Wicked is your question or message. How to answer tactless questions. Which way do the wicked take?

According to the compilers of the explanatory dictionary, “wicked” is the same as “vicious”, “sinful”.

In the Bible, as reported on one of the religious portals, there are forty-two references to wicked people.

How the word "wicked" is interpreted in the Bible's Psalms and Proverbs

A person who is arrogant, borrows and does not repay, speaks false words, and treats people less fortunate than himself with contempt can be called wicked.

The following people are also wicked, as stated in the online Bible:

  • those who do not skimp on gifts in the hope of influencing the course of justice;
  • angry (giving in to anger);
  • trusting the advice of the wicked.

The denouncer of paganism, the Apostle Paul, wrote in his revelations about the danger that awaits everyone who even accidentally thinks about the possibility of following such advice (he was the first to characterize the wicked in detail).

The wicked Paul, referring to Holy Bible, called people who succumbed to the seductive promises given to them by the first wicked or “unclean” - fallen angel, expelled from heaven. The purpose of the counsel of the wicked is to cause a person to deviate from the path assigned to him by God.

Since ancient times, clergy have called the council of the wicked the gatherings of corrupters.

The main goal pursued by the wicked is to deprive a Christian of his power through false preaching. To persuade a person to abandon earthly suffering, necessary for the salvation of the soul, to think more about the improvement of temporary, earthly life and to focus all his attention on carnal pleasures.

In other words, the goal of the corrupters is to lead believers to the path of the wicked.

Which way do the wicked take?

Those who set out on the path indicated by the advice of the wicked will not be able to find justification for their actions at the final judgment prepared for them by God. “...The way of the wicked will perish,” these words are in one of the psalms.

In the messages left to descendants by the Apostle Paul, it is said that many people take the path of sinners (since it is broad), not realizing that a well-ordered temporary (earthly) life ends with a descent into the underworld.

The apostle calls attending meetings of corrupters the last step leading to destruction. It is also known that Paul anathematized “preachers” whose teachings were saturated with lies.

So who are these wicked people?

Modern people who do not attend temple rarely hear the word “ungodly.” This concept is found mainly in the vocabulary of believers. Most people, when trying to understand the meaning of the word “ungodly,” turn to the messages left by the apostles.

If you believe the information published on one of the religious sites, there are those among Christians who do not classify Judas as a traitor, but consider him the performer of an important task (without his betrayal, they say, Jesus would not have been able to fulfill his martyrdom mission). This category of believers interprets the word “ungodly” based on the epistles of Jude.

The disgraced apostle, calling on Christians to fight for the faith that he himself once betrayed, gives a clear definition of the concept of “wicked”: this is a person who is able to see in God’s grace a reason for debauchery, desecrating the flesh and slandering representatives of high authorities.

This psalm uses antiphora (opposition), a device often used in biblical poetry: righteous - wicked; the advice of the wicked is the advice of the righteous; the path of the righteous is the path of the wicked; bliss - death. The literal meaning is very clear: happy is the righteous man who shuns evil deeds and keeps the law of the Lord. He is like a green tree standing by water source and bearer of fruit. Unhappy is the sinner. He is like dust carried by the wind. He will not be justified in judgment, because God knows the life of the righteous, but the way of the wicked is destruction. In patristic literature there are three exegetical traditions in the understanding of this psalm: 1. Moral interpretation. 2. Spiritual-ascetic and 3. Prophetic.

1. When interpreted literally in traditional moral categories (Blessed Theodoret, Euthymius Zigaben), the word path is understood as a way of life. The psalmist mentions three categories of wicked people: the wicked, sinners and destroyers (in Synodal translation- corrupters). The wicked most often in biblical language are those who are atheists, idolaters, or people who are internally disconnected from God. By sinners we mean everyone who breaks the commandments and loves a vicious life. Destroyers are people who not only deviate from the path of salvation themselves, but also drag others into destruction. The righteous does not walk with such people, does not stand, does not sit. These three verbs express the completeness of his removal from evil.

2. Saint Basil the Great, in terms of allegorical interpretation, understands the advice of the wicked as consultation with evil thoughts: “Therefore, initially we should call the purity of our thoughts blessed, because the root of bodily actions is the consultation of the heart. Thus, fornication first ignites in the soul of a sensualist, and then produces bodily corruption. Therefore, the Lord says that within a person is what defiles him (see: Matt. 15:18). Since sin against God is called in the proper sense wickedness, we will never allow ourselves to doubt about God due to unbelief. For it means to follow the advice of the wicked if you say in your heart: “Is there a God who rules everything? Is there a God in Heaven who controls everything separately? Is there a court? Is there a reward for everyone according to his deeds? Why do the righteous live in poverty and the sinners grow rich? Some are weak, while others enjoy health? Some are dishonest and others are glorious? Isn't the world moving spontaneously? And is it not an unreasonable chance that distributes the lot of life to everyone without any order? “If you thought so, then you followed the advice of the wicked.” Therefore, blessed is he who has not given himself room for doubt about God, who has not fallen into cowardice at the sight of the present, but waits for what is expected, who has not had a distrustful thought about the Creator of us” (Conversation on the first part of the first psalm). There are not a hundred sinners on the path - that means you are not stubborn in sin. Saint Basil the Great understands the words seat of the destroyers as a prolonged stay in evil.

3. Saint Athanasius the Great also interprets this psalm allegorically, but not in a spiritual-ascetic way, like St. Vasily, and in the prophetic-messianic plan: “David lays the foundation for the prophecy about Christ, who was to be born of him. Therefore, first of all, He pleases those who trust in Him. He calls those blessed who did not follow the advice of the wicked, did not stand in the way of sinners, and did not sit on the seats of the destroyers. For among the Jews three kinds of people rebelled against the Savior: the scribes, the Pharisees and the lawyers, and they are rightly called wicked, sinners and destroyers. And life is called a path, because those who are born are brought to an end” (Commentary on the Psalms).

Truth keeps the blameless along the way, but wickedness destroys the sinner.
(Prov. 13:6)

And if the righteous are barely saved, then where will the wicked and sinful appear? (1 Peter 4:18)

Wicked, unholy. In the OT the word "wicked" [Heb. rush, a cut in the New Testament Greek. rendered asebes, also means “godless”], found mainly in the Book of Job, the Psalms and the book of Proverbs of Solomon, is almost always used in the form of a noun. units and many more h.: ​​"wicked", "wicked". N. not only denies God, but also opposes Him, which is expressed in his actions, which is why the word rusha is often translated as “lawless.” N. is the complete opposite of righteous (-> Justice, righteousness), or pious.

I. THE RELATIONSHIP OF THE WICKED TO GOD. Irreligion - open or hidden under the guise of piety - is manifested not only in relation to God, but also in the corresponding attitude towards one's neighbors and even towards animals (see Proverbs 12:10). N., “forgetting God” (Ps. 49:22), believe that God will not ask them for this (Ps. 9:25), and therefore become “corrupters” (Ps. 1:1), “walking according to their own ungodly lusts "(Jude 18). “There is no fear of God before their eyes” (Ps. 35:2). N. trample God's Law (Ps 119:53) and at the same time are not ashamed to preach His statutes and put His covenant in their mouth (Ps 49:16). “You are near in their mouth, but far from their heart” (Jeremiah 12:2). N. hate God's instruction (Ps. 49:17), and for this “there is no peace for them” (Isa. 48:22; 57:21). “You fast for quarrels and strife, and for the purpose of smiting others with a bold hand” (Isaiah 58:4). “The heart of the wicked is hard” (Proverbs 12:10). N. “deposes the poor and needy” (Ps. 37:14). He “spies on the righteous and seeks to kill him” (v. 32). “The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination, especially when it is offered with deceit” (Proverbs 21:27). The NT stigmatizes “the wicked who turn the grace of our God into licentiousness and deny the only Master God and our Lord Jesus Christ” (Jude 4).

1) per person t.z., God “destroys both the blameless and the guilty” (Job 9:22). Observing what is happening, a person comes to little comfort. conclusion that there is no righteous judgment: “all and all are one” (Eccl. 9:2), “God will judge the righteous and the wicked” (Eccl. 3:17; cf. Matt. 25:31 et seq.);

2) judgment will be carried out on N.: “the shoot of the root of Jesse” “with the breath of his mouth he will kill the wicked” (Isaiah 11:4). God condemned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah to destruction, turning them into ashes and thereby setting an “example for future wicked people.” The Lord knows “how to deliver the godly from temptation, and to reserve the wicked for the day of judgment to be punished” (2 Pet 2:6, 9). “...The wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men” (Rom. 1:18), and “therefore the wicked will not stand in judgment” (Ps. 1:5);

3) according to the promise of God's mercy, N. will be pardoned if he leaves his wicked way (Isaiah 55:7): the Lord does not want “the death of the sinner,” but wants him to “turn from his way and live” (Ezek 33:11 ). N.’s conversion should be expressed in his observance of “all the statutes” of God (Ezek 18:21): “In the righteousness that he does, he will live” (Eze 18:22);

4) after the fulfillment of God's decrees and promises in Christ, who "died for the ungodly" (Rom. 5:6), we "will be justified by His blood, saved from wrath by Him" ​​(Rom. 5:9). “But to him who does not work, but believes in Him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is counted as righteousness” (Rom. 4:5).

The word “wicked” appears 50 times in the Bible.

Deuteronomy 13:13...that wicked men from among you have appeared in it...
2 Samuel 7:10...and wicked men will no longer oppress him as before...
2 Samuel 23:6...But the wicked will be like thorns that are thrown away...
1 Chronicles 17:9...and the wicked will no longer oppress him as before...
Ps 1:4...Not so - the wicked, [not so]:..
Psalm 1:5...the wicked are in judgment...
Ps 5:6...the wicked will not abide in your sight:...
Psalm 9:18...Let the wicked turn to hell -..
Psalm 10:2...For behold, the wicked have drawn their bow...
Psalm 11:9...The wicked walk everywhere...
Psalm 30:18...let the wicked be put to shame and be silent in hell...
Psalm 36:14...The wicked draw their sword and bend their bow...
Psalm 36:20...but the wicked will perish...
Psalm 36:34...and when the wicked are destroyed, you will see...
Psalm 50:15...and the wicked will turn to You...
Psalm 57:4...From birth the wicked have departed...
Ps 67:3...as wax melts before the fire, so let the wicked perish before the presence of God...
Psalm 73:12...And behold, these wicked prosper in this age...
Psalm 74:9...Even the yeast thereof shall be squeezed out and drunk by all the wicked lands...
Psalm 91:8...While the wicked spring up like grass...
Psalm 93:3...How long, O Lord, the wicked...
Psalm 93:3...how long will the wicked rejoice?...
Psalm 109:2...for wicked lips and deceitful lips have been opened against me...
Psalm 119:95...The wicked lie in wait to destroy me...
Psalm 119:110...The wicked have laid a snare for me...
Psalm 140:10...The wicked will fall in their snares...
Proverbs 10:30...the wicked will not dwell on the earth...
Proverbs 12:21...the wicked will be filled with evil...
Proverbs 14:19...and the wicked are at the gates of the righteous...
Proverbs 21:12...how the wicked are brought to ruin...
Proverbs 24:16...but the wicked will fall into destruction...
Proverbs 28:12...but when the wicked rise up, people hide...
Proverbs 28:28...When the wicked rise up, people hide...
Isaiah 57:20...But the wicked are like a troubled sea...
Isaiah 59:7...their thoughts are thoughts of wickedness;...
Jeremiah 5:26...For among my people are the wicked:...
Dan 12:10...the wicked will do wickedly...
Jude 1:4...the ungodly beings who were ordained of old to this condemnation...
Jude 1:15...which wicked sinners spoke against Him...
1Mac 7:5...And all the wicked and ungodly men of Israel came to him...
3Ez 8:25...do not pay attention to the wicked deeds of the Gentiles...
3Ez 9:13...Do not be curious any more about how the wicked will be tormented...
Wisdom 1:16...the wicked attracted her with their hands and words...
Wis 3:10...But the wicked, as they thought, will suffer punishment...
Wisdom 11:10...then they knew how the wicked were tormented in wrath;...
Wisdom 12:4...and wicked sacrifices...
Wisdom 16:16...for the wicked, who deny to know You...
Sir 9:15...Do not approve of what the wicked approve:...
Sir 41:11...Woe to you, wicked people...
Sir 41:13...so the wicked are from damnation to destruction....

Wicked... Spelling dictionary-reference book

See sinner... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian dictionaries, 1999. wicked libertine, libertine, criminal, lost sheep, atheist, sinner, lawless, lawless, sinner... Synonym dictionary

Wicked, vtsa, husband. (book). A vicious person, a sinner. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

M. 1. coll. reduction One who insults something sacred; wicked person. 2. Used as a blasphemous or abusive word. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern Dictionary Russian language Efremova

Wicked, wicked, wicked, wicked, wicked, wicked, wicked, wicked, wicked, wicked, wicked, wicked (Source: “Full accented paradigm according to A. A. Zaliznyak”) ... Forms of words

wicked- dishonest, vtsa, creative. n.vcem, gen. p.m. h.vtsev... Russian spelling dictionary

wicked- (2 m), R. wickedness/vtsa, TV. wickedness/vcem; pl. wickedness/vtsy, R. wickedness/vtsev... Spelling dictionary of the Russian language

wicked- wickedness/vets, vtsa... Together. Apart. Hyphenated.

Vtsa; m. Wicked man. Who is this n.? / Joking Don't be mischievous, n.! ◁ Wicked, s; and … encyclopedic Dictionary

wicked- vtsa; m. see also. wicked a) A wicked person. Who is this wicked man? b) extension; joking Don't be mischievous, wicked man! ... Dictionary of many expressions


  • Wicked, Drake S.. Count Brian Sterling was called a monster. Closed and cruel, he lived behind the stone walls of the family castle, hiding his mutilated face under a mask. Many years ago, at excavations in Egypt...
  • Wicked, Shannon Drake. Count Brian Sterling was called a monster. Closed and cruel, he lived behind the stone walls of the family castle, hiding his mutilated face under a mask. Many years ago, at excavations in Egypt...

It is better to die a holy poor man than a rich wicked man.

Christian aphorisms

Unholiness as a personality quality - complete absence piety; tendency to insult something sacred; to be sinful, unrighteous and vicious.

Once upon a time the philosopher Biant ((c. 625 - c. 540 BC) was sailing on a ship among wicked people; a storm broke out, and they began to cry out to the gods. “Hush!” shouted Biant, “so that the gods do not hear, “Why are you here!” One wicked man began to ask him what piety is, - Biant remained silent. He asked why he was silent. “Because you are not asking about your own business,” Biant told him when his native Priene was captured by the enemy. All the residents fled, taking with them almost all their property. Biant, when someone advised him to do the same, replied: “And that’s what I do, because I carry everything I own with me.”

Unholiness is the complete absence of godliness. Not a shortage, not temporary interruptions, but a complete disaster with piety. Piety (Piety) as a personality quality is the ability to have a large stock of good deeds that have brought real benefit to people; measure your actions with God, live in strict accordance with God’s commandments.

For each person, the heavenly office opens a current account “Piety”, into which “funds” are received for selfless, good deeds that benefit people. At the same time, funds are withdrawn from this account for every indecent act. A person behaved in an indiscriminate manner, betrayed someone, committed a crime, in a word, violated in some way God's commandments, and the forces of the universe deduct from his “Piety” account.

The wicked has a steady red balance in the Piety account. It is impossible to gain piety by leading a vicious existence. The wicked is the wicked child of demonic forces. Incapable of good deeds, he excludes for himself any form of pious life.

Meanwhile, good luck and success, family happiness and excellent health depend on piety. For example, luck is the opportunity to receive some benefits for one’s previously accumulated piety, demonstrated kindness and caring for people. The favorites of luck are those who have previously sown good things. A person who sows good in one place gets good luck in another place. This is how the laws of the Universe operate, in particular the law of Justice.

The wicked turns every step of his life into something ungodly, immoral and immoral.

The priest and the deacon are sitting talking. Deacon: “Father, this is what we’ve come to… Yesterday I was walking through the park, and young people were being debauched in broad daylight.” Guys and girls hug, kiss, cuddle... Pop: - Well, what's this, my son... The other day I was on the train, went out into the vestibule to smoke, and there the wicked man put the female in the lowest bow and took off. And then he pulled out his whore, wiped it on my cassock and said: “Smoking, Holy Father, is sinful in the vestibule...”

Unholiness is hostile and arrogant. She disdains God and His Laws. The Apostle Paul calls the wicked “a man of lawlessness in the absolute sense, exalting himself above all and presenting himself as God” (2 Thess. 2.3 ff, 8); he adds that “the mystery of iniquity is already at work” in the world (2.7). It has, truly, been in action since the beginning of history, since Adam neglected the commandment of God (Gen. 3.5,22).

A wicked person is one who commits wickedness, that is, vice, untruth, sin, who does not believe or does not know God, or who knows but does not fulfill His Laws. Unholiness is not a curse, but a personality trait of a deeply vicious person, clearly demonstrated by his lifestyle. Depravity as a personality quality is the ability, when balancing the advantages and disadvantages, to show a superiority of the latter over the former, to demonstrate a way of thinking and acting that is opposite to the corresponding virtue.

We are all sinners. But godly people strive to grow personally, to develop positive traits personality. The wicked has come to terms with the fact that he is a sinner and does not want to change anything in his life. Moreover, he is confirmed in the opinion that his wicked path is correct.

Unholiness is behavior from the evil one, inspired by the devil. Being the opposite of godliness, wickedness tests righteous people to determine the strength of their convictions and faith.

There was such a great sage Hillel (3648-3768 / 112 BC - 8 AD /), who, despite the glory and honor that fell upon him, remained approachable and modest. The Talmud says: "Every person should be humble, like Hillel" ( Shabbat 30 b). The Talmud tells the following story about his endurance and modesty. One wicked man made a bet for a very large sum - he guaranteed that he would be able to piss Hillel off. This man came to the sage’s house just before the Sabbath, when Hillel was washing, and began to shout: “Where is Hillel?” (although everyone knew where the head of the generation lived). Wrapped in a towel, Hillel came out to him. Then the guest asked him a nonsense question and, having received an answer, left, but a few minutes later he returned with a new, equally empty question. This was repeated several times, and Hillel answered each question with amazing goodwill and seriousness, repeating: “Son, you asked a very important question! Don’t be shy, ask all the questions you have.” Finally, the wicked man could not restrain himself and attacked Hillel with reproaches that because of him he lost a large sum of money by losing a bet. Hillel was not offended and said: “It is worth losing hundreds of gold coins in order to finally learn to control yourself” (ibid. 30 b-31a).

Wickedness often, when it suits it, wants to appear just and benign.

The cat caught the rooster and wanted to devour it under a plausible pretext. At first she accused him of disturbing people by screaming at night and not letting them sleep. The Rooster replied that he was doing this for their benefit: he woke them up for their usual daytime work. Then the cat said: “But you are also a wicked person; contrary to nature, you cover for both your mother and sisters. The rooster replied that he was doing this too for the benefit of his owners - he was trying to make sure they had more eggs. Then the cat cried out in confusion: “So what do you think, because you have excuses for everything, I won’t eat you?” When a wicked person decides to do evil, he will do it in his own way, not under a plausible pretext, but openly.

Peter Kovalev
