Thank you note for kindergarten staff. Congratulations to kindergarten staff at graduation from parents. Poem for teacher from parents

Lyubov Nikolaeva
Graduation speech from parents

I have a significant event coming up - the graduation of my first son from kindergarten. I am speaking at this graduation in a dual status: the status of a mother and the status of his tutor. I really wanted this graduation to be remembered not only by parents, but also by all the staff of the kindergarten. And here's the script I came up with:

Graduation speech of parents at graduation in kindergarten.

Leading: On behalf of all the parents of the graduates of the group, we would like to say a huge thank you to all the teachers and staff of the kindergarten. In addition to the necessary knowledge, you have invested a piece of your heart in the children, taught them to be kind, honest, and fair. Always remain such wonderful teachers, loving mothers, beautiful women. Thank you for our children! Never forget about your graduates, and we will bring you a new generation of students.

It so happened that almost all educators and their assistants participated in the education of our graduates. And now we ask you to go to the center of the hall (name of educators)


You have become second mothers to our children.

And to be honest, without prejudice:

There is no better teacher in the world

Than the ones standing here in front of me.

Bow to you low, our teachers,

For all the love, patience, warmth,

For the fact that the children were both soft and strict,

For giving them kindness.

Because they are all ready for school,

For learning to be friends here,

For the fact that you were with us both in joy and in sorrow,

We are ready to thank you a hundred times.

So let your strength grow

And also the work will be fruitful.

'Cause the new kids are growing up

And looking forward to meeting you!

Leading: And now we invite invaluable assistants to our educators: (full name)


Your golden hands are priceless,

And strikes with the breadth of the soul.

All the children in the group have become family to you,

It was important for you to take care of them.

Like a mother, like a grandmother, they warmed me with their warmth,

They were taught to help adults.

You always looked after everyone in time,

To be fed, to make the bed.

A big thank you from all the parents

We appreciate your hard work

For the fact that the group was so beautiful,

That here, in the garden, you have created comfort!


To properly raise children

There is a lot to know.

Need to know psychology

And know physiology.

To be a doctor in pedagogy,

Rhetoric and logic.

But the main thing is to be a methodologist,

Children need to be loved.

Leading: Irina Alekseevna, please accept our gratitude and a memorable gift.


Nobody has any doubts

How important a speech pathologist is in life.

You have worked so hard all these years

What our children have learned

All sounds speak clearly!

Do not forget these successes!

Thank you for this

And we, of course, honor your work!

Elena Nikolaevna, please accept a gift and gratitude from us.


Our baby kids

Give you trouble:

That torn knee

The forehead is broken a little.

You haven't been sitting around doing nothing.

Drip your nose, rinse your eyes.

You were good at

All their abrasions heal.

Children will not forget this

And we thank you.

The best doctor in the world

The one that makes people happy!

With these words, we thank our nurse Oksana Leonidovna


Our children grew up, got stronger,

Without a doubt, this merit is yours.

The soups and meatballs were delicious.

And, of course, crumbly porridge.

You got up very, very early

And hurried to the kitchen stove.

Everything turned out well for you,

They don't cook like this anywhere else!

To the chefs, we will say “thank you” to everyone.

We appreciate your hard work.

Let's not forget how many dishes to wash

You had to, feeding the kids here!

(Gift for chefs)


You have always been a breadwinner in the garden:

All needs were known and solved as best they could.

We haven't forgotten about this, of course.

They didn't help much though.

Accept gratitude today

Without you, the kindergarten could not be like this.

Work for many, many years in a row!

(Gift to the caretaker)

Leading: You can say "your mother" or "my mother". And what is the name of a mother who has so many large and small and even adult children that it is impossible to count?

Peter Pan would call her Mother of All.

We invite our main mother, head of the kindergarten, Nadezhda Nikolaevna, to the center of the hall.


All those who have just been mentioned

Who was congratulated with a soul

You have gathered in a team for a long time,

Having rallied the task of one,

So that all children are comfortable,

So that they can develop here.

And now we say in public:

You can be proud of your work!

Congratulations on your graduation

And we wish you many more years!

Leading: And we would like to make sure that you remember us often. And so we bought one, but a very valuable gift for the entire kindergarten.

Parent and child:

Our children have grown up

Books are waiting for them at school.

And take their place in the group

Younger kids.

To about them

More often remembered

We are gifts for children

We chose together.

Let the kids play

Let them be happy

And about the garden, like us,

Never forget in life!

Leading: And now I would like to say parting words to our dear children.

The last time you came to the kindergarten,

Today you are with all the parade,

In one hand a balloon

In the other - a brand new "Bukvarik".

The sunny summer will pass

And you will come to school with a bouquet

We want to study well

And make friends with the whole class!

The door to a new world has opened

Goodbye, Kindergarten!

Waiting, baby, for you now

School desks, books and notebooks!

The school will have a lot

Bright and happy days.

Get on the road

And step forward boldly!

(We give gifts to children)

1 parent:

The graduation will fly by, disappearing behind the bouquets,

It will scatter from groups of children to their homes.

2 parent

To all educators, we will bow in the belt,

And nurses, and nannies and cooks!

3 parent

Do not be sad, relatives, and wipe your tears,

After all, not only the kindergarten is proud of you!

4 parent

Please accept our huge thanks

Because you loved our guys!

5 parent

You lit the hearts of children with love,

For children's happiness, praise and honor to you!

6 parent

Your work is like tributaries by a river,


Here is such a scenario. If everything goes well, stay tuned for photos!

At graduation in kindergarten, parents and children have an important role to say thank you to the kindergarten staff for the years full of love and care. At the same time, you always want to avoid hackneyed phrases and poems. Especially for the solemn holiday, we have prepared poetic thanks that will decorate any. The reading of the poem can also be supplemented with beautiful home-made medals that children reward teachers, nannies and others at the holiday.

Gratitude to teachers at graduation in kindergarten:

Who meets us at the door
Only eight on the clock.
The teacher got up early
Gathered all the guys in the group.

Taught in class
And gave us cocoa.
Read poetry before bed
And played outside.

Was our second mother -
Kind, gentle, dear.
Our teacher
There is no sweeter and more beautiful you.

We will miss you very much
We will visit often.
We will get five.

We will never forget you.
Let's grow up a little
We will bring the kids to you.

Once upon a time, five years ago
The kids have come here.
Didn't sing, didn't count
And they didn't read the books.
Put on the wrong hand
Could winter mittens
Don't fasten or tie...
How small they were!
And now - they already know everything.
Well, almost everything.
And soon to school
All the kids go.

Let's remember, friends
What a family it was!
We had two mothers here
After all, mothers can be counted on the fingers!
Everyone knew about the kids
Not tired at all
Taught them everything-everything -
Habits, skills, mind!
Thank you dear ones!
And beyond the power of all words
that we're talking about here
Say how thank you!
We will remember you for a long time.
You taught here at five
Children think and create.
We will thank you!

Gratitude to the nanny at the graduation in kindergarten:

It's good that kindergarten
It became a home for all the children.
It's always warm and clean here.
The sun shines radiantly.

The nanny takes care of everything
So that there are no problems.
Water, feed, clothe
And he helps us in everything.

You are the hostess - just a class,
Children love you.

You helped the children
You, like no one else in the world,
Caring and responsible!
You come first
kids and work
Help and care!
Others will come after us...
And we - we go to the first class!
No one there will help us!
We can do it all - thank you!

Thanks to the speech therapist for graduation in kindergarten:

We went to the speech therapist
For a fun conversation.
How does our tongue growl?
What is a zucchini?
What from the beginning, what then ...
The speech therapist will tell you.
People began to understand
What do we want to tell them?
Thank you very much
What we say so beautifully.

Gratitude to the musical director at graduation in kindergarten:

We always wanted to sing
You just need to know...
There are seven notes - you need to know them
And develop your voice.

went to classes,
Round dances were led there.
Prepared brilliantly -
We are real artists.

We'll be performing soon
Invite you to the concert.
You have nurtured talents in us -
Singing diamonds.

Let not all our children
They sing and dance well
But everyone loves the process!
Loved it here!
Can love music
Waltz from polka to distinguish!

Author — Natalia Prishchepenok

Gratitude to the physical education teacher at graduation in kindergarten:

Sporty and bold
Dexterous, skillful.
We jump and jump
We never cry.

physical education teacher
About posture and figure
He told us all the time
Learned to run fast.

We are now friends with sports -
And we don't bother a bit.

Left-right, left-right!
Here comes our brave squad!
We can jump, we can run
We can even make a bridge!
Well, we are not, of course, children,
But you are the best in the world!
You taught us sports
We love you very much!

Who is leading the parade?
Our glorious kindergarten?

Who is in charge here, all the more important,
Who has a million ideas?

It's children's book week,
Here we sew a dress for the baby.

We ride horses
We cook sweet pancakes.

We had a good time here
Too bad the year has gone by so quickly.

We thank you for everything!
We thank you for your work!
Under your direction
Here first-graders are forged
From foolish kids
That the group is in such a hurry in the morning ...
Thank you! You are the best!
May success always await you here!

Author — Natalia Prishchepenok

Gratitude to the nurse at graduation in kindergarten:

The nurse has an office
And what's not there.
Vitamins and pills
Gauze, bandage and pipettes.

If someone suddenly fell
And he scraped his knee.
We run to the nurse quickly -
Zelenka is the best friend of children.

Because we are all healthy
We want to say thank you.
for your concern,
for your work,
Thank you today!
We entrusted you dearly,
The most precious thing!
Our children were entrusted
And you justified it!
Everyone has evolved and grown
And here we are in first grade!
Let the new kids grow up too
Because they have you
In our garden - here!
Years have passed...
They brought with them
Lots of great moments.
Let it go on
Kindergarten native
Bring comfort to children.
We will scatter
By school and class
We have grown up and gone.
But the kindergarten is dear
In your heart
We'll take it with us!

Gratitude to the psychologist at graduation in kindergarten:

The guys went to the psychologist for classes -
There forms were studied and different concepts.

They fought with fears and drew tests,
They painted, counted Christmas trees with mushrooms.

And they talked a lot about smart and important things.
What if we grow up to be psychologists one day.

Gratitude to the cooks at the graduation in kindergarten:

So that we are all full
Compote drunk,
With salads, meatballs,
Useful sweets.

There is a magic chef
Food is cooked here.
We were very tasty
Oh, it's sad to say goodbye.

We had a great time here!
And without you we will be sad!
We sometimes remember:
It's like food in a garden...
Let the smells from childhood
Memories awaken sadness:
About compote and cutlets,
What is the tastiest thing in the world
About mashed potatoes and sausages,
And about delicious soup in bowls,
Curd casserole
And about semolina too!
Thank you chefs!
And from us to you all Hurray!

Our favorite kindergarten
You follow the guys.
It's time for us to go to school
The child has grown up.

We were close friends -
They heard a fairy tale about a turnip,
jumping, jumping,
Poems are memorized.

We're going to first grade now.
The school opened the door.
Sad, don't be bored without us -
Meet the new kids.

In conclusion, at graduation in kindergarten, children read:

We are all so different - blondes and brunettes ...
We go sledding, but someone loves summer.

We laugh, we get offended, we squint at the ray of the sun.
We try to grow faster, we frown at comments.

We came to you as babies, we could hardly walk.
And in front of caring eyes, they matured so much.

We are so serious, we know how to reason ...
We can convince adults of our desires.

So we learned a lot, thanks to the teachers.
They didn't waste their efforts.

Worthy to grow we promise firmly.
And we will proudly bear the name of first-graders.

You can complete the graduation in kindergarten by transferring to all employees of the preschool educational institution a poster with portraits of educators, nannies and others. Portraits must be drawn by children. In the middle of the poster is the verse:

Every smile to you, our Kindergarten,
You were our second home, you are always glad to see us.
We were met and seen off, guarded by a wall.
Covered with snow in winter, leaves in spring.
The farthest corner is known to us by anyone.
Kind children's hands are warm forever with you.

Our children have become a year older
And she dreams of going to first grade as soon as possible,

For the kids opened the cherished door,
They will flutter out like chicks from a nest.

Children were given tenderness and generous caresses,
They shielded from trouble, loving with all my heart,

The graduation will fly by, disappearing behind the bouquets,

And nurses, and nannies and cooks!

Please accept our huge thanks
Because you loved our guys!

You lit the hearts of children with love,

Thank you very much for being you!

Thank you for your efforts
For warmth and kindness
For love and understanding
Heart sensitivity, breadth.

With our teacher
Calm and warm.
With our teacher
We are very lucky:
no good character
And there is no generous soul.
Happiness and joy to you
Kids want!

I don’t want to offend anyone with inattention, so we thank all the employees of the kindergarten. Obedient children and more salaries, and the rest will follow. And again, thank you very much!

Who meets us at the door
Only eight on the clock.
The teacher got up early
Gathered all the guys in the group.

Taught in class
And gave us cocoa.
Read poetry before bed
And played outside.

Was our second mother -
Kind, gentle, dear.
Our teacher
There is no sweeter and more beautiful you.

We will miss you very much
We will visit often.
We will get five.

We will never forget you.
Let's grow up a little
We will bring the kids to you.

Once upon a time, five years ago
The kids have come here.
Didn't sing, didn't count
And they didn't read the books.
Put on the wrong hand
Could winter mittens
Don't fasten or tie
How small they were!
And now - they already know everything.
Well, almost everything.
And soon to school
All the kids go.

You helped the children
You, like no one else in the world,
Caring and responsible!
You come first
kids and work
Help and care!
Others will come after us
And we - we go to the first class!
No one there will help us!
We can do it all - thank you!

We went to the speech therapist
For a fun conversation.
How does our tongue growl?
What is a zucchini?
What from the beginning, what then
The speech therapist will tell you.
People began to understand
What do we want to tell them?
Thank you very much
What we say so beautifully.

We always wanted to sing
You just need to be able
There are seven notes - you need to know them
And develop your voice.

went to classes,
Round dances were led there.
Prepared brilliantly -
We are real artists.

We'll be performing soon
Invite you to the concert.
You have nurtured talents in us -
Singing diamonds.

Sporty and bold
Dexterous, skillful.
We jump and jump
We never cry.

physical education teacher
About posture and figure
He told us all the time
Learned to run fast.

Left-right, left-right!
Here comes our brave squad!
We can jump, we can run
We can even make a bridge!
Well, we are not, of course, children,
But you are the best in the world!
You taught us sports
We love you very much!

The nurse has an office
And what's not there.
Vitamins and pills
Gauze, bandage and pipettes.

If someone suddenly fell
And he scraped his knee.
We run to the nurse quickly -
Zelenka is the best friend of children.

The guys went to the psychologist for classes -
There forms were studied and different concepts.

They fought with fears and drew tests,
They painted, counted Christmas trees with mushrooms.

And they talked a lot about smart and important things.
What if we grow up to be psychologists one day.

So that we are all full
Compote drunk,
With salads, meatballs,
Useful sweets.

Our favorite kindergarten
You follow the guys.
It's time for us to go to school
The child has grown up.

We were friends with you tightly -
They heard a fairy tale about a turnip,
jumping, jumping,
Poems are memorized.

We're going to first grade now.
The school opened the door.
Sad, don't be bored without us -
Meet the new kids.

We are all so different - blondes and brunettes
We go sledding, but someone loves summer.

We laugh, we get offended, we squint at the ray of the sun.
We try to grow faster, we frown at comments.

We came to you as babies, we could hardly walk.
And in front of caring eyes, they matured so much.

We are so serious, we can reason
We can convince adults of our desires.

So we learned a lot, thanks to the teachers.
They didn't waste their efforts.

Worthy to grow we promise firmly.
And we will proudly bear the name of first-graders.

You can complete the graduation in kindergarten by transferring to all employees of the preschool educational institution a poster with portraits of educators, nannies and others. Portraits must be drawn by children. In the middle of the poster is the verse:

Every smile to you, our Kindergarten,
You were our second home, you are always glad to see us.
We were met and seen off, guarded by a wall.
Covered with snow in winter, leaves in spring.
The farthest corner is known to us by anyone.
Kind children's hands are warm forever with you.

Name and patronymic! With an open mind
We say to you: "Thank you very much!"

You are capitalized

The floor and dishes sparkle.
Our nanny in the morning
Brings order everywhere.
And she teaches kids

The work of our nanny should be appreciated.

And our manager is beautiful.
And he handles everything.
And she has a lot of work.
And thank you very much
For the ability to compete
And trying to finance
For fresh food
And prosperity garden!

So that the balance always converges,
The kindergarten did not go bankrupt.
The accountants are working
Accounting since morning.
educators salary,
And parents pay,
We urgently need to calculate
And hand out receipts.
We say thank you
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

You every day and every hour,
Dedicated to hard work,
One thought of us
You live with one concern.
So that the earth is famous for us,
And so that we grow up honest,
Thank you nannies, educators,
Thanks for all the good stuff!

Thanks to the educators
For affection and warmth.
We were next to you
And on a gloomy day light.
You took pity on us, loved us,
You raised us like flowers.
I'm sorry we can't have you
Take it with you to first class.

Who will teach you how to draw
Build, sew and embroider,
Seating the guys in a circle,
Read them a poem
He will say: "Learn for yourself,
And then read to your mother?

Who will figure it out now
Why Oleg fights
Why Gali and Nina
He took the matryoshka
Why is the elephant made of clay
Misha immediately broke?

Loves Olga Pavlovna
All my guys
Very Olga Pavlovna
Loves kindergarten!
N. Naydenova

Who will feed porridge from a spoon,
Who reads a fairy tale to us,
Who will put on our boots,
Who knows poems and songs?

Who will reconcile, who will tell
Who is a girlfriend and friend,
Who will show us tricks?
Well, of course, the teacher!
Gurina I.

Who is so dear to us from childhood?
Who do we remember for a long time?
Who radiates knowledge light
and instills a sense of duty?

Who teaches, sparing no effort,
countries of the great generation?
In whom the ardor of daring has not cooled down?
Who are the daily struggles

He erected in honor of a man,
Health spending hourly?
Who is the halo above?
Who always looks great?

Of course! Educator! Yes!
Humane, wise and calm,
Always guard conscience
Beautiful, strict and worthy!

So let in this bright hour
People give you compliments.
You are the salt of the earth! We love you!
Applause for you!

For you delight and beat of hearts!
We wish you success in everything!
Big paycheck, finally!
Health, happiness, light, laughter!

There is no position more important -
Deputy of our mothers!
He knows and knows everything:
How to settle the mess

Make fun or comfort
Answer questions
Walls in the hall, snow attendants
And dress up the girls

Our teacher,
Forever we remember you!
And let everyone know that your
Position is great! Upper class!

We are so sad to say goodbye to kindergarten!
It has become a home for our children.
Wish I could go back sometime
But these are all just childhood dreams.
We wish you success and good luck,
We are so grateful for your love.
She means a lot to children in life,
They don't forget anything!

Thanks to the educators
For affection and warmth.
We were next to you
And on a gloomy day light.
You took pity on us, loved us,
You raised us like flowers.
Dal that we can't take you
Take it with you to first class.

U (Name Patronymic)
Not a few things, a lot of things:
Liza braided braids,
She made sure that Sasha ate.

And she can also
Make sure the kids
Didn't get bored, didn't get sick
She didn't run out of the yard.

With you if you want
You can fly into space.
We are sometimes surprised
How everything is enough for you!

Our secrets and secrets
Everyone is warmed by your heart!
We could trust you
You didn't dare to betray us.

Wish we want love
From all our kids!
Don't be sick, don't be sad
Come visit the school!
Well let's lead
To not let you down!

How many eyes and hands do you need
To follow around
For your tomboys -
Golden ice cubes.

The teacher will do everything:
He will punish, regret
Kiss and feed
Before going to bed, he will remember a fairy tale.

The garden needs a teacher
Without him, he is not so friendly.
We send you a wagon of joy,
From parents - bow!

We heartily congratulate you,
We wish you the most important
So that all children are happy -
All over the earth, all over the planet.

A lot depends on you -
Fate before the school threshold,
And your role in it is so important
The soul grows in your hands.

For educators of children -
Second fathers and mothers
Let's make a toast today
And let's say standing in full growth:
"For the Educators"!

Of course we helped
We set the tables
And learned not to crumble
And don't use sand.

Our group is not better.
Clean and light all around!
Maybe our nanny
And not two, but ten hands?

Let's thank her now
For care and comfort
And for what it's time
She dedicated her work to us!

Our teddy bear is sad
And he was always funny like this:
We are our nanny - (nanny's name)
Let's wave goodbye.

Toys and books are in order,
And cleanly washed all the mugs.
Now girls, boys
Leave: Goodbye toys!

It's time for us to grow up
We part with the fourth group.
Our garden ". ", bye!
We won't wake up in your beds.

We will grow big soon
And remember the kindergarten sometimes
A nanny like (nanny's name),
We will never meet again.

Whose friendly smile
Did you always meet us in the morning?!
Whose patient hand
Did you braid the girls' braids?!

And as we leave, we want to say
We, (nanny's name), love you very much.
Your smile and eyes
We will never forget.

You were not afraid of big work,
You were both kind and patient.
(name of nanny or caregiver)! With an open mind
We say to you: "Thank you very much!"

So difficult, sometimes, to teach children -
There is a disobedient, there is a breaker.
You showed them how to live right,
You - with a capital letter V O S P I T A T E L:

(name of nanny or caregiver)! Your work is not appreciated
Patience, care cannot be measured by anything,
We will not tire of thanking you for your work -
Loved and loved! And we will love!

For the first time I came to kindergarten, like a fairy tale,
And the tale turned out to be like this for a long time:
I found friends, beauty and goodness there,
And a fairy - there was a nanny for us!

In her golden and beautiful hands
Any work will seem like a miracle,
She will also serve semolina
So that it is impossible to answer "I will not"!

Congratulations to the speech therapist.
We are good at talking
Useful at school.
To be a wit -
Need to learn!

We learned from the heart
Worked with you
We are friends with sounds
Just like you tried.

Know we won't let you down
You are our idol!
Let's start talking now
A lot and seriously!

Speech therapist.
One, two, tr-ri, four-re, five
That's how I can count!

With "r" we were in a quarrel for a long time,
I didn't want to be friends with her.
And all the time in conversation
I changed it to "L".

With "r" I decided to make peace
Tried but couldn't
Make friends with the letter
The good doctor helped me!

And our manager is beautiful.
And he handles everything.
And she has a lot of work.
And thank you very much
For the ability to compete
And trying to finance
For fresh food
And prosperity garden!

All employees and children
Every day needs care
At the head of our
A very difficult job.
We thank her
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

Poems for kindergarten workers.
And when did we have time?
So suddenly grown up!
At school, waiting for us with flowers
Real first class!
Sorry, we're leaving the garden.
Everyone needs to say thank you.
How many holiday balls -
So many kind words.

Wiped, washed
Lenochek and Vanechek (Zhenechek and Tanechek),
And we always knew for sure:
We can't do without nannies!

Our farewell holiday
Spend with us
Most Musical
Our leader!

Who will reconcile, who will tell
Who is a girlfriend and friend,
Who will show us tricks?
Well, of course, the teacher!
I. Gurina

So sparkling white
Towel and bathrobe.
It strikes with purity
Our favorite kindergarten.
Find out the secret soon
The little ones need Sorti,
Because the sheets
Cleaner just can not be found.
Medical workers

The potions of secrets are open to them,
Decoctions the most difficult secret,
From the flu, the art of protection,
There is no one more reliable.
Any bruise or injury
Will they be able to heal
The vaccine will be given
For children to be healthy.

Like a mother for children
They have no soul.
Her kind, gentle look
Meet them in the morning.
You, without knowing it,
Give them a soul.
We wish you happiness in life
And obedient children!

Oh, the beauty of yesterday
But the children have grown, it's time
It's time to leave kindergarten.

Surrounded by their care, were like a mother.
3a great work we want to wish you,
To make all dreams come true, so that there is enough time for everything,
Good health to you, so that the soul does not get tired.
Never lose heart, you guys are interesting!
And, of course, wish everyone a decent salary!

Here the years are over
When there were no worries.
And now, believe me, always
There will be a lot of things.
Your first class is waiting for you
Knowledge is your path.
We give you orders

And the children, of course, have grown up with us,
After all, they were always in business with you,
Now with a song, now with a brush, with many books!
You taught letters and numbers to children,

Who's taking it seriously
All economy? Our caretaker!
In whose hands is always skillfully
Does any business argue?
She's always fine
Paint, brooms, notebooks,
Let the enthusiasm in the eyes sparkle
And you don't want to be sick.
Let's break up. The hour has struck.
Remember us often!

We remember how our children
Started talking
Only to mother these speeches
We all need to translate.
The children went to kindergarten
They have a lot to do.
Words are ok
Mom doesn't blush at school.

On this festive day, we want to celebrate
Those people who greet us with a smile in the morning,
Those who take up their post in the morning and afternoon,
And good wishes to all moms and dads.

How do you like all the days of the week
From eight to six
It succeeds, in fact,
Graze our offspring?
Understand their quirks
Tolerate their ignorance
Don't let them fight
And die of boredom!

There is a wonderful doctor in the garden -
We are not afraid to meet him.
He heals, which is interesting
Just wrong speech.
Sounds difficult to mint
The child has learned
Let's shout loudly, without a flaw,
speech therapist we

Basically, the entire working team of the institution is at the graduation party, and they would be pleased if their contribution to the work of the kindergarten would be appreciated by kind and grateful statements in their direction.

We came to you for classes
And studied the terms and different concepts.
Overcame their terrible fears,
Figures were drawn and counted.
We often talked about many things and important things,
Maybe one day we'll be psychologists.

We wish you to smile more often,
Do not regret anything and laugh.
May all your dreams come true
And children often give you flowers.

To healthy and ruddy
The child remained
Us not only porridge manna
The cook was treated.
Healthy, appetizing dishes
The scent spread
Various biscuit buns
And for the holidays - chocolate!

Music lessons
We visited not in vain -
We act, in the end,
Despite embarrassment!
You were not strict with us,
If we make a mistake,
In gratitude to the teacher
Let's smile from the bottom of our hearts!

To cope with emotions
And don't quarrel in the garden
establish relationships,
And don't get into trouble
So that there is too much activity
Don't scare the people around
Always watched the kids
Our psychologist is a good friend!

There is a wonderful doctor in the garden -
We are not afraid to meet him.
He heals, which is interesting
Just wrong speech.
Sounds difficult to mint
The child has learned
Let's shout loudly, without a flaw,
speech therapist

Good day! An exciting graduation in kindergarten should be as unusual as possible, then children will be able to joyfully remember their holiday for a long time to come.

After all, the kindergarten years flew by in an instant.
We send kids on a learning path.

We are grateful to all for education,
For painstaking, very important work,

For contribution to children, care and attention,
That the kindergarten has become like the most faithful friend!

May life be full of charm.
And we all go together with the kids!

Crossed your threshold.
And we were afraid to leave them,
Quiet time, full time.

For the work, love and strength that you spent,
We say thank you for everything!

Why are our educators sad
And tears drop from tender eyes?

You gave them all your good heart,
Not sparing for them their strength and labor.

About the victory of good you read fairy tales to them,
To live them with hope and faith in themselves.

Children somewhere lost socks and tights,
We got angry at you from such trifles,

But even with us you were calm and meek,
Doing your holy work.

It will scatter from groups of children to their homes.
To all educators, we will bow in the belt,

Do not be sad, relatives, and wipe your tears,
After all, not only the kindergarten is proud of you!

For children's happiness, praise and honor to you!
Your work is like tributaries by a river,

Yes, for us parents. After all, for many years that our children were in kindergarten, we,

But on this solemn day, I want to say a huge thank you to all of you for

And the best reward for you will be the success of your students in later life.

Kindergarten and everything connected with it is unlikely to remain in the memory of our children,

And then all today's children will remember you - their educators and mentors.

that you have only good memories of working with our children.

And today they are already quite big and ready to take another important step towards adulthood.

You taught them everything that our children now know how to do. You gave them the basic skills and concepts of life.

Thanks to you and your work, we can safely send them to school and not be afraid for them.

Today, on the graduation day of our children, we want to thank you for your efforts, for your work and care for our children.

Thank you for your work, may your efforts not go unnoticed

The kindergarten and everything connected with it is unlikely to remain in the memory of our children, but you all left a noticeable place in our memory.

After all, thanks to you and your work, our children have grown. Thanks to your work, they have become smarter, friendlier and more mature.

Let few people notice and appreciate your work, but it will give its “fruits” in the future, when the time comes.

And then all today's children will remember you - their educators and mentors. They will remember everyone who helped them all these years in kindergarten.

And now we just say thank you and really hope that you have only good memories of working with our children.

And all this, this entire period of their lives, they spent with you. You taught them everything that our children now know how to do. You gave them the basic skills and concepts of life.

Your work is often criticized, not noticed, but without your work the continuation of the civilized world is not possible.

Thank you for your work, may your efforts not go unnoticed.

The best congratulations on graduation - in kindergarten are heard from parents to the staff of a preschool institution. In connection with the upcoming graduations, we have made a selection of beautiful congratulations in verse and prose - for all kindergarten staff from the grateful parents of future schoolchildren.

Our most large,
Invigorating us in the morning
Sends greetings capricious, harmful
Team of fathers and mothers.

Choreography is a delicate matter,
You are definitely up to it.
From clumsy kids skillfully
You made gentlemen and ladies.
Feel the scene and move smoothly
You taught your students
We want to tell you today about the main thing:
We are eternally grateful to you!

Accept our recognition today
For all your kindness and experience,
Thank you for raising our children!
Your profession is not needed in the world.

And the children are all used to your hands,
And now it will be difficult to explain to us,
That your eyes will no longer see them,
Years go by, days add up in them,

And now they will go to school,
And thank you with love
Their moms and dads! And goodbye to you
There will be a desire for success and creativity,
Thank you for everything, for your work and patience,
We wish you happiness, we are all with inspiration!

"Fa" from "salt" is not distinguished,
Talent is not given to everyone
But it doesn't bother us
There is a musician in the kindergarten.

On mother's day and on father's holiday,
At Christmas or New Year's
Even the furious prankster
Liho sings a song.

We are grateful for our children

They taught beautiful songs to sing.

So that the balance always converges,
The kindergarten did not go bankrupt.
The accountants are working
Accounting since morning.

educators salary,
And parents pay,
We urgently need to calculate
And hand out receipts.

Children, as usual,
They love to draw very much.
But they used to have to
Explain the drawings to us.
But over the years we see
Amazing progress.
Among them, we know for sure
There are levitans too.

Kids can create here
brush and pencils,
Is it plasticine on the lid
Or bright crayons.

Both portraits and landscapes
Learned to draw
You can even in opening days
Send their pictures.

She leads responsibly
All our rubles accounting
The best castlemaid in the world
Respect and honor!
In her hands skillfully
Does any business argue?
For artists every year
She sews amazing costumes!

Working with different staff
You always choose the best.
And without statements with orders
You know everything about workers.

Your mission is:
Accept people into the team
And we know - any commission
Rate the work at five!

We are on this warm and clear day
We wish you love and kindness
And so that with a wonderful mood
Your day starts in the morning.

We wish them health, good luck,
May happiness always accompany them everywhere and always.
In gratitude for their work, we send them a bow,
Thank you family for taking care of our home!

You have done a lot for our group,
You have a chisel, screws,
Nails, planer, hacksaw, saw,
This makes my head spin.
Set up a shelf and a soft sofa,
Thank you very much, we will tell you!

Thanks to the nanny (assistant educator)
Our group is always clean.
The floor and dishes sparkle.
Our nanny in the morning
Brings order everywhere.
And she teaches kids
Set the table and be neat
Every prankster, of course, knows:
The work of our nanny should be appreciated.

In winter cold, summer heat
Any resistance to infection
Give until the evening in the morning
Aibolites are masters.

Feel free to send to the kindergarten
We are our own children
Since we all know for certain
Their health will be protected.

Thanks to the laundress
Clean towels for nose and cheeks
Dry sheets for sweet sleep -
All this is the work of overworked hands,
Even if she is invisible.

Gratitude to the methodologist
bosses right hand,
It was hard for you sometimes
It's still an educational process.
Had some significant progress.
Your merits are great:
You helped teachers
Raise, educate children.
Thank you mothers!

Gratitude to the music worker
You have a magical job:
Sounds, notes have obeyed you.
You can command
Melodies sound in the soul.
Thank you for your songs
That danced with us together
That the music of all our days
Sounded better with you!

Our kids from a young age
Music is felt and understood
Famously they are verse after verse
At home, on the street, everyone sings.
We are grateful for our children
You made friends with the world of beauty,
Gently introduced them into this wonderful world,
Beautiful songs taught to sing

Gratitude to the physical education worker
Health is all right
Because in the morning
In a bright room for charging
Don't be bored with kids.
Our children physical education
Very adored
Strength, spirit, muscles
Strengthen in games!

The physical education of the children tempered,
Involved in sports from a young age
Learned to manage myself
There were no comments, and no.
We are very grateful to the physical worker,
He put everything he could into the kids.
We want a life without flaws
Full of wealth and gifts.

Thanks to the speech therapist
We remember how our children
Started talking
Only to mother these speeches
We all need to translate.
The children went to kindergarten
They have a lot to do.
Words are ok
Mom at school do not blush

Thanks to the head
Parents are always so hard
Send the kids to kindergarten.
But I know it's not easy for you
Set it up the way you want:

So that everything works as it should,
So that the team was friendly,
So that this glorious kindergarten
Didn't go unrewarded.

For parents to want
Bring the kids back to you.
And children so that when they grow up,
Lessons remembered all the essence.

And a lot has already been done
But life does not stand still.
There is a lot of work to be done.
We thank you for everything!

Nina Nikolaevna, our dear,
Over the years, you have become like family to us.
We thank you warmly,
Thank you from parents and children!

A low bow to you for the fact that you have been all these years,
Despite the crisis, problems and hardships,
Work tirelessly for our children,
Every year the kindergarten becomes more and more beautiful.

In the garden, love reigns happiness and comfort,
And the children are happy to go to kindergarten.
Happiness to you, health to you for many years
Be the same kind and sympathetic always!
(- substitute the required IE of the manager)

For a child graduating from kindergarten, graduation becomes the most exciting day. He sees and understands how his parents are worried, how the caregivers are worried, literally not finding a place for themselves. The kid knows: soon he will have a completely different, new life - school. He parted ways with friends who played with him all these years, with kind nannies, with a music director who always learns such kind, cheerful songs with him. Parents of future first-graders are also overwhelmed with emotions - they are preparing words of gratitude to the teacher . What is the best way to say “thank you” to a person who has been raising their child with such love and care for several years? You will learn about this from our examples of poetry and prose at graduation in kindergarten.

Words of gratitude to the teacher at graduation in kindergarten in beautiful verses

As a rule, children and parents say words of gratitude to the teacher for graduation either before or after the matinee. Today on the net you can easily find wonderful poems dedicated to the diligence and patience of kindergarten employees. Perhaps one of the parents himself wants to be active and compose a poem about nannies, a music worker, educators?

Examples of poems for graduation in kindergarten - Words of gratitude to educators

Graduation in kindergarten is always the most exciting and anticipated event for children and parents. It is already difficult to call boys and girls babies - they have grown up, becoming almost schoolchildren. Of course, not a single such holiday is complete without words of gratitude to the educators - people who have become almost family to children. You can congratulate them with kind poems or even sing funny ditties about life in kindergarten groups.

How quickly the years have flown by.
We didn't have time to look back.
It's time for the kids to go to first grade.
Today is the last time
We brought the children to kindergarten.
Flowers, sweets brought ...
May, the long-awaited graduation!
Well, dear teacher,
The hour of parting is near,
And parents for you
Until the bell rang
There are a couple of warm lines.

You rush to work every morning,
To take care of the children, to give them the warmth of the soul,
And they only answer the same to you,
It's fun, it's nice! We will thank you!

Educators from God, thank you for your love,
What do you give the kids so openly and easily,
Let the crumbs obey you, and sometimes without further ado
You will be told all the secrets - what is sad and funny!

They spend their nerves and strength,
Tirelessly looking at both
How to live properly is taught,
Azam will teach the guys everything.

The educator will always endure everything,
After all, the heart is filled with love,
When he only looks into the eyes,
He worries again and again.

Thank you, dear friends,
For your, friends, warmth,
For your patience and tenderness,
You bring kindness to the world.

Words of gratitude to the kindergarten teacher at graduation in beautiful prose

For several years spent by children in kindergarten, they became friends with educators, who became not only real mentors, but also almost family people. Parents entrusted the most precious thing to educators - their sons and daughters. Yes, the work of a kindergarten employee is difficult - it is every minute attention to his pupils, a sincere interest in their development, preparation for school. The mothers and fathers of the children talk about all this in words of gratitude to the wonderful teachers at the graduation. Simple, sincere words spoken in prose are just a small opportunity to thank these people for their daily work.

Words of gratitude to the teacher at graduation in kindergarten - Examples in prose

Educators teach kids not only reading, drawing, modeling, music. They help them understand what real friendship is, how to live in a team, how to show respect and attention to comrades. Children grow up before their eyes. At graduation in kindergarten, parents, grandparents say words of gratitude to these people with a good heart. Often this is prose, coming from the depths of the soul.

Today an exciting day has come for us - our children have grown up and leave the hospitable walls of the kindergarten. In this solemn and somewhat sad hour, we want to say the most sincere words to the educators who tirelessly cared for our children. Thanks to you, we could work calmly every day, and the confidence that our sons and daughters were in good hands gave us strength. Thank you for helping to fulfill parental duty: giving children warmth and affection, playing with them, instructing them, accustoming them to discipline. In kindergarten, our children acquired very important qualities - they learned to obey the elders, protect the younger ones, and be friends. We know that you, the educators, spared no effort and nerves, kept and protected each child as if they were your own. Low bow to you for your good and creative work!
We would also like to thank the assistant educators - nannies for the fact that, like the sun, they warmed the flowers of life - our girls and boys - with attention and care.
Everyone knows that a child's nutrition is the key to his health, so we sincerely thank the kindergarten cooks who prepared tasty and healthy food for our children.
We are very grateful to the music director. Thank you for developing creativity in every child, helping children to liberate themselves, and making their world of childhood even brighter.

Dear Kindergarten Workers! Today, on behalf of all parents, we want to thank you for the calmness with which we left our children here, for the joy with which our children went to kindergarten, for all the good things they learned here. Today we are a little sad because it is time to part. Today we and our children say goodbye to those who have taken care of them for five years.

You raised, taught, fed, put to bed and wiped away the tears of our kids. You were everything to them when we parents were at work, minding our own business.

We appreciate your work, we will never forget you. Thank you for our grown children! Thank you for everything you have done for us!

Dear Anna Ivanovna!

We express our sincere gratitude to you for the professional approach to work, sensitive attitude towards children. Thank you for your attention, care, kindness and warmth. The educational process in the group is well organized, children are happy to go to kindergarten, they are happy to study and learn a lot of new things.

We sincerely thank you for creating a friendly and warm atmosphere in the group, thanks to which children consider the kindergarten their second home.

Thank you for teaching our children to be kind, open, honest and caring. Children grow up as full-fledged individuals, they know how to be friends, respect each other and adults.

We wish you to remain the same professional at work, success, happiness and health!


Parents of children of group No. 2 of kindergarten No. 124

Words of gratitude to the teacher from the children - Poems in kindergarten for graduation

Each of the kindergarten teachers became the kid and mentor, and teacher, and friend. These people played with them, taught children to read, write, drew with crayons on the pavement. Of course, children are a little sorry to part with people so dear to them. Some of the guys, future first-graders, cannot hold back their tears at graduation. After the matinee, the boys and girls express their gratitude to all the kindergarten workers - they read beautiful poems to them.

Examples of poems to a teacher in kindergarten - Words of gratitude for graduation

A few weeks before the matinee and graduation in kindergarten, children begin to learn beautiful poems and words of gratitude to teachers. They always do it sincerely and with soul - almost the first-graders are already grateful to the kindergarten for new friends, fun games, meeting interesting people invited to visit the kindergarten for holidays.

Once, many years ago
We first came to the kindergarten.
Oh, how many dolls, hares, bears...
And how many little kids!
They run around the group, shout,
They spit, they knock with spoons ...

And they all need to be taught:
Eat without a mother, drink without a mother,
Find a pot for everyone...
I was personally shocked

And the teacher is not afraid.
Alas, not everyone agrees.
Go to work in kindergarten
With children... For a small salary...

Here the manager is another matter,
Career, money, prestige...
Bought and sold and you can safely
Even to the Maldives, even to Paris ...

And what is a teacher's job?
All day among crazy children!
One spilled something on the floor,
Another shouts: "I am a barmaley!"
There in the bedroom they jump on the beds,
They call to wipe the ass,
They fought there, now they will cry ...
Plates will not be washed.

Well, our dear teacher,
tireless teacher,
Romantic, storyteller, dreamer...
There is a wonderful suggestion.

We heartily congratulate you
And on this glorious day and hour
We read so many poems to you
Don't forget about us.

Thank you very much educators
During this time golden
What they did with us.
It's a pity the days of preschool are over

Educator - what a word!
Light, goodness, warmth lurk in it.
Who will please the children with the game?
Who will scold them not evil at all?

Thanks to them, children grow up,
Knowing how to behave and live.
Educators! Kindly you are not in the world!
We want you to be happy!

Words of gratitude to the best kindergarten teacher for graduation from parents

If you want to thank the kindergarten teacher where your child was brought up beautifully, prepare your speech. You may want to write it down on a sheet, designed in the form of a letter, or even draw a large poster or wall newspaper. Very often, parents congratulate kindergarten workers with a concert, the program of which includes ditties, dances, funny skits and cool numbers. After the speech, mom and dad of the graduates say thanks to the teachers.

Examples of words of gratitude from parents to a kindergarten teacher at graduation

Preparing a surprise for kindergarten teachers for graduation, parents can unite and organize a concert. Let each of the numbers of this speech become a kind of gratitude. Some of the mothers will read spiritual poems, fathers with children can show acrobatic sketches, grandparents may want to perform a dance number.

Thank you educators
For care and work
Children love and appreciate
They are called very affectionately
We express gratitude
And we say thank you
We respect you very much
Let's repeat it a hundred times!

Our children are growing up fast
Sometimes you can't keep up with them
But you are always responsible for them,
Give them good advice.

We rent chickens in the morning,
Which give you trouble.
And in the evening we take the preschoolers away,
Who write and count.

And how do you manage to
To raise our children?
Thank you remains
And thank you!

Thank you for everything today
The teachers are expensive.
During this time, you have become for us,
The closest people, relatives.

We wish you a long life
May fate cover you with good.
Enjoy, live well
Will give you life with beauty and warmth!

Sincere gratitude to the teacher at the graduation in kindergarten

Of course, every parent knows that his child did not always behave quietly and approximately in kindergarten. Some of the boys did not want to sleep at all at a quiet hour, breaking the silence with loud songs, others refused to eat porridge deliciously prepared by the chefs for breakfast. The work of an educator is hard work, constant attention given to pupils, restraint, goodwill. Educators are responsible for the lives of boys and girls, for their health and peace. In kindergarten, children often cry - then only the teacher can find words of comfort, caress the child. For this hard, noble work, parents sincerely thank all the teachers at the graduation.

Examples of poetry and prose for graduation in kindergarten - Words of sincere gratitude to the teacher

After many years, after graduating from kindergarten, school, college, the guys will always remember their teachers with warmth. They have always shown tenderness and concern for children. Their work is not a job, but a calling. Only a person with a pure, generous, kind heart can become a good educator. It is to such people that the words of sincere gratitude are dedicated by the parents who came to the graduation in kindergarten.

Thank you for your understanding,
Patience, care and attention.
You help the development of children,
So that they become both kinder and smarter!

We wish you health, long years,
We also wish you personal victories!
Here our children will grow up, then
We will definitely bring our grandchildren to you!

Thanks for the warmth and kindness
For raising our children,
For giving them love
What knowledge you gave them!

We wish you health and wellness,
So that you live in abundance and in love.
To always smile joyfully
So that you never feel sad at all!

Thanks to our dear and respected teachers for their patience and incredible work, for sincere love for our children and kind attitude, for exciting leisure and fun walks, for interesting hobbies and excellent education. Be happy, dear ones, respected and successful.

When preparing words of gratitude to the kindergarten teacher for graduation, parents will definitely remember all the good things that these sincere, caring people taught their children. They can speak after the matinee, thanking the kindergarten staff with prose, poetry or concert numbers. Albums with photos of pupils and flowers will be a wonderful gift for educators.

Big selection poems for graduation in kindergarten. Poems and thanks from children and parents dedicated to the staff of the kindergarten: the head, educators, nannies, speech therapist and all other employees.

Head of preschool educational institution

Accept our bow to the ground
For warming your hands
Your children's oasis, create comfort there,
For moms and dads, you are like a second mother,
After all, we are young and sometimes not always,
We have enough experience in our years,
We often come to you for advice.
The children have finished their preschool path,
And today we want to wish you
So that your kindergarten can survive
In such a difficult time,
Enough patience you this burden
Carry through the years on women's shoulders!
Not to express all respect in words,
Thank you for everything, for the warmth and care,
Let only work be your joy,
Good luck and happiness to the kindergarten and you,
Bow to you today from dads and moms!


Every day with your care
Our "Rainbow" is getting more beautiful,
This garden is getting brighter
For big and kids!

Thank you for your concern
For hard work
For joy, warmth, comfort,
that live in our garden.

Let work bring you
Positive attitude!
Well, different problems.
Let them bypass!

(T. Illarionova)


Everything in our garden is excellent -
Beauty is visible in everything
Because on my own
She does miracles!
And our manager
For her efforts
We'll say thank you now
Sincerely yours!

(T. Dashkova)


Accept our recognition today
For all your kindness and experience,
Thank you for raising our children!
Your profession is not needed in the world,
And the children are all used to your hands,
And now it will be difficult to explain to us,
That your eyes will no longer see them,
Years go by, days add up in them,
And the children, of course, have grown up with us,
After all, they were always in business with you,
Now with a song, now with a brush, with many books!
You taught letters and numbers to children,
And now they will go to school,
And thank you with love
Their moms and dads! And goodbye to you
There will be a desire for success and creativity,
Thank you for everything, for your work and patience,
We wish you happiness, we are all with inspiration!

We are grateful to educators

Who can replace a child's mother,
Who can protect from bruises,
When the child is brave and stubborn
Trying to conquer the summit?

Who will surprise you with your favorite book
Open, read, explain
Help inquisitive kids
In girls, a sense of style will revive?

They live by helping each other.
Parents make a home
The educator has a different duty -
The child will be cheerful, cheerful and full.

We thank the teachers
We respect their hard work.
Let them experience joy
When kids are led through life.

(N. Vnukova)

Dear educators

From happy dads and moms:
What would we do with children
If they didn't give it to you?
We are half an hour that morning.
And three hours into the night
We cry out of incompetence
To teach a son or a daughter.

How do you like all the days of the week
From eight to six
It succeeds, in fact,
Graze our offspring?
Understand their quirks
Tolerate their ignorance...
Don't let them fight
And die of boredom!

Kindergarten teachers

You are not just educators for children,
You completely replace their mother.
They don't need sweets
If you are happy, feel comfortable!

For children, after all, the main thing is care,
And care, attention day by day.
Educator is hard work
If the house is full of wards!

We are grateful to you for your efforts
For children's smiles and laughter!
Let problems and worries
Everyone will be left behind!

We wish you good health
A lot of strength, perseverance and kindness.
Let the children meet you with love
And never forget!

(E. Sokolovskaya)


For hard work, for diligence
We want to thank you
For the fact that our children
You helped educate.

Taught them to be friends, to play,
They even taught me how to embroider!
You surrounded them with care
And instructed them, loving,
We went to work
Without fear for the child.

And saying goodbye to you
We want to wish today
Good luck, happiness and health!
We will always remember you!

(T. Illarionova)

Thanks to the educators
For affection and warmth.
We were next to you
And on a gloomy day light.
You took pity on us, loved us,
You raised us like flowers.
Dal that we can't take you

For educators

Raising a child is hard work
It is necessary to teach the child all the basics of being.

So that the child dresses and understands art,
He knew what was bad and what was not, he developed his intellect.

Kindergarten is his world, the teacher in it is an idol,
Helps the baby to realize the beauty in everything.

How to make friends with the guys and make friends with nature.
To become equal among equals and nowhere to be late.

Today is a holiday in Russia for the educators of the country!
May their dreams come true, transform in reality!

(V. Popov)

Thanks to the teacher

The educator has a job -
That's another concern!
Gotta wipe the snot
Songs to sing and dance.

comb, kiss,
Feed and rock.
He laughs, he cries
This stick drives everyone.

Try to follow
Keep everyone safe.

Here with one, oh how difficult,
And you can't count them.
How many eyes do you need?
Yes, and hands, well, exactly six.

We are calm for the children
For your pencils.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart
And bow to the ground to you!

(O. Demina)


Don't let your mother into the garden?
Don't be sad, buddy.
Instead of a mother, the guys
In the group educator!

We are the second family - a group,
Here are toys and comfort,
And to miss and cry is stupid,
Mothers will come in the evening.

Games, songs are very helpful
Picked up by a teacher.
We have fun in the group
Every day and every hour!

(N. Ivanova)

Our teacher

Who will teach friendship strong,
Share a game with a neighbor
Carefully eat all the porridge?
Our teacher!

With whom to sculpt mushrooms and the sun,
Draw flowers in the window?
Who will sing, verses will tell?
Our teacher!

Who will console, regret
Who will teach you to become kinder?
The beloved garden is more beautiful with her,
With our teacher!

(E. Kravchenko)

Congratulations educators!

We praise teachers!
On this bright day, congratulations!
Oh, it's hard work...
You are a reliable hand
Moms and dads of all generations.
Happiness, joyful moments!
And cheerful children's laughter -
Here is the best gift!

(E. Kravchenko)

Kindergarten teachers

You accepted our children as babies,
Who speak badly.
Diligently eat with spoons themselves,
But they don't want to get dressed...

Teaching children diligently to order,
There is a lot to explain to them.
And how to wash and do exercises,
Go to the potty and go to sleep at night.

And tears and snot they need to wipe,
Distract, reassure, understand, regret.
Learn how to move together to the music,
Sculpt, draw and sing a little!

And mothers calmly go to work,
We know the kids are in safe hands.
For your love and for your care,
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your hard work!

(E. Chernykh)

Kindergarten teacher

Children are the joy of the state,
Real wealth.
They must be educated
as hope for the country.

There is a preschool
Kindergarten - childish happiness.
There goes a kid
All the lessons of life.

How to behave and eat
So that health is not disturbed.
How to have a sporty look,
To overcome all diseases.

learn to draw
And, of course, dance.
Embroider when hunting ...
In general, they need care.

For children, the second mother -
Garden teacher.
Be patient with the kids
Entertains them with games.

Day after day learning goes on
Kind of like an adventure.
Children are happy, they are blooming,
They go to kindergarten in a crowd.

Today is a holiday in kindergarten,
The teacher is in sight.
Receives congratulations
Dreaming of his worldly...

Let dreams come true
Educators of the country!

(V. Pavlov)

There is no position more important -
Deputy of our mothers!
He knows and knows everything:
How to settle the mess

Make fun or comfort
Answer questions...
Walls in the hall, snow attendants
And dress up the girls...

Our teacher,
Forever we remember you!
And let everyone know that your
Position is great! Upper class!

For educators

We lived together in this house,
There were games, tears, laughter...
Good friend, warm light
The educator has become for everyone.
We'll raise our hands together
Words are not needed now
Let's hug the teachers!
There are two of them, our favorite ones!

(T. Dashkova)

Thanks to the educators
For affection and warmth.
We were next to you
And on a gloomy day light.
You took pity on us, loved us,
You raised us like flowers.
I'm sorry we can't have you
Take it with you to first class.


You certainly have the hardest work!
We want to say that the children are now in school
They will go, grafted to order by you!
hard-working female hands
The order was brought day by day!
And sometimes insure the educator,
You had to look after the group,
We wish you to work in joy,
So that labor turns out to be grateful!
Let your name not be a teacher,
Let you be his assistant only,
But you had so many worries
That we do not appreciate your work,
We can hardly forget you
Health and happiness to you henceforth,
Blaze in work and burn!

Beloved, sweet, kind, gentle,
My dear, beautiful nanny.
And in kindergarten, making a blanket,
You always sang songs for me.

But, although I grew up, and finished the kindergarten,
You are always kept in my heart.
Native, beautiful, sweet, tender,
My beloved, kind nanny.

You every day and every hour,
Dedicated to hard work,
One thought of us
You live with one concern.
So that the earth is famous for us,
And so that we grow up honest,
Thank you nannies, educators,
Thanks for all the good stuff!

For the first time I came to kindergarten, like a fairy tale,
And the tale turned out to be like this for a long time:
I found friends, beauty and goodness there,
And a fairy - there was a nanny for us!

In her golden and beautiful hands
Any work will seem like a miracle,
She will also serve semolina
So that it is impossible to answer "I will not"!

With a kind look, the door will open,
Will meet in the morning, wipe his nose.
He will comb and wash everyone,
Bring a tray of food...
It was unbearable
We behaved more than once.
We will tell the nanny everything - thank you!
We couldn't have done it without you!

(T. Dashkova)

speech therapist

We are good at talking
Useful for school!
To be a wit -
Need to learn!

We learned from the heart
Worked with you
We are friends with sounds
Just like you tried.

Know we won't let you down
You are our idol!
Let's start talking now
A lot and seriously!

One, two, tr-ri, four-re, five
That's how I can count!

And at the party yesterday
The loudest shouted "Ur-ra"!

With "r" we were in a quarrel for a long time,
I didn't want to be friends with her.
And all the time in conversation
I changed it to "l".

But it sounds funny "I'm out"
And do not say - "grown up"!

With "r" I decided to make peace
Tried but couldn't
Make friends with the letter
The good doctor helped me!

I'll tell you a secret:
This doctor is a speech pathologist!

This doctor teaches children
Speak without mistakes
We owe him for this
Thanks a lot!

After all, with the insidious letter "r"
We are very good friends now!

(M. Kazarina)

There is a wonderful doctor in the garden -
We are not afraid to meet him.
He heals, which is interesting
Just wrong speech.
Sounds difficult to mint
The child has learned
Let's shout loudly, without a flaw,
We are a speech therapist - Hurray!

(T. Dashkova)

Who gave us the right sounds,
Who delivered us from porridge in the mouth?
Who put in a lot of effort
To clearly pronounce:
"R" and "L", "S" and "Z", "W" and "F"?

Our speech therapist, of course!

For this hard work
We are all grateful to the speech therapist!

(N. Radchenko)


So that we do not live sadly,
We did not count the crows, -
There was a lot of entertainment.
Our bow to the Methodist!

(T. Dashkova)


To healthy and ruddy
The child remained
Us not only porridge manna
Served the chef...
Healthy, appetizing dishes
The scent spread
Various biscuit buns
And for the holidays - chocolate!

(T. Dashkova)

Music worker

Music lessons
We visited not in vain -
We act, in the end,
Despite embarrassment!
You were not strict with us,
If we make a mistake,
In gratitude to the teacher
Let's smile from the bottom of our hearts!

(T. Dashkova)


See how strong we are
How healthy and cheerful!
In games we are invincible
Both active and fast!
We did not sit in sports -
Worked in the morning, afternoon...
Fizruk for these goals
We shake hands tightly!

(T. Dashkova)


To cope with emotions
And don't quarrel in the garden
establish relationships,
And don't get into trouble
So that there is too much activity
Don't scare the people around
Always watched the kids
Our psychologist is a good friend!

(T. Dashkova)

For healthcare workers

For the health of the little ones
Permanent patronage
They did it without burden
Our nurse and doctor.
Here, now we will tell you honestly:
Living healthy is so wonderful!

(T. Dashkova)

Kindergarten staff on graduation day
from grateful parents

Our children have become a year older
And she dreams of going to first grade as soon as possible,
Why are our educators sad
And tears drop from tender eyes?

For the kids opened the cherished door,
They will flutter out like chicks from a nest.
You gave them all your good heart,
Not sparing for them their strength and labor.

Children were given tenderness and generous caresses,
They shielded from trouble, loving with all my heart,
About the victory of good you read fairy tales to them,
To live them with hope and faith in themselves.

Children somewhere lost socks and tights,
We got angry at you from such trifles,
But even with us you were calm and meek,
Doing your holy work.

The graduation will fly by, disappearing behind the bouquets,
It will scatter from groups of children to their homes.
To all educators, we will bow in the belt,
And nurses, and nannies and cooks!

Do not be sad, relatives, and wipe your tears,
After all, not only the kindergarten is proud of you!
Please accept our huge thanks
Because you loved our guys!

You lit the hearts of children with love,
For children's happiness, praise and honor to you!
Your work is like tributaries by a river,

(T. Mikhailenko)
