Why from hunger. Why do you get fat when you are hungry? Moderate physical activity

Anyone is unlikely to be happy when they find a swollen face in the mirror after waking up. Such a temporary defect in appearance should not be regarded solely as an aesthetic problem. Swelling of the face may indicate that a person should make adjustments to their lifestyle or consult a doctor.

Why does facial swelling occur in healthy people?

  1. In healthy people, the face swells due to inaccuracies in nutrition. For example, excessive salt intake and drinking before bedtime leads to fluid retention in the intercellular space of soft tissues (on the face these are eyelids, lips and cheeks), which is why unpleasant swelling appears. In order to forget about the swelling of the face, in this case, a person is advised to give up the habit of eating late, in particular, smoked, salty, fatty and fried foods. The last meal of the day should consist of easily digestible foods such as fruits, vegetables, cereals and dairy products.
  2. The face swells up in people who neglect sleep. Not getting enough sleep, combined with watching TV and reading before bed, can strain the muscles in your face. At a young age, the skin quickly recovers even after non-compliance with the daily regimen, but in people after 40 years, traces of overwork, in particular, swelling on the face, are very pronounced. To prevent swelling of the face, you should follow the daily regimen (sleep at least eight hours a day and avoid unnecessary stress on the eyes before bedtime).
  3. Alcohol abuse in the evening: drinking alcohol leads to intoxication, due to which a person has a malfunction in the metabolism. After an alcoholic party, the face swells up significantly, especially for the eyelids. To get rid of swelling after drinking alcohol, you can use ice rubbing on the face or a tea compress applied to the eyelids. Self-massage of the face will help to improve lymph and blood flow.
  4. In the last days before menstruation, some women develop swelling, including localized on the face. To avoid the appearance of swelling, in the last days before menstruation, adjustments should be made to the diet: give preference to foods with a diuretic effect (plums, citrus fruits, peaches, apples, watermelons, cucumbers, zucchini, etc.) and clean water. It is recommended to exclude products with caffeine, spices, fat and preservatives from the menu.
  5. Overweight: It has been noted that overweight people have an increased risk of facial swelling, especially after sleep.
  6. Crying before going to bed: the face in the eyelid area is swollen due to irritation of the eyes with salty lacrimal fluid.

Swelling in diseases

If it was not possible to get rid of the swelling of the face by correcting the daily regimen, then this indicates that a failure has occurred in the functioning of the body. The face swells due to the following diseases:

  1. Heart failure: The swelling of the face is hard and pronounced. The problem often arises in the evenings. In addition to edema, a person feels shortness of breath, heart rhythm disturbance. Heart failure is also characterized by an enlarged liver, swelling of the extremities, and cyanosis of the fingertips and nasolabial triangle.
  2. Dysfunction of the kidneys, for example, pyelonephritis: a person has significant swelling of the eyelids in the morning, but after a few hours the swelling disappears. Other signs of kidney disease include increased blood pressure, swelling of the limbs, and ascites.
  3. Allergies: when the body is exposed to certain foods, animal hair, chemicals and plant pollen, angioedema occurs. With it, a person's eyelids (less often lips) swell up, a rash and red spots on the skin appear. In this case, you can get rid of swelling with an antihistamine.
  4. Quincke's edema: the face swells rapidly with this condition. Also, edema is accompanied by stenosis of the larynx, headache, and sometimes neurological disorders. Quincke's edema requires urgent medical attention, since this condition threatens the victim with suffocation.
  5. Superior vena cava thrombosis: This life-threatening condition is characterized by a bluish and swollen face.
  6. Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine: squeezing of the vessels of the head and neck, as well as nerve endings, leads to disruption of lymph and blood flow, which causes swelling of the face. This problem is especially aggravated after sleep.
  7. Removing a diseased tooth: This is a minimally invasive surgical procedure, after which the face swells noticeably on one side. Injury to the soft tissue surrounding the tooth causes the cheek to swell. Usually, the edema after the intervention of the dentist disappears within a few hours after the manipulation.
  8. Facial surgery, such as blepharoplasty: Facial surgery causes swelling of the soft tissues of the face, and this phenomenon is considered the norm. Postoperative facial edema occurs on the third day after the intervention. It can last for two weeks.
  9. Impact or head injury: Impact causes damage to the soft tissues of the face and rupture of blood vessels. A swelling (hematoma) forms where the blow was struck. Traumatic brain injury can also cause facial swelling. With it, swelling forms on the eyelids, and cyanotic circles appear under the eyes of a person.
  10. Diseases of the endocrine system: the face swells greatly due to myxedema - a disease that occurs against the background of a dysfunction of the thyroid gland, a person develops swelling of the mucous membranes. If the adrenal glands are disrupted, the swelling on the face is significant, due to which the face itself swells greatly and takes on a moon-like shape. With diabetes mellitus, the face can also swell.
  11. Viral and bacterial diseases of the respiratory system: with sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, the face noticeably swells in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose. The swelling of the face is eliminated after the inflammation is healed.

What to do to get rid of facial swelling?

First of all, it is necessary to exclude the relationship of facial swelling with certain diseases. To do this, you should consult a doctor and undergo a complete medical examination. Swelling of the face is not the main disease, but only its manifestation, therefore, first of all, you should get rid of the cause of the swelling of the face.

If the face swells, then you can get rid of the problem through simple techniques:

  1. In the morning, gently rub the swollen face with an ice cube. Making such ice is simple: you need to make a cool decoction of chamomile (sage), cool, pour into ice molds and send to the freezer.
  2. A raw potato mask will help remove facial swelling. Her recipe: the tuber is rubbed on a fine grater, and the resulting mass is applied to the swollen eyelids for 15 minutes. Such a mask will help remove not only puffiness, but also blue circles under the eyes.
  3. A cognac mask will perfectly help get rid of swelling on the face that arose after lack of sleep or alcohol drunk the day before. To prepare the mask, you should take half a spoonful of green tea, raw egg white, a teaspoon of skate and a couple of drops of lemon juice. All components are mixed and applied to the eyelid area. After 15 minutes, the mask is washed off with cool water.
  4. If swelling of the face is associated with age-related changes in the skin or with a feature of the body, then you can get rid of it with the help of salon procedures, for example, lymphatic drainage. This is a special massage to improve lymph flow. It is performed manually or with the help of appropriate equipment. A full course of procedures helps to remove swelling on the face for a long time.
  5. To remove swelling from a swollen face, you should soak gauze with a cool decoction of chamomile and make a compress for your face.

A decongestant ointment will help remove swelling on the face:

  1. Heparin.
  2. Blepharogel.
  3. Retinoic ointment.

Before using these products for topical application, a doctor's consultation is necessary.

As for taking diuretics (and these drugs really help get rid of edema within a short period of time), they should be prescribed by a doctor. Despite their advantages, diuretic pills have a number of side effects, the risk of which is especially high when such pills are taken uncontrolled.

To avoid swelling of the face, you should lead a healthy lifestyle, monitor your weight, provide the necessary skin care for your face and avoid physical inactivity. With pronounced edema, one should not self-medicate, because only a specialist will be able to determine why the patient's face swells.

Documentary photos from the period of 17-23 years of the last century, pictures from besieged Leningrad and modern photographs from African countries are terrifying. Emaciated children and adults with a disproportionately large belly or general swelling. These are manifestations of alimentary dystrophy.

Why does edema occur?

Blood proteins retain water around them, prolonged fasting leads to a decrease in the concentration of protein in the blood, as a result of which the liquid rushes into the intercellular space. The situation is aggravated by the fact that the person experiences a false feeling of thirst and drinks even more water. The body reacts to a decrease in circulating blood volume in its own way: it decreases urine output to reduce fluid loss. As a result, the person swells even more. The area of ​​the abdominal cavity is relatively free, because the bulk of the fluid from the intercellular space sweats into the abdominal space. Ascites (accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity) occurs.

Hunger swelling is a bad sign that the urinary system is not able to cope with the additional stress. People who dry out from hunger are more likely to survive than those who develop nutritional dystrophy like hungry edema.


In hunger, people replace normal food with any other: quinoa, nettle, tree buds, moss, clay, wood chips. It is not normal human food and causes gas to build up. The enzymes involved in digestion are also of a protein nature, prolonged fasting reduces the amount of enzymes ─ food is not completely digested, putrefaction begins in the intestine, which contributes to gas formation. The muscular system also suffers: the muscles are depleted, become flabby and the muscle corset does not hold the internal organs ─ they are "" outside the peritoneum. Food moves more slowly through the intestines, which contributes to its overflow.

Each of these factors can already cause an increase in the volume of the abdomen, in the aggregate, they contribute to a significant increase in the abdomen.

Baby pellagra

Kwashiorkor or infant pellagra is a form of nutritional dystrophy. Can develop even with adequate nutrition. It is often found in poor countries and families where protein food is replaced by inexpensive carbohydrates: cereals, pasta. The first cases of infant pellagra were described in African children who were weaned too early due to the mother's pregnancy. The child does not receive the necessary amino acids, eats high-calorie carbohydrates (mainly products sent by peacekeeping missions), as a result, growth and development are delayed. Ascites develops, the liver and spleen enlarge. With proper care and medical attention, the child can be helped and healed.

Some people with sufficient protein in their food may also experience a decrease in albumin in the blood, and as a result, there is a general swelling and puffiness. These are people suffering from glomerulonephritis, people with burn disease and with toxic liver damage, cirrhosis. If a part of the intestine is removed from patients or there is chronic enteritis, then the absorption of proteins is impaired, as a result, protein dystrophy may occur, which can provoke edema.

In some countries, the right to food is guaranteed by law, in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the right to decent food is given a separate one, but a huge number of people die every year from hunger and diseases associated with it.

After prolonged protein starvation, a person's belly swells. This is due to protein-free edema, as well as due to the accumulation of gas and undigested food in the intestines.

Protein-free edema

Water has the property of moving towards a high concentration of substances (such a movement is called). For example:

  • The jam contains a very high concentration of sugar.
  • Microorganisms (bacteria and fungi that could "spoil", "sour" the jam) are in a dehydrated state, because water, moving towards high concentration, leaves the microorganisms out into the syrup.
  • Dehydrated, bacteria and fungi cannot multiply quickly, so the jam can be stored for a long time without a refrigerator.

Similarly, if the content of soluble proteins (albumin and globulins) decreases in human blood due to protein starvation, then water leaves the blood into the tissue fluid, where the concentration of various substances, including proteins, is higher. Tissues swell (swell) due to excess water.

The accumulation of fluid in the abdomen is called ascites and can have many different causes. Ascites associated with a lack of proteins (hypoproteinemic ascites) is rare in our civilized area, thank God. In Africa - more often, it is one of the components of kwashiorkor.


The belly is swollen due to the accumulation of gas and undigested food in the intestines. - What kind of food are we talking about if we are talking about fasting? - About swan, nettles, tree buds and other tasteless things that people eat during hunger due to lack of normal food.

  • Such food (a dream?) Is very poorly digested, because, unlike herbivores,.
  • In addition, with prolonged protein starvation in humans, the production of digestive enzymes decreases (all of them are proteins).
  • During fasting, all muscles - both the skeleton and internal organs, and even the heart - are used by the body as a "reserve of proteins" (death "from hunger" usually occurs from heart failure). The "thinned" intestinal muscles weaken and can no longer effectively mix food and push it along the intestine.

It turns out that the quinoa "gets stuck" in the middle of the intestine and lies there, almost not being digested.

  • Due to the weakened movements of the intestine, gases accumulate inside him (and they must gradually move with food to the anus and be removed outside with a characteristic sound).
  • Food stuck in the intestines rots (eaten by bacteria and fungi), and additional gases are released during the decay process.

If metabolic processes are disturbed, the body may suffer from a lack of fluid, which forms dehydration, or, on the contrary, its excessive retention in tissues, which is manifested by latent or pronounced edema.

Puffiness is formed for various reasons, and this is not always an excess intake of water or salt. Disorders of protein and carbohydrate metabolism, endocrine disorders with a change in the balance of hormones, infectious and somatic pathologies, allergic reactions and inflammatory processes can provoke edema of different localization and severity.

Edema can occur in any part of the body where there is soft tissue that can accumulate fluid. In this case, water accumulates in body cavities, in the intercellular space or inside cells. The mechanism of edema formation is different, as are the reasons that lead to swelling of the body or certain parts of it.
Origin may be:

  • physiological, associated with changes in the external conditions of the environment or the restructuring of metabolic processes, as, for example, during pregnancy: the growth of the uterus leads to compression of the inferior vena cava, which makes it difficult for blood to return to the heart through the veins, stagnation forms in the lower extremities with swelling;
  • pathological, arising from a variety of disruptions in metabolic processes, which leads to fluid retention in certain areas, disrupting the functionality and structure of tissues and organs.

Edema itself is not a disease, it is a pathological symptom (a sign of a disease), indicating the presence of disturbances in the water-salt balance. They can be local, manifested in a specific part of the body, organ or cavity, in the region of the limb, face, neck or genitals. At the same time, the rest of the body does not suffer from fluid retention and function normally.

Systemic edema is characterized by a relatively even distribution of fluid throughout the body, in the intercellular space and body cavities, in severe cases affecting the intracellular sector.

Edema - what is it, what types are there

Based on what factors act as the cause of edema and the mechanisms of development of the pathological process, several special types of pathology are distinguished that have specific external manifestations.

Inflammatory- formed in the area of ​​tissue damage and the effect of inflammatory mediators, the activity of microbes or viruses, and other reasons. Usually, such edema affects soft tissues and organs, is formed as a result of the active influence of inflammatory mediators on vascular permeability.

Allergic- in many ways it is similar in the mechanism of development with the previous type, but the puffiness has several other reasons, it is formed as a result of the action of allergy mediators on the tissues - histamine, bradykinin and some others. Due to their effect, the lumen of the capillaries changes, the vascular permeability increases sharply, the liquid part of the blood rushes from the vessels into the tissues, quickly forming edema, especially in loose, hydrophilic tissues.

Toxic species- they are similar in formation mechanisms with inflammatory and allergic ones, but the role of factors leading to increased vascular permeability is played by poisonous, toxic compounds, which often also reduce blood viscosity. Such edema is dangerous in that it can affect large areas, up to a general damage to the body.

Swelling on the background of fasting associated with a deficiency of proteins that act as a kind of "magnets" for water molecules, preventing them from leaving the vessels. If there are much more proteins in the tissues than inside the vessels, they pull on the water molecules, retaining them in the tissues. A certain amount of plasma proteins forms oncotic pressure, which is higher inside the vessels than in the intercellular space. With a loss of protein against the background of starvation (or with serious kidney damage, when more than 1 g / l of protein is lost with urine), there is a change in the oncotic pressure of the plasma relative to the intercellular space. The liquid rushes into the tissue. The expression "swell with hunger" is associated with this process.

Lymphogenous arising due to a violation of the circulation of lymph in the capillaries, collecting it from parts of the body and delivery to the venous network, from which edema is localized in regions rich in lymphatic capillaries and venous plexuses - venous plexuses, they are also cava-caval anastomoses, inter- and intra-systemic anastomoses veins (limbs, chest cavity).

Neurogenic associated with a disruption in the work of nerve fibers or sensitive endings, due to which the tone of the vessels and their permeability to fluid are poorly controlled due to expansion or spasm at the right time. Such edema usually develops in the affected parts of the body, innervated by the damaged trunk or, in the case of the brain centers (for example, in stroke), the projection of the affected area.

Body puffiness: causes

Often, both subtle and quite pronounced edema of the body occurs, the causes of which may be associated with pathologies of internal organs, somatic or infectious diseases, poisoning or injuries.


It is assumed that the leading development is based on the endocrine factor, a change in the balance of hormones, especially the estrogen series. The assumption is based on their more frequent formation in women of young and middle age. Such edema occurs against the background of hot weather and stress, fluid accumulates in those parts of the body that are most susceptible to the influence of gravity: in a standing position these are the lower limbs and partly the upper ones, in the prone position - the lower part of the body.


Associated with a violation of the pumping function of the heart muscle (myocardium), which is not able to pump the volume of blood that is necessary for full blood flow in the arteries and veins. Edema in this case is associated with stagnation of blood in the area of ​​venous vessels, especially distant from the heart and having a small diameter, are formed in the evening, after an active day or sports loads, are expressed in the area of ​​the hands, feet, and spread ascending. With heart failure, the edema is strong, can reach the groin and abdomen, shoulders and spread throughout the body, while resting in an upright position, it decreases or is distributed in the body cavities, along the back, chest.


The causes of body edema are hidden in the violation of the mechanisms of filtration and reabsorption of water and salts, as well as the loss of proteins by the kidneys in the presence of inflammatory processes. Kidney function can suffer when their blood supply is disturbed and renal tissue hypoxia, which leads to the release of factors (biologically active substances) that increase pressure and contribute to the removal of fluid from the vessels into the tissue. Such edema is typical of the morning time, spreading from top to bottom - from the face and neck to the extremities.

Physiological reasons for edema

Physiologically speaking, swelling- this is a retention of excess fluid inside the vessels, in the space between cells and in severe cases - inside them due to imbalance in sodium, proteins, water, as well as disorders in the regulatory link (release of hormones, vascular tone, problems of the nervous system). For the occurrence of edema, a combination of certain conditions and the influence of both external and internal factors is necessary.

Often, the causes of edema of the whole body lie in the violation of pressure inside blood vessels, tissues and cells - in a change in the hydrodynamic gradient. Under normal conditions, the blood pressure in the arteries and capillaries is higher than in the tissues, but at the same time in the veins it is lower than in the tissue fluid, which allows blood flow and the supply of all cells with oxygen and nutrients. If the pressure in the area of ​​the arteries is high (for example, with hypertension), it also increases in the vessels of the capillary network, "squeezing out" the excess fluid in the tissue, and the veins do not have time to return it all back, due to the fact that the pressure in the area of ​​the tissues themselves increases , and water returns poorly to the veins. This happens with oral or intravenous administration of a large volume of fluid, when general swelling of the body forms.

The cause of edema of the whole body may be a violation of the permeability of cell membranes (both in the area of ​​blood vessels, and tissues, organs). The membranes become permeable, allow water, salts, and small molecules to pass through where they should have been retained. Increase membrane permeability:

  • inflammatory and allergy mediators (especially histamine),
  • some toxins entering the body,
  • under-oxidized metabolic products,
  • enzymes of infectious agents (microbes or viruses) that damage the membranes of cells and blood vessels, creating "holes" in them.

Edema of this type is typical for poisoning, diabetes mellitus, gestosis of pregnant women, for infectious diseases. Swelling of the leg or arm, face, neck, and other areas.
Disorders of osmotic or oncotic pressure. Osmotic pressure is created by certain concentrations of salts in the area of ​​cells, intercellular space and blood vessels. According to the law of osmosis, the liquid rushes to the place where there is more salt in order to dilute the concentration. Usually, such edema is associated with poor nutrition, intake of salty foods and a large volume of fluid. Whole body edema can occur when the amount of protein in plasma and tissues changes. Proteins have the ability to retain water, and it moves from tissues to blood vessels because a lot of protein is dissolved in the plasma. With starvation or loss of protein by the kidneys, with burns or other problems, the concentration of protein in the plasma decreases, but in the tissues there are the same amount or becomes more, and water rushes into the tissues.

Disruption of the lymphatic system is another factor in the development of edema. The lymphatic network densely entwines all tissues and organs, collecting excess fluid into the capillaries and carrying it into the common duct, which flows into the bloodstream near the heart. If the capillaries are inflamed, compressed by scars, traumatized or affected by tumor metastases, the liquid through them cannot fully flow into the vessels and stagnate in the tissues. Usually these are local edema in the region of the limbs or body cavities.

If the body swells, the reasons may also be in the violation of the resistance of tissues that are losing collagen and elastin fibers, they have a high looseness of the structure and a reduced activity of enzyme systems that maintain the elasticity and turgor of tissues. This happens against the background of systemic infectious and autoimmune pathologies, pronounced inflammatory processes, and general toxicosis.

Especially dangerous against the background of any mechanisms of edema of damage to vital organs, especially edema of the brain or lungs, allergic edema of the larynx, threatening a person with death without timely assistance.

If body edema is detected: what to do

Any edema that is visually severe enough requires a doctor's consultation. Often they are the first signals of the body about serious deviations associated with metabolic processes. It is especially dangerous if swelling forms on the face and neck, spreads to the eyes, fingers, and on the feet, swelling interferes with wearing shoes and walking.

In the presence of edema, it is important to immediately revise the diet and drinking regime, consume less salt, drink only pure non-carbonated water, since sugary carbonated drinks, coffee, tea increase the swelling. If the swelling does not go away in a day, or the whole body swells, the doctor should find out the reasons for this condition. First of all, an examination is carried out and the degree of fluid retention is revealed: it is possible to approximately calculate this parameter if the patient knows how much he usually weighs and how the weight has changed with the development of edema.

There are tests and samples that determine the degree of hydrophilicity (swelling) of tissues. So, a blister test will help to establish how much the tissues are saturated with liquid, and the identification of a fossa on the lower leg and its disappearance will prompt the presence of hidden edema.

At the doctor's appointment, the patient must be told about all the medications that were taken, as they can cause swelling and fluid retention in tissues. It is necessary to indicate whether there are problems with the kidneys and heart, how often edema occurs and how they are provoked.

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Edema is a symptom of many diseases. If you notice edema on your body that lasts for a long time, it may be worth making an appointment with your doctor.

Swelling can be latent or overt. Explicit edema is easy to recognize immediately - a limb or area of ​​the body increases in size, there is stiffness in movement. Hidden edema may be indicated by a sharp increase in body weight or a decrease in the frequency of urination.

Peripheral edema is most common when the ankles, feet, legs, or the area around the eyes swell. But sometimes, in severe conditions, edema of the whole body develops. This edema is called anasarca.

The main causes of edema

Sometimes edema occurs if a person is forced to stay in one position for a long time. For example, you may notice swelling in your legs after a long plane flight.

In women, edema can develop during menstruation against the background of a changed hormonal background. Pregnancy is also a condition that contributes to the development of edema. In this case, the volume of circulating blood increases and, under the influence of the growing uterus, pressure on internal organs and tissues increases.

Taking certain medications (medications to control blood pressure, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, oral contraceptives, some medications for treating diabetes mellitus) also provoke the development of edema.

However, in some cases, edema occurs as a result of serious illnesses that require immediate medical advice.

1. Chronic heart failure

The heart plays the role of a pump in our body, thanks to which blood circulates from the lungs to organs and tissues, saturating them with oxygen. If the work of the heart is disturbed, the blood is retained in the periphery, and the person develops swelling of the legs, ankles, and lower back.

Usually, the legs swell in the late afternoon. When you press on the area of ​​edema, a fossa remains, which slowly disappears. If the disease progresses, blood flow from the lungs is impaired. Then there is a cough and wet wheezing.

In severe cases, the outflow of blood from the internal organs is impaired. The fluid accumulates in the abdominal cavity, the abdomen increases in size. This condition is called ascites.

2. Kidney disease

With kidney disease, conditions are created for the retention of sodium and fluid in the body. Unlike cardiac edema, renal edema worsens in the morning. Swelling of the face and eye area is common. Swelling of the arms and legs, especially the ankles and lower legs.

If the kidneys are impaired, the so-called nephrotic syndrome develops. At the same time, there is a loss of protein in the urine, the content of protein in the blood decreases, and conditions are created for the accumulation of fluid in the tissues. You may notice that urine becomes frothy, appetite decreases, and weight gain occurs due to fluid retention.

3. Cirrhosis of the liver

Certain hereditary diseases, hepatitis B or C, alcohol abuse, and endocrine disorders can lead to cirrhosis of the liver. If the liver malfunctions, the outflow of blood from the internal organs is disrupted, the production of protein in the body decreases, swelling of the legs develops, and fluid accumulates in the abdominal cavity (ascites).

Early symptoms of liver cirrhosis may include nausea, loss of appetite, weight loss, weakness, and increased fatigue.

4. Violation of blood outflow

If an obstacle arises in the path of the outflow of blood, edema develops. This can happen, for example, if the deep veins of the legs are blocked by blood clots. With deep vein thrombosis, you may feel pain in your leg or notice redness.

In addition, a growing tumor can interfere with the flow of blood through the lymphatic or blood vessels. These conditions are life threatening and require urgent medical attention.

5. Allergic reaction

Allergic edema can be caused by foods, medicines, flowers, animals, insect bites, to which a person has developed hypersensitivity. The difference between allergic edema is that it develops suddenly, in just a few minutes. At the same time, a person does not experience pain, however, allergic edema is one of the most life-threatening. Swelling of the larynx and tongue can lead to suffocation and death.

6. Preeclampsia

Preeclampsia is a serious complication of pregnancy. Edema with preeclampsia is accompanied by an increase in pressure and impaired renal function. This is a very dangerous condition that threatens the life of both the mother and the unborn child. Therefore, you should visit your doctor regularly during pregnancy. Only he will be able to distinguish minor edema during pregnancy from a critical condition.

It is important to recognize edema that is life threatening. First of all, it is allergic edema. With its development, it is necessary to immediately help a person, otherwise death due to suffocation is possible. It is extremely dangerous if the swelling develops due to a blood clot. A blood clot or part of it can move further through the blood vessels. Then there is a risk of developing a heart attack, stroke and other life-threatening conditions.

If edema is one of the symptoms of preeclampsia, it can threaten placental abruption, fetal death, retinal detachment, stroke, and eclampsia (seizures that can be fatal).

With constant and progressive edema of the legs, stiffness in movements increases, difficulties arise when walking; stretching of the skin occurs; reduced elasticity of arteries, veins and joints; blood supply is disrupted and the risk of infection of the area of ​​edema, the development of ulcers on the skin, increases.

Minor swelling can go away without a doctor's help. If the swelling persists for a long time or develops suddenly, this is an alarming symptom. You need to see a doctor urgently.

In case of allergic edema, it is required to immediately stop contact of the patient with the allergen that caused the edema, and take antihistamines. If you are allergic at home, consult your doctor about what medications you should definitely have in your home medicine cabinet.

If the edema is associated with a malfunction of the heart, kidneys, liver, vein thrombosis, the doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment for the underlying disease.

In addition, special diuretics are prescribed to remove excess fluid from the body. After appropriate treatment is prescribed, it is important to follow the doctor's recommendations. You may need to change your eating habits and lifestyle.

The following measures will help reduce the severity of edema and prevent its recurrence.

1. Moderate physical activity

Even if you are unable to do active sports due to illness, your doctor will advise you on possible exercise. When muscles contract in the area of ​​edema, conditions are created to remove excess fluid.

2. Massage

Stroking the area of ​​swelling in the direction of the heart will help remove excess fluid from the area of ​​swelling.

3. Diet

Excess salt in the diet contributes to fluid retention in the body. According to the severity of the disease, your doctor will advise how much you need to limit your salt intake. Sometimes a little undersalting is enough.

In more severe diseases, salt will have to be abandoned altogether. In this case, the diet should be balanced, contain a sufficient amount of protein, vitamins and minerals.

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