Thick blood among the Eastern peoples. Causes and signs of blood thickening, blood thinning products. Determination of viscosity at home

The causes and treatment of thick blood is a topic that is relevant for many patients. The circulatory system performs the most important vital function - it delivers nutrients and oxygen to all organs and tissues. The fluidity of the blood is maintained by the well-coordinated work of the coagulation (hemostatic) and anticoagulant systems, as well as by a certain ratio between plasma and other elements of the blood flow.

When the system is unbalanced, the quality of blood is disturbed, it becomes acidic, thickens, which leads to disruption of the transport function and threatens with serious consequences for the heart and brain. To prevent dangerous complications, it is important to seek medical help at the first unfavorable signs and to find out the cause of the deterioration in well-being.

Thick blood: definition

What does the term "thick blood" mean? Our blood consists of a liquid part (plasma) and blood cells (formed elements), the content of which determines its density. The ratio between the main media is defined as the hematocrit number (hematocrit), which increases with thickening of the blood.

Blood viscosity is affected by an increase in the level of fibrinogen, prothrombin, erythrocytes, cholesterol and other formed elements. As a result, blood cells cannot fully perform their functions - tissues and organs do not receive enough nutrients and oxygen, and cannot cope with the elimination of decay products. In addition, the speed of blood flow slows down, the risk of blood clots increases, and the heart muscle wears out faster, as it can hardly pump heavy, thick blood.

The viscosity of blood is compared to the viscosity of water. Normally, plasma viscosity should be 1.7-2.3 times higher than water. And the viscosity index of all blood (plasma + formed elements) is normally 5 units. A general blood test will help to identify deviations, which, with an increase in the level of formed elements, will show an increase in hematocrit. Such a result should alert the doctor and become a reason for a full examination and identification of the reasons that contribute to an increase in blood viscosity.

Why does a person have thick blood?

There are a number of reasons for blood flow. Among the pathological conditions that contribute to blood thickening, doctors call dehydration of the body due to insufficient fluid intake. Many people do not know that to maintain an optimal balance, you do not need to drink coffee, sweet soda, juices or tea, but pure, filtered water. Food poisoning is often the cause of dehydration, accompanied by a violation of the water-electrolyte balance due to profuse vomiting and persistent diarrhea. In addition, dehydration is observed in infectious diseases accompanied by high fever, since the body loses fluid due to profuse sweating and frequent urination.

Thickening of blood can provoke long-term use of a number of drugs. These drugs include hormones, oral contraceptives, diuretics, and erectile enhancers in men. The listed medicines should be taken only as directed by a doctor and in the indicated dosages. This will help avoid unpleasant consequences.

Inaccuracies in nutrition also have a significant impact on. Excessive consumption of carbohydrate foods and sweets leads to an increase in blood sugar levels, fatty foods increase cholesterol, and protein foods "acidify" the blood, since the digestion of proteins produces amino acids that enter the bloodstream. But even fresh vegetables and fruits are not always beneficial. If they are grown using a lot of chemicals, there is a risk of poisoning the body with pesticides and heavy metals.

What makes the blood thicker?

Lack of physical activity and bad habits play an important role in the development of the pathological process. Avitaminosis, a lack of vitamins and trace elements associated with an unbalanced diet, also contributes to the violation of blood flow. In addition, strong stressful situations and constant nervous overstrain play a certain role in increasing hematocrit. The reason for the violations is the age factor, since various pathologies gradually accumulate in the body, which progress with age and provoke malfunctions in the hematopoietic system.

Only in rare cases, increased blood viscosity can be associated with congenital anomalies - heart defects, lungs, metabolic disorders.

Causes of thick blood in men and women

The cause of thick blood in men can be long-term smoking, alcohol abuse. A sedentary lifestyle and obesity in combination with bad habits lead to diseases of the cardiovascular and endocrine systems, cause hypertension, atherosclerosis and other pathologies associated with lipid imbalance, increased cholesterol levels and blood clots.

The cause of thick blood in women is often hormonal instability. The level of hormones changes during certain periods - during menstruation, pregnancy, menopause. Such changes have a direct impact on the state of the hematopoietic system and can become one of the factors in increasing blood viscosity.

In the process of carrying a child, the mother's body undergoes significant changes aimed at ensuring the full development of the fetus. It was during this period that women experience an increase in hematocrit. This is a physiological feature, a kind of protective reaction of the body to possible blood loss during childbirth.

But there are a number of pathological causes of thick blood in pregnant women. Among them, a violation of blood clotting due to increased production of fibrin, exacerbation of varicose veins and other chronic diseases. If the blood viscosity values ​​significantly exceed the permissible limits, the woman is prescribed treatment. The drugs are selected individually, taking into account the general condition and course of pregnancy. In some cases, it is possible to stabilize the situation by adjusting the diet.

Symptoms of thick blood

The following symptoms may indicate a problem:

  • general deterioration of health, weakness, drowsiness, increased fatigue;
  • constant thirst, dry mouth;
  • muscle weakness, poor exercise tolerance;
  • the appearance of shortness of breath, heart rhythm disturbances;
  • dizziness, headaches, heaviness in the head;
  • absent-mindedness, memory impairment;
  • depressive conditions;
  • coldness of the extremities due to impaired blood circulation;
  • the formation of nodules in the veins;
  • feeling of numbness and tingling in the limbs;
  • persistent increase in blood pressure.

In some cases, the pathology is asymptomatic and an increase in blood viscosity is detected by chance, after laboratory tests.

What tests show thick blood?

If you suspect a thickening of the blood, you should consult a doctor and undergo a number of diagnostic procedures. First of all, you need to donate blood for general and biochemical analysis, make a coagulogram, and conduct a glucose tolerance test.

All studies are aimed at identifying deviations from normal values ​​and determining the level of formed elements in the blood. A coagulogram gives an idea of ​​the functioning of the hemostasis system and blood coagulability, on which the duration of bleeding depends. The APTT analysis in more depth assesses the effectiveness of the internal blood coagulation pathway, determines the level of anticoagulants, plasma enzymes. In addition, a study is being conducted to determine the lipid profile (triglyceride and cholesterol levels).

Additionally, if a concomitant disease is suspected, the patient will be referred to:

  • Ultrasound of the abdominal and pelvic organs;
  • , Echo-KG;
  • MRI, CT;
  • test for the determination of tumor markers.

When an underlying disease is identified that contributes to a violation of the hematocrit, narrow specialists are involved in the treatment of the patient - an endocrinologist, a gastroenterologist, a pulmonologist, a cardiologist, an oncologist, etc.

Thick blood: what's the danger?

The risk of developing dangerous complications with increased blood viscosity directly depends on the reasons that cause it.

Thick, heavy blood reduces the blood flow rate, this is especially pronounced at the level of small vessels (capillaries). Hence, a characteristic circulatory disorder, cold extremities, an increased risk of blood clots that clog the vessels. If such a blood clot breaks off and blocks a coronary artery or a cerebral vessel, life-threatening consequences inevitably arise - myocardial infarction or ischemic stroke.

Among other consequences of blood thickening, experts call:

  • the development of atherosclerosis;
  • deep vein thrombosis;
  • ischemia of the lower extremities;
  • the development of heart or kidney failure;
  • accumulation of blood clots in the capillaries with subsequent tissue necrosis;
  • the threat of internal bleeding;
  • rapid wear of the heart muscle, forced to pump thick blood.

A slowdown in blood flow inevitably leads to a disruption in the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the tissues, which threatens the development of hypoxia, the accumulation of toxic decay products, the release of free radicals that accelerate the aging process.

Violation of hemostasis is accompanied by a weakening of the walls of blood vessels, adhesion of platelets, the formation of atherosclerotic plaques, an increase in blood pressure, an increased risk of bleeding or intracerebral hemorrhage. What to do if very thick blood threatens with severe complications? It is necessary to consult a therapist, undergo laboratory tests and, after confirming the diagnosis, begin treatment.


The treatment regimen is selected by the doctor individually, taking into account the reasons that violate the hematocrit. There is no single way to combat blood thickening, since the treatment tactics largely depend on the underlying disease, against the background of which there is a violation of the functions of the hematopoietic system. In order to restore blood flow, the course of metabolic processes must be corrected and measures are taken to reduce blood viscosity and fight the formation of blood clots.

The following groups of drugs are used to thin the blood:

  • Antiplatelet agents - Aspirin and medicines based on acetisalicylic acid (Cardiopyrin, Cardiomagnyl, Aspirin-cardio), which reduce blood viscosity and prevent blood clots from forming.
  • Anticoagulants (Heparin, Curantil, Warfarin) prevent blood clotting, improve its fluidity, and prevent thrombotic complications.
  • Preparations for strengthening blood vessels and eliminating the symptoms of varicose veins - Kapilar, Lyoton.

If necessary, medications are prescribed to reduce excess blood acidity, medications to normalize cholesterol levels, as well as vitamin complexes containing B and C vitamins and other symptomatic therapy.

Treatment of thick blood in women consists in normalizing hormonal levels, eliminating concomitant pathologies. With an abnormal increase in the level of lipids and "bad" cholesterol, men and women are prescribed lipid-lowering drugs, adjust the diet and lifestyle.

Diet with thick blood

Doctors advise to monitor sufficient intake of fluid in the body. Don't substitute coffee, tea, or sugary sodas for clean water. It is filtered or mineral water without gas that helps maintain the balance necessary for normal blood flow. It is a powerful means of preventing blood clots and blood clots. The daily daily allowance is at least 1.5-2 liters of liquid.

Be sure to watch your diet. Foods that contribute to blood thickening should be excluded from the diet. In this list:

  • rich meat broths;
  • fatty meat, smoked meats, sausages, lard;
  • fried, spicy foods;
  • marinades, canned food;
  • sweets, confectionery, baked goods;
  • strong tea, coffee, alcohol.

Of the foods that help thin the blood, you should name:

  • fresh vegetables (garlic, zucchini, tomatoes, cucumbers, beets);
  • fruits (citrus fruits, pomegranates, apples, pears, plums)
  • sea ​​fish, seafood;
  • greens, ginger;
  • berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, cranberries);
  • nuts;
  • vegetable oils (linseed, olive, sunflower);
  • sprouted cereals;
  • condiments and spices (turmeric, thyme, oregano).

Don't forget to increase your physical activity. Try to be more outdoors, swim, dance, run in the morning, attend fitness or yoga classes. Any feasible physical activity will only benefit.

Of the alternative means that help reduce blood viscosity, experts recommend hirudotherapy (treatment with leeches). By sucking on the skin, they inject special enzymes into the blood that help to thin it and improve its fluidity.

Folk remedies

For blood thinning in folk medicine, infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs have long been used. For this purpose, wormwood, horse chestnut, sweet clover, chicory, clover, hawthorn, willow bark are used. Here are some popular recipes:

Melilot decoction

The leaves and flowers of this plant contain coumarin, a natural blood thinning anticoagulant. To prepare a decoction of 1 tbsp. l. dry raw materials are poured with a glass of boiling water, insisted for 15 minutes under a closed lid, filtered and taken several times a day in a volume of 50 ml.

Willow bark decoction

Grind dry bark, measure 1 tbsp. l. and pour 400 ml of boiling water. Simmer the mixture over low heat for 20 minutes and leave in a closed container for 4 hours. Filter the ready-made broth, divide into three parts and drink this volume during the day. The course of treatment is at least a month.

Chestnut tincture

Crush the fruit of the horse chestnut with a hammer, collect the hard peel, and discard the pulp. Place 50 g of chopped peel in a container, pour 500 ml of vodka and leave in a dark place for 2 weeks. After this period, strain the finished tincture and take 1 tsp. half an hour before meals. The specified dose of tincture must first be diluted in a quarter of a glass of cool, boiled water.

Before starting treatment with folk remedies, you must consult a doctor, since some diseases are a contraindication to their use.

The topic of today's article will be such a disease as blood clotting or hemophilia. So, let's figure out what kind of disease it is, its symptoms, causes, how dangerous it is and what consequences it can have if there is no correct treatment or an incorrect diagnosis.

In this article we will talk about:

  • What is thick blood?
  • We find out the causes of the disease.
  • What symptoms are the prerequisites for the development of the disease?
  • How does the Tibetan approach differ from modern medicine?
  • How to get rid of blood clots using Tibetan medicine?
  • What results can you get after such treatment?

What is thick blood?

The state of a person's blood is the most important indicator of the work of the cardiovascular system. The quality of all processes occurring in the organs and cells of the body depends on blood, because it is their main living environment. Thick blood, the reasons for which differ, indicates a violation of its composition.

The main function of blood, transport, is difficult. This negatively affects the processes of oxidation and reduction in all tissues and organs: the brain, kidneys, liver and others. For this reason, the quality of the blood should be within the normal range. It is periodically necessary to do its analysis and, if necessary, adjust the blood composition.

There are two components of blood: blood cells, which, along with their main functions, give it density, and plasma is its liquid part. If the number of formed elements exceeds the plasma content, the blood viscosity and its density increase. Viscosity is determined by the level of fibrinogen and prothrombin content, but it can also increase due to an increase in other indicators, such as: cholesterol, glucose, hemoglobin and others. The general indicator of the ratio of the amount of plasma and formed substances is called the "Hematocrit number".

The increased viscosity indicates that not all blood cells are able to perform their function. This means that some organs will not receive enough nutrients and not all waste products will be excreted. In addition, in order to push through too thick a mass, the heart requires a lot of effort and tremendous power, which means that it will wear out faster. Not to mention the threat of blood clots with all the ensuing consequences.

Symptoms by which you can recognize a thickening of the blood

A disease called "thick blood" does not exist, it is not entirely correct to describe the accompanying symptoms as symptoms, because they can occur against the background of other malfunctions in the body, but nevertheless, the clinical symptoms that are characteristic of hypercoagulation are as follows:

  • high blood pressure (blood pressure),
  • general weakness
  • drowsiness,
  • dry mouth
  • absent-mindedness,
  • heaviness in the legs
  • fatigue
  • depressive state,
  • headache,
  • constantly cold limbs,
  • nodules in the veins.

The list goes on, but sometimes there are no symptoms at all? The so-called latent form, due to which hypercoagulation is detected only after donating blood for analysis.

Thus, if some or all of the symptoms present in the lists are manifested in you, then it's time to take care of your health.

Remember, the disease is easier and faster to treat in the early stages, when it has not yet taken root deep into your body.
Do not run it and do not leave it to chance or "by chance it will pass by itself." Undoubtedly, the body's resources are great. And Tibetan medicine is for the body to cope with the disease itself.

However, in the conditions of our modern life and not knowing the true causes of the disease, you should contact a specialist and undergo a free diagnosis in our clinic. At the very least, you will know your exact diagnosis, the cause of the illness, and recommendations for a quick recovery.

Let's continue our research, and first let's find out where the roots of all diseases come from, in particular, thick blood.

Where are the roots of all diseases

Our world is diverse and complex for some, but simple and great for others. The ability to behave, to subordinate thoughts to one's will, to manage one's condition in different situations, to launch the correct biochemical processes, allows a person to have strong energy and strong immunity, which means resistance to any diseases.

The integrity of the body begins to break down with psychoemotional factors that affect us every day. If a person knows how to cope with them, processing any emotional leaps towards a positive shift forward for himself, he will be able to react easily to any uncomfortable situation, remain in good health and, moreover, develop his energy potential.

Otherwise, under the influence of the crazy pace of life, stressful situations at work, at home or on the road, a negative energy charge begins to accumulate, gradually destroying a person's energy shell.

At first, it affects the psychological health of a person, in the future, the destruction goes to the physical level, where internal organs begin to suffer and various sores begin to creep out.

What is the cause of thick blood and what factors contribute to its development?

The density of blood is influenced by a number of factors, the most common of which are:

  • excess amount of red blood cells, platelets and hemoglobin,
  • lack of enzymes,
  • acidification of the body,
  • irradiation,
  • deficiency of minerals and vitamins involved in the production of enzymes and hormones,
  • increased blood clotting,
  • hyperfunction of the spleen,
  • dehydration due to insufficient water intake or if the large intestine does not absorb it well,
  • excess consumption of carbohydrates and sugar.

As a rule, one of the listed reasons prevails, the symptoms of which are temporary.

To treat the symptomatology means to drive the disease even deeper inside, where it will infect more and more new areas, developing a whole "network" of associated diseases.

And, one "fine" day, they will make themselves felt with all their bouquet, which will also be joined by side effects from drugs. Is it worth it? Of course not. There is always a choice.

How to get rid of the body from “blood thickening” with the help of Tibetan medicine?

The rapid recovery of the body in Tibetan ways is due to the methods of external and internal influence. Anything that can contribute to a quick recovery is taken into account. Lifestyle and nutrition also play an important role here.

With a free pulse diagnosis, you are given an accurate diagnosis, your prevailing constitution is determined, which is one of the most important points for setting the correct treatment, the causes of the disease, concomitant diseases, and already, based on these data, treatment is prescribed.

Again, diet and lifestyle play an important role in the healing process. Therefore, it is important to know your natural constitution and the state of affairs in general. And already on the basis of these data, determine the necessary diet, with the presence of abundant drinking and the exclusion or limitation of foods that are not suitable for you by nature.

The main external influences include the following procedures:

  • Hirudotherapy
  • Acupuncture
  • Moxotherapy
  • Stone therapy
  • Tibetan massage
  • Vacuum therapy
  • Other

In combination with herbal medicine, these procedures give a tremendous healing effect and allow you to quickly relieve pain and alleviate the condition.

Correctly selected phytopreparations have an immunomodulatory, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect, harmonizing the state of the internal systems of the body.

- the basis of Tibetan medicine. External influence by the above procedures leads to the fact that:

  • Blood thinns
  • Eliminates stagnation
  • Immunity rises
  • Discomfort is relieved
  • Concomitant diseases go away
  • The general condition of the body improves
  • And other manifestations of the disease

Tibetan medicine has helped many patients regain their lost health. Even in cases where ordinary doctors refused a patient, saying that he could no longer be helped, Tibetan medicine helped.
Not because she has some kind of magic pill, but because she has tremendous knowledge about the nature of man and his interaction with this world. This experience has been accumulating for millennia and is now gaining popularity very quickly due to its amazing results.

Without chemistry, antibiotics, painful procedures and surgeries, we manage to lift and put people on their feet, significantly improving their condition.

People come to us for the prevention of diseases. Relax, relieve your emotional state, raise your vitality and restore energy.

After complex procedures, a person gains harmony with himself and the outside world for a long time. He just glows with love, energy and life.

Therefore, if you have any health problems, come, we will help you.

Health to you and your loved ones!

Blood is the river of life in our body. The processes in the human body and the cardiovascular system as a whole depend on it. Viscous blood, the reasons for which are very different, indicates a violation of its composition. The transport function of blood in such conditions is hampered. This negatively affects many processes in our body. Therefore, it is very important to monitor the quality of blood, take periodic tests, and know that all indicators are normal.

Sometimes it is possible to understand that something wrong is happening in the body only when the state of health has deteriorated sharply and sharply. Unfortunately, sometimes an increase in blood density does not make itself felt until it becomes very bad, and in rare cases, too late. In order not to waste precious time, it is very important to take a blood test on time.

A general blood test can also show an increased density of blood. Any doctor can suspect something was wrong and send you for an additional examination, which, as a result, can prevent a whole bunch of unwanted diseases.

Blood tests for thick blood.

To determine the degree of blood density, your doctor may order additional tests that will help determine the degree of blood viscosity:

  • general blood test with counting of corpuscles (platelets, erythrocytes, leukocytes);
  • analysis for the duration of bleeding and blood clotting;
  • coagulogram - a comprehensive analysis (shows the general state of blood clotting).

If you have been assigned these analyzes - do not delay the trip to the laboratory!

Why does a person have thick blood, reasons.

The reasons for excessive blood viscosity can be both chronic and acute pathological processes. They become the actual cause of a violation of blood viscosity and an increase in the boundaries of its normal parameters.

The reasons may be:

  • Food intoxication of the body;
  • Antiphospholipid syndrome;
  • Erythremia (polycythemia);
  • Hypoxia;
  • Leukemia (some of its forms);
  • Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia;
  • decreased work of the adrenal glands;
  • Myeloma;
  • Diabetes;
  • Amyloidosis;
  • Cirrhosis of the liver;
  • Thrombophilia;
  • Thermal burns;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Varicose veins;
  • Pancreatitis;
  • Hepatitis.

Among the reasons can also be hereditary and genetic. You are at risk if: a relative has had problems with blood clots, you have had unexplained miscarriages, or you have already had a history of recurrent blood clots.

What are the symptoms of thick blood in the human body.

In medicine, there is no such disease as thick blood, so it will not be correct to describe the symptoms of such a disease. Signs and symptoms of hypercoagulability are still there, but they can occur through other disruptions in the body.

The list goes on and on, however, you also have to remember that hypercoagulability sometimes does not show signs at all, and the patient learns about his problem only after a blood test.

Why is thick blood in humans dangerous?

Human blood thickens with age, so elderly people are at risk. However, recently this process has become very young and young people also face problems with blood viscosity. Excessive blood viscosity can lead to serious consequences and even death.

The most dangerous consequence of an increase in blood density is blood clots. The active formation of blood clots occurs through the action of a blood-clotting protein (fibrin). The blood becomes thicker and less fluid.

Hypoxia... With a high density of blood, tissues and organs do not receive such necessary nutrients. Thick and slow blood, fragile blood vessels, the formation of blood clots lead to dangerous problems with the blood supply to the entire body.

Heart problems... These problems arise in the forefront with increasing blood density. A person suffers from heart failure, angina pectoris, strokes and heart attacks can develop. This is because the heart takes a tremendous amount of effort to pump thick blood. It is believed that cholesterol is less harmful to the body than viscous blood.

Ischemic stroke. This is a dangerous consequence when blood enters the blood vessels of the brain.

High pressure(hypertension).

VSD syndrome.

Thromboembolism... Pieces of detached blood clots get into the blood vessels of a person, which can lead to blood clots entering the blood vessels of the brain. Unfortunately, the consequences of embolism can lead not only to functional disorder, but also to death.

What if a person has thick blood?

As soon as a person hears that he has viscous blood, the question immediately follows: “What should I do ?!”. The doctors give an unambiguous answer to this - "Liquefy". In medicine, there is no such thing as blood thinning, and lowering the level of viscosity often has a negative effect on clotting. The patient must understand that blood thinning is nothing more than the normalization of its viscosity. That is, you must bring your blood to its normal physiological state so that clotting does not suffer. First of all, you need to consult a doctor who will give you specific recommendations.

How to thin the thick blood of a person?

In order to bring the blood back to normal, you need to reconsider your diet. It must be balanced. You must also adhere to a drinking regimen that is optimal for your weight (30 ml of water per kilogram of your weight).

In addition to a balanced diet, the doctor may prescribe medications. In each case, the doctor gets acquainted with the anamnesis and only then prescribes medications.

Strictly follow your doctor's orders! Do not self-medicate! Do not prescribe the drugs yourself! This can only lead to worsening health problems!

Nutrition with thick blood in humans.

As mentioned above, patients with hypercoagulation need a healthy and balanced diet. This does not oblige you to give up the usual products and delicacies, but everyone who is faced with this unpleasant situation should reconsider their menu. Also, the main factor in human nutrition is water. You need to drink as much liquid as possible. Even any diet says that you need to drink at least 2 liters of water per day. I would also like to note that soups, teas and other liquid dishes do not replace water.

Diet with thick blood in humans.

If the increased viscosity of the blood is not caused by serious diseases, it will be enough for a person to monitor their diet and without the medications offered by the pharmaceutical industry. However, in each case, medications can also be prescribed.

It is also worth giving up smoking and alcohol.

First of all, your diet should be balanced so that your body receives the right dose of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, as well as all the useful macro- and micronutrients.

For some, the word diet sounds like a sentence, but you don't have to starve yourself, you just have to focus on the following foods:

  • garlic;
  • onion;
  • celery;
  • artichokes;
  • tomatoes;
  • beet;
  • skinless cucumbers;
  • cinnamon;
  • ginger;
  • figs;
  • cashew;
  • seeds;
  • almond;
  • bitter chocolate;
  • cocoa;
  • grape;
  • berries (currants, strawberries, cherries and others);
  • citrus;
  • peaches;
  • apples;
  • seaweed and lean sea fish;
  • lean meat (rabbit, turkey, skinless chicken);
  • linseed and olive oil;
  • vinegar.

As you can see, from the list presented, you can make a wide variety of menus and it is not necessary to prejudice yourself in food.

Folk methods and recipes for thinning thick blood.

All means are good in the fight for your health. Therefore, do not forget about the traditional methods of treating excessive blood viscosity.

Before using traditional recipes, consult your doctor.

Ginkgo biloba tincture... This tincture is used in the treatment of VSD, and also prevents the formation of blood clots. Take 50 grams of ginkgo biloba leaves, fill them with 1 liter of vodka and leave for 2 weeks. You need to take the tincture in courses (we drink a month, 2 weeks break) a teaspoon 3 times a day before meals.

Melilot grass... A popular remedy for hypercoagulation. A tablespoon of herbs is poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water, then insisted for 2 hours (preferably in a thermos), filtered and drunk 1/3 cup 3 times a day. The course of admission is one month.

Tincture on chestnut peel... Take 50 grams of chestnut peel, fill them with half liters of vodka and leave for 2 weeks. Then strain the tincture and drink 30 drops 2 times a day with water. The tincture is taken for 3 weeks.

White willow bark decoction... Take 1 spoonful of bark into a glass of boiling water and boil for 10 minutes, then filter, dilute with boiled water to the initial volume and take 2 tbsp. before meals for 10 days.

Tincture on porcini mushroom caps... Place 200 grams of porcini mushroom caps in a liter jar, after chopping them, fill the jar to the top with vodka. Leave for 10 days and then strain. Take the tincture half an hour before meals, 1 tsp.

A tincture from other herbal decoctions, such as meadowsweet, hawthorn fruit, lemon balm, nettle, valerian roots and others, is also widely used.

Remember that in this matter it is important not only to thin the blood, but also not to overdo it, since this is just as dangerous to health as thick blood! Be healthy!

Sometimes we underestimate the health indicator like blood viscosity. Read more about the state of our blood, its structure and the causes of thick blood ...

Blood condition is a condition of the cardiovascular system. Unfortunately, cardiologists go past hematology, go through the vessels, through the heart, and all the time try to strengthen the heart muscle. Everyone is trying to expand the vessels, but in fact, another process is taking place.

What is this - thick blood and what to do with it?

In case of violations of blood quality, primarily with thickening, acidification, increased cholesterol, etc., the main transport function of the blood becomes difficult, which leads to a violation of redox processes in all organs and tissues, including in the brain, liver , kidneys, etc. Blood quality must be maintained within optimal homeostasis.

A change in the normal consistency of blood becomes a "trigger" that triggers the development (or exacerbation of existing) diseases, such as atherosclerosis, varicose veins and others.

There is no separate disease called "thick blood", so it would not be correct to call the symptoms "thick blood" unambiguously. The same symptoms can occur with other malfunctions in the body.

Thick blood has a high viscosity - this causes stagnation of blood in the vessels, increases the risk of thrombus formation.

Clinical manifestations of thick blood:

High blood pressure;
- drowsiness;
- fatigue;
- general weakness;
- depressive conditions;
dry mouth;
- headache;
- absent-mindedness;
- constantly cold extremities;
- heaviness in the legs;
- nodules in the veins.

This list can be continued, but the process sometimes proceeds in a latent form and is revealed only after donating blood for analysis.

A comprehensive blood clotting test is called coagulogram... This analysis gives an idea of ​​the general state of hemostasis (shows an integral picture of blood clotting, as well as the integrity of blood vessels).

Causes of thick blood

Why does blood thicken? There are a number of important factors that affect its consistency.

1. Lack of water. Blood is 85%, and blood plasma is 90-92% water. Therefore, a decrease in this indicator by only a few percent leads to thickening of the blood.

2. Intensive water loss occurs not only in summer, but also in winter- dry indoor air "draws water out of us like a sponge;

3. For athletes- sports activities are accompanied by the burning of energy, the body increases heat transfer in order to cool;

4. With some diseases, such as diabetes.

5. Fermentopathy. A pathological condition in which there is insufficient activity of some food enzymes or their complete absence. As a result, complete breakdown of food components does not occur and under-oxidized decomposition products enter the bloodstream, which leads to its acidification.

6. Improper nutrition. Some food products (legumes, cereals, rice, eggs, etc.) contain thermostable specific protein inhibitors, which form stable complexes with proteinases of the gastrointestinal tract, causing impaired digestion and assimilation of food protein. The amino acid residues digested to the end enter the bloodstream. Another reason lies in the excessive consumption of carbohydrates, sugar, including fructose.

7. Environmental pollution of products. Suppression of enzymatic activity is facilitated by food contamination with heavy metal salts, pesticides, insecticides and mycotoxins, which interact with protein molecules to form stable compounds.

8. Lack of vitamins and minerals. Water-soluble vitamins: C, B group and minerals are necessary for the biosynthesis of most enzymes, therefore their deficiency (vitamins) leads to incomplete digestion of food due to the lack of necessary enzymes.

9. Strong acids. Strong acids are the end product of the breakdown of animal proteins. If the kidneys cannot cope with the removal of acids, then they remain in the body, blood acidification occurs.

10. Damage to blood vessels. A healthy inner wall of blood vessels (intima), which consists of endothelium, has anti-thrombogenic properties.

11. Dysfunction of the liver. Every day, 15-20 grams of blood proteins are synthesized in the liver, which perform transport, regulatory and other functions, a violation of biosynthesis in the liver leads to changes in the chemical composition of the blood.

12. Spleen hyperfunction. Causes the destruction of blood corpuscles.

Blood consists of two parts - corpuscles and plasma. Plasma is the liquid part, and the corpuscles are blood cells, which, in addition to their basic functions, also make the blood thick. When there are more formed elements than plasma, the viscosity of the blood increases, it becomes thick. But, before talking about how to thin the blood, it is worth taking a closer look at what thick blood is.

In medicine, there is no such thing. Distinguish between viscous blood and an increased hematocrit number. Blood viscosity is determined by the amount of fibrinogen and the level of prothrombin, although blood viscosity can also increase due to an increase in other parameters, such as cholesterol, hemoglobin, glucose, and so on.

The hematocrit number is a general indicator of the ratio of plasma and formed substances, which ultimately also means increased viscosity or, conversely, blood fluidity.

Is blood thickening dangerous?

Undoubtedly. Blood is not just a fluid in the body that flows through the circulatory system and carries nutrients or decay products, it, together with the nervous system, connects our body into a single whole. The increased viscosity of the blood means that not all of its cells will be able to perform their function, which means that some tissues will not receive enough nutrients, some decay products will not be excreted.

In addition, an extremely powerful motor is needed to push through an excessively thick mass, which will eventually wear out much faster. That is, you need a healthy, strong heart, the rapid wear of which does not bode well. And this is not to mention the possible formation of blood clots with all the ensuing consequences.

In the presence of viscous blood, very often bleeding from the nose. Because of which? And this happens because if the blood is viscous, then the body has little oxygen, and the cells because of this begin to "starve", respectively, the pressure inside the cells begins to rise up. In the case when the blood supply to the arms and hands, legs and feet is disturbed, then reddish spots will appear on the hands and feet, which, if touched, you can feel how cold they are.

What affects blood viscosity

Blood viscosity is affected by vascular damage, distortion of liver function, which affects the chemical composition and increases plasma viscosity, negative changes in the state of the membranes of erythrocytes and platelets, leading to vigorous adhesion of these cells.

The blood viscosity is also influenced by the ratio of the cell mass to the liquid part of the blood. Like all indicators of the body, this one should not be high, not low, but normal.

The danger of high blood viscosity is the increased risk of blood clots in the heart and blood vessels.

The cause of the blood clot is viscous blood

Due to problems with the thyroid gland, a malfunction of the stomach occurs: bile and pancreatic enzymes enter the duodenum with a delay, when all the food has already moved into the intestines. At this time, in an empty stomach, the pressure drops, and in the intestines, into which the food went, rises. Due to the difference in pressure, bile and pancreatic enzymes (this is a very powerful alkali in quality) enter the stomach, where hydrochloric acid is contained. As a result of the reaction between them, hydrochloric acid is neutralized, which is produced after eating only in order to dissolve the blood.

If this happens after each meal, then the concentration of chlorine in the blood is not restored and the blood increases its viscosity. This causes the formation of blood clots (thrombophlebitis - a lack of chlorine in the blood). When thrombophlebitis appears, viscous blood begins to "glue" small vessels - capillaries, which are most of all on the limbs: arms, legs, in the head. Blood circulation is impaired: hands become numb, cold, sweaty.

The most serious is a violation of the microcirculation of the vessels of the head, because the head is a microprocessor responsible for all other organs and unconditioned reflexes. As a result, memory deteriorates, fatigue increases, drowsiness and lethargy appear.

It is not only the brain itself that suffers, but also the eyes. The muscle of the eye is constantly in motion and must receive oxygen in a large volume, which is impossible when small vessels are glued together, so it spasms, resulting in myopia, hyperopia or astigmatism. Over time, when large vessels begin to "stick", a stroke or heart attack occurs.

Let us consider in more detail what human blood is and its functions, what thick blood is and the reasons that contribute to an increase in blood viscosity.

Human blood is an opaque, red liquid consisting of:

Pale yellow blood plasma;
- Form elements suspended in it: erythrocytes (red blood cells), leukocytes (white blood cells), platelets (platelets)

Blood viscosity test: plasma proteins prothrombin and fibrinogen are not critical.

Blood viscosity is a very important blood indicator, which determines the maximum service life of the heart and blood vessels. The higher the viscosity of the blood, the faster the heart wears out. And by increasing blood pressure, the heart checks the vessels for strength, vascular resistance to heart attack, stroke.

Traditionally, it is believed that blood viscosity is determined only by blood plasma proteins prothrombin and fibrinogen. Those. to assess blood viscosity, one is guided by the level of prothrombin, which should be at the lower limit of the normal range of 70-100%, and the amount of fibrinogen within the range of 2-4 g / l.

However, an equally important indicator is the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), or as the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) was previously called. Those. the ability of blood cells to settle, forming plasma above the blood column. The reaction is estimated in 1 hour. The lower the ESR (ROE), the higher the blood viscosity. And many rejoice, receiving ROE (ESR) in the value of 1-3 mm per hour!

At the same time, the blood viscosity is very high and the heart is forced to pump viscous blood with significant overload!

When a traditional blood viscosity test is performed, it is usually only the prothrombin level and the amount of fibrinogen in the blood that are analyzed - i.e. rely only on a part of the blood components, which determine the rheological properties or fluidity of blood plasma, and not blood as a whole! Occasionally, ROE (ESR) is also taken into account.

Prothrombin and fibrinogen are the most abundant proteins in blood plasma. And blood plasma represents approximately 50% of the blood volume. And evaluating only these two components, only a part of the factors that determine blood viscosity are revealed.

The amount of albumin proteins also affects blood viscosity. Although albumin does not take part in the work of the blood coagulation system, they play an important role - they bind various toxins and facilitate their transfer to the main excretory organs - the liver and kidneys. Those. promote self-purification of the body, purification of the blood from a variety of toxins. The amount of albumin in the blood affects not only the viscosity of the blood, but also the tendency to allergic diseases, the activity of nonspecific immunity.

Influence of other components of blood plasma on blood viscosity

In the blood plasma, there are other substances that contribute to the adhesion (agglutination) of erythrocytes and determine the viscosity of the blood. These are cholesterol, glucose, and protein digestion products. The level of cholesterol, the content of which in the blood serum, depends on the condition of the liver. And also the ability of the pancreas to control blood sugar levels by moving glucose into cells for metabolism. And also the ability of the liver to process protein digestion products and convert them into protein molecules peculiar only to you.

The remaining 50% in the blood is occupied by the blood cells themselves - erythrocytes (approximately 99% of the volume of all blood cells), as well as platelets and leukocytes.

The cellular composition of the blood also affects the rheological (fluidity) properties of the blood. In assessing blood viscosity, both the number of erythrocytes is important (it increases in professional athletes, with regular fitness, in the gym, with pathology of the respiratory system, heart and circulatory system), and the degree of agglutination of erythrocytes and platelet aggregation. Those. the ability of the most numerous blood cells to stick together.

Influence of ecology on blood viscosity

In recent years, the ecological environment of a person has changed significantly, and the amount of natural food products has also decreased. This has largely affected the balance of the antioxidant system of the body and the amount of free radicals that are formed in the body of a modern person. Blood, occupying a strategically important position in the body, connects the system of barrier organs through which, together with the inhaled air, food and drinks, various xenobiotics from the environment enter. And the working area (the cell itself), where during any work there is the formation of waste products ("slags") and the production of free radicals.

Why does blood viscosity change?

Being at the intersection of two powerful streams of toxins (ecology on the one hand and work intensity on the other), the state of the blood reflects the contribution of each component to the rheological properties of blood. Rather, the individual characteristics of the human body, the ability to withstand the surrounding ecology.

If the antioxidant potential (the ability to produce and store antioxidants) in your body is high, the blood will be more fluid and such a person is prone to longevity. And the most numerous blood cells in this case, when analyzing a living drop of blood, are located separately.

If the antioxidant potential of the body is low, the most numerous blood cells, erythrocytes, agglutinate with each other, forming bizarre structures that resemble coin columns or tiles. Blood viscosity and many risks increase.

An increase or decrease in the number of red blood cells in the analyzes. ESR

Erythrocytes and their importance in analyzes: a decrease and increase in the number of erythrocytes in the general analysis of blood and in the analysis and urine. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and its value.

Red blood cells (red blood cells, rbc) are the most abundant blood cells that carry oxygen and nutrients to tissues and organs. Red blood cells contain a large amount of the red pigment hemoglobin, which is able to bind oxygen in the lungs and release it in body tissues.

  • A decrease in the number of red blood cells in the blood is a sign anemia.
  • An increase in the number of red blood cells in the blood can be observed with severe dehydration, and with erythremia.
  • The appearance of red blood cells in the urine can be observed with inflammation of the urinary system(kidneys, bladder).

What are red blood cells?

Red blood cells, or red blood cells, are the most abundant blood cells. Erythrocytes have a regular disc-like shape. At the edges, the erythrocyte is slightly thicker than in the center, and on the cut looks like a biconcave lens, or dumbbell. This structure of the erythrocyte helps it to saturate with oxygen and carbon dioxide as much as possible while passing through the human bloodstream.

The formation of red blood cells occurs in the red bone marrow, under the action of a special kidney hormone - erythropoietin. Mature red blood cells circulating in the blood do not contain nuclei and organelles, and cannot synthesize hemoglobin and nucleic acids.

For erythrocytes, a low level of metabolism is characteristic, which determines their long life span, on average 120 days. Within 120 days of the release of red blood cells from the red bone marrow into the bloodstream, they gradually wear out. At the end of this period, the "old" erythrocytes are deposited and destroyed in the spleen and liver.

The process of formation of new red blood cells in the red bone marrow is ongoing, therefore, despite the destruction of old red blood cells, the total number of red blood cells in the blood remains constant.

Erythrocytes consist mainly (2/3) of hemoglobin - a special protein containing iron, the main function of which is to carry oxygen and carbon dioxide. Hemoglobin is red in color, which determines the characteristic color of red blood cells and blood.

The main functions of red blood cells- this is the transfer of oxygen from the lungs to the tissues of the body and carbon dioxide from the tissues to the lungs, they also perform nutritional and protective functions and maintain acid-base balance in the blood.

Red blood cells

The total number of red blood cells in human blood is enormous. For example, in the blood of a person weighing 60 kg, the total number of red blood cells is 25 trillion. If such a number of red blood cells are stacked one on top of the other, then you get a column over 60 km high!

However, it is much more convenient and practical to determine not the total number of erythrocytes in the human body, but their content in a small volume of blood (for example, in 1 cubic millimeter, μl). The content of erythrocytes in 1 cubic mm (μl) is an important indicator that is used in determining the general condition of the patient and in the diagnosis of many diseases.

In healthy people, the normal total content of erythrocytes in one volumetric unit of blood (norm) fluctuates within rather narrow limits. We also add that the norms of the content of erythrocytes depend on the age of the person, his sex, and place of residence.

Determination of the number of red blood cells is carried out using a general (clinical) blood test.

Normally, the number of red blood cells in the blood in men is from 4 to 5.1 million in 1 μl (from 4 to 5.1x10¹² in 1 liter), among women- from 3.7 to 4.7 million in μl (from 3.7 to 4.7x10¹² in 1 liter).

Red blood cell count The child has depends on age:

  • On the first day of life, in a newborn child - from 4.3 to 7.6x10¹² / l
  • In 1 month from 3.8 to 5.6x10¹² / l
  • At 6 months - from 3.5 to 4.8x10¹² / l
  • At 12 months from 3.6 to 4.9x10¹² / l,
  • From 1 to 12 years from 3.5 to 4.7x10¹² / l
  • The content of erythrocytes in the blood of children over 13 years old corresponds to that of adults and ranges from 3.6 to 5.1x10¹² / l.

The high content of red blood cells in the blood of newborn babies is explained by the fact that during intrauterine development, the baby's body needs more red blood cells in order to ensure a normal supply of oxygen to tissues in conditions of a relatively low oxygen concentration in the mother's blood. Immediately after birth, the red blood cells of the newborn baby begin to disintegrate and are replaced by new red blood cells. The increased breakdown of red blood cells in the first days after birth is the cause of the development of jaundice in newborns.

The level of red blood cells in the blood during pregnancy

The number of erythrocytes during pregnancy can decrease to 3.5 or even 3.0 x10¹² / l, and this is considered by many researchers to be the norm.

The decrease in the number of erythrocytes in the blood during pregnancy (in comparison with the indicators of the content of erythrocytes in the blood of non-pregnant women) is explained, on the one hand, by the dilution of the blood due to the retention of water in the pregnant woman's body, and on the other hand, by a slight decrease in the formation of red blood cells due to lack of iron, which is observed in almost all pregnant women.

Changes in the content of red blood cells and their interpretation

What does an increase in the number of red blood cells in the blood mean?

An increase in the number of red blood cells per unit of blood volume is called erythrocytosis... In general, an increase in the content of red blood cells in the blood is quite rare.

Physiological increase in red blood cells occurs in people living in the mountains, with prolonged physical exertion in athletes, under stress, or with significant dehydration.

A pathological increase in the number of red blood cells in the blood occurs when:

  • Increased production of red blood cells in the red bone marrow (in blood diseases such as erythremia); In patients with erythremia, a bright red coloration of the skin of the face and neck can usually be seen.
  • As a result of increased synthesis of erythropoietin in the kidneys with insufficient oxygen in the blood in diseases of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems (for example, in patients with heart failure or COPD). In such cases, an increase in the number of red blood cells in the blood is preceded by a long history of heart or lung disease.

Decrease in the number of red blood cells in the blood

A decrease in the number of red blood cells per unit of blood volume is called erythropenia.

The main reason for the decrease in the number of red blood cells in the blood is various types of anemia.(anemia), which can develop as a result of a violation of the formation of red blood cells in the red bone marrow, as a result of their increased destruction of red blood cells, for example, with hemolytic anemia, as well as with blood loss.

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Most often observed Iron-deficiency anemia, in which insufficient formation of red blood cells occurs with a deficiency of iron due to its insufficient intake into the body with food (vegetarian diet), malabsorption or an increase in the body's need for iron (often during pregnancy, in children during periods of intensive growth).

Against the background of iron deficiency anemia, there is not only a decrease in the number of red blood cells in the blood, but other symptoms of this disease can also be noticed.

Less commonly, a decrease in the number of red blood cells in the blood occurs when there is a lack of vitamin B12 or folic acid. In such cases, in addition to anemia, patients have disturbances in gait and sensitivity (tingling and pain in the arms and legs).

Increased destruction of red blood cells, or hemolysis, as a reason for a decrease in the number of erythrocytes in the blood, it occurs in hereditary diseases as a result of a violation of the structure of the erythrocyte membrane (microspherocytosis, ovalocytosis), hemoglobinopathies (thalassemia, sickle cell anemia); acquired causes of hemolysis - Markiafava-Micheli disease, mechanical damage to the erythrocyte membrane (artificial heart valve, gigantic spleen in patients with cirrhosis), toxic damage to the erythrocyte membrane (poisonous mushrooms, snake bite, heavy metal salts).

A decrease in the number of red blood cells also occurs in acute massive blood loss(as a result of bleeding during injuries, operations, stomach ulcers), chronic blood loss leads to iron deficiency anemia.

Determination of the number of red blood cells in the blood is carried out during a general (clinical) blood test.

Nutrition with increased blood viscosity

Diet and a special drinking regimen contribute to blood thinning. You should drink at least 1.5 liters of liquid per day. The most useful are green tea or herbal teas (as recommended by your doctor), natural vegetable and fruit juices, and water. It is especially recommended to drink natural juice from red grapes. Due to its high content of bioflavonoids, it is considered a balm for the cardiovascular system.

An additional source of omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids is linseed oil, which can be taken in 1 tbsp. spoon a day. Prostaglandins, synthesized from these acids, reduce cholesterol levels and thin the blood.

Another important source of fat is unrefined extra virgin olive oil containing a large amount of biologically active substances.

How to determine (thin) blood viscosity at home

We have an effective remedy in Russia: meadowsweet... Take 1 teaspoon, pour a glass of boiling water, infuse for 5 minutes. Drink half a glass 3-4 times daily before meals. Tavologa helps precisely to improve cerebral circulation. This is Viktor Kosterov's recipe. He also suggests using sweet clover (yellow)... Take 1 teaspoon per 200 ml. boiling water, leave for 10 minutes and drink 100 ml 3-4 times a day before meals.

A person himself at home can determine whether his blood is thick or not by the following technique: put on medical gloves, wipe everything with alcohol, release the 4th finger, treat it in the same way with alcohol, pierce it with a disposable sterile needle, such as that used when taking blood tests. We take 2 drops of blood on the glass. Smear it with a thin layer on the glass. Blood tends to form a film over time. We look at the blood on the glass every 30 seconds. If this film has formed after 5 minutes, then it is normal. If up to 5 minutes, then the coagulability is increased.

The fastest way to cleanse the blood: Suck 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil in your mouth every morning until it becomes a white transparent liquid, then spit it out, never swallow. Toxins accumulated in the body overnight are eliminated. And so every day. It can be up to six months or longer.

It is necessary to cleanse the blood twice a year, in spring and autumn. To do this, take 2 cups of honey, add 1 glass of dill + 2 liters of hot water, 1 tablespoon of valerian roots, put in a thermos for a day. We filter. We put in the refrigerator, drink 1 tablespoon three times a day until the end of the composition.

It must be remembered that our blood is what we eat, if the food is bad, then the blood is not good.

There is a faster way to purify blood: during the day, melt water is drunk, and in the evening you need to drink 1 liter of whey.

You need to choose a diet that would help thin the blood. Vegetables, fruits, vegetable fats. Think over a set of food so that it provides the daily need for vitamins of all groups, minerals. For proper and complete assimilation of food, eat a food combination. People say: "horseradish and radish, onion and cabbage - they won't allow a dashing one." And the simpler our meal, the better for the body.

If you want to be healthy, be ascetic, including in food. To normalize the blood composition, you need to eat zucchini, eggplant.

Salad to be taken several times a week: Grate celery and an apple, cut the salad leaves, chop 2 cloves of garlic, season with olive oil, a little honey, lemon. We eat without salt. It greatly improves the composition of the blood.

Eat a clove or two of garlic every day.

An important role in the body is associated with the acidity of the body.

For example:

  • if the pH is 7.35–7.45 is normal, the blood is slightly alkaline;
  • if the pH is less than 7.35, there is an increased acidity of the body. You can start taking soda;
  • if the pH is less than 7.25, the acidity is greatly increased;
  • if the pH is less than 6.8, the most severe form of acid-base imbalance is evident. Very serious health problems are possible. published.

The materials are for informational purposes only. Remember, self-medication is life-threatening, be sure to consult a doctor for advice.

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The state of a person's blood is the most important indicator of the work of the cardiovascular system. The quality of all processes occurring in the organs and cells of the body depends on blood, because it is their main living environment. Thick blood, the reasons for which differ, indicates a violation of its composition. The main function of blood, transport, is difficult. This negatively affects the processes of oxidation and reduction in all tissues and organs: the brain, kidneys, liver, etc. For this reason, the quality of the blood should be within the normal range. It is periodically necessary to do its analysis and, if necessary, adjust the blood composition.

What is thick blood

There are two components of blood: blood cells, which, along with their main functions, give it density, and plasma is its liquid part. If the number of formed elements exceeds the plasma content, the blood viscosity and its density increase. Viscosity is determined by the level of fibrinogen and prothrombin content, but it can also increase due to an increase in other indicators, such as: cholesterol, glucose, hemoglobin, etc. The general indicator of the ratio of the amount of plasma and formed substances is called the "Hematocrit number".

The increased viscosity indicates that not all blood cells are able to perform their function. This means that some organs will not receive enough nutrients and not all waste products will be excreted. In addition, in order to push through too thick a mass, the heart requires a lot of effort and tremendous power, which means that it will wear out faster. Not to mention the threat of blood clots with all the ensuing consequences.

A general analysis, through which an increased blood density is revealed, which is not a disease in itself, should alert the doctor, who will help prevent the occurrence of a whole bunch of diseases in a timely manner. The fact is that thick blood (hypercoagulation) has poor permeability in veins and vessels, especially in small capillaries. As a result, the blood supply to all organs is disrupted, causing stagnation, leading to the development of varicose veins and the formation of blood clots. At the slightest disturbance in the blood supply to the brain, there is a feeling of lethargy, weakness, efficiency decreases, memory deteriorates. In combination with a sedentary lifestyle, there is a risk of development or exacerbation of existing, sometimes even fatal diseases: varicose veins, stroke, heart attack, thrombophlebitis and atherosclerosis.

Diagnosis and symptoms of increased density

To determine the degree of hypercoagulability, the following tests will be needed:

  1. a general blood test and hematocrit (the sum of all formed elements - erythrocytes, platelets, leukocytes, in relation to the total blood volume);
  2. analysis for blood clotting and duration of bleeding,
  3. coagulogram is a method for studying the state of the hemostasis system, which gives an idea of ​​its general condition, blood coagulability, as well as the integrity of blood vessels and APTT (Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time) - an indicator of measuring the effectiveness of the internal and general coagulation pathway.

Since the disease called "thick blood" does not exist, it is not entirely correct to describe the accompanying symptoms as symptoms, because they can occur in the background, but nevertheless, the clinical symptoms that are characteristic of hypercoagulation are as follows:

  • high blood pressure (blood pressure),
  • general weakness
  • drowsiness,
  • dry mouth
  • absent-mindedness,
  • heaviness in the legs
  • fatigue
  • depressive state,
  • headache,
  • constantly cold limbs,
  • nodules in the veins.

The list goes on, but sometimes there are no symptoms at all? the so-called latent form, the result of which hypercoagulation is detected only after donating blood for analysis.

Causes of thick blood

The density of blood is influenced by a number of factors, the most common of which are:

  • excess amount of red blood cells, platelets and hemoglobin,
  • lack of enzymes,
  • acidification of the body,
  • irradiation,
  • deficiency of minerals and vitamins involved in the production of enzymes and hormones,
  • increased blood clotting,
  • hyperfunction of the spleen,
  • dehydration due to insufficient water intake or if the large intestine does not absorb it well,
  • excess consumption of carbohydrates and sugar.

As a rule, one of the listed reasons prevails, the symptoms of which are temporary.

Thick blood during pregnancy

Thick blood during pregnancy can be caused by the fact that the woman's body is experiencing additional stress, which it cannot always cope with. Sometimes this phenomenon is triggered by a complex of factors, such as: blood diseases, large blood loss, pain shock, or even iron supplements taken by mom to increase hemoglobin levels.

Most often, doctors notice such a feature of the blood in a pregnant woman during blood sampling from a vein, when the opening of the medical needle is clogged or even excessive blood density is visually noticeable. In any case, if there is a suspicion of abnormalities in blood clotting, the doctor directs the expectant mother to a detailed coagulogram.

Why thick blood is dangerous during pregnancy

Most of all, this disease is dangerous due to the possibility of blood clots, which can lead to blockage of blood vessels in the uterus, deterioration of the baby's blood supply, and then to miscarriage.

In some cases, thickening of the blood can simply be a physiological feature and return to normal immediately after childbirth. Therefore, in order to avoid trouble, do not worry ahead of time after receiving the results of blood in which abnormalities have appeared - your attending physician will decide for himself what needs to be done in a particular case.

As for the use of drugs for rapid blood thinning, then during this wonderful period they are prohibited and, often, the doctor is limited to prescribing a diet.

Diet with thick blood

If the analysis showed that the density of your blood exceeds the norm, whatever the reason for this, you need to monitor your diet. You should exclude fried, fatty foods, canned food, marinades, smoked meats and certainly include low-fat dairy products in the diet. The consumption of sweets and sugar is generally not recommended. You should also give up buckwheat, potatoes, bananas, alcoholic and carbonated drinks.

If the causes of hypercoagulability of a person lie at his age, along with being overweight and if, moreover, he leads a sedentary lifestyle, then he is more at risk of stroke, which can lead to disability of varying degrees and even death.

There are many products containing substances that help thin the blood. This impressive list includes a lot of delicious things, among which everyone who is faced with a problem will find those that suit his tastes:

Treatment of the disease

Taking aspirin will help in solving the problem of thick blood. There is also a special drug Thrombo ACC, which is based on the same aspirin.

Effective folk remedies are also known. One of them is meadowsweet (meadowsweet). Tinctures and preparations based on it can become a full-fledged replacement for aspirin, they are often prescribed for diseases of the circulatory system.

One of the recipes is as follows: the meadowsweet is brewed by preparing a decoction at the rate of 1 tablespoon of herbs per glass of boiling water. Pouring boiling water over the grass, the broth is left to infuse for half an hour, then filtered and drunk in the form of tea.

Whatever the reasons for thick blood, there are a huge number of means of dealing with it, and everyone will choose the right one for themselves.

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