Who will win? Dog and guinea pig. What animals do guinea pigs get along with? Guinea pig and cat

There's an addition to our family! An American Teddy guinea pig came to us. Previously, we ran a nursery of guinea pigs of this particular breed. And so, just a year later we couldn’t resist and another pet moved in with us. But how will they get along with each other? dog and guinea pig?

A dog is a predator and it is impossible to simply introduce animals to each other and leave them alone. Our Stomper is always friendly towards strangers. From a very tender age, we tried to introduce her to as many animals as possible. And now she did not disappoint. She carefully sniffed the guest and that was it. She didn't bark or try to touch her with her paw. But this can happen and then the guinea pig will be half-fainted with fear. She already survived the move to a new house and we left Nora (or Fudge - until we decided what to call it) to rest.

We didn’t touch the pig the whole next day; we decided to let him get used to the new smells and sounds. Porpoises are not such stupid animals. They are even trainable. Only a day later we again brought our miniature schnauzer to the guinea pig. Topa was in a playful mood and touched the pig with her paw, and she began to mutter something, saying that she did not like such an acquaintance.

Naturalists advise combining the residence of a guinea pig and a dog literally from their birth. It is then that unpleasant situations will not arise. In our family, everything almost worked out that way. At the time of their acquaintance, Tope was 7 months old, and Pomade (Nora) was 6 months old. Now that Pomade is almost no longer afraid of anyone, including the dog, we can safely say that the dog and Guinea pigs get along together.

Of course, you should take into account the breed of the dog (the breed of the pig can be ignored) if you want to place them in the same house. Hunting dogs cannot control their instincts and will always perceive the guinea pig and not only it as prey. If the dog is quite large, it may accidentally crush the guinea pig. In our case, the miniature schnauzer is a small-sized service breed.

Recently, when our miniature schnauzer decided to take a good look at our new pet, the pig gurgled something so loudly that Topa got a little scared and now treats Nora with great respect. She no longer tries to turn it over with her paw and see what happens. We can say that now these animals are on the same hierarchical level in our family. Although we still don't leave them unattended.

Now all that remains is to wait for the cat, who is spending her holidays in the village until the first snow. She, a distinguished lover of eating moles and mice, had already communicated with guinea pigs. A couple of times I even climbed into their tray. But only to sleep on sawdust.

Six months have passed and now instead of one guinea pig we already have 6 American teddies. All the animals get along peacefully with each other and no one offends each other.

In conclusion, I would like to add that with guinea pigs You cannot leave other animals if you are not around. Such animals include dogs and cats. The cat may pretend that she is not at all interested in the guinea pig. And in your absence, disaster can happen. A parrot can injure a guinea pig with its beak. A rabbit can injure an animal with its hind legs. I wouldn’t even mention the snake. But you can even leave them with other guinea pigs, since they are herd animals and don’t like to live alone.

What kinds of acquaintances take place between animals in your home?

In conclusion, I suggest you watch an amazing video about one very small space A dog, a cat, a little rabbit and a guinea pig get along. Not a drop of aggression, only love and tenderness.

Guinea pigs and dogs

The relationship between a guinea pig living in the same house and another pet is not easy. It is best if they are raised together from birth. But this rarely happens.

A huge danger for guinea pigs are dogs of the hunting breed, which, despite the owner’s prohibitions, cannot cope with their natural instincts.

If a guinea pig is forced to live next to a dog, they should never be left alone, even if the rodent is in a cage. A dog is a predatory and strong animal. The thin bars of the cage will not be able to stop her. If the dog is unable to get the pig out of the house, it will nevertheless greatly frighten the animal.

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3 Purchasing and transporting a guinea pig Before purchasing 1, 2 or even several guinea pigs, you need to consider whether you can devote daily time to your pet(s). sufficient quantity time, do you have the patience to take care of

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Purchasing a Guinea Pig When purchasing a pet, you need to think through everything in advance. It is necessary to decide who will take care of the guinea pig, who is better to buy - a male or a female, and possibly a couple of animals, etc.

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Age of a guinea pig When purchasing a guinea pig, be sure to ask about its age. Do not try to determine the age of an animal by eye, based on size, etc. Ask the seller the date of birth of the animal, and if he cannot name it or give an approximate

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7 Guinea pig walks The guinea pig is a very active animal, and it gets boring for her to sit in a cage all the time, so these animals need to be walked. Walking Since guinea pigs are rodents, walking around the apartment can damage electrical wires and

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Walks for a guinea pig If a friendly relationship has already been established between the owner and the guinea pig, this means that the animal can already be let out for a walk. If the guinea pig is not yet sufficiently accustomed to its owner, it is not advisable to do this. The animal feels

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Diary for a guinea pig In order for a guinea pig to feel good, it needs to be looked after. It is necessary to feed the animal 2 times a day, ventilate and clean the cage once a day, change the bedding 2 times a week, wash the cage once every 5-6 days. The animal follows

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Guinea pigs and cats For a cat, a guinea pig is primarily prey. This predatory animal can attack a rodent. If the pig is in a cage, the cat will try to throw it to the floor or get the animal with its paw. There are cases when a guinea pig made friends with a cat

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Guinea pigs and rabbits Dwarf rabbits get along best with guinea pigs. They can eat from a common feeder, clean each other's fur and sleep in the same house. Young pigs often climb onto their neighbor’s back and sit on it for a long time, fingering the rabbit’s fur.

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Examining a guinea pig at home It is no secret that any disease is easier to prevent than to treat later. Therefore, along with preventive measures, nutritious feeding and careful care of pets, they must be looked after

Pets bring harmony to the home, improve relationships and the overall atmosphere in the family. And if there are children in the family, then the pet will teach them careful handling, care and responsibility.

A guinea pig might be an excellent choice. This animal, although small, is quite smart.

So, 5 reasons why you should still buy just such a pet:

1. These are very affectionate and friendly animals. They simply love to be stroked and scratched, and can even purr with pleasure. Just remember that pregnant females and newborn pigs should not be picked up;

2. Guinea pigs can be easily trained. She is quite capable of remembering a couple of commands. The pig also responds to its name;

3. With proper care, a guinea pig can live for approximately six to eight years. This is quite a long time compared to other rodents. Fresh hay every day, plenty of clean boiled water, a warm and comfortable place for the cage with access fresh air, daily walks under close supervision - these are just some of the factors that will help your pet live as long as possible;

4. When the cage is cleaned in a timely manner, neither the cage nor the animal's fur will emit unwanted odors. For convenience, it is better to equip the cage in such a way that the tray can be removed and cleaned. But it is recommended to bathe the pig itself no more than once a month;

5. Guinea pigs sleep at night and are awake during the day. This means that the chance of being woken up by their noise in the middle of the night is minimal. However, you still need to be prepared for a rustle, since pigs sleep shorter than humans.

In addition, purebred guinea pigs can participate in exhibitions

There are many breeds, and they all differ from each other in the length and structure of their coat. But in each breed there are enough color options so that you can choose the animal to your taste.

If you decide to get a guinea pig, it is better to purchase it from a nursery, where they will give you the necessary information about the animal and advice on caring for it. And, of course, the main thing is that before you buy a guinea pig, read as much information as possible about their content, their habits and needs. A pet is, first of all, a responsibility, and you need to thoroughly prepare for its appearance in the house. Take care to free up enough space for the cage - one animal requires a cage at least 60 cm long.

Guinea pigs are amazing animals that, for caring and loving owners, will become real little friends and give many happy moments.

There's an addition to our family! An American Teddy guinea pig came to us. Previously, we ran a nursery of guinea pigs of this particular breed. And so, just a year later we couldn’t resist and another pet moved in with us. But how will they get along with each other?

A dog is a predator and it is impossible to simply introduce animals to each other and leave them alone. Our Stomper is always friendly towards strangers. From a very tender age, we tried to introduce her to as many animals as possible. And now she did not disappoint. She carefully sniffed the guest and that was it. She didn't bark or try to touch her with her paw. But this can happen and then the guinea pig will be half-fainted with fear. She already survived the move to a new house and we left Nora (or Fudge - until we decided what to call it) to rest.

We didn’t touch the pig the whole next day; we decided to let him get used to the new smells and sounds. Porpoises are not such stupid animals. They are even trainable. Only a day later we again brought our miniature schnauzer to the guinea pig. Topa was in a playful mood and touched the pig with her paw, and she began to mutter something, saying that she did not like such an acquaintance.

Naturalists advise combining the residence of a guinea pig and a dog literally from their birth. It is then that unpleasant situations will not arise. In our family, everything almost worked out that way. At the time of their acquaintance, Topa was 7 months old, and Pomade (Nora) was 6 months old. Now that Sweet is almost no longer afraid of anyone, including the dog, we can safely say that the dog and guinea pigs get along together.

Of course, you should take into account the breed of the dog (the breed of the pig can be ignored) if you want to place them in the same house. Hunting dogs cannot control their instincts and will always perceive a guinea pig and not only it as prey. If the dog is quite large, it may accidentally crush the guinea pig. In our case, the Miniature Schnauzer is a small-sized service breed.

Recently, when our miniature schnauzer decided to take a good look at our new pet, the pig gurgled something so loudly that Topa got a little scared and now treats Nora with great respect. She no longer tries to turn it over with her paw and see what happens. We can say that now these animals are on the same hierarchical level in our family. Although we still don't leave them unattended.

Now all that remains is to wait for the cat, who is spending her holidays in the village until the first snow. She, a distinguished lover of eating moles and mice, had already communicated with guinea pigs. A couple of times I even climbed into their tray. But only to sleep on sawdust.

Six months have passed and now instead of one guinea pig we already have 6 American teddies. All the animals get along peacefully with each other and no one offends each other.

In conclusion, I would like to add that with guinea pigs You cannot leave other animals if you are not around. Such animals include dogs and cats. The cat may pretend that she is not at all interested in the guinea pig. And in your absence, disaster can happen. A parrot can injure a guinea pig with its beak. A rabbit can injure an animal with its hind legs. I wouldn’t even mention the snake. But you can even leave them with other guinea pigs, since they are herd animals and don’t like to live alone.
