The meaning of the word dream book in the explanatory dictionary of the Russian language ushakov. What is the dream of a dictionary - interpretation of sleep from dream books Explanatory dictionary, as a symbol of insufficiency


dream book, m. (outdated). A book containing the interpretation of dreams (see dream in 2 meanings), a dream interpreter.

Ushakov. Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language. 2012

See also the interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what SONNIK is in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

    -VETLYAK - an apartment.thief stealing during the day or in the dark, but from an illuminated apartment.
  • DREAM in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -a, m. The book containing the interpretation of dreams (in 2 ...
  • DREAM in the Complete Accentuated Paradigm by Zaliznyak:
    co-nnik, co-nnik, co-nnik, co-nnik, co-nnik, co-nnik, co-nnik, co-nnik, ...
  • DREAM in the Dictionary for solving and compiling scanwords:
    Interpreter ...
  • DREAM in the dictionary of Synonyms of the Russian language.
  • DREAM in the New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova:
    m. is outdated. A book containing the interpretation of dreams ...
  • DREAM in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    dream book, ...
  • DREAM in the Spelling Dictionary:
    dreamer, ...
  • DREAM in the Ozhegov Russian Language Dictionary:
    In the old days: a book with interpretations ...
  • DREAM in the Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova:
    dream book m. is outdated. A book containing the interpretation of dreams ...
  • DREAM in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    m. is outdated. A book containing the interpretation of dreams [dream ...
  • DREAM in the Big Modern Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    m. is outdated. A book containing the interpretation of dreams [dream ...
  • DREAM STEAL in the Thieves Jargon Dictionary:
    - shulepsky ...
  • PREPARE THE DREAM in the Thieves Jargon Dictionary:
    - to rob the apartment where they sleep ...
  • ! MILLER'S DREAM in Miller's dream book, dream book and interpretation of dreams:
  • DEMNYAK in the Thieves Jargon Dictionary:
    -Dream interpretation - a thief who commits burglaries in dark rooms.
  • ROMANOV EVDOKIM ROMANOVICH in the Brief Biographical Encyclopedia:
    Romanov (Evdokim Romanovich) - ethnographer and publicist, born in 1855, inspector of public schools in the Vitebsk province; with the assistance of folk ...
  • KONVITSKY in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (Konwicki) Tadeusz (b. 1926) Polish writer, film director. In the novels "A Hole in the Sky" (1959), "Modern Dream Book" (1963), "Polish Complex" (1177), "Small ...
    subjectively experienced mental phenomena that periodically occur during natural sleep. Interest in S. is characteristic of all epochs of human culture ...
  • KONVITSKY TADEUSH in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    (Konwicki) Tadeusz (b. 22.6.1926, Nova Vileika), Polish writer. During World War II in 1944-45 he was in a partisan detachment. Began to print ...
    ethnographer and publicist; genus. in 1855; inspector of public schools in Vitebsk province; with the assistance of folk teachers and female teachers and ...
  • FOLK LITERATURE in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    N. literature falls apart: 1) into works that have long been circulating in the lower strata of the population and in their most significant part is an experience ...
  • BRZHEZOVA in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    Czech village near Kutná Hora, where the genus. Lawrence of Brzezovy, Czech historian of the Hussite times. Its wrong Gayek, Balbin, Dobner and ...
  • APOCRYPHA in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    (Greek) - works that have been removed from church use, because the church, for various reasons, does not put them on the same level ...

The dream in which you use the dictionary- means that in real life, when doing your business, you will be too dependent on the opinions and advice of other people, although you are able to cope with everything yourself.

The newest dream book by G. Ivanov

If you buy a dictionary, take it from the library- put in order your home; work with a dictionary- always to sadness.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Dreaming a dictionary- to the fast execution of cases, consult a dictionary for the meaning of a word- means that in the management of affairs you will be dependent on the opinions of other people, but your affairs can be done quickly thanks to your willpower.

Modern universal dream book

It is surprising that the final version of the dictionary cannot be created, every day new words appear in the language- perhaps the dictionary in your dream reminds you that ways of expression and verbal communication have no boundaries.

Referring to a dictionary- a great way to clarify the incomprehensible. What do you want to clarify in your life? In a dream, are you trying to find a certain word in the dictionary? Which? Perhaps this word characterizes the present situation in your life.

Who owns the dictionary in the dream? If this is your dictionary- a dream speaks of your desire to define or explain yourself and your actions.

If the dictionary belongs to another person- perhaps you want to understand his personality. The dictionary also symbolizes discoveries. Are you looking for something new in life?

What language is the dictionary published in? If it is published in a language that you do not know- perhaps the dream speaks of your subconscious desire to learn more about the country where this language is spoken. Sometimes, in order to understand and accept people living in a certain country, you need to learn their language.

Collection of dream books

Flipping a dictionary in a dream- means that your knowledge will soon bring you honor and wealth.

If you dreamed:

Dreams from Monday to Tuesday

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be discouraged - this is just a dream. Thank you for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say through the open window: “Wherever it is night, there is a dream. All good things stay, all bad things leave ”.

Open the tap and tell the dream to pouring running water.

Wash your face three times with the words "Where the water flows, there the dream goes."

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: "As this salt melted, so my dream will go away, it will not bring harm."

Turn the linens inside out.

Don't tell anyone your bad dream before lunchtime.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

DREAM, sleep, m.

1. only food... A periodically advancing physiological state, opposite to wakefulness, for a time to-rogo the work of consciousness stops completely or partially. "He spent more than one night without sleep". Goncharov . "Matvey Savvich muttered something in a dream. Chekhov . "Soon, both fell asleep sweet sleep." Griboyedov . "I have a light dream: as soon as someone creaks, I already watch". Goncharov . "Sleep closes its eyes." L. Tolstoy . "He fell asleep in a heroic dream." Melnikov-Pechersky . "You wrote everything and did not forget to sleep." Pushkin . Wake up, wake up from sleep. Fall asleep. He tends to sleep. I heard nothing from sleep. See something. in a dream. Fall asleep(go to sleep or fall asleep; book.). For the coming sleep(see forthcoming). Heavy sleep. Deep sleep. Deep dream.

|| transfer A state of rest in nature, usually at night. "The desert is already enveloped in sleep, a clear moon has risen over the mountain." Baratynsky . "Sevilla is embraced by darkness and sleep." Pushkin .

|| transfer Monotony, dullness, stagnation, lack of forward movement, change. Their lives were immersed in sleep. Wake up colonial countries.

2. What is dreaming, vision, dreams of a sleeping person. "I slept well all this night and did not dream." Turgenev . "Dreams are strange, but in reality they are weirder." Griboyedov . Prophetic dream. Sleep in hand(see hand). "On silk eyelashes, dream golden dreams." Lermontov .

3. transfer A dream, a dream, something that captivates the imagination and feeling (poet.). "Was that a dream of imagination?" Pushkin . "She gave the poet the first dream to the young enthusiasm." Pushkin . "In the wilderness, the lyre voice is louder, creative dreams are more vivid." Pushkin .

4. transfer About something. unrealizable, fantastic, fabulous, about some n. product of the imagination. All this is a dream.

To fall asleep(sleep) eternal sleep or fall into eternal sleep(rhetorician.) - to die. Like in a dream- 1) about something. delightful, extraordinary. It was beautiful, like in a dream... 2) about the half-asleep, semi-conscious state of someone, about the state of a person who has temporarily lost the ability to clearly, clearly something. hear or see, understand something. I sit as in a dream: I listen and do not understand anything. Neither sleep nor spirit(not guilty; colloquial) - absolutely, not at all guilty. "I am not to blame for that either by sleep or by spirit." Leskov . Through a dream- during sleep. Heard in a dream. "Nature greets the morning of the year with a clear smile through a dream." Pushkin . "I still remember, as if in a dream ..." Herzen . Sleep in none or (colloquially) not in one eye- I do not want to sleep at all. What does this dream mean(means, etc.; joking) - how should this be understood, what does it mean?

Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary... D.N. Ushakov. 1935-1940.



See what "DREAM" is in other dictionaries:

    dream- dream/ … Morphemic-spelling dictionary

    Husband. sleeping state; rest of the body, in the oblivion of the senses; · Contra. vigilance, vigor, reality. Sleep is deep, sound, deep; the dormouse is light, awake, sensitive, by ear, drowsy. Get up from sleep, go to sleep. Sleep attacked, overpowered. Sleep and food worries ... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    encyclopedic Dictionary

    Sleep; m. 1. The physiological state of rest and rest that comes at certain intervals, in which the work of consciousness almost completely stops, the reaction to external stimuli decreases. Strong, deep, sweet, heroic dream ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    dream- periodic functional state of humans and animals with specific behavioral manifestations in the vegetative and motor spheres, characterized by significant immobility and disconnection from sensory systems (see sensory system) ... ... Great psychological encyclopedia

    Noun., M., Uptr. very often Morphology: (no) what? sleep, what? sleep, (see) what? sleep, what? sleep, about what? about sleep; pl. what? dreams, (no) what? dreams, why? dreams, (see) what? dreams, what? dreams, about what? about dreams 1. Sleep is a physiological state of rest ... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

    DREAM- a periodically arising state of rest, which is accompanied by a decrease in the excitability of the central nervous system, switching off consciousness, relaxation of muscles, slowing down of cardiac activity, breathing, etc. The onset of sleep depends on ... Brief Encyclopedia of Household

    DREAM- main voltage network SON-mounted vegetable seeder Dictionary: S. Fadeev. Dictionary of abbreviations of the modern Russian language. S. Pb .: Polytechnic, 1997.527 p. DREAM "happiness bypasses the unfortunate" "with [me] only misfortunes" "the most mischievous impudent woman" "son ... ... Dictionary of abbreviations and acronyms

    See obscure sleep, drift off to sleep, lie in lethargic sleep, induce sleep, dream-suggestive, be in lethargic sleep, sleep in eternal sleep, go to sleep ... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. under. ed. N. ... ... Synonym dictionary

A dream dictionary speaks of dependence on the opinions of others, according to most dream books. However, there are also such interpreters of dreams who are sure that such a book in a dream warns of the need to make a difficult decision. In order not to be mistaken, when interpreting what the dictionary is dreaming of, remember all the details accompanying the plot.

Miller's "vocabulary"

Miller's dream book explains why the dictionary is used in a dream: you are a very insecure person who prefers the advice of more experienced and wise people to your own thoughts.

I dreamed that you keep a small dictionary in your pocket, right, just in case? This suggests that you prefer to remain silent rather than be active or proactive.

Explanatory dictionary as a symbol of failure

The interpretation of a dream about an explanatory dictionary stands apart in dream books. So, according to the Eastern Dream Book, reading an explanatory dictionary in order to find a new word is a sign of a dreamer's lack of communication.

But, the Lunar Dream Book believes that such a dream suggests the "information hunger" of the sleeping person. Among a lot of fuss and chatter, a person does not receive new information for himself, which leads him to dissatisfaction with everyone and everything.

Dictionary-translator, or Decide on goals

Do you dream that you are learning new foreign words for yourself, leafing through, for example, an English-Russian dictionary? Why such a vision is dreaming, the interpreter Longo will explain: you are on the verge of something new that promises you happiness and success. The only thing missing to achieve them is to understand what exactly you want.

Buying a phrasebook in a dream while in a foreign country is a signal that the time has come to put everything in its place: goals, thoughts, desires, priorities and preferences. If you do not do this, luck will turn away from you.

Had a dream that you have an encyclopedia or reference book that you compiled? This means that you cannot live a day without advice to someone.

In a dream, was someone else's name flaunted on the cover of the reference book? Such a plot means that it is important for you to know the opinion of other people about your work, hobbies, behavior - in a word, everything that you do.

What exactly dreamed

Often in a dream we see pictures in such detail that the next morning we can tell what color the fifth flower of the seventh bush in the garden had. According to the dream books, despite the seeming frivolity, this is important information. In the case of dictionaries, there is a possibility that in a dream you saw exactly which dictionary lay in front of you. So.

dream book dictionary

A dream in which a person studies the word that interests him in the dictionary indicates susceptibility to someone else's opinion, which negatively affects the affairs of the dreamer. After such a dream, you should trust your own experience more and rely on intuition to successfully move things forward.

dreamed of a dictionary

The dictionary seen in a dream foreshadows the imminent execution of affairs. The study of a word in the dictionary draws attention to the excessive susceptibility of a person to someone else's opinion. By refusing to influence from the outside, you can significantly speed up the progress of affairs.

what is the dictionary for?

Buying or ordering from the dictionary library predicts the ordering of things to do in your own home. The coming sadness is promised by a dream in which a person works with a dictionary.

what does it mean if the dictionary is in a dream

Scrolling through the dictionary in a dream prophesies the enrichment of the dreamer thanks to his own knowledge.

dream book dictionary

If you look or read a dictionary in a dream, you should expect a successful academic advance, admission or successful exams. A good sign for creative people is the compilation of a dictionary seen in a dream: a person's work will be successful and bring financial rewards.

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