What does it mean to solve the problem. How to find an effective solution

How to solve the problems that arise in our life? The ancient scriptures, no matter how incredible it may sound, tell us that any problem can be solved, you just need to treat this problem correctly and not fall into a state of sacrifice. Problems in our life are trials that are given by fate so that we go through them with dignity and learn our lessons. Only then will our life change for the better and sparkle with bright colors.

Problems can be compared to the tasks that teachers asked us at school. In order to solve the problem, we had to make a lot of effort, waste our time, look for solutions, but if we succeeded, then the reward was praise from the teachers and a good mark in our diary. But if we came to the lesson with an unsolved problem, then we received a bad grade, blushed in front of the class, teachers, parents, and in the end we were still forced to solve this problem.

The same system works in adulthood. But the tasks are set before us by other teachers - fate and higher powers, and our future life depends on their solution. It will not work here to write off homework, as we did at school, lie or cheat until the problem is solved by us, it will repeat itself in our life over and over again, so many times, until we finally sit down to solve this life problem ... But do not be afraid, any problem, like a school problem, has its own solution algorithm and in order to understand how to solve any problem, you just need to learn this algorithm. So,

Problem solving algorithm:

  1. Accept the problem in your life. The biggest secret to solving a problem is acceptance. As long as we deny the problem, pretend that it does not exist, or admit its existence, but we will struggle with it with all our might, it will remain unresolved in our life. To accept does not mean to accept, to accept means to admit the thought that this problem may remain with us further, but at the same time we will not become less happy. It is this state that is the key to solving the problem. If we cannot even admit the thought that everything will remain so and this thought causes suffering in us, then there is a hidden , which will not let the problem go away from our lives. Only after we have had an internal acceptance, can we move on to the next step of the algorithm “ how to solve any problem».
  2. Thank the problem. The first thing we should feel on the way to solving our problem is this problem for the fact that it has appeared in our lives. Yes, not sadness, not despair, not offense, not fear, but gratitude. After all, it is thanks to the problems that we improve, develop, and spiritually enrich ourselves. This is an opportunity to understand what we did wrong earlier in our life, which attracted this trouble, and in other words, to work on the mistakes of our past.
  3. Consider options for solving the problem. That is, to do what we used to do first. This should be done, only not in the first place, but based on this algorithm - in the third. Analyze what are the options for solving this problem, and what consequences each of them will lead to. Then, using the elimination method, you need to choose the most suitable option and act.
  4. Change the attitude to the problem. If there are no solutions at all and the situation seems hopeless to us, then we need to change our attitude to this problem. After all, it is known - everything is in our heads. What is a big problem for us, causing suffering, for another person may seem like a mere trifle. Therefore, if the problem is not solved, then there is always a fallback method, the answer to the question, how solve any problem- change your attitude towards her. It is necessary to understand that we have created this problem in our life ourselves, and since we have created it ourselves and are not able to solve it, it means that this problem in this period of time is simply necessary for us. And if so, then this is not a problem at all :)

With love, Yulia Kravchenko

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In this article, you will learn about one of the most powerful techniques for making wishes come true, "Glass of Water". Also, with the help of it you can find the answer to any question. Water is a powerful information carrier and a transmission link from your subconscious to consciousness.

Today I will present to you one more technique, it is called "A glass of water". This technique hides tremendous possibilities. Now that we already understand something about the power of the subconscious and have already learned something about the amazing properties of water, we are able to understand and appreciate all the power and effectiveness of this practice, having tested it on ourselves.

When to use the "Glass of Water" technique

  • For example, when you are struggling to solve a problem and still cannot find the answer.
  • Or when you are in acute pain (physical or mental).
  • Or when you are faced with a difficult dilemma.
  • Or when someone (or something) throws you off balance.
  • Or to search for lost items.
  • When you want to finally get what you have been dreaming about for a long time.

There are many more different cases and situations in which the "Glass of water" technique is excellent. Like all the other methods already presented, it also affects the hormonal system. This effect is produced through the production of a special energy - mental.

An important condition: the technique is performed immediately before bedtime. But there is an exception - this is the loss of emotional balance. In these cases, you do not need to wait for bedtime, but you should perform the technique at this moment.

How to perform the "Glass of Water" technique

  • First, formulate your problem. Do not spread your thoughts along the tree - be brief. Moreover, do not go into details, do not overload the wording. For example, if your problem is not feeling well, then say so: they say, I don't feel well. Or if you are in a monetary crisis, then also do not flirt, and formulate: "Right now I do not have enough money" - and you can add what exactly.
  • When you have mastered the formulation of your problem, you need to formulate the task. It is not necessary to invent it - just remember, it is the same for all cases: "you need to find a solution."
  • Then take a blank sheet of paper(small, for example from a notebook). And write down both: both the wording of the problem and the text of the problem- let it turn out to be a single text, which, when performing the technique, you will begin to pronounce aloud.
  • Then pour into a glass of drinking water(give preference to a glass made of clear and colorless glass).
  • Add a few drops of pure lemon juice to the water and mix thoroughly.
  • Take the glass in your hands, holding it with four fingers: forefingers and thumbs.
  • Then close your eyes and say the text out loud from memory that you prepared (problem statement + task).
  • Then mentally add a delegation phrase: "This is enough for me to be able to solve my problem."
  • And slowly, with relish(it is possible with stops), in Drink exactly half of all the water in a glass. However, it's okay if you drink a little more than half - accounting accuracy is not required here.
  • Important! While you are drinking water, there should be nothing in your thoughts other than the delegation phrase: mentally pronounce it while you sip.
  • Cover the glass with the second half of the water with the piece of paper on which you wrote the text of the problem and task, and place it next to your bed, at the head of the bed.
  • Drink the remaining half of the water in the morning - and also with one single thought. This one: "Thank you!"
  • Speak this word in your mind until you drink all the water.
  • You can throw away the paper- with the understanding that he did his job.

Because b fish carefully over the next 3 days - so as not to miss the decision(three days is, of course, a suspended sentence). The solution may dawn on you on the first night, but 3 days is usually the deadline: that is, during this period of time, the decision is received.

Please keep in mind: there will be no miracles. The decisions are usually so simple that they are sometimes brushed aside - not taken seriously. Do not give in to this risk - do not expect anything "special" and confused. Remember, there is a simple solution to any problem you have. And it's always the best.

How it works

Do you know that water is a sensitive, finely tuned storage of information? And it is already known that she, hearing this or that information, changes its structure. And this is also not a secret for anyone: the lemon juice you add to the water is an acid and it converts the water into an electrolyte(more precisely, it significantly enhances the electrical conductivity of water). The operation of electrolyte batteries is based on this principle.

When you speak your text(problem statement + task), water takes this information and adjusts its structure to it- that is becomes the physical equivalent of spoken words... When you mentally send a delegation phrase, you are transferring a very specific electrical impulse (energy) to the water.

When you close your fingers on the glass, you close this energy - do not allow it to dissipate.

And when you drink water, you direct the energy saturated with specific information into the body. This is the matrix - the request program (also called the intent).

And since you think not only with your brain (as is commonly believed), but with each cell, this is what happens: you are completely, with each of your cells, saturated with the energy of intention - to find a solution to your problem. The energy of intention is a very powerful energy that will not calm down until it combines the energy of a problem with the energy of its (problem) solution.

Why divide water into 2 servings?

This is a ritual action that you address to your subconscious.- after all, it is to him that the energy of intention turns, namely a request is transmitted to the subconscious: the first is to find a solution, and the second is to provide a solution to the problem.

Therefore, the nightly portion is a request for a solution, and the morning portion is a request for a solution. And - most importantly - announcing your readiness to accept it.

This is exactly why you say “thank you” in your thoughts - to let your subconscious mind know that you are confident in the readiness of the solution. This is how you open up to receive a ready-made solution.

Why is the technique performed at night?

And so that you do not fonile, you would not create any noise with an incessant stream of your thoughts (of the most diverse). In a dream, consciousness rests - and does not create any noise. And the subconscious mind works without hindrance - and only on the incoming task.

Every day you are faced with different tasks and problems that require your attention and urgent solutions. They are all different and have different levels of importance and complexity. Simple problems can be solved easily without any special knowledge, but you may not be able to cope with serious problems without a lot of advice. Using these tips will not only help you solve the problem, but also save you time and effort.

Here are some tips to help you solve any problem easier.

Understand the problem

Describe the essence of your problem in order to understand what exactly you are dealing with. Understand the problem is the same as a situation or circumstance and it needs to be solved. Think, perhaps your behavior or action caused this problem, only then you will know and what to start from.

Don't try to fix all problems at once.

Many people try to solve all their problems at once, but in practice this leads to their aggravation. All your efforts can lead to burnout syndrome. Solve problems one at a time. If you focus your attention on one problem, you have a better chance of success in solving it.

Your fear is getting in your way

Often it is fear that prevents us from solving a particular problem. And there is only one way, to move in spite of your fear. You can only overcome it by going through it. Try to think less about the problem in a bad way, that is, that you will not succeed or you will look inappropriate in the process of solving the problem. Think, exactly, on the contrary, that you solved the problem successfully and everything worked out for you. A positive attitude is already half the battle

Create a plan

The plan is very important in solving any problems, including solving problems. Make a detailed plan of action to solve a specific problem. This way, the problem may seem less complicated, which will also lessen your fear of it and speed up the resolution of the problem.

Benefit from the experience of others

Tell someone about your problem, or better search the internet for a solution. All problems, as a rule, are similar and, for sure, someone has already encountered yours. For whom there are a lot of question-and-answer services, but it's better to just use a search engine, it will tell you the best solutions, if any.

Take it easy

Emotional decisions are usually destructive and wrong. Remember that the more upset you are, the harder it will be to find the right solution and not make more mistakes. Just forget about your problems for a while, until your emotional state normalizes, try to relax and be distracted by something positive.

Ask for help

Do not forget about your close people and friends. They will always help and support you in a difficult situation and it will be much easier for you to solve problems together. Moreover, from the outside it is much easier to find the best solution to the problem.

Avoid additional problems

Think about the methods you can use to solve your problem and their consequences. Very often, solving a problem can lead to even more problems. Analyze ways to solve a particular problem in order to avoid the possible emergence of new ones.

The law of action

It's stupid to just sit and wait for someone to solve your problems for you, or they suddenly resolve themselves. Thinking about a problem and making different plans is certainly good, but without action it is absolutely useless. Just start doing something now and in no case do not postpone important and urgent problems for later, this will only aggravate and exacerbate the problem.

In conclusion, I would like to add that you should not focus on the word problem, replace it with the word circumstance or situation, so as not to cause negative emotions in yourself.

As you understand, the topic of this article will be devoted to finding effective ways to help solve the problem. Many people simply dive into the problem, making it even bigger. This is something like a sore. Imagine that you have a sore on your arm that does not heal due to the fact that you scratch it. In addition, it not only does not heal, but becomes even larger. And some people, having no problems, come up with them. You can read about this in the article - It is described in detail there.

How to solve the problem?

You know, as Laura Silva says: "Either solve your problems or stop whining."... So the first step in solving the problem is to renounce the problem. That is, you do not immerse yourself in it with your head, do not ask questions: "Well, why did this happen to me?", "How can I solve this problem?", "Why is it always me ... me, why?" etc. Instead, you begin to view the problem not as your own, but as someone else's. You've probably noticed how we masterfully solve other people's problems. They are not ours, they don’t hurt us, they don’t cause bad emotions, you remain cold-blooded and sober, which means that problem solving comes to you very quickly and in several versions.

Many people think that only they have problems, while others do not. The fact is that our whole life consists of choice, decision making and, of course,. You can't hide from them. It's just that some of them have more, while others have less. It also depends on the person, on his gaze. After all, what some consider to be problems, others think that it is. Good luck because now you can do this and that. As they say: . So second step in problem solving will be a new look at these problems.

Let's look at an example. For example, someone was fired from their job. What are most people doing? At first, they are indignant, swear, insist that they were not treated fairly, break down on loved ones, bite their nails. This is a normal reaction. In my opinion, this should be done. But what happens next? Time passes, and a person, instead of solving his problem with unemployment, begins to lie on the couch with a beer in front of the TV set and mentally resent that he was mistreated. Here is the same sore that does not heal due to the fact that he scratches it. Then the problem really becomes a problem.

What is the minority doing? They analyze what happened with a cool head, then ask themselves the question: "What can I do to solve this problem", "What is the best way for me to solve the problem?"... Then they look for options, and the following happens: they find a new job, which is in many ways better than the one with which they were fired, or they start their own business and start working for themselves. And when you work for yourself, no one can fire you. In short, in this way people find new opportunities that have not been seen before. For them, the black streak really becomes a takeoff. And all because they think about solving problems, and do not poke around in what happened.

So if something happened to you, first calm down, and then, with a cool head, start asking yourself promoting questions: "How to solve the problem?", "What do I need to fix the situation", "What can I do now to get out of this impasse?"... As I said, the answer will surely come to you. By the way, here's an article for you - It says how failure becomes luck.

So, we got acquainted with the first two ways, namely: detachment from the problem and asking ourselves promoting questions. They're pretty damn commonplace, so now let's move on to heavy artillery.

How to solve the problem?

So, as you understood, in order to solve problems, you first need to calm down emotionally. But how can this be done, because emotions simply flow over the edges? Here they will help us !!! I am not kidding. It is at the alpha level that all problems are solved, restrictions are removed, all diseases are cured. If you do not believe, then you can read the article -. There, Laura talks about how meditation can effectively help solve problems. I highly recommend you read it. Get tons of impressions.

So !!! The first thing you should do is sit yourself on the couch. This is not so easy to do, because thoughts about the problem are just teeming in my head. So this is the hardest step. Here I advise you two options: the first is to wait until the emotions subside (then it will be easier for you to sit on the sofa), the second is to take a warm bath and lie down there. For some reason, we always get into a warm bath willingly. It is the second way that I offer you. Just in the bath or shower, you relax as much as possible. And it is at this moment that non-standard ideas for solving problems may come to you. As Einstein said: Why do all the best ideas come to me during the shower?... You just do not understand in the literal sense, otherwise it turns out really funny !!!

So, it turned out to relax, however, to solve the problem, you should spend as long as possible at the alpha level. The solution to the problem does not come immediately (although anything can happen). Therefore, I recommend that you download yourself a special sound that contains alpha tempo rhythms. You can download it by going to the article -. Also, I recommend that you visit the pages - and. All this will help you to relax as much as possible. If you do this, then consider that you have solved your problem.

The next powerful problem solving method that I will give you will definitely help you solve the problem. Only a few know about it, and you are lucky that you are on this page. In combination with the above tips, you will not have a single problem that you cannot solve. This method is called -. I already wrote about it, you can read it. This method is time consuming and its effectiveness cannot be overemphasized. You just take sheet A4, write a question at the top of the sheet: "How can I solve the problem related to ..." and write all the thoughts that come into your head. I don't care what you write there. You can write absolute nonsense. The main thing is to answer the question and write without stopping.

This method helps to turn off logical thinking, multiply the focus, connects. The main thing here is to write and write without stopping. The solution may emerge in five hours, or even longer. The main thing is not to give up !!! Thus, you will find solutions to any problem, any difficulty.

Finally, I want to tell you that it will be better if you have a word "problem" replace with the word "situation"... Word "problem" it is very poorly perceived on a subconscious level, it causes black colors, unpleasant sensations. And here is the word "situation" is perceived much more pleasantly than a word "problem"... This replacement will also help you solve problems in the best possible way.


  1. Change the word "problem" on word "situation".
  2. We renounce the problem (we perceive it as not ours).
  3. Relax as much as possible (go to the alpha level).
  4. We take a piece of paper, ask a question not "How to solve the problem?", a "How to solve the situation?" and write whatever comes to mind.

Well, good luck in solving trials ... situations.

how to solve a problem, problem solving


How well you deal with problems often determines your success and happiness. If you can't figure out how to solve a problem, try analyzing it and breaking it down into smaller pieces. Consider whether you should approach the solution of the problem logically or through sensations and feelings? Find a creative approach to this situation by consulting other people and looking at the problem from different angles.


Approach the problem

  1. Define the problem. Think about what the problem really is, don't just look at the “symptoms” of the problem. In such a case, it is important to pay attention to the main essence, and not to extraneous feelings that are associated with this problem. You can analyze the accompanying feelings and emotions later. So, familiarize yourself with the main problem and try to fully understand it.

    • For example, if your room is constantly cluttered, the problem may not be that you are dirty. Perhaps you just don't have enough drawers and shelves to neatly organize and organize all your belongings.
    • Be as careful as possible in identifying the underlying problem. If this is a personal issue, be honest with yourself to find out what is wrong. If this is a problem that lends itself to a logical explanation, try to understand where and when it first occurred.
    • Think about whether this problem is real or did you make it up? Do you need to solve this problem, or is it something you want? Putting the situation in perspective will help you navigate the problem solving process.
  2. Make big decisions first. Think about what decisions you need to make, how and why they are important in solving your problem. Making decisions will help you move forward in solving problems, so first, think about what to focus on, what needs to be done, how you are going to do it.

    • For example, you may have several problems that need to be addressed. Therefore, you first need to decide which of them to decide in the first place. Solve problems as they arise - it will be easier, and you will not worry about other problems.
    • Once you've made a decision, don't doubt yourself. From now on, be ready to look into the future without going over in your head how everything could be if you chose a different option.
  3. Simplify the problem. Too complex and global problem is difficult to solve. If there are several similar problems, break them down into smaller pieces and deal with them separately. Break the problem down into smaller pieces so you can understand it and find a solution.

    • For example, if you have many different assignments to complete for an exam, focus on how many assignments you have to complete and then take them one at a time.
    • Whenever possible, try to combine similar problems and solve them together. For example, if you are running out of time to study, try listening to a recorded lecture as you drive to class (or quickly review your notes while waiting for lunch).
  4. Describe what you know and don't know. Check out the information you already have. Then think about what other information will be useful to you. Find all the material you need and then organize it properly.

    • For example, if you're trying to take a test, find out what you already know and then decide what else you need to learn. First, review the material that you already know, then start looking for and studying new information from your notes, notebooks and other sources that may help you.
  5. Try to predict the results. Come up with a plan B (perhaps a plan C will come in handy) so that you don't be captivated by just one option. When you come up with possible solutions, think about where each one might lead. Consider the possible results and how they will affect you and those around you. Think about how things will develop in the best and worst turn of events.

    • Pay attention to how these "scenarios" make you feel.
  6. Allocate resources. Resources include time, money, effort, travel, and so on. If solving a problem is your top priority, you may need to devote more resources to solving the problem than if it were not your priority. Think about what resources you have, how you can use them to solve the problem.

    • For example, if you have a deadline, you might want to skip cooking dinner or working out at the gym a couple of times to spend that time working on a project.
    • If possible, cut back on unnecessary tasks. For example, you can save time by ordering groceries or meals online instead of going to the store. The time saved can be spent on other tasks.

    Get creative with the problem

    1. Brainstorm and come up with several solutions. Think of different ways to solve the problem. Knowing that you have several ways to solve this problem, you will have a choice. After thinking about alternatives, decide which ones are more realistic and which ones are better off.

      • If you are making a difficult decision, write down a list of alternatives. In this case, you will not forget a single possible option and can immediately cross out those options that seem unrealistic.
      • For example, let's say you are hungry and therefore need to eat something. Consider whether you want to cook yourself something, buy fast food, order food, or go to a restaurant or cafe.
    2. Try different ways to approach the problem. If you are solving a specific problem, analytical and logical skills will help you best. In other cases, you will have to rely on emotions to help you solve the problem. Solving a problem often requires a combination of thinking skills, feelings, and even intuition. Feel free to use all of these methods, try each one and see which works best for you.

      • For example, if you are considering a job offer that pays well but leaves you too little time for your family, you will have to approach this problem in different ways. Think about this sentence logically, but also pay attention to your feelings and thoughts, and imagine how your decision will affect you and those around you.
    3. Ask for advice. If your problem doesn't get resolved overnight, seek advice from other people. Perhaps you know someone who has encountered a similar problem in the past, and that person will be able to advise you on something. It is not so important whether you follow his advice - it only depends on you. However, it can be helpful to learn a different point of view.

      • For example, if you are buying a house or apartment and do not know how to make the final decision, talk to other homeowners, listen to their views on buying a house / apartment and their regrets.
    4. Track your progress. If you are working towards a goal, keep track of how things are going. If you are making progress and are doing well, keep going. If you find that you're not doing well, consider tackling the problem differently. You may need to come up with new strategies to solve your problem.

      • For example, if you are having financial difficulties, pay attention to how your efforts affect income and expenses. If the budget habit helps you, keep going. If you don't know how to handle money, try something else.
      • Keep a diary, write in it about your progress, successes and problems. These notes can be read to increase motivation when you feel frustrated.
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