Service for renting a cash desk 54 FZ. Cloud checkout. Minimum entry costs: no need to purchase a cash register

From July 1, all online stores that accept payment for goods or services are required to issue a cashier's receipt in accordance with 54-FZ. In case of violation, a fine is provided in the amount of 30,000 rubles. for each violation.

What does an online store need to do?

According to 54-FZ, from July 1, 2017, all online stores that accept payment by bank cards, cash or electronic money are required to use online cash registers.

At the time of payment, the online store must issue a paper or electronic receipt to the buyer. To send an electronic check, you need to take the customer's phone number or e-mail. And copies of electronic checks must be sent to the Federal Tax Service through the fiscal data operator.

There are several solutions for compliance with 54-FZ:

  • Buy a regular online checkout and place it in the office. There should be an employee around it around the clock who, during the payment, will manually punch and send an electronic check. Any cash register from the Federal Tax Service register is suitable for this solution.
  • Renting an online cash register without being physically in the office. In this case, electronic receipts are generated automatically and sent to customers via sms or e-mail. Printing a paper check is not required in this case.
  • The solution from Atol.Online and the OFD Platform includes renting a cash desk and transferring checks to the Federal Tax Service in automatic mode. The checkout can punch several checks per second and works 24/7, which allows punching checks immediately after purchase and sending them to customers.

What happens if the online store has not installed an online checkout?

The amount of the fine for non-compliance with the law for legal entities is from 30,000 rubles. for each case.

In the event of a repeated violation, if the amount of settlements made without the use of cash registers totaled one million rubles or more, the legal entity will be imposed an administrative suspension of activities for up to 90 days.

The penalty for not sending a cashier's check to the buyer is 10,000 rubles. for legal entities for each case of violation.

ATOL.Online is

  • Cashier availability 24/7

  • Service for transferring checks to the Federal Tax Service from the OFD Platform included

  • Assistance in registering a cash desk with the Federal Tax Service

  • Ready-made solutions for integration with CMS systems and payment services

  • Guaranteed delivery of checks to customers

  • Personal user account with ample opportunities

Why is it beneficial

Minimum entry costs: no need to purchase a cash register

The usual hosting model: high security and work 24 * 7 * 365

Fast scalability: backup cash registers are available for the user in case of an increase in load

All services in one window: connecting the cash register to the CMS, Connecting to the OFD Platform for free, buying a CEP, managing the cash register

The owner of the online store will focus on business development, and the service will ensure compliance with the requirements of 54-FZ

Who needs an online checkout? Why is payment by cards a big problem today? Who can work without a CCP at all? Penalties and liability, how to avoid. Use of aggregators, agents and services: Yandex Checkout, Robokassa, Paypal. Who breaks the check, what are you responsible for, and what options are there?

In the new edition of the law, the wording is as follows: “ Checkout is used for calculations". Calculations are:

  • Acceptance of money: for goods, services, acceptance of bets, sale of lottery tickets, work performed.
  • Paying out money: winnings in lotteries and games.

This refers to cash and electronic means of payment. But barter and cashless payments are not taken into account.

Electronic means of payment (ESP)... This is a means or method that allows a client of a money transfer operator (bank, aggregator) to compose and transmit an order for money transfers within the framework of non-cash forms of payments using the Internet, payment cards and other technical devices.

Read more about the Federal Law of June 27, 2011 No. 161-FZ "On the National Payment System".

Types of ESP:

  1. Bank cards: VISA, MIR, MasterCard.
  2. Electronic money: Yandex money, qiwi, PayPal, Kukuruza.
  3. Electronic securities: WebMoney.

Output: a cash desk is needed for everyone who accepts cash or money from electronic means of payment.

When do you need to go to the online checkout?

Those who accept payment from bank cards should go now.

From July 1, 2017 the online cashier should be used by those who already have a cashier, who are on the main (OSNO) and simplified (simplified) taxation system.

From July 1, 2018... those who use UTII, patents, provide services for BSOs, hard-to-reach enterprises according to the old register, vending machines and automatic terminals, who, according to the old version of the law, could not apply the CCP, will go to the online cash register.

Hard-to-reach places (less than 10,000 people live) are approved by each region individually. These are pharmacies and medical centers in rural areas, religious institutions for services or literature in special places.

Card payment problem

According to the old law, most entrepreneurs could not even think that if an aggregator accepts money from cards for them, then they must punch checks. Therefore, everyone who connected Internet acquiring to themselves did not punch checks.

Until December 31, 2013 a check is not needed for card payments in person, a check is also not needed for Internet acquiring (letter from the Ministry of Finance dated June 9, 2009 No. 03-01-15 / 6-293).

From December 31, 2013 to February 1, 2017 the tax office demanded that the cashier's check be punched on the cash register in all cases (letter of the Federal Tax Service dated December 31, 2013 No. ED-4-2 / ​​23721). But most entrepreneurs didn’t hit their checks and thought it was unnecessary.

From February 1 to June 30, 2017 a new edition of the law comes. The tax authorities and the Ministry of Finance issued joint letters, where they explained that everyone who accepts bank cards had to punch checks, and now nothing has changed.

From July 1, 2017 everyone who accepts money from bank cards, incl. through aggregators on the Internet, must punch electronic cash receipts.

From July 1, 2018 there is an opinion that the aforementioned letters do not comply with the law. If this is proven in court, then electronic cash receipts can be generated from this date.

Who can work without a cash register?

  • For non-cash payments.
  • Newspapers in kiosks.
  • Securities.
  • Public transport tickets.
  • Food in educational institutions.
  • Trade in retail markets, fairs, exhibitions.
  • Miscellaneous trade on trains.
  • Trade from cars.
  • Shoe repair.
  • Production of keys.
  • Supervision and care for children, the sick, the elderly, the disabled.
  • Implementation by the manufacturer of nar-hood products, handicrafts.
  • Garden plowing, firewood sawing.
  • Porters.
  • Leasing of own premises to individual entrepreneurs.

If your business falls into one of these categories, you can safely work without a cash register. But at the request of the buyer, you must issue a document with full details and a description of what he paid for.

Penalties for work without CCP

Fines are established by Art. 14.5 Administrative Code. All fines are divided into 3 types: a fine for an official, an individual entrepreneur and a legal entity.

  • Non-use of CCP. Penalty for individual entrepreneurs is 25-50% of the amount, but not less than 10.000 rubles. The fine for LLC is 75-10% of the amount, but not less than 30,000 rubles.
  • Repeated non-use of CRE, if the total amount of settlements is more than 1 million rubles. An official - a prohibition to engage in activities for a period of 1 to 2 years. Individual entrepreneur and LLC - administrative suspension of activities for up to 90 days. They can suspend the activities of the entire company, and no service can be done.
  • The use of a CCP that does not meet the established requirements. For individual entrepreneurs, a warning or a fine of 1500 - 3000r is provided. For LLC, this is a fine of up to 10.000 rubles.
  • Failure to issue a printed check or failure to send an electronic check or a strict accountability form to the buyer. For individual entrepreneurs this is a fine of 2000 rubles, for LLC - 10.000 rubles.

The limitation period for fines for cash register machines is 1 year.

Exemption from fine

Not everyone knows, but it turns out that you can get rid of the issued fine. Those who voluntarily report to the Federal Tax Service about the violation of the use of the CCP may not pay the fine if four conditions are met:

  1. Written statement. Write a statement to the tax office yourself, where you acknowledge the violation.
  2. Confess and correct the violation before being caught.
  3. The FTS should not have information about the violation at the time when your application is received.
  4. Provide information and documents that identify events. For example, you did not issue a check to the buyer, you need to indicate when it was, how much, who the buyer is (if possible). Next, you need to break through the check, and bring a copy to the tax office.

The law does not limit how many times a tax violation can be recognized. In principle, you can confess as many times as you like.


The most famous aggregators: Cloud Payments, PayPal, Yandex.Kassa, Robokassa, Lifepay.

Aggregators- these are companies that provide you with a service / service for accepting payments. They accept payments from a large number of sources and transfer money to your account minus their commission.

Aggregators do not punch checks!

Why do aggregators get money for you, and you punch the cashier's check? All aggregators are credit organizations (abbreviation for NPO in the name, NCO). And according to 54-FZ, they do not punch checks. They do not carry out settlements, but only execute the money transfer order. And the calculations are carried out by you, your company.

When receiving money from a buyer through a credit organization, the check is punched by the supplier of goods / services, that is, you.

Agency scheme

There are a number of companies that are agents. For example,, TimePad, JustClick.

In 2017. TimePad has issued an instruction stating that he is a ticket agent for his clients (he is an LLC), so he will hit checks for you.

RoboMarket is a company owned by Robokassa, but it acts on behalf of Business Element LLC, and it sells goods and services on its own behalf, makes settlements and knocks off all checks.

JustClick is also a non-credit organization, it is your agent who does the settlements for you, so he has to punch checks.

According to the Civil Code, the agent acts in your interests and at your expense (Article 1005 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). He makes payments for you for the goods sold, services rendered. The agent punches the check, so the agent also gets a penalty for not issuing a check.

If you work through an agent, the agent breaks the check.

NextPay: work without checks and cash register

The working scheme of Nexpey is presented below:

The company came up with a scheme in which none of the participants need an online cash register.

There is you and the client. Money passes between the client and you 2-3 working days. Transaction # 1- your client purchases electronic money from NextPay, which is not a sale of goods, i.e. no cashier's check is needed. Transaction # 2- Clients' money is kept in the RNKO-RIB bank. Transaction # 3- Next, your client gives an order to make a non-cash transfer of his money to your current account (according to your invoice). Checks don't come through here either.

The disadvantage of such a scheme is that the money goes up to 3 days. And the date of payment is the date of the payment order. Those. Within 1-2 days, the money does not belong to you, and the payment is not considered complete. In theory, the client can withdraw his payment order back until the money reaches your account - they are not considered yours.

All commissions for the transfer are paid by the client: 3% + 15 rubles. for each transfer. For example, from 1000r. the commission will be 45 rubles.

Robobox: work without an online checkout

The Robokassa company has released its original solution for trading without using an online checkout. Effective from July 1, 2017.

You conclude an agreement with Robokassa and join the loyalty agreement. In the system, the commission for all transactions is paid by you (not the client, as was the case with NextPay).

  • Commission for replenishing a wallet from a bank card 4.9%.
  • Commission for a bank transfer from a wallet 0 rub.

For example, from 1000r. the commission will be 49 rubles.

Let's summarize. The nuances of the work of "cashless schemes":

  • Transfer from bank cards no more than 60,000 rubles. for 1 payment.
  • Translation from other sources (for example, Yandex or Qiwi) - no more than 15,000 rubles. for 1 payment.
  • Money arrives in 2-3 business days.
  • The date of payment is the date when the money is credited to your account.
  • In "NextPay" the client pays the commission, in "Robokassa" you pay.
  • The funds in the bank account do not belong to you, but belong to your buyer until the bank executes the payment order. Those. as soon as the bank debits from the box. accounts money, it is no longer possible to revoke such a payment order.
  • Your customer might go against such a scheme. He also takes risks in this scheme.

Cloud box office (box office rent)

The term "cloud box office" usually means renting a box office. But there is also the placement of your own cash registers in the cloud.

Cloud checkout- this is when you rent a cash register, a regular KKM, and place it in the data processing center (DC) from the provider of this cloud solution. Or you can buy your own checkout and transfer it to storage and installation in the supplier's data center.

The cloud office also needs to be registered with the Federal Tax Service in your name via the Internet in your personal account.


Let's consider the example of the service "".

  1. You need an electronic signature. If not, do it.
  2. Register your legal entity on the Atol Online website. face.
  3. Buy a fiscal drive and a cash register rental service. You conclude an agreement with a fiscal data operator. Register in your personal account on the OFD website.
  4. You receive the registration number of your KKM and fiscal accumulator.
  5. Register with the tax office.
  6. Then you inform Atol about your KKM, the serial number of the OFD.
  7. You receive data to work in the system.

Renting a cash desk frees you up:

  • From buying a cash register. For example, if you open a company for several months.
  • From keeping the cash register at home, in the office (they can turn off the light, and at this time payments from customers will go).

The price of renting an online ticket office for 1 year: Atol = 42,100 rubles, CloudPayments = 45,300 rubles.

If you buy your own checkout and host it in the data center, it will be much cheaper. For example, placement with LIfePay costs 6000 rubles. in year. But consider here also the purchase of software + OFD.

Responsibility to tax

In case of failures or breakdown of the cash register you answer(unless otherwise specified in the contract). If the cloud storage agreement states that the supplier will compensate you for fines, then the scheme is as follows: FTS finishes you -> the supplier will compensate you for the fine.

When concluding an agreement with the data center, define in the agreement who is responsible for the malfunctions and breakdown of the cash register.

You can prescribe financial responsibility in the contract. Those. if you have been fined, you can re-charge that fine to the supplier. But you cannot delegate things like suspension or disqualification.

For example, there was a failure, and the amount of funds received and not broken through is more than 1 million, the activities of the LLC are suspended, the directors are disqualified. In this case, you cannot shift the disqualification and suspension to the director of the data center supplier. Those. no liability is transferred.

Therefore, the data center often offers to rent 2 devices at the same time - in case the first breaks down. And if you have a large online store, you can put 2-3-4-5 machines so that they can punch checks without interruption.


If you have a Yandex.Checkout service connected and you have already bought an online checkout or are going to buy, Yandex will give you an extended protocol for integration. But such a protocol is provided by all other Russian aggregators. It turns out that Yandex is not offering us anything new.

For more information about integration with the Yandex.Checkout service, you can visit the official. site. To date, Yandex.Checkout has not announced any other solutions.

Any checkpoint has a built-in payment machine. According to the law, a checkpoint is an automatic payment device. In the postamat, settlements with the buyer take place automatically without the participation of an authorized person of the organization or individual entrepreneur.

Check-in terminals, vending machines and other automatic devices that do not belong to credit institutions, must issue checks and transfer data to the OFD.

If some devices belong to banks, they do not issue checks. All other checks are required to issue (according to 54-FZ).

From July 1, 2017, in accordance with the amendments in the 54th Federal Law, in stores and other points of sale, incl. and in online stores, online cash registers must be installed, which transmit information about each purchase directly to the tax authorities. To do this, the electronic tape will need to be replaced with a fiscal drive (FN), connect the cash register to the network and conclude an agreement with the fiscal data operator (OFD), which will collect information on payments and transfer it to the Federal Tax Service.

What does it mean?

If earlier the process of buying through an online store looked like this: online payment by a buyer - a payment aggregator (Yandex.Kassa, Robokassa, etc.) - a current account, now online stores are required to issue checks (which must be knocked out at the time of payment) and send them to customers by email or phone. It will no longer be possible to withdraw money to the current account using the aggregator.

An interesting innovation will be the requirement to apply a QR code on the check. The client can receive a QR code in an e-mail or on a real check, read it and see the full information about the payment.

What to do?

Aggregators have not yet offered their solution, so the only thing left for the owners of online stores is to buy or rent an online checkout.

When paying by bank transfer to the company's current account, an online checkout is not needed.

Installing an online cash register

The most seemingly simple solution. But in fact, in addition to the cash register itself, you will have to acquire a cashier who will print and send receipts to customers immediately after online payment (and at night too!).

  • Buy a cash desk and a fiscal drive that meet the requirements of the Federal Tax Service. If you have an old KKT, check with the manufacturer for the possibility of upgrading it.
  • Register CRE and FN on the website (for this you need a Qualified Electronic Signature (CEP).
  • Conclude an agreement with the fiscal data operator (also using the CEP).
  • Configure CCP and integrate with an online store.

Cloud online checkout rental

In this case, you do not need to buy a cashier and hire a cashier. This work will be done on the side of the cloud checkout.

  • Buy a fiscal drive that meets the requirements of the Federal Tax Service.
  • Register FN on the website (using the CEP).
  • Conclude an agreement with a cloud online checkout service.
  • Integrate an online checkout with an online store.

If payment is accepted at the time of delivery, for example, when delivered by a courier, then the check must also be knocked out by the courier.

What is the threat of non-compliance with the law?

Fines for legal entities will range from 75% to 100% of the calculation amount, but not less than 30,000 rubles. Individual entrepreneurs and officials will pay 25-50% to the state treasury, but not less than 10,000 rubles.

If you are selling services, not goods, then the Federal Tax Service gives you time until July 01, 2018.

Despite the fact that the new changes have a number of positive aspects, for example, the frequency of inspections by the tax authorities will decrease; electronic checks will appear, which will replace printed ones; accounting for the proceeds of enterprises will become more transparent, which will exclude the possibility of hiding income and not paying tax for it; most likely, the application of the law in reality will be very difficult. And it is not at all excluded that something may change before July 01, 2017.

Hello! Today we will tell you what online checkouts are for and present our review of online checkouts for online stores.

Federal Law 54-FZ established that all entrepreneurs must work with online cash registers. This is a device with a built-in fiscal drive that will transmit information to the tax office in real time via the Internet.

Online checkout is needed for online stores if:

The online store works with individuals. And customers pay for the purchase in cash, by card, through the online store's own courier service, or through the online form on the website, or through the bank and the PD-4 form.

Online checkout is not needed if:

  • The online store works with individuals, but does not accept money directly. And it sends through third-party courier services, cash on delivery through the "Russian Post" and does not have online payment on the site.
  • The online store works only with legal entities and accepts bank transfers to its current account.

All online stores accepting payments in cash or with bank cards had to start using online checkouts from July 1, 2017.

Before July 1, 2018 a deferral was introduced in the installation of online cash registers for online stores that accept payment by transfer between e-wallets, with the help of a client bank, by a transfer from a buyer and on a receipt for payment at a bank.

Which online checkout to choose?

It all depends on the payment method used in the online store.

1. Online payments only

In this case, you need to transfer the data to the tax office, but you do not need to print a paper check - it is sent to the buyer by e-mail. What will work in this case?

This service connects the acceptance of electronic payments to the company's account: in online stores and online services, on sites and offline - payments from bank cards Mastercard, Maestro, Visa, Mir and other methods. Yandex.Kassa operates both in Russia and abroad.

The service is also suitable for small companies with a turnover of less than 100,000 per year. To connect payments on the site through Yandex, you only need a director's passport, sign an agreement and carry out the integration. All this can be done in 3 days.

If you decide to use Yandex.Checkout, please note: you will have to buy and use a cash register with a fiscal drive on your own to transfer data to the Federal Tax Service.


This is a turnkey cloud solution, online checkout for rent is the same as hosting for an online store. A fiscal drive is provided, connection to the OFD is in progress, automatic generation of checks and their sending by e-mail.

Virtual online cash register works with all possible payment services and aggregators, has a testing platform, eliminates the need to develop additional software.

This is an online booking office for rent based on the ATOL 42FS cash register complex and ATOL software technologies. The service provides ready-made integration with popular CMS systems and payment services, helps register cash desks with the Federal Tax Service. Full technical support is promised around the clock.

E-COM kassa

The online cash desk can be rented or purchased as a property. It is a cloud-based, single-window solution. The technical support service is included in the monthly payment.

2. Payments both online and offline

This is a service that provides a mobile terminal that can be used by couriers or at a pick-up point, as well as an electronic signature. The checkout is integrated with all the programs you need to work. If the cash register is no longer needed (for example, the business has closed), it can be returned.


A service that works in the cloud or in the office of an online store has its own API for integration. The online cash register works with a fiscal printer that the entrepreneur already has. Cash register equipment can be purchased and installed in your premises, or you can rent a device located in the company's data center.

ECAM Cashier

The service has ready-made modules for popular engines and APIs, provides both automatic receipts for online settlement, and manual receipts from the back office of the online store. This option is suitable if you have one legal entity, but several online stores (in this case, one online checkout is used), as well as if there is also a physical point of sale.

What happens if you don't use the online checkout?

  • You'll have to pay a fine. For individual entrepreneurs, this is from a quarter to half of the amount of the calculation that did not go through the checkout (at least 10,000 rubles). For legal entities - from three quarters to the whole amount of the calculation amount (at least 30,000 rubles).
  • If the violation is re-recorded, and if the amount of settlements made without the use of cash registers totaled one million rubles or more, the official will be disqualified for a period of one to two years. The legal entity and individual entrepreneur will be subject to an administrative suspension of activities for up to 90 days.
  • If there is an online cash register, but it does not meet the requirements, the individual entrepreneur faces a fine from 1,500 to 3,000 rubles, for a legal entity - from 5,000 to 10,000 rubles or a warning.
  • If the buyer does not receive an electronic check, the fine for an individual entrepreneur and an official will be 2,000 rubles, for a legal entity - 10,000 rubles or a warning.
  • For failure to provide information at the request of the Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service, an individual entrepreneur will be fined from 1,500 to 3,000 rubles, a legal entity from 5,000 to 10,000 rubles or a warning, and an official - from 1,500 to 3,000 rubles.

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Prepared by Victoria Chernysheva.

Review-comparison of online checkouts for online stores

4.8 (96.47%) 17 votes

A cloud-based online checkout without a cash register is an ideal solution for online stores. A business entity does not need to buy a KKT, he simply leases it. The peculiarity is that you can rent not only equipment that can stand next to the seller or administrator of an electronic store, but also a virtual cash register. Another option is to purchase your own equipment with its subsequent placement in a data center (data processing center).

Cloud online checkout rental: how it works

Rented online cash registers must be registered with the Federal Tax Service. The user is the person who, in fact, will operate the device and punch through the device to receive payments. The cash register equipment must be registered in the name of the user. The procedure for connecting to a cloud CCP consists of the following steps:

  • a business entity issues a qualified electronic signature;
  • registration on the electronic resource of the lessor of cash register equipment (for example, in the ATOL system, cloud online cash registers are allocated only after registration in the ATOL-online database, filling out the company card, signing a lease agreement and paying the first invoice);
  • the user is given the parameters of the cash register and OFD, which will be required for registering the cash register with the tax office;
  • the user independently registers the device with the Federal Tax Service online;
  • registration numbers issued to the user by the tax authority are transferred to the lessor, who enters them into the CCP;
  • completion of registration activities and starting work with the online cashier.

Renting an online cash register in the cloud does not guarantee the absence of technical problems with the equipment. Therefore, it is recommended to stipulate in the contract in advance who is responsible for the breakdown of cash registers, for interruptions in its functioning. The process of operating a rented virtual cash register is not much different from working with stationary equipment, the main difference is that all payments are made in a non-cash form (bank cards or through electronic payment services).

Online checkout (cloud service) implements registration of payments according to the following algorithm:

  • the buyer pays for the goods or services;
  • from the website of the online store, information about the purchase is transmitted to the virtual service of the online checkout;
  • KKT in the usual mode fixes the payment, transfers the fiscal data to the OFD;
  • a check is generated at the cash register, a registration code is assigned to the transaction;
  • the check is drawn up in electronic form and forwarded to the buyer by e-mail (at the request of the client, the document can be sent to him in the form of an SMS message to the phone number).

For such a quick exchange of data, a good Internet connection is not enough, it is necessary to integrate between the website of the online store and the virtual CCP. A cloud-based online checkout for an online store is selected taking into account the estimated volume of daily transactions. This parameter is used to estimate the number of devices that need to be purchased or rented. Each cash register should receive no more than 2 receipts per second. The transaction limit for fiscal accumulators must be taken into account.

Cloud service "Online Cashier" for an online store is offered by various companies, including manufacturers of cash registers:

  • ATOL online;
  • OrangeData;
  • Nanokassa, etc.

The cost of services is calculated monthly for each piece of equipment. You will have to pay an average of 1,500 rubles for one cash register. per month. Fiscal accumulator is paid additionally.

Cloud online checkout: pros and cons

The advantages of rented cloud checkouts are that they do not take up space in the company's office or warehouse, and the seller does not have to worry about power outages. The company does not need to hire a cashier or replace the fiscal drives on its own. The lessor can advise on the registration of equipment with the Federal Tax Service, guarantees the uninterrupted operation of devices are provided.

The advantages of renting a cash register include the ability to automatically control the opening and closing of each work shift. In the personal account on the lessor's website, the company can use a number of additional services - for example, view detailed statistics on transactions for each cash register. The cost of the OFD services is included in the rental price. The user does not need to spend money on the purchase of special software.

But the cloud-based online cash register management service is inconvenient because, in terms of total costs over one or several tax periods, renting can be more expensive than purchasing your own equipment. Another disadvantage is that there is no possibility of issuing checks on paper.

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