Microsporia. Causes, symptoms, signs, diagnosis and treatment of pathology. Misseltic Head Microsporee: Symptoms, Treatment Skin Microsporeium

Source and a microspor infection path

Since the causative agent of microsporia is widespread in nature, then infection is possible everywhere, but in regions with a hot and humid climate, the microsporement is diagnosed more often. An infection is transmitted to contact pathway or through objects divided by disputes fungus. Children at the age of 5-10 years more often sick microsporee, while among the boys the incidence is five times higher than among girls. Adults rarely sick microsporee, in the case of infection, the disease is almost always self-esteem due to the presence of organic acids in the hair, which suppress the growth of mycelium.

The entrance gates for the causative agent of the microsporia are microtraums of the skin; Suchness, the presence of losses and coams also increase the likelihood of infection, since healthy skin without damage is not available for inoculation fungus. The virulence of the microspory is low, and therefore, with a timely washing of hands, even the disordered by disputes, the disease does not occur. Frequent contacts with Earth, wild animals, hand sweating and violations of the chemical composition of sweat and sebaceous glands increase the likelihood of microsporia. In the soil, disputes of the causative agent of microspory are saved from one to three months.

When introducing the fungus, it begins to multiply and affects the hair follicle, after which the infection spreads on all hair, which leads to the destruction of the hair cuticle, between the scales of which the mushroom disputes accumulate. As a result, microspori mycelium completely surrounds hair, tightly fills the bulb and forms a cover around the hair.

Symptoms of microsporia

The microsporia caused by the anthropophilic type of fungus has an incubation period from 4 to 6 weeks, after which an empty red spot appears on a smooth skin, which rises above the surface, it has clear outlines and gradually increases in size. Next, the lesions are look like pronounced rings, which consist of nodules, bubbles and crusts. Rings are usually inscribed in one another or intersect, sometimes tend to merge. The diameter of the rings during microsporia ranges from 0.5 to 3 cm, and their number rarely reaches five.

In children and young women, a pronounced inflammatory response and a slight peeling of lesion focuses are possible in the microsporement. In patients who are prone to atopic dermatitis, the microsporement cannot be diagnosed in a timely manner, since the fungus is often masked under the manifestation of dermatitis, and the treatment with hormonal drugs only enhances symptoms and provokes further dissemination of the microsporium.

The microsporia of the scalp is found in children aged 5 to 12 years, and by the time of puberty passes without a trace. This phenomenon is associated with a change in the chemical composition of the skin and the appearance of organic acids in it, which are destructive for fungus. In children with red hair, the microspor is practically not found.

The lesions are located on the top of the top and the temporal areas, usually the microsporer of the head of the head is manifested in the form of 1-2 large foci of up to 5 cm in diameter with dangles on the sides of smaller. In place of the defeat there is a peeling plot, because at first the fungus is striking only the mouth of the hair onions. With a careful inspection you can see white ring-shaped scales that surround the hair as a cuff. After a week, the microsporus applies to the hair, they become brittle and fragile. The hair is closed at a distance of 4-6 mm from the skin of the head, and the lesion site looks like a tonsil. Hemp hair is covered with mushroom spores and seem apart like a dirty gray-white color. With the damage to the microsporement, the united hair does not restore their original position, because they lose elasticity and elasticity. The skin of the head with the edema microsporry, slightly hyperemic, its surface is covered with gray-white scales.

The magnificent form of microsporia is clinically manifested by soft assembly with nodes, which are located on the blue-red skin. The surface of the nodes is covered with numerous guns. When pressed on the infiltration through the holes, pus droplets are highlighted. The pumping forms of microspory occur in late appeal for medical care, irrational therapy and self-treatment, as well as in the presence of serious concomitant diseases that reduce the protective properties of the body.

Diagnosis of microsporia

The data of the clinical inspection and the presence in the history of contact with animals is enough for the dermatologist to suspect the microsporement. During dermatoscopy and microscopy, the ospill is detected by mycelium and characteristic of the micaoses of hair and skin changes. But manifestations of microsporia and triplers with ordinary microscopy are identical, through this laboratory study you can only confirm the presence of a fungal disease, but not to establish an accurate diagnosis.

The culture diagnosis of microsporia by sowing with the subsequent detection of the pathogen is more informative, but requires more time, although it can be installed not only the species, but also a genus fungus, as well as pick up the most effective drugs for treatment. A luminescent study allows you to quickly explore both a patient with microsporia and contact persons. Mycelium fungus glows with green luminescence, but the reason for this phenomenon has not been studied. In the early stages of microsporia, the glow may be absent, since the hair is not yet sufficient. However, when the hair is removed and the subsequent study in the root part, the glow is observed even at the end of the incubation period. The luminescent method allows you to identify the causative agent of microsporia in the patient and in contact with it, as well as assess the effectiveness of therapy.

Treatment and prevention of microsporia

In the treatment of microsporia, local and general antifungal therapy apply depending on the severity of the lesion. The creams, ointments and emulsions with antifungal drugs are locally used - terbinafin and others, depending on the age of the patient and from the physiological state. It should be borne in mind that some antifungal drugs even local use during pregnancy and during lactation must be used with caution. Outflows and sprays of a new generation, used for processing microspor foci, leave no fat spots on the skin and clothing, which will allow patients to feel comfortable during treatment.

If there is a pronounced inflammatory reaction, combined preparations that contain antifungal and hormonal components are used. Alternation of applications with ointments and processing by iodine solutions, if there is no lesion of the skin, has a good therapeutic effect. The microsporium complicated by the secondary infection is well amenable to treating the ointment, which includes betamethasone, gentamicin and clotrimazole. During deep lesions, drugs containing dimethyl sulfoxide are used.

The prevention of microsporia is a regular examination of children in kindergartens to identify patients, in restricting contacts with stray animals and in compliance with personal hygiene. Acquisition of pets without a veterinarian inspection can lead to intra-empty outbreaks of microsporia, which requires a more attentive approach to buying them.

Misular Head Microsporee in Children It is the most common fungal infection. Children are more often in contact with animals, allow for errors in compliance with personal hygiene and attend children's teams, where the risk of catching the infection is much higher. Compared with adults, small patients are 5 times more likely to suffer from mycoses.

This is an explanation of this: in the human body, starting with adolescence, special organic acids are produced, especially a lot of them accumulates in her hair. These substances are able to slow down the growth and reproduction of pathogen microflora, so adult people are much less faced with symptoms of microsporia.

MICROSPORUM fungi is very survivors, they can be maintained in the soil up to 3 months, easily transferred to household items or animal wool and, falling on the body, cause characteristic symptoms of the disease. Infection most often happens when contacting homeless animals, the causative agent is carried mainly cats, less often - dogs. It is worth a child on a walk to stroke a stray kitten and disputes fungus remain on the skin and then through the smallest injuries of the epidermis are introduced into the body.

The baby can become infected with contacts with an infected adult or in a children's team. The fungus is transmitted very easily, his disputes can get into household items, things, clothes. The child can pick up the infection when using a shared towel, clothes, dishes, comb.

Therefore, if revealed microsporia in children in kindergarten,this institution is closed on quarantine and conduct disinfection treatment of premises. Sanitary standards prescribe to stop the activities of the children's institution for three weeks, although this is not always happening.

Basically, a sick child is isolated from the collective, and in kindergarten or school a number of preventive inspections and measures to prevent the further spread of infection are carried out.

Experts identify a number of provoking factors contributing to an increase in the incidence of microsporee:

Parents need to be aware of the main manifestations of the microsporia, so that when disadvantaged symptoms appear in a timely manner for qualified help. The earlier treatment be started, the sooner the recovery comes. And on the contrary, attempts to cope with the fungus can lead to the further spread of infection and the development of complications, and then the treatment will be delayed for a long time.

Simplicity of microsporia

Experts allocate several major forms of pathology:

The fungus can be defeated by the fungus, the scalp and even nails. Consider in more detail the main symptoms characteristic of each form of microsporia.

Symptoms of Disease

The microsporia of smooth skin in children at the initial stage is manifested by the emergence of the maternal plaque in the place where the fungus was introduced into the skin. It looks like a rounded red stain of red with clear boundaries.

The stain is slightly towers above the skin and gradually increases in size. At the edges of the stains, a roller is formed, with a shallow nodule, and the stain gradually acquires the shape of the ring. Inside it, the skin begins to peel and has a less pronounced color. The process of appearance and formation of plaque does not cause painful sensations, but accompanied by itching.

A child can comb the focus of defeat, as a result of which the infection is capable of spreading throughout the body. Most often, the spots are chosen by the location of the localization, neck, shoulders, limbs.

When the infection and the appearance of multiple rashes, the overall state of the child deteriorates: there is airsdown, weakness may increase, the temperature may increase, the increase in lymph nodes. The child becomes a capricious, sluggish, refuses to eat, sleeps bad.

The stains damping on the body gradually increase in the amount, reaching in diameter 3- 5 cm, they all have a characteristic ring-shaped form. In the central part of the lesion of the lesion is more pale, covered with peeling flakes, along the edges it is surrounded by a roller of small bubbles filled with liquid.

Opisting, these bubbles turn into small erosion, which soon dries and covered with crusts. If there are no inflammatory phenomena, it does not arise unpleasant sensations. But in those cases where the stains deprived are inflamed and felling, the kids suffer from the incessant toide.

The chippore of the scalp in children is most often diagnosed between the ages of 5 and 12 years. At the initial stage, the infection shows itself the appearance of peeling on the skin. In the roots of the hair there is a cluster of ring-shaped scales.

Since the fungus is localized at the hair onions, then at this stage of development, it is difficult to notice it. Parents long alert the behavior of a child who begins combing the affected area, since the introduction of the fungus causes skin itch.

In addition to intense itching, a ringless deprived does not cause painful sensations and does not violate the overall health of the child. The areas of the lesions are mainly formed on the top of the science, on the temporal and dark area of \u200b\u200bthe head.

About a week after infection, the fungus begins to hit the hair along the entire length. They become dull, brittle and rolled in the roots, leaving short penets instead of themselves, about 5 mm high. The skin in the lesion focus covers a grayish plaque from fungal dispute. It is marked with peeling and enhanced separation of gray scales.

The skin is red and dense. A characteristic feature is the formation of 2-3 large foci (with a diameter of about 5 cm), around which are somewhat smaller proposher.

With late appeal to the doctor and inadequate therapy, the foci of losing can be inflamed, often this process is complicated by the suppuration. In such cases, after the course of treatment on the head of the child, propellants remain, in which the hair no longer grows. This process is irreversible and further delivers significant discomfort to an adult and perceived as a serious cosmetic defect.

The defeat of the nail plates refers to the rare type of microsporia. For this type of mycosis, it is characterized by education on the surface of the nail of dull spots, which over time becomes white. The structure of the nail plate in the spots area is fragile and soft, it subsequently leads to the destruction of the nail.


Diagnostic measures are built on the basis of external inspection and laboratory or instrumental research methods. First of all, it is necessary to determine the presence of fungus and differentiate infection from other dermatological diseases with similar symptoms. For this use several ways:

  • Research under the microscope. To do this, make skin scraping in the lesion focus and study it under a microscope, which allows you to detect the presence of fungal dispute.
  • Research under the Wood lamp. In a darkened place, areas of lesions are considered using a luminescent lamp. If you have fungus, hair and leather are shining with bright green. This allows you to quickly and accurately diagnose.
  • The culture method is used after confirming the diagnosis, it allows you to determine the type of pathogen and choose the only true tactics of treatment.


The treatment of microsporia is carried out by a doctor or a dermatologist. Special antifungal agents are prescribed to eliminate lesions on smooth skin. In the morning, it is recommended to process foci of damage to a solution of iodine (2%), fuccinic, dimexide (10%). The diaxide solution is particularly effective in deep microsporphory forms.

A few minutes after processing, antifungal drugs are applied by these means. These can be traditional ointments (sulfur, salicyl, sulfur - tar) or modern and efficient preparations (clotrimazole, iconazole, terbinafin). It was well established by the drug Lamizil, which is produced in the form of cream and spray. The optimal treatment regimen will select a specialist, taking into account the severity of the defeat and the overall condition of the child.

With complicated process and inflammatory reactions, a specialist may assign combined means containing a hormonal component (myxoline, grassort). If there are complications associated with the addition of bacterial infection, the combined drug is triederm, containing an antibiotic, antiallergic and antifungal component.

With pronounced itching, the doctor may prescribe antihistamines (Supratin, Tuequil, Loratadine), which will help eliminate unpleasant sensations and reduce inflammation.

When therapy, the fungus on the scalp is recommended to shave the hair and twice a week to wash the head with special antifungal shampoos (nipped, semozol, keto plus). Specialist will help choose the healing shampoo. After using the shampoo, it is recommended to rub an antifungal ointment in the foci of defeat, which the doctor will appoint.

In the treatment of fungus on the head of application of some exterior means is not enough. Simultaneously with skin treatment, the reception of fungicidal preparations inside is recommended. Prescribed medicines in tablets (griseofullvin, terbinafin, terribisyl). The dosage is calculated by the doctor, taking into account the age and weight of the child.

Previously, the main preparation for the treatment of fungus was Griezofulvin. It was accepted up to 3 times a day, with a teaspoon of vegetable oil. This made it difficult to treat the treatment, as many children have disgusted a procedure. For the smallest, a special form was developed - Griezofulvin suspension, it was appointed to the kids to three years.

The treatment of griseofullvin coursework and quite long, while the drug is distinguished by high toxicity and contraindicated children with diseases of the liver, kidney, blood system, tractures of the gastrointestinal tract, neuritis. In addition, this medicine has many side effects, its reception is accompanied by headaches, allergic reactions, discomfort in the pancreas.

In recent years, Griscuofulvina has found an excellent replacement. This is a preparation of terbinafin, it is quite well tolerated, it has much less contraindications and does not have a pronounced toxic effect.


At the time of treatment, it is recommended to carefully comply with hygienic rules. The child must have individual towels, combs, dishes and other household accessories. All things of the baby and bedding should be washed in hot water at a temperature of 60 °, it is precisely under such conditions that the spore fungus die. All toys, ego items need to handle disinfecting solutions daily.

Prevention of microspori in childrenit is very important because it is difficult to deal with the disease and the treatment takes a long time. Fungal infections are extremely infectious, so in children's institutions it is necessary to strictly observe sanitary standards in order to prevent the development of the epidemic. The sick child should be isolated from other children for all the time of treatment.

Mandatory norm is disinfection of personal belongings and household accessories. At home, it is necessary to produce wet cleaning and processing of objects, toys, furniture with which the sick child in contact. Parents need to carry out preventive conversations with the baby about the rules of communication with homeless animals. An important point is the timely diagnosis of the disease and the appointment of proper treatment.

Microsporia - a disease provoked by fungus. For this disease, the lesion of the skin and hair is characterized, in more rare cases, the mushroom also affects the nail records. This disease was called according to the name of the causative agent of the disease - the mushroom of the kind of microsporum. Also, this ailment knows under the name "Strugating deprived" in view of a number of characteristic features of its manifestation.

After hitting the skin of a person, the fungus is embedded in the skin, after which its active reproduction begins. If near the place where the mushroom hit, there are hair onions, the arguments of the mushroom germinate, and in the end the hair is affected. The mushroom is very quickly spreading across the hair, as a result of which the cuticle is destroyed, and disputes accumulate between its scales. As a result, the fungus completely surrounds hair and fills in a bulb.

How can I get infected?

Cause the development of microsporum mushrooms microsporum. There are several types of them, but only two of them are dangerous for a person - dog and rusty microsporums. Meet these pathogens people can in the following situations.

  1. Contacting with a sick microsporee man. In this situation, it is most often a rusty microsporus, which is considered anthropophilic, that is, living on human skin. It is the anthropophilic form of microsporia that can cause collective outbreaks of the disease.
  2. Contacting objects on which there are disputes of mushrooms. In this way, you can get infected both zoophilic and anthropophilic microsporee.
  3. Contacting patients with animals, predominantly cats, although it is possible to infect dogs, pigs, sheep. In such cases, zoophilic microsporography develops. It is also transmitted from a person to man, but with a smaller probability, therefore collective outbreaks of a ringworm, caused by the dog's microsporum, are practically not found.

It should also be noted that the pathogen falling on the human skin does not always lead to the development of the disease, especially in adults. The probability of infection affects the number of fungi, and the state of the protective forces of the body, and the presence of predisposing factors.

Causative agent

As a result, it follows that the microsporia is transmitted through contact with a sick person or animal, as well as in contact with the infected soil.

Symptoms of microsporia, photo

The duration of the incubation period depends on the type of fungus provoking the microsporia (see photo).

Thus, when infected with the zoo fleshilic and geophile species of fungi microSporum, the incubation period lasts 5 - 14 days. And when infected with anthropophilic forms, the incubation period of the microsporium lasts much longer - from 4 to 6 weeks.

But since the most often the microsporus is provoked by the fungus of the type of Microsporumcanis, which relates to animal varieties, then in most cases the incubation period of the infection is 1 to 2 weeks.

Smooth skin microsporography

At the place of introduction of the mushroom, an edema appears, a towering red stain with clear boundaries. Gradually stain increases in diameter. A continuous towering roller, submitted by small nodules, bubbles and crusts, is formed along the edge. In the central part of the spot there is a permission of inflammation, as a result of which it acquires a pale-pink color, with a seven-like peeling on the surface. Thus, the hearth has a rings.

  • The number of foci with a smooth skin microsporith, as a rule, is small (1-3). Their diameter ranges from 0.5 to 3 cm. The most often foci is located on the skin of the face, neck, forearm and shoulders. There are no subjective sensations or concerns a moderate itching.
  • Newborn and young children, as well as young women, severe inflammatory phenomena are often noted and minimal peeling.
  • In individuals inclined to allergic reactions (in particular, in patients with atopic dermatitis), the fungus is often masked by manifestations of the main process and is not always diagnosed in a timely manner. The use of local hormonal drugs only enhances the spread of fungal infection.

To the rare variety of microsporia should be attributed to the lesion of the skin of the palms, soles and nail plates. To defeat the nails, the isolated lesion of the nail plate is characterized, usually its outer edge. Initially, a dim spot is formed, acquiring white painting over time. Nail in the spray area becomes softer and fragile, and later it can collapse.


Most often occurs in the field of patterns and temples, as well as on the top. The colony of fungus looks like: a central large spot that achieves 5 cm, and smaller (up to 1.5 cm) of the circumference. With growth, the central stain can absorb nearby small foci.

The microsporia on the head in a person in the initial stage forms a focal peeling. With a closer examination, you can see the whitish "cuff" around the hairs growing inside the stain. This indicates the reproduction of the fungus in the mouth of the hair, which is already a week later leads to their clouds. Outwardly, it looks like a stain tried at 4-6 cm. Bloomred, with a grayish raid hairs are a pier for fungal dispute. The modified position of the hair "hemp" in stroking is preserved, unlike healthy hair.

Actually, the head of the head in the lesions of the lesion is somewhat hyperemic, edema and covered with small scales of white or grayish color.


To form an accurate diagnosis and the choice of the right treatment, it is necessary:

  • Laboratory and diagnostic study. Includes a microscopic examination for mushrooms, a culture study to determine the type of pathogen, inspection at a luminescent lamp (damaged hair is passed through ultraviolet).
  • Rent a clinical (standard) blood test and urine analysis.
  • Make a biochemical study of liver functions.

A differentiated study is required, which allows you to finally confirm the diagnosis. During this study, the microsporement is compared with other dermatosis (pink deprived, tricoephyte, seboride, etc.)

How to treat a microspor in a person?

If only smooth skin is affected by the microsporee, and the gun hair on it remained intact, then enough treatment with local antifungal drugs (ointments, lotions, sprays), which are applied daily until the disappearance of foci. If the microspory foci is located on the hairpiece of the head or the process turned out to be involved with smooth skin hair, the treatment consists of taking antifungal drugs inside and their external application on the field of lesion.

Most effective for intakes in order to treat microspory antifungal preparations containing the following active substances:

  • Griezofulvin;
  • Terbibanfin (Terbizil, Lamizil, etc.);
  • Iratenazole (neungal, Irunun et al.).

The following means with antifungal activity are used for outdoor processing of smooth skin and scalp.

  • Mazi with terbinefin (lamisil, terribisyl, etc.), Clotrimazole, isokonazole and bifonazole;
  • Iodine tincture 2 - 5%;
  • Ointment Sulfur 10 - 20%;
  • Ointment sulfur-salicyl;
  • Sulfur ointment.

The reception of antifungal drugs inside and their application externally on the affected skin continues during the week after the disappearance of symptoms of microsporia to avoid possible relapse of infection.

Mandatory events in identifying a microsporium in humans:

  • Removing damaged hairs (hair removal, daily shave).
  • Washing your head twice a week.
  • Regular shift of linen.
  • Restriction of contact with a sick person. Isolation of a child from Dow, schools in the treatment of microsporia in children.
  • Inspection of people in contact with a sick person.
  • Inspection of pets veterinarian.
  • Disinfection of leaving items (towels, combs), clothes, children's toys with the help of guests. Spring-cleaning.

All treatment takes 3-6 weeks. Recovery is stated with a negative analysis of the scope from the place of damage.

Folk remedies

Currently, doctors have a significant arsenal of drugs that allow you to quickly and reliably relieve patients from microsporia even in its running forms. Therefore, the folk methods of treating this disease today are extremely rare, as a rule, as part of complex therapy appointed by a dermatologist.

The main folk remedies for the fight against ringing deprived are:

  1. Garlic vinegar. This remedy is widely used in the treatment of many dermatological diseases. For its preparation, several cloves of garlic are cut and poured 0.5 liters of apple vinegar. The resulting mixture must be inspected within 1 - 2 weeks, periodically shaking. After cooking with vinegar, the affected skin is tricious. To enhance therapeutic action, you can add several drops of camphor oil in the infusion of several drops.
  2. Juice of garlic. Solo garlic cut off longitudinally and triturated with juice affected skin. The procedure is performed once a day (preferably in the morning). After that, during the day, you can lubricate with birch coal or plantain during the day.
  3. Ointment based on broth of sea fish. For the preparation of ointments, there will be about 400 ml of the rigid broth, 100 g of butter and casicia of several heads of garlic. This mixture is neatly applied to the affected skin 2 - 3 times a day, covered by 30 - 60 minutes with a clean bandage.
  4. Sofa Japanese. To prepare this product, 50 g of fruits or flowers of this plant is necessary. In the absence of contraindications, it is recommended to do alcohol infusion. On 50 g of grass it is necessary 0.5 liters of vodka (a fortress of at least 35 degrees). Insolening lasts 3 - 4 weeks in a dark place. After cooking, infusion is filtered and accepted inside 3 teaspoons per day. A certain therapeutic effect in the microsporium can also give the usual brewing of tea with the addition of Japanese sofa.

As you can see, in most of the above recipes, garlic is used. The fact is that this plant contains a large amount of substances that are beneficial to the biochemical processes in the skin. It also has some disinfectant properties (which, however, is ineffective against the causative agent of microsporia).


As preventive microspori measures, timely identification and effective treatment of patients is very important. To do this, in children's institutions, medical examinations must be carried out regularly. If a sick child is found, it should be isolated from other children and take measures to emergency treatment of microsporia.

It is also important on time and qualitatively disinfecting the things of sick people. A thorough examination is conducted by all who contacted a person with a sick microsporement. It is also important to periodically inspect domestic animals for the identification of diseases of the disease and take measures to treat them.


With timely treatment, the forecast for microsporia is favorable, the disease ends with complete recovery. After graduating course, the patient remains under the dispensary observation of the dermatologist for 12 months. Removing from accounting is carried out only after receiving negative mushroom analyzes.

It is caused by microSporum fungi. It is affecting not only the places with the hairproof, but also smooth skin, sometimes nail plates. The most famous name is ringing deprived. Included because of the external manifestations of the disease: in places where mycelium fungi is located, hair is observed, they seem briefly cropped.

Varieties and atypical forms

Classify a microsporement of several species, depending on the place of the defeat:

  • introduced on smooth skin;
  • in the area of \u200b\u200bthe hair;
  • on nails.

The infection can also be caused by different pathogens, depending on which specialists share the disease into three different forms:

  1. Zonosic. "Hosts" of fungi, who swelled to a person and caused his illness, are animals.
  2. Anthroponous. This form is transmitted from person to man.
  3. Geophilic. Her fungal pathogens are mainly inhabit.

Each of all the same forms of microsporia is manifested by the same symptoms, differences in the course does not have and are treated with the same methods. The classification is important, first of all, for anti-epidemiologists, which for effective anti-epidemic activities it is necessary to determine the sources of infection.

Based on clinical criteria, which take into account the development of the disease, the degree of lesion of tissues, one or another reaction of the immune system, follows a few more types of microsporia:

  1. Surface. Foci can be noticed on smooth skin, straight under the hair.
  2. Exudative. Foci is observed in many areas of the body, there is a separation of serous fluid.
  3. Nail. Located on nail records.
  4. Chronic. The same superficial, but the existing sufficiently long period of time.

Atypical microsporia options can flow in low-simpmetal forms, inflammation is expressed in neuro, the peeling is weak, which is sometimes mistakenly diagnosed as seborrheic or allergic dermatitis, streptodermia or pink deprived.

Among the atypical forms are isolated infiltrative, intimidative, abortive or erythematous-edema.

Atypical localization is an area of \u200b\u200bear sink or folds behind it, sometimes the axillary areas, as well as groin.

Causes of occurrence

The microsporus is developed when pathogenic fungi fall on the skin from sick animals, people, as well as through contact with infected subjects: bed linen, comb, headdresses. There are more than two dozen species of MICROSPORUM mushroom. In the environment, fungi of this family is preserved up to several years. Warm forms can be transmitted limited number times, because Their fungal strain on the human skin is gradually weakened.

More susceptible to infection kids 7-10 years old. The number of cases for both newborns and adults has now increased. In children's institutions, collective outbreaks of diseases usually occur, requiring immediate epidemiological actions. This happens because of not well-developed children's immunity and no indispensability in personal hygiene issues. In adult people, pathogen will rather be destroyed by healthy immunity and microflora or simply washed in the process of hygienic events.

It is possible to get sick in the microsporement in the case of the presence of factors predisposing to that, in which the fungus is quickly implemented and developed. Such factors can act disorders of the integrity of the skin (cuts, scratches), poor immunity.

The activity of MicroSporum affects not only its appearance (zoophilic or anthropogenic), but also the number of disputes transferred to man. Here the risk of risk will depend on the strength of immunity and skin health.

Factors contributing to the reduction of protective forces and pushing microsporement to development:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • the use of drugs and ointments depressing immunity;
  • some diseases of vessels or connective tissue, hereditary ichthyosis;
  • serious diseases, among which cancer tumors, HIV;
  • excess sweating;
  • costs of the profession;
  • increased humidity.


One of the general features is the occurrence of a red spot close to a rounded, oval form, a small diameter. Sometimes there is a merger of such spots. Itch or does not happen, or it is weakly expressed. Lymph nodes may increase, occasionally occurs a headache, the patient is slightly fever.

On the introduction of the fungus in places of hair growth on the head, first shows a reddish spot around the hair rod. For several days it pale, and the hairs itself fills and drags. Subsequently, it breaks and disappears. The hair seems short crushed, the epidermis thickens, covered with gray-haired scales.

The emergence of a characteristic increasing spot is evidenced about the problems on smooth skin. A severe disease is capable of covering a large space. Corks, bubbles that develop into large blisters are gradually developing on the body.

In rare cases, men amazed on the face, where the beard and mustache grow. Gnove appears in this area.

Karion. So refer to the heavy form of microsporia. Inflammation goes in deep layers, where pus is formed. The place of the defeat is very hyperemic, edema, the pores are expanded. If you press - a yellowish pus appears. The sick complains of headache, the temperature can increase, signs of intoxication appear. Nearest lymph nodes increase.

The form when the nails are amazed, it is rare. This can also include cases when the microspor appears in the field of palms or soles. When introducing fungus in the nail plate, it first appears a dim spot. Then it whites. Nail becomes thin and fragile, subsequently most often collapsed.

Photo microsporia: what looks like

A person's infection occurs through particles of wool and scales of a sick animal directly or indirectly (shop on the street, plaid in the apartment).

Hair deprived on face. Different bottles are formed, inside light, with a dark edging.

Deep form of the disease. Plaques contain purulent liquid, there is a strong swelling. Sources are animals.

Treatment of a rowing deprived in this area is long. Be sure to observe a specialist.

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The microsporia is diagnosed, first of all, making conclusions from its clinical manifestations. Later, additional microbiological, laboratory studies are connected. It is searched for the presence of a fungus in biological material, it is determined by its main characteristics. To identify the type of fungus, a more complex detailed analysis is needed. It is used mainly not to figure out each specific case, but for epidemiological control.

Initially, the locations of the defeat are carefully investigated. In suspected of a microspionate, add inspection through a fluorescent lamp. This method allows for probably to determine the nature of the disease. When illuminated by fungal hair in the dark of the Wood's lamp, they glow bright greens.

Microscopic examination involves the study of individual skin fragments and the collected hair under the microscope. For this, the area of \u200b\u200bthe lesion is first wiping with alcohol to remove the remnants of the drugs used. Then the necessary material is collected, which is sent to the laboratory and are studied.

After special processing of scales and hair under the microscope, the threads of mycelium become visible, and the hair will be in numerous disputes, due to which its borders will be visible.

To identify the type of pathogen, after receiving positive microscopic and fluorescent analyzes, they carry out culture diagnostics. The material obtained from the patient is placed in the nutrient medium and grown the fungus colony. This is done to determine the further treatment strategy.

Histological research refers to one of the types of laboratory diagnostics. It consists in the study of painted fragments of the resulting material. His goal is not to determine the kind of fungus, but to identify the degree of inflammation, the severity of infection.

Treatment of microsporia

Independent treatment is undesirable, because The disease in this case threatens to grow from one hearth to a large-scale area of \u200b\u200bdamage to the mushroom with disputes. Treatment is necessarily carried out under the supervision of a dermatologist, hospitalization usually does not require.

In case of detection of characteristic swelling on the skin, it must be covered with polyethylene, and on the perimeter, it is planted with strips of the leukoplasty, to exclude water from the field of lesion. Urgently contact the doctor.

Since the causative agent of microsporia is very resistant to different kinds of medicines, the treatment will not be brief. It must be carried out in comprehensively, which is guaranteed to give the opportunity to get rid of the causative agent and will not lead to relapses.

The resulting cosmetics defects that have arisen due to a ring are sometimes preserved for a long time and require connectivity to the work of a cosmetologist.

Several approaches are possible for treatment:

  • general methods;
  • systemic;
  • using local means;
  • non-traditional.

If the damage to the fungus is detected on the harsh portion, then the vegetation on this site should be shed. The affected place must be flushed several times during the day, try not to overeat, close from sunlight. Do not overvolt physically, because The impact of sweat on the skin during this period is unfavorable.


Gels, ointments and all sorts of grazers do not give to develop pathogenic disputes, purify the skin, restore it. Like tablets, affect fungi, but in these means active substances affect the pathogen in the place where it is concentrated. If applied regularly, it will contribute to a deeper penetration of active substances under the skin. For local treatment, the doctor usually recommends bifonazole, clotrimazole or ketoconazole, itraconazole.


Systemic treatment of the disease involves the mandatory reception of tableted anti-grib. Griezofulvin and terbinafin are acting as such drugs. The first is recommended to be taken simultaneously with fatty food, which contributes to the best absorption. Reception of these drugs - the basis of treatment, because It is they who produce a major devastating effect on the nature of the pathogen.


In the mornings, if the suppuration is observed, you can handle the affected places with 2% iodine. For disinfection 1-2 times a day for 3 days, a row with a solution of potassium permanganate or nitrofural (1: 5000) is applied. Funds for outdoor treatment in the morning and evening it is desirable to change.


Since Avitaminosis is one of the causes of the disease, it is desirable to saturate its diet with a high content of vitamins that normalize microflora containing a small amount of sugar.

Reception of vitamins A, B, C and mostly E.

Fish, milk, meat are desirable in stewed or boiled form, low-fat. Bread is better to replace loaves from rice, buckwheat or corn. Showing porridge. Greens, leafy vegetables, zucchini, cabbage, dried fruits made of unsweetened fruits, compotes from them. Tea is better impossible, mineral water without gas.

Don't use

  • acute cheese and mold;
  • fermented milk;
  • various kinds of soda, hyperships;
  • products on yeast;
  • sauer vegetables and mushrooms;
  • refueling using vinegar;
  • any sweets and sweet dried fruits;
  • sausages, smoked breaths;
  • all products with the code "E";
  • confectionery and semi-finished products.

Treatment with folk remedies, at home

Frequently ringing is especially well known in rural areas. Therefore, folk methods to combat this disease are quite a lot. It is desirable to apply them as auxiliary therapy, because Many of them have proven themselves to contribute to the speedy skin regeneration.

  1. Garlic-leek ointment. Take garlic and onions in equal proportions. They squeeze the juice, and the foci of three times a day is treated with the resulting casseral.
  2. Tincture of calendula. Used for processing four times a day.
  3. Plantain juice. Grass donate. Formed juice to lubricate wounds 3 times a day.
  4. Grapes Kishmish. You can use raisins. Cut the berry in half, cut off the affected seats.

According to the advice of a dermatologist, pharmaceutical preparations can be combined, applying parallel to the funds of traditional medicine, which will bring the speedy recovery. Stop treatment not since the disappearance of symptoms, but after microbiological analysis. Its result should be negative.

  • not to use products at least affected by mold;
  • less use raw products, subject their cooking or extinguishing;
  • skin with fruits and vegetables believes;
  • products in closed dishes and in plastic containers keep in the refrigerator no more than a day.


It is much more preferable to prevent a disease than to deal with it.

The risk of getting declining if:

  • comply with the rules of hygiene - after entering the street, you must wash your hands, hygiene products should be individual;
  • pets before bringing to the house, show the veterinarian, make all the necessary vaccinations;
  • maintain a high level of immunity;
  • pour it right, start hardening, move more.

Complications and consequences

When suspicious of a ringless handle to the dermatologist or the Mikogu necessarily, in severe cases, it can take a chronic shape or cause severe lesions. The latter happens if the pathogen penetrates deep layers of leather.

In the period of the disease it is possible to increase lymph nodes.

With a non-time-started treatment, the disease that struck the hair onions can leave unparallers properly.

And as transmitted

Path transmission of a ringworm deprived is contacts with sick people and animals. The disease can be "pickled" in the pool or in nature, through the soil, the fungus also lives on various household surfaces. It can persist there enough long time.

With forced contacts with patients with animals, leaning in public transport or going to nature, you need to thoroughly wash your hands, take a shower using a household or arable soap, wash your clothes (the fungus perishes at 60 degrees).

Features in children

When the signs of a ringworm, depriving children do not have to panic. If the symptoms found on time, then the treatment will leave two weeks before the month, the main thing is to spend it right.

The baby should not bathe in the bathroom, the foci for the time of water procedures is sealed with cellophane and handle the skin with a damp sponge.

Synthetic clothing is better changed to cotton, the underwear must be changed more often and after washing to process the steam iron. To iron the things of the child separately from all, and during manipulations with ointments and rims to wear latex gloves.

The surfaces of the sofas, the chairs in the house need from time to time to process a hot iron, toys to use boiling water or solutions with chlorine, more often wash the floor with disinfecting agents.

During pregnancy

During this period, a woman is easier to get sickly deprive, because pregnancy affects the hormonal background, the state of immunity, makes it more vulnerable in a psychological plan.

Early diagnosis will contribute to rapid cure, the disease will not be able to harm the fetus. The course of treatment is selected individually and depends on the stage of the disease, the deadlines of pregnancy. The focus should be given to immunity.

Competitive and bed linen should be changed twice a day, after washing, be sure to handle iron on both sides.

Video about Lisha

Signs, the most common causes of a ringing deprivation, its treatment in children.

The doctor tells in detail about the features of the disease, gives recommendations for the choice of medicines.


Do not deal with self-medication. When incomprehensible spots are found on the skin, it is better to see a doctor at an early stage of the disease to identify its true cause and do in treating in minor efforts. Chronic forms of microsporia can be treated with varying success for several years.

Microsporia (Synonym: Microspore,) is a contagious skin disease and hair due to pathogenic fungi of the genus Microsporum. Infection occurs mainly from patients with cats microsporest, less often dogs, in 20% of cases from sick people. Incubation period from 5 days to 6 weeks. Children more often, can be in children's teams.

For microspory smooth skin Flashing multiple erythematous spots appear, more often rounded shapes with a bright edema roller along the periphery, they increase in size and tend to merge into plaques. As a result of the resorption of the central part of the plaques, the species of rings and arcs often acquire.


Scalp (Fig.) It is characterized by erythematous stains with a diameter of 0.5 to 5-7 cm, covered with abundant small asbestos-shaped scales; They become dull and rolled at one level (4-8 mm from the base) - acquire the type of trimmed, the hair fragments are easily pulled out by tweezers, with the naked eye you can see a grayish-white coupling covering the root part of the hair. Typically, the number of lesions of lesion 3-6, but there may be one large focus (up to 15 cm in diameter) with multiple minor readings. Sometimes eyebrows are affected, eyelashes.

Current chronic microspory. It is possible to attach a secondary piococcal infection with the formation of Pustulus, and others.

Allergic rashes that do not contain fungus may occur on the skin of the body and limbs, especially with irrational therapy of the main focus of the lesion. The diagnosis is set based on the clinical picture and detect pathogenic fungus during microscopation of leather or hair scraps; Auxiliary value has a glow of foci of lesion with green light under the beams of the fluorescent lamp in a darkened room.

Microsporia; synonym for microsporosis) - infectious skin disease and hair caused by various kinds of mushrooms of the genus Microsporum. Microsporia is the most common in Western European countries, America, the Far East dermatomycosis.

Epidemiology. In the USSR, the epidemiological role is played only by fluffy and rusty microsporums, in other countries, also microsporum Odean. The microsporee is predominantly children, M. Lanosum is often amazing adults.

The contagiousness of the microsporia caused by M. Ferrugineum is very large. The infection of the microsporee caused by M. Lanosum occurs in 80% of cases from patients with microspory of cats, less often dogs or through items contaminated with their wool; 20% - from patients with microspory of people. Geophilic microsporum infection is transmitted during contact with soil. Epizootia microsporia among cats coincide with the outbreaks of microspori in humans.

Pathogenesis. The emergence and development of microsporia contribute to injury, maceration and skin hygiene disorders. The fungus is first introduced in the horny layer of the skin, then into the hair; Nails do not amaze.

Immunity. Immunity to re-illness develops only in people who have sought the infiltrative or per capita form of microsporia.

The course and symptoms. Incubation period 5-7 days; With a microsporium caused by M. Ferrugineum, up to 4-6 weeks. The foci on the skin may have a form of 2-3 rings, as if inscribed in one thing; On the head - the foci of multiple, without visible inflammatory phenomena, with inclination to merge and location in the edge zones (Fig. 1). M. Lanosum on the skin forms multiple inflammatory spots, often affects flush hair; On the head there are 1-2 major rounded round-haired focus with clear boundaries and highly crushed hair and several small foci of the wrong outlines (Fig. 2). Inflammatory phenomena may be absent, but there are also infiltrative and valuable forms. With all types of microsporia, the hair is riveted at 4-8 mm above the skin level and shrouded with a white-gray case. There is a damage to eyebrows, eyelashes.

The course of chronic microsporic, self-selecting occurs by the period of puberty. With the arrogant form of the microsporium, secondary, allergic, rashes on the skin (microsporids, Lichen MicroSporicus), not containing fungus.

Diagnosis. In a microscopic examination, hair is represented by a shrouded cover from small (2-4 MK) mosaic arranged argument (Fig. 3). Fungal-affected hair have a characteristic green glow under a luminescent lamp. The culture of M. Ferrugineum on the Saburo environment has a leathery, phaviforous character, rusting color, consists of Mitcelium and the mass of chlamydospore. The culture of M. Lanosum is a flat disk, covered with a whitish-yellowed fluff, with radial grooves; Microscopically characteristic of large pointed multi-chamber macroconiums (spindle) with double-circuit walls.

Treatment. The affected areas of the skin are lubricated by iodine tincture, and then rub sulfur-ketage-salicylic ointment. For the treatment of the scalp, 4% ephylinic plaster, causing hair loss throughout the head; Antibiotic griseofullvin - orally (the hair is swollen); In contraindications to the use of these drugs, fractional epilation by X-rays are carried out.

The prevention of a microsporium caused by M. Ferrugineum is repeated inspections (using the fluorescent lamp) of the family members of the patient, children in the team and the rapid isolation of the identified patients. In the fight against the microsporement caused by M. Lanosum, a coordinated work of medical and veterinary services is needed, the destruction of cats in the foci of Mikosa, systematic catches of homeless animals.

It is also important to carry out the current and final disinfection in the foci.

Fig. 1. The scan of the scalp, caused by a rusty microsporum. Foci in the edge zone.
Fig. 2. The chip of the scalp, caused by fluffy microsporum. Large rounded focus and several small foci.
Fig. 3. Hair, affected by the microsporum, surrounded by a cover from small, mosaic disputes.

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