measurement with a dynamometer"

Force measurement method. Be able to work with physical devices. Instrument scale graduation

Acquiring new knowledge and skills

28.Friction force. Rest friction. The role of friction in technology

Know determination of friction force. Be able to give examples

Acquiring new knowledge and skills


29.Pressure. Ways to reduce and increase pressure

Know determination of physical quantities: pressure, density of matter, volume, mass

Testing knowledge when solving problems

30.Gas pressure. Repetition of the concepts "density", "pressure"


Acquiring new knowledge and skills

31.Pascal's Law

Know formulation of the law, definition of pressure

Acquiring new knowledge and skills

32.Communicating vessels.

Know determination of physical quantities: pressure, density of matter, volume, mass

Acquiring new knowledge and skills

33.The action of liquid and gas on a body immersed in them

Archimedes' Law

Acquiring new knowledge and skills.

34.Test No. 2 "Pressure of solids, liquids and gases"

Pressure. Pascal's law. Atmospheric pressure. Methods for measuring atmospheric pressure. Archimedes' Law

Acquiring new knowledge and skills

Calendar and thematic planning for work program in physics 7-9 grades. The program implements the Federal State Educational Standards of the main general education. In 7th and 8th grades 2 hours. per week, 9th grade - 3 hours per week.

Fertyakova Olga Yakovlevna, 29.10.2017

1930 329

Development content

Calendar and thematic planning of the physics course

7th grade (2 hours per week)

School week no.

Physics and physical methods nature studies (4 hours)


Physics - the science of nature

Physical quantities and their measurements

Laboratory work No. 1 “Determination of the scale division value of a measuring device”

Physics and technology

Thermal phenomena(6 hours)

Structure of matter. Atoms and molecules

Laboratory work No. 2 “Measuring the sizes of small bodies”

Diffusion in gases, liquids and solids

Interaction of molecules

Aggregate states substances. Difference in structure

Independent work"Structure of Matter"

Mechanical phenomena (58 hours).

Mechanical movement. Relativity of mechanical motion

Physical quantities necessary to describe motion

Solving problems on calculating the path, speed and time of movement

Independent work on the topic “Mechanical movement”

Body mass.

Laboratory work No. 3 “Measuring body weight”

Density of matter

Solving problems on the topic “Density of matter”

Laboratory work No. 4 “Determination of the density of solid matter”

Calculation of body mass and volume based on its density

Solving problems on the topic “Mechanical motion. Weight , density of matter"

Test No. 1 “Mechanical movement. Weight , density of matter"

Force. Resultant force

Dynamometer. Laboratory work No. 5 “Measurement of force”


Elastic force. Hooke's law

Laboratory work No. 6 “Determination of spring stiffness”

Friction force. Friction in nature and technology

Laboratory work No. 7 “Determination of the coefficient of sliding friction.”

Solving problems on the topic “Friction Force”

Solving problems on the topic “Addition of forces”

Test No. 2 “Forces in Nature”

Solid pressure

Ways to change pressure.

Pressure of liquids and gases. Pascal's law

Solving problems on the topic “Pressure”

Calculation of liquid pressure on the bottom and walls of a vessel.

Solving problems on calculating the pressure of a liquid on the bottom and walls of a vessel"

Communicating vessels

Air weight. Atmosphere pressure

Measuring atmospheric pressure. Torricelli's experience.

Barometer - aneroid. Atmospheric pressure at different altitudes.

Pressure gauges

Test No. 3 “Pressure of solids, liquids and gases”

Hydraulic mechanisms (pump)

Hydraulic mechanisms (press)

The action of liquid and gas on a body immersed in them. Archimedes' power.

Laboratory work No. 8 “Determination of the buoyancy force acting on a body immersed in a liquid”

Swimming tel. Problem solving.

Laboratory work No. 9 “Study of the dependence of the buoyant force on the volume of the immersed part of the body, on the density of the liquid”

Sailing of ships. Aeronautics

Test No. 4 “The Power of Archimedes”

Mechanical work.


Simple mechanisms. Lever arm

Moment of power. Levers in technology, everyday life and nature

Laboratory work No. 10 “Determination of moment of force”

Movable and fixed blocks. " Golden Rule mechanics"

Solving problems on the topic “Simple mechanisms”

Coefficient useful action mechanism

Laboratory work No. 11 “Design of an inclined plane with a given efficiency value”

Energy. Potential and kinetic energy.

Conversion of one type of mechanical energy into another.

Law of conservation of total mechanical energy.

Solving problems on the topic “Energy”

Test No. 5 “Work and power. Energy".


(70 hours, 2 hours per week)

School week no.

Thermal phenomena (26 hours).

September 1

Thermal equilibrium. Temperature

Internal energy. Ways to change internal energy

Thermal conductivity. Convection. Radiation

Examples of heat transfer in nature and technology.

Quantity of heat

Specific heat

Calculation of the amount of heat of thermal processes

Laboratory work No. 1 “Determination of the amount of heat”

Solving problems on calculating the amount of heat of thermal processes.

Laboratory work No. 2 “Measurement specific heat capacity»

Specific heat of combustion of fuel

Solving problems on calculating the amount of heat released during fuel combustion

The law of conservation and transformation of energy in mechanical and thermal processes

Test No. 1 “Thermal phenomena”

Melting and solidification of crystalline bodies

Specific heat of fusion

Solving problems on calculating the amount of heat during crystallization and melting

Evaporation and condensation

Boiling. Specific heat of vaporization and condensation

Solving problems on the topic: “Changes in the aggregate states of matter”

Saturated steam. Air humidity

Solving problems to determine air humidity

Energy conversion in heat engines

Heat engine efficiency

Ecological problems use of heat engines.

Test No. 2 “Changes in the aggregate states of matter.”

School week no.

Electromagnetic phenomena (42 hours)

Electrification physical bodies. Two kinds of electric charges

Law of conservation of electric charges

Conductors, semiconductors and insulators of electricity

Electric field as a special type of matter

Electricity. Current sources. Actions of electric current

Current strength. Ammeter

Laboratory work No. 3 “Assembling an electrical circuit and measuring the current in it various areas»

Electrical voltage. Voltmeter

Electrical resistance. Ohm's law for a circuit section

Laboratory work No. 4 “Measurement of voltage and resistance”

Independent work on the topic “Ohm’s Law for a section of a circuit.” Resistivity

Solving problems for calculating electrical circuits.

Rheostat. Laboratory work No. 5 “Measurement of current strength and its regulation”

Series and parallel connection of conductors

Laboratory work No. 6 “Testing the hypothesis: when two conductors are connected in series, the voltages cannot be added (possible)”

Solving problems on mixed connection of conductors

Work and power of electric current

Laboratory work No. 7 “Determination of work and power of electric current”

Joule–Lenz law

Electrical devices. Short circuit

Solving problems on the topic “Power and current work. Joule Lenz's Law"

Solving problems on the topic: “Electric current”

Test No. 3 “Electrical phenomena”.

A magnetic field. Magnetic field of current.


Laboratory work No. 8 “Study of the phenomenon of interaction between a coil with current and a magnet”

Action magnetic field to a current-carrying conductor.

School week no.

Electrical engine. Laboratory work No. 9 “Assembling an electromagnet and testing its action”

Permanent magnets. Earth's magnetic field

Test No. 4 “Magnetic phenomena”

Sources of light. Spread of Light

Law of Reflection

Flat mirror

34/60 Light refraction
31 35/61 Light - electromagnetic wave. Dispersion of light.
36/62 Lenses.Lens formula
32 37/63

Laboratory work No. 10 “Measuring the focal length of a lens”

38/64 Images produced by the lens
33 39/65

Laboratory work No. 11 “Study of image properties in lenses”

40/66 The eye as an optical system. Optical instruments.
34 41/67 Problem solving

Test No. 5 “Light phenomena”

Interim final certification

Calendar and thematic planning


(102 hours, 3 hours per week)

School week no.

Physical methods of studying nature (2 hours)


Physical laws and patterns.

Scientific method of knowledge.

The role of physics in the formation of natural science literacy

Mechanical phenomena (52 hours)

Material point. Frames of reference. Moving

Coordinates of a moving body. Movement during rectilinear uniform motion

Solving problems on the topic “Uniform motion”

Rectilinear uniformly accelerated motion. Acceleration. Speed

Solving problems on the topic “Acceleration, speed during uniformly accelerated motion”

Movement during rectilinear uniformly accelerated motion

Graphic representation of uniformly accelerated motion

Laboratory work No. 1 “Measurement of acceleration of uniformly accelerated motion”

Solving problems on the topic “Uniformly accelerated motion”

Movement of a body in a circle with a constant absolute speed

Centripetal acceleration

Solving problems on the topic “Motion of a body in a circle”

Solving problems on the topic “Fundamentals of Kinematics”

Test No. 1 on the topic “Fundamentals of kinematics”

School week no.

Inertial reference systems. Newton's first law

Force. Newton's second law

Newton's third law

Solving problems on the topic “Newton’s Laws”

Movement of a body under the influence of gravity

Solving problems on the topic “Motion of bodies under the influence of gravity”

Laboratory work No. 2 “Study of the dependence of the path on time during uniformly accelerated motion without an initial speed”

The law of universal gravitation. Acceleration of gravity

Artificial Earth satellites

Solving problems on the topic “Law” universal gravity»

Movement of bodies under the influence of several forces

Solving problems on the topic “Movement” connected bodies»

Solving problems on the topic “Motion of bodies on an inclined plane”

Solving problems on the topic “Motion of bodies in a circle”

Test No. 2 on the topic “Fundamentals of dynamics”

Body impulse. Impulse of force.

Solving problems on the topic “Impulse”

Law of conservation of momentum

Jet propulsion. Rockets

Solving problems on the topic “Law of conservation of momentum”

Mechanical energy

School week no.

December 13

Law of conservation of total mechanical energy

Solving problems on the topic “Law of conservation of total mechanical energy”

Solving problems on the topic “Conservation laws in mechanics”

Test No. 3 on the topic “Conservation laws in mechanics”

Mechanical vibrations

Period, frequency, amplitude of oscillations

Laboratory work No. 3 “Observation of the dependence of the period of oscillation of a load on a thread on length and independence from mass”

Period of oscillation of mathematical and spring pendulums

Laboratory work No. 4 “Observation of the dependence of the period of oscillation of a load on a spring on mass and stiffness”

Solving problems on the topic “Mechanical vibrations”

Energy transformations during oscillatory movements.


Propagation of vibrations in a medium. Waves

Wave length and speed

Sound sources and characteristics

Solving problems on the topic “Mechanical waves”

Test No. 4 on the topic “Mechanical vibrations and waves”

Electromagnetic phenomena (22 hours)

A magnetic field. Magnetic field induction

Magnetic field of current. Oersted's experience

Magnetic field of permanent magnets. Earth's magnetic field.

School week no.

Electromagnet. Application of electromagnets.

The effect of a magnetic field on a current-carrying conductor. Ampere power

The effect of a magnetic field on a moving charged particle. Lorentz force

Electric motor

Laboratory work No. 5 “Study of an electric DC motor”

Solving problems on the topic “Magnetic field”

Magnetic flux

The phenomenon of electromagnetic induction.

Laboratory work No. 6 “Observation of the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction”

Capacitor. Electric field energy of a capacitor.

Oscillatory circuit

Alternating current

Electric generator. Transformer

Calendar-thematic planning 7th grade Federal State Educational Standard. Textbook by A.V. Peryshkin

Kharseeva Ekaterina Mikhailovna, 14.03.2017

6038 1248

Development content

Calendar-thematic planning in physics grade 7-A

2 hours per week / 68 hours per year

According to calendar and thematic planning 2 hours per week / 67 hours per year

Lesson topic



Physics and physical methods of studying nature 6 hours

TB instruction. What does physics study?

Some physical terms. Observations and experiments.

Physical quantities. Measurement of physical quantities.

Accuracy and error of measurements.

Physics and technology

Laboratory work No. 1 “Determination of the division price of a measuring device”

Initial information about the structure of matter 6 h

Structure of matter. Molecules

§ 7.8, No. 53.54 L

Laboratory work No. 2 “Measuring the sizes of small bodies”

Brownian motion. Diffusion in gases, liquids and solids.

§9, task 2(1), No. 60L

Mutual attraction and repulsion of molecules.

§10, ex.2(1), No. 74.80 L

Aggregate states of matter. Differences in the molecular structure of solids, liquids and gases.

§11.12, No. 65.67, 77-79L.

General lesson on the topic “Initial information about the structure of matter”

Interaction of bodies 23 h

Mechanical movement.

§13,14 task 4,

Uniform and uneven movement. Speed. Units of speed.

§15, ex. 4(1.4)

Calculation of path and time of movement

§16, exercise 5(2,4)

Traffic schedules

Interaction of bodies.

Body mass. Units of mass.

§ 19, preparation for laboratory work No. 3

Laboratory work No. 3 "Measuring mass on lever scales"

§20, exercise 6(1,3)

Density of matter.

§21, No. 265L, prepare for laboratory work 4.5.

Laboratory work No. 4 "Measuring body volume"

§ 21, ex. 7(1)

Laboratory work No. 5 "Determination of the density of a solid body"

§ 21, ex. 7(2)

Calculation of the mass and volume of a body based on its density.


§27. exercise 9(1,3)

Elastic force. Hooke's law.

§25.26, No. 328,

Body weight.

Units of force. The relationship between gravity and mass.

Dynamometer. Laboratory work No. 6 "Graduation of a spring"

§28, exercise 10(1,3)

The addition of two forces directed in one straight line. Resultant force.

§29, exercise 11(2,3)

Friction force. Rest friction. Friction in nature and technology

Laboratory work No. 7 "Elucidation of the dependence of the friction force on the area of ​​contact of bodies and the pressing force"

General lesson on the topic “Interaction of bodies”

Test on the topic "Interaction of bodies"

The most important thing in the chapter

Pressure of solids, liquids and gases 17 h

Pressure. Units of pressure.

§ 33, ex. 12(2,3)

Ways to increase and decrease pressure.

Gas pressure.

Transmission of pressure by liquids and gases. Pascal's law.

§36, ex.14(4)

Pressure in liquid and gas. Calculation of liquid pressure on the bottom and walls of a vessel.

§38, No. 474.476, ex.15(1)

Communicating vessels.

§39, a story about the device and operating principle of the gateway

Air weight. Atmosphere pressure.

§40.41, ex. 17.18, task 10.

Measuring atmospheric pressure. Barometers.

§42, ex.19(3,4),

task 11

Pressure measurement. Pressure gauges.

§43.44, ex. 20.21(1.2)

Piston liquid pump. Hydraulic machine.

Archimedes' power.

Laboratory work No. 8 "Determination of the buoyancy force acting on a body immersed in a liquid"

Swimming tel.

Laboratory work No. 9 "Elucidation of the conditions for floating bodies in liquid"

§50, ex. 25(3.5)

Repeat §50, No. 606L

Solving problems on the topic "Pressure of solids, liquids and gases"

Repeat §50, No. 612 L

Solving problems on the topic "Pressure of solids, liquids and gases"

Repeat §50, 614L

Test No. 2 on the topic "Pressure of solids, liquids and gases"

The most important thing in the chapter

Test analysis

Work and power. Energy 13 h

Mechanical work.

§53, ex. 28(3.4)


§54, ex. 29(3-6)

Simple mechanisms.

task 18,

Moment of power. Levers. Laboratory work No. 10 "Conditions for equilibrium of a lever"

§ 57, ex. 30(2)

§ 58, ex. 38, exercise 30(1,3,4)

The "Golden Rule" of Mechanics

§ 59.60, ex. 31(5)


Laboratory work No. 11 "Determination of efficiency when lifting a body along an inclined plane"

Energy. Kinetic and potential energy.

§62.63, ex. 32(1.4)

Energy transformations.

Solving problems on the topic "Work and power. Energy"

Test No. 3 on the topic "Work and power. Energy"

The most important thing in the chapter

General repetition 2 hours

Physics and the world in which we live.

Test No. 4 for the 7th grade course. Summarizing.

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