What is better to be lactation. Dinner is served! Lactation Stimulation Methods for Full Feeding Baby

Raising lactation for 3 days

If it seems to you that breast milk Every day it gets less, do not hurry to translate the baby on the adapted mixtures. Better Take measures to increase the amount of milk.

Lactation has a cyclic character, and every 1.5-2 months the milk decreases. The first such crisis is the most difficult. When you overcome it, nothing can interfere with the full fever of the child. Adjust yourself to prolonged breastfeeding. After all, now you know what kind of happiness!

Products for raising lactation

Analyze your diet. Nursing mom does not necessarily have two times more than usual. Just every day on your table there should be 200 g of protein products (for example, veal, birds or fish), 250 g of milk or kefir, 100-150 g of cottage cheese, 20-30 g of solid cheese.

Drink at least 2 liters of liquid per day (there are soups here). 2-3 times a day, make yourself a carrot drink, if the baby has no allergies on its components.
3-4 tbsp. Finely grated carrots pour the milk glass and immediately drink. All drinking should be very warm, almost hot.

Frequent feedings contribute to increasing lactation

Feed the child in close contact. Touch the skin to each other, watch the baby in the eye. That tenderness and love you are experiencing to your baby will help you restore the optimal amount of milk. Apply the child to the chest as often as possible - because the demand gives birth to an offer!

Control if the baby is correctly tuned. Keep it so that he suggested his chest. Underlip The child should be slightly turned outward, and above the top - part of the Area is visible.

Therapeutic bath to increase lactation

Before bedtime, make a breast bath. it effective tool To increase lactation.
Pour into a big bowl hot water, Put it on the table. Become near the bowl as close as possible and let go of the chest. Periodically pour hot water. The duration of the bath is 15 minutes. After the bath, dry your chest, put on cotton linen and woolen vest. Do not get up to the chest! Or immediately go to bed, cover the chest with a blanket.

Contrast shower to increase lactation

In the morning and take cold and hot shower. Direct the trickles on the chest and do light massage clockwise. Then turn and substitute your back in the blades area.

Rest and walks increase lactation

Post down for a couple of days all the affairs of the house. Go to bed with the baby. As possible, walk on fresh air.

Gymnastics to increase lactation

Perform special exercises For breast muscles. They will help not only increase the amount of milk, but also to preserve attractive forms.

Massage to increase milk

Massage the chest for 2-3 minutes using castor oil. Abundantly lubricate your palms. Then put the left hand under the chest, and the right - on the chest. At the same time, make movements with hands clockwise, slightly rubbing the oil. Touching should be easy not to cause discomfort, and the oil should not fall on the nipple and the area.

Well, if an experienced masseur will make you a back massage in the area breast Department spine. Just do not forget to warn him that you are nursing mom - now you need to avoid strong exposure on breast muscles.

Herbal decoction ragings

In each case, only one grass will effectively help. For example, make an anise yourself (1 teaspoon on a glass of water) and take every hour to ΒΌ cup. After half a day, you must feel at least a small increase in milk (if it is "your" grass). In this case, do not stop drinking decoction, but continue to take it on a glass of glass before each feeding in warm form for 3 days.

But if on the first day no changes did, look for another grass.
Herb recommended for raising lactation can be divided into three groups:
I group- Anis, Fennel, Tsmin, dill helps if mom has a digestive problem.

I. I group - Mint, oregano, Melissa is useful for nervous overload mom.

III Group - nettle is recommended for a low-blood, low hemoglobin, physical exhaustion Moms.

Positive emotions Promotes raising lactation

Take care what you especially do. Remember how long you did not sit down for knitting or for the book. While the baby sleeps or walks with a grandmother, listen to a pleasant music, dance with your beloved.

Positive emotions will help raise lactation. Communicate with a successful nursing mom or breastfeeding consultant. Attach a little effort and keep what nature gave you.

Breast exercises to increase lactation

Let you not scare short-term reduction overall Breast milk. We invite you to take advantage of a unique strategy. You really cope with a problem for three days! The main thing is to fulfill all the recommendations comprehensively and believe that in your power to succeed.

Exercises for lactation
Hands Bend in the elbows at the chest level, the palms are connecting, and your fingers point up. At the expense of 1-2 strongly press the palm of each other, at the expense of 3-4 relax them without changing the position of the hands.

Run on all fours, raise your head up. In this position, move around the apartment. You will achieve a big effect if you remove the bra during the gymnastics.

Straight hands are on the sides, then crush in front of you and immediately spread. With each mummy, lift them all higher. At the expense of 10 crossed your hands above your head. Gradually return to its original position.

Hundreds of moms of newborn children sooner or later think about how to increase the lactation. After all, it's no secret that breast milk to feed babies is suitable for the best, especially in the first months of life. Most of the conscious moms seek to feed their sicks as soon as possible, but, in spite of everything, the day comes when milk is gradually decreasing, and the child who is accustomed or needing breastfeeding, becomes restless and capricious.

From this article you will learn:

For a start, it is necessary to calm down, and not to fall into a panic, urgently transferring the child to the adapted mixtures, which in stores a huge selection, because the risk of raving breast milk will only increase at times. And, despite the wide range of adapted mixtures, not one of them for its benefits does not compare with breast milk, not to mention allergic reactions that adapted mixtures can often call. Only women's breast milk contains substances, so vital for the full development of the growth of the baby, for the development of a brain, for forming nervous system. And it is maternal milk who creates a solid foundation for immunity of a baby.

To the note: from 6 months in the field of view, dad falls and the connection with mom starts to weaken, and somewhere from 12 months the child begins to let her grandparents.

Why fall lactation of breast milk?

IN women's body For a number of reasons because of hormonal disorders Hygogalactium occurs - this is when the mammary glands reduce the production of milk and it is extremely rare, most often for the decrease in lactation, other reasons for eliminating are affected.

The first is psychological readiness Feeding baby breasts, in other words, a woman for a number of reasons self refuses to feed the baby with breasts.

The second is rare baby feeding with breasts, when a nursing mother is distinguished by little milk and doctors advise the child to regret. Most often it leads to the fact that artificial feeding Fully disresponsing breastfeeding.

The third is a non-rational diet, both in the period of baking the baby and in the period of breastfeeding.

The fourth is the formation of the routine of the day. Some doctors insist on feeding a child strictly by the clock, and not on demand. And during breastfeeding, the landmark still should be on the needs of the newborn.

Fifth is an unfavorable psychological situation for a new mammia. Permanent insensitives, stress, quarrels, the need for an early employment - all this negatively affects breastfeeding, hence the decrease in lactation.

Sixth - Earlier Introduction of Dust.

On the third and sixth week, 3 months, 4 months, 7 months and 8 months of breastfeeding of the baby can occur a decrease in milk produced. In this case, it is not worth worrying, since this phenomenon is temporary. During this period, the so-called lactation crisis occurs. The lactation crisis is caused by an increase in the toddler's appetite. The growing organism requires more milk, and the maternal organism does not have time to navigate, because the time it takes time from here and the decrease in lactation. And here the errors begin with powerlessness and anxiety. Concerned moms begin to introduce early lures, discounts or completely translated dyatko on artificial nutrition.

And only units are thinking about or what true reason Lactation reduction. In the meantime, the risk of breast milk increases at times.

Here the main thing is to understand that the less often put the baby to the chest, the less milk will be.

The hardest for moms is to overcome the first crisis. Having coped with the first lactation crisis, the next time it will be much easier and calmer, since the realization that you can cope with it. On how to overcome the crisis of the "first year" in the child I wrote in.

How to increase lactation, feeding right?

Many mothers during breastfeeding have repeatedly heard that they need to eat for two, but it is not entirely true. The main thing is that the diet fully satisfy the need for food nursing mom. Also used food should be fully balanced, it should include: proteins, vitamins needed to growing organism. Mandatory in the diet, you need to include: cottage cheese at least 150 grams, kefir or milk at least 250 grams, protein products (fish, poultry breast, veal) at least 200 grams and, of course, cheese from solid varieties of at least 30 grams per day.

Drinking mode in increasing lactation is no less important. On a day it is necessary to drink at least 2 liters of fluid.

If desired, the diet of a nursing mother can be replenished with special teas, mixtures designed to increase lactation. Before feeding, you can drink a mirke of warm tea with the addition of milk.

We increase lactation with drinks

There are many plants that allow enlarge lactation: Carrots, licorice, dandelion, leaf salad, radish, dill, nettle, rosehip, Melis, Tmin, millennian, Anis Fennel, Mint, oregano. These plants can be taken both in the form of teas and in the form of decoctions, juices and tinctures.

How to cook carrot juice to increase lactation

Take carrots peeled from the peel and soda on a shallow grater. After that, squeeze the juice, turn it into a glass and take half a glass twice a day. So that the taste is not so nasty, you can not add to juice a large number of Honey or milk.

Cooking carrot cocktail with milk

Carrots, spend on a shallow grater, then take three tablespoons of carrots and put in a glass. In the same glass, pour warm milk by filling it to the edges. If you wish, you can add a teaspoon of honey. But do not abuse honey - honey is an allergen. Carrot cocktail take 1 cup twice a day.

How to cook a decoction of dill seeds

You will need one tablespoon of dill seeds and one glass of boiling water. Take the seeds of dill and pour them with boiling water, let's last one hour, straighten the decoction and take on the floor of the glass twice a day.

Cooking a cocktail walnuts with milk

Grind 14 walnut nuclear kernels of walnuts and fill their 500 ml of boiling milk, mix and leave it for two hours. Take 70 grams before feeding.

How to increase and support lactation

The first is the stimulation of lactation by means of frequent feeding.

The productive and frequent sucking of the breast infant contributes to an increase in the prolactin hormone responsible for the production of breast milk. Therefore, as soon as the lactation decreased, start as often as possible to apply the child to the chest and, as practice shows, the results will not make themselves waiting.

The best promotes increasing lactation Night feedings from 3.00 to 8.00 am, so precisely at this time the prolactin hormone is more productively produced.

Making a massage to increase breast milk

Lubricate your palms with massage oil. Put right palm On the chest, and the left palm from the bottom bite the chest. Circular movements smoothly massage the chest. Massage is made strictly clockwise. For the Massage effect, you need to do within 3 minutes. After massage, the chest needs to be thoroughly wash, special attention It is necessary to give the nipples and halo.

Contrast shower or improving lactation

Elastic jets of water direct circular movements on the chest, gradually changing the water temperature, ranging from warm temperatures and go down to more low temperaturesbut not cold. In complete, substitute the back jets of the water back - the spine.

Nursing mom must necessarily find time on full holidayTherefore, in such a difficult period, it is especially important that close and relatives and native people be near. If the night was restless, and the child did not give to bed, then you must allocate time on day Son.. The outdoor walk will benefit, both a child and a nursing mom.

If you have noticed a decrease in the lactation of breast milk, then you should not be afraid, leaving a panic and closing in yourself, ask the advice from the craftsmen or consult a pediatrician doctor, he will surely tell you what to do.

Be healthy love yourself and your loved ones!

Breast feed is a great happiness for mom. The benefit of breast milk is invaluable for the baby and the longer it will receive it, the better. Some women do not want to breastfeed and immediately translate the baby on the mixture. And others, with all the desire they can not feed the infant different reasons. Often, as it seems to them, they simply lack milk. How to increase lactation to extend the sacrament of feeding and full of all the necessary baby elements in full swing?

Why maybe breast milk

Hygogalactium - the poor formation of lactation is only 5% of mothers. Often it is connected with hormonal failure and serious violations.

Otherwise, milk deficiency is caused by factors and reasons that can be easily eliminated:

  • reluctance to feed, lack of mood in a woman;
  • poor nutrition;
  • stress, overwork, lack of sleep;
  • early introduction of mixtures;
  • stirring and feeding from the bottle;
  • bad habits (and equally);
  • lactation crises;

Sometimes for the decrease in lactation is accepted sudden jump In the growth of the child. At this time, he sucks more and at a time can suck as much as he eaten for two or three applying. The kid becomes a capricious and fusive, often asks the chest. This continues no longer than seven days. In this case, the milk is produced by milk no less than before, it has just increased its costs. The only thing that can be done is not to panic and easily apply the crumb to the chest. Soon the production of milk will increase, and there will be nothing to worry about.

Important! The more likely to give the child the chest - the more milk will be. Sucking is the main stimulator of the tributary.

Methods for increasing breast milk

Feed on demand

Breasts should be fed not on a schedule, about which grandmothers are stifled and some "wise" midwives, and first-demand. It is especially dangerous to teach the child to the hourly feeding regime in the first days. If the chest is not enough to stimulate, the milk becomes little. This leads to the early introduction of dust and baby. In the time of feeding by the clock, many women stopped feeding for 6 months.

Sleep when the child sleeps

The main rule for moms who are trying, and feed, and remove, and wash, and stroke, and take a walk with a stroller. If in the morning to the evening we turn as a squirrel in the wheel, and at night you get up several times, it is unlikely that the body will like it. Milk will be less, and the mom will be more nervous. Dirty floors and non-delicate diapers - it can all wait, and deep sleep, recreation I. good mood - The key to successful feeding, which cannot be ignored.


Experienced mothers who have passed through the lactation crisis advise to apply an easy way to enhance lactation on the natural level. It is called "skin to the skin." To do this, it is enough to undress the baby and to warm up the belt. Lie next or take a child in hand.

Important! So that the child quickly captured the nipple, his chin should touch the chest. The lower lip of the baby should be slightly turned out, and over the top should be seen.

What products increase lactation

The correct balanced table of a nursing mother is one of the important aspects of successful breastfeeding. Each product to one degree or another affects breast-studies. Some can enlarge it, some reduce, there are products that increase fatness. There are those products that are strictly prohibited, since they drastically change the taste of milk and the baby can.

Low-handed mothers often try to come into shape and sit on a strict diet. At the same time, they want to fully feed the baby with breasts, but This is an impracticable desire. One way or another, the body needs enhanced nutrition - this does not mean that you need to eat twice as much as before the birth of a child.

Table Nursing mom should include:

  • proteins - meat dishes, dairy, dairy products, solid cheese, fish, faint brows and soups on meat;
  • vitamins, trace elements, fiber - vegetables, fruits, porridge;
  • amino acids - creamy and vegetable oil.

On a day you need to drink 2 liters. liquids. In the maternity hospital, it is impossible to drink a lot of water, as the lactation is only formed and the conversion of a colostrum into milk on the third day will become very painful and abundant. When the mother was discharged, and the child adapted to the chest, you should drink a lot of warm or hot liquid (there are also soups), mineral water without gas, teas that are sold in pharmacies. It is not necessary to cry too much. From a large amount of fluid, milk will increase, but it will contain less nutrients and becomes less fat.

Increase the lactation of anise, tmin, dopey, phenhel, nettle tea, barley coffee and decoction.

Productswhich should be avoided:

  • pickles;
  • smoked;
  • exotic fruits;
  • citrus;
  • canned products;
  • sharp spices (onions, garlic, pepper);
  • food rich in carbohydrates (bread, baking, sugar);
  • alcohol;
  • allergenic products;
  • sage, mint, parsley.

Drugs increasing lactation

In the case when a nursing mother puts the child correctly, performs all the rules of natural feeding, and there is little milk or how it seems to it, it disappears at all, you can quickly and effectively help her medicines.

Exists Several ways to increase lactation with special preparations:

  1. Polyvitamin complexes in the form of emulsions and tablets. The duration of reception depends on the duration of breastfeeding.
  2. Homeopathy. These drugs gently stimulate the production of prolactin and contribute to the increase in lactation. Also possess a soothing action, tension and stress are removed. These include "Mleokin", "Pulsatill". They are produced in granules and are accepted for half an hour before the meal. Long use is possible.
  3. Badic based on bee royal milk or lactogon herbs: "apilah", "femilak", "".

Important! First consult an experienced doctor who picks up required drugs, pushing away from the individuality of the body and mom and baby.

Folk remedies for lactation improvement

There is plenty people's methods By increasing breast milk. It is necessary to relate to them very carefully, because even the most innocent carrots or cumin in infants may be an allergic reaction.

The herbs act differently on the body. First you need to start with small - from one grass. And if it contributes and does not cause reactions in a child, continue to brew. And if no change during the day does not occur, you should choose another phytopreparation.

Shared They are in 3 groups:

  1. When problems with the gastrointestinal tract drink an anise, cumin, hawthorn, dill, fennel.
  2. Oilsman and Melissa are brewed when overwork and nervousness.
  3. Nuts drink at strong depletion And Malokrovia.

Some of the recipes

  • Drink from cumin. A liter of boiling water is poured 15 g. Tin seeds, peeled from a lemon zest, sugar. All boiled 5 minutes, filter and drink warm.
  • Dill infusion. Art. l. dill poured steep boiling water. We defend 2 hours. And drink 6 times a day, without delaying the decoction in the mouth.
  • Anisian infusion. Seeds are poured boiling water and leave for an hour. Fix and drink three times PO2 throat.
  • The prefabricatedness. For 10 g. Anise seeds, 20 g. Melissa, 40 g. Fennel, 30 g. Tags poured with a glass of steep boiling water, leave to stand in and after the polsideness they drink half a cup for 10 minutes. Before the start of feeding.
  • Decoration from nettle. 20 dried leaves are poured with a glass of steep boiling water, defend, filter and take a week under Article. Three times a day before meals.

You can purchase special lactogenic fees in which the weeds are collected in the correct proportions.

Productswhich effectively increase the influx of milk nursing mother:

  • . Grinding nuclei is poured with boiling solid milk and insist in a closed thermos. Drink a little, on the throat during the day.
  • Carrot. Finely grated raw carrots poured with boiled milk. Drink a glass, if desired and the absence of allergies, add lime honey.
  • Radish. The grated radish is diluted with water, add honey and eat Kashitz three times a day for 4 tbsp. l.
  • Cumin with sour cream. In the glass of sour cream add art. l. Ground cumin. Boiling 3 min. Accept under Article. Three times a day. Very tasteless but effective, urgently enhancing the return of milk.
  • Oatmeal. Flakes are mixed with dried and nuts. Poured milk or yogurt.
  • Buckwheat. The grains roasted on a dry pan eat instead of seeds.

Rapid increase in breast milk

To quickly increase the return of breast milk, resort to some proven ways:

  1. Massage. Massage of the mammary glands A lot stimulates the influx of milk. Castor Oil Lubricate your palms and light smooth movements 2-3 minutes. massage chest, while left hand Must be on the chest, and the right under the breast.
    Well acts in returning back massage. This will require your husband's participation.
  2. Cold and hot shower. Despite employment and fatigue, you need to highlight a few minutes for this procedure. It will strengthen the tone, improve the mood and will affect the influx of milk. Water jet make a light breast and back massage.
  3. Bath. It is better to take it before bedtime. In a large basic pour hot water and placed it on the table. Lower the chest into it, by periodically adding a hot portion of water. The bath is done no longer than 15 minutes. Then carefully wipe and fall into bed. This method is very good, the heat of the mammary glands urgently begin to work, and the inflow increases.
  4. An indispensable for a nursing mother will be a big cup of hot tea with milk.

Breastfeeding is an indispensable process, during which mommy not only enriches the newborn body necessary useful substancesBut also establishes close emotional contact with his crumb. And during this period, women are trying to follow their own diet as much as possible, so that no eaten slice brought the child of discomfort, because Kroch became the meaning of life for mommy. Also, any loving mom is afraid that the amount of breast milk can sharply decrease. And this problem most of the newly minted mothers decide the translation of the baby on mixed type feeding. However, only breast milk has a special chemical compositionthat no manufacturer baby food I could not even recreate. Therefore, instead of combined feeding, it is better to fasten the crumbling of breast milk. And to increase its production and quality, women should know which products with breastfeeding is better to choose for this.

To increase the lactation, it is not necessary to resort to pharmacological means, it is enough just to put in order the daily menu of a nursing mother. Allowed products with GW are so diverse that every woman can turn on those who like more than others in their diet.

Before hitting the alarm, you need to make sure whether the milk is really not fat and its amount has changed in a smaller side. But it is not worth it to increase the percentage of fatness of Mother's milk, because due to enzymatic failure, the child may have problems with digestive processes (stool violation, etc.).

Mom will be able to find out whether milk is produced enough in her breast if it will pay attention to whether it remains in the dairy glands after full saturation of the newborn. In addition, it is necessary to remember that the process of producing breast milk has its own cyclical phenomenon: every 2 months the volume of the lactation product is temporarily reduced.

The percentage of milk fat can also be checked independently. To do this, you need to send milk into a glass clean glass and leave it with the contents for 7 hours. During this period, the fat and liquid layer is separated, which can be seen with the naked eye. An acceptable percentage of fat should be approximately 4% of the total.

If the insufficient fatness of milk is recorded, then you do not need to panic, transferring the child to the mixture. It is worth affirming this factor on their own by adjusted by the power, increasing the list of products with breastfeeding on their own table, which are able to help in this situation.

Menu while improving lactation

The diet of a nursing mother in the first month of life, the crumbs should be as much as possible, so that there are no allergic products at the dinner table, and those that can provoke problems with digestion in a woman and a child.

Forbidden red color

Under this implies all food and drinks with a red color scheme. Such products for a nursing mother not only not to improve the influx of milk, but also can cause serious problems Health baby. As a rule, all fruits, vegetables, drinks, contributing to strengthen the manifestation allergic reactionsare excluded from the men's menu. Moms can eat any products, but not red and orange color. Also in the list of common products prohibited when breastfeeding at the first weeks, fall:

The child may not show allergic reactions to this food, but it will be possible to check this theory not earlier than 6 monthly age Crumbs when the first dust will be entered.

Important! Even after six months it should be acquainted with caution children's organism from dangerous food. With an increased dosage, an exacerbated allergic reaction may appear.

Women should also probably remember that drinking alcohol for nursing mothers is an unacceptable factor. Even one glass of high-quality red wine slimmed into the body of a newborn and penetrate his blood together with milk. This applies to any hot drink.

Also impossible there are spicy and salty products in fresh or canned form:

All this list of products for nursing moms should be prohibited, as they are able to negatively affect the quality and taste factors of breast milk. They are not able to positively influence the lactation. In addition, Mom risks that problems with the digestive system may appear in the newborn (heartburn, painfulness, bloating) or he simply refuses the mother's chest.

  • mustard and horseradish;
  • coffee (especially soluble and 3 in 1);
  • black chocolate carrying more than 70 cocoa units in the percentage;
  • soft cheeses and mold;
  • dishes flavored with spicy herbs.

This list of nursing mom products should also be bypass, since neither can either make milk unpleasant to taste.

It would seem that the fish in such a period is very necessary for a young mommy, and she is able to saturate milk useful trace elementsBut salted herring, squid, mussels and other exotic sea creatures, especially refilled by sauces, is not recommended for breastfeeding. Also in the list gets caviar cod and pollock. These seafood gifts can not only cause attacks of allergic reactions, but they also increase the burdens on the kidney of the mother and the child and promote shift taste quality milk. In the future, mommy will be able to please themselves with these products, but they will not be able to help her improve the tide of milk and increase its fat.

Yellow products with guv

Today, the list of allowed products for a nursing mother increased slightly, because those dishes that still recently pediatricians forbidden to eat, modern specialists Allowed and began to recommend in reasonable doses.

Products that improve lactation and can eat with a small restriction:

All of them can be included in the menu with caution, because when violating dosage volumes, they can cause a violation of the chair and a newborn. And when they are used in minimal doses, they will help improve the influx of milk and raise its useful substances.

Green useful products

Vegetables, fruits and other dishes of this color can be used in a diet daily and without much restrictions, because some of them stimulate lactation, and some will simply help improve the state of health as a whole:

  1. Parsley and dill. Enhance the visual sharpness and newborn.
  2. Gooseberry and leaf salad. Positively affect immune system, improving resistance to pathogenic microorganisms.
  3. Zucchini. Enhances the activity of growth in crumbs.
  4. Broccoli I. cauliflower. Activate the normal functionality of the digestive system of the baby and his mother.

All these products do not harm the lactation of breast milk, but on the contrary, help it work out. Especially since their use improve its structure. They are also useful for the health and general health of the child and his mom.

Products that increase the lactation: a favorable diet

If there are problems with the activity and fatness of Mother's milk, it is necessary to reconsider its own menu and make a correction to it to correct the situation.

The lactation menu must be with high content Calories, because even 100 ml of mother milk contains about 75 kcal. And replenish energy reserves It is necessary not to sweet bobbin, but by the protein, since it is the main factor for the coordinated work of the mother of the mother and child. Therefore, to increase lactation should eat cottage cheese products, meat non-fat varietiessolid cheese in limited quantity, as well as yogurt, ryazhenka, etc.

In the first weeks of the newborn life better before use. The cow's milk is better to dilute with water, as in its pure form it can cause allergies in a child.

Products for improving lactation can be called dishes that mothers daily eating. They can not only improve lactation, but also fatness of milk:

  1. Soups and broths. It is better to cook from rabbit, calf, chicken or beef. Eating food is needed exclusively in warm form, and for the side dish, meat products should be prepared for a couple or boil. This food will not only provide energy mommy, but also increases the fat content of milk.
  2. Porridge. They need to be prepared mainly from buckwheat, oatmeal and rice, as these cereals make milk useful and saturated.
  3. Products increasing lactation are considered berries such as blackberry, gooseberry, blueberries and currants (preferably black). They not only improve the influx of milk, but also enriched with vitamins.
  4. You can drink with breastfeeding drinks made from a fenugreek and cumin. Dipped infusion stimulates the increase in milk produced.

All these products are increasing lactation should be included in the menu of a nursing woman in reinforced mode, in order to improve the generation of milk. You can also pamper yourself with 1-2 pieces of watermelon. It climbs thirst and increase the influx of incoming milk for a child.


Many women are also interested in what you can drink a nursing mom. What drinks in tandem with products to increase lactation will be able to accelerate the production of milk, and in which volume they need to drink per day.

  • compote from dried fruits - expand the milk ducts, from which milk comes faster. This affects the saturation rate of the baby;
  • tea from dill or anise. To do this, pour 1 tbsp. l. Seeds in 200 ml of steep boiling water and insist the drink for 4 hours. The resulting infusion should be used for two receptions per day. Drink is able to improve the influx and amount of milk;
  • fresh carrot and currant juices diluted with cooled boiled water, perfectly act as a product of lactation.
  • barley decoctions. They can be prepared at home or purchase in the supermarket in the department diet nutrition. They have favorably affect not only the stimulation of lactation, but also improve general health Mother.

What else can increase lactation

Naturally, the inclusion in the menu of products favorablely affecting lactation in the GW period is very important factor. But in order to improve the influx of milk and the state of the mother, follow the following recommendations:

  • make it more outdoors;
  • set up joint Son. with a child, more falling out;
  • feed the crumb as soon as he needs it;
  • avoid any stressful situations;
  • always be in good spirits.

Any nursing woman should know what products favorable affect the lactation. The main thing that the table of consumed products carried only useful factors.

To make milk in a nursing woman, it is enough, first of all, you need a balanced and full ration.

Nursing mom should be followed by a diet for such reasons:

  1. Newborn is important to ensure the arrival of all the crumbs of nutrients important for growth.
  2. Digestive system Baby after childbirth still continues to develop, and enzyme systems are defective. And therefore some products in the Mom menu are able to cause colic, allergies, diarrhea and other clock problems.

Features of nutritional mother

The calorieness of the diet of a nursing woman should be 400-500 kcal more than women who do not breastfeed. Double portions and an abundance of fats in the menu are not necessary for best lactation. However, it is also not recommended to sit in a nursing mother for a diet. It is important that in the fodder of moms there is enough protein, calcium and vitamins.

In the nutrition, a woman who feeds the baby breasts should be mainly organic products - Porridge, meat, soups, boiled vegetables. Fresh bread is better to use little, but for soups to use more green vegetables.

Nursing mom must be balanced - so it will provide its body necessary nutrient substancesbecause for the formation of breast milk requires a lot of resources

What is a nursing mom every day?

Daily diet Nursing mom should include:

  • 150-250 g low-fat meat and fish;
  • 700 ml - 1 liter of fermented milk products and milk;
  • 100-150 g of cottage cheese;
  • 30-40 g of cheese;
  • 300-300 g of fruit and berries;
  • 500-800 g of vegetables;
  • 20-50 g butter;
  • 20-30 ml vegetable oil;
  • 100 g sour cream;
  • 200 g cashie;
  • 400 g of bakery products.

A woman at least three times a day is hot food. Together with small snacks, a nursing mother should have 5-6 times a day.

Vegetable dishes for a nursing mother can be prepared from lettuce, cabbage, eggplants, zucchini, tomatoes, turnips, pumpkins, green peas. Vegetables should be boiled, bake or stew. Bananas, apples are useful from fruits.

The best types of meat for a nursing woman will be low-fat chicken, pork, beef, turkey, rabbit. They are advised to stew or cook. Fish also recommend choosing low-fat, such as pike perch or cod.

Introduction of dairy products, fruits and raw vegetables must be gradual. Dairy products It is better to choose without fillers and chemical additives.

For other ways to increase lactation, read in another article.

Nursing mom should eat enough: along with snacks - 5-6 times a day

What is not a nursing mom?

In the first months of life, mom should be reduced as much as possible in the menus those products that are able to cause colic or allergic reactions. Also should not be used by a large number of products capable of changing the taste of milk.

In the menu MAM, nursing breasts, it is desirable to limit or eliminate such products:

  • Citrus;
  • Nuts;
  • Polka dot;
  • Beans;
  • Corn;
  • White cabbage (Fresh and sauer);
  • Chocolate;
  • Fried dishes;
  • Pickles;
  • Butter;
  • Fat sauces;
  • Confectionery;
  • Alcohol;
  • Black bread;
  • Coffee;
  • Sharp spices;
  • Garlic.

Nursing mom must comply with a diet, eliminating products provoking colic or allergies

What to drink a nursing mom?

A nursing woman should consume 2-2.5 liters of fluid - in the form of drinking and liquid dishes. However, it is not necessary to drink a large amount of fluid through force. Excessive drink does not contribute to an increase in milk generation. In addition, during the formation of lactation, when milk arrives a lot (usually it is the third or fifth day after delivery) the amount of fluid, on the contrary, should be reduced to one liter.

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