A walking encyclopedia of the meaning of a phraseological unit in one word. Is an encyclopedia a body of facts or something more? Can you trust encyclopedias

. Viktor Dolgopoloy was ... a walking encyclopedia of the class, his scientist husband(V. Izyumsky. Vocation).

Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M .: Astrel, AST... A.I. Fedorov. 2008.


See what the "Walking Encyclopedia" is in other dictionaries:

    walking encyclopedia- a scientist, a storehouse of wisdom, a walking university, a storehouse of knowledge, an encyclopedist, a know-it-all, an erudite Dictionary of Russian synonyms. walking encyclopedia n., number of synonyms: 13 botan (11) ... Synonym dictionary

    Walking encyclopedia- Spread. Shuttle. About a person who is knowledgeable in various fields of knowledge, who can provide information on any issue. BMS 1998, 644; FSRYa, 538; BTS, 1523; Maximov, 462 ...

    walking encyclopedia- joking. About a person with versatile knowledge, from whom you can always make inquiries on a variety of issues ... Dictionary of many expressions

    encyclopedia- A walking encyclopedia (joking) a person who can always make inquiries on a variety of subjects. We had our own walking encyclopedia in our class ... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language

    ENCYCLOPEDIA- (Greek en in, kuklos circle, paideia training). Circle of Educational Sciences, an essay that reports a systematic review of all sciences and arts. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov AN, 1910. ENCYCLOPEDIA ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    encyclopedia- and, w. encyclopédie f. gr. 1. Scientific reference manual (mainly in the form of a dictionary) on all or individual branches of knowledge. Great Soviet Encyclopedia. Literary encyclopedia. ALS 1. Encyclopedia, an inventory of all sciences, omniscience. 1790 ... Historical Dictionary of Russian Gallicisms

    ENCYCLOPEDIA- ENCYCLOPEDIA, encyclopedias, wives. (from Greek en in, kyklos Circle and paideia enlightenment) (book). 1. Provided in the system, a concise overview of all branches of human knowledge. Encyclopedia of Sciences. || The range of disciplines, together constituting ... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    ENCYCLOPEDIA- World encyclopedia. Zharg. shk. Shuttle. approved Excellent student; smart, erudite student. Maximov, 248. The walking encyclopedia. Spread. Shuttle. About a person who is knowledgeable in various fields of knowledge, who can provide information on any issue. BMS 1998, 644; ... ... A large dictionary of Russian sayings

    Encyclopedia- I w. 1. Scientific reference publication, usually in the form of a dictionary for all or individual branches of knowledge. 2. A set of information on any issue. II f. colloquial A person with extensive knowledge, from whom you can get information on any ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

    encyclopedia- and; f. (French encyclopedie from Greek enkýklios paidía training throughout the course of knowledge) 1) Scientific reference manual for all or individual branches of knowledge (mainly in the form of a dictionary) Literary encyclopedia / diia. Big medical ... ... Dictionary of many expressions

Often, in order to quickly find high-quality information about something, we turn to the encyclopedia. An encyclopedia is a reference publication that systematizes almost all scientific information on various topics.

Features of the encyclopedia

The prototype of modern encyclopedias was the dictionary of words, in which it was possible to find words and their definitions.

But the dictionary has only minimal information about any term. The encyclopedia goes much deeper into the subject being described. It contains the entire volume of knowledge accumulated by mankind on any issue. The encyclopedia is also a collection of maps and illustrations. About the desired subject, we can not only read certain information, but also clearly see its features, location and a number of other data that we need. On the pages of the encyclopedia there are tables and statistics. Thanks to this, it is possible to carry out a comparative analysis, generalization and synthesis of the obtained information units.

Can you trust encyclopedias?

The encyclopedia is a unique work of many generations. Every fact stated in this publication is scientifically confirmed. All information in the encyclopedia is objective and accurate.

Even if we open two encyclopedias of different authors and editions, we will notice that the information on any subject will be almost identical. Differences can be observed only in the style of statements, because each author writes in his own way. As mankind develops, encyclopedic facts are updated and supplemented. There is nothing superfluous and invented in the encyclopedia, each word is selected in strict accordance with the facts. And all the facts are verified and scientifically proven. Encyclopedic publications can and should be trusted. They will help answer many questions, and this can be achieved in a short time, you just have to open the desired page.

Types of encyclopedias

Encyclopedias are different. They can be focused on a specific age, on a specific level of development of the reader, or on any area of ​​knowledge. Encyclopedias are also divided into alphabetical and systemic, multivolume and one or two volumes (usually encyclopedic dictionaries).

According to the information included, these publications are divided into general, industry and universal. An encyclopedia can be dedicated to a particular region (regional) or to an individual (personal). In the modern world, an encyclopedia is not only a paper medium - a book. This edition is now available both on disc and online. Everyone can choose the option they need, it will depend on the purpose of using this unique edition.

"Encyclopedia": the meaning of the word

In the encyclopedia, we can find the meaning of almost any word. I wonder what is the meaning of the word "encyclopedia"? This term originated from the Greek language "enkyklios paideia" - "circle of knowledge", "learning throughout the circle of knowledge." In a broad sense, an encyclopedia is a collection of scientific facts and information on a variety of topics, which is intended for a wide range of readers. Without a doubt, an encyclopedia is a useful thing!

The lexical meaning of a word is contained in the basis of the term itself. Indeed, in this publication a whole range of specific knowledge is presented, thanks to the study of which it is possible to build training. In different languages, this Greek word has a consonant pronunciation. In Russian - "encyclopedia", in English - "encyclopedia", "encyclopaedia", in German - "enzyklopadie", in French - "encyclipedie".

How to understand the term "walking encyclopedia"?

Probably, each of us in the environment has a person who knows almost everything and about everything. You can ask him for help on any question of interest to us. It seems that all experience and all knowledge is put on the shelves for him. He never gets confused in facts, it is wonderful to communicate and be friends with such a person.

We wonder how mathematical formulas, knowledge of geography, literary talent, and many other facts that are very difficult for an ordinary person to remember can easily coexist in the head of this know-it-all. Uncommon reading and broad outlook give every right to call such a person a "walking encyclopedia".

The meaning of the phraseological unit in this case speaks for itself, fully revealing the individual characteristics of the personality. This is what they call a person who surprises us with his erudition. Although this expression is considered humorous, it fully reflects the unique abilities of such people. A "walking encyclopedia" is not born. Any of us can become such a unique person, one has only to fall in love with reading good books and begin to be sincerely interested in the world around us.

An encyclopedia is not just a collection of facts, it is a real treasure of valuable information collected by whole generations in order to transfer knowledge and experience.

Spread. Express. The same as the Living Encyclopedia. Viktor Dolgopoloy was ... a walking encyclopedia of the class, his scientist husband(V. Izyumsky. Vocation).

  • - Wed Common words have a well-known, universally recognized price, like. Mikhelson. Walking and well-aimed words. Foreword. Wed Il en est des adages populaires comme des billets en circulation: il faut qu "ils aient toutes leur valeur, qu" une bonne plume les endosse. Fournier. L "...

    Explanatory phraseological dictionary of Michelson

  • - Wed Current words have a well-known, universally recognized value, like a walking coin. Mikhelson. Walking and waving words. Preface. Wed Il en est des adages populaires comme des billets en circulation: il faut qu'ils aient toutes leur valeur, qu'une bonne plume les eodosse ...

    Michelson's Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original orph.)

  • - walking train colloquial wives to n. walking...

    Efremova's Explanatory Dictionary

  • - ...

    Spelling dictionary-reference

  • - Express. A person who is very knowledgeable, knowledgeable a lot. Mikhailov was a walking bibliography of foreign literature; there was no poet or novelist or fiction that he did not know ...
  • - Spread. Iron. About a person who knows and spreads news and gossip. - But goodbye, mon ange, now I am in a hurry, in a hurry ... I must certainly find Akulina Panfilovna and tell her ... - disappeared ...

    Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

  • - Spread. Iron. A person who flaunts his integrity. Nelkin from "Krechinsky's Freedom" is presented by the author poorly and, moreover, straightforwardly, like a walking virtue ...

    Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

  • - Express. Iron. Anything that has become commonplace. Many ideas became a walking coin and, traveling from hand to hand, darkened and rubbed like an old fifty-kopeck piece ...

    Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

  • - Zharg. pier jester-iron. About a sick person. Maximov, 22 ...
  • - Spread. Iron. About a person who knows and spreads news, rumors. F 1, 105 ...

    A large dictionary of Russian sayings

  • - Spread. Smth. widely known, widespread, commonplace. FSRYa, 253; BTS, 555 ...

    A large dictionary of Russian sayings

  • - Zharg. hom. Shuttle. A cutesy, flirtatious passive homosexual. KZ., 61 ...

    A large dictionary of Russian sayings

  • - Simple. Nebr. About a very thin, emaciated person. SPP 2001, 71 ...

    A large dictionary of Russian sayings

  • - Spread. Shuttle. About a person who is knowledgeable in various fields of knowledge, who can provide information on any issue. BMS 1998, 644; FSRYa, 538; BTS, 1523; Maximov, 462 ...

    A large dictionary of Russian sayings

  • - KURANT-MARK or coin, which was in use in Hamburg and Lübeck, where it was minted until 1873 ...

    Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

  • - n., number of synonyms: 1 encyclopedia ...

    Synonym dictionary

"The walking encyclopedia" in books

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