How the world works. The whole world is a mirror that reflects you How influential your passport is

When a person's expectations are not met, he falls into deep disappointment, sometimes it turns into a severe form of depression. However, all these experiences that accompany failure, in fact, have no basis for existence. It should be understood that life has always been what it is now, and will always be so until we change it. We define our place in this life ourselves. Relying on external factors, we deceive ourselves, I was once personally convinced of this. One should never expect anything from anyone but from oneself. This setting alone will allow you to be ready for any event. Do not rely on the will of strangers, they are primarily interested in themselves, not you. Life will always be such in which everyone pulls the blanket over himself, everyone wants to grab a larger piece for himself. And if you do not follow these rules, then you will be left without everything, and absolutely useless to anyone. I have seen such people who simply lost in this life, it is a very sad sight.

All religious directions teach us to take care of our neighbor, claiming that it is right to do this and God will appreciate any of your unselfish deeds. However, this is not true, there are no selfless acts in this world, one way or another they are all selfish. Self-interest always occurs when you do something, to a greater or lesser extent. Caring for one's neighbor is primarily due to one's own interests. They are not visible at first glance, but they are, this is how our psyche is arranged, and all our behavior is associated with taking care of ourselves. This is not accidental, because it is the love of oneself, first of all, that helps us to survive. I am not calling for greed and selfishness, I am simply explaining the essence of human nature, which is what it is. Many argued with me about disinterested acts, but no one could name at least one such absolutely disinterested act, because there are none. At first glance, many actions seemed and seem disinterested, but looking deeper, we will find it, this self-interest, always and everywhere.

Therefore, it makes no sense to be offended both at life and at other people who did not live up to your expectations. One way or another, they thought primarily of themselves. You can only be offended at yourself, because if something does not meet your interests, then you are not defending them well. If this is how you look at life, then you will always have an incentive to grow, you will do everything to become stronger. I dealt with completely broken people, they looked helpless and doomed. And all this is due to the fact that they did not count on themselves, but on those around them, they believed other people. This was their big mistake, which is very difficult to fix. For others, your interests will always be in the background, this is the law, and there are no exceptions to it. There will always be murder, violence, deceit in this world, and it will never disappear. It can only change its appearance, disguise itself, but not disappear in any way. This is a person by nature, he is little better than an animal, and nothing can be done about it, at least not yet. If we talk about another world, without everything that we do not like, it means talking about another person, with a completely different psyche.

It is very difficult for people who are disillusioned with the world and life to return to their normal state. In many cases, it only seems that everything is normal, but in the soul of such people are ruins. These are the ruins of that misrepresented life that they thought was real. It's like with young children who think that adults are smart, understanding, fair and honest people. But as they grow up, they become convinced that this is not so, they gradually enter real life. So imagine what happens to those who continue to see life as before, who do not change their idea as they grow up. And there are a lot of them now. Such people need not be taught, they need to open their eyes, no matter how painful it may be for them.

I understand that there are people who do not want this, they like to live in a world of illusions. This is their right, and this is their cross. For such people, I just give the idea that if they wish, they can change everything for themselves, this is also their right. The harsh truth of life, not so harsh in reality. You just need to learn to live by the rules of this world, or create your own. It is harsh only for those who do not want to do this, so who, then, is to blame for this, except for the person himself?

The people around you are your reflection. The Universe constantly sends you your own reflections and does it mainly with the help of the people around you.

The “mirror” method is the most unique right of self-awareness. The analogy with the “mirror” will help you to better understand that any of your negative reactions to what you see in another person is determined by your rejection of the same in yourself. If something annoys you in another person, find the same in yourself. In others, as in your own mirror, you can easily see what is in you. People in communication are mirrors of each other. The increased frequency of conflicts between people means only that they are often a mirror for each other. Each person, to one degree or another, tends to find a thousand and one excuses for his behavior, just not to admit that he acts in the same way as those whom he criticizes for it.
Any unwanted relationship is a mirror that reflects our personality.

When we are unhappy with our environment, we are actually unhappy with ourselves. Everything that we notice in people is present in ourselves, both good and that which has not yet become such.
A person's attitude towards himself always coincides with his attitude towards others.

Someone who is disdainful of others does not respect himself at heart. Take a closer look at the people around you and see that they mirror your self-image.

Since the world around you is your world, everything that you see, hear and feel is your reflection. Better realize that the world in which we live is our continuation, and we, in turn, are an extension of this world.

What a person has inside, he will see outside, for both inside and outside. The idea of ​​life changes when a person realizes that: everything that happens around him is a reflection of what is happening inside him; everything that he sees in other people is a reflection of himself.

What we see in other people is even more expressed in ourselves. This amazing pattern was noticed by Jesus more than 2 thousand years ago: "You see a straw in your brother's eye, but you do not see a beam in your own eye."
Our “inner world” generates and at the same time attracts similar “inner worlds” of other people.

When the other is “bad”, it means that you have the same “bad” state inside you. This means that my own space “feels bad for me”: on the one hand, it responds to the misfortune of others; on the other, it gives rise to the misfortune of the other. This confirms once again that “like” not only attracts, but also generates “like”. When a person rejoices that the other is bad, it means that he has lost the ability to love.

Give, and you will give yourself joy. When you give, you unite with special joy, because any donation mirrors itself, that is, when you give, you rejoice!

Order in the human world begins with order in every person. Alas, but how far from complete order. By changing our own consciousness, we contribute to the Universal consciousness - the present and future of humanity. As you do this, know that the rewards will be plentiful. All representatives of humanity will benefit.

Those who believe are attracted to one another. When you believe in yourself, you increase your faith in others. This amazing law of reflection is also manifested in the transfer of faith from one person to another. Very often a person plays the role of a "reflector" and the role of an "executor" not only of his own, but also of others' desires. For example, a child leaves home and leaves a note where he writes that it seems to him that he is not loved. Investigating this case, they discover the following: it turned out that the mother of the child in childhood also wanted to leave home for the same reason. Subsequently, she suppressed this impulse in herself and married a man (like attracted like to herself), who also experienced a similar feeling in his previous life situation. Their son was a kind of "reflector" and "executor" of the latent desires of both mother and father. After providing "help" in the form of punishment for leaving home, this child's desire to leave the house temporarily subsided, but in reality it moved to a subconscious level. It was passed on to the dog, which ran away from home three times. Only after all family members were provided with qualified assistance by a specialist in the field of regression (return to the past), the dog stopped running away from home.

"Both inside and outside." If a person himself is conflicted, then this is how he sees the people around him and in the same way builds relationships around him. Very often the faces of the people around us are a reflection of our own inner state. Maybe it's really enough to "smash the mirrors"? Being responsible for yourself also means being responsible for feelings, including unpleasant ones, projected onto other people.
Whichever thought dominates in a person, such people surround him.

What the model of the human world looks like, he creates such situations for himself. If a person has aggression towards the world around him, then he, as a "tyrant", will come across continuous "victims". If a person's aggression is directed at himself, then he will involuntarily meet in his life continuous "tyrants". When someone has offended you, know that it is not your business to punish him. Your job is just to thank him! Yes, just to thank for the tip, because the one who offended you is your mirror! Know that the Universe will take care to reward everyone in accordance with his thoughts, intentions and actions. Understand that people around you are not hurting you, you are allowing yourself to experience pain. Remember that the desire for revenge will always have a negative impact on your spiritual growth.

When you love the people around you, your mirror is filled with love for you. Love has tremendous healing power. These are very powerful energetic vibrations. When you are filled with constant love, these vibrations are so strong that the people around you begin to feel better. It will seem to you that they have changed, but this is just their reaction to your positive loving vibrations. People around you in this case are your mirror.
A person notices in people what characterizes him.

If you notice more beauty around you, know that this is how you look at yourself. If you began to pay more attention to the ugliness that is happening around you, this is a symptom of an urgent need to change. Everything that happens to you has a very important goal: to get to know yourself better.

If you admire someone's kindness, reliability, good nature - congratulate yourself on the fact that you already possess these qualities. If something you do not like in others (on the external plane), therefore, it is present in yourself (on the internal plane) An example of how the internal manifests itself in the external, one case can serve. One day a man was traveling in a half-empty bus. Not far from him were several young people who were discussing something violently and rather angrily, loudly shouting obscene words, interrupting each other, while spitting on the floor and littering with seeds. Being a person who can read signs and listen to the clues of the Universe, this man asked himself: "How did I attract this rather aggressive situation to me?" After carefully listening to the response of his subconscious, he discovered that similar behavior was present several hours ago in communication with a business partner, which took place in a raised voice, with mutual reproaches and insults. Moreover, this negativism continued to remain in him all the time remaining after communication, right up to boarding the bus. And he realized that it was with his negative thoughts that he attracted this aggressive and negatively-minded group of people. And then something even more interesting happened. Thanking this situation and looking at it as a tutorial, he drew the right conclusions for himself. Thanking his abuser for communication, asking for forgiveness and forgiving him, the man calmed down and brought himself into a balanced state. Then something amazing happened: young people, as if by magic, stopped swearing, accusing each other and getting angry, stopped littering and abruptly changed the tone and topic of the conversation. This is truly like that generates like, both inside and outside. On the outer plane, exactly what is happening inside you is happening. Remember what is inside you, sooner or later, but it will certainly appear outside.

Turning away from the mirror does not solve the problem. Moving from one mirror to another, you will see your image again. Maybe it’s worth finally not hitting the mirror again, but still seeing yourself in it.
If you want to change someone else, change yourself.

The only thing we can do when we want to change another person is to change ourselves. Looking at us, at our changed inner world, those around them will become like it, which means they will change in the direction in which you yourself have changed.

Set a personal example in seeing your own reflection in people. You can say something like this: You know, quite recently in you, when you criticized me, I saw my own reflection. Surprisingly, I saw something that I had never noticed before. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for allowing me to change for the better. When you say something like this, believe me, your interlocutor will be touched by your diligence and ability to talk to him like that. He absolutely will not get the feeling of being judged or criticized. Most likely, depending on his inner readiness, he will follow your example. Indeed, "like" gives birth to "like". Practice the "mirror method" as often as possible and you will see how positive your reflection will be! Use others as a mirror and see how amazingly you yourself will change for the better.

The world around us and the world inside us. What comes first? How often do we confuse our beliefs and beliefs with the circumstances around us? What is the nature of the occurrence of events in our life, and why do they happen to us?

Let's try to figure it out using modern knowledge about the structure of our consciousness and the foundations of quantum physics.
We do not believe in what we see, we see what we believe

By observing, we create a projection of what we are observing. These projections function on our assumptions. The moment we observe something, we first assume. And this assumption is our conviction and faith.

Observation is based on our beliefs.

At the quantum level, reality is determined by the belief of the observer.

Everything in the Universe is so determined by us. Subconscious thoughts are equivalent to subatomic particles.

Perceiving the world, we are dealing with energy and information fields. In these fields, consciousness and energy easily interact, and on the surface levels they are perceived separately. There is an inherent connection between consciousness and matter. Everything is contained (the whole world) in a single field of atoms and energies: people and objects.

The physical and psychological levels interact with people and fields.

These fields are like strings (quantum "String Theory"), and their vibrations determine the formation of events and matter. They are full of information and life!

The interaction of vibration frequencies "strings" at the psychophysical level forms physical and emotional reality. Our unconscious levels are one in their field with objects.

Thoughts are expressions of our deepest unconscious beliefs.

Thus, our deepest form of belief governs unconscious reality and determines physical reality.

All our subtle energies, thoughts, feelings are combined into programs and program our life.

The system of our thinking and beliefs to a large extent works through the unconscious level. This creates the Matrix.

The matrix is ​​the illusion of the separation of the spiritual and material world, into which we fall and through which we perceive this world. Behind the Matrix is ​​hidden the deep reality of the Divine creation.

Einstein said: "The perceived hardness is a mirage"!

All physical reality consists of vibrations of energy frequencies.

By changing the vibration frequency, you can change matter itself. The veil that the Matrix has thrown over our eyes can be ripped off and we can learn to control the deep reality ourselves, building and creating our own life. This is our task! Most of us are frozen in the Matrix and are convinced that the visible is separate from us. But this is not so, we are one with the visible material field. So, having realized and believed in this, we can control the reality of life. But the unconscious level of a person that controls this process, for the most part, forms the events that we perceive as a negative result. For example, as adults, we live by the same programs that parents and society established for us in childhood. This is one of the types of karma, where observation and perception are the creation of the observer!
The illusion of fear in the projection of reality

There is no fear program in Divine reality. The Creator did not create, and angelic personalities do not know what fear is. They know that as soon as we get rid of the influence of this program on us, we will become more perfect and stop suffering. Fear is imposed on us in everything and everywhere, especially the media, politicians, the church, etc.

If you think about it and analyze your life, you will see that what you once feared will happen in your life! And this is a fact!

For example: You got a job! And while getting a job, you were already afraid that you might not be suitable for the authorities or that the authorities would be dissatisfied (and you create your own illusory reality). Time passes - and this is how it happens: you were fired.

Advice: When getting a job, believe that you are exactly the employee that this company needs, and if you do not know something, then you will quickly learn. But without pride, without showing the Ego. And everything will be so for you. Try it!

Fear is a system of control and manipulation of society or a program of the Matrix. The more fear you feel now, the more fear you will have in the future.

The Matrix keeps us in fear and anxiety about tomorrow and regret about yesterday. This puts us in a state of slow and gross vibrations. We need to be careful with what we believe about our future. In holographic reality, the more you depend on a belief system, the more you create what you believe in. Each thought creates a reality that grows like a spider's web. Consciousness is the greatest force that creates what programs in the depths of us, the unconscious level. The loaded unconsciousness of a person creates difficulties and suffering. He needs to be freed, but how?

Self-control of thoughts

Creative thought management


Reprogramming consciousness

Disconnecting from the Matrix

The subconscious exists on the verge of consciousness.

In the documentary film "The Secret" and "Rabbit Hole", the influence of the conscious and unconscious level of thinking on a person's life is well demonstrated.

The unconscious level of thinking is a force that works according to the programs that are laid down there, but we do not have the ability to directly control them.

The perception of the world is as follows:

We believe in what we see.

We actually observe what we believe in and create with our thought.

Unconsciously, we create what we struggle with.

For example: the wife felt that her husband had lost interest in her, and with her thoughts and fears, she even more strengthens the thought form, which will certainly manifest itself in reality.

We do not know what we are creating, but we are constantly creating.

We want reality to satisfy our desires for it, but we do not realize that we are the cause of what is happening. A person seeks evidence, not knowing that he himself creates this evidence. We create what we ourselves consider to be outwardly independent of us, and then we ourselves begin to fight it. This is doublethink. The world that we perceive is based on programs of the unconscious level, which are automatically implemented in life and self-actualize.

Our dreams are similar. These are projections of fragments of reality of the unconscious level into our consciousness. Sometimes dreams show up in our lives. The unconscious manifests itself in dreams and in real life in the same way.

Our thoughts, emotions create new programs for the subconscious or reprogram old ones, forming changes in the projection of the hologram of the Matrix.

Many people complain that they are stressed, that they are depressed. Why?

They cannot control themselves. Emotions defeat the mind, and we begin to create, project destructive programs into the world.

For example: You want to conclude a good contract that will help you solve your problems. You plan, you think - you create, but, having created, in the depths you doubt that everything will turn out like this. And you also create your reality with these doubts. Fear arises, and fear creates anxiety. And now that initial program, a program for success, no longer works, but a program that has fear, because there are energetic substances that are interested in your fear. So we suffer. Yes! The project you were thinking about may come true, but with difficulties and partially.

Tip: When programming, be sure that what you create, you will definitely create! And so it will happen! Faith is the main mechanism. And also keep an even, calm state. And everything will work out! Try it.

We ourselves create and run programs in our daily life. The difficulty lies in the fact that we experience experiences of a psychoemotional nature, we worry about money, property, work, etc. We are stuck in our own experiences, and if we are afraid and worry, then programs of our experiences are created at the unconscious level. which come true without our desire. And we have what we are experiencing and what we are afraid of. Our world is the Matrix of our thoughts. It reflects what we project from our subconscious. We are trapped in the experience of ourselves. This is a reflection of the mirror of our inner world.

Until we realize this, we will be in the prison of our experiences and suffering. People, looking around, think that this is the whole world, but it is not so. This is just a small range of frequencies in an endless field of frequencies, vibrations, vibrations ...

We need to understand that our beliefs are being projected. And then we will find a way out of the Thinking Matrix through self-awareness.

Carl Jung said: "There are no more beings like man who are so clearly expressed and conscious that they can give their significance to their activities."

This world exists to help us become self-aware.

We must realize that what we see is part of ourselves. It is truth. And if you manage to read this article to the end, you will win! You will be able to live in this world in accordance with what it was created for.
Go beyond the Matrix

Our problems occur on an unconscious level, and we are not aware of it.

We need a process of change, or reprogramming. We must admit our biases. To get rid of unconscious beliefs, you must stop creating them.

For example: We think we are doing our job poorly and we create and project our fear. Thus, we ourselves suffer and go astray, and this will continue until this act of creation reaches its final end. Until we get fired! We create beliefs consciously and unconsciously. We live and operate according to programs and they are completely wrong. These programs have in them the means of separation and limitation. Man was not created for this.

Our tasks are different - to live according to Divine programs and directions. We are limitless in our possibilities to create, but our creations must be consistent with the spiritual - this is our task!

It is hidden from us that the beliefs we create create our reality. We have to look inside ourselves through our beliefs and reflections of events happening to us.

Some dark creature has created a mental program to which our conscious and unconscious are connected, this is the Matrix. It is beyond our perception. It does not give an opportunity to remember our true purpose and that memory of the Divine Seed of the Spirit within us. We need to remember and achieve the highest Spiritual program. Continuation.

Worldwide Ustar. Express. Together, all together (do something, express any opinion, decision, etc.). Guys with women, whose children are illiterate, they decided to do a volunteer cleanup, with the whole world ... to put the school on its feet(A. Neverov. Pots).

Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M .: Astrel, AST... A.I. Fedorov. 2008.


See what "The whole world" is in other dictionaries:

    the whole world- adverb, number of synonyms: 10 artel (17) artel (15) together (76) ... Synonym dictionary

    All over the world- adv. qualities. are. 1. All together; together. 2. Used as an inconsistent definition. Efremova's Explanatory Dictionary. T.F. Efremova. 2000 ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

    The whole world- Spread. All together, together. FSRYa, 250; SHZF 2001, 47; BMS 1998, 380 ...

    the world- Cm … Synonym dictionary

    all together- by the whole world, by the whole world, collectively, in a crowd, in a herd, in an artel, together, together, crosswise, in an artel, together. Dictionary of Russian synonyms. all in a crowd adverb, number of synonyms: 12 artels (17) ... Synonym dictionary

    Peace and cathedral- Volg., Prikam. The same as the whole world. MFS, 59; Glukhov 1988, 85 ... A large dictionary of Russian sayings

    ONE WORLD MAZANA- who are the same; one is not better than the other. It means that persons (X) have the same weaknesses, shortcomings, negative character traits. speech standard. ✦ X are smeared with one world. Nominal part unchanged. subject. you uptr. in meaning you and everything ... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language

    don't you know, my son, how little intelligence is needed to rule the world?- Ax. Oxenstierna (1583-1654) to his son (1648), who said that he considered himself unprepared for the post of envoy. Wed Lundblad. Svensk. Plutarch. 1824. Cf. Thou little thinkest what a little foolery governs the whole world. John Selden († 1654) ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

    Who. Iron. What is someone in terms of their qualities, properties, occupation, etc. No one is ordered to refuse, everyone must be given passes. And, good Lord, a thief, a thief, he can’t do anything, you can see from his face how the world is smeared, she doesn’t ... ... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

    Laugh, really, it's not a sin / Over everything that seems ridiculous- From the poem "Message to Alexander Alekseevich Pleshcheev" (1796) by the writer and historian Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin (1766 1826): Who calls the muses out of boredom And gentle grace, their companions; With verses, prose amuses Himself, home and strangers; From ... ... Dictionary of winged words and expressions


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  • Orbi Universo. Rule the whole world, Boris Avenirovich Borisov. ORBI UNIVERSO - to rule the whole world, because it is said: "Why do you need power over the world if you have to give your immortal soul for this ..." The book contains obscene ...

Is a wonderful tool that helps us understand how we are all connected.

Here is a collection of informative maps that will teach you something new and give you an idea of ​​our amazing planet and those who inhabit it.

World maps

1. Point Nemo - the most remote place from land on Earth

The Ocean Pole of Inaccessibility (48 ° 52 ′ S 123 ° 23 ′ W) is the place in the ocean that is farthest from land. It is located in the South Pacific Ocean, 2,688 km from the nearest land: Duci Islands (part of the Pitcairn Islands) in the north, Motu Nui (parts of the Easter Islands) in the northeast, Maher Islands (near Siple Island off the coast of Mary Bird in Antarctica) on South.

2. Worldwide air service in 24 hours.

3. How Google Maps change borders depending on the country you are viewing from.

4. Average age worldwide.

5. Countries similar to other countries

6. How influential your passport is.

The most influential ones are marked with a dark color, the least with a light one.

7. Seasons on Earth

World map with countries

8. The longest non-stop flights in the world.

9. The word "bear" in different European languages.

10. Camouflage uniform in the world.

11. The most popular Internet browsers in the world.

12. Tech companies in Silicon Valley in San Francisco.

13. The longest distance that you can walk without crossing the body of water.

The farthest distance between two points on a straight line that does not cross the ocean or other large body of water is between Liberia and China... It starts at 5 ° 2'51.59 ″ N. 9 ° 7'23.26 ″ W. approximately 10 km from Greenville in Liberia and ends at 28 ° 17'7.68 ″ N. 121 ° 38'17.31 ″ E near Wenling in China.

Distance is 13 589, 31 km in a straight line, crossing 9 time zones and 18 countries and territories: Liberia, Cote d'Ivoire, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Burkina Faso again, Niger, Chad, Libya, Egypt, Israel, West Bank, Iraq, Iran, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, again Tajikistan and China.

14. There are many more Wikipedia articles within this circle than outside.

The map shows the uneven distribution of Wikipedia articles across 44 language versions of the encyclopedia.

Slightly more than half of all 3,336,473 articles relate to places, events or people within the red circle on the map, which occupies only 2.5 percent of the Earth's land mass.

15. Greenland and Africa - Mercator projection in comparison with real size.

16. Most and least ethnically diverse countries.

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