What do dreams mean on the 19th lunar day? On what days and when do dreams come true according to the lunar calendar. Interpretation of dreams on the nineteenth lunar day

Nineteenth lunar day is fraught with empty illusions that can lead astray and deceive even the most insightful and cautious person.

Characteristics of the nineteenth lunar day

Symbol of the nineteenth lunar day - spider.
Stones of the nineteenth lunar day- chrysolite, uvarovite, green garnet, red onyx, olivine, labradorite.
Part of the body- navel.

The difficult, rather difficult nineteenth lunar day will contribute to the tension of all human forces, which is associated with the colossal energy that descends on this day from Space. Symbol of the nineteenth lunar days- spider. On the one hand, it can lure you into its net, confuse and fetter all your further movements. On the other hand, in many cultures the spider is a symbol of the Weaver and the Creator. This means that on this day a person creates his own destiny. And the direction in which his future life will flow will depend only on his actions and thoughts.

The excess energy of this day exacerbates sensitivity, and a person becomes vulnerable. As a result, he may succumb to outside influence from others, from which it will then be very difficult to free himself. In addition, you can easily find yourself a manipulator of other people on this day. All this can lead to illusions, self-deception and the wrong choice of path.

The negativity of the nineteenth lunar day is also associated with Scorpio, under whose sign it passes. This is a very dual symbol, which is most directly reflected in the nineteenth lunar day. On the one hand, Scorpio promotes strict internal self-discipline and self-control, which leads to the conquest of the most high peaks. On the other hand, this image is a symbol of lies, resourcefulness, betrayal and even self-destruction. Both take place on this controversial and difficult day.

All this is fraught with the fact that the risk of being deceived on this day is very high. Be prepared for the fact that even the most best friends and time-tested partners can betray and offer ideas that will soon turn against you. So check any information that becomes available to you on this day. Don't trust anyone or anything.

To protect yourself from lies and bitter disappointments, loneliness and seclusion will be the best way out. Delve into reading useful literature, pray carefully, devote some time to mantras and meditation, and various spiritual practices. This will all only benefit you, it will help direct excess energy in the right direction. While analyzing your past, you may unexpectedly discover aspects of it that you didn’t even suspect about. This will help you better understand the mistakes you have made and find the right way their corrections.

The sign of the nineteenth lunar day is to avoid debt: it is not only not recommended to borrow money, but also not to give it. But sincere tears are considered very useful and cleansing on this day.

Interpretation of dreams on the nineteenth lunar day

When interpreting dreams of the nineteenth lunar day, the main thing is to once again not fall into the web of self-deception and your own illusions. Don’t be so self-confident in your own abilities: trust the interpretation of dreams to a professional. Moreover, the dreams of this day are very important for your further self-determination in life and understanding of the deep processes that occur in life. this moment in your mind.

All the most hidden aspects of your subconscious tend to manifest themselves in dreams of the nineteenth lunar day. Having correctly caught that other image in your dream, having received correct interpretation, you can reconsider a lot of what is happening in your life. This knowledge will help you take control not only of your actions and thoughts, but also of some events that previously seemed to you to be completely independent of you.

Be extremely attentive and careful on the nineteenth lunar day so as not to fall into the web of self-deception and illusions.

The mysterious world of dreams, into which we plunge at night, is fraught with many secrets and mysteries. Dreams excite us, touch our curiosity and our soul, make us think about our lives. But can every dream be trusted, and how can we unravel the dream we had? The Moon will again help us answer these questions. Her secret Magic force, exciting our feelings and emotions, controlling our subconscious, can help us foresee and predict the future.

The lunar dream calendar was compiled based on thousands of years of observations and recommendations of astrologers. However, it is worth noting that the interpretation of dreams according to lunar calendar, like any other interpretation, the process is creative and ambiguous. The dream calendar can only indicate Right way for understanding secret meaning dream and tell how true it is, but what exactly this or that dream means, you must decide for yourself by analyzing your life.
When interpreting a dream, first of all, pay attention to the position of the Moon in the sky at the time you saw the dream. The fulfillment of dreams according to the lunar calendar is determined by what phase the Moon is in and on what lunar day you saw the dream.

Dream fulfillment calendar

A dream I had during the waning moon

With the waning Moon, we get rid of everything unnecessary. Consequently, the dreams we had during the waning Moon symbolize something that will soon leave our lives, become unnecessary and uninteresting. We would really like fears and troubles to go away from our lives, so if on the night of the waning moon you dreamed horrible dream, then this, oddly enough, is for the better. All this will soon disappear from your life. That is why dreams of the waning moon are called cleansing. But the good dreams that I had at this time, in real life not destined to come true.

A dream you had while the moon was waxing

The time of the waxing Moon is a time of new plans and hopes. Our consciousness works on a problem during the day, offering us solutions to certain issues, and the subconscious mind presents us with its point of view on the problem at night, in a dream. We see in which areas changes are needed, what and how best to change. Such dreams are called filling dreams. They may soon come true, regardless of how fantastic their plot was.

A dream on a full moon

On a full moon, nature is filled to the brim with energy, it boils and seethes and overflows. We are overwhelmed with emotions and feelings that we cannot cope with. Everything that was dormant in our subconscious awakens, acquires a bright color, unusual shapes. Often dreams that occur at this time indicate something in which we show excessive emotionality, on which we spend too much mental energy. Think about it, maybe you should behave more calmly, not waste your nerves and energy on something that cannot be changed.

A dream on a new moon

Origin time new moon This is a time of change and rebirth. During this time, we have dreams about things that we think about too much. On a full moon we are overwhelmed with emotions, and on a new moon we are filled with thoughts. Dreams show us the deep processes of our consciousness. They give us ideas that can then take on real forms.

Dreams according to the days of the lunar calendar

Astrologers claim that dreams come true according to the lunar calendar, are “prophetic”, on the 14th, 15th, 16th, 24th, 28th lunar days.

“Empty” dreams often occur on the 2nd, 9th, and 13th lunar days.

All other lunar days are considered “half empty”, i.e. You shouldn't rely on them too much.

If you had a “prophetic” dream on one of the days after the full moon (usually the full moon occurs on the 16th lunar day), then such a dream will be long-term, but if before the full moon, then short-term. It is impossible to accurately indicate the time of sleep execution; it is individual for each person.

Dreams and lunar day (when dreams come true according to the lunar calendar)
To find out what lunar day it is today, see the calendar at the bottom of the page!

1st lunar day A dream, as a rule, does not come true if you dream about something unpleasant. Good dreams may come true.
2nd lunar day Dreams are empty, not serious, meaningless.
3rd lunar day Dreams are special and come true quickly.
4th lunar day The dream is significant, it carries warnings.
5th lunar day Dreams of this day often show the state of health. Good sign If you cry in a dream, this indicates cleansing and recovery.
6th lunar day Dreams come true, but only if on this day you were calm and balanced, did not lose your temper, did not get irritated and did not swear. In this case, dreams will give important information.
7th lunar day Be careful, the dreams of this day are prophetic, important and prophetic. They will come true very soon. Most often, they are favorable. But you can’t tell anyone about them.
8th lunar day Prophetic dreams. Often associated with a cherished desire, or indicate true purpose, so be attentive to such dreams.
9th lunar day Dreams that foretell success come true. But I often have bad dreams and nightmares, you shouldn’t believe them, bad things won’t come true.
10th lunar day The complete opposite of the previous day. Negative dreams come true, but positive dreams do not.
11th lunar day Dreams do not come true.
12th lunar day Dreams are highly likely to come true or indicate a way to solve a problem. Take advantage of this dream.
13th lunar day Significant dreams. They can show new important information about long-standing problems.
14th lunar day Dreams are difficult, but most often do not come true.
15th lunar day Prophetic dreams indicating something positive. They talk about what needs to be decided first. You need to be able to solve them.
16th lunar day Dreams are often healing, bringing release from tension. Often irrelevant.
17th lunar day Significant dream. Shows the current state of affairs. If it’s good, everything is fine, if not, it will show our dissatisfaction, lack of inner freedom.
18th lunar day Dreams often show a problem that bothers us and how it can be solved.
19th lunar day Dreams are frightening, but they often do not make much sense.
20th lunar day Dreams are special. You can see a dream upon request. Before you fall asleep, ask a question and prepare to see the answer in your dream. If the question is serious, there is a high probability that the answer will come to you in a dream. Dreams of this day come true quickly.
21st lunar day Dreams are often pleasant, but have little relation to reality and, as a rule, do not come true.
22 lunar day This is a day of wisdom, intuition, tips. Dreams come true. In dreams you can see the future or insights.
23rd lunar day Dreams are confused, chaotic, and come true the other way around.
24 lunar day Dreams are often pleasant, joyful and prophetic. They show how fulfilled we are. If you dream bad dream- this means that we are not satisfied with our achievements and, especially, implementation.
25th lunar day Dreams do not come true, although it is possible that in the near future they will try to deceive you.
26 lunar day Dreams tell us who we really are, or rather, how we see ourselves. Therefore, it is worth listening to them and drawing conclusions. I have unusual dreams on this day. Often improves mood.
27th lunar day Dreams come true. They are often confusing and confusing. But they carry intuitive insights and reveal the true essence of people and situations.
28th lunar day Dreams are prophetic and carry clues. They portend obstacles and difficulties in business. It is believed that one can “cancel” them by losing money, thus making a sacrifice as compensation.
29th lunar day Dreams do not come true, they are heavy, joyless, frightening.
30 lunar day Prophetic dreams. Fantastic, but true in their essence, they make sense.


If you had a dream, a quarrel with your family or problems in the family caused by your behavior is very likely. If you listen to the hints received. then discord in the family can be completely avoided. It is recommended to approach the interpretation of dreams on the nineteenth lunar day very carefully. Since on this day you are especially susceptible to external influence and are ready to be deceived without realizing it. To avoid false conclusions, for help it is best to turn to those who are professionally involved in the interpretation of dream images.

Dreams on the nineteenth lunar day can show you your hidden aspects of personality. What is deeply hidden in the subconscious can unexpectedly reveal itself to you in a dream. If you were able to correctly interpret the dream, then you have in your hands an excellent hint about what and how you should change in your life to make it even better. Taking into account these valuable points, you can not only determine your pros and cons, weak and strong traits, but also work on them, make the good even better, or get rid of unnecessary complexes.

Dreams of this lunar day are about character qualities that interfere with:

How to interpret these dreams and how to understand the meaning of the dream and find out what the dream is about:

Dreams of this day are always about the present. First of all, these are dreams about the real you and the people around you, as they really are. These dreams are often inspired by surrounding people and egregors.

Dreams of the third lunar quarter, in contrast to the dreams of the waxing moon, where information comes pure, are full of information from other people and egregorial information. These dreams are inspired by the people around you and reflect their thoughts about you, feelings towards you, and can show how people see you, your tasks and ways to solve them. Such not entirely pure information can be both useful and harmful, but it always contains hints about those people to whom you can turn for help, or from whom you can expect some problems.

In this lunar quarter, when dreams come from the collective unconscious, images need to be interpreted only with the help of other people, your associations may be erroneous. you can also interpret them using modern dream books, whose authors belong to the same culture (at least Western or Eastern) as you. These are images of your social circle. Ask your friends what they associate with what you dreamed about. Their answers will be the most correct.

Modern and original dream books will help you in interpreting the dreams of this lunar day:

The 19th lunar day is unlucky, even dangerous. Therefore, it is best to stay at home and not go out anywhere.
On this day you should neither get married nor get married, and it is also not recommended to get divorced.
Today you should be especially wary of drunk or inadequate people, which can cause harm to health and even disfigurement.
A child born on this day will be sweet and kind and should grow up normally and safely.
The illness that began on this day is not dangerous and will soon pass.
And dreams must come true.

Interpretation according to Pavel and Tamara Globa

19th lunar day.
Symbols of the day - net, spider, tarantula.
Hard day. Happening difficult process self-purification on a spiritual level.
The day is connected to the energy network that a person weaves with his thoughts and feelings. Someone at this moment is weaving a net for themselves to catch sins and mistakes, “darning” broken astral connections. Someone, on the contrary, becomes increasingly entangled in the web of their own delusions.
The temptation of envy and pride is especially great on this day; the voice of revenge is very strong.
It is good to break off unnecessary, burdensome contacts, and this can be done in the most drastic form. IN soft form more difficult, but more interesting.
Working with lies, deception, and confusion, so you can do it harshly, not harshly - whatever you like.
This day is associated with poisons, antidote, homeopathy.
A day of revelry for witches, sorcerers, all kinds of magicians, the mentally unbalanced. U normal people a sad mood appears. If a person sorts out unnecessary connections, who entangled him and how, and breaks up with these people, then he will move to another level.
Many sorcerers and black magicians actively use the 19th lunar day to cause damage and other diabolical deeds.
The Greeks associated these lunar days with Hercules, and he was considered an astral purifier.
You can protect yourself from attacks with the help of prayer, as well as with the purity and sincerity of your thoughts, words and actions. It is good to keep a lamp lit, as well as to empty your home of unnecessary things and clean it of accumulated garbage.
You can be left alone with yourself, think about your misdeeds and sincerely repent. By doing this you will cleanse your soul and get rid of negative emotions.
On this day, it is better to do things that you know well and are confident in their purity and correctness.
It’s better not to borrow anything; pay off existing debts in the near future. It is also bad to enter into contracts, because... there is a danger of falling into a trap.
The stone of the lunar day is chrysolite.

Interpretation according to Alexander Zaraev

The first half of the 19th lunar day is favorable for those who are patient and hardworking. The period allows you to achieve the patronage of your superiors, as well as attract funds from richer partners to your business. Also, the day is favorable for resolving the issue of increasing salary, improving financial situation thanks to partners. Sexual potential increases, one might say, a certain magnetism in actions, charm and pressure.
However, in the second half of the day, excessive activity or pressure will most likely do a disservice. Negative energies of a given day, deceit, cunning and general energy-informational contamination can cause illness or cause the emergence of serious problems.

Getting things started

Things started on the 19th lunar day will lead you to the opposite results, moreover, greatly disappointing you.
In addition, this is a rather difficult day with heavy and gloomy energy. On this day we tend to wishful thinking and there is a very high probability that the energies of the day will lead us to complete disappointment, not only in the work we have begun, but also in other aspects affected by this work we have begun.
We do not realize how energies force us to act contrary to reason and common sense.
Therefore, it is better to postpone your undertakings until the next day, especially since it will begin in a few hours.


In general, the day is considered unfavorable, difficult and dangerous.
It is recommended to refuse important meetings, concluding agreements and contracts, and financial issues.
The information received on a given day may not be true, so there remains a risk of becoming a victim of deception and fraud.
This is also an unfavorable day for the device on new job. However, if you want to quit and no longer have to do with your organization, then you won't find a better time.

It is better to postpone serious matters, undertakings and all sorts of innovations. You need to be careful and attentive; one wrong step and your previous achievements may come to nothing.
All the provocations or difficulties of this day indicate to us that we have not completed something. Therefore, you need to carefully and calmly study them, find weak link or a mistake and fix it.

On this day it is good to put things in order (remove unnecessary things), both in your affairs and in your head - to prepare a place for further actions.


On the 19th lunar day, give up sex and any intimate relationships. On this day it is better to rest and relax.
According to some astrologers, any sex on this day will be rape, even if you never had such a thought, but nobility itself. This is a day of revelry for witches, sorcerers, all kinds of magicians and the mentally unstable.

A haircut

A haircut on the 19th lunar day adds years to your life and has a beneficial effect on your health. We seem to cut off all the negative things that this day brings.
Frequently brushing your hair and coloring it with henna can add positivity to your life.


A dream on the 19th lunar day brings us work in the karmic field. These could be our small fears, mistakes, misjudgments. In a word, everything that belongs to the dark side. It is because of this that dreams, as a rule, are restless and unpleasant. Dreams that do not carry an informational basis can be said to be unimportant; they are quickly forgotten. As for vivid and memorable dreams, you need to be extremely careful in interpretation, because... a dream can also carry deep karmic processing.
It is also possible to work through recently caught negative situations and astral damage.


It is highly not recommended to purchase any goods on the 19th lunar day, especially food. You risk buying something of poor quality, which could lead to poisoning. It is better to empty your home of unnecessary things, clean it of accumulated garbage, so that later there will be a place for new things in your living space.


On the 19th lunar day it is better to skip the bath. Not a bad day to cleanse the bathhouse itself, both on the subtle and physical planes.
For example, going around all the rooms of the bathhouse with candles (clockwise), you can read the "Our Father". After that, sweep everything up and wash it. Radical method- this is to fumigate the premises with wormwood.


The 19th lunar day is extremely unsuitable for visiting the dentist. The day carries dangers. Some even recommend not leaving the house. On this day, karma may overtake you in the dentist’s chair, and you obviously won’t like working it out.