What is the difference between a Labrador and a Golden Retriever. What is the difference between a golden retriever and a labrador retriever What is a labrador retriever

The article discusses the similarities and differences between two popular dog breeds - the golden retriever and the labrador.

Hunting gun dogs have long been divided into several groups according to specialization.
For example, setters and pointers discovered feathered game and pointed to it to the hunter (in fact, “pointer” means “marker, marker”), and retrievers brought a trophy after a successful shot. Features of the use of retrievers in hunting formed the characteristic features of these dogs. In comparison with setters, they are heavier and more powerful (after all, they had to bring prey from thickets, swamps, potholes), they have more subcutaneous fat (protection from hypothermia), less dry muscles, a good scent, good-natured disposition (not every dog ​​will easily give his prey to a person sometimes to strangers).
Like most hunting gun dogs, retrievers are unsuitable for protection and protection, but they are excellent companions. In addition, during running hunting, dogs often warmed their owners on cold nights by lying at their feet or next to them (the body temperature of the dog is close to 39 C). DThe long cultivation of such behavior has led to the fact that the current setters, pointers, retrievers and other "hunters" by hook or by crook try to get into the bed with the owners, and it is quite difficult to wean them from this.

Labrador Retriever, or simply Labrador Retriever.

This is an old breed of dog. It has been established that the ancestors of the Labrador Retriever were the working dogs of the Indians of Canada. There is no exact data on the origin of the breed (however, like its name), but there are several versions of varying degrees of reliability. The most beautiful option is the origin of the name of the breed from the Portuguese word, translated as "hard worker, hard worker." At least this version reflects the temperament of Labrador Retrievers, their fountain of energy, the ability to work tirelessly on the playground, bring fetching objects, and play.
But Labradors do an excellent job with very difficult work that requires great care. They are perhaps the best of all guide dogs for blind people: neat, caring, focused. They are also excellent search engines. The breed is actively used in the customs service, the police - to search for narcotic and explosives, and for tracking work.
The breed standard allows for 3 color options for Labradors: fawn, black and chocolate. It is believed that black is the original version. The coat of these dogs is relatively short, uniform throughout the body, with a pronounced guard hair and a thick undercoat. The skin is distinguished by a large number of sebaceous glands, their waxy secret prevents the coat from getting wet. Such a coat perfectly performs the functions of thermoregulation, dries quickly after shaking the dog after bathing.
The head of the Labrador is lobed, with expressive eyes, a wide muzzle, dry lips, and hanging ears. The contours of the body are smoothed, smooth. The tail is wide at the base and gradually thins towards the end, the hair on it is not long, as well as throughout the body.

G about the lden retriever, he is also a golden retriever.

The breed was bred relatively recently, in Scotland. The history of the origin of the Golden Retriever is well known, although here it was not without legends and myths. The creator of the golden retriever is Sir Dudley Margerybanks, Lord Tweedmouth. Like many 19th century landlords, he was obsessed with breeding the perfect gundog. One of the main selection criteria for breeding a Golden Retriever was color: the dog had to stand out against the background of vegetation, rocks and marshes in Scotland in any weather and in any light. The retrievers and setters that existed at that time did not meet this requirement (a similar story is with the breeding of the English setter by Edward Laverack).
Through targeted selection and cross-breeding with dogs of several breeds (spaniels, Newfoundlanders, retrievers), Lord Tweedmouth managed to breed dogs by the end of the century, which very quickly won the sympathy of not only hunters (for their working qualities), but also many people who had nothing to do with hunting. The Golden Retriever is distinguished by intelligence, accuracy, lively mind, calm temperament. At the same time, it is very beautiful, harmoniously and proportionately complex, even decorative.
According to the breed standard, golden retrievers can have only one color - golden. True, its shades are allowed from very light, creamy, to dark golden (almost bronze). The coat of these dogs is soft, rather long, with pronounced dewlaps on the chest, abdomen and back of the legs. On the neck, ears, cheeks, it is also quite long and forms feathers. The tail is saber-shaped, with a feather on the underside, in an extended state it resembles a feather.
Within the breed, there are some differences between dogs bred in Europe and those bred in the US and Canada. The International Cynological Association (FCI) in developing the standard for this breed proceeded from the national standard of Great Britain, but American clubs still adhere to their grading system. Americans set more stringent requirements for the number of teeth in Golden Retrievers (the British standard does not stipulate this point). They relate differently to the slope of the croup line, and to the shades of color.

External differences between a golden retriever and a labrador retriever.

The difference in appearance and behavior of these breeds is quite large and obvious even to non-dog handlers. Here are the main signs by which you can understand what breed of dog is in front of you:

Females of both breeds are about the same height, but Golden Retriever males are taller than Labrador males;
Golden Retrievers look somewhat longer, stretched out;
The mass of the Golden Retriever is somewhat larger;
The coat of the golden is longer, with pronounced feathering on the back of the limbs, chest, and belly;
The muzzle is noticeably longer than that of the Labrador Retriever;
The ears of the Golden Retriever are set above the line of the eyes, while those of the Labrador are somewhat lower;
The eyes are larger and more expressive in the Golden Retriever;
The eye color of Labrador Retrievers can be black, brown or yellow. Golden Retrievers have only hazel;
The tail of the Labrador is covered with short hair, while that of the Golden Retriever is long, with a pronounced feathering on the underside;
The chest of the Labrador looks more massive, wider.

Differences in behavior.

The behavior of the two breeds of dogs differ little. But, in general, the Golden Retriever is more thoughtful, more accurate. The balance of temperament, marked by the FCI standard for both breeds, implies equally rapid onset of excitation and inhibition - the dog easily switches between different tasks. The Golden Retriever is distinguished by the following qualities:

Good obedience;
Kind attitude towards other dogs (and other animals) and gentleness towards people;
Loyalty and devotion;
Interest in education and training.

The Labrador Retriever, however, may have the same qualities. But the breed standard fixes them as characteristic golden retrievers.
A Labrador will rarely think before following a command, and for golden retrievers, this is one of the characteristic features. There is even an old joke: if you throw a stick into the river from the bank, then the first dog that rushes into the water after it is a Labrador. And the golden retriever at this time will estimate the speed of the current in his mind and calculate the direction of the wind, and then in the calculated place he will get a stick that has sailed there from the shore.
Golden Retrievers can watch the rain on the window pane for a long time, the crawling snail… In a similar situation, a Labrador will either go to sleep or start pestering the owner with games.

O differences in diseases.

Labrador Retrievers are less prone to hereditary diseases, since the share of related matings (inbreeding) in the breeding of the breed was insignificant. They rarely have diseases such as shoulder or hip dysplasia (improper formation of the articular head or articular fossa), dilated or hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (diseases associated with an enlarged heart) and a number of genetic pathologies. The breed is also more resistant to infectious diseases, less prone to allergies and autoimmune diseases. Relatively rarely, Labradors also have diseases of the endocrine system.
Golden Retrievers have been bred with a large number of closely related crosses, as a result, hereditary diseases are much more common in them. The fashion for it, which has been going on for several decades, has also brought great harm to the breed: avalanche-like breeding has led to even greater inbreeding.

Let's summarize.

Each of the breeds under consideration is perfect for keeping both in a city apartment and in a country house. They are well trained, easy to contact with people and animals, able to perform a variety of work. But, if you want to buy a dog to communicate with young children, the choice should be made in favor of a golden retriever. If the children have already grown up, you can take a dog of any of these breeds.

Neither the Golden Retriever nor the Labrador will make reliable home guards - they are not adapted to guard work.
When choosing a dog, one should not forget about possible genetic diseases. Be sure to find out information about the ancestors of the puppy.
The different nature of the coat is especially evident during the seasonal shedding of dogs.
The short and stiff outer hair of the Labrador Retriever gives a lot of trouble: it penetrates everywhere, and it is not easy to remove it. The relatively long coat of the Golden Retriever can easily be picked up with a brush or the palm of your hand.
The coat of the Labrador does not require special care, and the Golden Retriever needs regular brushing.

Currently, the Labrador Retriever is one of the most prestigious breeds in the world. Admirers of the breed are not only politicians, but also movie stars.

The Labrador Retriever is generally recognized as an ideal dog for a family, since not only an aristocratic external description belongs to the merits.

But also a stable and unshakable nervous system, ease of communication, education and care.

For those who have not yet decided on the breed of a pet, it is worth finding out the main difference between them.

First, they differ in social origin and character. These are working dogs, relatives of Indian dogs living in villages on the island of Newfoundland.

In the summer they were engaged in fishing (they pulled nets, killed game from the water), and in the winter they were harnessed to sleds.

The Golden Retriever was bred in England by a Scottish lord. Although they, like Labradors, hunters by nature, they belong to a privileged breed, more affectionate and docile.

Secondly, the difference between and a Labrador is more obvious if they are placed side by side, given the same tasks when playing, training or hunting.

They react differently both to external natural factors (noise, rain) and to the commands given: the Labrador performs the task without delay, and the Retriever approaches any issue with caution.

The main visible differences are in the color and features of the coat, the exterior of the tail and the size of the dogs.

The color of a golden retriever can only be in golden variations (from dull to rich, reddish gilding). While Labradors can be both red and black, various shades of chocolate and brown tones.

The coat of the Golden Retriever is much longer and softer, requiring more painstaking care. The Labrador also has an oily coating on the coat, characteristic of waterfowl.

The tail of a golden retriever is shaped like a feather (with a so-called dewlap), in a Labrador it is covered with short, dense hair.

In an excited state, the tail is at an angle of 90 degrees to the back, while in the retriever it acts as a continuation of the back and only occasionally rises above its level.

The difference between them also lies in their size: the first is more massive than the retriever, has a larger head.

This breed of dog is quite in demand among retrievers because of its high performance, fast learning and ease of care.

This breed is also called the "King of Retrievers". In the standard, only the approximate weight of the dogs is written. For judges, a well-coordinated ratio of mass, height and exterior of a Labrador is important.

The breed standard specifies the following characteristics:

Height in males up to 61 cm, weight - 40 kg (in females up to 58 cm and 32 kg, respectively);

the head is large, of medium length, wide, without massive cheekbones. The eyes are small, oval in shape, not too deep set.

Eye color is represented by shades of brown (from hazel to dark chocolate), black is also acceptable. Ears - hanging, close to the head. The jaw is massive, but at the same time soft, with a correct bite.

The neck is strong, lean, well planted in the shoulders. The chest is wide enough: a man's palm can freely pass between the front paws.

The bones of the front paws are strong and straight; the hindquarters are also well developed, there is no inclination of the croup to the tail. The knee joints have excellent angles that give a good push when moving.

The coat of the Labrador Retriever is short, thick, rather hard to the touch.

The following color variations are allowed:

  • ginger;
  • chocolate;
  • black.

Red color can be presented from light cream to fiery red; chocolate - from the color of milk chocolate to bitter. Permissible medium-sized white spot on the chest.

Friendly nature, they are quite agile and active. A dog of this breed has a quick reaction, excellent sense of smell, excellent swimming skills; characterized by assertiveness and steadfastness in the performance of tasks.

An unsurpassed sense of smell and indomitable curiosity led to the fact that dogs are used in the process of searching for drugs and explosives.

During emergencies, they act as rescuers, helping to find living people in a destroyed building.

Also, they, being by nature good swimmers, help search and rescue organizations in work on the water. When describing abilities, talents and amazing qualities of character, it cannot be overestimated.

It should not be in the passage area or near heating appliances. For these purposes, the cell is most suitable. A small pet will feel comfortable and protected.

In addition, the cage is an excellent method of teaching the rules of behavior in the house. So that the dog does not cause trouble to the owners in the form of damaged shoes, torn wallpapers and other things, he must have his own toys.

It is also worth paying attention to the hiding of electrical wires in the room.

They should not contain metal components. Books and other things, shoes should not be left in sight of the pet, as an inquisitive Labrador will not hesitate to play with such objects.

Toilet training

To facilitate pet care and maintenance at home, you should accustom him to cleanliness from the first days of his appearance in the house.

To do this, in the early stages, it is necessary to cover the entire floor with newspapers and follow where he goes to the toilet.

Over time, the puppy gets used to going to the same place, where the owner can leave special absorbent diapers.

Outdoor walks begin 14 days after the secondary immunization. It is necessary to go for a morning walk immediately after the first feeding.. So the puppy will get used to endure and go to the toilet only on the street.

Nail care should be taught from an early age. Nail trimming should be a fairly quick procedure, and for calm behavior, the puppy should be rewarded with a treat.

When feeding with natural food, the basis (50%) of the diet is lean meat products.

25% falls on cereals (barley, buckwheat, rice) and 25% on vegetables that have undergone preliminary heat treatment (zucchini, tomatoes, carrots, beets).

The menu should contain fermented milk products of low fat content (kefir, cottage cheese).

First mating

A physically mature dog is considered to be 30 months old, the first mating in females is recommended not earlier than 20 months.

At least a month before the mating process, you should undergo a deworming procedure, which prevents the likelihood of infection with helminths during pregnancy.

Three hours before mating partners need to be fed and walked.

The cable in a familiar environment feels more confident, so the owner of the cable should prepare the room for the knitting process (a muzzle, petroleum jelly and a bowl of clean water are also needed).

The knitting process is carried out in two ways:

  • free;
  • manual.

Even in free form, the bribery must take place under the supervision of the owner. The presence of a specialist is recommended at the first mating of one of the pets.

The process consists of several stages: flirting, the male determines the level of the bitch's desire, mating, mating. In case of ineffectual excessive fuss of the cable, it is necessary to give it a break to rest.

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It is easy enough for an inexperienced dog lover to confuse a non-black Labrador with a retriever. A little confusion lies in the very names of the Labrador Retriever and Golden Retriever. So what is the difference, let's look at the photo below.

Very similar to each other. These two breeds are equally popular in the world and are often confused. At first glance, you might think that their main difference is only in wool, but is it really so?

We will try to understand and determine what is the difference between a Labrador and a Retriever.

Let's start with the similarities. These two beautiful breeds are included in the same cynological group, in which, in addition to them, there are four other species. All representatives of the breeds are hunting dogs, the direct purpose of which is to serve as assistants for hunters.

Both breeds inherently have similar traits:

  • have good physical data, medium size and hardy;
  • have excellent eyesight and intuition;
  • skilled swimmers, have a waterproof undercoat and webbed paws;
  • dogs have a soft grip so as not to damage the game and deliver it unharmed to the hunter;
  • not inclined to leadership, distinguished by intelligence and obedience.

All dogs in a retriever group must meet these criteria.

Labradors and retrievers are similar in that they are not characterized by aggression. Good-natured dogs that can easily make friends with both other pets and children. Cheerful and sociable, real companion dogs.

It is also worth noting that both breeds are prone to the same ones, which are often hereditary in nature:

  • hip dysplasia;
  • retinal atrophy.

In addition, like all dogs with this type of ear, they can develop ear problems. But in general, dogs have good health and, with proper care, will live 11-13 years and even more.

What is the difference between breeds

So what is the difference between a Labrador and a Retriever? It will be interesting to learn about this for future owners who cannot decide between the two breeds.

Despite some similarities in appearance and character, the breeds still have clear differences, including:

  1. social background.
  2. Appearance.
  3. Character features.

1 - retriever, 2 - labrador.

Origin of breeds

The breeds were bred in different geographical locations. The Labrador Retriever is a descendant of Native American dogs that lived with fishermen in a village on the island of Newfoundland. Initially, the dogs were even called St. John's Newfoundlands, after the main city of the island. The dogs were real hard workers, pulling nets and bringing dead game from the water.

Unlike the Labrador, the Golden Retriever was bred by a lord and an avid dog lover in England. In addition to participating in hunting, the aristocratic and calm Golden was an adornment of palaces and a universal favorite. The Lord very carefully approached the breeding of the breed, which subsequently gained many fans.


Outwardly, the dogs differ:

  • color;
  • wool;
  • physique.

Has a coat of golden hues, from rich color to white. The Labrador, unlike the Golden Retriever, can be found in three colors:

  • black;
  • pale yellow;
  • chocolate.

The most obvious external difference between a Labrador and a Retriever is, of course, in the coat. In the former, it is short and has a certain water-repellent effect. Dogs are prone to constant shedding and need regular brushing. While the golden retriever has a long and silky coat, straight or slightly wavy, and sheds much less. The soft coat gives the retrievers a more noble appearance.

Labradors are more massive, their head is larger, because the breed was used in hunting big game. Golden was designed for hunting smaller game, so their muzzle is more sharpened.

The differences also affected the tail, in the Labrador it is thickened at the base and, depending on the mood, can be raised, while in the retriever, the tail is a continuation of the back, luxurious and fluffy.

Differences in character

In addition to external signs, the difference between a Labrador and a Retriever is also palpable in character.

Let's note the main differences:

  1. Temperament.
    The Labrador is considered a kind of "simpleton". A diligent and strong worker who is always ready to help. Simple, incredibly trusting and very emotional. Labrador requires more active walks and physical activity. The Golden Retriever is also open to people, but the dog is more calm and has a high self-esteem. It happens to be less active on walks, in contrast to the Labrador, which can run around the yard so much that it will not notice how it has blown someone out of the way.
  2. Sensitivity.
    It is believed that golden feels the owner and human emotions better. It is not for nothing that dogs are used as therapists, they help people with mental or physical disabilities. The Labrador is a little less sensitive, but thanks to its activity and fun, it will obviously not let you feel sad.
  3. Determination.
    acts more decisively, can react faster to commands, and is prone to impulsive actions. The Golden Retriever, like a true aristocrat, will prefer to assess the situation first. This in no way means that he is disobedient or stubborn, the dog is characterized by calmness and restraint.

There is a good English joke about these breeds. If a Labrador and a Retriever are together on the bank of a river and a stick is thrown to them, the one who ends up in the river before the stick will be a Labrador. The Golden Retriever will be more reasonable - first assess the direction of the wind, and calculate the speed of the current.


It is impossible to answer who is better: a retriever or a labrador. Is it necessary? Each of these dogs has incredible kindness and intelligence. Slight differences in appearance and character. - a real merry fellow, emotional, joyful and clumsy, and golden - an English aristocrat, more calm, reasonable and restrained.

Whoever you choose, each of them will become a true friend and favorite of the whole family. Dogs love communication and children, in no case should you deprive your pets of attention, these breeds are very difficult to tolerate loneliness and will quickly become sad. A Labrador or Retriever puppy will be a great joy for every member of the family.

Are you lucky enough to own a Golden Retriever or a Labrador?

In this article, I will talk about the main differences between the two breeds: the Golden Retriever and the Labrador Retriever. I will describe the origin of both breeds and their appearance. I will tell you about the purpose of these dogs, describe how they can differ, what is the difference and how they are similar, which of them is called golden, and I will give the differences in content.

Both breeds, and (or golden), and Labrador belong to the group of hunting dogs - retrievers. These animals have a similar appearance, but some differences are still present. There is also a difference in the behavior and temperament of dogs.

Origin of both breeds

It is believed that the golden retriever descended from two breeds: the tweed water spaniel and the fawn flat-haired, which has a setter and a diver (Newfoundland) in its ancestors. In the course of breeding work, breeders poured Bloodhound blood into Golden. This helped to improve the sense of smell and increase the volume of the chest.

The Golden Retriever was officially recognized in England in 1913.

The ancestors of the Labrador Retriever are local dogs from the island of Newfoundland, who lived there in the 19th century and helped fishermen, as well as curly-coated retrievers. It is believed that the Setter and the English Foxhound were used in breeding.

In 1903, black Labradors were recognized in England, and later two more colors were approved - first fawn and then chocolate.

golden labrador

Differences in appearance and purpose

Both types have the following differences in appearance and purpose:

Name Golden Labrador
Dimensions Females - from 51 to 56 cm, males - from 56 to 61 cm. Females - from 54 to 56 cm, males - from 56 to 57 cm.
Color and coat type The coat is long, soft and slightly wavy, the undercoat is very thick and water-repellent. The color varies from light fawn (almost white) to rich golden. A small white spot on the chest is acceptable. The coat is not long (no more than 5-6 cm), dense, fits well to the body. The awn is straight and hard. The undercoat is thick and water-repellent. The standard allows three colors: chocolate, black and fawn in different shades. A small white spot on the chest is acceptable.
Head, eyes, ears, teeth The head is harmonious, not coarse, the skull is moderately broad. The length of the muzzle is medium. The ears are triangular in shape, hanging. The bite is strictly scissor-shaped. Eye color is only dark brown. The skull is broad and rather voluminous. The muzzle is of medium length. Eye color is hazel or dark brown. Ears are triangular, hanging. The bite is only scissor.
Frame Strong, but not coarse bones. The back is wide and straight, the sternum is deep. The chest is deep and voluminous, the loin and back are wide and strong.
Tail Straight, medium length, well pubescent. In an excited state, it rises no higher than the back. The tail is not very long, thick at the base, covered with dense short hair. In an excited state, it rises to the level of the back or slightly higher.
movements The characteristic type of movement is a light gait. Strong rear drive.
The purpose of the breed The direct purpose of the breed is hunting on water and land, searching for and bringing game. Currently, dogs are used in search work, at customs. Used for bird hunting. It finds prey and raises it on the wing, and then brings the shot bird to the hunter. Successfully trained in the search for drugs and explosives.

Goldens have a more decorative appearance

Attitude towards a person, temperament and content of breeds

Both breeds are very friendly towards their family and people around them. It is believed that golden is a more intelligent, calm and reasonable dog. Golden rarely barks, gently communicates with children, has a phlegmatic temperament.

Labradors are more determined and active, they are in constant motion. A young dog can knock down an adult with joy. Representatives of the breed are very friendly to everyone around, communicate well with children, but it is not recommended to leave the Labrador alone with small children, as he may drop the child or accidentally push.

Both breeds are well trained, strive to fulfill all the wishes of the owner, they love water very much.

Puppy cost

The cost of puppies and Labrador, and golden varies from 10 to 35 thousand rubles.

When choosing a pet, you need to get to know the parents, look at their descendants, and make sure that you have a properly designed puppy card.

Who better to choose

When choosing a breed, you must consider your lifestyle. If you travel often, like long and active walks, and you do not have very small children, you can choose a Labrador.

Both of these breeds have a lot of positive qualities.

If you prefer a more relaxed holiday (picnics, leisurely but long walks, etc.), a golden retriever is more suitable for you. Such a dog can be safely taken into a family with small children.

Both the golden retriever and the labrador need proper education and training.

Immediately after the puppy got into a new home, they begin to explain the rules of behavior to him. Both breeds with proper cultivation and education are excellent companions for the family.

At first glance, the golden retriever and the labrador do not have any differences. It's like a European looking for an external difference between a Chinese and a Japanese, but experts in the field of the structure of the human skull will instantly tell you the difference. The same applies to these dogs - the cynologist will immediately indicate the difference between a Labrador and a Retriever. The main common factor in these breeds is that both are bred to help with hunting, have an athletic physique and high intelligence.

The main difference between dogs noticeable to a non-specialist is their color and coat structure, while height at the withers and weight are approximately the same.

Golden retriever and labrador - differences in origin

As the name implies, the Labrador retriever breed is associated with the Labrador coast of Canada. In fact, the ancestors of these dogs were in the service of the local Indians for a long time, where they were engaged in hard physical labor, helping their master - they dragged fishing nets in the summer, and loaded sledges in the winter. Another task of this dog was the delivery of wounded game to the owner. Thus, the Labrador is primarily a hard worker dog with the character of a cheerful guy from the village.

Unlike a Labrador, the golden retriever has a completely aristocratic origin. This breed, having spent half his own life, was brought out by the Lord from Scotland, Sir Tweedmouth. The goal of a noble person was to achieve a golden color with all sorts of shades of red. The dog perfectly feeds the game and helps during the hunt, but it is absolutely impossible to imagine him harnessed to a wagon or sleigh. Character Compared more restrained with a colleague, even somewhat stiff in English.

Common Traits of a Golden Retriever and a Labrador

Differences between a golden retriever and a labrador in the structure and color of the coat

First of all, you need to notice that the golden retriever and the labrador, despite the obvious differences, are included in the same group of dogs. Consider their obvious differences in the field of wool.

Labradors have a very short, smooth coat, the hairs do not exceed fifty millimeters in length, they are hard, straight. When you stroke this dog, it seems that the whole dog is covered with wax on the outside. The explanation for this is lack of undercoat

Colors can vary greatly - chocolate, black, fawn-beige, golden individuals are also found.

The coat of golden retrievers is of a completely different structure. By one type of cover of this breed, one can immediately judge the noble-aristocratic origin of these dogs. She is very gentle, nasty, going as if in waves.

coat color described by a single obligatory color - all retrievers are red. But inside the red color, an absolutely complete variety of shades is allowed. In dog competitions, it doesn't matter if your pet is copper red or platinum white.

difference in tails

Consider how a Labrador differs from a retriever in such an important area as the tail.

The Labrador's tail is much thicker at the base than at its tip. When a dog is healthy and cheerful, its tail looks up. A very simple omen- if the tail is held with a gun, then your pet is doing well. The coat on it is dense and short.

The origin from the British aristocracy gives out a retriever, as they say, with a tail. The stiffness of character does not allow him to raise his tail to heaven, or God forbid, playfully play with it. The maximum that this breed of dog can afford is to slightly raise the tail at the base, this will indicate its complete satisfaction with life.

By their appearance the tail is a complete extension of the body and is just as wavy and delicate.

As we have already found out, these dog breeds have very significant differences in their appearance. Do they have personality differences as well? Cynologists answer with all certainty - yes!

Retriever as a true aristocrat, possesses boundless devotion to his master and restrained character. You are unlikely to see him carelessly chasing butterflies on the lawn.

He will certainly execute the master’s commands, but at first he will evaluate the task and independently try to find the easiest way to fulfill it. As a true Englishman, he easily learns various sports disciplines.

Labrador being the first boy in the village, will not waste time on empty sports - his destiny is work. Carrying weights, carrying prey, being a faithful comrade and guide of a blind person - he copes with these tasks with a bang.

The characteristic cheerfulness of a young puppy is preserved until old age - in his free time, the dog likes to play pranks, and here it is - beware of the butterfly! Communication with children is another of the favorite activities of the Labrador - these dogs really love all kids.

The difference between a golden retriever and a labrador

Medical and acting activities

Among all breeds of dogs, these two have gained fame as rescuers, doctors and actors. They are excellent guides, indispensable in the field of canistherapy. Treatment is especially good in children with special physical and psychological development. And yet, as physicians Preferably Labradors. The main trump card of the retrievers is the game as film actors, where they are unsurpassed specialists.

In conclusion, I would like to say that both breeds will be your true friend in all your endeavors, and also a wonderful companion for your children.
