Gardnerella asymptomatic pathogen carriage. Gardnerella detected in the smear; Incubation period, diagnosis, tests (sowing, scraping, PCR). Vaginal Gardnerell: diagnostic features

Any disruption of microflora can be settled in a natural way without treatment, but it can take not a few days, and months or even years. During this time, with good concreterals of the circumstances from Gardnernellosis, you can get rid of, and with an unfavorable forecast, it can go into a chronic shape and cause many complications. The opinion of any physician of the gynecologist will be unambiguous: Gardnerell infection requires treatment.

Typically, the treatment of Gardnerellize is conducted in two directions. First, it is necessary to reduce to normal the number of sharply increased number of Gardnerell infection. Then, with the help of drugs, the number of lactobacilli in the vaginal microflora is restored.

Effective treatment of Gardnelene virus is directed to the destruction of actively multiple microorganisms. Pathogenic bacteria should not be much. They may be present in a permissible amount and it does not cause any alarm. As it does not provoke the appearance of the smell of flicker fish. As soon as this quantity began to increase, immediate diagnosis and treatment of Gardnerelli Bacteria Vagynis is required.

Any effective treatment for Gardnerellize does not guarantee recovery in one day. This is not just a disease that you need to cure. Bacterial vaginosis is a special condition of the body that requires interference. It is much easier to treat anaerobic bacteria or viruses than to fully restore the normal microflora, providing it with the necessary amount of lactobacterium lactobacterium. To do this, conditions should be created for recovery, which depend not only on the reception of drugs, but also on the settlement of the sexual relations, normalization of nutrition, the formation of the right hygienic skills to care for their own body. To achieve an effective result, you will have to check other bodies that could cause gardnerellosis. Intestine dysbiosis - often a microflora change background. While this disease will not be cured, no courses for the treatment of Gardnerella will give results.

How and what you need to treat gardnerellosis, can I cure?

Once Gardnerlenez is not a dangerous venereal disease, some women even in the doctor's cockpit ask a question whether Gardnerwell Vagynis must be treated. Initially, the articles were talking about what the absence of therapy could lead to. When the diagnosis is detected, each patient needs to immediately ask the attending physician, how to treat Gardnerner to quickly return to the usual life and bypass complications.

For an experienced gynecologist, it does not constitute problems in choosing funds, deciding how to cure Gardnerell. Usually, antibiotics are prescribed for this and local treatment is used, which includes recipes of traditional medicine, candles, tampons and other drugs. It is impossible to defeat the disease quickly. It will have to be a complex struggle, which will be aimed at the complete restoration of the entire body, because it is more a disease that is not received from the sexual partner, and in the organism itself developed due to some failures. Before you decide how to treat Gardnellosis, you need to eliminate the reason that it caused. If it was sexual contact, be sure to stop relationships. If the disease provoked the weakening of immunity, to work with restoration, otherwise the virus will not be less in the body.

A special approach is required to be able to solve the question of how to cure gardnellosis on the early period of pregnancy? To prescribe all those drugs that are treated with ordinary patients, this group of women is strictly prohibited in order not to cause pathology in the development of the fetus. Pregnant Cartrine is treated, but using a special scheme and only under the strict control of the doctor. Begin such treatment is better directly before childbirth, so that in the early deadlines for the formation of the embryo, do not cause violations in the development of antibiotic techniques. Sometimes pregnant people ask whether Gardnerella is treated without using antibiotics to not harm the baby. You can try in the third trimester to apply the same means, but using them not in the form of tablets, but choosing candles or gels.

For anyone who is interested, whether the garcellosis is treated in pregnant women, there are disappointing statistics that often the disease is developing due to the fact that useful lactobacilli useful lactobacillias were washed out of the incorrect procedures for intimate hygiene. Choosing a douching as a treatment, a pregnant woman aggravates the process, but does not contribute to his recovery. Despite the fact that Gardnernel is washed away, the microflora is still in danger, because lactobacillias during such procedures have never been reached by the norm.

Do not ask the girlfriends, it is possible to cure Gardnellel alone. Health does not like when they are not serious. Bacterial Vaginosis is not just a dangerous disease, this is the first anxious Caiga that something in the body is incorrectly functioning and fails. Only timely diagnosis and the right choice of drugs will get rid of the experiences, whether chronic or launched gardnerellosis is treated. This is not only extremely unpleasant, but also much more difficult, and for health - more dangerous.

Scheme and course of the treatment of Gardnerners Vaginalis or how to get rid of it?

Any disease requires not only competent diagnosis, but also a correctly chosen treatment regimen. Gardnerellosis is no exception. To cure it with the drugs that the neighbors or girlfriends do not succeed. And the first failure will be hidden in ignorance of the reasons that led to the disease. Only a doctor may after the diagnosis and confidence conversation with the patient to draw up a scheme for the treatment of Gardnerell Vaginaliz, which will be applicable to a specific case of the development of the disease.

The course of treatment of Gardnerellize usually consists of two stages:

In different patients, the course of treatment may include completely different drugs, while at the same time other viruses or mushrooms are found in the body. Often, candidis or chlamydia become a satellite of vaginal bacteriosis, then only the specified drugs can do. We will have to resort to the use of anti-grab gels or drugs operating in chlamydia.

There is no accurate answer to the question of how much Gardnerella is treated. Someone this process takes just a week. In such a group of patients who quickly get rid of bacteria and restore the microflora into the vagina, only those women who appealed for help at the first symptoms of the disease and immaculately comply with all the recommendations of the doctor.

Having received a bacterial vaginosis, you can not only look for the answer to the question of how to get rid of Gardnerners (Gardnerellize). This bacterium must be present in the microflora. We must think about how to strengthen your immunity. For this, it is important to constantly follow the health of the reproductive system.

Treatment of chronic gardnerellosis (bacterial vaginosis)

The course of chronic garardnellosis, as well as its treatment, has its own characteristics. The disease can manifest itself with periods of exacerbation, which smoothly move to the latent stage and is observed. The patient seems that the disease is gone, and the treatment of vaginal gardnerella can be stopped. However, it is precisely such a lack of proper treatment that gives the bacteria to gain strength while the disease is in a sluggish form, and continue its effect. After a small cluster, the disease again begins to progress and imbalances of useful and harmful bacteria becomes even more tangible, because now the reproduction is even faster.

Chronic gardnerellosis or bacterial vaginosis require treatment, which includes both the use of antibacterial preparations and means containing live lactobacilli and immunotherapy complex. In addition to the main course, local therapy may be added, but only the doctor decides how to treat Gardnerball Vagynis.

It will not be possible to defeat chronic vaginal bacteriosis with one antibiotics. They reduce the amount of harmful virus and prepare the soil for reproduction of lactobacilli, therefore, the saturation of the diet is required, which contribute to the formation of lactic acid lactobacillias and receiving drugs that contribute to this process. Most women helps Ginoflor E.

Fighting Gardnerelles at home

Since it does not have any relation to Venusal, the treatment of Gardnerells at home with the help of traditional medicine is also possible, but only after the diagnosis and appointments of the doctor. The weeds capable of fighting with viruses can be very effective in the treatment of Gardnerners.

This disease exists not one century. And if earlier doctors did not call her bacterial vaginosis, then all the same many women were disturbed by the smell of flicker fish from their genitals. We had to be treated with local signs. Here they are the list of grass, which may be useful in the treatment of Gardnerellize at home.

Any grass can be like a helper and allergy provocateur or rash. You can not independently assign such therapy. Regarding the most acceptable recipes of traditional medicine with the doctor, you can begin treatment at home, and not experiments with your own health.

To deal with harmful bacteria, you can put tampons impregnated with therapeutic decoction of herbs. Plants can be used one by one and in the complex, taking them in the same quantity. Strengthen immunity and struggle with viruses of birch and plantain leaves, daisy flowers pharmacy and calendula, grass of vibrant and lavender, coriander seeds and flax, oak bark. You can cook a decoction from violet, mint, yarrow, using all parts of the plant as raw materials. A tablespoon of dry potion is taken on a glass of water. It must be fed on a water bath or give it in the thermos. Warm solution is wetted and injected into the vagina for 20-25 minutes. The same solution can be added to the baths, which are also good to take every evening. From these grass, you can cook and delicious tea, which will also contribute to the restoration of immunity.

Although many lekari offer dyspartizing medicinal herbs solutions, use such procedures for the treatment of Gardnerells at home categorically impossible. In the vagina, the number of lactobacilli decreased. If you start the douching even with a useful solution, their number will become even less.

At home you can treat not only with the use of herbs, but also using other substances. An active assistant in the fight against Vaginosis is mangalls. It is recommended to make a bath, adding potassium permanganate crystals into water. Instead of mangartee, you can use the usual or sea salt. She is also able to kill bacteria. No wonder people with a vaginosis after resting at the sea notice that the disease they left themselves.

Sometimes in the results of the genital smear, you can detect the mark " Gardnerella vaginalis. " This bacterium is often found in the vagina in women and at the same time does not cause any signs of the disease. But as soon as the natural balance of microorganisms is violated - Gardnerella begins to multiply strongly.

In this case, Gardnernel becomes one of the causes of bacterial vaginosis. His symptoms - itching and irritation in the intimate zone, an unpleasant smell that looks like a rotten fish. Many women faced with such an unpleasant situation.

If key cells are found in the smear, and there are few sticks of doderelane and lactobacilli, it indicates a bacterial vaginosis.

The result is usually ready after 1 - 3 days.

The cost of such a smear, depending on the polyclinic, can vary from 500 to 1200 rubles.

Bacteriological sowing

Bakposposev is a very accurate study method. But this is not a review analysis - on the contrary, with it, the doctor must know exactly what it is specifically looking for.

After the material is taken from the scraping, they are administered to a special nutrient medium, on which a particular microorganism will grow well. Therefore, a doctor and you need to know what a suspicion of a patient - different microorganisms need different environments.

Then the container with the nutrient medium is placed in a special device - thermostat. There are created correctly for bacteria humidity and temperatures under which they grow well. After a certain time, the colonies of microorganisms grow on the medium, which are then investigated - both externally and under the microscope.

The advantage of bacteriological sowing is that it is possible to test the antibiotics. Samples of antibacterial drugs add to the colonies of microorganisms, and this makes it possible to understand which one is better than. Since Gardnernella is resistant to many types of antibiotics, Bakposposev makes it possible not to "play a gangup", but to accurately understand which medicine is necessary.

In the case of Gardnello, a quantitative indicator is important with the Bakposphere. Since Gardnernella may be present in a woman in the analysis and normally, the disease is spoken only if the number of bacteria exceeds 10 * 4 Cost / ml.

Bakposev is a long analysis, it can prepare for more than a week. The price of analysis depends on the number of microorganisms that want to determine. On average, a study for one microorganism can cost from 800 to 1500 rubles.

Analysis PCR on Gardnerner

Polymerase chain reaction is one of the most modern tests. Essence PCR It is to detect DNA Gardnerella Vagynis. Here may arise what it is - DNA Gardnerella vaginalis ? This is deoxyribonucleic acid, it carries genetic information about bacteria and unique for each type of microorganisms.

With a polymerase chain reaction to gardnerella vaginalis DNA Bacteria is determined by unmistakably. Thereby, PCR It makes it possible to find the pathogen, even if it is very small, and it is not recognized by other analyzes.

The hidden presence of Gardnerners - the threat of further infection. therefore PCR on the gardnerella vaginalis. - A good way to understand whether there is a reason for anxiety.

The lack of analysis is that the usual PCR Does not determine how many bacteria is present in the smear. And since Gardnerwell Vagynis may be present in a smear of a woman and normally, a simple PCR is a rapid study, often its results are ready on the day of the analysis or the next day.

An analysis of one type of microorganisms is on average from 300 to 600 rubles.

Cytological research

Cytological examination is a screening, that is, a review analysis. It allows you to determine the cell composition of the mucosa of the cervix. The main goal of the gynecological cytogram is to recognize and warn the malignant tumors of the cervix.

Also, the cytogram can be found inflammation in the tissues and signs of bacterial vaginosis. In this case, in the form with the results indicate - "a cytogram corresponds to a bacterial vaginosis".

But this method is not specific, that is, does not reveal and does not define the microorganisms themselves. Therefore, if you received such a result, you must pass the tests that determine the cause of the vaginosis.

The cytogram is prepared on average 3 days, the price of the study is from 800 to 1000 rubles.

Preparing for analysis on Gardnerner

So that the results are accurate, the analysis needs to be properly prepared. For all types of research on Gardnerell, general rules can be applied:

    the day before the analysis can not have sex;

    day before analysis should not be painted and use any vaginal medicines;

    two or three hours before collecting the material it is better not to urinate;

    on the day of analysis, it is washed without the use of special hygiene;

    women can take the analysis no earlier than 3-5 days after the end of menstruation.

It is important to remember that the analyzes cannot be carried out if you take antibiotics - they change the picture of the bacterial flora. In this case, you must first consult with your doctor

Gardnellla is a microbe that can exist in the body of a woman and not to interfere with it. Today, gynecologists and venereologists know that a small number of Gardnerell is not a reason for treatment. But it is important to remember that this bacterium is still able to spoil life if you create the necessary conditions.

Diagnostic analysis for the presence of Gardnerella in the vagina will help to understand what is happening in the body. Due to this, it will be possible to prevent the development of the disease and at the same time not to harm the body with improper treatment.

All body cavities, which are communicated with the external environment, are nestable. This applies to the vagina of a woman, and the urethra of men in which entire colonies in the norm are inhabited. But, despite this, their quantitative composition and species belongings are in clear boundaries, with a violation of which dysbiosis (bacterial vaginosis) may occur.

With a vaginosis of those bacteria that prevail in the norm becomes less. And the microbes that are normal, begin to prevail. In this case, with bacterial vaginosis, the number of lactobacilli decreases and the number of Gardnerell increases. Therefore, the disease is often referred to as Gardnerlese.

What is the gardnerellosis

The main factors for the development of bacterial vaginosis are:

  • reception of antibiotics;
  • long-term dying;
  • chronic stress;
  • improper nutrition;
  • reception of contraceptive pills;
  • continuous wearing daily gaskets;
  • use of gels for intimate hygiene with aggressive antiseptics;
  • sexual partner;
  • pregnancy and period of menopause.

Reception of antibiotics, dying, as well as local use of antiseptic napkins or soaps with an antiseptic leads to the destruction of useful milk bacteria. It creates convenient conditions for breeding Gardnell. In the case of constant wear of the gasket, the access of oxygen is worsening to the vagina, which is why aerobic lactobacillias are dying, and pathogenic anaerobes begin to multiply.

During pregnancy and in menopause there are significant hormonal transformations, which leads to a drop in immunity and activation of Gardnell. Similar occurs during incorrect power in the complex with stress.

How infection is transmitted

Thus, the Gardenalez is not a venereal disease, since Gardnernella is a member of the normal vaginal flora. Naturally, the causative agent of garcenellosis is transmitted by sexual path. That is, Gardnerners can penetrate into the partner's sexual paths with intimate contact without proper protection. However, with normal immunite, they do not cause diseases. The same applies to other transmission paths (household, contact).

In case the pathogen falls into the body from the outside and causes the gondaresez, the incubation period is 1-2 weeks. But if the disease occurs due to the decline in immunity, it is incorrect to talk about the incubation period.

The causative agent of the Gardenaleza

Gardnerella vaginalis polymorphic. She may have both the shape of sticks and coccobs. This bacterium is also painted in gram too positively, then negatively. Nevertheless, it is proved that it belongs to Optional Anaerobam, i.e. Can live in oxygen-free space. Enabled conditions for its development is an alkaline environment.

Normally, the medium is weakly acidic in the vagina by developing lactobacteriums of lactic acid. When the dairy bacteria are dying, the pH of the vaginal environment is growing, creating optimal conditions for the growth of the colonies of the causative agent of the Gardenalez.

By itself, Gredenez does not represent much danger. But it never develops isolated. Following the Gardnell, the number of mycoplasmas is increasing. And then, with the first convenient possibility (random ties without a condom), pathogenic trichomonas, chlamydia and gonococci are treated in the vagina. And they can already cause serious complications of both men and women.

As a result, inflammatory diseases of the sexual system may develop and even infertility. Therefore, it is extremely important to know what Gardnerlese develops and how to warn it.

Prevention of bacterial dysbiosis

Currently, with antibiotics, candles with lactobacterium are always prescribed in parallel with antibiotics. This is an effective measure of the prevention of bacterial vaginosis. It is also better to abandon aggressive tools for intimate hygiene. It is more correct to apply specialized means with the content of lactic acid that will not give the Gardnerell to multiply.

If possible, get rid of daily gaskets, which overlap the access of oxygen to the genital organs. It is important to take care of the right nutrition and recreation mode to prevent the incidence of immunity and the prevention of garardnellosis.

Despite the fact that the pathogen may be sexually transmitted, restrictions in sexual life in the presence of Gardnernellosis in one of the partners it makes no sense. It is enough to maintain a high-level immunity.

The causes of gardnerellosis in women are many. Consider where Gardnernell appears in women, what symptoms and methods for the treatment of Gardnerellosis disease. Women of all ages periodically experience unpleasant sensations in the vagina associated with the microflora violation. This pathology is called dysbiosis (dysbiosis). One of the varieties of pathology - Gardnerellosis caused by Gardnerells.

  • Bacterial vaginosis
  • Symptoms of Gardnerellize
  • Female diseases
  • Gardnerellis in pregnant women

Bacterial vaginosis

The vagina, the female sexual organ, is populated by microflora, which consists of useful, non-pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic organisms. The latter includes Candida fungi and Gardnerella Vaginalis bacteria. There are no more than 1-2%. Useful bacteria includes lacto and bifidobacteria (about 99% of them). They create an acidic medium in which malicious bacteria cannot multiply.

What is Gardnerners? This is the genus anaerobic bacteria that have the only look - Gardnerella vaginalis. For men, these microorganisms are not typical. Infection occurs, as a rule, during sexual contact and men often do not even feel on their health effects of these bacteria.

If it actively begins to multiply Gardnernell in women, the reason should be sought in reducing the acidity of the vaginal environment. There is a violation of the balance between microflora representatives. The main reason for the occurrence of Gardnerellosis in women is vaginal dysbacteriosis. However, scientists have proven that other pathogenic bacteria are involved in this process. Therefore, the garcellosis in women consider mixed infection and is called bacterial vaginosis.

The disease caused by Gardnerells is a sexual tract infection - is not a venereal disease, although it is possible to infected during sexual intercourse.

For the prevention of the disease, the immune system should be strengthened, follow the health of the urinary organs, have secure sex. Intimate hygiene tools need to be used correctly, avoid scrutins, do not abuse antibiotics causing dysbacteriosis.

Causes of the development of Gardnerellize

The reasons for the development of the disease are several. If Gardnerella Vaginalis is found, it may have occurred hormonal failure or immunity. Other reasons for gardnerellosis in women are the following:

  • Supercooling of the body.
  • Changing of the climate.
  • Use of ectopic contraceptives.
  • Reception of antibiotics, spermicides, oral contraceptives.
  • Frequent scriptures with antiseptics.
  • Diseases of internal genital organs, including the presence of an inflammatory process in the vagina.
  • Venereal diseases.
  • Gynecological operations.

The development of infection may be due to the improper use of tampons during the menstrual cycle.

Symptoms of Gardnerellize

Signs of Gardnernel in women appear in 3-4 days from the moment of dysbiosis. Gardnerellis in women has the following characteristic symptoms:

  1. Itching, burning in the vagina - the first signs of Gardnerners.
  2. The appearance of white or gray isolation. They are sticky and foamy. An unpleasant smell of discharge resembles the smell of fish.
  3. Urination can be freckred, becoming painful; The portion of urine decreases.

In the vagina smear, an increase in the number of Gardnerell is recorded (it can be seen in the photo).

Symptoms of Gardnerellize in women can be observed long: months and even years. The discharge from the vagina becomes yellow-green, acquire a curly consistency. With a long-term course of the disease and the absence of treatment, the complications of Gardnerellize occur: the emergence of sexual tract infections (chlamydia, colpit), a number of other inflammatory diseases develop.

Sometimes there are no symptoms of Gardnerellis, then the woman becomes a carrier of the disease, presenting a danger to sexual partners.

Symptoms of bacterial vaginosis are similar to symptoms of such diseases:

  • gonoron;
  • genuine sex tract infection;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • inflammatory diseases of nonspecific etiology.

Therefore, differential diagnosis is necessary for eliminating the listed diseases.

Female diseases

Gardnerellosis in women is not an inflammatory process, but creates prerequisites for the development of a number of genital field diseases:

  • cervical diseases: inflammation, pseudo-erosion, scar deformation, ectropion, dysplasia;
  • inflammation of the vagina (vaginitis, colpit);
  • salpingitis;
  • endometritis.

Risk of infection with diseases that are transmitted through sexual contacts. When fulfilling all the recommendations, the doctor gardnerellis passes quickly and does not cause complications.

Gardnerellis in pregnant women

Gardnernel in pregnant women are often fixed due to a hormone imbalance associated with the restructuring of the body. Gardnerellosis in women at this time has exacerbate symptoms: abundant discharge, having an unpleasant smell, burning in the vagina, painful sensations during sex.

The disease can give severe complications:

  • premature childbirth;
  • inflammation or rupture of the fetal bubble shells;
  • endometrite postpartum.

In addition, the infection can pass the infant during childbirth (usually the girl). Therefore, women who have vaginal microorganisms caused a gardnerellosis or other bacterial infection, are under the special control of the obstetrician-gynecologist. The infant in preventive purposes is prescribed drug therapy.

How to cure gardnerella in women

When a woman begins to feel discomfort in the sex paths, you need to hand over the analysis on Gardnerell and other microorganisms. If the gardnerellosis is diagnosed with a woman, a gynecologist or a dermatologist-venereologist is being treated.

An important task of diagnosis is to establish the cause of the imbalance in the microflora of the female vagina. Only after receiving the results of the necessary analyzes, the doctor prescribes adequate therapy. The difficulty of treatment is that the bacteria of Gardnerners are resistant to most antibiotics, so it is dangerous to engage in self-medication.

The scheme of treatment of Gardnerellize in a woman consists of 2 stages:

  1. Elimination of infection in sex paths with antibiotics. They are used locally in the form of ointments, gels, vaginal candles or tablets, within 10 days.
  2. Restoration of vaginal microflora with bacterial preparations. Vaginal candles with lactobacterium are prescribed.

Additionally, the following drugs are used in Gardnerellize therapy:

  • Immunomodulators.
  • Antifungal drugs.
  • Vaginal tablets and candles with anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs for receiving orally.

Simultaneously with bacterial vaginosis, the intestine dysbiosis may be observed. Then probiotics are prescribed: Linex, Bifidumbacterin and others.

When a woman's recovery comes depends on how to treat Gardnerell. It is necessary to perform strict assignments of the doctor, do not interrupt the therapeutic course, not to engage in self-medication. During the treatment of Gardnerellize, sex classes are prohibited.

It is important to observe the diet: an increase in the diet of dairy products, the restriction of alcohol, fried and acute food. A good addition to drug therapy is the methods of traditional medicine.

Treatment of Gardnerellize in women provides for re-passing the smear to control the effectiveness of prescribed drugs and their possible adjustment. At the end of the therapeutic course, analyzes are surrendered, and then after 1.5 months, a smear is taken for malicious microorganism. If the analysis is negative, only then the bacterial vaginosis is considered cured.

Treatment of Gardnerellis in pregnant women

A very difficult question than to cure garardnellosis in pregnant women, because many medicines for them are banned. The treatment regimen of Gardnerells for women who carry a child also takes place in the 2 stages. Initially, the amount of malicious flora decreases. Antibiotics are prescribed only in the first and second semester for topical use.

In the second stage, lactobacillia are normalized. Antifungal agents are used together with probiotics to improve vaginal microflora and prevent the secondary appearance of infection.

During treatment, the doctor monitors the number of Gardnell. It is necessary in order to prevent the development of diseases of the urogenital system.

The question arises: is it possible to cure completely garardnellosis in pregnant women? Full, high-quality treatment until complete destruction of infection can be carried out only after pregnancy and childbirth. Prior to that, symptomatic treatment is usually carried out, avoiding antibiotics in the 3 trimester. Treatment of Gardnerellize in pregnant women at home by methods of traditional medicine is possible only with the permission of the doctor.

Gardnerella in women cause discomfort in the urogenital sphere leads to diseases of the urinary bodies, infertility. Timely appeal to the doctor and fulfill its recommendations guarantees full disposal of infection in 2-3 weeks.

Gardnerellosis is an infectious inflammatory disease based on the dysbioma of natural microflora in the vagina associated with the reproduction of Gardnerella Vaginalis bacteria. The minimum number of microorganism is on the mucous membranes of the urinary tract even in healthy women.

But only under certain adverse conditions, the microorganism begins to multiply and this is the most cause a bacterial vaginosis. If the woman was showed Gardnerell, and the first symptoms of the disease have already appeared, the treatment must begin immediately to eliminate complications.

Women reverently belong to their health in the field of gynecology. The appearance of pain, discharge, unpleasant odors, itching and other pathological deviations leads to discomfort and panic. In fact, most of the diseases refer to a non-hazardous group, which can be treated with simple medicines and prevention. To such a disease, the Gardnerellosis belongs.

To prevent the development of the disease, it is important to contain the vaginal microflora in proper condition, but it is constantly impossible to monitor it. Reducing the beneficial microorganisms (milk bacteria) for microflora means a decrease in local immunity, and it becomes the main reason for the development of sexual diseases in women.

It is important to know that the bacteria of thrush or Gardnerlese is always in the vagina, but only if the balance is disturbed, they acquire aggressive qualities and begin to actively multiply.

Gardnerlenez is considered a relatively safe disease that is easy to be treated, but it creates a favorable environment for other dangerous diseases (chlamydia, vaginitis, colpit), which, without timely treatment, lead to complications and loss of reproductive functions.

It all starts with the growth of pathogenic microbes, which in the absence of immune protection fill and affect the genitals, increasing the acidity (pH) to the value of 7 or more. This indicator is considered one of the development indicators.

After the impact of certain factors and the weakening of immunity, the infection begins to multiply in the vaginal environment. During this, it begins to produce amino acids that disintegrate on volatile amines. These compounds cause an unpleasant fish smell, which is characteristic of garardnerellosis.

For pathology, a significant decrease in the amount of beneficial bacteria (lactobacilli), which produce lactic acid is characterized. With its decrease, an increase in acidity in the vagina and changes in the pH level to neutral.

A similar situation may occur in men, but this is extremely rare, because most of the bacteria is excreted in the urine, or the male body successfully suppresses their reproduction.

Causes of development

Most cases of gardnellosis infection are sexual intercourse, but there are other ways to infect. The main reasons for the occurrence of the disease doctors include:

  • reducing the local immune system due to stress, cold and infectious diseases;
  • reception of strong antibiotics, which disturb the microflora of the vagina and kill lactobacilli in the intestine and genitals;
  • scriptures (women often evoke with various braids, without the recommendations of the doctor, thereby simply "leaning" useful microorganisms;
  • the use of contraceptives (a particular danger is preparations containing 9-non-nonoxyl, which also reduces the number of lactobacilli);
  • disorderly sexual relations with frequent change of partners;
  • pregnancy, climax and any other hormonal rebuildings (including the use of hormonal drugs);
  • unprotected sexual acts.

Mix the risk factors that can provoke gardnerellosis:

  • pathologies associated with the endocrine system (diabetes mellitus, thyroid gland, etc.);
  • incorrect and irregular personal hygiene;
  • hormonal failures (climax, pregnancy, menstrual disorders);
  • the presence of chronic diseases in the body, diseases of the urinary tract;
  • frequent stress and overvoltage;
  • wearing synthetic, tight fitting underwear.

Most often, garcellosis is combined with intestinal dysbacteriosis. Bacteria is usually activated during other venereal diseases: chlamydia, gonor, mycoplasmosis.

How infection is transmitted

The main way of transferring Gardnerellize - sexual, during classic and oral sexual contact. The source of infection is a sick woman. A man acts as a carrier of the disease. It is believed that Gardnerella Vaginalis cannot get ready in the men's organism.

However, the latest medical studies show that men who have an unprotected sexual intercourse with a sick woman, Gardnerella bacteria also detected in urethra. In any case, the pathological bacteria of Gardenarellize is rarely leaving for men.

The venereological type of garrerellosis is only attributed if the bacterium passes the incubation period, which lasts 4-10 days. Thus, when sex a man passes a disease of a healthy woman where microbes are doingor stop in development depending on the level of the immune system.

Gardnerellize from mother to the child during childbirth is possible. But in the body of the infant bacterium can not multiply, as the baby is not enough glycogen, which is necessary for the reproduction and active life of the pathogenic microorganism.

A contact-household method of transmission of infection is rare, for example, through bedding, towels and underwear. You can get infected using the hygiene tools of another person or from someone else's bed linen. Dangerous for other people is even a carrier of the disease, an infected person who has no clinical manifestations.

First signs

Help determine the principle of development can primary signs. They are not so much, but they can deliver significant discomfort to the woman. The incubation period of the bacteria lasts from 4 to 10 days and at this time such signs are manifested as:

  1. Nasty smell Similar to "rotten fish" from the field of genital organs. A woman has to be broken several times to get rid of discomfort, but soap does not help, but only worsens the situation. The reason for such a smell lies in the decay of amines, which are in the products of the life of Gardnell.
  2. Itch external genital organs.
  3. Change in consistency and color of selection (Cheese, with a yellowish tint, can be white, gray or yellow color).

The beginning of Gardnernellosis is similar to some other venereal diseases, so when symptoms are manifested, a gynecologist should be consulted in order not to confuse pathology with another disease.

Classification: Disease varieties

Anaerobic microorganisms - Gardnerella Vaginis have an oval shape and reach 1-1.5 microns. At low concentrations, they do not cause symptoms and complications, but with an increase in their number, inflammatory processes appear, which can lead to endometritis in a woman and a man's urolithiasis.

Officially accepted classifications There are no medical practices, but there are lists that use gynecologists in diagnosis. Allocate the following types:

  • gardnerellosis in the genital paths in men and women;
  • damage to the top of the genital tract;
  • bacterial vaginosis;
  • development of disease during pregnancy.

Each type requires a special approach in treatment, so it is important to establish a true diagnosis and find the cause of development.

Clinical forms of the disease

Medical classification includes such forms of the disease:

  • Bacterial vaginosis. It is the most common clinical form. It is characterized by detection in the vagina, except for Gardnerells and other microorganisms - mycoplasma, etc. With bacterial vaginosis, there are no signs of inflammation (swelling, redness, etc.). But there are signs of violation of the microflora of the vagina. In the pathogenesis of this form of Gardnerellosis there is a decrease in the total and local immunity.
  • Gardnerellosis of the upper fear. In this form, the infection is transmitted to lymphogenic (through lymph) and hematogenic (through blood). There were cases when this disease was complicated by the development of endometritis and inflammation of ovaries and uterine pipes. If bacteria gets into the blood, the development of shock and septicemia is possible.
  • Gardnerellis urinary tract. This form develops due to the features of the location of the vagina and the urethra. Sometimes even a healthy woman in the urine can be highlighted by Gardnernell. Confirmation These forms of the disease will be at identifying in 1 ml of urine more than 1000 kone microorganisms.
  • Gardnerellosis of pregnant women. It is found in 17% of cases. Often an ectopic infection, since at this time the protective mechanisms of the body increase. With intrauterine form, women increase the risk of premature birth several times.

Basic symptoms

Gardnerellosis can be worn as asymptomatic and manifest itself with clinical symptoms. In the first case, the disease will not appear externally in any way, but laboratory tests will confirm the presence of an infection.

In the second case, the woman will disturb such symptoms as:

  • the appearance of atypical discharges (cotton consistency, grayish yellow with a characteristic fish smell);
  • itching in the field of external genital organs;
  • swelling and hyperemia of the germ lips;
  • painful sensations with sexual intercom (arises due to mechanical irritation);
  • painful and frequent urination.

If there is no treatment of the disease, the unpleasant smell does not pass even after the arms. The use of soap even increases its distribution. During sexual contact, the smell also acquires a pronounced character.

Features of manifestation during pregnancy

Gardnerella in pregnant women has the same symptoms as those who are not in position:

  • expressed fish smell;
  • edema of external genital organs;
  • urination disorders.

In future mothers, the disease is most often accompanied by candidiasis (thrush). In this case, the uncomfortable sensations are intensified doubly. There is a risk of damage to candidiasis of mucous membranes, skin and internal organs of the fetus.

Than dangerous infection during pregnancy

There is no direct effect on the fruit of Gardnerell, as it does not penetrate the hemato-placental barrier. But indirectly the disease can cause complications during childbirth and tooling the fetus.

These include:

Since the pH of the medium of the vagina and the acidity of sperm will take almost the same character in the gardnerellosis, then spermatozoa will be easier to get to the egg and fertilize it. To eliminate the presence of a disease during pregnancy, a few months before pregnancy planning should be handed over to the presence of various microorganisms.

If no pathogenic bacteria is detected, you can safely begin the conception.

The complexity of the treatment of Gardnernel in pregnant women is that some antibiotics and other drugs cannot be used to women in position, as it can harm the fetus. Therefore, the probability of successful treatment of infection is dramatically reduced.

The symptoms of Gardnerners in pregnant women testify to the stage of the disease, the further course of the disease and the possibility of complications.


For the diagnosis of the disease, such analyzes are made:

The doctor may assume the presence of Gardnerellize based on the inspection of a woman on a gynecological chair and a propheted history. You can make a general blood test, in the presence of an infection, it will be observed an increase in the speed of the erythrocyte sedimentation, an increase in the number of leukocytes. Such analyzes indicate the presence of an inflammatory process in the body.

What should be in a smear in normal

It was previously believed that no pathogenic microorganisms should not be contained in the smear in addition to lactobacteria. Over time, it became clear that it is impossible to keep the microflora of the vagina in the "sterile" form, there can still be single gardnerells, mycoplasm, ureaplasma.

At the moment there is a certain indicator of the titer. The titer suggests how much Gardnernel is detected in 1 ml of liquid. The normal indicator is 10 * 4 CFU / ml. All that is above this titer means the presence of a disease.

The level of Gardnernell in deciphering the analysis in women, the treatment of which ended favorably, should show the titer below 10 * 4 CFU / ml, which will say that the patient is healthy.

Treatment scheme

The course of treatment of Gardnerellize usually consists of 2 stages:

Treatment consists of 2 tasks:

  • destroy pathogenic microorganisms,
  • "Calculate" the normal microflora.

Therapeutic preparations are available in the form of tablets, solutions for injection, ointments, gels, candles.

Medication drugs

Antibiotics used for the treatment of Gardnerellize can be divided into local and systemic drugs.

As local funds, women are appointed:

  • Metronidazole (produced in the form of 0.75% of the gel),
  • Floomizin (a tablet that is entered into the vagina every night)
  • Clindamycin (2% in the form of cream).

The course of treatment with the above preparations is 5-7 days.

To system agents can be attributed:

  • Metronidazole and its analogues (clion, metrged);
  • Tinidazole;
  • Clindamycin.

All of the above preparations cannot be used in conjunction with alcohol.

In the opposite case, the following complications may arise:

  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • drop in blood pressure;
  • collapse;
  • violation of the functions of the urinary tract.

Before starting to take drugs that restore the normal microflora of the vagina, it is necessary to take repeated tests and make sure that the gardnerell in the body. If treatment has passed successfully, and pathogenic microorganisms are not found, it is possible to begin receptions of drugs, which include lactobacilli.

To such means can be attributed:

  • Lactobacterin;
  • Acilakt;
  • Ginoflor.

Cost of funds about 200-300 rubles. The course of treatment is usually 12-15 days.

Folk ways of treatment

It should be noted that folk remedies cannot replace antibiotic therapy, they can only speed up the process of recovery. Gardnerrella in women symptoms and treatment with folk remedies can not be used as the main, without auxiliary medicines, otherwise it will not bring effect.

Recipe number 1.

You can make a bath of 300 g of oak bark. Previously, the bark is poured with water, bring up to boil, clean. Then the folded decoction must be diluted in 3 liters of water. The procedure should be carried out within 15-20 minutes.

Recipe number 2.

It is necessary to mix the fruits of juniper, the pharmacy chamomile and the leaves of the nut in the same proportions. The mixture should be poured with water, boil for 2 minutes, and then profile. Next, you need to prepare a tampon of gauze, soak it with a cooked decoction and introduce into the vagina.

Recipe number 3.

You can prepare an infusion of chopped sage. To do this, 1 tbsp of dry plants pour 1 l boiling water. Next, the brave must be labeled for 3-4 hours.

Take infusion is needed 2 times a day (in the morning and evening) 1 cup.

Will Drafting help?

Drying have a positive effect in the treatment of garardnerellosis. The most important thing is to discuss therapy with your doctor, do not abuse medicines and comply with the dosage described in the recipes.

The most popular douching, using apple vinegar. It divorces per 1 tbsp. Vinegar 1 cup of water. The procedure must be carried out daily, 1 time per day for 7-14 days. The main action of this method is directed to the normalization of the acidity of the vagina. In an environment with a normal pH Gardnerell, it will be much more difficult to multiply.

Effective deeds are considered from:

Features of treatment during pregnancy

Pregnant women are strictly forbidden to use clindamycin to the treatment of Gardnerellize. In the first trimester should be excluded from the metronidazole reception. In the second and third trimester, it can be used again. The only drug that has no contraindications during pregnancy is ampicillin. It can be applied not depending on the trimester.

Pregnant women are allowed to use almost all local means (creams, ointments, gels), as they do not affect the development of the child and to wear it.

How long is the disease

The term of treatment depends on the timeliness of appeal to the doctor, the stage of the disease, the individual characteristics of the body and the health status of the patient. When identifying the disease in the initial stages, the treatment is 9-12 days. In the launched cases, about 1-1.5 months can take treatment.

If the process chronization occurred, the path to recovery will be even longer - more than 2 months.

The treatment of Gardnerell in women after favorable recovery should be additionally maintained for 1-1.5 months with yogurt (with lactobacteriums) and immunomodulators.

What danger represents, possible consequences and complications

Unlike most diseases in the field of gynecology, Gardnerellosis can occur quietly with little discomfort. Microorganisms in small quantities are not hazardous, and even at the stage of inflammation, they only cause unpleasant symptoms. This often becomes the reason for the late appeal to the doctor, where patients learn about complications.

Gardnerellosis is not dangerous, but it is these pathogenic bacteria that are conductors for other diseases, including venereological. The main complications include the beginning of inflammatory processes in the field of small pelvis, urethral syndrome, neoplasia, endometritis, and even infertility in women.

With timely treatment, the disease passes without a trace, does not carry any complications, but in some cases(most often with a bombarded gardnerellosis) may occur:

  • salpingitis;
  • salpingoForit;
  • endometritis;
  • inflammation in the urinary system.

In men, a list of possible complications are not so big, but cystitis, prostate, non-nodococcal urethritis and badplates can develop as complications.

If not to treat complications, then in consequences maybe infertility.

Can the disease go on their own?

Without the treatment of Gardnerell, it cannot pass on its own. Pathogenic bacteria will multiply, harming the body of a woman, leading to complications. Gardnerella in women manifests itself fast enough. The first symptoms can be seen independently, while treatment must be started immediately when identifying pathology.

An important diagnostic sign of the disease is that when the solar is washed, the unpleasant "fish" smell is only enhanced, and does not disappear. To protect against gynecological diseases, you should always look closely to the state of your body, lead an active lifestyle and regularly carry out hygienic measures.

Conducting prophylactic actions can be easily protected from the development of Gardnellular and related diseases. When the first signs appear, it is important that the doctor quickly define the original source of infection to prevent the emergence of recurrence after treatment.

Article clearance: Lozinsky Oleg.

Vileo About Gardnerell in women

Treatment in women with medicines, dysfunction and folk remedies:

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