How to remove scratches from mineral watch glass. Polishing watch glass. When to contact a professional

In any wristwatch, glass is a necessary element. Not a single model of wrist accessory can do without it. But it is this particular part that after some time loses its attractive appearance, as small abrasions, irregularities or chips appear on it. These minor troubles upset the owners, because the watch takes on an unkempt appearance. Therefore, if you notice the first signs of glass damage, do not ignore it. Small and minor scratches can be removed at home. The only way is to polish the glass, but this can be done in different ways. Let's look at the most popular and effective ways How to remove scratches from watch glass at home.

Using toothpaste

The simplest and available method To remove scratches from a watch glass, use regular toothpaste. For this procedure you will need a regular white toothpaste no additives or colored granules and a soft cloth.

So, let's begin:

  1. Squeeze a small amount of toothpaste onto a cotton pad or soft cloth.
  2. Gently rub the product into the glass on the accessory using circular movements in a clockwise direction.
  3. You need to polish the entire glass, not just one scratch separately.
  4. Do not press too hard on the glass; it may not survive your efforts.
  5. After polishing, any remaining toothpaste should be removed with a damp cloth.
  6. If appearance surface has not improved much, the procedure can be repeated.

As a result of your efforts, the glass on your wrist accessory will become smooth; you just need to be patient.

Important! This method only works for minor damage and abrasions. If there are deep ones, it is better to take the watch to a workshop, where the glass surface will be restored using professional grinding.

Paste GOI

Sold in hardware stores special remedy based on chromium oxide - GOI paste:

  • If there are large scratches on the glass, polishing should be done with coarse-grained GOI paste No. 4.
  • Apply a little product to a cotton pad and wipe the glass clockwise for a minute.

Important! Try not to press too hard to avoid breaking the glass.

  • Remove any remaining paste with a damp cloth.
  • After such a “rough” treatment, the abrasions are reduced, but do not disappear at all. The process is repeated in the same order, but with medium-grain GOI paste No. 3.
  • Finally, to achieve perfect smoothness, it is recommended to grind using fine-grained GOI paste No. 2 or No. 1. If desired - on last stage You can use toothpaste instead of GOI toothpaste.
  • Mineral oil will give the glass a mirror shine. Drop it onto a cotton pad and gently wipe the surface in a circular motion without pressing.

Important! If the surface of the glass on an expensive wristwatch with anti-reflective coating has deteriorated, then there is no need to risk it, just contact the services of a watchmaker.

Other polishing methods

How else can you remove scratches on a watch glass?

  • Every home has baking soda. Dilute it with water to obtain a thick paste, and use this mixture to polish the glass surface of your watch. Apply a little product to a cotton pad or soft cloth and wipe your glass in a circular motion. Remove any remaining product with a damp cloth.
  • Another simple way to remove scratches from a watch is to polish it with the finest sandpaper. But to do this, it is advisable to remove the glass from the watch, wipe it with a soft cloth, moisten it with water, and only then proceed directly to polishing. This must be done very carefully, do not rub the surface too much, so as not to damage the glass even more. Then you need to apply tooth powder, dissolved in water to a paste-like state and leave until completely dry. Remaining product can be removed with soft paper.
  • If you have a car, then it is quite possible that you have car wax at home, which is successfully used to combat scuffs on glass. Instead of a car one, you can use a furniture one. Just apply a little of this product to a cotton pad or soft cloth and gently polish your glass. This composition is specially designed to return surfaces to their ideal appearance.
  • In the question of how to remove scratches on a watch glass, polishing for copper or silver can help us. Of course, this is not the most common method, since not everyone in the house may have it, unlike soda or the same toothpaste, but if suddenly such a composition happens to be in your home, then apply it to a cotton pad or cloth, Gently sand the surface of the glass. The result will please you. You can repeat this procedure many times, it will not harm your watch.
  • You can try removing scuffs with ammonia. Dissolve 15 g of ammonia in 500 ml of water, and use the resulting solution to clean the scratches until they disappear completely.
  • Polish with your hands long enough. If you want to do this faster, it is better to use hand-held electric tools, for example, a miniature drill with an appropriate attachment. This will significantly speed up the glass polishing process.

Important! Sometimes the glass can be simply removed from the body. In this case, polishing is carried out a little differently. The fabric is moistened with water and polish, and glass is passed over the fabric itself.

When should you contact a professional?

It is not always necessary to solve the problem yourself; there are times when it is better to use the services of professionals:

  • If the abrasions are very deep.
  • If your glass already has cracks.
  • If the watch is valuable, made of precious metals.
  • If you are unsure whether your watch is waterproof.
  • If you have already tried all the methods available to you, but there is no result.
  • If your watch is still under warranty.

Glass is the most fragile and vulnerable material. The appearance of glass objects becomes unsightly if scratches appear on them. Damage usually occurs when the item is not handled carefully. What means and how to remove scratches from glass depends on where the damage is located. A grinding device or various improvised means will help eliminate the flaw and return the item to its original appearance.

Removing minor scratches

Many minor damages or small scratches on glass objects, plastic glass or mirrors can be easily removed with improvised means. Toothpaste, vinegar with mustard, soda, and ammonia will help get rid of them.

It is impossible to mask deep damage with these means. To eliminate them, buy special paper or sanding paste in the store. The consultant will help you choose the right remedy depending on the thickness of the glass and the size of the scratches.

Masking damage on household appliances

Scratches that appear on glass household appliances become invisible if they are masked with colorless varnish.

Considering that glass and varnish have different refractive indexes of light, a scratch can sometimes be noticeable. And this is not exactly the result that I would like to see.

Scratch on the clock

Step-by-step recommendations from experts will tell you how to polish the glass on a watch. Watch polishing is done using GOI paste, which can be purchased in the store. It is produced in three types: for fine, medium and coarse processing. Before use, it should be heated in a water bath.

Car windshield restoration

Scratches and cracks on the windshield of a car not only spoil its appearance, but also create discomfort while driving. Before removing scratches from glass, you need to preparatory work. For work you will need the following materials:

  • Polishing machine.
  • Spray.
  • Window cleaner.
  • Film, tape and paper napkins.
  • Anti-scratch glass polish.

Before starting work, the car glass is washed with a cleaning agent and wiped dry. The film covers all the parts that are located near the window. For reliable fixation, the film is secured with tape. To make the scratches clearly visible, mark the damaged areas with a marker.

It is impossible to remove cracks and chips in this way; it is used only to mask scratches.

Removing a flaw from thick glass

Restoring thick glass is carried out in two stages. First, the surface is ground and then polished. Unlike thin glass, scratches on thick surfaces will take longer to remove. Usually the entire work takes from 3 to 4 hours. For work they use professional equipment: an angle grinder, a drill or an electric machine. If necessary, they can be replaced with pastes or sandpaper. A leather or felt attachment is placed on the disc and removed upper layer glass Then paste or polishing solution polish it.

Grinding glass on glasses

To polish glasses lenses at home, you will need GOI paste and a soft cloth. The work will have to be done very carefully and with great patience. And don't wait for something quick positive result. Incorrect actions can further damage the item. Grinding at minor scratches Oh:

  • Apply GOI paste to a soft tissue in an even layer.
  • The lens is removed from the frame and placed on the fabric with the scratch side down.
  • We move in a circular motion over the fabric until the lens is polished and the defect disappears.
  • The remaining paste is washed off with soapy water and the lens is inserted back into the frame.

You should not polish your glasses yourself unless you have specific skills in such work. Frosted spots may form on the lenses and the glasses will have to be thrown away. In order not to completely ruin them, it is better to contact a salon that manufactures and sells glasses.

Specialist help

Sometimes you can’t fix the damage yourself, and you have to turn to specialists. Six signs that it's time to call a professional for help:

Rules of care

The question of how to polish a scratch on glass will become irrelevant if you follow simple rules:

Attention, TODAY only!

During the operation of the wristwatch, various defects eg scratches on glass. It may seem that the item has become unusable, but it is possible to correct the situation yourself. To do this, grind the surface. If you are deciding how to polish the glass on a watch from scratches, you first need to determine the type of material from which it is made. In addition, the condition of the product should be assessed. The more damage there is, the more difficult it is to eliminate them. You can find out the characteristics of the product by studying information about the manufacturer’s products.

Various ways to remove scratches

To remove abrasion different intensity, apply methods based on the use of such materials:

  • toothpaste;
  • sandpaper with a suitable grit level;
  • universal composition called GOI paste;
  • rags, preferably using lint-free material;
  • pure water;
  • felt;
  • dentifrice;
  • soap.

When choosing in various ways the set of materials is changing. Polishing watch glass from scratches using the first method is carried out according to the instructions:

  1. Prepare fine-grained sandpaper, soap/tooth powder or paste with abrasive properties (No. 1), water, microfiber rags.
  2. The work is carried out on a flat surface, thereby reducing the likelihood of more severe damage to the product.
  3. The main components are being dismantled. Often, in order to remove the glass, you need to disassemble the watch yourself. First, the cover is removed and the working mechanism is removed.
  4. If you are deciding how to polish a watch glass yourself at home, you must first wipe the glass surface. As a result, small particles of contaminants are removed. If this is not done, additional scratches may occur.
  5. The glass must be moistened with water. To properly polish a product, you need to know that it makes wave-like movements without unnecessary effort. The intensity of pressure on the surface must be the same at all points, otherwise it can be deformed. At this stage, the abrasive substance GOI and sandpaper are used.
  6. Tooth powder is applied to a matte surface moistened with water. Using a microfiber cloth, continue to sand the product until it becomes transparent. In this case, the matte effect should disappear.
  7. The duration of polishing with tooth powder is on average 20 minutes.
  8. When all the steps are completed, the part is cleaned of remaining contaminants and installed in the housing.

Tooth powder can remove small scratches

Another method that suggests the possibility of polishing watches:

  1. Prepare the following materials: GOI paste of any degree of abrasiveness (1, 2 or 3), felt, tooth powder, microfiber, water.
  2. Preparation of the product is the same as in the first case: remove the glass and wipe it with a rag.
  3. Using felt material and GOI paste No. 3, significant damage to the surface is removed. When the depth of the defects decreases, another type is taken (GOI No. 2). The actions are repeated. For microdamages, use the least abrasive composition (No. 1).
  4. At the last stage, the final polishing of the product is performed using a previously unused piece of microfiber and tooth powder. Sand the surface for 15-20 minutes until it becomes transparent.

If you are wondering whether it is possible to polish heavily damaged watch glass, you should try another method. It assumes the need to use compounds varying degrees abrasiveness. Instructions for restoring scratched glass:

  1. Prepare a composition of different types of GOI: No. 1-4, sandpaper, felt, microfiber and toothpaste.
  2. Work begins by dismantling the glass part. First, sand the surface using sandpaper. At the same time, the composition of GOI No. 4 is used.
  3. The movements are performed in waves.
  4. Next, GOI paste No. 3 and 2 are used sequentially; at the last stage, the surface is polished using composition No. 1.
  5. Treating the glass with toothpaste and a microfiber cloth will add shine.

Note: Commander watches are not afraid of water. This means they can be polished without disassembling them.

Deep scratches can be polished effectively using sandpaper

Polishing different watch glasses

First, determine the type of material. In most cases, organic glass is used. It has a reasonable price and good strength characteristics. Sapphire glass is used in products of luxury brands. There is also a plastic option (used in some Casio and Swatch models). Manufacturers of watches with mineral glass: Swatch, Guardo, Nautrica, Orient. These products represent a high price category.

Organic glass


  • alcohol;
  • water;
  • cotton pad;
  • abrasive composition;
  • soft woven material.

Note: GOI paste can be replaced with tooth powder; only the variety with whitening properties is not suitable for polishing plexiglass. Because of this, the product may lose transparency.


  1. The clock needs to be taken apart.
  2. After wetting the surface with water, you can begin polishing using an abrasive compound and a rag.
  3. Polishing is carried out in a circular motion until the defects completely disappear.
  4. Then wipe the glass with a cotton pad soaked in alcohol.
  5. The clock is being assembled.

Recycled organic glass


To remove scratches from the glass of this type of watch you will need a grinding wheel, GOI paste, alcohol and a cotton pad. The abrasive composition is applied to the working edge. There is no need to remove the glass. It is pressed against the grinding wheel and polishing begins.

Tip: When polishing with a grinding wheel, you need to constantly move the watch from the edge to the center and back. This will allow the surface to be applied evenly. .

If you are deciding how to polish the mineral glass on a watch, you need to remember that work to restore the product is carried out until it becomes transparent. After this, mechanical polishing is continued by hand: a cotton pad is moistened with alcohol, then the surface is cleaned until shiny.

Cleaned mineral glass


This task is the most difficult, due to the properties (increased hardness, fragility). Casio products with such glass are widespread. It is recommended to use diamond paste. Otherwise, the principle of polishing is the same as in the previously discussed cases. You just need to avoid increased point pressure, do not drop the product.


This is a fairly durable material that can withstand intensive use. If plastic glass is scratched, the defects can be easily removed. To do this, it is enough to use a composition with the least degree of abrasiveness - toothpaste. First the glass is dismantled. Then apply abrasive to a rag and begin polishing until all defects disappear.

Large and small scratches

In order to eliminate significant damage, it is recommended to use GOI composition No. 3 and 4. Sandpaper is also suitable, but only fine- or medium-grained. The coarse-grained version cannot be used for polishing watches. The result will be more damage.

Minor scratches are removed with tooth powder. Can be used special compounds(No. 1 or 2). Microdamages are removed with alcohol and mineral oil.




How to polish mineral glass? | Articles about watches

Mineral glass is an excellent alternative to expensive sapphire glass. Visually they are practically indistinguishable. At the same time, the mineral analogue does not have such a disadvantage as increased fragility, characteristic of sapphire. Mineral glass can also be combined. The so-called “hardflex” undergoes special processing, as a result of which its hardness increases. And despite the fact that sapphire glass is an invariable attribute of expensive watches, its mineral counterpart can be considered the most practical and durable. Another question concerns scratches. If we consider the mineral analogue as glass capable of withstanding pressure, then it has no equal. It is easily subject to wear and scratches. However, do not despair, because polishing mineral glass will not be difficult even for someone who has never done it before. The main thing is to follow the sequence of actions and be extremely careful.

Mineral glass polishing

To begin, carefully remove the glass and wipe it with felt or a piece of leather. You need to wipe with wave-like movements; it is recommended to use polishing paste, which can be purchased at specialized stores. It is not necessary to choose expensive options; the most budget-friendly one will do. The main thing to remember is that the deeper the scratches, the coarser the paste should be. Accordingly, if the scratches are very small, then you should choose a fine-grained paste.

You need to clean the glass for at least one or two minutes, then rinse it well, dry it and check the polishing result. Take your time, examine every centimeter of glass under a magnifying glass. If you did it as it should, then proceed to the next step - use regular toothpaste and, after mixing it with 5-6 drops of water, carefully apply it using felt, again making arc movements. Next, you need to rinse the glass again, dry it, drop mineral oil directly onto the surface, rub in and dry again.

Polishing watch glass

It is important to note that mineral glass must be processed using harsh methods, as it is not afraid of mechanical stress. You should be prepared for the fact that processing will take a very long time. That is why craftsmen use grinding wheels, thanks to which this process can be reduced to a minimum. At home, it is recommended to use several pastes at once, starting with coarse and ending with softer ones. If you need to polish the sapphire crystal, it is better to immediately contact a workshop. It must be handled as carefully as possible, otherwise you risk simply breaking it.

Also, do not forget that when dismantling the product, it is better to use a special spacer so as not to damage the watch case. When you install the bezel, be sure to press it against the case until it clicks. The results may not always meet expectations, so it is recommended to contact specialists in specialized watch workshops. Using the tools, you can achieve much better results, and in just one day. If you are the owner of an expensive watch, we strongly do not recommend polishing it yourself; in addition, many manufacturers of branded models provide their customers with free service in brand branches around the world.

How to remove scratches from watch glass

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How to polish watch glass? Practical recommendations

As a wristwatch is used, its dial becomes dull over time, and defects appear on the surface of the glass. There are several ways to restore a product to its original attractive appearance. Let's find out how to polish watch glass and remove scuffs and scratches.

Material type

Before polishing the glass on your watch from scratches, you need to determine what material it is made of. It can be natural, organic or the most expensive - sapphire glass.

Cheap organic material is best processed. You will have to tinker a little more with natural glass, which is more rigid than the previous option. In the case of sapphire bases, you will need to work as carefully as possible, due to their tendency to crack when in contact with hard surfaces.


How to polish scratches on a watch glass? To do this you will need the following materials:

  • toothpaste;
  • special paste for polishing GOI;
  • cotton wool;
  • alcohol;
  • mineral oil;
  • pieces of cloth of various thicknesses;
  • polishing wheel;
  • Sander.

How to remove small scratches from organic glass?

If you have to deal with fragile organic glass that has minor defects, then toothpaste is suitable to eliminate them. Only colorless paste should be used here, which does not contain granular components and does not have a bleaching effect.

How to polish watch glass if there are small scratches? To begin, apply a small amount of toothpaste to a prepared piece of cotton wool. You can also use a piece of thin cloth or a felt cloth, which is intended for wiping optics.

The glass is placed on a flat, hard surface. Using light, smooth movements in one direction, with virtually no pressure, the product is polished.

As soon as the defects disappear from the glass, the latter is wiped from traces of toothpaste with a clean cotton swab moistened with water. If polishing does not remove all scratches and abrasions, it is worth repeating the procedure several more times.

The presented method is effective for polishing organic glass. It is also suitable for removing defects from the surface of plastic watches. However, it is irrational to resort to it for processing sapphire glass, which can only be polished using fairly rough methods.

Polishing natural glass

Polishing watch glass at home, made from a natural base, using toothpaste will be extremely problematic. To eliminate defects here you will have to use a grinding machine.

The work is performed in the following sequence:

  1. The glass is removed from the watch case and delicately wiped from dirt with a cotton swab moistened with an alcohol solution.
  2. A polishing wheel is installed on the grinding machine. The latter is treated with fine-grain GOI paste, after which it is started at low speeds.
  3. The glass is slightly pressed against the circle. Polishing is carried out in the direction from the edges of the product to its central part.
  4. As soon as the abrasions disappear from the glass, a small amount of mineral oil is applied to a piece of cloth. Using circular movements in one direction, finishing polishing is performed, which makes it possible to achieve complete transparency of the product.
  5. Finally, the remaining mineral oil is removed with a cotton swab moistened with alcohol.

Sapphire crystal polishing

How to polish watch glass made from sapphire base? One of the most effective solutions This looks like the use of GOI paste, intended for “rough” work. You can purchase polishing agent at almost every hardware store.

As in the previous case, the glass is first removed from the watch case. Coarse-grained GOI paste is applied to a pre-moistened cotton swab. Next, the glass is polished in a circular motion for several minutes. Finally, the product is wiped with cloth soaked in alcohol.

If there are large scratches on the surface of the sapphire crystal, the procedure is carried out using a polishing wheel on a grinding machine. In order not to damage the product, you need to remain vigilant during work, performing delicate surface treatment.

Some sapphire glass wristwatches contain anti-reflective coating. In this case, it is not recommended to resort to processing it yourself. To eliminate defects in such a situation, it is better to take the watch to a workshop.


So we looked at how to polish the glass on a watch if there is damage of varying complexity. As you can see, such work can easily be done at home. The main thing is the availability of the necessary materials and special polishing products, as well as careful attention to the task.

features of mineral, sapphire and plastic glasses

Over time, the dial of any watch becomes covered with plaque and small scratches. If you do not find any severe damage or chips on it, then you can remove scratches on the watch glass yourself. After processing your the watch will shine, like new, and will delight you as before.

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How to polish watch glass with toothpaste?

You can get rid of minor scratches and abrasions on glass using the most ordinary toothpaste. To do this, take a small amount of paste and a soft cloth. So, let's get started:

  1. Squeeze a pea-sized amount of toothpaste onto cotton wool or a cotton pad.
  2. Rub the product into the base using gentle circular movements.
  3. It takes 10 seconds to complete the job.
  4. Using a damp cloth, wipe the watch glass and areas contaminated as a result of treatment.

To work, take a soft, but not lint-free rag; the toothpaste should not contain coarse inclusions or strong flavors.

Traditional pasta is enough white soft consistency

Polishing watch glass from scratches with your own hands will not give the desired results if deep chips have formed on the surface. In this case It is better to take the device to a workshop.

It is not advisable to press hard on the glass or quickly move a cloth over the surface. Brittle material can simply crack from the applied effort. If you were unable to clean the glass surface the first time, you can repeat the procedure up to 4 times.

Glass polishing with GOI paste

You can clean deep scratches on glass using GOI paste. If possible, it is advisable to remove the glass itself from the base and carry out more thorough processing. A small amount of paste is applied to a soft, damp piece of cloth, gently spread over the surface of the fabric, and only then begin cleaning.

GOI paste for cleaning watch glasses

Gently rub the product over the glass using circular movements, not forgetting to grab each area. Please note that the unprocessed pieces will appear cloudy after cleaning. You can complete the process with soft toothpaste. Remove any residue remaining on the glass surface with a soft, damp cloth. wipe with mineral oil. Most of scratches will disappear after such cleaning.

If you are faced with the task of not only cleaning, but also polishing glass, take GOI paste of 3 types:

  • GOI No. 1,
  • GOI No. 2,
  • GOI No. 3.

The number designation indicates granularity level of the substance.

That is, GOI No. 3 removes large scratches, GOI No. 2 erases minor damage, and GOI No. 1 polishes the glass surface

Professional products for high-quality glass polishing

Glass can be polished with high quality using professional products used by craftsmen. These include:

  1. Diamond paste. Fine abrasive material with a paste-like consistency. Craftsmen often call it “finishing”. The paste is used as a final sanding agent or after basic cleaning.
  2. "Polarite." This material comes in different grain levels. The watch glass is cleaned with fine-grained paste.

Working principle with by professional means the same as for toothpaste and GOI. See how your Sunlight watch shines, and yours will shine the same way after professional cleaning.

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Rules for cleaning glass on wristwatches

If your watch glass is scratched and you decide to clean it, follow a few simple techniques for convenient and fast work:

  1. Spread a piece of fabric on a horizontal, flat surface to ensure good adhesion to the device.
  2. Prepare your chosen cleaning products and Additional materials. Typically, you may need cotton pads, a soft cloth, ear cleaning sticks, a little warm water in a small container for wetting.
  3. It will be convenient to clean the joints using cotton swab with an abrasive agent applied to it.

How to clean different types of watch glasses?

To avoid asking this question in the future, before purchasing a watch, find out which type of glass covers the dial of the movement. Total exists 3 main varieties:

  • mineral glass,
  • organic glass,
  • sapphire glass.

The last 2 types are used for watches of expensive brands

To clean organic glass, it is usually used any abrasive material such as toothpaste or GOI paste. However, to work with sapphire crystal you will need a grinding wheel. IN in this case There is no need to disassemble the glass; just put the watch on a non-slip horizontal surface and sand it. You cannot carry out processing in one place; you need to constantly move the watch so that the glass does not burst from thinning.

Mineral glass also needs to be ground, and only then carry out the final treatment with toothpaste. Finally, use a cotton pad soaked in alcohol to wipe the surface until it shines.

Installation of organic glass after cleaning

How to remove scratches from the case and bracelet of a watch?

To begin with, it is worth making a reservation and noting that it is not advisable to clean expensive brand watches and jewelry yourself. In this case, it is better to contact professionals or a jewelry workshop. The same recommendation must be followed if a scratch needs to be removed on the watch. sandblasted stainless steel.

In the event that your wrist watch are made from standard stainless steel and you would like to upgrade them a bit, please prepare the following materials:

  • special polishing cloth,
  • ammonia or simple alcohol,
  • cotton pads,
  • GOI paste No. 1,
  • toothpaste without additives or inclusions,
  • a piece of soft material
  • fiberglass brush,
  • latex gloves.

To remove even the smallest scratches, use the dark side of a polishing cloth. Then you need to apply GOI paste to a cloth and rub the deep scratches. After this, take the polishing cloth again. Next, apply alcohol to a cotton pad and thoroughly rinse off all contaminants.

If there are large scratches on the watch case or bracelet, you need to take a fiberglass brush and rub out the damage with gentle movements in one direction.

Try not to process too much large area, because in this case they can additional scratches will form, which will also have to be deleted.

Finally, you can wipe the metal surface with toothpaste and polish it until shiny with alcohol and the white side of a polishing cloth.

It turns out that you can clean any watch glass yourself at home. However, it's worth do this with the utmost care and slowly. With just a little effort, you can return your favorite item to its original shine.

How to polish mineral glass on a watch

Many buyers, in order to save money, pay attention to models with mineral glass. Outwardly, it looks almost the same as sapphire, but its cost is much lower. Mineral watch glass even has some advantages over its expensive counterpart. It is not so fragile, especially if it was subjected to special treatment during production.

Although sapphire crystal is considered an important part of high-end watches from famous brands, its mineral counterpart can be more durable and practical. But it also has its drawbacks. During strong pressure, the material does not crack, but scratches appear on it. But experts who repair such mechanisms urge you not to despair, since there is always the opportunity to return it to its previous appearance. If you are interested in the question of how to polish watch glass at home, then first of all you need to make sure of your abilities. If you are confident that you can perform the steps carefully, then you can proceed. When you doubt your abilities, it is better to turn to professionals.

How to remove scratches on a watch glass?

A number of actions need to be taken:

1. The mineral glass on the watch is carefully removed and wiped with a piece of leather or felt. The wiping process also plays an important role. The movements should be wavy.

2. Using a special glass polishing paste, which is sold in specialized stores. You can safely buy the cheapest version of the paste, since they all have almost the same effect. When choosing a paste, you should pay attention to its grain size. If the scratches are deep, then you should buy a coarse paste.

3. You need to be patient to clean the glass as it takes about 2 minutes. Again, using felt, the paste is rubbed into the glass using wave-like movements.

4. The surface is washed with a cotton pad moistened with water and then wiped dry.

5. Mix a small amount of toothpaste with a few drops of water. Using felt, make movements in an arc. Then it is all washed off again and dried.

6. The surface is carefully rubbed with special mineral oil and dried again.

What should you consider when polishing mineral glass?

If you decide to repair mineral glass yourself, then you should consider some nuances:

– Mineral glass must be processed carefully, but at the same time rigidly. It is not afraid of mechanical loads, so you don’t have to worry about damaging it.

– Be prepared to devote quite a lot of time to this issue. It takes the master less time, since they use special grinding wheels for polishing. At home, it is recommended to use several types of paste: the first one will be rougher, the rest will be softer.

– If you have a watch with sapphire crystal, it is better not to risk polishing it at home, as it can be easily damaged. It is better to contact a workshop immediately if scratches appear.

– To avoid damaging the watch case, you should use a special spacer designed for this purpose. When you return the body to its place, you need to press it until it clicks.

– In order not to spoil your expensive watch, it is better to turn to specialists. In addition, often most well-known brands have big cities branches where you can get free service.

How to polish watch glass?

The glass of a new accessory always looks flawless. However, after a while, various kinds of scratches and irregularities begin to appear on it. This affects not only the appearance of the product, but also makes it difficult for the user to see the dial. In this article we will tell you in detail how to polish the glass on a watch.

Basic methods of polishing watch glass

There are many ways to eliminate unwanted streaks on your watch, and you can do them yourself.

Important! The methods that will be described below are universal, that is, they can be used on any type of glass. Only depending on each material you will have to develop different level effort and accuracy.

Method one

This method is suitable for polishing watch glass at home if it only has small scratches. To implement it we will need the following materials:

  • Fine-grit sandpaper. It can be replaced with GOI paste No. 1.
  • Soap or abrasive tooth powder (paste can be used).
  • Smooth surface for subsequent work.
  • Soft cloth (preferably microfiber).
  • Some water.

To perform this procedure, you must follow the following algorithm:

  1. Remove the glass from the body, then wipe it thoroughly with a prepared rag, thereby removing all dirt from the surface.
  2. Place the treated glass on a flat surface.
  3. Next, you can moisten the glass with water and begin polishing with the material of your choice. The movements should be wave-like and repeated with equal pressure on the surface.

Important! During the entire procedure, you need to repeat forward movements, wetting the glass with water. In this way, the surface is brought to a matte state without any flaws.

  1. Apply the required amount of powder, pre-moistened in water (you can use paste or soap), onto the freshly sanded surface. Using a microfiber cloth, continue polishing using the same movements as when polishing with sandpaper.

Important! After a couple of minutes, you will already be able to see the first results of your work, but you should not stop there. This polishing should last 10-20 minutes.

  1. To complete the procedure, the polished part is inserted back into the device body.

Method two

In this case, polishing the glass on the watch will be classified as scratches. medium depth. So, here's what we need for further work:

  • GOI paste numbers 1, 2 and 3.
  • Leather (can be replaced with felt).
  • Water.
  • Smooth and even surface for further work.
  • Microfiber cloth.

To remove this type scratches on the glass, the following steps should be observed:

  1. First of all, you need to remove the glass from the watch case and gently wipe it with a microfiber cloth.
  2. Apply a little GOI paste No. 3 to a microfiber cloth that has been previously soaked in water and begin to polish the glass on the watch using wave-like movements. When noticeable scratches have been removed, you need to replace the material used with the second number and follow the same procedure. Lastly, GOI number one is used to remove microscratches. In the end, the glass turns out perfectly matte without any flaws.
  3. When the glass is dry, you should apply tooth powder (or any of the three options of your choice) to it and continue to do the same steps with a rag soaked in water. This step should take approximately 15 minutes to complete.
  4. Wipe the treated surface from any remnants of used material and insert the glass back into the body.

Method three

This method is ideal for deep stripes. To polish the glass on a watch at home, you will need the following things:

  • GOI paste No. 1-4.
  • Medium to fine grit sandpaper.
  • A piece of leather or felt.
  • Soap, abrasive tooth powder or paste.
  • A small amount of water.
  • Smooth smooth surface.

To further remove scratches, proceed as follows:

  1. Remove the glass from the case and thoroughly wipe it from possible dust or other contaminants.
  2. Begin the process using medium-grit sandpaper, making a wave-like motion over the piece.
  3. Incorporate GOI composition No. 4 into the case - it will help smooth out and remove the deepest and largest irregularities.
  4. To remove the next deepest scratches, you need to use GOI materials numbered 2 and 3, and then fine-grained sandpaper.
  5. Lastly, use paste number 1 - it is this that will help achieve a perfectly matte glass state and smooth out microscopic scratches.
  6. Now the frosted glass needs to be given a glossy shine. To do this, you need to polish it using soap and tooth powder.

Important! The movements should be the same as when polishing with previous materials, and the time of this procedure should be approximately 10-15 minutes.

  1. Upon completion of the procedure, you should put the glass back into the movement case and enjoy a clear view of the dial.

Sapphire crystal polishing

This material requires the greatest care on the part of the craftsman, because it is the hardest and most fragile at the same time. That is why we consider this material separately.

In order to polish sapphire crystals, it is necessary to replace the GOI paste with diamond paste. The operating algorithm remains the same, depending on the depth of the scratches. The only thing you need to do is to be extremely careful during the entire procedure so as not to accidentally damage the surface completely.

Video material

In this article, we told you about three universal ways to polish watch glass to prevent scratches. To avoid frequent resort to them, it is recommended to treat your wrist accessory very carefully.

Polishing watch glasses. Effective methods for removing scratches

Even with careful handling of personal belongings, contamination may occur. New wristwatches can also be scratched by any parts of clothing or foreign objects. Only if the accessory breaks, glass replacement and other types of work are necessary. You can fix minor scratches yourself if you use simple rules.

Rules for eliminating deficiencies

Scratches and chips usually appear on glass. Since wristwatches are considered fragile items, they must be treated with care. They also need to be constantly looked after to prevent deterioration in appearance.

Polishing glass from scratches should not be done with paper. Even if it was recommended to use by someone I know. Nowadays, rough and thick paper is produced, as well as ink containing contaminants. Therefore, such an effect on glass negatively affects matte and glossy coatings.

The glass cleaning procedure is a special science. After completion of work, the surface should not be wiped with a dry, rough cloth, especially if hot water and aggressive detergents. But soft material, such as gauze or fiber, is perfect.

Watch glass can be polished using laundry soap. But it is much better to use a special product that will perfectly clean the surface. If washing or cleaning powders are used, you should ensure that abrasive particles are completely dissolved. The work should be done carefully.

What should you not use?

On the Internet you can find many recipes for removing scratches. Many housewives recommend using sandpaper. The material is indeed used for many economic purposes, but in this case it will not be an assistant.

Sandpaper has a rough surface and can create many small scratches. Then you will have to look for a way to eliminate new shortcomings. Therefore, it is better to immediately choose a proven method.


Polishing the glass of a wristwatch can be done with toothpaste. Only it should have a bleaching effect, since it contains many abrasive substances. To clean the surface you need to:

  • take a little paste with a cotton pad, after which you can wipe the desired area with circular movements;
  • then with the same movements, but in reverse side, you should wipe the glass;
  • After the paste has dried, you need to wash the surface.

This method effectively removes small scratches. Deep damage cannot be removed, but the glass will look better.

Paste GOI

Watch glass polishing is effectively done using GOI paste. Even in ancient times, this product was used to clean many surfaces. But there are many fakes, so you should choose products carefully. If you manage to choose a quality product, then you can start doing the work:

  • the paste must be melted using a water bath, since it works better when warm;
  • to apply the product, use a felt cloth or cotton pad;
  • you should wipe the damaged surface, and if it is not cleaned, then do the work again.

GOI paste does an excellent job of removing scratches. Moreover, the product can be left to clean the surfaces of other products.

Mineral oil

Watch glass polishing can be done perfectly using felt material and mineral oil. First you need to determine the material of the product. Glass can be organic, natural and sapphire. For watches, the first option is usually used.

The glass must be removed from the watch, and then carefully cleaned with felt and polishing paste. Polyrite and crocus are also suitable for this. After work, the surface should be washed with water and treated with mineral oil. This simple method will update the product. It can be used regularly to keep your accessory looking like new.

Natural glass processing

Polishing the glass of this type of watch is done using a grinding machine. Without it, cleansing cannot be carried out efficiently. A polishing wheel is placed on the machine, and then GOI paste is applied to it. It is necessary to turn on the device at low speed.

While working, you need to press the glass against the circle. Polishing should be done from the edge of the glass to the center. To make the surface transparent, apply a little mineral oil. Residues must be removed with alcohol. In the end it will work out clear glass hours.

Cleaning sapphire crystal

The surface of this type is quite hard, and at the same time fragile. It scratches easily, and therefore any objects damage it. To avoid damaging your watch, you should treat the product with care.

How to make red food coloring – Food coloring at home, how to make food coloring at home for fondant, how to make food coloring at home

Often, when purchasing a watch, I am faced with the fact that its crystals are not in the correct position. better condition: Over the years of service, they become covered with a whole scattering of scratches, often deep. Of course, you can choose new glass, but you can also bring old glass, if it is without cracks, into excellent condition.

So, I polish the glass from . The condition of the glass can be seen in the photo; the most important thing is that, apart from abrasions and scratches, it has no visible defects.

Whether to remove the glass from the case depends on the situation: if the glass is pressed well, I polish it along with the case. If the glass flies out when pressed lightly from the inside, I polish it separately and then install it back. Another plus when working with glass along with the body is that after polishing the body will also shine.

For work I use nail buffs - polishing rollers that are used for manicure. I have three of them - from the roughest to the most “gentle”, almost zero. You can use one, for example, a rough one, but then you will have to spend more time finishing the glass.

Since I am working together with the body, I carefully sand the glass with the coarsest buff so as not to scratch the chrome coating on the body:

Then with a middle buff:

Then zero:

Next is the final finishing of the glass. For this I use tooth powder, which is still sold in pharmacies. When I buy, I ask for the worst one - it's usually the cheapest. Not because of savings, but because it will be the most abrasive. For example, this one:

To work with tooth powder, I use the end of the bathtub sink: it is flat, and it is convenient to lay a cloth on it. Cloth is a piece of dense, rather coarse fabric. I think it won't be difficult to choose. I have cloth from a billiard table.

I pour a little tooth powder on the cloth, a couple of drops of water both on this powder and on the glass itself, and start polishing. I rub the case with glass/glass back and forth for several minutes, without changing the position of the case in my hand, then I turn it 90° and continue rubbing again. Then turn 90° again, etc. When I have made a full turn and returned to the original position, I make another similar turn, but now I hold the body at an angle in relation to the cloth - I grind the edge (edge) of the glass. The end result is something like this:

I rinse it with water and see if I have sanded all the scratches/abrasions. If there are any left somewhere, I repeat the procedure in this place. If everything is fine, I rinse the case/glass under running water (tooth powder gets clogged in the cracks, threads, and recesses, so under running water I clean the case with a soft toothbrush) and wipe it dry (if it’s the case, then I also dry it with a hairdryer so that there is no moisture left anywhere).

On average, one glass with all procedures takes me about half an hour.

And here is the final result.

Vika Di

Any item suffers some damage during use, and a wristwatch is no exception, be it a silver watch or a stainless steel watch. The only exception is, perhaps, titanium watches, since this metal has very high strength, on all others, especially if they have a brass body, scratches and abrasions will inevitably appear.

Removing scratches from the case and bracelet of a watch

It’s worth warning right away that if it was not possible to avoid deep scratches and chips on a gold case coated with precious metals, protective special coating or with a satin (matte) surface, you will have to contact the service for professional polishing of the coating - amateur attempts to eliminate these defects can ruin the watch.

Scratches on the watch case

You can polish your wristwatch or stainless steel metal bracelet yourself, for which you will need some time, patience and materials that are easy to purchase in specialized stores.

What materials will be needed?

To polish the case yourself you will need:

  • polishing cloth intended for polishing jewelry;
  • a good brand of cleaner and its analogues;
  • manicure block for polishing nails;
  • scraps of soft cloth or napkins for wiping glasses.

Polishing can be done on stainless steel watches without bluing, gilding or other coatings. If the steel on the watch is matte, don’t get too carried away so that scratches appear in place. the glossy area did not appear.

To get rid of small abrasions and scratches, defective areas are polished with the dark side of a polishing cloth, and then the surface is sanded with its light side until it shines(except for matte case and bracelet).

If the abrasions and scratches are of medium size, then the defective areas polish with a piece of soft cloth, having previously applied a cleaner or its equivalent to it.

The movements must be circular and precisely localized to the scratch site.

Until no trace remains of it, then use a soft cloth or wipes for cleaning glasses the treated area is sanded to a shine.

You can also satin the bracelet yourself in a simple way, as evidenced by reviews on the forums. It is usually recommended to use high-quality eraser(you can use a pencil eraser - it will be convenient) to eliminate scuffs and minor scratches.

Watch polishing eraser

To remove a small chip or deep scratch on uncoated stainless steel, you can use a manicure tool. nail polishing block, and then polish the case or bracelet on top.

No matter how carefully you handle your watch, over time it will inevitably develop minor defects in the form of scratches. This not only spoils their appearance, but also makes it difficult to see the position of the arrows on the dial. If the glass is scratched, you can use one of the methods below and sand the glass yourself, taking into account the type of material from which it is made.

How to remove small scratches from organic glass?

Plastic watches and plastic glass (also called organic) are the most budget-friendly options. The disadvantage of such glass is rapid cloudiness when it is constantly in contact with clothing. To remove scratches from glass at home, you will need:

  • GOI paste No. 1;
  • abrasive tooth powder or paste or soap;
  • soft cloth (preferably microfiber);
  • water.


  1. Remove the glass from the watch case and carefully remove with microfiber all contamination from its surface.
  2. Clean glass place on a flat surface and, constantly moistening it with water, using wave-like movements with equal pressure, grind the glass on the watch until there is no trace of scratches left and the surface becomes matte.
  3. Moisten a little paste or soap in water, apply to the surface of the glass and continue polishing it for another 10-20 minutes.
  4. Wipe sand the glass clean and insert it back into the watch case.

This is how you can polish a scratch on a watch glass, completely eliminating its traces, and the glass will be look like new. You can polish the mineral glass of a wristwatch in the same way.

Medium scratches

To eliminate medium-depth scratches, you will need the same materials as for small scratches, but GOI paste is not only No. 1, but also No. 2 and No. 3, as well as a piece leather or felt.

A piece of leather for polishing watches

  1. Remove the glass from the watch case and microfiber clean it of all contaminants.
  2. On microfiber moistened with water apply some paste GOI No. 3 and polish the glass with the same wave-like movements until noticeable scratches disappear, then replace the paste with No. 2 and continue polishing. For elimination micro scratches use paste No. 1.
  3. When the surface of the glass becomes perfectly matte, wash off the GOI paste, dry the glass with a dry microfiber, apply tooth powder to it or paste and continue polishing with microfiber dampened in water for about 15 minutes.

Tooth powder for watch polishing

Removing deep scratches

In addition to the above materials, you will need:

  • GOI paste numbers from 1 to 4;
  • medium and fine grit sandpaper.


  1. Pull out the glass from the watch case and use microfiber to clean it from all dirt.
  2. Start polishing using wave-like movements. medium grain sandpaper.
  3. Go to GOI No. 4 to remove the most noticeable irregularities, then to GOI No. 3 and No. 2, and finally to fine-grit sandpaper paper.
  4. To eliminate micro-scratches and make the glass matte, use GOI No. 1 for polishing.
  5. To restore the glass's glossy shine, use the same wave-like movements polish its surface with tooth powder or soap for at least 10-15 minutes.
  6. Clean the glass and put it back into the watch case.

Sandpaper for polishing watches

Sapphire crystal

Sapphire glass, although it has maximum hardness, is at the same time very fragile. It's best to have it polished professionals in watchmaking or a jewelry workshop. However, such a need is unlikely to arise, since only extremely hard material, for example, diamond, can leave a scratch on it.

The watches that we constantly use and get used to also need our care. Spend a little time and they will shine, like new, and there will be no trace of minor scratches.

July 29, 2018, 11:11 pm