Meeting of gentlemen Veche and council of gentlemen. The significance of the veche in the Novgorod Republic

The significance of the veche in the Novgorod Republic

Despite the fact that after the events of 882 the center of the Russian land was moved to Kyiv, the Novgorod land manages to remain independent.

So in 980, Prince of Novgorod Vladimir Svyatoslavovich deprived of power Prince of Kyiv Yaropolk, enlisting the help of the Varangian squad, which only strengthened the authority of Novgorod.

In the second half of the twelfth century, Vladimir Monomakh took certain measures to consolidate the positions of the central government in Novgorod. in 1117, despite the discontent of the Novgorod boyars, the Novgorod throne was occupied by Vsevolod Mstislavovich.

Already by 1136, after this ruler was expelled from Novgorod, the actual public administration in the Novgorod Republic began to be carried out using the so-called system of veche organs or simply Veche. Such a control system only gave independence to Novgorod.

The tasks and responsibilities of the veche included the election and overthrow of princes, as well as the resolution of various issues that related to military campaigns or making peace with enemies. In addition, this governing body drew up all Novgorod legislative acts and carried out a fair trial of various heads of executive bodies of Novgorod state power.

The Novgorod prince, elected, as a rule, from the Rurik family, was called upon to manage this assembly. It should also be noted that it was the prince who was the main symbol of this state. The prince, together with his mayors, was obliged to perform judicial functions, as well as appoint and remove bailiffs and judges.

In addition, the Novgorod veche included a mayor and an archbishop.

The mayor was elected by the veche for a clearly defined period, giving him special judicial powers to resolve various issues that related to the organization of life in the Novgorod Republic.

The role of the archbishop was played by the church head, who had some privileges, including in the administration of the court. In addition, he was the chairman of the so-called Boyar Council, which in Novgorod was called “Ospoda” (in Pskov the same council was called “Lords”).

As the governing body of the republic, this veche was able to exist until the annexation of the Novgorod principality to the Russian state.

The text is given according to the edition: Kovalenko G.M., Smirnov V.G. Legends and mysteries of the Novgorod land. - M.: Veche, 2007.

A report from Riga merchants from Novgorod dated November 10, 1331 states that a fight took place in Novgorod between Germans and Russians, and one Russian was killed. In order to resolve the conflict, the Germans came into contact with the thousand (hertoghe), the mayor (borchgreue), the governor (namestnik), the Council of Lords (heren van Nogarden) and 300 golden belts (guldene gordele). The conflict ended with the alleged murderer being returned to the Germans (his sword was covered in blood), and they paid 100 coins to the city and 20 coins to the officials. Who were these people called “golden belts”?

IN. Klyuchevsky believed that the 300 gold belts represented the entire governing nobility of the city: from the Ulichsky elders to the boyars who did not sit in the Council of Gentlemen. Academician V.L. disagrees with the great Russian historian. Yanin, who believes that 300 golden belts are the Novgorod veche, to which the owners of 300-400 estates gathered. As evidence, Valentin Lavrentievich cites the limited dimensions of the veche area, which would not accommodate big number of people. Danish historian Knud Rasmussen devoted to this problem special study, in which he proves that the veche and 300 golden belts are different authorities, since each of them put forward different demands to the Germans. So, there is no clear answer. And not only to this question. Although many books and articles have been written about the famous Novgorod veche, scientists continue to argue about its actual role in the life of the Novgorod state.

Was the veche a body of popular rule or an obedient puppet in the hands of a few noble families? Where did the meeting meet? Who and how many took part in it? And even such a seemingly minor detail: whether the participants in the veche meetings were sitting or standing, also remains a subject of heated debate. Without claiming to be the ultimate truth, let us briefly recall the history of the issue. The word "veche" probably comes from the verb "to broadcast." Vechas also existed in other Russian cities. But only in Novgorod did these spontaneous popular assemblies, preserved from the clan system, gradually begin to acquire the significance of the supreme body of the entire state. Although the veche did not have clear regulations and met as necessary, over the years veche traditions developed that were firmly ingrained in the minds of Novgorodians. Scientists are still arguing about the location of the veche square, but, according to the majority, the city veche met next to Yaroslav's courtyard near St. Nicholas Cathedral.

All free citizens, regardless of rank and condition, had the right to participate in the veche. This right was a matter of legitimate pride for the citizens of the Novgorod Republic. Every Novgorodian could convene a meeting. To do this, it was enough to ring the veche bell, the voice of which was easily distinguished by the sensitive Novgorod ear from the choir of other bells. However, no one abused this right, since the unauthorized convening of a meeting for an unworthy reason threatened the culprit with severe punishment. In the middle of the veche square there was a platform on which the speakers rose. The platform was called a “degree”, which is probably where the name “steady posadnik” came from, that is, the posadnik who led the people’s assembly. The city council adopted laws, invited the prince or expelled him, decided the issue of war and peace, adjudicated the most important crimes related to the deprivation of life and confiscation of property, and elected the mayor. To put it simply modern language, the veche united two branches of government at once - legislative and judicial.

The decisions of the veche were called a verdict; all of them were recorded by the veche clerk, who then sealed the document with a lead seal. The sentence was determined by hearing, by the strength of the screams. When opinions differed, consensus was achieved with fists and stakes. Unlike modern democracies, where an elected official is not under the control of voters until the next election, the council could oust a bad manager at any time. Often, removal from power was accompanied by beatings, confiscation of property, and for some corrupt officials, their careers even ended with a fall from the Volkhov Bridge. Does this not explain the almost exemplary state of the municipal economy of Novgorod? In its comparative cleanliness and tidiness, Novgorod stood out favorably from European cities drowning in sewage, including Paris and London.

The city consisted of five ends (Plotnitsky, Slavensky, Lyudin, Zagorodsky and Nerevsky). All ends had their own meetings, which represented their interests at the general meeting. City streets had their own street meetings. There was much less politics in the activities of the Konchansky and Ulichsky veche meetings; they discussed those issues that are now commonly called “communal services” - the condition of the pavements, the distribution of duties, settling disputes between neighbors, etc. But it was at this level that the foundations were laid local governmentroot system any democracy. To manage current affairs, the Konchan veche elected an elder. The headman did not rule alone, but with the assistance of the most eminent citizens who made up the Konchan government.

The power of the veche was not limited to the city limits. It extended over the vast lands of the republic, divided into Pyatyns and regions. They had their own small capitals: Pskov, Izborsk, Velikiye Luki, Staraya Russa, Ladoga, which had their own veche, but in general affairs they obeyed the verdict of the Novgorod veche. “Whatever the elders decide, that’s what the suburbs will do.” Over the course of five centuries, the role of the veche has changed, and this institution of power itself has also changed. There were calm evenings that resolved routine issues, but there were also stormy evenings. Historians often compare the veche to a performance staged by a group of Novgorod nobility. Of course, the boyars sought to control the people's assembly. But often a split arose in the elite itself, and then the popular element got out of control, passions spilled out, fists and stakes were used, and only the intervention of the clergy could stop the bloodshed. The veche tradition was not interrupted even after the annexation of Novgorod to Moscow. Although city councils no longer met, the townspeople still resolved many “housing and communal” issues together. In this sense, the street meetings can be considered predecessors modern system local government.

The entire autonomy of Veliky Novgorod rested on the veche - the people's assembly. According to old Russian concepts, the veche, in a broad sense, was not something legal; this name generally meant a people's gathering, and therefore, from our point of view, a veche can be called legal, that is, a legal-conscious assembly of people discussing their affairs. The entire free male population gathered at the veche, that is, everyone except servants, slaves and other dependent people. “300 golden belts” - 300 representatives of the noblest and richest boyar families of Novgorod (later their number increased to 500) came to the citywide meeting, which had the highest power in all of Novgorod. The council met in the city square, and its decisions were known to everyone. This highest body of power, the veche, established rulings, treaties with princes and with foreign lands, declared wars, made peace, summoned princes, elected rulers, ordered the collection of troops and the protection of the country, ceded ownership or feeding of land, determined trading rights and the quality of coins, sometimes brought peace to churches and monasteries, established rules and laws, was thus a legislative authority, and at the same time was a judicial authority, especially in cases concerning violations of public rights. At the meeting, the most important officials were elected: mayor, thousand and bishop (later archbishop). The archbishop, in addition to spiritual power, also had secular power: he was in charge of the city treasury, foreign relations of the Novgorod Republic, and had the right of court. But the highest secular power was in the hands of the mayor. He was, by modern concepts, head of the Novgorod government, led the veche and represented the interests of the Novgorod boyars. Tysyatsky, commanded the city militia and acted together with his sotsky assistants on behalf of the entire free population of Novgorod. The corporation of Novgorod merchants, which bore the name “Ivanskoye Sto”, together with the thousand, was in charge of the court of trade affairs. At first, only one mayor and one thousand mayor were elected, who remained in their positions for life. But over time, the number of posadniks and thousands grew. Since the veche did not meet constantly, but only when it was convened, it was necessary permanent body authorities, who would manage the Novgorod Republic. The Council of Gentlemen became such a body of power. It consisted of old and sedate posadniks, thousanders, sotskies and an archbishop.

The council had an aristocratic character, the number of its members in the 15th century reached 50. This body developed from the ancient institution of power - the boyar duma of the prince with the participation of city elders. In the 12th century, the prince invited city councilors and elders to consult with his boyars. As the prince lost organic ties with local Novgorod society, he and the boyars were gradually forced out of the council. He was replaced by the local ruler, the Archbishop, who became the permanent chairman of the Council.

Frequent changes of senior officials in Novgorod became the reason for the rapid growth of the composition of the Council of Gentlemen. All members of the Council, except the chairman, were called boyars. The Council of Gentlemen prepared and brought up legislative issues at the meeting, presented ready-made bills, but it did not have its own voice in the adoption of laws. The Council also carried out general supervision over the work of the state apparatus and officials of the republic, controlled the activities executive power. He, together with the prince, the mayor and the thousand, decided on the convening of the veche and subsequently directed all its activities. The council of gentlemen had great value V political life Novgorod. It consisted of the highest Novgorod class, which had a powerful economic influence on the entire city; this preparatory council often predetermined the questions raised by it at the veche, conducting preparatory answers among the citizens. Thus, the veche very often became a weapon to give the decisions of the Council legitimacy in the eyes of citizens.

Regardless of the big veche, each end had to have its own private veche: this is evident from the fact that the ends wrote their own charters, had their own seals, and in case of misunderstanding, talked to each other: this would have been impossible without meetings.

The decisions of the veche were made unanimously; in case of disagreement, the veche was divided into parties, and the strongest forced the weakest to agree. When, for a variety of reasons, the city split into warring factions, the entire veche mechanism of power began to malfunction. Two meetings were convened at once, the warring parties converged on the Volkhov Bridge and resolved the conflict with the help of bloody massacres. The winning side often demanded the execution of their opponents, and the vanquished flew from the bridge into the river. At the veche there was no concept of a quorum, and hence one time the entire population of the city could be at the veche and not pass the law, and another time - a hundredth part of the population and pass a law that was beneficial only to this part. The result of the vote was determined not by the number of votes, but by the strength of the throats of those shouting: for which they shouted louder, it was considered accepted.

Most likely, the reason for the establishment of the veche, republican system and the decline of princely power in Novgorod was that several different nationalities with their own traditions and interests coexisted within the city. Novgorodians have long been accustomed to deciding the most important questions together, on general council, and autocratic princely rule had little chance of taking root in this state.

Was as follows:

But is it possible to be a Christian without attending meetings? God looks at the heart. The main thing is how you live. Christ said: “If you love Me, keep My commandments.” (John ch. 14, v. 15). If I live according to the Gospel, share the word of the Bible on the Internet, isn’t that enough? I went to Bethany, they immediately enrolled me in the group (everyone there is divided into groups), and began to invite me to home evenings with tea parties. I didn’t like these evenings, I found them empty and useless, and it turned out that by refusing to attend them, I broke away from the group. I love people, but by nature I am unsociable, I better at home one. Or, if you visit a parish, then do not strain or oblige you to do anything.

Before answering our reader’s questions, I suggest you pay attention to the material studied on the topics of the Church in these articles:

It is worth saying that by meeting or church we mean any place where believers will gather to worship God in Spirit and Truth.

19 Truly I also say to you that if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven,
20 For where two or three are gathered in My name, there am I in the midst of them.
(Matt. 18:19,20)

Jesus does not say that it is enough to believe in yourself, He calls you to preach, seek believers and unite into the family of God.

Peter calls the gathering of such believers a chosen race, a holy people, those who have received mercy:

9 But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light;
10 Formerly not a people, but now the people of God; [once] those who had not received mercy, but now they have received mercy.
(1 Peter 2:9,10)

In this way, the shepherd built a fence around his sheep, which protected the flock from wolves. In a kind way, God protects the Church from Satan by uniting believers together.

When those around them saw the study of God's Word and the regular meetings of the congregation, they began to call believers Christians:

26 For a whole year they gathered in church and taught a considerable number of people, and the disciples in Antioch for the first time began to be called Christians.
(Acts 11:26).

People around us see not only, for example, our refusal to smoke, drink alcohol, or use swear words, but also how we strive to be together for the sake of Bible Study. For this reason, in the first century, people from the outside began to call believers Christians.

The apostles taught that every Christian is a member of the congregation, and together they are one body.

3 By the grace given to me, I say to each of you: do not think more about [yourself] than you ought to think; but think modestly, according to the measure of faith that God has allocated to each.
4 For just as we have many members in one body, but not all the members have the same function;
5 So we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually members of one another.

12 For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of one body, although many, are one body, so is Christ.
13 For we have all been baptized into one body by one Spirit, whether Jew or Greek, slave or free, and we have all been given one Spirit to drink.
14 But the body is not made of one member, but of many.
(1 Cor. 12:12-14)

As we study the New Testament, we will see churches being established in different cities and believers worshiping together.

Almost all the letters of the Apostles were sent to congregations in different cities, where there were disagreements, disputes, misunderstandings and deviations from the Truth in ministry: letters to the Roman Church, churches in Corinth, Kollosi, and so on.

They also wrote to individual Christians to instruct them in the gospel in the congregations where they served: Titus, Timothy...

Confirmation of the desire to serve God is an act of faith through water baptism, we wrote about this in this article:

One of the rules or commandments becomes this:

24 Let us be considerate of one another, encouraging one another to love and good deeds.
25 Let us not abandon our meeting , as is the custom among some; but let us exhort [one another], and all the more as you see the day approaching.
26 For if we sin willfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remains no more sacrifice for sins,
(Heb. 10:24-26)

Communication between Christians is one of the important components of the spiritual life of the congregation.

6 If we say that we have fellowship with Him, but walk in darkness, then we lie and do not practice the truth;
7 But if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, then we have communication with each other, and the Blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.
8 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.
9 If we confess our sins, He, being faithful and righteous, will forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
(1 John 1:6-9)

Jesus calls us to walk in the light and have fellowship with our brothers and sisters in the faith.

For example, without fellowship and understanding, we may be condemned when we take the sacrament together on Sunday.

23 For I received from the Lord [Himself] what I also delivered to you, that the Lord Jesus took bread on the night in which he was betrayed
24 And having given thanks, he broke it and said: Take, eat, this is My Body, broken for you; do this in remembrance of Me.
25 He also took the cup after supper, and said, “This cup is New Testament in My Blood; Do this whenever you drink, in remembrance of Me.
26 For as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the death of the Lord until He comes.
27 Therefore, whoever eats this bread or drinks this cup of the Lord unworthily will be guilty of the Body and Blood of the Lord.
28 Let a man examine himself, and in this way let him eat of this bread and drink of this cup.
29 For whoever eats and drinks unworthily eats and drinks condemnation for himself, not considering the Body of the Lord.
(1 Cor. 11:23-29)

Warning each other against mistakes, studying the Scriptures together - we are in the same teaching, we inspire, support and sympathize. On the day of Sunday service, we together, like Christians of the first century, sing to God, pray and remember Christ. Together we are family!

If we cannot find congregations to serve God like the early Christians, then we need to organize a church ourselves. Just like the first Christians did.

Staying alone for a long time is dangerous. Seek believers, seek fellowship—desire to walk in the light!

Do you think we are stronger when we are together?

25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself for her,
26 to sanctify it, cleansing it with the washing of water by the word;
27 That he might present it to himself as a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but holy and without blemish.

Gen 1:10 ...a meeting called the waters seas...
Exodus 12:6 ...then let him kill it all meeting Society of Israel...
Exodus 12:16 ...And on the first day you shall have sacred meeting,..
Exodus 12:16 ...and on the seventh day the holy meeting:..
Exodus 16:3 that everything meeting this is to starve...
Lev 23:3 ...and on the seventh day is a Sabbath of rest, holy meeting;..
Lev 23:7 ...on the first day you shall have sacred things meeting;..
Lev 23:8 ...the seventh day is also holy meeting;..
Lev 23:21 ...sacred meeting may it be with you...
Lev 23:24 ...feast of trumpets, sacred meeting[may it be with you];..
Lev 23:27 ...let you have sacred things meeting;..
Lev 23:35 ...on the first day holy meeting,..
Lev 23:36 ...on the eighth day holy meeting may it be with you...
Numbers 10:7 ...and when to collect meeting, sound the trumpet, but not the alarm;..
Numbers 26:9 ...These are Dathan and Abiron, who are called to meeting,..
Numbers 28:18 ...On the first day [you will have] sacred meeting;..
Numbers 28:25 ...And on the seventh day you shall have holy things meeting;..
Numbers 28:26 ...may you have sacred things meeting;..
Numbers 29:1 ...may you have sacred things meeting;..
Numbers 29:7 ...let you have sacred things meeting:..
Numbers 29:12 ...let you have sacred things meeting;..
Judges 20:2 ...all the tribes of Israel, in meeting people of God...
Judges 21:5 ...who did not come to meeting before the Lord from all the tribes of Israel?...
Judges 21:8 one came before the Lord into the camp meeting...
1 Kings 8:14 ...and blessed everything meeting Israelis;..
1 Kings 8:14 ...all meeting The Israelites stood -..
1 Kings 8:55 ...And standing he blessed everything meeting Israelis...
1 Kings 8:65 ...and all Israel with him - great meeting, converged...
1 Kings 12:3 ...Then Jeroboam and all meeting Israelis...
1 Kings 12:20 ...then they sent and called him to meeting,..
2 Kings 10:20 ...And Jehu said, Appoint a festival meeting for Baal's sake...
1 Chronicles 13:4 ...And he said everything meeting: May it be so,..
1 Chronicles 29:20 ...And everything was blessed meeting Lord God of his fathers...
2 Chronicles 1:3 ...And Solomon and all went meeting with him...
2 Chronicles 6:3 ...and blessed everything meeting Israelis -..
2 Chronicles 6:3 ...all meeting The Israelites stood -..
2 Chronicles 7:8 ...and all Israel with him - meeting quite big...
2 Chronicles 23:3 ...And everything concluded meeting union in the house of God with the king...
2 Chronicles 29:28 ...And that's all meeting they prayed and the singers sang...
2 Chronicles 29:31 ...And it took off All meeting sacrifices and thanksgiving offerings...
2 Chronicles 30:2 ...and that's all meeting in Jerusalem -..
2 Chronicles 30:13 ... meeting very numerous...
2 Chronicles 30:23 ...And everything was decided meeting celebrate another seven days...
2 Chronicles 30:25 ...and that's all meeting which came from Israel...
Ezra 10:1 ...a very large crowd flocked to him meeting Israelis...
Ezra 10:12 ...And everything answered meeting, and said in a loud voice:...
Nehemiah 5:7 ...And I called a great meeting against them meeting...
Nehemiah 5:13 ...And everything was said meeting: Amen...
Nehemiah 8:2 ...prev meeting men and women, and everyone who could understand...
Jeremiah 6:11 ...I will pour it on the children in the street and on meeting young men;..
Jeremiah 6:18 ...and know this, meeting what will happen to them...
Lamentations 1:10 ...which You commanded that they should not enter into meeting Your...
Lamentations 1:15 ...convened against me meeting to destroy my young men...
Ezekiel 16:40 ...And they will call against you meeting,..
Ezekiel 23:46 ...For thus hath the Lord God spoken: To call against them meeting...
Ezekiel 23:47 ...And meeting will stone them...
Dan 13:41 ...And he believed them meeting as elders of the people and judges...
Dan 13:60 ...Then that's it meeting screamed in a loud voice...
Hos 7:12 ...I will punish them as I heard meeting their...
Joel 1:14 ...declare a solemn ceremony meeting,..
Joel 2:15 ...establish a fast and declare a solemn ceremony meeting...
Joel 2:16 ...Gather the people, call meeting,..

Acts 1:16 ...(it was meeting about one hundred and twenty people):..
Acts 13:43 ...When meeting was dissolved...
Acts 15:12 ...Then everything fell silent meeting...
Acts 19:32 ...for meeting it was a mess...
Acts 19:40 ...Having said this, he dismissed meeting...
Acts 23:7 ...and meeting divided...
James 2:2 ...For if in meeting yours...

1Mac 4:59 ...And Judas and his brothers and all meeting Israel,..
1Mac 5:16 ...then a great thing was gathered meeting for a meeting...
1Mac 7:12 ...And it came together to Alcimus and Bacchides meeting scribes...
1Mac 8:19 ...and they entered into meeting advice and, having begun, said: ..
1Mac 14:44 ...or convene without him meeting in the country...
2Mac 14:5 ...when he was called by Demetrius to meeting advice...
2Ed 5:62 ...although meeting It blew loudly, so that you could hear it far away...
3Ez 13:34 ...And he will be gathered into one meeting countless multitude...
Jude 6:16 ...and they ran together meeting all their young men and wives...
Sir 23:33 ...She will be brought out before meeting,..
Sir 31:12 ...and his alms will be proclaimed meeting...
Sir 38:38 ...and yet they are in meeting not invited...
Sir 50:22 ...for everything meeting sons of Israel,
