Alabai (Central Asian Shepherd Dog): characteristics of the breed, reviews. The difference between an Alabai and an Asian Whose character will an Alabai puppy inherit from its parents

A dog is our true friend, and sometimes a helper in life. Are you ready to support him and give him as much time as necessary. Especially, it concerns Alabaev.

Characteristics of the breed

The Alabai breed has many names: Asian Shepherd Dog, Turkmen Wolfhound, Asian and others. These are strong and massive dogs. Their height at the withers reaches 75 centimeters, and their weight is up to 80 kilograms. They have a large head, a large, but not long muzzle. According to the characteristics of the breed, the reviews of the owners, the ears and tail of the Alabai are stopped in the very first days of life. The coat of dogs is thick, hard, about 6 centimeters long. The average life expectancy of an individual is 13 years. The typical color is not varied. Often they are gray, white or black and tan. Less common are red and brindle.

As for accommodating, everything is ambiguous here. Due to their complex nature, Alabai will not always be able to live in the same house with other dogs. They will be devoted to their master. They are not picky in care, but they learn with difficulty.

The cost of puppies is from 5 to 35 thousand rubles.

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Alabai appeared in Russia. This breed is about 6,000 years old. Alabai originated as a result of crossing Tibetan mastiffs and shepherd dogs from Central Asia. The breed was not deliberately bred. Everything happened naturally.

People took Alabays to guard their homes and shepherd duties. The dogs were distinguished by reliability and great endurance. Dense wool protected from strong temperature changes, and thick skin was too tough for predators.

These dogs are still popular favorites in many regions of Russia, Iran, Afghanistan. They are also planted in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan. In Turkmenistan, they are considered the national treasure of the country. They were even banned from being exported abroad.

The pet needs a true leader

These dogs can often be found in the yard of the house. Over the millennia, their character has not changed. They have all been excellent household helpers. Alabai can graze goats, sheep. Vigilantly protect your home from strangers.

Despite the characteristics of this breed, Alabai needs a special approach. The owner should not be soft and timid. This dog needs a leader. Only this will obey Alabai. Each owner of this will not be superfluous to take a course of obedience. In his process, the dog must understand who is dominant here.

In relation to other dogs and strangers, Alabai are suspicious. Sometimes a neighbor's dog can even cause aggression in an Asian. They are good friends with cats, dogs and any other animals in the house. BUT! As long as they do not pose a threat to them or to the family. As a precaution, it is best to walk them on a leash. Shepherd dogs are good-natured towards children.

Asians are not considered fighting dogs. But this does not prevent the Turkmens from holding battles with their participation in their homeland. Alabaevs do not have excessive aggression. They are confident in their abilities, so they make good fighters.

What to consider when buying a puppy

If you want to adopt a purebred dog, then it is better to choose a puppy in a kennel that specializes in this breed. Here you will be sure that you will be sold a real Asian, without admixtures of other breeds. Healthy and vaccinated.

What to look for when buying a young alabai:

  • The puppy's mother should not be old - no more than 8 years old;
  • To avoid serious illnesses, it is worth choosing from a litter where up to 5 babies did not shine;
  • You can take a puppy from a bitch at the age of 1.5-2 months;
  • The little one should have a good appetite, a playful disposition and a smooth, shiny coat;
  • The puppy should be of average build - not too thin or fat;
  • Availability of all necessary documents, vaccinations.

The Alabai bitch is softer and more pliable than the male. Therefore, if there are children at home, it is better to take it.

There are breed standards. According to them, an Asian should have a scissor bite. Lips should be plump. The head is broad and the forehead is flat. Large paws, tail thick at the base. Ears are cropped already on the 3rd day from the day of birth.

The puppy must be in good health. There should be no watery eyes, wheezing, excessive salivation. The nose of a healthy dog ​​is wet. The fur is plush to the touch, without bald spots.

Choose a nickname alabai

The nickname Alabai can tell about the character or external features of the animal. You don't need to call your dog human names. It will be easier to train her if the nickname is not too long, consisting of 1-3 syllables.

Options for suitable Alabai nicknames:

Volcano, Zenith, Conan, Kubat, Persian, Pharaoh, Berkut, Sherkhan, Ural, Earl, Genghis - for boys.

Palma, Hera, Vaida, Zhura, Gerda, Gina, Laima, Berta, Lightning, Storm, Elsa, Alva - for girls.


Necessary education and care

The first thing that Alabai breeders need to remember is that this dog will not be able to live in an apartment. He won't have enough space. Yes, and for family members, he can bring a lot of inconvenience, falling on new bedspreads and spilling food in the kitchen.

A yard is suitable for your pet, it is desirable that it be large and fenced. Alabai are proud animals. They will be unbearable to be on the chain. It is better to avoid it and let him roam freely in the local area.

An Asian would be a wonderful partner for a person who loves hiking or jogging. Don't forget to take it with you.

As for aesthetic care, everything is simple. Although the coat is thick, it needs to be groomed to a minimum. Brushing your dog once a week is enough. Except in the spring: they begin to shed, so you have to comb out the fur every day. And it is desirable to do it on the street. Ears need to be cleaned and nails trimmed occasionally. The dog will endure all these procedures calmly.


A caring owner of this breed should learn a few Alabai nutrition rules:

  1. The bowls must be placed on a stand with a height adjuster.
  2. You can not feed the dog at home with sweets and tubular bones.
  3. You need to feed no earlier than half an hour after a walk.
  4. Feed needs to be selected balanced, high quality.

In the diet of Alabai, there should always be a lot of calcium. Because they are prone to joint diseases. In winter, Asians need to be fed more often with high carbohydrate and protein foods. And in the summer it is worth enriching the diet with vegetables, both fresh and boiled.

Alabai needs to be fed 2 times a day. At the same time. The dog can be transferred completely to dry food. It is rich in vitamins and minerals. It has everything a healthy dog ​​needs. In the diet of an adult dog, you can include meat (except for chicken, pork), fish (low-fat), cereals and vegetables.

A small puppy is usually fed more often - from 3 to 6 times a day. The menu is the same, just smaller portions. It is worth adding cottage cheese, eggs to the puppy's diet. Kefir and various beef trimmings will not be superfluous.


Alabaev is not easy to train. Before full maturity, it can be taught several basic commands: “Sit”, “Lie down”, “Place”, “Next”, “No”.

Before you start training, you need to become a friend of Alabai. Win his trust. If he does something wrong, there is no need to shout or use physical force. It is enough to show your dissatisfaction with facial expressions, intonation.

Pros and Cons of Buying a Central Asian Shepherd Dog

With a responsible approach, in alabai you can see more advantages. They are impeccable guards. They are patient and calm. Not picky about care and smart. Well-bred Alabai will become an indispensable member of the family in a country house.

They also have disadvantages. But because of their proud nature, it can be difficult to teach them something. They are too aggressive towards other dogs.

The main thing to remember is that it all depends on the owner. Patience, a strong hand - and the dog will understand who is the boss in the house. Who should be obeyed.

Breeder reviews

People dealing with this breed have been convinced of the mind and devotion of Alabaev for years.

Excellent security guard. Great with small children. Will be a pleasant companion. Minimum grooming. The main thing is not to buy from dubious breeders on the ad. They offer cheaper, but without documents. Who knows what "what" might then grow out of this puppy.

Inadequate behavior is the consequences of the wrong attitude towards the dog. It will be easy to learn if the approach is appropriate. Personally, for me, the Asian learned all the commands by heart. He also gets along well with other animals in the house. There is one but: frequent walks. If you are not ready to walk with him for a long time and run, it is better not to start.


There are rumors about the endurance of the Alabai, they are strong, live long, diseases do not bypass them.

Alabai diseases are associated with improper care or nutrition. They need regular long walks and physical activity. Otherwise, problems with the joints and the musculoskeletal system cannot be avoided. Arthrosis is one of the most common diseases of the skeletal system. More than 30% of dogs kept in an apartment are obese, which is also bad for joint health.

Thick, sometimes long hair is a godsend for ticks and fleas. With demodicosis - infection with ticks - the dog is restless, scabies occurs, her hair falls out and redness of the skin is observed. There are also fungal infections of the skin of the animal. Only a veterinarian can prescribe treatment, because drugs are toxic to dogs.

A full life of dogs of this breed is possible with regular visits to the veterinarian, because most of the Alabaev diseases are treated.


Puppies up to 2 weeks old are helpless, they need attention and guardianship of their mother. The most important conditions for them: a warm room, a long sleep, mother's milk. The puppy's potential is determined at this stage by how vigorously the puppy sucks its mother's milk. If he is not passive, then this may predetermine his suitability for breeding work.

After 2 weeks, the puppy develops hearing and vision. From 3 weeks they can walk, still unsteady, keep their balance. At this time, they learn to take other food than their mother's milk.

From 1 month, adaptation to the environment begins. This period lasts up to 4 weeks. Playing with the mother and other puppies is the condition in which the puppy receives the first lessons of defense and attack. It becomes important to acquire the reflex of following the mother, later this reflex will work in relation to the person - the owner of the dog.

At the age of 1-2 months, it is important that the puppy begins to get used to the smell, appearance of people, this has a beneficial effect on their subsequent socialization. Communication with strangers is important, otherwise the dog will grow up timid and insecure. From how sociable the puppy is, its further education and upbringing depends.

From 2 to 3 months, puppies go through a stage of active socialization. Puppies are characterized by curiosity and perseverance in the study of all surrounding objects, other pets, sounds. The socialization stage is optimal for starting training. Up to 3 months, the puppy can learn to follow commands Place! To me! Walk! After 3 months, you can begin to consolidate more complex teams.

Do not train puppies under 2 months old, this is a big burden for their psyche. Classes are fraught with stress for the dog.

In the period from 3-3.5 months, it is necessary to secure the status of a leader for the owner, at this time the stage of dominance begins. If you build relationships incorrectly, then the owner will not be the absolute leader for the dog. The puppy may bare its teeth, growl and bark at it. Such behavior is a desire to take back the right to do as he wants, and this is completely unacceptable in relations with an Alabai.

During childhood, the puppy goes through periods of manifestation of independence, overcoming fear and transitional fear. By the age of 3, when the childhood of the animal ends, the most perfect instincts should be formed or be at the stage of completion of formation: the ability to protect the owner and property.


Central Asian Shepherd Dogs, the price of which depends on purebredness, can be purchased from private breeders or kennels. The cost of purebred individuals is from 15 to 25 thousand rubles.

The question of the price of Alabai puppies is of interest to everyone who plans to connect life with this breed. The cost of alabai depends on a set of evaluation criteria:

  1. The appearance of a puppy, which can be great, simple, simple.
  2. The presence of a plembra, manifested, for example, in the wrong bite, non-standard color).
  3. Color (a completely white puppy will be bought faster than the rest).

For a price above 45 thousand rubles, you can buy promising puppies.

The purpose of the breed

Alabai from ancient times served as protectors of livestock and housing of nomadic peoples from wolves, jackals and other predators. There is no need, but the breed does not lose its relevance and relevance.

Central Asian Shepherd Dogs are part of the group of guard breeds. Their purpose is to protect the owner, but other uses are possible:

  • Protection of industrial zones and other territories;
  • Control over agricultural animals during grazing;
  • Power traction;
  • Hunting.

Alabai is a multifunctional dog breed with excellent watchdog qualities. It does not require long training, but operates at the level of instincts.

Deviations from breed standards

All puppies in kennels are carefully examined for possible shortcomings, defects. Among them there are insignificant ones that lower the class of the animal.

These include:

  • Variation in the height of the dog by more than 2 cm in the smaller direction;
  • The tail is a tight ring;
  • Tail lying on the back;
  • Close-set eyes;
  • Blue eye color;
  • Too narrow or elongated muzzle;
  • Loose physique.

There are also disqualifying vices, involving castration of the dog, a ban on participation in exhibitions.

The list includes:

  • Curly wool;
  • Eyes of different colors;
  • Atypical nose color;
  • Missing more than 2 teeth.

Serious vices include atypical manifestations of the character of the animal. Alabai should not be overly aggressive and emotional, or cowardly and uncontrollable.

Who suits

Alabai is not a breed for everyone. It requires a firm hand and approach in training. A dog will not respect an owner who lets its upbringing take its course. Many of her qualities are innate, so it is difficult to influence them.

The origin of the Central Asian Shepherd Dog and its purpose, exterior standard, character, health, care, interesting facts. Price when buying a wolfhound puppy.

The content of the article:

Alabai is one of the most ancient dog breeds, with a large Molossian build, behind which is a huge life experience and a difficult path of natural selection, several millennia long. Alabai is a magnificent shepherd dog, in the pedigree of which you can find almost all breeds of shepherd and fighting dogs of the East and Asia, which formed not only a truly unique exterior of a huge dog, but also gave the Alabai shepherd dog a hardened, fearless and independent character, special devotion to the owner and fidelity to duty.

The history of the origin of the Central Asian Shepherd Dog

The representative of the breed, which is often called the Turkmen wolfhound or, in the Turkmen manner, the Alabai, in its development has come a long way of tribal development, estimated by modern researchers at 4 thousand years.

Where exactly the breed originated is not known for certain, there are a variety of hypotheses. Some researchers offer Tibet as their historical homeland, others - the Manchurian steppes, others - the Central Asian expanses from the Caspian Sea to the Great Wall of China, from the Southern Urals to Baikal. And whose hypothesis is more correct, it is difficult to determine. It is probable that both those, and others, and the third are right. Where the ancestors of the modern Alabai have not been for thousands of years, accompanying the warlike nomads of the steppes.

It is also difficult to understand the conglomeration of mixing of species that allowed such a unique exterior of the dog to form. Canine researchers in various variations assume the participation of almost all known fighting and shepherd dogs of the Ancient East in the process of centuries-old natural selection of Alabai. The most commonly named by scientists are: the Tibetan mastiff, the fighting dogs of Mesopotamia, and the Mongolian shepherd dog. It is likely that only a study of the DNA of the Central Asian dog can put an end to the disputes.

The name “alabay”, often applied to the breed, is not quite correct, as only a dog of a certain color can be fully called an alabai. The name of this species consists of two words "ala" - "variegated, multi-colored" and "bai" - "rich". However, calling an animal "Turkmen wolfhound" is also possible only if it is exclusively of Turkmen origin. After all, although these large shepherd dogs have been declared the national treasure of Turkmenistan (which automatically imposes restrictions on their export from the country), they are also common (albeit in smaller quantities) in the territories of Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan.

In Uzbekistan, these dogs are called "buribosar", which means "wolfhound" from Uzbek. Well, Kazakhstan has its own national and very poetic name - "tobet", which literally translates as "a dog sitting on a mountain." Each of the Kazakhs, Turkmens or Uzbeks considers this shepherd dog to be their native dog, and therefore the names of the same breed differ according to nationality: Turkmen alabai or chopan it (“shepherd's dog”), Kazakh tobet, Uzbek buribosar. And they all have a historical right to exist. So, the most true and not offensive name for anyone is the Central Asian Shepherd Dog. Under this name, the breed was subsequently registered with the FCI.

Despite the fact that these animals have existed in Central Asia since time immemorial, breeding science-based breeding of these dogs began only in 1930 in the Soviet Union. Huge dogs were supposed to be used in the USSR to protect important state and military facilities.

However, soon the cynologists had to abandon this idea because of the complex nature of the Central Asian, who did not want to sit on a chain and his habits to decide for himself who to be friends with and whom to consider as his master. Further development of the breed was already carried out independently, divided along national lines. All the allied Central Asian republics (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan) began to breed shepherd dogs on their own, relying on local genetic material, which brought a special national flavor to the breed.

With the collapse of the Soviet Union, the breed of Central Asian Shepherd Dogs fell into decline for some time, and subsequently began to develop, finally dividing along national lines. In breeding shepherd dogs, Turkmenistan was the most successful, having managed to develop and approve the breed standard under the Union (July 30, 1990), calling it "Turkmen Alabai", as well as legally limit the export of Alabai puppies from the territory of Turkmenistan (since April 15, 1990), which allowed save the livestock.

On the basis of the national sample, the breed standard "Central Asian Shepherd Dog" was developed, approved by the International Cynological Federation (FCI) on May 17, 1993. The right to represent the breed at international championships, as well as to make changes to world standards, belongs to the Russian Federation (as the successor to the USSR).

The last change to the FCI standard was made in 2010.

External standard and characteristics of the Alabai breed

Alabai is a shepherd dog, distinguished by its gigantic size and one of the twenty largest dogs in the world. The size of the representatives of the breed is really impressive. Growth at the withers of a sexually mature male (a fully grown dog becomes only 3 years old) reaches a maximum of 70 centimeters. This size is quite typical for ordinary working shepherd dogs that graze herds somewhere in Kazakhstan. But there are also much larger specimens up to 90 centimeters tall, which, with the general proportionality of the body, is quite acceptable according to the standard. Alabai females are somewhat smaller in size, their maximum height is 65–69 centimeters. The weight of the Central Asian wolfhound reaches 50–80 kg in males and 40–65 kg in females.
  1. Head massive, voluminous, proportional to the overall huge size of the animal, with a square-rectangular skull. The occiput is well developed, visually poorly visible, but easily palpable. The frontal part of the skull is flat. Superciliary ridges are well defined. The stop (transition from the forehead to the muzzle) is smooth, not particularly pronounced (but in combination with clear brow ridges it gives the effect of a sharp stop). The muzzle is massive, rectangular, well-filled, rather blunt, of moderate length. Lips are thick. The upper lip, when the jaws are closed, overlaps the lower jaw of the animal. The bridge of the nose is broad, usually straight, but individuals with a hook-nosed profile are also found. The nose is distinct, large, black. With a light color of the fur: white or fawn, the standard allows the color of the earlobe of a different, lighter color. The jaws are wide and extremely powerful. The lower jaw forms the massive chin of the Alabai. Standard set teeth (42 teeth). The incisors are in one line. The fangs are very large, slightly obliquely set. Even the presence of broken or knocked out teeth (including visible incisors and canines) does not affect the overall assessment of the dog's exterior.
  2. Eyes Alabai has a rounded shape, small size, with a wide straight set. The color of the cornea can be various shades of brown and brown (brown, light hazel, dark hazel, dark brown and others). Eyelids are thick, not droopy, dry. The eyes have an expressive confident look, stern and full of dignity.
  3. Ears set low (the base of the auricle is approximately at or below the level of the eyes), medium in size, hanging along the cheekbones. Often, the ears are cropped short, which gives the dog an outward resemblance to an earless bear. Cropped or uncropped ears on a dog - this does not affect the score.
  4. Neck strong, massive, of medium length and rounded in cross section, with a dewlap.
  5. torso Molossian type, well balanced format, very strong and powerful, not prone to excessive fullness. The chest is very wide, well developed, elongated, with a characteristic dewlap. The withers are high, muscular, well defined. The back is muscular, wide, even, long enough, straight. The line of the back has a smooth rise from the withers to the croup. The croup is strong, of medium length, in height almost corresponds to the height of the withers. The abdomen is quite tucked up.
  6. Tail set high, thick at the base, sickle-shaped. There are alabai with a ring-shaped tail. The caudal process, as a rule, stops in the first days of life to the state of a short one. There are puppies with congenital bobtail. The presence or absence of cupping does not affect the score.
  7. limbs straight, moderately long, muscular, with broad strong bones. Paws are massive, oval, densely gathered "in a ball". Paw pads are dense, elastic, thick with hard skin. The nails are dark in color (in dogs of a light color - lighter).
  8. Leather elastic and thick, with a suspension on the neck and a dewlap, mobile relative to the muscles (which allows you to perfectly twist out of the opponent's jaws in battle).
  9. Wool very thick, straight, reaching 10 centimeters in length (there is a variety of Alabai with shorter fur - up to 3-5 centimeters), with a dense warm undercoat. On the front side of the legs and head of the dog, the coat is short and close to the skin. In the presence of fringes - behind the ears, on the back sides of the limbs, tail. It is also possible to have a mane on the neck of a shepherd dog.
  10. Color dogs are allowed the most diverse. Only a color scheme that combines brown with gray-blue (in any variations) is considered unacceptable.

Alabai character

Starting a conversation about the character of these legendary wolfhounds, I would like to recall the saying of the nomads themselves about this amazing dog: “Alabai does not get up - he stands in the way of the enemy; he does not run - he rushes; he doesn't bite - he stings. These laudatory words say a lot about the working talents of the dog, the most valued by the shepherds. And if a dog is simply unique as an assistant to a shepherd, then for keeping as a pet it is problematic and not suitable for everyone. This dog has a sharp aggressive disposition, and a great tendency to dominate, which, without timely socialization and proper training by a good cynologist, does not allow anyone and everyone to get such an animal.

However, a trained Central Asian Shepherd Dog is a completely different matter. This is a wonderful dog, strong and courageous, brave, but not getting into a fight, calm, but able to instantly respond to a threat. She is unpretentious and reliable, self-confident and distrustful of strangers (and therefore an attentive and sensitive guard). The dog is a wonderful friend of his master and can be a very good companion, although he has a rather wayward and independent character.

Health of the Central Asian Alabai

In general, it is believed that the Alabai dog, which has passed centuries of natural selection, is a sample of a dog devoid of any breed problems. It really is. The wolfhound actually has excellent health, excellent adaptation to the vagaries of the weather and strong immunity to all sorts of infections.

But there is one “but” that seriously worries the owners of this beautiful giant dog. And this “but” is connected precisely with the huge size of the shepherd dog. This breed, like most dogs of large varieties, suffers from hip and elbow dysplasia. Also often there are dislocations and subluxations, injuries of the bones of the extremities of varying severity.

The life expectancy of the main wolfhound of Central Asia reaches 12-15 years with proper care and attention of the owner to his problems. And this is a very respectable age for an animal of its size.

It is characteristic that in the homeland of the Central Asian Shepherd Dog, local shepherds are not too concerned about the health of this unique dog. Keeping a large number of dogs for a shepherd has always been an overhead and troublesome business. And therefore, only the most capable, strong and courageous animals were left for work, and the rest of the dogs (weak, “blank”, lazy and cowards) were mercilessly exterminated. Which of course made it possible to improve the quality of further offspring, but did not contribute to an increase in the population.

Any wounds received in battle are treated by Turkmen shepherds very simply - they are sprinkled with ashes from a fire. A sick dog is cauterized with a red-hot iron a certain area between the eyes (to mobilize forces to fight the disease). From worms, the dog receives a piece of lamb skin with wool in the diet, and in order not to loose teeth, they are rubbed with fat tail fat. The rest of the medicines the dog finds himself in the form of roots and herbs. It is not surprising that such Spartan veterinary science has raised such a disease-resistant shepherd dog.

"Central Asian" is unusually undemanding in care and maintenance, unpretentious in nutrition. Especially if he is engaged in his usual business - he guards the dwelling and livestock.

Another thing is if he is a show dog. Then the owner will have to work hard. The dog is of considerable size and has a very thick coat and undercoat. However, stable combing two or three times a week is enough here. Bathing is rare and mostly takes place on the eve of the championships.

The diet of such a large pet should be plentiful enough and include all the necessary minerals and vitamins. The optimal diet is selected on the basis of high-class industrial feed with the addition of multivitamin preparations and mineral complexes.

The gray-haired aksakals of Central Asia, as well as their grandfathers and great-grandfathers, still pass the legend about the true origin of the current Central Asian wolfhounds by word of mouth. And according to legend, it turns out (whatever scientists say) that the ancestor of modern Alabays was a strange beast that has been living in the Turkmen steppes since time immemorial.

In his appearance, he resembled a huge half-dog, half-hyena of the most terribly frightening kind. The locals called it "Syrtlon". The animal received such a name because of the huge dewclawed toes on the hind legs, leaving a characteristic mark on the ground. It was this "visiting card" that Turkmen hunters and cattle breeders learned about the deeds of a terrible beast.

Syrthlon was smart, cunning and cunning. For many decades he terrified the local shepherds, exacting bloody tribute from their flocks. And on full moon nights, syrtlon fearlessly approached the dwellings of shepherds and took away the best shepherd dogs with him.

Aksakals are sure that it was from such “marriages” that large dogs with a powerful physique and fearless independent character appeared in the steppe, which are now called Alabai. Well, the syrtlon subsequently “left” (this is exactly what the old Turkmens say with respect) from these places, leaving their offspring as a reward to the shepherds.

Price when buying a puppy Alabai

In Russia, the Central Asian wolfhound has long and firmly taken its rightful place. He has a lot of fans and admirers. And that's why there are a lot of breeders in the country. There is absolutely no problem with getting a purebred puppy.

The cost of Alabai puppies varies greatly across the country, but on average, an excellent representative of the breed will cost you 30,000–45,000 rubles. Of course, the most thoroughbred puppies with their long pedigree history, as well as good prospects for championships, are much more expensive.

For more information about Alabai, see this video:

The Central Asian Shepherd dog breed is one of the most ancient people serving people. What you need to know when buying an alabai, as well as adults, how to care for dogs, what their character is - you will learn about all this from this article. So, what is the Central Asian Shepherd Dog?


Alabai is an ancient breed that has come down to us in its original form. The Central Asian Shepherd Dog has served people for many centuries, but even today it is one of the most popular breeds. Alabai is famous as an excellent companion, incorruptible and devoted watchman, a loving family member.

How exactly this breed was formed is not easy to say. Maned dogs, the images of which are similar in type to modern Central Asian Shepherd Dogs, fought in the arenas of the amphitheatres. Alexander the Great himself used these dogs in battles, causing serious damage to the enemy with their help. At the same time, massive dogs were known in Tibet, descendants of the black Tibetan wolf, extremely strong, with a large head and a short muzzle, damp lips and coarse thick hair. The Central Asian Shepherd Dog became a descendant of these dogs. The photos show that she has not lost the power of her ancestors.

History of the breed

Let's talk about the formation of the modern Central Asian Shepherd Dog as a breed. At the all-Union reviews of service dog breeding, the Central Asian Shepherd Dogs were described back in 1939 by A.P. Mazover. These same dogs were referred to as Turkmen Shepherd Dogs. due to the fact that the animals were brought from Turkmenistan. Since 1938, all representatives of the breed have received the official name - Central Asian Shepherd Dogs.

But this solution creates some difficulties. First, it is not recognized by the locals. Secondly, when entering the international arena, such a name is not entirely successful, since the concept does not exist abroad. And the word "shepherd" is not applicable to these dogs. This concept comes from the words "sheepfold", "sheep" and refers to dogs that graze sheep. However, these dogs do not belong to the group of shepherds, since their function is to guard the herd. The Turkmens themselves call them Alabai.

And in 1927, Professor Bogolyubsky S.N., when describing the dogs of Turkmenistan, located on the territory from the Caspian Sea to the Amu Darya River, called them wolfhounds.

In 1990, the Turkmen Alabai standard, a descendant of the ancient Great Danes, was approved in the Turkmen SSR. In appearance, the Central Asian Shepherd Dog has much in common with the Tibetan Great Dane.

Alabai is not in vain called one of the oldest breeds. During the excavations of the Altyn-Depe settlement in Southern Turkmenistan (2300-1900 BC), bones of large dogs with a powerful jaw and a shortened muzzle and a terracotta figurine depicting a dog very similar to Alabai were found. It is interesting that already in these ancient times, the tails and ears of dogs were docked.

N. M. Ermolova, a paleontologist, specialist in the fauna of Altyn-Depe and a breeder of the Central Asian Shepherd Dog, believes that even in those days, the Alabai protected herds belonging to local residents from predators.


Alabai is a powerful beautiful dog that attracts attention. The growth of the Central Asian Shepherd Dog should be from 65 to 78 cm for a male and from 60 to 69 cm for a female. Representatives of the breed must be not only tall, but also powerful. The weight of the Central Asian Shepherd Dog is in the following range: male - from 55 to 79 kg, female - from 40 to 65 kg.

Alabai can be white, black, black and tan, gray, brown, red, fawn, brindle, piebald, speckled, tricolor. But chocolate, blue and liver are unacceptable. Wool is hard, rough. The undercoat is thick.

Strong body, short neck. Wide and deep chest. The head is large, massive, but proportional to the overall build. The forehead is flat, slightly rounded. The muzzle is short and blunt. The nose is black. Light is allowed with white and fawn color. The paws are large, the tail is thick and set high. Tails are usually docked, but uncropped tails are also acceptable. The ears are small, hanging, low-set. Most often they are bought.


How smart is the Central Asian Shepherd Dog? The level of intellectual development of these dogs is comparable to the level of a two-three-year-old child. But in their character there is a feature that can create a wrong impression of mental abilities - Alabai are slow and think for a long time.

Despite the first impression, Central Asian Shepherd Dogs are not at all stupid. Alabai are superior to many of their closest relatives, in particular in intellectual terms. They are guided, rather, by reason than instincts. But the same feature can cause some problems with obedience and submission - the dog is prone not only to an independent decision, it also considers the owner's commands and may refuse to fulfill stupid and empty demands.


What is the Central Asian Shepherd Dog? The characteristic of the breed says that it is distinguished by a calm and balanced character, unforgiving and reluctant to show aggression, preferring to express its dissatisfaction with a menacing look and warning barking.

Is the Central Asian Shepherd Dog aggressive? The characteristic of the breed suggests that the "Asian" as a whole can be called a peace-loving dog, normally it does not show aggression just like that, and if the boundaries of the territory are violated, someone claims its place in the hierarchy, family members are in danger. Another reason for aggression can be pain - Alabai do not tolerate it well.

The transformation from a phlegmatic calm animal into an angry bear occurs instantly. "Asians" can be assertive and dangerous opponents. Such a drastic change often takes the enemy by surprise.

Alabai has a strong protective instinct, fearless, self-confident.

Does it matter what gender the Central Asian Shepherd Dog is? The characteristic of the breed suggests that sexual dimorphism is expressed in Alabai not only in appearance. Bitches are usually active and sociable, but males are calm and even phlegmatic.


How sociable is the Central Asian Shepherd Dog? Reviews indicate that Alabai are friendly to family members and other pets. They get along well with children, but you should immediately explain to the child that if he hurts the dog, then the friendship will end quickly. Nevertheless, the alabai is quite playful and can become a good companion and protector for the baby.

As for strangers and animals, the Alabai are indifferent to them, but exactly as long as they do not contact and do not violate territorial boundaries. Alabai is instantly alert and may show aggression towards a stranger. They can't stand drunk people and can be aggressive towards other people's dogs.

The social intra-tribal instinct in the Central Asian Shepherd Dogs is very developed. They quickly form a pack, take their places on the hierarchical ladder and rarely fight for leadership. Education and socialization should begin at an early age.


What are the features of caring for the Central Asian Shepherd Dog? The area where the dog lives must be kept clean. The floor must be wiped daily, the sunbed vacuumed and laundered weekly. Do not allow the dog to sleep on upholstered furniture and mattresses. As a bedding, you need to use a mat, under which you can put a soft bedding, but not a thick mattress.

The place where the dog sleeps should be located away from windows and radiators in order to avoid drafts, hypothermia, and overheating. It is best to choose a quiet area, not near doors and passages, where the dog can rest in peace.

Equally important in caring for a dog is taking care of its coat. You need to clean it daily with a special mitten or a brush with coarse bristles.

In addition, it is required to inspect and clean the mouth, ears and eyes of the animal daily with cotton swabs. Cotton buds are not used for grooming dogs - they can easily cause injury, which will eventually lead to deafness.

But you do not need to wash the animal often. The procedure is performed as needed, preferably no more than once a month, using high-quality hair care products. After washing, the wool must be dried well to avoid hypothermia, especially in the cold season. You can use a hairdryer.

Food. "Natural"

What are the nutritional requirements of the breed? The Central Asian Shepherd Dog is a massive animal that consumes a lot of energy and needs to be replenished. Alabai are well absorbed by products that are poorly suited for other breeds, so the feeding of the Central Asian Shepherd Dog has its own characteristics.

An adult animal needs to be fed twice a day, in the morning and in the evening.

With high physical activity, one more meal is added to lunch. Food should be at room temperature. You need to feed the animal no earlier than 1.5-2 hours before the walk. After eating, the animal should be at rest.

For the proper development of the body, the animal must receive proteins that cannot be replaced. The daily requirement for proteins in a dog of this breed is about 100 grams. The most enriched with this component are meat, fish, dairy products, as well as cereals - millet and barley.

The daily requirement of an adult animal for fats is about 25 grams. Without them, metabolism and normal digestion are impossible. The dog's body is not able to process vegetable fats normally, so it is necessary to give it fats of animal origin.

Carbohydrates are an indispensable source of energy, the average daily requirement for them is 350 grams. Potatoes are a good source. Together with food, various trace elements, potassium and calcium salts enter the body. But sodium is added in the form of table salt. 15-20 mg per day is enough.

For the convenience of the owner and to ensure a balanced diet, it is recommended to draw up a menu for a week. The main food for Alabai are meat products that have a high calorie content. The meat of both domestic and wild animals is used, but the product must pass a veterinary examination, be of good quality, fresh, without signs of spoilage.

Meat contains a large amount of fats and proteins necessary for the body of a shepherd dog. For feeding use low-fat meat - beef, lamb, horse meat. Dried meat can be used as a supplement, but it is unacceptable to replace fresh meat with it.

At least once a week, alabai should be given raw meat in small pieces. As a treat, you can sometimes give the dog corned beef, but such a product must be washed well and boiled.

The lack of trace elements and mineral salts can lead to various diseases, bone fragility, and nervous system disorders. Therefore, meat and bone meal is also an important component of the diet. It is digested worse than meat. You need to give it 100-200 grams 2-3 times a week, adding it to porridge or soup.

Most of the plant foods in the diet are cereals, especially millet and oatmeal. Sheepdogs are reluctant to eat barley and barley porridge, so they are mixed with millet and oatmeal. The daily norm of vegetables does not exceed 200-300 grams, you can offer cabbage, carrots, lettuce, beets, potatoes, spinach, young nettles.

Melted beef or fish oil is used as a source of fat. Meat in the diet is partially replaced by boneless fish. "Asians" digest milk well. You can give 300 grams of bread daily.

Food. Dry food

Despite the fact that most owners prefer to feed their Central Asian Shepherd Dogs with natural food, it is possible to switch to a special dry food. Such a decision should be deliberate and balanced, since frequent transitions from “drying” to “natural” will negatively affect the health of the animal. The breed of the Central Asian Shepherd Dog was formed a long time ago and has certain nutritional requirements.

The Akana, Origen, Proplan, Hills, Bosita, Ekanuba brands have lines for giant dogs. It is this kind of food that is suitable for Alabai. Compared to natural food, the amount of dry food sufficient to meet the daily needs of the animal is very small. Therefore, it is necessary to transfer the dog to “drying” at a young age, at 2-3 months, until the stomach is stretched.

When eating dry food, it is imperative to provide an additional load on the jaw - give bones, sticks, special treats. Food can be soaked in water. The transition from "drying" to natural food can also be difficult - it will be difficult for the stomach to cope with large pieces of food, vomiting and indigestion may occur.

The amount of food depends largely on the activity of the dog. With physical exertion, portions should be increased. Animals should always have access to clean water.

How to choose a puppy

Alabai, like all large dogs, mature late, mating of the Central Asian Shepherd Dog is carried out no earlier than reaching 18 months.

Have you decided to buy a Central Asian Shepherd puppy? Weigh the pros and cons in advance, because the maintenance of such a serious dog will require large material and time costs. The owner of such a dog must be physically strong and have a strong-willed character. Don't act impulsively, choose wisely. If you like the Central Asian Shepherd Dog, pictures of babies might just melt your heart. Don't forget that these cute cubs will grow into a ferocious beast.

Bitches of the Central Asian Shepherd Dog are mobile and persistent, they are constantly fighting for leadership, pugnacious and more cruel. Males are balanced, calmly accept their place in the pack.

Many cynologists say that you first need to choose a breeder, and then a dog. Puppies of the Central Asian Shepherd Dog from some couples may have owners already at birth, since people can wait years for a litter from a certain pair. One more thing: there is no need to try to save money, because the maintenance of an alabai is not a cheap pleasure, especially at first.

So, a few rules to follow when buying alabai:

  1. No bird markets. If you want a mentally and physically healthy dog, choose your breeder carefully.
  2. Before buying, carefully study the photos of puppies of this breed, you should have a good idea of ​​​​how puppies of the Central Asian Shepherd Dog look at a young age, how long they are six, large muzzle, general fatness, etc. If the puppies seem too thin to you, they have a different shape of muzzle and you something else is alarming, then refuse to buy.
  3. Be sure to look at the parents, they must be healthy, balanced, adequate.
  4. The ideal age to buy a puppy is 2 months.
  5. Choose a curious, not shy baby.
  6. If the puppies have long hair, it is most likely a cross between a Caucasian Shepherd Dog.
  7. The puppy should be active, healthy in appearance, with straight legs, clean fur, eyes, ears, wet nose.


Puppies should not be overfed, even though they appear to be very large. This not only threatens with excess weight and a load on fragile bones, but also leads to stretching of the stomach.

Puppies up to three months of age are fed 5 times a day, up to five months - 4, and 3 times a day until they reach the age of 8 months. If the dog leads a passive lifestyle, then two meals a day are enough for her, for dogs with a lot of physical activity - three meals a day.

Feeding is done at the same time in strict portions. Do not leave food in the bowl all the time. The diet consists of meat products, cereals, fresh vegetables and herbs. Dry food is not recommended for puppies. The abundance of too liquid dishes can lead to volvulus.

New products are introduced gradually, in small portions. If an allergic reaction is detected, the product is excluded. It is recommended to give the puppy 2 times a week a raw chicken egg. It is also useful to give the shell, previously ground in a coffee grinder.

Several times a week, meat products are replaced with boneless fish. Pig ears, cheeks, hooves, beef bones are offered as a treat 2 times a week.

  • Height at the withers: not less than 70 cm for males and not less than 65 cm for females
  • Weight: for males from 50 kg, for bitches - from 40 kg
  • Lifespan: 12-15 years old
  • Other names: alabai, Asian, dahmarda sagas, tobet

Description of the breed

The Central Asian Shepherd Dog (SAO, Alabai) is one of the oldest breeds of dogs that accompanied the herds of Zoroastrians, and is one of the shepherd wolfhounds. A heavy look, leisurely movements, self-confidence, independence and strength are the distinguishing features of the character of these strong and hardy dogs. Due to this, they are widespread in our country and still work in the countries of Central Asia, and over the past twenty years they have settled throughout Europe and ended up in America, where they are used for their intended purpose or live on the territory of livestock farms.

Alabai always causes respect and often - unreasonable fear. This is not surprising given its size and look, which can scare anyone who comes to the house of an Asian with bad thoughts. It seems that alabai sees right through you.

Ten years of living next to these dogs convinced me that this feeling is not so deceptive. In the presence of contact with the owner, dogs are capable of mental contact, and, bad intentions of visitors, these dogs read as simply as smells and sounds.

Congenital conservatism often plays a cruel joke on young Alabays. In the absence of enough experiences in early childhood, they often grow up insecure and aggressive. This condition can be corrected, but it is much better not to deprive your puppy of the happiness of walking together, especially since at the age of up to 6 months you are gaining that contact with the dog that will allow you to communicate in the future.

The Central Asian Shepherd Dog is a breed that is quite capable of living on its own, hunting in the forest or visiting the city dump. Her attachment to a person is not based on mercantile interests. No matter how much outsiders feed Alabai, he will never follow them, he will not leave his owner. Keep this in mind when purchasing a small puppy. Dogs that have survived a change of home live with this trauma for the rest of their lives, and always expect a trick from a person, afraid to be alone on a leash, afraid when strangers pick up the leash. Their anxious look and uncertainty are the result of human betrayal.

Almost all colors are recognized in the Central Asian Shepherd Dog breed. Only brown (liver), black-black and blue are prohibited. The ratio of breeders to the last two can be rationally explained - they indicate the influx of blood from a German shepherd or a great dane. The ban on brown is less clear, as expeditions to the original habitats of the Alabai regularly report that brown dogs are regularly found in their native population. American breeders even created a bloodline of these dogs. Their color is bright, and working qualities are no different from those of standard-colored dogs.

Breed standard Central Asian Shepherd Dog

Changing over time, the breed standard of the Central Asian Shepherd Dog took it further and further away from the type in which it has been preserved for several millennia of shepherd work. Its latest edition turned the Alabai breed from a working breed into a giant, almost decorative breed, legitimizing the will of the ruling elite of the monobreed club of that time. The introduction of a ban on the breeding use of aboriginal dogs isolated the population of the country - the holder of the breed.

It turned out that the only pedigree feature of the Alabaevs is their huge growth and massiveness. It does not matter what character your dog has and how long he will live and be able to work. It is important that it be the largest Central Asian Shepherd Dog. The upper limit of growth was removed, legitimized problems with the limbs. Those who wish can familiarize themselves with this standard and compare it with the first edition, as well as with the standards of an earlier time, written on the basis of a study of livestock taken out of their habitats and describing a still working dog. It turned out that the working qualities of this unique breed are no longer needed by anyone. According to this standard, sizes have become unique in Central Asian Shepherd Dogs.

The assignment of the Central Asian Shepherd Dog to the second group of the FCI, which put Alabaev on a par with large mastiffs and other molossians, also played a cruel joke. At the same time, the specificity of this breed, which involves the use of Asians as shepherd guards, was not taken into account. By the way, some alternative organizations in their classification classify Central Asian Shepherd Dogs as the first group of working and herding dogs, which is much more justified from the point of view of its working qualities.

The eyes should be dark according to the standard, and the eyelids should be well pigmented. The presence of an incomplete rim of the eyelids of lighter eyes in light-colored dogs is considered acceptable. However, among aboriginal dogs, there are frequent cases of a combination of black or tricolor color with light, amber eyes. Experts indiscriminately attribute this feature to the number of disadvantages, forgetting that this color of gas allows wolves to navigate perfectly in the dark and, moreover, it has nothing to do with the level of melanin in the body, due to which the strength of the nervous system of dogs can suffer.

Another detail that I would like to write about is the abundance of intrabreed types of the Central Asian Shepherd Dog, which for some reason has recently been forgotten by everyone, admiring the picturesque white dogs without ears and tails running in the rings of large exhibitions. It comes to the point that experts - beginners do not see dark dogs in the ring at all, do not know about the existence of Nurata and Tajiks, choosing white dogs as winners, not looking at their movements, problematic anatomy, strange heads and incomprehensible behavior. Black Central Asian Shepherd Dogs also cause an unusual reaction, especially if they do not have short hair. The exception is monobreed exhibitions of Central Asian Shepherd Dogs, where people are invited as experts who have devoted their entire lives to the breed and who know a lot about intrabreed types.

Currently, the countries of Central Asia that have left the CIS are creating their own standards for Central Asian Shepherd Dogs. This has its own logic - the breed was originally not a single one, since in the vast Central Asia there were a lot of dogs that were not similar to each other and differed both in their behavior and anatomy. Yes, and they lived in isolated areas. The legitimacy of their association is still the subject of controversy among breeders. All this diversity was united by work - after all, the shepherds paid little attention to the exterior of their dogs, selecting the most unpretentious, hard-working, courageous and smart. Separately, selection was carried out according to size and pugnacity - this concerned dogs that participated in battles and therefore were withdrawn from flocks, settling in rich houses and delighting their owners with victories. This group of dogs very rarely got back into the herd, fed well and bred "in itself", periodically receiving new blood from the discovered working Alabai with increased aggressiveness towards their own kind and the need to sort things out with them.

The nature and characteristics of the Central Asian Shepherd Dog

Longtime friends of shepherds, alabai are distinguished by unpretentiousness, endurance, attachment to their territory and flock, remarkable strength and intelligence. All these qualities are combined in them with leisurely movements and self-confidence. Most of them are hereditarily fixed in the breed over the millennia of its existence, and some depend on the upbringing in the pack, which the Alabai puppy goes through.

One of the breed weaknesses of the CAO is children. Adult Alabai are very kind to children and puppies, take care of and protect them in every possible way, break up fights and prevent injuries if it is in their power. The exception is young dogs who are sure that they are equal with children and have the right to sort things out with them and educate them. At this age, older dogs always look after the youth, as the speed of movement, the tension of relationships and the growing weight of adolescents require skillful direction in the right direction.

Alabai very well distinguish between their own and foreign territory. Adult alabai very rarely enter the territory of street packs, and protecting their owner, his children and puppies, they never go far and do not pursue enemies at long distances. Exploratory behavior peaks in dogs at 9-12 months of age and usually subsides by 2 years of age, giving way to a clear understanding of the rules and their implementation.

Conservatism and the desire to protect one's own often leads to problems with socialization in dogs that are kept without walking in their territories. Actively working at home, Alabai are distinguished by increased alertness, bordering on fearfulness outside the territory.

Another feature of the character of the Central Asian Shepherd Dog is its flocking. The most comfortable are those of them who live at least together. The most win-win option is a pair of older male and younger female. Such a mini-flock is easily formed and is practically conflict-free. Different-sex dogs of different sizes live well together. Alabai bitch takes care of a small male, and an Asian male is very kind to a companion - a small bitch.

CAO are excellent neighbors with cats, and this applies only to the host animals. Stray and neighbor cats are destroyed on the territory without warning. Raised in a barn or stable from a young age, they independently begin to protect the animals entrusted to them and hunt foxes, snakes and ferrets that threaten their wards.

Considering the large number of breed lovers in different countries and regions, there is a lot of information about the Central Asian Shepherd Dog breed in the vastness of the worldwide web. Sometimes it is difficult to understand the recommendations that breeders give - adherents of various types. They themselves admit that each of them has "his own Asian in his head." Foreign colleagues are already accustomed to the Central Asian Shepherd Dog with ears, and those who work with Alabai do not bother with how long they should be left when docking and whether it will look beautiful.

When choosing a dog for yourself, be sure to think about what kind of lifestyle you are preparing for it. And after that, start calling breeders. Heavy dogs require owners of certain conditions for keeping the Central Asian Shepherd Dog, diet, and sometimes the use of special feed additives that can slow down the early aging of the joints. If all this is not a problem for you, you are not embarrassed by the short life expectancy and you are ready to spend any money on special nutrition, then you can safely take a dog from a breeder who breeds "large".

If it is important for you that the Alabai lives for a long time, is unpretentious and does not get sick, then it is better to choose a puppy from parents whose size is closer to the standard indicators in the breed. Those who want the dog to successfully work as a guard and lead herds must choose a puppy from aboriginal parents and know that size is not important for work. The behavior of the Alabai largely depends on what kind of blood it is.

To maintain the CAO, you will need a booth in the yard and an aviary. These two structures will allow the dog to find a roof over his head in the rain or snow, and give you the opportunity to isolate the dog during the arrival of visitors - whether they are construction workers, relatives or friends. In areas with severe frosts, the floor of the enclosure is made of wood. In stone buildings, you can pour hay, straw or sawdust on the floor.

Alabai enclosure should not become a place of its permanent maintenance. Optimal is its free placement in the yard with access to all protected objects and a booth installed at a point that allows you to control the entire territory. Entrust the choice of a place for the booth to the dog. It should have a view of the entrance and be located on a hill. The flat roof of a low kennel is sure to be used by an Asian for a better view of the area, so place the kennel so that the dog cannot jump over the fence from it.

If you have two dogs of different sexes, you will definitely notice the difference in their work. Alabai-male usually sits on an elevated place, vigilantly looking around the surroundings, while the female runs along the fence, controlling the situation every minute. It is better if you plan the site in advance so that this dog behavior does not cause you any inconvenience.

When preparing for the appearance of a new dog in the yard, consider another feature of the Central Asian Shepherd Dog breed. They love to dig holes. This is especially true for bitches, for whom such behavior is inherent in nature - in Central Asia, puppies are born into the world in a hole carefully dug by their mother. By burying holes, you provoke the dog to look for another place. It is much more practical to choose one of them and let the dog rummage there, taking all measures so that the second exit from the structure is not behind the fence.

Feeding the Central Asian Shepherd Dog

The diet of the Central Asian Shepherd Dog is selected depending on its age, conditions of detention and weather.

As the first complementary food, scraped meat and special food are usually used - a starter soaked with homemade yogurt or kefir. At this time, the risk of developing infectious diseases and diarrhea is high, so the quality of nutrition should not be neglected. The optimal age for the introduction of complementary foods is 21 days. If the bitch has little milk, then they start feeding earlier, using special ready-made mixtures or a combination of goat's milk, honey and quail eggs for this.

Scraped meat can be moistened with low-fat yogurt or kefir and rolled into a small ball, offer it to the puppy. Alabai bitch during this procedure should be on a walk, and the puppies should have time to get hungry. Alabai quickly understand that this is food and cope with complementary foods in a matter of minutes. On the third day, the number of complementary foods is increased to two, and by the month - up to three or four, allowing the bitch to feed the babies the rest of the time as it is convenient for her.

At two months, the starter food is replaced with food for puppies of large breeds, cottage cheese, eggs, oatmeal and rice porridge, soaked bread are added to the diet. The bitch can be weaned at this time, although I prefer to let the lactation process complete at the bitch's pace. Bitches no longer stand obediently under the onslaught of babies, but growl at them when there is no milk in the beds.

From two to four months, puppies are fed 5 times a day. If your baby refuses one of the meals (and this happens very often in Alabays), increase the doses and boldly reduce the number of feedings by one. At this time, the diet continues to expand, adding chopped greens, carrots, apples, whey, dried bread.

The decision to feed the Central Asian Shepherd Dog with dry food can be made in the summer, when other products quickly deteriorate, or if there is evidence from a veterinarian. The optimal diet for Alabai is natural food. Special ready-made starter foods are also successfully used for feeding puppies under the age of 3 months.

Do not forget that for a puppy, movement and new experiences are no less important than feeding from the belly. Also, if you have a heavy puppy, remember that overfeeding is fraught with joint and bone problems.

After six months, Alabai puppies are fed 3-4 times a day. By nine, the number of feedings is reduced to three; after a year, bitches can be fed twice a day. For males, the age of transition to two meals a day is 1.5 years.

In summer, adult dogs often begin to eat once a day on their own. This is quite normal, since much less energy is spent on maintaining body temperature in the heat. Many Asians are happy to diversify their diet with vegetables and fruits, willingly catch birds and lizards. In winter, it is better to practice two meals a day, offering dogs warm liquid food with the addition of vegetable oil to compensate for the loss of moisture in frosts (eating snow does not allow dogs to completely quench their thirst).

Puppies of the Central Asian Shepherd Dog

When deciding to breed your bitch, think about the risks involved and the goal you are pursuing. If you decide to just make money on puppies, remember that there are too many dogs of this breed at the moment and many of them sooner or later end up thrown out into the street. It is from rash matings that ads “free Central Asian Shepherd puppies” appear. In addition, there is always the risk that the puppies will stay too long, which means that you will have to walk a crowd of three-month-old Alabai every day and provide them with proper nutrition for as long as it takes.

Definitely not worth knitting a bitch if you live in an apartment. The cost of repairing it will most often be higher than the money received for the litter. It is better if you discuss the decision to breed your bitch with your breeder. This is the best option for owners of one dog, as they will have at their disposal all the channels for selling puppies available to the breeder, nursery discounts on food, practical and methodological assistance from a specialist.

Do not rush to viscous CAO. Dogs of this breed are finally formed by two or three years. This is the optimal time for the first mating. Most often, Central Asian Shepherd Dogs flow once a year. If your dog leaks twice a year, try mating it in the spring or summer when there are few puppies. A female intended for breeding use must be healthy both physically and genetically. Lack of maternal instinct, eating puppies, eclampsia after the first pregnancy - a convincing reason to exclude this breeder from breeding.

When choosing an Alabai male, rely not on his titles, but on information about the offspring learned from him. It is much more interesting to mate not with a young untested champion, but with his father. The most stable results are obtained with linear breeding - that is, in the case when the dogs are distantly related to each other. Pregnancy of the Central Asian Shepherd Dog lasts 60-65 days.

Puppies of the Central Asian Shepherd Dog are born in numbers from one to twelve. Their number depends on the age of the bitch. I would like to warn owners against trying to save the lives of all newborn Asians at any cost by using stimulant injections. Weak puppies will grow up to be sickly dogs, unable to carry out full-fledged service and causing a lot of problems for their owners.

The bitch is quite capable of coping with childbirth on her own, but the participation of the owner in this process strengthens the contact and benefits both the owner and the dog. If the bitch behaves aggressively and does not let the owner near the puppies, this is the first sign of her distrust of the owner, which should be developed long before the first birth.

The weight of newborn Alabai puppies usually fluctuates around 500 g. They are actively taken to suck, stimulating new contractions in the mother. The duration of the birth process is about a day, it is a little longer in primiparous females. It is believed that the sun should not rise above the head of a woman in labor twice. In large litters, after the birth of the first 5-6 puppies, a pause may follow and induction of labor may be required.

In regions with a mild climate, Asian women are allowed to give birth in a stable or in a barn, covering the place of birth with straw and restricting access to other dogs. Shepherd dogs dig their own holes. A caring owner, only if necessary, makes a canopy over them from the rain. If the frost on the street is more than minus five degrees, it is better to take them to a heated room, allocating a separate room.

Central Asian Shepherd Dogs are excellent mothers. It happens that they lie down with puppies, not wanting to go outside again. When the puppies reach the age of 14 days, it is better to start taking the bitch for short short walks, avoiding her contact with other dogs. Upon arrival, the dairy beds are washed with warm water and an antiseptic.

By two weeks, puppies open their eyes and begin to actively move around the floor. At this time, it is important that they cannot crawl under a sofa or closet and die there. The issue is solved by installing limiters around the nest. By three weeks, if the air temperature outside is at least 50C, the puppies are transferred from home to a puppy house or barn.

Before settling the puppies, the room is carefully treated with a special antiseptic with an exposure according to the instructions. The walls of the room must be cleanly whitewashed to the full height of the bitch, and the bedding changed to fresh.

Training of the Central Asian Shepherd Dog

The upbringing of the Alabai begins on the very first day of his appearance in a new home. His self-confidence needs support from the owner, because in fact the baby is very vulnerable and it is in puppyhood that the foundations of his future behavior are laid. The fastest way to build rapport is to take your puppy for a walk. The typical Alabai manner of falling on its side, turning its head away and squealing loudly is not cowardice. This is a great way to avoid aggression from adult dogs. It is more commonly seen in puppies raised free-range with multiple adult dogs. The pack always keeps puppies and young alabai under control.

Up to 6 months, puppies in the pack are allowed almost everything. The older dogs turn away and murmur softly as the juvenile bandit tries to snatch the bone from under their paw. The male leader allows the puppies to drag him by his cheeks and paws and can only leave the play area and hide away from the puppies. After 6 months, the training of the Central Asian Shepherd Dog becomes more stringent. The noisiest and most impudent puppies are already earning a beating and squealing desperately, trying to avoid punishment. By the age of one year, the young go to the rank of border guards, desperate, but sometimes useless barking warning adult dogs about events taking place in remote areas of the pack.

Knowing these features of raising an Alabai puppy, it is easy to imagine the correct behavior of the owner in this important period of the dog's life.

Joint walks give the baby the feeling that the owner, as befits a leader, chooses the direction of movement and knows the route. In addition, he always comes to the aid of a puppy in case he gets lost or gets into the territory of a strange mongrel pack that attacked him as a stranger. In case of danger, it is convenient to sit down and take the puppy in the ring from your hands, providing a sense of safety and security.

Long off-leash walks over rough terrain teach a dog to track its owner. The basic skills of an urban dog - moving on a leash, sitting down, laying down, exhibition stance and trotting in the ring are learned much faster when there is contact with the owner.

These simple moments allow you to avoid situations when the puppy growls at the owner. In the case of working with females, they do not occur at all, but with males they happen much less frequently. Correction of the dog's behavior is best done under the supervision of a specialist - a trainer, as well as training a dog to bite.

Alabai are very rarely food workers. In addition, they are extremely cautious about eating unfamiliar food. Therefore, their training is a combination of vocal contact and mechanics. The simplest skills for them are exposure and shrinkage. More complex - movement on a leash and styling. Most dogs of this breed quickly learn to stay put while guarding things.

History of the breed

The first images of dogs, strikingly reminiscent of Alabai, can be found in Zoroastrian books and drawings. As shepherds, the Zoroastrians depended heavily on their dogs and therefore perceived them as a divine gift. With herds of sheep, the Alabai also came to Europe, where they became the ancestors of many shepherd dogs and a whole group of molossians. The antiquity of the origin of the Central Asian Shepherd Dog and the invariability of its living conditions over the centuries has become the reason for the high hybridization stability of this breed. The breed quickly absorbs all foreign genes, maintaining its appearance or quickly returning to it over several generations. So, a cross between a German and Central Asian Shepherd Dog is much more like an Asian than a German, and a mestizo of an Asian and a Husky will only remind you of the presence of foreign blood in color.

During the factory breeding, the blood of larger breeds was constantly added to the Alabai to increase the size. This gave its results, however, led to an increase in the number of sickly dogs that did not survive the age of six. Interestingly, as soon as such breeding let the resulting livestock out of control, in a few years the breed returned to its original types, restoring its appearance and performance. Factory dogs, taken out to their original habitats, under the influence of aborigines, became smaller and more functional, and occasionally excessively large individuals did not survive in the difficult conditions of Central Asia.

Getting with sheep and immigrants to different countries, the Central Asian Shepherd Dogs gave impetus to the emergence and development of new breeds, such as the Georgian Shepherd Dog, Tobet, Caucasian Wolfhound and others. In addition, Asian countries began to develop their own standards for working wolfhounds, challenging the right of Russian breeders to set the tone for breeding this breed. The development of the breed at this stage has already passed the population peak. The fashion for giants has passed, the number of the breed has declined, and the main holders of Asians are breeders - enthusiasts, as well as owners of private houses and enterprises in need of reliable protection.

Contact Alabaev and their distrust of strangers depends on the number of early contacts with human hands. In families where puppies are born in the house and live there for up to three weeks, the owners often take them in their hands, massage their paws, let them crawl on their knees, the puppies grow up more contact and human-oriented. On the contrary, if you want to get distrustful puppies, they allow you to live with your mother without allowing external contacts. Such a puppy, when trying to pick it up, growls and bites at three weeks.

The age of up to 6 months is the best time to teach the little Alabai to unconditionally follow the owner at the level of innate instincts. If, after vaccination is completed, the puppy is let out of the gate, allowing him to run without a leash and periodically calling him from a short distance and stroking him, up to 6 months on such walks he will learn to follow the owner like a leader.

Females of the Alabai breed are able to find sheep and lambs that have strayed from the herd and notify the shepherd by howling and barking about it. City dogs often find discarded kittens and puppies in this way, warm them up in cold weather and do not allow the owner to leave, leaving them to die.

Central Asian Shepherd Dogs most often effectively fight snakes. The speed and sharpness of the movements during the fight is difficult to confuse with something. They endure snake bites relatively easily - the dog sleeps off for one or two days, after which it continues to serve.

The notorious "stupidity" of the Alabaev is the unwillingness to perform meaningless actions to please the trainer and owner. Spare your dog the unnecessary repetition of a learned skill and he will begin to obey much better. Training the Central Asian Shepherd Dog is 5 minutes 3-5 times a day, and not an hour-long soul-exhausting repetition session with very little benefit for both.

Prices for puppies of the Central Asian Shepherd Dog

As always in the post-breed population explosion period, the state of affairs in the commercial breeding of Asians is very difficult. Having ceased to teach super profits from the sale of puppies, one-day kennels are closed or switched to more commercial breeds. The number of cheap market Alabai puppies is growing and among them you can find quite decent descendants of those who took a “cheaper grown dog without documents”. The number of owners wishing to mate their show bitch is also falling - fuss with puppies is not paying off.

At the moment, it is quite possible to purchase a Central Asian Shepherd puppy for $100. Show dog - in the range of 300 to 500 dollars. Some kennels still keep high prices for Central Asian Shepherd puppies, selling puppies for 1000 or more euros, but the average owner does not need such a dog, and the high price does not always guarantee the high quality of the acquired dog.

Modern rings of Central Asian Shepherd Dogs do not indulge in their diversity. They were filled with light dogs, white or fawn, and already some experts again (and everything in the world repeats) look at Asians of other colors suspiciously. Handsome speckled Persians, black Asians, black and tan dogs, expressive redheads with a mask, unusual painted tigers - all these varieties of Central Asian shepherd dogs are gradually disappearing from show rings, appearing only at monobreed shows, where experts do not consider them something unusual and remember that the description of the Central Asian Shepherd Dogs initially assumed the presence of a large variety of types in the breed.

Of course, there is an explanation for the current state of affairs. Breeders follow the demand, breeding white Central Asian Shepherd Dogs. These dogs enter the ring, win, young experts train there, and here it is - the image of the Central Asian Shepherd Dog, a large white dog with powdered hair, running with its head up in the BEST of the second group and winning it. The new regulatory framework exacerbates the problem - size is giving way to functionality, and aboriginal dogs are being squeezed out of planned breeding.

Looking through photographs of native dogs in Turkmenistan, Afghanistan and Tajikistan, one finds that the majority of working Asians in this region are not white. There are many piebald or spotted dogs among them, black and tan “four-eyed” dogs are often found, there are black ones, and the length of the coat varies within a fairly wide range. Since the mating of Central Asian Shepherd Dogs has not been taking place for a long time, taking into account the origin of dogs, and the origin is often crossbred (the blood of Great Danes, Tibetan Mastiffs, St. Bernards, Caucasian Shepherd Dogs, and sometimes even pit bulls and staffs are poured into the breed), at this stage it is already difficult to draw a conclusion about the origin of the dog in terms of its type.

There is some correlation between the color, head and body structure of the Central Asian Shepherd Dog. Each color has its own, internal types and lines. Currently, all three types of head - wedge-shaped, brick-shaped and bearish, as well as various types of constitution (raw, rough and strong, as well as transitional variants) can be found in dogs of different colors and origins and the previously described correlations of type and color are a thing of the past. It should be noted that excessive dampness is undesirable for this breed, although it is cultivated in it by lovers of large dogs.

Depending on the place of natural residence of the Central Asian Shepherd Dogs, their appearance also changes. Mountain long-haired Central Asian Shepherd dogs are more massive, with more developed subcutaneous tissue and dressing hair. They have a lower center of gravity and this helps to keep balance during mountain transitions. Their nervous system is distinguished by balance, the vestibular apparatus is well developed, and the need for constant contact with a person is small. Such a Central Asian Shepherd Dog does not need a warm enclosure in winter and feels great in any frost.

Dogs of the steppe regions are lighter in bone, more mobile and more high-legged. Here, the Central Asian Shepherd Dog is more common. Dogs can be of different sizes, but not as massive as their mountain counterparts. Some of them are quite capable of hunting, and this makes it possible to assume their relationship with the oriental hunting dogs-tazy. The psyche of these dogs is more mobile, they are more contact and easier to train.

In different countries of Central Asia, the ideal Asian is seen differently. It is this that suggests the idea that this breed group should not have been combined into a breed, blurring the regional breed types, and then starting to move towards size and massiveness. As a result, many lines that could be supported within the framework of national standards for Central Asian Shepherd Dogs simply disappeared, occasionally splitting out in litters from non-breeding matings (outcrosses).

The regular, albeit infrequent appearance of puppies of the old type in litters from a fashionable remake suggests the incredible vitality of the original, wild type of Central Asian Shepherd Dogs. If at one fine moment the breed loses the guiding influence of breeders, it will quickly restore its original appearance, since all redundant and hybrid specimens simply cannot survive in the harsh conditions of Central Asia to reproductive age.

The breed is gradually divided into show dogs and working dogs that have retained their endurance and aggressiveness in protecting their territory, distrust of strangers and food, the need to sort things out with a strong rival, unwillingness to work for a treat in the ring. There is a close relationship between the strength of the nervous system and the amount of pigment in the dog's body. By removing well-pigmented dogs from breeding, breeders deprive the breed of health and working qualities, turning them from proud shepherds into docile and loving Labradors. Was it worth taking out the best dogs from the habitats in order to bring the breed to where it is now? Or was it just a successful business then and now?

The breed standard suggests a wide variety of colors. But will we see them when we come to the dog show? American breeders, having discovered a brown gene in the population, picked it up and breed Asians of this rare color. Supporters of the FCI standard exclaim that this color does not exist in the breed, and researchers who go on expeditions to study aboriginal dogs show photographs of brown working dogs. At the same time, the mass of Asians of the fighting direction are legalized mestizos with FCI documents and unverified origins. All this is reminiscent of the modern theater of the absurd.

Each new owner who comes to the kennel not for weight or white color, but for a dog with a pedigree character is a real gift for a breeder of Central Asian Shepherd Dogs. Even if the owner visits the exhibition only once, showing the judge an unusual brindle, black and tan, red with a mask or spotted-speckled dog with excellent anatomy and a serious character, he will remind the judge that not every Central Asian Shepherd Dog is white. While working with such owners, there is a feeling that not everything is lost in the breed and a great future awaits it.
