What's the most beautiful thing in the world. Blue Lakes. Cherek-Balkarskoe gorge, Kabardino-Balkaria. Patomsky crater. Irkutsk region

There are many places in the world that are mesmerizing with their beauty. We offer to see 10 most beautiful places in the world, which, in our opinion, can be attributed to the outstanding and interesting places of the planet, where you should definitely visit at least once.

10 most beautiful places in the world # 10: Meteora Monasteries

Meteora are located in Greece, in the mountains of Thessaly. On high rocks, which are millions of years old, there are 6 active Orthodox monasteries. They seem to be floating in the air.

Once in small caves, or even just in the crevices of the rocks, hermits lived. From time to time they descended into the valley to visit the nearest church. But during numerous wars, churches were destroyed, people died. In the XIV century, the monk Athanasius and his assistants began the construction of the first monastery on the rock, the height of which exceeded 600 m.

During its heyday, dating back to the 16th century, there were 24 monasteries here. For a long time, it was possible to inspect the amazing buildings only by climbing the hinged stairs. The monks also lifted the guests in a special basket.
During the Second World War, the monasteries were significantly damaged, but were subsequently restored and today are again a popular tourist destination.

10 most beautiful places in the world # 9: Sequoia National Park

Sequoia Park is located in the USA, in the state of California. It was founded in 1890. Nowadays, its area exceeds 1600 sq. km. Truly huge trees grow here. Including the largest tree on the planet in terms of timber volume - "General Sherman". Its age is estimated at 2,000 years, and the volume of timber is approximately 1,500 cubic meters. The giant is protected from tourists by a special fence.

It is impossible to take a picture with a giant tree so that it completely falls into the lens.
In general, the park makes an indelible impression, reminding a person that he is just a blade of grass in the kingdom of nature.
The wood of each sequoia is silky, pleasant to the touch.

These trees do not burn on fire. The fallen giants are not removed, but placed next to the signs, notifying when a given tree has collapsed.
In addition, you can meet various animals in the park: deer, badgers and even bears.

10 most beautiful places in the world # 8: Danxia Park in China

Zhangye Danxia National Park is located in China. Its area is over 500 sq. km. The attention of tourists is attracted by the rocks, shining with all the colors of the rainbow.

The rocks themselves are sharp and smooth, their height is several hundred meters. Their unusual shapes are the result of natural processes. Strong winds and rains made some rocks look like medieval castles, others like pagodas.
To make it easier for tourists to explore this natural landmark, special roads equipped with observation platforms have been laid on the territory of the park.

10 Most Beautiful Places in the World # 7: Waitomo Glowing Caves

To visit here, you need to go to New Zealand. But the goal is worth it. Waitomo Caves is one of the most amazing places on Earth. Here, under the stone vaults, a huge number of fireflies live. At first glance, it may seem to the uninitiated that he sees a sky overhead, strewn with stars.

The caves were discovered at the end of the 19th century by the ruler of the Maori Indians Tan Tinoro and his companion, the English scientist Mays. They got here by water. The bizarre vaults, decorated with countless blue lights, made a stunning impression on the discoverers. A little later, another - land - entrance to the dungeon was opened.
Nowadays, the caves are a place of real pilgrimage for tourists.

10 most beautiful places in the world # 6: Santorini island

Santorini is an archipelago that belongs to Greece and includes 5 islands, one of which is called Fira (Santorini). This place is striking in its beauty: the sea, transparent as a tear, beaches, sand on which are of different colors and amazing towns, by the will of man, have grown on the shores. More than 13 thousand people live on the islands.

Tourists admire the sand lying on the local shores. On some beaches it has a delicate milky white, on others it is red, on others it is black. There are ancient Orthodox churches on Santorini. Many houses and whole streets here also belong to a bygone era.

10 most beautiful places in the world # 5: Geysers of Iceland

The Valley of Geysers, located in Iceland, is known throughout the world. Nevertheless, it is quite young, if we are guided by geological standards. At the end of the 13th century, an earthquake occurred in this area, and 4 centuries later, thousands of geysers simultaneously gushed out.

The road leading to the valley is constantly shrouded in fog, consisting of the smallest spray of water. Geysers have various shapes, forming cones, domes, bowls. Hot water gushing from the bowels smells of hydrogen sulfide. Many thermal springs have a healing effect. But more often than not, tourists come here just to enjoy an unforgettable sight.

10 most beautiful places in the world # 4: Machu Picchu (Peru)

Machu Picchu is an ancient city located on the territory of the modern state of Peru. To see it, you have to climb to an altitude of about 2500 m above sea level. Scientists date the birth of the city to the 15th century and suggest that the Incas were its creators. There were about 200 stone buildings in Machu Picchu, and over 1000 people lived in it. The city was an imperial residence, a real sanctuary.

After the conquest of the indigenous lands of the Incas by the Spanish conquistadors, Machu Picchu was abandoned for many years. Only peasants lived here, wishing to avoid the extortions of officials. In the early years of the 20th century, Machu Picchu was rediscovered by American researchers.

Since then, tourists have admired the ancient altar for sacrifices, a semicircular tower, narrow streets of the ancient town.

10 most beautiful places in the world # 3: Antelope Canyon

Antelope Canyon is located in the United States on lands owned by the Navajo Indians. The tribe gave it its name - according to an ancient legend, an Indian girl discovered the canyon. The motley walls, which are predominantly red and red in color, reminded the Indians of the skin of an antelope.

The canyon is a narrow crevice. Wind and rainwater, influencing the rocks for centuries, have created real labyrinths here, which illuminate the rays of the sun breaking through from above. Actually, there are two canyons - Upper and Lower. The length of each is tens of meters. From time to time, during heavy rains, the canyons are flooded.

10 most beautiful places in the world # 2: Bryce Canyon

Bryce Canon is a national park in the United States, in the state of Utah. Nature itself has created an open-air museum here. From the ancient rocks that were once located here, picturesque remains of various colors remain. These geological columns are called hoodoo, and their fantastic shapes are amazing.

As a result of oxidation, chemical elements give over 60 color shades. Among them are white and yellow, red and purple. Every year, being subjected to erosion, the rocks look more and more bizarre. In general, they resemble an ancient amphitheater.
The park is named after Ebenezer Bryce, who did a lot for its development at the end of the 19th century. In particular, he paved a road here.

10 most beautiful places in the world # 1: Salt Lake Salar de Uyuni

The dried up lake Salar de Uyuni is located in South America, Bolivia. This is the largest salt marsh on Earth. Its area is over 10,500 square meters. km, and the layer of salt reaches 8 m. Once upon a time a huge splash on this place. Over the course of tens of thousands of years, it gradually dried up, and as a result, left behind 2 salt marshes. And even they now make a stunning impression.

From the outside, tourists may think that they are on another planet and in front of them there is a white ocean, glistening slightly under the rays of the sun. Flamingos have long chosen this place. Huge flocks of birds with pink plumage made the Salar de Uyuni salt lake even more beautiful.

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The most beautiful places in the world have always attracted the attention of lovers of all that is beautiful. Nature has created a huge variety of the most beautiful places on our planet.

People have helped to decorate the landscape and nature of these places in order to further emphasize their pristine beauty. I bring to your attention the top of the most beautiful places in the world.

Hokkaido blue pond

This reservoir, unique by its nature, is actually the creation of human hands. The pond is located on the left bank of the river in Japanese Hokkaido at the foot of the mountain. Hokkaido's blue pond was formed due to the construction of a dam. Subsequently, it became one of the Japanese nature reserves. The water is preserved in the forest plain at a stable level, while creating a picturesque pond from which it is impossible to look away. The poetic name Blue Pond speaks for itself. The fact is that the name itself is very similar to the bright blue surface of the water against the background of trees.

Surprisingly, the origin of the characteristic blue color of the water cannot be explained to this day. But according to scientists, this phenomenon is associated with an increased content of aluminum hydroxide in the composition of water in the reservoir. It is capable of reflecting blue, just as it can in the earth's atmosphere.

Hokkaido's Blue Pond is capable of changing shades of blue and blue depending on the time of day and viewing angle. The Blue Pond is a famous tourist attraction that attracts many tourists from all over the world. This is an amazingly beautiful and picturesque place. Therefore, it is rightfully included in the most beautiful places in the world.

Lisse tulip fields

These magnificent tulip plantations in Holland are able to surprise everyone with their unique beauty. It seems that the earth is decorated with all the colors of the rainbow. Blue, red, yellow, pink are the colors that cover the territory of Lisse in the western part of the Netherlands.

The first flowers called "tulip" appeared in the Netherlands in 1570. These flowers, or rather their bulbs, were brought by an Austrian scientist and botanist. After some time, a wave of tulip cultivation swept across the country. Tulips have become really popular. In some cases, people were ready to pay a lot of money for rare specimens of tulips. Since then, the country has changed a lot, but the reverent attitude of the Dutch towards these flowers continues to this day.

To this day, the Netherlands remains the largest supplier of tulips and roses in the world. Each year, tulip fields attract the attention of thousands of tourists who come to see with their own eyes 3,000,000,000 tulips, transforming the earth into a rainbow paradise. These flowers are sold in all flower shops around the world. But most of all they are popular in Germany and the USA.

Stone forest in Madagascar

The stone forest of Madagascar is the most unusual and beautiful place on the planet. This forest is located in the Bemaraha Nature Reserve in the western part of Madagascar. The area of ​​the stone forest reaches 152,000 hectares.

Its originality and uniqueness is explained by the fact that the stone forest consists of vertically standing stone rocks, which are easily recognizable by their conical shape. These rocks have arisen as a result of the erosion of the limestone that makes up the stone forest. It is interesting to note that the age of the stone formations reaches more than a million years.

Nowadays, the stone forest in Madagascar is a huge stone block with numerous amazing labyrinths, so when traveling through this forest you can sometimes get lost.

Ashikage Flower Park

A stunning variety of colors, gorgeous designs, incredible compositions and fragrant flower tunnels cover an area of ​​more than eight hectares. In spring, wisteria reigns in this beautiful place. There are about a thousand such plants here. One of the most important attractions in the park is the 100 year old wisteria.

Many branches of a subtropical plant hang down almost to the very ground and amaze with their fragrant flowers that resemble butterflies against the background of bright green foliage. This spectacle is truly unforgettable and beautiful.

But the uniqueness of Ashikaga Park is not only in the blooming wisteria. The unique plum trees amaze the park with their beauty in spring. In summer, tourists from all over the world are impressed by hydrangeas, petunias, roses and hyacinths.

Ashikaga Park is a place where you can instantly plunge into a dream.

Great Ice Canyon in Greenland

As a result of global warming, some of the most ordinary and monotonous landscapes on our planet have been transformed and become incredibly beautiful and impressive. These places include the island of Greenland. Which has changed and began to attract huge attention of travelers from all over the world.

Numerous canyons have formed in the central part of the island. The most popular and largest is the Grand Ice Canyon. It impresses with its size and beauty. The canyon is inhabited by the arctic wolf, lemming, arctic fox. And in the coastal waters you can find walrus, harp seals, whales and many other animals. The canyon is also home to grouse, gulls and eiders.

The fabulous canyon view of the canyon attracts thousands of curious hikers, hikers, climbers and explorers every year. Such beauty excites the imagination and takes your breath away.

Brazil National Park

There is an amazing sand dune park in Brazil. It occupies a huge area with fine golden sand. The main attraction of the national park in Brazil is the unique desert.

It should be noted that the territory of the desert is half water. The fact is that the desert is located in an area in which heavy rains are not uncommon. Therefore, the sands of the desert are simply not able to cope with the large volume of water that remains after heavy rains. It is worth noting that it is thanks to the torrential rains that a luxurious lagoon with warm water is formed in the desert.

The Brazilian National Park is especially beautiful in spring, when there is plenty of such water in the desert. In summer, you can see many beaches located right in the desert, near the lagoons. The main mode of transport in the national park is bicycle. Mostly visiting tourists travel on foot.

Havasu Falls, Grand Canyon

The height of Havasu is 37 meters. The uniqueness of the waterfall lies in the fact that the water that falls into the lake acquires bright blue, blue and greenish hues. Such a delightful color palette is created by calcium and magnesium carbonate, which is washed out of the rocks.

Crystal clear water and constant water temperature are another feature of the Havasu Falls. The best place is a sandy beach under the shade of trees. It is truly a heavenly place to relax at the waterfall.

It is worth noting that 800 years ago, these places were inhabited by the tribes of the Havasupai Indians. Literally translated, it means "people who came from blue-green waters." And this is really true. The crystal clear water of the color of the sky and the steep red cliffs of the Grand Canyon create an amazing contrast.

Pamukkale Turkey

Endless snow-white plains in the middle of a sultry summer - this is Pamukkale. This beautiful place is located in southwestern Turkey, Denizli province. Translated from Turkish means - Cotton Castle. Pammukale is a natural site that consists of seventeen geothermal springs.

Unusual ponds and terraces formed in carbonate mineral deposits in hot springs. The main attraction is the so-called travertine. You can walk on it without shoes due to its fragility. The depth is no more than a meter.

The healing properties of thermal mineral springs and the dazzling white formations of travertine have been known since ancient times. They are famous among the majority of tourists who visit Turkey.

Indian fort Chittorgarh

Chittorgarh is one of the oldest forts in India. It was built by the king. The fort was built as a dowry for the king's daughter back in the 12th century.

Externally, it is a massive building with many doors inside. The territory of Chittorgarh is about 700 acres. Despite the large number of people who once lived in the fort, he was constantly attacked.

Very often, the enemies held a siege, thereby forcing the men to leave the fort directly to meet the enemy. There are more than a hundred temples on the territory, which have survived to this day in the form of ruins. But there are also some temples that have been preserved in excellent condition.

Seven-colored lands on the island of Mauritius

There is a corner of our planet where the earth is naturally colored in seven colors. This natural wonder is located on the island of Mauritius, near the Black River. It was there, on the famous plains of Kharamel in 1960, that this geological phenomenon was first identified.

The dunes in this place are painted in seven colors. Among them are green, red purple, unusual brown, yellow, and even blue. A peculiar "highlight" of these sands is an unusual, spontaneously colored soil layer. This can sometimes make it seem like there are incredible pictures around you.

Scientists speculate that the multi-colored sands were caused by molten volcanic rocks. However, the exact origin of the unusual sand has not yet been established. And the characteristics of the soil itself are still being studied. Surprisingly, even rain cannot destroy the colored layers of the soil.

Today the dunes are protected and carefully fenced with a special fence that prevents tourists from getting close to the paths with colorful sand.

The world is beautiful! One has only to look around.

Good luck to all!

Video The most beautiful places in the world

Beauty is a purely subjective concept. Looking at the most mesmerizing places on our planet, a person begins to realize that true beauty is around him, and it is impossible not to enjoy it. For endless millions of years, Mother Nature has created so many masterpieces that still not all of the most beautiful places on Earth are covered by tourist routes.

Lake Uyuni (Bolivia)

This is the largest salt lake in the world, here time seems to slow down. You can even walk on its surface! During the rains, this salt marsh becomes a huge and extraordinary mirror. Salt is mined here, which is exported using antediluvian steam locomotives, the cemetery of which is located three kilometers from the city of Uyuni. The ideally flat and stable surface of the salt marsh, better than the ocean surface, allows you to align satellite instruments that probe our planet. There are islands on the salt lake where cacti manage to grow - pictures of such vegetation against the background of the sparkling white of the salt marsh are incredibly spectacular.

Pamukkale (Turkey)

In the southwest of Turkey there is a very beautiful geological formation - a rock made of limestone tuff - Pamukkale. Here the river begins, which descends along the stone terraces in the form of waterfalls and forms multi-tiered pools. Locals quite poetically called this place "Cotton Castle". The calcium-saturated water has provided this extraordinary landscape with incredible whiteness. Thousands of tourists come to the natural terraces and thermal springs near the foot of the mountains every year.

Rice terraces of Yunnan (China)

Rice fields located on the mountain terraces of the Chinese province of Yunnan are extraordinarily picturesque. They stretch for several tens of kilometers, exactly repeating all the bends of the earth's relief. The local ecological system is unique in its formation. In February, rice is planted in the land renewed by mountain springs, and the harvest is harvested in early autumn. The tourist season lasts here from late autumn to mid-spring. Inexperienced travelers are attracted by the mirrored surfaces of rice paddies, reflecting the rays of the sun, which, when refracted, give the entire solar spectrum.

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Great Blue Hole (Belize)

There is a barrier reef off the coast of Belize in the Caribbean Sea; in the center of one of its atolls there is an unusual object - a mysterious, beautiful blue hole, perfectly round and going into a very deep cave. However, in nature such phenomena are common, in this case the size of the hole is striking - a diameter of 300 meters, and a depth of 120 meters. Extreme divers like to come here to get new portions of adrenaline. Once this hole was explored by Jacques Yves Cousteau himself, after him it became famous all over the world.

Arizona Wave (USA)

Near the border separating the states of Arizona and Utah, on the Colorado plateau, there is an unusual sandstone formation, which has irregular bizarre shapes with smooth curves and is painted in rich ocher colors, which was given the name "Arizona Wave". All self-respecting professional landscape photographers always strive to get here, but for this they have to overcome many obstacles, because there are no good roads here. The peculiar structure, reminiscent of a frozen stream of caramel, is the result of a long process of petrification of sand dunes into solid rock.

Jiuzhaigou National Park (China)

Southeastern China's Sichuan province has many attractions, one of which is the incredibly beautiful Jiuzhaigou National Park. It is located in the north of the province. There are many lakes and waterfalls here, and the special composition of the local water gives them an incredibly beautiful turquoise color. They look especially great in autumn, when the crowns of trees with leaves of all kinds of colors are reflected in their waters.

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Plitvice Lakes (Croatia)

The Balkan country of Croatia also has a mysterious, picturesque and incredibly beautiful place - Plitvice Lakes. They are included in the largest national park in Croatia. The landscapes of the park smells of mysticism: it is surrounded by impenetrable dense thickets, which the locals call them "the devil's forest". The chain of lakes is located in one mountain valley, the water from each upper lake overflows with numerous waterfalls into the lake below. Since the water quickly destroys the limestone rock, the waterfalls change every year. In winter, the frozen waterfalls are just as breathtaking as they are in summer. All Plitvice Lakes are divided into upper and lower.

Valley of 10 Peaks (Canada)

The nature of Canada is very beautiful, especially its icy beauty. One of the remarkable natural sites is the Valley of 10 Peaks, which is located at the base of the multi-domed Vekcemna mountain range, which has 10 peaks. Nearby is the Moraine Glacial Lake, which is a notable landmark in Banff National Park. For the best sightseeing of the local attractions, many trails for tourists have been laid. One type is called "$ 20" because a $ 20 bill was once issued with this landscape.

Mount Roraima (Brazil and Venezuela)

On the border between Brazil and Venezuela, there is a very beautiful peak of Roraima. In fact, Roraima is called at once several mountain ranges towering among the Amazonian wilds. This place became especially famous after the publication of the most popular novel by Arthur Conan Doyle "The Lost World", it was here that he transferred the main events of the novel and inhabited the local lands, closed from the whole world by inaccessible mountains. In fact, these places can serve as a powerful source of fantasy and creative inspiration.

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Monument Valley (USA)

In northeastern Arizona, on the border with Utah, lies the Colorado plateau with a desert that has an unusual and mesmerizing landscape. It was called the Valley of Monuments (Monuments), because in the middle of the flat desert are scattered rocks, cut by the wind, unusual shapes, creating an alien landscape. Almost all American westerns were filmed here, we have long been accustomed to seeing dashing cowboys on the screen, galloping through the desert against the backdrop of these reddish rocks.

Colored rocks of Zhangye (China)

There are many amazing places in China, for example, the unusually beautiful colorful cliffs in the Gansu province. They originated in the Cretaceous period. A panoramic look at this mountain range reveals a completely unusual color scheme in which its rocks are painted. It is explained by the fact that, among other rocks, red sandstone clearly predominates, as well as oxidized sedimentary silt rocks after the waters receded from these places. Currently, the Chinese authorities have turned this place into one of the popular tourist routes. Landscape painters adore the local ocher-colored cliffs.

Halong Bay (Vietnam)

The poetic name Halong, translated from Vietnamese, means "the bay where dragons find shelter." Following the bay, the city, located on its shores, inherited the same name. Perhaps the bay is fully consistent with its mystical name, because there are over 3 thousand small islets, mysterious caves and rocky mountains along the coast. In some of the caves, deeply penetrating into the rocks, attractions are arranged, here for tourists exciting adventure routes are prepared, multi-colored lighting is made. Any guest here feels like in the palace of a real dragon.

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Iguazu Falls (Brazil and Argentina)

Iguazu Falls refers to a large complex of 275 cascades. They are twice as high and wider than the famous Niagara Falls. The waterfalls owe their origin to volcanic activity: after the eruption, a huge crack formed in the ground, right under the bed of the Iguazu River, which caused the appearance of a whole cascade of waterfalls. The waterfall looks especially impressive during the rainy season, which falls on November-March, when the swollen river every second brings down 13 thousand cubic meters of water.

Crystal River (Columbia)

Although officially the Colombian river is called Caño Cristales, the Indian tribes living in the wilds of Central Colombia call it "the escaped from paradise" or "the river of five colors". There are many natural wonders in the tropics, but this fabulously picturesque multi-colored river is especially original! In various places, its bottom is colored pink, red, yellow, green, blue and black. It's all to blame for the amazing multi-colored algae that turn the river into a rainbow flowing among the Amazonian forests.

Enchanted Well (Brazil)

The magic of this unusual sight is shown every day for only an hour and a half - from 10:30 to noon, when the sun's rays penetrate into the cave. This well, 37 meters deep, is located at the bottom of an even deeper cave (80 meters). But the water in it is so pure that at the bottom of the well you can see fragments of trees that have fallen there in time immemorial. As if by magic, the walls of the cave and the lake at its bottom are suddenly illuminated with a magical blue light. Access to this cave, located in the Chapada-Diamantina National Park, is strictly regulated due to the abundance of those who wish and the fragility of the local ecosystem.

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Marble Caves (Chile and Argentina)

This place is located on the border between Argentina and Chile and has three names: among the Argentines - Buenos Aires, among the Chileans - General Carrera, and among the tribes of local Indians - Chelenko (lake of storm). Here, in fact, the mountainous climate is very harsh. But the lake is full of fish, including salmon and trout. The most interesting place on the Chilean side is the marble caves. There are huge reserves of this valuable stone, and in different shades, including even the rarest deep blue. The sunlight penetrating into the cave is refracted from the marble in different colors.

Sagano Bamboo Grove (Japan)

In the west of the ancient Japanese capital of Kyoto, there is an extraordinary bamboo forest. Thousands of bamboo trunks, like masts swaying gracefully in the wind, while they rub against each other, emitting a subtle ringing. Near the grove is the ancient Buddhist temple Tenryu-Ji, protected by UNESCO.

Hamilton Basin (USA)

This unusual ecosystem is located near the city of Austin in Texas and is a lake hidden under the dome of a cave. Many thousands of years ago, an underground river flowed at this place through karst rocks and gradually eroded them until the cavernous vaults collapsed in the center, revealing the river hidden under them to the sun. It turned out to be a very cozy secluded bay with a beach under a canopy. In the lake, the water has a deep blue color. In some places moss and climbing plants hang from the vaults of the grotto, while in others beautiful limestone stalactites descend. Swallows build their nests under the dome, and a waterfall falls from a 15-meter height nearby.

Valley of Flowers (India)

In the western Himalayas, in the upper reaches of the Ganges, there are incredibly beautiful flowering meadows. Almost all the plants growing here are endemic. Scientists are closely watching the local alpine meadows, stretching for 88 square meters. km. Magnificent flower meadows coexist with mountains, forests and waterfalls.

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Grand Canyon (USA)

One of the oldest national parks in the United States is the Grand Canyon area. This is one of the most ambitious creations of nature, which has attracted human attention. The canyon is located in the state of Arizona, and the Colorado River made it over millions of years. Until the middle of the 16th century, a tribe of Pueblo Indians lived in the canyon, who settled in small gaps in the walls of the canyon. These are the most beautiful places in the world, so now the Grand Canyon has turned into a gigantic tourist complex - there are many slopes, sleeping places and parking lots.

When you see extraordinarily beautiful photos of different parts of the world, don't you think it might be Photoshop? Such natural wonders really exist and today we will show the most beautiful places in the world, their names, descriptions and where they are. The pictures of nature in the photo look so great.

Greetings, dear readers of the site "I and the World"! Each country has its own unusual places where you can relax, so each tourist will have their own top 10. And in this article we will present those corners that travel lovers simply must visit. After all, not a single photo, even with the best description, can convey the beauty that can be seen on the spot.

10th place - colored rocks in China

Anyone who has seen the paintings of Pablo Picasso will immediately compare these rocks with the masterpieces of the famous artist.

Colored rocks of the mountains seem to be painted with multi-colored paint. The place has not lost its colorfulness since antiquity and looks much brighter than the nearby gray cities. Artists visit these places to be inspired to paint new paintings, others want to see the wonderful mountains with their own eyes.

9th place - horizontal twin falls in Australia

Hearing the word "waterfall", we immediately imagine a stream of water falling vertically downward. But it's hard to imagine a horizontal waterfall. This unusual phenomenon occurs because the waters rush in a frenzied stream between the ridge and the gorge. A seething horizontal waterfall is created.

This place should be visited by water extremists and walk along the turbulent streams of water on a boat: the main thing is not to take with you objects that spoil from liquid.

8th place of our top parade - Erebus volcano

Volcanoes cause fear and danger. Even those who have been sleeping for hundreds of years can suddenly wake up. But these dangerous giants cause a desire not only to get closer to them, but also to look into their very hearts. This volcano does not look usual: green foothills and snowy summit. It is a solid block of ice, because located in the coldest part of the world - Antarctica.

Many simply do not expect that among the eternal ice it is possible to see volcanoes, moreover, releasing hot white steam and even lava. Travel to the snowy plains is very rare, so if the opportunity presents itself, go to the volcanoes of Antarctica.

7th place - the largest cave in the world - Hang Son Dong

This amazing cave is located in the jungle of Vietnam. Words cannot describe its beauty. With a height of 240 meters and a width of corridors up to 100 meters, it amazes with its splendor. Inside, you can easily place hangars with aircraft and even take off if necessary. Standing under the arches of the cave, you understand: how small a person is with all his ambitions.

6th is the flat-topped Mount Roraima in South America

The majestic mountain evokes an indescribable sense of delight. The flat top looks quite unusual, because we are used to seeing the sharp peaks of the mountains. White natural fogs envelop its foot and inaccessible rocks in thick clouds. That's where climbers play!

Tourist travel starts from a small Indian village and follows a narrow path between two rivers. The mountains are too dangerous and do not like strangers, so if you gape, you can get behind the group and get one of the wild animals living there for lunch.

5th place - Plitvice Lakes in Croatia

Amazing crystal clear waters in contrast to the greenery of ancient ancient trees excite the imagination. Blue lakes are gorgeous in summer and winter. No pool can match the beauty of a natural natural lake. It is not for nothing that the people have such a saying: "You can endlessly look at fire and water."

Anyone can swim in pristine lakes, and then compare their beauty, for example, with the blue lagoons of the Pacific Ocean.

4th place - by right can be given to the cavereed flute in china

Asia still attracts travelers with its beauty and wealth. Those who have visited these places will say about complete relaxation inside the cave, cleansing the chakras and filling the whole body with energy. Why flutes? A lot of green reeds grew in the vicinity, from which flutes were made.

The Chinese keep a legend, which says that this colorful and singing place was once found by an ordinary peasant, falling through a hole in the ground. Without waiting, I went to heaven.

3rd place - Indian flower valleys

What a fabulous splendor opens up in this valley for any woman. The earth is simply strewn with all sorts of flowers, and those listed in the Red Book. The National Indian Flower Park is considered one of the most beautiful places in the world for a reason. A riot of colors is combined with the purity of the rivers, as if you have visited an abandoned, virgin place, where no human has stepped foot.

Visit the valley with your soul mate and present her with a sea of ​​flowers, there will be no limit to gratitude.

2nd place can be given to the Pink Lake in Senegal

And to believe in such, looking at the photographs, is really unrealistic. It feels like we are seeing a giant cup of pink yogurt left by the giant in the green of the trees. This is not an optical illusion or special effects - this is a real pink body of water. And nature created it!

Why pink? It turns out that the water here is several times saltier than in the Dead Sea. The lake is completely unsuitable for life, therefore, no organism can survive in it, except for one pink bacteria, which gives the water such a shade. Seeing these interesting places with your own eyes, you will definitely not be disappointed.

And finally, drum roll - 1st place - Uyuni Salt Flats in Bolivia

Imagine a huge mirror lying on the ground and you can even look into it from space. Original, right? It turns out that this is an ordinary dried up salt lake. But what could be unusual about a pile of salt?

Yes, in principle, nothing if during the season of heavy rains the territory did not fill with water and did not become like the largest mirror of the planet.

On the surface of the water, you can stand and walk like on a boulevard. Everything around is reflected in the water: the sky, clouds, birds. It is such a magical sensation that will take your breath away! And, perhaps, Uyuni is the most beautiful place in the world. At this time, you can take such pictures that even friends will not believe until they visit here themselves.

We showed the best photos with names and a rating of the most beautiful places on the planet. The list of unusual places to stay goes on and on. These corners of the planet are so beautiful and unusual that, if possible, you should definitely visit them. And we say goodbye to you until we meet again on the pages of our site.

Description and photos of unusual, mysterious and amazing places on our planet.

Semuc Champey (the name from the Mayan language translates as "where the river hides under the stones") is the most beautiful natural attraction in Guatemala, formed by the Caabon River, passing through a 300-meter limestone bridge (of natural origin) and forming several natural pools with a depth of 1 to 3 meters. You can swim in these pools, and if you sit on a stone and put your feet into the water, then in a few seconds you will begin to receive free massage and peeling from small fish living in these reservoirs. This is an extremely pleasant sensation, I liked it even more than directly swimming in the pond.

Semuk Champey is located in the deep jungle and remained unknown for a long time until it was accidentally discovered in the mid-50s of the last century. In 1999, the President of Guatemala declared Semuc Champay a Natural Monument.

Semuk Champay. View from the observation deck

Mount Kailash is located in the high mountain valley of Tibet in southwestern China. This sacred land is full of mysteries and mysticism. It is here that pilgrims from all over the world come to perform bark - a ritual walk around Kailash.

Prohodna is the highest cave in Bulgaria. It is located 2 km from the village of Karlukovo in the Iskar River valley and is part of the Iskar-Panega Geopark. This amazing karst cave is a natural rock bridge 262 meters long and 15 to 25 meters wide. It has two entrances, Big and Small, between which a path is laid.
The height of the vault of the large entrance is 45 meters: this is a favorite place for fans of extreme jumps. In addition, the cave is very popular with rock climbers. In the vicinity of Prohodna there are sports routes that are considered one of the most difficult in Bulgaria.
The main feature of the Passage is two through holes in the rock, shaped like human eyes. Locals call them "Eyes of God" and sometimes "Devil's eyes". These "windows" provide natural light to the cave and captivate tourists with their amazing symmetry. But the "Eyes of God" makes a special impression in rainy weather, when real tears seem to flow from them.

Bryce Canyon National Park is located in Utah (USA). This amazing natural site is known all over the world for its beauty and unique marine geology. It is a gigantic amphitheater of rocky peaks of various structures.

New Zealand is a beautiful country that prides itself on its picturesque landscapes. However, its main attractions are not only on the surface - it is just as beautiful underground. Proof of this is the famous Waitomo area, which lies on one of the largest islands in the state. It is famous for its impressive limestone caves, which are amazing in themselves, but what makes them even more special are the numerous fireflies that have chosen these underground labyrinths as their home. Thousands of tiny insects emit phosphorescent light, creating surreal light installations.

The picturesque island quarter of Burano in the northern lagoon of the Italian city of Venice can rightfully be called one of the most colorful places on the planet Earth. In addition to skilled lacemakers, it is famous for its brightly colored buildings. Interestingly, each building is assigned a specific color, for which homeowners receive permission from local authorities. The state of the cartoon houses and the saturation of the hue are carefully monitored, if necessary, refreshing the lost brightness of their appearance. According to the legend, it was the bright colors of the facades that from the earliest times showed the Buran fishermen the way home.

A small village lying on one of the 400 Shengsi Islands located to the east of China's Zhejiang province has been abandoned by people for decades, but every year it attracts more and more tourists. After the town, famous for its fishing, was abandoned by people who found more convenient ways to earn money on the mainland, it began to disappear under the onslaught of local vegetation, turning into a kingdom of greenery. Plants slowly absorb the dilapidated stone buildings, demonstrating the power of nature and creating a truly fantastic sight. The quiet, scenic area on the east coast of China did not become a comfortable place for human life, but it quickly turned into a cozy home for local flora and fauna. The transformation of the city is especially impressive when you consider the fact that residents only left it in the early 90s, and empty houses and broken windows are already completely merging with thriving greenery. So the abandoned settlement gradually turns from ruins into green jungle, which has already become a famous local landmark.

In cold Iceland, a land of snow, ice and unique natural attractions, there is always something to see and admire. Its main treasures are represented by mighty fjords, volcanoes, waterfalls and, of course, glaciers, striking in their scale and beauty. In their depths, like in the castle of the Snow Queen, there is something even more magnificent - ice caves. The most amazing of them are concentrated in the southern part of the giant Vatnajokull glacier, which has the status of the largest glacier in Europe and the third largest in the entire globe after the glaciers of Antarctica and Greenland. Its area is 8133 km², which is 8% of the entire island. The thickness of the ice is on average 400 meters, and the maximum is 1000 meters. Vatnajökull is part of the largest national park of the same name in Europe.

Yosemite National Park in California has an impressive natural landmark called Horsetail Fall. Behind such an unusual name lies an ordinary seasonal waterfall, which falls from the eastern side of the El Capitan mountain range in winter and early spring. The most interesting things begin to happen in these parts at the end of February. In just a few days a year, visitors to the park have the opportunity to see a rare phenomenon - the transformation of an ordinary water stream into a fiery waterfall, reminiscent of lava erupting from a volcano. In fact, this natural phenomenon is a visual deception, the secret of which is hidden in the reflection of the rays of the setting sun at a certain angle and under favorable weather conditions. The luminary, blazing with fiery reflections in the water flowing from the mountain, creates truly apocalyptic landscapes. The unusual effect lasts only a few minutes, but travelers and hunters for unique footage regularly gather at Mount El Capitan to see and capture a stunning illusion.

Blue Fields is an unusual photo project, similar to the beautiful fantasy of the artist, authored by Scottish photographer Simon Butterworth. Captured by aerial photography, reservoirs in western Australia look very surreal, as if they were not photographs at all, but watercolor paintings depicting abstract patterns. In fact, the images show ordinary artificial ponds, from which concentrated brine evaporates, leaving a harvest of salt. The sky-blue salt fields were captured by the photographer from an airplane at an altitude of about 1,500 meters in the abandoned city of Useless Loop in Shark Bay, the westernmost point of the Australian mainland.

Goats are known for their acrobatic prowess and balance on sheer cliffs. However, their amazing abilities do not end there - in the kingdom of Morocco you can see an even more unusual sight: dozens of horned animals comfortably settle in the trees, like a flock of birds. They climb the highest branches, like skillful equilibrists, where they are engaged in measured eating of green leaves and fruits.

With the coming of night, the beaches of some of the islands of the Maldives archipelago flash with millions of glowing neon dots, as if the starry sky falls on the coast of the Indian Ocean. The surreal picture does not arise with the help of magic, but as a result of the vital activity of microscopic organisms called bioluminescent phytoplankton. The most common blue glow in the Maldives is observed from about July to February, especially during the new moon, when the darkness of the sky helps the microorganisms to glow as brightly as possible. The amazing effect of bioluminescence can be seen in any of the atolls of the state, but the most enchanting "star" surfs occur on the island of Vaadhoo.

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