Biological emergency causes. Emergency situations of biological origin plan-abstract lesson on the Obzh (grade 8) on the topic. d) accidents on hydrodynamic objects

The biological emergency is a state in which the normal living and activities of people, the existence of farm animals and plant growing, the life and health of people, the danger of the widespread dissemination of infectious diseases, is violated as a result of the source on a certain territory.

The cause of a biological information may be a natural disaster, a large accident or disaster, the destruction of an object related to research in the field of infectious diseases, as well as bringing pathogens to the country with adjacent territories (terrorist act, military actions). The zone of biological infection is a territory within which the biological agents are common (introduced), dangerous for people, animals and plants. The focus of biological lesion (OBP) is a territory, within which there was a mass lesion of people, animals or plants. OBP can be formed both in the zone of biological infection and beyond its borders as a result of the spread of infectious diseases.

Biological emergencies include epidemics, epizootia and epiphyotsis. The epidemic is the widespread dissemination of infectious disease, significantly exceeding the incidence of incidence on this territory. Epidemic focus is the place of infection and the stay of a sick person surrounding his people and animals, as well as the territory, within which there is a contamination of people with causative agents of infectious diseases.

The epidemic process is the phenomenon of the occurrence and distribution of infectious diseases among people representing a continuous chain of consistently emerging homogeneous diseases. Sources and ways of transmission of infection. Infected people or animals are natural carriers of pathogens. These are sources of infection. From them microorganisms can be transmitted to healthy people. The main ways of transmission of infection are aircraft, food, water, transmissible, i.e. through blood, and contact.

The following groups of infectious diseases are distinguished: anthroponosis, zoonoses and zooanthroponomoses. Anthroponosis - infectious diseases in which the source of infection is the bacyl separator (the patient a person emitting the pathogen into the external environment) or the bacilloser (a person without signs of illness). Examples: cholera, dysentery, malaria, syphilis, etc.

Zoonoses - diseases whose sources are sick animals or birds, such as pigs, pseudochuma birds.

Zooanthroponomoses - diseases in which sick people and animals can be sources of infection, as well as bacillos (for example, plague).

Pandemic (from Greek. Pandemía is the whole people), an epidemic characterized by the spread of an infectious disease into the territory of the whole country, the territory of neighboring states, and sometimes many countries of the world (for example, cholera, flu).

Epizeta is the widespread use of animal infectious diseases in the farm, area, region, country, characterized by the generality of the source of the pathogen, simultaneously lesion, frequency and seasonality. The epizootic focus is the place of stay of the source of the causative agent of infection on a certain area of \u200b\u200bthe terrain, where with this situation it is possible to transmit the pathogen with susceptible animals. The epizootic focus can be the premises and territories with animals there, which detected this infection.

According to an epizootological classification, all infectious animal diseases are divided into 4 groups: the first group is an alimentary infections are transmitted through infected feed, soil, manure and water. Basically affect the organs of the digestive system. Such infections include Siberian ulcers, lush, sap, brucellosis.

The second group is respiratory infections (aerogenic) - damage to the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and lungs. The main transfer path is airborne. These include: paragripp, enzootic pneumonia, powder of sheep and goats, plague of carnivores.

The third group is transmissible infections, infection is carried out with the help of bloodsowing arthropods. The pathogens constantly or in certain periods are in the blood. These include: Encephalomyelitis, tularemia, infectious anemia of horses.

The fourth group - infection, the pathogens of which are transmitted through external covers without the participation of carriers. This group is quite diverse by the features of the transmission mechanism of the pathogen. These include tetanus, rabies, pieces of cows.

Endemic disease is a characteristic disease for a particular area. Associated with a sharp insufficiency or redundancy of the content of a chemical element in the medium. Diseases of plants, animals and humans. For example, if Iodine deficiency in food is a simple goiter (endemic goiter) in animals and people, with the redundancy of selenium in the soils - the appearance of a poisonous selestic flora and many other endemics.

Epiphetia is the spread of infectious diseases of plants for significant territories within a certain time. The most malicious epiphitations are celebrated during the years with a soft winter, warm spring and wet cool summer. The grain harvest is often reduced to 50%, and during years with favorable for fungus, the conditions of the harvest can reach 90-100%.

Particularly dangerous diseases of plants are a violation of the normal metabolic substances of the plant under the influence of phytopathogen or unfavorable conditions of the medium, leading to a decrease in plant productivity and the deterioration of the quality of seeds (fruits) or their complete death. Plant diseases are classified according to the following signs: the place or phase of plant development (seed disease, seedlings, seedlings, adult plants); place of manifestation (local, local, common); current (sharp, chronic); Affected culture; The cause of the occurrence (infectious, non-infectious).

Fitofluorosis of potatoes is a widespread malicious disease, leading to the undevelopment of the harvest due to the premature death of the affected tops during the period of formation of tubers and their massive rotting in the ground. The pathogen of phytoofluorosis - mushroom, which remains in the tubers during the winter. It is striking all land organs

Yellow rust wheat is a malicious common fungal disease, except wheat striking barley, rye and other types of cereals.

The stem rust of wheat and rye is the most malicious and common disease of the grain cereals, most often the striking wheat and rye. The causative agent of the disease - mushroom, destroying stalks and leaves of plants


Natural disasters threaten the inhabitants of our planet from the beginning of civilization. Somewhere to a greater extent, elsewhere less. 100% security does not exist anywhere. Natural catastrophes can bring colossal damage, the size of which depends not only on the intensity of the catastrophe itself, but also on the level of development of society and its political device.

It is statistically calculated that in general on Earth, each hundredsmatic person dies from natural disasters. According to another calculation, the number of victims of natural catastrophes is in the last 100 years annually.

Estate disasters usually include earthquakes, floods, selene streams, landslides, snow drifts, volcanic eruptions, ribs, droughts, hurricanes and storms. In some cases, fires, especially mass forest and peat, can also be attributed to such disasters.

Hazardous disasters are also industrial accidents. A special danger is an accident at the oil, gas and chemical industries.

Natural disasters, fires, accidents ... can be found in different ways. It is confused, even doomed, as centuries have met various disasters, or calmly, with an inflexible faith in their own strength, with the hope of their taming. But only those who, knowing how to act in a particular setting can be confidently taken to take a challenge: save themselves, will assist others, will prevent how much the dishelling effects can. Natural disasters occur suddenly, completely empty the territory, destroy dwellings, property, communications, power supplies. Behind one strong catastrophe, like avalanche, follows the others: hunger, infection.

Are we so defenseless before earthquakes, tropical cyclones, volcanic eruptions? What a developed technique cannot prevent these disasters, and if not to prevent, then at least predict and warn about them? After all, this would significantly limit the number of victims and the amount of damage! We are far from so helpless. Some catastrophes we can predict, and some and successfully resist.

However, any actions against natural processes require good knowledge of their knowledge. It is necessary to know how they arise, the mechanism, the conditions of distribution and all other phenomena, with these catastrophes associated.

It is necessary to know how the shifts of the earth's surface occur, why there is a rapid rotary movement of air in the cyclone, as quickly mass of rocks can collapse along the slope. Many phenomena still remain a mystery, but, it seems, only over the next years or decades.

In the broad sense of the word, an emergency is understood as a situation on a certain territory, which established as a result of an accident, a dangerous natural phenomenon, a disaster, a spontaneous or other disaster, which may entail or entail human sacrifices, caused damage to the health of people or the environment, significant Material losses and violation of the living conditions of people. Each emergency has its physical essence, the causes of the occurrence and nature of development, as well as its features of the impact on a person and the surrounding habitat.

1. Conditions for the formation of emergency situations.

Any emergency event is preceded by certain deviations from the normal course of any process. The nature of the development of the event and its consequences are determined by the destabilizing factor in various origin. This may be a natural, anthropogenic social or other impact of the violating functioning of the system.

There are five phases of the development of emergency

1. Accumulation of deviations

2. Initiation of emergency

3. Process emergency

4. Action of residual factors

5. Elimination of emergency.

2. Classification of emergency situations.

On the sphere of origin





On the scale of possible consequences





On departmental accessories

on transport

in construction

in industry

in agriculture

By the nature of the underlying events



3. Agrowing emergencies of natural nature

Dangerous natural phenomena is a natural event of natural origin, which in its intensity, the scale of distribution and duration can cause negative consequences for the vital activity of people, economics and natural environment.

Natural Emergency Classification

3.1sthythic disasters in a lithosphere

Litosphere (\\ "Lithos \\" - stone) - a solid shell of the globe or earth bark.

The phenomena due to the internal tectonic processes of the development of the Earth are called endogenous.

Processes, nascent and developing on the surface of the Earth and destroying rocks, published on the surface as a result of endogenous processes, are called exogenous.

Natural Disaster Classification in Litosphere

Earthquakes are a sudden release of the potential energy of terrestrial subsoil, which acquires the shape of shock waves and elastic oscillations (seismic waves) spreading in all directions.

Classification of earthquakes


at the occurrence: due to the occurrence: by nature of the occurrence:


Intralite (internal) - tectonic;



Veping - soil oscillations;

Cracks, faults;

Secondary striking factors;

The main characteristics of the earthquake:

Magnida M of the amplitude of the horizontal displacement, is measured according to 9 ball values \u200b\u200bof the Richter;

The intensity Y \u003d 1.5 (M - 1) is a qualitative indicator of the consequences of the earthquake, is estimated at 12 msk ballast (see Table 1.1.2);

Energy Energy Energy E \u003d 10 (5.24 + 1.44m), is estimated in Joules (J.)

Agrowing earthquake factors

Primary secondary

Displacement, warping, vibration of soils;

Warping, seal, seating, cracks;

Faults in rocky rocks;

Emission of natural underground gases. - activation of volcanic activities;


Collars, landslides;


Breaking lines of power transmission, gas pipeline and sewage networks;

Explosions, fires;

Accidents on dangerous objects, transport.

In our country, seismic activity is celebrated in the Caucasus, in South Siberia - Tien Shan, Pamir; In the Far East - Kamchatka, Kuril Islands.

Phenomena foreshadowing earthquakes:

Shouts of birds;

Restless behavior of animals;

Crashing lizards, snakes on the surface of the earth.

Volcanic eruptions are a set of phenomena associated with the movement of molten mass (magma), heat, hot gases, vapors of water and other products rising from the bowels in cracks or channels in its cortex.

Classification of volcanoes

Existing asleeps extinct

Erupted at present, constantly or periodically;

There are historical information about eruptions;

There are no eruption information, but which distinguish hot gases and water. - There are no information about eruptions, but they have retained their shape and local earthquakes occur under them - very blurred and destroyed without signs of volcanic activity.

The eruption of the volcano can last a few days, months and even years. After a strong eruption, the volcano calms down for several years. Such volcanoes are called valid (Klyuchevskaya Sopka, Unnamed - in Kamchatka, Peak Sarychev, Alaid - on the Kuril Islands).

Ellurus and Kazbek in the Caucasus are extinct.

Agrowing factors of volcanoes

Primary secondary

Lava fountains;

Volcanic dirt streams, lava;

Hot gases;

Ash, sand, acid rain;

Shock wave of the explosion;

Volcanic bombs (frozen pieces of lava);

Stone foam (pumice);

Lapilli (small pieces of lava);

Parking cloud (hot dust, gases) - violation of the land use system;

Forest fires;

Destruction of structures and communications;

Flooding due to the damage of rivers;

Village streams;

Explosions and fires on dangerous objects.

The collars are a fast compartment (separation) and the drop in the mass of rocks (land, sand, stones, clay) on the steep slope due to the loss of the stability of the surface of the slope, the weakening of the connectivity, the integrity of rocks.

Causes of Owls

Natural anthropogenic


Movement of underground and surface water;

Dissolution of the breed;


Cracks and faults of rocks - soil oscillations as a result of an explosion;

Loading on the slope or edge of the cliff

Agrowing factors of collaps

primary secondary

The fall in heavy masses of rocks, individual blocks and stones (pulled);

The fall in large masses of the soil is the destruction of structures, roads;

Overlapping access to structures, roads;

Breaking lines of power transmission, communications, gas and oil pipelines, water supply and sewage networks;

Taking out rivers;

Walking the shores of lakes;

Floods, Merrate Flows

Causes of landslides

Natural anthropogenic

Steepness of the slope exceeding the angle of natural slope;


Moistening slopes

Weathered solid breeds;

The presence in the thickness of the soil of clays, sands, ice;

Crossing breeds of cracks;

Alternation of clay and sandy gravel rocks. - cutting down of forests, shrubs on the slopes;

Imploding works;

Breaking the slopes;

Excessive watering of gardens on the slopes;

Destruction of slopes with ribs, testers;

Filling the departments of the groundwater;

Building housing on the slopes.

On the presence of water by the mechanism of the landslide process



Very wet - shift



Hydrodynamic removal

Sudden dilution

In volume, thousandm3 on scale, ha

Small up to 10.

Average 10-100

Large 100-1000

Very large more than 1000 - very small up to 5

Small 5-50

Average 50-100

Large 100-200.

Very large 200-400

Grand more than 400.

Agrowing factors of landslides

Primary secondary

Heavy weights of soil - destruction, falling asleep structures, roads, communications, communication lines;

Destruction of forest arrays and farmland;

Overlapping river bed;

Landscape change.

The greatest spread of landslides received on the slopes of the main Caucasian ridge, in Tien Shan. Possible in the Bryansk region.

Sel is a rapid stormy flow of water with a large content of stones, sand, clay and other materials moving at a speed of up to 15 km / h. Have the character of mud, water-stone or muddy flows.

Salad areas are: North Caucasus, Transcaucasia (from Novorossiysk to Sochi) Baikalia, Primorye, Kamchatka, Sakhalin, Kuril Islands.

Characteristic of sealer streams

Maximum flow height, m \u200b\u200bflow width, m flow depth, m length of channel Dimensions of boulders, m duration of passage, h

20 3-100 1.5-15 dozens km 3-10 1-8

Causes of the Seld

Natural anthropogenic

Presence on sand slopes, pebbles, gravel;

The presence of a significant amount of water (shower, melting of glaciers, snow, breakthrough lakes);

The steepness of the slopes is more than 100;


Volcanic activity;

Collapse in the river river rivers (collapse, landslide);

A sharp increase in air temperature. - creation on the slopes of the mountains of artificial reservoirs;

Cutting down, shrubs on the slopes;

Degradation of soil cover with irregular grazing of livestock;

Explosions, career development;

Unregulated discharge of water from irrigation reservoirs on the slopes;

Incorrect placement of dumps of waste by mining enterprises;

Trimming slopes roads;

Mass construction on the slopes.

Agrowing factors of the village

Primary secondary

Fast movement of huge masses of substances (dirt, water, stones) in the river river beds. (1 m3 of the village stream weighs 2 tons, 1 m3 of water - 1 ton) - destruction and demolition of buildings, structures, roads, bridges, water supply and sewage networks, communication lines and power lines


Flooding of the territory

Divues of crops, gardens, pastures, trunk canals of irrigation systems

Snow avalanche is a snow collapse, a lot of snow, falling or sliding with a mountain slopes and fascinating on its way new snow masses. In Russia, snow avalanches are common in the mountainous regions of the Caucasus, Urals, in Eastern and Western Siberia, the Far East, on Sakhalin.

Causes of snow lavin

Natural anthropogenic

Cluster of various modifications of snow, layer thickness 30-70 cm;

Strong and long blizzard, snowfall;

Steep slopes (from 15 to 50 ) with a length of more than 500m;

Lack of forest array on the slopes;

Sudden thaw;

Blown by the wind of snow from the leeward layer and transfer it to the comb, the formation of the cornice over the imaginary slope; - cutting down of the forest and shrubs on the slopes;

Violation of herbal cover with irregular grazing of livestock;

Imploding works;

The use of strong sound sources;


Agrowing factor of avalanche

Primary secondary

Air shock wave (compressed air shaft before avalanche front);

Rapidly moving on mountain slopes dense stream of various modifications of snow, stones, pebbles;

Massoneal snow mass. - Destruction and dawns of buildings, roads, bridges;

Breaking power lines, communications;

Take out the mountain rivers.

3.2. Natural disasters in the hydrosphere

Hydrosphere (\\ "Hydro \\" - water) - water shell on the ground surface, covering oceans, seas, rivers, lakes, swamps, groundwater, mountain and coating glaciers (frozen water).

Types of natural disasters in the hydrosphere

Classification of waves

Tidal Waves Wind (Storm) Tsunami Baric

The characteristic occurs twice a day. Singing can be caused by stranded ships, reef.

The tide creates a wave in rivers up to 3 m height, which is called Bor. In Russia, a small boron is on the rivers flowing into the Mezen bay prevailing height of 4 m, sometimes reach a height of 18-20 m.

Combating land, cause floods and destruction. Spread rate 50-800 km / h.

The height in the open ocean is 0.1-5 m, when exiting shallow water - 20-30 m, sometimes up to 40-50 m.

We invade the land for 1-3 km. Reach shore with a period of 5-90 minutes. Like a wave of tsunami leads to severe consequences, especially with a coincidence with a high tide. Reaches 10 m of height in shallow water.

The causes of the occurrence are created by the attraction of the moon and the sun and the centrifugal force associated with the rotation of the system of the Earth - the Moon around the common center of gravity. Caused by strong winds - hurricanes, typhoons. Formed when eruption of underwater volcanoes and underwater earthquakes, explosive work. Caused by cyclones when the pressure in its center falls and forms convexity to 1 m height

The most Grozny are waves - tsunami.

Tsunami - gravitational waves of very large length and heights arising on the surfaces of the seas and oceans (translated from the Japanese - a big wave in the bay).

The tsunami waves look like windy, but they have another nature - seismic. The length of the wave is the distance between adjacent ridges - from 5 to 1500 km, which does not allow to see the second, third and subsequent waves.

In Russia, the tsunami is possible on the Kuril Islands, in Kamchatka, on Sakhalin, on the Pacific Coast.

Factor striking

Primary secondary

Height, speed and power of wave propagation when collapsed them on the coast;

Flooding, flooding of land adjacent to the shore;

A strong flow during the reverse wave care from the shore into the ocean;

Strong air wave - destruction and flooding of coastal structures, buildings;

Demolition technology, buildings, ships;

Fires, explosions on dangerous objects;

Washing the fertile layer of the soil, the destruction of the crop;

Destruction or contamination of drinking water sources.

The number of waves reaches seven, while the second or third wave is the strongest and causes the strongest destruction.

The strength of the tsunami is estimated by the magnitude of M from 0 to 3 (up to 6 points).

Hospiters Tsunami:


Singing in aptural time (rapid exposure of the seabed), lasting up to 30 minutes;

The flight of wild and domestic animals from the places of possible flooding on the elevation;

Thunder noise, audible before the wave approach;

The appearance of cracks in the ice cover off the coast.

Flooding on rivers - flooding of water of the terrain within the river valley and settlements located above annually flooded floodplain, due to the abundant flow of water as a result of snowy or rain, or clogging of the bed of ice, shigoy.

Classification and causes of flood

Causes Flooding Name

Spring snow melting, causing a long lifting water level of flood

Abundant rains, shower, or rapid melting of snow at winter waters of flood

Loading the iceline during the spring ice driving, causing water lift

The accumulation of shugs (loose ice material) in the fall during the ice station, causing water lift

Water lifting in the marine mouths of rivers, on the covered coast of lakes, reservoirs, caused by the impact of wind on the water surface of the wind navigation

Breakthrough dams, dam in landslides, collaps, movement of glaciers breakthrough

Water lifting in the river caused by a bombing

Accidents on hydraulic structures breakthrough

The largest flood areas are observed on rivers flowing to the northern seas - volume, Yenisei, Lena. Nursing floods are observed in the Azov and Caspian seas, at the mouth of the Neva River on the Baltic Sea and the Northern Dvina on the White Sea.

3.3. Fichual disasters in the atmosphere

The atmosphere (\\ "Atmos \\" - par) - the air sheath of the Earth. The atmosphere by the nature of the temperature change of height is divided into several spheres

The radiant energy of the Sun is a source of air movement. Between the warm and cold masses, the difference in temperature and atmospheric pressure of pressure occurs. This breeds wind.

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    Foci lesions, zones emergency situation and the zones of radioactive, chemical and biological Infection, catastrophic flooding ...

  • Or other factors threatening with people big trouble. Especially relevant recently the problem of biological emergence around the world becomes especially important.


    In the formation of an emergency of such a type in a separate territory, human life, the existence of pets and agricultural plants is undergoing serious danger, the usual living conditions and work are violated.

    Sources of the emergence of biological nature are usually different kind of infectious diseases. In case of insufficient control over the spread of the virus or slowness, in taking measures to eliminate the zone of infection will be steadily expanding, and therefore more and more living organisms will be infected.


    During the existence of mankind, there were a lot of examples of the destructive effect of pathogenic bacteria: almost two thirds of Europeans destroyed the plague in the Middle Ages, and at the beginning of the twentieth century, black smell took more lives than two world wars. Every year, all new types of infectious diseases dangerous for man appear, and with some of them scientists could not cope: HIV, Lyme disease, etc.

    In Russia, the Ministry of Sanitary Control, Medical Institutions and the Ministry of Emergency Situations are detected in Russia in Russia's problems of identifying the prevention and liquidation of emergency.

    Types of emergency situations. Technogenic emergency

    The emergency is classified depending on the source of origin. Today it is customary to allocate the following types:

    1. Technogenic.
    2. Ecological.
    3. Natural.

    A maniogenous emergencies, that is, which occurred on industrial, energy and other objects. Its main feature is an accident.

    Most often, the catastrophe is caused by the human factor or improper operation of industrial techniques:

    • automotive accidents, crashing of aircraft, trains, water transport;
    • fires in residential buildings and industrial facilities;
    • accidents with the threat of emissions of chemical and radioactive substances;
    • collapse of buildings;
    • cliffs, breakdowns in energy systems;
    • accidents on utility sites responsible for human life support (breakthrough of sewerage, water supply, disconnection of heat, gas supply failures);
    • dam's breakthroughs.

    All man-made disasters occur due to insufficient control or negligent attitude to work or the safety requirements of the industrial facility or system.


    For thousands of years, mankind has been trying to tame the whole world around, put nature to serve its needs, which often has a destructive impact on all alive on the planet. Emergencies Environmental type are associated with serious and often irreversible changes in the environment:

    • drafting the territories, excess of the norms of pollution;
    • changing the composition of the air environment: the non-relevant weather differences, excessive content of impurities in the atmosphere, urban, excess of noise, "ozone holes";
    • problems associated with pollution of the hydrosphere, that is, the water composition of the Earth: the unsuitability of drinking sources, the drainage, the spread of the desert, the release of waste into the sea.

    A few more than a few years ago, these issues practically did not do, now, after the Chernobyl disaster, the crosses of the Azov Sea and tangible drops of seasonal temperatures, the states of the world are interested in the prevention and prevention of emergencies. In Russia, large funds are allocated annually for these purposes.

    Natural emergencies

    Natural emergencies are caused not so much the consequences of human activity as natural phenomena. Although in some cases, humanity is indirectly involved in the emergence of certain catastrophes.

    The classification of natural emergencies provides for the following categories:

    • Earthquake or eruption of volcanoes.
    • Phenomena caused by geological processes: landslides, villages, erosion, collaps, etc.
    • The classification of natural emergencies also includes meteorological problems: hurricanes, tornadoes, hail, heavy rain, frost, ice, snowfall, blizzard, severe heat, drought.
    • Dangerous marine phenomena: floods, tsunami, typhoon, pressure or bearing of ice and so on.
    • Hydrological phenomena: raising the level of water, congestion.
    • Natural fires.

    Emergency situations of a biological nature in their origin also relate to natural, as they are caused by infectious diseases that apply to people, animals and agricultural plants. The following definitions are applicable for this category: the focus of the occurrence, the zone of infection, live pathogens, an epidemic, episotic and epiphetical process.

    The reasons

    Each emergencies are highlighted their sources of problems. So, for biological emergency, these are infectious diseases. They are caused by penetration into the body of alien microorganisms, which is customary to be called pathogens.

    1. Viral infections are most detached for people, animals and plants. For the past decades, the large-scale spread was received by flu in different manifestations, and every year viruses mutate and adapt to any drugs. In addition, there belongs to hepatitis, chickenpox, and among the ailments of animals - Lush and Sap.
    2. Next cause of biological type emergencies - bacterial infections (meningococcus, intestinal, dysentery). The development of medicine in recent decades has led to a decrease in the level of infection by pathogens of this type. Due to the creation of antibiotics, propaganda measures of prevention and hygiene bacterial infections are no longer so scary to humanity.

    The elimination of the effects of emergencies largely depends on the identification of the cause of the occurrence. Infectious infection is a process occurring in a separate organism; Epidemic - when infection moves from one organism to another.

    Distribution degree

    Depending on the scale of destruction and the number of victims, the emergencies can be classified as follows:

    1. Local value, when disasters or diseases do not apply beyond the limits of a small area, the number of victims is no more than ten people, but the material damage did not exceed one hundred thousand rubles.
    2. The municipal - emergency is located in the zone of a separate federal district or the city affected by less than fifty people, and the damage is within five million rubles.
    3. Intermunicipal when the area of \u200b\u200bthe defeat already covers two neighboring objects, whether it villages or areas of the city.
    4. The regional value of the emergency is acquired when the problem does not go beyond the area.
    5. Interregional.
    6. The federal when the number of victims is more than five hundred people, and the distribution zone covers more than two regions.

    The consequences of biological influence are usually eliminated by each region separately. In rare cases, when infectious diseases cover a large number of people, a nationwide emergency is declared.

    Methods of distribution

    • Intestinal infections. These may occur when consuming infected food and water, using the same dishes.
    • Respiratory infections. The reason for infection becomes direct communication with the sick person.
    • Infection through outdoor skin. It occurs due to the bites of insects, animals, rodents, ticks, when they are injected with fragments containing virus causative agents.

    A separate problem is deadly infections distributed during the fighting. Despite the prohibitions of the use of such weapons of mass lesion, biological emergencies periodically arise in some hot spots of the world.

    Development Stages

    Environmental, natural and man-made emergencies almost always pass according to the same scheme, which includes the following phases:

    1. The stage of origin, the accumulation of deviations from the norm of a process, the emergence of conditions and prerequisites for the emergence of emergencies. Depending on the type of origin, this phase can last a minute, hours, years and centuries. Examples: Fire-hazardous situation in the forest, weakening immunity, insufficient control of the epidemiological situation in the region, etc.
    2. Start emergency. Stage on which the process is initiated. In man-made catastrophes, this is most often a human factor, in biological - infection of the body.
    3. Culmination, the process of emergency event itself. The maximum adverse effect on the population (for example, the spread of the influenza virus) occurs.
    4. The fourth stage, the attenuation period, when special services are eliminated by the consequences of emergencies, or they themselves pass on objective reasons.

    The liquidation begins at the third stage and, depending on the category of emergencies, it may take months, years and even decades. It is especially difficult to deal with biological emergency. In some cases, years required for the development, testing and introduction of the necessary drugs.

    The procedure for liquidation

    A biological information is dangerous in that infectious diseases apply to very quickly and during the defeat of timely measures can cause great damage to a person, right up to death. Therefore, a special action program was developed to eliminate one of the three stars in the process of disseminating diseases:

    1. Impact on its disinfection.
    2. Finding and breaking the paths of transmission of the disease.
    3. Development of techniques for improving the immunity of organisms to infectious diseases.

    In properly, these measures contribute to the localization of the focus of infection, and further eliminating the consequences of emergencies.

    Possible results

    Viruses and bacteria fall into the human body and immediately begin to actively multiply, inflicting significant damage to health. Every year thousands of people are dying in the world from complications caused by the influenza virus, or from the destructive effect of hepatitis and other bacteriological diseases on the internal organs.

    The cause of the emergency can be any. Pets and agricultural plants are also exposed to various infections and, in turn, can also serve as a source of infection. In the media, information about a pork or bird flu is often appeared, as a result of which a huge number of animals died or forcibly killed, and the industry has been a significant damage.

    Emergency Prevention Measures

    The warning of emergency has its own specifics, there is a lot to develop health care in the country, the availability of government programs. In Russia, due to the harsh climate, the problem of the spread of influenza virus, especially among children arise every year.

    The best way to prevent an epidemic or to make the disease to cause minimal damage is active prevention. If the measures taken did not help, the rules of conduct for emergency should be followed.

    Depending on the nature of the implementation of measures to combat infection, as well as the degree of propagation of pathology, allocate the following ways to prevent epidemics and pandemics:

    • Preventive measures. They are undertaken constantly, even in the absence of diseases. Recently, flu vaccinations are conducted in Russia, universal work with the population is carried out, doctors call on patients to refrain from visits to events with a large number of people and follow the rules of personal hygiene.
    • Anti-epidemiological action carried out during the mass infection in an emergency order in a particular region.

    Government measures are required to fulfill all organizations and structures, while responsibility for their own health, each person carries himself.

    Examples in Russia

    A hundred years ago, a simple flu could carry out the life of thousands of people in one season, but with the invention of immunomodulators and antiviral drugs and prevention measures, the factor of emergency was much more efficient. But today, our country in the cold period is facing this epidemic on a state scale, each year microorganisms mutate and adapt to drugs, so doctors have to look for new solutions.

    In addition to the Ministry of Health, the liquidation of the effects of a biological nature in Russia is engaged in such a structure as a disaster medicine. This organization carries out not only the monitoring of incidence in the country, controls the elimination of the effects of mass infections, but also promotes the rules of behavior of the emergency among the population, predicts and develops new methods to combat biological problems.

    At the moment, particularly dangerous infectious diseases are plague, cholera, HIV, yellow fever, viral hepatitis A, dysentery, abdominal typhoid and flu.

    Biological emergencies are a dangerous state in which the normal living and activity of people, the existence of farm animals and plant growing, is violated as a result of a source on a certain territory, the life and health of people, the danger of the widespread dissemination of diseases, losses of farm animals and plants arise.

    Sources of biological emergencies: People infectious diseases (epidemic, pandemic), animals (episode, pansolation); Infectious diseases of plants or their pests.

    The epidemic is a massive and progressive spread of an infectious disease within a certain territory exceeding the usual level of morbidity.

    Epizeta is the spread of infection among a large number of one or many animal species within a certain region. To prevent, detect and eliminate infectious diseases of farm animals, a set of planned activities is carried out. For the disease, or the sudden death of animals, animal husbandry workers or animal owners must inform the veterinary doctor. After establishing the disease, veterinary specialists conduct inspection of all animals. Patients of animals are isolated and treated, the rest are subjected to veterinary processing and preventive vaccinations.

    Epiphetia is a massive, progressive infectious disease of agricultural plants and a sharp increase in the number of pests of plants, accompanied by the mass death of crops.

    Measures of struggle:

    • 1) the creation of the best conditions for the growth of crops;
    • 2) rational seed production;
    • 3) Chemical seeds;
    • 4) Plant treatment.

    Socio-political emergency

    Socio-political emergencies are events occurring in society: interethnic conflicts with strength, terrorism, robbery, contradiction between states (war), etc. One of the main reasons for socio-political emergencies is a demographic problem. As a result, urbanization there are nutrition problems, utility household spheres, development of transport, health care. Reducing the standard of living of the population may result in the threat to the health and life of people. Problems of material well-being of people are designed to solve social policy. Social policy is designed to provide, expanded reproduction of the population, the harmonization of social relations, political stability, civil consent and is being implemented through state decisions, social events and programs. It is she who ensures the interaction of all spheres of the life of society in solving social problems.

    Objective of social policy:

    • 1) improving housing conditions, medical care, education, culture, ecology;
    • 2) social support for needy citizens;
    • 3) protection of citizens with the loss of work in the event of unemployment, illness, other social and professional risks;
    • 4) improving the livelihoods of children;
    • 5) the introduction of effective control over real income received by the population.

    As a result of scientific and technological progress, there was an accumulation of new knowledge, the development of fundamental sciences. Opening in many areas of science and technology led to the creation of a new type of weapons: radiation, radio frequency, infrasound, radiological. In the event of military conflict, this weapon can be used against people. The main task of the state is to prevent the development of military conflicts, as well as to create favorable conditions for the prosperous vital activity of people, providing economic growth and social stability in society.

    Biological emergencies include epidemics, epizootia and epiphyotsis.
    The epidemic is the widespread dissemination of infectious disease among people, significantly exceeding the incidence of incidence in this territory.
    Pandemic is an unusually large distribution of morbidity both in terms of the level and scale of distribution with a number of countries, entire continents and even the whole globe.
    Among the many epidemiological classifications, the classification was widely used, which was based on the transmission mechanism of the pathogen.
    In addition, all infectious diseases are divided into four groups:
    intestinal infections;
    respiratory tract infections (aerosol);
    blood (transmissive);
    Infections of external covers (contact).
    The general biological classification of infectious diseases is based on their division primarily in accordance with the peculiarities of the causative agent reservoir - anthroponosis, zoonoses, as well as the separation of infectious diseases for transmissive and non-transmission.
    Infectious diseases are classified by type of pathogen - viral diseases, ricketersiosis, bacterial infections, protozoal diseases, helminthoses, tropical myoses, blood system disease.
    Epizootia - infectious diseases of animals - a group of diseases that have such general signs as the presence of a specific pathogen, cyclicality of development, the ability to transmit from an infected animal to healthy and taking epizootic distribution.
    The epizootic focus is the place of stay of the source of the causative agent of infection on a certain area of \u200b\u200bthe terrain, where with this situation it is possible to transmit the pathogen with susceptible animals. The epizootic focus can be the premises and territories with animals there, which detected this infection.
    By latitude of distribution, the epizootic process is found in three forms: sporadic morbidity, epizooty, polesolation.
    Sporads are isolated or infrequent cases of the manifestation of infectious diseases, usually not related to each other by a single source of causative agent of infections, the lowest degree of intensity of the epizootic process.
    Epizootia is an average degree of intensity (tension) of the epizootic process. It is characterized by a wide spread of infectious diseases in the farm, area, region, country. Epizootia is characteristic of the mass, the community of the source of the causative agent of infection, the simultaneity of the lesion, frequency and seasonality.
    Panzoo - the highest degree of epizoty development, is characterized by an unusually wide distribution of infectious disease, covering one state, several countries, mainland.

    According to epizootological classification, all infectious animal diseases are divided into 5 groups.
    The first group is an alimentary infections are transmitted through infected feed, soil, manure and water. Basically affect the organs of the digestive system. Such infections include Siberian ulcers, lush, sap, brucellosis.
    The second group is respiratory infections (aerogenic) - damage to the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and lungs. The main transfer path is airborne. These include: paragripp, exotic pneumonia, sheep, and goats, carved plague.
    The third group is transmissible infections, infection is carried out with the help of bloodsowing arthropods. The pathogens constantly or in certain periods are in the blood. These include: Encephalomyelitis, tularemia, infectious anemia of horses.
    The fourth group - infection, the pathogens of which are transmitted through external covers without the participation of carriers. This group is quite diverse by the features of the transmission mechanism of the pathogen. These include tetanus, rabies, pieces of cows.
    Fifth group - infection with unexplained infection paths, i.e., non-classified group.
    Epiphetation - infectious diseases of plants. To assess the scale of plant disease, such concepts as epiphyputations and panties are used.
    Epiphyputations - the spread of infectious diseases for significant territories within a certain time.
    Panfattia is massive diseases covering several countries or continents.
    The susceptibility of plants to phytopathogen is inability to resist the infection and propagation of the phyto pathogen in tissues, which depends on the stability of the zoned varieties, the time of infection and weather. Depending on the stability of varieties, the ability of the pathogen cause infection, the fruitiness of the fungus, the rate of development of the causative agent and, accordingly, the risk of the disease.
    The earlier there are sowing contamination, the higher the degree of lesion of plants, more considerable crop loss.
    The most dangerous diseases are the stem (linear) rust of wheat, rye, yellow rust of wheat and phytoophluorosis of potatoes.
    Plant diseases are classified according to the following features:
    place or phase of plant development (diseases of seeds, seedlings, seedlings, adult plants);
    place of manifestation (local, local, common);
    current (sharp, chronic);
    Affected culture;
    The cause of the occurrence (infectious, non-infectious).
    All pathological changes in plants are manifested in a variety of forms and are divided into rot, mummification, withering, necrosis, raids, highlights.

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