What to do if Internet access is limited. How to remove restrictions from Wi-Fi. What to do when your device has limited access to the Wi-Fi network

Users often encounter problems accessing the World Wide Web. The reasons may be completely different.

Today we will try to figure out what to do if the system displays the message “limited access to Wi-Fi” and how to avoid this problem!

First, it’s worth understanding that the router itself does not provide access to the World Wide Web. To do this, it must have a connection to the provider and be configured. The router itself is a device for creating an access point over a WiFi network. Therefore, without Internet access, you will not be able to use the provider’s service.

What causes the limited connection problem?

How to fix the situation if you find limited access to your WiFi network? To approach the solution directly, it is necessary to study the main causes of the problem. If you have access to the Internet via a network cable, but the router does not allow you to access the Internet, then the following may interfere with this:

  • incorrect network router configuration;
  • failure of the router drivers (the situation is typical for unlicensed copies of the OS);
  • The wireless network on the device itself is not configured correctly.

In addition, on laptops, the wireless network when connected to WiFi says “Limited” if the user has changed the power mode. So, in power saving mode, insufficient power may be supplied to the adapter, which causes glitches.

Solving the problem of limited connection on Windows 7

Limited access to WiFi on a laptop with Windows 7 is most often observed due to incorrect IP address settings. You can fix the problem as follows:

Note! If the router has a different address, for example,, then you need to set a different address on the laptop from the same subnet. The countdown of available ones starts from

Solving the problem of limited Internet access on Windows 8

Quite often, users note that when updating the Windows 7 OS to version 8, there are failures when accessing the Internet. What does limited Internet access via WiFi mean in this case and how to fix it? This is usually due to incorrect transfer of drivers from the “seven” to the new operating system. In this case, there will be access from other devices, but from a laptop running G8, it is limited.
What should I do if my Windows 8 laptop has limited WiFi connectivity? The solution is to enable/disable the network adapter:

Why does it say limited Internet access via WiFi? The culprit may be the low connection priority in the OS. It is worth saying that software control of this parameter will not be enough. Sometimes, to solve a limited network problem, you have to disable higher priority devices, such as an Ethernet connection.

This is done as follows:

What should I do if my phone has limited connection?

Problems with network access are also observed on mobile devices. What should I do if my phone has limited WiFi connection? The solution to the problem comes down to next steps:

  • deleting the network and reconnecting to it;
  • changing the broadcast channel in the router settings (“Wireless” – “Wireless Settings” – select any available channel from the list – “Save”);
  • selecting the AES encryption algorithm.
  • Today we would like to highlight such an important and difficult topic for most users of the new OS from Microsoft - how to set up Wi-Fi in Windows 8.
    If you have already dealt with this topic and understand how to configure a wireless network in this operating system, then you can safely move on to the next paragraph of our article.

    The first thing you need to do is check all the basic Wi-Fi settings in Windows 8. So, the first steps:

    • You need to make sure that the access point is plugged in and working properly. This can be done using a tablet or phone with a Wi-Fi module.
    • Check whether the wireless Wi-Fi adapter itself works in your PC or laptop. Make sure that it is turned on (after all, for example, when you turn on Airplane mode, wireless communication is disabled) and the drivers are installed correctly (at least from the point of view of Windows itself).
    • See what's really going on with wireless network. To do this, you can press the Win+I key combination or place the mouse cursor in the lower right corner. I hope you have read our article about the alphabet?

    If you pressed the Win+I key combination, then select the “Control Panel” item, and after going to the panel itself, click on the “Network and Sharing Center” icon.

    There is another way. Right-click on the one located in the right bottom corner network icon, and select, again, network control center. “Problem diagnostics” is also located there.

    Now it's time to look at specific problems.

    There is no Wi-Fi in the Network menu

    If your computer's Wi-Fi adapter is working properly, the drivers for it are installed, and the adapter itself is not disabled in the list of devices, usually everything starts working right away. If the problem continues to exist, then in the vast majority of cases, this is due to either an incorrectly installed driver or a malfunction of the adapter itself. In this case, you must first visit the equipment manufacturer’s website, download and install the latest version of the adapter driver. If you have any difficulties finding a driver, then do not hesitate to write about it in the comments, we will try to help you with it.

    It also doesn’t hurt to go to the list of devices and make sure that the adapter is not disabled. To do this, right-click on the “Computer” icon and select Properties.

    As we see, in in this case the adapter works, it is not marked with any exclamation marks and is not grayed out.

    If the problem is related to the old wireless network adapter, which does not want to work with the new operating system, then it will still have to be replaced. In the near future, we plan to publish a number of articles on inexpensive modernization of computer equipment, so subscribe to our website so as not to miss interesting and useful articles.

    Also, in laptops, sometimes there is a problem associated with the software responsible for the on/off button of the adapter. The solution in this case is extremely simple - go to the laptop manufacturer’s website, find the latest version software, and install it.

    Problem - WiFi connection is limited

    If you've already updated your wireless software and drivers and are experiencing limited connectivity, we have a few more options.

    It often happens that when upgrading from to 8, the network settings are transferred incorrectly. In this case, you need to first check the encryption method. This is done as follows - left-click on the network symbol, in the panel that opens, right-click on the name of your network, and in the window that opens, select view connection properties.

    In the window that opens, you can try changing the following settings: security type, encryption type, and the network security key itself.

    By the way, there is another very common mistake. If the network security key also uses letters in addition to numbers, then check what language you are entering them in. Also take into account the case of the characters entered.

    Also try the error resolver. It happens that it only helps the second or third time.

    And finally, there is one more option. An antivirus may also interfere with your network connection; try disabling it temporarily.

    In conclusion, I would like to touch on a few more useful details about setting up Wi-Fi in, such as increasing or decreasing Wi-Fi priority in settings.

    If you have several possible connections, such as twisted pair, Wi-Fi or a connection via mobile phone(both via a USB cable and via Bluetooth), you can, by and large, set the priority of these connections. By Windows default 8 will try to connect via twisted pair (Ethernet), then via Wi-Fi, and if these networks are unavailable, it will try to connect to the mobile phone.

    There is very little special tool for managing the priority of network connections in Windows 8 itself. If you need to prioritize your mobile phone or Wi-Fi connection, you should turn off higher connectivity networks first. This is quite easy to do. In the Network and Sharing Center, click on the “Change adapter settings” button, in the window that opens, right-click, for example, on an Ethernet connection, and select Disable from the menu. Later, when you need Ethernet again, simply enable it in the same way.

    The priority of network connections itself is determined quite simply. The last active Wi-Fi connection has the highest priority, but only if the “Connect automatically” checkbox was checked in it. Windows 8 will then try to connect to the previous priority Wi-Fi network. Thus, to exclude a wireless network from priority, you just need to deactivate automatic connection.

    If this does not help, read about another option to combat the problem.

    We return again to the problem when there is a connection to the Wi-Fi network, but the Internet does not work. That is, Wi-Fi without Internet access. This is exactly the connection status that can be seen on a computer with Windows 7. And the inscription “restricted” in Windows 8 and Windows 10. The problem is the same, and the solutions are almost the same. This is probably the most popular problem faced by everyone who uses an Internet connection via a Wi-Fi router.

    The essence of the problem: After connecting a laptop, computer, smartphone, tablet, TV, or other device to your Wi-Fi network, the Internet does not work. A yellow exclamation mark appears on the computer next to the Wi-Fi network icon and the inscription "No Internet access", or "Limited". On mobile devices, the Internet simply does not work, websites cannot open, etc.

    It turns out that there is a Wi-Fi connection, but the Internet does not work. In Windows 10, this problem looks exactly the same. One more point: if the network is not yours, for example, your neighbor’s open Wi-Fi, in a cafe, store, etc., and after connecting there is no access to the Internet, then in such cases it is unlikely that you will be able to do anything. Most likely there is some limitation in the network you are connected to. Or, your good neighbor simply didn’t pay for the Internet.

    Important! If you have Internet via Wi-Fi without access to the Internet during the process of setting up the router, then read these instructions: There I wrote in detail what router settings you should pay attention to, and how to set up Internet distribution over a Wi-Fi network. As a rule, all settings come down to one thing: correctly configure the router to work with the Internet provider.

    It is very important to understand one point. The Wi-Fi network itself does not necessarily mean access to the Internet. The router can distribute Wi-Fi perfectly and not even be connected to the Internet. For example, via Wi-Fi you can connect several devices into one local network, without Internet access. Whether you will have access to the Internet via Wi-Fi or not depends on only one thing: whether the Internet is connected to the router and whether it is configured correctly. I already wrote about this in the article:

    One instruction is for Windows 7, and the second is for Windows 10. The articles are long, I see no point in repeating what has already been written, and this would no longer be an article, but a complete mess. And so, everything is on the shelves. If you connected your laptop to Wi-Fi, and there is a yellow “no Internet access” icon, then open one of the articles above (which is suitable for your operating system), and follow the instructions.

    Have you encountered such a problem when setting up a router, or on a mobile device? I also provided links to special articles with solutions to these problems at the beginning of this page.

    Share your successes and tips in the comments!

    • Description: Your wireless adapter.
    • IPv4 address: The IP address assigned to your computer on the Wi-Fi network.
    • Default Gateway: IP address of the access point - it can be a home router or any other source of Wi-Fi signal.
    • DHCP server Ipv4: The DHCP server is usually the Windows 8 Wifi access point and its address will be the same as the default gateway address.
    • IPv4 DNS servers: the role of the DNS server is also usually played by the access point, but sometimes in this line you can see other IP addresses that may belong to either the network provider or someone unknown (for example, malware).

    Windows 8 is edited here: by selecting “Status” from the context menu, click “Properties”. In the list of components used by the connection, select Internet Protocol Version 4 and click Properties again.

    On the General tab you can configure the connection configuration. You can configure connections in IPv6 networks in the same way.

    In large Wi-Fi networks, you should not enter IP addresses manually, since a conflict is possible (several devices trying to access the network with the same address).

    If, after checking the settings, you see that the Wifi connection is still limited, your Windows 8 may not have been updated since installation. In its early versions, a number of network stack errors were noted, which were later fixed by the developers. Therefore, to solve the problem, you need to install all system updates before connecting to the wireless Internet.

    Setting up wifi Windows 8.1 is similar, there are no global differences.

    Attention! Many solutions to the WiFi limitation problem have been proposed by our dear readers, so we recommend reading the comments!

    It's no secret that most network users prefer to connect to the Internet through a Wi-Fi distributor. It's good when there are no problems with this. But what to do if the system shows an error? As you know, there can be at least two options in this situation: contact a service center or try to fix the error yourself. We will consider the case when a computer with Windows 8 writes “limited” when connected.

    Let's clarify the cause of the problem

    It happens that users complain that initially there were no problems with connecting via Wi-Fi. However, after a while the Internet disappears, and the Restricted status appears next to the wireless network icon. Why is this happening?

    There can be quite a few reasons, from problems associated with the router to problems in the system itself. First, make sure your Wi-Fi connection is turned on. See how it interacts with other devices. If, for example, a smartphone connects to the network without problems, but an error occurs on a laptop, then most likely this is due to.

    Correcting connection settings

    Alternatively, problems may arise due to a settings glitch. In this case, open the Network and Control Center. Here you need to select Change adapter settings. It is located on the left side of the screen.

    Here we find the network connection that interests us. In its menu, click Status and go to Details. Often incorrect settings can be found here. You can edit parameters in the same section, for which you need to go to Properties. You will learn more about setting up an Internet connection from this page.

    Other error correction options

    So, if the above did not help you fix the error, then there are a few more working tips that you can use. The problem may be with your antivirus. Dr.Web is especially prone to this problem. A program can block access to the network for some reason understandable only to it. Try disabling all protection modules and connecting to the network again. Of course, surfing the Internet without an antivirus is highly discouraged, so consider installing another antivirus program. all types of antiviruses here.

    You can try to fix the “connection restricted” error by activating FIPS compatibility mode. To do this, you need to go to Network Connections and select the one that interests us. Right-click on it and select Status in the context menu. Let's go to the connection properties. Next, click Additional options. Now select the desired mode and complete the actions with the OK button.

    Oddly enough, you can get rid of connection restrictions by resetting the time, region and date in the Wi-Fi router settings. To do this, you need to go to the Wireless tab, directly where it is configured. Select the desired region, save the changes and reboot the device. Time and date are corrected in System Tools. This section usually contains other system settings.

    So, there are several reasons why the “restricted” connection error appears. In Windows 8, it is fixed by various means, depending on why it arose. Don’t forget to install updated drivers on your router, which is one of the common causes of the error. If all of the above actions do not bring any results, you will have to turn to specialists. However, before doing this, remember that after making changes to the router or system settings, reboot the device, otherwise they will not be activated.

    Users often encounter problems accessing the World Wide Web. The reasons may be completely different.

    Today we will try to figure out what to do if the system displays the message “limited access to Wi-Fi” and how to avoid this problem!

    First, it’s worth understanding that the router itself does not provide access to the World Wide Web. To do this, it must have a connection to the provider and be configured. The router itself is a device for creating an access point via . Therefore, without Internet access, you will not be able to use the provider’s service.

    What causes the limited connection problem?

    How to fix the situation if you find limited access to your WiFi network? To approach the solution directly, it is necessary to study the main causes of the problem. If you have access to the Internet via a network cable, but the router does not allow you to access the Internet, then the following may interfere with this:

    • incorrect network router configuration;
    • failure of the router drivers (the situation is typical for unlicensed copies of the OS);
    • The wireless network on the device itself is not configured correctly.

    In addition, on laptops, the wireless network when connected to WiFi says “Limited” if the user has changed the power mode. So, in power saving mode, insufficient power may be supplied to the adapter, which causes glitches.

    Solving the problem of limited connection on Windows 7

    Limited access to WiFi on a laptop with Windows 7 is most often observed due to incorrect IP address settings. You can fix the problem as follows:

    Note! If the router has a different address, for example,, then you need to set a different address on the laptop from the same subnet. The countdown of available ones starts from

    Solving the problem of limited Internet access on Windows 8

    Quite often, users note that when updating the Windows 7 OS to version 8, there are failures when accessing the Internet. What does limited Internet access via WiFi mean in this case and how to fix it? This is usually due to incorrect transfer of drivers from the “seven” to the new operating system. In this case, there will be access from other devices, but from a laptop running G8, it is limited.
    What should I do if my Windows 8 laptop has limited WiFi connectivity? The solution is to enable/disable the network adapter:

    Why does it say limited Internet access via WiFi? The culprit may be the low connection priority in the OS. It is worth saying that software control of this parameter will not be enough. Sometimes, to solve a limited network problem, you have to disable higher priority devices, such as an Ethernet connection.

    In this article we will try to deal with a fairly common problem when connecting Windows 8.1 to a Wi-FI access point, which results in a limited Internet connection or periodic spontaneous disconnection of Windows 8.1 from the WiFi point.

    The problem may appear like this:

    Windows 8.1 sees a WI-FI access point and connects to it without problems, the computer can access the Internet, but after a few minutes normal operation Internet access disappears, a yellow exclamation mark appears on the network icon, and a message about a limited connection appears in the network connection information (“ Limited" in the Russified version of Windows 8.1, or " No internet access» / « The connection is limited" in the original English). When you reconnect to the access point, Internet access appears, but again not for long.

    After updating the system to Windows 8.1, the status “ Unidentified connection. Without internet access».

    Note. Similar glitches can occur with.

    The same problem can occur when updating the Wi-Fi adapter driver. In both cases, any other devices (smartphones, computers, laptops) can connect to the access point and use the Internet without any problems (i.e. the problem is definitely not with the access point).

    If you experience problems connecting to a Wi-Fi network in Windows 8.1, the system does not see Wi-Fi networks, problems arise with accessing the Internet via Wi-Fi, or Internet access periodically disappears, you should try the following steps sequentially:

    Removing a Wi-Fi profile

    Perhaps the problem is that the settings and/or WEP/WPA2 key have simply changed on the Wi-FI router, while the system is trying to connect to the access point with the parameters saved in Windows in the wireless network profile. Try deleting the saved Wi-Fi network profile (how to do this is described in the chapter:).

    After deleting the profile, you should try to connect to the access point again and specify the password.

    Wi-Fi adapter power saving mode

    Netsh int tcp set heuristics disabled netsh int tcp set global autotuninglevel=disabled netsh int tcp set global rss=enabled

    You can check that TCP/IP autotuning is disabled using the command:

    Netsh int tcp show global

    After executing all commands, the system must be rebooted.

    Update Wi-Fi adapter driver

    Rollback to an old version of the Wi-Fi adapter driver

    One more is enough effective technique is a rollback (return) to old version wireless adapter drivers.

    Advice. This technique has shown high effectiveness among users who upgraded their OS from Windows 8 to Windows 8.1, especially on devices with Wi-Fi adapters Broadcom 802.11 And Qualcomm Atheros AR9003WB. Probable Cause– incorrect version of new drivers in Windows 8.1, but there is no information about this on the Microsoft support site yet.

    To roll back to an older version of the Wi-Fi adapter in Windows 8:

    Disabling antivirus (firewall)

    In the comments, readers mentioned several times that the problem could also be caused by the peculiarities of the firewall built into most popular antiviruses. In particular, Check Point and McAfee Internet Security were caught in similar behavior. We recommend that you try to temporarily disable this antivirus functionality and check if the problem occurs.

    These techniques should resolve issues with limited WiFi connectivity in Windows 8.1. If you were able to overcome the problems described in other ways, please tell us about it in the comments.

    It's no secret that most network users prefer to connect to the Internet through a Wi-Fi distributor. It's good when there are no problems with this. But what to do if the system shows an error? As you know, in this situation there can be at least two options: contact service center or try to fix the error yourself. We will consider the case when a computer with Windows 8 writes “limited” when connected.

    Let's clarify the cause of the problem

    It happens that users complain that initially there were no problems with connecting via Wi-Fi. However, after a while the Internet disappears, and the Restricted status appears next to the wireless network icon. Why is this happening?

    There can be quite a few reasons, from problems associated with the router to problems in the system itself. First, make sure your Wi-Fi connection is turned on. See how it interacts with other devices. If, for example, a smartphone connects to the network without problems, but an error occurs on a laptop, then most likely this is due to.

    Correcting connection settings

    Alternatively, problems may arise due to a settings glitch. In this case, open the Network and Control Center. Here you need to select Change adapter settings. It is located on the left side of the screen.

    Here we find the network connection that interests us. In its menu, click Status and go to Details. Often incorrect settings can be found here. You can edit parameters in the same section, for which you need to go to Properties. You will learn more about setting up an Internet connection from this page.

    Other error correction options

    So, if the above did not help you fix the error, then there are a few more working tips that you can use. The problem may be with your antivirus. Dr.Web is especially prone to this problem. A program can block access to the network for some reason understandable only to it. Try disabling all protection modules and connecting to the network again. Of course, surfing the Internet without an antivirus is highly discouraged, so consider installing another antivirus program. all types of antiviruses here.

    You can try to fix the “connection restricted” error by activating FIPS compatibility mode. To do this, you need to go to Network Connections and select the one that interests us. Right-click on it and select Status in the context menu. Let's go to the connection properties. Next, click Advanced options. Now we choose desired mode and finish the actions with the OK button.

    Oddly enough, you can get rid of connection restrictions by resetting the time, region and date in the Wi-Fi router settings. To do this, you need to go to the Wireless tab, directly where the wireless connection itself is configured. Select the desired region, save the changes and reboot the device. Time and date are corrected in System Tools. This section usually contains other system settings.

    So, there are several reasons why the “restricted” connection error appears. It is fixed in Windows 8 by various means, depending on why it arose. Don’t forget to install updated drivers on your router, which is one of the common causes of the error. If all of the above actions do not bring any results, you will have to turn to specialists. However, before doing this, remember that after making changes to the router or system settings, reboot the device, otherwise they will not be activated.

    Considering the significant amount of material on the site on the topic “,” various types of problems that arise when a user encounters a wireless router are a frequent topic in the comments to the instructions. And one of the most common is that a smartphone, tablet or laptop sees the router, connects via Wi-Fi, but the network does not have access to the Internet. What's wrong, what to do, what could be the reason? I will try to answer these questions here.

    The very first step is for those who have just set up a router for the first time

    One of the most common problems for those who have never encountered Wi-Fi routers before and decide to set them up themselves is that the user does not fully understand how it works.

    With most Russian providers, in order to connect to the Internet, you need to launch some kind of connection on your computer PPPoE, L2TP, PPTP. And, out of habit, having already configured the router, the user continues to launch it. The fact is that from the moment the Wi-Fi router has been configured, there is no need to start it; the router itself does this, and only then distributes the Internet to other devices. If you connect it on the computer, while it is configured in the router, then as a result, two options are possible:

    • Error during connection (connection cannot be established, because it is already established by the router)
    • The connection is established - in this case, on all standard tariffs, where only one simultaneous connection is possible, the Internet will be available only on one computer - all other devices will connect to the router, but without access to the Internet.

    I hope I made it more or less clear. By the way, this is also the reason why the created connection is shown in the “Broken” state in the router interface. Those. The essence is simple: the connection is either on a computer or in a router - we only need it in a router that will already distribute the Internet to other devices, which is what it actually exists for.

    We find out the reason why the Wi-Fi connection has limited access

    Before we start, and assuming that literally half an hour ago everything was working, and now the connection is limited (if not, then this is not your case), try the simplest option - reboot the router (just unplug it and plug it back in), and also restart the device , which refuses to connect - very often this solves the problem.

    Next, again, for those whose wireless network has recently worked and the previous method did not help - check whether the Internet works directly, via a cable (bypassing the router, via the provider's cable)? Problems on the Internet service provider side are the most common cause of “connection without Internet access,” at least in my province.

    Which device is to blame for the fact that there is no access to the Internet - a router, laptop or computer?

    First, if you have already checked the Internet by connecting the computer directly with a wire and everything works, but when connecting through a wireless router it does not, even after rebooting the router, then possible options usually two:

    • Incorrect wireless connection settings on your computer.
    • Problem with drivers for wireless Wi-Fi module ( common situation with laptops that replaced standard Windows).
    • Something is wrong in the router (in its settings, or in something else)

    If other devices, for example, a tablet connects to Wi-Fi and opens pages, then the problem needs to be looked for in a laptop or computer. Possible here too various options: if you have never used wireless Internet on this laptop, then:

    Users often encounter problems accessing the World Wide Web. The reasons may be completely different.

    Today we will try to figure out what to do if the system displays the message “limited access to Wi-Fi” and how to avoid this problem!

    First, it’s worth understanding that the router itself does not provide access to the World Wide Web. To do this, it must have a connection to the provider and be configured. The router itself is a device for creating an access point over a WiFi network. Therefore, without Internet access, you will not be able to use the provider’s service.

    What causes the limited connection problem?

    How to fix the situation if you find limited access to your WiFi network? To approach the solution directly, it is necessary to study the main causes of the problem. If you have access to the Internet via a network cable, but the router does not allow you to access the Internet, then the following may interfere with this:

    • incorrect network router configuration;
    • failure of the router drivers (the situation is typical for unlicensed copies of the OS);
    • The wireless network on the device itself is not configured correctly.

    In addition, on laptops, the wireless network when connected to WiFi says “Limited” if the user has changed the power mode. So, in power saving mode, insufficient power may be supplied to the adapter, which causes glitches.

    Solving the problem of limited connection on Windows 7

    Limited access to WiFi on a laptop with Windows 7 is most often observed due to incorrect IP address settings. You can fix the problem as follows:

    Note! If the router has a different address, for example,, then you need to set a different address on the laptop from the same subnet. The countdown of available ones starts from

    Solving the problem of limited Internet access on Windows 8

    Quite often, users note that when updating the Windows 7 OS to version 8, there are failures when accessing the Internet. What does limited Internet access via WiFi mean in this case and how to fix it? This is usually due to incorrect transfer of drivers from the “seven” to the new operating system. In this case, there will be access from other devices, but from a laptop running G8, it is limited.
    What should I do if my Windows 8 laptop has limited WiFi connectivity? The solution is to enable/disable the network adapter:

    Why does it say limited Internet access via WiFi? The culprit may be the low connection priority in the OS. It is worth saying that software control of this parameter will not be enough. Sometimes, to solve a limited network problem, you have to disable higher priority devices, such as an Ethernet connection.

    Needless to say, questions related to connecting and establishing a connection via Wi-Fi are the most frequently asked. On the one hand, a portable device, for example, a laptop or tablet, is seen by the router, but on the other hand, it is not possible to connect to the Internet.

    Many providers in our country have established the following connection sequence: First you need to launch any of the computer connections PPPoE, L-2TP or P-PTP, and then configure the router. However, many users, after setting up the router, continue to start it every time. This is a mistake, because after the initial setup of the Wi-Fi router, it starts up on its own, and no additional configuration is needed at all.

    Internet connection via Wi-Fi is limited

    It is important to have a clear understanding of what this issue concerns this moment exactly you. If there was a connection to the Internet just a few minutes ago, but suddenly suddenly disappeared, then you should wait a little, because maybe these are just minor problems along the line that have nothing to do with you. If there has been a connection with the router for about half an hour, but access is limited, then you need to:

    If the Internet still does not appear, even after a direct connection, you need to call your provider, having previously prepared the contract number, as they will definitely ask for it. Most likely the problem is on his side.

    Why is Internet access limited?

    So, if you connected to the Internet directly via cable, and the Internet is available, but when connected via Wi-Fi it is not, then this situation possible for several main reasons:

    • The wireless connection of your laptop, tablet or phone is not configured correctly.
    • The drivers that provide trouble-free operation of the wireless module are problematic. This problem most often occurs in those devices in which the original standard operating system has been replaced by another, especially an unlicensed one.
    • Another reason is that the router settings are broken.

    There are several ways to solve the described problem:

    • You should find a program on your computer that controls the wireless network. This program is available on any model of laptop or tablet. Check its settings, see if the network is connected correctly and if the Internet is going through it.
    • When changing the operating system, you must first make sure that the driver for the Wi-Fi adapter is installed correctly. The solution to the problem is to install the driver from the manufacturer’s official website.
    • Sometimes the wireless connection settings in the operating system itself are broken. In this case, you need to use the “Network Control Center” and configure the wireless connection in the “Properties” column. Here it is important to make sure that there are no entries in the “IP address” and “Default gateway” columns. These characteristics are filled in automatically.

    If all the above solutions do not help, then the problem lies with the router itself. This means you need to change the channel, authentication, network region or Wi-Fi standard. These parameters change provided that the Wi-Fi router is configured correctly, which you must ensure. If none of the methods helped you, then it is better to clarify the problem with professionals by calling an adjuster, or buy a new Wi-Fi router, since yours is broken.

    Remember! Before calling a technician, or buying a new Wi-Fi router, be sure to contact your provider and ask them for possible reasons.

    Very often, modern users encounter a problem when WiFi network connectivity in Windows 8 is limited. This means that you are connected to the network, but you have limited rights and capabilities, in particular, you cannot access the Internet. There can be many reasons for this phenomenon. Take everything apart possible problems It's simply impossible. Moreover, some of them require an individual approach.

    In this article we will analyze the most common reasons, and also consider the most simple ways their decisions. More information about this problem.

    Why is the connection limited?

    Before moving on to the reasons and their elimination, it should be noted that when connecting to the network, you first of all connect your device (laptop, tablet, smartphone, etc.) to an access point. And only then this access point connects you with other devices. In other words, a Wi-Fi router performs the functions of a base station, receiving your signals and forwarding them further to the Internet or other network participants.

    This means that limited WiFi network access in Windows 8 most often occurs due to the access point. It is this that limits your capabilities for some reason related to the settings.

    Therefore, first of all, you should pay attention to the router to which you are connected. However, in addition to this, there are also the following problems:

    • The provider has limited access due to non-payment.
    • Incorrectly configured Wi-Fi router.
    • Data routing failures.
    • Incorrect wireless hardware drivers on PC.
    • Problems with WiFi equipment in Windows.

    So, let's look at all these problems in more detail.

    Very often, the reason that you have a limited WiFi connection in Windows 8 is due to overdue payment for the services of the provider. In this case, the service provider itself restricts your access. The solution is simply pay the subscription fee and call the provider back, explaining your problem to him.

    If the issue is not about paying for services, then it is quite possible that there was a break or an accident somewhere on the line. Call your service provider and clarify the issue.

    Setting up the router

    The Wi-Fi router settings, although quite simple, can still be very difficult for an unknowing user to figure out on their own. The point is that you need to know a few. For example, what is an IP address, default gateway and subnet mask. Very often, ignorance of such issues leads to incorrect settings.

    How to connect to a WiFi router in Windows 8: Video

    However modern technologies allowed us to reduce router settings to a minimum. DHCP technology allows you to automatically send network data from the provider to the Wi-Fi router, and then from the router to the subscriber device (laptop, tablet, etc.). This means that in the router settings you need to set automatic data reception. This is done as follows.

    Connect to the router via WiFi or cable. Now we need to find out the router's IP address. As a rule, it is indicated on the device body, as well as in the user manual. If there are no instructions, and nothing is indicated on the case, then do not rush to get upset. In Windows 8, we can learn everything we need about the network easily and simply. Open the command line by simultaneously pressing two keys – Windows + R. In the window that appears, write CMD and press Enter.

    Now write the ipconfig command. The command line will display all your network information. Find the "Default Gateway" line. This is the IP address of your router.

    How to find out the IP address of a WiFi router: Video

    Open any browser. In the address bar, enter the IP already known to us and press “Enter”. Now the system asks you to enter your username and password. We write admin, admin, respectively. Next we get to the settings menu. The interface of each router model is different. Moreover, the names of some sections differ. We will consider further actions using the example of the D-LinkDir-615 Wi-Fi router.

    In the device settings at the bottom of the page, click the “Advanced settings” button. Several additional windows will appear. We are interested in the section called “Network”. In it, open the “WLAN” item. These are the settings for connecting to the global network. Here in the lower right corner you should click the “Add” button. In the window that appears, in the first line “Connection type”, select “Dynamic IP”. This means that the router will automatically receive the necessary data.

    Sometimes it is better to enter this data manually. In this case, in the first line, select “Static IP”. However, you should have all the necessary information to set up:

    • IP address.
    • Network mask.
    • Gateway IP address.
    • Primary DNS server.
    • Secondary DNS server.

    All these fields must be filled in during manual setup. After filling out all the fields, apply the settings and reboot the router. It is worth noting that if another router was previously connected to the network or the connection was directly to the PC, then you will have to call your provider and ask to re-register your MAC address.

    The fact is that each device equipped with a Wi-Fi adapter has its own personal physical address, which is registered on the server. If you change it, your WiFi connection in Windows 8 will be limited. The procedure for changing the MAC address takes no more than 5-10 minutes. The operator will tell you what to do next.

    Routing failures

    If you are using a budget Wi-Fi router, for example, D-Link, TP-Link, Zyxel, Asus, and so on, then it is quite possible that the connection is limited due to a simple routing failure.

    The fact is that such devices quite often freeze or lose connection with the server as a result heavy load(when downloading large files at high speed for a long time), large quantity simultaneous connections and so on. In addition, the cause of the failure may be interruptions in the power supply network.

    This problem can be solved by simply rebooting the device. To do this, simply unplug the Wi-Fi router from the outlet for 7-10 minutes. After that, turn it on and connect to the network on your laptop. As a rule, this solves the problem of limited access.

    Checking drivers for wireless equipment

    Often, access to WiFi in Windows 8 may be limited due to driver malfunctions. You can check this by connecting another device to the network, for example, a smartphone. If it has a full connection with Internet access, then the reason is definitely not in the router, but in operating system computer. In this case, we will need to open the device manager.

    There are several ways to do this in Windows 8. But the simplest is to simultaneously press the Windows + R keys, write mmc devmgmt.msc in the window that appears and press “Enter”. You can also find the My Computer shortcut on your desktop, in the tiled menu, or in Windows File Explorer. Right-click on it and select “Properties”. In the window that appears, find the “Device Manager” item.

    So, here we are interested in the branch called “Network equipment”. Open it. Now you need to find the wireless adapter. As a rule, laptops use two types of WiFi modules:

    • Broadcom.
    • Atheros.

    The name may also contain the phrase “Wireless Network Adapter”.

    If the device is marked exclamation point, then the driver does not work correctly. Open information about the device (double-click with the left mouse button) and there you can see the reason for the malfunction and the error code. This will allow you to find a solution faster.
