Sinelnikov sinusitis in adults. Psychosomatic causes of sinusitis in children and adults. Psychological causes of childhood sinusitis

Sinusitis is a disease that manifests itself in the form of inflammation of the sinuses and the accumulation of mucus in their cavity with purulent formations.

The disease most often develops against the background of an untreated rhinitis, poorly treated colds or allergies.

Another reason that can lead to the appearance of the disease is considered to be an unhealthy emotional state of a person.

With regard to the latter reason, doctors did not come to a consensus, many are skeptical of the fact that psychosomatics of sinusitis and sinusitis can easily provoke.

Meanwhile, science has proven that it is psychological health disorders that often cause illness in the area of ​​the nasal sinuses.

With the appearance of disharmony between consciousness and subconsciousness, a person not only develops depression, but also develops all kinds of physiological diseases.

Mainstream medicine has long recognized the fact that many diseases are in the head of people. Therefore, before starting treatment with drugs, the first thing to do is to look for the cause in the psychosomatic area.

Psychosomatic causes of sinusitis

Psychosomatics refers to a special direction in medicine that studies the influence of psychological aspects on the human body. In the field of psychosomatics, the nose symbolizes self-esteem and self-esteem.

As you know, each person has an individual psychological portrait. Someone gets upset and cries for any reason, while the other keeps all resentments and experiences in himself, carefully restraining emotions. It is those people who often do not give vent to emotions, most of all, are prone to the appearance of psychosomatic sinusitis.

Sinusitis and sinusitis usually appear in people who by all means suppress internal negativity and accumulated emotions. Including the disease is observed in those who greatly regret something.

This is due to the fact that when crying, tears can come out not only through the lacrimal ducts, but also through the nasal passages. A runny nose always accompanies tears. The secreted fluid mixes with various enzymes, resulting in the formation of mucus. Therefore, a crying person often sniffs.

With a strong emotional experience, the nose removes suppressed feelings through a runny nose. If a person holds back tears, cannot “let off steam” in order to get rid of emotional pain, then mucus stagnation forms in the maxillary sinuses, which after a while can lead to an inflammatory process. This is the psychological reason for the development of sinusitis.

Psychosomatic reasons for the development of sinusitis can be:

  • Frequent depression;
  • Constant weakness and fatigue;
  • Having low self-esteem;
  • Frequent suppression of self-pity;
  • Feeling angry at the whole world and the prevailing circumstances.

With a prolonged runny nose, psychosomatic reasons include:

  1. Inability to control emotions;
  2. Frequent emotional shock;
  3. Feeling the need for support and help;
  4. Violation of self-esteem;
  5. Feeling anxious
  6. Excessive requirements for people around and situations;
  7. Frequent disappointments;
  8. Feelings of resentment and shame that have not found a way out.

Also, sinusitis and sinusitis can indicate a lack of attention, love and care. An unfair treatment of a person can cause illness.

How does Louise Hay interpret the disease

The famous American writer and public figure Louise Hay has been studying the issues of psychosomatic development of various diseases for many years. Regarding why sinusitis and sinusitis appear, she has her own interpretation:

  • With a stuffy nose, a person suppresses emotions and his own self-esteem is greatly reduced.
  • Due to the fact that a person is not confident in himself and keeps resentments inside himself, a runny nose and other similar diseases appear as a manifestation of inner crying.

According to Louise Hay, the nose is the breathing organ, and breathing leads to life. With a stuffy nose, the chest cannot breathe fully, which makes life incomplete.

Similarly, it explains why runny nose and sinusitis often develop. If there are any psychological reasons, the patient can often withdraw into himself, so he often suffers from a runny nose and sinusitis.

Some people experience persistent nasal congestion if they develop a so-called human allergy. If an unpleasant person is constantly surrounded, such chronic hostility will certainly affect the health of other people.

A person experiences anger and anxiety, which leads to breathing problems, and as a result to a runny nose and sinusitis.

How Valery Sinelnikov interprets the disease

Russian homeopathic physician Valery Sinelnikov also attributes psychosomatics to the main reasons for the occurrence of a runny nose and nasal congestion. To study this issue, he considers one of his patients as the main example.

A person constantly experiences nasal congestion, even if he is not sick. After the doctor was able to turn to the subconscious of this patient, it turned out that in adolescence, the person had to give in during a fight with peers.

Since then, he began to doubt his strength and masculinity. This emotional disturbance caused the appearance of problems with the nose. After several psychological sessions, the problem was quickly eliminated.

Treatment of psychosomatic sinusitis

To quickly and effectively cure a disease, it is imperative to consider not only the physiological, but also the psychological causes of the onset of the disease.

If a person can correctly revise his inner views and life principles, this will have a beneficial effect on his general condition and health.

There are a few basic rules to follow to ensure you have a good and proper attitude.

  1. It is important to learn how to express your emotions and feelings.
  2. A person must fully realize that past failures are not an obstacle to new achievements and future successes.
  3. It is recommended to take life calmly and accept situations painlessly.
  4. You must accept and love yourself.
  5. The world must be accepted as it is. It is important to be able to trust life, as it brings only the best.
  6. It is necessary to learn to accept the people around them as they are. As you know, there are no ideals in the world, so you need to let them be not ideal.
  7. In life, you should first of all notice the pluses, and you shouldn't pay attention to the minuses.

Only with the right attitude and a calm attitude to life and current situations can the development of diseases, including sinusitis and sinusitis, be prevented. A psychologist will help to cope with experiences; you can also cope with an ailment on your own, if you firmly believe in yourself and a successful recovery.

To get rid of nasal congestion, you need to cry more often. You don't have to be stressed out for this, touching films and books can help. The lacrimal fluid will clear the nasal passages, allow accumulated mucus to drain from the sinuses and, as a result, prevent inflammation from developing. Louise Hay herself will talk about psychosomatics in the video in this article.

Sinusitis is a serious disease characterized by an inflammatory and infectious process in the sinuses. With sinusitis, pus accumulates in the sinuses - green or yellow mucus. Sinusitis can occur against the background of an already existing disease - ARVI, influenza and other viral-infectious conditions, and it can be the result of psychological diseases.

Psychological diseases are understood as violations of the psycho-emotional background of a person - depression, panic attacks, worries, paranoia and others.

The psychosomatic existence of diseases has long been proven, because it is not in vain not only among the people, but also in medical practice, they say: all diseases come from the nerves... Can sinusitis really be a psychosomatic disease and how can it then be treated - with conventional medications or psychological practices?

Consider the causes of sinusitis, based on psychosomatics. This teaching is based on the emotions of people. Initially, we are all completely different in psycho-emotional attitude to what is happening. Someone is constantly nervous, does not hold back emotions in himself, gets nervous, gets irritated. This behavior can be described as emotionally stressful. There are those who restrain all emotions in themselves, do not show negative emotions, believe that you should not be nervous and irritated, it is better to endure. Oddly enough, according to statistics, it is those who suffer and do not spill negativity outward who often get sick with inflammatory processes in the form of sinusitis.

Sinusitis, which occurs against the background of a person's psychoemotional instability and psychological disorders, is defined as psychosomatic sinusitis.

Doctors say that a person needs to cry not only to get rid of negative emotions, but also for therapeutic and prophylactic reasons. When a person cries, tears come out of the lacrimal ducts. This happens not only through the eyes, but also through the nose. The lacrimal fluid mixes with the mucus in the nose, which immediately identifies the upset crying person.

You need to cry as much as possible (if, of course, you want to). Otherwise, the liquid will begin to stagnate in the tear ducts, which will lead to an inflammatory process. That is, sinusitis can initially begin as a psychological phenomenon - a person constantly restrains emotions and tears stagnate in his sinuses.

The American positive psychology writer has published the most common root causes of physical illness from a psychological point of view. She believes that a runny nose, sinusitis and other inflammatory processes of the upper respiratory tract arise due to a person's suppression of both negative and positive emotions. After all, emotions are given in order to show them, and not hide behind an indifferent face. A runny nose, for example, according to Louise Hay, occurs as a result of the inner crying of a lonely child who is not perceived, respected or appreciated. Those who keep resentment towards the outside world, towards people, towards some words addressed to them, get sick with colds.

Positive psychologist Louise Hay teaches how to identify the relationship between the nose as a respiratory organ and diseases in the body. We live thanks to breathing, because a person cannot live without oxygen, otherwise he will die. This means that the nose, which allows us to breathe, can be equated with the organ that provides life. When a person has a stuffy nose, he cannot breathe, which means that he cannot live fully, something will constantly interfere with him. From the point of view of psychology - if inside a person is disturbed by constant experiences, negative thoughts, then he will suffer from a chronic form of sinusitis and runny nose.

Another explanation that a person cannot get rid of a cold for a long time is sociopathy. That is, the fear of people. If you avoid people, society, try not to appear on the street because of certain psychological problems, then health problems begin to develop. Also, in case of problems in your personal life, at work, you usually want to hide at home, wait out the unpleasant moment. It is in such cases, according to Louise Hay, that sinusitis can develop.

The famous homeopathic physician Valery Sinelnikov argues that the nose can be blocked in people who are insecure, emotionally constricted, depressed, as well as those who are not respected in society or in the family, do not take their opinion into account. Such people constantly doubt themselves, they are not confident in their abilities, it is difficult for them to defend their point of view. Such self-doubt leads not only to psychological, but also physiological diseases.

What to do in order to get rid of psychosomatic sinusitis? Firstly, you should consult a doctor and make sure that no complex pathological processes are taking place in your body. After that, you need to work on your psychological state. You need to start by showing emotions. If you are used to constantly holding back tears, then you need to stop doing it. Whenever you find yourself in a situation that upsets you, start crying and don't stop until you feel relieved.

So, the first tip is - cry more!

The more you cry, the faster the mucus stuck in the sinuses clears, and the sooner the healing process begins.

Learn to talk to people, speak, vocalize everything that worries you so much. If you don't like the way your loved ones are treating you, tell them so. You don't need to be an orator to learn how to express your emotions and defend the right to humanity. Even tears can explain how upset you are about a particular situation. Feel free to be yourself! And if sinusitis in your case is really a psychological symptom of ill health, then as soon as you start working on yourself, your health will improve.

The name of antibiotic nasal drops for sinusitis

Isofra: instructions, reviews for sinusitis

Signs of sinusitis in adults

Signs of sinusitis in children

Psychosomatics of sinusitis and sinusitis: reasons according to Sinelnikov

Sinusitis is a disease that manifests itself in the form of inflammation of the sinuses and the accumulation of mucus in their cavity with purulent formations.

The disease most often develops against the background of an untreated rhinitis, poorly treated colds or allergies.

Another reason that can lead to the appearance of the disease is considered to be an unhealthy emotional state of a person.

With regard to the latter reason, doctors did not come to a consensus, many are skeptical of the fact that psychosomatics of sinusitis and sinusitis can easily provoke.

Meanwhile, science has proven that it is psychological health disorders that often cause illness in the area of ​​the nasal sinuses.

With the appearance of disharmony between consciousness and subconsciousness, a person not only develops depression, but also develops all kinds of physiological diseases.

Mainstream medicine has long recognized the fact that many diseases are in the head of people. Therefore, before starting treatment with drugs, the first thing to do is to look for the cause in the psychosomatic area.

Psychosomatic causes of sinusitis

Psychosomatics refers to a special direction in medicine that studies the influence of psychological aspects on the human body. In the field of psychosomatics, the nose symbolizes self-esteem and self-esteem.

As you know, each person has an individual psychological portrait. Someone gets upset and cries for any reason, while the other keeps all resentments and experiences in himself, carefully restraining emotions. It is those people who often do not give vent to emotions, most of all, are prone to the appearance of psychosomatic sinusitis.

Sinusitis and sinusitis usually appear in people who by all means suppress internal negativity and accumulated emotions. Including the disease is observed in those who greatly regret something.

This is due to the fact that when crying, tears can come out not only through the lacrimal ducts, but also through the nasal passages. A runny nose always accompanies tears. The secreted fluid mixes with various enzymes, resulting in the formation of mucus. Therefore, a crying person often sniffs.

With a strong emotional experience, the nose removes suppressed feelings through a runny nose. If a person holds back tears, cannot “let off steam” in order to get rid of emotional pain, then mucus stagnation forms in the maxillary sinuses, which after a while can lead to an inflammatory process. This is the psychological reason for the development of sinusitis.

Psychosomatic reasons for the development of sinusitis can be:

  • Frequent depression;
  • Constant weakness and fatigue;
  • Having low self-esteem;
  • Frequent suppression of self-pity;
  • Feeling angry at the whole world and the prevailing circumstances.

With a prolonged runny nose, psychosomatic reasons include:

  1. Inability to control emotions;
  2. Frequent emotional shock;
  3. Feeling the need for support and help;
  4. Violation of self-esteem;
  5. Feeling anxious
  6. Excessive requirements for people around and situations;
  7. Frequent disappointments;
  8. Feelings of resentment and shame that have not found a way out.

Also, sinusitis and sinusitis can indicate a lack of attention, love and care. An unfair treatment of a person can cause illness.

How does Louise Hay interpret the disease

The famous American writer and public figure Louise Hay has been studying the issues of psychosomatic development of various diseases for many years. Regarding why sinusitis and sinusitis appear, she has her own interpretation:

  • With a stuffy nose, a person suppresses emotions and his own self-esteem is greatly reduced.
  • Due to the fact that a person is not confident in himself and keeps resentments inside himself, a runny nose and other similar diseases appear as a manifestation of inner crying.

According to Louise Hay, the nose is the breathing organ, and breathing leads to life. With a stuffy nose, the chest cannot breathe fully, which makes life incomplete.

Similarly, it explains why runny nose and sinusitis often develop. If there are any psychological reasons, the patient can often withdraw into himself, so he often suffers from a runny nose and sinusitis.

Some people experience persistent nasal congestion if they develop a so-called human allergy. If an unpleasant person is constantly surrounded, such chronic hostility will certainly affect the health of other people.

A person experiences anger and anxiety, which leads to breathing problems, and as a result to a runny nose and sinusitis.

How Valery Sinelnikov interprets the disease

Russian homeopathic physician Valery Sinelnikov also attributes psychosomatics to the main reasons for the occurrence of a runny nose and nasal congestion. To study this issue, he considers one of his patients as the main example.

A person constantly experiences nasal congestion, even if he is not sick. After the doctor was able to turn to the subconscious of this patient, it turned out that in adolescence, the person had to give in during a fight with peers.

Since then, he began to doubt his strength and masculinity. This emotional disturbance caused the appearance of problems with the nose. After several psychological sessions, the problem was quickly eliminated.

Treatment of psychosomatic sinusitis

To quickly and effectively cure a disease, it is imperative to consider not only the physiological, but also the psychological causes of the onset of the disease.

If a person can correctly revise his inner views and life principles, this will have a beneficial effect on his general condition and health.

There are a few basic rules to follow to ensure you have a good and proper attitude.

  1. It is important to learn how to express your emotions and feelings.
  2. A person must fully realize that past failures are not an obstacle to new achievements and future successes.
  3. It is recommended to take life calmly and accept situations painlessly.
  4. You must accept and love yourself.
  5. The world must be accepted as it is. It is important to be able to trust life, as it brings only the best.
  6. It is necessary to learn to accept the people around them as they are. As you know, there are no ideals in the world, so you need to let them be not ideal.
  7. In life, you should first of all notice the pluses, and you shouldn't pay attention to the minuses.

Only with the right attitude and a calm attitude to life and current situations can the development of diseases, including sinusitis and sinusitis, be prevented. A psychologist will help to cope with experiences; you can also cope with an ailment on your own, if you firmly believe in yourself and a successful recovery.

To get rid of nasal congestion, you need to cry more often. You don't have to be stressed out for this, touching films and books can help. The lacrimal fluid will clear the nasal passages, allow accumulated mucus to drain from the sinuses and, as a result, prevent inflammation from developing. Louise Hay herself will talk about psychosomatics in the video in this article.

Sinusitis is a serious disease characterized by an inflammatory and infectious process in the sinuses. With sinusitis, pus accumulates in the sinuses - green or yellow mucus. Sinusitis can occur against the background of an already existing disease - ARVI, influenza and other viral-infectious conditions, and it can be the result of psychological diseases.

Psychological diseases are understood as violations of the psycho-emotional background of a person - depression, panic attacks, worries, paranoia and others.

The psychosomatic existence of diseases has long been proven, because it is not in vain not only among the people, but also in medical practice, they say: all diseases come from the nerves... Can sinusitis really be a psychosomatic disease and how can it then be treated - with conventional medications or psychological practices?

Consider the causes of sinusitis, based on psychosomatics. This teaching is based on the emotions of people. Initially, we are all completely different in psycho-emotional attitude to what is happening. Someone is constantly nervous, does not hold back emotions in himself, gets nervous, gets irritated. This behavior can be described as emotionally stressful. There are those who restrain all emotions in themselves, do not show negative emotions, believe that you should not be nervous and irritated, it is better to endure. Oddly enough, according to statistics, it is those who suffer and do not spill negativity outward who often get sick with inflammatory processes in the form of sinusitis.

Sinusitis, which occurs against the background of a person's psychoemotional instability and psychological disorders, is defined as psychosomatic sinusitis.

Doctors say that a person needs to cry not only to get rid of negative emotions, but also for therapeutic and prophylactic reasons. When a person cries, tears come out of the lacrimal ducts. This happens not only through the eyes, but also through the nose. The lacrimal fluid mixes with the mucus in the nose, which immediately identifies the upset crying person.

You need to cry as much as possible (if, of course, you want to). Otherwise, the liquid will begin to stagnate in the tear ducts, which will lead to an inflammatory process. That is, sinusitis can initially begin as a psychological phenomenon - a person constantly restrains emotions and tears stagnate in his sinuses.

The American positive psychology writer has published the most common root causes of physical illness from a psychological point of view. She believes that a runny nose, sinusitis and other inflammatory processes of the upper respiratory tract arise due to a person's suppression of both negative and positive emotions. After all, emotions are given in order to show them, and not hide behind an indifferent face. A runny nose, for example, according to Louise Hay, occurs as a result of the inner crying of a lonely child who is not perceived, respected or appreciated. Those who keep resentment towards the outside world, towards people, towards some words addressed to them, get sick with colds.

Positive psychologist Louise Hay teaches how to identify the relationship between the nose as a respiratory organ and diseases in the body. We live thanks to breathing, because a person cannot live without oxygen, otherwise he will die. This means that the nose, which allows us to breathe, can be equated with the organ that provides life. When a person has a stuffy nose, he cannot breathe, which means that he cannot live fully, something will constantly interfere with him. From the point of view of psychology - if inside a person is disturbed by constant experiences, negative thoughts, then he will suffer from a chronic form of sinusitis and runny nose.

Another explanation that a person cannot get rid of a cold for a long time is sociopathy. That is, the fear of people. If you avoid people, society, try not to appear on the street because of certain psychological problems, then health problems begin to develop. Also, in case of problems in your personal life, at work, you usually want to hide at home, wait out the unpleasant moment. It is in such cases, according to Louise Hay, that sinusitis can develop.

The famous homeopathic physician Valery Sinelnikov argues that the nose can be blocked in people who are insecure, emotionally constricted, depressed, as well as those who are not respected in society or in the family, do not take their opinion into account. Such people constantly doubt themselves, they are not confident in their abilities, it is difficult for them to defend their point of view. Such self-doubt leads not only to psychological, but also physiological diseases.

What to do in order to get rid of psychosomatic sinusitis? Firstly, you should consult a doctor and make sure that no complex pathological processes are taking place in your body. After that, you need to work on your psychological state. You need to start by showing emotions. If you are used to constantly holding back tears, then you need to stop doing it. Whenever you find yourself in a situation that upsets you, start crying and don't stop until you feel relieved.

So, the first tip is - cry more!

The more you cry, the faster the mucus stuck in the sinuses clears, and the sooner the healing process begins.

Learn to talk to people, speak, vocalize everything that worries you so much. If you don't like the way your loved ones are treating you, tell them so. You don't need to be an orator to learn how to express your emotions and defend the right to humanity. Even tears can explain how upset you are about a particular situation. Feel free to be yourself! And if sinusitis in your case is really a psychological symptom of ill health, then as soon as you start working on yourself, your health will improve.

The name of antibiotic nasal drops for sinusitis

Psychosomatics of sinusitis in adults, the opinion of Louise Hay and Sinelnikov

The standard explanation for sinus inflammation begins with physiological causes: hypothermia, trauma, bacteria and viruses. However, many psychologists believe that the human head is responsible for everything, and the psychosomatics of sinusitis is of no less importance.

First symptoms

Sinusitis is a type of sinusitis, the localization of which is in the maxillary sinus. Inflammation of the maxillary sinuses can be caused by different reasons, however, the first symptoms are the same:

  • the most striking sign is a profuse rhinitis, which is transparent at first;
  • nasal congestion;
  • weakness;
  • sore throat;
  • night cough;
  • painful sensations above the eyebrows (as in frontal), behind the cheeks and in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose.

In the morning, the pain is not as pronounced as in the evening hours - at this time, many patients take painkillers, since the pain is unbearable. When the head is tilted forward, the pain becomes even worse.

At first, sinusitis is easy to confuse with rhinitis, for the treatment of which slightly different means are used. It is difficult to recognize the disease in advance, since the main distinguishing signs appear only after the transition of sinusitis to the acute stage.

Sinusitis, medically

As a rule, psychosomatics of maxillary sinusitis is not taken into consideration when determining the causes of the disease.

Classical medicine pays attention only to the physical causes of sinusitis. For example, an infection can cause inflammation. With diseases of the teeth and gums of the upper jaw, odontogenic sinusitis appears, and in case of a reaction to an irritant, an allergic one. The onset of edema and inflammation occurs due to acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, and sometimes chronic rhinitis, since it causes a thickening of the nasal mucosa.

Injuries to the nose and congenital abnormalities in the structure of the nasal septum increase the risk of sinusitis and related diseases, for example, rhinitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis.

Acute form of the disease

If, when sinusitis occurs, the patient feels only malaise due to edema of the mucous membranes, then in the acute stage, inflammation joins the edema. It is characterized by the appearance of pus and an unpleasant odor of secreted mucus.

Edema, which appears at the initial stage, provokes a blockage of the outlet from the maxillary sinus, through which fluid should flow. Pus cannot leave the body and begins to expand the walls of the cavity, leading to pain.

During the period of exacerbation, the following symptoms are characteristic:

  1. Poor appetite, weakness. The sense of smell becomes worse and the patient feels constant lethargy.
  2. The body temperature rises, but rarely crosses the 39˚C mark.
  3. The pains in the face area become sharper and more pronounced, they spread to the teeth, temples and the back of the head.
  4. With inflammation of one maxillary sinus, severity in the face accompanies only the corresponding half. With bilateral disease, the severity extends to the entire face.
  5. Visually, it is noticeable that the area above the maxillary sinuses becomes swollen and reddened.
  6. There is pain on palpation of the anterior sinuses.

Attention! With the transition of sinusitis to the chronic stage, there is a risk of bone necrosis due to the activity of pathogenic microorganisms. In order to prevent complications, it is necessary to identify the disease as early as possible.

Psychosomatics of sinusitis

It often happens that a patient has visited a doctor and follows his recommendations and prescriptions, but the disease does not go away. Even after numerous medical studies and operations, doctors are at a dead end and do not know what are the reasons for such a persistence of the disease.

The psychosomatics of sinusitis in adults is rarely taken seriously by modern doctors. This is largely due to the relative lack of study of the connection between the brain, feelings and physiological processes in the body.

What is psychosomatics

This direction in medicine examines the relationship between somatic diseases and psychological difficulties. Stresses, conflicts and experiences leave an imprint of fatigue on a person, oppressing all body systems. It should be noted that stress is only a consequence, that is, it acts only as a catalyst.

The main causes of body illnesses are unfulfilled desires, childhood traumas and stress. If in a normal state of mind a person can cope with them, then stress makes everything come out.

Linking Emotions to Health

Despite the fact that the majority of the scientific community is skeptical about the recognition of psychosomatics in practical medical practice, some doctors use knowledge in this area. While people exaggerate and attribute all diseases and symptoms to mental disorders, it is customary to refer to psychosomatic disorders:

  • chronic pain, such as idiopathic algias;
  • somatized neuroses, consisting in disruption of the sensory organs, as well as individual systems (for example, pain in the intestines, psychogenic shortness of breath, and others);
  • personal accentuations of a person, which lead to the appearance of physical reactions to mental irritation.

Reference. The psychological state, character and temperament have a great influence on the occurrence of psychosomatic diseases in adults. If a person is calm and has good stress resistance, then the risk of the disease is lower.

Some psychosomatic theories

Some representatives of various schools of psychology, esotericism and homeopathy put forward theories about the psychosomatic nature of diseases. About why sinusitis develops, Louise Hay, Valery Sinelnikov and a number of other scientists have launched whole studies.

Louise Hay

A public figure, author of a series of books of popular psychology, Louise Hay, argued that diseases are the result of destructive beliefs and negativity that has accumulated in the subconscious. In accordance with her work, the following connection of sinusitis and emotions can be traced:

  1. A drop in self-esteem and constant suppression of feelings in oneself provoke a stuffy nose and an inability to breathe normally. You should not close in yourself and become a "hermit", being afraid to show your will.
  2. If a person accumulates grievances and is afraid to express his opinion, then, like a cold, such emotions “flow out”.
  3. As soon as a person becomes ill with sinusitis, it is impossible to breathe through the nose. This leads to negativity in life.
  4. In addition, Louise Hay notices that her nose gets blocked when communicating with an unpleasant person. The reaction is similar to an allergy: in this case, the interlocutor is the irritant.

According to the writer, nose problems are the result of stress and unrealized anger.

Liz Burbo

First of all, the Canadian psychology researcher is known for her table of diseases. Like Louise Hay, sinusitis is explained as the inability to express emotions or suppress negativity. At the same time, the table of diseases not only describes many diseases, but also structures them according to the reasons for their appearance.

According to Liz Burbo's theory, nose problems stem from the inability to live the way the soul desires. This can happen for the following reasons:

  • aversion to the place of work;
  • suppression of emotions;
  • lack of a way of self-expression;
  • the need to communicate with people who cause negativity or are the so-called "energy vampires".

Following the ideas of Liz Burbo, we can conclude that due to anxiety, breathing begins to be disturbed, a runny nose and sinusitis appear. The influence of psychosomatics on the human body is extensive: from headache to miscarriage.

R.G. Hamer, Claude Sub, Gilbert Renault

These researchers do not depend on each other, but develop thought in one direction. They suggest that diseases torment a person due to internal conflicts provoked by stress and experiences.

All organs and systems of the body depend on the mental state, for example, malignant tumors appear against a background of bitter loss, and sinusitis - because of self-pity.

Researchers have given a big role to finding the true problem, since unresolved psychological problems, like physical illness, worsen a person's health.

Valery Sinelnikov

A well-known Russian homeopath and writer writes that a person needs to be in harmony with the world around him. An important difference between his ideas and others is that the external world is endowed with consciousness.

Vladimir Sinelnikov argues that a person needs to seek balance not only physically, but also psychologically. Moreover, the writer puts consciousness above matter.

From this we can conclude that the main cause of sinusitis is self-doubt and shattered subconsciousness. The negative that settles in the head comes out through physical manifestations, including through a runny nose.

Sinelnikov believes that the lack of femininity in the fair sex and masculinity in the representatives of the strong half of humanity also causes health problems, as it upsets the natural balance.

How to get rid of sinusitis?

Workers of the esoteric and psychological field are sure that the primary task is to find out the psychosomatic causes of the disease, and treatment with medicines should be put on the back burner. This is justified by the fact that the psychological cause of the disease determines further treatment.

In order to prevent the appearance of pathologies of the nose and paranasal sinuses, it is recommended to follow some tips:

  1. You need to show your feelings. Experiences on the emotional plane cannot “gnaw at the soul” of a person for a long time, so the body finds a way to get rid of them - through illness. If you do not like a person, it is enough to limit contacts with him. And if, on the contrary, you like it, then it's worth telling about it.
  2. Sometimes you have to forget about the past. Time is moving forward, and much is left behind. If good moments are pleasant to remember, with nostalgia, then negative ones should be let go. Of course, without suffering anywhere, but you need to suffer in moderation.
  3. Don't get hung up on problems. If their outcome depends on circumstances or other people, then you can relax.
  4. You can't make everyone happy. You need to say "no" in time, know the limit of your strength and love yourself. After all, you cannot make others happy without doing good to yourself.
  5. If the problem comes from childhood and is deeply ingrained in memory, then it is recommended to visit a psychoanalyst and look for a solution together.

Achieving peace of mind will help get rid of sinusitis. It will also significantly improve your mood and therefore your quality of life.

Attention! We must not forget about traditional methods of treatment. It is best to look for both the psychological and physical problem of the disease at the same time - this approach will be effective and safe.

Psychosomatics is an interesting branch of medicine, but the significance of the influence of the senses and the subconscious on the body has yet to be clarified. One thing is clear: there is a connection, but so far this direction has not been developed, therefore it is recommended to start treatment of sinusitis with a visit to the ENT.

Psychosomatics of sinusitis

Sinusitis is a disease that develops in both the elderly and young people, accompanied by unpleasant symptoms. Usually, medical experts call the main causes of pathology a weakening of the immune system and hypothermia of the body. However, psychologists, esotericists and homeopaths believe that sinus inflammation can be caused by psychological factors. According to this medical opinion, the development of sinusitis is caused by psychosomatics.

Medical explanation for the occurrence of sinusitis

Sinusitis is an inflammatory reaction in the paranasal sinuses, accompanied by the formation of pus. The disease in most cases appears as a result of an acute respiratory infection, hypothermia, an allergic reaction, and suppression of the immune system. Sometimes neglected rhinitis acts as a provocateur of the disease.

Common symptoms of sinusitis are:

  • headache;
  • copious and persistent discharge of purulent nasal mucus;
  • increased body temperature;
  • pain in the nose;
  • ear congestion, hearing impairment.

Medication is used. The patient is prescribed antibiotics and nasal drops. In a severe case, a puncture of the nasal sinus is carried out, followed by the removal of purulent contents. With the exact implementation of all the doctor's recommendations, therapy gives a positive result. But ignoring the disease can lead to serious consequences: decay of teeth, deterioration of the physical condition of the body, loss of voice. It is unacceptable to refuse treatment of sinusitis, but before starting therapeutic measures, the patient should analyze his emotions and attitude to the surrounding reality.

According to esotericists and homeopaths, negative emotional messages of a person are often the causes of inflammation of the sinuses. Many doctors refuse to agree with this opinion. However, numerous scientific studies confirm that pathological changes in many organs and systems are caused by psychosomatic factors.

Psychological explanation of the occurrence of sinusitis

Often, doctors observe the following picture: the patient undergoes drug therapy correctly, regularly attends all laboratory tests and medical procedures, allows to make a puncture of the maxillary sinus, but the disease does not recede. The physical condition may improve for a short time, but the inflammation recurs. In this situation, doctors shrug their shoulders. It can be assumed that in this case, the disease is not physiological, but psychological in origin.

Psychologists and esotericists believe that sinusitis occurs when a person inside cries and suffers from resentment, disappointment, anger, self-flagellation, a sense of uselessness. The factors that provoke inflammation of the sinuses are most likely:

  • persistent depression;
  • emotional shaking;
  • mental disorders;
  • low self-esteem;
  • dissatisfaction with yourself;
  • chronic overwork.

The above conditions are capable of causing tears in any person, even insensitive ones. However, in modern society, it is customary to hide feelings from the environment, to keep emotions under control, which negatively affects the physical state of the body.

Also, a factor causing sinusitis can be a difficult but inevitable choice. A person finds it difficult to choose between two vital points, and it does not matter whether these points are negative or positive. Doubts and fears erode the body, as a result, the work of the respiratory system is disrupted.

Under the influence of negative emotions that do not find a way out, mucus begins to accumulate in the paranasal sinuses. This mucous mass cannot leave the sinuses, stagnates, pathogenic microflora multiplies in it, as a result, an inflammatory reaction occurs.

If problems with the nose are observed in a child, then in this case the provoking factor is probably an acute deficit of parental love and care. But there are also opposite situations: excessive love and care of parents provokes children's stresses and emotional disturbances, leading to the development of sinusitis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis and other pathologies of the nasal sinuses.

A pathological state of the psyche provokes diseases of the sinuses of the nose, and these, in turn, cause serious disturbances in respiratory function. Difficulty breathing is a kind of signal that it is time for the patient to change his attitude towards the world around him and himself.

Louise Hay's theory

Louise Hay, a popular American writer, was actively involved in the psychosomatics of sinusitis. She has created about 30 literary works that reveal the influence of the state of the human psyche on physical health. The writer was one of the first to touch upon the topic of the psychosomatic origin of diseases, and today her books are incredibly popular and are sold in huge numbers around the world.

Louise Hay compiled a table showing which psychosomatic factors provoke the development of specific pathologies. According to this table, sinusitis provocateurs can be:

  • long-term suppressed emotions;
  • low self-esteem;
  • resentment;
  • vindictiveness;
  • self-doubt.

The above conditions prevent a person from leading a happy and fulfilling life. At the physical level, such mental characteristics are manifested by nasal congestion, difficulty breathing.

Not all doctors use Louise Hay's table to determine the causes of sinus inflammation. However, to a certain extent, the information provided in the table can be considered truthful. Many people notice that they have health problems after a stressful situation or depression. This phenomenon can be easily explained: due to stress, the immune system is suppressed, the body becomes defenseless against pathogenic microbes, which begin to actively multiply, causing various diseases.

Valery Sinelnikov's theory

The fact that sinusitis is caused by psychological factors has been argued by many researchers, not only Louise Hay. The famous psychotherapist and homeopath Valery Vladimirovich Sinelnikov named three causes of sinus inflammation:

  • self-doubt;
  • susceptibility to doubt;
  • weak display of femininity or masculinity.

According to the homeopath, the above mental features not only negatively affect the way of life, but also provoke inflammatory and many other pathologies.

Liz Burbo's theory

The world famous psychologist, psychosomatics specialist, Canadian Liz Burbo claims that many respiratory diseases develop due to the fact that a person is not able to organize a full life for himself. According to the psychologist, the main causes of inflammatory reactions in the paranasal sinuses are:

  • suppressed emotions;
  • impossibility of self-expression and self-realization;
  • forced contacts with unpleasant personalities;
  • not enjoyable work.

All of the above factors provoke depression and anxiety in adults, as a result of which respiratory function is impaired. A breathing disorder leads to rhinitis, and then to sinusitis, sinusitis or other inflammatory process in the sinuses.

Gilbert Renault's theory

Canadian doctor Gilbert Renaud believes that frontal sinusitis, sinusitis and other inflammatory pathologies of the paranasal sinuses are caused by the following factors:

  • long waiting for the debt to be repaid, the inability to return to oneself what has been lent;
  • an acute desire to become a parent, if the other half does not have a similar desire.

Julia Zotova's theory

Psychologist Julia Zotova has devoted many of her works to the psychosomatics of various diseases. According to a psychologist, sinusitis develops in people who consider themselves poor and unhappy, who always feel sorry for themselves. Moreover, such people may not express self-pity openly, they often hide true emotions under the guise of an optimist. Usually, people around do not even realize that something is wrong with the person, but the person himself stubbornly insists that everything is in order with him, although in fact chaos is happening in his soul. Due to depression and notoriousness, the physical condition of the body worsens, as a result, an inflammatory reaction begins.

Getting rid of sinusitis caused by psychosomatic factors

To get rid of inflammation of the sinuses, provoked by psychosomatic factors, you need to change your attitude towards the world around you and yourself. This means learning to express your feelings openly and freely. Many people, especially men, consider the expression of fear, sadness, pity, and other emotions as weakness. But this is not a weakness, but a completely natural expression of an emotional state for a person. A person who is unable to express emotions cannot be called healthy.

If chronic sinusitis is a consequence of stress, emotional outburst, strong experience, then the patient should mentally experience a negative situation, but try to look at it from a positive angle. A psychologist can help with this. The patient needs to understand that no negative events of the past should interfere with leading a fulfilling life and moving towards cherished goals. When experiences are eliminated, interest in life will return, then the symptoms of sinusitis will gradually disappear.

But it should be remembered that sinusitis is not only a psychosomatic, but also a physiological problem. When dealing with mental and emotional disorders, drug therapy should not be ignored. When inflammation occurs, treatment is prescribed by an ENT. To successfully get rid of the disease, you must carefully follow medical recommendations.

Psychosomatic causes of the common cold, sinusitis, sinusitis

Psychosomatics (a direction at the intersection of medicine and psychology) is the science of the unity of the soul and body. According to this theory, all emotional experiences and mental shocks, external and internal conflicts come out through somatic ailments. Runny nose is no exception, psychosomatics of which will help find the exact cause and speed up the healing process.

Psychosomatics of the common cold in adults

A runny nose occurs due to an infection of the body. But it happens that a person encounters bacteria and viruses, but the body successfully defeats them. Probably, in this case, other prerequisites had an impact: a decrease in general immunity, hypothermia, climate change, vitamin deficiency. And, of course, psychosomatics does its part.

Psychosomatics of nasal congestion and runny nose in adults:

  • anger, irritation and other negative emotions;
  • tiredness, exhaustion;
  • negative thinking, perception and self-perception (metabolic processes are disrupted, which causes vasospasm and swelling);
  • panic, depression, other unfavorable mental conditions and disorders (lead to hormonal imbalance, disrupt the functioning of the immune system);
  • psychological barriers and contradictions;
  • criticism and humiliation from others;
  • frustration and resentment;
  • protracted conflicts and unspoken grievances, other negative emotions;
  • a feeling of powerlessness and danger;
  • dissatisfaction with life;
  • feeling of loneliness.

Allergic rhinitis is often associated with stress. Against the background of constant voltage, a failure occurs in the operation of protective systems. Because of this, the immune system begins to see allergens in everything and fight them.

Psychosomatics of the common cold in children

Psychosomatics of a cold in a child:

  • authoritarian style of upbringing (suppression of the child's personality, his desires, needs and interests);
  • overprotection and excessive control over the child;
  • parental anxiety and "hereditary" hypochondria;
  • conflicts between spouses (the child's illness allows parents to rally);
  • emotional coldness of parents (illness allows you to attract attention, get love, a new toy).

Varieties of the common cold and their effect on the psychology of the disease

A runny nose is a symptom of many infectious and viral diseases. It is believed that each disease has its own personality type, and each type of rhinitis has its own psychological causes.

Runny nose

People of a certain psychological type are susceptible to a runny nose. What traits are characteristic of such people:

  • hypersensitivity;
  • vulnerability;
  • excessive susceptibility;
  • attention to details;
  • self-doubt;
  • the tendency to "inflate the elephant out of a fly";
  • hyperresponsibility.


Psychosomatic causes of sinusitis:

The causes of chronic sinusitis: self-pity and guilt. Anyone who finds themselves in a difficult life situation can get sick with sinusitis and other diseases of the nose. Inflammation is the result of an insoluble internal contradiction. And nose problems are a reflection of a person's shaken self-confidence.

Nose bleed

Blood circulation symbolizes the flow of vital energy through the body. Bleeding speaks of the disappearance of joy from life, the loss of energy, the extinction of a person. The prerequisite for this is the feeling that the person is not loved and recognized.


Rhinitis psychosomatics: uncertainty, denial of personal potential. Rhinitis often suffers from bright, talented, creative personalities who suffer from outside pressure.


Sinusitis is caused by irritation to someone close to you. And it can also indicate the intolerance of a certain situation and the loss of reference points in life (conflict of direction). Healing affirmation: "I declare that harmony and peace always fill me and all the space around."

Explanation of the appearance of the common cold by famous psychologists

There are four common psychological causes of the common cold:

  1. Intrapersonal conflict. A person has to be who he really is not. Or he pretends to be someone he is not.
  2. Fears, negative thoughts, hypochondria. If a person expects illness, then this will happen to him.
  3. Unsatisfied need for love, attention, care. Illness provides material and moral benefits.
  4. Chronic guilt feelings. Such a person constantly seeks punishment for his sins, often contrived or inspired by other people.

Let's find out how famous psychosomatists interpret the causes of the common cold.

Louise Hay's opinion

According to Louise Hay, a runny nose, swelling and snot are a reflection of inner crying, grief, unshed tears. With the help of a runny nose, the soul asks for help. It is the deeply hidden feelings and emotions that are bursting out. Aggravation occurs against the background of a strong emotional shock.

What else provokes the development of a cold according to Louise Hay:

  • old grievances or grievances that accumulate;
  • suppressed emotions;
  • depression, unwillingness or inability to live;
  • low self-esteem;
  • ban on living for pleasure.

Healing affirmation: "I love and feel sorry for myself the way I like."

Zhikarentsev about the common cold

V. Zhikarentsev believes that a runny nose occurs in those who need recognition and approval. A runny nose reflects inner crying, a request for help and love. The patient believes that no one notices, loves, recognizes and respects him. Healing Affirmation: “I love and approve of myself. I know my real worth. I am beautiful (beautiful). "

Liz Burbo

The nose symbolizes the inhalation of life. According to Liz Burbo, a runny nose suggests that a person cannot live life to the fullest, enjoy every day and satisfy his desires. A stuffy nose indicates that a person cannot stand a certain situation or a certain person. And also a runny nose occurs when a person finds himself in unfamiliar conditions or an unfamiliar and confined room. For example, we can talk about the adaptation of a child in kindergarten.

The causes of a cold, according to the theory of Liz Burbo:

  • inability or inability to enjoy life;
  • the presence of unpleasant or dangerous people around the patient;
  • a difficult life situation from which a person does not see a way out;
  • limited conditions and circumstances, being in a confined space;
  • feeling confused and confused;
  • worry about little things;
  • anger at oneself and at the situation due to confusion (does not know what to take on and is angry at himself);
  • misunderstanding of oneself.
  • relax, stop blaming and harassing yourself over the little things;
  • allow yourself to experience all feelings and emotions, let them come out;
  • do not try to do several things at once;
  • do not blame other people or the situation for your difficulties;
  • define your needs and priorities;
  • take responsibility for your life and think about how you can remedy the situation.

To heal, you need to eliminate dependence on other people, stop being offended by little things, develop the habit of immediately solving problems, and not accumulating them. It is important to learn how to relax and change the old way of life. After all, it was he who led you to the disease.


The nose is a reflection of a person's achievements, his self-esteem. According to Sinelnikov, a runny nose is a reflection of low self-esteem, devaluation of oneself as a person. A person does not recognize his uniqueness, significance and value. He cannot live the way he wants. The reasons for this lifestyle can be different, but most often it is due to suggestion and suppression from others. The person himself and his environment suppresses his needs, which causes deep inner experiences.

How to get rid of the problem

Even if you are sure that the cause of the common cold has to do with psychology, still consult an otolaryngologist or therapist. This is especially important if other cold symptoms are observed: hyperthermia, general weakness, purulent discharge, coughing, sneezing, etc.

From a psychological point of view, to get rid of a cold, you need to deal with suppressed emotions and solve the problems of the past. It is important to get rid of grievances, since it is the old wounds and uncried tears that cause the disease.

What is important to do to treat a cold and prevent relapse:

  1. With the help of introspection and work with a psychologist, change the attitude towards the past and present.
  2. Get rid of negative memories, avoid situations that cause emotional stress. Or change your attitude to situations, their perception.
  3. Find as many sources of positive emotions as possible, minimize the influence of stress factors.
  4. Get out of relationships that overwhelm you as a person. Do not communicate with people who humiliate and insult you. Learn to defend your dignity, not let people offend you.
  5. Learn to control your emotions and physical reactions. For this, it is useful to master meditation, yoga, breathing exercises.
  6. Give vent to negative emotions. There are many socially acceptable ways, such as sports and dancing.

If a child is sick, then parents should review and change their behavior. It is necessary to improve relations between family members, give the child more attention and love.

Psychosomatics of sinusitis: psychological causes of the disease

sinusitis “All diseases are from the nerves,” we often hear. But, sometimes the reasons for the development of the disease lie even deeper and lie in the presence of certain internal experiences, fears, conflicts with oneself, etc. That is, the so-called psychosomatics comes into force.

Diseases of the ENT organs are no exception, therefore, against the background of various psychological disorders even sinusitis can occur, the psychosomatics of which is quite multifaceted.

Psychosomatics of sinusitis: psychological causes of the disease

Sometimes numerous examinations, long-term treatment with all kinds of medications and even operations do not bring any results, and sinusitis recurs again and again. In such situations, it can be assumed that it arises under the influence of certain psychological problems.

It is believed that sinusitis is a manifestation of internal crying.... So the subconscious is trying to cope with the accumulated negative emotions, in particular:

  • disappointment;
  • resentment and anger;
  • bitterness;
  • self-pity;
  • depression;
  • feeling of uselessness to anyone.

Thus, the psychological causes of sinusitis can be:

  • frequent depression;
  • low self-esteem;
  • strong emotional shocks;
  • lack of emotional self-control;
  • overestimated requirements for others and oneself;
  • chronic fatigue, etc.

In such situations, the normal human reaction is to cry. But modern society considers this a manifestation of weakness, so we try not to give vent to feelings and emotions, as a result of which we hold back crying.

All this leads to the fact that sinusitis develops in psychosomatics, according to which, the reason is that the paranasal sinuses are not cleared, liquid and mucus can stagnate in them, which become an excellent breeding ground for the growth of bacteria and the occurrence of an inflammatory process.

Psychological prerequisites for the development of the disease in children

From the point of view of psychosomatics in a child, inflammation in the maxillary sinuses may indicate the presence of a high need for love and attention, or, conversely, their excess.

Since it is the sincere care of adults that is the main need of the little man, its deficiency often becomes the reason for the appearance of adenoiditis and sinusitis in children.

Somewhat less often, babies are "loved" so much that they cannot even take a step calmly. The child is simply strangled with love, which cannot but affect his psychological state.

Hence, problems with the nose, as one of the main respiratory organs, arise. So the child's body shows that he literally cannot breathe normally due to irrepressible parental care.

In all other respects, the psychosomatics of sinusitis is practically the same as the psychosomatics of the common cold. It was studied by many specialists, each of whom came to their own, often overlapping, conclusions about the causes of the development of various pathologies, including ENT organs.

Sinusitis by Louise Hay

Louise Hay is a popular American writer and public figure. She has published over 30 books covering various aspects of psychology.

In the study of the influence of psychology on the physical condition of a person, she is called a pioneer, and today her works are published in millions of copies.

Sinusitis is a disease that is diagnosed not only in children, but also in adults. It occupies a leading position among ENT diseases. The prevalence of the disease is growing rapidly. According to the latest data, it is 140 cases for every 1000 people. The WHO emphasizes that every year the number of cases of sinusitis grows, and it is not yet possible to name the reasons for such a negative trend.

There are psychosomatic reasons for the development of sinusitis that help get rid of it.

General information

Sinusitis is a type of sinusitis - an inflammatory disease. The mucous membrane of one or several sinuses at once is inflamed. In the case of sinusitis, the maxillary sinus becomes inflamed, with frontal sinusitis, inflammation of the frontal sinus is observed.

Often, sinusitis occurs as a result of complications after an acute respiratory viral infection. Both bacteria and pathogenic fungi can cause disease. The disease can develop after an injury to the face.

Sinusitis is accompanied by a feeling of pressing heaviness in the sinuses, which flows into pain when trying to sharply turn the head, raise it, lower it. Nasal breathing is extremely difficult, transparent or purulent mucous discharge comes out of the nose.

Most often, sinusitis occurs in children aged 3 to 15 years. In such patients, sinusitis additionally causes sleep disturbance, memory impairment. Children often suffer from chronic sinusitis, which worsens several times a year.

In adults, the chronic form of the disease also predominates; cases of acute sinusitis in adulthood are rather rare.

Psychosomatic causes

The nose, both from the point of view of psychosomatics and traditional medicine, is an organ that is responsible for breathing and allows a person to catch odors. In psychosomatic medicine, not only the physiology of an organ is considered, but also its connection with the psychological state of a person. The psychosomatic interpretation is that this is an organ that allows a person to receive important information from the outside world. The nose makes it possible to "breathe" life, and the sense of smell allows you to get pleasure from this life - to enjoy the smells.

As soon as an adult or child stops breathing through the nose, this actually interferes with the perception of life and the joy of this process. People often create such a hindrance for themselves.. As soon as a person ceases to enjoy life, does not notice its "shades", he starts a runny nose.

But sinusitis is not only a stuffy nose, but also an inflammatory process. In psychosomatics, inflammation is always closely associated with irritation, feelings of anger, suppressed negative emotions. A person with sinusitis "carries" in himself a lot of negative emotions that prevent him from pleasing life and "breathing" it freely, without obstacles.

It is often believed that sinusitis occurs in those who are used to suppressing their own crying. From the point of view of medicine, this is not absurd - tears enter the nasal passages through the nasolacrimal canal, they disinfect and cleanse it.

Crying children sniffle - this is a manifestation of the action of tear fluid on the nasal passages.

If a person forbids himself to cry, then the likelihood of sinusitis increases rapidly.

In psychology, there is the concept of "inner crying". It can occur in everyone, regardless of age, character, upbringing. But for some, "inner crying" bursts out and cleans not only the nose, but also the emotional background (people cry, pour out their souls, it becomes easier for them), while others suppress their "inner cry", forbid themselves to throw out their emotions.

It is this category of children and adults who believe that crying is indecent, ugly, unacceptable, more often than others suffer from sinusitis. Psychologists describe a person with chronic long-term sinusitis as stingy with emotions, very restrained outwardly, but very sensitive and even suspicious inwardly.

And these experiences, which he prefers to leave inside, gradually begin to destroy him. Such people have low self-esteem and are prone to anger, which also does not manifest externally. The person simply clenches his fists and walks away, adding another “destructive” experience to his “inner piggy bank”.

In children

At first glance, it may seem that children should not have sinusitis and sinusitis in general, because they cry so easily. But this is only at first glance. Parents or other adults who are raising the child are always to blame for the mechanism of the development of the disease in childhood. For example, a strict mother says to a toddler who raged on a playground on the street: “Stop crying! You are already big! " A loving mother regrets and calms the child, pats him on the head and tenderly says: "Well, that's it, don't cry!" Thus, the child receives an experience that tells him that it is impossible to cry, that this is a manifestation of weakness, and as he grows up, the child stops crying altogether.

Some parents in their educational measures go even further, and from a very early age literally "squeeze" the child's ability to cry. Usually, this is what the mothers and fathers of boys "sin" by, who authoritatively and strictly forbid a one-year-old toddler to roar, referring to the fact that he is a boy, and "men do not cry."

Attitudes endured from childhood firmly "settle" in the subconscious... Is this not the reason for the statistics that among adults, men, and not women, suffer from chronic forms of sinusitis in the majority? Girls, girls, women are more vulnerable creatures, more easily "giving away" emotions (resentment, irritation, anger) through tears.

If the main cause of childhood sinusitis is suppressed crying, then the main predisposing factor for the development of the disease should be considered a lack of love and attention. If parents are always busy, pay almost no attention to their child, then he begins to feel unnecessary, and strict parental attitudes "no longer" forbid him to cry about this. It is in this situation that the most severe sinusitis develop: with a high temperature and a long course.

Another incorrect parenting model that allows you to raise a child with ENT pathologies is excessive care. A child who can take care of himself (eat, dress) does not need help... If the parents begin to do this, then they "strangle" the child with care, and in this case, not only a violation of nasal breathing, sinusitis, but also problems with the lungs and bronchi may appear.

Researchers' opinion

Due to the widespread occurrence of sinusitis, the psychology of the disease was studied by specialists, many of whom compiled tables of diseases, which included sinusitis. So, psychologist and teacher Louise Hay saw the main cause of sinusitis in children and adults as a grudge against loved ones..

She believed that innuendo, uncertainty in relationships, restraint of their emotions, indecision do not allow a person to enjoy life "to the fullest", in connection with which the pathology of the nose develops. The acute form of sinusitis, according to Hay, is the reaction of the psyche to the experience of a dead-end situation, from which a person does not see a way out. And chronic sinusitis, according to Dr. Louise, is a manifestation of the fact that a person has been in a state of uncertainty for a long time.

Canadian Researcher Doctor Liz Burbo claims that sinusitis is a disease of introverted people... A person does not want to "breathe in the world", closes his own nose, which is what happens in the case of inflammation of the maxillary sinuses.

Doctor-therapist and psychotherapist Valery Sinelnikov believes that sinusitis develops in those who are not confident in their own abilities, do not feel able to accept everything new from the outside world, in people suffering from an inferiority complex.

How to recover?

Psychosomatics in no way calls to abandon traditional treatment and stop visiting a doctor, limiting itself only to the methods of psychoanalysis and psychocorrection. A child and an adult with diagnosed sinusitis must be treated: fight the causative agent of inflammation and free the sinuses from the accumulation of mucus.

The same will have to be done at the psychological level, only not with antibiotics and antiseptics, but by understanding the essence of one's problem and gradually eliminating incorrect attitudes, the main of which is “you mustn't cry”.

You can and should cry at any age for both sexes. But at the same time, you cannot manipulate others (this is sometimes done by children or women). You can cry when there is a need for it. Squeezing emotions that cause tears is dangerous.

The results that psychological work on one's own mistakes will give will not be long in coming. Recovery will go faster, and in the future, the likelihood of relapse of the disease will be minimal. Without such work, you can "crush" the symptoms with drugs, but completely eliminate the cause will not work.- that is why sinusitis very often becomes chronic and comes back again and again.

An adult suffering from such an ailment should honestly ask himself what prevents him from breathing freely, enjoying life. Answers can be different: debts, fear of losing your job, family troubles. It is with fear or anger that you need to work. The challenge is to stop being afraid... A psychotherapist or psychologist can help with this.

If a child is sick, parents need to give him more freedom.... They should stop pulling him down, not forcing him to suppress emotions. Let him cry if he wants to, or rejoice violently when such a need arises. Then the sinusitis will quickly recede, and the diseases of the nose will no longer bother the baby.

General recommendations for people of different ages: be sincere, do not keep emotions in yourself. Accept whatever life gives ("breathe" it in). Experiencing resentment, bitterness, pain, thank the “teachers” internally and immediately let them go. This will be the best prevention of sinusitis and other diseases of the nose.

  • Komarovsky about sinusitis
  • Antibiotics
  • Folk remedies
  • Psychosomatics

Aggravated sinusitis. Psychosomatics or physiological reasons - the root causes of this insidious disease?

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Medical Explanation of Sinusitis

What does sinusitis mean in psychosomatics? Conclusions of popular authors

The onset of sinusitis Louise Hay associates with the presence of irritation in the patient, provoked by one of the relatives.To heal this disease, the writer recommends repeating the positive statement: “ I affirm that perfection and peace now and forever fill me and the space around». Psychosomatics expert Liz Burbo sees metaphysical sources of sinusitis in the patient's inability to live a full life.Exacerbation of sinusitis, according to psychosomatics, is typical for people who constantly suppress their own emotions, or are forced to communicate with people or things that are unpleasant for them.

These situations cause anxiety in the victims, thereby provoking their breathing disorders, runny nose and the development of sinusitis.According to the writer and the doctor Valeria Sinelnikova, psychosomatic causes of sinusitis are associated with the patient's lack of confidence in their own strengths, personal masculinity or femininity.Doctor and famous esotericist Luule Viilma claims that sinusitis, according to psychosomatics, means a strong intention to hide an insult, an offense.Vladimir Zhikarentsev sees the true causes of the disease in non-recognition of one's own worth, in the need for recognition, a request for help and inner crying.It is these unconscious thought forms, according to the author, that lead to the formation of this disease in the victim.A possible solution to promote healing, I'm sure Vladimir Zhikarentsev, there will be repeated pronouncing of positive moods: “ I'm perfect. I develop and grow».

Sources of psychosomatics of sinusitis from the point of view "New Germanic Medicine" represented by its author, doctor Raika Hamera, are associated with the manifestation in the consciousness or subconsciousness of the victim of conflicts, real and fictional, in the healing phase of the Special Biological Program of the superficial nasal mucosa:

  • the conflict of stench, when something stinks, literally and figuratively;
  • conflict of intuition, when a person is not able to smell something or does not have the opportunity to find out what awaits him in the future.

What are the sources of sinusitis in psychosomatics? Soul response in "Spiritual Integration"

"Spiritual Integration" is an effective methodology of our time in the field of metaphysical healing of diseases and problems. This is a personal development, suffered through heartache. Konstantin Dovlatov- the leading psychologist of our time.This technique is unique and inimitable. The student who has mastered it receives for his use an effective system of communication with his own soul.Using the skills " Spiritual Integration“, You will discover the true causes of sinusitis, psychosomatics of this disease.

Traditional medicine recipes for exacerbation of sinusitis

  • A tablespoon chamomile pour a glass of boiling water. Let it brew, add a tablespoon of sea salt. Stir well and let cool. Rinse the nose with the resulting infusion.
  • Freshly squeezed red beet juice, in pure form or with the addition of honey, instill a few drops three to four times during the day.
  • Like the previous recipe, bury your nose freshly wrung aloe juice.
  • Water solution alcohol tincture of propolis wash the sinuses.

Sinusitis, the psychosomatics of this disease, based on the conclusions of the world gurus of metaphysics of diseases, is directly related to the negative mental and emotional state of the patient.But does it make sense to react to these stresses with severe pain?When your illness has driven you to despair, and surgery is causing panic, do not despair. Using the methods of "Spiritual Integration", you will get a real chance to heal this insidious pathology.

Sinusitis is a disease that develops in both the elderly and young people, accompanied by unpleasant symptoms. Usually, medical experts call the main causes of pathology a weakening of the immune system and hypothermia of the body. However, psychologists, esotericists and homeopaths believe that sinus inflammation can be caused by psychological factors. According to this medical opinion, the development of sinusitis is caused by psychosomatics.

Medical explanation for the occurrence of sinusitis

Sinusitis is an inflammatory reaction in the paranasal sinuses, accompanied by the formation of pus. The disease in most cases appears as a result of an acute respiratory infection, hypothermia, an allergic reaction, and suppression of the immune system. Sometimes neglected rhinitis acts as a provocateur of the disease.

Common symptoms of sinusitis are:

  • headache;
  • copious and persistent discharge of purulent nasal mucus;
  • increased body temperature;
  • pain in the nose;
  • ear congestion, hearing impairment.

Medication is used. The patient is prescribed antibiotics and nasal drops. In a severe case, a puncture of the nasal sinus is carried out, followed by the removal of purulent contents. With the exact implementation of all the doctor's recommendations, therapy gives a positive result. But ignoring the disease can lead to serious consequences: decay of teeth, deterioration of the physical condition of the body, loss of voice. It is unacceptable to refuse treatment of sinusitis, but before starting therapeutic measures, the patient should analyze his emotions and attitude to the surrounding reality.

According to esotericists and homeopaths, negative emotional messages of a person are often the causes of inflammation of the sinuses. Many doctors refuse to agree with this opinion. However, numerous scientific studies confirm that pathological changes in many organs and systems are caused by psychosomatic factors.

Psychological explanation of the occurrence of sinusitis

Often, doctors observe the following picture: the patient undergoes drug therapy correctly, regularly attends all laboratory tests and medical procedures, allows to make a puncture of the maxillary sinus, but the disease does not recede. The physical condition may improve for a short time, but the inflammation recurs. In this situation, doctors shrug their shoulders. It can be assumed that in this case, the disease is not physiological, but psychological in origin.

Psychologists and esotericists believe that sinusitis occurs when a person inside cries and suffers from resentment, disappointment, anger, self-flagellation, a sense of uselessness. The factors that provoke inflammation of the sinuses are most likely:

  • persistent depression;
  • emotional shaking;
  • mental disorders;
  • low self-esteem;
  • dissatisfaction with yourself;
  • chronic overwork.

The above conditions are capable of causing tears in any person, even insensitive ones. However, in modern society, it is customary to hide feelings from the environment, to keep emotions under control, which negatively affects the physical state of the body.

Also, a factor causing sinusitis can be a difficult but inevitable choice. A person finds it difficult to choose between two vital points, and it does not matter whether these points are negative or positive. Doubts and fears erode the body, as a result, the work of the respiratory system is disrupted.

Under the influence of negative emotions that do not find a way out, mucus begins to accumulate in the paranasal sinuses. This mucous mass cannot leave the sinuses, stagnates, pathogenic microflora multiplies in it, as a result, an inflammatory reaction occurs.

If problems with the nose are observed in a child, then in this case the provoking factor is probably an acute deficit of parental love and care. But there are also opposite situations: excessive love and care of parents provokes children's stresses and emotional disturbances, leading to the development of sinusitis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis and other pathologies of the nasal sinuses.

A pathological state of the psyche provokes diseases of the sinuses of the nose, and these, in turn, cause serious disturbances in respiratory function. Difficulty breathing is a kind of signal that it is time for the patient to change his attitude towards the world around him and himself.

Louise Hay's theory

Louise Hay, a popular American writer, was actively involved in the psychosomatics of sinusitis. She has created about 30 literary works that reveal the influence of the state of the human psyche on physical health. The writer was one of the first to touch upon the topic of the psychosomatic origin of diseases, and today her books are incredibly popular and are sold in huge numbers around the world.

Louise Hay compiled a table showing which psychosomatic factors provoke the development of specific pathologies. According to this table, sinusitis provocateurs can be:

  • long-term suppressed emotions;
  • low self-esteem;
  • resentment;
  • vindictiveness;
  • self-doubt.

The above conditions prevent a person from leading a happy and fulfilling life. At the physical level, such mental characteristics are manifested by nasal congestion, difficulty breathing.

Not all doctors use Louise Hay's table to determine the causes of sinus inflammation. However, to a certain extent, the information provided in the table can be considered truthful. Many people notice that they have health problems after a stressful situation or depression. This phenomenon can be easily explained: due to stress, the immune system is suppressed, the body becomes defenseless against pathogenic microbes, which begin to actively multiply, causing various diseases.

Valery Sinelnikov's theory

The fact that sinusitis is caused by psychological factors has been argued by many researchers, not only Louise Hay. The famous psychotherapist and homeopath Valery Vladimirovich Sinelnikov named three causes of sinus inflammation:

  • self-doubt;
  • susceptibility to doubt;
  • weak display of femininity or masculinity.

According to the homeopath, the above mental features not only negatively affect the way of life, but also provoke inflammatory and many other pathologies.

Liz Burbo's theory

The world famous psychologist, psychosomatics specialist, Canadian Liz Burbo claims that many respiratory diseases develop due to the fact that a person is not able to organize a full life for himself. According to the psychologist, the main causes of inflammatory reactions in the paranasal sinuses are:

  • suppressed emotions;
  • impossibility of self-expression and self-realization;
  • forced contacts with unpleasant personalities;
  • not enjoyable work.

All of the above factors provoke depression and anxiety in adults, as a result of which respiratory function is impaired. A breathing disorder leads to rhinitis, and then to sinusitis, sinusitis or other inflammatory process in the sinuses.

Gilbert Renault's theory

Canadian doctor Gilbert Renaud believes that frontal sinusitis, sinusitis and other inflammatory pathologies of the paranasal sinuses are caused by the following factors:

  • long waiting for the debt to be repaid, the inability to return to oneself what has been lent;
  • an acute desire to become a parent, if the other half does not have a similar desire.

Julia Zotova's theory

Psychologist Julia Zotova has devoted many of her works to the psychosomatics of various diseases. According to a psychologist, sinusitis develops in people who consider themselves poor and unhappy, who always feel sorry for themselves. Moreover, such people may not express self-pity openly, they often hide true emotions under the guise of an optimist. Usually, people around do not even realize that something is wrong with the person, but the person himself stubbornly insists that everything is in order with him, although in fact chaos is happening in his soul. Due to depression and notoriousness, the physical condition of the body worsens, as a result, an inflammatory reaction begins.

Getting rid of sinusitis caused by psychosomatic factors

To get rid of inflammation of the sinuses, provoked by psychosomatic factors, you need to change your attitude towards the world around you and yourself. This means learning to express your feelings openly and freely. Many people, especially men, consider the expression of fear, sadness, pity, and other emotions as weakness. But this is not a weakness, but a completely natural expression of an emotional state for a person. A person who is unable to express emotions cannot be called healthy.

If chronic sinusitis is a consequence of stress, emotional outburst, strong experience, then the patient should mentally experience a negative situation, but try to look at it from a positive angle. A psychologist can help with this. The patient needs to understand that no negative events of the past should interfere with leading a fulfilling life and moving towards cherished goals. When experiences are eliminated, interest in life will return, then the symptoms of sinusitis will gradually disappear.

But it should be remembered that sinusitis is not only a psychosomatic, but also a physiological problem. When dealing with mental and emotional disorders, drug therapy should not be ignored. When inflammation occurs, treatment is prescribed by an ENT. To successfully get rid of the disease, you must carefully follow medical recommendations.

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