Interesting sections for a school newspaper. Research work "intra-school youth newspaper"

  • The newspaper's columns are of particular importance. A newspaper without categories is like a suit without buttons, classes without breaks.
  • The rubric is part of the so-called header complex. Rubric – a supertitle that specifies the topic of the material,
  • Headings allow the reader to accurately find in the publication exactly what interests him.

  • The headings make it possible to form the basis of the content and thematic model of the publication and to determine the most important thematic areas of its publications.
  • Headings make it easier to develop a compositional model of a newspaper, determine its structure and construct each issue. Therefore, an important task of the editorial board is to form a system of newspaper headings.

  • There are two types of headings:
  • The most important are thematic headings that determine the topics of publications. The thematic section combines both a single-topic selection of publications on a newspaper page and an entire thematic page.





  • The newspaper uses service sections just as actively. They also help organize the materials in the issue and help readers find publications that interest them.
  • Several types of service rubrics are used.
  • Genre headings (determine the genre of publications):

Fact and comment

Our interview



  • Time headings (indicate the time of events reported by publications):
  • Regional heading (limiting the region reported by the newspaper):
  • Audience section (aimed at a specific group of readers):

Today and yesterday

Pulse of the week

Yesterday in our city


For you book lovers

Tips for gardeners

  • Service headings may suggest the source of information published in the newspaper:
  • There is a concept - exclusive headings, which are found only in this publication.
  • The image of the publication depends on the system of headings; monopoly headings play a huge role in its formation.

News agencies report

From our own correspondents

Expert opinion

Events, facts

Pen samples


History of our city

  • Each newspaper should develop its own system of columns, differing in nature, duration of their existence, focus on a specific audience, etc.
  • Some sections are used constantly in the publication and usually coincide with the main thematic sections of the newspaper, others are temporary and episodic. They help clarify the nature of the publication.

  • The heading is most often placed above the text, but sometimes it is “tied” to the heading or “sunk” in the text (i.e. placed inside the text).

  • The role of a rubric can also be played by screensaver is a drawing or photograph that reflects the theme of the material. For example, the font heading “Sport” is most often replaced with a small drawing with sports symbols.

Main question

  • The section should be catchy, informational, preferably not boring, and even more preferably, original.
  • About this, unlike the title, it should be extremely short and universal - reusable.

The school newspaper, of course, should have sections consisting of school “terms”.

Not “In leisure hours”, but “Change”.

Not “Our Teachers”, but “Teacher’s Room”.

Not “In the world of wise thoughts,” but “Crib for life.”

something to think about and think about.

We wish you success in this!

Let's share our experience:

All teams came with their newspapers. Let each name its own sections.

Interesting findings can be recorded, and the school with the most successful rubric system can be identified.

A common problem: hackneyed topics, we pay little attention to them.

“Event Feed”, “Starfall”; "This is interesting"; "Photosketch"; "Report from the scene"; “Cadet self-government informs”; "Attempt at writing"; “Gallery”, “Congratulations!”; "Interview number"; "Connection of generations."


Do newspaper modern. This could mean anything. The main rule is to forget about the regular newspaper. Not a single child will tell you that the Kommersant or MK newspapers have a beautiful design. So do the opposite. Give your publication a bright, free style and fill it with graphics and images. The easiest way to create a front page is to use photos and students.

Consider the shape of the newspaper. A student is unlikely to appreciate the delights of a wide, awkward A3 or larger newspaper. A4 format is best suited. It is close to a magazine, printing can be done on a regular printer, it will easily fit in.

A smaller format is also acceptable, but it causes layout problems. If you are going to publish long, complex ones, it may stretch over several pages.

Use effects to decorate text and photos. Popular genre of manga - good one, as possible "with text". Do not use conventional newspaper columnar feeding methods. Arrange information on the page in small oval frames, like clouds in the sky. The final version is similar to a blog or news feed, which will attract and make it easier to learn the material.

Process photos with shadows, light, and gloss. Create interesting photo collages. This will help you save space and use more photos on one page.

Ask students for advice. As a rule, young talents can come up with brilliant ideas that will not only attract new students to the newspaper, but also establish various kinds of awards for the work done.

Helpful advice

Remember that you need to start not from your understanding of what a newspaper should be, but from the needs of the student. By fulfilling these needs, you will be able to achieve success.

How to make a newspaper? There are countless different publications on the Internet where you can publish your own creations. Some even claim that the press will soon die out altogether, as an obsolete element. But somehow they already claimed something similar.

Video on the topic


  • how to make your own newspaper in 2019

So you decided to do . It doesn’t matter what it will be: a wall newspaper for colleagues, a small school bulletin printed on a wide-format printer, or a full-fledged periodical. The topic has been decided, the materials have been collected. How to design a newspaper? Whatever newspaper you make, pay attention to the following points.


Any newspaper should have its own recognizable style. Don't be afraid to experiment, move away from templates.

Photographs and drawings serve not only as additional illustrative material, but also often “pull over” the information blanket. Make sure your photo is eye-catching. It is not necessary that any incriminating evidence be depicted on it. Just place it on the strip.

The right font is the key to your success. It shouldn't be too popular, but it should be easy to read what it says. Don't show all the fonts you know in one issue. It's funny, of course, but the reader is unlikely to like it.
The font is the “face” of the publication. Make it recognizable.

Designing the structure of a newspaper is hard work. Your task is so that the reader moves through the headings and understands why you arranged the material this way and not otherwise.
For example, if serious analytical material appears on a newspaper page, the reader will never open the middle of the newspaper to read last news. If only because it is simply inconvenient.

Video on the topic

Start your own blog It's never too late, and it's never too late to decorate it to your liking. if you have blog on LiveJournal, check out using existing methods designing your online diary.


If desired, your page blog and in LJ you can change it beyond recognition. The Livejournal platform allows you to design your blog as you like: change styles, colors, backgrounds, fonts, menu items, etc. It is important to note that you do not need to do this - the status of your LiveJournal account does not determine how the magazine will look. To register blog, you can go two ways: choose a style to your liking or create your own style yourself.

If you take the path of least resistance, you can choose from hundreds of ready-made design styles and customize it to suit your needs. To do this, go to your profile and select “Journal Style” from the “Journal” menu. You will find yourself in the magazine design selection menu. Using the navigation on the left side of the page, choose a style that suits you, click the Preview button to see what your page will look like, and then click the Apply Design button to make changes to the design style.

You can now make more subtle adjustments by going to the “Customize your style” section. Here you can customize colors and fonts, select on the page, change the names of headings and menu items, or hide tags, set an image as a background, and make other design settings for your blog A.

If you are not satisfied with any of the suggested styles, you can try another option. LiveJournal is a community where users post exclusive magazine styles. is very popular. You can look at ready-made styles in community publications, choose the one that suits you and apply it to your magazine. Before you adopt a particular style, read the rules for its use.

Well, if you decide to try yourself as a designer, but don’t have experience with HTML, use the LiveJournal design generator In addition, find answers to any questions you may have regarding the design of your blog and you can in the community

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How to start a blog on LiveJournal

Today write, layout and print the school paper newspaper much easier and less expensive than, for example, 20-30 years ago. Having in your arsenal basic writing skills and a computer with Word installed, you can safely develop the idea of ​​a school “messenger”. Also, when creating a school newspaper, you cannot do without like-minded people and the support of adults.


Talk with class teacher, or better yet, immediately for any support in creating a school newspaper. It is better if you gather an initiative group that will propose numerous ideas and topics for newspaper materials. Project support includes: provision of computers and programs for layout, provision of Internet access, assistance to teachers or students in checking texts for spelling and grammatical errors, assistance in developing a promotion and design plan.

If it is impossible to find support from the school, try to get your parents interested. Some of them plan to send theirs to receive higher philological or journalistic education, and this is a good springboard for writers and journalists. If you have good computer skills and are comfortable with the Internet, you can also save on newspaper printing costs by publishing your pearls on the global network on your own school website. Involve not only writers and journalists, but also teachers and students.

Brainstorm and come up with a catchy name for your school newspaper. Develop a home page design, publication logo, and headline rating. Come up with headings and topics, style and concept for the entire newspaper. You can publish news and texts related to school life: about the Olympiads, about sports, about teachers and educational process, O summer vacation And school curriculum, puzzles, cartoons, photographs, advertisements, horoscopes, comics and much more. All this will be useful for the electronic version. Decide whether your newspaper will be weekly or monthly.

Distribute topics to volunteers and announce deadlines for submitting finished materials. Be sure to make a list of requirements: presence of a photograph, handwritten or electronic form of articles, volume of text, presence of headings.

Layout materials using the developed home page design and electronic templates. Typically, the most important news is printed on the main page, analytics and opinions are in the middle of the newspaper, and entertainment sections are on the last pages.

Print out a few copies and give them to editors to proofread. Make changes to the layout as suggested by your editors.

Commit yourself to it. Publishing a newspaper can be fun, but it also comes with a huge responsibility. Don't even start unless you plan to do it all year. If you initiate the publication of a newspaper, then you take on the role of editor. The editor's job is as follows:

  • Monitor that all articles are ready on time (preferably in electronic form).
  • Develop a template for articles.
  • Edit and layout articles for printing.
  • Write one article. The editor usually writes the article for the first page.

Get approval from the school. Arrange a meeting with the principal and discuss the idea of ​​creating a school newspaper. Remember, if you are rejected, you need to compromise.

Gather a team led by a teacher. This is vital to the success of the newspaper. The teacher will be able to give the necessary status to the newspaper, since he is a representative of the authorities. The teacher will first of all help ensure that all papers are written on time. If the process is controlled by the teacher, other team members will feel responsible. This will make your work much easier. Schoolchildren tend to procrastinate if there is no authority over them. Not only will the teacher ensure that papers are completed on time, but if you have a teacher participating with you, the team will be 80% less likely to refuse to participate. The teacher is also responsible for publication. Having received all the articles, he must edit them to fit a newspaper format and print them. This is a lot of responsibility for one teacher, so it is recommended to involve two teachers in the project. If you can't find a teacher for your newspaper, look for other options. Two schoolchildren can cook good releases newspapers. You may need to prepare a parallel online version for the school website. Your school librarian may be happy to help. The main problem may be teachers who may be against team meetings in their classroom.

Layout of text. Organize a meeting for the whole team during recess or after class. Exchange email addresses so that articles can simply be copied from an email rather than reprinted. Also take your teacher's email address so you can send them the final printable copy.

Collect ideas for articles. Since you need 12 articles, brainstorm 12 topics. Here are some ideas: games, drawing competition, short stories, horoscope, tips, random facts, sports, poetry or fashion. Once you've decided on your topics, open Word and sketch out bright, eye-catching headings. You can copy something from the Internet, but if the material has copyright, do not forget to provide a link to the original. Save the material on your computer if necessary. Do not forget that the newspaper must be of a standard format.

Make a schedule for publishing the newspaper for the whole year. Recommend your authors, when starting work on the first article for the first issue, to think through the second article in parallel, since anything happens in life: illness, vacation, household chores, etc. Also agree that if the article is not ready, the authors must notify you in advance so that you can find a replacement. Print out the schedule and distribute it to the whole team.

Funds collected. Consider options for investing the collected funds. Perhaps these are some school projects, a local charity, or even a whole team party at the end of the year. Any event that will inspire and motivate project participants.

Think about what will be most acceptable. Take advantage common sense, to evaluate what materials are suitable for a school newspaper. Don't print Nothing, even remotely alluding to guns, violence, drugs, and generally illegal or inappropriate topics for school.

Seal. The teacher has to print the newspaper according to the schedule, and you have to fold it. Order 50 copies, and if the newspaper becomes popular and you can sell it quickly, print the next issue in 75 or 100 copies. Folding newspapers will take about 20 minutes, no more. If you have a large school, print more copies initially or make an online edition.

Each school probably made at least one attempt to publish its own newspaper. It all starts as usual: some enthusiast appears, ready to take on the organization of everything in the world and right now. For example, a lively teacher who recently came to work here. And a flurry of activity begins. The newspaper is given a name, and an editorial board of senior students is assembled (sometimes by force, sometimes with the promise of straight A's in a subject). Everyone is required to write a note, an article, a poem for a “poetry page”, something else... And then suddenly the enthusiasm disappears after the first failures - and they try not to remember about the newspaper. Finish.

Of course, it’s a pity for the wasted energy. But there is no bad experience. Something positive can be taken from any undertaking. If not for the school as a whole, then for a few students for sure. Let's figure out what exactly.

At all, School newspaper- not a bad thing. School is small state, living its own rather stormy life. Cover past and planned events, write about interesting and important things for schoolchildren - why not? Moreover, if the guys themselves actively participate in the process, come up with sections and topics for specific publications, collect material, learn to structure and present it. Whatever they become in the future, this experience will be useful to them.

Useful skills

First of all, children learn to be adults and independent. They have to work in a team, distribute responsibilities, report to some peers and manage others. The guys are learning how to interview. By the way, a newspaper is work not only with text. Here you need both photographs (taken, selected, processed), and. And at the very beginning, you still need to develop a logo design. Some high school students can handle this too.

It’s very good when a child takes responsibility and goes to work diligently, prepares material, and designs it. At the same time, he knows that he must hand over what he has done within a certain time frame. The more people involved in the process, the better - everyone has a chance to try something new. Children open up very unexpectedly during such activities. Someone realizes their complete inability to do paperwork, while others, on the contrary, show talent as a journalist, editor, or... It’s time for the children to decide on their choice of profession - and the school newspaper may well help some of them with this.

Maximum program

Ideally, a newspaper should be interesting. Well-coordinated and teamwork is very good, but if it also produces tangible results, we can consider that the goal has been achieved. If each issue of the newspaper causes a stir, if it contains not only articles about school events and biographies of teachers, but also materials that talk about general current problems, everything will be great. It’s good if reading is interesting not only for children, but also for teachers and parents. And if all this is also , this is already aerobatics.

The school newspaper greatly enhances its credibility educational institution in the eyes of the students. There is a feeling of pride in your own school, a desire to make it even better. This is how previously passive children are drawn into common activities. And this is great: it’s good when a child works on a newspaper or participates in school activities (from sports competitions to theme nights and concerts), this way he is less likely to fall into bad company. In the process of this activity, the children get to know each other better, friendships are formed, which can then last a lifetime.

Possible difficulties

How the matter will be handled depends on the leader. And he must understand this. His first task is to ignite desire in children and awaken enthusiasm. If he doesn't do this, all the work will be in vain. Unfortunately, it often happens that schoolchildren participate in the creation of a newspaper only if they have been promised an “A” in the subject. The argument is, of course, weighty, but...

The result and the process are equally important. An interesting newspaper, created with a scandal within the team, and a dull publication, in whose editorial board peace and tranquility reign, are equally untenable. Remember that teamwork is very hard. She needs to study for a long time, invest a lot in her. All participants must be tolerant of each other. And they are responsible in their work. Then there will be no offense because the editor cut or altered the article, the proofreader made several gross mistakes, the photographer sent “terrible” shots to the newspaper, etc. A newspaper can not only unite students, but also quarrel them forever. To prevent this from happening, all participants must be extremely careful. And they are positive.
