The incubation period of infectious parotitis in children. Parotitis in children - symptoms and treatment, prevention, photos. Non-specific preventive measures

Mumps (synonymous mumps or mumps) is an acute viral infection, which is considered to be "children's". According to statistics, children are more likely to get sick with mumps, and they endure it much easier. Adults can also carry mumps if they were not vaccinated as a child or the vaccination period has expired.

The disease got its name "mumps", "mumps" because with parotitis, a strong swelling occurs in the neck and behind the ears. The appearance of the patient resembles a pig. The disease has been known since antiquity, the first descriptions were given by Hippocrates, but then no one knew what caused the disease.

Progress was made in the diagnosis and treatment of mumps during the epidemics of the 17th and 19th centuries among regular army soldiers. Due to the high population density of the barracks, due to poor hygiene, the soldiers fell ill with mumps one by one. Sometimes at that time this disease began to be called "trench or soldier's disease." And only in the last century they found out the nature of the infection by isolating the virus and infecting laboratory animals (monkeys) with it. By 1945, the first vaccine against mumps had also been developed, which gave rise to the era of mass vaccination against it.

Although attempts have been made to infect animals with the virus in laboratories, mumps is a typical human disease in the natural environment. Therefore, it is impossible to get infected by contact with wild or domestic animals. Only people can pass it on to each other. Before vaccination, mumps was a serious danger in terms of the spread of epidemics. Today, there are isolated cases of mumps among those children whose parents do not vaccinate them, and also adults often get sick in whom the vaccination immunity has faded, and they did not re-vaccinate.

How infection occurs

The mumps virus belongs to the RNA viruses of the rubulavirus special group, it is not very resistant in the external environment. They can only become infected through prolonged and close contact with patients. At the same time, people, sources of infection, may not even suspect that they are sick with mumps.

  • Airborne- the virus is excreted with saliva and mucus of the nasopharynx, and if the patient spoke to you, coughed, blew his nose or sneezed near you, kissed you, was in the same room with you - the risk of infection is very high
  • By contact- for children, it will also be dangerous to use shared toys, lick fingers, objects that the hands of an infected baby touched, which he previously pulled into his mouth.

The disease is characterized by seasonality - in the spring there is a peak incidence, and in August-September the disease is practically not recorded. The disease is widespread everywhere, widely, but due to the fact that children are now actively vaccinated, epidemics now occur infrequently.

According to numerous studies, it has been established that people become contagious:

  • a week before inflammation of the salivary glands
  • 7-17 days can pass from the moment of infection
  • they remain contagious for about 8-9 days from the moment of the first manifestations of the disease.

Especially many viruses are isolated by patients and they are most contagious with inflammation of the salivary glands. At this time, they must be strictly isolated from others to prevent the spread of infection.

The incubation period (from the moment of infection with the virus to the moment of manifestation of the disease) is:

  • in children, on average, from 12 to 22 days.
  • in adults it ranges from 11 to 23-25 ​​days, usually it is 14-18 days.

Who can get parotitis?

Anyone who does not have immunity to it (has not been ill before or has not been vaccinated) can get sick with mumps, due to weakened immunity, children are more likely to get sick. Of the adults, those who do not have antibodies to mumps in their blood suffer - this is no more than 10-20% of the population (the rest have antibodies to the infection in their blood). It has been noted that boys and men are twice as likely and more severely ill with partitis.

Can vaccinated people get mumps? Properly administered MMR vaccination protects almost everyone (98%) from mumps infection, only a small number of people vaccinated with one or even two doses of the vaccine can show mumps. But the course of mumps in such people is mostly mild and not complicated.

What happens inside the body

The virus enters the body through the mucous membranes of the nose and throat. It settles on the surface of cells, destroys them and penetrates into the blood vessels, then spreads throughout the body, penetrates into their most favorite places - these are glandular tissues and nervous tissue (primarily salivary glands). Inside them, the reproduction of the virus occurs most actively.

Simultaneously with them, the prostate and testicles in boys and men, the ovaries in girls and women, the thyroid gland, and the pancreas can be affected. Along with the glands, at the same time, or somewhat later, the nervous system can also be affected, both peripheral nerves and ganglia, and the brain and spinal cord (when special conditions are created or the aggressive course of parotitis is created).

As the virus multiplies in the body, the immune system begins to produce antibodies against the viruses that bind and clear the virus, promoting recovery. These antibodies remain inside the body for the rest of your life, creating lifelong immunity. Due to these antibodies, re-infection with mumps does not occur.

However, along with this, general allergization of the body can be observed, which can be observed for a long time - up to several years. Due to it, allergic reactions may occur in the future, which were not observed in a child or adult before the illness - dermatitis, asthma,.

Can parotitis go unnoticed?

Most often, this phenomenon occurs in adolescents or adults. About 20-30% of people infected with mumps suffer from this disease without any typical symptoms, in the form of SARS, or it is completely asymptomatic. With this type of infection, complications are not dangerous, but the person himself is a source of the spread of viruses among children and adults.

Symptoms of parotitis in children

In the incubation period, the child looks normal and feels good, there are no external signs that he is already sick. With the accumulation of viruses in the body, the first signs of mumps appear. For children it is:

  • temperature increase within 38.0-38.5°С,
  • weak signs of SARS. There may be a slight runny nose, redness of the arches in the throat,.

After one or two days, swelling appears in the region of one parotid salivary gland. In this case, the gland itself becomes painful. The second gland can also become inflamed, their functioning is disturbed, which leads to dry mouth, bad breath and discomfort.

Saliva performs not only moisturizing and disinfecting functions in the oral cavity, it also takes part in the digestion process, wetting the food bolus and partially breaking down some components in it. By reducing the production of saliva, digestive functions may be disturbed with the development of nausea, abdominal pain and stool disorders, and stomatitis or gingivitis of an infectious nature may occur in the oral cavity.

In addition to the parotid, the submandibular and sublingual salivary glands may be involved in the process. With their inflammation and swelling, the child's face becomes moon-shaped, puffy, especially in the jaw and ears. Because of the similarity with the "pig's muzzle", the disease received a similar name.

If other glandular organs are involved in the process, complicated parotitis is formed:

  • In boys of school age, with a testicular lesion, one-sided swelling of the scrotum usually occurs, the skin turns red, hot to the touch, and painful. With prostatitis, pain occurs in the perineum, with rectal examination, an edematous formation with soreness is detected.
  • In girls, the defeat of the ovaries can be with the development of pain in the lower abdomen and nausea, malaise.

When the tissues of the pancreas are damaged, digestive problems arise:

  • feeling of heaviness in the stomach,
  • pain in the left hypochondrium,
  • nausea with vomiting,
  • bloating,
  • diarrhea (diarrhea).

Parotitis in children can occur not only as a classic variant, but also with erased forms, or even asymptomatically. With an erased form, the temperature rises slightly, not higher than 37.5 ° C, there is no characteristic lesion of the salivary glands, or it is not very pronounced and disappears in two to three days.

The asymptomatic form does not give any signs of infection at all and is dangerous only because such a child can visit the children's team and infect other children there.

Symptoms of parotitis in adults

In principle, the course and main symptoms of parotitis are similar to those in children, but often parotitis in adults is prone to a more severe course with complications (especially in young men and girls).

Before the onset of typical manifestations of mumps, some adults note the state of the prodrome of the disease:

  • chills occur
  • muscle or joint pain
  • headache
  • runny nose and cough
  • malaise like a cold
  • dry mouth, discomfort in the projection of the salivary glands
  • discomfort in the neck.

By the height of the disease, adults note a gradual increase in temperature from 37.2-37.5 to 38.0 ° C and above. The duration of the febrile period as a whole is about a week. Often, in adults, parotitis can occur without an increase in temperature, which indicates a weak resistance of the immune system to the introduction of viruses. In parallel with fever, weakness with malaise and headache, insomnia may occur.

The main manifestation of parotitis in adults is an inflammatory process in the parotid salivary glands, and the sublingual and submandibular glands are often affected. They swell, probing them is painful, saliva practically does not separate. Due to swelling and inflammation of the glands, the patient's face takes on a swollen appearance, resembling a pig's muzzle, with pronounced swelling along the lower jaw and behind the ears. The skin in the area of ​​glandular edema is glossy, strongly stretched and does not gather into folds, but its color does not change. In adults, initially bilateral lesions are typical.

Also, pain and discomfort in the salivary glands are more pronounced:

  • pain occurs when chewing and drinking
  • typical pain when talking
  • at night it is difficult to choose a position for sleeping due to soreness of the glands
  • compression of the auditory tube by an inflamed gland gives tinnitus and pain inside the ear
  • if you press on the tissues behind the earlobe, severe pain appears. This is one of the early typical symptoms of parotitis.
  • in severe cases, it is difficult to chew food in general, spasms of the masticatory muscles (trismus) may occur.
  • very little saliva is separated, which causes a state of severe dryness (xerostomia).

The acute period of inflammation in adults lasts no more than 3-4 days, sometimes pain at the beginning of the process can be given to the ear or neck, gradually fading by the end of the week. Simultaneously with them, the swelling of the glands disappears.

In parallel with the symptoms from the salivary glands, catarrhal phenomena also develop - runny nose, cough, sore throat, as well as digestive disorders with diarrhea, nausea and abdominal pain. They are most pronounced during the period of maximum edema of the salivary glands and gradually fade away as the convergence of local inflammatory phenomena.

Adults with mumps may additionally have:

  • rash on the body, which looks like thick and bright red spots. Localized in the face, arms, legs and torso.
  • about 30% of boys and men suffer from orchitis - testicular inflammation. Moreover, the process can begin both simultaneously with the defeat of the salivary glands, and a couple of weeks after the onset of mumps. The manifestations of orchitis cannot be confused with anything, with it the temperature rises sharply to almost 39-40 ° C, there is a strong and sharp pain in the scrotum, it turns very red and swells - usually on one side, but both testicles can be affected at once.

Is parotitis dangerous?

For the most part, mumps occurs in children and most adults without any complications and is not dangerous. But in 5 people out of 1000 cases, especially with reduced immunity, mumps takes an aggressive course. However, it can lead to serious complications:

  • spread to the tissue of the spinal cord or brain with the formation of meningitis and encephalitis. They are relatively well treated, only rare cases lead to death or give paralysis, hearing loss.
  • about 5% of all patients develop pancreatitis (the pancreas is affected). Most often, this type of pancreatitis is mild and resolves completely. Previously, it was believed that type 1 diabetes could form after mumps, but today this opinion has been refuted!
  • about 30% of men or boys who carry mumps with orchitis (testicular inflammation) become infertile ().
  • there may also be complications from the internal organs in the form of pneumonia, myocarditis, joint damage, thyroid gland, vision.

Signs of an aggressive course of parotitis

If you or your child has mumps, you should contact your doctor immediately if you have aggressive symptoms or complications such as:

  • severe headaches
  • various visual impairments
  • nausea and vomiting
  • severe pain in the abdomen or left side
  • numbness, weakness in certain parts of the body
  • seizures or loss of consciousness
  • hearing loss or severe ringing in the ears
  • change in the color of urine (it is dark and there is not enough of it)
  • pain in the scrotum in men.

How is the diagnosis made?

In a typical course, the diagnosis is clear on examination of the patient. But, to confirm the viral nature of inflammation is carried out:

  • PCR blood test to detect mumps virus
  • detection of antibodies to mumps
  • a set of analyzes to assess the functions of internal organs.

It is especially important to determine antibodies to mumps in atypical or asymptomatic cases.

quarantine measures

Prevention of mumps includes quarantine measures with strict isolation of a sick child or adult from people who are not ill or not vaccinated.

  • Adults or children with mumps should be isolated from other people for 9 days from the onset of inflammation.
  • In the children's team, when a sick person with mumps is detected, quarantine is imposed for a period of 21 days from the moment of the last sick person.
  • All contact and unvaccinated babies are examined daily by doctors, if they have symptoms of parotitis, they are immediately isolated.
  • In children's institutions, disinfection is carried out according to all the rules with the processing of dishes, toys and bed linen.
  • The room where the patient was located must be carefully checked and a general cleaning and disinfection of all objects with which the patient could come into contact should be carried out.

During quarantine, elementary hygiene methods are necessary - washing hands with soap, especially after contact with the patient and his things. It is also necessary to isolate the patient, to provide him with separate hygiene products, bed linen and towels.

Treatment Methods

Specific drugs for parotitis have not been developed, treatment is based on severity and symptoms. If there are no complications, the mumps is treated at home, in compliance with the quarantine terms.

  • Strict bed rest up to 7-10 days from the onset of symptoms so that there are no complications
  • Diet - due to the soreness of the salivary glands, as well as the prevention of pancreatitis, food should be light, semi-liquid and warm, without fatty, spicy and fried foods (cabbage, animal fats, pasta and white bread are excluded, a dairy-vegetable table is preferable).
  • Apply dry heat to the site of inflammation of the glands.
  • Gargling boiled water or weak solutions of antiseptics, treatment of colds.

The use of medications is indicated only in the presence of complications, usually this is done in a hospital. All treatment for parotitis should be prescribed and monitored by a doctor.

Prevention of mumps

Specific prevention is the vaccination of children and adults against mumps. The mumps vaccine is administered as part of the MMR vaccine (measles, mumps, rubella) or as a separate live attenuated vaccine.

  • According to the national vaccination calendar, it is administered at the age of 1 year and then at 6-7 years, before entering school. The drug is placed under the shoulder blade or in the shoulder area.
  • If a child did not receive the vaccine as a child due to medical rejection or parental refusal, it is possible to vaccinate as early as adolescence or adulthood. This is done according to epidemiological indications (in the focus of infection) or at will.

Vaccination is carried out only for healthy children who do not have contraindications:

  • in the presence of a cold
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases or weakness of the child does not make it
  • Vaccination is contraindicated for children with diseases of the hematopoietic system
  • immunodeficiencies
  • if treated with hormones.

According to individual indications, emergency vaccination can be carried out. It must be performed within 72 hours, and preferably on the first day after contact with the patient. This will lead to the production of antibodies and the course of the disease in a mild form, and sometimes the complete prevention of its development.

This disease does not pose a big threat to life, but here complications can lead to serious.

It is necessary to console the parents - a severe course of the disease is rarely observed today, as well as mass morbidity practically does not occur.

This is the merit of compulsory vaccination, which made mumps in principle a rare occurrence. We will talk about the symptoms of parotitis in children below.

Concept and characteristics

Parotitis in children - photo:

Otherwise, the disease is called mumps or mumps. This acute viral infection, it belongs to the category of so-called childhood diseases. It is children who are more likely to suffer from parotitis, but they tolerate it conditionally easily.

Adults can also get sick if they were previously vaccinated in childhood, or if the vaccination period has already expired.

Parotitis is characterized by swelling in the neck area and the area behind the ears, which is why the disease is popularly called mute. The patient is somewhat reminiscent of a pig - it is this observation that gave the most famous name to the disease - mumps.

Only people can transmit the disease to each other. Cases of mumps are now rare among children, although before mandatory vaccination, the disease was fraught with epidemic outbreaks.

Only unvaccinated children and unvaccinated adults can get mumps. In people who have been vaccinated, all risks are virtually reduced to zero.

How does infection occur?

The mumps virus is classified as RNA viruses, but in the external environment it is not inherent resistance.

Infection is possible only through prolonged contact with the sick.

Sometimes people who are carriers of infection they are not even aware of their illness.

The disease is transmitted by airborne droplets and by contact. Zaushnitsa is characterized by seasonality, the peak of the disease usually occurs in the spring. In August and September, the disease is literally not observed.

Mumps epidemics are rare today, thanks to vaccination.

Causes and risk factors

Anyone can get mumps not immune to disease, that is, he was not vaccinated or had not been ill before. Since children's immunity is not yet so perfect, the disease occurs mainly in children. Boys and men get sick more often, and the disease is more difficult to bear.

That's why risk category- these are not vaccinated and have not had mumps, the male sex is more susceptible. As for those who have been vaccinated against mumps, 98% of all vaccinated people can get mumps, but the course of the disease itself will still be mild and uncomplicated.

Incubation period

contagious people become in 7 days before their salivary glands become inflamed.

From the hour of infection, it can take from a week to seventeen days.

Remain able to infect patients about 8 more days from the moment mumps symptoms first appeared.

Incubation period:

  • in children is from 12 to 22 days;
  • in adults, 11 to 25 days, but usually two weeks or more.

The virus enters the child's body through the mucous membranes of the nose and throat. There it is located on the cell surface, then enters the circulatory system, from there it spreads everywhere.

Glandular tissues and even nervous tissue become favorite habitats for the virus. In the salivary glands, the virus multiplies as actively as possible.

Classification and forms of pathology

According to the clinical picture, parotitis is isolated specific is a viral or epidemic mumps, as well as non-epidemic(non-specific) and purulent.

Acute parotitis is a classic mumps, a disease that appears only once in unvaccinated people.

Chronic parotitis is a manifestation of the well-known Sjögren's syndrome, when the mucous membranes become inflamed.

Also, it could be an option. mikulicz syndrome- the volume of the salivary glands increases and the secretion of saliva itself also increases.

non-infectious parotitis has nothing to do with a viral disease. Occurs in case of injury or prolonged hypothermia, followed by inflammation of the parotid salivary glands.

Complications and consequences

The most dangerous complication for boys, and not so rare, is inflammation of the testicles, followed by atrophy and infertility in future.

There was such a strong opinion among the people that if a boy had mumps as a child, then he definitely would not be able to have children later. This is only a possibility, a complication that does not always occur, because no one can make such a diagnosis only on the basis of the transferred mumps.

Girls may inflammation of the ovaries mastitis occurs in adults. Parotitis is extremely dangerous during pregnancy, it can lead to the death of the fetus. In adults, mumps is difficult - it can be complicated, as well as infertility, deafness.

With purulent mumps, there is a risk of purulent fusion of blood vessels, as well as inflammation of the facial nerve and even some paresis of the facial muscles.

Symptoms and signs

During the incubation period, the patient looks normal and feels great.

But when viruses accumulate in the body, there are also first signs of illness.

First, the temperature rises to at 38-38.5 degrees, there are weak signs. A slight rhinitis may well appear, the throat arches will turn red, the child will have a sore throat, which will cause him to cough.

Then the virus strikes:

  1. Parotid salivary gland (one-sided swelling), while the gland itself is painful.
  2. Sometimes a second gland with impaired functioning - dryness in the oral cavity and bad smell, general discomfort.

Not only the parotid glands, but also the sublingual and submandibular glands can be introduced into the process of the disease. The child becomes moon face, even puffy, edematous.

Not always the disease proceeds classically. If the form is complicated, both the sex glands and the pancreas can be affected.

But just as rarely as a complicated form occurs, an erased one also occurs, practically asymptomatic pig shape. This is atypical mumps, which passes quickly and does not actually cause discomfort.


Since the disease is specific visual cues, then there are practically no difficulties in diagnosis.

The doctor studies the patient's complaints or the parents' comments, if the child himself cannot say, collects an epidemiological history, examines the patient.

If the form of mumps is atypical, then the doctor may prescribe a serological blood test and examine saliva and blood for the virus. The pediatrician treats the disease, but more often infectious disease physician. If complications arise, then an endocrinologist, neurologist, rheumatologist, ENT are connected to the treatment.

Methods of treatment and drugs

Interestingly, there is still no effective therapy that directly destroys the mumps virus.

Therefore, doctors use symptomatic treatment, which reduces the suffering of the patient and helps avoid complications.

The treatment itself consists of three points:

  • proper adequate care for a sick child;
  • medicines;
  • diet.

bed rest, usually the child spends up to 10 days in bed until the acute symptoms subside. During this period, hypothermia, emotional and mental overload are dangerous for children.

Room needed ventilate to reduce the concentration of the virus. The patient must have their own dishes and towels.

The child needs to eat often, but the food should not be high in calories.

Nothing harmful, spicy, spicy, smoked and sweet. Salty foods are also to be avoided. A child can drink a day 1.5-2 liters of water.

Since the treatment is symptomatic, it will be individual in each case. No self-treatment - can lead to complications. In no case should warm compresses be applied to the edema zone, this will only aggravate the inflammation.

If mumps uncomplicated, then in most cases only Ibuprofen, Ibufen, Diclofenac, Ketoprofen and Piroxicam are used from the drugs.


For uncomplicated parotitis, the prognosis favorable. The child is sick for an average of two weeks, sometimes more.

Complications can even lead to a decrease in fertility, in the case of consequences for the nervous system, paralysis of a muscle group and even a serious hearing loss are possible.


Specific prophylaxis is vaccination live ZhPV vaccine routinely. A child is vaccinated a year, and then at 6 years old a revaccination with a trivaccine is done, when, together with mumps, the child is vaccinated against rubella and measles.

General prevention is the isolation of patients until a general recovery.

In the focus of the virus is carried out disinfection.

Quarantine, if necessary, appoint for up to 21 days. Previously unvaccinated children who have been in contact with the patient should be vaccinated.

Parotitis or mumps is a disease that is rare today. This happened thanks to compulsory vaccination. A number of childhood diseases have actually disappeared precisely because of vaccinations.

The disease causes suffering to the child, complications are difficult to predict, they can seriously respond in the future.

Therefore, the only sure way to avoid the disease is planned safe vaccination, which is carried out in accordance with all standards.

About the symptoms, treatment and prevention of parotitis in children in this video:

We kindly ask you not to self-medicate. Sign up to see a doctor!

Ekaterina Morozova

Reading time: 4 minutes


Mumps, or mumps, is a viral acute disease accompanied by inflammation of the salivary glands. The disease is common, mainly among children from five to fifteen years old, but there are cases when adults get sick.

Infectious disease mumps - how and why does mumps occur in children?

Mumps is one of the childhood diseases, and therefore, most often they suffer from babies aged three to seven years. Boys are twice as likely to get mumps as girls.
The causative agent of mumps is a virus of the paramycovirus family, which is related to influenza viruses. However, unlike influenza, it is less stable in the external environment. The transmission of mumps infection is carried out by airborne droplets. Basically, infection occurs after communication with the patient. There may be cases of mumps through dishes, toys or other objects.

The infection affects the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx, nose and oral cavity. Often there is a lesion of the parotid glands.

It is possible to detect the first signs of the disease after contact with the patient in about thirteen to nineteen days. The first sign is an increase in body temperature up to forty degrees. After a while, the ear area begins to swell, pain appears, pain when swallowing, and the formation of saliva increases.

Due to the long incubation period, mumps is dangerous. A child, communicating with children, infects them.

Mumps disease is most common during the weakening of the body and the lack of vitamins in it - in the spring and at the end of winter.

Signs and symptoms of mumps in children - a photo of what mumps looks like

The appearance of the first signs of the disease occurs after two to three weeks.

The symptoms of mumps are as follows:

  • Feeling of general weakness, chills and malaise;
  • The child loses his appetite, he becomes capricious and lethargic;
  • There is a headache and muscle pain;
  • The body temperature rises.

Inflammation of the salivary glands is the main symptom of mumps in children. First of all, this concerns the salivary parotid glands. Often they swell on both sides, the swelling even extends to the neck. As a result, the patient's face takes on a characteristic shape, becomes puffy. That is why the people call the disease mumps.

Some children may be difficult to tolerate the disease. The swelling of the parotid glands is accompanied by a parallel swelling of the sublingual and submandibular glands. Edema disturbs the child with its soreness. Children complain of pain when talking, eating, earache. In the absence of complications, the persistence of such symptoms lasts from seven to ten days.

Why mumps is dangerous for girls and boys - possible consequences of mumps disease

The consequences of epidemic parotitis can be deplorable. That is why, with any signs of the disease, it is very important to consult a doctor to prescribe the correct treatment.

Among the complications that mumps can lead to, the following are noted:

  • Acute serous meningitis;
  • Dangerous to health and life meningoencephalitis;
  • Damage to the middle ear, which can subsequently cause deafness;
  • Inflammation of the thyroid gland;
  • Violation of the central nervous system (central nervous system);
  • pancreatitis;
  • Inflammation of the pancreas.

Especially dangerous mumps is considered for males. Moreover, the consequences are more dangerous, the older the age of the sick child. This is due to the fact that in about twenty percent of cases, parotitis can affect the spermatogenic epithelium of the testicles. This can lead to infertility in the future.

A complicated form of mumps disease leads to inflammation of the testicles. Pain is felt in the gonad. The testicle becomes enlarged, swells and turns red. Edema is usually observed first in one testicle, and then in the other.

Orchitis, in some cases, may result in atrophy (testicular function dies), which for the future man is the cause of subsequent infertility.

  • There are no specific methods for getting rid of mumps. Everything is done to prevent the development of complications and alleviate the patient's condition. The boy, if possible, is placed in a separate room and provided with bed rest.
  • To avoid the development of pancreatitis, the child needs to provide the right diet. When the disease proceeds without complications, mumps can be cured in a child in ten to twelve days.
  • The disease is tolerated worse with age. If the disease with mumps in a boy was not accompanied by orchitis, you can not be afraid of infertility. Mumps is considered extremely dangerous when puberty occurs. To avoid a disease with serious consequences, it is necessary to be vaccinated for prevention at the age of one year and at six to seven years.

Mumps is a disease that causes disruption of the central nervous system and glands (salivary, seminal) of the body. Pathology is viral in nature, representatives of paramyxoviruses are considered the causative agent.

The first symptoms of mumps occur in young children (3-7 years old), boys are most susceptible to the development of the disease. They get sick about 2 times more often than girls.

At the same time, the disease causes serious complications in boys, such as impaired reproductive function up to complete impossibility of conceiving a child. In the first year of a child's life, the risk of developing the disease is minimal, since the baby receives immune cells along with mother's milk.

Characteristics of the pathology

Symptoms of mumps in a child - photo:

In the adult population, cases of mumps single, which is why this disease belongs to the category of children.

Currently, cases of diseases have become rarer, which is associated with the introduction an effective vaccine having a preventive effect, contributing to the development of stable immunity to the pathogen.

The disease affects the lymph nodes located behind the ears of the child, as well as the glandular organs (the salivary glands and the seminal glands in boys).

The disease has a viral nature, the causative agent of the infection is transmitted by airborne droplets, as a result of which the disease is considered extremely contagious.

Pathogen and methods of infection

Pathogenic microflora (viruses from the paramyxovirus family), which provokes the development of the disease, has a high degree of viability, the state of the virus is not affected by changes in the environment, the virus retains its activity even at sub-zero air temperatures.

Pathology is transmitted by contact with a sick person, and the carrier of the virus may not have symptoms (the pathology has a rather long incubation period, during which the disease does not manifest itself in any way, but the person is already considered a source of infection and can infect others).

A child with mumps build up a strong immune system to the causative agent of the disease, so cases of re-infection are extremely rare.


The main cause of the development of the disease is considered to be penetration into the body causative virus.

However, even when it enters the body of a child, symptoms and manifestations of pathology do not always occur. Therefore, other predisposing factors that increase the risk of developing the disease. Secondary risk factors include:

  1. Frequent infectious and viral diseases that lead to a long-term decrease in immunity.
  2. Poor nutrition that provokes development.
  3. Seasonal decrease in immunity, observed in the autumn-winter period.
  4. Lack of vaccination. A vaccine containing a therapeutic dose of the virus contributes to the development of immunity to the specified strain, as a result of which the risk of mumps is reduced to almost zero.

Incubation period

The virus, having penetrated into the child's body for a long time actively reproduces in it.

At the same time, there are no symptoms of the disease at this stage.

The duration of the incubation period is about 3 weeks although the state of the child's immune system is of decisive importance. In children with a weakened immune system, the symptoms of pathology develop in a shorter time.


The course of the disease can be different, it depends primarily on the state of the child's immune system.

Some children have pathology severe symptoms, has a severe course, in others it proceeds as much as possible painlessly. Depending on the area of ​​the lesion and the severity of the characteristic symptoms, several types of pathologists are distinguished.

area affected


Depending on the area of ​​​​damage, there are such varieties as:

  1. Uncomplicated, in which only the salivary glands are affected.
  2. Complicated, having a more extensive focus of inflammation (the salivary, seminal glands, as well as internal organs are affected). This form is accompanied by a number of concomitant diseases, such as nephritis,.

Depending on the severity of the characteristic symptoms, the disease can have the following forms of the course:

  1. Asymptomatic. There are no signs of illness, however, a sick child still continues to be a source of infection.
  2. Easy. The clinical picture is blurred, the symptoms are mild.
  3. Average. The child has an increase in the size of the salivary glands, there are pronounced signs of poisoning of the body.
  4. Heavy. The symptoms of the pathology are expressed as intensely as possible, the child feels an acute malaise, the work of the internal organs is disturbed, which leads to the appearance of other characteristic signs.

Complications and consequences

Mumps is considered a dangerous disease which can lead to various serious complications, especially in boys.

The most common negative consequences transferred disease are:

  • testicular atrophy, infertility in men;
  • chronic inflammation of the middle ear, which can lead to significant or complete hearing loss;
  • CNS disorders;
  • meningitis, encephalitis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • disruption of the endocrine system.

Symptoms and signs

How does the disease manifest itself? The clinical picture of the disease is very extensive., includes a large number of a wide variety of symptoms that manifest themselves depending on the type of disease and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bdamage.

The first signs development of the disease are considered:

  • weakness and malaise;
  • pain in the muscles;
  • chills and a slight increase in body temperature;
  • lack of appetite;
  • sleep disturbance.

Over time, the clinical manifestations of the disease become more extensive, there are symptoms of intoxication, such as nausea, vomiting, a significant increase in temperature and increased headaches.

Temperature indicators depend on the severity of the disease. Thus, the mild form is characterized by an increase in temperature to subfebrile indicators.

With mumps of moderate severity, the temperature reaches 38-39 degrees. If the disease has a severe course, hyperthermia reaches values life-threatening(40 degrees and above).

characteristic feature- damage to the salivary glands, which is manifested by such symptoms as:

  1. Dry mouth.
  2. Pain in the ear area, with painful sensations aggravated by talking or chewing food.
  3. Enlargement of the tonsils and salivary glands, which become painful to the touch.
  4. An inflammatory process covering the mucous membrane of the parotid gland, a change in the external skin in this area (the skin becomes smoother).
  5. Swelling of other facial glands.

In severe cases of the disease, it is noted lesion of the seminal glands in boys. In this case, symptoms such as pain in the area of ​​the gonad, an increase in the size of the testicles, and redness of the skin in this area occur.

The risk of damage to the seminal glands is especially high during puberty. In childhood, this form of the disease develops much less frequently.


To make a diagnosis in an uncomplicated form of pathology, it is enough only correctly assess the totality of the available signs.

If the disease has a complicated course, a number of additional diagnostic studies will be required, such as a general blood and urine test, saliva, and other secretory secretions.

In addition, the child is given immunofluorescent study to determine the type of pathogen.

Methods of treatment

How to treat a baby? Treatment requires not only taking medications, but also following a special lifestyle. In particular, the child is recommended bed rest for 7-10 days, as well as its complete isolation from other people.

It is important to observe the fluid intake regimen, the child must consume a warm drink in sufficient quantities.

Necessary dieting, the baby should not overeat, you should limit the consumption of flour products, fatty foods, white cabbage. The diet is based on dairy products, cereal cereals, potato dishes, rye bread.


Use of necessary medicines - a prerequisite for proper therapy. The child is given an appointment:


The prognosis depends not only on the severity of the disease, but also on how correct its treatment was.

Also important role the gender of the child plays (in boys, the disease has a more severe course) as well as his age (the older the child, the higher the likelihood of complications).


Protect the child from development such an unpleasant disease as mumps is not difficult, for this you need:

  1. Strengthen the immunity of the baby through the organization of a proper lifestyle and diet.
  2. Get vaccinated on time.
  3. Monitor compliance with sanitary standards in institutions visited by the child (kindergarten, school).

Mumps is a disease that affects glandular organs of the child.

Pathology can manifest itself in different ways, depending on its variety, in some cases the disease is asymptomatic.

The disease most often develops in boys 3-7 years old may appear at a later age. The disease is considered very dangerous, especially for boys, as it negatively affects the state of the child's reproductive system and can lead to the development of infertility in the future.

disease needs treatment moreover, it consists not only in taking medications prescribed by a doctor, but also in observing a special lifestyle and diet.

About the symptoms, treatment and prevention of mumps in this video:

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Popularly, a viral infection called mumps is known as mumps or mumps. According to statistics, a child, no matter whether it is a boy or a girl, endures the disease much more easily than an adult. You can become infected with mumps by contact or airborne droplets. Epidemic parotitis in children often occurs in the spring, and the first symptoms and signs of the disease may occur only 12 days after infection. For the most part, mumps proceeds without consequences, but in 5 cases out of 1000 it gives very serious complications.

What is parotitis in children

Respiratory viral infection parotitis (ICD-10 code - B26) is a danger due to the high risk of infection. Although mumps does not pose a threat to life, complications of the disease can lead to organ damage. The greatest incidence persists from 3 to 6 years. After an infection, a stable lifelong immunity is formed. Infection is characterized by seasonality - the peak incidence occurs in the spring, at the end of summer the disease is almost not recorded.

The causative agent of mumps

You can become infected with mumps through close contact with a sick person. The causative agent of mumps is the RNA virus Parotits epidemica, which has an irregular spherical shape. In the external environment, it is relatively stable: at room temperature it lasts for several days, and at minus temperatures - up to six months. The mumps virus has specific mechanisms of tissue damage:

  • with hemagglutinating activity, it causes swelling of the parotid glands and the formation of microthrombi in the capillaries;
  • with hemolytic activity destroys blood cells;
  • neuraminidase activity facilitates the penetration of viral particles into the cell, promotes their reproduction.

How infection occurs

Mumps disease in children often affects the nervous system and glandular organs. The virus enters the body through the mucous membranes of the throat and nose. First, it settles on the surface of cells, destroys them, and then penetrates into the blood vessels, spreading throughout the body. If the mumps disease develops in boys, then simultaneously with the nervous and glandular tissues, the testicles and prostate can be affected, if in girls, then the disease affects the ovaries. Along with this, there may be a general allergization of the body, which lasts several years after recovery.

Incubation period

Mumps in a child begins acutely. From the moment of infection with the virus to the onset of the disease in children, it takes from 12 to 22 days, in adults - 11-35 days. In some children, 1-2 days before the development of symptoms, prodromal phenomena are observed: muscle and headaches, dry mouth, discomfort in the parotid salivary glands. The fever may last for a week.

Symptoms of parotitis

The severity of the disease depends on the state of immunity in children. If the virus has entered a healthy body, then it is threatened with an asymptomatic or mild course of the disease. The situation will be greatly complicated by the lack of vaccination against mumps or a shortly transferred other infection. What are the main symptoms of mumps in children:

  • prodromal period: lethargy, apathy, weakness, causeless drowsiness;
  • during the reproduction of the virus, the salivary parotid glands swell;
  • there is a sharp increase in body temperature to 38–40 degrees, symptoms of intoxication of the body appear, as with influenza or SARS;
  • simultaneously with swelling of the parotid glands, the child feels their soreness;
  • the submandibular, sublingual glands become inflamed, swelling and redness of the tonsils are observed;
  • in the case of unilateral inflammation, pain occurs when chewing.


In older boys of school age, other organs may be involved in the inflammatory process. Orchitis (testicular disease) and prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate gland) are often observed. With orchitis, one testicle swells more often. The skin on the scrotum becomes red and warm to the touch. With prostatitis, the pathology is localized in the perineum. During a rectal examination, a small patient feels acute pain, the doctor determines a tumor-like formation.

Symptoms of nonspecific parotitis

Sialadenitis (chronic non-specific mumps of a non-infectious nature) is a very common pathology in children. This is an independent disease that is not associated with an epidemiological component. An important feature of the disease is the cyclical course: relative calm is replaced by an exacerbation phase, in which the following symptoms are observed:

  • pain when chewing;
  • swelling in the area of ​​the salivary parotid gland;
  • unpleasant taste in the mouth;
  • the allocation of cloudy viscous saliva or pus with purulent mumps;
  • decrease in saliva volume;
  • feeling of fullness in the ears;
  • increase in body temperature.

The first signs of mumps in children

The main danger of mumps is that the first signs appear a week after infection, and the child is considered healthy all this time, infecting others at the same time. The disease develops rapidly. The first signs of mumps:

  • loss of appetite, refusal to eat;
  • feeling of general malaise;
  • attempts to open the mouth are accompanied by severe soreness behind the ears.

Classification of mumps

The course of parotitis takes place in various clinical forms. Since there is no generally accepted classification of the disease, doctors use another variation of it:

  • manifest: complicated (with meningitis, arthritis, nephritis and others) and uncomplicated form, when only the salivary glands are affected;
  • residual, developing against the background of mumps: deafness, CNS disorders, testicular atrophy, infertility, diabetes;
  • inapparat variety (virus carrier).

Complications of the disease

Often the consequence of mumps is inflammation of the pancreas, thyroid or gonads. Other complications of mumps in children:

  • inflammation of the meninges (with meningitis manifested);
  • inflammation of the testicles (orchitis);
  • hearing loss, sometimes leading to complete deafness;
  • inflammation of the joints;
  • prostatitis;
  • oophoritis;
  • nephritis;
  • thrombocytopenic purpura;
  • myocarditis.


With a typical course of the disease, the diagnosis is clear to the doctor already when examining the child. To confirm the viral nature of mumps, additional laboratory tests are carried out. In the asymptomatic course of the disease, the following tests are especially important:

  • detection of antibodies;
  • blood test for CPR to identify the pathogen;
  • a set of analyzes to assess the work of internal organs.

Treatment of mumps in children

The main rule in treatment is to isolate patients from others. Therapy is carried out at home with bed rest. The child is placed in the hospital only with a severe form of mumps. An important stage of therapy is a diet, in which the advantage is given to a sparing diet of stews or boiled dishes. For treatment, antipyretic and analgesic drugs are used. Antibiotics are not prescribed, but the child is prescribed a course of physiotherapy. In severe cases of the disease, all prescribed drugs are administered intravenously through a dropper.

Drug therapy

It is possible to remove inflammation of the salivary glands in uncomplicated mumps in children with complex therapy, in which the following drugs are used:

  1. Nurofen suspension. It has anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, analgesic effect. Assign to children from 3 months. According to the instructions, at one time you need from 5 to 10 mg / kg of the baby's weight. The frequency and duration of treatment is prescribed by the doctor. The average dose is 5 ml of syrup every 7 hours until the symptoms disappear. In case of an overdose, side effects from the gastrointestinal tract may occur: nausea, vomiting, epigastric pain.
  2. Groprinosin. Tablets with antiviral and immunostimulating action. Dosage - 50 mg / kg of body weight per day. Drink should be in 3-4 doses for 7-10 days. In case of an overdose, the concentration of uric acid in the serum of urine and blood may increase.

Diet food

If a child has inflamed salivary glands, it is difficult for him to chew, so a sparing diet is indicated. With parotitis, it is better to give preference to liquid porridge, pureed soup and plenty of drink (herbal infusions, plain water). After each meal, you need to rinse your mouth with a solution of furacilin or soda. Cabbage, white bread, pasta, fats, sour juices should be excluded from the menu. Products that will help you recover faster:

  • liquid pureed soup in chicken broth;
  • any liquid porridge;
  • mashed potatoes;
  • steam cutlets;
  • chicken meat;
  • fruits and vegetables in the form of purees or puddings;
  • steam / boiled fish;
  • milk products;
  • seeds, nuts, legumes.

Hospitalization of patients

If the mumps disease in children is severe, when other glandular organs and the nervous system are involved in the process, then hospitalization is prescribed. They can be sent to the hospital if the child lives in unfavorable social conditions, in a family hostel or in an orphanage to prevent infection of other people. When parotitis is introduced into institutions, vaccination is carried out for all unvaccinated and unill children.

From the moment of the last sick person in schools, kindergartens and children's homes, a 21-day quarantine is imposed. Vaccination is not mandatory, but recommended, because vaccination not only protects against the disease, but also facilitates the course of the infection if the child was vaccinated already in the incubation period. Revaccination is prescribed 4 years after the first vaccination, which contributes to the production of specific antibodies by the body, which prevent re-infection of mumps by 100%.

Prevention of mumps in children

In addition to standard preventive measures, isolation of the patient for 9 days is important. As the main prevention, a vaccine is used, which is injected subcutaneously into the outer part of the shoulder or under the shoulder blade once at a dose of 0.5 ml. The vaccine also includes antibodies against rubella and measles. Mumps vaccines:

  • monovaccines: Mumps cultural live vaccine, Imovax Orion;
  • divaccine: Live mumps-measles vaccine;
  • three-component: Trimovax, Ervevax, Priorix, MMR.

