Professional oral hygiene. Stages of professional oral hygiene Professional oral hygiene

Many dental diseases are associated with the appearance and spread of pathogenic bacteria in the human oral cavity. Most of them cannot be removed on your own, even with a thorough and correct brushing of your teeth. People with strong immune systems may not be bothered by bacteria for a long time, but the risk of developing tooth decay, stomatitis and other unpleasant diseases is still high. Therefore, professional oral hygiene is a necessary procedure for everyone who cares about dental health. At the InWhite Medical clinic, it is performed accurately, carefully and at an affordable cost, in addition, we often conduct promotions on oral hygiene.

Features of oral hygiene

Oral hygiene in dentistry is a complex of procedures aimed at eliminating soft and hard dental plaque. Deposits appear due to the activity of bacteria: small particles of food containing sugar and carbohydrates remain in the microcracks of the enamel, under the gums or in hard-to-reach places, bacteria feed on these "residues", gradually the number of microbes grows, they form a soft plaque, which after a while is transformed into solid tartar.

Plaque build-up is a natural and ongoing process, but factors such as bad habits, irregular oral hygiene, the wrong choice of brush and paste, and diseases of the immune system lead to the formation of hard plaque, which is much more difficult to combat.

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Oral hygiene helps not only to cope with bacterial damage, but also to improve the color of the enamel, because plaque, as a rule, has a yellowish or brownish tint. The procedure is performed by a qualified hygienist. The professional cleaning service is not only an independent event, but also an obligatory stage of implantation, prosthetics, installation of braces, whitening, since it is necessary to put the oral cavity in order before performing them.

Indications and contraindications

  • bad breath even after brushing your teeth;
  • darkening of the enamel;
  • swelling and bleeding of the gums;
  • visible tartar.

Professional teeth cleaning is performed only after consulting a doctor to identify contraindications:

  • respiratory tract diseases;
  • diseases of the oral cavity in acute form;
  • trauma to the oral mucosa;
  • viral and infectious pathologies.

Oral hygiene techniques

Previously, the only way to perform professional oral hygiene was mechanical cleaning - a procedure using plaque scrapers and tartar forceps, during which it is easy to easily damage the enamel layer or the periodontal tissues. Now dentists have an arsenal of tools and methods for safe and high-quality oral hygiene.

Air Flow

Oral hygiene Air Flow - abrasive cleaning of teeth based on the principle of sandblasting. Using a special instrument with a narrow tip, a jet of air, scented water and abrasive particles - usually baking soda and calcium-containing powder - are applied to the surface of the tooth. Under pressure, the solution breaks and washes away plaque, polishes the enamel. Thanks to the narrow jet, even the most difficult to reach interdental spaces can be cleaned. Air Flow in our clinic is carried out on innovative equipment of the latest generation.

The procedure does not require anesthesia, does not damage enamel, the instrument does not emit unpleasant sounds (which is appreciated by patients with stomatophobia).

Ultrasonic cleaning

Oral hygiene with ultrasound is a non-contact method of removing mineralized hard dental deposits using vibration vibrations. Ultrasonic waves crush the deposits into dust, which is washed off with a stream of water. In addition, ultrasound has an antimicrobial effect and sterilizes the tooth surface. The procedure is very effective in removing tartar.

Mechanical cleaning

Of course, doctors no longer use sharp instruments to chip away plaque. Manual cleaning is performed with brushes and abrasive pastes - the dentist cleans the surface from the remaining plaque and dust, polishes and smoothes the enamel irregularities.

Hygienic cleaning steps

At the InWhite Medical clinic, doctors use all the sounded methods for complete and effective removal of deposits, and also teach the patient how to clean their teeth on their own. Comprehensive oral hygiene includes four stages.

  1. Consultation. The specialist identifies contraindications, finds out the patient's lifestyle, his habits and explains where the plaque came from.
  2. Education. The doctor shows how to properly clean the oral cavity, tells how much time to spend on daytime and evening procedures, how to use an irrigator, rinse aid and dental floss, selects the right brush and paste.
  3. Cleaning. The oral cavity is treated with an antiseptic solution and the procedure is started. Soft plaque is removed with Air Flow, hard plaque - with ultrasound. Finally, the surface is polished with a brush and an abrasive paste.
  4. Strengthening. Additionally, a remineralizing gel and a paste containing fluoride are applied to the patient to strengthen the enamel and enhance the cleaning effect.

Children under 15 years of age are not recommended to carry out professional cleaning with ultrasound, as children's enamel is too fragile. However, you should not completely abandon the procedure, because this way you will not only ensure the health of your child's teeth, but also teach him to take care of the oral cavity. Oral hygiene in children is carried out with mild abrasive agents and a weak pressure using the Air Flow method.

To maintain the cleaning effect and reduce the sensitivity of the teeth, it is necessary to follow the recommendations:

  • the first day, do not eat hot, cold, sour and sweet food - the enamel is still too sensitive to such changes;
  • from mechanical and vibration effects, the gums may swell and bleed a little - you do not need to use ointments, gels and rinse your mouth, in the first few days this is a normal reaction that will pass on its own;
  • use the tools recommended by the dentist;
  • do not forget about regular oral hygiene and do it correctly.

Questions about oral hygiene

Doctors at the InWhite Medical clinic answered frequently asked questions from patients about the procedure.

What is the difference between cleaning and whitening teeth?

To simplify the answer - cleaning does not whiten, but cleans the teeth by removing plaque from the surface of the teeth, which makes them lighter by one tone, and whitening is used to remove pigments inside the tooth tissues and brightens the enamel by 7-12 tones.

Why does plaque build up faster after cleaning?

You are accustomed to the sensations, color and condition of teeth with plaque, after brushing it does not appear faster, just the difference before and after becomes more noticeable, and it seems to you that deposits appear faster.

What is the cost of oral hygiene?

In the clinic InWhite Medical, the price of oral hygiene is not higher than the cost of the procedure in other clinics in Moscow, and training in cleaning at home is free.

Take care of your dental health in the future now - go through the oral hygiene procedure and prevent the development of caries!

Service prices

Service Price
Health lesson (plaque indication, training in personal hygiene, selection of hygiene products) / А14.07.008
Is free
Complex of professional oral hygiene (III-IV degree) / А16.07.051.001
9 000 ₽
Removal of soft and hard supragingival deposits (ultrasound, Air-Flоw, paste, brush) / А16.07.051.002
250 ₽
Removal of soft and hard subgingival deposits, root polishing (ultrasound, Air-Flоw, paste, brush) / А16.07.051.003
700 ₽
Office teeth whitening "Smart bleach 3 LT" (laser) / А16.07.050.001
45 000 ₽
In-room whitening Philips ZOOM! white speed (4th generation) / А16.07.050.002
22 000 ₽
Professional whitening. Additional material for home whitening Opalescence (2 trays; whitening gel) / А16.07.050.003
15 000 ₽
Professional whitening. Additional material for home whitening Opalescence Treswhite / А16.07.050.004
7 000 ₽
Professional whitening. Additional material for home whitening Opalescence Boost / А16.07.050.005
8 000 ₽
Professional teeth whitening. Additional syringes (4 pcs) of bleaching material from a set for home bleaching / А16.07.050.006
6 000 ₽
Professional teeth whitening. Sensitivity aligners / А16.07.050.007
850 ₽
Professional teeth whitening. Quick Pro / А16.07.050.008
6 000 ₽
Making an individual mouthguard for home bleaching / А23.07.002.037
3,500 ₽

Fresh breath, white teeth and rosy gums are the result of complete oral care that includes personal and professional cleaning. The first is performed at home every day, the second - by dental hygienists every six months (for preventive purposes) or according to indications (plaque, bad breath, bleeding gums).

Personal oral hygiene products

The teeth and the spaces between them should be brushed twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. After cleaning, it is necessary to use special rinses. For complete care you need to have:

Oral hygiene after tooth extraction

Oral care in such cases has its own characteristics: it is very important to prevent inflammation of the socket of the extracted tooth. On the first day after the procedure, you cannot rinse your mouth intensively - instead, antiseptic baths are recommended.

In order not to injure the hole while brushing your teeth, you need to use a soft brush.

Professional hygiene stages

  1. Determination of the hygiene index. The dentist treats the teeth with a special preparation that stains the plaque, thereby indicating areas where deposits have accumulated.
  2. Removal of tartar and pigmented plaque. For this, doctors use an ultrasonic scaler and / or an Air Flow device.
  3. Teeth polishing. Mandatory procedure required to prevent the reappearance of dental plaque.
  4. Remineralizing therapy. The teeth are treated with varnishes containing calcium or fluoride. It helps to cope with hypersensitivity, protects against caries and strengthens the enamel.

The procedure for removing tartar is not pleasant, but all stages of professional hygiene are painless.

Methods for removing dental plaque: ultrasound and Air Flow

Professional hygiene professionals use two methods to remove calculus and soft plaque:

  • ultrasonic;
  • sandblasting.

Ultrasonic cleaning is excellent for tough deposits. A special device delivers ultrasonic vibrations and a liquid (usually distilled water) to the surface of the tooth, under the influence of which solid deposits are split off.

Air Flow technology is used to get rid of soft plaque between teeth and in other hard-to-reach places. Under pressure, the apparatus transmits a water-air jet with an abrasive mixture. As a result, the plaque softens and is delicately scraped off. This method of professional hygiene is a salvation for smokers, coffee lovers, tea lovers.

Professional hygiene during pregnancy

Brushing your teeth is not an invasive procedure, and therefore it is not contraindicated for pregnant women. Moreover, preventive oral hygiene will help prevent diseases of the teeth and gums, which are so undesirable for expectant mothers.

Children's oral hygiene

Hard plaque in children, as a rule, does not form, but soft plaque can easily provoke caries. Just like adults, they need professional hygiene. The smallest are cleaned in a gentle mode (soft abrasive brushes), older children - using the Air Flow technology.

The cost of comprehensive oral hygiene

The average price for professional oral hygiene services is 1,500 rubles in Moscow, 1,400 rubles in St. Petersburg, and 2,300 rubles in Nizhny Novgorod.

The final cost depends both on the condition of the patient's teeth and on the methods used to remove deposits. So, in Moscow, they charge 126 rubles for ultrasonic cleaning (for one tooth), for cleaning with the Air Flow method - 2800 rubles, for fluoridation - 650 rubles. Prices for the same procedures in St. Petersburg are 305 rubles (per tooth), 2420 rubles and 1750 rubles, respectively. In Nizhny Novgorod - 80 (per tooth), 1500 and 200 rubles.

The quality of professional oral hygiene certainly depends on the qualifications of the dentist and the equipment he uses. On our website you can get information about clinics where such procedures are successfully practiced.

Professional hygiene is a complex procedure for removing soft and hard dental deposits, which cannot be removed on your own, even with daily careful dental care.

The purpose of this procedure is not only cosmetic, it is also the prevention of caries and periodontal disease. For patients undergoing orthodontic treatment, the presence of non-removable orthopedic structures, the physiological arrangement of "crowding" of teeth, professional hygiene is the only way to remove plaque from the surface of tooth enamel and interdental space. Professional hygiene must be carried out at least every 6 months.

Professional oral hygiene

The complex of professional hygiene includes:

  • Coverage of the teeth with a special indicator that determines the degree of teeth contamination (this is done so that the patient himself can see the places where he does not clean well, and the dentist-therapist can remove plaque everywhere);
  • Removal of calculus with an EMS ultrasonic scaler.
  • Removal of dental plaque using the Clinpro cleaning technology (3M company) or KavoProfypearls (a special apparatus that supplies air, water, tiny abrasive powder particles under pressure).
  • Surface polishing with individual brushes and polishing pastes.
  • Covering teeth with protective and prophylactic varnish, remyralization.

On average, the procedure lasts 40-60 minutes (depending on the degree of teeth contamination).

Dental care after professional hygiene

After the procedure for at least 2 hours, you cannot eat, refrain from smoking (in order to avoid staining the enamel). Follow a "white diet" for several days - exclude foods of bright, saturated colors that can stain the enamel (for example, bright berries, beets, red wine, chocolate, etc.). It is imperative to replace your toothbrush as pathogenic bacteria have been preserved on it. Only a doctor can recommend a quality toothbrush and home dental hygiene products.

Innovative ClinproTM procedure (KlinPro)

Dentistry Clinic Prosmayl.RU presents the innovative ClinproTM procedure from the leader of the dental industry, 3M ESPE. ClinproTM (KlinPro) is a minimally invasive procedure for professional hygiene and prevention.

The ClinproTM procedure is especially effective for the following patients:

  • Orthodontic patients - when it is necessary to carry out occupational hygiene quite often (once every 3 months)
  • Periodontal patients with pocket depths up to 5 mm
  • Patients with implants
  • Before filling with composite restorations in one visit
  • Before the teeth whitening procedure in one visit
  • Patients with hypersensitivity, for example, who have undergone a professional whitening procedure

A feature of the ClinproTM procedure (KlinPro) is a gentle effect on the tooth tissue. ClinproTM materials allow you to customize the care system for each clinical case, providing the best result. The complex uses an innovative remineralizing fluoride varnish, which has an aesthetic white color and high efficiency against generalized tooth sensitivity. The technique allows you to remove local hypersensitivity.

Our doctors

Sign up for a consultation and caries treatment.

Professional oral hygiene is a set of measures carried out by a hygienist, which are aimed at mechanical removal of dental plaque from the surface of the teeth and from under the gums. This includes professional cleaning of teeth with ultrasound from tartar, removal of plaque with the Air Flow apparatus, polishing of the tooth surface with special instruments, as well as professional fluoridation of teeth.

The scheme of ultrasound action on dental calculus:

The principle of action of the Air-Flow device on dental plaque:

Polishing teeth after removing tartar and plaque with a special fluoride paste:

Professional fluoridation gels with trays for 3-5 minutes with fruit fillings:

A complex of hygiene procedures is carried out for both children and adults. The frequency of teeth cleaning, whitening and other professional oral hygiene procedures is determined by the hygienist individually for each patient. Most people are advised to perform professional oral hygiene once or twice a year. Moreover, the course of professional hygiene includes training in the rules of hygiene and the selection of individual products that are optimal for each patient. Agree, if your child learns how to brush his teeth from childhood, this will guarantee the health of his teeth and gums, his dazzling smile at any age, self-confidence, and, consequently, his success in life.


Many people develop brown plaque on their teeth from tea, coffee, and smoking. Salts from saliva are deposited on the plaque formed, to which microbes from the oral cavity join. This is how tartar is formed. In tartar and plaque, pathological microorganisms multiply at a tremendous rate, first causing inflammation of the gums, and then inflammation of the teeth ligaments and bone tissue around the teeth. First, gingivitis develops, the first sign of which is bleeding gums, and then periodontitis, in which the teeth begin to loosen. If urgent measures are not taken, the development of periodontitis will lead to the loss of teeth.

Dental plaque and calculi before professional hygiene:

After professional hygiene:

The development of gingivitis and periodontitis is influenced by ecology, living conditions, nutrition, and the general condition of the body. Moreover, the hereditary factor matters only in 2% of cases.

The frequency of calculus and plaque deposition depends on the viscosity and composition of saliva, on the presence of bad habits (in particular, smoking), on the state of the bite (crowding of teeth), on the quality of the toothbrush, the frequency of individual hygiene, the correct movement of the toothbrush during toothbrushing ( not the time devoted to personal hygiene, as is commonly believed by the people, but the correct movement of the toothbrush). Naturally, diseases such as hypertension, urolithiasis, diabetes mellitus, liver diseases also affect the frequency of plaque and stone deposition ...

Dense stained plaque and tartar cannot be completely removed by daily brushing yourself. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly carry out hygiene procedures in a dental office.

For a visual demonstration to the patient and for a more thorough indication of the presence of dental plaque, the hygienist stains the teeth with a special liquid. At the same time, clean teeth are not stained. "Fresh" dental plaque turns pink, and "old" plaque turns purple for more than a day. And the patient can see for himself those areas that require more thorough professional oral hygiene.

Caries and periodontal disease develop only in conditions of insufficient oral hygiene. Prevention of caries and periodontal disease is a regular professional hygiene... Removing dental calculus is as important as treating dental caries.

According to dentists, the main cause of oral diseases is the activity of microbes. There are about 300 species of various microorganisms in the oral cavity. But under normal conditions, when a person is healthy, this ecosystem is balanced. But if the balance is disturbed, the growth of certain types of microbes begins, which are capable of causing pathological processes that cause diseases.

For example, regular consumption of carbohydrate, sugary foods can cause imbalance. Colonies of microbes, together with their metabolic products, which have an acid-base component, settle in the form of deposits throughout the oral cavity. They cover the gums, the surface of the tongue, cheeks, as well as the outer and inner surfaces of the teeth.

Individual and professional oral hygiene is designed to fight dental plaque. Thus, hygiene procedures are the most important factor in killing bacteria and stopping their growth.

The rules of personal hygiene are known to everyone and consist in the correct and regular cleaning of teeth and gums at home. Most of us turn to professional hygiene when there are clear signs of bacterial infection. Others use professional hygiene to whiten their teeth. In addition, professional hygiene is necessarily carried out at the beginning of all measures for the rehabilitation of the oral cavity.

This type of hygiene procedure is performed by a special group of dentists, who are called "hygienists". They have a wide range of hygiene products.

For example, in their arsenal there is necessarily a set of professional toothbrushes with different bristle stiffness and different shapes, special oral irrigators, ultrasonic and combined devices designed to clean teeth, whiten them and remove tartar. In addition, they use special therapeutic ointments for procedures, abrasive toothpastes, dental floss for cleaning braces, etc.

The main task of professional hygiene procedures is:

Thorough mechanical cleaning of teeth and the entire oral cavity from soft bacterial plaque, elimination of hard dental deposits (tartar), in order to prevent the development of major diseases - caries and periodontal disease.

Before directly carrying out the procedure, rinse the mouth with a special antiseptic solution. Then, during the procedure, if necessary, local anesthesia is administered. For this, sprays, gels or injection anesthesia are used.

What does professional hygiene include?

The doctor hygienist performs the procedure as follows:

With the help of a special tooth paste, soft plaque is removed;

Then, using the Airflow Apparatus, removes soft and hard supragingival deposits. The device works with a strong jet of a mixture of water and a special soda product, which are served simultaneously.

Then the subgingival plaque is removed. This procedure is called skiling and is performed using a special ultrasound machine.

After that, the enamel and the restorations on the teeth are polished. The procedure is carried out using special pastes;

Then the teeth are covered with fluoride varnish or remineralizing agents.

The professional hygiene procedure must be carried out for several reasons:

Firstly, it is the initial stage of any complex of dental procedures.

Removing deposits on tooth enamel has a beneficial effect on the health of periodontal tissues. At the same time, there is an accelerated process of enamel enamel with mineral substances.

Secondly Removal of deposits allows you to more accurately identify hidden carious lesions that were not visible due to dental plaque. It also helps to more accurately determine the shade of the enamel, which is very important when carrying out tooth restoration or prosthetics.

How often should professional oral hygiene be performed?

You should visit a specialist in this area at least once every six months. If a bracket system is installed in the oral cavity, the procedure should be performed once every 3 months. If necessary, the doctor may schedule more frequent visits. But this is decided on an individual basis.

Also at the reception, a specialist will teach the rules of oral hygiene to prevent the occurrence of dental plaque. After an examination, he, based on the condition of the patient's teeth, will recommend the necessary toothbrush of a certain hardness and the correct toothpaste. The doctor will teach you how to independently perform finger massage, which is important for gum health.

You also yourself should not forget about the simple but important rules for the prevention of dental diseases. Including: the need to brush your teeth after each meal, massage the gums. You should also remember that the brush needs to be replaced with a new one every 2-3 months, and be sure to use a floss thread.

Remember that tartar on your teeth and bleeding gums are signs of serious medical conditions and require urgent dental treatment. Therefore, it is necessary to visit a doctor at least twice a year. Be healthy!


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