Medication for bacterial prostatitis. Chronic bacterial prostatitis: treatment, causes, symptoms and diagnosis The causes of chronic prostatitis

Do I need to drink antibiotics for prostatitis? Antibiotic therapy is necessary if the nature of the disease is infectious or bacterial. There are five groups of drugs, the action of which is aimed at eliminating the pathogen that caused the development of the disease.

What is prostatitis?

Prostatitis is a disease in which the tissue of the prostate gland becomes inflamed. If the pathology is caused by an infection, prostatitis is called infectious, if the disease was provoked by bacteria (mycoplasma, chlamydia, Trichomonas), it belongs to bacterial. Both types of prostatitis are treated with antibacterial drugs. In the absence of such therapy, the disease progresses.


Symptoms of acute prostatitis:

  • The temperature rises to 38-39 degrees.
  • Pain in the perineum, groin when urinating.
  • Bloody, purulent impurities in the urine.
  • Pain on ejaculation.
  • Semen dilution, blood points, green streaks in semen.
  • Swelling of the perineum.

It hurts a man to sit and walk. He may often run to the toilet to urinate, but very small portions of urine will come out.


Chronic prostatitis can develop as a complication after acute. This form of the disease is characterized by a long course and blurred symptoms. The infectious stage lasts about two months, the post-infectious stage, if untreated, takes several years.

Signs of the disease:

  • The presence of impurities in the ejaculate.
  • Difficulty urinating.
  • Feeling of discomfort in the perineum.
  • Violation of potency.
  • Lower abdominal pain.
  • Unpleasant sensations accompanying urination, ejaculation.

If you experience any symptoms, you should see your doctor. In the initial stages, it is much easier to cure the disease than in a neglected state.

Features of therapy: how to choose the right antibiotic?

For an accurate diagnosis, the doctor takes from the patient. Scraping from the mucous membrane is sent to the laboratory for sowing. For several days, under special conditions, observations are made of the flora growing in a test tube. This type of research allows not only to determine the type of bacteria that infect a person, but also to give an answer to how aggressive they are, how quickly they multiply, and what antibacterial drug can destroy them.

Self-medication for infectious prostatitis is categorically contraindicated! Only after the causative agent of the disease has been identified in the laboratory, treatment can begin.

Do not choose by yourself which antibiotic to take for prostatitis. You can take medications only after your doctor prescribes them. With the haphazard intake of antibacterial drugs, the development of resistance (bacterial resistance to the drug) is possible. As a result, the drug will not help, and the disease will only progress.

TOP 8 best antibiotics for the treatment of prostatitis in men

The course of antibiotic therapy for prostatitis is 10-14 days. The dosage and treatment regimen is determined individually. The most effective are antibiotics of the groups of aminoglycosides, macrolides, cephalosporins. Quinols have slightly lower permeability into the tissue of the prostate gland, but they are also prescribed if sensitivity to this particular type of antibacterial agent is detected.

This is a 3-generation semi-synthetic aminoglycoside, one of the most advanced broad-spectrum drugs created specifically for the treatment of infectious diseases. Available in the form of solutions for intravenous or intramuscular administration. It must be fed into the bloodstream slowly, so it is often given with the help of droppers.

The drug is well absorbed, relieves swelling and inflammation in soft tissues. Within 10 hours after entering the body, Amikacin reaches a therapeutic concentration and eliminates most of the pathogenic bacteria.

Contraindications to antibiotic use:

  • Renal failure
  • Intolerance to the components of the drug.
  • Allergy to aminoglycosides.
  • Inflammation of the auditory nerve.
  • Breastfeeding and pregnancy.

Amikocin analogs include Gentamicin, which can be produced in other forms - suppositories, ointments.

A drug of the macrolide group used to treat infections of the genitourinary tract, soft tissues. It can be prescribed in normal dosage for elderly patients and patients suffering from renal insufficiency. Roxithromycin is available in tablets, with bacterial prostatitis, men are shown taking 1 tablet 2 times a day. When prescribing a drug for patients with renal insufficiency, the dose should be halved.

The most effective medicine against:

  • Legionella pneumophila.
  • Chlamydia trachomatis.
  • Ureaplasma urealyticum.
  • Mycoplasma pneumoniae.

The drug is contraindicated to be taken together with ergotamines. This can lead to alkaloid poisoning and necrosis of the tissues of the legs.

Analogs: Rulil, Josamycin, Roxibid. The choice of a drug depends on the severity of the development of the disease and the possible pathogen.

Available in the form of tablets, capsules, granules for suspension preparation. It is a semi-synthetic antibacterial drug belonging to the penicillin group. Cleans the body of cocci, streptococci, bacillus, anaerobic microorganisms that are sensitive to penicillin. Indications for the use of Amoxicillin:

  • Acute urinary tract infection.
  • Chronic bacterial prostatitis.
  • Prostatitis complicated by gonorrhea, chlamydia.
  • Sepsis.
  • Purulent tissue infection.

It is contraindicated to take an antibacterial drug for men who are allergic to penicillin. Possible side effects: nausea, loose stools, skin rash.

Analogs include Flemoxin, Ekobol, Amosin. Amoxiclav (an antibiotic with clavulonic acid) is also often used to treat prostatitis. It is highly effective, since the acid provides an increase in bactericidal activity.

The drug belongs to the third generation of cephalosporins. It is prescribed for the treatment of severe prolonged chronic prostatitis. The use of Cefotaxime as a second round of antibiotic therapy gives good results, even if the drugs of the penicillin, aminoglycoside, sulfanilamide series did not cope before.

It is produced in powders, which must be diluted with distillate or saline solution. It is administered intramuscularly or intravenously. Long-term action of the drug in serum Cefotaxime lasts up to 12 hours. It penetrates well into tissues, quickly reduces the concentration of pathogens.

The drug can be used to treat chronic or acute prostatitis complicated by genital infection, fungal infection.

  • Ceftriaxone.
  • Claforan.
  • Digit.
  • Cefantral.

The antibiotic should be taken with caution in patients with renal and hepatic impairment. The medicine is contraindicated in patients who have undergone enterocolitis, suffering from bleeding of any kind.

One of the most widely used bacteriostatic antibiotics of the tetracycline series. Produced in capsules, absorbed into the systemic circulation through the gastric mucosa. Due to the negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to take drugs that restore the intestinal flora with antibiotic therapy with this drug.

Indications for taking Doxycycline:

  • Infectious prostatitis.
  • Bacterial damage to soft tissues.
  • Purulent infections of the genitourinary organs.
  • Mycoplasmosis
  • Chlamydia
  • Gonorrhea.
  • Chronic prostatitis.

The dose of the drug is selected strictly individually.... Not only the type of disease is taken into account, but also the patient's weight, age, gender. The duration of treatment is 1-2 weeks. If necessary, Doxycycline is prescribed in combination, in combination with Gentamicin.

The cheapest analogue of Doxycycline is Tetracycline tablets. The medicine is more expensive - the Dutch Unidox Solutab. It also contains tetracycline, but acts faster, so the course of treatment with it is shorter, no more than 10 days.

Antimicrobial drug belonging to the quinol group. Sparfloccacin is a third-generation difluoroquinol used to treat acute and chronic infections of the genitourinary system. Effective for the treatment of bacterial and infectious prostatitis, as well as pathologies complicated by tuberculosis and chlamydia. It can be prescribed after surgery, genital trauma to prevent infection.

Possible side effects:

  • Expansion of blood vessels.
  • Nausea, vomiting, epigastric pain.
  • Impaired mobility of the tendons of the lower extremities.
  • Rash, itching, burning of the skin.
  • Dizziness, headache.
  • Increased anxiety.
  • Sleep disturbance.

The drug is not prescribed to patients under the age of 18 years. Also, the medicine should not be taken by people with diagnosed photosensitivity.

The drug belongs to the group of oxyquinolines, has a wide spectrum of action. It is prescribed for infectious, bacterial prostatitis complicated by fungal infection. The medicine can be prescribed for both an adult man and a child or adolescent. Tablets are also prescribed as a prophylactic agent.

For chronic infections, an intermittent course of Nitroxalin therapy is recommended. The first period of therapy is 14 days, then a break for two weeks and a second course - 14 days. The drug is well tolerated, although side effects in the form of a rash are possible.

Quinols analogs:

  • Levofloxacin.
  • Ofloxacin.
  • Ciprofloxacin.
  • Lomefloxacin.
  • Norfloxacin.
  • Tarivid.

When treating prostatitis with antibiotics, the patient must be sure to continue taking the prescribed medication for the period of time prescribed by the doctor. If you stop the course of treatment when the unpleasant symptoms disappear, the disease may resume, so it is not completely destroyed.

Unfortunately, it is a fairly common ailment. According to statistics, almost half of men at one age or another face this problem. The causes of inflammation can be different, and therefore in modern medicine there are several types of this disease. One of them is bacterial prostatitis.

In view of such a wide spread of the disease, many men are interested in additional information about it. What are the causes of bacterial inflammation? What symptoms are worth looking out for? What are the most effective methods of modern treatment?

What is prostatitis? The main forms of the disease

Before considering the question of what bacterial prostatitis is, it is worth considering what the prostate gland, or prostate, is. It is a small organ that is part of the reproductive system. It is located just below the bladder, around the urethra. The prostate produces up to 70 percent of the semen, which is then mixed with the semen that forms in the testicles. Also, the prostate gland plays a role in the process of sperm release and maintains an erection. In addition, it affects urinary retention.

Prostatitis is a disease that is accompanied by an inflammatory process in the tissues of the prostate gland. Depending on the reasons for the development in modern medicine, several main types of the disease are distinguished:

  • acute bacterial prostatitis - inflammation in this case develops against the background of infection of the organ with specific bacteria (for example, chlamydia, gonococcus, etc.);
  • the chronic form of bacterial prostatitis, as a rule, develops against the background of improper therapy or its absence (the disease lasts more than three months, the period of well-being is replaced by exacerbations of the inflammatory process);
  • nonspecific prostatitis - the inflammatory process in such a disease is caused by activation or is not at all associated with a bacterial infection;
  • asymptomatic inflammatory prostatitis proceeds without pronounced symptoms, and quite often the inflammatory process subsides on its own.

Causes of bacterial prostatitis

As the name suggests, the inflammatory process in this case is associated with the activity of bacterial microorganisms. The causative agents of bacterial prostatitis quite often penetrate the tissues of the prostate gland if the patient has sexually transmitted infections. Almost any sexually transmitted disease (eg, gonorrhea, chlamydia) can lead to inflammation of the prostate.

In middle-aged men, opportunistic pathogens, such as E. coli, can also act as a causative agent. A slightly different picture is observed in elderly patients. The fact is that many men over 50 years old are diagnosed with the so-called benign prostatic hyperplasia (accompanied by tissue overgrowth). With such a pathology, the evacuation of secretory fluid from the prostate is difficult, as a result of which it begins to accumulate inside the gland. The stagnation of the secretion leads to the active reproduction of pathogens and, accordingly, to inflammation.

Also, bacterial prostatitis can develop against the background of various pathologies of the genitourinary system. For example, inflammation is much more often diagnosed against a background of bladder obstruction, urinary tract infection, epididymitis, and urethritis. The spread and penetration of infection inside is facilitated by phimosis (fusion of the foreskin). Various injuries of the perineum, placement of a urinary catheter, a previously performed cystoscopy (internal examination of the bladder) or biopsy can provoke inflammation of the prostate.

Are there risk factors?

As you can see, the causes of inflammation can be different. In addition, there is a group of so-called risk factors, the presence of which increases the likelihood of developing both acute and chronic prostatitis:

The symptoms of bacterial prostatitis are usually fairly common. The disease begins acutely and develops rapidly. Often, patients primarily report fever, weakness, body aches, fatigue, muscle pain, nausea and vomiting.

Along with this, there are also problems with the work of the genitourinary system. The process of urination becomes difficult and painful, the urge becomes more frequent. However, the bladder does not empty completely. The jet during urination becomes weak, while the urine itself acquires a rather unpleasant odor. It may also contain small impurities of blood. Soreness and burning sensation in the urethra is possible.

Patients often notice other symptoms of bacterial prostatitis. In particular, there is pain in the pubic region, which also radiates to the lower back. There may be soreness in the testicles and perineal area. Men have problems with erection, and ejaculation is accompanied by painful sensations. Sometimes traces of blood can be seen in the semen. Also, pain is present during bowel movements.

If you notice such symptoms in yourself, you should immediately consult a doctor. The sooner the patient receives qualified medical care, the less likely the disease will become chronic.

Chronic bacterial prostatitis

It should be noted right away that this form of the disease is quite rare. Chronic bacterial prostatitis can be associated with the activity of bacteria, which are protected from the effects of drugs, as they are located deep in the tissues of the prostate. In addition, some microorganisms become insensitive to broad spectrum antibiotics.

Exacerbation of chronic bacterial prostatitis is accompanied by almost the same symptoms as the acute form of the disease. There is pain during urination, pain in the abdomen and perineum, the presence of blood in the urine and semen. On the other hand, fever and other signs of body intoxication are rare. Aggravation is replaced by a period of relative well-being - the man feels normal, but there are still some irregularities in the genitourinary system. In particular, patients suffer from increased urge to urinate. Erectile problems (sometimes up to severe erectile dysfunction) and decreased sex drive are also observed.

Diagnosis of the disease

To begin with, the doctor conducts a physical examination and takes a history to get a complete picture of the symptoms that bother the patient. As a rule, this is enough to suspect prostatitis and prescribe additional tests.

The patient gives blood and urine samples, which are analyzed to help detect markers of inflammation. You also need a digital rectal gland, which makes it possible for the doctor to determine the size, contours, organ consistency, degree of pain and some other parameters. In addition, during a prostate massage, you can get samples of its secretion, which are then sent for laboratory analysis. Culture of samples helps to determine the type of infection and the degree of its sensitivity to certain drugs.

Further examination is carried out only if there are suspicions of complications. With a cystoscopy, the doctor can examine and evaluate the condition of the urinary tract and bladder. Sometimes additional urodynamic tests are performed. Transrectal ultrasound and computed tomography help to better understand the condition of the prostate, to detect the presence of abscesses or stones. If there is a suspicion of malignant transformation of cells, a biopsy of the prostate gland is performed.

Medication for prostatitis

After a complete examination, the doctor will be able to draw up the most effective therapy regimen. As a rule, antibiotic treatment for bacterial prostatitis is prescribed first. In particular, preparations containing tetracycline and ciprofloxacin are considered quite effective antibacterial agents. Depending on the severity of the disease and the type of infection, antibiotic therapy can last from four to six weeks. Sometimes in the first few days, drugs are administered intravenously, and then they switch to a tablet form. For chronic inflammation, treatment can last up to 12 weeks.

Other drugs are used to treat bacterial prostatitis. In particular, antispasmodics can alleviate the patient's condition, which help to relax the neck of the bladder and reduce pain during urination. As a rule, the treatment regimen includes "Alfuzosin", "Terachosin", "Silodosin" and some others.

If necessary, the patient is prescribed pain relievers, namely non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Paracetamol, Ibuprofen), which also help relieve fever. The reception of multivitamin complexes, immunomodulators, biostimulants will positively affect the condition of a man.

Other treatments

During the recovery phase, patients are often advised to massage the prostate. This procedure helps to eliminate fluid stagnation, improve tissue metabolism, increase local immunity, restore the drainage function of the prostate, and increase blood flow.

Also, in the course of treatment, various methods of physiotherapy can be used, in particular:

  • magnetotherapy;
  • transrectal ultrasound therapy;
  • electrical stimulation.

All of the above methods contribute to the normalization of blood circulation and the elimination of stagnant processes.

When is surgery necessary?

Surgery is a last resort. It is used only if long-term drug therapy and other methods of treatment do not give any effect. A partial surgical procedure is usually performed on elderly patients. At a young age, they try to avoid such a radical treatment, as it sometimes leads to impotence, enuresis and infertility. The operation is most often prescribed for elderly patients with chronic forms of prostatitis, because they have to suffer for many years from problems with urination and constant pain. If necessary, additional plastic correction is carried out, which helps to restore the urinary tract, to normalize the functioning of the bladder.

Alternative methods of treating the disease

Naturally, there are some other less traditional treatments for prostatitis. For example, sometimes medicinal microclysters, treatment with leeches, acupuncture, massage give a good effect.

Spa treatment is recommended for patients with chronic forms of the disease. Also, special physical exercises will have a positive effect on the state of the body, which will help restore blood circulation and eliminate blood stagnation in the pelvic organs.

How to treat bacterial prostatitis with folk remedies? To date, there are many known means to eliminate the inflammatory process. In particular, warm from a decoction of yarrow, horsetail, sage sometimes has a positive effect on the condition of the pelvic organs. Also, special rectal suppositories are prepared from bee products and medicinal herbs.

In any case, it is worth remembering that before using any remedy, you must definitely consult your doctor.

What are the prognosis for patients?

Does it help men achieve good results? It should be said right away that the success of therapy will depend on many factors, including the stage and form of the disease, the age of the patients, the presence of concomitant diseases, etc.

Acute bacterial prostatitis responds well to drug treatment. Already a few days after the start of therapy, the patient may notice an improvement in well-being. On the other hand, improper treatment, its absence or cessation (for example, quite often men stop taking medications when the symptoms disappear, without completing the full course) can lead to the development of a chronic form of the disease.

Chronic prostatitis is a disease that is much more difficult to treat. Relapses can happen over and over again. And in such cases, doctors often recommend surgery to patients. The results of surgical treatment are usually positive. Again, sometimes the operation is fraught with not very pleasant consequences.

Prostatitis is a common prostate disorder that affects many men around the world. Inflammation of the organ is caused by a number of reasons, which is important to consider when determining the tactics of treatment for each specific patient. The scheme is drawn up on an individual basis and very often it is not possible to do without antibacterial drugs.

When is antibiotic treatment indicated?

Prostatitis can be caused by bacteria, or it can be non-infectious. In the latter case, antibiotics are usually not required. They should be taken if prostatitis has an acute or chronic course against the background of bacterial damage to the prostate gland. In this case, the severity of the symptoms does not matter. Chronic bacterial prostatitis often occurs without any signs of inflammation. In addition, the appointment of antibacterial agents may be due to test therapy, even against the background of abacterial inflammation.

It is very important to observe all points of the diagnosis of prostatitis in order to find out the cause of the inflammation, identify the pathogenic agent and determine its individual sensitivity to a particular drug:

The first stage of diagnostic research. The first stage includes:

    Blood sampling for clinical analysis.

    Collection of urine for bacterial inoculation, for a three-glass sample.

    Collection of scrapings of the urethral epithelium for the detection of STIs by PCR, including chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, gonorrhea, etc.

    Sampling of prostate secretions for comprehensive examination.

    Ultrasound examination of the prostate gland.

    Taking blood to determine the level of PSA in it, which makes it possible to exclude.

Second phase diagnostic studies: When the content of leukocytes in the prostatic secretion does not exceed 25, testing with the drug Omnik (tamsulosin) is indicated. It is taken for a week, after which the secret is taken for analysis again.

The examination results determine the type of prostatitis

    Abacterial prostatitis. When even while taking the drug Omnik there is no leukocyte jump, while bacteria in the crops are not detected, the inflammation of the prostate gland is defined as non-bacterial. This condition is called pelvic pain syndrome and requires symptomatic treatment.

    At the same time, the patient is awaiting the result of tests for tuberculosis, which will be ready in at least 10 weeks. If they are positive, then the patient is placed in an anti-tuberculosis dispensary (in the urology department).

    Tuberculous prostatitis. A prostate biopsy can be used to identify the disease. The infection most often affects not only the prostate gland, but also the epididymis, urinary system, seminal vesicles. Despite the fact that tuberculosis is becoming epidemic in the Russian Federation, and not only the lungs are affected, but also other organs, the diagnosis of this disease presents certain difficulties. The danger also lies in the fact that more and more special forms of the disease are caused by bacteria resistant to therapy.

    Tuberculosis of the genitourinary system of men often develops latently, without giving acute symptoms. Laboratory tests can give a false negative result, especially if a man takes antibiotics for prostatitis from the fluoroquinlone group.

    Symptoms that may indicate prostate tuberculosis are subfebrile condition, aching or burning pain in the perineum, in the lumbosacral region, increased fatigue. The age of patients in whom tuberculous prostatitis is most often detected is in the range between 20-40 years.

    Bacterial infectious prostatitis. In the event that the analysis of prostate secretion indicates leukocytosis with an increase in the number of leukocytes of more than 25, and taking Omnik makes this indicator higher, then it makes sense to talk about bacterial or latent infectious prostatitis. Antibiotic therapy in this case is mandatory.

The PCR method allows you to identify the existing causative agents of genital infection after a day, so the doctor will be able to recommend taking this or that drug when you visit again. The drug of choice remains the agent for which the established flora has the maximum sensitivity, or an antibiotic that is active against most pathogenic agents is prescribed.

If the effect of the treatment is absent, then it is necessary to wait for the result of bacteriological inoculation, which makes it possible to more accurately determine the choice of the agent.

What antibiotics are most effective for prostatitis?

It is impossible to determine any specific antibiotic for bacterial prostatitis that would help all men without exception in treatment. It all depends on the sensitivity of the microbes that caused the disease in each case.

Self-therapy with the use of antibacterial and other means, self-diagnosis of the disease is impossible. An effective drug can be selected only when a specific bacterial agent is known, after doctors have established its susceptibility to drugs. Only the doctor decides how long the treatment will need to be carried out, what doses of the drug are needed for this. Most often, experts prescribe drugs with a wide spectrum of action.

If specific bacteria are not detected, then they recommend taking medications based on the culture of prostate secretions. There, nonspecific streptococci and staphylococci are most often identified.

Treatment involves an integrated approach and does not last for 30-60 days:

    An antibacterial agent is prescribed.

    The intake of NSAIDs is shown.

    You should take funds aimed at normalizing blood circulation.

    Immunostimulating therapy is being carried out.

    The intake of vitamin complexes or monovitamins is prescribed.

    In some cases, herbal medicine is prescribed.

    Heat microwave therapy, prostate massage can be performed only when tuberculosis is excluded. Otherwise, the disease may worsen, which will worsen the patient's condition.

    Sedative drugs, antidepressants are recommended for men with chronic prostatitis in the background, with a deterioration in the quality of life. In this case, psychotropic drugs are auxiliary.

Depending on which pathogen is identified, one or another antibiotic for prostatitis is selected.

The sensitivity of pathogenic microorganisms to antibacterial drugs is presented in the table:

Tetracycline drugs

Penicillin group drugs












Tuberculosis bacteria


It should not be ruled out that mycotic microorganisms are the cause of the development of inflammation of the prostate gland. Therefore, in complex therapy, it is possible to prescribe the following drugs: Safotsid, Fluconazole, Azithromycin and Secnidazole.

List of antibiotics for prostatitis: pros and cons

Preparations from the group of fluoroquinolones are prescribed by modern practicing urologists more often than others. They show high efficiency in the treatment of chronic bacterial prostatitis, however, they can have a negative effect on the functioning of the brain, cause mental disorders, and reduce the resistance of skin cells to ultraviolet light. Before starting treatment with fluoroquinolones, it is necessary to make sure that there is no Koch's bacillus in the body. Medicines of this group are used for the treatment of tuberculosis, but it should be complex with the inclusion of anti-tuberculosis drugs in the therapeutic regimen. Therapy with fluoroquinolones alone will cause the tuberculosis bacteria to develop drug resistance and it will be very difficult to get rid of them in the future. A situation is considered dangerous when a man underwent a course of treatment with fluoroquinolones, his condition returned to normal, and after 30-60 days deterioration occurred again. In this case, repeated taking of tuberculin samples is necessary.

The following antibiotics of this group are used:

    Based on Levofloxacin (Eleflox, Tavanik);

    Based on Ciprofloxacin (Tsifran, Tsiprobay, Tsiprinol);

    Based on Ofloxacin (Zanocin, Ofloxin).

    Preparations of the tetracycline group. In recent years, they have been used less and less, as they have a lot of side effects. The exception is Doxycycline (Unidox Solutab), which is somewhat easier for patients to tolerate.

    Intramuscularly injected drugs from the group of cephalosporins are Suprax, Cefotaxime, Ceftriaxone, Kefadim, Claforan, Cefspan and others.

    Of the drugs of the penicillin series, Amoxiclav, Flemoklav solutab, Augmentin, Flemoxin solutab are prescribed.

    As for macrolides, no studies have been conducted to confirm their effectiveness against bacterial prostatitis. However, if we reason logically, macrolides are agents with low toxicity, they have high activity against some bacteria, especially against mycoplasma and chlamydia. Therefore, theoretically, their use for inflammation of the prostate is possible. These are such agents as: Fromilid with the active ingredient Clarithromycin and Sumamed, or Zitrolide with the active ingredient Azithromycin.

In the treatment of prostatitis, it is very important that the drug can penetrate the tissues of the prostate and accumulate there in the organ. Such capabilities are possessed by drugs of the group of fluoroquinolones, macrolides and aminoglycosides (Gentamicin). If a patient comes with an acute stage of inflammation, then for its early elimination, it is possible to use several antibiotics for prostatitis at once.

Eleflox is an antibacterial drug from the group of fluoroquinolones with the main active ingredient Levofloxacin. The drug is available in tablets and in solution for infusion. Eleflox is the drug of choice in the treatment of prostatitis.


The main advantage of Eleflox is its high activity against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, which most often provoke the development of prostatitis. Among such microorganisms: Escherichia coli, Klebsiella, Proteus mirabilis, Fecal enterococcus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Ureaplasma, Chlamydia and Mycoplasma. Thanks to taking the drug Eleflox, improvement occurs after a few days.

Another advantage of the drug is its proven microbiological and clinical efficacy. It has a high pharmacokinetic profile and penetrates well into the tissues of the prostate gland, which is essential for the successful treatment of prostatitis.

Eleflox based on Levofloxacin is a second-generation fluoroquinolone drug, it is twice better tolerated by patients than the first-generation fluoroquinolones, and also shows high efficiency against penicillin-resistant bacterial strains. This is a significant advantage of the drug.

It was found that after taking the drug, its concentration in the prostate gland is 4 times higher than the concentration in blood plasma. As a result, the bacteria inhabiting the prostate tissue quickly die, since Eleflox causes profound changes in the cytoplasm, membranes and cell wall of pathogenic microorganisms.

The next advantage of the Eleflox drug is that it is available both in the form of tablets and in the form of a solution for infusion. Therefore, you can choose the method of taking the drug that will be optimal for a particular patient.


The main disadvantage of the drug is the presence of contraindications to its use. It is strictly forbidden to take it for the treatment of prostatitis in the event that a person has a suspicion of tuberculosis. The fact is that fluoroquinolones are included in the treatment regimen for tuberculosis, but effective therapy will require the simultaneous administration of several antibiotics at once. If a person infected with Koch's bacillus takes Eleflox to treat prostatitis, then anti-tuberculosis therapy may not work in the future. Other contraindications include epilepsy, hypersensitivity to fluoroquinolones in general, and age under 18.

One of the disadvantages of the drug is its high cost, which starts from 700 rubles and more for tablets, and from 420 rubles for a solution.

It is worth noting such a minus of the Eleflox drug as side effects that can develop against the background of its use. Among them are various allergic reactions, nausea, diarrhea, headaches, dizziness, increased heart rate, etc.

When treating with Eleflox, it should be remembered that it is capable of interacting with other drugs, which can also be attributed to its disadvantages. For example, when taken simultaneously with glucocorticosteroids, the risk of tendon rupture increases. Therefore, it is necessary to start treatment with this antibacterial drug only after a medical examination.

Tavanik is an antibacterial drug for the treatment of prostatitis with the main active ingredient Levofloxacin. Tavanic belongs to fluoroquinolones.


The main advantage of Tavanic is its broad spectrum of antibacterial activity. Moreover, it is effective against most bacteria that are the causative agents of infectious prostatitis. These are not only gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms, ureaplasmas, mycoplasmas, gonococci, but also anaerobes. Escherichia coli, which very often causes inflammation of the prostate, is sensitive to the drug Tavanic.

Tavanic belongs to the second generation antibiotics-fluoroquinolones, that is, it shows a higher activity in terms of getting rid of various bacteria and is better tolerated by patients.

The drug is produced by the well-known group of companies Sanofi Aventis, which is one of the global leaders in the field of healthcare. This means that the drug meets all international safety requirements and has passed all the necessary clinical trials.

Another advantage of Tavanic is its high ability to penetrate and accumulate in the tissues of the prostate. Moreover, the intracellular concentration of the main active substance is 8-9 times higher than its extracellular concentration. This allows you to effectively use the drug Tavanik for the treatment of intracellular causative agents of prostatitis - chlamydia, ureaplasma and mycoplasma.

It is worth noting such a plus of the Tavanic drug as the presence of several dosage forms: it is available in tablets with various dosages and in the form of a solution for infusion.


The main disadvantage of Tavanic is the presence of contraindications to its use. These include: epilepsy, hypersensitivity to fluoroquinolones, age under 18, the presence of tendon lesions during treatment with quinolones. Do not prescribe a drug for the treatment of prostatitis in people with suspected tuberculosis. Therefore, if in doubt, it is necessary to take the appropriate tests.

The disadvantages of the drug include side effects. More often than others, there are: diarrhea, nausea, headache, drowsiness, sleep disturbances, asthenia, possibly an increase in hepatic transaminases. Other side effects are less common - fever, liver reactions, tendon ruptures, etc.

With caution, the drug should be taken against the background of treatment with other drugs. For example, with NSAIDs, glucocorticosteroids, vitamin K antagonists, cimetidine, etc.

The last drawback of the drug Tavanic can be considered its high cost. So, the price for 5 tablets with a dosage of 500 mg starts from 590 rubles. A bottle with a solution for infusion costs from 1250 rubles.

Tsifran is an antibacterial drug from the group of fluoroquinolones, with the main active ingredient Ciprofloxacin. Tsifran is the drug of choice in the treatment of prostatitis.


The main advantage of Tsifran is its high activity against bacteria that cause inflammation of the prostate gland. It is prescribed for prostatitis caused by microbes of the intestinal group (Escherichia coli, Klebsiella, Proteus, Enterobacter, etc.). Trichomonas, ureaplasma, Staphylococcus aureus, chlamydia trachomatis, anaerobic bacteria and other pathogenic flora that can provoke the development of inflammation of the prostate gland react well to Tsifran.

The advantage of the drug Cifran is that it begins to act very quickly. This is possible due to the high bioavailability of the drug, which accumulates in high concentrations in the tissues of the prostate. In such conditions, bacteria lose their vitality, and recovery occurs.

Due to the clinically proven efficacy of Tsifran in the treatment of prostatitis, it is prescribed not only to get rid of the acute, but also the chronic form of the disease. And also Tsifran fights more effectively with Pseudomonas aeruginosa, in comparison with preparations based on Levofloxacin.

The advantages of the drug include its relatively low cost, which is about 300 rubles.


Cifran, with the main active ingredient Ciprofloxacin, belongs to the first generation fluoroquinolones, while there are already 2 generation drugs. Therefore, when treating prostatitis with Cifran, there is a higher risk that the bacteria will be resistant to it. In addition, first-generation fluoroquinolones are less well tolerated by patients than second-generation drugs. This can be attributed to the disadvantages of the drug.

Tsifran has moderate activity against atypical causative agents of inflammation in the prostate gland, which somewhat limits its scope. The disadvantages of Tsifran can also include the presence of side effects, including: nausea, diarrhea, skin rash, mucosal candidiasis, hepatitis, eosinophilia, arthralgia, headaches, sweating, urticaria, taste disturbances, etc.

The drug should not be used for the treatment of children under 18 years of age, for the treatment of patients with pseudomembranous colitis. It is not prescribed for people with a history of hypersensitivity to fluoroquinolones.

Tsiprobay is the antibacterial drug of choice in the treatment of prostatitis. It belongs to the group of fluoroquinolones, the main active ingredient in it is Levofloxacin.


Tsiprobay is an antibacterial drug that has a detrimental effect on gram-positive and, to a greater extent, on gram-negative bacteria, which are common causative agents of prostatitis. It has been proven to be highly effective against chlamydia, mycoplasma, ureaplasma, gram-negative bacteria of the intestinal group, and anaerobes.

When taken orally, the drug is rapidly absorbed and well distributed throughout the tissues, accumulating in high concentrations in the prostate gland. This leads to the death of the pathogenic flora and the rapid elimination of the disease.

Another advantage of the drug is two forms of release: solution for infusion and tablets, which makes it possible to treat prostatitis more effectively, starting with intravenous administration of the drug, and then switching to oral administration.

The drug is produced by the well-known pharmaceutical company Bayer, which has been developing and selling medicines since 1863. Therefore, you can be sure that Tsiprobay is a high-quality antibiotic that has passed all the necessary clinical trials.

The price of the drug is relatively low; you will have to pay about 370 rubles for the packaging of tablets in a dosage of 500 mg.


Tsiprobay is a first generation fluoroquinolone. Therefore, the risk of developing resistance in bacteria to the drug is higher than to second-generation fluoroquinolones. This can be considered the main drawback of the drug.

The second disadvantage of the Tsiprobay drug is the presence of contraindications to its use, including: age under 18, epilepsy, organic brain damage, mental illness. The drug is prescribed with caution to the elderly.

The third drawback of the drug can be called the presence of side effects - these are fungal lesions of the mucous membranes, eosinophilia, impaired appetite, diarrhea and nausea, headache, taste distortion, sleep disturbance, etc.

Before starting treatment, you must definitely visit a doctor, since the drug is capable of interacting with other drugs, which can provoke an increase in side effects.

Tsiprinol is an antibacterial drug with the main active ingredient Ciprofloxacin. Tsiprinol belongs to the group of first generation fluoroquinolones and is the drug of choice for the treatment of prostatitis.


The main advantage of the drug Tsiprinol is its pronounced bacteriostatic activity against most causative agents of prostatitis. The drug has a wide spectrum of action, inhibiting the enzyme DNA gyrase of bacteria, which leads to the impossibility of starting the process of protein synthesis in their cells. As a result, the pathogenic flora perishes.

The drug has low toxicity to humans, since DNA gyrase is absent in its cells.

Another plus of Tsiprinol is its high activity against bacteria that are resistant to aminoglycosides, penicillins, cephalosporins and tetracyclines. Prostatitis provoked by gram-negative bacteria (enterobacteriaceae, Escherichia coli, Shigella, Pseudomonas, Moxarella, Legionella, Listeria, etc.) responds well to treatment with Tsiprinol. Some gram-positive aerobes are sensitive to the drug: staphylococci and streptococci.

An important advantage of the drug is that it has a high bioavailability and accumulates in high concentrations in the tissues of the prostate gland. Tsiprinol is able to destroy bacteria that multiply and that are dormant.

Another advantage of the drug Tsiprinol is its affordable price. So. For 10 tablets of 500 mg, you will have to pay about 120 rubles.


The main disadvantage of the drug is that some bacteria may not be sensitive to it. For example, corynebacteria, bacteroids fragilis, some types of pseudomonas, treponema. Bacteria that are resistant to methicillin are resistant to Ciprinol. The drug is a first-generation fluoroquinolone, while second-generation antibiotics have been developed, which have a higher antimicrobial activity and are better tolerated by patients.

Another disadvantage of the drug is that it has a number of side effects. Most often, patients complain of nausea and diarrhea, although the development of a fungal infection, pseudomembranous colitis is possible, sometimes allergic reactions occur, up to angioedema and anaphylactic shock. Changes are possible on the part of metabolism, on the part of the nervous system, organs of vision, etc. However, the frequency of side effects is not high and most often Ciprinol is well tolerated by patients.

It is worth noting such a minus of the drug as contraindications to its use. It is strictly forbidden to prescribe Tsiprinol for the treatment of prostatitis in people with hypersensitivity to fluoroquinolones, in patients with chronic renal failure, in children and adolescents under 18 years of age.

Tsiprinol is able to interact with other drugs. For example, it should not be taken with tizanidine, as this can cause a drop in blood pressure levels.

Zanocin is a broad-spectrum antibacterial drug with the main active ingredient - Ofloxacin. Zanocin belongs to the second generation fluoroquinolones.


Zanocin is the drug of choice in the treatment of prostatitis. The main active ingredient perfectly penetrates the tissues and secretions of the prostate gland and covers a huge range of causative agents of prostatitis.

An important advantage of Zanocin is its high activity against most gram-negative microbes of the intestinal group (Escherichia coli, Klebsiella, Proteus, Enterobacter), as well as against Pseudomonas, Trichomonas, Ureaplasma, Mycoplasma and other causative agents of prostatitis. Strains of bacteria that are sensitive to Zanocin are resistant to antibiotics of other groups.

The undoubted advantage of Zanocin is that it can be used for complex antibacterial therapy, that is, it is prescribed with cephalosporins, macrolides, beta-lactam antibiotics.

The drug is available in two forms: in tablets and in the form of a solution for infusion. At the same time, it has an equivalent bioavailability for oral and parenteral administration, so there is no need for dose adjustment. This is a significant plus of the drug, for example, compared with drugs based on Ciprofloxacin.

The price range of the drug is average. So, Zanocin tablets in a dosage of 400 mg can be purchased at a price of about 314 rubles.


Although Zanocin is the drug of choice for treating prostatitis, some strains of the bacteria may be resistant to it. For example, E. coli gives resistance to Zanocin in 4.3% of cases in Russia as a whole. In some regions this figure is higher, for example, in St. Petersburg it is 13%. Therefore, it is recommended to use drugs based on Ofloxacin in the treatment of uncomplicated prostatitis.

Another disadvantage of the drug is the presence of side effects, including: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fatigue, increased intracranial pressure, tachycardia, anemia, leukopenia, impaired renal function, etc.

The next drawback of a drug is its ability to interact with other drugs, which often leads to an increase in their side effects. For example, you can not combine the reception of Zanocin and Theophylline, as this will lead to a sharp drop in blood pressure. And the simultaneous administration of Zanocin with NSAIDs increases its side effects in relation to the central nervous system.

Zanocin is not indicated for the treatment of prostatitis in people who are hypersensitive to fluoroquinolones; it should not be used for the treatment of children and adolescents under the age of 18.

Ofloxin is a broad-spectrum antibacterial drug belonging to the second generation of fluoroquinolones. The main active ingredient is Ofloxacin.


Another advantage of Ofloxin is its high bioavailability, which ranges from 95 to 100%. In addition, it does not differ between oral administration and parenteral administration, which does not require a dose change when changing the route of administration. This is quite relevant for the treatment of prostatitis, since it is the stepwise scheme that is often used.

The next advantage of the drug is that it perfectly enters the target organs. In this case, we are talking about the tissue and the secretion of the prostate gland.

Another advantage of the drug: Ofloxin does not have a pathogenic effect on bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, which means it does not contribute to the disturbance of the intestinal microflora.

It should be noted that, unlike most other fluoroquinolones, Ofloxin does not give any clinically significant effect of phototoxicity and does not interact with Theophylline.

The price of Ofloxin is very acceptable, for 10 tablets in a dosage of 200 mg, you will need to pay about 180 rubles.


The main disadvantage of Ofloxin is the presence of side effects, which occur on average in 4-8% of patients. Most often they are associated with disruption of the digestive tract, central nervous system and skin. Among them: nausea, vomiting, gastralgia, headaches, sleep disturbances, increased anxiety, skin rash and itching, urticaria, petechiae, papular rash, etc.

Another disadvantage of the drug is that it is not used to treat people with hypersensitivity to fluoroquinolones, for the treatment of children and adolescents under 18 years of age.

Some strains of Escherichia coli (about 4.3% of cases) are resistant to Ofloxin, which can lead to the ineffectiveness of the drug for the treatment of prostatitis. Some strains of gram-positive bacteria show moderate resistance to Ofloxin.

Unidox Solutab is a broad-spectrum antibacterial drug from the tetracyclines group. The main active ingredient is Doxycycline.


Unidox Solutab is practically the only drug from the group of tetracyclines that modern proctologists use to treat prostatitis, since it is more easily tolerated by patients than others.

Unidox Solutab has antibacterial activity against ureaplasma, mycoplasma, chlamydia, klebsiella, enterobacteria, pseudomonas and Escherichia coli.

Another advantage of the drug is its high bioavailability, which is 100%. Already half an hour after the first dose, the dose of the drug will be concentrated in the prostate gland, which is necessary to provide a therapeutic effect.

Unidox Solutab is available in the form of dispersible tablets, which makes the drug very convenient to take.

The price of the drug is not very high and is about 350 rubles for a pack of 10 tablets.


The main disadvantage of the drug Unidox Solutab is that such possible causative agents of prostatitis are resistant to it as: Proteus, Serrata, some strains of Pseudomonas, acinetobacter, symbiotic enterococci. In addition, resistance to Unidox Solutab, which occurs during the treatment of prostatitis, will spread to other drugs from the tetracyclines group. Therefore, in some cases, it is required to replace the drug with a radically different antibiotic.

Another disadvantage of the drug is that it is not prescribed for the treatment of people with severe impairment of the kidneys and liver, with porphyrin disease, with hypersensitivity to tetracyclines.

Another drawback of the Unidox Solutab drug is side effects that may occur after taking it, among them: anorexia, nausea, diarrhea, enterocolitis, allergic reactions, liver damage, anemia, eosinophilia, increased ICP, etc.

Suprax is a broad-spectrum antibacterial drug from the group of cephalosporins (3rd generation of drugs). The main active ingredient is cefixime.


The main advantage of Suprax in the treatment of prostatitis is its high antibacterial activity against gram-negative bacterial strains. Suprax allows you to get rid of prostatitis caused by gonococci, enterobacteria, Proteus, Klebsiella and Escherichia coli.

Suprax is a drug for oral administration. It has three forms of release - in capsules, in tablets, in suspension, so it can be used for treatment not only in a hospital, but also at home.

The drug is produced by the well-known company Astellas, which is one of the 20 leading pharmaceutical companies in the world. Therefore, the drug has passed all the necessary clinical trials, which is its undoubted advantage.

Taking the drug Suprax does not have a pronounced effect on the human immune system, does not reduce the protective functions of the body, which is also its advantage over some other antibiotics.


Suprax does not have high permeability in the prostate tissue, which is a significant disadvantage of the drug in the treatment of prostatitis.

Another drawback of the drug is the insensitivity to it of such bacteria as: ureaplasma, mycoplasma, chlamydia, enterococci, pseudomonas, seratia, listeria. Therefore, if the prostatitis was caused by one of these microorganisms, the therapeutic effect cannot be achieved. Or you will have to use Suprax in combination with other antibiotics.

Another drawback of the drug is its high cost. So, for a package with 6 capsules in a dosage of 400 mg, you will have to pay about 700-800 rubles.

It is worth noting such a lack of a drug as the presence of side effects. Allergic reactions, dry mouth, diarrhea, nausea, flatulence, vomiting, dizziness and headaches are possible.

Cefotaxime is a broad-spectrum antibiotic from the group of third-generation cephalosporins with the main active ingredient Cefotaxime.


The main advantage of the drug Cefotaxime is its extended spectrum of action compared to cephalosporins of previous generations, since it has increased resistance to beta-lactams. Therefore, Cefotaxime can be prescribed for the treatment of complicated prostatitis.

The drug is active against most bacteria that provoke prostatitis, including: gonococci, enterobacteria, klebsiella, proteus, staphylococcus. Cefotaxime can help get rid of the disease, even when there is no effect from treatment with tetracyclines, penicillins and aminoglycosides. It is often used in the complex therapy of prostatitis.

It should also be noted such a plus of the drug as the absence of contraindications to its use, with the exception of a hypersensitivity reaction to cephalosporins.

The price of the drug is not high, so a bottle with 1 g of active ingredient can be purchased for 20-40 rubles.


One of the disadvantages of the drug can be called the fact that it is allowed to be used only for parenteral administration. The drug is not available in tablets or capsules, which means that oral administration is not available.

Treatment with Cefotaxime is carried out only in a hospital setting.

Another disadvantage of Cefotaxime is the presence of side effects, including: local reactions to drug administration, skin rashes, gastrointestinal disorders, pseudomembranous colitis, etc.

Ceftriaxone is a broad-spectrum antibiotic from the group of third-generation fluoroquinolones.


The main advantage of the drug is that it has a pronounced bactericidal effect. It can be used to treat prostatitis caused by gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria.

Another plus of Ceftriaxone is its increased resistance to beta-lactamase enzymes produced by most pathogenic microorganisms. This means that the drug will be effective even in the case where other antibacterial agents (penicillins and even cephalosporins of previous generations) cannot cope.

When administered parenterally, the drug penetrates well into the tissues and fluids of the prostate. Moreover, the drug has practically no contraindications, with the exception of the possibility of a hypersensitivity reaction to cephalosporins.

The price for Ceftriaxone is not high. The average cost of 1 bottle with 1 g of active ingredient varies between 22-30 rubles.


One of the disadvantages of the drug is that it can only be used for parenteral use. Therefore, Ceftriaxone treatment is carried out only in a hospital setting.

Another disadvantage of the drug is the possibility of side effects after its administration. These include: diarrhea, nausea, eosinophilia, allergic, urticaria, headaches, congestion in the gallbladder.

Claforan is a broad-spectrum antibiotic from the group of third-generation cephalosporins. The main active ingredient is Cefotaxime.


The main advantage of the drug Claforan in the treatment of prostatitis is that it has bactericidal properties against gram-negative and gram-positive pathogenic flora. Unlike some other cephalosporins, Claforan has a detrimental effect on bacteria that synthesize beta-lactamase. Therefore, it can be used to treat patients who have not responded to therapy with tetracyclines and other antibiotics.

The drug is produced by the well-known pharmaceutical company Sanofi Aventis, which means that it has a high degree of purification.

The drug has practically no contraindications. It should not be used only for the treatment of patients with hypersensitivity to cephalosporins in general.


One of the main disadvantages of the drug is that it can be used exclusively for parenteral administration. Therefore, treatment with Claforan is carried out only in a hospital setting.

It is also worth noting such a disadvantage of the drug as its relatively high price compared to other 3rd generation cephalosporins. So, 1 bottle with a dosage of 1 g will cost from 155 rubles.

The disadvantages of the drug include the possibility of side effects, including: disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system (nausea, loss of appetite), allergic reactions, arrhythmia, fever, soreness at the injection site, etc.

Amoxiclav is a broad-spectrum antibiotic with the main active ingredient amoxicillin + clavulanic acid. The drug belongs to the group of penicillins.


The main advantage of the drug Amoxiclav in the treatment of prostatitis is that it effectively fights bacteria that produce beta-lactamase enzymes. This allows for a pronounced bactericidal effect against a wide range of pathogenic microorganisms.

Today Amoxiclav is one of the most effective antibiotics for the treatment of prostatitis among penicillins. It allows you to get rid of such bacteria that cause prostatitis as: gonococci, enterobacteria, enterococci, klebsiella, proteus, seratia, Escherichia coli and some others.

The drug was developed by the famous pharmaceutical company SmithKline Beecham Pharmaceuticals. Therefore, there is no need to worry about the quality and safety of the medicinal product.

Another advantage of the drug Amoxiclav is its selective activity against bacterial cells. That is, it recognizes pathogenic cells and destroys them, and healthy tissues are not damaged.

The advantage of the drug is its relatively low price. So, a package of 20 Amoxiclav tablets in a dosage of 500 mg can be purchased for 300-400 rubles.


The main disadvantage of the drug in the treatment of prostatitis can be considered its low effectiveness against such bacterial strains as: ureaplasma, mycoplasma, chlamydia and pseudomonas. Therefore, despite the fact that Amoxiclav is a semi-synthetic aminopenicillin protected by clavulanic acid, it may be ineffective in the treatment of prostatitis caused by atypical or resistant flora.

Another obvious disadvantage of Amoxiclav is that it can provoke a number of side effects, including: nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, heartburn, liver and kidney dysfunction, allergic reactions, fungal infection, etc.

Flemoklav Solutab is an antibiotic from the group of penicillins with the main active ingredient Amoxicillin + potassium clavulanate.


Flemoklav Solutab, like Amoxiclav, is a protected penicillin, which ensures its high antibacterial activity against most bacteria that can provoke the development of prostatitis.

An important advantage of Flemoklav Solutab is that it comes in the form of dispersible tablets. This makes it convenient for some patient groups. Moreover, this form of release has a gentle effect on the gastric mucosa and is more easily absorbed by the body.

It is impossible not to mention such a plus of the Flemoklav Solutab preparation, as its ability to fight beta-lactamase strains of bacteria that are resistant to a number of other antibiotics.


The disadvantages of Flemoklav Solutab are its high cost compared to other forms of penicillin production with clavulanic acid. So, 400-500 rubles will have to be paid for the packaging of the drug.

Also, the disadvantages of the drug include the presence of contraindications to its use, including: hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, jaundice, liver dysfunction, infectious mononucleosis, lymphocytic leukemia.

It is worth noting such a minus of the drug as the presence of side effects that may occur while taking it. Most often, patients suffer from diarrhea and nausea, as well as from fungal infections that occur in the background. It is also possible to develop allergic reactions, exanthema, candidiasis, hepatitis and other undesirable reactions.

Augmentin is a broad-spectrum antibiotic containing Amoxiclav and clavulanic acid.


The main advantage of Augmentin is its resistance to bacteria that produce beta-lactamase enzymes, which is possible due to clavulanic acid in its composition. Augmentin acts against many strains of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria that can trigger the development of prostatitis.

The drug is available in tablets, in the form of a powder for the preparation of a suspension, in the form of a powder for intravenous and intramuscular administration. This is also an important advantage of Augmentin, as it makes it possible to use it for different groups of patients.


One of the disadvantages of the drug is its high cost, which, depending on the form of release of the drug, can reach 1800 rubles.

The disadvantages of Augmentin include its resistance to some atypical causative agents of prostatitis, including strains of mycoplasma, ureaplasma, chlamydia, pseudomonas, as well as some gram-negative anaerobes.

Separately, it should be noted the side effects that may occur while taking Augmentin. Most often, patients complain of diarrhea, nausea, and fungal infections. Although it is possible disruption to the work of such organs and systems as: central nervous system, lymphatic system, liver, gallbladder, blood vessels, urinary tract, skin.

Flemoxin solutab is a broad-spectrum antibiotic based on Amoxicillin. The drug belongs to the group of penicillins.


Flemoxin solutab is active against a number of gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria that can cause prostatitis. These are some strains of staphylococci, streptococci. The drug is moderately active against enterococci, Proteus, Salmonella, Shigella.

The drug is available in the form of dispersible tablets, which makes it convenient to take for some categories of patients. In addition, the trihydrate is better absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract and does not irritate the gastric mucosa.

The drug is produced by Astellas, which has positively established itself on the pharmacological market. This means that the drug meets all global safety standards.

The drug is in the middle price range. It can be purchased at a price of 230 rubles and more, depending on the dosage.


The drug is not effective against bacteria producing beta-lactamase enzymes, against pseudomonas, enterobacter, ureaplasma, mycoplasma, chlamydia and some other pathogenic microorganisms. Therefore, the treatment of prostatitis with a monopreparation Flemoxin solutab may not be effective. This is the main disadvantage of the drug.

It is also worth noting the presence of side effects that may occur when taking it: taste changes, vomiting, diarrhea, nephritis, agranulocytosis, skin reactions, etc.

Gentamicin is a broad-spectrum antibacterial drug from the aminoglycoside group.


The main advantage of the drug is its high antibacterial activity against gram-negative flora that can provoke the development of prostatitis, for example, against Salmonella, Enterobacter, Klebsiella, Proteus, Pseudomonas, etc.

The drug is rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream, and within an hour after its administration, its therapeutic concentration is observed in the plasma.

A significant advantage of the drug is its low price. So, a pack of 10 ampoules can be purchased for only 40-50 rubles.


One of the significant disadvantages of the Gentamicin preparation is its limited spectrum of action, that is, it will be ineffective against some strains of bacteria that cause prostatitis. Therefore, it is most often used in a complex treatment regimen for prostate inflammation.

The disadvantages of the drug include the fact that it is administered only parenterally. Oral administration of the drug is not available.

Also, the disadvantage of Gentamicin is its numerous side effects, including: vomiting, nausea, anemia, leukopenia, oliguria, headaches, increased drowsiness, hearing impairment, etc.

The drug has contraindications for use, for example, neuritis of the auditory nerve, impaired renal function.

Education: Diploma in the specialty "Andrology" was obtained after completing an internship at the Department of Endoscopic Urology of the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education in the urological center of the Central Clinical Hospital No. 1 of JSC Russian Railways (2007). Postgraduate studies were completed here by 2010.

Almost every second man faces prostatitis at different ages. This disease is associated with an inflammatory process in the prostate, which can be caused by stagnant processes in the pelvic region, various infections, etc. In the case when the test result showed the presence of pathogens in the secret of the prostate gland, the doctor diagnoses bacterial prostatitis. Why does the disease develop and how is it treated?

Based on the name, it becomes clear that the main reason for the development of the disease is the ingress of bacteria into the prostate. The causative agents can be:

  • Intestinal and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
  • Staphylococcus aureus.
  • Enterococcus.

  • Klebsiella.
  • Enterobacter.
  • Proteus.
  • Sexually transmitted infections.

Many pathogenic microorganisms are always in the human body without harming it. However, when favorable conditions arise, the infection begins to actively develop, causing the disease. These favorable conditions for bacteria include:

  1. Diseases of the urinary tract.
  2. Bacterial infections that develop in the body and can enter the prostate gland through the blood or lymphatic fluid.
  3. Phimosis of the prostate.
  4. Acute epididymitis.
  5. Urethral catheterization.

Dear readers, we invite you to watch the video of the immunologist Ermakov Georgy Alexandrovich about the causes and symptoms of the disease:

  1. Reflux (intraprostatic or urethroprostatic), when disease-causing organisms enter the prostate.
  2. Transurethral operations that were performed without prior antibiotic therapy.
  1. Violation of urination due to the abnormal structure of the bladder.
  2. Conditions associated with a decrease in immune defense (AIDS, diabetes, hemodialysis procedure, etc.).

When bacteria enter the prostate area, the pathogenic microflora begins to actively develop and an inflammatory process appears in the organ.

Risk factors that increase the likelihood of developing prostatitis include:

The main causes of the development of inflammation of the prostate gland

  • Prolonged sexual abstinence.
  • The presence of bad habits.
  • Weakening of immunity.
  • Improper nutrition.
  • Dehydration of the body.
  • A sedentary lifestyle, which leads to the appearance of stagnant processes in the pelvic area.
  • Frequent stressful situations.


It is simply impossible not to notice the symptoms of bacterial prostatitis, since this form of the disease begins acutely. The patient is worried about:

  1. Increased body temperature, accompanied by chills.
  2. Painful sensations in the perineum, lower abdomen and lower back.
  3. Painful urination. The patient notes pain and, which are especially strongly felt at night.
  4. Difficulty urinating, feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder.
  5. Constipation is possible due to squeezing of the anus by an inflamed prostate.
  6. Signs of intoxication of the body (headache, general weakness of the body, body aches).
  7. Discharge from the urethra.

A short video will tell you about the main symptoms of the disease and the methods of therapy:

Symptoms of the disease also vary depending on the stage of bacterial prostatitis:

  • At the beginning of the disease, inflammation does not spread outside the prostate. A man is worried about soreness in the perineum, which can radiate to the sacrum area. Urination is rapid and painful.
  • In the second stage, inflammation passes to the lobules of the prostate gland. In this case, the soreness increases and can be given to the anus. Urination is significantly impaired, up to and including its complete retention.
  • With an advanced form of bacterial prostatitis, inflammation spreads to all lobules of the prostate. The patient complains of signs of general intoxication of the body. The body temperature rises to 40 degrees. The delay in urination becomes acute. There are pulsating sensations in the perineum. Frequent constipation occurs.

Possible complications

In case of untimely or poor-quality treatment, acute bacterial prostatitis can seriously harm a man's health and life. The most dangerous of them is sepsis.

Also, the infection can rise above the prostate gland and lead to pyelonephritis or.

Bacterial prostatitis can turn into, the treatment of which is often difficult and leads to complications such as: adenoma, infertility, impotence, etc.


Since bacterial prostatitis has characteristic symptoms, it is usually quite easy to diagnose it. If the disease is not acute, the doctor will conduct a rectal examination by probing the area of ​​the gland and taking a sample of the secretion for analysis. The following studies help to make a diagnosis:

  1. Clinical and bacterial analysis of the patient's blood and urine.
  2. Ultrasound of the prostate.

  1. PSA of blood.
  2. Analysis of scraping of the epithelium from the urethra.


The danger of bacterial prostatitis is that it is capable of becoming chronic in the shortest possible time. Therefore, it is so important to start treatment when detecting a disease. After all, the chronic form of the disease contributes to the spread of the inflammatory process to the surrounding tissues and organs. If you ignore the treatment and do not accept, then the prostate can completely atrophy.

For the treatment of bacterial prostatitis are prescribed. Only a doctor can recommend this or that medicine after examination and obtaining the result of microbiological tests.

Treatment with antibacterial drugs is considered the most appropriate for the bacterial nature of the disease. Due to the fact that antibiotics are able to make organ tissues permeable, the drug can freely penetrate to the site of inflammation.

In the treatment of bacterial prostatitis, the following antibiotics are prescribed:

  • Ampicillins (Amoxiclav, Augumentin, etc.).
  • Macrolide preparations ("Azithromycin", "Clarithromycin", etc.) are quite effective in the fight against many pathogens.
  • Medicines of the cephalosporin group (Suprax, Ceftriaxone, etc.) are effective in the acute phase of the disease.

  • Fluoroquinolones (Ofloxacin, Ciprofloxacin, Levofloxacin) are highly sensitive to many bacteria. Due to the fact that these medicines have a large number of side effects, they are prescribed with caution.
  • Tetracyclines ("Doxycycline") can be difficult to tolerate, therefore, recently, they are prescribed very rarely.

The course of antibiotic treatment cannot be less than 10 days.

Additionally, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Ibuprofen, Diclofenac) are used for treatment. They effectively relieve pain and inflammation of the prostate.

If problems with urination are observed, the patient is shown the use of alpha-blockers ("Alfuzosin", "Tamsulosin", etc.), which lead to a decrease in tension in the smooth muscles of the urethra and bladder.

Often, bacterial prostatitis is accompanied by a depressive state and frequent changes in the patient's mood. In such cases, the doctor recommends the use of medications with a sedative effect ("Afobazol", "Miaser", etc.).

Urologist, andrologist Nikolai Konstantinovich Soloviev will tell you about the use of antibiotic therapy:

If the disease is severe, the patient needs detoxification treatment, which consists in the intravenous administration of glucose, saline solution with trace elements and vitamin complexes. It is important for a man to observe the drinking regime and drink at least 2 liters of clean water per day.

Medicines should be aimed at normalizing blood circulation in the pelvic region and increasing the body's defenses. To do this, use:

  1. Vitamin and mineral complexes.
  2. Antispasmodics (No-shpa, Papazol, Drotaverin, etc.).
  3. Immunomodulators ("Imunofan").
  4. Biological products (Vitaprost).

In addition to taking medications, the doctor will recommend doing microclysters with a decoction of medicinal herbs (chamomile, calendula, etc.). The use of topical preparations in the case of bacterial prostatitis should be strictly limited, since there is a high risk of various complications.

After the elimination of the inflammatory process, the patient is prescribed physiotherapy treatment (electrical prostate stimulation, magnetotherapy, etc.). They help speed up recovery and are performed on an outpatient basis.

In extreme cases, when taking medications did not give the desired result, the doctor may decide on a surgical operation. Such an intervention consists of resection of the prostate and is usually performed in older men. Young people are not prescribed such treatment due to possible complications (enuresis, impotence, infertility).

If bacterial prostatitis becomes chronic, it is quite difficult to treat it. It must be remembered that it is no longer possible to do this at home.

Preventive measures

The best thing about bacterial prostatitis is an active lifestyle. This is due to the fact that the gland itself is poorly supplied with blood. Therefore, those who have sedentary work need to take regular breaks in order to walk a little or do (pulling in the anus muscles, etc.).

A contrast shower gives a good effect. In this case, a stream of water is directed directly to the perineal area. The use time of warm (hot) water is 30 seconds, cool water should not exceed 15 seconds. The average duration of the procedure should be 5 minutes.

Preventive measures also include:

  • Avoiding hypothermia of the body.
  • Fight constipation. If you cannot get rid of them on your own, you need to see a doctor who will advise mild laxatives.

  • Normalization of sexual activity (choosing a permanent partner, using a condom in case of questionable contact, avoiding prolonged absence or overly active sex).
  • Regular preventive examination by a urologist for all men over 40-45 years old.


What are the consequences of bacterial prostatitis in a man? The success of treatment depends on how timely and how competently the therapy was prescribed. In addition, this is influenced by the patient's age, lifestyle, stage of the disease, the presence of other diseases of the body, etc.

The acute phase responds well to drug treatment, which, after a few days, significantly improves the condition of the man. But with the wrong treatment or its interruption, a relapse and transition of prostatitis into a chronic form is possible, which turns out to be much more difficult to cure.

To avoid the unpleasant consequences of bacterial prostatitis, it is important for a man to monitor his health, observe preventive measures, and in case of discomfort in the perineal region, consult a doctor.

Reading time: 14 min

Antibiotics in the treatment of prostatitis belong to the medical course of treatment and they are prescribed in certain cases.

Often it is precisely the correctly selected antibiotic therapy at the first stages of the development of prostatitis that avoids the most undesirable consequences in the future.

When are antibiotics needed to treat prostatitis?

Prostatitis in men develops mainly under the influence of two main reasons. This is the penetration of various bacteria into the tissues of the organ and impaired blood circulation in the small pelvis.

Antibiotics for prostatitis are especially effective if the bacterial nature of the origin of the disease is proven.

Without antibiotic therapy, it is impossible to cope with the inflammatory response that causes all the symptoms.

The course of antibiotics in each case is selected individually. The doctor also calculates the general treatment regimen.

Also, if the bacterial flora is not destroyed, then it can negatively affect other organs, primarily the bladder and kidneys. That is, untreated prostatitis can also become the cause of pyelonephritis, and in the future, urolithiasis.

Antibiotics in the treatment of prostatitis are necessary in the inflammatory process.

Often a sick man does not immediately see a doctor. Many patients try and the acute phase of the disease subsides on its own, but this does not lead to the complete elimination of the infection.

This means that in order to cope with bacteria, a course of antibiotic therapy must also be obtained in the chronic form of prostatitis.

Often, repeated antibiotic treatment is prescribed to prevent the next exacerbation of the disease.

What research is needed before prescribing antibiotics

Modern antibiotics for the most part have a wide spectrum of action, that is, they can destroy several types of bacteria simultaneously present in the human body.

But in order to successfully cure prostatitis, it is necessary to know which pathogens have influenced the inflammation in the tissues of the prostate gland and whether they are sensitive to a certain group of drugs.

Acute prostatitis can be caused both by the causative agents of sexually transmitted diseases, that is, chlamydia, gonococcus, Trichomonas, and various streptococci and even E. coli.

Each type of these bacteria reacts in a certain way to the components of antibiotics and the doctor's task is to find the optimal drug that will help to quickly destroy the pathogen and will not have a negative effect on the cells of the prostate gland.

Therefore, before prescribing an antibacterial treatment regimen, the patient must be passed.

  • To determine the causative agent of the disease, you need a prostate secret and a general urine test;
  • The degree of inflammation is determined by blood tests;
  • Antibiotic sensitivity is indicated by culture.

Based on the tests performed, the doctor selects the most effective drug. Depending on the stage of the inflammatory process and the patient's well-being, the antibiotic can be either in tablets or in injections.

The doctor also evaluates the ability of the components of the drug to penetrate the tissue of the gland.

First of all, the drug is selected that quickly penetrates the organ and is retained in it in the required concentration. This treatment provides rapid elimination of inflammation and discomfort.

Injectables are usually stronger.

Rules for prescribing drugs

Antibiotics for prostatitis in the event that the patient consults the urologist in the acute stage of inflammation, are prescribed almost immediately. That is, the doctor will not wait for the test data.

Therefore, in the early days, a medicine with a wide spectrum of action is selected, the selection scheme is very similar in selection.

Preference is given to:

  • macrolides.
  • aminoglycosides.
  • fluoroquinolones.

Antibiotics from the erythromycin group are prescribed less frequently, since they are not able to have a detrimental effect on several bacteria at once.

After the laboratory data is received by the doctor, it usually takes two to three days, a decision is made either to continue the selected therapy regimen, or to prescribe a new, more effective drug.

When choosing a medicine, the doctor must take into account the patient's age, a history of certain somatic diseases, and allergic reactions.

The patient, in turn, must warn the doctor about the antibiotics he used previously.

If a man was treated with any medicine a few weeks before prostatitis, then there is a high probability that at this stage it will not be as effective as necessary to relieve inflammation.

Among the different groups of antibiotics there are so-called "reserves", which include drugs with a strong effect on the body. The urologist prescribes them only if the previous conservative treatment did not help.

This may be evidenced by the absence of the effect of therapy and the presence of the pathogen in the repeated analyzes.

Strong antibiotics are mainly used in injections and therefore they are injected into a vein or intramuscularly in a hospital setting.

For home treatment, antibiotics in tablets are selected; when using them, the doctor must necessarily tell in detail the entire therapy regimen.

Antibiotic therapy requires compliance with certain conditions.

  • Antibiotics are given for a specific period of time. Usually it is at least 2 weeks. In the future, the doctor assesses the condition of the prostate gland and cancels the drug, or advises the continuation of treatment;
  • The dosage of the medicine is also selected individually;
  • The entire course of treatment must be completed. If it is interrupted, then the body develops suitable conditions for the transition of an acute infectious process into a chronic one;
  • From the moment you start using antibiotics to reduce pain and discomfort, no more than three days should pass. If after this period the condition has not improved, then you need to consult a doctor again for a review of therapy and the selection of another antibiotic.

Antibiotic therapy is one of the most important conditions for complete recovery from bacterial prostatitis. A sick man must understand that his trouble-free life in the future depends on adherence to the entire treatment regimen.

Groups of drugs for home treatment

Several decades have passed since the invention of antibiotics. And if at the beginning of their use, the choice of groups of drugs was limited only to the penicillin series, today there are several of them and therefore it is not difficult for doctors to choose the most suitable for their patient.

Antibiotics for prostatitis are selected from the following drug groups.

From penicillins.

This group has a wide range of effects on bacteria and therefore it is most often prescribed precisely before the data is received from the laboratory.

Used in the treatment of prostatitis Amoxiclav, Amoxicillin. Another advantage of these drugs is their budget price and therefore every patient can receive treatment.

From macrolides.

This group includes Sumamed, Josamycin, Klacid, Rulid. Macrolides perfectly penetrate the tissues of the prostate gland and begin to fight infection after their first intake.

This group of drugs is practically non-toxic and does not affect the state of the intestinal microflora.


They are mainly used in hospitals, as they are injected intramuscularly or intravenously.


Effective for prostatitis caused by chlamydia. But these drugs are highly toxic and have a spermatoxic effect. Therefore, before planning conception, they are not prescribed.


They are used when there is no effect from drugs of other groups. These drugs include Ciprofloxacin, Levofloxacin.

When using antibiotics for the first time, it is necessary to record all changes in well-being. These medications often cause severe allergic reactions, especially in patients with a history of allergies.


The antibiotic Amoxiclav belongs to the penicillin group and has a wide spectrum of action.

Due to this, Amoxiclav is often prescribed in the acute period of prostatitis even before the tests.

This medication is not indicated for severe liver dysfunction and sensitivity to penicillins. It is used with caution in patients with renal pathologies.

When treating with Amoxiclav, it is important to always observe the dosage, since a slight excess of the dose can affect the appearance of dyspeptic disorders, increase anxiety and cause insomnia.

Usually uncomplicated prostatitis with the help of Amoxiclav is cured in a few days.

Roxithromycin is a macrolide. The components of the drug penetrate into the tissues of the prostate gland and accumulate in them, due to this, the therapeutic effect occurs rather quickly.

Roxithromycin is rapidly cleared from the intestines, but it is not prescribed for severe liver disease.

During the course of treatment, the simultaneous use of ergot alkaloids is excluded. Macrolides effectively fight mycoplasma, chlamydia, gonococci.

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