Su-Jok therapy. Alternative medicine. Acupuncture and acupressure treatment Sud jock acupuncture technique

Sujok is a relatively young way of healing, although it is based on the ancient knowledge of Tibetan and Chinese medicine... The essence of sujok therapy is that, guided by the atlas of receptor points on the palm and foot, they affect the organs reflexively associated with them.

Park Jae Woo, a Korean professor, in 1984 proposed an original method of reflexology for hands and feet (su - hand; jock - foot). According to oriental medicine, all organs have projections on the hands and feet - the so-called correspondence points.

Sujok therapy (atlas of points on the palm). The impact on health occurs by massaging certain points corresponding to the internal organs

There are other feedback systems. There are reflex points on the auricle, on each finger there is an "insect" system. However, the greatest recognition was given to the projection of the body onto the hand, since the shape of the hand corresponds to the structural features of the body.

The palm of the hand represents the front of the body and the back represents the back. Wherein:

  1. The head is projected on the upper part of the thumb, below the neck, where the points of the thyroid gland, nasopharynx are located.
  2. Under the thumb, on the tubercle, receptor points of the heart and lungs.
  3. On the rest of the palm, as in the body, the projections of the abdominal organs are located.
  4. From the back of the hand- points of the spine and kidneys.

Hands and feet are represented by fingers, where the hands are the index and little fingers, and the legs are the middle and ring fingers. The same reflex points are on the foot.

If any organ malfunctions, the balance of the flow of vital force (Ki) is disturbed. As a result, painful sensations appear at the receptor points. Restoring the balance of the energy flow and engaged in Sujok therapy, using the atlas of points on the palm and foot.

The goal of the self-regulation method therapy is to find painful points, activate the diseased organ through them, help it cope with the disease and bring the body into a harmonious state.

Interesting fact! To activate the points, use sticks, wormwood cigars, seeds, light. You can massage with a match, pencil and other objects of artificial and natural origin.

Unlike the drug treatment, the method is safe, it is not difficult for him to learn, he is effective in many diseases:

  • respiratory system;
  • genitourinary system;
  • skin problems;
  • inflammatory processes of various etiologies (reasons);
  • digestive disorders;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • cardiovascular problems and many others.

Sujok therapy for headache

To relieve pain, first determine its localization. Often the reason lies in the disruption of the work of an organ. Pain in the temples is a problem in the gallbladder. If the back of the head hurts, then the cause may be the bladder or cervical spine. A feeling of pain in the forehead - stomach problems are possible.

Depending on the nature of the pain, Sujok therapy is used to stimulate the bioactive zones. Guided by the atlas of points on the palm, using a stick, match, nail, find a painful spot and massage it for 2-3 minutes.

If the pain persists, it is recommended to apply an irritant to the receptor zone: buckwheat grains, millet, rice. The grains are glued to the patch and applied to the zone (up to 8 hours), pressing on them from time to time. Then they are replaced with new ones.

Sujok therapy for coughs and colds

Colds can also be successfully treated without medication. For coughs and runny nose, Sujok therapy gives a good effect. The Palm Spot Atlas is a guide to stimulating the sinus zone — the ball of the thumb. Massage the pads of the other fingers will speed up the result.

If the throat hurts, the receptor points of the tonsils, trachea, larynx are massaged - the fold of the phalanx of the thumb and slightly lower. If phlegm does not come off well, massage the thumbs, pressing from the bottom up.

Pay Attention! Seeds are widely used in Sudzhok therapy. They must be alive - capable of sprouting. Anything from apple seeds to pumpkin seeds are suitable. Filled with biological vitality, they are able to give a quick and lasting effect.

If the area of ​​application is small, apply only one seed, if more, it is recommended to spread the seeds in the shape of the organ. Depending on the disease, the color, the similarity of the shape and the effect of exposure - heating, cooling or calming - are taken into account.

Sujok therapy for neuralgic disorders

Sujok therapy gives good results for depression, addictions, neuroses. A topographic map of receptor zones, or an atlas of active points on the palms, will help restore sleep, calm the nervous system, and get additional energy.

Insomnia is defeated by activating the correspondence point:

  • the pituitary gland (the nail plate of the thumb);
  • the back of the head (the back of the thumb below the nail):
  • neck (area on the finger below the back of the head).

It also stimulates the kidney and solar plexus area.

Sujok therapy for oncology

This therapy is not a panacea, although for many diseases it is used as the main method of treatment with a positive result. But in case of oncological diseases, one cannot refuse to take medications and the advice of the attending physician, who will take into account the severity and course of the disease.

Sujok therapy for stroke and heart ailments

The cause of pain in the heart can be neuroses, diseases of the spine, addiction (smoking, alcohol), overwork. Here Sujok therapy relies on reflexology according to the atlas of points on the palm. and restores energy to the point of the heart and related organs.

In case of pain in the heart with a stick, pen, pencil, vigorously massage the zone of correspondence with the heart; it is located on the dais at the thumb. The point can be heated with a cigar. Further, seeds of viburnum, pumpkin, cucumber, hawthorn (arrhythmia) are used.

With bradycardia (rare pulse) massage clockwise, with tachycardia (rapid pulse) - counterclockwise.

Sujok therapy is also successfully used in the rehabilitation of the consequences of a stroke. Point massage and seed reflexology help speed up recovery.

Sujok therapy for thyroid disease

Massaging the nails of the index finger of the left hand and foot will be useful for improving the functioning of the thyroid gland. Next, the areas around the nail plates are massaged.

The pituitary gland and hypothalamus are organs closely connected with the endocrine system, therefore, it is recommended to massage the correspondence points of these glands too. The application of seeds to the projection of the gland in the palm of the hand works well.

Is Sujok therapy allowed during pregnancy?

The opinions of specialists about the benefits of therapy do not coincide. Since most drugs have side effects, many doctors believe that sujok therapy and atlas of points on the palm is a lifesaver for pregnant women. The massage relieves morning sickness, reduces swelling, improves metabolic processes, and accelerates the elimination of toxins.

Be careful! According to Dr. Loy-So, a practicing specialist and author of the book Sujok - Healing Self-Massage, pregnancy is one of the conditions for which Sujok therapy is not recommended.

Atlas of points on the palm for weight loss

By stimulating the receptor points, you can reduce weight and consolidate the result by controlling your appetite. For this purpose, the projections of the following active points are used: the navel, stomach, esophagus, pituitary gland, intestines, mouth.

To reduce appetite, plant branches are attached to the points along the movement of food through the esophagus, the direction of plant growth should be opposite to the passage of food. In the stomach area, application is made with grains of rice, millet, apple seeds. Buckwheat seeds at the point of the intestine normalize stool.

Massage and application of seeds in the area of ​​the navel and pituitary gland projection have a beneficial effect on the endocrine glands, "Pacify" appetite, accelerate metabolism. Therapy according to the atlas of points on the palm for weight loss has no side effects, but it is quite possible to get a slim figure and maintain health.

Sujok therapy and acupuncture: general and different

The systems are united by the fact that both use biologically active points of correspondence to restore health. But it is impossible to practice acupuncture without deep knowledge of oriental medicine and philosophy. In addition, in reflexology, needles are placed on points throughout the body.

The method of self-regulation in Sudzhok therapy does not require knowledge of all the intricacies of the Eastern approach, it is based on massage, the principle of which is accessible and understandable. Despite its simplicity, the method is effective, as anyone can see.

Energy imbalance in the body is the cause of most diseases. Restoring balance by the method of self-regulation in Sudzhok therapy is a way to help yourself, your family and friends without drugs.

Sujok therapy (atlas of points on the palm). The health effects in this video:

Sujok therapy, health effects:

Acupuncture (from the Latin Acus - a needle and punctura - an injection) is as fashionable today as green tea, golden threads, homeopathy ... That is, like everything that has been fashionable for many millennia, but, despite this, bears a stamp mystery.

About matryoshka and miniature masters

Eastern philosophy represents the body as a projection of the Universe, the hand as a projection of the body, the finger as a projection of the hand. and so on like a nesting doll. Therefore, the zone of influence can equally be the whole body and the tip of the index finger. There are many acupuncture techniques. They differ in the degree of interference in the activity of the organism and, so to speak, in the place of application. Compared to the classical Chinese method, the Koreans, who created the Su Jok method, act more delicately and “work in miniature”: they affect the palms and feet (Su Jok in translation just means hand-foot), where the largest number of active acupuncture points are concentrated. ...

About metamorphoses and correspondences

Take a closer look at the palm from an unusual angle: in your imagination, unfold your thumb up, lower the rest down. Yes, this is a little man! Indeed, you seem to see a projection of yourself. The palm is the stomach, its back is the back, the thumb is the head, neck, chest, the so-called life line is the diaphragm that separates the chest from the abdominal cavity... The index finger and little finger are the man's hands, the middle and ring fingers are his legs. Mentally draw a vertical line clearly in the middle of the back of your hand - this is the spine. Now, if you are a little familiar with anatomy, it will not be difficult for you to determine the points corresponding to certain organs and parts of the body. Who was the first to notice this obvious similarity, now we probably will never know. But he projected onto the hand and foot the location of internal systems and organs, joints, muscles, and proved that the zones on the hands and feet are directly related to them, Dr. Park Jae Wu, professor of medicine from Korea.

About the uniqueness and 5 merits of Su Jok

  • High efficiency... If you act on the points correctly, the result is noticeable in a few minutes.
  • Absolute safety... No side effects. Stimulating the points leads to healing, but the wrong effect will not harm. In this case, as Eastern healers say, the energy wave is extinguished at the very beginning and the effect is reduced to zero.
  • Versatility... With the help of Su Jok therapy, you can heal any part of the body, any organ. And it doesn't matter what caused the painful sensations: the body does not care what you call the disease. In this case, the doctor does not set conditions, does not dictate what a particular organ needs to do. The body only receives a direction and chooses the most adequate form of reaction itself, that is, the path in which it should go to health. But the most remarkable thing is that with many common ailments (colds, headaches) you can set the right course yourself.
  • Availability... You don't need to memorize anything. Su Jok needs to be understood once in order to use it all your life.
  • Simplicity... You can conduct a Su Jok therapy session anywhere. And you can easily find the right tool.

About tools and algorithm of actions

  • Select the correct point. To do this, evenly, firmly enough, but so as not to damage the skin, press on the correspondence zone. Feel the sharp pain? So you have found the right point.
  • Determine the angle of exposure correctly: the pain will become even stronger. You may even cry out or pull your hand away instinctively.
  • Stimulate the selected point for 20-30 seconds - press on it evenly, despite the painful sensations.

After about half a minute, the pain in the finger will go away, it will be replaced by a feeling of numbness or warmth. The pain that tormented you in this or that organ will also disappear.

Su Jok specialists use tiny needles or a special diagnostic stick as tools. You can get by with a regular match, a rounded stick, a pen shaft, or an unfinished pencil. In extreme cases, you can also stimulate the correspondence points with a fingernail.

Before you is the projection of the internal organs on the hand and foot. Using this scheme, you can easily find the right point and use the Su Jok method to get rid of the pain.

About traditions and innovations

Once upon a time, acupuncture needles were made of an alloy of silver or gold, now they are made of medical steel. ... But modern reflexology is not only about using needles. There is electropuncture, laser puncture, EHF-puncture (exposure to extremely high frequencies). The most promising today is electropuncture, which is actively used primarily as a good pain reliever. Not so long ago, scientists were able to establish that the impact on acupuncture points with electric current of various frequencies has a positive effect on immunity. And if microscopic doses of immunomodulating drugs are injected into them, then the effect is absolutely amazing. This new direction in reflexology is called "pharmacopuncture". But innovation is innovation, and the hands of a specialist mean something.

About smart choices and charlatans

In Moscow and St. Petersburg there are clinics at the Su Jok Academy, whose work is led by Dr. Park Jae Wu, a leading specialist in the field of acupuncture. So now doctors do not have to go to Korea for permanent residence in order to learn the intricacies of this treatment method.

Ask the professionals

“Official medical science has never found unknown anatomical structures in acupuncture points,” says Evgeny Meizerov, director of the Research Institute of Reflexology of the Federal Scientific Clinical and Experimental Center for Traditional Diagnostic and Treatment Methods of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

They are no different from other fabrics in structure, but differ in properties. A number of such points are called the meridian. In the East, it is believed that qi - the energy of life - flows along these meridians. There are 12 meridians in total, and they are located symmetrically in both halves of the human body. Energy flows from one meridian to another, and the latter connects with the first, forming a closed system. Each meridian is associated with one internal organ, the name of which is: the meridian of the heart, liver, lungs. The last one is the most important. When a child is born, with his first cry, his lungs open, he breathes in air, and with it - the very energy of life that spreads throughout his body. Diseases occur when energy circulation is disturbed. The impact on biologically active, or acupuncture points, helps to restore the correct and free flow of qi and restore health. " Maybe this Eastern idea is not entirely clear to a Western person and is close. Nevertheless, it works and Su Jok therapy is officially recognized by the Ministry of Health.

International system?

Jen-ju (chen) therapy, or acupuncture, or reflexotherapy (a term introduced by French specialists, but only in Russia), or acupuncture (the name of the technique accepted all over the world) ... There are many names - the essence is the same. The cradle of the ancient healing system was the southeast of Asia, China, Korea... Archaeological research indicates that stone acupuncture needles found on the Korean Peninsula are more than 3 thousand years old. But Su Jok acupuncture is not something foreign, not peculiar to our culture. Some scholars believe that a similar system of treatment existed among the Western peoples, the Slavs. Until now, some elements of the ancient teaching have remained in use: the use of cans, a Russian bath with whipping with a birch broom. Maybe the game of "Magpie", which adults love to amuse toddlers, has the same medicinal roots.

Correspondence systems in which the body is projected onto the hand and foot are called basic in Su Jok. But you can even project the location of the internal organs onto your finger. By the way, animals on their limbs have exactly the same correspondence points as humans. So, if necessary, you can apply Su Jok therapy techniques on your Tuzik or Barsik.

by the way

A peasant suffering from migraines removed a stone from arable land and, accidentally dropping it on his leg, recovered from an exhausting headache. So, according to an ancient legend, special points were discovered, energetically connected with various organs.

For Eastern healers, it was common practice to determine the course of pregnancy by the vibration of a silk thread tied to the finger of the patient behind the screen. They distinguished up to ten types of pulse, at a distance they found foci of diseases. Since then, a lot has changed: instead of a silk thread, ultrasound is used, and the internal structure of the body is clearly visible on X-rays. But today we, who are accustomed to understandable pills and thermometers, really lack something incomprehensible. A miracle is missing!


Relax as much as possible and focus on the procedure. To achieve the result faster, you can first stimulate the correspondence point located on the palm, and then, if the situation allows, then on the foot. You can get rid of the disease in 10-20 sessions.

Su Jok acupuncture is a universal way of influencing the feet and hands with needles or other similar devices, helping to heal pathologies without the use of drugs, that is, it is harmless to the entire human body.

Many people are familiar with acupuncture as a method with an ancient history. And its varieties are massage, influence on points with electricity, heat, etc. Such treatment can only be carried out by a real specialist who has undergone long-term training. If the manipulation is carried out by an amateur, then this can harm human health.

A Korean physician named Park Jae Woo discovered a unique way to heal the body through the effects on the legs and arms of a person. He proved that on the feet, palms and hands there are areas that correspond to all systems and organs. Pathological changes in a specific organ causes pain at the corresponding point. When the correct influence is exerted on this point, healing occurs.

The essence of the therapeutic effect is to find the point corresponding to the affected organ. These points are influenced by a special needle, massage, heating, magnetic fields, electricity, etc. such manipulations in the early stages of the development of the disease promote recovery, help prevent exacerbation, acute or chronic course.

In the practical recommendations for the treatment of this technique, it is indicated that it affects only the hand, since it is easier and more comfortable to carry out treatment on it. Also, active points on the feet are no less effective. Each person can find such points in his own place in accordance with special schemes.

Translated from Korean, Su Jok is a hand and a foot. It is on these parts that many receptors and points are located, which correspond to various organs.

With the development of any disease in the body, points appear on the cyst or on the foot in which pain is felt - these points are associated with the organ in which the pathology arose. When these points are found, the therapist can help the patient overcome the disease by stimulating the found points with needles, magnets, seeds of special plants, etc.

Point detection

Painful points are found as a result of palpation with fingers or any object with a rounded tip and a diameter of about 2 mm. In this case, it is necessary to press on the area until tolerable pain appears. The initial search for pain points should be done with light pressure, because it may happen that all the points turn out to be painful.

In the process of searching, it is necessary to gradually increase the pressure. In those points where the pain increases markedly, and become points for treatment.

Impact techniques

    1. Mechanical massage. At the same time, the most painful point is pressed until tolerable pain, and then it is massaged with vibrating movements for one to five minutes. This can be done with one or several points, as well as massage the entire hona with a special roller or massage ring. For the purpose of mechanical influence on points, many improvised objects are used - small pebbles, balls made of metal or other materials, grains, etc. These objects are glued to the detected points with a plaster and periodically massaged. If the application contains live grains, then they should be changed after a maximum of 24 hours and no longer.
  1. A magnetic field. Sometimes magnets are placed on the points, which are fixed with an adhesive plaster. The magnet is placed on the most painful point. If the condition worsened when the magnet was installed, its polarity should be changed.
  2. Live seeds. Many are familiar with the power of germinating seeds - this power is used in this therapy. The seeds are glued with a plaster to the points that correspond to the affected organ. The seed acts both mechanically and bioenergetically.
  3. Warming up. Heat is expanding energy. It has a stimulating effect on biologically active points, therefore, for many pathologies that correlate with a lack of energy, warming up gives good results. Warming up is carried out with the help of special wormwood sticks - moxa. They are placed on the skin without additional devices or by means of stands. Then the moxa is set on fire and it smolders, thereby warming up the point. Sometimes the heating of points on the feet and hands is carried out with an object that emits heat.

Treatment options in Su Jok therapy

  1. Self-regulating method, when the impact is made on the corresponding pain points of the organs. When the flow of energy in the affected organ is disturbed, special energy circuits are formed, and an electromagnetic wave is generated. Such energetic closures are directed to all correspondence systems and therefore are presented in the form of pain points. Both artificial and natural stimulation of such points of correspondence promotes the manifestation of electromagnetic waves with a healing effect, which are directed to the affected area, thus eliminating physical and energetic deviations.
  2. Metaphysical method, when, through biologically active points, energy exchange processes are realized in various organs, as well as between the environment and internal organs. The impact on such points with special needles in the event of an energy balance mismatch changes the speed of energy flow - its quantitative and qualitative flow changes. All this contributes to a change in the rate of physiological processes in the human body as a whole or in a specific organ.

Su Jok therapy is currently quite diverse, and its methods have positively proved themselves in the situation of treating various pathologies.

When organizing Su Jok seed therapy, it is important to take into account that the seeds of different plants differ in their properties, therefore, they have individual characteristics in their use and therapeutic effect. In this regard, when choosing a specific seed for therapy, it is necessary to take into account the properties of the plant, the shape of the seeds, their color and other properties.

With the right seeds, the results will be particularly successful. But even in the case when the seed is somewhat inconsistent with the disease or organ, the effect will be noticeable due to the universal vitality that is inherent in the seeds, as well as due to the stimulation of a specific point.

Lydia Ilinykh
Su-Jok acupuncture method

Su-Jok acupuncture- the latest achievement of Eastern medicine. The first step Su-Jok therapy can easily be mastered by each person and, without going to a doctor and medications, help himself and his loved ones.

No wonder they say that all ingenious is extremely simple. This is Su Jok acupuncture method, the author of which is South Korean professor Park Jae Woo, or Dr. Park, as we call him for short.

For centuries, for decades, for years, people looked at their hands, feet, looked at them more carefully when "Stuffed" corns, but only one person in the world for many millennia came to mind - to look at them in a completely new way.

Everything is extremely simple. Su is the brush and Jock is the foot. The thumbs and toes represent the head. The 2nd and 5th fingers are hands, but the 3rd and 4th fingers are longer, which means this is a projection of the legs.

The correspondence systems of all organs of the body on the hands and feet are "remote control", created so that a person can maintain himself in a state of health by influencing certain points.

press down (quite energetically)... But this is not yet acupuncture and kinda

absolutely obvious

individual Su Jok receptions acupuncture

the same - against. "Take a walk"

massage every 15 minutes.

Now let's take an ordinary ballpoint pen and find it on your hand

points of correspondence with internal organs. Start taking turns on them

press down (quite energetically)... But this is not yet acupuncture and kinda

diagnostic process. If, say, when pressing at one point or another

conformity, a more or less pronounced pain reaction is noted, then

absolutely obvious: these organs are out of order. And the more significant

the disorder of the function of this particular organ, the more significant the pain

Naturally, an ordinary pen is not the best tool for

a similar process, but still more practical than a match, a pin,

Professor Pak says the creator gave life to man and provided it

life protection system. This system was widely used by our ancestors. Not

by chance they were healthier than most of us. Previously, people walked a lot, and

barefoot, their hands were constantly busy with work. This stimulated

biological active points located on the feet and palms, and through them

All organs of the human body.

The indisputable advantage of the natural life protection system is that it

has no side effects, while traditional doctors in

during treatment, they can inadvertently damage other organs. That's why

individual Su Jok receptions acupuncture any person can be trained, even

not at all literate in the field of medicine. He will never harm himself,

and even if it does something wrong. He will not achieve

a positive effect in treatment, but also does not worsen your well-being.

To provide yourself with emergency assistance, you need to find a correspondence point

this organ on the hand and foot. Use a non-writing pen to continuously press and

find the most painful point. Put a grain of buckwheat on this point

(if there are several points, for each one) and secure them with adhesive tape. Now

press on the grains and massage the points properly. First, do 7 times

rotational movements at the found points along the clock arrow, then as many

the same - against. "Take a walk" at all points marked with buckwheat. Repeat

massage every 15 minutes.

Remember that the treatment of points located on the foot is often more

more effective than a brush. But the best results are obtained with

simultaneous action on the hand and foot. Continue the massage until

until the pain in the bioactive points subsides. At the same time, the pain in

Now let's summarize some of the results. So, the main advantages of Su Jok

therapies are as follows.

1. High efficiency. When used correctly, pronounced effect

often comes in a few minutes or even seconds.

2. Absolute safety when using correspondence point stimulation

leads to a cure. Improper use never hurts

to a person - it is simply not effective.

3. Versatility method... With the help of Su Jok therapy, you can heal any part of the body, any organ, any joint.

4. Availability method for every person. Method it is enough to understand once, then you can use it all your life.

5. Ease of use. Your hand and knowledge are always with you, and you will always find the material suitable for treatment.

Until now did not exist method of treatment, which could be so easily mastered and at the same time get such a significant and quick result! We would like to offer you one of the most affordable Su Jok therapy techniques

Preventive manual massage of hands and feet.

Using your index or thumb, carefully examine the surfaces of the hands and feet on both sides. In this case, you will find painful areas, various seals, spasmodic areas of the muscles. These are signals of an incipient disorder in your body. Such zones must be well kneaded with a finger until a sensation of warmth appears in them, the disappearance of pain and hardening. If you know which organ you have is sick or weakened, then especially carefully massage the zones of its correspondence.

Remember, it is very useful to massage the tips of the fingers and nail plates of the hands and feet. These areas correspond to the brain. In addition, the entire human body is projected onto them in the form of mini-correspondence systems. Therefore, the fingertips should be massaged until a persistent sensation of warmth. It has a healing effect on the entire body.

Acupuncture and acupressure are gaining more and more attention from people. What are the indications and contraindications of acupuncture, acupuncture benefits and harms, su jok therapy at home what is it
Acupuncture or acupuncture is an unconventional method of treating diseases by inserting special needles into acupuncture points on the human body.

I have already talked about the fact that on the human body there are energy meridians through which the Qi energy circulates, and certain biologically active points on these meridians (BAP) are connected directly with the human organs or systems.

By acting on them in a targeted manner, you can regulate the work of the body and heal diseases.

This effect is produced in various ways. Since ancient times, oriental healers have been using techniques such as:

- acupuncture or acupuncture - treatment with steel, silver or steel needles. In turn, it is subdivided into 3 types: acupuncture with needles from 7 to 75 mm long; micro-acupuncture with push-button needles, which are attached with a plaster and remain in the body for up to several days; ear acupuncture or auriculotherapy, when they act on biologically active points located on the auricles.

- acupressure - impact on biologically active points with special sticks, pins, balls and even plant seeds

- moxibustion - moxibustion of BAP with herbal cigars

Nowadays, the achievements of modern science are used to influence biologically active points. These are electropuncture and laser therapy.

In ancient China, the healer studied the art of acupuncture for more than 10 years, after which he passed a difficult exam. And only after that did he get access to the sick.

During the exam, a life-size sculpture of a naked man was placed in front of him. On this sculpture, acupuncture points were drilled, which during the test were covered with wax of such a color that it was impossible to distinguish them on the surface.

The subject was given tasks according to which he had to insert acupuncture needles at certain points. Even a single mistake led to an unsatisfactory exam result. Retake was allowed at least in a year ...

In the East, teaching the art of acupuncture is still taken very seriously. True, learning is faster.

With us, everything is much simpler: a person graduates from courses - and go! It is good if this is a doctor who understands the seriousness of the consequences of improper treatment ...

Chinese acupuncture gives very good results in the treatment of many diseases and bad habits. Such as smoking, about the dangers of which I have already talked about, alcoholism and even drug addiction.

The main thing is the qualification of the healer. After all, even a small mistake can lead to serious negative consequences.

An experienced doctor must take into account the gender and age, state of health of the patient in order to choose the time of treatment with acupuncture. Even the mood with which the patient came to the session matters.

There is one more nuance - strict requirements for maintaining the sterility of the instrument.

Chinese acupuncture in ancient times used mainly silver and gold needles.

Nowadays, you need to give preference to disposable sterile needles. Due to their disposability, acupuncture needles are made of stainless surgical steel.

You can easily buy the needles yourself and give them to the doctor to be sure of their quality and sterility.

A reflexologist will ask you a lot of questions, apart from symptoms that bother you and whether you have a fever or a cold. Some of them will sometimes seem inappropriate: what medications you regularly take, your favorite food, habits, lifestyle, when a woman is expected to menstruate, even views on some issues of the universe.

Try to answer as accurately as possible. This is really needed to determine the Yin or Yang nature of a health problem.

For the entire period during which acupuncture is carried out, refrain from heavy physical exertion, swimming, swimming in open water, drinking alcohol, spicy, salty and fatty foods.

The session should not be carried out immediately after a meal, on an empty stomach, after a sauna or bath.

An acupuncturist must warn you about this.

Acupuncture is performed in a series of sessions lasting up to half an hour. In one session, the acupuncturist puts from 8 to 10 acupuncture needles.

Usually about 1 session is prescribed. In chronic diseases, it is advisable to repeat the course quarterly.

Painful sensations, which many fear in most patients, are practically absent. The only exceptions are certain people with hypersensitivity.

Acupuncture needles are not as sharp as sewing needles. Their point is rounded or has the so-called "pine needle" shape. Therefore, they seem to push the skin tissue apart, and do not pierce or injure it.

But in any case, if you feel pain or discomfort, immediately warn the reflexologist about this.

Sometimes a person feels sleepy or begins to feel some numbness at the acupuncture point. All this irrevocably goes away after removing the needle.

But if you have increased pain, dizzy or increased heart rate, immediately report it - the exposure to needles must be stopped immediately!

There may be various reasons: the wrong place for acupuncture was chosen, or the doctor was mistaken in the strength of the impact and the depth of needle insertion. That is, all this is the result of insufficient qualifications of the acupuncturist.

Acupuncture benefits and harms

Acupuncture normalizes metabolism and synthesis of hormones by the body, strengthens immunity, relieves pain and inflammation.

Acupuncture will be used for diseases such as:

- low pain threshold

- various neuralgias

- neuritis of the facial nerve

- muscle and joint pain

- hypertension and hypotension

- endocrinological diseases, including obesity and type 2 diabetes, hypothyroidism and theriotexicosis

- pulmonary diseases and bronchitis

- problems of the female genital area, including infertility and pathological menopause

- eye diseases, including strabismus

- chronic fatigue syndrome

- depression

- cardiovascular diseases, including arrhythmia and heart block

- blocked energy channels of a person.

- alcoholism

The acupuncture points on the human body are selected the same as for acupuncture.

There is a technique of martial arts, using which you can incapacitate a person by simply pressing on a certain point.

But on the other hand, pressing on the appropriate points can not only relieve pain, but also normalize the body's work.

What is Su Jok

This is a completely modern direction of acupressure, the founder of which is Professor of Medicine Park Jae Wu, South Korea. It is characterized by the fact that the provision of medical care and treatment is carried out by pressing biologically active points on the hands and feet of a person.

I have already spoken about energy meridians. It turns out that BAPs on the palms, feet and fingers and toes are directly related to human organs and systems.

Therefore, by pressing on the corresponding acupuncture points, you can correct their functioning and the work of the body as a whole.

If the work of the organ is impaired, then the corresponding BAP on the arm and foot becomes painful.

Strictly speaking, Su Jok is a reflexology of a point that I act on by pressing.

It is based on the same principle.

But su-jok therapy uses a special stick, a su-jok massager of complex shape, short needles and even seeds of certain plants to influence biologically active points.

Professor Park Jae Wu described in detail how a person's points on the hands and feet are connected with human organs and systems, summarizing the thousand-year experience of oriental medicine.

Thus, the foot and hand are a kind of energy consoles for controlling the internal energy of a person and the functioning of his body.

By correcting the passage of energy along the meridians, and normalizing the internal energy of a particular organ or system of a person, it is possible to cure a disease by removing its cause at the energy level.

In many Asian countries, su-jok therapy is recognized and is one of the branches of official medicine.

Su-jok acupressure differs from traditional acupuncture in that, as a result of exposure to biologically active points, the body generates therapeutic electromagnetic waves, which are directed through channels to an organ with pathology and correct its physical condition and internal energy.

Acupuncture needles, when exposed to BAP, changes the speed and quality of energy transmitted along the energy meridians.

Su jok therapy provides that the doctor selects the treatment depending on the psychological and energetic type of a person, as well as on his favorite color, music, preferences in food, clothing and much more.

So don't be surprised by the questions your su-jok therapist might ask you.

Thanks to this information, the optimal biologically active massage points and the type of massager will be selected so that the Su Jok massage method gives the maximum effect.

This technique has an excellent effect for eliminating acute pain of various origins, normalizing the heart rate and improving the condition in many chronic diseases, such as gastritis, bronchitis, nephritis, varicose veins, urolithiasis, painful menstruation.

Hysteria, neurasthenia, pathological fears and depression lend themselves well to correction.

Interestingly, home sujok therapy is available to everyone who knows biologically active points that need to be affected.

I will give just a few simple examples, one note: if you have correctly identified the point, it should react painfully to pressing.

- How to relieve a severe headache: Massage well the ball of your thumb on your hand or leg.

- If you have painful periods, press and rub the area between your ring and middle fingers.

- In case of pain in the heart, massage the area located above the center of the palm on the axis of the index finger (see figure).

- Massaging your thumbs or toes will relieve coughing

- In the center of the palms and feet are massage points associated with the intestines. Therefore, su-jok therapy of these zones normalizes his work.

- By pressing on the skin at the base of the nails, you will relieve weakness and dizziness

What is Su Jok Seed Therapy

As I already said, one of the methods of this type of acupressure is to press on the acupuncture points on the arm or on the foot with seeds.

It can be not only seeds of wild plants, but also seeds from fruits, as well as various grains.

Su jok seed therapy gives the following tips for choosing seeds to use:

  1. The seed must be alive, that is, it must not have lost the ability to germinate.
  2. The shape and color of the seeds is selected depending on the specific organ, the work of which needs to be adjusted:
  • For the heart, they choose unhulled buckwheat grains, pumpkin seeds and viburnum grains.
  • For the kidneys and genitourinary system - legumes (for example, light beans) or other oval seeds.
  • Melon and rabuza seeds, as well as parsley seeds, are used as a diuretic.
  • For the head and eyes - rounded.
  • For constipation, dark seeds are used.
  • For the treatment of lungs - light (you can brown rice).
  • For diseases of the throat or nasopharynx, buckwheat is used.
  • Dill, blueberry and caraway seeds, as well as bird cherry seeds will help you to improve bowel function.
  • Hawthorn seeds help to calm the nerves.

Su Jok semen therapy is used very simply: stick the seed on a piece of plaster and stick it on the acupuncture points on the arm. You choose a point depending on the organ whose work you need to normalize at a given time.

Glue the seeds onto the insole and insert it into your shoes - you get a great Su Jok massager that will improve blood circulation and the functioning of the whole body.

If you are overcooled, as a prevention of a runny nose, you can glue black pepper (peas) in the center of the thumb pad, it will warm you.

To lower the heat, glue a grain of buckwheat in the husk on the pad of your thumb close to the nail. This method is very good for children.

You can keep the seed at the desired point for no longer than a day. When you peel it off, you will see how it has changed, since it has given its energy to the human body.

Sometimes, in case of serious health problems, the body "drinks" the seed in a few hours. In this case, you need to glue the new one in the same place.

If during the action of the seeds you feel discomfort or slight pain, this indicates that the point is chosen correctly.

Contraindications for the use of sujok are practically the same as for acupuncture, which you read above. Except for the state of fever and high temperature. Su-jok therapy is successfully used in such painful conditions.

We considered that acupuncture and acupuncture is a kind of reflexology, about acupuncture points on the human body, su-jok therapy, what it is, and also what tools are used in acupuncture and su-jok therapy.

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