Why is there no Internet on my phone? Why does the Internet via Wi-Fi not work on an Android tablet or smartphone?

You can’t log into the Internet using your browser, and in general there is no icon in the top line on your smartphone screen confirming your connection to the World Wide Web? In such a situation, the first question that arises is: “Why doesn’t the Internet work on the phone?” A tablet may not work in the same way. That is, the problem can occur with any mobile device based on the iOS, Android, or Windows Phone operating systems.

So why doesn't it work from the phone? The most common reason is that you and your device are outside the coverage area of ​​your operator's network. Or the signal from the nearest tower is too weak. Alas, nothing can be done, all that remains is to move to another place where the signal will be strong enough. This is the only way to solve this problem. Another option is to change the operator.

The second most common reason for the phone not working Mobile Internet, – the account has run out of money, and therefore, according to the tariff, you can no longer use the network connection service. Top up your account and use the Internet. Or study the tariffs of other operators and, having learned that you are overpaying, stop working with your operator to start cooperation with another. We recommend paying attention to Wifire tariffs. This minimum costs at maximum quality communications.

Finally, the third reason on our list why there is no Internet on the phone is also a common situation among inexperienced users: the “Data transfer” task is simply not activated in the phone settings. The problem is easily solved by activation - and within a few seconds you can log into a social network or send an e-mail.

Problems with no quick solution

Perhaps your network access settings on your phone are incorrectly configured. Typically, access is activated when the card is installed in the phone. But if something goes wrong, you need to:

  • or receive settings via SMS message from the operator;
  • or visit the company’s website and find the necessary information in the appropriate section, and then enter it into the Internet access settings menu items.

Another problem is that the network is not registered automatically. For example, you found yourself in a railway tunnel, subway, concrete passage, underground parking - somewhere where there is no network reception at all, and then you moved again to the access zone. In this case, the phone should find your operator’s network automatically, but for some reason this did not happen. There was a problem connecting to the Internet. Try the following:

  • the easiest way out is to restart the phone (often this really helps);
  • If the reboot does not help, you will have to take the phone to a service center.

The reason for the lack of communication with the phone may be the operation of a program or virus that you installed, which, when entering the network, takes over all the traffic, preventing you from downloading anything. Uninstall the program after installing which the problems started. Check your phone with reliable antivirus software.

If none of the methods described above are able to resolve the communication issue, try installing a friend, colleague or relative’s SIM card on your phone. There will be Internet - the problem is in the card. There is no Internet (although everything works fine for the one who gave the card) - something is wrong with the phone, it needs to be repaired at the physical or software level.

So, your phone does not see the Internet. For a mobile device, one of our tips will surely become a panacea, and after a few simple manipulations you will again go to the infinity of the World Wide Web. If something is not clear, or you have any questions, contact Wifire representatives online or by phone for clarification!

Tariffs and services of Net By Net Holding LLC may be changed by the operator. Full actual information about tariffs and services - in the “tariffs” section or by calling the phone number indicated on the website.

We are used to always being online, so the situation when the mobile Internet on a smartphone does not work makes many people feel uncomfortable. Applications for calls, communication, games and streaming services require continuous connection with the network. And as soon as the connection stops, we immediately find ourselves in a “network vacuum”, where cards do not work, there is no way to make calls via the Internet or check the weather. Moreover, sometimes a disconnection from the network occurs at the wrong time and you need to quickly fix the problem. In this article, we have collected the most common reasons why the Internet stops working, and most importantly, solutions.

There are not enough funds in the account or the packet traffic has run out

Tariff plans of cellular operators often include free traffic or favorable conditions for ordering a package with traffic. If consumption is not controlled, applications will quickly use up the allocated MB. If there is no money in the main account, then the Internet will not work.

Solution: check the main balance and/or the remaining packet traffic. Limit data exchange between apps when the mobile network is active.

Weak or missing coverage

This is a common reason when mobile Internet on a phone stops working. In some places, the signal from cell towers does not reach or there is only enough coverage for calls.

Solution: check the signal level, change position. Sometimes a shift of 5-10 meters allows you to catch a weak signal.

Data transfer disabled

As unnecessary, users often automatically turn off data transfer on their smartphone. Or this action run applications to save battery power.

Solution: Check if data transfer is enabled. Check applications with power-saving features where Internet shutdowns may occur.

Presence of viruses on the device

Some malware deliberately blocks access to the network.

Solution: check your device for viruses.

Fixed network type

In areas with poor coverage, modern standard the network is not working. Instead of 4G, only 3G or 2G works. If the settings are set to forced operation with 4G LTE, the smartphone will not switch to another Internet connection standard.

Solution: Do not use a fixed network type in areas with poor coverage. Allow your smartphone to select a network automatically.


  1. Open system settings, expand the “More” or “Advanced” section.
  2. Open the “Network Type” item, where select global mode.

Incorrect or missing mobile internet settings

An unexpected failure leads to changes in Internet settings. If another card was used for a while, the phone could change the access point.

Solution: Check that the Internet settings on your phone are correct. Make sure you are using an access point that matches your carrier.


  1. Open the device settings, expand the “More” or “Advanced” section.
  2. In point " Wireless network» select "Mobile networks".
  3. Open the "APN Access Points" item.
  4. If the access point is selected correctly, call the hidden context menu to view the access point settings. Check that the settings are correct.

Operator interruptions

Sometimes telecom operators encounter unforeseen situations in the form of equipment breakdowns. If calls and other services work, but there is no Internet, there are probably interruptions in the operation of the equipment.

Solution: call the operator and ask why the Internet is not working on the phone. Find out if there are restrictions on your number with Internet access.

Mobile device failure

Hardware or software problems are a common occurrence of missing or interrupted communications. If the problem is hardware - related to internal components, or a breakdown of the smartphone, then only qualified specialists will be able to diagnose the problem. service center. In case of software problems, the radio module may fail. Often the problem is solved by changing the firmware, after which the mobile Internet on the phone starts working as before.

Solution: check the functionality of your SIM card in another device. Also install another one on your device SIM card the same and another operator. If there is a problem with the device, change the firmware. IN as a last resort, contact the service center.

Problem with SIM card

Mobile operator cards contain memory and other components. Over time, the card becomes unusable, stops working or fails until it completely fails. It happens that there is no Internet on the phone precisely for this reason.

Solution: If there are problems with the card in another device, and the new card works properly, contact your operator’s customer service center and replace the card. For convenience and to save time, call the operator, find out the location of the nearest service center, as well as what data you need to provide to exchange the card.


Often, the Internet stops working due to a malfunction of the operator or mobile device, which is often solved by a simple reboot. And sometimes the problem is complex and consists of several causes. If your Internet does not work, we recommend using the instructions above, starting with simple steps, and not immediately changing the firmware or taking the device to a service center.

If the network suddenly starts to disappear on your phone, it does not see it or cannot detect the mobile operator, in some cases solve this problem you can do it without the help of a mobile service. It is quite difficult to independently determine the reason for this network behavior on your phone, but you can take a number of measures that will eliminate the problem partially or completely. Such measures include changing the settings inside the phone, checking the phone for breakdowns, contacting your operator directly mobile communications. First, take a look at the network icons in the top corner screen, they can usually tell you a lot. Then start studying this article.

Why the phone stopped seeing the network - the first reason

The very first reason is a breakdown of the SIM card slot itself inside your phone. This happens if you inserted a SIM card carelessly, dropped the phone, or scratched it on the side of the SIM card slot. This is quite easy to determine if the phone does not respond at all to turning the SIM on and off: it simply does not see it.

In this case, you can try to move the SIM card to another slot, if your phone has one. If the sim works and the network appears, then you have solved the problem. You should take your phone to a repair shop and have the slot fixed.

If this does not help, and the problem lies elsewhere, you should turn to other points in the article.

Why did the phone stop seeing the network - the second possible option

Like all equipment with an installed operating system, the phone could suffer some kind of system error. You can try to reinstall the firmware yourself using tools on your computer, perhaps this will fix the problem.

You can download official firmware on the developer’s website and install it yourself using the Odin program.

Why did the phone stop seeing the network - phone settings

Try to set correct settings network to set the access point yourself. Follow the algorithm:

  • Go to your phone's settings by opening the device tray and clicking on the gear icon in the upper right corner.

  • In the settings you need the “Mobile networks” item, find it and click.

  • If your SIM is not identified in any way, but it is definitely inserted into the device, moreover, the phone sees it, then it makes sense to enter the “access points” item.

  • At the very top you will see the “Add” button. You can use it to create your own access points if they were not sent to you automatically when you turned on the SIM card.

  • Go to your mobile operator's website and find the network access point parameters for manual entry.
  • Transfer them to this form.

Save the settings and exit this window.

  • Now click on “search for networks”, after selecting the desired SIM card if your device has several of them.

  • See if the “Data roaming” option is checked. Switch its position to on and then back to off. select Options mobile transmission, if necessary.

As you may have noticed, the main reasons for the lack of network on the phone are as follows: technical problems in the form of a broken antenna, SIM card slot or other parts of the device; incorrect network settings and missing port; phone system error, which can be solved by manually changing the firmware.

Sometimes you can solve them yourself, but sometimes you have to contact service and pay for replacement components.

eNot working access to the World Wide Web is a very common problem today, so many people today search on the Internet why the Internet does not work on their phone.

Moreover, this is relevant for all operators without exception that are on the territory Russian FederationMTS, Megaphone, Tele 2, Beeline and others.

Although the problem may not be in the operator, but in the smartphone.

On devices running under Android platform this is a very common problem.

In any case, it would be useful to understand what the causes and solutions to this phenomenon are.

Banal reasons

Let's start, perhaps, with a number of the most banal reasons, why mobile Internet may not work.

  • Negative balance on the phone. In order to exclude this option, you should check how much money you have in your account. Depending on the operator, the method may differ.
    To find out how to check the account status on your phone, you should contact your operator. Most often, the SIM card has both a balance number and an operator number.
  • The subscriber is outside the network coverage area. Another very simple and common reason. To rule out this option, you should look at the network indicator in your smartphone. An example of this can be seen in Figure 2.
    To fix this problem, there is only one way out - to go to a place where the device can pick up the signal normally. By the way, a weak network can cause the Internet to simply work very slowly.

  • The “Data transfer” option is not enabled in the settings. All modern smartphones have this option. You can easily turn it off in the settings.
    True, depending on the specific smartphone model, the location of this item will be completely different. For example, in phones with a platform Android it can be found this way:
    • go to settings;
    • select “More...” (Figure 3.a);
    • go to the “Mobile network” menu (Figure 3.b);
    • check the box next to “Mobile data transfer” (Figure 3.c).

As mentioned above, in different operating systems this item will be located in different places, but its name will always be approximately the same.

  • Automatic registration on the network did not occur after it had been absent for some time. This phenomenon can occur after a subscriber leaves the subway or simply returns from places where the Internet did not work.
    This is especially true for networks 3G. In this case, there is also one and only way to fix everything and it is to restart your device, that is, turn it off and on again.
    Depending on the phone models This process occurs in different ways, see the instructions.

Settings are wrong

To exclude this option, you should go to the Internet settings on your phone and find there items related to APN, that is, the access point.

Depending on the model, the location of this item may also differ, but APN will remain APN in any case.

  1. Request settings from the operator.
  2. Manually set up the network connection.

The easier option, of course, is the first option. To find out how to request such settings, you should contact your operator or go to your mobile operator's website.

Information on the most common of them can be seen in Table 1.

Table 1. Request numbers for obtaining Internet settings for the most popular mobile operators in Russia

As for other operators, you will need to call the operator and ask him how to get automatic Internet settings.

In most cases the settings will be set to automatic mode and the user won't even notice it.

Only at the end will he receive a message with something like this: “Congratulations! The Internet settings on your phone have been installed successfully."

It happens that you receive an SMS, when you read it, the “Install” button appears.

Accordingly, you need to click on it and the settings will be installed.

Manual network setup

With manual adjustment everything is somewhat more complicated. An example of finding access point settings on Android phones can be seen below.

Step 1. Go to settings, then select “More...”, which is shown in Figure No. 3.a, then select “Mobile network” (Figure No. 3.b).

Step 2. In the menu that opens, open the “Access Point (APN)” item, as shown in Figure No. 4.a.

Step 3. Click on the button to add a new access point. Usually it consists of a simple “+” sign, as shown in Figure 4.b.

Step 4. Fill in the fields “Name”, “APN”, “Username”, “Password”, which are highlighted in Figure No. 4.c.

As for the meanings of these fields, you should also find out about them from the operator; they are completely different for each network.

For the most popular operators, the values ​​of these fields can be seen in Table 2.

Table 2. Internet settings values ​​for the most popular operators in Russia

These menu items may be completely different depending on the phone. There are other reasons why the Internet does not work well or does not work at all.

For many users, the Internet has made it easier to conduct business and leisure, and the advent of the mobile network has made life easier and more fun. Now to watch videos, chat in in social networks and searching for information there is no need to constantly be near the computer. All this can be used on Android.

However, with many privileges, users also have additional difficulties that are associated with the periodic lack of mobile Internet on the phone. Possible reasons There can be many such failures, as well as options for solving it. Internet from MTS on your phone may not work for various reasons, from the simplest and most banal to more complex technical faults.

Call center operators quite often face the question of why the Internet does not work. In fact, in most cases the answer lies on the surface, and the reason may be the most banal.

Most common reasons no connection:

  • no funds in the account;
  • no network coverage;
  • the option is disabled in the phone;
  • The phone is not registered on the network.

No matter how funny it may sound, if the Internet is lost, first of all you should check the balance in your account or the availability of package megabytes. If the account balance is positive, then you should pay attention to the network indicator in the upper right corner of the display. Perhaps there is simply no coverage in the area where the subscriber is located, or the signal is poor and unstable. This often causes poor page loading. There is only one way out in such a situation - to move closer to the base tower. By the way, if the tower is nearby and the indicator shows a low level, it is worth checking the serviceability of the smartphone.

If the antenna is full, and there is money in the account, but the Internet does not work, it is worth checking the data transfer option, it may be disabled. Often subscribers turn it off in the Wi-Fi zone and then forget to turn it back on, or it can be accidentally deactivated by an awkward movement. This option is most often found in the quick access menu, but in different models phone, its location can be excellent. The most common location for the data transfer option is the settings menu, the “Mobile networks” item.

Often we have to go to places where the mobile Internet does not work, and there is no network at all. These could be metro stations or underground passages. Of course, in most cities, even in the metro the MTS mobile network and Internet are available, but there are still exceptions. When exiting the subway, you should check whether your phone is registered on the network. If this does not happen, then the connection will not be received, and the device must be rebooted.

More severe access difficulties

A little the situation is more complicated when the Internet disappears if the phone settings are incorrect. To check and exclude this option, you should go to the settings and check the access point. In such a situation, you can act in two ways - order automatic settings or make them yourself. Ordering automatic settings is the easiest and most quick way. MTS subscribers just need to send a message to number 12345 and save the message that will be received in response.

Setting up your phone manually is a little more difficult. To do this, you need to go to settings, select “Mobile networks”. Next you need to find the line with the access point or APN. In the line where you need to specify the name, mts-internet is written, in the APN, user and password lines, mts is indicated. These items may vary depending on the gadget model. After the settings have been entered, the phone must be rebooted and you can connect to the Internet. If you can’t set up your phone yourself, you should call the help desk and ask the operator a question, or ask for help at the service center.

The reason why the Internet does not work on a phone with an MTS SIM card may be viruses that infect the gadget. Many people think that this is a purely computer problem, but cellular telephone is also susceptible to this attack. To get rid of possible viruses, the device needs to be scanned and then rebooted. If, after cleaning, the Internet still does not work well, you should take the phone to a communication store so that professionals can diagnose it.

Any equipment requires periodic maintenance or repair. Especially something as complex as base towers and mobile communications provision. MTS equipment undergoes maintenance from time to time, and subscribers are notified only if the process is delayed. If all the settings on the phone are in order, data transmission is connected, and there are enough funds in the account, but problems with the Internet continue, you should contact the technical service and find out if the this moment preventative work. In this case, you just need to wait and after a while the connection will be restored by itself.
