Child cerebral paralysis refers to violations. The first signs and delayed symptoms of cerebral palsy in newborns. Development of articular functions

The hardest disease breaking the life of the child is a children's cerebral paralysis. This neurological disease associated with the defeat of the brain develops into the disability of the kid. But with timely and proper treatment, the disease ceases to progress, some symptoms disappear.

To the most frequent reasons for the development of cerebrals relate to the following manifestations:

  • (disadvantage of oxygen during the baby tooling the mother);
  • Infections during the period of tooling;
  • Failures in the formation of brain structures;
  • Conflict of the Mother and Baby Factor;
  • Brain injuries during the period of tolerance and during childbirth;
  • Toxic poisoning;
  • Disorders during childbirth.

The emergence of the symptoms of cerebral palsy in newborns is often not associated with some kind of reason, but are caused by a complex of factors, and the clarification of the exact cause is not always possible.

The most common factor in manifestation of cerebral palsy is hypoxia, accompanied by an early placental detachment and improper position of the fetus. This is followed by the conflict of the rees-factor and infection, and the genetic predisposition from one of the parents.

It is accepted to group the reasons for the occurrence of cerebses of their main factors:

  • Genetic. Damage to the chromosomes of parents stimulate the occurrence of cerebrals from their child.
  • Hypoxia. Lack of fetal oxygen supply, both during pregnancy and at the time of birth.
  • Infections. Magnified under the age of men of meningitis, encephalitis, arachnoiditis increases the risk of disease of the cerebral palsy, especially with severe forms.
  • Poisoning. The defeat of the body of a pregnant woman or a kid toxic poisons or drugs lead to the disease. Harmful production, contact with poisoning substances, potent medicines - risk sources for a woman in position.
  • Physical. Various radiation and electromagnetic fields cause a child's defeat in the intrauterine period, the radiation radiation radiation radiations include the same risk sources.
  • Mechanical. Mechanical damage The child gets during childbirth is generic injuries.

The most accurate establishment of the cause of the appearance of the PPC will help identify the main pain points and assign appropriate treatment.


There are palsy forms according to the generally accepted system.

Spastic Tetraplegia

The reason for the manifestation of spastic tetraplegia is oxygen fasting of the fetus during the intrauterine period or at the time of birth. Due to hypoxia in the brain, the baby die neurons, and the nervous tissue loses the necessary characteristics. Brain lesions identify such signs of the Palsy of the child, as a squint, a violation of speech, a decrease in hearing and vision right up to blindness, a violation of mental abilities and developmental delay is possible.

With a non-disconnected violation of the activities of the hands, a sick porch with spastic syndromes can find its place in society, engaged in accurate labor.


Discinetic shapes are also called the hyperkinetic form of cerebral palsy. The causes of this symptom are the transfer of newborn hemolytic disease. With diskinetic form, the following signs of the disease are observed:

  • Uncontrollable movements not only limbs, but also any part of the body;
  • Frequent cramps and paralysis are possible;
  • Voice ligaments are amazed by parisia, which leads to the problems of sound formation;
  • Widen posture.

The development of children with a dsp dyskinitic type can be held in general establishments, since this form of psement does not affect the mental abilities. The intellectual possibilities of children allow them to enter universities and successfully receive a diploma, continuing their activities in working groups.


With ataxic form, a decrease in muscle tone is observed, tendon reflexes are actively manifested, violations of the speech apparatus may occur. This type of cerebral palsy occurs in hypoxia and lesion (most often when he received injuries) frontal shares of the brain. Symptoms of cerebral palsy at attacks are concluded in the following manifestations:

  • Muscular tone is lowered;
  • There is a trembling of hands and legs;
  • Mental retardation;
  • Violations of speech.


Damage to the infant brain structures occurs due to the complex of the above forms in various combinations.


Symptoms of cerebral palsy can manifest themselves immediately after the birth of a child or in the first months of life. Parents and doctors should closely refer to absolute reflexes and when their manifestation is fired, urgently carry out full diagnosis.

It is important to track the timeliness of the development of gaming skills, speech development, alarm signal can be the lack of contact with mom.

PPP is not the main diagnosis in violation of the development of the child up to the year, but if the child cannot sit after that period, does not show speech skills, manifests violations in the psyche, then the probability of diagnosing this disease increases.

The symptoms of the cerebral palsy can be rated visual impairment and hearing, epileptic seizures, delays in development and problems with the urinary system.


Treatment of cerepals appoints a neurologist after identifying the causes of the disease and diagnosis. Diagnosis is carried out with electroencephalography and electroneuromiography to explore the work of the brain and the muscles of the child. According to the received data, the treatment process is immediately beginning in order to avoid more severe consequences, and as a maximum to get rid of the disease itself.


For the relief of seizures and epileptic seizures, drugs of anticonvulsant type are prescribed, to improve blood circulation - nootropic medicines, in the case of hypertonus muscles - Miorosanta. In the manifestation of pain symptoms, antispasmodics are prescribed.

In the most serious cases of lesions of the brain, surgical intervention is appointed.


Massage at cerebral palsy is used when a child reaches a child of 1.5 months. Massage must be trusted only by an experienced specialist who can appreciate the muscle tone. All types of massage are used: classic, segmental, point, by Manakov.

Parents should not independently perform these procedures, since only the specialist can correctly calculate the necessary load and frequency of sessions.


Examples of training and exercises for the development of muscle groups and joints:

Development of motor skills

  • Kid squatting, adult also squatting in front of the child. Holding the baby for the belt and putting his hands on his shoulders, an adult pushes the child to commit such a movement so that the baby becomes knees;
  • From the position of the child kneeling, holding the armpits, adult tilts it to the right and left;
  • Holding the child, it is necessary to give him the opportunity to stand on one, then on the other foot.

Development of articular functions

  • From the position, lying on the back, holding one leg in a literal position, the other should be bent towards the tummy and return it, changing the legs;
  • From the position, lying on the back, raise and lower the legs alternately, bending them in the knees.

The development of abdominal muscles

  • From the position, sitting on the chair to the child should be to lean forward, extension in the initial position it must be done independently;
  • From the position, sitting on the floor, the child must reach the feet to their fingers. Adult helps;
  • From the position, lying, the child raises his legs and throws them behind the head, with an adult.

Removing Hypertonus

  • Develop a brush of a baby, moving it into different directions, through small intervals of time slightly shake the handle, relaxing the muscles.

Training of foot muscles

  • From the position lying on the back, the adult helps to make the kid flexion and extension movements in the hip joint.

Exercises in the water will help relieve the stresses in the muscles, increase their tone. The kid, bathing in the central pool or even in the bath, becomes much more vigorously, is better struggling with stress and depression. Finding a sick child in dolphinarium has an amazing impact, and helps to strongly promote the treatment process.

Child development

Overcome the symptoms of cerebral palsy can be an additional development of a child with game manipulations. Small motility, involved in games with pyramids and cubes, rolling the ball, holding and vacation items, affects the development of both the mental abilities of the baby and its speech apparatus.

As a result of these classes, the child learns faster to memorize various objects, which leads to more intensive development and smoothing, or the complete disappearance of the symptoms of cerebrals.


Preventing the appearance of a cerebral palsy in a baby can be followed by certain rules:

  • Pregnancy should be planned;
  • The future mother should refuse smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • It is necessary to organize proper nutrition during pregnancy and feeding the child;
  • Immediately treat all types of infectious and viral lesions of the body;
  • To establish regular control of the level of hemoglobin in the blood of a pregnant woman;
  • Births should occur only in the conditions of the clinic;
  • Viral and infectious diseases should be avoided.

Often, in early childhood, the symptoms of cerebral palsy are almost not noticeable, but they are all brighter manifest as children grow up. Children suffering from this disease, later than others begin to keep their heads, roll over, sit, crawl and walk. But the "children's" reflexes, which normally disappear at 6-8 months, they are preserved longer. Often such children by one and a half years are controlled much better than the other, since the second half of the body is too weak.

However, the muscles of a child suffering from cerebral palsy may not only be relaxed. They can be too tense. Both are called pathological muscle tone. Because of him, the hands and feet of the child can take unnatural positions.

The movements of a suffering cerebral palsy are too sharp or vice versa, too slow. Quite often, the child cannot control them.

Often, suffering from this disease arise for skeletal deformations. Usually on the affected side, the hand and leg are somewhat shorter than healthy. If this difference is not corrected, scoliosis is possible.

Many children suffering from cerebrals have mental development delays. However, if the child does not respond to his name, perhaps he has no problems with mental development, but with hearing. This is also a frequent pathology at cerebral palsy.

Some children cannot normally talk due to inability to move their lips and tongue correctly. Also, they may have problems first with sucking, and later with swallowing. Such children often have saliva, as they cannot smooth out saliva. Parents in this case must closely monitor the child during meals - there is a risk of suffocation due to the fact that food can get into the respiratory tract.

Approximately 30% of such children are convulsions. They can start immediately after birth, and can and after a few years. Often, convulsions do not notice, believing that it is just involuntary movements of hands or legs.

Approximately 75% of suffering from palsy have vision problems. Most often it is a squint arising due to the weakness of muscles controlling the movements of the eye. Often they have a myopia.

Many suffering cerebral palsy have caries. This is due to the impossibility of correctly brushing your teeth. Also in the emergence of this disease plays a role and congenital deficiency of dental enamel.

Some children may have problems with urination and feces, as they cannot control the corresponding muscles.


For 1000 children account for about 2-3 children suffering from children's cerebral paralysis. However, they are born more - approximately 1.7-5.9 per 1000 genera. It used to be believed that children's cerebral paralysis develops due to problems during childbirth. Now it is also known that the wrong childbirth, of course, play a role in the development of this disease, but not the first - in almost 80% of cases, the disease is laid in the prenatal period (until the birth of a child). The risk factors of this disease are many:

  • premature childbirth;
  • complications during childbirth;
  • tight cord cord;
  • too large fruit;
  • narrow pelvis;
  • low body weight at birth, especially if body weight is less than 1 kg;
  • multiple fruits (twins, triple and more);
  • congenital pathology of the structure of the head and spinal cord;
  • circulation disorders of the brain in the fetus;
  • infectious diseases transferred by the mother during pregnancy;
  • thyroid diseases and diabetes mellitus;
  • hypertensive disease, coronary heart disease, heart defects;
  • smoking and drinking alcohol during pregnancy;
  • resh conflict of mother and fetus;
  • hypo- and avitaminosis at the mother;
  • hemolytic disease of the newborn;
  • bad ecological situation.

There are several forms of this disease. Basically diagnose spastic diplege, double hemiplegia, hyperkinetic, atony-ataccic and hemiplegic form.

Spastic diplege or Little disease

This is the most common (40% of all CRP cases) the form of the disease, clearly manifested by the end of the first year of life. It occurs mainly in premature babies. They develop spastic tetrapps (pares of hand and legs), and the pares of foot is stronger than. In such children, legs and hands are in a forced position due to constant tone and flexible, and extensive muscles. Hands pressed against the body and bent in the elbows, and the legs are unnaturally straightened and pressed to each other or even crossed. Feet are often deformed in the growth process.

Also, these children often have speech and hearing violations. Their intellect and memory are reduced, it is difficult for them to focus on any lesson.

Causes are less common than with other types of centers.

Double hemiplegia

This is one of the hardest form of the disease. It is diagnosed in 2% of cases. It arises due to long-term prenatal hypoxia, at which the brain is damaged. The disease is manifested in the first months of the child's life. In this form, there are paresis of hands and legs with preferably defeat of the hands and uneven defeat of the sides of the body. At the same time, the hands are bent in the elbows and pressed to the body, the legs are bent in the knees and hip joints, but can be dispersed.

Speech of such children is blurred, poorly understandable. They say hexo, either too fast and loud, or too slow and quiet. They have a very small vocabulary.

Intellect and memory of such children are reduced. Children often stay in Euphoria or apathy.

With this form of children's cerebral paralysis, convulsions are also possible, and than they are more and stronger, the worse the prognosis of the disease.

Hyperkinetic form

For this form, cerebral palsy, occurring in 10% of cases, involuntary movements and speech disorders are characterized. The disease is manifested at the end of the first - beginning of the second year of the child's life. The hands and legs, muscles of the face, neck can involuntarily move, and the movements are enhanced with experiences.

Speaking such children begin late, their speech is slow, vague, monotonous, articulation is violated.

Intellect with this form is rarely suffering. Often such children successfully finish not only school, but also a higher educational institution.

Corps with hyperkinetic form are rare.

Anatatic form

In children suffering from this form of cerebral palsy, muscles are relaxed, and hypotension is observed from birth. This form is observed in 15% of children with cerebral palsy. They are late begin to sit, stand and walk. Coordination of them is broken, while the tremor is often (trembling hands, legs, heads).

Intellect with this form suffers slightly.

Hemiplegic form

With this form, which occurred in 32% of cases, the child has one-sided paresis, that is, one hand is amazed and one leg on one side of the body, and the hand suffers more. This form is often diagnosed at birth.

It is characteristic of this form a violation of speech - a child cannot normally pronounce words.

Intellect, memory and attention reduced.

In 40-50% of cases, convulsions are recorded, and than they are more often, the worse the prognosis of the disease.

There is also a mixed form (1% of cases), in which various forms of the disease are combined.

Three stages of children's cerebral paralysis are distinguished:

  • early;
  • initial chronic residual;
  • finite residual.

In the final stage, there are two degrees - I, in which the child seizes self-service skills, and II, at which it is impossible due to strong impairment of psyche and motility.


To a neurologist with suspicion of cerebral palsy, please contact if:

  • at the age of 1 month, the child does not blink in the answer to a loud sound;
  • at the age of 4 months, the child does not turn his head to the sound;
  • at the age of 4 months, the child does not stretch behind the toy;
  • at the age of 7 months, the child does not sit without support;
  • at the age of 12 months, the child does not say words;
  • at the age of 12 months, the child does everything mostly with one hand;
  • in a child cramps;
  • in a child, squint;
  • the child's movement is too sharp or too smooth;
  • the child does not go or goes wrong, for example, on tiptoe.

The doctor makes a diagnosis on the basis of a thorough examination of the child, complaints of parents, family history, as well as the flow of pregnancy and childbirth. (electrophoresis, myostimulation) only if there is no seizure;

  • electroreflexotherapy for restoring the activity of motor neurons of the cerebral cortex, resulting in a reduced muscle tone, coordination is improved, the diction is improved;
  • load suits for correction of poses and body movements, as well as to stimulate the central nervous system;
  • animal therapy - hippotherapy, canter paishes;
  • work with the speech therapist;
  • development of motor skills of a child;
  • appointment of drugs that improve the brain
  • classes on special simulators like an elbow.
  • If necessary, surgical intervention is carried out - the tendon muscular plastic, elimination of contractures, myotomy (incision or separation of the muscle).

    It is possible that after some time the method of treatment with stem cells will appear, but so far, there are no scientifically proven methods for the treatment of this disease with their application.

    Child cerebral paralysis (cerebral palsy) is a collective term combining a group of neurological diseases that cause violation of motor function and coordination.

    PPC arises due to the lesion of the brain area responsible for muscle activity. The cause of the disease may be a violation of the brain development or its injury before, during or shortly after delivery.

    The cause of the cerebral palsy in most cases is laid during the intrauterine development of the baby and is associated with diseases of a pregnant woman, pathology of pregnancy or mutations. And in rare cases, with problems in childbirth and injuries obtained after birth.

    According to statistical data, the main cause of disability in children is the defeat of the nervous system (47.9%), and the most common pathology in this group is a cerebral palsy. Approximately 1 of 400-500 people in Russia sick crucial.

    As a rule, the symptoms of the PPC are manifested during the first three years of the child's life.

    Starting stage of PPC manifests immediate after birth. Changes in the behavior of the child are associated with a violation of the signal from damaged brain departments. The movements of the baby are apparent due to the constant tension of the muscles or, on the contrary, muscular weakness, lethargy. The child can periodically shudder, cramps, trembling in the body. Parents can draw attention to the fact that the baby cannot fix the look, it sucks badly. All of these changes often occur against the background of a heavy general condition of the child: problems with breathing, heartbeat, intracranial pressure, etc.

    Early residual stage of cerebral Starts at the age of 2-4 months. In parallel with the cultivation of the child, disorders defined by the place and the volume of brain lesion are manifested. There is a delay in development, such children are late to sit, crawl, walk, say, becomes clearly noticeable stiffness and unnaturalness of movements of the damaged body part. For example, a child can perform all movements only with one hand, and the second to fill to the body, walk on the socks and so on.

    Late residual stage of cerebral palsy Becoming more adult children. New symptoms no longer appear. Due to the absence of full movements, the development of irreversible body deformations, muscle atrophy, the formation of a specific gaitage is observed.

    There are various methods of treatment, allowing to reduce the manifestations of children's cerebral paralysis and increase the independence of the child. These include physiotherapy, labor therapy and medicines for removing muscle tension and spasms. In some cases, a surgical operation may be required.

    Symptoms of cerebral palsy

    As a rule, the symptoms of cerebral paralysis are manifested during the first three years of life. A child with a cerebral palsy can slower to achieve important stages of development, such as the ability to crawl, walk and talk.

    Select four main form of cerebral palsy:

    • Spastic. This is the most common form of the disease. With her, the muscles are in constant voltage, so the child is poorly successful and accurate movements. The handles are bent in the elbows, the legs are often reduced together or crossed, which makes it difficult to swadding the baby. The degree of degradation of a cerebral palsy can be different - from pronounced paralysis to light awkwardness in movements that are noticeable only when performing complex manipulations.
    • Discinetic. It can manifest as tension and lethargy muscles. As a rule, newborn children with a diskinetic form of cerebral palsy behave sluggishly, almost do not move. At the age of 2-3 months, attacks of a sudden increase in muscle tone (sharp tension of muscles) appear in response to strong emotions, loud sounds, bright light. After 1-1.5 years, hyperkinesis appear - the slow black-shaped movements of the hands and legs (autosis), fast and ripple movements (a ferret of cerebral palsy) or contraction of the muscles of the body, which lead to its rotation, head turns and other changes to the poses (torsion movements). Hypercines usually do not manifest themselves alone and disappear when the child is sleeping. Children with such a form of cerebrals often marked the decline in hearing and speech, as well as difficulties with the welcome. At the same time, mental development suffers less often than with other forms of the disease.
    • Attaxic. With this form of cerebral palsy on the fore, there are disorders of equilibrium and coordination, which is why movements become convulsive and clumsy. Stand and walk children begin with 1.5-2 years, but these functions have to be brought to automatism for a long time. A tremor can also be observed (involuntary tremor) hands and heads. It is possible to reduce intelligence.
    • Mixed.With it, patients have signs of more than one of the formal forms of cerebrals.

    The degree of severity of symptoms in different people can vary greatly. Some symptoms are expressed in light shape, and other disease turns into disabled people.

    Cerebral paralysis can also touch on different parts of the body. One is amused by the right or left side of the body, others first amazed legs, and someone has legs, and hands. Depending on which section of the brain is damaged, cerebral paralysis can be accompanied by a violation of not only motor, but also other functions of the body. Therefore, children with cerebral palsy may appear the following symptoms:

    • repetitive convulsions or seizures (epilepsy);
    • sluting and difficulty swallowing (dysfagia);
    • gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD);
    • violation of the structure or anomaly of the skeleton, in particular dislocation of the thigh or the curvature of the spine (scoliosis);
    • problems with control over the emptying of the bladder (urinary incontinence);
    • speech disorder (dysarthria);
    • vision impairment;
    • education difficulties (although mental abilities are often not violated).

    Causes of children's cerebral paralysis

    In the recent past, doctors believed that the cause of the cerebral paralysis was damage to the brain during childbirth, due to the temporary absence of oxygen (hypoxia). However, in the 1980s. A large study was conducted, during which hypoxia in childbirth becomes the cause of PPCs for nothing more than 10% of cases. Also sometimes damage to the brain can occur during the first few months of the child's life. The cause of such a state can be an infectious disease (for example, meningitis), a very low blood sugar level, heavy head injury or stroke.

    Much more often the disease is developing due to brain damage arising before the birth of a child. Researchers believe that the defeat of the child's brain in the mother's womb, leading to the cerebral palsy, arises by three main reasons.

    Cause No. 1 - Perivnricular lekomalilation.This is the damage to the white matter of the brain. White substance is a plurality of nerve fibers that connect the nerve cells responsible for mental activities with the rest of the body. In case of damage to the white substance, the bonding of the brain with organs and parts of the body is broken.

    It is believed that the ability to reduce the volume of blood coming to the head of the fetus, or the lack of oxygen. In the future, it is fraught with heavy consequences for the muscular system of the child, as the white substance responds, including, and for the transmission of signals from the brain to the muscles of the body.

    The exact cause of perivnricular lekomalization is unclear. But it is believed that risk factors can be:

    • very low blood pressure of the mother - for example, due to cesarean section;
    • premature childbirth, especially until the 32nd pregnancy week.

    Cause No. 2 is a violation of brain development. Any damage to the brain can violate the transmission of signals from nerve cells to the muscles and other parts of the body, therefore, can cause a cerebral palsy in children.

    The development of the brain may affect the following factors:

    • changes (mutations) of genes affecting the development of the brain;
    • infectious disease transferred to a woman during pregnancy;
    • fetal head injury.

    Cause No. 3 - intracranial hemorrhage and stroke.Intracranted hemorrhage is bleeding in the brain. It is potentially dangerous, since with a shortage of blood, the brain departments may die, and the blood cluster itself can damage the surrounding tissues. Usually, intracranial hemorrhage is found in premature babies, but it can happen after the stroke of the child in the womb.

    Factors increasing the risk of fetus stroke:

    • initial weakness or pathology of blood vessels of the fetus or maternal placenta;
    • high blood pressure in the mother;
    • an infectious disease in a woman during pregnancy, especially chlamydia, trichomoniasis and other sexually transmitted diseases.

    Diagnosis of children's cerebral paralysis

    If you notice the signs of your cerebral palsy by the child, contact your pediatrician. If you suspect the disease, he will write down the direction for the consultation to the children's neurologist, which will check the toddler reflexes, his posture, muscular tone and movement. If the diagnosis is confirmed, you will pass an additional examination from orthopedic, which will prescribe treatment and develops a program of the ability (adaptation to life). Depending on the age of the child, it can also be directed to a psychologist to assess intellectual development.

    To eliminate similar diseases and confirm the diagnosis of children's cerebral paralysis, the doctor may appoint an additional examination, for example:

    • magnetic resonance tomography (MRI) - Creating a detailed image of a brain with magnetic fields and radio waves;
    • ultrasound (ultrasound) - creating an image of brain tissues using sound waves;
    • computer tomography (CT) - the creation of a series of X-ray pictures that are collected by a computer in a detailed three-dimensional image of a child's brain;
    • electroencephalogram (EEG) - observation of the activity of the brain with small electrodes attached to the head;
    • electromogram (EMG) - testing of muscle activity and function of peripheral nerves (network of nerves coming from the head and spinal cord to other parts of the body);
    • blood tests.

    Sometimes the diagnosis of cerebral paralysis is established by the child in the maternity hospital. However, in most cases, this disease is assumed only after a few months or years of observation of the kid. Finally determine the degree and type of paralysis is possible only aged 4-5 years.

    Treatment of children's cerebral paralysis

    Child cerebral paralysis is incurable, but there are approaches designed to alleviate the symptoms and help the child to be as separate as possible.

    Recovery treatment must be started in early terms, since the core brain has large compensatory capabilities. In the first years of life, children are appointed therapeutic measures to help the proper development of various parts of the nervous system. In the future, to improve the motor function, children with cerebrals can recommend surgical treatment in combination with conservative therapy.

    Help patients with cerebrals are provided in neurological and orthopedic departments, specialized children's sanatoriums and boarding schools. The following describes some of the basic methods of treatment.

    Physiotherapy for Parishment

    As a rule, physiotherapy is beginning immediately after making a diagnosis of cerebral palsy, as this is one of the most important ways to help the child to manage the disease.

    Two main objectives of physiotherapy at cerebral palsy:

    • prevent muscle weakening that your child usually does not use;
    • prevent the contraction of the muscles and the loss of the normal range of movements (this phenomenon is called muscle contracture).

    The risk of contractures is raised in children who are difficult to knead the muscles due to their rigidity (rigidity). If the muscles cannot stretch, they do not have time to grow as quickly as bones. This can lead to the curvature of the body delivering pain and inconvenience.

    The physiotherapist teaches a child a number of exercise for strengthening and stretching the muscles to be performed every day. Also for stretching muscles and correcting posture can be used special orthopedic attachments for hands or feet.

    Speech development in children with cerebral palsy

    Control of salivation and nutritional problems

    Children who cannot control the muscles of the mouth often difficult to swallow food and follow the salivation. This can lead to severe consequences, therefore, treatment problems in cerebrals require treatment.

    With difficulties with swallowing (dysfagia), the smallest particles of food can get into light, which is accompanied by the development of a dangerous disease - aspiration pneumonia.

    If the dysfagia is moderate, the doctor can teach a child to cope with it. It is also recommended a diet consisting of soft food. With a more severe form of dysphagia, feeding through the probe may be required. This tube, which is carried out in the stomach through the nose or mouth (nasogastric tube) or directly through the abdominal wall (gastrostomy tube).

    At these dissolutes, skin irritation arises around the mouth, on the chin and neck, which increases the risk of inflammation of these areas. There are a number of methods of combating salivation at cerebrals:

    • anticholinergic medicine in the form of tablets or a patch that reduces saliva production;
    • botulo-toxin injections into salivary glands (although it is only a temporary solution);
    • moving the ducts of salivary gland using a surgical operation, as a result of which saliva is allocated deep into the mouth of the oral cavity and it is easier to swallow;
    • a special device placed in the oral cavity, which contributes to the correct position of the language and regularly shunting saliva;
    • training in the skills of self-control for the physiological state of the body, during which the child teach to recognize when he flows saliva, and put it on time.

    Surgical Operation for Palsy

    Sometimes it is assumed to correct the deformities of bones and joints to eliminate too short muscles and tendons that cause inconvenience. This type of surgical intervention is called an orthopedic operation and is assigned if the child with a cerebral is experiencing pain when moving. The operation can also correct posture and facilitate movement, as well as increase the child's self-esteem.

    However, to feel all the advantages of the operation can be removed immediately after the intervention. Sometimes it takes several years during which the child needs repeated courses of physiotherapy.

    The operation may be assigned to correct the spinal curvature (scoliosis) or urinary incontinence. For the state of the child will be carefully monitored to identify those violations in a timely manner, which can be effectively corrected using surgical intervention. As a survey, a regular x-ray of the hip joint or spine may be prescribed.

    Selective dorsal risotomy (SRD) - This is a surgical operation that is prescribed to improve the gait for children with high rigidity (high tone) muscles. As a rule, it is recommended only in cases where the surveys have shown that the child is affected by a white brain substance (perivagoicular lekomalilation) and other methods of treatment of rigidity did not help.

    During surgery, the surgeon dissets part of the nerve fibers in the lower spine, to remove the tension of the leg muscles. However, after the operation, several months of intensive physiotherapy are required to re-teach the child to control their movements.

    Like any other surgical operation, the FRD has a risk of complications, including temporary problems with the emptying of the bladder (urinary incontinence), scoliosis and change in the feels in the legs.

    There are other methods of surgical correction of cerebral palsy. Intervention depends on the severity and prevalence of paralysis, the nature of the disorders of the musculoskeletal system, the age of the patient and its mental state. Another 8-16 years old is considered optimal for surgery.

    Discuss the potential advantages and risks of the surgeon operation with the child (if it is able to understand the consequences of the procedure).

    Complications of children's cerebral paralysis

    Disruption of the brain, causing cerebral palsy, is not exacerbated with age, but as a person has grown in person with this disease, physical and psychological difficulties may arise.

    So, in many adults, there are additional diseases under the influence of cerebral palsy (for example, osteoarthritis), which cause pain, fatigue and weakness. Basically, these diseases are associated with muscle pathologies and bones inherent in cerebral palsy, and creating a greater load on the body. Therefore, people with cerebral councils on the fulfillment of ordinary cases can leave much more forces than those who do not suffer from those disease.

    Additional physiotherapy sessions and the use of equipment that helps move, such as a wheelchair for cerebral palsy or special walkers, can help alleviate physical difficulties, with time developing under the influence of the disease.

    Charitable Educational Foundation for the Assistance of Children with Development Features;

    Doctors who are engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of your cerebral palsy, you can easily find using the remaps service. Decide on the choice of a suitable doctor, the section "who treats it" on our site will help you. If there are doubts, contact your pediatrician. He will hold primary diagnostics and will send you to a consultation to the doctor of the desired profile.

    Child cerebral paralysis (cerebral palsy) is the pathology of the motor activity of the child, which appeared due to brain damage during pregnancy, childbirth or in infancy. The perception of the outside world is violated, the ability to communicate, in most cases - psyche. Disease is difficult to treat, but does not progress. There are different types of cerebrals, in which the disease proceeds with characteristic features.

    Most often, the symptoms of the disease make themselves known for the first months of life.

    How often meets cerebral palsy?

    According to world statistics, almost a quarter of cases of the pathology of the nervous system in children (24%) falls on children's cerebral paralysis. Despite the development of medicine, pregnant women and newborn children continue to be the most vulnerable group of population, susceptible to increased impact of any stress factors.

    Causes of development of cerebrals

    The cause of children's cerebral paralysis is a violation of the transmission of the brain impulse to the muscles. It develops with damage to brain cells in the early stages of development. This can occur both on intrauterine and for childbirth or after birth.

    During pregnancy

    The body of a woman during pregnancy requires a gentle regime, a more attentive relationship. Adverse factors may be destructive for the development of a child:

    • the impact of radiation, poisoning substances, drugs, alcohol, some drugs;
    • severe diseases of the future mother;
    • transferred during pregnancy infection;
    • oxygen starvation;
    • the flow of pregnancy with complications;
    • the incompatibility of the blood factor of the mother and the baby.

    During childbirth

    Do not always give birth to smoothly - doctors sometimes have to respond promptly to unforeseen situations. On the development of cerebral palsy can affect:

    • asphyxia of the fetus (crucial cord, protracted labor, etc.);
    • birth injury.

    After the birth of the child

    After the birth of the child, the living conditions of the mother and the baby have a decisive influence on his body. The lesion of the brain is dangerous following situations:

    • the brain of the child does not receive a sufficient amount of oxygen;
    • in the body of the kid arrive carcinogens;
    • head injuries;
    • transferred infections.

    How to recognize cerebral paralysis of a child after 1 year

    By 12 months of life, a normal developing child knows how much. He turns over, sits down, stands on the legs, trying to walk, says individual words. The kid responds to his name, emotionally reacts to the world around him, communicates.

    Of course, each kid has an individual pace of development. Go with your legs or start talking one child can earlier, another - later. However, the pathology of the CNS is usually manifested in aggregate.

    Parents should be alert if at the age of 1 and older:

    • it does not crawl and at the same time does not try to walk (some children do something one thing: or they crawl for a long time, or immediately go);
    • can not stand independently without support;
    • says individual short words ("Mom", "Pope", "GAV", etc.);
    • does not try to find a toy hidden from him in front of his eyes, does not stretch into his catching things that interests him;
    • the finiteness of the kid on one side of the body is more active than on the other;
    • a child has convulsions.

    Types of cerebrals

    In world practice, several species (forms) of this disease are distinguished. The differences between them are symptomatting, the degree and localization of the damage to the CNS.

    Spastic Tetraplegia

    This is a severe form of cerebral palsy, developing due to critical lack of oxygen. Because of this, there is a partial fission of neurons of the brain, the dilution of the structure of the nervous tissue. In half cases, epilepsy is observed. Other possible symptoms - violations of attention, speech, swallowing, intelligence, paresa muscles and legs. Violations of view: atrophy of the optic nerve until blindness, squint. Microcephaly (decrease in the size of the skull). With this form of the disease, a person can become a disabled person who is not capable of elementary self-service.

    Spastic diplegegia (Little's disease)

    Diagnosed most often - in 75% of cerebral diseases. Prevails in children born prematurely. Causes are hemorrhages in the ventricles of the brain, changing the structure of the cerebral tissue.

    Muscles of feet are affected mainly, while bilateral paresis develops. Already at an early age, the joints of the joints can be formed, the consequence of which the change in the form of the spine, joints, with a violation of their mobility becomes.

    This form of centers is accompanied by a delay in mental development, speech and psyche. If the cranial nerves are affected, the child may have an easy degree of mental retardation. However, children with Little's disease are able to learn. If the muscles of the hands can function normally, the person is able to adapt to life, partially serve itself into everyday life, even perform a sore work.

    With this form of the disease, the muscles of the limbs are affected (more often) only on the one hand. The causes of the porch of hemiplegic form usually become hemorrhages, brain infarction. A child with such a form of illness can learn how to perform movements not worse than healthy, but it will take much more time to acquire such skills. The disease can in different degrees affect the intellect. It depends on how much the child will be able to learn and live among other people. Moreover, mental development is often not associated with motor disorders, despite the fact that such a person's disease gives his gait. This is the so-called posture-manna posture, which they say: "Leg mowers, a hand asks." The man goes on tiptoe, shutting forward a straight leg, and the hand on the sore side pulls into a characteristic position of a causing person.

    In the hemiplegal form of cerebrals, mental development, psyche, speech may violate. Some patients suffer from epilepsy seizures.

    Discinetic (hyperkinetic) form

    The cause of this type of cub is a hemolytic disease of newborns. The name comes from hyperkinesis (discs) - involuntary muscle movements in different parts of the body characteristic of patients. They are slow, driving movements that may be accompanied by convulsions with muscle contraction. In the hyperkinetic form of cerebral palsy, paralysis and paresis are observed, including voice ligaments, violation of normal pions of the body, limbs, difficulties with the pronouncement of sounds. At the same time, the intellect of sick children is normal, they are able to study, normally develop. People with this form of cerebral palsy successfully energize school, even universities, find work, well adapting to life in society. Their feature against the background of other people is only a gait and oral speech.

    It arises due to strong hypoxia of the fetus during childbirth, as well as injuries of frontal brain shares. A characteristic feature of manifestations is associated with reduced muscle tone and strong tendon reflexes. Often there are violations of speech. Patients often have trembling hands and legs. All this is connected with the lines of muscles of various parts of the body. A small or average degree of backlog in mental development is characteristic.

    Mixed, or combined forms

    Mixed cerebral forms are a combination of different forms of the disease. This is because the child, by virtue of some reasons, various structures of the brain are amazed.

    Most often, a combination of spastic and diskinetic forms of cerebral palsy, as well as hemiplegal and spastic diplegegia, is observed.

    In addition, depending on the age in which the child has a disease, the PPC is divided into the stage:

    • from birth to 6 months - an early form;
    • from 6 to 2 years - the initial residual form;
    • after 2 years - late residual form.

    Diagnosis of cerebral palsy

    By year, under cerebral paralysis, the kid is usually evident with all signs of the disease: non-progressive motor disorders, uncomordinate movements, lagging in development. Diagnostic methods are usually used to confirm the diagnosis, excluding diseases with a similar clinical picture, clarify the form of the disease. However, put the accurate diagnosis of kid is not easy.

    The child examines a neurologist who will appoint an MRI - magnetic resonance imaging of the brain. The purpose of this procedure is to identify the affected sections of the brain. In addition, MRI helps to establish changes in the substance of the cortex and cords of the brain, as well as determine their appearance. This may be, for example, a decrease in the density of white substance.

    Treatment of cerebrals

    The universal method of treating cerebral palsy does not exist. Therapy at the PCSC is aimed at improving motor activity, the development of speech and the correction of the psyche of the child.

    The earlier cerebral paralysis was revealed, the better results can be achieved in the treatment of a child. An important role is played by the emotional and mental state of the mother of the kid.

    Medicia treatment

    Treatment of cerebral palsy is strictly individually. Medicines are recommended in accordance with the symptoms of the disease. In order to support the nervous system, glutamic acid can be prescribed, drugs, butopyl, aminal. If the child is characterized by increased excitability, sedatives are shown. Children with cerebrals are often recommended vitamins of groups in, which improve the metabolism in the brain.

    In some cases, it is necessary to reduce intracranial pressure, for which they are prescribed intravenously magnesia. For this purpose, there are also medicines with a diaklab and citraol in the composition.

    In the presence of convulsive syndrome, the doctor will register such medicines such as luminal, Chlorocan, Benzonal. The normalization of muscle tone occurs due to the reception of the Middokalm, biclofen and other drugs.

    But cerebral palsy is impossible to heal with alone drugs. Treatment of the disease must be comprehensive. Not only symptoms are being treated, but also a disease that has become the root cause of paralysis.

    Massage and Medical Physical

    Therapeutic gymnastics and physiothereders are a mandatory component of treating cerebral palsy. Electrophoresis, mud and thermal baths, magneto, balneo-, igroreflexotherapy are used to develop muscles.

    With young children, the execution of the exercise, massage, any other procedure can be carried out as a game. It is important to praise the baby for the slightest achievements. This will help create a benevolent, relaxing atmosphere, which only contributes to successful treatment.

    Correction of incorrect pose

    If you allow a patient with the baby to the baby to stay in an uncharacteristic posture, then over time it will be perceived as normal. At the same time, a violation of the mobility of the joints and muscles can occur, in which it will be impossible to take a pose of a healthy person. A child with a cerebral palsy gradually set the correct muscular stereotype by fastening normal postures in its memory. For this, special correctional overalls are used (for example, a "spiral" costume). Right postures are fixed with tires, rollers, verticalizers and other devices.

    In extreme cases, surgical treatment are resorted to: plastic of tendons, removal of contractures of joints, neurosurgical operations.

    Other Correction Methods of Treatment

    The child with the PDP is most often broken. For its adjustment, classes with a logoped doctor are held. It is important to fulfill all the recommendations of the doctor.

    Received the spread of animal pulp - treatment with animals. For the treatment of children's cereals, horseback riding, swimming with dolphins, positive feeding with animals.

    Difficult, but important question - social adaptation of the baby with a cerebral palsy. Among other things, communication is required and with healthy, and with yourself similar children. For parents, close kids are also useful to work with a psychologist: after all, a sick child in the family is a strongest stress. Parents must prepare themselves to the fact that when the child is growing up, it will be important for him to learn how to accept himself and the world around him.


    If you do not engage in the treatment and rehabilitation of the child, orthopedic complications of cerebral palsy may appear: scoliosis, kyphosis, refractory joints and spine, pathological bending of the limbs up to dislocation, foot deformation. This is due to the location of the body in the wrong poses.

    As for the speech and psyche of the child, their condition can deteriorate because of an isolated society. If there is no communication with peers, you have no one to talk to, then it becomes not needed. " A rejection by society can cause depressive states and a sense of rejection, which will only strengthen the picture of the disease.

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