Vgma them Burdenko selection committee. Medical serials online, Russian universities. Institute of Higher Nursing Education

Today you are on the verge of a significant event - the choice of a life path. We believe that the choice of the profession of a doctor, nurse or pharmacist is well conscious and deeply thought out by you. We are glad that you have chosen our university for your education.

Throughout the history of the existence of VSMU. N.N. Burdenko is the most important center for the development of higher medical education, the cradle of advanced thought, and is doing a great job of developing and supporting the domestic medical elite. Thousands of our graduates make up the golden fund of Russian healthcare and fill our hearts with pride for them.

The fruitful, multifaceted activity of the university staff in various fields of medicine, in the rise and development of health care and education, has gained high prestige of VGMU. N.N. Burdenko in wide scientific and public circles not only in Russia, but also abroad. Our university is the center for introducing the most modern teaching methods and innovations in the field of medical education.

Today VSMU them. N.N. Burdenko unites talented young people who strive to get the noble profession of a doctor. We sincerely hope that you will join this friendly team soon. In the process of studying at the university, you will have to get to know yourself in a new way, understand the patterns of people's communication, learn a lot and learn a lot. “Medicine is a feat,” wrote A.P. Chekhov, - it requires dedication, purity of thoughts. The formation of these noble qualities begins with the student's bench. We are deeply convinced that any task that you set for yourself will be up to you.

On a difficult but very interesting path to professionalism, we want to wish you: trust in yourself and your strengths, thoughtful composure and spiritual fearlessness, boldness and success in achieving the holy goal - to help people stay healthy!

Dear graduates!

At the Faculty of Highly Qualified Personnel Training, after passing state exams, you can continue your studies in residency, which is part of the multi-level structure of higher medical education in the Russian Federation.

If you decide to engage in scientific activities, then you can enroll in graduate school, the logical conclusion of which is the writing and defense of a Ph.D. thesis.

VSMU them. N.N. Burdenko also gives you the opportunity to get a second higher additional professional education.

Rector of the Academy - Esaulenko Igor Eduardovich, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor.

Founded in 1918, the academy is currently the leading medical university in Russia. Laureates of Russian state prizes, 29 academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences, RAMS, RANS, 124 professors and doctors of sciences, 353 associate professors and candidates of sciences work at 82 departments. Voronezh State Medical Academy is the only university in Voronezh with six registered scientific discoveries. The Academy has its own dental and pediatric clinics. The clinical bases of the faculties are also the leading medical diagnostic, medical and preventive institutions of Voronezh and the region. The Academy trains specialists on a budgetary and contractual basis. Target admission of students is carried out for more than 10 regions of the Russian Federation

Training of specialists is carried out on:

- Medical faculty - medical business (6 years of study) - 253-06-44
- Faculty of Pediatrics - pediatrician (6 years of study) - 253-05-74
- Faculty of Dentistry - dentist (5 years of study) -253-07-61
- Faculty of Pharmacy - pharmacist (5 years full-time and 6 years part-time, 5 years part-time) - 255-05-25
- Medical and preventive faculty - medical and preventive business
(6 years of study) -264-43-01
Institute of Nursing Education: in the specialties of HPE - Bachelor's degree (nursing) part-time education -3 years - 235-61-97,
Specialized in secondary vocational education: Nursing (nurse), Pharmaceutical (pharmacist), Orthopedic Dentistry (dental technician) -2 years 10 months - 2531156
- International Institute of Medical Education and Cooperation - 253-12-22 (to all faculties for residents of near and far abroad)

Terms of admission 2013:
The Academy admits full-time students to state-funded places in the following HPE specialties: General Medicine (Faculty of Medicine), Pediatrics (Faculty of Pediatrics), Dentistry (Faculty of Dentistry), Pharmacy (Faculty of Pharmacy), Medical Preventive Care (Faculty of Medicine and Prevention) , and SPO specialties - nursing, pharmacy, orthopedic dentistry (Institute of Nursing Education).
Under contracts with payment of tuition fees, the Academy admits students to all the listed specialties of HPE (full-time education), as well as to part-time education in the specialty of pharmacy, in addition, students are admitted to the correspondence form - Bachelor's degree "Nursing" and in the specialty pharmacy (only for persons with a secondary professional pharmaceutical or medical education).
Under contracts with payment of tuition fees, the academy admits students to all the listed specialties of secondary vocational education.
The procedure for receiving documents.
The applicant personally submits an application addressed to the rector of the academy, indicating the faculty, form of education. The application and documents are accepted at the admissions office. Attached to the application:
1. A state document on secondary (complete) general education or secondary vocational education, or a diploma of primary vocational education, if it contains a record of receiving secondary (complete) general education.
2. Medical certificate (form 086-y), upon enrollment.
3. 6 photographs 3x4 cm in size (black and white or color)
4. Copy of passport
When applying for admission, the applicant personally presents a passport or equivalent documents proving the identity and citizenship of the applicant.
Persons applying for benefits established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as persons with disabilities must submit the necessary documents to the selection committee at the time of application.
When applying fortarget locationsa document on secondary (complete) general or secondary vocational education is submitted to the selection committee only in the original.

Persons who, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, have the right to enter without entrance examinations, out of competition, subject to successful completion of entrance examinations, or the preferential right to enter the Academy, can use the right granted to them by submitting an application for admission, respectively, to one specialty at the choice of the applicant. In other state-accredited educational institutions of secondary vocational and higher vocational education, these persons have the right to enter on a competitive basis in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of education.



Applications are being accepted:
from June 20 to July 25 for persons with USE results
from June 20 to July 05 for applicants based on the results of the Unified State Examination, but who did not pass the Unified State Examination in May-June
from June 20 to July 10 for applicants based on the results of entrance examinations conducted by the Academy in writing.
Applications acceptedfor 3specialties (budgetary and contractual basis) (at the address: Voronezh, Studencheskaya st., 10)

Entrance tests.
Admission to the academy for the first year of higher professional education programs, full-time education, is carried out according to the results of: chemistry - USE, biology - USE, Russian language - USE for applicants with:
- Secondary (complete) general education;
- Secondary vocational education
Admission to the academy for the first year in higher professional education programs (full-time and pharmaceutical faculty full-time, part-time and part-time) is carried out based on the results of: entrance examinations conducted by the academy independently in writing in chemistry, biology and the Russian language (testing) for applicants with
- Secondary (complete) general education received before January 1, 2009;
- Secondary medical and pharmaceutical vocational education upon admission to training programs for a specialist in the relevant profile;
- Secondary (complete) general education received in educational institutions of foreign states;
Higher professional education.
Bachelor's degree (nursing) - biology (in writing) or USE in biology
Admission to the departments of secondary medical and pharmaceutical education is carried out
on the basis of the results of mastering the educational program of basic general or secondary general education by applicants, indicated in the documents submitted by applicants on education (average score of the certificate
For all faculties - profile subject - Chemistry.
Terms of entrance examinations conducted by the academy independently from July 11 to July 25:

Tuition fee for 2013-2014 academic year.
- Faculty of Medicine - 95,000
- Faculty of Pediatrics - 80,000
- Faculty of Dentistry - 120,000
- Faculty of Pharmacy - 85,000 (full-time); 45,000 (part-time education), 55,000 (part-time)
- Faculty of Preventive Medicine - 75,000
ISO: HPE - Bachelor's degree (Nursing) - 45,000

departments of secondary medical and pharmaceutical education
- orthopedic dentistry - 55 000
- nursing - 39 000
- pharmacy - 45,000

in Voronezh. Until 2015, the academy, even earlier the institute.

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    ✪ Voronezh State Medical University

    ✪ VGMU im. N.N. Burdenko. 100th anniversary slideshow

    ✪ Voronezh Institute of High Technologies



Voronezh State Medical University named after N. N. Burdenko is one of the oldest higher medical educational institutions in Russia.

On April 12, 1801, by decree of Tsar Alexander I, Derpt (later Yuryev, now Tartu) University was established in northwestern Russia, the grand opening of which took place on April 21, 1802.

They graduated from the Medical Faculty of Dorpat University, and later became its teachers and outstanding scientists: the founder of the doctrine of vitamins, N. I. Lunin; author of the doctrine of diseases of the digestive system N. I. Leporsky; founder of Soviet neurosurgery N. N. Burdenko. The founder of many directions in surgery N. I. Pirogov also worked at the University of Dorpat.

In February 1918, German troops occupied the city of Yuryev. The university received the status of a German educational institution, and the Russian department was closed and in the summer of 1918 evacuated to Voronezh. Among the professors of the Faculty of Medicine who arrived in the city of Voronezh were surgeon N. N. Burdenko, obstetrician-gynecologist S. D. Mikhnov, ophthalmologist A. G. Lyutkevich, medical examiner A. S. Ignatovsky, pediatrician N. I. Krasnogorsky, anatomist I. V. Georgievsky, therapist P. I. Filosofov and other prominent scientists.

On November 12, 1918, classes began at all faculties of Voronezh University. In May 1919, already in Voronezh, 75 doctors of the medical faculty graduated. In December 1930, the medical faculty of Voronezh University was transformed into an independent medical institute and consisted of two faculties - medical and sanitary-hygienic.

Being one of the largest scientific, pedagogical and medical diagnostic centers in Russia, in June 1994, the Voronezh State Medical Institute named after N. N. Burdenko received the status of a medical academy, and in 2015 - a university.

Over the years, outstanding scientists have worked at the Voronezh State Medical University, who have made a significant contribution to the development of medical science and practical healthcare: a neurosurgeon, the first president of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, Colonel-General of the Medical Service, Academician Nikolai Nilovich Burdenko, whose name was given to the Voronezh Medical Institute in 1977 ; academicians of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR physiologist D. A. Biryukov, anatomist D. A. Zhdanov; corresponding members of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR therapists I. I. Leporsky, N. A. Kurshakov, histologist A. A. Voitkevich, dentist A. I. Evdokimov; Honored Scientist Ophthalmologist AI Pokrovsky.

More than 1000 teachers teach and provide medical and advisory assistance at the university, among them 140 doctors of sciences and professors, 532 candidates of sciences, 4 honored workers of science, 7 honored workers of higher education, 2 honored inventors, 34 honored doctors, more than 40 members of national and international public academies.

At present, there are more than 7,500 students at VSMU, and since 1918 more than 60,000 specialists have been trained. Among the students of the university are well-known scientists, clinicians, healthcare organizers: endocrinologist I. I. Dedov, immunologist R. V. Petrov, oncogynecologist V. P. Kozachenko, angiologist surgeon A. V. Pokrovsky, phthisiatrician A. A. Priymak, immunologist V. M. Zemskov, member of the International Association of Astronauts V. V. Antipov, dentist A. I. Evdokimov.

Students and graduate students receive nominal scholarships of the President and Government of the Russian Federation, the Administration of the Voronezh Region, N. N. Burdenko, I. I. Dedov, N. I. Leporsky, N. M. Itsenko, A. V. Pokrovsky.

In 2006, for a significant contribution to the development of domestic medicine and healthcare, the Academy was awarded the Order of M. Lomonosov.

At VSMU them. N. N. Burdenko has a trade union organization of health workers, consisting of trade union organizations of employees and students.


Department of Normal Physiology

The Department of Normal Physiology was organized at the Medical Faculty of Voronezh State University in 1918. The first head of the department was Professor D. M. Lavrov.

In 1920, Professor P. M. Nikiforovsky was elected to the post of head of the department, who headed it for 18 years. The work of the department during this period was devoted to the study of the higher nervous activity of healthy animals after the revival of the organism.

From 1938 to 1949, the department was headed by the outstanding Soviet physiologist Professor (later Academician of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences) D. A. Biryukov. During this period, research was carried out in the field of evolutionary and ecological physiology. From 1949 to 1961 the department was headed by Professor A.P. Zhukov. Under his leadership, the combined effect of hypoxia and ionizing radiation on the body was studied.

From 1962 to 1985, the department was headed by Professor I. D. Boenko. The scientific work of the department was devoted to the study of interoceptive regulation under the influence of the energy of electromagnetic oscillations on the body, as well as the genesis of alcohol motivation.

In 1986, Professor V.N. Yakovlev was elected to the post of head of the department, who headed the department until 2013.

After that, the associate professor, candidate of medical sciences, E. V. Dorokhov, became the head of the department. He remains at the head of the department to this day.

However, the origins of the oldest medical university in Russia go back to the distant past, namely, on April 12, 1801, when Derpt (later Yuryev, then Tartu) University was established by decree of Tsar Alexander I with four faculties: law, theology, philosophy and medicine. faculty among the teaching staff there were only three professors: D.G. Balk, M.E. Stix and E.G. Artst. Professor M.E. was appointed the first dean of the faculty. Styx. In 1832, after graduating from the Derpt "Professor's Institute", the great Russian doctors Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov, Fedor Ivanovich Inozemtsev, Alexei Matveevich Filomafitsky, Grigory Ivanovich Sokolsky and others were awarded the degree of Doctor of Medicine, who later became famous scientists of our country. On March 7, 1918 Yuriev University was closed. The question arose about his transfer to one of the cities of Russia. In the difficult years after the First World War and the Civil War, the Medical Faculty of Voronezh University trained doctors, fought epidemics, improved educational activities, and carried out scientific work. Already at that time, the foundations of scientific and pedagogical schools of surgeons were being formed (N.N. Burdenko, A.G. Rusanov), therapists (P.I. Philosophers, G.I. Koppel), pediatricians (N.I. Krasnogorsky), obstetricians-gynecologists (S.D. Mikhnov), pharmacologists (D.M. Lavrov), morphologists (I .V. Georgievsky, V.A. Afanasiev) and others. On the initiative of Professor N.N. Burdenko, short-term courses of nurses were organized to help hospitals, which later became the basis of the workers' faculty, which made it possible to prepare for admission to the university. A. Knyazev was appointed dean of the workers' faculty. In 1930, the medical faculty of the Voronezh State University was transformed into an independent medical institute. I.G. was appointed the first director of the Voronezh Medical Institute. Grigoriev. From 1937 to 1943 it was headed by E.N. Kovalev, in subsequent years - L.M. Eidlin (1944-1945), D.A. Biryukov (1945-1949), V.P. Radushkevich (1950-1954), N.I. Odnoralov (1955-1963), I.P. Furmenko (1963-1983), A.S. Faustov (1984-1999). Since 2000, the rector has been Professor I.E. Esaulenko. During the period of 1930 to 1941, the Voronezh Medical Institute turned into one of the largest universities in the country. It had three faculties: medical, pediatric and sanitary-hygienic, more than 40 departments, about 2500 students and 200 teachers, of which 26 were professors. The Great Patriotic War began. During this difficult period, the Voronezh Medical Institute launched a great deal of work to train doctors for the Soviet army and the civilian population. In the first days of the war, hundreds of medical students and 156 professors and teachers went to the front. Among them, assistant V.I. Zavrazhnov, associate professor M.V. Zemskov, students I.D. Boenko, V.P. Rozin, N.P. Belyaev, O.A. Vasilyeva, N.P. Lanetsky, K.B. Belyaev. In medical battalions, hospitals, ambulance trains, divisions, in medical institutions of defense facilities, they honestly fulfilled their medical and patriotic duty to the Motherland. Many employees and students of the institute were directly involved in the hostilities. Among them is Fedor Ionovich Pashanin. As a medical battalion doctor, he fought bravely in the ranks of the fighters. Killed November 17, 1941. Unforgettable is the feat of Alexandra Gerasimovna Petunina, who on March 18, 1943, accompanied a group of wounded soldiers who met a fascist tank column that had broken through on the way. Hiding the wounded in the forest, she alone went out to meet the tanks and was shot. The wounded escaped, and at the place of Petunina's death, her fellow soldiers subsequently erected a memorial plaque: “Attention! Here, on Ukrainian soil, on March 18, 1943, one of the best daughters of the Russian people, military doctor Alexander Petunina, died a hero's death. Eternal memory to the heroine!” In the post-war years, the Voronezh State Medical Institute “healed wounds”, restored the material and technical base, educational and scientific potential. In 1947, the university had only two faculties: medical and pediatric. During the first post-war five-year period, thanks to the labor feat of employees and students, the working conditions of the institute improved significantly. During these years, due to the commissioning and commissioning of the main part of the destroyed building of the anatomical school, the training area increased by more than 3,000 square meters. A sports hall and two auditoriums were re-equipped. A 300-bed student dormitory was restored. The clinical bases of the institute, destroyed during the war, were restored and rebuilt: the regional clinical and 7th children's infectious diseases hospitals, the 1st and 4th maternity hospitals, the oncological dispensary and many others. At this time, many departments received new equipment for educational and scientific work. In the 1947-48 academic year alone, more than 90,000 rubles were spent on it. Gradually, the institute became one of the leading medical universities in the country. In 1977, the Voronezh State Medical Institute was named after an outstanding neurosurgeon, the first president of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, Colonel General of the Medical Service, Academician Nikolai Nilovich Burdenko. Despite the difficulties of the late 1980s and early 1990s, the university continued to grow and develop during this period. In 1994, by orders of the Ministry of Health and the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Higher Education, the Voronezh Medical Institute was given the status of an academy. By this time, the Voronezh State Medical Institute named after N.N. Burdenko has become one of the largest scientific, pedagogical and medical diagnostic centers in Russia. In the 21st century, the Voronezh State Medical Academy named after N.N. Burdenko became a powerful educational, scientific, medical and industrial complex, in which more than 10,000 students, cadets and doctors are trained. The academy has five faculties, three teaching and educational institutes, six research institutes operating within the framework of well-known and consistently developing scientific schools, a Central Research Laboratory, two own clinics (dental and children's), a sports complex with a swimming pool, The regional scientific and medical library, which has a fund of over 700,000 volumes, a museum complex, five student dormitories, a botanical garden. The pride of the academy is its teachers. It is they who lay a solid foundation for the professional skills of future specialists. More than 800 teachers teach, provide medical and advisory assistance at the university. Among them are five academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, six honored workers of the higher education of the Russian Federation, 12 honored scientists of the Russian Federation, 29 honored doctors of the Russian Federation, two honored inventors of the Russian Federation, two laureates of the USSR Council of Ministers, 146 doctors of medicine and professors, more 600 candidates of medical sciences and associate professors. Among the significant achievements of the academy staff are eight scientific discoveries (of which seven have been since 2000). Student scientific conference in accordance with the generally accepted system trends of higher medical education, the modern concept of development of which provides for a significant increase in the practical component in the educational process, the academy is implementing a comprehensive program providing the pedagogical process with modern phantom equipment. Within the framework of this program, the Center for Practical Training of Specialists was opened at the Academy, the capacity of which is more than 3,000 students per year. The center has four specialized rooms: pediatric, surgical, obstetric-gynecological and general care. The fleet of simulators consists of 75 pieces of equipment, including high-tech dummies that imitate complex biological processes. A training pharmacy and a pharmacy museum are in preparation for opening, where students of the Faculty of Pharmacy will be able to practice their knowledge in practice. The most important task of the academy staff was and remains the improvement and development of educational, scientific, educational and moral traditions laid down by the devotees of science, the preservation of the spirit of creativity, intelligence, and absolute devotion to the interests of the medical profession in the university. That is why educational work in the university is given a dominant role. The coordinating council for educational work, the council of student self-government work in close cooperation, public, creative and sports organizations are successfully functioning. Together with the Voronezh Theological Seminary, an optional course "Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture" and a student Orthodox club "Lekar" were organized, the work of which is aimed at developing and strengthening universal values ​​in the minds of students - spirituality, morality and morality. At the academy, a house church of the apostle and evangelist Luke was opened. Over its more than 90-year history, the academy has trained over 50,000 specialists not only for Russia, but also for countries near and far abroad. Among the students of the university are laureates of the State Prizes of the USSR and the Russian Federation, academicians and corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, world-famous scientists, well-known clinicians, healthcare organizers: immunologist R.V. Petrov, endocrinologist I.I. Ledov, gynecologist V.P. Kozachenko, surgeon-angiologist A.V. Pokrovsky, phthisiatrician A.A. Pryimak, immunologist V.M. Zemskov, member of the International Association of Astronauts V.V. Antipov and many others. Stave pages of the history of VSMA named after N.N. Burdenko are reflected in detail in the constantly updated expositions of the museum complex, which includes museums of the history of the academy, the history of healthcare of the Voronezh region, space medicine, the history of pharmacy, medicinal plants, rare books. The biological and anatomical museums of the academy have a complex of exhibits that are constantly used in the educational process. Extensive international activities The academy conducts within its own International Institute of Medical Education and Cooperation, which has trained more than 700 specialists from 36 countries of the world: Great Britain, China, Germany, India, Israel, Greece, Kenya, Turkey and others. In 2006, for a significant contribution to the development of domestic medicine and healthcare, the Voronezh State Medical Academy named after N.N. Burdenko was awarded the Order of M.V. Lomonosov. One of the priorities of the academy is the postgraduate education of doctors in primary health care, which is carried out by the Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education (INMO) of the VSMA named after N.N. Burdenko. Over the past three years, the volume of training of district therapists, district pediatricians and family doctors has significantly increased, the training of which is carried out not only on the basis of the VSMA, but also in large district hospitals using distance learning and telemedicine technologies. The allocation of postgraduate training of medical personnel as one of the most significant components of the national project "Health" not only allowed to increase the number of trained polyclinic doctors, but also to improve the quality of the cycles, develop new curricula, and introduce new pedagogical methods. Every year, IMME publishes dozens of manuals, creates electronic databases on topical issues in medicine. The implementation of the national project made it possible to significantly improve the material and technical component of the pedagogical process. As a result, all departments are equipped with the latest multimedia demonstration equipment, computer equipment, which is widely used in the educational process. Central Medical AuditoriumSince 2003, VSMA named after N.N. Burdenko is implementing a comprehensive regional program "Health for every family". Teams of leading specialists of the academy - professors and associate professors travel free of charge to regional centers and remote settlements. During such trips, specialists conduct consultations with patients in district and rural hospitals, outpatient clinics, select patients for treatment in the conditions of clinical medical institutions in the city of Voronezh, optimize treatment regimens for patients in district health facilities, hold seminars with medical workers, give lectures for the population on topical issues. issues of prevention of various diseases and promotion of a healthy lifestyle. In the summer of 2008, at the VSMA named after N.N. Burdenko created a board of trustees. The purpose of creating the council is to strengthen the role of the academy in the socio-economic and cultural development of the Central Black Earth region, consolidate the activities of the academy staff, improve the quality of training of senior and middle-level specialists, generalize and disseminate positive experience in organizing the educational process, scientific work, dissemination of advanced pedagogical technologies , improving the system of continuous education. The board of trustees includes prominent figures in politics, art, business, and journalism. The activity of the council is aimed at solving the problems of higher medical education in the Central Black Earth region. Burdenko in the training of highly qualified medical personnel, the establishment and award to students and teachers of the VSMA named after N.N. Burdenko nominal scholarships, etc. The ongoing processes of reforming education and healthcare have found their application in the work of the Voronezh State Medical Academy named after N.N. Burdenko. The development and implementation of modern educational and medical-diagnostic technologies, scientific research into the educational process are actively underway. This allows already today to provide qualified medical and pharmaceutical personnel to the territories with whom the academy works on a contractual basis through a state order. And these are 11 regions of the Central Black Earth Region, the Chechen Republic, Chukotka and Kaliningrad. The Academy has all the necessary conditions for the faculty and students to constantly replenish and improve their knowledge, contribute to the progress of medical science and practice, be ardent patriots of the Fatherland, strengthen and multiply the glorious traditions of Alma mater.

One of the famous and oldest universities in Russia is the Voronezh State Medical Institute. Burdenko N. N. (currently the educational institution has the status of a university). This university provides high-quality higher education, conducts scientific developments in the field of pharmacy, biology and medicine. The institute is chosen not only by applicants of the city and the region. People come here from different parts of Russia. Among the applicants are often foreign citizens. How to enter a university? What specialties does Voronezh have and what exams do you need to take? These pressing issues are worth looking into.

Choice of specialty (training programs)

To enter a medical school, you must first decide on a specialty. The university implements programs of secondary vocational and higher education. The first of these include the following:

  • "Orthopedic Dentistry" (at the end of training in this area, graduates are awarded the qualification of a dental technician).
  • "Nursing" (this area of ​​training allows you to qualify as a nurse or nurse).

Higher education programs include:

  • "Nursing" (bachelor's degree).
  • "General Medicine" (specialty, qualification - general practitioner).
  • "Pediatrics" (specialty, qualification - pediatrician of general practice).
  • "Pharmacy" (specialty, qualification - pharmacist).
  • "Medical and preventive work" (specialist, doctor in epidemiology, general hygiene).
  • "Stomatology" (specialty, qualification - dentist of general practice).

Required documents for admission

Applicants who decide to enter the medical institute, which is located in Voronezh, must submit a package of documents to the selection committee. It includes:

  • statement;
  • matte photos (6 pieces for admission to secondary vocational education programs and 4 for higher education programs);
  • the passport;
  • a document confirming the availability of secondary (complete) general, secondary vocational or higher education;
  • a certificate containing information about the applicant's passing a medical examination and the conclusion of doctors;
  • a copy of the passport of the mother or father (it is necessary only for minor applicants entering the university for paid places).

Submission of documents in person to the selection committee

One of the ways to submit documents at the Voronezh State Medical Institute is a personal visit to the admissions committee. At the university, an applicant can fill out an application. Employees of the admissions committee will point out the lack of necessary documents, if they are really missing. Also, experts will check whether the application is filled out correctly.

To save your time before visiting the admissions office, it is recommended to go through electronic registration. The Voronezh State Medical Institute has specially created a separate website for applicants, where you can fill out a questionnaire, select the specialties and form of study you are interested in, and enter information about the availability of USE results. After electronic registration, applicants are assigned a specific day to visit the university and present all originals.

Submission of documents through the post office

Applicants from other cities do not have to come to the Voronezh Medical Institute to submit the prepared package. The university provided an opportunity for such persons to send documents using the services of post offices. An important nuance - only copies are sent. A list of attachments of documents certified by a postal employee is also required.

Sometimes, when submitting papers in this way, applicants' applications are rejected by the admissions committee of a state university. This is due to the following errors:

  • lack of any documents, photographs;
  • listing in the application more than 3 specialties (an applicant can participate in the competition for 1, 2 or 3 areas of training, but no more);
  • lack of expert opinions in the medical certificate;
  • the presence of unreadable copies;
  • illegible handwriting;
  • insufficient number of points in the exam.

Entrance tests for higher education programs

In all areas of training, the Voronezh Medical Institute named after Burdenko N. N. established 3 exams:

  • Russian language;
  • chemistry;
  • biology.

Only those applicants who have at least 40 points in each of the listed subjects are admitted to "General Medicine", "Pediatrics" and "Dentistry". On "Nursing", "Pharmacy" and "Medical and preventive business", the requirements are slightly lower. For each discipline, the number of points is not less than 36.

Entrance tests for secondary vocational education programs

Voronezh Medical Institute has not established examinations in general subjects in the areas where future mid-level specialists are being trained. The only entrance test for "Orthopedic Dentistry" and "Nursing" is a psychological test. After checking it, the university staff puts a mark “passed” or “not counted”.

Testing is carried out, as a rule, in August, after the completion of the acceptance of documents from applicants. After the surrender, lists of enrolled persons are formed and the corresponding orders are issued:

  • "On enrollment in the number of students" until the budgetary places are filled.
  • "On enrollment in the number of students" for overscheduled contractual admission.

Entrance tests for foreign citizens

Admission to the Voronezh Medical Institute for foreign citizens consists in writing an application, providing documents and passing tests in the Russian language, chemistry and biology. Particular attention in the university is paid to the delivery of the first subject. The entrance test in the Russian language consists of 4 parts:

  • in part 1 of 10 test tasks, the results of which determine the formation of skills and abilities of perception and adequate understanding of the proposed information by ear;
  • Part 2 of 20 tasks allows you to find out if the applicant is able to distinguish between lexical units depending on the context, use prepositional-case forms, make simple and complex sentences;
  • in part 3, the text of educational and professional topics and test tasks are proposed to assess the level of understanding of the information presented;
  • in part 4, applicants write a monologue statement on a specific topic, consisting of 10 sentences (minimum).

Passing score in an educational institution

In higher education programs, the passing score is determined annually at the end of the admission campaign. It means the smallest number of points among enrolled applicants. An approximate passing score for the Voronezh Medical Institute for the current academic year can be found by analyzing the passing scores of previous years.

Minimum results of applicants enrolled last
Direction of training Passing score (budget / commercial-contractual reception)
2016 2015 year 2014
"Medicine"247 / 122 256 / 190 246 / 188
"Pediatrics"241 / 126 249 / 157 235 / 170
"Pharmacy"199 / 156 230 / 132 222 / 134
"Medical and preventive work"200 / 144 230 / 143 217 / 122
"Dentistry"247 / 156 246 / 156 267 / 192